#Félicie le bras
fariadraws · 1 month
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Félicie Le Bras (Ballerina/Leap)
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i think I'll made an ballerina au where camille's story will be a little brighter and with a chance for a good future, maybe I'll make regina her older sister to give camille a chance to fight her influence in real time... regina became what we know her by the beginning of the film, but what if camille and felicie had the opportunity to resist her desires and machinations, being on an equal footing with her? young ballerina regina, whose complexes are just forming, but she is not allowed to ruin people's lives in the future, lol
I just want happy ending for all 😪
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the-ballerina-battle · 7 months
Round One - Match Twenty-Seven
Who is the best ballerina character?
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Demain, je prends une grande machine volante pour aller dans un endroit où les gens ont la peau pâle. On m’a dit que cet endroit s’appelait La France, et que ce continent s’appelait L’Europe. Mes parents y sont déjà, mais moi, je ne sais pas si j’ai envie d’y aller. Je ne connais qu’un seul pays, Le Togo, je ne connais qu’un seul continent, L’Afrique. Je suis bien ici. Là-bas, il n’y a pas grand-mère et les cousins-cousines, les oncles et tantes, il n’y a pas mon école et le grand marché, il n’y a pas le soleil ardent qui colore la peau et l’ombre des manguiers pour se reposer. Là-bas il n’y a pas le fufu que l’on pilonne à bout de bras dans le mortier, les brochettes pimentées qui piquent la langue et réchauffent le ventre affamé, il n’y a pas tout ça, là-bas. Cet endroit ne m’attend pas et je ne l’attends pas non plus. Alors je ferais mieux de rester ici, dans mon pays, pauvre oui, mais riche de tous les rires.
On m’a dit que là-bas, ce sera vraiment mieux qu’ici. Vraiment ? On m’a dit que là-bas j’irai dans de bonnes écoles où l’on m’apprendra à bien penser et à bien dire. Vraiment ? On m’a dit que là-bas, je serai bien habillée, bien coiffée, bien nourrie et choyée. Vraiment ? On m’a dit que là-bas j’aurai le droit de rêver, et même le droit de réaliser mes rêves. Vraiment ? Mais si mon rêve c’est de rester ici, à quoi me servira de partir là-bas ?
Là-bas, je rêverai d’ici.
Ici, c’est les histoires et les chants de grand-mère, les jeux avec Bienvenu, Pascaline, Espoir et Dagobert. C’est la tante Rose qui coud une robe pour la communion de Lucia, la tante Afi qui fait frire les bananes plantains et les patates douces. Ici, c’est la tante Essie qui donne le bain au petit dernier dans la calebasse en bois. C’est tonton Koffi qui répare sa moto, qui depuis quelques jours ne sait plus rouler. Là-bas, je rêverai de traverser encore la grande cour intérieure de la maison familiale, pour franchir le portail qui mène dehors.
Dehors, c’est Lomé. La ville et son fracas. C’est la boulangère ambulante qui fait sa tournée dès l’aube et dont le cri se rapproche lentement : « Petit pain, 500 francs, gros pain, 1 000 francs. Ma chérie, je te fais un prix, pour toi, gros pain, 800 francs. » Dehors, c’est le coq qui libère son plus beau cocorico pour annoncer la naissance du jour, qu’il fête chaque fois avec l’euphorie d’un premier matin. C’est les poules et les chèvres qui vous accompagnent pour un bout de chemin avant de s’arrêter pour brouter de l’herbe sèche sur le sol. Dehors, c’est la vendeuse de mandarine, qui s’appelle Clémentine, qui vous salue en levant la main, vous demande si vous allez venir à la messe le lendemain et qui rappelle avec entrain que « Il faut s’en remettre à Dieu. Dieu est grand ma soeur, et il peut tout ». Dehors, c’est les taxis-motos qui se bousculent pour prendre des voyageurs et qui ne manquent pas de vous bousculer au passage. Dehors, c’est Dodo, le patron du maquis qui ouvre son établissement Jésus sauve, où l’on se retrouvera avec les copains et les copines le soir venu pour rigoler et papoter autour d’une bouteille de Pompon ou de Malta. Dehors, c’est le vendeur de yaourt glacé qui fait résonner le bruit inimitable de son klaxon pour signaler que sa glacière est pleine. Dehors, c’est Félicie la coiffeuse qui vous demande de passer la voir bientôt parce que ça fait longtemps qu’elle ne vous a pas tressé. Dehors, c’est le brouhaha des moteurs, l’odeur féroce des pots d’échappement, les mots-colères des automobilistes. C’est la terre argileuse d’un chemin qui n’est pas une route mais un parcours vertigineux semé d’embûches rocailleuses et boueuses. C’est un peuple de déchets qui jonchent les pieds. Ce sont des rues sans nom qui défilent, des maisons sans numéro, des murs qui disent Il est interdit d’uriner et sur lesquels les gens urinent quand même. Les enfants courent. Les jeunes discutent. Les vieux sont assis et observent le silence. Est-ce que là-bas, ces gens que je ne connais pas savent observer le silence ? Il faudrait qu’ils apprennent à observer le silence. Alors, peut-être, je pourrai entrevoir la musique d’une grande espérance, le rythme enjoué d’un bonheur loin de chez moi.
Demain, je prends une grande machine volante pour aller dans un endroit où les gens ont la peau pâle. Moi, qui n’ai jamais connu que Le Togo, je vais rencontrer cet endroit qu'ils appellent La France. // Dédé ANYOH //
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zanyavenueperson · 1 year
Rallye Tout Compris : Vos Weekend All Intégrante En Clubséjour Tout Compris, Parcours
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UNE SOIREE ENTRE AMOUREUX OU PRESQUE Théâtre du Sphinx à Nantes, Spectacle contemporain, comédie, humour, ciné-club
Au Pachamama, dans un magnifique bâtiment sur 3 étages signé Gustave Eiffel, vous pourrez dîner, puis déguster un cocktail, et enfin danser jusqu'au bout de la nuit si affinités. Même programme sous la grande verrière de l’Alcazar ou du Kong, mais aussi au China. Pour une expérience plus intimiste, direction Dilettantes, une cave de charme située en plein cœur de Saint-Germain-des-Prés.
Ok, ce n’est peut-être pas l’idée la plus originale pour une soirée en amoureux, mais elle a au moins le mérite d’être efficace. Vous devez non seulement réussir à créer une ambiance romantique, mais aussi concocter un bon repas. Comme c’est si bien écrit, une soirée romantique c’est déjà le soir. Parce-que qui dit soir, dit moment propice à la détente et surtout ne laisse pas supposer de chose à faire après à part rejoindre les bras de Morphée. Parce que rien n’est plus frustrant que de passer un moment à deux et de le terminer par la reprise du travail ou l’attaque du repassage ou un coup de fil urgent !
Cependant, louer ce véhicule peut être onéreux, nous vous recommandons de favoriser une visite guidée en 2CV. Que vous soyez un fan de la culture française ou que vous souhaitiez simplement vivre une expérience unique, une visite de Paris en « deudeuche » est à ne pas manquer. Ce musée n’usure pas son nom, car il retrace l’histoire et les caractéristiques de la vie romantique en France au XIXème siècle.
Prendre ce temps pour vous va même booster votre créativité. Avec une vieille carte routière, on recouvre le petit meuble moche et ça lui donne l'air de partir en voyage. J'ai passée une très bonne soirée entre amis devant une pièce avec un super scénario et de très bons acteurs. Pour être informé des prochaines dates pour "Une soirée en amoureux ! enfin presque..." C'est un bon moyen de passer un moment ensemble en dépensant peu. Les brocantes et les vide-greniers sont un bon moyen de partir à la chasse aux petits trésors et aux bonnes occasions.
Ce pont pittoresque est situé au cœur de la ville et offre une vue imprenable sur la Seine. Et il y a toujours quelque chose d’inédit et palpitant à découvrir dans cette cité merveilleuse. En se faisant goûter des petites tomates ou des tranches de fromage frais. A concocter ensemble un bon repas prévu à l’avance… Ou faire une bataille de farine.
Les domaines sont innombrables – travail du bois, jardinage, cuisine, scrapbooking, fabrication de cartes, conception numérique, création de sites Web, danses, etc. Occupés par le travail et les tâches quotidiennes, on n’a pas beaucoup de temps pour se souvenir des bons moments passés ensemble et penser pour l’avenir. C’est pourquoi feuilleter un album de photos anciennes pourrait être une activité très agréable. Elle vous fera oublier un peu la réalité présente, se raconter des histoires du passé, rire ensemble.
Par exemple, un certain nombre de mots ou actions précises (à vous de bien la connaitre) qui ne devront pas être prononcées ou effectuées durant la soirée. Plantes, La Pondation de Félicie et Préserv' Action vous accueillerons à leurs stands. Tous nos partenaires se feront un plaisir de vous présenter leurs activités et d'échanger avec vous. Fixez une date précise, comme pour une soirée resto-ciné.
Je consens à ce que ce site stocke mes informations que je lui ai soumises afin qu'il puisse répondre à ma demande. Pour vous accompagner dans cette soirée, les pages 10, 11, 12 et 13 peuvent être imprimées pour vous servir de support pour le temps de partage et de bilan à deux. Consultez notre offre sur deux nuits pour un Weekend Amoureux. En couple avec Rosemonde, Victor rêve de finir la soirée aussi bien qu'elle a commencé. Seulement, rien ne va se dérouler comme il l'aurait souhaité. Pour une meilleure expérience sur notre site, assurez-vous d'activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur.
L’objectif est de séduire encore plus votre amoureux. Préférez, à cet effet, une tenue qui met en valeur votre courbe et votre personnalité. Vous devez favoriser un habit classe tout en laissant une suspicion d’imagination à votre homme. Ne négligez pas votre maquillage et les accessoires comme les bijoux. Voir nos conditions d’utilisation et notre politique de confidentialité.
Un orchestre qui met magnifiquement en valeur la voix de la chanteuse de Hooverphonic à travers une chanson d’amour langoureuse et douce. Jessy Reyez, cette jeune artiste à la voix qui ne nous dénature pas d’Amy Winehouse. Émotion et puissance au rythme d’une guitare à la douceur déconcertante.
L’appartement Amour Azur a été imaginé pour les adeptes des séjours romantiques et celles et ceux souhaitant passer quelques jours de repos en mode cocoon détente sur la Côte https://www.energic-coop.fr d’Azur. Que tu sois en couple ou célibataire, utilise ces idées à ta guise pour créer des moments inoubliables avec la femme de tes rêves. Cette idée m’est venue parce qu’une de mes ex était obsédée par le film jours ensemble avec Joseph Gordon-Levitt. C’est un classique du rendez-vous romantique, peu original mais efficace tout de même si tu es en couple ou si tu la fréquentes depuis quelques temps déjà.
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ksenia-franz · 2 years
Odette is Felicie's mother
Well... I've been thinking about this theory for quite a long time, and I've been spent the same amount of time to write it down and publish it. And yet, after more than one month, I still undertake to publish it and share it with other fans.
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to my dear friend — @hurryglow! Thank you for our long conversations, for your questions and discussions. Without you, this theory would have remained only in my head.
Today we will talk about a wonderful movie of French-Canadian production called «Ballerina».
I have a very, very biased attitude towards this movie. For me, it became a saving anchor when I needed it especially. It was this movie that became a breath of fresh air for me. So, in general terms, I'm more than delighted with it.
The theory that we will to analyze today is not even a single theory. It is rather a complex of small theories and observations connected by one common thread called «Odette is Felicie's mother». This is the main idea. And this is our starting point.
When I watched this movie for the first time, in an instant, watching the quite close interaction of Felicia and Odette, I thought: «What if Odette is Felicie's biological mother?» Looking ahead, I will say that I carried this thought right up to the end credits, and I didn't immediately realize that the movie didn't confirm my guess. I liked this idea so much that I was sincerely sure that it was infallible. But... the theory remained a theory. So I propose you to analyze it and think about how possible such an outcome would be in a movie and how many arguments confirming (or refuting) this theory we will find.
Well… It was all a lyrical intro, so now get to the point… Let's go!
Comparative analysis
What is the first thing that pushes any viewer to kinship between the characters? That's right, visual similarity. Let's see if, as an average viewer, I had grounds for this theory, or if it arose without foundation. Well, or we will adjust the canon to the theory. See how it goes.
For clarity and convenient comparison, I will attach photos.
Photo №1:
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In my very subjective opinion, the similarity is obvious. They are similar. But, in order not to be unfounded, I will try to deal with this in detail.
First. I propose paying attention to the shape of the face.
Odette has a clearly expressed oval shape of her face, while Felicie is still more round-faced. And I was ready to count this point as a point refuting the theory. But…
Photo №2
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Felicia is still just a kid. As you can see in photo №2, Felicia's face becomes more elongated as she grows older. Pay attention to the chin: over the years it has become quite sharpened. This makes her face seem slightly oblong. Although it's still rounded.
But at the moment (namely, at the time of the events of the movie) Felicia is still at the age when her facial features are not fully formed. And this gives us reason to believe that in a few years the shape of her face can become as oval as Odette's.
Second. Eyes.
Photo №3
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Based on photo №3, we can conclude that Odette and Felicia have absolutely identical eye shape. Of course, I am not an expert in this field, but after a little digging on the Internet, I found a classification and, as I understood, it is these eyes that are commonly called round. Also, according to research by geneticists, genes most affect the corners of the eyes, but not the whole shape. However, there are cases when a child completely inherits the shape of the eyes of one of the parents. It's hard to say what the reason is. Geneticists are still thinking about this question. Nevertheless, based on these studies, we can safely assume that Felicie «hypothetically» could inherit the shape of the eyes from Odette.
Third. Let's talk about a smile.
To discuss this point, it is worth going back to photo №1 again. It's not for nothing that I took these two pictures for comparison. In this photo, you can trace the similarity of all the parameters by which we will compare Felicia and Odette. But the smile here stands out very vividly. I would even say that it is the same. Well, or almost the same. Both Odette and Felicia have it asymmetrical. At first I thought that the only difference is that Odette's smile is shifted to the right, and Felicia's smile is shifted to the left. But... then I remembered one very important detail and realized that even this difference does not really exist.
Photo №4
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Photo №4 is the original picture with Odette, which I took for photo №1. As you can see, Odette in this picture is just an her image in a mirror. This means that the smile is mirrored, and in fact her smile is shifted not to the right, but to the left. Just like Felicie.
Actually, this is where I planned to finish the comparison, since I was going to consider only these three parameters. But recently I read an article, because of which I decided to say one more parameter.
So… Fourth. The final one. Ears.
A very strange parameter, right? But, as I said earlier, not so long ago I read an article that said that the shape of the auricle — like fingerprints - is unique for each person. In close relatives, it can be similar, but it will not be the same. An interesting fact is that the shape of the ears is inherited through a very difficult interaction of genes. Most of all, these genes affect the shape of the earlobe, but not the auricle itself. It is not uncommon when the shape of a child's ears is somewhat different from the shape of the parents' ears and can even resemble the ears of grandparents more. Nevertheless, the ears of parents and children often have common features. And in my personal opinion, if the shape of the auricles is unique for each person, then what is it if not a reason to think about the relationship of people with too similar ears?
Photo №5
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Well... now, returning to the theory, take a look at photo №5. The auricles of Odette and Felicia are very similar. It is not the same. For example, in Felicia we can notice a wider ear canal than in Odette, and a more clear pattern of the auricle. While Odette's earlobe is more expressed than Felicie's. However, they both have a similar, rather rounded shape of the ears without any wavy or angular transitions. The earlobes, which is most interesting (since they are most affected by genes), are also very similar. As I said, Odette's earlobes are more expressed than Felicie's. But both they have earlobes are an intermediate shape: they are not fused, but also not completely free.
Thus, I think that Felicia and Odette are still very similar visually, which tacitly confirms my theory. And this is the foundation, because then we will discuss a string of issues that create the very «complex» of theories that I spoke about at the beginning.
However, it would probably be more correct to call it not a «complex of theories», but an addition to the main theory, since next I will answer questions that arose from me or from my friends with whom I discussed it, at a time when I was just thinking about this theory and looking for arguments for and against.
Question №1 «How can Odette be Felicia's mother if we were shown her real mother in the movie?»
To illustrate the example, I will attach photo №6, illustrating exactly what kind of Felicie's mother was presented to us in the movie.
Photo №6
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As we can see, it's not Odette. Although this woman looks like her. There are many theories proving and explaining their similarity. But we will not stay on this in detail.
I would like to say one thing about this scene. It's a dream. I don't believe it's a memory because, as you can see, Felicie is still very young baby here.
Many scientists say that up to three years a person is not able to remember anything. Probably, the reason is the underdevelopment of some areas of the brain responsible for memory. In addition, there is the concept of «Childhood amnesia», characteristic of all people. This is a condition when a person cannot remember the events of infancy and early childhood.
So that's what I'm getting at… Based on all of the above, Felicie cannot remember this moment, especially in such detail. But she can invent it in her imagination and imagine it in her dreams.
Thus, it is not necessary to rely on the reliability of the visual image of her mother. However, my reasoning should also not be taken too literally. It's just a theory.
By the way, here I want to say a couple of phrases about hair color. The question about hair matured in my head first, but his answer is so short that I did not consider it necessary to take it out separately.
What exactly is the subject of reflection. Odette has dark hair, while Felicie has red hair. This difference is explained by a fairly simple genetic statement: every person has a red gene. That is, in fact, any person can have a red-haired child.
Thus, I consider this issue closed.
Question №2 «Why did Odette leave Felice in an orphanage?»
Thanks to a good friend of mine, I thought deeply about this question. In the movie, Odette is shown as a very kind and sweet woman, and she does not look at all like someone who will leave her child. However, don't forget about Odette's social status. What do we know about her from the movie? She's poor. And so much so that she is forced to work two jobs day and night to feed herself, not to mention the child.
From Odette herself, we learn that she has been working as a cleaner for ten years (plus or minus). From the mouth of Merant, we learn that she was once the best ballerina of her generation. And then there was a fire.
It is at this point that I would like to stop.
As we know from the movie, Odette is limping. This is not stated directly, but from all the facts that we see, we can conclude that a leg injury sustained during a fire to her lameness. After that, she couldn't dance anymore.
The movie takes place at the end of the XIX century. In those days, women's rights were not as broad as it is now. There have been attempts to establish equality, but it has not achieved tremendous results. So, as before, the main task of a woman was the birth of children and the maintenance of the family hearth.
As we know, Odette was not married. Being the best ballerina of the theater, she, for sure, could create decent living conditions for herself, even without having a husband. But not when she couldn't dance anymore.
Mostly men were appointed to the position of choreographers. Most likely, Odette simply did not have a chance to continue building a career in ballet, being lame. And this led Odette to poverty.
And now, let's think about when exactly the fire happened. As mentioned earlier, in the movie Odette says that she has been working as a cleaner for ten years. Assuming that it took 1-2 years to rehabilitate her. That is, approximately the fire happened 12-13 years before the events of the movie (plus or minus again).
And now is the time to ask the most important question. How old is Felicia? About 12-14 years, as I think. What if the fire happened at a time when Felicia was still an infant?
I don't know for sure what exactly happened to Odette (there are people who have created their own theories on this), but I assume that we were told about the fire for a reason. I think we are not dealing with simple fractures, dislocations, torn ligaments, etc. I think that, in addition, we are dealing with severe burn wounds, infection, a decrease in the volume of circulating blood, scarring, contractures and other list of possible complications.
Consequently, from the moment of the fire itself until the end of rehabilitation, Odette couldn't even take care of herself, let alone an infant. It is possible (only possible, since this is only a theory) that Odette herself left Felice in an orphanage. She was forced to do this because she herself couldn't provide the baby with decent living conditions. I think that, being in this position, Odette wasn't even sure if Felicie could survive if she stayed with her. She couldn't guarantee it for herself. Therefore, she would hardly risk the life of her child.
Personally, I think that this decision was not easy for her. I think she spent a lot of time thinking about all the plus and minus, because leaving her own child in an orphanage is the last and most terrible thing that can be done. However, between a lonely, unhappy life and a happy death, the choice is always made in favor of life. It is better for Felice to feel lonely and abandoned, but she will be fed, dressed and sleep in a warm bed, than she will die of hunger and cold, because her mother is seriously injured at this stage and cannot give her everything she needs.
If Odette had already been lame at that time, she would can have found another option to take care of the two of them, because that's what she does in the movie. But in the first months after the fire, when she can hardly move her fingers — no.
So, the choice is difficult, but it is obvious.
Question №3 «Who is Felicie's father?»
I don't like this question because, to be honest, I don't have an answer to it. I didn't think about it so much because it was more important for me to draw the connecting threads between Felicie and Odette. But more than one person asked me about it, and I realized that I should at least try to answer this question.
As I already said, I don't have a certain and unambiguous answer. And there is no subject of analysis, in fact, as such either. So the analysis of this issue will only be a flight of my imagination and my assumptions. Absolutely no authenticity or even hints of it. No analysis, just my imagination.
Since I am deeply love to the Odette/Merant couple, it is difficult for me to see someone else in the role of Felicie's father. But also, based on the movie, I can't imagine that Merant would leave Odette alone. In addition, it is difficult for me to reflect on the topic of this issue, since I do not know for sure what could be the reason for the birth of an illegitimate child at the end of the XIX century.
Now this happens quite often and by and large does not cause any condemnation from society. However, at the end of the XIX century, everything was exactly the opposite. We absolutely know that Odette and Merant were not married at the time of the events shown in the movie. So, assuming that Merant really was Felicie's father, she was still an illegitimate child. For what reason it is unclear. Unfortunately, I do not have the appropriate education to accurately state the norms of behavior of those times. But one day I came across a phrase mentioned in passing, the meaning of which was that artists were a little more free in their behavior.
If this is indeed the case, then perhaps Felice was born just at the moment when Merant and Odette were just planning to conclude their marriage. Perhaps at the time of the fire, Merant was on tour, which was supposed to last, for example, a couple of years. Perhaps he left before Felicie was born and returned much later, when Felicie was already in an orphanage. Perhaps after that, Odette pushed him away for many years, not wanting to become a burden for him. Perhaps for many years Merant felt deeply guilty in front of her for not being there on the day of the fire.
There are too many «perhaps» and too few facts. I propose to consider this answer only as the author's vision of the situation and only one of the possible scenarios, no more.
Question №4 «Did Odette know that Felicie was her daughter when she sheltered her?»
I think she didn't. Odette is not give the impression of a woman who will leave a child in a orphanage. If only in life-threatening circumstances. However, it is worth remembering that such a choice has forever settled a heavy burden on her shoulders. Once she made this decision, she lost her peace for the rest of her life.
She was always haunted by feeling of guilt. The fact is that all people are so arranged. When we make a choice, the outcome of which we obviously do not like, we tend to believe that the other option that we neglected was the right one. Even if we understand with our minds that this is not the case at all. But time is running out, and we can't check it. Therefore, in this case, the thought «What if» always haunts us. Odette could not have done otherwise, but it did not calm her down and did not deprive her of feeling of guilt.
There is no tension in the relationship between Odette and Felicie, which could be more likely to appear if Odette knew that she was her daughter in front of her. A certain lightness can be traced in their relationship.
But I think Odette might have assumed it was possible. I mean, Odette probably always remembered her daughter. She was constantly thinking about her and saw her in every child who caught her eye. I think that every time she looked at some child, she involuntarily thought: «What if it's my daughter»? So I think she had that thought, but she never knew for sure.
Honestly, I think Felicie would be the one who guessed their relationship. I think that soon or late she would have realized this and she would have been the first to start a conversation with Odette. I think it would take her a while to realize and accept this for herself. But, having arranged all this information in her head, she would have understood the possible causes of these events and would have wanted to listen to Odette. That's why Felicie would tell her that she guessed everything. And that would terrify Odette, because she was already attached to Felicie, and she would be afraid of losing her. And as a result of the revealed mystery, this fear would become much stronger. But Felicie's willingness to listen and understand the situation would have calmed her down a little.
Well, now that we have analyzed this theory, I can say that for me it still has good reasons for existence and has a string of supporting arguments. I think that such a scenario could well be real. I don't know if I managed to prove my point, but I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this. Try to rewatch the movie, keeping this theory in mind. What do you think about it? What thoughts do you have when watching? Do you agree with this theory at all? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
I hope you had a good time reading this post!:)
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fr0st-km · 2 years
Hi *gives you a twst oc who’s Epel’s big bro and is based on Félicie Le Bras from Leap/Ballerina*
(Info under the cut)
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“ Dancing is just as magical as magic if you pay attention to each movement. ”
Julien Felmier is a second-year student from Pomefiore. He is mainly well-known for his ballet performances and owns a delicate nature. He is Epel’s older brother.
name: Julien Felmier
other names:
• Big bro ( epel )
• Dear brother ( Vil )
• Monsieur Ballet Dancer ( Rook )
• Endler fish ( Floyd )
gender: Male
age: 18
birthday: January 28
starsign: Aquarius
height: 178cm/5’10
homeland: Village Of Harvest
• Epel Felmier ( younger brother )
• Unnamed parents
• Marja Felmier ( grandmother )
• Unnamed great-grandmother
• Unnamed aunt & uncle
• Unnamed cousin
dorm: Pomefiore
school year: Second
class: 2-B (student no. 13)
• Student
• Professional dancer
club: Equestrian club
best subject: Arts
dominant hand: Right
favorite food: Garlic bread
least favorite food: anything spicy
dislikes: Not being acknowledged
hobby: Dancing
talents: Moving while doing the handstand
I named Julien’s UM “All Eyes On Me!” but dunno what it can do WWWWWW
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Félicie Le Bras + unimpressed (Leap!, 2016)
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tvitr · 7 years
The news spread like wildfire, of course.
"Did you hear? Monsieur Mérante is engaged!"
“What does that mean?”
“He’s getting married!”
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
"To who?"
"I don't know!"
Oddly, the pre-class chatter didn't stop when he strode into the room, and continued on in hushed breaths and giggles and rapid side-eyes. "Something's amusing you today, girls."
More stifled giggles as cheeks blushed red with excitement.
"Is it true you're getting married sir?"
His eyebrows raised calmly. "And who told you that, Nora?" His eyes roved to a certain redhead.
"Félicie did! But she wouldn't tell us who-"
"You weren't supposed to tell him I told you!"
"I'm sorry I couldn't help it!"
"But are you getting married sir?"
He sighed. "I am, yes..."
Cue a loud gasp and excited peeps from the class.
"To who?"
"Is it Rosita?"
"Ooh, I bet it is! Have you seen how she looks at him?" She put her hands together and kissed at the air. "She's all "I love you monsieur! Mwah! Mwah!"
"And they're always practicing together!"
"Ooh and you wrote that dance for her last year!"
"Oh tell us sir, is it Rosita?"
Mérante rubbed the bridge of his nose, sorely tempted to walk out and head for the nearest bar. "I'm not... getting married... to Rosita, girls."
Another collective gasp, followed by barrage of names being thrown in his direction. And all Mérante could do was glare at Félicie le Bras with pursed lips as she stared back with a sheepish grin and cheeks flushed with giggles.
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jbrasseul · 5 years
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Gabrielle Hébraud, Le bouquet de boules de neige
au musée de Lavaur, Tarn, Musée du pays vaurais, été 2019. Des femmes peintres de la région, au début du XXe siècle. Femmes peintres oubliées, très belle expo.
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Pont sur l’Agoût à Castres, 1935, Gabrielle Hébraud
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Gabrielle Hébraud, Paris, Panthéon, 1930
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Mowgli, Le livre de la jungle, Gabrielle Hébraud
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  Albi, Paule Soulé, 1929
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  Jeanne Astre, La Danse, 1928
  Jeanne Astre, Le petit Espagnol, 1936
Jeanne Astre, Le jardin de l’Encastre, 1938
Hélène Rivière, Collioure, 1926
Hélène Rivière, Falaises, 1931
Hélène Rivière, La forge à St Paul, 1937
Hélène Rivière, Laboureur à St Paul Cap de Joux, 1950
Hélène Rivière, Les perruches, 1932
Luce Boyals, autoportrait, 1920
Luce Boyals, Portrait de Georges Gaudion aux lunettes rondes, 1920
Luce Boyals, Nu aux bras marrons, 1920
Marie-Anne Ichanson, Tolède, 1950
Marie-Anne Ichanson, Venise, 1937
Marie-Anne Ichanson, Zouzou, 1917
Portrait de Louis Deloume, 1907, Madeleine Cartailhac
Portrait d’Emile Cartailhac, 1923
Jane Atché, 1896, affiche papier Job
Jane Atché, Méditation, 1897
Jane Atché, Portrait, 1909
Jane Atché, Rêverie, 1897
Marie Bermond, Couple
Marie Bermond, Portrait de la cousine Félicie
Marie Bermond, Trois vieilles dames
Renée Aspe, Femme nue au chapeau, 1945
Renée Aspe, Les brodeuses, 1950
Renée Aspe, Orchestre à la fête, 1947
Renée Aspe, Pêcheurs aux filets, 1950
Renée Aspe, Place du Capitole, 1945
Sébastienne Marre, La corrida, 1935
Sébastienne Marre, Pêcheurs à Collioure,1935
Sébastienne Marre, Scène de bal populaire, 1936
Geneviève Duboul, Enfant dans l’herbe, 1936
Geneviève Duboul, Fillette blonde, 1936
Geneviève Duboul, Portrait de Renée Aspe, 1950
Hélène Gasset-Ousset, Le corbeau voleur, 1935
Hélène Gasset-Ousset, Rapace et Canard, 1935
Edmée Larnaudie, Ma soeur dans l’atelier de F. Sabatté, 1935
Lucie Bouniol, Joueurs de cartes, 1940
Marguerite Loubat
Marguerite Loubat, Portrait avec ma sœur, 1916
Jean-Blaise Villemsens, Jeune peintre au chevalet, 1830
A Lavaur :
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Regards de femmes au musée de Lavaur, Tarn, Musée du pays vaurais, été 2019. Des femmes peintres de la région, au début du XXe siècle.
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fariadraws · 1 month
This blog is basically an archive of my arts. As you can see, I mostly draw fan arts. However, occasionally I draw other stuffs as well. I'm not a professional artist. Drawing is my most favorite hobby among many others.
My Main Blog
Here's some noticeable points about this blog:
1. I don't take requests (But suggestions are always welcome).
2. My arts are free to use (with proper credit) but make sure you have my permission.
3. Characters I'm comfortable to draw are:
Rapunzel, Eugene Fitzherbert, Maximus, and Pascal from Tangled.
Anna, Elsa, and Olaf from Frozen.
Fairies and mermaids.
Sheldon Cooper and Paige Swanson from Young Sheldon.
Jim and Claire from Troll hunters.
Anne-Shirley Cuthbert from Anne of green gables/Anne with an e.
Any Disney princesses.
Little girls, i.e., Agnes, Félicie Le Bras, etc.
I'm looking forward to drawing more characters in the future! Additionally, I love to draw nature, background stuffs as well.
Thanks for reading!
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wordflip · 6 years
Practice, practice, practice.
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Page 7, Chapter 1
Je n’avais pas les clés de la maison. Je me doutais bien que j’allais arriver avant eux.  Attendre me mettait toujours dans un drôle d’état. Je ne pouvais rien faire de ma peau. L’anticipation orientait toutes mes pensées.  Ce jour-là, le beau temps me rendait encore plus minuscule. Il était dix-sept heures. Le soleil resplendissait encore. La demeure se fondait dans le paysage vallonne. Les parents d’Alexandre l’avaient récemment achetée à une vieille dame anglaise, que j’imaginais très élégante. C’était une maison traditionnelle des Cantons-de-l’Est. En bois, peinte en blanc, avec une longue galerie sur la façade. Le terrain était séparé de la derrière la maison, vers un boise. Félicie m’avait parlé des lieux avec émotion, comme si elle les fréquentait depuis toujours. Lors de sa première visite, le père d’Alexandre avait remarqué sur les murs des photos d’un politicien canadien célèbre, rayonnant sur la balançoire de la galerie, les bras charges d’enfants.
I didn't have the house keys. I really doubted that I would arrive before them.  Waiting always puts me in a funny mood. I couldn't do anything with my skin. Anticipation aligned all my thoughts.  That day, the beautiful weather made me even more minuscule. It was five o'clock. The sun was still shining. The dwelling melted into the valley landscape. Alexander's parents had recently bought it from an elderly English woman, who I imagined to be very elegant. It was a traditional Cantons-de-l'Est house. Made of wood, painted white, with a long gallery at the front. The terrain was separated behind the house, by the woods. Felicity had talked to me about this place with emotion, as if she had visited here since forever. Since their first visit, Alexander's dad had noticed the photos of a famous Canadian politician on the wall, beaming from the swing in the gallery, his arms full of kids.
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ksenia-franz · 3 years
RUS: «Они забрали её...» - единственное, что смогла прошептать Одетта прежде, чем дать волю своим эмоциям.
Земля уходила из-под ног, и ей казалось, что ещё мгновение, и она упадёт в бездну собственного отчаяния. Но Мерант крепко сжимал её в своих объятиях, и на одно мгновение... лишь на одно мгновение она поверила, что всё ещё можно вернуть назад.
ENG: "They took her..." was the only thing Odette could whisper before giving vent to her emotions.
The ground was slipping away from under her feet, and it seemed to her that in another moment she would fall into the abyss of her own despair. He held her tightly in his arms, and for a moment... only for a moment did she believe that everything could still be brought back.
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Félicie Le Bras   ❤
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