#Dina Yeager
jaeger-pups · 6 months
Hc: Dina called Zeke Ezekiel. His grandmother too. Zeke is just the shorthand.
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Hello there Dina Yeager fans.
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robosuta · 1 year
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thena0315 · 6 months
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prettypinkeel · 4 months
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for not so many Dina (I think I'm the only one left) and Zeke fans.
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zestygraph1te · 4 months
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Dina and Grisha as cats
Ive been working on assigning most aot characters a feline based on personality and appearance, ive got quite a few and i plan on drawing them all sometime!
Grisha: Oriental shorthair/longhair // Dina: Sand cat
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soulflame22 · 5 months
hey! ive been super fixated on aot, so here is my deep dive into episode one of attack on titan. this is mostly the foreshadowing things but there are some extras.
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• the title being: "To you, in 2,000 years" i am assuming "to you" is related to ymir fritz as "2000 years" is how many years since ymir got the shifters. my best theory with this is its ymir talking to armin possibly? armin and mikasa did what she could never do and killed off "the one they were in love with" the one who had all the power and was abusing it. armins the narrator in the first 3 seasons so i think thatd make sense. ive looked into what other peoples theories were and there are definitely quite a few, but this is the one that makes the most sense to me.
• in the opening scene birds are flying around. when eren wakes up, they scatter away from him. the birds represent freedom, and they're taunting him
• before eren opens his eyes he has a quick flashback, a bunch of things in the so called future that happen. this is in reference to how he sees the past the present and the future all at once. he got flashes of what was going to happen in the future.
• when eren wakes up, he says he forgot what he was dreaming about, and then mikasa brings up he was crying. this had more to do with the founding titan power, "it wasn't his time yet to know". but he was crying regardless because all of the tragedies that will await him (mikasa brings up this again in the episode)
• during this scene hes also sitting at the base of the tree he was later burried at
• throughout the first episode, even before the walls got attacked, you can see erens drive. a lot of people have been asking how much of what happened was eren and how much was the founding titan. he yells at hannes showing his anger and passion about what may be outside the walls. he goes to attack a man, goes to attack armins bullies, and he fights back as hard as he can when hannes is dragging him away from his mother. it is clear he is very passionate about those who he cares about in the beginning of the series, and in the end.
• erwin is seen in this episode after coming back from outside the walls. all throughout this episode people are saying that no new information is being learned and people are dying for nothing. but erwin didnt believe that. ever since his father taught young erwin about his theories, erwin thought there was something new outside the walls, some sort of secret. and he was right.
• eren throughout this episode keeps bringing up the outside of the walls. before his mom even died, he wanted to know. but it was something more than just the average curiosity. when grisha offers to show him whats in the storage, his eyes light up. more with the founding titan subconsciously leading him down the unfortunate past
• this encounter - bully: "or does your philosophy say its wrong to fight back too?" armin: "as a matter of fact it does, I rather take a few bumps then brawl like a beast!" i just think this encounter is ironic. parts of it do hold true, he does try to talk things through always before fighting, but in the end he did have to fight. and he did a lot of it.
• mikasas ackerman blood is also apparent in this episode. people are naturally intimidated by her because of how strong she was at such a young age. after all, fighting does run in their blood.
• "besides whats beyond the wall tends to put the issue into a different perspective" -hannes. this is interesting to me because hannes said it in a shallow way, referring to how stupid the titans were. but the people outside the walls do view things from a completely different perspective then them. he was right, even though he didn't mean to be
• armin called it: "[talking about how the walls are a false sense of security] and make no mistake, it absolutely is fleeting. the walls can't hold forever. only a matter of time" right after this is said, the collasal titan appears. but i think it's also interesting because he's right, the walls DIDN'T hold. instead the titans within them left them crumbling, destroying them entirely
• the collasal titan is huge, they would have seen it approaching, but it just seemed to appear. it also seemes to just disappear. this is in reference to the shifting power of titans
• erens immediate thought was to go down to his house to save his mom. the irony here being he was the one who sent the smiling titan (aka dina fritz) there.
• carla (erens mom) legs seemed to be crushed and broken under the house, but when the titan lifts her, she seems to be moving her legs just fine. were they just not crushed that badly? or was she trying to save eren and mikasa?
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The Promised Princess
EREMIKA MEDIEVAL AU "The Promised Princess" by @dead-dolphins​ 
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inspo banner from : LiquidSoulDesign
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liveinsaturn · 2 months
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so we all know what zeke thoughts are about grisha, but what do yall think think zeke thinks about his mom, dina?
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jaeger-pups · 6 months
It’s all so unclear as to whether Zeke and Dina were close or if Grisha may’ve been more of a wedge between them having a healthier mother-son relationship. It makes me wonder if & how they possibly spent time together.
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stanlunter · 1 year
When it's an adult ship >>>
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justthoughts1310 · 1 day
What happens if Eren's mom never dies? Spoiler Alert: The rumbling still happens, maybe just sooner.
So, I know that I put the cart before the horse by saying the end before the beginning, but this is true nonetheless.
One thing that makes AOT so confusing and difficult to critique the motivations and actions of the main characters is the whole space-time continuum and coordinate thing.
However, true to many time travel theories, there exist events in AOT that are known as fixed points and malleable points.
Fixed Points are events in time that you can not change no matter what you do. All of your actions will always lead you to the same outcome.
Malleable Points are points in time that are highly subject to change. Even the slightest choice change could alter the event greatly or cause it not to happen at all.
For example, have you ever decided at the last minute to run out and go buy milk when you really wanted to stay inside that day and run all the treadmill? All of a sudden, you meet the love of your life? (Yeah, dramatic right?). I would argue that this is a malleable point. It was far more likely that you'd never meet this person that you would. It was one small, seemingly inconsequential choice that led you two to meet.
Now, have you ever had a friend, that no matter what choice you made in your life it seemed as though you were almost guaranteed to meet them. If you went to school A, they may have also gone to school A. If you went to school B, they may have also went to school B, or you might have went to school A and they might have went to school B, but this keeps happening to you with this one specific person. You all are both independently deciding to which of the same two schools to attend, and you both unknowingly do this in Pre-K, Middle School, High School, and then even college. At some point, the two of you are nearly guaranteed to meet. It's far more likely that you two will meet than not meet. Your meeting this person is arguably a fixed point. Meeting them was not luck. It was the epidemy of fate itself.
That's what the fixed points in AOT are. They are fate. They are pre-determined. As I explain things keep in mind a couple of major assumptions: Eren has no control over Bertholdt and cannot stop him from kicking in the wall. This extends to the idea that Eren has no power to change anything preceding Bertholdt kicking the wall in. He can only manipulate history after that point, The second assumption is that Eren ultimately becomes the founding Titan (I know the second one is kind of weird and seems like it undermines my theory).
The fixed points that we are referring to are:
Eren becomes the Attack/Founding Titan and Grisha Yeagar dies.
Berthodlt getting eaten by a pure titan whether it be Dina Fritz, Armin Alert, some random pure titan, or the Marleyan inheritor of the next colossal titan.
The Rumbling occurs.
Now, you might feel that my second assumption and the first fixed point are redundant, but it is my understanding that it was Eren who lead Dina Fritz's smiling titan not only to eat Carla Yeagar, but that Eren lead her to that part of the city in the first place. No other titan was in that part of the city, so by assuming that Dina Fritz was in that part of the city whether she eats Berthodlt, Hannes, or Carla you are by default assuming that Eren became the founding titan, because he is the one that led Dina there in the first place.
If Eren did not become the founding titan and lead Eren there, it is likely that Dina Fritz would have continued on as a mindless titan and eaten people in other parts of the city.
Grisha Yeagar would have rushed back home after not killing the entire Reiss family, and he would have been posed with the choice of making either Eren or his wife Carla the inheritor of the Attack Titan. It is possible that Grisha may have not had the serum to do this (since he didn't kill the entire Reiss family) and then he would have no way to pass his titan on. He would ultimately die, and an infant would be born sometime later as the next inheritor of the Attack Titan. Eren would ultimately join the military. He'd get eaten by the titan he saved Armin from in his first mission, and then he'd just die. The story would be over, because the Reiss family would maintain their stance of passivity and Marley would eventually launch an attack on Paradis destroying the entire island, and ultimately enslaving the entire world in a military dictatorship.
So... that's not great nor is it a compelling story.
So, we are back to assuming that Eren becoming the Attack/Founding titan is a guarantee. Now, this time Eren directs Dina Fritz's pure titan to the part of the city where Eren's house is, but she doesn't eat Carla this time. Instead she eats Bertholdt.
She then returns to her human form and becomes the inheritor of the next colossal titan (which she seldom uses becomes of it's catastrophic transformative powers, similar to Armin).
Grisha rushes back home only to find his current wife Carla either crippled or dead after the building fell on her, and his former wife Dina in human form.
The two of them reconnect, and one of three things happens:
Dina convinces Grisha to give his attack titan to Eren. If she does this, Eren immediately becomes the inheritor of the founding titan, because titan shifter Eren would have told his father to kill the Reiss family and take the power of the founding titan.
Dina convinces Grisha to make her the inheritor of the attack titan. Now, once again, this might not even work because Grisha may not have serum to make Dina a pure titan again, unless he killed the Reiss family and stole the serum from them. If he does this, Dina would become the attack, founding, and colossal titan. However, because she is from the royal bloodline her will would no longer be her own, she would be sworn to passivity and have no ability to fight back against Marley if Marley choices to attack Paradis. Once again, Marley dominates the world and the story is over in the saddest of ways.
Grisha gives his Attack/Founding titan to Eren. At some point, Eren's partnership with Dina turns sour. She eats him as the colossal titan, and then she becomes forced into passivity once again. Which leads Marley to ultimately destroy the world.
So, now that this has been discussed, let's follow outcome one a little closer.
After Eren becomes the Attack/Founding titan, he would partner with his step-mom Dina and the two would work together to uncover the secrets of the world.
Eren would still join the military, because his mother would either be crippled or dead after the house falls on her, and these would both serve to motivate Eren's hatred of titans. Armin and Mikasa would follow their friend and join the military as well.
As Eren is learning about the world, he would learn about the threat that Marely poses. All the while, Dina would reveal the existence of titan shifters which would likely expose Annie and Reiner's identities sooner than later. This two would either be flipped to Paradis's side or swiftly be disposed off after they are fed to pure titans like the one who originally ate Eren. That titan was actually a member of the Eldian resistance in Marley.
Ultimately, Marley would lose four of their titan shifters and would be left with only the cart titan and the beast (remember Marcelo was eat by Ymir), but this would not deter Marley from attacking Paradis because Marley still has advanced military capabilities.
Eren and Dina will try fruitlessly to stop Marley which is 1000 years more advanced than Eldia (remember they have guns, warships, airships and cars) and fail.
Despite Eren's hatred of the titans, he would not connect with Dina to get rid of the curse of titans just yet, because he would be keenly aware that losing both the titan shifter and the pure titans roaming free in the country side, would leave Paradis completely helpless against Marely. So Eren would keep the titans around. All the events playing out this way would make the show significantly shorter, and far less Eldians would die from being eat by pure titans, but the island of Paradis would ultimately be decimated by Marley's merciless assault. This would leave Eren enraged and with the desperate desire to stop Marley and destroy their military power altogether, so Eren would join with Dina to convince the rumbling. Initially, he'd believe that a partial rumbling would suffice, but then he would realize that Paradis (a grossly underdeveloped nation) is vulnerable to attacks from all different parts of the world, and he would ultimately choose to carry out the full rumbling. I don't know if Eren would choose to die in this case. He might just try to convince what's left of the earth's population that he is either no longer alive or no longer a threat. However, he would absolutely destroy most of the world's population, because in his limited (But overpowered) world view he would see it as the most certain way to keep everyone he loves safe.
So why did Eren kill his mom then if all it was going to play out the same?
The answer is that Eren killing his mom gives him the most control over the outcome. If his mother doesn't die, he has to deal with Dina. He has no guarantee that Dina won't become passive, eat him and then become passive, or won't cosign his plan altogether. He, also, has no power or recourse if Carla is ultimately the one to inherit the attack and founding titan. This would leave Eren SOL, and it might even give Marley the opening the need to take over the entire world themselves.
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robosuta · 1 year
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When the truck gets a x3 combo on your parents
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arohonka · 9 hours
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Pastor grisha new thing to be obsessed with ahdjdjkd
'It's a sin - petshop boys'
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thena0315 · 5 months
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Eldia Restorationists
Started Before 824 - 832
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zestygraph1te · 4 months
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Pretty girls ☁️
I’ve never drawn them seriously before
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