#B I T C H W H A T A R E T H E O D D S
deus-ex-mona · 5 months
me when it seems to be confirmed that hitsuyou fukaketsu is an aiyuu love song
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biitchcakes · 1 month
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i do love it early on when she heroes other heroes. . .
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The woman falls without a sound, 250 feet straight down toward the roiling black water of the Golden Gate. She never reaches it because Spider-Woman is there to catch her.
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❝ I don't know who this character is, or what he's done ⸺ but I'm taking him out of here ! He deserves better than to be fodder for your unholy experiments ! ❞
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Streaking Earthward like a scarlet missile, The Spider-Woman intercepts her falling adversary. . .
i love it especially when it's their first time meeting each other.
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ANONYMOUS SENT: I once had a dream that Xehanort claimed to have invented airplanes. Then Sora showed up and picked a fight with him. I was caught in the middle and for whatever reason, couldn't decide who to side with. So instead I stood there freaking out until the dream ended. That first part of the dream was absurd imo.
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Riku listened to the dream quietly for a moment , taking in all the details . When the person was finished did he decide how he wanted to answer .
" -- Xehanort claimed to have invented airplanes , that says a lot . "
He smirked a little as he continued ,
" Sora showing up . . . [ [ L i g h t ] ] showed up to help you vanquish the Darkness . Makes sense to me . "
He gave a little shrug as he looked at the other .
" . . . It's a stupid dream . You chose no path but your own . Looks like it didn't work out for you . "
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californiaboytoybilly · 7 months
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archive of our own
co-creator and mod of: hawkinspolls - hawkinsmicrofic hargrovedaily- hawkinsprompts - hohohoeweek - villainous valentines
my boyfriend who makes wonderful ST content too
I don't come to your blog to piss on the floor and ruin everything, so don't do it to me. If you don’t like the content or characters I post about, that's cool. The block button is there for a reason.
I'm by far and large a multi-shipper and love both poly and rare ships as well as the bigger ones. While you can expect a lot of Steve, Billy, Jason and Eddie content please be prepared that I will probably post most of the characters on here. Except Karen. Fuck Karen.
I very occasionally make gifs but mostly expect whatever media form l'm currently fixated on that week. Moodboards, edits, graphics + writing.
I don't bite unless asked nicely and I always love meeting new people, so feel free to send me an ask or a DM!
My requests for any of the above types of content are always open unless otherwise stated. I love getting asks <3
tracking: #tuseraster
DNI: zionists, transphobes, homophobes of any variety (you too, biphobes 🖕🏻), bashers & antis, ableists, and racists. Pound dirt up your ass ♥️
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my ass is dust.... thanks azdaja
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in a fight.
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koushirouizumi · 3 days
奇跡は起きる 信じれば 希望は 消せない 誰が奇跡を やり遂げる あなたが 信じれば 固く心に
祈りさえ 空しく消えて行く 希望も空へ 飛び去ってゆく
誰が奇跡を やり遂げる あなたが 信じれば いつも 固く心に (心に) 固く心に
"Purinsu Obu Ejiputo" (C) D R E A M W O R K S {Clip'd by Me} {DO NOT RE-PRODUCE}
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pinckett · 6 days
Testing something
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cherrybomb-xoy · 18 days
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Surprise!!! New AU Drop!
I said I’d do it when I hit 200 followers! I’m a little bit late, but I didn’t forget. I’d like to introduce you all to my new Radio Show AU!
The Fruity Four are cohosts of a radio show on 198.6 FM, of which Jonathan and Chrissy are producers. It’s hinted at the fact that some of the kids like Max, Dustin and Will are interns at the Tower.
As always, ask box is open for questions about the AU. Annnnnd here’s a little intro fic to tide you over. (Word Count: 1.6k) 🤍KB
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Eddie yawned as he reached over and turned off his alarm that had been beeping for the last two minutes. He glanced over at the clock ~ 3:47 am.
The 28 year old was not a morning person by any means, but he loved his job and this is what the job called for. He pulled some jeans on over his boxers and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and try to tame his hair. He’d find a shirt afterwards.
The smell of bitter coffee cut through the air of his apartment kitchen. ‘Thank god for coffee timers.’ He thought as he poured some into his Metallica travel mug. Despite everyone assuming he’d like his coffee black, Eddie was very much an “oat milk and two sugars” kind of guy.
His watch told him it was almost 4:15 am. He had to hit the road if he was going to be on time. He threw on his leather jacket and grabbed the denim vest off the back of his sofa. Keys and coffee in hand, he headed for the van.
The drive to the Hawkins Radio Tower was about 30 minutes. A little longer than he would have liked, but at least it was decently scenic. With some music in the background, he usually took the time to collect his thoughts as he sipped his coffee on the way over.
He pulled into his usual parking spot right out front. He recognized the Toyota Corolla parked next to him as Steve’s. The brunette was a year younger than Eddie, and one of three of Eddie’s cohosts on the 189.6 morning show.
Eddie got out of his van, standing on the curb in front of Steve’s car. Steve’s door opened and Eddie grinned. “Morning, Princess!”
“H’iiGTSHew!” Steve sneezed to the side, a light mist visible under the streetlights.
Eddie jumped back over dramatically, “Yuck!” He teased.
“Sorry,” Steve sniffled against his wrist, “Morning.”
“Nancy and Robin already here?” Eddie asked.
Steve looked over his shoulder, spotting the cranberry mom-van in the parking lot, “Looks like it!”
As they entered the studio, they were hit with the smell of donuts. they followed the scent until they almost ran into the blonde coming out of the kitchen.
“Oh geez! You guys scared me!” She laughed.
“Chrissy, you did not get us donuts.” Eddie’s eyes widened.
She blushed, “I did. Happy Monday! Saved you a Maple Bar, Steve!”
“You didn’t happen to get -”
“Old fashioned with sprinkles, yes. You think I don’t know you after fifteen years Eddie?” She playfully punched his arm, “I’m going to help Jonathan set up for the show. Be in the studio in five?”
“We’ll be there in three!” Eddie called after her, “Thanks Chrissy!!”
The two boys collected their donuts of choice and ate them as they walked to the recording studio. Nancy and Robin were already sitting at their chairs around the round table and talking amongst themselves.
The setup was fairly simple. A round table in a brightly colored room. Four microphones came down from the ceiling and had headphones next to them for each of the cohosts. There was a window on one side that led to the production booth where Jonathan and Chrissy basically lived.
“Morning ladies.” Eddie greeted.
“Hey guys! You alright Steve? You look a little worn.” Nancy asked.
“M’fine.” Steve offered a gentle smile and took his seat at the table, Eddie following suit.
A knock on the glass made them all look up. Chrissy signed a 3-0 at them, letting them know they had thirty seconds before they were live on air. Eddie shot her a thumbs up and the four put on their headsets, getting ready.
Eddie cleared his throat as he Looked up at the light above the door where they came in. After a few seconds it lit up. “ON AIR”.
The long haired man leaned into the microphone, bursting with energy he didn’t know he had, “Good morning Indiana! You’re listening to 198.6! Today is Monday and you know what that means-”
“iiGSHew! H’eTSHuhew!” the brunette tried to turn away from the mic, but he was certain he could be heard on the broadcast.
“-Bless you Steve. Today’s Monday which means we’re going to be reading some Missed Connections from Craigslist!”
Robin chuckled and leaned into her mic, looking speaking to Eddie, “I’ve got a good one today, I don’t know about you guys.”
“She’s right. I read it earlier. It’s good.” Nancy added.
“Alright then girl boss, why don’t you start us off.” Eddie offered, gesturing that the floor was hers.
“Okay then,” Robin tapped her card on the table for effect, “To the blonde babe in aisle seven of Whole Foods…”
“Jesus Christ…” Steve muttered under his breath.
“You looked gorgeous from your head to your toes. I especially like the way your arms flexed as you picked up your hand basket of hot dogs and Graham crackers. Judging by the Hershey's bar you also picked out, I assume you are going camping. If you’re looking for a lifelong camping partner, here I am. You looked so graceful picking out a chocolate. So why don’t you take a chance on this here SweeTart?”
Eddie made a fake gagging sound, “THAT WAS SO BAD!”
“Am I wrong or did he compliment the way she bicep curled her hand basket?” Nancy laughed.
“No he totally did. And is NO ONE going to mention that terrible pun at the end???” Steve threw his hands up in the air.
“Alright killer, your turn.” Robin smirked at Eddie.
The older man picked up his own paper and put on his most dramatic voice - the one he usually saved for the nights he hosted DnD for the interns.
“We met at Jason’s Halloween party. I was the one dressed as a sexy vampire. You were a witch. Though I could not see your face, I could tell you were beautiful. I asked Jason who you were but he was too drunk to remember. If you’re out there please call me.”
“Wow. That guy is really hoping to find luck when they dressed as the two most cliche Halloween costumes … of all time???”
“Nance is right. ‘Sexy vampire’?? Eddie weren’t you a vampire this year too?” Robin asked.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Eddie said sarcastically.
“Wanna go next, Steve?” Nancy offered.
The 27 year old looked up, “Oh uh sure!” The tickle in his nose has blossomed once more and he was desperately trying to will it away.
“Snf it’s not too long. Wednesday morning I was working my shift at the movie theaters. You SNF you had tickets for the matinee re-screening of Lord of thehh Rings hiCHMPshh!”
Steve turned and sneezed into his elbow, sniffling as he moved back towards the microphone.
“Bless you.” Came the replies from his cohosts.
“snfsnff I like a girl who knows her lehhh lore. If you were the girl in seat twehhhnty six D, you can reach me here-”
The tail end of his sentence was rushed as he once again swiveled away from the microphone, pulling the collar of his shirt up over his face.
“ItsCHEW! HaESSH! H’EKSHuhew!”
“Bless you! Jesus…” Eddie placed a gentle hand on Steve’s back while he sniffled helplessly against his wrist.
“Snlrff sorry I have to blow m’by n’dose.”
Steve got up and walked out of the recording room, not something any of them usually do. There was a brief downbeat of silence until Eddie realized the girls were looking at him to say something witty.
“You know what I love about a story?” Eddie asked. “Specificity. Seat 26D huh?”
The girls chuckled and they continued with the on-air banter.
Steve had gone to the bathroom to clean himself up and wash his hands before returning to the production room. When he got there, his fellow cohosts were getting up from the table and walking towards the door. Steve could see them through the window Chrissy and Jonathan looked through.
“Twenty minute song break.” Robin explained as she jogged past Steve, “I have to pee so bad!”
Nancy followed, but held up her water bottle. “I’m gonna refill. Be back in a sec.”
By the time Eddie walked in, Chrissy and Jonathan were busy talking amongst themselves about different tools they could use for some future segment editing.
“Hey dude, what happened? Are you okay?”
“Ugh god that was so embarrassing…” Steve rubbed at his eyes. Eddie frowned at the way his consonants were rounded with congestion.
“Are you not feeling well Stevie?”
“I felt it coming on this weekend, but it really hit me today.”
“Well listen, you’ve got three cohosts for a reason. If you wanna go home we’d understand. Or…”
Eddie paused, thinking he might be overstepping.
“Or?” Steve questioned.
Shit, so he did hear him. Eddie rubbed at the back of his neck trying to play cool.
“Or… if you wanted to wait for me and just rest on Jonathan’s couch in here… I could uh pick up some soup or medicine or whatever and bring it to you?”
He bit his lip, preparing for the rejection he was certain he’d face.
“I’d like that a lot actually.”
The answer shocked Eddie to the core, “Really?”
“Yeah! Jonathan can I lie down in here while they finish the show?”
The man looked up from his smorgasbord of editing tools. “Yeah man go ahead.”
“Cool,” Eddie joked, glancing at his watch, “Just hang tight for about three more hours.”
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dualisume · 6 months
-- @icerberus \\ un plotted starter. ( starter call )
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In reality, the fortress && the upper world , are somewhat similar to a two different kind of nations, furina , the current hydro archon may be the ruler of whole fontaine, but when it comes to the underworld, her voice is not as iron clad as someone expected , whatever may happen below the seawater the hydro archon's rule is exempted && any secrets made there won't be known --- after all nothing slip past outside the iron walls that secludes any kind of rumors && secret, the duke had really made a nation for himself but that doesn't mean she doesn't have an intel or two.
After all , the melusines aren't the brightest kind of creature when it comes to human secrecy & privacy - whatever they hear or know they are glad to share the bits of information -- especially to the hydro archon of the said nation. A little persuasion && then - TA DA!! furina had all the information she needed. So it was no wonder why she found herself inside the iron walls of the said prison.
❝ Now , Now !! I know my appearance here is nothing but a surprise, but i couldn't help but be amused , with how you, my dearest people of fontaine -- reacts to see me here --- to be expected , of course -- it was me, they hydro archon ; after alll~ she had set her foot in this place. hmhh ~ haha.❞ She giggled quite proudly -- as she basked under the gaze of her people. Some was surprised, meanwhile others was unbothered && most are glaring daggers , understandable since some of the prisoners here was sent here with her watching their trial as entertainment.
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--- ❝ But my people the meet && greet , have to wait -- i have a very special appointment, && perfect timing , Duke of the Fortress of Meropide , just the right man i've been looking for. ❞ Furina then turned to face the taller man , she skipped between her steps before stopping right in front of him. ❝ Why don't we share a cup of tea or two ? hmm?❞
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biitchcakes · 2 months
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@overclocks @webheadedhero @webxfshame
( personals DNI. )
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@kukyc sent : Darkling could barely contain the smile that wanted to break across features. “Does this mean I belong to you now?” He mused touching the tender now marked flesh of his neck, that golden gaze never leaving the other.
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Oh he [ [ d e f i n i t e l y ] ] liked that , though he wouldn't say it out loud . His eyes flickered with a look of [ [ e n j o y m e n t ] ] , almost something WICKED as he looked at the bite mark that now lay forever against Vanitas' skin . His tongue trailed along the base of his top teeth before he closed his eyes and smirked .
" -- You tell me . "
Though , Riku was pretty sure their agreement was he wears the collars if Vanitas gets the tattoo of his bite on his neck . Either way , Riku was [ [ n o t ] ] complaining . He took a step in , closing their distance . He cocked his head to the right as he rested his left hand on his hip .
" -- It looks good on you . "
His eyes flicked from the fresh mark , to Vanitas' lips , then to his eyes .
" Should we get you more ? "
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deus-ex-mona · 10 months
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fluffykittyscientist · 2 months
I wanted to say something like "the pain remembering 46 alphabet letters" but then I remembered the non-Latin scripts
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twxins · 4 months
// @twingerine No but this really is just Tangerine as a child and no one can change my mind
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
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Katekyō Hitman Reborn! + Ep. #180 ~ Yamamoto & Tsuna {YamaTsuna} / 8027 + Moments & Interactions + Important Dialogues {Anime Ver.} + Character Development Parallels - Tsuna's Character Development{s}
"I put unnecessary 'Pressure' on you without realizing it..." - Tsuna, Initially
{"...I want you to stop."} - Tsuna, Later
Happy belated Birthday, Yamamoto! {Apr. 24th}
{Gifs by Me} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Re-produce Without My Permission} (Please ASK to Use)
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#koushirouizumi khr#koushirouizumi khr cap#koushirouizumi tsuna#koushirouizumi 80x27#8027#yamatsuna#c: tsunayoshi#c: takeshi#c: hayato#khr: primo guardians arc#khr spoilers#(Just 80x27 Things)#({oK BUT} Lead in to Later Moments in Full)#(HI THESE CONCEPTS WERE G O O D)#(HI I NEED MORE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT + SELF A W A R E N E S S LIKE THIS IN S H O N E N SERIES *IN GENERAL*)#(Tsuna makes up for it later by c LARIFYING Too)#(Im honestly almost m AD this concept between them ISNT 'main' c ANON BC IT S H O U L D B E hHHHH)#(MORE ON THAT LATER T h o)#(Hi was it REALLY n ECESSARY to make {Takeshi} sound B r o k e n Voice'd while Watery e YES MULTIPLE TIMES BETWEEN BOTH This Sequence)#({Hayato} ofc gets pissed and is like 'k NOCK IT OFF I KNOW YOURE BETTER THAN THIS WHATS *WITH* YOU')#(&NEGL when I first watched like *2k10!!!* I had wondered if theyd Go There with Ch05 referring to BUT Yeah I Was Let Down in that regard)#(They Sure Did Get The Feeling of Ch05 {Takeshi} Down Here Though It Felt Like)#(Also {Takeshi} With The D r a m a t i c w INDOW SeatTM View)#(Tsuna WAS VERY GOOD STILL THOUGH in these eps and to this day I Long For More Like This From S h o n e n)#(Because this was TSUNA Trying to Give {TAKESHI} AN ***O U T***)#(TSUNA WANTED TO GENUINELY LET {TAKESHI} KNOW THAT TAKESHI COULD S T O P W V O N G O L A IF *TAKESHI WANTED*)#(*AND TAKESHI DECIDES TO CONTINUE f OLLOWING + P R O T E C T TSUNA a NYWAY* ALL BECAUSE OF SUCH MOMENTS BETWEEN THEM)#(LIKE YES ITS S H O N E N THATS THE GIST BUT ITS A GREAT DYNAMIC ID LIKE MORE OF IN SOME FORM SOMEDAY THANKYOU)#(HI THIS SET NOW RBABLE BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I Have Blogrules That Should Be Followed I AM NEW TO K.H.R TAGS p OSTING PLS R E G A R D)#(I AM NOT New to K.H.R as a whole and actively followed m a n g a while it released in J.P.N until End but PLS BE KIND ON THIS THANKYOU)
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