#Ben Corbett
albumswhatilistenedto · 3 months
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anxovert · 7 months
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hypersfixation · 11 months
Hey, don't cry. Hot 50+ year old men wearing tight shirts, okay?
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blackification · 2 years
when i was younger i used to think john corbett and ben affleck were the same bich
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kp777 · 2 months
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
March 20, 2024
"Trump has tried to walk back his support for Social Security and Medicare cuts," said the head of Social Security Works. "This budget is one of many reasons why no one should believe him."
Defenders of Social Security and Medicare on Wednesday swiftly criticized the biggest caucus of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives for putting out a budget proposal for fiscal year 2025 that takes aim at the crucial programs.
The 180-page "Fiscal Sanity to Save America" plan from the Republican Study Committee (RSC) follows the release of proposals from Democratic President Joe Biden and U.S. House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington (R-Texas)—who is leading the fight to create a fiscal commission for the programs that critics call a "death panel" designed to force through cuts.
The RSC document features full sections on "Saving Medicare" and "Preventing Biden's Cuts to Social Security," which both push back on the president's recent comments calling out Republican attacks on the programs that serve seniors.
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The caucus plan promotes premium support for Medicare Advantage plans administered by private health insurance providers as well as changes to payments made to teaching hospitals. For Social Security, the proposal calls for tying retirement age to rising life expectancy and cutting benefits for younger workers over certain income levels, including phasing out auxiliary benefits.
The document also claims that the caucus budget "would promote trust fund solvency by increasing payroll tax revenues through pro-growth tax reform, pro-growth energy policy that lifts wages, work requirements that move Americans from welfare to work, and regulatory reforms that increase economic growth."
In a lengthy Wednesday statement blasting the RSC budget, Social Security Works president Nancy Altman pointed out that last week, former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee to face Biden in the November election, "toldCNBC that 'there's a lot you can do' to cut Social Security."
"Everyone who cares about the future of these vital earned benefits should vote accordingly in November."
"Now, congressional Republicans are confirming the party's support for cuts—to the tune of $1.5 trillion. They are also laying out some of those cuts," Altman said. "This budget would raise the retirement age, in line with prominent Republican influencer Ben Shapiro's recent comments that 'retirement itself is a stupid idea.' It would make annual cost-of-living increases stingier, so that benefits erode over time. It would slash middle-class benefits."
"Perhaps most insultingly, given the Republicans' claim to be the party of 'family values,' this budget would eliminate Social Security spousal benefits, as well as children's benefits, for middle-class families. That would punish women who take time out of the workforce to care for children and other loved ones," she continued. "This coming from a party that wants to take away women's reproductive rights!"
The caucus, chaired by Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), included 285 bills and initiatives from 192 members in its budget plan—among them are various proposals threatening abortion care, birth control, and in vitro fertilization (IVF) nationwide.
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"The RSC budget would also take away Medicare's new power to negotiate lower prices on prescription drugs, putting more money into the pockets of the GOP's Big Pharma donors," Altman warned. "And it accelerates the privatization of Medicare, handing it over to private insurance companies who have a long history of ripping off the government and delaying and denying care to those who need it."
"In recent days, Trump has tried to walk back his support for Social Security and Medicare cuts," she noted. "This budget is one of many reasons why no one should believe him. The Republican Party is the party of cutting Social Security and Medicare, while giving tax handouts to billionaires."
"The Democratic Party is the party of expanding Social Security and Medicare, paid for by requiring the ultrawealthy to contribute their fair share," Altman added. "Everyone who cares about the future of these vital earned benefits should vote accordingly in November."
Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler also targeted the Republican presidential candidate while slamming the RSC plan, saying that "Donald Trump's MAGA allies in Congress made it clear today: A vote for Trump is a vote to make the MAGA 2025 agenda of cutting Social Security, ripping away access to IVF, and banning abortion nationwide a hellish reality."
"While Trump and his allies push forward their extreme agenda, the American people are watching," Tyler added, suggesting that the RSC proposal will help motivate voters to give Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris four more years in the White House.
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creativepup · 2 years
Was doing some research and discovered there have actually been several ballet adaptions of Dracula:
Michael Pink's Dracula - this version was developed in 1997 for the book's centennial, and also happens to be the version I'm familiar with (it's great 🦇). Follows a streamlined version of the book plot, Quincey is there, Seward gets combined with Van Helsing. There's a cool bit of choreography in the middle where Dracula goes upside-down climbing some scaffolding.
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Krzysztof Pastor's Dracula - based off of Coppola's film Bram Stoker's Dracula (which greatly deviates from the book plot). Mina is a reincarnation (?) of Dracula's long-lost wife from before he became a vampire. Has won multiple performing arts awards.
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Ben Stevenson’s Dracula - Set entirely in Transylvania in the 1800s (although Renfield is still there). Vampire brides fly around the stage, and Dracula gets sone epic bat wings.
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Gary Taylor's Dracula - like Pastor's version, this is a Dracula/Mina love story from Dracula's POV.
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David Nixon's Dracula (Northern Ballet) - Sexy Dracula TM. Opens with Dracula emerging nude from his coffin. Also features the blood transfusion and a Seward & Renfield number.
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Lynne Taylor-Corbett’s Dracula - Inspired by the 1931 Bela Lugosi film, though costumes definitely taking their own route. Designed to accompany a ballet adaptation of The Masque of the Red Death by Edgar Allen Poe.
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William Starrett's Dracula: Ballet with a Bite - Execution style varies from year to year (at least one year took a modern dance approach), though the storyline remains consistent. Includes Lucy getting staked.
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Gonzalo Galguera's Dracula - another Sexy Dracula adaptation, although less Halloween-store-variety and more leather.
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Honorary mention: Dracula, Pages from a Virgin's Diary - a Dracula ballet in movie form, shot silent-film style. Switches the order of Lucy and Johnathan's encounters.
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If anyone knows of any additional versions out there, let me know and I'll add them to the list!
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lboogie1906 · 4 months
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Vivian Mildred Bailey (Corbett; February 3, 1918 – May 1, 2022) was a WWII veteran, civil servant, and volunteer. She was a fundraiser for education, health, and military service personnel. She was one of the first African American officers in the Women’s Army Corps and served as a commander of the Women’s Colored Detachment. She was a division director in the Social Security Administration.
She was born in DC. Her mother moved the children back to her hometown of Tulsa after her father was deployed for WWI.
She was one of the first African American women pilots and one of only two African American women to earn superior rank at her officer’s course. She received her commission as a first lieutenant in Fort Des Moines Provisional Army Officer Training School and served in the Women’s Army Corps (1943-46). She became second in command of the Women’s Colored Detachment at Fort McClellan. She served as a commander of the all-female detachment before being selected to attend the Adjutant General School Officers’ Administration Course. As one of only two African American women in the class, she graduated with outstanding marks and went on to serve for the first time with an unsegregated unit. She shared she did not experience gender discrimination but that the troops were racially segregated. The first time she went off post alone at Fort McClellan, a white woman spat at her and said, “Look at that black bitch.” she pretended to not notice, citing fears of lynching. She shared that her commanding general, treated her with kindness while she was at a training camp in San Antonio. At Fort Benning, she was a first lieutenant in charge of 144 women.
She moved to Chicago and worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Social Security Administration. She transferred to the Social Security office in Baltimore as a division director and retired in 1975.
She enjoyed traveling and has been to fifty countries. For her 100th birthday wish, she expressed a desire for true equality for future generations. In 2020, she went skydiving.
She married William Bailey (1943) the couple had no children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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medalytica · 1 year
In honor of today being Juneteenth, I would like to commemorate the contributions that the black community has done for modern medicine :)
-James McCune Smith, MD: He was the man to start it all. He was the first black American to ever receive a medical degree in 1837. As well as being an abolitionist and a writer, Smith heavily involved himself in anti-slavery movements and edited and wrote articles revolving around the topic. His contributions to ending slavery as well as inspiring others to follow in his footsteps should not be forgotten.
-Daniel Hale Williams, MD: He was the first person to open a non-segregated black-owned hospital in 1891, and he was among one of the first ever to successfully operate open heart surgery in 1893. Two years later, he also founded the National Medical Association, one of the oldest African-American representative organizations.
-Jane Cooke Wright, MD: She was the first African-American woman to ever be titled dean associate, the highest title ever for her demographics at the time. She worked with her father as a researcher for cancer treatment. Together, they researched the effects of drugs on patients with conditions such as leukemia in order to contribute to the development of chemotherapy. After her father, unfortunately, passed away from tuberculosis in 1952, Wright was appointed the head of the Cancer Research Association. Through her extensive research using human somatic cells instead of mice, Wright evolved the use of chemotherapy as a viable way of modern treatment for cancer.
-Ben Carson, MD: He was the first person ever to successfully surgically separate the heads of conjoined twins in 1987. Additionally, he refined techniques for hemispherectomy, which helped to prevent seizures for those with severe epilepsy. As well as serving as a politician, plastic surgeon, and pediatrician, it is no secret that this man is talented and has contributed so much to the world.
-Kizzmekia S. Corbett, Ph.D.: She was one of the leading scientists to help discover the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, one of the quickest vaccine discoveries in modern-day history. With years of experience researching diseases under her belt, she is working to also find a vaccine cure for influenza.
These are only 5 of the very, very many black citizens that have contributed to making our world a better place. Thank you for all of your hard work in order to keep everyone moving forward. Happy Juneteenth. <3
here are, of course, the sources:
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loudestcloud · 2 years
CW made a pride post and I recognize literally 0 of them so I'm going to list all the CW LGBTQIA+ characters from the shows I watch.
The Arrowverse: Sara Lance, Ava Sharp, Gary green, John Constantine, Charlie the shape shifter, Gwyn Davies, Leo Snart, Spooner Cruz, Hartley Rathaway, David Singh, Alex Danvers, Maggie Sawyer, Kate Kane, Sophie Moore, Julia Pennyworth, Anissa Pierce, Grace Choi, Pamela Isley, Renee Montoya, Angelique Martin, Ryan Wilder, Evan Blake 🏳️‍⚧️, Nia Nal 🏳️‍⚧️& Parker Torres.
Legacies: Ben, Jed Tien, Jade, Maya Machado, Finch Tarrayo, Josie Saltzman, Penelope Park, Hope Mikaelson, Lizzie Saltzman & Rebekah Mikaelson.
Supernatural: ( There's a lot more than you'd think so we're going in alphabetical order for this one) Lily Baker, Max Banes, Bori (Alpha Vampire), Charlie Bradbury, Castiel, Dwight Charles, Alan J. Corbett, Crowley, Cesar Cuevas, Jesse Cuevas, David Roseman, Demian (Cosplayer) Gilda (fairy), God, Naoki Himura, Maya Himura, Kristen (from Fan Fiction), Max (from Lebanon), Jenna Nickerson, Noah Ophis, Claire Novak, Rod, Siobhan (from Fan Fiction), Stacy (from Lebanon), Stevie (from Apocalypse World) & Thomas Roseman.
You're telling me out of this HUGE list, that has main characters in it non the less, the CW said "Na, lets put different characters up, without names of shows listed." Wtf
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Episode 57 Transcript: Deanpilled Samcel
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello, my name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen this show several times…
C: And I, someone who only knows about the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! For today's episode, we will be discussing Season 3, Episode 13: “Ghostfacers,” written by Ben Edlund, directed by Phil Sgriccia.
C: It sure is.
G: This was aired on April 24, 2008, and if I'm not mistaken, our last episode was aired...
C: February 21.
G: February. Yeah. So like, there's quite a gap. And is that, you know, because of the writer’s strike?
C: Yeah, that is because of the writer's strike.
G: Yeah. So they actually reference the writer’s strike in this episode.
C: They do!
G: In a "those pesky writers!" kind of way.
C: Yeah.
G: And, okay. Before we start, I want to ask what you thought of this episode. Like, did you think it was funny?
C: Did I think it was funny.
G: I thought it was pretty funny! [laughs]
C: It was pretty funny. There were parts that were funny. I don't think they were like, laugh out loud funny, but like, I was amused at certain points.
G: I personally think it's quite funny- like I did laugh at certain points, and the nature of the show, of like the Ghostfacers show being like, as Sam put it and the end, like, "Wow! You really gave honor to his death by being so fucking exploitative of it." [C laughs] Like, that's the whole point of the Ghostfacers, and I thought that was so fun. Like, the way they portrayed it in the episode was both like, "Oh my god! These guys are so terrible!" but also it's like, so hilarious. And I love that.
C: Yeah. I agree. And I feel like this did a lot better of a job at being funny than- what was the name of the episode that they were in previously?
G: I think "Tall Tales"? No, that's not true.
C: No, it wasn't "Tall Tales."
G: It's like "House-" House M.D. [laughs] No.
C: "Hell House"?
G: "Hell House," yeah.
C: I feel like it felt a lot more mean-spirited in "Hell House," the way that they treated Ed and Harry and, I don't know, the way that they were like, nerds was not very entertaining or funny to me. But this was actually funny.
G: Yeah, because back then, it was like, "Oh, they're so like- They're cowards, and they're unmasculine, and they're nerds, and that's why this is funny."
C: Yeah. And they don't even sex with girls.
G: Yeah, they have sex with each other! [both laugh] But like, in this episode, it's like, "No, no, no. These guys are like, actual shitheads," and so you're laughing more at their misery.
C: Yeah.
G: So what did you know about this episode before going in?
C: Okay, so the first thing I knew was that Maggie Zeddmore, Ed's adopted sister, is Asian.
G: [laughs] Yes! Yes.
C: Yeah. I knew that there'd be a shot with the Ghostfacers posed in front of their van because I've seen edits of it as the "Down with Cis" bus. [both laugh] Yeah. So I guess I knew that they had a team. I knew that the format of the episode was that it would be a Ghostfacers episode, so there'd be shakycam, and Sam and Dean would take more of a back seat. And I knew that Sam and Dean would actually swear in this episode, and that it is the origin of the the "Ghostfacers effect" term that people like to use a lot in Supernatural analysis on the Tumbles.
G: Yeah. Wow! You say "the Tumbles" now, just like I do. [C laughs]
C: Yeah, you infected me with that, I suppose. Yeah, I knew about Corbett being "that poor gay intern." [G laughs] And that he would be played by Dustin Milligan, who is in two much better shows as Ted from Schitt’s Creek and Friedman in Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency. I knew about-
G: He's handsome!
C: Yeah, he's cute. I knew about "gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day," of course. And I thought for some reason that the big Edharry break up would be in this episode, but it's probably in "The Real Ghostfacers" or something instead, because I forgot that they show up again after this. So yeah.
G: They do. They do show up again.
C: So that is what-
G: Do you know the “Hard Feelings” Edharry AMV?
C: Yes, of course I know about the “Hard Feelings” Ed and Harry AMV! [G laughs] And the linked fanfiction.
G: Oh, I love the Supernatural fandom so much. [C laughs] I think we are so funny.
C: Yeah. I agree.
G: So yeah. Let's start.
G: Honestly, I feel like discussing this episode is a bit difficult because a lot of the gags, I suppose, are quite visual, would you say?
C: I agree.
G: But we will try.
C: We'll try.
G: So we actually have a typical "Before" sequence and title card, and it's just, you know, like, they kill people- [laughs] "they kill people."
C: They do!
G: They do also kill people. [laughing] But they kill, like, monsters. And then Harry and Ed show up, and they do a bit about that. And then the scene like, shatters or whatever, like TV interference, and it becomes Harry and Ed in suits?
C: Yeah, suits.
G: Incredibly ill-fitting suits, and they're like, drinking, and they're talking [serious voice] like this. They're like, "Hello. It is I." And they introduce themselves, and they're like, "We are going to introduce you, TV executive bigwig, to the concept of our show. Because while you're watching this, you're gonna watch the scariest one hour of your life." [C laughs] And in that intro, they say, like, "I know that you're having a rough day because of the writer's strike," and then they're like, "Ugh, writers. They're lazy, fat cats." And then they go, "Who needs writers when there's guys like us for reality TV?" They introduce the Ghostfacers, and they get the iconic, [sings] "Ghostfacers!" theme song.
C: [singing] "We face the ghosts when the others will not! We're Ghost- [both] Ghostfacers!"
G: So much fun.
C: Yeah. Great theme song.
G: I actually- I know this is a reference to Ghostbusters.
C: Yeah, which I haven't watched.
G: I haven't watched also. Have you watched the-
C: Not even the one with women.
G: Yeah, not even the one with women. You know what I have watched?
C: What?
G: I have watched the Supernatural parody. [C laughs] [laughing] Do you know that one?
C: Which one?
G: I don't know what they're called, but like, they also did like a "Shake It Off" Supernatural parody.
C: Is this the one that yielded like, the screenshot of like, Misha in front of spreadsheets?
G: Yes.
C: Yeah.
G: And Jack. I mean, who's the actor for Jack?
C: Uh, Al... Cal... It starts with a C.
G: He's just Jack to me. Al Capone. No. [C laughs] Al...
C: [typing] "Jack Kline..."
G: Is it Al? I don't think it's Al.
C: I feel like it is Al.
G: Can we just-
C: Alexander Cal-vare. Calvert.
G: Calvert.
C: Calvert? Calvert.
G: I think it's Calvert.
C: Okay. But a lot of people call him Alcal.
G: Alcal! People call him Alcal. Yeah. And like, I think Alcal looks cute there. He's sitting, and he's like, the secretary. He's applying to be the secretary. Do you even know what I'm talking about?
C: I think I do. Or at least there's a scene where Misha asks him if he got the spreadsheets ready or something?
G: Yeah, something like that. Anyway, that show- that's the only Ghostbusters I've seen. [laughs] When I first entered the fandom, that was when the "Shake It Off" was new, so I remember seeing it a lot.
C: Yeah, that makes sense.
G: Have you watched it?
C: No, I just know the screenshot about the spreadsheets because of that comment that Collins made at a con once about how heaven would just be like, Cas and Jack trying to like, balance Excel sheets, so then people brought that back. But I never bothered watching the actual video.
G: Yeah. Well, I think it's called "Hillywood Show." Whatever. Anyway.
C: Anyway. Alright. Also, I want to mention that as the theme music plays, we have like, shots of each member of the team and then their name-
G: Yeah, and they're being introduced.
C: Yeah, but then at the end, like during the theme song, you get Sam and Dean, which is sort of like a fun little reveal. And Sam's picture is just like, him in the shadows, looking vaguely annoyed, and then Dean’s is him like, flipping them off-
G: Flipping the screen, yeah.
C: Yeah. Anyway.
C: So we start with Ed and Harry getting out of a car. And we have these documentary-style voice overs where they're talking about how they work together at a Kinko’s, which is a great name for a copy shop. I hope that they haven't changed their name. And afterwards, they get off by 6 PM, and they go join their team, and they discuss things.
G: I love the lone wolves lines so much. They're like, "We're two lone wolves, and we need other wolves." [laughs] They're so stupid!
C: Yes. Oh, also, when they get out of the car, it's clear they're trying to walk in slow motion, but it's clear that no actual slow motion effect is happening, they're just trying to walk slow, and then the cars behind them are going at normal speeds so you can so tell that they're just trying to watch slow.
G: It's funny.
C: So we get to "Phase I: The Homework," which is like, the screen that shows up.
G: The lore, yeah. They're gonna do the lore.
C: Yeah, they show up at the office, and we are introduced to Spruce, who is unbearable. And Corbett.
G: He's just- I mean, Spruce is like, whatever. Like, why is he even here?
C: I- They just needed a guy to like, to do the filming, I think, once the plot happens. But I don't know why they bothered giving him the world's worst personality to boot.
G: What makes him bad? What are you talking about? I don't remember him.
C: Oh, he calls Ed or Harry "mein fuhrer," which is like, what they called Hitler?
G: Oh. Okay! [laughs] Okay!
C: Yeah. So, you know, he's that kind of a guy.
So, right, so we're introduced to Spruce, Corbett, and Maggie.
G: Whoo!
C: Yeah. God, they did Maggie so dirty this episode.
G: I mean, Corbett dies, so like-
C: Corbett dies, but like, is that worse than kissing Harry? [G laughs] I don't think so.
G: There are layers to it, yeah. [C laughs]
C: Yeah. So right. Their office, like, there's a big ole Ghostfacers sticker on the door, and it looks like some kind of an underground lair situation. It's a fun aesthetic. So Corbett, we learn in his little segment that he got into this team because he was at some outlet mall, and he saw Ed putting up flyers to recruit Ghostfacers, and he decided to join for heterosexual reasons.
G: [laughs] Yeah!
C: Yeah.
G: What's so funny is I thought, like, the reveal at the end- Okay, here's what I thought. I thought that Corbett is not like, obviously like, gay, because I remember the end scene only where Harry's saying to Ed, like, "You know that he wanted you." Stuff like that. And I thought it was like, not obvious-
C: That was the reveal.
G: Yeah, I thought that was the reveal, and it was not obvious to Ed before because it wasn't obvious to us, or, you know, stuff like that.
C: Yeah.
G: So like [laughs], the fact that from the get-go, he's like, "Oh my god, hi Ed!" [laughing] I thought was so funny.
C: It's really good.
G: It's funny! Yeah. I know he dies, but I consider Corbett good gay representation. Thumbs up, my dude.
C: Is this not an episode where Supernatural got nominated for a GLAAD award about it? [G laughing]
G: Yeah!
C: Let me fucking check. Right? They did, right?
G: [laughing] They did, they did, they did, they did.
C: Okay. Let me- I want to know- I want to know which episodes got nominated for a GLAAD award. Yes, okay. "Ghostfacers." And then they got nominated for "The Real Ghostbusters" because of [laughing] the fucking Wincest LARPers.
G: [laughing] Oh no! Oh no!
C: And then they nominated for Charlie in "LARP and the Real Girl," which is normal. And you know who fucking won that round? You know who won over that round?
G: Who?
C: An episode of Elementary, baby!!
Oh, I just said that I think the one that it lost to is probably "Snow Angels" 'cause it features Mrs. Hudson, who's trans. I don't think they did a very good job with her, but like, I also don't know how good of a job they do with Charlie in “LARP and the Real Girl,” so yeah, I don't know if it was a deserved loss or not.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah.
G: And that's how we met Corbett.
C: Yes, that is how we met Corbett. And then we have a little Maggie section where she doesn't get to talk about herself at all. Like, it starts with her and Harry- like, apparently, this was supposed to be foreshadowing, but I did not see it. Harry sort of teasingly like, punches her, and then she like, actually punches him back.
G: Yeah.
C: Was this supposed to be lead-up to them being romantically interested in each other? 'Cause this seemed like, incredibly sibling-like, you know?
G: [laughs] I think- I think it is a little- You know how like, when you're young, and then your boy classmates pull on your pigtails and your teachers are like, "It's because he likes you!"
C: Right. So it's that kind of a situation.
G: Yeah, it's like that kind of sitch, yeah.
C: Alright. Alright.
So yeah. And then we have Harry telling Ed, "Ed, your sister's abusing staff." And then Ed says, “That's adopted sister, thank you very much.” What? Why? [G laughs]
G: That's so-
C: What kind of a sloppy, sloppy exposition line.
G: They just wanted to be like, "If you're wondering why she's Asian, and he's white-"
C: Like, "We know, we know. We promise we would never do race-blind casting in a situation unless it was a way to make things more racist. We prommy, we know."
G: Yeah.
C: Right, but like- Is it also to show that they have a strange relationship because the camera zooms in on Maggie after that, and she's like- she has a "What the fuck?" face on, because Ed seems to be saying that to mean like, "I don't actually care about her, and she's not actually part of my family"?
G: Yeah, no, I mean, that's the intention, I feel like-
C: But like, that feels like, weird.
G: Later, when he goes bazooka on Harry.
C: Yeah.
G: That's why it's so weird. [laughs]
C: Yeah, it's ugly.
G: [laughing] Like, what even is going on?
C: What even is going on? Who knows? It's Supernatural.
C: So in Maggie's little section, she just says, like, “Oh, Ed has been obsessed with the supernatural since we were kids, and he and Harry met at computer camp, and they experienced love at first geek.” So yeah, you know, they are having sex with each other. And then we get Spruce’s stupid fucking intro. [G laughs] So I think they are establishing this guy as incredibly unlikeable, because he starts off with like, [annoying voice] “What up playa?” in like, the most annoying voice, like even more annoying than I just put it. And then his intro, he says that he's "15/16th Jew and 1/16th Cherokee," and then he says just some fucked up shit. I think the main thing I fixated on was him saying his great-great-grandfather was a degenerate gambler, and had a peyote- peyote? peyote addiction.
G: What does that mean?
C: Like, the plant itself is just a cactus that has psychoactive properties. But, like, the implication is that the great great grandfather is the 1/16th Cherokee-
G: Oh.
C: - so like, characterizing a Native man as a degenerate gambler with an addiction to a cactus is just a fucked up thing to do. So, interesting choice, Ben Edlund. And then, right, and also he talks about his grandfather and his great grandfather. But he says his grandfather is someone who performs circumcision on Jewish boy children, and his great grandfather was a tallis maker. And I think that- yeah, okay, that's a prayer shawl used in Judaism. So, I mean, those are just like- I guess those are just about his-
G: Jew-
C: - yeah, other predecessors being Jewish and being involved heavily involved in the faith, which is, I think, more normal than whatever he said about his 1/16th great great grandfather, but it's also like- I don't know. I'm trying to figure out if they were trying to make some kind of antisemitic joke here, but I'm not certain. I know that Ben Edlund is a non-practicing Jewish person, so I don't know. I feel like I don't have much further to say there, but the vibes feel off.
G: I mean, aren't the vibes supposed to feel off? Because-
C: The vibes are supposed to feel off, like, I think we're supposed to think this guy sucks, but- Yeah, I can't tell if the joke is supposed to be that Spruce is just making shit up? Or-
G: [laughs] I honestly did not think of this at all. 'Cause I didn't understand it. There were no subtitles so I didn't understand what he was saying.
C: Oh, you didn't watch it on sflix- or, I mean, sorry-
G: Netflix?
C: You didn't watch it on Netflix? [laughs] Where there are subtitles?
G: [laughing] No, I watched on BLEEP. I watched there.
C: [laughs] Yeah, okay.
G: I watched on the website that you told me to watch in.
C: Yeah, I started there, but then my roommates wanted to watch with me, and it wasn't loud enough for them, so I moved to totally Netflix, which has subtitles. [G laughs]
G: Great, yeah.
C: Yeah. Okay. So yeah, I don't know. I can't tell if the point is like, he's making up the stuff about his heritage, and then he’s saying stereotypical stuff, or he's right about his heritage, but he's making up professions for his ancestors in order to be funny, or if- Yeah, I don't know what's happening here. But the vibes are off for some reason.
G: Alright.
C: Alright. [laughs]
Okay, and then we hear about the mission that they're on. They're trying to break into Morton House, which becomes haunted- the most haunted place in America every four years on Leap Day, and apparently, no one has ever managed to stay the entire night, but they're going to do it. This whole time, Ed is presenting at a whiteboard, and then Corbett comes up to him and hands him a cup of coffee [G laughs], and Ed goes like, “Oh, that's good,” and Corbett's like, “Oh, yeah, hee-hee, it's French vanilla, because the other day, you said how much you liked it, so um, yeah, tee-hee, I'm twirling my hair," etc. And, you know, Ed thanks him. And Corbett’s like, “You're welcome.” And there's a long, lingering pause on both of their faces.
G: Yeah. And it cuts to a scene of Harry being like, “I think Corbett likes Ed, and I think that's bad for the team.”
C: Yeah. [laughs]
G: And it's like- [laughs] Literally, when this played, I started singing the song that you're obsessed with. The one that goes like, [laughing/singing] "Jealousy, turning saints into the sea-"
C: Into the sea.
G: Literally.
C: Literally.
C: Yeah. But oh, before it cuts, I think while Ed’s presenting, he just drops his marker.
G: Yeah. Like, he's presenting, and he just throws his marker on the floor. There's so many like, little tidbits on their physical acting. It was fun, yeah.
C: Yeah, there's some fun physical gags.
G: Yeah. I mean like, while Harry was talking about Corbett, Corbett shows up by the door of the car and just says "hi" to the camera, which I thought was also fun.
C: Yeah.
G: After Harry says that Corbett is like, into Ed [C laughing], there's a scene where Corbett is like, “Oh, yeah, Ed has that like, rugged look, you know. Really beautiful beard... Yeah. And Harry's nice!" [both laugh] This is- this is how we talk about Sam and Dean.
C: Yeah.
G: And we don't even call Dean nice. We don't even call Dean nice.
C: Yeah, it's true. It's true. I just- I'm trying to figure out- like, the Corbett stuff is funny, but like, it's not funny because he's gay, it's just funny that he has bad taste, right? Like, that's what you're supposed to get?
G: I think it's funny that like, this absolutely handsome young man is so into this guy who is obviously a loser and asshole.
C: Yeah. Yeah. [laughs] But he also has kind of like a pretty boy look going on. I feel like they don't make him like, masculinely attractive in their stylings. So-
G: He definitely looks gay, yeah.
C: He definitely looks gay. Good for him.
G: I mean, "Definitely looks gay-" what does that even mean? But you know what I mean, like-
C: Yeah. He just does. Good for him.
G: [laughing] He dresses like me! [both laughing] What a slay.
C: And this is why representation is so important.
G: Yeah.
C: [laughs] Good for him. So yeah. I guess the whole time, I was like, trying to figure out if this was homophobic or not, and like, I didn't feel that-
G: I mean, it's definitely homophobic that they introduce a gay character to kill him-
C: And like murder-
G: Yeah. The brutal- [laughs] the way they murder is so brutal as well, and like, they replay his murder scene over and over again. [screams]
C: They sure do.
G: But like, the whole point of the episode- Again, this is where the crux of it is, which is that-
C: Gay love can-
G: It's being satirical. Like, they're being like, "Look at how they exploit this obviously horrific death, and look at how-" you know, like, that's the point. So them being like, "Ah, look at how this gay man dies" and they like- I don't fucking know. Like, you know. That kind of shit. Like, it's supposed to be- homophobic? [both laugh] You know what I mean? Not- Me defending the entirety-
C: [laughing] Homophobia is okay when it's on purpose.
G: [laughing] Me defending the entirety of Supernatural: it's supposed to be homophobic!
C: [laughing] It's on purpose, so it's okay!
Yeah, I don't know, I feel like you can't hide behind satire for everything.
G: No, here's the thing-
C: I feel like it only works if Supernatural is usually not homophobic.
G: Exactly. Like, if you view this episode just as itself, I don't think it's homophobic, right?
C: Yeah.
G: But the fact that, like, couple of episodes back, Dean was telling Sam that he's gay for knowing-
C: [laughs] What Snow White is?
G: [laughs] Yeah, exactly. Like, that's what makes it a bit like, "Okay, so like, they're homophobic satirically, but they're also homophobic for real, so-" [laughs]
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. Oh, well. Well, the GLAAD award-
G: I think it would be interesting what the grading we'll give later for the spreadsheets will be.
C: Yeah, I really don't know right now.
G: Yeah. I think we'll figure it out as we go.
C: We'll figure it out as we go!
So Ed continues presenting, and then suddenly, his whiteboard crashes to the ground, and we get the reveal that their entire office is in Ed's dad's garage. [laughs]
G: Yeah, I didn't realize that that was what's happening.
C: Uh-huh. What did you think was happening?
G: I was like, "Why is a car like, going through the wall?" [both laughing] I was like, "Did the dad- was the dad like- does the dad have Alzheimer's and is like, driving through where he shouldn't be driving?" you know. I did not understand what was happening.
C: Right. Yeah. That makes sense. But yeah, no, it was just that his whiteboard crashes because it's next to the garage door, and it opened up, and his dad's there. Yeah, his dad seems like a nice guy in the one second we get. And, you know, we get some funny Ed and Harry going like, "Oh my god, like, just cut the cameras. We don't need that. We don't need this part." [laughs] Good for them.
G: They don't.
C: And that ends Phase I.
G: Yeah. And we have Phase II: Infiltration.
C: Ooh.
G: They enter the house, and they talk about how like, the cops have gotten tired of everyone trying to get in here, so they like, chain-linked everything. And then, like, Sam and Dean's car- why am I calling it that? The Impala like, shows up, and they're like, "Oh, let's just ignore it, whatever." And then they go inside, and they start setting up.
C: Sorry. Sam and Dean's entrance is characterized by like, loud-ass rock music playing, right?
G: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
C: And we're supposed to assume that what we're hearing is what Ed and Harry are hearing, which means that they play music at an intolerably loud volume from their car everywhere they drive-
G: Good for them.
C: And I'm not surprised that- I feel like half of the episodes realistically would be “the Impala got rear-ended again.” But, you know. [both laugh] Absolutely unbearable behavior on their behalves.
G: Maybe all the bad things that have happened to them are actually deserved and their fault for playing music this loud.
C: Yeah. [laughs] I agree.
G: Yeah. The only relevant scene in the setting up is Corbett setting up the camera, and then, like- what's his name?
C: Ed.
G: Ed behind the screen, going, “Looking good, Corbett!” And Corbett being like, "Oh my god, I'm blushing! Oh my god. Like, copy that, Ed!" [C laughs] And Ed being like, "Um, okay. You're welcome."
C: God bless.
G: God bless! And yeah, they just check the- everything. And then they set up their base, where, like, a lot of their equipment is, and then-
C: Also, this is when Spruce is setting up, that's when he calls Ed and Harry "mein fuhrer." So, yeah, fuck this guy.
G: Yeah. They go to Phase III: Face Time! [laughs] Which is such a funny name. So they're about to face the ghosts, and it's like- it's like- What time is it? Oh, it's 10:51, it says here. So they still have a quite a ways to midnight, which is their goal, actually. Like, no one has stayed up to midnight, so their goal here is to stay- be on midnight. And Ed and Corbett team up, and then Harry, Spruce, and Maggie team up. Yeah, and they're on different floors, I think. Like, the two are in the first floor, and the three are on the second floor. And as they move around, [laughs] they see rats. And like, Harry like, freaks the fuck out [C laughs], starts running. I think this is a famous gifset of like, reaction or something. Like, Harry screaming, and then somebody going, "It's just a rat." Which-
C: Yeah.
G: I thought it was funny.
C: Yeah, I think the next line is the one that I've seen screenshotted more.
G: What? "The rats are like the rats of the world"?
C: [laughs] Yeah. [G laughs]
G: I mean, come on, Harry is actually so funny. Like, he's funnier than Ed.
C: I agree.
G: I like him better than Ed. Yeah. He's an accidental comedy genius.
C: Right. Well, I think the thing about Harry is like, I think we're supposed to dislike Ed more, because he's like, the arrogant one. Because when we get like the text, like, labels when we're introducing the characters, did you notice that Ed's said-
G: He was the leader, yeah.
C: "Leader of the Ghostfacers" and yeah, Harry’s said “Co-Leader of the Ghostfacers”? [both laughing]
G: Okay, here's an important question. In BABPod, who's the host, and who's the co-host? [laughs]
C: You're the host, and I'm the co-host. I feel like that's known.
G: [laughs] Yeah. Because I do the like, "Okay, let's redirect in this direction" and that and blah blah blah.
C: Exactly. You introduce the segments and all that.
G: Yeah. Yeah. But I think we are both co-hosts. That's the proper terminology.
C: Yeah. Yeah. But if you had to pick one main host, it would probably be you.
G: Yeah. Let's just hide from the audience the fact that [laughs] when we have been planning on continuing without the other, [both laughing] I am always the other who is MIA. Very, very, very, very good host of the podcast.
C: Yeah! Great host of the podcast.
G: Yeah. So they just go around until Dean and Sam- oh, I’m gonna be crucified for that one.
C: Yeah.
G: Sam and Dean- [laughs] Sam and Dean show up, and they meet with Ed and Corbett. And like, at first, they're like, "Oh, who are you guys? Show us some ID," blah blah blah.
C: Yeah, they pretend they're cops.
G: Ed is basically- Ed is going, "We're authorized to be here," and then we see Sam end up recognizing Ed after Ed goes, "Wait, I know both of you guys." And Sam says, "Holy shit," but like, obviously, the “shit” is bleeped.
C: Yeah.
G: And this starts the Ghostfacer Effect, as we call it.
C: Mm-hm.
G: Is this something we want to talk about?
C: We can just define it for people who don't know.
G: Yeah.
C: The idea is just that, like in Supernatural the show, Sam and Dean never swear. There's nothing that's bleeped out. They're always just saying "frigging" and stuff like that. [G laughs] But we can see that they swear pretty commonly.
G: Heavily, yeah.
C: Yeah, pretty heavily in this footage, which we consider to be less filtered. So the idea is that Supernatural the show is not just an unfiltered recording of what Sam and Dean do. Like, there is some kind of a force that is editing their dialogue and actions in a way to like, make it a better narrative, or make it more palatable. And people mostly just apply this Destiel, I think. [both laugh]
G: As we do everything about Supernatural. Literally just apply to Destiel.
C: Yeah. I mean, I don't want to be part of the "we" that makes everything about Destiel [G laughs], but I will make everything about Cas.
G: I mean, I personally am not that involved with Supernatural fandom spaces anymore.
C: Same, yeah.
G: So, yeah. I'm just chilling. Think about it occasionally. Once a week, perhaps, when we record this podcast. [C laughs]
C: Yup.
G: Yeah. And it's a fun life! And I mean, I think the Ghostfacers Effect is actually like, super interesting, and it's one of the- I mean, back when I was young, we didn't like, do the Ghostfacers Effect. So I think it's one of those fun, like, after Supernatural type of terminology.
C: Yeah.
G: That, you know, is fun. And I think with the other media I've consumed since, I do like, tend to think more about like, "Okay, so what were they not allowed to show here" or stuff like that.
C: Right.
G: Yeah, I think it's an interesting way to view media. Especially big ones, like ones that fall under a lot of hands, like a TV show. Yeah. And another- I would say another post-Supernatural Supernatural thing that I actually really enjoy is the -coded, -girl phenomena. [laughs]
C: I don't- That's not new. Like, they talked about Samgirls, like, in “Fan Fiction” the episode.
G: Yeah, but like, -coded? You don't think that's new?
C: I don't think -coded is new. I mean, okay, I only joined post November 5th, so I guess I don't know anything. So maybe it is new. Because you've been here longer.
G: Yeah.
C: So maybe it is new. I feel like it feels so intrinsically tied with -girl that I feel like if -girl was around, then -coded should have been around.
G: No, I don't think so.
C: Okay.
G: I think people back then were like, "I kin Dean Winchester." And now everyone's ashamed to say "I kin Dean Winchester," so they just say "I'm Dean Winchester-coded." [both laugh]
C: I see.
G: That's my hot take, yeah.
C: So -coded rose out of cowardice.
G: Yeah.
C: Sad.
G: And I remember telling someone who's not involved in Supernatural like, "Oh, in the Supernatural fandom, we say like, if you're like Dean, you say you're Deancoded, and if you like Cas, you say you're a Casgirl. So you can be a Samcoded Deangirl," blah blah blah blah blah blah. And they were like, "This is literally like those- those jokes that are like 'I'm peachcel-'" like, you know that one?
C: The one?
G: For example, "I'm foodcel storepilled"? You know that one? The -cel -pilled thing?
C: Oh, yeah! Yeah, yeah.
G: Yeah. And it literally is.
C: It is.
G: And I have not stopped thinking about that. [C laughs] Literally, -coded -girl is just -cel -pilled.
C: Yeah. So true.
G: Anyway, they realize that these guys are like, the guys from the tulpa house, and apparently, back then, they called themselves The Hellhounds.
C: Their blog was called hellhoundslair.com.
G: Ah, yeah, you're right. And Ed said like, "Oh, we're not called The Hellhounds anymore. It didn't test well." [both laugh] I support that. Imagine if we changed our name after we realized that it's not testing well. [both laugh] We probably should have.
C: Yeah. Our logo designer recently put us on her resume, and like, it was a lot of like, "I have to add footnotes and shit to explain the situation." [laughs]
G: I mean, you could have just added the ones without the lo- without the name, right?
C: Oh, yeah, no. But I mean like it was- she like, wrote it down in like a cover letter, so-
G: Noo!
C: [laughing] She had to be like, "a podcast that critiques Supernatural." [G screams]
G: God.
C: God bless.
G: 'Cause the person who made our music, I was like, "How will I put you in the credits?" [C laughs] And she was like, "Just don't. [both laughing] I don't want to be associated with you guys."
C: God fucking bless.
G: Thank god.
C: She's so real for that.
G: She literally is so real for that. She said, "Just give me the money, and then never speak to me again. [both laugh] I don't want to be linked to this at all."
C: Yeah. I'm just surprised that Ed and Harry don't mention the way that “Hell House” left off, which is where Sam tricked them into thinking that they were gonna get a movie deal-
G: Yeah.
C: - and then they drove all the way to California.
G: Maybe they didn't realize that that's Sam's fault.
C: Right. What, do you think they showed up, and they were like, "Oh my god, it's because he hated the name Hellhounds, so he never met us. We have to change it to Ghostfacers!" [laughs]
G: Maybe they were like, "We got scammed," but they don't know that it's Sam. I think that's most probably what happened.
C: Yeah. Probably.
G: That was such an another asshole move, though. No wonder these guys became so terrible.
C: This one ends with another asshole move.
G: I don't think this one is so asshole-ish. Because-
C: This is the last- like, what if Corbett's family wanted like, the last footage of him alive that was left in the world?
G: Oh, yeah. Yeah, what if his family wanted a footage of him being brutally murdered by a ghost [C laughs], you know? So sad.
C: Yeah. Well- no, exactly. They are missing out. [G laughs]
G: Yeah. And Ed is just like, "Oh, these guys are not cops." And Dean's like, "Where's your partner? Wasn't it a different guy?" And-
C: Corbett's having a time at this, I'm assuming.
G: Yeah. And Dean is like, "Okay, let's get- We need to get you and your girlfriends out of here." Which I think-
C: Which is homophobic.
G: - is homophobia. That is homophobia. So, so far the only- [laughing]
C: The only people he knows are in this house are Corbett and Harry, right? Yeah.
G: [laughing] Yeah. [both laughing]
C: [laughing] Oh my god. Let's literally get your girlfriends out of here.
G: [laughing] To be clear, I'm laughing because this episode where they literally kill a gay character, and the homophobia moment is from Dean Winchester! [C laughing] It's still him.
C: It's just an intrinsic part of his personality.
G: [laughing] It's still him, Crystal! It's still him! [laughing]
C: It's always him. [both laughing] Ugh. Mr. Homophobia himself.
G: [still laughing] Yeah.
So then Ed says, "Listen here, chisel-chest."
C: Yeah.
G: "We were here first, so we're here. We beat you." And Dean like, literally grabs Ed. And I was like, "This literally looks like the beginning of a [C laughing] porno that I will not watch." Literally.
C: A little bit, yeah.
G: Because of the angle, too. It's like- yeah, I don't know.
C: And the bad- the bad camera.
G: And then Dean is just like, "Where's your partner?" And we cut to the second floor, where Harry, Maggie, and Spruce are.
C: Yep.
C: So the EMF is spiking, the temperature is down, and then, like, the camera starts glitching out, which is classic ghost behavior. And then, like, a ghost appears on the camera, but like, he looks like such a guy, you know?
G: Yeah, I know.
C: He doesn't look like a ghost at all. And maybe that's because- okay, in "Hollywood Babylon" when they could see ghosts through the camera, did they look more physically present than they did without the camera?
G: I think so, I think so.
C: Okay. So I guess that is the explanation here. So it's just some guy in a suit. And, like, he seems to be explaining himself to someone he owes money to, and then he gets shot. And then the Ghostfacers, like, splash screen appears. Good for them. And we cut back to downstairs, and Ed is explaining to Sam and Dean that they're spending the night for their TV show, and no one's ever managed it. And Sam and Dean of course, say the obvious, which is like, "Well, no, that's just 'cause everyone who stayed past midnight fucking died." A lot of people went missing here who stayed the night on February 29th. And it said that the only body they ever found was the last owner, Freeman Daggett. [laughs] And at- no, not at this moment. At a later moment, when they say this guy's name, [G laughing] me and my two roommates I was watching this with, who are a gay man and a lesbian, all turned to each other and said, "Freeman Faggot." [both laughing] But anyway.
G: For real.
C: Simultaneously. For real. So yeah, Sam's showing Ed records and stuff that he supposedly got from the local library, and then at this moment, Harry, Maggie, and Spruce run down the stairs, and they're all exclaiming about how like, “Oh my god! We saw an actual fucking ghost on camera. It was there.” And then Harry sees Sam and Dean, and he goes, "Hey! Are those the bleeps-" the like- [makes bleep sound] "- from Texas?" [G laughing] And, okay, did you think-
G: [laughing] Is this the one?
C: - this was the f-slur? Did you- I really, really thought this was the f-slur. [G laughing] 'Cause you can hear like a "ts" sound at the end. Like, what- what's the other option?
G: Well, fuckhead. Fuckheads.
C: Okay, yeah, you're right. Fuckhead, shithead, those are both possibilities. Me and my roommates wound it back like, ten times trying to figure it out, and I think that is what we eventually landed on, but we really, really thought it was the f-slur for like, the first 4 times that we heard it. [G laughs]
G: Yeah.
C: God bless.
G: God bless!
C: Right. So Maggie is showing the footage, and then Sam and Dean, they discuss among themselves. They say that, you know, the footage that we saw, that was just a death echo, so that's not really anything particularly harmful, but it's weird that it's happening here because no one got shot to death here. And Sam turns back to the group, and he says- or is it Dean who says it? 'Cause the transcript says it was Sam, but I don't- I feel like it was Dean who said it. I don't know. Okay.
G: What?
C: So he says, "Look, we got a problem here. That ghost ain't it."
G: No, that's Sam. That's really Sam.
C: Okay, you're sure that was Sam? Okay, right. And my roommate burst into laughter for like 20 seconds about this, and we finally figured out that she read it as like, AAVE, like, "That ghost ain't it" as in like- [both laughing] you know what I mean? Like- "That ghost-"
G: "That ghost did not slay."
C: [laughing] Yeah, exactly. But that was not what Sam was saying. Sam did not mean it that way. [both laughing]
G: "That ghost [both] ain't it." [both laughing]
C: So Dean explains that a death echo is just like a ghost that is reliving its- their death over and over again, usually in the place that they died, and they don't really pose any real danger. So there's something else in the house that is the actual problem. And then Sam and Dean start trying to usher everybody out of the house before midnight. Harry promises that he'll make Sam and Dean recurring guest stars. [laughs] And then they realize that Corbett is not here.
G: Oh, no.
C: Oh, no.
G: So, where's Corbett? Corbett is upstairs, and he's trying to communicate. He's trying to be a good boy! He's saying like- he's just going around being like, "I want to communicate with all the spirits in here," and then, like, a figure appears behind him. And then we cut back down, and then you hear him scream.
C: Yeah. Sorry, Corbett.
G: And they all just start running to the second floor, and Sam and Dean are like, "No, we need to go out!" Like, yada-yada-ya. And Corbett is just screaming until the clock strikes 12. Then you hear Corbett scream one final time, and then, it's just gone.
C: Yup.
G: And then we cut to a couple of minutes later where Ed and Harry are talking about how the guy just disappeared, and they're trying to look for him in the cameras that they have. And the Sam and Dean [both laugh], we can hear them arguing.
C: It's so funny.
G: Sam is like, "Oh my god, Dean. Are you happy now? Are you good? Are you happy?" And Dean is like, "Yeah, I'm happy!" [both laugh] And Sam goes [mocking Dean voice], "Oh, let's go hunt the Morton House. It's our Grand Canyon!" Like, he's literally putting on this voice.
C: [laughs] Yeah.
G: And then he goes, "You got two months left, and we're gonna die here tonight!"
Okay, first of all, two months.
C: Uh-huh. So it's been ten months.
G: The passing of time. Goddamn.
C: Yeah.
G: If you were to die in two months, would you like to know [laughs], weatherboy? [both laugh] Would you like to know?
C: That I was gonna die in 2 months?
G: Yeah.
C: I feel like a week is a good amount of notice beforehand. I think anything more than that, I would just be having a not fun time. A week is a good amount of time to get all your affairs in order and say goodbye to people.
G: Would you throw a massive party?
C: I mean, what a bummer of a party that would be.
G: I don't think so. I think it'd be like- You won't tell them, I feel like.
C: Oh. Oh, okay.
G: It's just like, "Let's have a party." But like, why would they come if they don't know you're dying?
C: Yeah, exactly, right. Because it's like, if you invite a bunch of people and they're like, "Oh, I don't have the time," they're gonna feel guilty forever afterwards if you don't let you know.
G: [laughing] Maybe they should. Maybe they should. [C laughs]
C: Yeah, so, right. I don't know. I feel like in- yeah, I don't know. I don't think I would throw a massive party. I feel like it would just be too messy.
G: Mm-hm. Yeah.
C: What about you?
G: Well, I think... I think I don't want to know if I die. When I'll die. "If"? [C laughs] That's such a funny way to put it. "I don't want to know if I die." But like, yeah, I don't want to know. I think for me, you know, [laughing] I live my life every day like it's my last- shut up. No, that's untrue. No, it's like, you know. Just live your life, and then, if you die, you die. RIP.
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. Every single day, I cross the street near my- not every single day, but like, whenever I'm in Manila, like, where my uni is-
C: Are you doxxing yourself, or are there like, 5 million unis there?
G: Manila is where all the universities are, so I'm not doxxing myself.
C: Okay. Continue.
G: And the buses are passing by 'cause there are no overpasses in that horrible, horrible city. I just think to myself, "I may die today," and I think to myself, [laughs] "I don't want to throw a party!" [both laugh] That's my exact thought, so.
C: Every single time.
G: Yeah. Every single time, I like, "If I die today, would I regret that I didn't throw a party last week?" And the answer is no. [C laughs]
C: Yep. Yep. All you would regret is that you cannot film the next- you cannot record the next episode of BABPod.
G: Yeah! You'll have to replace me!
C: That's true.
G: Do you think if you replace me, the replacement would be the host, and you'd still be the co-host, or would you elevate to host?
C: No, I would be promoted. So maybe I'm sending those buses coming at you in order to like, make a power grab. [G laughs]
G: Exactly.
C: Yeah. Who knows?
G: We never know.
Yeah. So two months left. And then Sam is like, literally just smashing the door with a chair, and the guys are like, "What the fuck are you doing?" And Sam's like, "It's locked! We're all locked inside." He says- Dean, I guess says, "It's a supernatural lockdown, okay?" which I love. it literally is a supernatural lockdown.
C: Yeah.
G: And that the death echo is not the reason there's like, a more sinister being happening in the house. He says, "This is no death echo. [both] This is a bad mother." [both laugh]
C: They're allowed to swear in this episode!
G: I know! Just say "motherfucker"!
C: So that means that like, Sam will say shit, and Dean will flip people off. But Dean also genuinely says "mother" instead of motherfucker.
G: Exactly.
C: On purpose.
G: How do you feel about that? Does that make him more pathetic loser and corny?
C: I just- I want to know where he picked this up.
G: "You're a mother." [C laughs] Mother- I mean, do they say that in the US? Like, "She's mother." Do they say that?
C: No. [laughs]
G: Oh, in the Philippines, it's like, lingo where like, if somebody's serving, like, you know, the English serving, we call that like, "They're mother." For example, like, an actress is doing super well in a scene in a movie, you go, "Oh my god, she's so mother in this scene!"
C: Oh, that's fun.
G: And like, when Dean said, like, "This is a bad mother," I was like, "Oh my god, mother!"
C: Yeah. This ghost is serving, etc.
G: Etc.
C: It is serving birthday cake.
G: [laughs] What?
C: He's serving birthday cake. He's serving absolute birthday cake, the ghost.
G: What does that mean? Oh, because he's throwing a party.
C: Because he's literally serving a food. Yeah, there's birthday cake on the table, remember?
G: [laughs] Yeah. He's mother.
C: Yeah. How do we- okay, does this make Dean more wet and pathetic if he says "mother" on purpose- It makes him more of a loser, but I don't think it makes him a loser in a babygirl way. I think it just makes him a loser.
G: [laughs] Exactly. Which is how I see Dean. Just a loser.
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. Remember when I was the Deanlover of this podcast?
C: I do remember that!
G: That was a year ago. That was a year ago. I'm a changed person now.
C: Good for you. [G laughs]
G: Yeah. And then the EMF starts spiking, and Sam's like, "Come here, you guys. Come here." And an apparition shows up, and it's a guy just standing. And then we see Dean go to the guy and like, go, "Hey! Hey, guy! [C laughing] Hey! Hey! Buddy!" Like, he's just trying to wake the guy up, and Sam goes, "What he's trying-" Sam is so benevolent.
C: Yeah.
G: He literally does exposition for these guys.
C: Yeah.
G: Sometimes occasionally begrudgingly, but he does do exposition. And he's like, "These guys are in a death echo, which means they're in a loop, and if you can like, snap them out of it, they can get out of the loop, but usually, you need some kind of connection to be able to do that." And then the apparition just-
C: Dean's yelling, "Wake up! Be dead!" [laughs]
G: Yeah. [laughing] He's so funny.
C: I think my main note during this time was "this is what Dean thinks therapy is like."
G: Literally. "Wake up, be alive!" That's what therapy is like.
C: Yeah.
G: And it is, though. [both laughing]
The guy gets like, smashed by a train. Like, obviously, we don't see the train, but like, that's obviously what's happening.
C: Yeah, we hear it.
G: And I thought the effect was pretty cool.
C: Yeah, it was decent.
G: Yeah, like, he doesn't go under the train, he goes over the train. You know what I mean?
C: Yeah.
G: It's pretty cool.
C: It hits him, and he starts kind of flying.
C: So, you know, Sam and Dean are confused about this, because, obviously, no one got hit by a train inside the house, so why are these death echoes appearing here? And okay, so- right. Maggie also asks, like, "So what are they doing here?" And Dean says, “Hey, give the lady a cigar.” Which-
G: What does that mean?
C: Yeah, right, I wasn't sure what it meant. Like it sort of sounds like, oh, she did a good job, or she made a good observation. But she didn't say anything new. I don't-
G: No, I think it's sarcastic, right? Like-
C: Oh, right. It's like, "Oh, wow, you're soo smart. You figured out the like, very obvious thing"?
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. I think so.
G: What a rude guy.
C: Yeah. What a rude guy. Also, is this the only interaction he has with Maggie?
G: [laughs] I'm not sure.
C: Thank God, if so. [G laughs] Yeah, whenever Dean is anywhere near an Asian woman, my hackles rise.
G: And the next scene is he goes, "Alright, Maggie, does looking at this horrific nightmare through a camera comfort you? Does it make you feel better?" And then Maggie just goes- she puts the camera down, and then she rises it back up and she goes, "Yeah, I think so." [laughing] Which I think is so funny. Good for her, I like her.
C: It is. Good for her. I'm glad she had one moment of having a personality.
So we look around the house, and there's a lot of taxidermy of stuffed animal heads. And they find out that the last owner of the house worked at the Gamble General Hospital as a janitor. He died of a heart attack in like 1964. And they look around, and it seemed like the only thing he ate were like army rations, and he was kind of like a doomsday prepper in that he had a lot of “survival under atomic attack” books around. And then they check his safe. There's a book on taxidermy, and then there's three toe tags in here for three corpses in a morgue. One who died by gunshot, one who died by a train accident, and one who died by suicide.
G: [laughing] And then when says "suicide," Sam was-
C: [laughing] Goes, "Ewww!"
G: And I thought that-
C: Just like in Ace Attorney.
G: [laughing] Literally just like in Ace Attorney. For context, there's a scene in Ace Attorney where Phoenix Wright is looking through the case files on the cabinet, and he goes to the S, and he goes. "What's in here? Suicide? [both] Ewwwww!" [C laughs] And I literally thought he was like- Sam is- I was like, "Why is Sam saying 'ew' to the suicide! That's so mean!"
C: But yeah. So what he explains is that the death echoes are all here, because this guy, in his capacity as a hospital janitor, stole these 3 bodies and put them somewhere in the house. And Dean says that he brought the remains home from the morgue "to play." And everyone yells, "Ewwww!"
So, okay. So there was like a two-to-one split in the room when this happened. One of my roommates thought that he meant that the bodies were getting taxidermied, like, he brought the bodies back to taxidermy them, and then me and the other roommate thought that Dean meant it in a necrophiliac way.
G: Yeah yeah yeah yeah.
C: What did you read it as? Necrophiliac way?
G: I read it as necrophilia, yeah. Because I didn't register immediately- I don't know why, but I feel like I'm so slow this episode. Maybe it's the format of the shakycam. Like, I absorb details as easily as I do.
C: It's very disorienting.
G: But like, the taxidermy completely flew over me, so I didn't even really think about it.
C: But also, we see the bodies later, and they don't look taxidermied.
G: Look taxidermied, yeah.
C: Yeah, but I also- I think the reveal later is that it wasn't even a necrophilia thing. It was just he just wanted them to be at his birthday party.
G: Yeah, he just wanted to hang out with them. Yeah! This is so- so weird. What a weird
C: Yeah, I mean, it's- I feel it's pretty classic like, serial killer in a horror franchise.
G: I mean, he didn't even kill these people
C: Right. He just stole the bodies.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. I don't know. I think it's possible that like, as a hospital janitor, he like, met them, and he, like, had some amount of a rapport with them, so he was like, "These are like my friends, and I’m bringing them back for my party! They just happen to be dead at this point." But yeah, I don't know.
We continue around. Maggie has wandered off a little bit, and then she gets a jumpscared a little bit by Dean being behind her. Booo. And then we start getting more camera interference, we start getting higher EMF readings. And then Sam disappears.
G: They don't even put an effort about Sam disappearing. He literally just disappears.
C: I didn't even realize that he disappeared until, like, three minutes later, when we see him tied up.
G: No, like Dean was screaming, "Sam! Sam!"
C: I was just like, "That's Dean. That's just Dean behavior." [G laughs]
G: He's just screaming “Sam!” at any given point.
C: Yeah. [laughs] This is his like, default NPC setting.
G: Yeah. Anyway, our next scene is so [laughing] funny and weird, and what is even happening-
C: Oh god, I fucking hate it.
G: But basically, so they're looking for Sam, and they're looking for Corbett, right? And then Maggie and Harry like, meet at a secluded area, and Maggie's like, "I'm so scared. I'm so scared." I mean earlier, we see them hold hands as well, so like, this is foreshadowed.
C: We did? Wait, when was that?
G: When, during that scene where we see the second apparition, the train guy, they were holding hands.
C: Huh. Okay. Did not notice that.
G: Yeah. So Harry is like, “It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay, Maggie.” And then they kiss!
C: Boo.
G: And it cuts to Ed watching this, so upset. And I was like, "Why are you mad, bro?"
C: Yeah.
G: Literally, what's maddening about this?
C: I mean, does anyone want to see their sibling kiss anyone ever? [laughs]
G: Yeah, but- I understand that, that you don't. But I mean, like specifically this. Because the way he words is like, "my best friend and my best sister." [both laughing]
C: Yeah. I don't know-
G: He's mad specifically that it's Harry. I think what he's mad about.
C: Yeah. There does seem to be like, some kind of a complex that guys have about their sister- like, I don't- right? Like, there's like a thing where like, bro code is like, you don't date your bros' sisters or something.
G: Who else are you gonna date? [laughs]
C: Other women? Your bro himself, in this situation- but-
G: Yeah.
C: But yeah, I don't really understand the workings of the- I guess it's just like- it's also weird when you date within a friend group, so I think it's just like double weird when you date, and there's a familiar bond.
G: The only time I've been mad at two friends who dated and didn't tell us was because I liked one of the friend, so-
C: Yeah, you- fair.
G: So like, I feel like- my interpretation of this was like, I feel like Harry has some unresolved feelings- no no, Ed has some unresolved feelings towards Harry.
C: That's definitely one way to read it.
G: And so like, he was so upset. He was like, "I'm so upset because he's kissing my sister!" [laughs]
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. God. You know, that was grade seven, and they're still together up until now, and I'm literally a college student. [C laughs] And like, imagine being with someone since you were 13. God, I'm still- [laughs] Whatever.
C: Sorry.
G: They should have broken up. [both laughing]
C: Do you still like one of the members of that relationship?
G: No! I don't. I don't even talk to them anymore. It's just I hate- it's like, I'm good- I was really good friends with one of the people, and then the other guy, I hated for very valid reasons.
C: Yeah. That makes sense.
G: So I was just upset that like, "You're gonna date someone that's not me, and it's that guy?" [C laughs] Yeah, that was what made me upset.
C: I understand. I think I hate when any-
G: God. This was years and years ago.
C: Mm. I hate when any of my friends are dating, and I think all of them should break up with all their partners. Um- except for you, I'm sorry! [both laughing] [screams] Wait, wait, should we cut that?
G: Yes, I am going through a breakup. RIP. So-
C: Yeah, sorry. [both laughing] I forgor!
G: I love that. Because for everyone's context, Crystal literally was like, in my DMs going, "I think you guys should break up. [C laughing] I think it really is for the best."
C: Maybe so. Maybe so.
G: Maybe so!
C: Yeah. Yeah. I think- Okay, but also like, the Edharry reading is not what we're supposed to read it as, right? So are we supposed to read it as the bro code violation?
G: I think we're supposed to read it as- I honestly don't know. Like, the other reading of this is like some weird stepsibling bullshit, right? [C laughing]
C: Yeah. Right. It is. Yeah, yeah. 'Cause it's not just about it being bad for the team the way that Harry is against Ed and Corbett. Because, yeah, it is specifically about his best friend and his best sister. So yeah. I don't know. Bedlund, give us a call, let us know. [G laughs]
G: Yeah. And then he like, gives his glasses away to Spruce, and then he starts attacking Harry.
C: Yeah.
G: And then, like, Sam is- I think it's Dean who goes, “Shut it down! Like, we're down two people, and you guys are fucking fighting?" And then- I found this funny. Like, when Ed gets his glasses back, he says, "My teeth are still intact. So I won that one, right?" [both laugh]
C: Yeah. He's right.
G: Have you ever been in a physical fight?
C: No, except like, with my sister. But those don't count. That's just sibling behavior.
G: Oh yeah.
C: You?
G: Yeah, I've had my sister on a chokehold at some point in my life. Like, I remember one time, she pulled my hair so hard while I had her in the chokehold, and my scalp literally hurted for days after. [laughs]
C: Ohh, ow.
G: I love that! That's just a sibling experience.
C: Yeah. That is just the sibling experience.
G: Anyway, Sam and Corbett are tied up underground.
C: And the song playing is, [singing] “It's my party, and I’ll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, cry-” You don't know this song?
G: No, I don't.
C: Okay. I'm a fan. This ghost has good taste in music.
G: Who sang this song?
C: Shit! I forgot her name. Lesley Gore. I think.
G: Oh, I love that name.
C: Yeah, it's a good name.
G: I love the name Leslie, because it's gender neutral, but I think of-
C: Yeah, but only for old people.
G: Yeah, only for old people. No, here's the thing. It's gender neutral, but whatever gender you are, I feel like it's queer in some way. [laughs] Like, have you ever met a Leslie who was not queer?
C: I don't think I've met a Leslie.
G: Well, all the Leslies you know in the world.
C: Well, I guess there's Feinberg, so that's a pretty gay Leslie.
G: Yeah.
C: Well, the doctor character in the One Day at a Time reboot is named Leslie, and he's pretty straight, I think. So that's one point against-
G: Leslie Jordan.
C: Who?
G: Leslie Jordan? You don't know?
C: No. I don't know who that is.
G: Oh my god, he died last year!
C: Oh.
G: RIP! [laughs]
C: Yeah. Who is he, though?
G: I mean, didn't he voice someone in Supernatural?
C: Did he?
G: Yeah, he voiced the- [laughs] in "Dog Dean Afternoon," he voiced a dog. [C screams] [both laugh]
C: Oh my god. Well, rest in peace to an absolute icon, I guess.
G: Yeah. “Dog Dean Afternoon” is back, baby. And you know what? She never left. She never left my heart. She never left my heart.
C: Good for her.
G: Yeah. So that's my Leslie hot take.
G: And the guy's name, the ghost's name is Daggett, so that's what I'll start calling him.
C: Yup.
G: And he just kills Corbett. And it's like, brutal, too.
C: It's pretty bad.
G: He like, slits his throat, right?
C: Yeah, I think so. He stabs him through the throat, which is like, worse than slitting a throat.
G: Ooh. Yeah. Anyway, Dean figures out that like, Sam and Corbett are probably in like, a saferoom which is in the basement because of the whole atomic juju.
C: Yeah.
G: Do you say the word juju in like, English?
C: I've not said it, but like, I'm sure there's people with whom it is the popular thing to say.
G: Okay. So yeah. Atomic juju. [laughs]
C: Right. Specifically, he was worried because he lived during the Cold War era, and he killed Corbett because Corbett's a Communist, and I know this in my heart. [G laughs]
G: Noo! The poor gay dead intern was also a Communist.
C: Yeah. That poor dead gay Commie intern. Me one day. [G laughs]
G: Yeah. While Daggett is about to kill Sam, Dean enters. Wait, no! We skipped like, a lot.
C: Did we?
G: There's a scene where they get locked out of the room, right?
C: I don't remember. The shakycam made it impossible to know what was going on.
G: Everything, yeah. There's a scene where like, Dean is going down, and then the door gets locked on him, so like, Ed, Harry, and Maggie get left behind.
C: Oh, right.
G: And Spruce basically films Dean, right?
C: Yes. But that happens after Sam gets the party hat forced on him. [G laughs] So funny!
G: Poor Sam. Poor Sam. I know Corbett just died a horrible death, but poor Sam.
C: Yeah, at least he died with dignity and not with a jaunty little party hat.
G: He did! He did! He has a party hat!
C: Wait, did Corbett get a party hat or-?
G: Yeah!
C: Wait, I didn't notice that. Does his death echo have a hat?
G: That's why there's a white string. There's a white string down his face, and that's holding the party hat.
C: Oh, I just thought that was the camera being bad. Okay.
G: Yeah.
C: Poor Corbett.
G: So Dean is like, “Oh, damn it!” And then he tells Ed and Harry like [laughs]- This is an iconic scene, right? Like, he tells Ed and Harry, "In my duffel bag, there's salt. Put it in a circle and then get inside." And then they just pause for so long. [C laughs] And I think Harry goes, "Inside the duffel bag?" [both laughing] And then Dean goes, "In the salt, you idiots!" And they're like, "Oh, okay, okay. Got it, got it."
C: Yeah.
G: And then there's a scene where Harry is like- where Ed tells Harry, "Hey, listen to me. If we don't die, it's totally okay if you do my sister."
C: Jesus.
G: Which is, again, like, so fucking weird, bro.
C: Yeah, what's happening?
G: These guys are so weird.
C: Yeah. I don't know. Someone who knows about bro code, message us and explain this.
C: The ghost is happening again, or at least there's some kind of a camera interference. But it's not Daggett. It is Corbett's death echo, and he's like just bloody and like choking, and it's bad. It's not good. And Ed immediately is like, "Oh! Oh, Corbett!" So Sam and Dean- well, just Dean right now. Spruce asks Dean about what Sam said about Dean having two months left, and Dean’s like, “Yeah, it's complicated. You know, like, a while ago-” and then he goes like, "No, I'm not gonna whine about my fucking problems to some fucking reality show. I'm gonna do my fucking job." But okay, we're not certain if it's fucking, because my roommates heard like like an "ee" sound at the end of one of them, so obviously the immediate joke is that it was "I'm gonna do my faggoty job." [laughs] But I don't think that's what he said. It's probably "shitty job," it's probably just "shitty job."
Yeah. Do I need to clarify that I know that the f-slur is bad and some people are gonna have really bad associations with it? Nah, whatever. Continuing.
G: Well, I will insert that, and then let's continue.
C: [laughs] Okay! So Spruce asks if it's cancer. But then Dean says, like, "Shut up, because I’m hearing a sound." And the sound is the music that Daggett is playing. And also, we see that within the room, Daggett is saying like, "Oh, I've been waiting for some more friends. I get lonely. But you're coming to my party, aren't you?" So yeah, and he says, like, "You'll stay a good, long time." And then at this point, Dean is able to like, shove a cabinet away from a wall and then break a door open, and he gets into Daggett's bomb shelter. And he shoots Daggett with salt, and then he unties Sam. Wait, how do they resolve the Daggett thing? Did they burn a body at all. Oh, no, no, never mind. I remember now.
G: No, Corbett-
C: I remember now. Yeah. Okay. And then we see that inside the bomb shelter, there's like, a table surrounded by like three really old, decaying dead people. And then Corbett's corpse. And then there's like this nasty, rotting birthday cake on the table. And then the Ghostfacers splash screen happens again.
G: Corbett shows up again and Ed tries to talk to him. But like, it doesn't work out, and he gets scared, and all that shit.
C: It's really sweet actually. Because, like, Maggie and Harry are like, "Don't step out of the circle, don't talk to him," but Ed's like, "No, he's suffering a lot. We have to help."
G: Sam and Dean and Spruce are being tossed around the room and shit, right?
C: Are they being tossed? I thought they were just talking.
G: No, they're being tossed.
C: Well, they have a brief discussion of like, the motivations of the ghost, right?
G: Yeah. Which is-
C: Just loneliness.
G: Yeah, he's lonely.
C: Just like, normal friendship loneliness.
G: They get tossed around, I'm pretty sure. And then Ed and Harry start talking about how- Harry tells Ed that, "You know, that guy. He wanted you. [C laughs] He had feelings for you."
C: Ed goes, "Wanted me to what?" [G laughs]
G: And Harry's like, "You know."
C: And he like, thrusts his hips a little.
G: Is this homophobic? [laughs]
C: Maybe? I think- Okay, I think that Harry and Maggie's stupidass relationship is treated with an amount of levity as well, but I feel like their feelings for each other aren't really made fun of. It's just like the way that Ed is reacting to it that's the joke. In this situation, I think some of the humor is like, Ed not knowing, and like- I don't know. Some of the humor is Ed's discomfort with the situation, which could be read as homophobic. I feel like, okay, Corbett's feelings themselves were made fun of a little bit, but like, in a way, where it felt like it was mostly just about how Ed is a bad choice. I don't know. It's hard- it's hard to tell, and I feel like I would need to understand the context of the media like on the TV during-
G: The time.
C: - the year of 2008 to really know, 'cause I feel like I'm less sensitive to homophobia nowadays because I'm usually like, "This is also a joke that a gay person would make, and for all I know, a gay person is making it."
G: Yeah.
C: But I know in this situation, a gay person is not.
G: Yeah, perhaps. He says the iconic line [C laughs], "Ed, you gotta be gay for that [both] poor dead intern. You gotta send him into the light!" [both laughing] Literally, yeah.
C: Yeah. The end.
G: For real. Ed approaches Corbett, and he's like, "It's me." [laughs] Literally any time anyone says, "It's me," I think about that scene in "Goodbye, Stranger." Like, no exception.
C: Oh, huh. I did not.
G: If anyone's like, "Hey, it's me," I think of Dean going, "It's me!" Anyway, he says, "Listen to me. You meant a lot to the team. You meant a lot to me. You never back down, never say a bad word-"
C: Wait, this is actually very "Goodbye, Stranger."
G: No, exactly! That's what I was saying!
C: It's the "We need you. I need you." shit. Okay, yeah. Dean was literally just stealing Ed's lines there.
G: [laughing] Literally!
C: Absolutely no originality. "Goodbye, Stranger" is just an attempt to be Ghostfacers.
G: Exactly. He says- [laughs] he says, "You never back down. You never say a bad word. I remember that, Corbett. I remember that. I remember because... [both] I love you, Corbett."
C: "I really, truly love you."
G: "Do you remember that?"
C: So how much- How much of this is just him-
G: How much of this is true?
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah, exactly.
C: I wanna know. Like, he has plausible deniability because he's been commanded to go be gay, but like, we've seen Ed try to act before because a lot of this documentary is him trying to act, but this feels- this genuinely feels touching, for like a little bit.
G: It genny feels touching?
C: What?
G: No, because you said "It's genny," and I was like, "It genny feels touching." [C laughs]
C: I thought I said "genuinely." Maybe I'm just talking weird around my retainers. [laughs]
G: Yeah. It genny feels touching.
C: It genny feels touching, I prommy.
G: And it does genny feel touching! [C laughs]
C: Yeah, like, I don't know. I feel like maybe something was happening there. Who knows?
G: Anyway, he says, like, "Yeah, it's me, Corbett. Like, please help us. You gotta help us." And then basically, I don't fucking know. Corbett kills Daggett. The end.
C: Yeah, it's like a really underwhelming ghost fight where, like, he just sort of tackles Daggett, and then they disappear in some white light. But I guess we saw something like this in “Red Sky at Morning," so, you know, ghosts can just kill other ghosts by hugging them. [G laughs]
G: By wanting it bad enough.
C: Yeah.
C: Finally, we cut to the epilogue, and it's daytime, and everyone's leaving except for Corbett, because that guy's fucking dead. They don't bother taking his corpse out, do they?
G: I- that's something I was thinking about, and I- it makes me sad. Like, I don't think they do. 'Cause there's no ambulance or police officers or anything.
C: Right. I mean, maybe they're gonna go back for it, but I don't know. Poor guy.
G: Poor guy.
C: Yeah, so we get like, a voiceover of Ed being like, “This was a day of souls bound in torment. Of lives held in cruel balance. But the Ghostfacers did the best that they could." And we see, like, Harry and Maggie hug. Boo! I just wish that you could have a woman in an episode, and like, not be weird about it. And then we see that Sam is giving like, his phone number to Ed, ooh, but it's just like, I guess, "If you ever run into problems, you should call us." Which doesn't really feel right for- I don't really see why the Ghostfacers would have gone up in Sam's estimation at all. Also, if he was planning to fuck them over so bad by deleting all their footage, why would he give Ed a way to contact him?
G: I don't know
C: I don't know. Maybe it's one of those fake numbers where it's like, if you texted it, it donates $5 to the Red Cross or something out of your phone plan. Yeah. So. And Harry goes like, "We lost a beloved friend, but we gained new allies." A guy literally died. Like, a real guy actually died.
And, you know, they're doing the whole like, "Every day is a new beginning. The Ghostfacers were forced to face something far more scary than ghosts. They were forced to face... themselves." What? What did they have to face for themselves? Like, the Harry/Maggie situation-
G: [laughing] Homosexuality.
C: - and homosexuality?
G: Yeah.
C: Those were the things that they faced that were far more scary than ghosts? [both laughing]
G: I mean, the Harry and Maggie thing was far more scary than ghosts.
C: Yeah. Right. And then they have an annoying little thing where Ed's like, "War changes man," and Harry goes, "And Maggie," and then Ed corrects himself to say, "War changes man and one woman." Which okay, I did laugh a little, but it's also mostly annoying. Right, and Ed says, "Corbett, we just like to think that you're out there watching over us." And Harry is like, "We've promoted you from intern to a full Ghostfacer. Partly because it would be cool to have a ghost on the team." They're being so not nice about this.
G: Yeah!
C: But I mean, okay, I think Harry is the one who's mostly saying the insensitive lines. Ed is sort of trying harder. He says, like, you know, "This whole time, we thought we were teaching you, and really, you were teaching us. About heart, about dedication, and about... how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day"!
G: Literally when they were saying this, I was like, "You know who taught me about heart? [C laughs] About dedication? And about [both] how gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day?" Literally [both] Castiel. Shoutout, my man.
C: Shoutout to Cas. Yeah, okay-
G: And also Alan J. Corbett.
C: Yeah, and also Alan J. Corbett. Right, I've seen that line screenshotted a lot, but it's like, delivered a lot like slower and seriouser than it came off in all the screenshots. Good for Ed. Good for Alan J. Corbett. Yeah. And Harry has some dumb line about like, "Going into that starry night." I don't know what he's referencing. He calls Corbett "young Turk."
G: Yeah.
C: Is that like, a character, or is he just talking about the ethnicity? [G laughs]
G: I mean, I'm pretty sure Corbett is white if anything.
C: Yeah, I'm pretty sure Corbett is white, so I don't know. Probably a reference to something
We cut to like, one more scene of the documentary, and it's like, back before everything happened, and Corbett and Spruce are packing stuff up in the van, and Spruce asks him, "What do you think is gonna happen tonight on this trip?" And Corbett says, "I think tonight, I really do, I think all of our dreams are going to come true. Does that sound stupid?" And Spruce says, "Yeah." And then there's like, a screen that's like, "In memory of Alan J. Corbett, 1985-2008." He was 23. He was so young!
G: Aw. Poor kid.
C: And yeah, this was another- Yeah, I mean, documentaries do this all the time, but like, this did get me a little bit. I was like, "Aw. Poor kid."
G: And then we cut away from that to Sam and Dean and every remaining-
C: First high-resolution camera we've seen.
G: Yeah. Every other remaining Ghostfacer looking at the screen and being like, "Isn't that so great?" And Dean is like, "Yeah. It was half awesome." And Maggie was like, "Half only? It was full-on good?" And Sam says what I referenced earlier-
C: No, I thought she meant- I don't think she was offended. She was like, "Oh, you thought it was half awesome? Like, that means that like, half awesome means good, so that means you think that it's good." I think she's just like excited about the compliment, or what she perceives as a compliment.
G: Oh. Yeah. And Sam says like, "Yeah, it's bizarre how you're all able to honor Corbett’s memory while grossly exploiting the manner of his death. Well done!"
C: Go Sam! This is like, more- this is more thinking in this direction than I think Sam usually does. You know what I mean?
G: What do you mean?
C: Like, I know he's not talking about the homophobia. But this like is like- This feels like SJW Sam rights, sort of. [G laughs] You know what I mean?
G: Yeah.
C: Like, that's the vibe, and I like it, but it feels kind of new for this man.
G: And Ed is like, "Yeah. Corbett gave his life searching for the truth, and it's our job to share that truth to everyone." And Sam's like, "Yeah, when you do that, you either go into a straitjacket or get punched in the face. Sometimes both."
C: Which is not true.
G: Yeah.
C: Because in every episode, Sam and Dean reveal to someone new that the supernatural is real, and like literally, no one has been mad at them about it. Like, they're always just like, "Thank you for saving me, you big, strong men." But whatever.
G: Whatevs.
C: Whatevs.
G: Anyway, Dean was like, "Okay. We won't be haters anymore, or whatever. And see you guys around." And then they leave, and then Harry like, "Ugh, those guys are such losers."
C: Yeah. He calls them dicks.
G: Yeah. And then he finds a backpack that was left behind, and he was like, "Oh, these losers left a backpack. Let's open it up." And when he opens it up and brings out something.
C: Like a- it says it's a magnet attached to a battery.
G: I think electric something. Dean calls it something later.
C: Um, electromagnet.
G: Electromagnet. [laughing] Yeah. Well, there's an electromagnet, and it wipes off all the files.
C: Yeah.
G: And we see Sam and Dean walking- well, running to the Impala, and they're like, "Yeah. The world isn't ready for the Ghostfacers." And Dean is like, "Yeah. I mean, I kind of like the show. It's too bad." And Sam was like, "Well, it had its moments." And they drive off with the Ghostfacers theme song.
C: I just- what was the motivation?
G: Of erasing everything?
C: Yeah.
G: To not reveal the supernatural to world.
C: Right. And they're- Well, okay. But their thoughts were just that no one would believe them.
G: No, I think it was more like, "Even if they believe them, what good will that do?" I think a lot, but-
C: Like, really good. It tells them that you can be safe from ghosts by standing inside a salt circle, and it tells people like, how to like, help death echoes move on, which is important for the death echoes and the pain that they experience. It seems like it would be a good thing for people to have seen this footage.
G: Yeah, but it's a major upheaval in the Supernatural lore universe, so they just don't want to deal with it.
C: I- Like what's the upheaval? Like, they don't want to deal with-
G: No, I mean the TV show is what I mean.
C: Oh, fair. Okay, okay. Yeah, I just- I never fucking got that. Wouldn't you want people to know how to defend themselves? Like, I guess it gives Sam and Dean less chances to swoop in and be annoying, but besides that benefit, like, what else?
G: Yeah. Well.
G: What do we think about this episode overall?
C: I mean, it's- I feel like the shakycam, they could have- it's hard to know what's going on a lot of the time. I felt confused a lot of the time. But, like I was also entertained most of the time, and it's got some very iconic moments, some good physical comedy.
G: It's fun when it's fun.
C: It's fun when it's fun.
G: Best Line/Worst Line.
C: I mean, obviously, "Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day" is the best line.
G: I think that is also the best line.
C: Yeah.
G: Gay love can pierce through the veil of death-
C: - and save the day. And also, obviously, "You gotta go be gay for that poor dead intern" is also the best line, but the veil of death one is more relevant to later Supernatural.
G: I like when Sam was like, [sarcastically "Let's go to the Morton House! It's our Grand Canyon!" I liked that. I don't think it warrants Best Line status, but I like that.
C: I did enjoy that as well. Worst line-
G: What's your worst line? I think the-
C: The Spruce- either of Spruce's main racist lines.
G: I think the the joke of like man being not a gender neutral term.
C: Yeah, that was kind of annoying.
G: I mean, like, it's an outdated joke. There was a time where it was funny, but like nowadays, it's like, "Eh, whatever," you know? So like, maybe it was funny for its time. Now, it's like, "It's okay." It's not that bad, but if I were to choose a worst line, I would choose that one.
C: Yeah. And I already said my worst line.
G: Okay.
C: So spreadsheet time? God, I don't know if we've reached a conclusion yet about how much homophobia is present here.
G: I think I'll give it a 2 in homophobia.
C: Okay. Yeah. I think that makes sense.
G: Just from Dean. [laughs]
C: Just from Dean? Just from the girlfriends line. That's it.
G: Yeah. Dean gets all of this
C: Alright. Misogyny, I think there is a bit. I don't know. It's just hard to tell what is misogynistic because the whole Harry/Maggie situation is so confusing to me that I don't understand what they're going for.
G: I think- if you want, you can give it a one. But like, the whole, I mean- because again, the whole deal of like, "These guys are supposed to be unlikable, so it's not like we're promoting what they're doing."
C: That's true. Yeah, okay. I feel like I'll give it a pass then. Perhaps no misogyny today.
G: Yeah.
C: Racism, there is racism. 1 to 2, I think.
G: I think maybe a 1.
C: Okay. Yup. There we go.
G: How about... oh. What's our-
C: IMDb belief.
G: Yup.
C: I believe this is liked. I'd say it's- I don't know. Like a 9?
G: 9. Okay. Crystal, I hate to break it to you, but this is the lowest-rated episode of season 3, and I've known this for a long time.
C: What?!
G: So you've cemented your answer. It's 9.
C: Oh my god, that's so mean. You're so mean.
G: That's why I was like, shutting up.
C: Okay.
G: I would say this is a 7.8.
C: Okay.
G: Okay, let's check.
It's a 7.6!
C: Damn.
G: Yeah.
C: interesting. Is it just- I guess, did people just really dislike the change in format? Or the fact that like- I guess it happened right after the writers' strike. Like, they'd been off for like, over a month. So I guess it makes sense for people to be disappointed because the whole time they were like, "Oh my god! Supernatural is coming back." And then it's like, something that's very different from the usual format of Supernatural. Is that the problem?
G: All of them are saying it's a Blaire Witch Project ripoff, which, I don't think so. Maybe at that time, that was the only handheld thing, so that's why they were all like, "Oh, it's like Blaire Witch." But nowadays, there's so many handheld camera movie projects or less-
C: I feel like found footage type of stuff, yeah, is pretty normal. I don't know. Okay, I mean, the first two reviews are 10 out of 10 ones. Most of these reviews are positive. [laughing] Wait, sorry.
G: What?
C: Am I on the wrong- I'm not on the wrong one, am I? Am I on the wrong review, because I just read, "Improved, knowing that Castiel loved Dean during this episode"? [G laughing] During this- am I on the wrong page? Oh, I'm on the Ghostfacers TV show!
G: You're what? You're what?
C: I'm on the Ghostfacers TV show. Like, their miniseries, not on the episode. [laughs] Okay. Okay. [both laugh]
G: Literally, everything is improved by knowing that Castiel loved Dean Winchester here.
C: It's still a really funny thing to say regardless, but okay. I'm on the right page now.
G: This one says, "Really? What was that? Supernatural writers, if this is your idea about comedy, please reconsider."
C: Huh. Did they say which parts they found unfunny?
G: They just don't like Ed and Harry. "They were nice on ‘Hell House,’ but they aren't the characters you really would want to bring back. For me, they are one-timers."
C: Interesting. Yeah. One person said that this is disappointing because it follows after “Jus in Bello,” or sorry, I think it's pronounced Yus in Bello or something like that?
G: [sighs] Wait, that's so mean.
C: Whatever.
G: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
C: But okay, so- Which I guess makes sense, because we left off on like that whole Lilith cliffhanger, so it does feel like a big tonal shift to go here, especially since we're like, in the last 4 episodes of the season. But have you considered that I had a fun time?
G: I literally had a fun time! You guys are just mean.
C: Yeah. You guys are just mean. What else?
G: "Not a real episode. You can skip it."
C: Hm.
G: I mean, you can say that about like, a lot of episodes of Supernatural.
C: Yeah. All of the episodes.
"Definitely the worst thing about Supernatural. Couldn't watch the whole thing. Such cringe. Ugh." [laughs] Me about-
G: There are so many review for this one.
C: Yeah, I guess it was quite polarizing, which makes sense.
Someone said about this, "That Jared sure can act"? [G laughs] What did Sam do in this episode?
G: Well, he looked good.
C: Sure, yeah. He looked good.
G: I feel like Sam is finally going turning into Sam of later seasons. Starting like, second half of season 3. Like, he doesn't feel like Sammy anymore.
C: Ah, yeah, I understand what you mean. Yeah.
G: He's becoming disillusioned and scared and like, yeah, all that stuff.
C: Yeah.
G: Like, the way he sighed before telling the Ghostfacers what a ghost- or what a death echo is, I was like, "Oh, that's Sam! That's like, old Sam."
C: Yeah. Huh.
G: Oh, I'm so sad. I just remember that he dies when- well, he dies old as fuck. He was like, 35 when we leave him.
C: Yeah.
G: Something stupid like that. 38. Ugh! Sammmm! Sam!
C: Sam. Yeah.
G: Anyway, we've been recording so long.
C: Oh shit, have we? Oh yeah, we have.
G: So goodbye, everyone. [both laugh]
That’s it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties. Next week, we will be discussing Season 3, Episode 14: "Long-Distance Call." Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts.
C: Follow us on social media! We are on twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast and on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD. Thank you to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod, and check out our Redbubble at babpod.redbubble.com.
G: Yeah! You can email us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected].  See you guys next time! [both] Bye!
[guitar music]
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albumswhatilistenedto · 7 months
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aestivetic · 2 years
My Celebrity Opinions
Here is my current list of all the celebrities I can pull up full-on opinions on. I don’t know if they count as “parasocial relationships”, but here they are.
Don’t see a celebrity here? Either I don’t know them, I don’t care enough about them to have an opinion, or I have forgotten what opinions I have on them. Or they’re not online. Or they’re dead. Or I forgot their names. Look, this list was hard enough in thinking of how many celebrities I actually have an opinion on beyond “Eh, they were good in [X], hope they did alright for themselves”.
Robert Carlyle: True character actor. Incredibly talented, but has an equally strong talent for picking wretched material. Seems to keep his head down and show up, perform in whatever Q-tier soap opera he’s in, take his paycheck and go home. Hope he’s doing well.
Benedict Cumberbatch: Better at comedy than he is usually allotted. Looks a little inbred, but that’s what happens when you go to Eton.
Felicia Day: Glad she’s on MST3K and gets to play a very ace villainess after being slavered over for the past decade-ish. Seems alright, better comic timing than usually given credit for.
Guillermo del Toro: Seems like a really fun guy, going on his interviews, writing, and films. Seems to keep his nose clean. Hope he keeps making films, they seem to stay quality. Good sense of decoration.
Neil Gaiman: One of my top-ten favorite living authors. Very beautiful, hope he’s doing alright. Have considered writing  to him, but keep putting it off.
Doug Jones: Seems like a cool guy. Glad he’s still getting work. Amazing physicality.
Matthew McConaughey: Good actor. Lanky and pretty. Would watch him in most things. One of the few actors who can play butch. Hope he takes on that Rust prequel series. Astounded that he decided to act in Reign of Fire. Appreciate his constant shirt allergy.
Mads Mikkelsen: Very still face, making him one of the few people I can reliably recognize on sight. Seems to keep his nose clean. Glad he’s getting work.
Ben Miller: Liked him in Death In Paradise. Unsurprised that he turned out to be anti-trans, given he’s a middle-aged British man.
Patton Oswalt: Very funny, talented writer of imagery. Some of the best writing about fatness I have personally come across. Glad he’s on MST3K.
Jared Padalecki: Very pretty. Dumb as a bag of hammerstones. Has managed to look startlingly like a trans guy throughout his career. Has appeared in Men’s Health (aka Sports Illustrated for gay men) 6 times, a fact I find endlessly hilarious. Can’t hit marker tape for beans.
Michael Shannon: Scary-looking, but he seems alright. Enjoyed his work in The Shape of Water and Boardwalk Empire. Good comedy talent, though it doesn’t get used a lot.
Mark Sheppard: Talented, great sense of timing, openly a short fat guy who’s not played for comedy or gross-out. Appreciate that he seems to keep his yap shut and make good money. Good inkwork.
Rainn Wilson: Better dramatic actor than usually allotted. Gave an incredible performance in Backstrom. Hope he gets work, because political commentary is not his strong suit. But if people kept trying to make me act like their fancast of a job I’d given up ages ago, I’d probably go nuts, too.
Steven Moffat, Bryan Fuller, Ryan Murphy, George Lucas, Tarsem Singh: Can and will be devoured by plot bunnies unless kept on an incredibly tight rein.
Dan Olson; “Andy” of Atun-Shei Films: Voice like butter that makes you smarter. Glad he stays pretty private. Attractive. Incredibly talented writer/performer.
MST3K Crew: Have, by extension, helped me with my lifelong insomnia and nightmares. Glad Mr. Corbett is sober, it’s an inspiration to me. Also inspirational in building a reliable brand with reliable and affordable output, and leaning on clean(ish) humor.
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hypersfixation · 10 months
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47-motorsports · 4 months
1 week Until Super Bowl!!! Chiefs vs 49er's!! 75 Spots Left!! 3rd Annual 47 Motorsports 2024 Super Bowl Squares! Message or Text me what spot you would like! As always Prices and Pay Outs are in the Picture! Thank you for your support and Can't wait to See you at the Track in 2024! Please share and lets get it filled up! Payment: Venmo @Walter-Cook-47 Pay Pal: @WalterCook578 @followers 1 Madsen B 2 Dwayne P. 3 4 Dean Charbonneau 5 6 Jennifer T. 7 8 9 Becca Schiller 10 11 12 13 Dwayne Primeau 14 Fred Shaughnessy 15 16 Matt Humes 17 Scott Pratt 18 19 20 21 22 Kaylee Johnson 23 Fran Colvett 24 Becca Schiller 25 26 Jaynie Corbett 27 Fred Shaughnessy 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Chelsea/Dave Baranowski 36 Selena C 37 38 39 40 Dean Charbonneau 41 42 43 Fred Shaughnessy 44 Billy Hodges 45 46 Fran Colvett 47 @47motorsports 48 49 50 51 52 53 Scott Pratt 54 55 Charlene 56 57 Ben Balzer Stinger Autosport 58 59 60 61 Kaylee Johnson 62 Fran Colvett 63 64 65 66 67 Jason Thompson 68 69 Maryhelen Culver 70 71 72 73 Jason Thompson 74 75 76 Charlie Arnold 77 78 Fran Colvett 79 Billy Hodges 80 81 82 83 84 85 Matt Humes 86 87 Jaynie Corbett 88 Chelsea/Dave Baranowski 89 Lisa McCorry Hall 90 91 92 93 94 Amber T 95 96 97 98 99 100
1 week Until Super Bowl!!! Chiefs vs 49er's!! 75 Spots Left!! 3rd Annual 47 Motorsports 2024 Super Bowl Squares! Message or Text me what spot you would like! As always Prices and Pay Outs are in the Picture! Thank you for your support and Can't wait to See you at the Track in 2024! Please share and lets get it filled up! Payment: Venmo @Walter-Cook-47 Pay Pal: @WalterCook578 @followers 1 Madsen B 2 Dwayne P.🏁 3 4 Dean Charbonneau 5 6 Jennifer T. 7 8 9 Becca Schiller 10 11 12 13 Dwayne Primeau🏁 14 Fred Shaughnessy🏁 15 16 Matt Humes 17 Scott Pratt 18 19 20 21 22 Kaylee Johnson 23 Fran Colvett 24 Becca Schiller 25 26 Jaynie Corbett 27 Fred Shaughnessy🏁 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Chelsea/Dave Baranowski 36 Selena C 37 38 39 40 Dean Charbonneau 41 42 43 Fred Shaughnessy🏁 44 Billy Hodges 45 46 Fran Colvett 47 @47motorsports🏁 48 49 50 51 52 53 Scott Pratt 54 55 Charlene 🏁 56 57 Ben Balzer Stinger Autosport 58 59 60 61 Kaylee Johnson 62 Fran Colvett 63 64 65 66 67 Jason Thompson 68 69 Maryhelen Culver🏁 70 71 72 73 Jason Thompson 74 75 76 Charlie Arnold🏁 77 78 Fran Colvett 79 Billy Hodges 80 81 82 83 84 85 Matt Humes 86 87 Jaynie Corbett 88 Chelsea/Dave Baranowski 89 Lisa McCorry Hall 🏁 90 91 92 93 94 Amber T🏁 95 96 97 98 99 100 February 04, 2024 at 11:22PM
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Birthdays 9.1
Beer Birthdays
John F. Betz Jr. (1856)
William “Billy” Barnes (1864)
Ben Edmunds (1981)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Edgar Rice Burroughs; writer (1875)
Richard Farnsworth; actor (1920)
Joe Jusko; comic book artist, illustrator (1959)
Seiji Ozawa; orchestra conductor (1935)
Art Pepper; jazz saxophonist (1925)
Famous Birthdays
Soshana Afroyim; Austrian painter (1927)
Innokenty Annensky; Russian poet (1855)
Adolphe Appia; Swiss stage design theorist (1862)
Francis William Aston; physicist, chemist (1877)
Archie Bell; soul singer-songwriter and musician (1944)
Blaise Cendrars; Swiss author and poet (1887)
Chicken Boy; Los Angeles icon (1969)
Gene Colan; illustrator (1926)
James John "Gentleman Jim" Corbett; boxer (1866)
Yvonne De Carlo; actor (1922)
Alan Dershowitz; attorney (1938)
Gloria Estefan; pop singer (1957)
Christopher Ferguson; astronaut (1961)
Bruce Foxton; English singer-songwriter and bass player (1955)
Nicholas Garland; English cartoonist (1935)
Al Geiberger; golfer, holds record for lowest round, 59 (1937)
Barry Gibb; pop singer (1946)
Holly Golightly; comic book artist (1964)
Hilda Hänchen; German physicist (1919)
Tim Hardaway; basketball player and coach (1966)
Willem Frederik Hermans; Dutch author, poet, and playwright (1921)
Eleanor Hibbert; English author (1906)
Kin Hubbard; writer (1868)
Engelbert Humperdinck; German composer (1854)
Boney James; saxophonist (1961)
Allen Jones; English sculptor and painter (1937)
Joe Jusko; comic book artist (1959)
Per Kirkeby; Danish painter, sculptor, and poet (1938)
Marshall Lytle; bass player and songwriter (1933)
Rocky Marciano; boxer (1923)
Ludwig Merwart; Austrian artist (1913)
Hilda Rix Nicholas; Australian artist (1884)
Ron O'Neal; actor (1937)
Johann Pachelbel; German composer (1653)
Walter Philip Reuther; labor leader (1907)
Ann Richards; educator and politician (1933)
Othmar Schoeck; Swiss composer (1886)
Leonard Slatkin; orchestra conductor (1944)
Lily Tomlin; comedian, actor (1939)
Conway Twitty; country singer (1933)
Boxcar Willie; country singer (1931)
Zendaya; actress and singer (1996)
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andronicmusicblog · 9 months
Midwest Games, established by former Netflix and Harebrained Schemes employees.
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Midwest Games is a new company established by former Netflix and Harebrained Schemes employees. The company's focus is on the importance of representation in the Midwest.
Today, Aug 22, 2034, Green Bay, Wisconsin - A new game publisher, Midwest Games, has been launched by industry veteran Ben Kvalo. The company is headquartered in Green Bay and works in partnership with venture capital firm TitletownTech, anchored by the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft. The team includes co-founder and Head of Partnerships, Rob Martin III, former XSET Co-owner, Chief Marketing Officer Jennifer Corbett, and Chief Project Officer Chris Klimecky.
Midwest Games is focused on underrepresented regions, starting with the Midwest, and aims to provide resources for talented game developers. Their debut game, RA RA BOOM, developed by Cincinnati-based Gylee Games, has been unveiled. Midwest Games will make its public debut in August 2023 as an official sponsor of 2D Con.
With a mission to redefine the games industry and cultivate a thriving regional games ecosystem, Midwest Games is set to provide opportunities for game developers in under-served regions. The team is excited to work with talented developers and bring their games to a broader audience.
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