#Giovanni Antonio Canal
lionofchaeronea · 5 months
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Campo San Giacomo di Rialto, Venice, Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal; 1697-1768)
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didoofcarthage · 1 year
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The Arch of Constantine and The Arch of Titus by Canaletto, probably based on drawings by his nephew Bernardo Bellotto
Italian, signed and dated 1742
oil on canvas
Royal Collection Trust (acquired by King George III in 1762 and hung in the entrance hall of Buckingham House)
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Giovanni Antonio Canal, "Canaletto" (Italian, 1697-1768) The Piazzetta, Venice, Looking North, ca.1740 North Simon Museum
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artsculturevienna · 11 months
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Giovanni Antonio CANAL - *CANALETTO* (1697-1768) “Panorama des Prato della Valle in Padua” (1740-1745) “Panoramic View of the Prato della Valle at Padua” Radierung - Etching Sammlung / Collection ALBERTINA Wien / Vienna Ausstellung / Exhibition Dürer, Munch, Miró. The Great Masters of Printmaking ALBERTINA Wien / Vienna - 2023
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waldires · 8 months
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The School of San Marco, c. 1765 by Giovanni Antonio Canal (1697-1768), iol on canvas 42x32,5 cm. National museum Thyssen Bornemisza, Madrid
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froggyfriendsworld · 1 year
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(left) Venice: Piazza San Marco, Seen from the Campo San Basso and (right) Venice: Riva degli Schiavoni towards the East by Giovanni Antonio Canal
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Giovanni Antonio Canal, aka Canaletto The Entrance to the Grand Canal, Venice oil on canvas 49.6x73.6cm (19.5x29in)
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lux-vitae · 2 years
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The Arch of Titus by Giovanni Antonio ‘Canaletto’ Canal (1742)
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tonisemitoni · 5 months
Il Tempo e le Anime (A mio padre e a mia madre) - Introibo
Il maggior vantaggio dell’età matura è l’aver trovato la forza di riconsiderare i fari della mia vita. Se per tanto tempo, in gioventù e oltre di essa, certi aspetti importanti dei miei genitori che mi hanno condotto a essere quale sono mi avevano generato imbarazzo sia con amici, conoscenti e colleghi di lavoro sia, soprattutto, con me stesso, ora questo malessere è definitivamente scomparso,…
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pwlanier · 7 months
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Giovanni Antonio Canal, Canaletto (1697-1768), Venice: The Mouth of the Grand Canal
from the East, circa 1734.
Oil on canvas
Courtesy Alain Truong
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pettirosso1959 · 4 months
di Marco Zonetti
Andrea Scanzi (Fatto Quotidiano) ospite di Massimo Gramellini. Marco Travaglio (Direttore del Fatto Quotidiano) ospite di Fabio Fazio. Scanzi, Travaglio ma anche Peter Gomez e Antonio Padellaro (anch'essi del Fatto Quotidiano), tutti vicini al M5s e ospiti fissi nei programmi di La7.
Pochi sanno che esiste un filo rosso a legare tutti questi elementi che si chiama Beppe Caschetto.
Caschetto è il titolare della ITC 2000, agenzia di management per lo spettacolo che rappresenta anche molti giornalisti e conduttori televisivi di La7. Lilli Gruber, Giovanni Floris, Luca Telese (anch'egli vicino al M5s), Corrado Formigli sono di Caschetto. Nonché Fabio Fazio, Lucia Annunziata e Massimo Gramellini, in forza a Rai3, rete in quota M5s.
Il Fatto Quotidiano ha una branca che si chiama Loft e che produce programmi televisivi fra cui "Accordi e Disaccordi" di Andrea Scanzi; "Belve" della fidanzata di Enrico Mentana (direttore informazione di La7), Francesca Fagnani; "La confessione" di Peter Gomez e così via. Programmi che poi Loft del Fatto Quotidiano rivende al canale Nove, del quale Beppe Caschetto è una sorta di ombra grigia.
Ovviamente nulla di illecito, di irregolare, di illegale. Semplicemente, quelli che sembrano mondi paralleli che non si toccano mai, sono invece assolutamente compenetrati tramite la figura del potentissimo agente televisivo Beppe Caschetto.
A "Quelli che il calcio", Caschetto rappresenta almeno otto membri del cast fisso. A "Che tempo che fa" ne rappresenta almeno cinque (Fazio, Littizzetto, il duo Ale & Franz, Enrico Brignano, Roberto Saviano) senza contare i vari ospiti di turno della stessa scuderia, come per esempio Sabrina Ferilli o Andrea Delogu (che ora è onnipresente in Rai e conduce un programma con Stefano Massini, ospite fisso di "Piazza Pulita" condotto dal caschettiano Formigli).
Nulla di illegale, ribadisco. Ma è utile avere bene in mente questi passaggi per osservare con occhio critico e consapevole talune trasmissioni di approfondimento politico su taluni canali televisivi, per capire come mai sempre i soliti volti che propinano i soliti argomenti nei soliti salotti.
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noirandchocolate · 1 year
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Happy 345th Birthday to Antonio Vivaldi! (March 4, 1678-July 28, 1741) Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was born in Venice on the same day an earthquake shook the canal city, and as a newborn was so weak his family was sure he wouldn’t live long. But live he did, and at age 25, he was ordained in the Catholic Church. Thereafter he was often called “il Prete Rosso” (“the red priest”) after the red hair he inherited from his father (who was also a composer, and published an opera under the name “Giovanni Battista Rossi”). Vivaldi had poor health attributed to what we now understand as a form of asthma his entire life, but that didn’t prevent him from becoming a virtuoso violinist, music teacher and choir conductor to orphaned girls at Venice’s Ospidale della Pietà, and very prolific composer. (It did, however, earn him special dispensation from conducting Mass.) Though best known for his collection of concerti “The Four Seasons,” Vivaldi composed more than 500 other concerti for a wide variety of instruments, a large number of sacred choral pieces, sinfonias, 90 sonatas, chamber music, and 46 operas. After dedicating his Opus 9 to Charles VI of the Habsberg Empire, Vivaldi was even made a knight by the Holy Roman Emperor.
Vivaldi died at age 63 in Vienna after a musical career with many ups and downs. He is now one of the most well-known composers of the Baroque era, and his innovative approach to concerti in particular also inspired later famous composers like Johann Sebastian Bach.
But enough with the biographical details--you're here for the music, aren't you?
Well you are in luck because here is a Youtube playlist I've made of some of the Red Priest's greatest hits! It's hours long and great for background listening. It even includes a video of part of the "Winter" concerto being played on a Stradivarius (the legendary violin maker was a contemporary of Vivaldi's)! Please enjoy!
Or, if you'd just like to listen to the Four Seasons, which takes only about 42 minutes, here you go.
Spring= 00:00 Summer = 10:31 Autumn = 20:59 Winter = 32:48
Now go forth and enjoy ANTONIO LUCIO VIVALDI this March 4, everyone!
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didoofcarthage · 1 year
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The Pantheon and The Arch of Septimius Severus by Canaletto, probably based on drawings by his nephew Bernardo Bellotto
Italian, signed and dated 1742
oil on canvas
Royal Collection Trust (acquired by King George III in 1762 and hung in the entrance hall of Buckingham House)
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Canaletto [Italian. 1697 - 1768] A Venetian capriccio view of an oval church beside the lagoon c. 1742
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kunstinfo · 4 months
1. **Giovanni Antonio Canal geboren (1697):** Canaletto wurde am 28. Oktober 1697 in Venedig, Italien, als Sohn eines Malers geboren.
2. **Lehre bei seinem Vater:** Er erlernte die Kunst des Malens zunächst bei seinem Vater, Bernardo Canal, der ebenfalls ein Maler war.
3. **Studienreisen durch Italien (1719-1720):** Canaletto unternahm ausgedehnte Reisen durch Italien, um verschiedene Städte zu besuchen und seine Fähigkeiten als Vedutenmaler (Stadtbildmaler) zu entwickeln.
4. **Erste Werke in Venedig (1720er Jahre):** Canaletto begann, Veduten von Venedig zu malen und erlangte schnell Anerkennung für seine detailgetreuen Darstellungen der Stadt.
5. **Reisen nach Rom (um 1723-1724):** Canaletto besuchte Rom und malte dort Ansichten der Stadt. Diese Reisen beeinflussten seinen Stil und seine Techniken.
6. **Dresden (1728-1746):** Canaletto reiste 1728 erstmals nach Dresden, wo er vom Kurfürsten Friedrich August II. von Sachsen beauftragt wurde. Er verbrachte einen erheblichen Teil seines Lebens in Dresden und schuf viele seiner berühmten Werke, darunter detaillierte Ansichten der Stadt und ihrer Umgebung.
7. **London (1746-1755):** Canaletto reiste nach London, wo er weiterhin Veduten malte und großen Erfolg hatte. Er kehrte jedoch 1755 nach Venedig zurück.
8. **Rückkehr nach Venedig (1755-1768):** Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Venedig malte Canaletto weiterhin Veduten, aber sein Ruhm erreichte nicht mehr die Höhen vergangener Jahre.
9. **Tod (1768):** Canaletto verstarb am 19. April 1768 in Venedig.
Canaletto ist vor allem für seine präzisen Veduten, insbesondere von Venedig und Dresden, bekannt und gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vedutenmaler des 18. Jahrhunderts.
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hzaidan · 9 months
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By Apollonio Facchinetti, Apollonio Domenichin, Guglielmo Ciardi, Canaletto, Bernardo Canal, Thomas Bush Hardy, Edward William Cooke, Jules BASTIEN-LEPAGE, MARC ALDINE and Ludolfs Liberts, …
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Francesco Guardi,CANALETTO,Guglielmo Ciardi,Edward William Cooke,Bernardo Canal,MARC ALDINE,Apollonio Facchinetti,Giovanni Antonio Canal,Thomas Bush Hardy,Jules Bastien-Lepage,ANDRE BOUVARD,Venice, Zaidan, Art, Artists, biography, Canals, fine art, footnotes, Gondola, History, Italy, Paintings,
15 Paintings of the Canals of Venice in the 18 & 19th Centuries, by the artists of the time, with foot notes #6
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