#Germany stands with Israel
lifeisnowx · 8 months
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✡️❤️ The artwork with the Star of David on the Berlin Wall in the East Side gallery has often been the victim of antisemitism and is regularly desecrated. The painting has been there since 1990 and there have been more than 61 anitsemitic damages since then. It's still happening in 2023, and it shouldn't be! ❤️✡️
To celebrate and be happy that innocent people are being killed and kidnapped is disgusting. If anyone from my mutuals rejoices in this, please unfollow me. I find it disgusting that so many anti-Semites are using the "Pro-Paelstine" movement to blatantly spread antisemitism. Shame on you!
Hamas is a radical islamic terror organisation that aims to eliminate Israel and establish an Islamic state. Israel has to defend themselves.
Free Israel from Islamic terror!!! 🇮🇱
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i-am-aprl · 27 days
Power to the people ✊ Yesterday, Dutch police bulldozed the Gaza encampment at the University of Amsterdam. Today, students and staff confronted police and forced them to retreat. Videos: X: Qudsnen and Mariyankhan
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mityenka · 8 months
It's literally stomach turning to see how the German government and media are using current events to promote the revisionist narrative that antisemitism in Germany is a foreign body that has been imported by immigrants in order obscure the BRD's own failure at denazification after 1945 and to warrant tougher immigration laws in the future. They do this by dehumanizing Palestinians as a people, associating their culture with terrorism, banning them from mourning the loss of their families, threatening them with deportation, arresting them, patrolling their neighborhoods, banning their cultural clothing from Berlin schools, using police violence against children, etc, etc. Every Palestinian in Germany right now is standing under general suspicion. The vice chairwoman of the CDU, Karin Prien, stated on the topic of fighting antisemitism in Germany: "We have to take their resonance spaces. Close down their mosques, their cafés their associations and confiscate the money that would otherwise be used for terror in the world." A violently racist statement that is not surprising in a violently racist country that has learned nothing from its history no matter how much it pretends to have done so, having cops terrorize the streets in Berlin Neukölln, the district with the largest Palestinian community in Europe while there are Nazis currently sitting in the Bundestag. Complicit in genocide, all of you!!
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akumarchi · 7 months
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Germany being on the wrong side once again , repeating history and encouraging genocide
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marinalor · 6 months
how’s it feel to be siding with the killers of the most children in history ever?
I can't really know right?
Maybe you mean the nation where the most children were murdered in history?
Ask someone from Nazi Germany 80 years ago or Hamas.
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troythecatfish · 17 days
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lets-make-light-now · 2 months
The Secret and Explicit Goals and Deeds of the Zionists : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Get it while you can.
Reblog Reblog RE Reblog
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takeme2europe · 2 months
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 5 months
Germany has decided that this case that South Africa has launched is a little too stupid for their liking and is intervening ON THE SIDE OF ISRAEL.
Thank you Germany for sticking by us during these difficult times.
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antizionazi · 2 months
All Zionists are the same. If you are against their way, they call you antisemitic.
No I call Zionism racism and not less than the Nazi. And I am against Zionists Nazi and Israel alike.
And I am that way because I am human, and I don't consider you Zionist as Jews.
You Zionist are murder , child rapist, the scum of the earth. ..
That is called human and not antisemitic
Jews do not identify with racial superiority. We are semits and we are proud to be for humanity and against Zionism.
Free Palestine
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i-am-aprl · 4 months
Why can't Germany or any country in the EU call out Israel's genocide in Gaza? Irish MEP Mick Wallace asks the question as he rips into the bloc with this thumping speech at the European Parliament.
After rattling off the grim Palestinian death toll, he wonders how Berlin can stay silent, given its role in World War Two's holocaust and its little-known genocide in Africa. That saw over 75% of Namibia's Herero and Nama people killed, with their skulls shipped to Europe. Historians regard it as the first genocide of the 20th century.
Listen to Wallace's fiery soundbite. There were a few claps but mainly silence afterwards. Says it all.
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morganas-simp · 26 days
Isn’t it funny that on Shoah day we talked about how dangerously antisemitic the college protests are and how it’s exactly like nazi Germany, because the holocaust didn’t happen in one day it took about a decade of antisemitism.
And much like than Jews couldn’t go teach at universities, and people are becoming much more open about their antisemitism and constantly endangering Jewish lives, our future the people who will shape history go to those expensive prestigious universities and look at how they’re acting!
Now tell me that isn’t just hysterical!
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its-zaina · 9 days
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main 🇵🇸.
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im-stupidcupid · 3 months
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agir1ukn0w · 27 days
me when I learned that the german govt is also funding Israel
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lets-make-light-now · 2 months
You can help Palestinans right now by boycotting companies that profit of the genocide.
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I am using this app in Germany. It works really good. Also boycott is forever. There is no redemption from Genocide.
I boycotting Disney since I found out that they helped the Nazi genocide the Jews wwII, 10 years ago.
Boycott Israel today!
You can help. Proof: Look at the stock market....
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