#Bobby Squared
tawaifeddiediaz · 4 months
9-1-1 season 7 billboard || times square, new york city
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scoobydoodean · 6 months
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You're not gonna die. I'm not gonna let you die. You're like a father to me. You gotta believe me, please!
3.10 Dream A Little Dream Of Me
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blackmensuited · 7 months
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freakshowcowboy · 12 hours
can i be real w yall for a minute. i actually Hate in fics when the whole 118 have like a bet going on behind buck and eddies backs about when theyre going to realize theyre in love w each other. my brother they are not doing that.
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prommytheus · 11 months
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my most favorite (very alive) police detective
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Thank you to everyone who prayed for a good night for me; I had weird dreams but not bad ones, and I got to hold a tiny baby, which I would say even counts as a good dream. 🥰
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
im literally So scared rn but i keep reminding myself. 1) If quackity does kill bobby it's ok cause he'll respawn back at the house and still have one life left and 2) If quackity tries to kill all the eggs all together there's no way he'll fucking win like we all know he is not good at this game and he's up against like 5 murderous eggs 😭
I WAS LITERALLY JUST ABOUT TO POST ABOUT THAT literally unless he fucking finds some insane way to separate them all like all of them have guns and half of them are perpetually bloodthirsty there’s no way he’s winning this
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francesderwent · 2 years
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remember last time how I specified “shorter than five foot” and everyone who thought they were short wasn’t short enough? yeah me too
if you’ve never played before, it goes like this: copy the image into paint or save it to your phone, use the marker tool to check any boxes that you have in common with me, and then reblog this post with your marked-up version! and then if you want, make your own bingo sheet and tag me in it!
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isame-allen · 23 days
Im pretty sure randy would understand nm didn't mean it bc nm is gay and Bobby is a girl and is a minor
Im not saying that there is a chance but some people use the excuse of being gay to get out of these type of situations
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piscesscake · 6 months
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mars square neptune
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Halle Bailey Millie Bobby Brown Britney Spears
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vintagerocker69 · 1 year
Rolling Sones Keith Richards at Madison Square Garden, 1972. Photo by Bob Gruen.
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Castration and orchidectomy are not the same thing.
Castration is the removal of the testicles, while orchidectomy is the removal of only one testicle. Orchidectomy can be done for medical reasons and to treat certain conditions, but it is also a common procedure for transgender people who are transitioning to a male or male-presenting gender identity.
While both can lead to a reduction in the production of certain hormones, the overall effects and consequences are different depending on the specific procedure and the patient's individual medical needs and goals.
putting these in one again
Orchidectomy (from the Greek "orchi" meaning "testicle") is a surgical procedure in which one or both testicles are removed from a person's body. It's a form of castration, because it removes the production of testosterone from the body. This can lead to a decrease in libido, hair growth, and energy levels, as well as a change in voice and body shape due to the loss of estrogen and testosterone that would usually be produced by the testicles.
Orchidectomy can be done to treat certain medical conditions like uterine, ovarian, and other gynecological cancers as well as testicular cancer.
baby, all you told me in these two is that a square is not a rectangle it's a rhombus but also it is a form of rectangle and it's so unnecessary, i gotta tell ya. but it's a little bit funny to me too
this is all semantics, but from what i gather, orchiectomy is what they call the surgical procedure for bilateral castration today. it's just a slightly newer word for the same old process, granted with much better medical knowledge and safety than the 19th or 16th centuries, but i digress, lmao
emasculation actually has an archaic use that means to castrate as well! neuter is even older than all of them. sorry, lol, synonym nut because i write<3
... smuts... sometimes... ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))
i am aware that there are medical advantages or reasonings to castration and that orchiectomy would be used for trans people as well, but i suppose this could be news for others?? and i'm always down for edumacation~<3 (same goes for mastectomies and hysterectomies too, ESPECIALLY for fibroids and endometriosis)
i still thinks it's a bit extreme of a jump for ryan (which has me wondering if you may be projecting some internalized feelings onto him as a character/want to see them represented which to a degree, i can get, go and be *you* if you are trans and don't let anyone tell you different), but don't think i missed all the hints
this tells me you want ryan to be trans i'm guessing? i think rep of a trans person/kid would be nice and plausible for the boys (especially with how witch hunty people are right now, fuck that), but i don't know if i want it to happen to ryan specifically when he like... he *already* has HOMELANDER to deal with and you wanna add to that???
listen... i just wanna see ryan be a little shit and use his powers. the actor who plays him is GREAT at being a creepy little fucker (prior experience in horror!) which i suppose could work with the trans aspect, but like... it would be a lot going on at once (there's a balance here that can be easily overloaded) and i'm not so sure you'd want a little transgirl minilander lasering the shit out of stuff??? (or maybe you do, LMAO!!)
but i also feel like if there were any indication he might be trans, he'd have already shown signs with becca raising him (she was 100% a supportive parent, she raised him gentle which homie insulted but i'm pretty sure she would have let ryan actually be a girl if he felt uncomfortable being a boy is what i'm getting at.)
OR~<3! and here's a kickin' twist... ryan has secretly been trans the whole time<3<3<3!!! (could you imagine, whole different set of problems with homelander finding out but he'd probably *actually* encourage it in this case *just* to hide it since he's already introduced ryan as his son to the public!)
i do think some good trans rep may be more likely for gen v and that it would be lovely to see<3
my thing is that i just want them to add big bobby~<3 (hughie's transwoman friend in the comics) cause she's over 6 foot and a total boss that flaunts her fabulously flamboyant fashion sense while just being all around awesome and huge and awesome and kind of an asshole but also awesome i love her... i also LOVE bobby as a girl's name like you have no idea... IT'S CUTE--.
but idk, it's whatever i guess, and remember that squares are the lovechild of the rhombus and rectangle~<3<3<3
and go write trans ryan fic if you want trans ryan, lol! you have all rights to do whatever the fuck you want in fanfic<3 ;)
**ALSO, i'm assuming the very last thing you mentioned pertains exclusively to intersexed people, satan that did not hit me the first time.
but generally if someone can have an orchiectomy, they don't have a uterus or ovaries (though yes, i am aware some often ignored humans do have both), i would have started by mentioning testicular/prostate/other y chromosome related cancers because generally speaking, someone who has testes does not see a gynecologist or is at risk for any of those cancers. (generally, again, intersex people and chromosomal disorders are a thing)
anywho~<3 ;))))
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jackbatchelor3 · 1 year
It's BOBBY vs BOBBY! 👮‍♂️👮‍♂️ Albert Squared² EastEnders
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blackmensuited · 9 months
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normalgoalie · 1 year
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When you don’t have an actual tree topper but it doesn’t matter bc he’s the star anyway 🌟
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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November 1, 1924 was a red letter day for both the city of Boston and the National Hockey League. On that day, Charles Francis Adams paid the NHL a rumored $15,000 and received in return a piece of paper entitling him to the first United States entry into the league.  
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