#GG 25th Anniversary
gear-project · 1 year
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And, Happy 25th Anniversary... GUILTY GEAR.
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when the face id is acting up so you have to lock in
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solradguy · 1 year
The weather needs to stop being cold and cloudy and stupid and miserable so my brain gets back out of fart stink hibernation seasonal affective disorder bastard mode. I gotta draw Sol Badguy but my motivation is directly tied to how much the sun's been out like I'm some kinda sunflower solar panel
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silver1bow · 1 year
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This is my piece for the "Let's Rock!" Zine - a digital fanzine dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Guilty Gear series!
GG doesn't so much hold a special place in my heart as it is directly woven into my very soul and being. Having grown up with the games, I wanted to show my love for the old Guilty Gears of the 00's - so this kind of ended up being a tribute to GGX (and more specifically the GGX Drama CD story, which is also effectively a part of my psyche. for reasons).
This has been a lot of fun to do, and I feel honored to have been a part of this project full of awesome people!
Go check out the zine now for tons of cool artwork and other neat stuff (it's a free download)!
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reunioninn · 5 months
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hey babe whats wrong youve barely touched your limited edition gg 25th anniversary solky whiskey
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triedpklove · 7 months
looking back at all the stuff ASW did for their 25th anniversary compared to their 35th is just depressing i have to admit. they continued to acknowledge all of their IPs and series whether it be art books made by staff or in general just like recognizing their library but this year it feels like all they really care about is their big money maker (guilty gear) and thats it :( like i get that GG is also having an anniversary but so is their other big money maker and in general i wish they would acknowledge their expansive library much more outside of a simple poll
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potteresque-ire · 2 years
Meta on "propaganda reblogs". This post is Section 3.
1) Introduction: why I am, for once, waving my candy-washing soap 2) Anatomy of a propaganda reblog, Part 1: the midnight timestamp 3) Anatomy of a propaganda reblog, Part 2: the ultrashort response 4) Beyond the propaganda: the significance (and tragedy) of events remembered by these posts 5) Conclusion: The Li Jiaqi Paradox
(Below the cut — Section 3: The Ultrashort Response)
Now, let's take a look at the responses included in the reblogs. Candy washing can be a little unpleasant to read, I understand. I promise it'll be over soon.
The responses are often very short. In today's (2022/08/01) case, there were no added words, just a tag. It's this particular characteristic, perhaps, that has given a false impression to some that these reblogs of propaganda are unimportant — make them appear as if they're just something everyone does, like some (boring) homework everyone just scribbles down a word or two and submits. Gets them over with.
It's ... more complicated than that.
A closer look at the responses, and one will probably notice this: their wording is often a paraphrase of the original propaganda post, with little added information or sentiments. In certain cases, it's a character-by-character duplicate of words in the original post...
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Gg's reblogs tend to follow the original post's wording more than Dd. I've underlined, in red, the duplicated wording. In the first post (upper left), which was about the Making of the Communist Chinese Army, the duplicated phrase, 致敬最可愛的人, meant "paying respect to the most loveable people". In the second post (upper right) about the Marco Polo Bridge Incident that started the Second Sino-Japanese War, the duplicated phrases 銘記歷史,吾輩自強 meant "Remember history, our generation shall strengthen themselves". In the third post (lower left) about the Hong Kong Handover, the duplicated phrase simply meant Bless Hong Kong, Bless the Ancestral Country (= China).
Wait, you may say. But doesn't the duplicated wording serve as further evidence that these responses, these reblogs are like ... boring homework?
Hmm. Perhaps, let me offer a counter-example first. What if a star decides to inject more of themselves, of their understanding of the subject, into their response to a propaganda campaign?
This happened just before the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong Handover, a month ago.
The star caught in controversy was Jacky Cheung 張學友, a beloved, and highly respected singer from Hong Kong (he's 60). Asked by CCTV to make a short video about the handover, he agreed and, in his native Cantonese dialect, said the following:
大家好,我係張學友 香港過去25年經歷過好多高高低低起起跌跌 但係因為我係同依個城市一齊成長 我係依度出生,係依度長大 我仍然相信呢個城市 仍然都希望呢個城市會變成一個比以前更加好既城市 香港加油
Hello, I'm Jacky Cheung. In the last 25 years, Hong Kong has gone through many highs and lows, ups and downs. But because I'm growing with this city, (because) I was born here, I was raised here, I still believe in this city, Still wish it'll become a city better than before. Go Hong Kong.
Sounds okay, right? More detailed, more personal than a post reblog. CCTV thought so too, apparently; it approved the video and aired it.
But then, Cheung was attacked — not by his antis (which he didn't have many with his age and status), but by the nationalistic trolls, the "Little Pinks" — and the attack was ferocious enough that CCTV soon had to remove the video.
Cheung's crime, according to these trolls: not so much because he acknowledged Hong Kong had gone through lows and downs; not, even, so much because he said "Go Hong Kong" — an innocuous phrase (as innocuous as its English translation) that the 2019 protestors had just happened to have used.
Cheung's biggest crime was he failed to mention, in the video, 祖國, literally ancestral country and means motherland, or China, and 回歸 return.
Cheung, who lives in Hong Kong and doesn't own a Weibo, failed to grasp the One Message behind China's propaganda surrounding the Handover anniversary. It wasn't about Hong Kong's well-being. It wasn't about Hong Kong's future, or anyone's love for the city. It was about Ownership. It was about the People's Republic of China now possessing Hong Kong.
Why had the opinions of the nationalistic trolls managed to override that of CCTV's? The answer: the dominance of these trolls on Chinese social media has been a signature of the Xi era. With China's heavy-handed censorship in place, voices as loud, as violent as theirs can only remain online if the state offers its implicit approval.
These trolls have served, in their own way, as hounds and spies for the government. They threaten, do the dirty work the state would otherwise have to perform itself. They intimidate fellow netizens to silence in places where censorship isn't quick enough to reach. They report dissenters who have gained influence to the platforms, to the police.
In the end, Cheung was "saved" by the powerful political influencer Hu Xijin 胡 錫進, the former editor of the State Tabloid The Global Times. He defended Cheung's patriotism. Chinese netizens protested, asked why Hu came so quickly to an old Hong Kong artist's defence, while younger, mainland Chinese artists hadn't been given the same understanding, the same accommodation?
Seniority was the likely answer. Traditionally, Hong Kong artists have, also, been given more room to express themselves, with the culture of their home city recognized. But the netizens' observation was not incorrect. A young mainland Chinese artist would've gotten temporarily suspended, at least, for saying the exact same things, starting with the lows and downs.
The Chinese government has always been harsher to those who are closer to it.
In all cases, I hope the Jacky Cheung incident proves sufficient to make this point: public figures in China can say more thoughtful things, more heartfelt things, more sincere things about a political issue than the content on these propaganda posts, and end up being tarred and feathered for them.
As such, the short to the point of curt, the redundantly-worded responses to propaganda posts aren't products of laziness, or lack of care.
On the contrary, they're products of (extreme) caution.
They make sure the message delivered by the star aligns perfectly with the government's. Reblogging the propaganda posts, rather than making one's own posts about the same topic, doubles this safety factor:
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The "safety factor" in reblogging state media propaganda posts. In their responses, Gg (top left) wrote 祝福香港,祝福祖國 Bless Hong Kong, Bless the Ancestral Country (= China), Dd (bottom left) wrote 25載春秋可監,祝福香港 25 years of Springs and Autumns for witnesses, Bless Hong Kong. While, like Jacky Cheung, Dd didn't explicitly mention 祖國 Ancestral Country (= China), and while both Gg and Dd didn't mention 回歸 Return, the phrase was already included in the tag #香港回歸祖國25週年 #25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Ancestral Country. The graphic (right) further ensured the rebloggers would be viewed as having their messages in perfect alignment with the government's — its Communist Red background was a reinforcing visual that Hong Kong's ownership has been transferred to China.
The caution applied to crafting the responses means that, as is true for the close-to-midnight timestamps, there's ... little sweetness in similarly-worded responses to propaganda posts. Because they're they're statements made in rigid adherence to the state's ideology. Because there's little of the rebloggers injected into them.
Of note: those who read Weibo closely may notice that even the fans follow these subtle propaganda post reblog rules. They reblog the reblogs of their favourite stars quickly, and respond, too, in short, similarly-worded statements. While, with their anonymity, these fans are more likely to treat these posts as boring homework, they're also doing it to protect their favourite stars. As illustrated in Section 1), given that celebrities congregate in these posts, the latter present convenient locations for haters to stalk and sniff for signs of disloyalty, for messages not adhering to the propaganda's theme; for fan-reblog counts failing to match the star's perceived "traffic". The motivation of these haters is simple: in the Xi era, insufficient patriotism is cause enough to rage a cyberbullying storm.
Some of you may have noticed that up till now, in the figures and descriptions, I've left out the most recent propaganda post (2022/08/01) about One China.
The reason is: that post was a slight departure from the standard propaganda reblog, and I'd like to address it separately. Its different-from-usual nature is, I believe, also reflected in the stars' responses.
Unlike the anniversaries which the propaganda posts are mostly about, which the state has already made a clear stance and rhetoric surrounding the mentioned event, this latest post was about a piece of breaking news, an ongoing development with strong elements of unpredictability — not so much on the Taiwan / U.S. side, but on China's side: now that Nancy Pelosi has stepped on Taiwanese soil, will President Xi start a war?
This means the response to this post became more than a contest of speed, of who could reblog faster. It also became a test of who was politically savvy, who could better walk the tight-rope of expressing a firm belief — a commitment to the One China stance — while not letting on anything extra.
Because no one knew what would happen next. Because Pelosi's visit presented President Xi with a dilemma that even the most experienced political analysts could not predict his next actions. Revanchism plays a big part in how the Xi regime fans China's nationalistic sentiments. This is a new word I learned, so I'd write down its definition here to remember it better: revanchism means the "political manifestation of the will to reverse territorial losses incurred by a country", drawing "its strength from patriotic and retributionist thought and is often motivated by economic or geopolitical factors", and relying "on the identification of a nation with a nation state, often mobilizing deep-rooted sentiments of ethnic nationalism". (Source) Revanchism for China involves, of course, taking back the "lost territory" of Taiwan. It should be a piece of cake, right? Taiwan is tiny, and at the center of the propaganda campaign promoting President Xi's 新時代思想 New Age thoughts are nationalistic slogans like 實現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢 Realizing the Chinese dream of the Great Revival of the Chinese Race, and 東升西降 East rises, West falls.
These slogans, taken altogether, have broadcast to the Chinese people that China, both as a country and a race, has emerged to become the world's superpower, and will soon kick the declining, failing Western democracies off the international stage.
Before Pelosi's visit, China's People's Liberation Army, its Foreign Ministry, its state media have all promised retaliation, with gritted teeth and all, should the visit take place. And after the years of "patriotic education", many Chinese were believed them, were convinced that an armed conflict would happen as soon as Pelosi set foot on Taiwan, that their country would finally flex its mighty military muscles and 武統 — forcibly re-unify — Taiwan, the rogue child who, they say, their loving mother(land) has indulged for far too long. Moreover, these people were convinced that the re-unification would be very speedy, given how mighty China they believe has become.
Attack in the morning, says the most faithful among them, and by 6 pm, Taiwanese will be watching the CCTV's national news broadcast with mainland Chinese.
In reality, experts have doubted that Taiwan can be taken so easily. While China has a much larger military, islands like Taiwan are notoriously difficult to invade — even a TV show from China shot with sponsorship from the People's Liberation Army acknowledged the difficulty of seizing control of an island, hypothetical the island might have been (Ace Troops 王牌部隊, Episodes 35-39). The Taiwan military is expected to get help from the United States, likely in the areas of surveillance and weaponry, especially after the summer of 2022. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has illustrated, too, how unwise it can be to underestimate the will of those whose homeland freedoms are threatened, and who, in Taiwan's case, have nowhere to escape to, being surrounded by the ocean.
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(Source — a decent, short summary from BBC about China vs Taiwan.)
Some have also questioned whether China can really afford to start a war, given the rapid loss of confidence by its people towards the country's economy at the moment. While economic downturns and recessions have been ubiquitous around the world, such turn of events may present more problems for China, with the conventional wisdom that a good (prosperous) life is often the implicit social contract between an autocracy and its people — ie. people would only consider the loss of their freedoms worthwhile only if they're given a dependable livelihood. And President Xi can hardly deny his responsibility for the rising doubts: the foundation of China's economy has been reportedly shaky for a while now, and Xi's Zero-COVID policy, his heavy-handed crackdown of the country's most lucrative industries since 2020, have all been pushing, shoving the big, bubbly thing stacked precariously upon it.
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The famous Outer Beach 外灘, or the Bund, of Shanghai, deserted during its 4-days-turned-into-2-months lockdown in Spring, 2022 (Source). China's battle against COVID is now widely perceived as having transformed from a public health issue to a political movement, a power struggle — with President Xi's faction insisting on upholding the Zero-Covid policy as an ideology, a showcase of China-Can-Do-Better-Than-the-West; meanwhile, dissenters are concerned about the effects of continued lockdowns and aggressive testing on the already fragile economy. In April, 2022, not a single car was sold in Shanghai, a city of 25 million.
But, how can President Xi save his face should he decide to not wage a war? What about his Chinese Dream then, his Great Revival of the Chinese Race, his rhetoric about avenging every insult China has suffered? What about the declining West? The West hasn't declined nearly enough, apparently, if China proves itself to be too chicken to confront just one of them and over its own tiny island. What will be Xi's basis, his claim for wanting a third term in the office this autumn, which had been against China's Constitution until he removed its presidential term limits in 2018? 10 years in the office, and he has precious little achievement to show for them.
Starting a war is the surest way for Xi to raise his support.
Starting a war is also the surest way for Xi to expose his weaknesses.
Hence, the unreadability of President Xi, the difficulty in guessing his next actions. WWPXD? (What Would President Xi do?)
A propaganda post was published, as expected, on CCTV's blog soon after Pelosi's touchdown in Taiwan, at the earlier-than-midnight time of 22:19, exclaiming that There's Only One China in the World.
Ideally, those must respond to the post could take their time, wait for more events to unfold to respond. See what Pelosi would say to the Taiwanese Congress the next day, for example, or to President Tsai. But antis and melon-eaters and trolls were watching. This presented a challenge — what was the best response one could offer?
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Graphic in the propaganda post by CCTV, 2022/08/01. The caption in gold says 世界上只有一個中國, There's Only One China in the World.
If the response expressed a wish for peace — the Chinese Foreign Ministry had accused the United States as being the provocateur, that China only wanted peace and stability in the region — what if President Xi decided to attack Taiwan over the next days? If they responded, instead, with Taiwan being the disobedient child deserving a hard lesson, what if their leader decided to hold off a military assault?
It is impossible for anyone but those involved to know the thought processes of the stars and their teams' had while drafting the reblogs. I can only screenshot the outcome and post here — the responses of four of China's favourite stars:
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A tag only, with the exact wording as the tag from CCTV. #只有一個中國 #Only One China.
Loud, but silent. Smart. Safe. United.
A political landmine averted, for now.
** Gently puts down the candy-washing soap **
The "Propaganda Reblog" Meta Series: 
1) Introduction 2) The midnight timestamp 3) The ultrashort response < YOU'RE HERE 4) Beyond the propaganda 5) Conclusion: The Li Jiaqi Paradox
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lesbiangiratina · 8 months
The high res Testament laying on a pile of skulls image is in the GG 1st Gig art book (same book that had the clean scan of the HOS by Shishizaru that I'm using as my icon lol)
I got curious and had to go digging haha The 10th and 25th anniversary books have that Tess image too, but in the 10th anniversary book it's small on the page and the current scans of the 25th anniversary book are kinda low res
GAH thank you… im glad theres so many gg art books. I dont know what id do if i only had compressed slop images to look at.
^ if anyone wants to see testament image.
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
I just thought yesterday "maybe it would be cool if we had some of the lore from the Digimon Reference Book like the Crack Team in an anime" and got monkey pawed so fucking hard.
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Chaosdramon (upper left) is employed by the Crack Team's leader, and the main protag of Digimon Seekers might be a human member based on what group he belongs to (literally called "crackers"). But this project looks so lifeless and boring.
The Digimon are all cool. I like Loogamon. But I can't get attached to any of those human characters, and that's the real magic of a Digimon series.
(This also isn't an anime for those who don't know- it's a serialized novel. I still have hope for a 25th anniversary anime, but I think they're keeping it hidden until Ghost Game ends. Even if I'm wrong, they're definitely going on a hiatus since GG's timeslot will be taken by another kiddie anime.)
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nikkiissleepy · 2 years
LN Hell Schedule
bolded entries are first runs/debuts
italicised entries are hells which are already in wish gate
in brackets are number of rerun (hells get 2 reruns before they stop returning normally)
showing only the start dates (usually debuts run 11~17 days and reruns run for 7 days)
updated 25/02/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
February 7th: RoR/Light in Mirror (2)
February 1st: CoG/Ruins of Time
December 9th: 4G/Cloud Duel (1)
November 30th: MDA/Labyrinth of Dreams
November 13th: 4M/Ancient Atlas (2)
September 11th: SoS/Spiral Staircase (2)
July 12th: 4F/The Four Seasons
June 9th: ToL/Universe Tide (2)
April 12th: FoM/Realm of Foams
February 5th: HeFa/Blessed Land (1)
November 24th: DJ/Dream Record Book
November 4th: MoVo/Night's Shore (1)
August 11th: CD/Crystal in Light
May 17th: RS/Rose Glow
March 19th: BM/Blood Moon (2)
February 9th: Ark/Wave of Time
November 3rd: TR/Mood Listening
September 30th: RoR/Light in Mirror (1)
August 27th: 4S/Arcane Astrolabe (1)
July 23rd: 4G/Cloud Duel
June 29th: 4D/Cloud Realm (2)
April 20th: WFSM/Flowing Garden (2)
April 15th: HeFa/Blessed Land
March 19th: TP/Time Palace (2)
February 27th: 4M/Ancient Atlas (1)
January 8th: MoVo/Night's Shore
January 1st: ToL/Universe Tide (1)
December 5th: SoS/Spiral Staircase (1)
November 17th: RoR/Light in Mirror
October 16th: 4W/Art of War (2)
July 30th: 4S/Arcane Astrolabe
July 14th: BM/Blood Moon (1)
May 16th: 4D/Cloud Realm (1)
April 20th: ToL/Universe Tide
March 9th: SoS/Spiral Staircase
January 17th: Caelum et Ocean (2)
December 17th: WFSM/Flowing Garden (1)
November 14th: 4M/Ancient Atlas
October 7th: GG/Ghost Gathering (2)
September 2nd: TP/Time Palace (1)
August 23rd: BM/Blood Moon
July 25th: Evernight's Dream (2)
July 13th: 4W/Art of War (1)
June 25th: 4D/Cloud Realm
April 24th: Caelum et Ocean (1)
March 25th: WFSM/Flowing Garden
January 14th: GG/Ghost Gathering (1)
December 15th: TP/Time Palace
November 18th: Evernight's Dream (1)
September 25th: 4W/Art of War
July 4th: Caelum et Ocean
January 31st: GG/Ghost Gathering
November 22nd: Evernight's Dream
TL;DR of the rerun situation:
hells awaiting first rerun: TR (2021Nov), Ark (2022Feb), RS (2022May), CD (2022Aug), DJ (2022Nov), FoM (2023Apr), 4F (2023July), MDA (2023Nov), CoG (2024Feb)
hells awaiting second (last) rerun: 4S (2021Aug), MoVo (2022Nov), HeFa (2023Feb), 4G (2023Dec)
hells that have finished three runs (debut + two reruns): Evernight, GG, Caelum, 4W, TP, WFSM, 4D, BM, ToL, SoS, 4M, RoR
hells in wish gate: Caelum, Evernight, WFSM, GG, BM, Miracle Concert
hells in cn wishgate but not global: 4G, 4W, TP
my notes: i was looking into the schedule bc i was telling my assoc friend that we are overdue on reruns and wanted to double check i had my facts straight. i have conclusions bc i take this mobile game more seriously than my actual studies.
its been over a year since MoVo debut and we havent had a rerun. the only other hells that took over a year to get first rerun were 4M (2019Nov-2021Feb) and SoS (2020Jul-2021Aug). its been longer than both for MoVo (2021Jan and counting). MoVo reran in 2022Nov, putting it at almost two years to rerun.
its been almost a year and a half over two years since first rerun of SoS. this is similar to TP (2019Sep-2021Mar) and BM (2020Jul-2022Mar). it hasn't crossed either yet. its crossed both. update: ToL, which debuted two months after SoS, had its second rerun before SoS. SoS finally reran in 2023Sept.
TR and Ark had no hell reruns between them. this hasnt happened since SoS and ToL in 2020, where the schedule was (i think) fucked up by all the collabs they were doing, on top of bringing ToL exactly on anniversary date. update: this repeated with RS and CD.
endnote from the original making of this post: make of all that what u will. or dont. personally the next few months schedule will decide for me if theyre really being stingy with hell reruns, since we have had BM recently and will hopefully be back on track. hopefully. update: as of mid 2023, the schedule seems to be recovering, with one rerun between every two debut hells.
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gear-project · 7 months
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Biggest news to come out of tonight's stream... November 16th is the release of a GG 25th Anniversary Box (should feature Season 3 Pass) and the 140 Page Artbook and "Tome of Origin" Box Cover.
(For anyone interested, I would VERY MUCH like a PDF of that Artbook at some point... @nincopyjasb)
(Also we're still expecting a new character for STRIVE later this Winter, so STAY TUNED...)
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ruinnous · 1 year
btw, i made an announcement on other accounts but if you signed up for the gg 25th anniversary zine, you should have received an email about it yesterday. if you can't find the email, send me a message to sort things out!
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solradguy · 8 months
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New pop-up shop event celebrating ASW's 35th anniversary and Guilty Gear's 25th starting November 3rd and ending November 19th. It's Japan exclusive and will be held at/by Bic (?) Camera Group (ビックカメラグループ). More details/art will be revealed later. -via Twitter
There's also going to be a physical release of the GG story digest comics (Japanese text version) available at Tokyo Game Show along with a special sticker given to those that play the new Under Night In Birth game at the ASW booth. I'm pretty sure both of them will be very limited releases exclusive to this event, but I'm including the Japanese announcement text anyway. This information is from the Japanese-only ASW fanclub email mailing list.
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Bigger version of the anniversary Sol and Ky art 👇
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sakekangame · 6 months
令和五年十一月十六日発売【GUILTY GEAR STRIVE GG 25th Anniversary BOX(PS4/PS5)】 #パッケージ...
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andevenifweforget · 3 years
My Epic Splatfest Idea
Next splatfest should be next month for the 25th anniversary of pokemon.
What should the teams be, you ask?
The teams should be DIAMOND vs PEARL because they should ALSO finally announce a Sinnoh remake next month!!
The real kicker? Pearl will say “Well, I guess you know what team I gotta be? PEARL all the way, baby!” but then, Marina will interrupt and say “Hey, Pearl... I was actually wondering... Could I be Team Pearl? Because you’re my best friend, and I wanna fight for you!” So Pearl will be Team Diamond and Marina will be Team Pearl :-) 
((also gg to all the team star folks. did NOT think my stupid little mushroom team was gonna pull through))
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omegaplus · 5 years
# 2,656
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Omega Radio for December 10, 2018; #183.
Wu-Tang Clan “Protect Ya’ Neck”
Ghostface Killah “Nutmeg”
Raekwon “Criminology”
RZA (Prince Rakeem) “Sexcapades”
GZA “Words  From The Genius”
Wu-Tang Clan “Can It Be All So Simple”
Capleton “Wings Of The Morning” (ft. Method Man)
Ghostface Killah “Daytona 500” (ft. Raekwon & Cappadonna)
Mary J. Blige “I’ll Be There For You / You’re All I Need (Razor Sharp)” (ft. Method Man)
Wu-Tang Clan “Method Man” + RMX
GZA “I Gotcha Back” (ft. RZA)
Gravediggaz “Diary Of A Madman”
Ol’ Dirty Bastard “Brooklyn Zoo”
Method Man “Release Yo’ Delf”
Wu-Tang Clan “C.R.E.A.M.”
RZA “Tragedy”
Notorious B.I.G, The “The What” (ft. Method Man)
Wu-Tang Clan “Cuttin’ Headz” (demo)
GZA “Liquid Swords”
Cypress Hill “Killa Hill N*gg*s” (ft. RZA & U-God)
Method Man “Bring The Pain”
Wu-Tang Clan “Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nuthin’ Ta’ Fuck Wit’”
Cappadonna “Slang Editorial”
Jodeci “Freek’n You” RMX (ft. Raekwon & Ghostface Killah)
Slum Village “Flexible” (ft. Ol’ Dirty Bastard)
Raekwon “Verbal Intercourse” (ft. Nas & Ghostface Killah)
Ghostface Killah “All That I Got Is You” (ft. Mary J. Blige & Papa Wu)
Method Man & Redman “How High” RMX
Wu-Tang Clan “Shame On A Nuh”
Ghostface Killah “Flowers” (ft, Raekwon & Superb & Method Man)
DJ Muggs “When The Fat Lady Sings” (ft. GZA)
Raekwon “Incarcerated Scarfaces”
U-God “Bizarre”
Method Man “Say What” (ft. Missy Elliott & Puff Daddy)
Wu-Tang Clan “Da’ Mystery Of Chessboxing”
Ol’ Dirty Bastard “Got Your Money”
Kool G Rap “Cakes” (ft. RZA)
Killah Priest “Cross My Heart” (ft. Inspectah Deck & GZA)
Inspectah Deck “Show N’ Prove”
Masta Killah “Silverbacks (ft. Inspectah Deck & GZA)
Mariah Carey “Fantasy” (Bad Boy) (ft. Ol’ Dirty Bastard)
Wu-Tang Clan “America”
Mobb Deep “Right Back At You” (f. Big Noyd & Ghostface Killah & Raekwon)
Ol’ Dirty Bastard “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” (ft. Macy Gray)
Tricky & Gravediggaz “Tonite Is A Special Night (Chaos Mass Confusion)”
Inspectah Deck “Movas’ & Shakers”
Wu-Tang Clan “Let My Niggas’ Live” (f. Nas)
Ol’ Dirty Bastad “Shimmy Shimmy Ya”
MF Doom “Angels” (ft. Ghostface Killah)
Czarface “Shoguns” (ft. Cappadonna & Vinnie Paz)
MF Doom “Books Of War” (ft. RZA)
Method Man & Raekwon & Ghostface “Our Dreams”
Wu-Tang Clan “Careful (Click Click)”
Raekwon “Heaven & Hell”
Prefuse 73 “Hide Ya’ Face” (ft. Ghostface & El-P)
S.W.V. “Anything” RMX (ft. Wu-Tang Clan)
Raekwon “Ice Cream” (ft. Method Man & Ghostface & Cappadonna)
Logic “Wu-Tang Forever” (ft. Wu-Tang Clan)
First Year Seven and Winter 2019 broadcast. Wu-Tang Clan 25th Anniversary tribute.
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