#Caleb Thusat
flowercrownbee · 2 years
My favorite thing about comics is finding independent artists online or at conventions. I love finding the most unheard of pieces of media hidden in the back of comic book stores, or a small artist promoting their webcomic online, or reading through Webtoon Canvas. I love having conversations with people who are making their own comics for the first time and looking at their OCs and worldbuilding.
Because after years of supporting people, years of liking their work online, years of scrapped ideas, hiatuses, and highs and lows,
Owning a physical comic book by someone who you've watched struggle for years to achieve their goals is the most satisfying experience in the world
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smashpages · 2 years
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Out this week: Nook #1 (Source Point Press, $4.99):
This historical horror tale by Caleb Thusat and Marcelo Biott centers on a cat named Nook who a family discover in an old house after fleeing World War II-era Germany — an old house filled with secrets of a dark past.
See what else is arriving at your local comic shop this week.
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fantomcomics · 2 years
What’s Out This Week? 6/22
Happy Juneteenth AND Father’s Day!
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The Muscle Girl Next Girl  Vol 1 -  Amesuke Ano
A boy-meets-ripped-girl love story! College student Daria isn't a big guy; he's thin and kinda scrawny, and he's a little self-conscious about it. When he bumps into Rubi-san, a totally cut lady who can haul massive logs around, he thinks she's the epitome of macho coolness. And it's more than just admiration or even envy's immediately smitten by her! Watch slight Daria chase after the buff and sexy Rubi in this charming modern love story.
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Nook #1 -  Caleb Thusat, Marcelo Biott & Martha Webby
Fleeing the oppression of WWII Germany, Avery and her parents move to a remote town on the border of France only to discover their new is haunted by a dark past and a cat named Nook. Swept up into a deadly cycle of violence, Avery will come to both fear and love her fuzzy new friend as the dark and twisted history of her new home is revealed.
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Our Colors GN -  Gengoroh Tagame and Anne Ishii
Set in contemporary suburban Japan, Our Colors is the story of Sora Itoda, a sixteen-year-old aspiring painter who experiences his world in synesthetic hues of blues and reds and is governed by the emotional turbulence of being a teenager. He wants to live honestly as a young gay man in high school, but that is still not acceptable in Japanese society. His world changes forever when he meets Mr. Amamiya, a middle-aged gentleman who is the owner and proprietor of a local coffee shop and is completely, unapologetically out as a gay man. A mentorship and platonic friendship ensues as Sora comes out to him and agrees to paint a mural in the shop, and Mr. Amamiya counsels Sora about how to deal with who he is. But it won't be easy.
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Clementine Book One - Tillie Walden
Clementine is back on the road, looking to put her traumatic past behind her and forge new path all her own. But when she comes across an Amish teenager named Amos with his head in the clouds, the unlikely pair journeys North to an abandoned ski resort in Vermont, where they meet up with a small group of teenagers attempting to build a new, walker-free settlement.
As friendship, rivalry, and romance begin to blossom amongst the group, the harsh winter soon reveals that the biggest threat to their survival...might be each other.  
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Dirty Pictures: How Rebels Invented Comix -  Brian Doherty
In Dirty Pictures: How an Underground Network of Nerds, Feminists, Misfits, Geniuses, Bikers, Potheads, Printers, Intellectuals, and Art School Rebels Revolutionized Art and Invented Comix, author and journalist Brian Doherty tells the wild history of the outlaw, outsider, and sometimes illegal world of Underground Comix. With a narrative that weaves together the stories of Harvey Kurtzman, R. Crumb, Trina Robbins, Spain Rodriguez, and Art Spiegelman, among many others, Doherty details, in the first complete narrative history of this movement, the local scenes that sprang up in the 1960s and '70s in New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and Chicago, and provides insight into the rivalries, ideological battles, and conflicts that flourished.
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The Lonesome Hunters #1 (of 4) -  Tyler Crook
An old and out-of-practice monster hunter in hiding crosses paths with a young girl that forces him to confront these chaotic creatures. As the beasts invade their tenement, they set off on a supernatural road trip to stop these ancient evils in a story that explores the ways that youth informs adulthood and how early traumas can haunt us of in old age.
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Samurai Sonja #1 - Jordan Clark, Pasquale Qualano & Lucio Parrillo
The Sengoku period of Japan: A time of near-constant civil war. Sonja, daughter of a slain samurai, is eager to prove herself worthy of her family's glorious history. But in a desperate moment, Sonja will make an awful deal with a dreaded sea goddess: She will be gifted magical armor and weapons capable of slaying mythical beasts! But if she falls in battle, her bloodline will be erased, her family's name no more.
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Until I Find My Husband GN -  Ryousuke Nanasaki & Yoshi Tsukizuki
From school crushes to awkward dating sites to finding a community, this collection of stories recounts the author's "firsts" as a young gay man searching for love. Dating isn't ever easy, but that goes doubly so for Ryousuke, whose journey is full of unrequited love and many speed bumps. But perseverance and time heals all wounds, even those of the heart. This moving memoir by gay activist Ryousuke Nanasaki, following his historic life story, was originally released in Japan in a novel of collected essays and in a beautiful manga adaptation; now both will be available in English for the first time.
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The Illusion Witch Book One - Ruben Romero & Andrea Errico
The Illusion Witch tells the story of Aadya Locke a world-famous illusionist traumatized by the loss of her father and son, she has become cold and disconnected from reality. Transported into Saari a fantasy world filled with magic and danger, Aadya is paired with a talking Quoll, A warrior, his son, and a powerful mage. Hunted by The Three a wraith with monstrous intentions, Aadya will face her inner demons while battling real-life monsters in her attempt to save herself,  and Saari.
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantomites?
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Nook is now LIVE on Kickstarter for a LIMITED TIME Caleb Thusat August 26 at 10:09 AM Nook is now LIVE on Kickstarter for 14 days. Don't delay. Grab yourself a copy, and maybe one for your mother too. Nookcomic.com
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comiccrusaders · 7 years
KICKSTARTER ALERT: Alter-Life Issue 4 of 5: a Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Comic Series
KICKSTARTER ALERT: Alter-Life Issue 4 of 5: a Mind-Bending Sci-Fi Comic Series
What if death is not the end, but merely the beginning of infinite possibilities? With Alter-Life, death is just a moment in existence. ALL 4 ISSUES ARE AVAILABLE! You can continue your journey with Issue 4 or start from the beginning by grabbing all 4 issues. If you are new to the series, fret not. We have both digital and physical reward options to catch you up on the story! These are not your…
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genghisconcleveland · 5 years
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Welcoming back Caleb Thusat @villagecomicbooks! . Caleb Thusat is the self-published creator and writer of Alter-Life, ZED, and Nook. A former filmmaker turned comic book creator bringing unique and exciting stories to the vast world of the independent comic industry. He has taken the comic crowdfunding world by storm over the past few years, running 9 successful comic book kickstarter campaigns raising over $60,000 to create 3 different original series and 2 collected hardcover graphic novels. . Come on down this Sunday, December 1st at Genghis Con at The Tenk Building! Free! Open to everyone! . #genghiscon #cleveland #smallpress #comics #indycomics #dyi #genghiscon2019 #zines #graphicnovels — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/33GgZwk
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grawlixpodcast · 5 years
It’s another Poll List review AND interview episode! First, we review the indie comic Blood Realm by Robert Geronimo, published by Alterna Comics. Then Randy speaks with comic creator Caleb Thusat about his WWII ghost story Nook, running his 9th Kickstarter, and more.
More about our guest… Caleb Thusat is an indie filmmaker turned comic book creator.  He is the creator and writer of Alter-Life, ZED, and Nook. He has run 8 successful comic book Kickstarter campaigns to date, raising over $45,000.
For full show notes and more: https://grawlixpodcast.com/2019/03/grawlix88/
Links Mentioned
Caleb Thusat’s Website
Caleb Thusat on Twitter
Nook Kickstarter
Blood Realm on AternaComics.com
O Con Expo 2019
Grand Comic Con
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Congrats to the Team Behind the NOOK Part 1: for escaping KIckstarter
Congrats to the Team Behind the NOOK Part 1: for escaping KIckstarter
NOOK Part 1: a World War II Ghost Story Limited Series
A family escapes WWII Germany only to discover their new home on the border of France is haunted by a dark past and a cat named Nook.
Take a trip back in Time on Kickstarter by clicking here STORY
Fleeing the oppression of WWII Germany, Avery and her parents move to a remote town on the border of France. It is here she finds her new best…
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welcometoblackball · 6 years
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Page 18
Oooooo this is where the mystery part comes in!
The kickstarter for Cthulhu is Hard to Spell has ONE MORE DAY!!  There’s still one more chance to get the book and all these magical goodies, even at the $1 level!
Sophia Saturn #1 by Kyle Kaminski
Boston Metaphysical Society #1 by Madeleine Holly-Rosing
Nightmare Before Christmas Sally print by Zac Skellington
Starstruck and Miss Planet Earth novels by S.E. Anderson
Edgar Allan Poe print by Matthew Childers
Zed #1 by Caleb Thusat and Katrina Kunstmann
Sting/Constantine maship print and desktop wallpaper by Nick Kremenek
Sartana #1 by Johnny C
Lady Bayolet and Athoneza print by Erik Lervold
So what are you waiting for!? Grab them before they’re gone!
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Zed#2 alternative Kickstarter oct 28th cover, commission. Commissioner Caleb Thusat
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walterostlie · 6 years
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Pinup for Caleb Thusat's ZED project http://zedsnotdead.com #zombie #zombies #ink #inking #inktober #inktober2018 #halloween #kickstarter #comics #indie #indiecomics https://ift.tt/2EMu0Nu
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Nook is returning to Kickstarter Soon!!
Nook is returning to Kickstarter Soon!!
Caleb Thusat tag Nook is returning to Kickstarter Soon!!
  With Every Post you Share on Social Media we want You to do something you might not be doing, Tag a person you know might Like/Need/Want/Learn from the post.-DO NOT TAG RANDOM PEOPLE- -Do Tag a Person who might enjoy the Book or project- -Do Tag a Person who is a fan of the subject- -Do Tag a Person who…
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comiccrusaders · 7 years
Lost in a world of seemingly infinite existences, Jake’s past catches up with him as he begins to accept the truth behind his reality.
(As a vote of confidence, and a token of my appreciation to all future fans and backers you can Download Issue 1 for FREE HERE during the campaign! This link will be removed on July 28th)
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
In issue 1 (36 Pages) you saw a man dealing with his regrets and the shock of a reality he never knew existed.
In Issue 2 (40 Pages) the mystery behind Alter-Life begins to unravel. Jake starts to test the limits of his infinite timelines and remembers more about what happened after the accident. 
Issue 3 (36 Pages) will explore Jake’s past and the mysterious forces that seem to be creating and controlling the world around him. Was the faceless man a friend or foe? Where is Jake’s family? What is Alter-Life?
Find out by kicking in to this kickstarter!
Writer and creator of Alter-Life, ZED, and the webcomic, The Nook (currently on Patreon). A former filmmaker turned comic book creator. Looking to bring unique and exciting stories to the vast world of the independent comic industry.
Brief Biography at http://www.villagecomicbooks.com/bio
A native Californian with an everlasting love for lines and words, she currently works as a gun for hire, wrangling lines for concept art, story-boarding, comics, and book covers.
Warhead, her self published comic, can be found at at warheadcomik.com; and her other illustrations at krop.com/katrinakunstmann/
Checkout and support this project HERE
KICKSTARTER ALERT: Alter-Life: Issue 3 of 5 (Limited Comic Series) Lost in a world of seemingly infinite existences, Jake's past catches up with him as he begins to accept the truth behind his reality.
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 301
DC August solicitations
Comic Reviews:
Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom 1 by Brandon Easton, Fico Ossio, Rico Renzi
Stargirl Spring Break Special 1 by Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Todd Nauck, Alex Sinclair, Hi-Fi
Batman: Black and White 6 by Scott Snyder, John Arcudi, Brandon Thomas, Pierrick Colinet, Nick Derington, Elsa Charretier, Khary Randolph, James Harren, Klaus Janson, John Romita Jr
Heroes Reborn: Magneto and the Mutant Force by Steve Orlando, Bernard Chang, David Curiel
Heroes Reborn: Siege Society by Cody Zigler, Paco Medina, Pete Pantazis
Heroes Reborn: Young Squadron by Jim Zub, Steve Cummings, Erick Arciniega
Heroes Reborn 4 by Jason Aaron, James Stokoe, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matt Wilson
Reptil 1 by Terry Blas, Enid Balam, Victor Olazaba, Carlos Lopez
Made in Korea 1 by Jeremy Holt, George Schall
Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon of a Jedi 1 by Alec Worley, Jason Fry, Ruairi Coleman
Witcher: Witch's Lament 1 by Bartosz Sztybor, Vanesa Del Rey, Jordie Bellaire
Down River People by Adam Smith, Matthew Fox
Onion Skin by Edgar Camacho
Nook by Caleb Thusat, Marcelo Biott
Redshift 1 by H.S> Tak, Brent David McKee, Sebastian Cheng
Misadventurers 1 by Joseph Michael, Nicolas Touris
Monstrous: Heartbreak and Blood Loss 1 by Gregory Wright, Rachel Young, Sharpe
Blue Flame 1 by Christopher Cantwell, Adam Gorham, Kurt Michael Russell
99 Cent Theatre
CHC One Shot: Will Aliens Do My Homework? by David Whalen
Into the Wilderness 0 by Gabe Cheng, Elisa Menghel
Mister Johnson 1 by Adrian Jules
Tales From the Dispatch Vol 1 by 
Orphan King 1 by Tyler Chin-Tanner, James Boyle
Kickstarter: The Game
Additional Reviews: Hannibal, Calls s1, Kominsky Method s3, Big Little Lies s2, Men in Black 4, God of War
News: McFarlane TV deals, Naomi greenlit as series, next Arrow-verse crossover, Amazon buys MGM, Sandman casting, final round of Round Robin, Inferno event coming soon, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is Young Kraven, sequel to GL: Legacy coming soon, Flash ending with season 8, Joker sequel, Okoye series in development for Disney+, ultimate movie crossover
Trailers: Eternals, Last Night in Soho, Gunpowder Milkshake
Am It Glenn? 
Comics Countdown:
Ascender 15 by Jeff Lemire, Dustin Nguyen
Strange Adventures 10 by Tom King, Mitch Gerads, Evan Shaner
Department of Truth 9 by James Tynion IV, Martin Simmonds, Aditya Bidikar
Batman: Black and White 6 by Scott Snyder, John Arcudi, Brandon Thomas, Pierrick Colinet, Nick Derington, Elsa Charretier, Khary Randolph, James Harren, Klaus Janson, John Romita Jr
Something is Killing the Children 16 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'edera, Miquel Muerto
Down River People by Adam Smith, Matthew Fox
Beta Ray Bill 3 by Daniel Warren Johnson, Mike Spicer
Money Shot 11 by Tim Seeley, Sarah Beattie, Caroline Leigh Layne, Kurt Michael Russell
TMNT: The Last Ronin 3 by Peter Laird, Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Ben Bishop, Esau Escorza, Isaac Escorza, Luis Antonio Delgado
HaHa 5 by W. Maxwell Prince, Gabriel Walta
Check out this episode!
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