#But Elliot Stabler can CHOKE
oneshotnewbie · 1 year
We need chapter V from Rabbit hole..... NOW! Please don't make us wait too long, I love this story so much! It is my favorite 😭🤧🥺
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Authors note: It's a little bit short for my liking but the sixth chapter will be a bit longer for you, I promise ♥
⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of torture, stabbing and blood. The plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Olivia ran outside, back into the cold and the heavy rain. She stroked her damp hair furiously, a raindrop of which had fallen directly on her neck and made her jump slightly as she whipped out her cell phone and pulled all the units she needed for saving you towards her position.
Her stare lingered for endless seconds on a number, her heart screaming to not call it. But your life surpassed all doubts and with trembling and soaked fingers, she pressed the green handset of her display. The heavy tones echoed in her head and before she could even think about what to say, the person on the other end accepted the call.
"Stabler?" his voice was firm and direct, almost tense despite the crackling of the line and his footsteps in the background, presumably currently working on a case himself.
She coughed heavily, choking on the cold air that filled her lungs even before she managed to speak. The swift wind caught her in a flash and made her shudder. Same way as the worried and loud voice in her ear after she did not reply. "Liv? Liv, are you okay?!"
When the cold finally cleared her senses and calmed her troubled thoughts, she answered briefly in a shaky voice. "I need your help, you have to come here immediately. Y/n is in danger."
Olivia did not even wait for an answer from Elliot but quickly gave him your home address and hung up. She could not hold any sensible conversation now, she was too worried about your condition. The only thing enveloping in her head was a cloud of dark thoughts.
You were trapped. Tortured by a beast.
The quiet sounds of sniffling, followed by sobs that were held back and muffled from tears, escaped your mouth. The soles of your worn and bloodstained boots nervously tapping the parquet floor, waiting for the promised help.
Fear, you had learned, often had positive side effects if you experienced it often enough- it sharpened your senses. Olivia always remarked that if your ex husband ever harmed you again, he would be a dead man. As she said those very last words, something inside you relaxed and you knew she was going to use all the artillery to get you out of there. At least that is what the choice of words and the tone of her deep and angry voice told you.
You just had to survive those few hours.
A cold but hard punch brought your starved and giving up body back to reality. Blood splattered across your face and neck region, while your clothes were completely stained in blood from hours and days prior. "Did you listen to me, bitch? I do not believe that secret cop talk so what the fuck did your boss mean by that?"
You were exhausted beyond repair and needed sleep. But most of all you needed the unconditional love of your family and the warm embrace and comforting words from Olivia. These thoughts gave you the strength to keep going.
You knew that if you were not already sitting on the floor, your last strength would have left you at the very moment. But you fought against the overwhelming tiredness and gathered all the strength you could find. A mischievous grin spread thoughtlessly across your torn and slightly bluish tainted lips.
"Olivia Benson is the best in her field and has taken down far worse psychopaths than you. She saw right through you the moment you opened the door," you stated between dry coughs that made your lungs ignite like fire. "Your lousy game is over, Henry."
"No. No," nervously, he paced around the room, biting his fingernails before turning his head slightly your way, stopping dead in his tracks. His expression changed into a cool and almost deadly one. Wild fantasies rattled in his head and he looked around. You watched every movement as he entered your open kitchen and rummaged wildly in every compartment; searching for something.
His movements stopped not a minute later, a devilish grin spread across his wet lips that he licked over previously. Fear rose up in you. Panic. You knew that look to well and it meant nothing good. Much worse would await you than what you have had to live through in his power up to now.
A silver, single-edged knife flashed in his hand. The steel blade was between 9 and 15cm long, tapered to a point; producing smooth cut surfaces.
Henry came closer before standing in front of you, not losing his sadistic grin. The man you once cherished as a friend and lover- you were so stupid and naive. "You know, babygirl. When my life goes down the drain, so does yours," he said quietly, looking at you with deep, clear eyes; they steadily darkened like the black of night.
You groaned from the oncoming pain. How were you supposed to respond if you did not have a chance to change anything about the outcome of this day? "Go to hell!"
His free hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing it while quickly lifting you to your feet. He drew the slightly rusted, jagged blade across your cheek in a straight cut. Blood spurted out immediately and you cried out in pain when his only answer was a cruel laugh.
Suddenly, the blade pierced your stomach. Then a second time. Your eyes opened wide, sucking in the air sharply. Your body was on fire. Aches and pains developing and chased through your body, that you never thought were possible.
There was no remorse or emotion on his face besides his smile, but his eyes radiated deep pleasure. The pain was indescribable, your screams died down to soft sobs. "Liv.." you breathed her name like it was the last thing escaping your lips forever.
"She will be late," he hissed happily, letting you fall back onto the floor.
Your blood dripped from the blade onto the already soiled ground. You looked back at his face one last time. It was darker and more terrifying than anything that existed before your head panted down to your stomach area. You saw a patch that was steadily expanding. First, it reminded you of an island on a map, then of a storm cloud spreading across your torn and soiled blouse.
"Farewell, sweetheart. It was fun playing with you," he said from the front door, where he was standing before he went through it and threw it close with a loud bang. He just left you laying in your own pool of blood.
You stared at your hands, located on the floor beside your body, fingers that had started to tremble uncontrollably as the cold and creeping fear seeped through you. Groaning, you lay on the ground and struggled to breathe as another wave of pain swept through you. Your body cramped up. You were too weak to cry and too exhausted to keep fighting and scream.
You saw as if through a pane wet with rain, behind which the world blurred for you. Everything seemed crooked or oddly bulging and got worse with each second passing. Like a psychedelic caricature that fitted perfectly with the devastated present you would have to live in forever from now on. Or die if your frail body could not handle the constant loss of blood and you would not survive.
You closed your eyes, unsure if you would ever wake up again. You breathed loudly, faster but significantly shallower. The spasms left your limbs and you began to feel oblivious to the outside world. Relief filled your body, the piercing pain slowly fading into the back.
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yhamh · 1 year
Can you do Bensler “Did you just call me sweetheart?” From the fluff prompts 🫶
Forgive the AO3 formatting. I'm too lazy to adjust it.
Elliot was lucky to get a seat at the table with how crowded the room was. It wasn’t just the detectives and sergeants of SVU and OC - there were unis and a few loans from Homicide, too. That was fine, he was learning to play nice. He <em>could</em> play nice when he set his mind on it.
And with Liv running point he had to. She’d have his ass on a platter if he got in the way of their bust. 
For all the perks of having a relationship with a NYPD Captain she sure didn’t let him get away with shit. At least not when she was the one in charge. Which was why he damn well better pay attention to what she was saying. Last time he’d made the mistake of not listening in on a debrief he’d been chewed out in front of four superiors. 
“We got checkpoints on bridges out of Manhattan but no hits yet,” Liv said as she stood at the head of the room. “OC has been on this group’s tail before. Sweetheart, what have you got?”
The room fell deadly quiet and then there was a single detective who coughed into his hand. All eyes swung to look at him.
“Detective Stabler?” Liv said.
It started with the tips of his ears but he could feel the flush make its way down his neck until it hit his face. There was little doubt that he was as bright as a cherry popsicle right about now.
“We, uh . . .” he ruffled through the file he had in his hand. Did that really just happen? “We found, um . . .” He made the mistake of looking up and his eyes caught Fin. Fin who was sporting a shit eating grin. 
The room was quiet enough that you could hear a pin drop. And all eyes were still on him. 
A choked cough came out of him as he stuttered. He looked up at Liv helplessly before his  gaze found Ayanna. Only Ayanna wasn’t looking at him. She was standing at the back of the room with her hands up and her fingers massaging her temples. 
He looked back down at his file.
Mercifully, thankfully, Jamie interrupted his lack of speech and said, “We’ve got the Lieutenant of the hit squad turned over as CI but -” and the rest was just noise for Elliot.
Did Liv really just call him sweetheart in front of all their co-workers?
A large part of him wanted to look at her and ask <em>Liv, what the hell?</em> But the larger part of him knew that if he tried to speak that nothing would come out. 
That was a hell of a way to announce their relationship to everyone.
Although, as he watched Muncy hand Fin a twenty dollar bill, he thought that maybe it wasn’t such a huge surprise to some of them.
As the meeting ended he could feel Liv’s gaze on him and he only flushed brighter. It was just a slip of the tongue. This didn’t have to be a big deal. 
“Pay attention, sweetheart,” Jet said out of the corner of her mouth as Elliot realized that the meeting was over and everyone was getting ready to go about their assignments. 
He didn’t respond. Instead he passed his debrief over to her and as soon as he saw Liv walking to her office he was on her heels. <em>What the hell, Liv?</em> he needed to say.
“Excuse me, sweetheart,” said a uni who nearly bumped into him, followed by a round of laughter from the group who overheard. He ignored them, too.
“Just a minute, sweetheart,” Reyes called out to him. “I need you to look at this.” He kept walking.
Once he was in Liv’s office he closed the door behind him. 
“What was that all about, El?” she asked as she sat at her desk.
Did she really not know what she just did?
“Liv, did you just call me sweetheart?” he asked. It’s not that he was opposed to the term of endearment. Just . . . maybe save it for when they were at home and not in front of . . . he looked out of her office window . . . dammit, who knew how many people.
“What?” she said with a laugh. “No, I didn’t. You wish.”
“No, but you did. You just called me sweetheart in front of everyone.”
An exasperated sigh escaped her and she looked at him incredulously. 
“Elliot, that would be completely unprofessional. I did not call you sweetheart.”
“Liv, I’m not asking. I’m telling you. You just -” He was interrupted by a knock at the door. Ayanna entered with Homicide’s Lieutenant. 
“Ayanna, tell her,” he said as he floundered. “Tell her what just happened.” 
Liv looked at Ayanna expectantly but the woman, his <em>friend,</em> just shrugged and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No, but -”
“If this isn’t about the case then we need to move on,” said the Lieutenant. “We have things we need to discuss with the Captain.”
He looked from Ayanna to the Lieutenant and back to Liv again. So that’s how it was gonna be, then?
What could he do? He nodded his head, gave one last look at his girlfriend and left her office.
It didn’t matter how much she denied it, he knew what she said.
“Ready, Stabler?” said Velasco as he put on his vest. “We’re all ready to roll out.”
“Yeah,” he said before clearing his throat. Fine, if they all wanted to pretend like nothing happened then that was fine by him. Maybe it was even more merciful. “I’m ready.”
“Good,” he said as he led him out of the precinct. “Let’s go, sweetheart.”
Maybe he could look on the brightside. At least she hadn’t called him <em>honey.</em>
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prince-dragon1 · 2 years
Could you do a caregiver Elliot Stabler one. I have never seen anyone write any agere stories with him.
No problem! Sorry this took so long! I got really busy 😅 Hope you don’t mind that these are headcannons for now, but if you’d like a full story, just ask and I’ll write one up! - Prince
Sorry this kind of morphed into Elliot and Liv as caregivers for a hot moment!
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Caregiver! Elliot Stabler Headcanons
Warnings: Panic Attack, Mentions of SVU Season 13, Episode 1 and SVU Season 22 Episode 9
- Elliot honestly wasn’t expecting to end up with another kiddo, even if they technically weren’t his kid. Funny how things work out, huh?
- He’s been around the block before in parenting/caregiving, so he would be one of the more stern types! 
- Because of that, Elliot is more immune to puppy eyes than most. 
- “Daddy? Can I pleaseeee stay up?” You beg, giving him puppy eyes
- “Kiddo, it’s bed time.” Elliot softly insists.
- His hugs are strong and tight, and also very warm. One of the best types of a hug that a caregiver can have :) 
- No. 1 Daddy
- He enjoys calling you names such as “Little One, Kiddo, Buddy, Champ, and Sport.”
- He’s a lot gentler with you then he is with most people.
- Structure and Communication becomes very important to him when it comes to taking care of you.
- He’s very over protective of his little one, especially if they’re one of his co-workers in SVU or OC!
- Elliot, when he finds out, accepts it right off the bat. Out of all of the things he’s seen in his years of SVU, this isn’t the weirdest coping method he’s seen.
- With your permission, he eventually ends up telling Olivia.
- If you end up with him as your caregiver before he disappears for ten years, you struggle when he leaves without a word. 
- Thankfully, Olivia knew, and stepped in sometimes. The two of you bond over your shared grief over Elliot. 
- The two of you were called into Cragen’s office, not long after the shooting occurred. You or Olivia hadn’t heard from Elliot since the shooting, and the two of you were getting worried. Then both of your worlds change with 5 words. 
 “Elliot put his papers in.” 
- The two of you throw yourselves into work at first, trying to cope with the grief and the loss. He had been such a huge part of both of your lives for the last decade, and now he wasn’t there. 
- The first time you regress without Elliot there is after a long shift. You’d been wrapped up so tightly in this case, that all you wanted to do was go home and nap. 
-Things never come easy for you, do they? Apparently not. 
- As you’re walking out, you hear some music playing. Some painfully familiar music, that just so happens to be one of the triggers for your PTSD. Cue panic attack, and regression. 
- You immediately make a 180, beelining towards the nearest bathroom, panicking. You end up running into Olivia, who knows because Elliot talked to her about it sometimes after he found out about your regression. 
- She can tell something’s off, by the look on your face and just the general aura of panic. 
- Olivia tries out nervously, not sure if it would be appropriate to call you by your actual name at the moment. She gently approaches your shaking form, concerned for you. You respond to that name, bright big panicked green eyes looking up to meet hers.  
- “Hey, hey, easy now. It’s going to be okay Honey. Can you take some deep breaths for me?” She asks, demonstrating. 
- You shakily follow her demonstration. 
- Olivia is quick to praise, “Good job, Kiddo. Can you tell me how old you are right now?’ 
- You hold up 3, changing it to 4, and then back to 3 quickly. 
- “Do you mind if I come stay at yours, tonight Kiddo? I don’t feel comfortable leaving you like this.” Olivia asked. You agreed.
- The two of you got back to your apartment, and at some point during the night, you’re on her lap bawling about how much you missed your daddy. Olivia chokes back tears as she tries to reassure you, but she can’t help but feel a little bit of anger against Elliot. Why would he do this? Leave both you and her like this? Especially you? 
- For the next ten years, you’re mostly a solo regressor as you try to take care of yourself in you regression for the most part. It just doesn’t feel right to add another burden to Olivia, asking her to fill Elliot’s shoes. 
- She does become the cool Auntie Liv, though! Not like she wasn’t already, but she just became even cooler. 
- There are some moments where you just need someone, though, and that’s when Auntie Liv swoops in to help you out. 
- Of course, that all gets messed up, when Elliot comes back. 
- You’re waken up after a long shift, by Liv calling you to get to the hospital, a cop’s wife was the victim of a car bomb. 
- You just weren’t expecting the wife to be freaking Kathy Stabler.
- The first face you see when you turn the corner makes your jaw drop. It’s Elliot. 
- He grins, simply stating, “Hey you.” 
- Olivia appears not long after, her guilty yet displeased face meeting yours. 
- You feel anger. A lot of anger. You stride up to him and slap him, growling, 
“You jerk. How dare you. You abandon me and Olivia for 10 years, without a word, and you just come waltzing back in my life with just a ‘Hey you?’. Well, Mr. Stabler, That is not how this is going to work. You don’t realize how much you hurt me and Olivia. You don’t realize how much you missed.
- Elliot looks shell shocked. Olivia looks proud that you were willing to say the words she couldn’t. 
- You and Olivia get filled in by Fin. Only here for a trip, and decided that they were going to show up at Olivia’s award ceremony. That feeling inside of you that was anger? Sadness mixed with anger, creating a foul mood for you. 
- That night, Olivia ends up calling Lucy to stay at hers overnight and crashing at yours, correctly predicting that you were going to regress, and young too. 
- You’re sobbing into her shoulder, when she silently decides that she’s going to give Elliot a piece of her mind about this whole situation. Olivia is concerned for you, and also for herself. 
- If Elliot ever thought he was going to get away with not talking about this, he thought wrong.
- Things are awkward between the three of you for a while.
- It’s not until Kathleen, Liv, and you are eating out at lunch one day and she asks the two of you help to intervene with Elliot about his PTSD.
- You’re in the apartment with Elliot’s children and Liv when Elliot comes home.
- His eyes sweep the room, and he asks,
“What is this?”
- “This is an intervention.” Kathleen simply states.
- “Well okay, what are we intervening about?” Elliot asks.
- “Your PTSD.” Maureen simply chimes in.
- “You scream in your sleep.” Eli points out.
- “We love you Elliot, but you’re worrying us right now with this.” Olivia steps in quickly.
- “Please go get some therapy, El.” You summed up.
- “I love you all.” is his simple response.
- It isn’t much longer after that that you, Liv, and Elliot end up sitting down to talk about your regression.
- It’s a warm summer day, and you’re at your desk. You’ve been working insanely hard after Elliot came back, trying to avoid him except for a few awkward encounters. You know Olivia and Elliot have been giving you worried looks for a while, but you don’t really care.
- It’s just you and Olivia working right in the precinct right now, all the others have not yet arrived. Elliot walks in, and you barely give him a nod in greeting before returning to your work as he heads to Olivia’s office.
- After a few minutes, Olivia calls you into her office. You get up, grumbling under your breath. You walk into the office, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed. Elliot and Olivia are in the office as Olivia closes the door and Elliot shuts the blinds. They both turn to face you, and then Elliot speaks, in parallel to his daughter.
“This is an intervention.”
- You raise your eyebrow, tilting your head curiously. You ask, “What are we intervening on?”
- Olivia jumps in, “Why you haven’t regressed since the night Elliot came back. And why you’re overworking yourself.”
- You challenge, knowing that she’s right, “How do you know that I haven’t regressed since I came back?” You’re not even bothering to even go near the overworking conversation that you, Olivia, and even Elliot have had multiple times since you joined SVU.
- “You’re more irritable when you haven’t regressed in a while and need to. Also your reactions to triggers get more extreme.” Elliot added.
- You take a double take, and mumble disrespectfully, “Congratulations to the Caregiver who abandoned me without a word for 10 years for still remembering the signs of when I need to regress.”
- Elliot leans in, having heard this. He asks firmly, “What did I just hear from you, Little One?”
- You snap, “You don’t get the privilege to call me that anymore! You just up and left for 10 years without a word and you think you can walk back in and take your place as my daddy again within a second?”
- Olivia rests a hand on his shoulder, almost as if she’s expecting him to go off. Elliot sags, almost as if he’s admitting defeat.
- “I don’t think I can, but if you’d let me I’d like to try.”
- He searches through his pockets, eventually turning up an small plush that you’d left at his house not long before the shooting. It had been on of your favorites. He hands it to you, explaining, “I never forgot.”
- You gasp, looking up into his solid blue eyes and then back down to your plush, hugging it slightly.
- Elliot admits, “I know I messed up, but I’d like to fix it.”
- Olivia adds in naturally, explaining “That’s why all three of us have the day off, if you don’t mind? Give you the day to regress, and that way all three of us can work on this together?
- You look up, seeing the look in Olivia’s eyes and the hopeful gleam in Elliot’s.
- You agree, asking “Where to?”
- Olivia answers, “Yours, if you don’t mind?”
- You answer, “No, I don’t.”
- The three of you head to your apartment.
- When all three of you walk in the door, it’s like a switch flips. You turn to Olivia and Elliot, shyly announcing, “I’m hungry.”
- Elliot grins, playing along. “Want some Mac and Cheese kiddo?”
- You nod, answering “Yes, please.”
- Elliot picks up your smaller frame, smiling brightly. He turns to Olivia asking, “Do you mind if you make it? I’m going to go get this bugger changed into something that isn’t work clothes. Those aren’t comfortable, are they?” He asks rhetorically to you, before tickling you.
- You let out a giggle, looking the most relaxed either of the two of them has seen you in months.
- The three of you spent the day playing away, and at the end of it, when you’re giving large yawns, Elliot steps over, lifting you with ease into your bed.
- He smiles, as he says “Good night, kiddo.”
- You respond with a sleepy “Good night, Daddy.”
- Elliot feels significantly better about the entire situation now. He heads back to the couch, where Liv is sitting with a glass of wine.
- She smiles, softly telling him “I’m happy you managed to be able to take care of them again.”
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jtthompson · 2 years
SVU ranting
Law & order SVU. Problematic. Troubling. Copaganda. They STAY doing illegal things. I know this. WE know this. However let's discuss one of the other reasons why this shit is RANCID. OLIVIA & ELLIOT.
THIS FUCKING MAN- Tells her he's lost everything except for Olivia and the job, they both chose to save one another over catching a baddie and Stabler's all "This can't happen again Liv". So Olivia?? LEAVES. Asks for a transfer. GHOSTS HIM. DESK EMPTY. And he's in his FEELINGS. Then they start pairing him with "loose cannon" partners so he can maybe understand how shitty he HIMSELF is. THE IRONY. RIGHT. UGH.
THEN Olivia is back in SVU. Back as his partner for a coupla episodes before she gets pulled undercover. AND DISSAPEARS AGAIN. No messages. Just OUTIE. Is gone for months. COMES BACK, MEETS STABLER"S NEW PARTNER BECK, says she isn't ready to come back and asks for everyone to NOT tell Elliot that she's back.
The subterfuge. The bs. WHY are they no longer allowed to be around one another? This feels like midseasons of Supernatural when Cas always had a side mission or was perpetually hiding things from Dean. Why are they treating Olivia and Elliot like they are a queer couple!? He's had divorce papers for MULTIPLE SEASONS NOW and pretty sure they are still unsigned. How absolutely shitty to his EX and his 5 effing kids.
Now Beck is here. Her and Stabler have been butting heads as she settles into the squad. Liv stops by, leaves, "don't tell El" - and now Stabler is COMPLIMENTING Beck. AND THEY JUST FUCKING KISSED. WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!! One night of drinks after MAYBE catching a murderer and suddenly fireworks? Feels like a Sims 3 romance. *Buy drink. Tell joke. Compliment. Compliment. Tell joke. Kiss*
Apparently the sheer masculine testosterone of one Elliot Stabler is too much for any female partners to handle, because they always end up doe eyed over this man who has 0 impulse control and massive anger issues and avoids emotions. This is SEASON 8! OLIVIA HAS BEEN OVERTLY IN LOVE WITH HIM FOR A MIIIIIIIINUTE.
Stabler's WIFE hints at being uncomfortable with their friendship/partnership in SEASON FUCKING ONE. EARLY SEASON ONE, and these are MINIMUM 23 episode seasons. ITS BEEN YEARS. AND NOW THEY WONT ALLOW THEM TO BE IN THE SAME ROOM!?!?!!
But at this point they are SO fucking toxic for one another. Their heads EMPTY when together. I legit don't want them to get together anymore. My WHOLE LIFE, watching SVU, watching marathons, heart eyed over Liv+El uwu. But in actuality watching it all??? HATE.
The fact that then Elliot LEAVES SVU and the US suddenly in just a few years is now just fucking hilarious. Olivia set this precedent! Second time not necessarily her choice. First time??? She was working in what appears to be the SAME BUILDING. Cleans out her desk, tells NO ONE, till Elliot visits computer crimes for a case! His EXPRESSION when he walked in and saw her?! LMAOOO. Like 2 episodes later. He basically says he cares too much and she goes "tight. Outie". Now she is BACK IN TOWN and GHOSTING HIM. Damn straight Eliot leaves the fucking country. STAY GONE BRUV. Also HOW DO YOU SPELL HIS NAME OMFG.
Dani Beck? Family life is SO MUCH PAIN. (Her husband was a cop who was shot during a routine pull over. Throws herself into her work to avoid EVERYTHING)
Omfg. Then Ice T as Fin. His family life is so much pain. (Estranged from son who is gay, which is storyline important whenever they need a gay man in the city get info from. Don't even get me started on his ex wife and Ludacris. I had to turn that episode off. Couldn't do it!)
John Munch? Family life is SO MUCH PAIN. (His dad committed suicide when he was 9, his Uncle becomes so depressed he develops temporary dementia???, goes on antidepressants, enters a manic state and pushes a dude in front of a train who MAYBE was gonna get away with some horrible crimes, is institutionalized where he decides to NEVER medicate himself and instead slip back into dementia and not knowing who he is or remembering his nephew.)
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 years
Elliot Stabler was a bad character ten years ago, and he’s a worse one now. Chris Meloni is a transphobe and a racist and giving him a chance to play Ragefucker 1.0 again on a weekly basis is irresponsible and gross. 
The fucking poster boy for white male police violence does not fucking need a whole show that has been set up so he can be violent and angry for a season and everyone will hand wave it because they fridged his wife. 
Yeah, that’s right. They brought Stabler back and decided the best way to pull heartstrings was to kill Kathy. 
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cabensonsgirly · 3 years
👼These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Multi-char)[NSFW]👼
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Multiple SP characters x fem!reader
Xandra, Billie-Dean, Ally Mayfair, Anne Gillette, Audrey Tindall, Wilhemina Venable, Ellie Staple, Diane Sherman, Mildred Ratched.
👼Slice 1👼
Co-authored with @billiedeannovak even though she’ll deny it.
👼Wordcount: 3111👼
👼Published on AO3: Read Here👼
👼Content (some for later parts):Super AU, Dubious consent, slow-burn, manipulation, face-slapping, drug-use, alcohol, smut, cunnilingus, strap-on, cum, choking, degradation, sex-work, court, mentions of murder-suicide, descriptions of violence, bruises, choking, spit, mommy kink, humiliation, public sex/teasing👼
👼D.A. Novak:      What was the reason for the altercation?
Clark:                There was a customer that had been trying to… Pressure Ms. Gillette into giving him information about how she is able to obtain such wonderful pieces for her gallery. She had asked him numerous times to leave but he didn’t. Instead he had grabbed her wrist and tried- tried taking her to somewhere out of view but she had punched him and broken out of his grasp. The man retaliated by pushing her causing her to fall in which she twisted her ankle and fractured her wrist. She was able to get up with my assistance where she then punched him with her uninjured hand.  👼
                          ANNE GILLETTE
 Court:             Members of the Jury, Anne Gillette has been charged in two counts with the crime of murder in violation of Penal Code §187. The information alleges that on or about December 17, 2010, in Manhattan, New York, the defendant, Anne Gillette, did kill Bert Gillette and Elaine Gillette, in violation of Penal Code §187. To this charge, Anne Gillette, has entered a plea of not guilty.
Court:             District Attorney Casey Novak you may call your first witness.
D.A. Novak:   Your Honour, the People call Adeline Clark.
D.A. Novak:   How are you employed, Miss Clark?
Clark:              I am employed as an assistant at Ms. Gillette’s Art Gallery.
D.A. Novak:   Back in early April, 2010, did you call the police to the gallery because the defendant, Anne Gillette, had injured and been injured in an altercation?
Clark:             Yes, I did.
D.A. Novak:     Do you remember which officers responded to the call out?
Clark:               No. I wasn’t introduced to them once they arrived. I had been tending to Ms. Gillette’s injuries.
D.A. Novak:     Do you remember what the altercation was about?
Clark:               Yes, I do.
D.A. Novak:       What was the reason for the altercation?
Clark:               There was a customer that had been trying to… Pressure Ms. Gillette into giving him information about how she is able to obtain such wonderful pieces for her gallery. She had asked him numerous times to leave but he didn’t. Instead he had grabbed her wrist and tried- tried taking her to somewhere out of view but she had punched him and broken out of his grasp. The man retaliated by pushing her causing her to fall in which she twisted her ankle and fractured her wrist. She was able to get up with my assistance where she then punched him with her uninjured hand.
D.A. Novak:      How did you manage to call the police so that they would arrive before the perpetrator fled?
Clark:               I was able to call the police with the earpiece we have to take calls while we are away from the phone so that was how I was able to help Ms. Gillette get up. The man had been knocked back and looked like he was a bit surprised by Ms. Gillette’s actions so that’s how the police arrived before he was able to make a run for it.
D.A Novak:       Is this the first time that Ms. Gillette has been involved in some altercation while you were present?
Clark:               No. There have been a lot of people that harass her while we are out and about. I am usually able to stop them from getting to her but sometimes they get too close.
D.A. Novak:      Were you with Ms. Gillette the day of Bert and Elaine Gillette’s murder?      
Clark:               I was.  
D.A. Novak:       Where were you both between the hours of two and five am?
Clark:              We were getting ready to go to Paris to meet connections in the art world so that we could get a wider variety of pieces for the gallery.
D.A. Novak:       Did Gillette leave at any point during those three hours?
Clark:               No.
D.A. Novak:       Do you see Ms. Gillette in court today?
Clark:               I do.
D.A. Novak:       Could you please point her out for the jury?
Clark:               She’s sitting right there. (Pointing to the defendant)
D.A. Novak:      No further questions, Your Honour.
Court:             Defence Counsel Rita Calhoun, you may cross examine.
Calhoun:           So Ms. Gillette is often subject to unwarranted harassment while you both go about your day?  
Clark:              Yes she is. I have tried convincing her to get private security, but she insists that it isn’t necessary.
D.C. Calhoun:   Do you have an opinion as to whether she has done anything to warrant such treatment from the public?
Clark:               She has done nothing but try and run her business. She has me send ten percent of profits to charities at the end of each business month.
D.C. Calhoun:   By the way, Ma’am, who provided Gillette the funds to start her gallery in the first place?
Clark:               Her parents, Bert and Elaine Gillette.
D.C. Calhoun:   She had backing by her parents?
Clark:               Yes she did. They hoped that she succeeded at something for once in her life.
D.C. Calhoun:   Now, when you were at her residence the day of the alleged murder, are you positive that Gillette did not leave the property?
Clark:               Positive!
D.C. Calhoun:   No further questions, Your Honour.
Court:             Miss Clark you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.A. Novak:       Your Honour, the People call Nigel Prestwick.
D.A. Novak:      How do you know the defendant Ms. Gillette?
Prestwick:       She had been accused of stealing money from the Prestwick Foundation, making donations to recipients which supposedly were her. However, the case was closed due to the money being replaced.
D.A. Novak:      Despite this, recently you decided to press embezzlement charges, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection! Mr. Prestwick was put under duress and blackmailed to press charges by Detective Olivia Benson and Detective Ashok Ramsey.
Court:             Objection sustained.
D.A. Novak:      Requesting permission to approach the bench, Your Honour.
Court:             Granted.
Casey runs her lithe fingers through her hair as she lets out a frustrated sigh, glaring at Rita as though the woman herself had committed the murder. Rita simply quirked a brow, an amused smile tugging slightly at her lips, “What is the issue, Novak? We both know that Prestwick was blackmailed into pressing those charges by Benson and Ramsey.” The Judge gives Casey a look of disbelief “Is this true?”
The red head supresses the urge to roll her eyes and cuss Rita out and deny it, but she was under oath and getting caught out in a lie wouldn’t end well for anyone. “It’s hardly blackmail. Benson and Ramsey just took a photo of Prestwick in a compromising position and said that he either go ahead with embezzlement charges or they show the videos of him to his wife. At least it’s not fuc- At least it’s not murder” she hisses out angrily.
Rita shakes her head and looks at the Judge “Can the witness be removed from the stand because of this, Your Honour?” The Judge nods and motions for them to return to their respective places. A thoroughly perturbed Casey makes her way back and scribbles something down on paper, throwing one last glare at Rita; The older woman returns to sit beside the defendant, whispering in her ear “the Judge is going to dismiss the witness. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are found not-guilty.”
Court:             The witness, Nigel Prestwick is dismissed due to unscrupulous methods being used in order to get charges pressed against the defendant.
Court:             Mr. Prestwick you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.A. Novak:    Your Honour, the People call Detective Ashok Ramsey.
D.A. Novak:      Detective, how do you know the defendant?
Ramsey:           I have been investigating her for a while now for tax evasion, and embezzlement.
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection! Relevance. We are here because the defendant has been accused of murder, not tax evasion and embezzlement where the charges have already been dropped.
Court:             Objection sustained. Change line of questioning or dismiss the witness.
D.A. Novak:      Fine. The prosecution rests.
Court:             Defence Counsel Calhoun, do you wish to cross-examine?
D.C. Calhoun: No, your Honour.
Court: Detective Ramsey you may step down. Any additional witnesses on behalf of the People?
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence calls the Chief of Detectives, Muldrew.
D.C. Calhoun:   Fancy seeing you here, Chief Muldrew.
Muldrew:         It has been awhile, Ms. Calhoun.
D.C. Calhoun:  You have had previous encounters with my client where you, and a previous witness Mr. Prestwick-
D.A. Novak:     Objection. Relevance, what does this have to do with the current case?
D.C. Calhoun:   There will be a follow up question, your Honour.
Court:             Overruled. Get to the point, Calhoun.
D.C. Calhoun:   As I was saying… Your previous interactions with my client have been in regard to previous charges being dropped, yes?
Muldrew:         Yes, that’s correct.
D.C. Calhoun:   Is it true that with this case, you said to Olivia Benson, Ashok Ramsey, and Elliot Stabler that unless they can prove definitively that my client, Ms. Anne Gillette was the culprit, that they would be on their own?
Muldrew:         Well…
D.C. Calhoun:   Is it true or not, Chief Muldrew?
Muldrew:         Yes it is.
D.C. Calhoun:   Did you think that there was enough evidence that pointed towards Ms. Gillette before the investigation had begun formally?
Muldrew:         It was hard to say at that time-
D.C. Calhoun:   It’s a yes or no question, Chief.
Muldrew:         No, I didn’t.
D.C. Calhoun:   Upon finding out that Ms. Gillette was in the company of Miss Clark, whom I might add has no criminal record, the time Ms. Gillette committed the alleged murder, did you think that your team was desperate to get her behind bars seeing as she has gotten off previous charges?
Muldrew:         …yes.
D.C. Calhoun:   My apologies, Chief Muldrew, I didn’t quite catch that, could you repeat yourself a bit louder into the microphone please?
Muldrew:         Yes I did- do think that the detectives were just wanting to see Ms. Gillette put behind bars because they were unable to get her on prior charges.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you aware of the methods the detectives used in order to get Mr. Prestwick to go through with pressing charges?
D.A. Novak:       Objection. Relevance.
D.C. Calhoun:   It was during this current investigation that Mr. Prestwick was blackmailed. The question is relevant.
Court:             Overruled. Might do you some good to pay attention, Novak.
D.C. Calhoun:   Chief Muldrew, your answer please.
Muldrew:         No, I was not aware of it until today.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you also unaware of Ms. Gillette being set-up so that a confession could be coerced out of her in unusual and stressful circumstances?
Muldrew:         No, I wasn’t aware of that. By this point I did not see enough solid evidence to link Ms. Gillette to the crime, so the team were off on their own.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were you aware of what Detectives Benson, Ramsey, and Stabler were up to, would you have let them continue on their warpath?
Muldrew:         No, I wouldn’t have. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about investigating crimes, especially ones as high-profile as this.
D.C. Calhoun:   No further questions, your Honour.
Court:             District Attorney Novak, you may cross-examine.
D.A. Novak:       No thank you, your Honour.
Court:             Chief of Detective Muldrew, you may step down. Defence Counsel Calhoun, does the defence wish to call any witnesses?
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence calls the defendant, Anne Gillette.
D.C. Calhoun:   Ms. Gillette, prior to the incident, how was your gallery doing?
Gillette:           It was doing well thanks to my assistant.
D.C. Calhoun:   When did you hire Miss Clark for that position?
Gillette:           It seems like so long ago. I think it was roughly around mid-January.
D.C. Calhoun:   Why did you decide to hire Miss Clark as an assistant after unsuccessfully trying to run galleries in the past?
Gillette:           My- My parents they… thought that I deserved one more chance to do something that I was- am passionate about. I didn’t want to disappoint them again because that’s all that I seemed capable of doing. So… I looked around and discovered that most successful gallery owners have assistants to help them.
D.C. Calhoun:   Has Miss Clark met the deceased before?
Gillette:           She has.
D.C. Calhoun:   Was she aware of you being the sole heir to the estate?
Gillette:           She was not until my parents brought it up in conversation one day.
D.C. Calhoun:   Was she, Miss Clark, aware of how strained your relationship with your parents had been?
Gillette:           No. I didn’t think the past would be beneficial towards the future of my business as well as re-building the relationship with my parents. I wanted her to have an unbiased opinion of them.
D.C. Calhoun:   Were your parents still happy together?
D.A. Novak:       Objection! The defendants answer would be hearsay.
Court:             Objection sustained.
D.C. Calhoun:   Did you have concern for your father’s mental well-being before he killed your mother before himself?
Gillette:           Of course, but I- I didn’t- I never thought he was capable of… killing my mother… He was your typical man, didn’t really like discussing mental health but I knew that he would occasionally see someone. I- I don’t know what changed in those twenty-four hours…
D.C. Calhoun:    Why was the trip postponed until the day the deceased were found dead?
Gillette:             I suggested that they wait another day because my mother was still recovering from the flu. I didn’t think travelling at the time would be a pleasant experience due to her still being ill. I know from personal experience that traveling while sick is absolutely miserable, so I only wanted both my parents to enjoy their time.
D.C. Calhoun:    Were you and Miss Clark actually packing at that hour for a flight to Paris?
Gillette:           Yes we were.  We had done an online check-in for the flight so that by the time we made it to the airport we wouldn’t need to stress over running late.
D.C. Calhoun:     No further questions.
Court:               Cross examination, District Attorney Novak?
D.A. Novak:       Ms. Gillette, you have a history of failure and criminal charges, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:    Objection. Relevance to the current case as no charges were successfully pressed.
Court:             Sustained. Change line of questioning.
D.A. Novak:     You spent all the money you were given in your trust fund from your parents, correct?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Relevance.  
D.A. Novak:     There will be a follow-up question, your Honour.
Court:         Overruled. That question better be relevant, Novak.
D.A. Novak:       Thank you, your Honour. Ms. Gillette, your answer please.
Gillette:           I did, yes.
D.A. Novak:      Is it true that you were upset that your mother had been discussing whether or not to remove you from their will?
Gillette:           I was, but-
D.A. Novak:       Did you threaten to kill your mother if she did not keep you on the will?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Leading question.
Court:               Sustained.
D.A. Novak:     Why was your name still on the will if your mother had reason to remove you from it?
Gillette:         How would I know that?    
D.A. Novak:     Miss Clark said that you often find yourself getting involved in altercations, is this true?
Gillette:         Yes. She said it under-oath so why would she lie when the consequences would be more severe than just telling the truth?
D.A. Novak:     I’m surprised you know the consequences, Ms. Gillette, but it’s not entirely surprising seeing as you have had run-ins with the law before-
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. What is the point?
Court:             Sustained. Hurry up and get to the point, Novak.
D.A. Novak:     Your history of run-ins leads one to believe that you are rather volatile. Have you ever hit or injured one or both of your parents?
D.C. Calhoun:   Objection. Relevance.
Court:             Overruled. Novak, continue.
D.A. Novak:     Thank you. Ms. Gillette?
Gillette:         No. I haven’t.
D.A. Novak:     I find that hard to believe, Ms. Gillette seeing as, if we are to believe what Miss Clark has been saying is true, you often react physically when an altercation arises.
Gillette:         I act in self-defence. I have never gone out of my way to deliberately injure someone! You can’t blame me for my parent’s death when I wasn’t even there!
D.A. Novak:     Yes, Ms. Gillette, I do blame you. No further questions, your Honour.
Court:             Ms. Gillette, you may step down. Defence Counsel Calhoun, any further witnesses?  
D.C. Calhoun:   The defence rests.
Court:             We will now hear closing arguments of counsel. District Attorney Novak you may proceed.
D.A. Novak:     Members of the jury – the evidence is undisputed that the defendant, Ms. Gillette brutally murdered her parents. The evidence shows that Ms. Gillette has a history of run-ins with the law as well as physical altercations. She also is clearly incapable of being smart with her money, and seeing as she is the sole heir to the Gillette Estate she has more than enough motive to commit this atrocious act. Ms. Gillette’s mother had been contemplating removing her from the will which, the defendant admitted, upset her considerably. The detectives investigating this case have reason to believe that this was indeed a homicide committed by Ms. Gillette and not a murder-suicide committed by Mr. Bert Gillette!
Court:         Defence Counsel Calhoun, you may proceed with your closing argument.    
D.C. Calhoun:    Members of the jury. My client, Ms. Gillette, is not guilty of this charge. The investigation was unjust from the start; Ms. Gillette was coerced into her confession under rather dubious circumstances, and Prestwick was blackmailed into pressing charges. The detectives have been gunning for Ms. Gillette to be sent down from the beginning. We have even heard from Chief Muldrew that he thought the detectives were out of order and were behaving inappropriately considering how high profile that this case is. Miss Clark and Ms. Gillette were at Ms. Gillette’s residence preparing for their flight and we have heard in Miss Clark’s testimony that Ms. Gillette did not leave the premises between the hours of two and five am. It is clear that there is an unfair bias towards Ms. Gillette which has narrowed their perspective. Bert Gillette had a history of mental health issues and unfortunately it seems that they got the better of him resulting in the untimely death of Elaine Gillette before he took his own life. Ms. Gillette did not kill her parents. She is not guilty.
Court:       Court is adjourned while the Jury retire to deliberate.
As soon as the Judge has left the room as well as the Jury, the courtroom is filled with the sound of people talking, only just able to be passed off as aggressive whispering. Rita lets out a breath she felt like she had been holding since Anne took the stand but surprisingly, she held her own and didn’t have one of her notorious outbursts. She sorts her papers out and puts them in her folder, a somewhat cocky smirk on her face, “I have a good feeling about this, Ms. Gillette.” Anne laughs lightly and stands up alongside Rita “I would expect nothing less from you, Ms. Calhoun. You are one of the best after all.”
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rahleeyah · 3 years
Did somebody ask for Nick Amaro punching Elliot Stabler in the face?
It's nice to be back in New York. He wishes it was under different circumstances - Christ does he wish - but he missed the city. LA isn't the same. Zara's there, and Gil's in San Diego, and they have both grown so much in the last five years and he wouldn't have missed that for anything, but he does wish, sometimes, that they could have stayed at home. In New York. 
He's come to bury his mother and clean out her apartment. Before that gets started, though, he's got some faces he wants to see. He doesn't know for sure if they'll still be there, doesn't know what he'll find, but he knows he has to look, and in his heart he believes that as long as Liv is still alive and in possession of two good legs, she'll be at SVU. That place, it's more than just a job, to her. It's a calling. She's a goddamn crusader. 
For a minute he stands looking up at the station, weighing whether or not he wants to go in. Whether or not he wants to know what's happened to Barba, and Carisi, and Fin, and Rollins. Shit. Rollins. No way is she still there, he thinks. 
He could have called. Should have called. Friends for life, he and Liv had promised each other, and they are, and they will be, but not the kind of friends who call each other and gab on the phone on Saturday afternoons. The kind of friends who'll take a bullet for each other, who'll drop everything and fly to the other side of the country after five years of no contact, if that's what they need. But not Facebook friends. It's just not in their DNA. They're bound by blood now; they don't need a phone call. 
So he takes a deep breath and walks into the station, gets on the elevator behind some asshole in a flashy suit like the kind Barba used to wear, and the guy is talking on his phone but he's pressed the button for SVU so Nick can't escape him, just has to stand there and listen. 
"I'm not asking, I'm telling," the guy says. "why? 'Cause I'm your father, that's why." 
The guy's tone and the words coming out of his mouth remind Nick forcefully of his own father, and that makes him hate this man he doesn't even know. The door slides open and Nick goes to step out but the guy must not have registered he's there; the guy almost steps on him on his way out of the elevator and doesn't even apologize, just hangs up his phone and goes heading towards SVU and Nick is once again following him. His knee never healed right and Nick isn't as quick as he used to be, and the guy gets further and further ahead of him. 
"She here?" The guy calls to a young female detective sitting at one of the desks. The squad room looks completely different, now, and for a second Nick feels like all the breath has just been knocked out of him. The girl says yeah, go on back, and the suit heads for Liv's office. Must be the ADA, Nick thinks. And shit, this is weird. It's like walking into his childhood home and seeing another family living there. It's like finding out there's no such thing as home, really. Like whatever home is, one day you stop belonging there. 
"Help you?" The girl calls to him. 
"Yeah," he says. It's too late to pretend he's not here. There's no sign of Rollins, or Fin, or Liv, but he's gonna do what he came here to do. 
"Is Benson around?"
The girl gives him an appraising look.
"Who's asking?"
Before he can answer, a voice is calling out behind him. 
He turns, and there she is. Amanda Rollins. Still blonde, still beautiful, and shit, Carisi is standing right beside her. 
"Amanda," he says, and in the next second she's running at him, flinging her arms around him. They hit so hard he could have picked her clean up and spun her around, if it weren't for his bad knee. As it is he nearly goes flying, but he catches himself, and holds on to her tight. He's missed her, more than he wants to admit. 
"Oh, my God," she says as she pulls back. "It's so good to see you. You look good."
"Yeah," he says. "So do you." 
And she does, and he wishes that didn't hurt. 
"Carisi," he says next, and holds his hand out for a shake. Carisi’s hair has gone grey, and his suit is too flash for a cop, but he’s still Carisi, and he bats Nick’s hand away, and pulls him in for a hug.
“If we’d known you were coming we’d have gotten a cake or something,” Carisi says as they part.
“I wasn’t sure you guys would even still be here,” Nick tells them. “Kinda wanted it to be a surprise. Is Liv around?” 
As if in answer to his question the door to the Captain’s office opens behind them, and she comes walking out, with the suit hot on her heels. 
She stops dead in her tracks when she sees him, and shit, he just about stops breathing. That woman; she’s like a sister to him. Better than a sister; he trusts her more than his own blood. A thousand memories flash through his mind. The angry Liv he’d first met, calling him Serpico and looking at him like she was certain he wouldn’t last a week. Remember when you asked me about my father, and I told you it was a long story? It’s not that long. Standing beside her on the porch at the beach house, her clothes ripped and burned, her body bruised, her eyes wild. Liv’s eyes in the rearview mirror, Lewis’s blood sprayed across her face. Liv’s hands on him, while the EMTs wheeled him away after Johnny D shot him. Friends for life, Nick Amaro. 
Her hair is longer, and her face is more lined, but she’s still so goddamn gorgeous. She covers her heart with her hand, and he grins, and they both start to move, then, not running, but walking straight towards each other, determined, no one else in the world but them, in that moment, and the next thing he knows he’s got his arms wrapped around her, and she’s holding him so tight it almost hurts.
“Nick,” she whispers his name shakily, and he laughs, because he can tell she’s about to cry and shit he is, too. 
“Good to see ya, Liv,” he manages to choke out, and when he pulls back she reaches up and touches his face, her dark eyes searching his. She doesn’t have to say it; he knows she’s wondering if he’s ok, and he hopes she finds the answer in his face. Truth is, he’s doing better now than he was five years ago. Better than ten years ago. He’s settled. He’s happy. He hopes she is, too. 
“You gonna introduce me to your friend?”
This from the suit. The sound of his voice shatters the moment, and Liv pulls away, and Nick is thinking he really, really hates this guy. This guy with his easy arrogance, this guy whose voice, whose posture, whose belligerent expression reveals a possessiveness towards Liv that Nick doesn’t like, not one bit. Liv laughs and steps back from him but Nick keeps his hand resting at the small of her back. There’s a petulant part of his heart that wants this guy, whoever he is, to see Nick touching her. To know that he’s allowed to, that she’ll let him, that whatever problem the suit may have Liv cares about Nick. 
“Yeah,” Liv says, and a little bit of Nick’s anger fades, because she sounds happy. 
“This is Nick Amaro, my old partner.” He can hear the grin in her voice. “Nick, this is Elliot Stabler.”
It’s not something he can control. It comes over him so suddenly, so viciously; he always thought that when people talking about seeing red they were just exaggerating. He always thought people had more control over themselves than that. But Liv says that name, and damn if he doesn’t see red.
“Elliot Stabler?” he says. 
“Yeah,” Stabler answers, taking a step forward, and maybe he’s about to ask Nick if he’s got a problem with that, but he never gets the chance.
Stabler. The one who left her. The one who was the reason she was so standoffish, with Nick. The reason she was so angry all the damn time, walking around nursing a broken heart and letting it get her into trouble. The one with the anger issues and the dinged up service record that nearly derailed her whole career. The one with the wife at home, while Liv was half in love with him - Nick isn’t supposed to know that part, but he does. And anybody who could do that to Liv, who could hurt her so bad, treat her like she was second class, disposable, anybody who could stand there and act like he had a right to be by her side after all the shit he put her through, anybody like that, they’re gonna get what’s coming to them, courtesy of Nick Amaro. It’s been ten years since Stabler walked out on her, but however he came back, whatever the reason is for him standing here right now, Nick doesn’t give a single shit. He knows Liv and he knows she would never tell this guy just how bad he hurt her, just how much she lost when he left, knows she’s got a good heart and she’ll forgive the people she loves. She won’t hold this asshole accountable.
Nick, on the other hand, has no qualms about it. 
“Ok,” Nick says, and then before anyone can so much as take a breath, he hauls off and punches that smug son of a bitch right in the mouth, as hard as he can. And shit, but it feels good. 
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catelyngrant · 3 years
I’ve been catching up on the L&O panels from the past couple of days and I present to you a concept, friends!
Elliot comes back, but it goes down differently. Kathy dies, and Elliot spirals, but it’s an accident, not murder, so Olivia never gets involved, never even knows. Elliot’s back on the force and joins OC and goes undercover, same as canon, but Olivia doesn’t know. Their cases don’t overlap and he can’t bring himself to contact her and risk her shutting him down, not right after losing Kathy. Not after all this time. So life just goes on for her, and she has no idea he’s back.
Until she’s caught up in a different case, something drug-related that has her in the field. Something that has her in a tough spot, trying to keep herself and her team safe, and she’s keeping her breathing steady and her head clear and is focused on getting them all out of there alive.
“Parker, Ashes, you find the others?” one of the men asks as two other guys, the ones that were chasing her squad, enter the room. One of them shakes his head, and the guy in charge isn’t happy. The other one - he’s a big guy, has a beard, he’s in the shadows and she can’t see him well but it looks like he’s frowning as he looks around the room, looks right past her -
then he does a double take, his whole body jerking with it as as their eyes meet for the first time in over a decade.
And they can’t react. She can’t gasp, can’t blink, can’t say his name. It’s Elliot Stabler, in the flesh, but they’re calling him Ashes and the guys he’s involved with, they’re the worst kind of wrong, and he knows it - he knows just what they’re capable of, knows exactly what they’ll do to a pretty cop who’s poking around where she shouldn’t be, but Olivia? She doesn’t know what the fuck is happening, why Elliot - who left the force in flames a decade ago - is here in the inner circle of one of the city’s most dangerous organizations, barking orders that people are listening to - 
He walks over to her, stiff as a board and white as a ghost under that damn beard. Eyes red and wet - he keeps blinking like he doesn’t trust what he’s seeing. “Look at you,” he says at last, touching her face - this close, she’s the only one who can tell that his hand is trembling, can hear how hard it is for him to keep his voice from doing the same. “You’re a spitfire, aren’t you?” There’s wonder in his eyes and she’s hoping that the tears in hers will pass for fear as he gently rubs his thumb under the cut on her brow, the bruise on her cheek. He’s in her space like he hasn’t been since well before he left. “I like that,” he says, quietly, but loud enough that the others can hear, and they’re laughing, now. 
She can’t breathe.
“Boss is on his way,” someone calls out, and Elliot grips her shoulder so tightly it hurts. He’s scared, Olivia realizes as he lets her go, as he walks away from her and back towards where the others are packing up and getting ready for whoever’s about to arrive with one last look her way that leaves her with nothing but more questions - 
But, she realizes as she finally lets herself breathe, gasp, choke - as she breaks down as quietly and quickly as she can while no one is looking because she can’t just keep it in, not when the last ninety seconds have hit her harder than a goddamn explosion - she’s not. She’s been captured by mobsters with everything to lose, the same men who put three burned bodies in the morgue just yesterday, she can still smell them, she doesn’t know where her team is or if they got away, and she has no goddamn idea what Elliot Stabler is doing here, or why he’s armed with the kind of gun even the US doesn’t allow on the streets, or how the hell she’s going to get out of here when there are at least a dozen armed men and more coming, if the way they’re talking about the boss is any indication, and she is feeling a million and one things that she couldn’t even begin to catalogue, things she can’t let show on her face without risking both of their lives - 
but she’s not scared. Not anymore. Because it doesn’t matter why Elliot’s here, not really. He is. And she knows, now, that she’s gonna be okay.
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orionares · 3 years
BTHB: Comatose
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BTHB: Comatose 
Law and Order: SVU
“Can I ask you something?”
He flinches at the small voice from across the room. Blue eyes similar to his eyes stare at him blankly beneath brown curly hair with the same tenacity and strength he'd worked side by side with for twelve years. 
Elliot nods slowly, prompting the ten year old to slide out of his chair and cross the room to stop inches from the foot of his mother's bed. Noah Benson rests his hand on the foot of the bed and eyes Elliot cautiously. "Did you do something to my mom?"
Elliot chokes on his breath and pushes himself from the huddled position in his chair to face Noah. He stifles a need to burst into tears and instead answers in a cracked voice, “What do you mean?”
“If you were the one that got her hurt,” Noah muses, “you’d be in jail. But- but you aren’t arrested and you have a badge. So you're a cop. Right?”
Elliot can feel his heart shatter as the boy eyes his mother, lying unconscious in one of Sanai’s hospital beds, hooked up to a handful of wires. He himself can’t bring himself to look at her- no, not after what had happened. The guilt alone-
“Do you work with my mom?” Noah’s question comes as he steps closer to Elliot, causing the older man to flinch. “I’ve never seen or heard about you before.”
“You're inquisitive,” Elliot stammers. Noah cocks his head to right and mutters, “What’s itiquative?”
“Inquisitive,” Elliot corrects. He scratches the back of his neck and sighs, “It means you ask a lot of questions. You also like to ask the right questions. Like your mom.”
“That’s what Uncle Fin says.” His face falls as he turns towards the bed and sniffles, “Is she going to be ok?” 
A knuckle raps on the door as Fin Tutola ducks his head into the door before stepping in. He pauses to stare at Olivia for a moment before shaking his head in disbelief. Even though he had dropped off Noah an hour earlier, he still finds himself shaken at seeing her in this state. “You ready to head out, Noah?”
Noah doesn’t peel his eyes from the bed. “Why hasn’t she woken up yet?” he answers softly. Behind him, Fin and Elliot exchange a worried look. 
“Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?” Fin asks. He walks to the side of the bed opposite Elliot and Noah. He places a hand on Olivia’s forehead and sighs as one of his closest friends doesn’t react to his touch. Noah nods slowly and furrows his brow as he recalls the day prior’s conversation. 
“She hit her head on the sidewalk when she and-” Noah quickly whips his head back to Elliot, “Detective Stabler was trying to leave the hospital. It’s a….it’s called a…”
“Cerebral edema,” Elliot finishes. “Brain swelling. They induced a coma to help the swelling go down. It’s going to take a few days for her to heal, buddy.” Using the word ‘buddy’ stings for Elliot- hell, he doesn’t deserve to use that term for the son of the woman whose heart he broke. 
 Noah shakes his head. “Oh, yeah. Can I stay a little longer? ‘Cause I want to be here when she wakes up.” 
“Well, Elliot will be here-”
Noah’s eyes widen and he turns once more to Elliot. He mirrors his mother’s investigative scan at his badge and face. “My mom says your name in her sleep. A lot.” 
Fin snorts unexpectedly at the boy’s comment. “Okay. Maybe this is a conversation for another time-”
 Elliot finally pulls himself out of his daze and holds up a hand in defense. “No, I-I can head out and-”
“You didn’t answer my question,” Noah counters. “Can I talk to Elliot, Uncle Fin?”
Elliot glances up to Fin, who’s staring at Noah with contemplation. Even after ten years, Elliot can recognize the planning in the sergeant’s eyes. After a minute, Fin looks down to Olivia and whispers to her, “It’s your kid and you know I can’t say that to that face. He’s going to ask a million questions unless we nip it in the butt.” 
“Why don’t you take Noah down to the cafeteria?” Fin suggests, cutting Elliot off. He checks his cellphone to see 7:36 on the lock screen. “I think the cafeteria closes by 8 and he hasn’t had dinner yet.” 
“Wait, maybe-” 
Noah’s already moving towards the head of the bed where an empty chair sits close enough for him to climb onto the bed. He sits on his knees and begins chatting to his mother, “Mom, I’m going to be right back, ok?” 
“She heard you,” Fin says. “I’ll keep an eye on her.” 
In the cafeteria, Noah slides into one of the cafeteria’s booths with a plate of a hotdog and French fries. Elliot stands next to the table and watches the boy slide off his jacket and begin eating hungrily without a word. The detective hesitates before easing down into the booth and sliding across to sit directly across from him. 
“How’s the food?” Elliot finally asks after a few minutes of silence. 
“I’m glad.” Elliot rests his hands in his lap and asks, “So your question about if I did something to your mom….what made you think that?”
“I heard Auntie Amanda and Uncle Sonny talking about you when I stayed at Auntie Amanda’s apartment,” Noah answers. He takes a bite of his hot dog and continues, “They were talking about how her ex-partner came back and how someone….named Chief said that she should stay away from you. What’d you do?”
“I- '' Elliot inhales and exhales slowly, replaying the many ways he had predicted having a conversation with Olivia’s son. “I was her partner at work for twelve years. We were inseparable and then I left her….without saying goodbye.” 
Elliot pauses to formulate his answer. “Adult reasons.”
Noah moves onto his French fries and mumbles, “Adults always say that. It’s dumb.”
“Touché. I was married until a couple of months ago when my wife died,” Elliot explains. Saying the words ‘my wife died’ still stings. “When your mom and I were partners, I…..um…”
“You loved my mom?” Noah’s eyes widen before he shrugs his shoulders at Elliot’s sudden look of disbelief. “What? It happens in the movies all the time.”
“You are too smart for your own good,” Elliot chuckles. “I did but I was married. That’s a complicated line even for adults.”
“Then….why’d you leave?” 
“Because I was afraid. Things became complicated so I did what cowards do and ran, Noah.” He ignores the instinct to stop spilling his guts to a ten year old and pushes on. “ My family and I moved to Italy and I cut her out of my life.” 
Noah suddenly stops eating, pushes the plate towards Elliot and scowls at the man. “That’s stupid.”
“I don’t get why adults do stupid stuff like that. My friend Phillip’s parents hated each other but they stayed married. Philip said they should have gotten a divorce  a long time ago but didn’t. He moved away last year with his grandparents,  I think. It’s dumb that you left.” 
Elliot settles back against the booth, speechless. The observations and opinions shared by everyone in Olivia’s life spilled out by her son in a ten minute conversation. “It was and will be one of the greatest regrets in my life.” 
Noah takes another fry off of his plate. His next question comes in a timid voice. “Do you still love my mom?”
Elliot swallows hard and feels tears forming in his eyes. “Why do you ask?” he chokes out. 
“Because you keep staying with her at the hospital. And you look like people do when people they love are hurt.” 
Elliot nods and chuckles. “You should be a detective when you grow up.”
“I want to be a dancer. Do you?”
Elliot smiles for the first time in days at Noah. “More than anything. More than anything.”
Noah takes another fry before stifling a yawn. “You should tell her...if she...if she…”
“Hey,” Elliot quickly slides out of his side of the boot and moves to sit next to a suddenly tear eyed Noah. Elliot rests a hand on his shoulder and says softly, “Your mom is the absolute strongest woman I ‘ve ever met. She’s going to be ok. You can’t give up hope, okay?”
Noah buries his head against Elliot’s shoulder and whimpers, “Okay.” 
"They're letting me stay the night," Elliot says softly as he settles back into his chair he had been sitting in for the past two days. After parting ways with Fin and Noah, he had returned to the hospital room to find a blanket , a pillow and a nurse giving a nod in approval. "I think they assume that we've..that we're…together, I guess."
Hw can't bring himself to look at her battered form in the bed. The moments of leaving the hospital after the Chief and IAB had dismissed Bell, Olivia and him to go home replays over and over every time his mind wanders.
"Elliot, I don't need protection!" Olivia growls as the three head towards the parking garage. 
"Wheatley got to Angela in a hospital! I'm not going to let him get near you!" Elliot counters. Behind him, Bell's eyes are occupied on her phone, brow furrowed at the information she's just received from Jet. 
“I know how to protect myself and my son. I’m a police captain,” she argues back. There’s an anger behind her statement that he can’t quite place but-
Bell suddenly holds up a hand and exclaims, “Hold up! Jet’s just sent me a-”
His sergeant doesn't finish as a concussive force slams into his body , propelling him and the two women across the pavement and into unconsciousness. 
Elliot shakes off the memory and continues to talk. “I think it’s because I’ve spent a total of six hours away from you since the explosion. Liv, I can’t- ever since I’ve come back, I’ve put you in danger, caused you stress and….got Kathy killed.”
In the back of his head, he imagines the Olivia of ten years ago, sitting next to him with a cup of coffee and a comforting hand on his shoulder, saying, “El, you can’t blame yourself for something that was out of your control.”
“But I left you and that was in my control,” he answers the voice. He rubs a hand over his face in frustration. Another bit of memory- the briefest moment of consciousness after the explosion replays in his head. 
He’ll never forget opening his eyes to her lying unconscious a foot away from him on the pavement with blood running from her ear onto the ground. 
“I know I don’t deserve this but,” Elliot whispers, “but don’t leave me please. I didn’t deserve Kathy and I sure as hell don’t deserve you….but” he finally looks up to the bed and can’t stop the sob of guilt that comes. The tubes, cuts and her stillness break him. Elliot stands up and walks to her side, letting the tears fall. The tears don’t fall only for her, but for his wife, his kids, Noah and everyone he’s impacted since returning to New York. 
“I love you,” Elliot whispers. He rests his forehead against hers and repeats the words he hopes he can say one day again. “I love you.”
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Call Me Daddy
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A/N: thanks to my beta @deans-baby-momma this will have a part 2
Summary: You're the new detective in the squad. After a messy breakup you don't want to jump into anything, but Stabler has other ideas and you can't say no.
Pairing: Elliot Stabler x fem!reader
Word Count: 1352
Warnings: daddy kink, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) p in the v
Being a detective was something you had worked hard to achieve and now you were finally here. You looked around the busy room and smiled a little. It was your first day as a detective in the SVU. Being able to help women, children, and anyone else that had been abused, raped, or molested wasn't going to be easy, but you were sure you were ready for it.
Not only that, but you were hoping your work would distract you from your recent messy break up. Your boyfriend had not only cheated on you with someone that you believed to be a friend, but he had done it in your bed and allowed her to wear your lingerie. The very outfit you had bought for your anniversary. While he packed up and left you had stayed in a hotel room.
A gentle touch to your shoulder pulled you from your thoughts. You lifted your gaze to meet dark blue eyes, a rugged jaw, and a smile that screamed sex appeal. You blushed at being caught in your thoughts. This man was gorgeous, but you weren't sure you wanted to go there. Not so soon after your breakup. "Hi there."
"You must be the new detective. I'm Elliot Stabler. Your desk is next to mine. Here." He gently led you over to the desk. "If you have any questions feel free to ask." He grinned. 
Elliot wouldn't deny how beautiful you were. Since his wife had left him, he had been rather lonely. He hadn't had anyone, his sex drive was running high, but he wasn't the type to go out and pick up a random girl. Maybe having someone new around would give him a chance to at least let out some of his emotions. It didn't matter that you looked like you were barely in your mid twenties. He still found you arousing.
You took a seat and smiled softly. "Thanks. I'll be sure to take you up on that offer." You looked up at him and stifled a groan. The man gave off some serious daddy energy and you really wanted to explore that. But you had just started working here and didn't want to lose your job for having a relationship with a coworker. So instead you tried to push those feelings down. 
That managed to work for maybe two weeks. Every time you saw him your desire for him grew. The need to be with him kept mounting and mounting. You weren't sure how much longer you could deny your feelings. You were about to learn it wouldn't be long. 
Elliot came storming out of the interrogation room, fury on his face. He had gotten his man, but the atrocities he had committed against a young girl had infuriated and disgusted him. 
You watched him go into the locker room and, seeing no one else, decided to follow. You closed the door behind you. "You alright Elliot?" You asked softly.
Elliot turned to you. He was silent as he stalked toward you. He gripped the back of your head and pulled you close for a rough and demanding kiss. His other hand went to your hip and he squeezed it hard enough you'd feel it later.
Your hands gripped his button down, crumpling it up. A small, desperate mewl left you. He was firm beneath your hands. You'd always imagined he was, but now you were really getting to find out. A gasp left you as the hand on your hip pulled your leg up around him. "Elliot…"
He growled and bit your jaw before trailing hot kisses down your neck. He nibbled on your pulse. "Call me daddy. I know you want to. I've seen the way you look at me. You want me to dominate you and fuck you hard don't you?"
You whimpered in response and nodded.
"I want words." He smacked your ass.
You squealed. "Yes, daddy. Want you to fuck me hard. Please." You looked up at him, eyes dark with lust. The reason you'd followed him in the first place was completely gone from your mind.
He smirked and picked you up, pinning you to the wall. "That's a good girl. I'll give you what you need. Just tell me." He pushed your skirt up and teasingly ran his finger up your slit, rubbing you a little through your panties.
You whined and your head fell back against the wall. "Want your touch. Wanna feel your skin on mine."
He moved his hand away and cocked a brow. "I don't know. Doesn't seem like you really mean that."
"Please daddy. I do." You rocked your hips, trying to get his touch back where you wanted it. 
He smirked and moved your panties to the side. He pushed the tip of his finger past your folds and rubbed teasingly around your clit. "You're already soaked. How long you been fantasizing about me fucking you in the locker room?"
You bit your lip to muffle your moan. "Since I first met you, daddy. You're so good looking and have that dominating vibe. Drives me crazy. Tried to hide it."
"Yeah, I tried to hide it too. I can't anymore though. I need a release. From lust, my anger, everything. And you seem to need it too." He slid his finger in and pumped slowly. He added a second and curled them up against your g-spot.
Your eyes slammed shut and your rocked on his fingers, fucking yourself on them. "Fuck that feels good. You can use me all you want to release those emotions. Long as you take care of my needs daddy."
"I'm going to make you feel good too. Fuck yourself on my fingers." He smirked and nipped the part of your skin you'd exposed tilting your head back. He pumped his fingers faster, scissoring them a bit to open you up. 
You held his head and gripped his forearm. You did your best to keep your moans quiet as he pushed you over the edge into sheer bliss. You rocked your hips a little more, riding out your high.
Elliot groaned and pulled his fingers away, slick still connecting him to you. He licked them clean. "Such a sweet pussy." He held you in place and worked his pants open, pushing them down and freeing his cock. He ran the tip through your soaked petals, bumping your clit.
"Please daddy." You whined. 
He growled and kissed you, sliding in and stretching you open. He slowly rocked his hips at first and then began to slam into you once you were opened up. "Mm so fucking tight. Choking my cock with that pussy."
You clung to him and keened against his neck. It was impossible for you to suppress your sounds of pleasure anymore. You had to find a way to keep everyone from hearing you. 
Elliot smirked as he pivoted in and out of your drenched pussy, a slight squelching noise filling the room. "Such a wet pussy. Haven't felt this good in ages. Could definitely get used to fucking this pussy."
You shuddered and tugged on his hair. "Can fuck me anytime you want. Shit feel so good daddy. Love your cock in me." You felt your orgasm winding closer and closer. The warmth and tingle starting in your lower belly. "Oh...so close. You feel so good."
He moaned and roughly teased your already sensitive nub. He slammed into you harder and nibbled along your collarbone. "Gonna milk my cock like a good girl?"
"Yes!" You gasped and moaned, clenching around him as your orgasm coursed through your body, making your toes curl.
Elliot groaned and pumped into your pliable body a few more times. Ropes of thick, warm cum filled you up and began dripping down your leg. He panted softly. "Shit. I really needed that."
You hummed softly and nodded. "Yeah. I did too." 
After you two were cleaned up you looked over at him. "So wanna tell me what was wrong?"
"Same old shit with this job. Thanks for helping me out." He smiled.
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thagoddesstink · 3 years
Law & Order: Organized Crime Thoughts
As a Black woman, I have thoughts (and issues) with how this show is being written so far concerning the Black female characters. You don’t have to have the same thoughts. These are MY thoughts which means I’m not arguing about them. Just a disclaimer because I know how some members of this fandom can be.
Pilar Wheatley.
Richard’s current wife Pilar was barely seen in the 1st season, and when she was, she was nothing more than a Black trophy wife. The writers basically had her as a token Black character that was only used in the first episode to make Richard’s racist dad uncomfortable. Other than Richard continuously marrying Black women as a way to spite his father, there was nothing more in depth about this character. I’m aware her character is basically done for the rest of this series, but I expected to see much more of her considering she was always in the promos for the premiere of the show. I guess the writers saw her as nothing but the vain trophy wife.
Ayanna Bell.
Love her! However, I have issues with the writers basically using her as a way to show that Elliot has changed and can handle taking orders from a woman. Remember that awkward “let’s name my oppressions” car scene when they had to verbally say that she’s a woman, she’s Black, and she’s a lesbian? Cringe! And it was done just to show Elliot is now “progressive”.. Hopefully we see a lot more of her as the badass boss that she is and not just a supporting character for Elliot.
Angela Wheatley.
The writing of her character bothers me the most. Especially with the way the fandom acts towards her.
Angela’s son was killed by her ex husband, but the blame was placed on Elliot Stabler. Many don’t remember Elliot’s character outside of their love for the EO ship, but Elliot was the epitome of what it meant to be a bad cop. This man used to spit on people, choke them out, beat them up, slam them against the wall, call them out of their names, etc. If Elliot was a real life cop, I’m sure there would’ve been some protests against him by now. He also had issues with female authority and often was “concerned” with Liv as his partner because she was a woman and he thought she couldn’t handle herself. Knowing all of this and tying it into real life, it bothers me that the writers tried to go the BLM route once Angela was detained and tried to explain her feelings to Bell about the moment that she thought Elliot killed her son; but then the writers completely abandoned it and made her this obsessed love stricken weirdo for Stabler! It would’ve made more sense if she explained that she did her research on Stabler and saw how bad of a cop he was or heard horror stories from people who came in contact with him. So it was easy to believe Richard’s lie, and in that moment she wanted Stabler to feel the same pain she felt losing her son. Every Black person who has felt similar pain in real life would have been able to relate to how she felt. Almost everyone in America should have been able to compare her pain in the show to the pain that people felt when people like George Floyd, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Botham Jean, Eric Garner, etc were killed by cops. Many have wanted the cops who killed them to suffer. If something in real life actually happened to them, the people who wanted them to suffer wouldn’t be to blame. They wouldn’t be looked at as evil. The blame would be on the ones who actually hurt them or even someone who legitimately ordered a hit. Angela did not order a hit. She was a mourning mother wanting the man who she thought killed her son to suffer. The writers making it seem like she’s evil for having these thoughts just so they can get everyone against her to set up having EO together is just done in poor taste and is rather disgusting. You can say “it’s not that deep”, but these shows reflect real life. So yes, it is that deep.
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whoree321 · 3 years
the bad batch + unhinged episodes of law and order svu
Hunter: Granting Immunity (season 16 ep 19)
episode begins with rich prep school teens having a blowjob party while Good Girls Go Bad plays, leads to the squad uncovering an anti-vaxxer conspiracy among the mothers at the prep school. benson and barba prosecute the ring leader mom (trudy) for reckless endangerment after benson’s son noah gets the measles bc of trudy’s dirty child
this one gives hunter bc it’s very “perhaps i only care about this crime bc of my child, perhaps not” which really is one of his main personality traits
he def has the same aggressive maternal energy as miss olivia benson and that’s really showcased here
also i think hunter would enjoy the song Good Girls Go Bad like he would respect the flavor of tasteful misogyny
Crosshair: The Undiscovered Country (season 19 ep 13)
in this one barba succumbs to his deep rooted daddy issues and unplugs a baby on life support (i don’t remember the baby’s exact diagnosis but it was basically like dead as a doornail and only in excruciating pain and one parent wanted it alive and the other wanted to pull the plug). he gets tried for murder and is acquitted but still resigns as an ADA to take some time to unpack his trauma
crosshair would definitely kill a baby and somehow convince us it was the morally correct thing to do
barba and crosshair are also very sexy in a very similar way (arrogant bastard who masks his early life trauma and deep insecurities with cockiness and snark)
seriously tho i really think crosshair would kill a baby and not a brain dead one
like i’m sure the baby would deserve it but crosshair would take its life without hesitation
Tech: Zebras (season 10 ep 22)
basically this really irritating loud mouth lab tech named stucky makes a super boneheaded clerical error that gets an entire case against a murderer thrown out. he absolutely loses his fucking mind and stages several other murders to frame on the dude bc he can’t cope with his failure and then he kills the other lab tech and tries to kill stabler when they discover evidence linking him to the murders
i feel tech in this episode bc i think one day he will go off the rails like this
like chatty geek who everyone is annoyed by gets pushed over the edge by his mean coworkers and commits several heinous murders that are almost perfectly framed on someone else?
mary that’s what filoni is actually gearing up to for season 2. the devolution of tech after years of psychological warfare.
the only difference is that when tech finally becomes a serial killer he will never be caught
Wrecker: Wildlife (season 10 ep 7)
a woman is mauled by a tiger, the detectives discover an animal smuggling ring run by the Russian mob. stabler goes undercover and the mob guns him down in the street when they figure out he’s a big fat faker. at one point a rapper is eaten by hyenas and they eventually catch the mob in the act when they smuggle a monkey inside of a basketball
i think that wrecker really likes animals and he would enjoy both seeing exotic animals and also brutalizing people that hurt them
just like elliot stabler, wrecker would be a dreadful undercover agent and would likely get whacked instantly by any sort of organized crime syndicate
the absurdity of a whole entire gibbon monkey inside of a basketball is something he would be greatly amused by
i also think that wrecker could beat 1 (one) wild cat in hand to hand combat and i would love to bear witness (edit: i forgot about that one time when wrecker WWE smackdowned muchi the rancor so i will amend this statement and say he could beat 2 (two) wild cats in hand to hand combat)
Echo: Bang (season 12 ep 22)
baby is found in a dumpster, they figure out it’s the adopted baby of a girlboss named dede. she is dating john stamos, who we know is not playing a good character bc he has untrustworthy sideburns. she gets pregnant and he’s super gross about it like way too happy, they come to find out that he’s a sicko who loves to impregnate women and he’s fathered like literally 47 kids. at the end the domestic violence counselor the squad worked with murders john with a scuba diving knife that has a ton of pressurized CO2 in it and makes him explode
i feel that echo has a long-standing feud with john stamos and this episode would validate him
he would appreciate the theatricality of a pressurized exploding knife as well as the scene when like 20 of the mothers confront him at the precinct and are like “you’re a fucking terrible deadbeat father please choke”
there’s a lot of strong female energy in this episode and i can tell echo respects women who murder
overall he would really enjoy the unionization of single mothers to defeat his one true nemesis (johnathan stamos)
Omega: Gone Baby Gone (season 19 ep 9)
basically brooke shields kidnaps benson’s adopted son noah bc he’s her biological grandson and there’s like a whole manhunt for them. liv goes through some of the most crippling anxiety and despair of her life and then they find noah and he’s literally just like “that was a great trip we saw a deer and ate mcdonald’s i can’t wait to do it again sometime!”
omega gets kidnapped literally all the time bc just like noah porter-benson, she’s a little cutie
she also sometimes exhibits a very similar “teehee oops” energy in the face of extreme peril
i think if brooke shields could get her grubby paws on her she would snatch omega right up and sell her to the highest bidder
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milquetoast-on-acid · 3 years
Milquetoast watches Uncivilized
Uncivilized S1xE7 Special Victims Unit: Episode Review
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what this episode is about: When a young boy is found raped and murdered in a field, a paroled sex offender who lives in the area is the prime suspect.
Olivia talking to kids is always heartwarming.
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Mrs Davis...I've seen her before! She's a crime scene tech on Criminal Intent! I've seen so many of these damn actors before already in seven episodes.
awwe Elliot, he looks so damned heartbroken looking at Ryan Davis' picture.
Cragen: "Alright people, what have we learned?" Olivia: "No one can handle crimes againest children." Jeffries: "And lesson get out after two years." Elliot: "Three, no one can handle the children."
First of all, Jefferies and Cassidy are the ONLY ones who get out after two years (or even before I don't remember). And I love that Olivia and Elliot say the same exact thing here! I don't even think Elliot heard Olivia say that earlier. He was so distracted by looking at Ryan's picture. For both Elliot and Olivia, it always seems to be the cases with kids that hurt them the most. Elliot because he has kids and can see his kids in every single child victim.
Torquil Cambell...That's a COOL name!
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Cassidy : "Ever think about having Kids?" Munch: “Why when I have you.” Cassidy: “I think about it all the time.”   um...Really!? I just don't see that jiving with the character.  Cassidy is like the eternal bachelor always playing but never settling. I never thought of him as a guy that looked to his future with some kids. Like when he gets with Olivia, she’s doing her best to live her life and move forward. She brings up children and I get the feeling that he doesn’t want kids with her. 
Elliot's creep dad collected stamps. Maybe he wasn't written as an abusive manipulator of a man or maybe was...I don't know.
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Munch: "When I was a little kid my parents told me never to eat sweets." Cragen: "So as an adult you overcompensate?" Munch: "Yeah." Cassidy: "I'm guessing your parents also said you should never get married." Daaaammn! That's actually a sick burn! That's a shit ton of candy! OMG are you going to a party, Munch? Oh look this is another opportunity for Cragen to eat something.
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Inverted Jenny C3a. I know I've heard of this stamp. Looks it up. HOLY SHIT that stamp is worth $500,000!!!
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So turbit is a CMo, which probably means that he didn't kill Ryan. Because this is SVU there is always a twist.
Yelling neighbor who finds out Turbit was a CMo: "I let my son be alone with him (turbit)." um...that's your fault.
Soo...Turbit was high and thought the boy was dead and also attacking him. So Turbit may not have even moed this kid he was convicted for 11 years back. I knew it had to be something. Turbit is definitely weird but I don't know if I get the creep vibe from him.
Turbit: "I don't like needles." Who does? 
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Elliot: "Where's Dickie?" my thoughts exactly Elliot. Go find your kid!
OMG Elliot yes run! Please, that ass! You can run in that direction anytime.
Bartender is telling Elliot that he never saw Turbit playing cards with anyone and that he left for a few hours and then came back. He tells this to Elliot right after he was up all night thinking about his little girl who lives with her mother and hoping that some creep doesn't do the same to her. I have suspicions about this guy. I think he's lying because he thinks the guy did it. I guess we will see.
So he choked the kid which is consistent with the chain thing but...did he molest him? The former victim just says he blacked out but it's not clear if he was molested.
Bartender: "Detective Stabler, I wasn't entirely straightforward with you the other day." I KNEW IT! Called that shit!
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Cragen is in this ALOT, like more than what I really remember.
They want Cragen and Co. to keep Turbin even though he has an alibi. Like - so they are going to send him away to prison even though he didn't do it because of his previous conviction. BUT what about the real killer. They are just going to let him go?
Dickie wants Elliot to talk to his class! OMG I want this!!! This is so cute he's just climbing those money bars and flipping himself over.
Elliot watching the dude across the street watching them while putting his socks back on his feet.
Dickie: "Looking for pedo**** dad?" ...how does this 6 year old kid know that word? Oh it was Danny Baker because he told Dickie that's what Elliot does. Dickie REALLY wants Elliot to talk to his class.
We see Elliots home life, like every episode when are we going to see Olivia's homelife. Like it would be a really interesting contrast. Just seeing scenes of Olivia home alone, talking to no one just cleaning or working on a laptop doing work stuff.
What is that hairstyle!? The psychiatrist looks like she stepped out of the 1800's.
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No DNA match. So...who did it? I really don't see those kids having done it. Maybe the dad. Otherwise I have no clue.
So now they have to break it to the parents.
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Olivia to Ryans parents: "We have some solid leads." - YOU DO? Who? Because idk who the hell is on your radar. I smell bullshit Olivia.
OMG elliot talking at Dickies school! YESSS!!! He's passing around his badge! I love how elliot looks to the teacher to ask her what he wants him to call the pe4os.
"What if your dads the one that's hurting you?" "Then you'll tell Dickie and he'll tell me." OMG this kid. Please be ok! This actually happened, had a friend's kid tell their parent that their friend was being hurt by someone in their family. It's important to educate kids with this kind of stuff because sometimes people are more than creepy and knowing that they can go to someone safe so that stuff won't happen to them is sooo important!
I just love how Elliot and Olivia are back their whispering to each other during the hearing. Off in their own little world.
DAAAAAAMMMN! Ryan's dad just came out of now where and shot Turbin like 5 times!
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Oooh so the kids really did kill Ryan. They were lying about having seen Turbin the whole time. What do you wana bet?
Seeing Elliot and Cassidy having a heartfelt conversation about kids so soooo bizarre. Like I feel like I'm in lala land. I like seeing Stabler mentoring Cassidy but have they ever had a relationship like this?
So the two boys looked online and found Turbit on the sex offenders registration list. And then Jimmy became obsessed with it so they they did it. Jimmy sounds like a psychopath.
Killer says about Ryan: "Kid was a loser anyway." cold hard psychopath, it's a interesting contrast in which the killer has no empathy or remorse for what he did. But when Turbit is talking to the psychiatrist he expresses remorse and says he doesn't know what's more horrifying. What happened to the boy or that he was capable of doing it.
Final Thoughts: This was the best episode so far. This episode is uncomfortable but it's excellently written. Turbit is not the innocent man wrongly accused. He's the sex offender, wrongly accused. Which color everyone's perspective on him. Instead of innocent until proven guilty, he's guilty until proven innocent. We even have a bartender who lies and says Turbit wasn't at his bar at the time of the murder. It's a great episode that really makes you think about the justice system and the people who play in it.
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There Could Never Be A Father Who Loves His Daughter More Then I Love You
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Hello lovlies!  This is my first time writing Elliot! I hope you like it! Sorry It’s a little longer then originally planned!
(Law and Order: SVU/Blue Bloods Crossover)
Elliot x Daughter Reader
Gif not mine!
“ Dad I was wondering if I can stop by later?” You asked placing the phone firmly up to your ear. “ Yeah of course.” “ Sweetheart is everything okay?” “ Yes everything’s fine Dad.” The words tumbled from your mouth a little faster then you’d expected.
“ So I’ll stop by at around eight.” “ I’ll bring dinner.” “ Alright kiddo.” “ I’ll see you then love you.” “ Love you too Dad.” You retorted before hanging up the phone.
  A weary sigh fell across your lips as you collapsed against the counter in your tiny apartment. Staring over at your retired military dog Captain you let out a groan. He raised his head sending a sympathetic glance in your direction.
  “ What?” “ Stop looking at me like that you’re making me nervous.” You exclaimed running a hand through your shoulder length honey colored locks. 
The large German Shepard let out a short bark as if to apologize.
  “ It’s fine.” You concluded staring the photo of you and your dad that was taken a few years prior at your high school graduation. He had a large smile on his face as you held up your diploma with a grin.
  Being the oldest daughter of an SVU detective for the NYPD had always come with its challenges but even with them you’d always maintained a close relationship with your father.
You’d always had a very decent head on your shoulders of course that probably came with having five younger siblings to keep an eye on.
You’d been a good kid not having any issues with underage drinking or drugs. Drinking had never interested after having seen what it could do to a person. Letting out another sigh you decided to clean your apartment to pass the time.
  “ Everything okay?” Olivia commented as Elliot set his phone down letting out a small sigh.
“ Yeah… That was Y/N.”  “She’s going to stop by later on tonight.” “ You seem pretty stressed El.” “ Is she okay?” “ She said that she wants to talk.” “ That’s all?”
  “ Yeah but she’s been acting off for the past few weeks.” Elliot retorted with a concerned expression. “ I’m sure everything’s fine.” “ Y/N’s a great kid.”
“ She’s only twenty-one and she’s had her own apartment since she was nineteen. Not to mention that she’s been going to school full time and working at the coffee shop across from her apartment.” The brunette confirmed placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
  “ We’re always so honest with each other.” “ I just can’t help but worry that she’s in trouble.” The dark haired man confessed his blue eyes shining with concern.
  Stumbling into your dad’s apartment later on that night you were surprised you managed  to balance all of the Chinese takeout you had without dropping anything.
  “ Dad?” You called setting all of the containers on the counter top in his kitchen.
  “ Hey Sweetheart.” “ Is that Mushu Palace?” The man asked padding into the kitchen and pressing a loving kiss to the side of your head.
  “ Would it be anything else Dad?” You chuckled handing him the things you’d ordered for him.
 “ Do you want a water or anything?” He asked as he opened the fridge. “ Sure thanks.” You retorted catching the water bottle he tossed to you with ease.
 “ Why don’t you go put on a movie?” “ I’ll be there in a second.” Your dad suggested.
  “ What did you put on?” He asked as he took a seat next to you on his tiny couch.
  “ Star Wars.” You confirmed softly.
“ Alright.” You both began eating your food taking in the comfortable silence as you did. Multiple thoughts were running through your head as you tried to figure out how to bring up such a large thing to your dad.
The two of you had always had an amazing trusting relationship as you’d grown up. While your sister Maureen  always had a harder time following rules she’d had her issues with your dad while growing up.
  Not to say you never had your issues but given your dad’s line of work. It was as though you’d been born with a more mature way of seeing the world. There was danger and a need of justice but in those dark things there was also beauty and good things as well.
  Your hands went to wipe at your jeans as you tried to ease the moisture that was building on your sweaty palms.
“ So…” Your dad started his piercing blue eyes that were an exact replica to your e/c glancing over at you. “ So.” You repeated setting down your food carton on the coffee table in front of you.
  “ What did you want to tell me?”
  Peaking over at your father you let out a shaky breath trying to figure out bringing up the reason you’d come over. He gently reached over taking one of your hands in his.
“ I just want you to know that whatever it is.” “ I’ll love and support you no matter what.” He confirmed his eyes shining with love and worry. “ I can tell you’ve been stressed lately Sweetheart.”
“ Wow… I’m that easy to read huh?” You teased.
  Your face suddenly went back to its concerned expression. “ You know how I’ve been going to school for language translations?” He just gave you a quick nod. His full attention was on you, waiting for you to continue.
  “ Well… I man there’s no easy way to say this!” “ Take your time.” He soothed giving your hand a comforting squeeze.
“ During one of my breaks about six months ago.”
  “ Officer Jamie Reagan came in.” “ He’s a usual at the coffee shop.”
“ I had just finished up his order when I saw it.” “ A shady looking man came out of nowhere tackling an old lady and snatching her purse. “ Without a second thought something came over me.”
“ Before I knew what was happening my instincts seemed to take over.” “ I’d leapt over the counter and jumped the guy keeping him pinned face first to the floor.”
“ Officer Reagan took over after that.” “ The lady was pretty banged up but otherwise unharmed.
     “ Reagan asked my boss if I could be given the rest of the day off.” “ My boss agreed and…”
“ Well we got to talking and he gave me his card in case I ever wanted or needed to talk.” “ He left with saying that I’d make a pretty good cop.” You retorted taking in a gulp of air as you continued with your story.
  “When I went to bed later on that night its like everything clicked for me dad. “ I’ve been unsure as to what to do my life.” “ I’ve always had a different perspective my own way of seeing the world.”
 “ I headed to work the next morning only to find Reagan waiting for me at his usual table with an extra coffee for me. “ “ He asked me to sit down.” “ I did and he asked if I’d made up my mind yet.” “ The funny thing is its like my heart knew what I was saying before my brain did.”
  “ What I’m trying to say Dad… Is that I’ve joined the police academy.”  “I already finished all of my college credits needed to join.”
“ I was able to get in pretty quickly thanks to some strings on Jamie’s part.” “ I’m almost done with the first part of my training.” “ I’m so sorry.”  “I should have told you from the very beginning but I was…” You retorted not meeting his eyes.
  “ Y/N” “ Sweetheart look at me please?” Your father asked his voice soft. Peaking up at him you found nothing but love and pride.
  “ From the moment you were born.” “ I vowed to do everything in my power to protect you and be the kind of father you needed me to be.” “ If you feel that being a cop is what you’re supposed to do then you do it.” “ Do you want to know why I know you’ll make a pretty damn good cop?”
“ Why?” You whispered feeling tears prick your eyes at your father’s words.
“ Because you always stay true to who you are.” “ You know what you believe and you stick with it.”  “Plus you’ve always had heart for helping people.”
“ I’m so proud of you.” “ I just wish you would have come to me sooner.” “ Thank you Daddy.” You choked out throwing your arms around him in a hug.
  “ You’re welcome Sweetheart.” He breathed holding you in a hug.  “Please know you don’t have to keep things from me.”
    “ I know Daddy.” “ I was just so worried.” “ I mean I know that being a cop can have its risks but…” “ Did you really expect to be the only Stabler in the field?”
  A grin found its way to your mouth as he let out a deep chuckle.
“ In all honesty no.”“ I figured this was going to happen sometime in the future but I figured it would be your brother.”
“ Are you saying just because I’m a woman I won’t make a good cop?” You questioned in mock surprise.
  “ Not at all.” “ I was going to say Aunt Liv wouldn’t let you live up to that one.” “ That is a very valid point.” He grinned when you pulled away letting your head land on his chest.
 “ I love you so much Daddy.” You whispered as he wrapped his arms around you keeping you close.
“ I love you too Sweetheart.”  “No matter how old you get you’ll always be my baby.” He confirmed placing a kiss along your head.
  The sound of your name being called snapped you from your bustling thoughts as you made your way across the stage. You heard tons of clapping as you finally made it over to the head of the academy.
Staring out into the crowd you were met with the smiling faces of Olivia, Fin, Munch the rest of the team, your siblings, and both of your parents.
Everyone clapped loudly as you were finally decorated as an official member of the NYPD. Jamie gave you a thumbs up as you stood there with the rest of your academy buddies waiting for the ceremony to be over.
As soon as the ceremony was finished you were engulfed into a massive hug and swept off the ground.
  “ I’m so proud of you.” Jamie exclaimed proudly. In the time that you’d known him the man had become like an older brother to you. You’d even started partaking in the Reagan family dinner’s on occasion.
  “ J-am-ie I c-can-t br-eathe.” You choked out as the man set you down on your feet.
“ Sorry kid.” “ Umm I’ll go bug Erin.” “ It looks like someone wants to see you.” The sandy haired man retorted before leaving you alone.
  “ Are you too old to give your old man a hug?” A warm voice questioned from behind you.
Without warning you leapt into his arms wrapping your legs around his waist in the process. “ I’ll never be too old for that Daddy.” “ Of course it might me more difficult to hug you like this when you’re in your eighties.” You concluded with a chuckle.
“ Ha ha very funny.” He breathed keeping a protective hold on you. “ I’m so proud of you Sweetheart.” “ Thank you Daddy.” You whispered placing a kiss on his cheek as he carefully set you down.
You kept your hold on him though earning a small laugh from him.
  “ Are you going to let me go?”
“ I will in a minute.” “ Thank you for never giving up on me and believing. I could do this.” “ I never doubted you couldn’t do whatever you put your mind too.”
Pulling away you peaked up at him your e/c gaze meeting his warm blue that were brimming with emotion. “ You know when I was little and people would automatically ask me who my favorite superhero was?”
“ Yeah?”
“ Well I always told people the same thing.” “ Its you.” “ No matter how old I get or how much changes in my life.” “ You’ll always be my hero.”
“ I just wanted you to know that if it wasn’t for you… I wouldn’t be standing here before you today.” You confirmed with tears in your eyes.
  Your dad let out a small noise before pulling you against his chest.
  “ There could never be a father who loves his daughter more then I love you.” He promised pressing a loving kiss to your forehead.
A watery smile founds its way to your lips.  As you enjoyed the beauty of this private moment the two of you would remember for the rest of your lives.
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orionares · 2 years
BTHB: Choking
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BTHB: Choking
Law and Order: SVU/ Law and Order: OC
He can totally do this.
"How about we call it friendship...how's that for now."
Friendship- yes, Elliot Stabler can be a friend to the one person who's had his heart for nearly three decades. As a man who currently scores a negative four on the patience scale and a solid zero for self control, Elliot Stabler knows the amount of work and effort required may literally kill him.
But he's back in New York, back to being within reaching distance of her, and she hasn't told him to get the hell out.
Elliot, the friend, can offer to bring coffee.
Elliot, the friend, can ask her about her day and not put his foot in his mouth when asking about her life without him.
Elliot, the friend, can also force himself to not break out into a dance everytime he gets a half smile out of her.
Yep, he can do this.
Elliot smiles softly as he settles in his office chair, reading the text on his phone from Eli about a soccer score from back in Italy. He's happy for the increasingly longer conversation from his teenage son.
"Morning, Detective," Jet Slootmakaeker calls as she passes behind his desk. He'd grunt and nod on most days but between the peace amongst his family members and the lunch Olivia had finally agreed to after the New Year, Elliot Stabler's in a great mood.
His cell phone rings and he glances over to see an incoming call from Fin Tutuola. Not unusual for a quiet Friday morning.
"Hey, Fin," Elliot answers rather cheerfully before he's cut off by the chaos of voices, some random beeps and Fin's tense tone.
"I'm about to tell you something and you do not get to break every speeding law to get here," Fin warns. Elliot’s eyes widen and he's already yanking his desk drawer to grab his wallet and keys. "Stop whatever the hell you are doing. I can hear you digging through your desk."
"Where is she?" Elliot hisses. His conscience tries to remind him that he's a friend and not a partner or a step past 'whatever this is'.
"Liv told me that you two are working things out, which means I didn't tell you this. Alright?"
Elliot’s leg begins to bounce underneath his desk, garnering the attention from Jet and the others in the room. "Ok," he answers through gritted teeth.
"Captain was hurt on a case. She's getting checked out at Sinai right now. Everything's chaotic right now and...Stabler, I need you to sit tight."
Yeah, no- Elliot Stabler cannot do this.
Sitting tight and not speeding through NYC lasts for about 47 seconds.
Elliot pops out of his seat and walks as calm as he can through the bullpen to an interrogation room. As a 'friend', Fin had asked him, reminded him that- "I'll call you when she's discharged as they want to keep her for observation. Stabler, you don't need to come down here right now."
The hidden message- You didn't stick around during the accident and I know you are a hot mess right now. You need to earn this- sits in the forefront of his mind as he steps into the interrogation room, locks the door behind him and then slides down to the ground.
The therapist- he can't recall her name at the moment- had advised him to find things that he can identify in a moment of a panic attack.
"Five things," Elliot whispers in the dark , barely lit room. "I can feel the floor-"
Liv's at the hospital and I can't go see her.
Fin told me to stay put.
I'm going to lose my-
The door behind him shifts forward, far enough for a voice on the other side to call out,"Stabler, it's Bell. Open up."
With a sigh, Elliot scoots forward from the door to allow Sergeant Ayanna Bell to squeeze through the small door opening and into the room. She flickers on one of the room lights, bringing enough light for her to see her detective staring at the opposite wall, shell shocked.
“I-I don’t know how to do this,” Elliot stammers softly. He shakes his head and wraps an arm around his knees. “I-uhm- we talked about being friends for now and I-I can do that , Sarg. But this- not being able to….Sarg, I can’t...I can’t…”
Bell sighs and pulls one of the chairs around to sit. With her cellphone in hand, Bell reminds him softly,” Captain Benson is a big girl and can take care of herself. She’s done it for a decade without you being here.”
Elliot finally looks up to her with an eye roll. “Great pep talk, Sarg.”
“What I mean, Stabler, is that you can't swoop in like a knight in shining armor," Bell explains. Her face falls seconds later when she reads his tears filled eyes. "But this isn't that…..I'm guessing. I’m guessing things are different.”
He manages to mumble and nod in agreement, “I love her, Sarg.”
“You two are damn romance novel, you know that, right?” Bell jokes. She lowers herself onto the ground when the comment brings a small smile to her detective. “The longest damn romance novel- no, a series and we’re on book what, 23?”
Elliot takes a deep breath. “That’s a new one, but it helped. Thanks.”
“No problem.” Bell pulls out her cell phone from her jacket and opens her messaging app. “Fin text me a few minutes ago with the bits of information that they know. Captain Benson went to check in on Savannah Hoffman, the wife of Daniel Thompson who’s magically dodged domestic violence charges for years now. Savannah finally decided to leave him and was home packing with an officer when Olivia went to check in on them both. Twenty five minutes later, there’s a 911 call from Benson. “
Elliot blinks as he digests the information. He doesn’t look up to meet Bell’s eyes when he asks, “What aren’t you telling me?”
Bell sighs heavily before tapping something unreadable to the detective. He can feel his chest tighten with every passing second of silence from Bell. She finally looks up to him nervously and shows her cell phone screen to him. “I have the 911 call. I can play it or-”
“Play it,” he answers.
Fear doesn't even begin to describe what he feels. Bell watches him carefully as she presses the play button of an audio file on screen. He hears a slow, pained wheezing on the other end followed by Olivia’s voice.
“Ma ‘am?”
Elliot feels tears burning in his eyes until the clip ends suddenly. His breath hitches before a sob escapes his throat. Bell squeezes his shoulder in support. “I know you want to run down there right now but things are different now, Stabler. Between the trial and everything and plus, the SVU Chief is an ass to be honest- we just have to be careful. I’m in contact with Fin and I’ll let you know when we can go to the hospital. I’ll drive you.”
“I-I don’t know how to do this, Sarg,” Elliot admits. “I don’t know how to sit and wait and-”
“Well, I don’t know if this will help but I know for a fact that Olivia Benson will kick your ass from here to kingdom come if you sit here and mope,” Bell reminds him. “And as much as I’d like to see that, you can’t shut down. Just sit tight and you’ll see her soon.”
Fin calls him back with news an hour later.
The news floors him.
"Docs want to keep her overnight. She's being stubborn," Fin warns with a heavy sigh, "but before we talk about you coming to see her, there are things you need to know. "
Elliot runs a hand over his head and forces himself to quickly prepare himself for the long awaited tongue lashing he's been expecting from Fin.
Five things. Focus on five things. I can feel the floor underneath me.
I can see the walls of the interrogation-
"Stabler, you with me?"
Elliot nods as if Fin can see him from wherever he's calling from. "I'm here. "
"Elliot," the rare use of his first name triggers a flinch in the detective, " a lot of bad things happened to Liv while you were gone. Not my story to tell but I need to know that you aren't going to bolt when you find out the things that happened to her , including the attack today."
Elliot’s Catholic guilt, if it was a human, would laugh in his ear. His guilt has increased twelve fold with every sad smile from her, her hesitancy at his attempt to close the gap and every whisper from others on the return of 'wasn't that the rogue partner of the Captain?'
"Liv has scars , emotional and physical, from the past ten years," Fin continues to explain, "She's been through hell and back and doesn't need you leaving and breaking her heart again. How do we-"
"Because with her being in my life, I'm whole again," Elliot admits. His heart flutters at the admission, "I can't screw this up. I can't lose her."
Fin sighs heavily on the other end of the phone, contemplating his next response. Elliot can imagine the Sergeant leaning back in a chair, fidgeting with a pencil or a small item, mulling over each detail. He finally says, "Ok. Ok."
"Fin, what-"
"Liv went to check on a victim and the victim's husband came over, shot a police officer and attacked Liv. He..um...he tried to strangle her."
Elliot straightens up in his chair. “I’m sorry, what?”
"The suspect fought Liv and tried to choke the life out of her, man."
The suspect's name- Daniel Thompson- will sit in the back of his mind. Pre- abandonment Elliot would be already halfway out the door, ready to hunt the bastard down.
'Friend for now' Elliot can only ask through gritted teeth, "Is the suspect alive?"
Fin continues, " Liv was able to shoot him after a struggle. She was unconscious when myself and our new rookie Valesco got there."
Elliot's voice cracks as he struggles against the emotions bubbling in his chest. "And her injuries?"
"Bruising around her neck, trouble breathing although she denies such things, cuts on her forehead and cheek, a swollen lip- the list can go on," Fin explains, "Look, why don't you come in about an hour? I don't know if she'll be awake when you get here but-"
He'd cry tears of relief if he could. "I'll take it. I'll be there."
On the drive to the hospital, the usual thirty minute drive dragged out to an hour, Elliot calls Olivia.
He isn't expecting her to answer as he listens to the line ringing through the SUV's speakers. When the line picks up but there's no greeting on his ex-partner's end, his heart skips in relief that she's at least listening.
"Hey, Liv. It's me," Elliot says in a choked voice. "I heard what happened and I….I’m on my way to see you but if you don’t want me to come because I screwed up and-”
Don’t make this about yourself or the past, his conscious screams in his ear. Elliot smiles nervously and says, “ You can just let me know what you need- Liv, I can just swing by or we can sit in silence or-”
“El,” he finally hears on the other end of the line. Olivia’s voice is raspy and barely audible over the line. He can hear her wheeze and it fuels his anger towards Daniel Thompson. “Come...please…”
It’s one of the most beautiful things he’s heard in a long time. The permission to come and be by his ex-partner’s side and support her like he should have the last decade brings tears to his eyes. Elliot lets the tears fall, the first set of happy tears in a long time. “I’ll be there in a bit.”
She’s asleep when he arrives.
Elliot leans against the door frame and watches his ex-partner sleep with a myriad of emotions.
He’s breathless at the sight of the nasal cannula and the bruising on her neck. Elliot can picture Daniel Thompson on top of Olivia, hands wrapped around her neck and the image alone makes him nearly drop to her knees.
The relief at seeing her alive and safe keeps him upright.
The detective also feels nervousness at her reaction to seeing him. Elliot pushes off the door frame and walks to the side of the bed, stopping by her right hand. His heart begins to race as he lets his hand hover inches above hers.
“I love you,” Elliot whispers. He finally lets his hand rest on hers and it settles him for the first time in hours. “I will spend the rest of my life proving this to you. That I can do.”
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rahleeyah · 3 years
i have many other thoughts about 500 (all good thoughts! loved the episode!) but 2 points
1. ATTENTION ATTIONTION olivia benson had some sexy times (because yeah after it went to hell in a handbasket, but at that time it some pretty great times were had and he said "hey beautiful" and my heart cracked) (ALSO if svu can go this far with Burton, they can certainly manage that with someone else when it's time, humhum)
i never, in a million years, thought we would get naked under a blanket Olivia again and i'm crying, finally!!! i really thought they would cut to the day after, so i choked a little when i saw Miss Olivia Benson enjoying some post-coital bliss like some greek goddess
2. did she move because that hallway didn't resemble anything to the flat we know?! (in OC it looked like the same flat though, even if in the past the deco was different outside (+ different front door) and people came in front the right and not the left) I swear SVU had too much money on their hands and did a complete set overhaul and it's fucking with me because i'm not a fan of the new squad layout !
2bis. might come back with some thought, might not but Mariska still blows me away and I'm so happy they finally, finally went to that big piece of her past!
i love these thoughts than you
1. hey beautiful killed me bc at that point olivia is still happy and the accusations haven't come out yet and she's just. she's getting all the things she deserves - sex in a fancy hotel and a man who is being nice to her and talks to her in a way that makes her smile like that - but then it's all poisoned, isn't it? it's so close to good but it isn't actually good - is actually very Bad - and that's tragic and messy buuuuut might i suggest Mister Detective Elliot Stabler greeting her the same way when he sees her lying in his bed
2. i don't fucking know bruh that apartment is like a damn tardis
2b. Mariska really did just knock this one out of the park, what a beautiful performance, and yes! they finally resolved something that had been a sticking point for a lot of us for a long time, finally had olivia come to terms with it, and yes it was painful but after the acknowledgment comes healing and she deserves that. the girl she was deserves that
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