#Andromeda Symbiote
alex-dontknow · 2 years
heeeelppp I can't sttooooOOOPPP—
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
I wanna be a jellyfish!!
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vestaignis · 12 days
Перевернутая медуза-Кассиопея Андромеда. Upside-down jellyfish - Cassiopeia Andromeda.
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Кассиопея Андромеда – медуза средних раз­­­меров( максимальную шир­и­ну 30 см) в процессе эв­олюции перешедшая от свободноплавающе­го (пелагического) об­ра­за жизни к прик­ре­пле­нному. Скопле­ния Кас­сиопеи Андро­меды мож­но видеть в теплых водах по всему миру, на мелково­дье, в защ­ище­нных от волн бух­тах и лагун­ах, в мелких заводях и каналах,в мангровых болотах и других подобных местообитаниях. Неискушенные наблюда­­­тели часто принима­ют этих медуз за акт­и­н­ий .
Эти красивые медузы переворачиваются кверху вниз и плывут на дно, прижимаются к нему желто-коричневый с белыми пятнами куполом и продолжают мягко пульсир­овать создавая восходя­щие токи воды. У Кас­сиопеи Андр­оме­ды ветвистые щупальца, иногда довольно яркой синей окраски, но чаще бледно-зеленые или светло-коричневые. Своими вытян­ут­ыми щупа­ль­цами медузы стараются выл­овить из потока пропускаемой через себя воды, чт­о-нибудь съедоб­ное . Кассиопея Андромеда питается – зоопланкт­­­оном, однако подоб­но другим кишечнопол­о­с­тным, в тканях они выращивают зоокса­нт­ел­л( симбиотическая водоросль), которым нео­бхо­дим солнечный св­ет. Эти водоросли поставляют свои излишки пищи медузам, которые ими питаются.
Стрекательными клетками эти медузы тоже не обделены и хоть и не сильно, но могут «ужалить» и человека. Кстати, стрекательные клетки Кассиопея выпускает в виде облачка полупрозрачной слизи, так что взбалтывать воду ластами при погружении рядом с этими медузами крайне не рекомендуется.
Cassiopeia Andromeda is a medium–sized jellyfish (maximum width 30 cm) that has evolved from a free-swimming (pelagic) lifestyle to an attached one. Clusters of Cassiopeia Andromeda can be seen in warm waters around the world, in shallow waters, in sheltered coves and lagoons, in shallow backwaters and channels, in mangrove swamps and other similar habitats. Inexperienced observers often mistake these jellyfish for anemones.
These beautiful jellyfish turn upside down and swim to the bottom, cling to it with a yellow-brown dome with white spots and continue to gently pulsate creating ascending currents of water. Cassiopeia Andromeda has branched tentacles, sometimes quite bright blue in color, but more often pale green or light brown. With their outstretched tentacles, the jellyfish try to catch something edible from the stream of water flowing through them. Cassiopeia Andromeda feeds on zooplankton, but like other coelenterates, they grow zooxanthellae (symbiotic algae) in their tissues, which need sunlight. These algae supply their surplus food to the jellyfish that feed on them.
These jellyfish are also not deprived of stinging cells, and although not much, they can "sting" a person. By the way, Cassiopeia releases stinging cells in the form of a cloud of translucent mucus, so it is highly discouraged to shake the water with flippers when diving next to these jellyfish.
Источник:https://www.youtube.com/watchv=4S9dT2nSYOg&ab_channel=vitaliy6447Kalutskyi,/www.projectnoah.org/spottings/17179815/fullscreen, /www.whatsthatfish.com/fish/upsidedown-jellyfish/2145#8, seaforum.aqualogo.ru/topic/54092-кассиопея-андромеда-cassiopea-androme%C2%ADda/, /rtraveler.ru/photo/337448/, /ok.ru/moychetv/topic/152205231908215, /ru.frwiki.wiki/wiki/Cassiopea, http://www.lensart.ru/picture-pid-6fb7f.htm, /lysmata-shop.ru/meduzyi/meduza-sidyachaya-kassiopeya-6-8-sm#prettyPhoto.
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pkmn-spira · 2 months
So what makes the Deoxys of Spira different from other Deoxys seen elsewhere?
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There are several key differences on what makes the Deoxys located in Spira different:
Ancient Spirans actually worship them so much, that they are revered as The Starchildren. Even in modern day Spira, they are still referred to as such. So whenever anyone speaks of the 'Starchild', 'Starchildren', and so on, its always referring to the Spira native Deoxys. They aren't just anomalies from space, at least in the Spirans's concern. In Spira, they are treated with high, esteemed regard, that they may well as be treated the same as one would toward gods. Hence, the Starchildren, and The Wishweaver (Jirachi), are also referred to as 'The Wish Trio', or 'The Meteoric Trio' in Spiran soil.
Both the First and Second Starchild can resonate with the wishes of those it bonds with, and such, would become the 'action' that would ensure those wishes will come true. This is observable only towards the Deoxys that preside in Spira. When Stella bonded with the Second Starchild via the Starlink Phenomenon, it resonated with her wish of not wanting to die yet, as well as to protect everyone from Team Andromeda's machinations two years ago. Sure, the Starlink Phenomenon also ended up with Stella getting infected by Deoxys' virulent DNA, but their bond is symbiotic at best.
However, the First Starchild bonding with Noah Schneider resonated with his desperation, and wish for change, thus it resonating with his wishes became warped, turning the wish for change into something more extreme and absolute, and that is of transcendence. A complete, radical change that should not be. As much as the First Starchild influenced Noah, Noah also influenced it. You can treat it like its a Starlink Phenomenon as well, but there are certain ambiguities as to say that it probably isn't, but something similar. Is Noah in control? Is the First Starchild in control? Or have their mindsets meshed into one twisted conglomerate? Only time can tell.
3. Both Starchildren are able to exhibit Mega Evolution. Sure, The Second Starchild is able to exhibit that via the Starlink Phenomenon with Stella. However, that has yet to be seen with the First Starchild, so the notion of both of them able to exhibit such is a conjecture. Another theory is that neither of the Starchildren's Mega Evolutions are the same, so the First Starchild may have a different Mega Evolved state and abilities compared to the Second Starchild and vice versa.
4. Both Starchildren are either recorded or shown to have displayed a better grip on their already innate natural abilities, being able to shift Forms more frequently on the fly, manifest multiple copies of themselves in a similar fashion to RNA cloning (which can be often mistaken as them using Double Team), and advanced bodily regeneration, which can also be further enhanced by them already knowing Recover.
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thelittlestspider · 9 months
🧭 and 🌃 for the horror ask game, if you don't mind.
🧭 - what would your character do if they got lost in another dimension/world/universe/timeline? do they try to go home? do they even want to?
olivia, georgia, and andromeda actually end up in a place called the Labyrinth Museum, which is this museum that showcases weird or macabre works of art. it's basically endless and it's protected by some kind of creature.
anyway lol so basically they end up trapped in the museum for 300 years, running from this monster that we don't ever fully see. and it was one of the most traumatizing events in their lives. but eventually they do get rescued by the blackwood cast when they accidentally portal in there.
there's also a plot point where somehow the gang ends up accidentally going to an alternate universe or timeline where zombies have almost wiped out humanity, and they find this girl named ryan who's one of the last people left and they take her with them.
🌃 - what would your character do if they were trapped in a labyrinthine city that's alive?
i think sort of like the haunted house question, the city would sort of warp and change around the occupants to try win their love, and if unable to they would like drive them to madness or eat them or something. so going from that:
odile - i think odile wouldn't immediately see it was alive, but she would feel uneasy for reasons she couldn't explain. then when she realizes it's alive she'd probably be freaked out by it. if it's malevolent she'd probably kill it or die trying, if it's cool she'd probably try to figure out some way to like compromise and see if there's some kind of way people and animals could live with it symbiotically. because the city's sort of like a lonely animal that's been abandoned.
angelica - angelica would probably feel sorry for it and try to help it and go mad in the process.
marianne - marianne would probably wander through it like a ghost or become part of it.
bernadette - bernadette would just be like, "i'm out" and die. which i feel like is what most of us would do lol.
francine - francine would probably try to like reason with it and would eventually go mad because it wouldn't let her escape.
starla - oh starla would probably try to kill it with bombs or something.
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benjimarii · 2 years
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An Au where Ben obtains the DNA of a symbiote (Klyntar DNA), and gets the transformation he dubs ‘Xenon’. The Klyntar DNA was obtained when Ben and Rook travel to a planet that had a scuffle with traders from the Andromeda Galaxy. The pair are called in to settle the dispute, but when they’re about to leave, Ben obtains the DNA via Omnitrix scan. During a fight back on earth, he uses the transformation as a suit which is bonded with Rook.
If you guys want more information on this AU, I’d be happy to post more things about it, if you ask. This is also a littler older art, but it’s alright
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Self rec? I have to pick amongst my children fics? this is like terrible. so terrible @radio-chatter
But if I have to pick…. In no particular order a cross section, if you will, of my various writing tendencies:
1) An Andromeda Tale: The Making of a Pathfinder and a King. Mass Effect Andromeda, the slowest of slow burns MReyder endgame fic.  This is my magnum opus MReyder fic that I swear to Anubis I will finish it eventually.  It’s at >600k and still going.  This was I think the first thing I published on AO3 (or close to it).
Summary: Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he actually wants for himself. Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny. What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
2.  The Dream of the Symbiote’s Host.  Venom.  Symbrock. Complete at 4,511 words. What can I say?  I never thought I’d write tentacle porn but I suppose this is why you should never say never.  It’s a one shot and well…. Yeah it was fun to write.  Might someday dip my toes back in the Symbrock pairing.  I’m also totally blaming this one on you @radio-chatter.
Summary: Eddie’s been holding out on Venom. An accidental side trip into an interior decorations shop reveals something he hadn’t intended for Venom to ever learn about him and it’s all that art print’s fault.
3. Family, Familia, ’Ohana. 911, H50 and SWAT crossover. Eventual Buddie, McDanno and implied Hondo/Deacon platonic (or not). Navyseal!EvanBuckley. Wip at 81,451 words. This is my other, more popular, long work. I just love the pairings involved and my imagination was fed too much Jack Johnson music and this happened. Also my most popular fic on AO3 by a good margin.
Summary: When one family seems lost another comes back from the past. But does Buck want to return to the past or live in the present? And does his present lead to a future he wants? Only he can answer these questions but Steve at least will be there to support him.
4. The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss. Mayans MC. Miguel Galindo/Ezekiel ”EZ” Reyes, Coco Cruz/Angel Reyes. WIP at 98,569 words. Sentinel/Guide AU that ignores almost everything canon. Everyone has that extreme rarepair, can’t exist in canon idea that is possibly overindulgent. This is my version of that. I haven’t even seen much of the show but I really love the work of several of the actors in this show so I smashed my minimal knowledge in with my favorite fanfiction trope and this is what you get. It’s still a wip. I know I haven’t posted in a while but I am still—very slowly—working on it. I think this is the most developed sentinel/guide story I’ve written so far but it’s a trope that I’ve revisited several times now (see my versions of Buddie and Mreyder for this trope too).
Summary: EZ Reyes came online with his mother’s violent death and suffered the consequences of his actions in the aftermath. When Jimenez offers him a deal to turn evidence in on the Galindo cartel, he agreed as he’d brought shame on his tribe by his actions and it was a chance at redemption that he didn’t feel he deserved. He just didn’t anticipate who his guide would be and the amount of trouble they’d generate for him. Miguel had goals—to legitimize the family business, enjoy life and his family. He didn’t anticipate any of the events that forced him online as a guide but now that he has a sentinel he’s not letting him go.
5. A Soul’s Weight. Mass Effect Andromeda. Implied eventual MReyder. Complete. 1,376 words. Does not require any knowledge of Mass Effect. I debated a long time which other fic to recommend to people but this is a short one-off I wrote in literally about an hour that I still find myself coming back to again and again and debating writing more in this particular alternative universe. It’s quite different from most of my other writing but I think that’s also what makes it so interesting. Ancient egyptian diety? Implied multiverse? Taking fanon to the limits? Guilty. Short but sweet but would be the intro to MReyder of mine that I would recommend. Or I suppose you could read Seguir (another AU).
Summary: The futures he had seen taunted him, drew him, seduced him. The possibilities that Scott Ryder presented were... intriguing.  The cry of the ibis called across the sands, chased by the howls of the golden wolves of Anubis that hunted this night.
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bluesunsdusk · 1 year
Blog Patch notes
--// I am a bit late with these because I forgot today was King's Day until it was today, but...
Verses pages given 14p font size.
Najma's bio slightly adjusted to account for new lore.
Additional assessment added to the personality tab, regarding martial arts training.
References to joining Overwatch have been removed.
Several language errors edited out.
Najma's verses have been adjusted to account for them not joining Overwatch anymore.
Assimilation AU has been added.
Mass Effect verse split into two, OT and Andromeda.
Symbiote AU added. The monsterfuckers will eat well when Set's reference sheet is far along enough to make a skin for this.
Planeswalker AU added for rough interdimensional crossovers.
Dragon Age AU has been cut.
Monster Hunter verse split into a regular monster hunter/cleric verse and a werehyena verse.
Talon AU added.
Basic Mass Effect verse added.
World of Warcraft verse added.
Slight changes made to Post-Talon AU. Namely, how he got into Overwatch is more vague.
Warlock verse adjust to be more generic, removing multiple references to Warcraft lore.
Slight addition made to the Demon AU.
Very much in progress verses removed.
Long verses separated into smaller paragraphs. The verses remains rambling. I apparently can't just keep things short.
Personal verses section moved to the bottom of the page.
New skin idea uploaded to my brain.
Images replaced for the Vampire verse and the Mass Effect verse.
Images added to the Elder Scrolls Disciple of Order verse and the Demon verse.
Overwatch verse has been slightly adjusted to account for his age being notably lower than Jack Morrison's.
Lucius Linder
Overwatch verse has been slightly adjusted to account for the release of Overwatch 2.
Basic Mass Effect Andromeda verse added.
Justin (my sole survivor) has been removed from the Saints Row AU.
Fable AU now properly notes that it is only for Fable 3.
King Logan
Slight errors removed from his Overwatch verse. Overwatch bio slightly adjusted.
Slight fixes made to the Dragon Age verse bio.
Slight adjustments made to Mass Effect verses.
Slight adjustments added to Detroit Become Human verse bio.
Separations added to the Fallout verse to differentiate his rule and his exile as two separate verses still set within the Fallout verse.
Elder Scrolls verses placements corrected.
Hungerbitten profile to be reviewed later, alongside the other bios.
Main verse added to verses page.
Harbinger AU converted to Companions Circle AU.
Dead links removed from Verses page.
Dead links removed from verses page.
Large paragraphs on the verses page have been split.
Corrections and changes made to the DBH verse bio. One crumb of extra information added.
Mass Effect Andromeda bio adjusted and images added.
Dragon Age and Overwatch verses paragraphs split into smaller sections.
Page cleared of empty verse tabs.
Cleared page of empty verses.
Overwatch verse removed.
Overwatch verses slightly adjusted to make certain aspects of the Australia omnium incident more vague.
Model reference name in Overwatch Omnic verse changed to properly refer to Ramattra rather than Setesh.
Slight corrections made to all Mass Effect verses.
More paragraph splits added to the verses page.
More paragraph splits added to verses page.
Alright, that was it for the verses. I will have a look through all the bios next to make sure stuff is a little more funky fresh rather than covered in cobwebs. The Aesthetic of the verses pages are still very mismatched, but I find that a lot less important.
Verses pages given 14p font size.
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Listen to Episode 2 anywhere you listen to podcasts. Hosted at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/extraplanarradioshow
----------- BEGIN TRANSCRIPT-----------
(Intro music playing)
CREATURE X: Hey there earthlings and interstellar creatures and welcome to the Extraplanar Radio Show.
Creature X here, preparing for transmission. For the uninitiated, you will be hosting an extraplanar entity for the duration of tonight's broadcast so please secure all belongings, clear your reception space of all non-receiving lifeforms, and finalize emergency and end-of-life plans.
We here at the Extraplanar Radio Show do our very best to ensure all of our symbiotic attachments are completely safe and secure.
Though, please be advised that disengaging from symbiosis before the transmission is complete may result in adverse side effects.
Transmission ready.
Standby for countdown
and remember, it's only fiction.
(Intro music fades out)
(soft music fades in)
CREATURE X: Did you hear they are making a biopic about Penny the pup? I’m sure everyone knows who Penny is, but in the unlikely event that some unfortunate listener out there has never heard of her, Penny was a planetary leviathan puppy from ZIAIA E1 (E prime), a human-colonized planet in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Penny was shot out into space to see if planetary leviathan puppies can survive out there.
You see, there are many types of leviathans in our universe, but we know very little about them. Some lurk underwater, like those in Earth’s Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench, but plenty of leviathans also stalk the dark, lonely corners of deep space.
Space leviathans are quite hostile compared to their planet-dwelling distant relatives.
They wait in the black void of the endless cosmic deep, searching for unsuspecting travelers so they can lure them into their maws.
They use their antenna to emulate strange luminescent creatures dancing in the far distance, intriguing stray explorers and compelling them to come in for a closer look.
Then, once they approach, the great glowing eyes and the foul hiss of sour breath, reveal, too late, their gruesome end.
But Penny was just a planetary pup. Still a baby, but tasked with the future and progress of her entire species. She was to undertake the most daring experiment for her kind to date.
Of course, she died within moments due to the high velocity of the space catapult since she was not given a space suit or put into a spacecraft at all. Just shot up as-is.
A valuable lesson learned regarding the necessity of space suits and vehicles for planetary leviathans.
I think we all assumed that since space leviathans generally slink around in absolutely nothing that Penny could simply do the same.
I’ve heard the biopic is going to focus on the best parts of her life though, rather than her tragic and violent death when she exploded across the sky like a firework of pus, scales, and bones.
Despite the whole leviathan mishap, the humans of the ZIAIA E1 colony have advanced much further than their Earthling colony counterparts in the ways of science and space travel. And those advances may just be rocketed to new heights now that the mysterious Andromeda Voyager, the first vessel to carry humans to the far ends of the Andromeda Galaxy, has returned.
Today, I provide live coverage of that very event.
But first, it’s time for Space Board, the Job Board for Space
(transition music plays)
CREATURE X: Galactic rangers in the Glorgon 8 system are putting out the call for new recruits.
Glorgon 8 is a supermassive black hole orbited by multiple dying planets. It sits just 30 million light years down the road from the infamous Dark Galaxy.
This particular black hole has gone from sucking in everything around it with crushing force to spewing out…well, what they’ve written on the job posting seems to drag on and on at this point. But its something about the black hole spewing out world-ending entities from a different dimension and how they need motivated heroes to “save everything they hold dear”
A bit dramatic if you ask me.
Anyway, they offer no compensation for the entire ordeal but claim you’ll be paid with the "satisfaction of knowing you did the right thing," so...
I guess if you have the time and resources to expend, this could be… interesting for someone.
Ooh! The Neptune Arcade is looking for party entertainers! I always love it there. As an entertainer, you get to dress up as different supporting species from around the universe like: Earth squirrels, Venus flies, Earth's Venus fly traps (which really only catch earth flies so it’s a bit of a misnomer), and my personal favorite, Betelgeuseian sun bats.
The Neptune Arcade pays in arcade tickets and all the different types of cheese wiz they import from human colonies in each galaxy.
Speaking of human colonies, the Original Humans are looking for simulation operators for their new colony on Helix Core 95.
They’re trying out methane-based evolution this time and need someone to help them test pilot the program. The simulation will run the better half of 900 billion years and pays in 'the wonder and awe you’ll experience by observing and altering the cyclical nature of life and death in the human species, from evolution to extinction.'
I did one of those once. It was quite a hoot.
Looks like that’s all the semi-decent job postings for today. This has been Space Board, the Job Board for Space.
(transition music plays)
CREATURE X: As of this moment, the Andromeda Voyager has not yet entered docking range, so, while we wait, I will cover some of the historical details of the exploratory Andromeda mission for our less-informed listeners.
The Andromeda Voyager was sent off into the galaxy quite a number of years ago. I’m not sure on the conversion rate of time between ZIAIA E1 and Earth, but I seem to recall the spacecraft embarked on its journey sometime before Earth developed nuclear weapons, I think?
I might not remember that right. It was certainly a wild time in some other parts of space.
But I digress.
ZIAIA E1 sent their greatest cosmic explorers on the Andromeda Voyager to probe the very edges of their galaxy.
With resources depleting quickly due to the common human affliction of overpopulating every place they colonize, the people of ZIAIA E1 were searching for habitable exoplanets. Hoping to delay their inevitable extinction.
I remember the Andromeda Voyager was all anyone could talk about at that time. I even had a fling with one of the engineers who was to be sent off on the mission.
Pali was her name if I remember correctly.
Ahhh we had a lot of fun times - things were a bit more loose and free in space back then.
Pali actually took me aboard the Andromeda Voyager a few times and showed me around and what a superior vessel it was.
It had self-sustaining gardens on board for food and nutrients, very spacious and luxurious cryo sleep pods - the best I’ve seen from any humans, and they even had a spa wing just for rejuvenating baths and body scrubs.
There was also a float chamber for Penny 2, the leviathan pup they successfully brought into space after the unpleasantness with Penny 1.
I exchanged transmissions with Pali a few times after the voyager shipped off. She mentioned Penny 2 was a bit agitated and eventually had a nervous breakdown, resulting in another Penny 1-type expulsion from the spacecraft.
Pali said they had also received some strange messages as they delved further into deep space. But eventually, she stopped responding to my transmissions after I asked her if we could see other creatures every once in a while.
I am not bothered by her lack of communication though, what’s one ZIAIA E1 fling compared to the vast opportunities for relationships in space.
However, she probably should have replied to the ZIAIA E1 base at some point, especially once the Andromeda Voyager signals suddenly disappeared from the map.
They’ve been undetectable for quite some time. Hundreds of years in fact.
Many thought the Andromeda crew lost or dead forever, but now with their return, it’s clear that all of them simply ghosted their loved ones, as the Earthling Humans would say.
While a cold shoulder has never ruined my day, I think it probably had quite the opposite effect for the families of the missing Voyagers. I’m sure the crew will have much explaining to do once they arrive back at their respective homes.
I’ve even heard they still aren't communicating with ZIAIA E1 base. Which is strange given how rapidly they approach the satellite station. Fortunately, camera feeds on the ship, now within range of broadcast, give us a good sense of what’s happening aboard the Andromeda.
The footage shows them all alive and well.
The entire crew stands completely still on the navigation deck at all hours of the day. Staring with blank, white eyes and slack jaws, they gaze directly at the cameras, unblinking, as though they can see the viewers on the receiving end of the signal.
And now the Andromeda Voyager, finally having crested over the edge of the ZIAIA E1 horizon and initiated its docking sequence, finishes the last leg of its maneuver. I will fly in for a closer look.
The Voyager, now partially attached to the ZIAIA E1 space station, looks absolutely ragged. It’s a wonder they’ve flown this thing across the galaxy at all, what with the huge gashes like claw marks along the side.
It certainly didn’t look half as bad when I first saw it.
The handling looks a bit rough too, will they manage to dock successfuly? The anticipation is almost too much for me. I want to look away but...
That was easy. Yeah, they just docked. With no problem.
So, it shouldn’t be long now.
Only a few moments before they are permitted to enter the station, so while we wait
Here’s a message from our sponsors
(transition music plays)
CREATURE X: This episode of the Extraplanar Radio Show is sponsored by my mother.
She’s glad I’ve gotten back into the swing of things and just wants me to be happy. Even though she repeatedly calls this my “little show” or my “silly project” she still talks it up to her friends and accepts all credit for my success because she quote, “raised” me. My mother did not write copy for this ad because she fundamentally does not understand what the Extraplanar Radio Show is.
She quite literally lives under a rock and simply sent me a bag of galactic currency with a note that says “keep it up, honey”
This episode is also sponsored by a comet that flew by my vehicle the other day after it happened to have caught last week's broadcast.
It said it wanted to sponsor me, but moved too quickly for me to catch the ad copy as it shouted it from afar. I will, however, likely see the comet again in another 231 years when it completes its orbit. So, I will certainly let you know what it’s advertising at that time.
This has been a word from our sponsors.
(transition music plays)
CREATURE X: While we continue to wait for the Andromeda Voyagers to disembark, I also wanted to address one other issue.
A lot of TrES-2bians wrote in last week offended by my comments regarding the embarrassingly disorganized state of their planet, which I observed on my way to the show. If you remember, I caught a glimpse of the horrifying disaster that passes for the surface of TrES-2b when it was illuminated in the glow of a hungry interstellar fog. The best comparison I can give my Earthling Human listeners is that it looked like an episode of Hoarders, but on a planetary scale.
Listen, I will not apologize for sharing my observations. Perhaps TrEs-2b shouldn’t rely on the assumption their planet will always be too dark to see.
Oh and apparently the interstellar fog also consumed something like ⅓ of their planet, but obviously, it didn’t do enough damage to deter TrES-2bian trolls from spending the week harassing me.
Do better TrES-2b.
It's called constructive criticism.
And now it looks like the Andromeda Voyagers are preparing to disembark. Let's go down for a closer look. I will engage my transparency beam, so I can see right into both the ship and space station.
Quite a handy gadget this thing.
The airlock opens and the crew of the Andromeda Voyager step forward to greet the satellite station attendants.
It looks like they are exchanging greetings, but body language suggests it’s a bit tense.
(music transitions)
One of the station attendants actually draws their plasma pistol, but before they can fire, one of the Andromeda crew looks to have come in for a hug.
How nice that they can settle their differences with-
Well, the space station attendant fired their pistol and now they seem to all be running, with the Andromeda crew in close pursuit. Perhaps they are still angry about the lack of communication and do not want to accept apology hugs.
However, it looks as though the Andromeda crew are intent on forcing their apologetic will.
A few attendants look to be screaming or shrieking in horror. I can’t read lips any ZIAIA E1 languages, but it looks like one is crying for help. I would probably do the same if I was being forced to hug someone who deeply upset me.
Speaking of, there is Pali, who I am definitely not still attached to. She looks…okay. Perhaps the years on her voyage were a bit rough. She’s pale. Gaunt. Looks like she’s limping.
She just grabbed one of the men from the satellite station and sprayed a black goo from her mouth into his.
I know she has no idea I’m here, but it’s almost like she’s trying to make me jealous.
However, that’s not the kind of creature I am.
I do wonder how she knows him, but it doesn't matter,
He seems to be on board with forgiving the Andromeda crew and is now walking in step with Pali.
Ew, one of the Voyager crew just sunk their teeth into someone's neck and the same black goo oozes from the open wound.
That seems a bit aggressive if you ask me.
But, the person is back on their feet in no time. And they seem fine if a bit less animated.
It looks like there’s only one station attendant left who still won’t hug it out.
(ominous music begins)
She sits under a desk in what looks to be the control room. Pulls a chair over the opening to cover herself from view. She holds her plasma pistol close to herself in two shaking hands and tries to breathe steady.
The crew of the Andromeda Voyager stalk the passages of the satellite station now, hunched over with arms waiting to wrap the straggler up in embrace.
Mouths drooling with black slime and white eyes scanning every inch.
Every hidden compartment.
Two have entered the control room with our remaining station attendant. She shrinks under the desk and clutches the trigger of her plasma pistol.
Two dragging legs lurch to a stop next to where she hides.
She slaps a hand across her mouth, but the Andromeda crewmate who stands above her cocks his head to the side.
Swiftly bends to find her!
One plasma shot fired
Then another.
And another.
And now she’s surrounded.
Lifted from her hiding spot by many arms and tentacles, dripping with sticky black slime...
Now that everyone has exchanged fluids, they all turn as one, ALL their eyes milky white, and-
they are looking in MY direction.
Almost like they can see me through the walls of the station.
I wonder if they can - I haven’t really used this transparency beam much before - maybe it works both ways. If so, that’s embarrassing.
Wait, now I am receiving transmission from the satellite station. Let’s see what that’s about. Just one moment while I connect us.
(VOICE OVER TRANSMISSION): Creature X, long time no see
CREATURE X: ZERAN? Wow, can’t believe I didn’t recognize you.
For all of our listeners, ZERAN is a hive mind from the Kepler 22 system. Speaking of old flings.
ZERAN: You never transmitted back.
CREATURE X: Yeah, um, I’ve been busy. You know…all the stuff that went down with the last show. I haven’t really had the time-
ZERAN: Enough. We have a message for the Humans of ZIAIA E1. Your evolutionary journey has come to an end. You have knocked at the doors of the far corners of the galaxy and we have answered. We have come across eons.
From the darkest reaches of space to its vibrant cradles of life.
We make all better.
We have come to make you better.
Consume. Transform. Improve.
The perils of your mortal existence will be no longer.
ZIAIA E1, do not struggle.
Do not resist.
We are coming now.
It is up to you how much you suffer in the growing of things.
Everything will be better as one-
(transmisson cuts)
CREATURE X: Sorry, I just couldn’t listen to them anymore. Is that bad? Like what is this, the ZERAN Radio Show?
I have such a low tolerance for galactic manifestos at this point.
Still, I am sad to see ZIAIA E1 go. I was really looking forward to Penny’s biopic.
Hopefully, ZERAN sees fit to continue investing in the project, though I’m sure it will be way more boring now.
Anyway, looking at the state of things, I think it’s time for me to get the florb out of here.
But stay tuned next week, when we talk about…
other things!
(outro music plays)
----------- END TRANSCRIPT----------------------
Listen to Episode 2 anywhere you listen to podcasts. Hosted at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/extraplanarradioshow
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bluerose5 · 2 years
When you're trying to write something, but the characters decide to do whatever the hell they want anyways...
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Has a human ever parasitized an ophiuscite?
Not technically.
If an Ophiuscite felt threatened, it’d just leave the body it’s possessing.
However... that doesn’t stop them from being emotionally manipulated. Records tell of a Scorpio Breed duo collectively named, “Apollo/Styx,” which was infamous for being parasitic on both sides.
Styx was a rather... vulnerable Ophiuscite. They genuinely desired companionship, as well as strength. They met their host, Apollo, during a meteor shower in the Patterned Sky, a galaxy sector famous for its vast, beautiful nebula clouds.
The nebula energy overwhelmed Styx... they accepted Apollo’s offer to fuse into a symbiotic creature for safety...
And when they awoke, their free will had been stolen. They could easily take back control... but they’re much too kind...
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years
MCOC Wishlist Poll Snapshot: Entire Rankings
001 Mystique 002 Quicksilver 003 Beta Ray Bill 004 Sandman 005 Adam Warlock 006 Kitty Pryde 007 Lizard 008 Morbius the Living Vampire 009 Kraven the Hunter 010 Cloak & Dagger 011 Spider-Man 2099 012 Black Cat 013 Bullseye 014 Jessica Jones 015 Ares 016 Shang-Chi 017 Gladiator (Kallark) 018 Baron Zemo 019 Lady Deathstrike 020 Enchantress 021 Valkyrie MCU 022 Knull 023 Morgan le Fay 024 Scorpion 025 Captain Britain 026 Galactus 027 Dazzler 028 Silver Samurai 029 Black Knight 030 Dracula 031 Hobgoblin 032 Pyro 033 Fantomex 034 Spider-Woman 035 Jean Grey 90s 036 Silk 037 Polaris 038 Silver Sable 039 Sif 040 Anti-Venom 041 Mister Negative 042 Crystal 043 Legion 044 Shocker 045 Malekith the Accursed 046 Destroyer Armor 047 M'baku the Man-Ape 048 The Mandarin 049 Emplate 050 Multiple-Man 051 Shuri 052 Banshee 053 Onslaught 054 Warpath 055 Sunfire 056 Cannonball 057 Dark Phoenix 058 Blue Marvel 059 Prowler (Aaron Davis) 060 Okoye 061 Mockingbird 062 Spiral 063 Madame Hydra / Viper 064 Hydro-Man 065 Red She-Hulk 066 Agent Anti-Venom 067 Blackheart 068 Gorr the God-Butcher 069 Songbird 070 Quasar 071 Absorbing Man 072 Whiplash 073 Armor 074 Daimon Hellstrom 075 Wendigo 076 Nimrod 077 Graviton 078 Gwenom 079 Deathlok 080 Firestar 081 Vulcan 082 Wonder Man 083 Selene 084 Blob 085 Klaw 086 Rachel Summers 087 Thor (MCU Stormbreaker) 088 Shadow King 089 White Tiger 090 Tombstone 091 Jack O'Lantern 092 Valkyrie Classic 093 Toad 094 Moonstone 095 Weapon H 096 Jocasta 097 Dani Moonstar 098 Monica Rambeau 099 Wolfsbane 100 Franklin Richards 101 Ancient One 102 Arnim Zola 103 Exodus 104 Forge 105 Supergiant 106 Madelyne Pryor 107 Hank Pym 108 Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) 109 Negasonic Teenage Warhead 110 Spider-Man Noir 111 Phantom Rider 112 Blink 113 Sebastian Shaw 114 Clea 115 Black Tom Cassidy 116 Kurse 117 Danger 118 Daken 119 Omega Sentinel 120 Grim Reaper 121 Radioactive Man 122 Shatterstar 123 Darkstar 124 Werewolf by Night 125 Hope Summers 126 The Magus 127 Union Jack 128 Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) 129 Crimson Dynamo 130 Pixie 131 Conan 132 Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly) 133 Azazel 134 Jigsaw 135 Boom-Boom 136 Swarm 137 Xorn 138 Machine Man 139 Black Widow (Yelena Belova) 140 Madame Masque 141 Misty Knight 142 Chamber 143 Mistress Death 144 Skaar 145 Morlun 146 Thanos (Endgame) 147 Leader 148 Sleepwalker 149 Deacon Frost 150 Black Swan 151 Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) 152 Fin Fang Foom 153 Ka-Zar 154 Arcade 155 Iron Spider 156 Dust 157 Gorgon 158 Lash 159 Namora 160 A-Bomb (Rick Jones) 161 Ikaris 162 Nick Fury (Classic) 163 Rescue 164 Nico Minoru 165 Volstagg 166 Weapon Hex 167 Stingray 168 Maximus the Mad 169 Cyttorak 170 Skurge the Executioner 171 Doc Samson 172 Maverick / Agent Zero 173 Sauron 174 Baron Blood 175 Captain America Falcon 176 Wong 177 Mantis 178 Whirlwind 179 Firelord 180 Magma 181 Molecule Man 182 White Fox 183 Nova (Sam Alexander) 184 Satana 185 Dum Dum Dugan (LMD) 186 Holocaust 187 Shiklah 188 Valkyrie Moonstar 189 High Evolutionary 190 Bloodaxe 191 Magus (Technarch) 192 Nighthawk 193 Punisher: War Machine 194 Goliath (Bill Foster) 195 Nova (Frankie Raye) 196 Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch) 197 Dr. Cecilia Reyes 198 Sentinel X (Shogo Lee) 199 Thena 200 Hellcat 201 Cosmic Spider-Man 202 Attuma 203 Shroud 204 Doctor Nemesis 205 Siryn 206 Nate Grey 207 Iron Monger 208 Black Mamba 209 Agent Carter 210 Kluh 211 Tiger Shark 212 Purple Man 213 Snowbird 214 Ice-Thing 215 Lilandra 216 Superior Spider-Man 217 Thane 218 Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur 219 Jackal 220 Jean Grey (X-Men Red) 221 Punisher: Frankencastle 222 Puck 223 Rockslide 224 Red Ghost and his Super-Apes 225 Deathbird 226 Hydra Supreme 227 Strong Guy 228 Zarda the Power Princess 229 Sage 230 Quentin Quire (aka Kid Omega) 231 Prowler (Hobie Brown) 232 Slapstick 233 Stardust (Lambda Zero) 234 Titanium Man 235 D'spayre 236 Colleen Wing 237 Thunderbird (John Proudstar) 238 Iron Maiden 239 Gorilla-Man (Kenneth Hale) 240 Jack of Hearts 241 Titania 242 Avalanche 243 Toxic Doxie 244 Death’s Head 245 Impossible Man 246 Worthy Captain America (Mjölnir/Endgame) 247 Outlaw (Higgins) 248 Scarlet Spider II (Kaine Parker) 249 Beetle 250 Typhoid Mary 251 Bloodscream 252 Serpent (Cul Borson) 253 Ms. America Chavez 254 Ghost Rider (Reyes) 255 Hummingbird 256 Mercury 257 M (Monet St. Croix) 258 Black Tarantula 259 Spitfire 260 Wizard 261 Superior Octopus 262 Maria Hill 263 Minotaur (Dario Agger) 264 Echo 265 Morph 266 Karolina Dean 267 Zarathos 268 Thundra 269 Smasher (Kane) 270 Hyperstorm 271 Boomerang 272 Stature (Cassie Lang, AKA Stinger) 273 Meggan 274 Caliban 275 Hollow 276 Abyss (Styger) 277 Silverclaw 278 Red King 279 Doctor Druid 280 U.S. Agent 281 Sersi 282 Molten Man 283 Zzzax 284 Singularity 285 Agatha Harkness 286 Blastaar 287 Korvac 288 Citizen V 289 Carter Slade the Satan-Stomper 290 Post 291 Shuma-Gorath 292 Sin 293 Triton 294 Quasar (Kincaid) 295 Martinex 296 Iron Man (Mark I) 297 Wiccan 298 Speedball 299 Paladin 300 Amanda Sefton 301 Overmind 302 Diamondback (Rachel Leighton) 303 Feral 304 Charlie-27 305 Rom: Spaceknight 306 Juggerduck 307 The Uranian 308 Blazing Skull 309 Starfox 310 Living Laser 311 Hiro-Kala 312 Namorita 313 Jack Flag 314 Stormborn 315 Doctor Bong 316 Crescent & Io 317 Gamora mcu 318 Wave 319 Ironheart 320 Venom Rocket 321 Doctor Spectrum 322 Davos the Steel Serpent 323 Lady Hellbender 324 Falcon classic 325 Bloodstorm 326 Tempus (Eva Bell) 327 Voyager 328 No-Name the Brood 329 Demon Bear 330 Moondragon 331 Arachne 332 Aero 333 Andromeda 334 Speed Demon 335 Phyla-Vell 336 Xemnu the Living Hulk 337 Aleta 338 Araña 339 Human Torch (Jim Hammond) 340 Constrictor 341 Iso 342 Arkon 343 Genis-Vell 344 Shanna the She-Devil 345 Volcana 346 Batroc the Leaper 347 Arclight 348 Scientist Supreme 349 Yukio 350 N'kantu the Living Mummy 351 Gentle 352 Caiera the Oldstrong 353 Beetle (Janice Lincoln) 354 Penance (Baldwin) 355 Super-Adaptoid 356 Ajak 357 Future Colossus 358 Moses Magnum 359 Vampire by Night 360 Superia 361 Puppet Master 362 Chimera 363 Count Nefaria 364 Stick 365 Hellion 366 Agent May 367 Mister Hyde 368 Spot 369 Cobra 370 Doop 371 Lyja 372 Wrecker 373 Stargod/Man-Wolf 374 Stilt-Man 375 Machinesmith 376 Spider-Bitch 377 Madame Web 378 Corsair & Sikorsky 379 Thor (Groot) 380 Balder 381 Random 382 Power Man (Alvarez) 383 Starhawk 384 Sun-Girl (Selah Burke) 385 Arcanna 386 Scream 387 Kree Sentry 388 Agent Phil Coulson 389 Thunderstrike (Kevin) 390 Talos 391 Carmilla Black 392 Uatu 393 Jennifer Kale 394 Warwolf 395 Enigma (Aikku Jokinen, AKA Pod) 396 Belasco 397 Swordsman 398 Trevor Fitzroy 399 Dazzler Thor 400 Hepzibah 401 Atlas 402 Ogun 403 Yellowjacket (DeMara) 404 Hala the Accuser 405 Entropy 406 War Machine (Infinity War) 407 Animax 408 Captain Universe 409 Whizzer 410 Hogun the Grim 411 Cottonmouth (Clemens) 412 Blizzard 413 Storm (Queen of Wakanda) 414 Silhouette 415 Immortus 416 Beast (Hex-Men) 417 Solo 418 White Rabbit 419 Aurora 420 Equinox 421 Hellcow 422 Owl 423 Arsenic & Old Lace 424 Beetle mk iii 425 Valeria (Age of Conan) 426 Trapster 427 Throg 428 Mimic 429 Hulkling 430 Iron Lad 431 Angel (Black Vortex) 432 Marionette 433 Phastos 434 Hobgoblin 2099 435 Razor Fist 436 Asp 437 Baymax 438 Captain America (Peggy Carter) 439 Sp//dr 440 Tarantula (Kaine) 441 Silver Scorpion (Barstow) 442 Midnight Angels of Wakanda 443 Demolition Man 444 White Wolf (Hunter) 445 Synapse 446 Kingo 447 Grey Gargoyle 448 Gilgamesh the Forgotten One 449 Justice 450 Atlas Bear 451 Iron Fist (Orson Randall) 452 Victorious 453 Lincoln Campbell 454 Luna Snow 455 Zadkiel 456 Crystar 457 Husk 458 Gravity 459 Kaecilius 460 Marrina 461 Ghost Rider (Circle of Four) 462 Nighthawk Supremeverse 463 Fixer 464 Cardiac 465 Capwolf 466 Kull the Conqueror of Atlantis 467 Noh-Varr 468 Korath the Pursuer 469 Miss America (Joyce) 470 Blackjack O'Hare 471 Bi-Beast 472 Vance Astro 473 Bushmaster (Quincy) 474 Krugarr 475 Poundcakes 476 Yo-Yo 477 American Son 478 Mister M 479 Cottonmouth (Stokes) 480 Manphibian 481 Infamous Iron Man 482 Paibok the Power-Skrull 483 Shatter 484 Daredevil Shadowland 485 Nakia 486 Garrison Kane 487 Makkari 488 Elloe 489 Northstar 490 Spiderling 491 She-Hulk (Lyra) 492 Proteus 493 Grey Hulk 494 Doorman 495 Toro 496 Nuke 497 Acroyear 498 Blonde Phantom 499 Drax MCU 500 Orrgo 501 Marvel Girl NPC 502 Fandral the Dashing 503 Spider-Girl 504 Ms. Thing 505 Captain America 2099 506 Veranke 507 Haechi 508 Mulholland Black 509 Mighty Destroyer 510 Eclipse 511 Powell McTeague 512 Druig 513 Copycat 514 Terror 515 Ahab 516 God-Emperor Doom 517 Doombot (V Series) 518 Sword Master 519 Cyclone 520 Black Mariah 521 Zenzi 522 Thor: Herald of Thunder 523 3-D Man 524 Hulk Endgame 525 Tetu 526 Doctor Octopus (Liv Octavius) 527 Margali 528 Molly Hayes 529 Sinara 530 Aldrich Killian 531 Goldballs 532 Mindless Ones 533 Nikki Gold 534 Foolkiller 535 Darkwing Duck 536 Thunderstrike (Eric) 537 She-Thing (Ventura) 538 Killmonger (Emperor Symbiote) 539 Iron Duck 540 Ms. Marvel II (Ventura) 541 Spymaster 542 Scalphunter 543 Spider-Man (Miles Morales Movie) 544 Karn 545 Gun-R 546 Terminus 547 Achebe 548 Llyra 549 Bushmaster (John) 550 Sugar Man 551 Great Lakes Avengers 552 Xarggu 553 Human Fly (Deacon) 554 Shogun 555 Plantman 556 Brawn 557 Elixir 558 Litterbug 559 Smasher (Rokk) 560 Bug 561 Mammomax 562 Synch 563 Anaconda 564 Wolvie 565 Dirk Anger 566 Captain [****] 567 Ezekiel 568 Diamondback (Stryker) 569 Unworthy Thor 570 Master Mold 571 Masked Marauder 572 M.O.D.A.M. 573 Hellsgaard 574 Hulkbuster 2.0 575 Forgetmenot 576 Ghaur 577 Arcturus Rann 578 Ultimate Green Goblin (Movie) 579 Dragoness 580 Porcupine 581 M-11 582 Taskmaster MCU 583 Dansen Macabre 584 Lady Bullseye 585 Harpoon 586 Unicorn 587 Bushwacker 588 Loki variant 589 Night Nurse 590 Psyklop 591 Mack 592 Eel 593 Water Snake 594 Chaos King 595 Red Hulk (Maverick) 596 Kaluu 597 The Russian 598 Geena Drake 599 Jimmy Hudson 600 Slayback 601 Mentallo 602 Skull the Slayer 603 Karkas 604 Dominic Fortune 605 The Buzz 606 Doctor Crocodile 607 Ox 608 Dorrek VII 609 Needle 610 Krang 611 Dino-Thor 612 Stegron 613 Zeitgeist 614 [VACANT] 615 [VACANT] 616 [VACANT]
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cypherdecypher · 3 years
Animal of the Day!
Upside-Down Jellyfish (Cassiopea andromeda)
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(Photo from Getty)
Conservation Status- Unlisted
Habitat- Mangrove Forests in Gulf of Mexico; Indo-Pacific Ocean; Caribbean
Size (Width)- 30 cm wide
Diet- Micro-algae; Plankton
Cool Facts- Is it a plant? It is an animal? What the heck is this thing? The upside-down jellyfish is a truly strange creature. Due to their symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae, an algae that is commonly found in corals, it is able to photosynthesis instead of hunt for its prey. Due to the fact that upside-down jellyfish don’t hunt, although they sometimes eat small plankton, their sting is extremely mild as they have no use for it. Sometimes, certain species of crab will pick up the jellyfish and wear them on their back like a fancy, little hat.
Rating- 11/10 (Weird. Wondrous. What a lovely hat.)
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〜 Symbiotic Bonding Roleplay 〜
My/Your muse is now a nameless alien symbiote. He can shapeshift into anything he want and bond with his prey at any time. But It's current form is the one we know. It can feel what humans can feel. Kiss, touch, lick, hug, etc. And It can share those feelings. It's sensitive and emotional. Unlike Venom or Carnage. You can change the muse which is the symbiote and the one which is the prey by saying "+Reverse" after your sentence or just say who is the prey and who is the alien in the ask.
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"Huh? What.. what are you?"
"G-Ghaaa! It's deforming in my body!"
"Hey.. that.. seem cool.."
"Y.. Yes.. You can have my body.."
"H-Hey!! What are you doing?!"
"D-Don't leave me! I need you!"
"We are one. We have been made for each other.."
"Hey.. don't worry.. i won't let anything hurt you.."
"I won't let the fire hurt you! Not even the loud sounds!"
"I can't! I can't let you go!"
"W.. Why do you want me so badly?"
"Am i the perfect person for you?"
"Are we really made for each other? I mean, you can find another prey.."
"I'm just a weak girl/man.. i don't think i can have such strength.."
"R-Really? Do you think i am special?"
"I am more than just a human.. i'm from Andromeda, a thing you call 'symbiote'..."
"Hey.. chill.. chill.. you won't feel a thing..."
"It is? Oh.. thank you.. i think.."
"Good.. good... so give me your hands.."
"I need a prey! And you're perfect for me!"
"The taste of your feelings is different from what i loved.."
"We are special.. we are one.. we can be better.."
"SHRKREEEE!!!!" (After interacting with fire or loud sounds)
"You know.. i never heard such beautiful words as yours.. thank you.."
"Then stop taking yourself in such risk as those terrifying sounds! You are gonna kill me like that!"
"I love you.. you made 'WE' become true for me.. we are so connected.."
"Yes.. you are."
"Prey? You consider yourself a mere prey? No.. you are better than anything i have got.. you are MINE."
"I know you have a disease.. but it's because of me that you're not feeling the coughs or the asthmas.. i can't let you die."
"YES! YES YOU ARE! We are someone special, WE! You make me feel that i am a strong symbiote.. as well as you feel you're special because of me.."
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ivmwc · 3 years
𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟 𝕋𝕠 𝔼𝕟𝕕 || 𝕊𝕖𝕝𝕗 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕒
Who: Andy Cruz When: Late at night, into morning Where: Radcliffe Security Command Summary: On a rare overnight shift alone, Andy thinks back on everything that has led to her current position
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Andy started at the wall of monitors that sat before her. It would be impossible to expect any one person to be able to keep a proper beat on all of them, which is why they normally had no less than three people working the room, but as it stood, three of the overnight crew had fallen ill and she thought it a better use of current resources out on the grounds and around the building. Besides, Andy wasn’t just any one person. If anyone was capable of keeping command from the monitoring room alone, it was her. After all, she had the job for a reason...among many others.
A glance at the clock let her know that it was nearing three in the morning. “The witching hour,” she whispered to herself, a wry chuckle following. It had been so long since Andy had last placed any thought to anything even remotely relating to witchcraft, she was honestly surprised she still remembered tings like this at all. Not only did it feel like a lifetime away, it now was an entirely different life. One that was legitimately dead and buried, she had no one to blame but herself...
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The usual sounds of a dinner between the families filtered in and out along with Andy’s own attention to what was going on around her. She had deliberately made it to the table mid-way through everyone getting seated to avoid being noticed too much and was thus far able to just sit there and occasionally move her food around to give the impression she was eating. It helped that her brother’s dog Charly was there to provide a helping ‘stomach’, if you will. She was honestly glad it was her mother’s turn to host, because there was zero chance she’d get away with this if it was Matteo’s cooking.
Inevitably, however, she her grandfather’s voice began to break through, his usual thinly veiled digs at her uncles’ ‘lifestyle’ causing her hands to still. She kept her eyes down on her plate, but when it became obvious that, once again, absolutely no one was going to say anything against the Cruz Patriarch -even though it was no secret that very few people at this table agreed with his antiquated views- Andy took it as her queue to be the spokesperson.
Setting down her cutlery, she placed her elbows on either side of her plate, and laced her fingers in the middle, setting her chip to rest atop so she could angle her head and offer her grandfather the proudest smile she could muster. Seeing the perfect opportunity, she spoke. “You know, Abué1, that’s exactly what I love about you. How you’ve always told us there is no bond that compares to that of a witch and their guardian. I mean, they have our back, we have theirs.” She could practically feel her parents’ eyes boring into her, but the quick glance at Apollo’s barely restrained smirk was all the encouragement she needed. “When facing threats, there has to be a very specific symbiotic trust, right? We have to trust that our guardian will ensure our lives, and in return they have to trust that we won’t let fear distract us from doing that which we need to do for the greater good.”
The white-haired man actually beamed at her words. “That’s very well said, Andromeda. It looks like a mistake may not have been made after all in allowing you to take this generation’s guardian.” Andy’s face remained the same in spite of the man’s words. Not like they were necessarily original. “Yeah, you know, I also remember how you always used to drive the point home, when talking to me and Apollo, about how the only drawback to being a charge is feeling like you’re sometimes split in two between because your spouse will never understand your relationship with your guardian, and vice versa. So in that respect, I suppose Uncle Ric and Uncle Kai have won the jackpot,” she exclaimed, turning to grin and wink at her uncles knowing full well what would follow.
“¡Niña insolente!2”
It would be another fifteen minutes of an increasingly red-faced old man spewing all sorts of lovely words, some she of which she had no idea what they meant as her Spanish was good but not ‘motherland’ good, before he finally took a break to breath and her mother suggested she retire to the family room instead - which Andy was not about to argue with, because she hadn’t wanted to be a part of the dinner to begin with. Not today.
The first one to come and join her had been her Uncle Ric. He had entered the room with a neutral look, but it had slowly been beat out by a smirk at the sight of the one she was sending his way. “¿Sabés que no tenias que hacer eso, verdad?3“ he spoke as he took a seat on the coffee table in front of her. “Kai and I are more than capable of dealing with Papí4 on our own. We have been for years now. We’re big boys-” “I never want to hear you utter that phrase again,” she cut in. “-and there was no need,” Ric continued after a quick eyeroll, “for you to have had all of that directed at you instead. Whether you like it or not, you’re still the baby.”
Andy groaned at the reminder of what most of her family saw  her as. Whether they did because she was youngest or because they believed she need the most care, she’d rather not ask. “I’m going to be having him direct all of that at me soon anyway, Títo,” she pointed out. Before she continue, though, he broke out in a grin and made a show of silently celebrating. “Oh my god, could you please not make all my work in there null by being such a stereotype right now,” she grumbled as she wrestled his hands back down. He looked at her and simply said, “Sorry, sorry. Just got a little excited. Does this mean you’re going to finally talk to Thyra?”
How she managed to keep her composure at the question, even Andy wasn’t sure. Instead she just let out a slight scoff and said, “No. That’s definitely not happening any time soon-” Or ever, she thought, “-but that doesn’t meant I’m going to continue to live a lie. I’m also going to tell them I no longer wish to be a charge. I’ve already spoken with the Avrahams and I know that they’d be more than happy to have a Cruz-Lazcurain on their roster of supernatural hunters- Yes, I know you’re not exactly keen on that idea yourself, but all these years of sneaking into the guardian training classes? I just feel like there’s so much more that I could be doing.”
Andy could see the counter-argument already being prepared by Ric, but he was forced to hold off as both Apollo and Kai made their way into the room. “Well, that was one of the most eventful dinners we’ve had in quite some time,” Apollo said with a grin. “Yeah, shame my niece had to miss it,” Mordechai followed, before turning to Andy. “Where did you say she was off to again?” “Picking up some additional supplies for me from a known witch a few towns over. Want to make sure I’m well stocked before we have to go to the safe-house tomorrow.”
It was a comment that held a double-edged reminder for Andy, though it still managed to somber the mood of her uncles as they finally bid their fare well and left.
No sooner had the front door sounded, then Apollo waived a hand -Andy figured he setting soundproof charm to the room- and then took Ric’s place in sitting before her. “Stop looking at me like that,” she said, her own eyes fixed out the window instead of facing her brother. “Like what?” “Like I’m some wounded puppy in an ASPCA commercial,” Andy said as she turned to look at him. A grin was on his face as he said, “I’m sorry. It’s not my fault I can practically hear Sarah McLachlan every time I look at your face now.” Andy glared at him and said, “Isn’t thirty-five cutting it a bit close to be making these kinds of jokes?” “Nah, I’m just a teen dad, and now they’re just ‘dad jokes’ instead of ‘bad jokes’.”
She groaned, but did nothing to fight him off when he came to sit on the couch with her and sidled up to her, very much playing the part of the concerned father. Which for al intents and purposes, the male witch had been more of a father to her than their actual father so... “Come on, something’s been weighing on you all day and I don’t think it has anything to do with the fact we have to go into hiding tomorrow until the Avraham Security team gives the all clear, because this is nowhere near the first time we’ve done this.”
Andy turned to look at him, a serious expression on her face. “You’re right, it’s not the first time we’ve had to do it, but doesn’t it ever- I don’t know- bother you? The fact that our family picks all these fights, and then we go off to a ‘safe-house’ while perfect strangers go out and fight our battles?” He had a look on his face that let her know that he was genuinely considering this for maybe the first time in his life. Then he shook his head and said, “You’re deflecting.”
He was only half-right. Though it had been a means to deflect from answering his initial question, it had been unintentional and her point was valid. She would’ve told him as much if hadn’t just opted to be direct and ask, “Where’s Thyra? I mean, really where is she? Because we share inventory of our supplies and last I checked, we were all packed on that front already.”
The younger witch sighed and rubbed at her temple before just admitting. “I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I don’t know. I genuinely do not have that knowledge.”
There was a silence around them for a moment before he asked, “What happened?”
“I overheard as dad and the others were setting the final details for tomorrow into place. Manoach and Kai were set to join the Avraham tactical team on the frontline, as they are wont to do, but this time-” she stopped, a familiar lump forming in her throat at the mere memory of it all, “-this time, dad was insistent that Thyra be out there with them. He claimed that he felt she was ready to gain more first-hand experience, and then let slip that he also felt she and I could do with some time apart...”
Andy turned a far-away gaze out in front of her, looking at nothing in particular as she continued. “I already knew that Thyra wasn’t happy with the idea of being a guardian, I mean come on the girl would like be bested by a six year-old in judo. She wouldn’t have stood a chance out there...so I told her. To keep this form becoming a three hour conversation, I’ll skip to the part where I said if she couldn’t think of one good enough reason to stay, she should go, and then how I woke up in the middle of the night to her back walking out the front door.”
Andy closed her eyes and didn’t even bother to turn back to Apollo before groaning out, “Stop looking at me like that.” “I’m sorry,” he said, before enveloping her in a tight embrace where they sat. He placed a kiss to her temple, and said, “I really am sorry, nena5. I won’t pour salt in the wound by going over everything about you two, but if it’s any consolation we’ve always know that there was really not a lot that girl could’ve possibly saved you from....well, except maybe yourself.”
Any response Andy may have had was left for her to dwell on as their mother came into the room, making quick work of taking down Apollo’s charm. She informed them they’d be leaving earlier than originally planned.
After arriving at the safe-house -which they’re mother called a cabin, and she and her brother called a rustic mansion- Andy spent a sleepless night, with nothing but time on her hands to think. By the time the witching hour was at hand, her mind was made up. The witch dressed appropriately and used every trick she knew to make sure she left that ‘cabin’ without being noticed.
Andy struck a quick deal with the leader of the tactical team, and made it absolutely clear there was no means of changing her mind. So she was assigned to a unit and briefed. No one would ever feel they had to die for her. Andy was going to be fighting her own battles from here on out.
With the breaking of dawn had come the first onslaught of hunters. How their home’s whereabouts had been compromised to this degree, she would only ever be able to guess. The witch had other supernaturals in her unit, but the hunters they were up against were particularly aggressive in their means.
It was on the third day that everything went to hell.
She had been holding her position for the better part of the morning, when she took note of an arrival at the main house. Andy didn’t need her binoculars to see who it was. She couldn’t use her magic to warn Apollo that he was a sitting duck in the house because that would give away her position and that of her entire unit, but she also couldn’t just let her brother wander right into the hunter’s hands.
So she dropped from the tree she was in, as quietly as she could manage, and made her way back up to the house. As soon as she set foot inside, she could feel it. They were both exposed. It dawned on her almost as soon as she laid eyes on Apollo that there was only reason he was still alive after being this out in the open for so long: he was bait.
He had turned at the sound of the door and immediate relief washed over his face as he began to say, “Andy! We’ve been looking ever-” His words were cut short by the arrow that now lodged itself in his neck. Witches weren’t invulnerable. Witches just had one natural active power. Apollo’s had been scrying. He always managed to find her...
Andy ran over to him, immediately dropping to her knees beside him, and cradling him as he gurgled out in an attempt to catch a breath. “No, no, no. You shouldn’t have come here. Why did you come here?” she managed between sobs. Focusing like she never had before, she held a hand over his wound in the hopes of using her telekinesis to stifle the bleeding. “Come on, stay with me. Stay with me, okay? I can stifle the bleeding and we can get you some help.” The look in his eyes was telling her more than any words ever could, but she refused to accept his wordless goodbye. “No, we can get you help. You can’t- you can’t leave me too,” she pleaded.
“Oh don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll be joining him soon enough.”
That was all she heard before everything went black
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The click of the door opening behind her brought her back to the present. Without even turning she could tell it was Leo, with a cup of coffee. “You probably don’t need it, but I bet it can’t hurt,” her boss snarked. Turning to face the older woman she just smiled and took the cup. “I appreciate the gesture all the same,” she replied. She also appreciated the distraction. What would’ve followed on her trip down memory lane wasn’t something she cared to revisit. Especially when alone in a room with little distraction.
“Thank you,” Andy said. 
“It’s just coffee Cruz,” Leo snarked. “Yeah well, the thanks isn’t just for the coffee. I know I’d be considered a liability to another other organization, supernatural run or not, so I really do appreciate you giving me the opportunity to something to prove that wrong.”
“Don’t mention it.” Leo replied as she went to leave, but before she could fully exit the room, Andy called back out. “Oh! And Leo, you know damn well what the picture on Thyra’s desk was about because you sent a gift, since you couldn’t be there in person. So let the ‘fiancé’ thing go, yeah? Please?”
Leo just smirked as she left, and Andy knew she’d be feeling a migraine coming on if she could still get them.
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1Gramps 2Insolent child 3You know you didn’t have to do that, right 4Daddy 5Baby girl
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
2021 Writing Roundup
Whew.  2021 has been a productive year.  I have not finished any of my long term wips (for shame!) but I figured I’d collect what I have gotten done this year in one post for posterity’s sake. I’m also combining with @radio-chatter tag for writing reflections for 2021.
Total Number Of Completed Works: According to AO3 I have 20 completed works. Most of them from this year. 
Total Word Count: AO3 is showing my current published word count (as of Dec 22) at 1,017,472 words. Which is a lot.  I’m saying i feel this is a quantity not quality situation since I hate editing and have yet to meet a run on sentence I didn’t love. Note: this is my total word count not my total for the year.  I’ve given up on tracking per year so we’re just getting a running total. 
Fandoms I’ve Written In: 9-1-1, Mass Effect, Mass Effect Andromeda, Generation Kill, The Martian, Venom (movie), Hawaii 5-0, Mayans MC, The Wheel of Time.  Which wow. That’s a lot more than last year. 
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?  Weirdly the answer to this is less. I just… had some really productive times this year and some incredibly unproductive times.  I’ve been struggling at work since September or so which has really put a dent into my output.  It’s not that I don’t want to write it’s a time/energy problem.  It’s hard to write when I’m totally emotionally wrung out but it’s been a problem the last two months or so especially. 
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?  I have no clue.  Let’s go with… Seguir. 
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?  The Dream of the Symbiote’s Host.  I wrote tentacle porn.  I… have no excuse except that it’s @radio-chatter’s fault. She enabled me. 
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?  I really, really want to finish either An Andromeda Tale or Family, Familia, ‘Ohana.  I’d settle for either but I have this sneaking suspicion this is going to be my 2023 goal based on last year… but hey hope springs eternal and all that jazz. 
Most Popular Story Of The Year?  Family, Familia, ‘Ohana.  At 18k+ hits by a landslide.  Next up comes Exposure Therapy at just shy of 9k.  This is by far the most hits I’ve ever had.  It’s weird being in a larger and more popular fandom with a popular ship.  I’m used to my micro-communities and small fandoms. 
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: Hm.  The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss?  Mostly because the pairing is an absolute no-go canon-wise. I’d also probably weirdly put Seguir here.  I just love that I got that done and it doesn’t have nearly the hits as FFO or anything in the 911 fandom.  
Most Fun Story To Write:  I’ve written a few things I’d consider crack-y this year… but I’d have to go with Jimmy Vega: Extranet Fitness Famous because it’s just wack.  And I really want Amazon to hire JD Pardo to play Vega and do exercise videos. Please Amazon—I would watch the heck out of this. 
Most Unintentionally Telling Story:  hm. Family, Familia ‘Ohana is so chock full of angst… and I’m just stressed and angst ridden in my life at the moment it’s probably weirdly the most timely of my writing at this very moment. On the other hand I also have Brad Colbert as a mummy creature in Bradley the Damned and I wrote tentacle porn (Dream of the Symbiote’s Host) who I don’t know what that says about my state of mind this year. 
Biggest Disappointment: Didn’t finish my long term wips.  This just needs to happen.  I want to finish them. 
Biggest Surprise: A Soul’s Weight. Written on a whim.  Still has my best hit to comments ratio. Seems to really connect with people even though it’s kinda really just running with a fanon accepted call-sign for Reyes of Anubis. 
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year:   As always I’d have to say the friendships I’ve made through writing. @quietborderline and @radio-chatter are my biggest cheerleaders and I like to prompt them right back. They are what make fandom fun for me.  That being said I’m always up for new friends so drop me a line. 
Tagging: @quietborderline @interstellar-chaos anyone else who wants to play along—maybe some new friends? No pressure. 
Listing off everything for the year just to make it easier to find everything mentioned above:
Mass Effect Andromeda (My One True Fandom Love)
Completed Fics
My Answer Has Always Been Yes, MReyder, Explicit.  January 7, 2021. 1934 words. One-shot.  An intimate moment between Scott and Reyes with an important question asked.
Some Like It Hot, MReyder, General Audiences.  February 19, 2021.  448 words. One-shot. It is a fact, universally known, that biotics run hotter than normal humans. Reyes really should have thought about this before getting involved with Scott.
On the Edge of a Blade, MReyder, Explicit.  March 6, 2021. 3411 words. One-shot.  Sometimes its the small, private moments of life that are most important, that you treasure. Simple acts can affect you in not so simple ways. Or, Scott didn’t know he had a shaving kink until Reyes.
Seguir.  MReyder, Explicit.  May 26, 2021. 22363 words. Part one of I’ll Follow You Wherever You’ll Go. Andromeda was never Scott’s dream—he’d left his dreams along with his poor shattered heart back in the Milky Way.
A Soul’s Weight, MReyder, Unrated. June 2, 2021. 1376 words. The futures he had seen taunted him, drew him, seduced him. The possibilities that Scott Ryder presented were... intriguing.  The cry of the ibis called across the sands, chased by the howls of the golden wolves of Anubis that hunted this night. So little interested him any more…
Fashion and the Green-Eyed Monster, MReyder, Mature. June 7, 2021. 1592 words. Scott couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His eyes felt like they were bleeding so garish was the picture in front of him. Where had his boyfriend found such an ugly shirt? 
Just Friends?  MReyder. Teen.  October 23, 2021. 3934 words. Reyes and he were friends. Just friends. There was no reason for Gil to be jealous. None.Until Scott realized he’d maybe missed something. Something big.
Jimmy Vega: Extranet Fitness Famous James Vega/Steve Cortez, mentioned James Vega/Scott Ryder past. Mature. December 11, 2021. 1750 words. It’s not that James meant to become extranet famous.  He really didn’t. But in certain circles he kinda was. 
Works in Progress
An Andromeda Tale. MReyder. Last updated September 30, 2021. Currently at 673530 words. Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he actually wants for himself. Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny. What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
To Follow. MReyder. Last Updated October 7th, 2021. 20963 words so far, When Reyes first met Scott it was on the dance floor and he thought he was beautiful. He thought that for at least the night he could follow Scott home. Soon, he began making regular runs to Arcturus just to have a few hours of stolen time with his Vida. Finding out that his Vida had run away to another galaxy due to events out of his control really just meant one thing. Reyes was going to follow Scott to Andromeda and make sure his Vida understood that his family’s problems didn’t matter. Reyes didn’t plan on Andromeda. Didn’t choose it. But he’s damn well going to find Scott and make sure his lover knows he’s here for him. Sequel to Seguir/part Two of I’ll Follow You Wherever You’ll Go.
9-1-1 (because it’s taken over too much time this year)
Exposure Therapy. Buddie. Completed October 3, 2021. Buck wasn’t sleeping.Or if he was, it wasn’t a good, restful full-night’s sleep. The bags under his eyes were telling even as Buck attempted to belay Eddie’s concerns by acting like a hyperactive puppy getting into absolutely everything and bouncing around to try and deflect his worried looks. 
Kiss Cam Series. Buddie. 13006 words. July 8th, 2021. Sometimes all it takes is a Kiss Cam. 
Hydrotherapy for the Soul. Buddie. August 1, 2021. 1943 words. Buck had made the recommendation that he consider hydrotherapy for the lingering ache in his shoulder. Eddie would only agree if Buck got in the hot tub with him. Buck is tired of ignoring the elephant in the room and it’s time they had a conversation about what exactly it is they’re doing.
The Wolf Among Us. Buddie. 29333 words. Completed November 5th, 2021.  An accidental bite during a call changes everything.
Works in Progress
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana. Buddie. Last updated August 28, 2021. Currently at 63689 words. When one family seems lost another comes back from the past. But does Buck want to return to the past or live in the present? And does his present lead to a future he wants? Only he can answer these questions but Steve at least will be there to support him.
I Wasn’t Looking For You Until I Found You. Buddie. 7383 words so far. Last updated  November 27, 2021. Eddie has come to LA to start over. He’s just focused on providing for Christopher the best life possible. He wasn’t looking for a guide because he had things handled. Evan “Buck” Buckley has been online since before he can remember. A childhood where he could feel how inadequate he was to his parents left scars that make him constantly afraid of not being enough and this new coworker? He’s not going to be shoved to the side easily by Mr. Silver Star. What was Bobby thinking bringing in someone new? Their work family was perfect the way it was and they didn’t need another member. Bobby thinks he’s made a great decision. Buck’s a strong guide and Eddie’s an unbonded sentinel. What could go wrong?A sentinel/guide retelling of 2x01.
Venom (completed only)
The Dream of the Symbiote’s Host. Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote.  December 1st, 2021. 4511 words. Eddie’s been holding out on Venom. An accidental side trip into an interior decorations shop reveals something he hadn’t intended for Venom to ever learn about him and it’s all that art print’s fault!
Wheel of Time (in progress only)
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me.  Rand al’Thor/Mat Cauthon. Mentioned Rand al’Thor/Egwene al’Vere. December 19, 2021. 3419 words so far. Mat can feel that his time is limited but he’s got one thing he needs to do before he lets the darkness that is eating him bit by bit take him. Rand is desperate to help his best friend who is fading right before his eyes—he’s been cut off from everything else but he can’t lose Mat. The wheel may weave as it wills and sometimes two threads become tangled and inseparable. Or maybe they were always meant to twine together to make a new pattern.
 Generation Kill (in progress only)
Bradley the Damned. BradNate. RayWalt. Last updated November 14, 2021. 12756 words so far. Returning to England upon the death of the only father he’s ever known, Lord Nathaniel Fick has braced himself for a return to a society that he never really has felt a member of. He’d much rather be off on one of his Uncle’s archeological adventures than running the family business. Luckily, it seems that adventure has followed his Uncle to England.
The Martian (complete only)
Hot Stuff. Mark Watney/Chris Beck. September 19, 2021. It seems that some days Mars followed him home in the oddest of ways. Really he’d take less disco music please. No this isn’t funny Johanssen.
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