incinerated · 5 months
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nucleqr · 7 months
veeeery slowly making my way through the steel foundry... i don't have my usual keyboard, i only have a trackpad for a mouse, and i'm sick, so it's been a time and a half
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mvndrvke · 2 years
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AHSOKA.    once discovering how corrupt things were at hawkins lab, ahsoka left her job there and tried to find her way on her own in hawkins with her adoptive older brother anakin.
BELLA.    just a normal girl vibing and trying not to get sucked into the chaos that is hawkins. bella is a rather ordinary student, not involved in any clubs or anything. she’s just trying to make it through.
CARLISLE.    working as a doctor at hawkins hospital, carlisle and his family moved to hawkins from washington. this really follows his canon verse, except he’s not a vampire here.
CECIL.    works at scoops ahoy and attends hawkins high school. more details tba.
FOUNDRY.    part of the hellfire club and works at the local comic store. more details tba.
INEJ.    investigating the chaos in hawkins, inej and her group of friends are working independently from the st squad to try and figure out what’s going on while keeping her friends and family safe. more details tba.
MAY.    after moving her and her nephew to hawkins, may starts working at the  school as an art teacher and teacher supervisor for the hellfire club.
NICO.    maria di angelo wanted her kids to have a better life. somehow they ended up in hawkins. nico’s sister bianca is one of the murders in s4, and nico goes on a quest to try and find what killed her. he’s also a member of the hellfire club bc i want him to be.
PETER.    after the death of his parents, peter and his aunt move to hawkins to get a fresh start. peter is a smart student, going with the flow and trying to stay out of trouble. but trouble finds him, and peter knows that with power comes responsibility.
PERCY.    after moving to hawkins with his mother and stepdad, percy tries to just fit in and make a good life for himself. he’s on the swim team and does other sports, and just tries to avoid getting murdered by how cursed hawkins is.
WILL.    really just a kid who can’t catch a fucking break. will’s a canon character from stranger things, and his story there follows the general trajectory of the show. i don’t really divert from canon at all when it comes to his storyline.
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maguro13-2 · 5 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 4 Epilogue [6/6]
"Somewhere in the world of Arabian Nights..."
[Evil Foundry Zone - Arabian Nights (Sonic's World)]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Ughh, where the heck are we? Doesnt' think that this isn't part of my castle.
Moirai Albarn : No idea of how we got here! So what do you think of this place. We're inside the world of a fairytale book that existed in a video game world! How could was it for us stick around in these parts of the multiverse?
Hiro Hayashi : Can't say how we managed to stick around and finding out on what the hell is going on. Time-Space continuum might be the fabric of going through here. How did we all ended up in a world of a fairytale book, I don't mind reading fairytales for children at my age.
Jorogumo : So nice to see you dropping by at the cauldron in this hellfire fortress of the ArabianNights, and I see that you woke up. Welcome to the world of the Secret Rings.
Moirai Albarn : Jorogumo! Where are we?! Where did you take us to? And what is even this place is? I'm getting a 2007 deja vu going on here since the Time Eater's power is increasing.
Jorogumo : You're in the Evil Foundry. A place full of machinery and fiery molten hotness that comes together with all the fueling rage. I didn't even think that you would actually come to a place that existed a long time since it was shut down. This is what I've come up with a big plan to meet you all to seal your own fates. Today, I would like to introduce to a friend that rises from the molten hot liquid. And he'll make you all food for both species like you! I would get all the glory retake the Kishin as our prized possession!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Enough of this Blasphemy, Jorogumo! You know that the so-called kishin race were exterminated by the Demon Kings for generations, those things don't exist anymore....And... What friend are you talking about? I bet it's one of them terrorist that you've fought alongside with. Who, your bodyguards, your enforcers, or what? What else in this crazy-ass world of a fairytale book?
Hiro Hayashi : Hmm? What's with the shaking!? Is the fortress complex is having an earthquake? [hears something bubbling] Please tell me that wasn't the sound of my stomach.
Moirai Albarn : Hey, I don't think that was your stomach, dude. But something's coming out of the center from that Cauldron!
[How it Started - Kenichi Tokoi, Runblebee]
(Ifrit Golem Roars)
Hiro Hayashi : Woah! What is this mechanical beast of fire!?
Moirai Albarn : I think it's called the Ifrit Golem!
Seto : An Ifrit what?
Moirai Albarn : It is a mechanical golem filled with fiery rage, it resides in the Evil Foundry and causes air pollution to the Planet! It's trying to burn everything for the sake of our world! And of course, the pages of the book itself!!
Ashley : Hey! Looks you need our help!
Seto : Majo Detective Force! You guys are right on time!
Kimial Diehl : More importantly in a rhetorical way, it's the effects of the Time Eater's power!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : What?! The Time Eater's power was the cause of this!? Things might not be good when the butterfly effects could rupture the fabric of space time, if we don't do something now, the Ifrit itself will burn the whole world away! We can't let that happen!
Jorogumo : [laughs evilly] Oh well, this is what you get. So, go to hell, all of you! Everyone will join you, along with those parasites of the law! See if you will ever--
[Ifrit Golem Roars furiously]
Jorogumo : Huh? What?! No! What are you...Don't come this way! I command you to destroy those pests, not me! Nooooooo! [the Ifrit crushes her with it's hand, killing her]
Seto : Heh! Stupid spider demon! Looks like that Arachne Gorgon faker wasn't it's master after all!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : It's still under the control of that genie poser, Erazor Djinn! The ex-convict from the book who is an escaped criminal that was imprisoned for a long time period and was the genie of the lamp, which was his days of old community service.
Seto : What? The Erazor Djinn, that Ex-convict from the Arabian Nights? So the bastard's responsible for awakening for this mechanical giant of fire! But I know how to put out the fire! Ashley, use that rain spell magic of yours!
Ashley : Okay! [casts rain spell magic to put out the fire on the Ifrit]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : That should do the trick! There's should be a weakness somewhere on this giant! But what on earth should we attack somewhere on something?
Seto : I know exactly how to beat this guy! I had no times play around with this thing!
Moirai Albarn : Seto, could you be not so serious, right now? The Ifrit's no kid, it's a mechanical giant made risen from the fiery pits of the molten lava. Only a little water can easily destroy him.
Seto : No duh! Cause the only reason to beat him down, is to give him a minor headache, total brain damage. [jumps over to attack the ifrit's head to by bashing with her sword, causing it in pain]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : It's working! The head is his weakness! Fire types are not that strong against water types.
Seto : Hey, this isn't a game full of Pocket Monsters you know, we're a world of a fairytale book that exists in a video game world. You gotta have something that doesn't have anything without a proper context. But fine, have it your way then. That's our little world of ours.
Moirai Albarn : No time to chat, we got some attacks on our field! When the rice gets warm this liquid's hot! It's time for me that I'll having a hot salad instead of a bowl of cold soup!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Watch out! The Ifrit's drawing it's attacks in shooting range!
Moirai Albarn : Incoming! [avoids the exploding canisters]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Got a bad feeling that this is some illegal hot water! Warm rice and hot liquid, what's up with that phrase? [avoids the laser beams] It can use lasers?! How does this thing have the ability to get all that fiery rage burning?!
Kimial Diehl : Because he has the power to be fueled by the seven rings from Arabia! They're equivalent to the Chaos Emeralds belonging to the Ancients!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Seven Rings, you mean those things that are equivalent to the Chaos Emeralds?! Are you telling me that these monsters summoned by Erazor Djinn are powered by the Seven World Rings, I bet he would use those make him a monster, that's kinda foreshadowing by the way.
Seto : Glady you can say that! [Jumps over to the Ifrit's head again] But the only problem is that a Grim Reaper like you needs Erazor's Soul be taken away in order to stop the foolishness of his path to genocide! Erazor Djinn wasn't that smart enough to destroy a fairytale's world like that! [bashes the ifrit's head twice, causing him in so much pain and starts to explode] Uh-oh! This thing's going to sink into the cauldron! Better get off now! [jumps off the Ifrit's head to escape before the Ifrit Golem sinks into the cauldron] Ha! How do you like that, ya mechanical bastard! Now I under what Sonic told me from Sonic Says : They did tell your anyone or your mother that they told you not to play with fire!
Hiro Hayashi : Phew! I'm glad that's over. It took us fifteen attacks to defeat him. With that case, I wonder if the Time Eater's is still going at it? How long will the Time Eater be easily stopped when this "Homura Akemi" person would able to fix Time and space tor restore natural order in Real World AU?
Seto : Hey, guys. Now you're thinking about the awesomeness defeat of the Ifrit Golem, I think this one gave me a nice present to accept it's defeat. I believe this one is beating, it feels like it's hatching in my hand. Wonder what this could might be. Hmm? [hears something ticking] Wait, I don't remember it ticking before, I finally discovered what the Ifrit Golem dropped. Don't tell me that this mechanical giant just dropped...
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Seto, you fool! Drop that thing now! That ball that the Ifrit Golem dropped in your hand, it's a bomb!
Seto : A bomb in my hand? What's a bomb in hand? I don't see a--[realizing that she's holding the Ifrit's bomb in her hand] Well, crap. I knew that this would turn out to be bad. I wonder how long this will last?
~ To be Continued to Chapter 5 AKA the Final Chapter ~
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wowhead · 4 years
molten core - not bad. kinda boring and simple but good for the game’s first raid
onyxia’s lair - again pretty simple. i like the one boss fast kill
blackwing lair - some parts are annoying but also some unique fights, not bad
AQ - visually and thematically really cool. looking forward to doing this at level in classic
karazhan - one of my favorites honestly. the music, the environment, also the legion 5 man version was very good
gruul’s lair - idk. it’s some ogres and then gruul. i never did it at level
magtheridon’s lair - i’ve only ran this like twice ever. no real opinion here
serpentshrine cavern - not my favorite. i like the naga but the coilfang dungeons got kinda tiring. plus the last boss was a pain in the ass
tempest keep - kinda boring and purple. only memorable part was kael’thas
hyjal - bad. just waves of enemies and a boss occasionally. not sure why they made this a raid
black temple - some good shit. interesting, cool looking, and the illidan fight was amazing.
sunwell - not bad. i liked the music. but i find blood elf architecture really ugly
vault of archavon - not really good. i dont really count it as a raid even
naxx - VERY good. really iconic. visually and thematically really cool
obsidian sanctum - its ok. i do like the option of hard mode with the 3 drakes
eye of eternity - really cool looking. the flying saucer vehicle thing was kinda weird
ulduar - very cool. music was amazing. the yogg fight was really cool. i hated the vehicle thing though. also the optional hard modes in each fight were cool
trial of the crusader - awful
ICC - good. the music here was great too. lich king was a good fight
ruby sanctum - idk i only did it like once
baradin hold - boring. similar to VOA
blackwing descent - not bad kinda annoying though
bastion of twilight - not really that memorable
throne of 4 winds - easy and quick. al’akir was cool
firelands -  very good. music was great, i like the elemental theme. fandral was a cool guy
dragon soul - had potential but ended up being shitty. too much RP and underwhelming final boss. spine fight was cool visually but it sucked
mogu’shan vaults - kinda cool. i like lorewalker cho. elegon was really cool too
heart of fear - i liked it. the mantid are cool and this was one of the first raids i did when it was current
terrace of endless spring - not bad but the fights were kind of annoying
throne of thunder - very very good. one of my favorites. i have some good memories of it
siege of org - another favorite. some good fights. one of the first raids i did when i got into serious raiding. a lot of good memories here
highmaul - not bad. i liked the kargath fight. otherwise nothing special
blackrock foundry - very good. some REALLY cool fights in here. i think operator thogar may be my favorite boss fight ever
hellfire citadel - pretty good. it was refreshing seeing legion stuff after just orcs and ogres for most of WoD. archimonde was one of my favorite fights
emerald nightmare - really cool. as a druid i liked it. xavius fight was kinda underwhelming though
trial of valor - not great but not bad. really just a filler raid. i love helya though
nighthold - VERY good. one of my favorites. suramar is an amazing zone so i loved it visually. and it had some good fights
tomb of sargeras - not my favorite but it wasn’t bad. KJ fight was amazing though
antorus - really good. very fitting visually. argus fight was one of my favorites.
uldir - not bad but kinda boring. ghuun fight was annoying as hell
battle for dazar’alor - bad. i hate this raid. it’s not interesting or good.
crucible of storms - cool looking but weird mechanics. not that great but not bad
eternal palace - really good. i like all the fights here even though the fish one is annoying. i really like naga. the azshara fight is fun
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lionsmogs · 6 years
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Head: Hood of Indignation (Vault of the Wardens)
Shoulders: Voidheart Mantle (Gruul’s Lair) (Warlock only)
Back: n/a
Chest: Robe of Midnight Down (Throne of Thunder, 10H)
Hands: Toothbreaker Grips (Blackrock Foundry, Normal)
Waist: Felsoul Cord (Salvage Yard) (Warlock only)
Legs: n/a
Feet: Destabilized Sandals (Highmaul, Mythic)
Staff: Voidcore Greatstaff (Hellfire Citadel, Normal)
Sword: Firethorn Mindlicer (Firelands, 10p Heroic)
Dagger: Fanged Tentacle (Hour of Twilight)
Wand: Finkle’s Mixer Upper (Blackwing Descent)
Off-Hand: Interloper’s Mossy Skull (The Everbloom, Heroic)
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fictional-frenzy · 4 years
I’m gonna try and get the bee mount now. 
I have to go back to uni, so I don’t think I’ll really have the time to fit in Mythic Blackrock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel, since I do Dragon Soul and World bosses every week excluding Rukhmar bc he’s a pain in the ass to kill and laziness.
Oh yeah, and I do Mechagon stuff daily on top of that. Well, ALMOST daily.
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belghast · 4 years
Fel Flames and Motivations
Fel Flames and Motivations - talking about farming raids for cosmetics and the Gamer Motivation Profile
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This morning’s post is likely going to be disjointed because I did not get quality sleep last night. Over the last week I have almost rediscovered the practice of farming transmog gear from old raids. Largely I have been focused on the Warlords of Draenor raids, and more specifically Mythic Hellfire Citadel and Mythic Blackrock Foundry. I have two 120 Paladins and 1 120 Warrior that I have been…
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jayankles · 7 years
Bailey’s Birthday Challenge
Oh look another challenge.
I joined the SPN family a little under 8 months ago and I nearly have 900 of you, so here I am, waiting for August to come along not only for my birthday but for my blogiversary; my baby’s going to be one.
Let’s get down to it.
You don't have to follow me, but it would be great if you did.
Pick a Pairing and an episode from below.
Send me an ask with your 1st and 2nd choice of episode, just in case someone has beaten you to it, and the piring you will use; reblogs and comments will not be counted.
You can write anything; fluff, smut, angst but tag it correctly.
The episode you pick must, obviously, be conveyed in your fic.
They will be due in 8th August (my birthday) ;), if you need an extension just message me.
Tag me in the A/N. ( @jayankles / @buckysmetallicstump )
Put #Bailey's Birthday Challenge in the A/N and the within the first 5 tags.
The minimum amount of words is 500 and the maximum is 10k.
If it is longer than 500 words please add the 'Keep Reading' button.
It can be a drabble, one shot, or the start of a new series.
All fics submitted will be added to a Masterlist, created by me, and posted on the 9th.
I may take it as far as to make an aesthetic for your fic but we’ll see how she blows.
And finally have fun! :)
For reader insert: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Kevin, Gadreel, Meg 2.0, Ruby 2.0, Donna, Charlie.
Ships: Deonna, Saileen, and Megstiel
Season One
01x02 - Wendigo @marvelbase001
01x03 - Dead in the Water
01x16 - Shadow
01x20 - Dead Man's Blood
01x22 - Devil's Trap
Season Two
02x02 - Everybody Loves a Clown - @hymnofthevalkyries
02x18 - Hollywood Babylon
02x20 - What Is and What Should Never Be - @abbessolute
Season Three
03x11 - Mystery Spot
03x16 - Red Sky at Night
Season Four
04x01 - Lazarus Rising - @katymacsupernatural
04x06 - Yellow Fever  @valerieshubin​
04x13 - After school special - @ariannnawinchester​
04x17 - It's A Terrible Life @impalapiegirl67
Season Five
05x04 - The End - @ravengirl94
05x08 - Changing Channels - @captainemwinchester
Season Six
06x02 - Two and a Half Men
06x10 - Caged Heat
06x12 - Like a Virgin
06x15 - The French Mistake - @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms
Season Seven
07x02 - Hello, Cruel World
07x06 - Slash Fiction
07x12 - Time After Time
07x13 - The Slice Girls
07x14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie - @winchesters-imagine​
07x18 - Party On, Garth
Season Eight
08x10 - Torn and Frayed
08x11 LARP and the Real Girl @emilywritesaboutdean
08x14 - Trial and Error
08x15 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits
08x20 - Pac-Man Fever
08x21 - The Great Escapist.
Season Nine
09x02 - Devil May Care - @dreamingintheimpalawithdean
09x05 - Dog Dean Afternoon @sleepywinchester
09x07 - Bad Boys
09x08 - Rock and a Hard Place - @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba​
09x13 - The Purge
09x14 - Captives
09x16 - Blade Runners
09x22 - Stairway to Heaven
09x23 - Do You Believe in Miracles
Season Ten
10x01 - Black - @roxy-davenport​
10x03 - Soul Survivor @iwantthedean
10x04 - Paper Moon
10x05 - Fan Fiction - @fangirlingfanatic2442
10x12 - About a Boy
10x18 - Book of the Damned
10x20 - Angel Heart
Season Eleven
11x02 - Form and Void @barbedwireandbubblegum
11x03 - The Bad Seed
11x04 - Baby - @georgialouisea
11x08 - Just My Imagination
11x12 - Don't You Forget About Me
11x14 - The Vessel
11x21 - All in the Family
Season Twelve
12x03 - The Foundry
12x04 - American Nightmare
12x07 - Rock Never Dies
12x09 - First Blood - @percussiongirl2017
12x11 - Regarding Dean - @chelsea072498
12x17 – The British Invasion
everyone is welcome to join
Tagging: @becaamm @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @hymnofthevalkyries @marvelbase001 @kurosaki224-new-blog @purgatoan @ruprecht0420 @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid @mogaruke @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jesspfly @1amluke @skybinx-blog @aubzylynn @deansbaekaz2y5 @lilasiannerd @valerieshubin @be-amaziing @winsmut @akshi8278 @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @iwantthedean @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @dancingalone21 @daydreamingintheimpala @winchesterenthusiast @winchestersnco @wayward-marvel-and-more @ellen-reincarnated1967 @grace-for-sale @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @sleepywinchester @winchesterprincessbride @deandoesthingstome @jpadjackles @mrswhozeewhatsis @faith-in-dean @lipstickandwhiskey @thorne93 @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @moonlitskinwalker @kas-not-cas @frickfracklesackles @jalove-wecallhimdean @avasmommy224 @percywinchester27 @chelsea072498 @cyrilconnelly @katnharper @chaos-and-the-calm67 @supernatural-jackles @balthazars-muse @jotink78 @jared-padaloveme @plaidstiel-wormstache @ravengirl94 @deanssweetheart23 @georgialouisea @maddieburcham1 @katymacsupernatural @iwriteaboutdean @emilywritesaboutdean @percussiongirl2017 @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @idreamofhazel @inmysparetime0 @little-red-83
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incinerated · 5 months
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anthai-of-stormwind · 5 years
Fire and Light: Prelude To the Assault On Hellfire
The paladin dubbed "Anthadin" by the mage she'd rescued paced around the smithy, where her armor and hammer sat cooling from recent repairs. The vibe around Fort Kickass was tense, but determined, and her comrades in the Black Watch were busying themselves preparing for the final assault on Hellfire Citadel.
It had been a long road from being deployed to Draenor by King Wrynn to this moment. She'd begun just patrolling Nagrand for ogres, found Anthai beaten nearly to death, and had taken the mage's place among the elite members of the Templars Of the Rose. With her captain's permission, Anthadin had joined the Templars full-time, lending the strength of the Light to the battles against the Highmaul ogres, Blackhand in his foundry, and finally the most dangerous orc of them all - Gul'dan. Tomorrow night would be the night Gul'dan's wicked schemes would be put to an end, and then they would see to making Grommash Hellscream pay for the death and destruction he had caused to the Draenei.
Mostly, she wanted the Iron and Fel Hordes to face justice for Vindicator Maraad. Anthadin had never known him, but he was revered among all Paladins for accepting his sins and fighting to redeem them. Anthadin was certain that his soul lay at peace within the Light. If ever there was a champion of justice, it was Maraad.
What was it Exarch Yrel always said? "In the Light, we are one." Anthadin believed it with all her heart. A'dal had once told her that the Light does not abandon its champions. She personally believed that the souls of those who served the Light would become joined with it, aiding the living when its power was called upon. Anthadin felt her father's spirit with her with every swing of his hammer. She knew Maraad would be with all paladins tomorrow night, and murmured a quick prayer of thanks.
"Talking to yourself?" came a voice from behind her, startling her. Anthai stood nearby, her face in that amused smirk she wore most of the time.
Anthadin smiled warmly. "Just praying," she told the mage, taking a seat on the ground. "Tomorrow's likely to be a long night."
"So I hear," Anthai said, joining her. "I almost wish I could be there, but my magic just hasn't felt as strong since...well. You know. Highmaul."
"Maybe it's all the fel magic," Anthadin suggested. "It tends to have a draining effect on people."
"I'd believe that, but I've seen Sumeri actually grow stronger here on Draenor. She's attuned to the ley lines of this place in a way I'm not. It's weird." Anthai paused and looked away from the paladin. "I...you're ready to fight and die for this world, aren't you?"
Anthadin nodded. "I'll be one of a contingent of soldiers guarding the entrances to the Citadel. Justicar Dawnfield means for this to be the final assault, and we're going to make absolutely sure that Gul'dan is cut off from bringing in reinforcements."
"You know you might not come back from that."
Anthadin nodded solemnly. "I know. But I have faith in the Light."
"That must be nice," the mage replied a bit wistfully. She stared up at the stars, unusually quiet. "I'm not going home with you guys after this," she said.
Anthadin looked at her, startled. "Pardon?"
Anthai waved her hand dismissively. "I'm not strong enough to face demons. I know that. I could barely deal with a few ogre wizards." Her face grew dark. "But Orcs I can handle. And I intend to handle them. Permanently."
Anthadin lay a hand on top of Anthai's to comfort her. "I know what the Orcs did to your family. But vengeance can burn within as well as without. Don't let it consume you."
Anthai met Anthadin's gaze. "It's not going to happen again. Not on my watch. Even with Gul'dan gone, there'll still be bits and pieces of the Iron Horde floating around. I'm going to stay and...well. Un-float them."
Anthadin laughed softly. "You and your phrases."
"I'm fond of language." Anthai shrugged and became serious once more. "You know what happened to our Draenor. To our Stormwind. I won't let the Orcs make any more orphans. I can't. Azeroth can survive with one fewer mage, but Draenor...I can make a difference here. I can save so many lives." Anthai reached out with her other hand and gently caressed Anthadin's face. "Like you saved mine," she said softly.
"Anthai..." the paladin said, gently removing her hand from the mage's. "You know I'm not...I care for you. I do. But that's all."
"I know," Anthai said, the characteristic smirk returning to her lips. "I was sort of hoping for a possible-last-night-alive freebie."
Anthadin laughed and embraced the mage. "You're incorrigible," she said.
"And pretty; you forgot to say pretty."
"Tell you what," Anthadin said. "You ever want to come back to visit Azeroth, you'll have a friend to stay with. I promise. So let's agree to live through tomorrow. All right?"
"Deal," Anthai said, rising to shake Anthadin's hand. "We'd both better get some sleep. Gonna be a long-ass day."
"Light be with you," Anthadin said reflexively.
"And with you, Antha--" the mage paused. "You know, in case we die tomorrow, I probably ought to ask your name."
Anthadin raised an eyebrow. It was about time somebody in this group asked. "It's Lauren," she said. "Lauren Kensington."
Anthai smiled. "You go ahead and walk with the Light, Lauren Kensington. I'll keep a fire on for you." She winked and tossed a flicker of flame at the forge, making the coals glow with a ruddy light.
Lauren watched her walk away into the night. "Maybe the Light will walk with you," she said quietly, hoping it would be so. Not just for Anthai. For all who would fight tomorrow. For the Draenei. For this world.
For the Rose.
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trevorbailey61 · 6 years
Rhiannon Giddens
Town Hall, Birmingham
Sunday 19th November 2017
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Kaia Kater peers nervously out at the audience. Two songs into her short support set and she pulls the banjo that provides her only accompaniment close to her, she feels she needs a barrier between her and the nearly full hall of people who have arrived early to hear her. It has been going well so far, a period of study in the Carolinas has helped this Canadian to become well versed in the American roots music and the precision of her playing is enhanced by the depth and quality of her voice, reminiscent in tone to Gillan Welch. The audience quickly warm to her and the songs have generated an enthusiastic response but she now feels that she has to face that awkward challenge over which so many artists from North America stumble; she has to mention the place she is visiting. She has obviously been warned and each syllable is formed slowly, carefully, deliberately; “Birm……ing….” then the final one, make or break time, they will either accept you as one of their own or the rest of the set will be spent winning them back - “ham”, with the emphasis on the “a” - damn - rehearsed to the point of tedium but it still wouldn’t come out right. She gazes at the faces in front of her; “was that right?”, silence, she didn’t have to ask, she knew it wasn’t. She makes another attempt, slower, the sounds being formed even more deliberately but this only served to make that final vowel even more prominent. With the confidence that she had shown so far starting to look increasingly fragile, she seeks reassurance and asks again “was that right?” It wasn’t but we like her and the word “yes” is heard from different parts of the hall. She smiles, the challenge may not have been met but we were all happy to move on.
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It is not just about phonetics, there is also the other Birmingham, the metropolis that forms the largest urban area in the state of Alabama, the place with the exaggerated vowel. Founded in the early 19th century, the shared name is no coincidence. Planned as a centre of industry, its founders wrapped up their vision by using the name of one of Britain’s and possibly even Europe’s first industrial centres, home to the furnaces and foundries that had built an empire. Despite this shared name and heritage, however, there is little that connects the two cities to the extent that when Birmingham England was looking to twin with a US city, its namesake was possibly never even considered. Clearly status was important and a provincial backwater would never be considered the equal to a major British city but there was also the problem that the American city along with the state in which is is situated often appears to embody all the worst aspects of the Deep South. Attempts to break down segregation following the war saw rising levels of Klan activity and the racially motivated bombing of the homes of black families in an attempt to force them out of areas of the city. The most callous and shocking of these was the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963 which led to the death of four girls but despite those responsible being known to the police, none were prosecuted until over a decade later. This was because support for the Klan and its activities was to be found throughout the state legislature up to the Governor, George Wallace, who through the 60s and 70s made Alabama his own fiefdom. Ironically he first ran for office as an opponent of the Klan but after losing heavily, he adopted a hard-line segregationist stance which allowed him to remain in office until 1979. In the years that have followed, it is easy to think that little has changed; Trump carried the state comfortably and the current race to be the state Senator could be won by a man facing multiple accusations of predatory sexual behaviour, assault and harassment of women, some of whom were as young as 14 when the incidents occurred. That he is completely unfit for office should be beyond question but whilst being gay or seeking an abortion will result in hellfire and damnation, using a shopping mall to prey on young girls is something bible belt Christians find easy to forgive.
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All this plays to the stereotype of the bigoted, white supremacism of the the south, a place proud of statues of slave owners and rebel generals where cars carry bumper stickers of the confederate flag, the people mocked by Neil Young in the song “Southern Man”. It is part of the story but not the whole one. The greater the suppression, the more determined the attempts to resist and some of the most significant events in the Civil Rights Movement were to take place in the state. It was in Alabama that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger and also where the Selma to Montgomery marches took place to demand equal voting rights. Whilst politics and structures suppressed their voice, music provided a means through which black people could make themselves heard and tell their stories; the creativity of the southern states being expressed through blues, jazz, gospel, soul and rock ’n’ roll. One of the most distinctive of these voices was that of Odetta, a singer of extraordinary range and power born in Birmingham in 1930 who was often referred to as "The Voice of the Civil Rights Movement”. There were many remarkable things about Odetta, one of which was her operatic training, something she received whilst she was also working as a cleaner at the college she attended. Realising that her opportunities were limited, she found her training was better suited to the folk scene; in the words of Martin Luther King, she was “the Queen of American Folk” and in the film “No Direction Home”, Dylan cites her as one of his key influences. Admired as she was, however, there were few who were willing to take on the same songs and invite comparisons between their voice and hers, there would only ever be one winner.
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At about the midpoint of her set, Rhiannon Giddens explains the inspiration Odetta has provided for her own music. Giddens also received a classical training, at the Oberlin Conservatory in Ohio although she was able to take advantage of this without having to also scrub the floors, before finding that she was better able to express herself through folk. Giddens mentions this as she introduces her interpretation of the song “Waterboy”, a traditional folk song that Odetta frequently included in her live shows and the one she is seen performing in “No Direction Home”. It is quite simply stunning. With the accompaniment limited to a series of thuds on the bass drum and sharply strummed chords, the emphasis is very much on Giddens voice and she is able to unleash the fearsome power that the song demands. To a person, the audience sit in silence, mesmerised by the Giddens absolute mastery of the song, the silence held for a moment at the end before the richly deserved ovation. Inviting comparisons with some of the greatest American voices is something that Giddens is not daunted by, the set also includes an Aretha Franklin song, “Do Right Woman, Do Right Man” and as an encore she honours Sister Rosetta Tharpe with joyous interpretations of  “Lonesome Road” and “Up Above My Head”.
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“Waterboy” was undoubtedly included as a spectacular tour de force but its subject shows that there is way more there than empty technique. Built around a cry for water from a gang of labouring men working as slaves on the plantations or possibly in a chain gang, its desperation shows how power is maintained through the deprivation of even the most basic human needs. “History in my teacher”, Giddens explains and through traditional songs and her own writing she shows an impeccable grasp of how people hold onto their dignity and spirit in the face of barbaric oppression as well as how they find the strength to fight against it. The harrowing “At The Purchases Option” is based on advert from the 1830s announcing the sale of a “smart healthy negro wench” who had a child of about nine months. When even the youngest children could be sold, the child was advertised as being at the purchases option. Whilst there is no escaping the pain, the song is a fierce cry of defiance, “you can take my body but not my soul”; she may have been abused and humiliated but there is still something there that they are unable to touch, regardless of the cruelty. “We Could Fly” is a tender song about a mother explaining to her daughter how she uses her imagination to escape the drudgery and degradation of her life and see a better future.  The traditional “Pretty Saro” is sung completely a cappella whilst the song “Better Get It Right the First Time” takes a more contemporary theme in addressing a gangland killing and also features a burst of rap.
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For someone who is such a charismatic and engaging performer, Giddens has seemed surprisingly reluctant to front her own band. Her recordings have often been as part of a group, whether with her her sister, who provided occasional backing vocals, in the band the Carolina Chocolate Drops, where she first worked with guitarist Hubby Jenkins, or as part of the “New Basement Tapes” that added music to lyrics Dylan had abandoned in the late 60s. Her most recent visits to the UK have been part of the transatlantic sessions that also included those who form her backing band. This, however, is her first solo tour and she seems genuinely surprised that she has sold out a venue the size of the Town Hall. Her set, however, still includes excursions into the roots music covered in the sessions featuring some bluegrass banjo and a cajun waltz. The light jazz swing of “The Love We Almost Had” lightens the tone a little and shows that she can also deal with personal themes in the challenges of trying to share your life with another. The set concludes with a rousing interpretation of the civil rights anthem, “Freedom Highway”, the song written by Pops Staples for the Selma to Montgomery marches. The themes covered in have been drawn together in one last moment of defiance.
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The subject matter may sound as if this was a worthy but solemn show, stories it may be important to know but hardly the stuff of great entertainment. The civil rights battles of the 50s and 60s should be part of the past but with white supremacism once again on the rise and receiving official endorsement it is important that the stories in these songs are kept alive. What lifts it, however, is Giddens impeccable musical instincts and the contagious sense of joy that she can bring to even the darkest songs. In some way, Giddens may be a custodian and curator of the rich heritage of black folk music from the deep south but she is also a mesmerising and gifted performer who is able to bring this to life. Her voice stands comparison with the greatest and there were several moments where she used it to spine tingling effect. Alongside this is an instinct for arrangement that the band had were able to rise to. It may have taken her a while to step out to the front but now she has, it seems unlikely that she will settle for the anonymity of the collective and her next visit may well be to a venue larger than the Town Hall. It was therefore a privilege to see her at this moment, the intimacy of a small venue but on the verge of something special. She sang, “We Can Fly”, perhaps she is about to.
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stuthebuffalo-blog · 7 years
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Stu of the Shattered Sun, Paladin of the Light, and Warrior of the Horde
Stu is a Tauren Paladin and serves the Horde under the leadership of Sylvannas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen. Stu has served the Horde and the Light since the Horde invasion of Pandaria years ago. He grew interested in the stories of the Pandaren people and learned about their history personally from Lorewalker Cho along with the other members of the Horde and the Alliance.
Stu never understood the reasoning for the war between the Horde and the Alliance and questioned Garrosh Hellscream’s ability to lead the Horde into prosperity and received much criticism for it. One time, it got so bad he got into a near fatal battle with an Orc loyalist named Rortok the Defiled. This battle left Stu with a hideous scar on his face, which is why he wears a full head cover.
Stu has partaken in many battles including the Siege of Orgrimmar, the Battle for Highmaul, the Insurrection of the Blackrock Foundry, the Invasion of Hellfire Citadel, the Redemption of the Emerald Dream, and the Liberation of Suramar. Throughout these battles, Stu has grown stronger and stronger with the Light and has become one of the most powerful Paladins the Horde has to offer.
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incinerated · 10 months
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incinerated · 5 months
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