i9messi · 1 year
hiiii 🩵 could i request a mason imagine where he’s dating the daughter of messi??? and let’s say that leo has invited him over at their house for a vacation but little ciro is really close with reader so he gets a little jealous :’)) all fluff please tysm i love ur imagines 🥺
Summer trip — Mason Mount
Word count — 1,3k
mason’s masterlist
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"Vamos, Ciro, sonreí un poco." (Come on, Ciro, smile a little.)
Your brother however continued with that angry face, no smile appeared on his lips. The thing was, you had a boyfriend, a lovely boyfriend. Mason and you had been dating for a while now, your family already knew him and they liked each other. This summer was the first time you decided to go on vacation together but your younger brother hated the idea. Ciro was overprotective over you, you were his older sister and he didn’t like your boyfriend’s presence there.
Ever since your boyfriend showed up with his travel bags, he was even more childish and angry. Ciro made mean comments in spanish and even reproached you for bringing Mason on a family trip.
Your boyfriend appeared with a glass full of cold water and you thanked him, giving him a short kiss on the lips. He was so cute you could kiss him every single damn minute, but your family was there too, so you had to be more private with your affection.
"I love you." He kissed you again and then he looked at the child, smiling at him.
"Que asco." (How disgusting) Ciro complained, knowing that Mason couldn't understand him.
"No seas malo." (Don’t be mean.)
"What’s wrong?" Mason tried to understand what you were saying but his level of Spanish was not good.
"¿Cuándo se va a ir?" (When is he leaving?) Your brother kept asking the same question.
"Ciro! Es mi novio y tenes que tolerarlo por el resto del viaje." (He’s my boyfriend and you have to tolerate him for the rest of the trip.)
"¿Quién lo dice?" (Who says it?)
"Yo." (Me)
Ciro got up from his chair and gave you one last look, until he went to play football with his brothers. You let out a sigh, your brother was making it hard to stay calm during your trip. You loved him, but you just wanted your boyfriend and your brother to get along for a few hours.
"What's wrong, lovely?"
You took the chance of the fact that your brother left you alone and you told him what was going on. Once you explained Ciro was jealous, Mason laughed.
"Oh, everything makes sense now."
"This morning I poured myself a glass of water and it was very salty, your little brother was smiling weirdly at me. Also, I can’t find my shoes anywhere and I think my toothbrush has a weird taste— like, a taste of soap. I think perhaps someone is doing things to upset me."
"Oh lord."
"It’s fine, he’s your brother and it’s okay that he wants to protect you, he sees me as a treat."
"You're not a treat, Mase."
"Well, I'm stealing his favourite girl. I get it, if someone stole you from me, I would be mad."
You smiled, Mason knew how to make you feel things in your chest. In a second you were mad at your little brother and now you were smiling at what your boyfriend said.
"But I love you, he has to get used to your presence."
"I take the consequences of falling in love with you. I don’t care if the little Messi tries to kill me, I’m gonna stay by your side."
"Will you? Are you sure? My brother can be very stubborn when he wants to."
Mason laughed again at your drama. Little did you know that your brother never gave up.
"I can also be very stubborn when I want to, and I love you, so that little boy has to get used to my presence."
"Good luck trying to fight with my brother, he will win."
You were totally sure that your brother was able to piss off even the quietest person in the world, your brother might look cute and all, but he was a devil.
"Fight? Who says I'm gonna fight with him? That kid will love me."
You both got up from the chair to go back to the water, your dad was taking care of your brothers as your mom was taking pictures of them at the beach. Your dad was Lionel Messi, Mason admired him and he was like a little boy when he met him the very first time. It still seemed a little unreal that he had fallen in love with the daughter of his greatest idol.
You went into the water for a while with your surfboards, Mason didn’t know how to surf so you had to explain a little and help him. It was too much fun, so much so that you didn’t realize how long it had taken you. The sunset had arrived and when you came out of the water, your parents and brothers had already left the beach.
"Babe, have you seen my towel? I swear I left it here."
"Oh no."
"Your brother."
You both came to the same conclusion. Ciro must have taken Mason’s towel to piss him off. The british made a pot and you offered him your towel. He took it and put it on his shoulders, then extended his arms to you.
"Come here, we’ll dry together."
Mason left you a kiss on your lips and you looked into his eyes. It was a little cold now that you were wet and it was getting dark, but his hot arms made you feel better. As you were alone, you allowed ourselves to show your love. With the kids around, you and Mason tried to not show signs of affection around them.
"I love you, darling."
Mason was so sweet, he made your heart beat as if you were on a roller coaster. He was so attentive and affectionate that every day you fell more in love.
"I know this trip may seem a little weird and my brother is trying to make your life miserable, but I really enjoy being here with you, Mase."
"I enjoy being here with you, love. I don’t want to be anywhere else, you’re my home."
"And you're my everything."
You and Mason had a good time on the beach, kissing and holding hands. There were plenty of beautiful seashells in the sand. Once it was late enough, you returned home and put on dry clothes. You went to the living room and found Ciro looking at Mason with a malevolent smile. Your brother returned the gaze at your boyfriend and with his best attempt at spanish, he spoke with the boy.
"¿Quieres jugar un juego?" (Do you want to play a game?)
Ciro looked at you first and then looked at him. A naughty smile intensified in his mouth.
"Voy a ganar." (I’m gonna win)
"Let's see."
Mason sat next to your brother and the two started playing FIFA. You saw them, not before telling them both to behave, as if they were kids. Your dad was sitting in an armchair a few feet away, so you came over and stood beside him.
"¿Crees que algún día se van a llevar bien?" (Do you think they’ll ever get along?)
"Miralos, parecen empezar a llevarse bien." (Look at them, they seem to be getting along.)
You followed his gaze, your brother was laughing at something Mason said. When Mason looked at you again, he winked at you. His lips whispered a ‘trust me.’
Later on, the game was won by your brother and Mason made a pot, sitting next to you.
"He is good."
"He is."
"Little by little I'll make your brother love me, it's impossible to not love me."
"You’re a bit smug."
"Don’t ya love me?"
Truth was, you really love him. And he knew it.
"I do."
"Now I need to make another Messi to love me. It was incredibly hard to catch your attention, I hope he's easier."
Mason was already thinking of all the ways he could make your brother feel comfortable with him. He made a mental list of what they had in common with the little boy, in order to try to find a connection between the two.
"I love you, princess."
He kissed you and again, Ciro appeared to make a disgusting gesture.
"Que asco." (How disgusting.)
Mason little did he know that your brother was going to play another prank on him that night. After all, the Messis never gave up.
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
sorry to post so much everyone, promise i will resume to writing fic only like, once every three months after this lol
“That is a very nice watch, Max.”
It’s Victoria who is the first to notice it, the two of them sat out on his and Daniel’s balcony, the August evening warm. Between them are two empty bottles of wine and a quarter full bottle of gin. Inside, her babies are sleeping on the pull out beds, and Daniel has taken Tom into their ‘hobby room’, where Max’s sim lives also, to show him the newest addition to his camera collection. Apparently the one Tom had been using to document their children as they grow died a smoky death last week, losing all the photos of baby Lio in the process.
“Daniel got it for me,” is all he says, glancing down at his wrist.
It’s Tag Heuer of course, because Max has to wear those kind with the sponsorship rules, but this one is much nicer than the big flashy ones he usually gets for free. More you, Maxy, Daniel had explained nervously when Max opened the box to see it for the first time. A classic, smooth black leather strap instead of the usual shiny silver metal, the face a little smaller, round. In the middle, where the two hands of the clock meet, a tiny little diamond that you can only see if you look close enough, like a secret. The real secret is, of course, the inscription on the back, the engraved cursive words, for my world champion.
It’s so lovely. Max hates it a little bit.
Victoria lets out a laugh that bounces loudly through the too-still night air.
“Oh no,” she says, voice teasing. “You do not like it?” When he looks up from where he’s been staring at it, her eyebrows are raised.
Max has had maybe a little too much to drink, if he’s letting his complicated feeling about the watch show on his face, but it is the summer break of course, so it’s okay, and this is his sister. Maybe he can tell her what he is sometimes too afraid to think about on his own.
“I like it,” he insists, “but-“
“Max it is okay,” she says with another laugh, her cheeks bright pink from the wine she has drunk. She says it like she is trying to help him by telling him how he feels. “Sometimes they do not always get these things right, yes? The nice thing is that they try.”
But that isn’t it. This isn’t like the time Tom brought Victoria a pair of shoes for her birthday and she had telephoned Max to ask unhappily, “do I look like the type of person who would wear Michael Kors,” like Max was supposed to know who that was. Daniel is good at presents. He is very good at making Max happy.
“I do like it,” he tries again, a little defensive now on Daniel’s behalf. His words slur together a little, and without realising it, he’s switched back to Dutch. “It is lovely, I- It even has something written just for me on the other side, so of course it is special, I just- I thought-“
He thinks back to that night, two weeks ago now, the first of summer break that they got to be alone together. The first of their break, five nights to spend in some outrageously flashy Ibiza villa that Daniel booked, 120 hours stretching out in front of them, almost too sweet like toffee.
By the pool, laughing together, as they twirled pasta around their forks. Daniel had made it for Max, one of his ‘sabbatical projects’, to get better at cooking. That way you can hire me as your chef Maxy, if I don’t get a seat, yeah? It was so nice because the rich tomato sauce almost tasted the same as Max’s favourite kind of soup, and when Max had told Daniel that his face had gone all soft the way Max loved to see it, like he’d said all the right words in the right order.
“I’ve got something for you actually,” Daniel had said then, and he’d leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of Max’s mouth before getting from his chair to go and get his present.
When he’d come back with a black box and a shy, nervous smile on his face, Max’s heart had fluttered like there was a bird inside his chest, beating it’s wings against his ribcage. Daniel wanted to-
But then it had been a watch.
Looking at Victoria now, he can feel the wonky line his attempt of a smile makes of his mouth.
“For a moment, when he gave it to me,” he explains, thumbing over the smooth glass of the watch face, “I thought it was- I thought, maybe, a different kind of jewelry.”
It takes a few seconds for realisation to spread across his sisters features, but when it does it doesn’t make him feel any better the way he’d hoped it would to share this.
“Oh Max,” she says, reaching for his hand across the table, and he wants to recoil at her pity, “I did not- I did not even know that was something you wanted.”
Which to Max, seems like a silly thing to say, because of course it’s what he wants. He and Daniel have been together for so many years now, why would he not? It’s what you do when you love each other and want to be together always. He’d thought, maybe, now Daniel was happy again and not racing, but-
“Maybe it is not what Daniel wants,” he says with a shrug, but just saying the words out loud make his eyes sting and his throat ache. He is probably just too drunk for this conversation.
Victoria hums, like she is thinking. Over the balcony, Max can see the shimmer of the moon bouncing off the sea. His face feels so hot suddenly, like he is melting, and he imagines diving into the cool water.
“Have you two ever spoken about this?” Victoria asks, and Max just shakes his head, not looking at her. “Then how can- How can you know he does not want to? Why- You could always ask him too, you know.”
She’s right, of course. It’s just- Max doesn’t know how to explain it. That he wants it to be simple, for Daniel to want Max so much that he can’t stand to not ask him. That Max is afraid if he is the one to ask, Daniel will say yes just because he wants to give Max what he wants, and not because he wants Max.
Behind him, he hears laughter, the sound of footsteps, and Victoria’s face looks up, worried, to the sliding glass door behind him. It opens. Max wipes his eyes quickly, feeling even more foolish than before as Daniel runs a hand through his hair, presses his cheek into the top of his head, just as drunk as the rest of them and asks, “what are you two gossiping about then?”
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lgbtqreads · 12 days
Hi! I would love to hear some of your all time favourties :)
Okay, but as long as we acknowledge it’s just some. I always accidentally leave out huge favorites! (All links are to Bookshop, except where they don’t carry said book, because may as well treat yourself and support LGBTQReads and independent bookstores at the same time, right?)
YA Thriller: 
Female protag: Sadie by Courtney Summers
Male protag: Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig
Contemporary YA Romance
m/m: Beating Heart Baby by Lio Min 
f/f: She Gets the Girl by Alyson Derrick and Rachael Lippincott
m/f: Hot Dog Girl by Jennifer Dugan
Heavier contemporary YA, all of which totally coincidentally have bi protags:
Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett
The Last True Poets of the Sea by Julia Drake
Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake 
Every Time You Hear That Song by Jenna Voris
History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera 
It Goes Like This by Miel Moreland (Please read it if you’re a fan of stuff like Daisy Jones and the Six, pleeeease)
Paranormal YA:  Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
YA Sci-fi: The Disasters by MK England
YA Fantasy:
Standalone: Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
Duology: The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski
Trilogy: Black Wings Beating by Alex London
YA Horror: The City Beautiful by Aden Polydoros
YA Magical Realism: Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore
YA Fabulism: This Rebel Heart by Katherine Locke
Historical YA: The above two titles and Self-Made Boys by Anna-Marie McLemore
YA Graphic Novels:
Male protag: Flamer by Mike Curato
Female protag: Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu (but truly, The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz is right behind it)
New Adult Romance:
m/m: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
f/f: Treasure by Rebekah Weatherspoon
m/f: Hold Me by Courtney Milan
Adult Contemporary Romance:
m/m: The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun
f/f:  Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner
m/f: The Intimacy Experiment by Rosie Danan
polyam: Triple Sec by TJ Alexander (f/f/gq)
Adult Historical Romance:
m/m: We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian
f/f: The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics by Olivia Waite
Adult Contemporary Fiction:
In at the Deep End by Kate Davies
The Guncle by Steven Rowley
Endpapers by Jennifer Savran Kelly
Body Grammar by Jules Ohman
Adult Mystery Series:
Contemporary: Roxane Weary by Kristen Lepionka
Historical: Evander Mills by Lev A.C. Rosen 
Adult Thriller: 
Male protag: Yes, Daddy by Jonathan Parks-Ramage
Female protag: Temper by Layne Fargo
Adult Horror: Tripping Arcadia by Kit Mayquist
Adult Science Fantasy: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (adult science fantasy)
Adult Fantasy: 
Standalone: The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean
Series: The Unspoken Name by AK Larkwood (please for the love of god at least try this if you’re a huge fan of Gideon already)
Adult Sci-Fi: This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
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ladylooch · 5 months
The Spiral [Lio Meier] - Part 4
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A/N: One more part after this! things are starting to turn around for our Lio 🤭
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: allergic reaction, lots of medical talk, angst, childhood trauma themes
ICYMI Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The morning after his concussion, Lio thinks it would have been better to have been crushed by a garbage truck. His head hurts so bad, worse than any hangover headache or migraine he’s had in his life. But worse than that is the fog that has settled into his brain. Details of last night are fuzzy- the game, Lucie, their conversation. He thinks things are better, but is worried about facing her this morning.
He rolls over to his back, tentatively opening his eyes. The world doesn’t swirl like it had been last night. But he feels like the front of his forehead is going to explode off from the pressure. Is that normal? Fuck.
Slowly, Lio adjusts his position to sit up. The smell of something baking hits his nose. He smiles. Lucie is still here. It takes awhile before Lio can get out of bed, changed, and hit the bathroom. By the time he is done with that, he feels like he could go back to sleep. Instead, he drags himself towards the kitchen. Lucie is at the stove, a large stack of pancakes to her left. As he gets closer, he can see the rainbow sprinkles poking out of the cakes.
“Lucie pancakes.” He chuckles, approaching her.
“They still hit even as an adult.” She shrugs.
“Doesn’t Stell think these are her creation?”
“Yeah because of her dad.” Lucie rolls her eyes. “Connor thinks she created everything, even though I made these all the time when I was pregnant with her.”
“So he thinks because she was there, she made them?”
“He thinks she created the craving for me, so it’s from her.” 
“Your mom could set that straight.”
“Mmm, I don’t think anyone can set that man straight about his sweet girl.” Lucie takes off two more pancakes. “Sit down and eat. You look awful.”
“Thanks.” Lio mumbles, resting his head delicately in his palm. He sets his elbow on the counter watching as Lucie slaps two pancakes on his plate. “Still hate syrup?”
“Yep.” Lio confirms, picking up his fork to cut into a pancake.
“I heard from Ben. He wanted you to check in when you got up.” Lio nods, grabbing his phone.
While he eats small bites, him and Ben talk about how Lio is feeling. Ben is concerned about the intensity of Lio’s headache. He wants him to go to the hospital for a CT scan. 
“Can you send a car? Lucie needs to go home to her family.” 
“No, I can take you.” She says, waving away his worries. “Con is taking Stell to the rink for practice. She is loving her mommy-free life right now.” Ben and Lio chat more. The team doctor is going to meet them at the hospital and they will know more after the imaging is processed.
Lucie and Lio finish breakfast, then head into Newark. Lucie waits while Lio is being scanned and afterwards while they wait for the radiologist to do a quick read. Everything looks good. Lio’s brain isn’t showing any damage, but he does have one hell of a concussion. The news is good. Lio feels like he can breathe and be more at peace with where he is at.
“You’re going to have to take it easy.” The doctor reminds him. “At least two weeks before you do any exercise.” Lio agrees. He can’t imagine getting on the ice right now with how shitty he feels.
“Is it okay if I drop you off and head out?” Lucie asks Lio when they are back in the car. “Connor is going to the Children’s Hospital to see some of his kiddos. I need to get home before he leaves again.” 
“Yeah, I will be fine. Thank you for staying with me. And.. um tell Connor thanks too. I appreciate it. Know he isn’t my biggest fan.”
Lucie drops Lio in front of his building, then heads back towards her city. Lio’s doorman greets him warmly, opening the big door for him.
“Thanks, Charlie.” 
“Tough one last night, Mr. Meier.”
“Hey, boys pulled out the win tho.” Lio waves as he walks through.
“Your mama is waiting for you in your apartment. She was mighty frazzled this morning.” Lio stops in his tracks. There are two people who have unlimited access to his apartment besides him. One just dropped him off. The other lives in Switzerland. 
“Ah, thanks. Moms…” Lio trails off with a shrug. 
Lio seriously contemplates sprinting out of his building. Doctor’s orders be damned. The only woman to ever love him unconditionally is upstairs and he is not ready to face her. Not ready to see her after the horrible things he said to her. Not ready to face his own shame and self-hatred. It’s why he left Switzerland without seeing her even after telling his dad he wouldn’t do that. He doesn’t deserve her or her love. 
But she is here. Already. He knows how many hoops she must have jumped through to get to him. He senses his dad’s involvement as well. The strings Timo Meier would have pulled for her are unlimited. So Lio Meier gets into the elevator and rises the 6 floors to his awaiting fate. Outside his apartment door, he takes a deep breath, then puts his key in the lock. He pushes the door open, not seeing her on the couch like he expected. 
“Mama?” He calls into the apartment. 
“Lee?” He hears her call from deep inside. She comes rushing out of his room. With zero hesitation, she grabs him and wraps him into her body for a hug. “Oh” She sighs, holding his head against hers. She sucks in a deep breath then lets out a relieved sigh at having him close to her. “Are you okay?” Her brown eyes are deeply pained. Lio closes his eyes, unable to see more. 
“Um, well, I guess but also no. What are you doing?”
“Your laundry.”
“Of course.” He chuckles, shaking his head. He has been grown for awhile, but she still insists on taking care of him. It makes Lio less worried for whatever is to come.
“Well, I was very anxious waiting for you. I had to do something.” She insists, waving a hand in front of her face. “Now, go sit down. I have lemon water, hot oatmeal and toast ready for you.” She gently guides him forward. “And vitamins. You need extra nutrients to get better.”
“Mama.” Lio sighs when she turns to head back to the kitchen. He feels like such a piece of shit with how she is jumping right in to take care of him. The undeserving suffocates him, tightening his throat until he struggles to breathe. “Don’t do this.” He finally chokes out. “Don’t double down and love me harder right now.”
“Lee.” Emma comes back to him, putting her hands on his cheeks. She kisses his forehead, right over where his head aches so badly. “I am never going to stop loving you hard or taking care of you. I’m your mother.” She runs her fingers through his hair, then moves back into the kitchen. His blue eyes follow her.
“Is dad here?”
“Yes, of course. Boys are with Uncle Neeks and Auntie Lex, but Livy is coming this weekend.”
“You both didn’t have to come and Liv needs to stay in California. She has school.”
“Mmm, but we did.” Emma looks over her shoulder at him. “We needed to see that you were going to be okay.”
“Dad isn’t here now?” Lio looks down the hall towards his bedroom.
“No, we felt like it’s you and I that need to talk. Not the three of us.” Lio looks away. “Don’t be mad at daddy. It was me. He didn’t want to do it.” Lio’s blue eyes find her again in the kitchen.
“You don’t get to tell me to not be mad at him.” He whispers.
“Probably not. But I love your dad very much and if I can save him from your wrath, I want to.” 
Lio goes to the couch, sitting down, laying his head back on the top. He is exhausted from his morning. He feels the air of his mom coming around the couch. She puts her hand on his forehead, smoothing the wrinkle of distress there. 
“What’s the news?”
“Concussion.” Lio mumbles. 
“Is your brain okay?”
“Yes.” Emma sighs in obvious relief. Her hand drops to his shoulder. She strokes her hand there, quietly contemplating where to go next. When Lio opens his eyes, she begins.
“Lio, daddy and I love you more than I even know how to say. I never thought I would have to find words to express how much and I’m deeply sorry that you’ve been so hurt.” She sighs, running her hand through her hair, then looking out the floor to ceiling windows to the city. His apartment is only a few blocks from where her and Timo lived when she was pregnant with Lio. That feels like so long ago, but she tries to go back to who she was then to give Lio more insight into their life.
“I was the one who wanted to fudge your story. I know daddy told you that this summer, but he doesn’t know all of the things that went into that. You and I had experiences when you were a baby that made me feel very protective of you. People judged. They were horrible and social media made our life so accessible, even as Daddy and I tried to hide you. But this was never because we were ashamed or didn’t love you.” Disgust and substantial disagreement scrunches Emma’s nose. “It was the exact opposite.” Emma puts her hands on her cheeks for a moment, then continues.
“When you were 10 months old, the Devils were playing in the Eastern Conference finals. Daddy was hurt. He was playing through it as he always does, so he wasn’t performing very well. People were upset.” Lio watches his mom become increasingly uncomfortable. “You and I were out at a store after the Devils went down in the series. There was an incident in public where someone came up to you, a little baby, and called you that name…” Emma closes her eyes. “They went on to literally blamed the entire playoff situation on the fact that you were born out of wedlock. Daddy’s play as well. We were being punished for our sin of having you.”
Lio can see how much this still hurts his mom decades later.
“I’m sorry, mom.” He says sincerely. 
“That person got to me.” Emma shakes her head. “I felt you deserved a better story. A more picture perfect story because of how much joy and purpose you brought to our lives. I..” She sighs. “I felt like we ruined your childhood before it had even really begun. I tried to fix it the way I knew how. Instead I hurt you.” 
“But Lio, please know, I have loved you since the moment I knew of you even when I was crying on a bathroom floor. I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to figure it out for you. When I got up off that tile, whatever decision daddy wanted wasn’t going to shake my decision. You were coming because I wanted you. It would be me and you against the world.” Emma stops, looking at him, then she chuckles. “But daddy wasn’t going anywhere. He was all in. He loved us so much. You’ve seen the videos from when I was pregnant with you. Nothing about that was forced.”
Lio remembers the one of his dad laughing hard as a three week old Lio tried to latch onto Timo’s big chest. The pictures of him on the ice at The Rock for the first time in skates that looked massive on his feet. Tons of videos of Lio and Timo napping together the year of the Devils first cup run. He looks across his apartment at a picture of his parents and him with the cup. It was only Lio and them at that time. Well, his mom was pregnant with Livy, but they barely knew that. Although the most difficult to win trophy in sports is right there, his dad’s hands are on a young Lio, engulfing him and his mom in his sweaty equipment.
“It felt like a lie.” Lio hears himself say. He gestures to the picture. Emma follows his gaze. “Like it looked like that. But then you and dad would make a comment about wanting me so bad you couldn’t wait and my whole life felt like a lie.” Emma swallows hard, nodding.
“I see that now, Lee. I’m very sorry. But that was real. That was our life, baby.” She reaches for his hand.
“It hurt me.” He whispers. Emma winces, then runs her hand up his arm to squeeze his shoulder.
“I know. I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me.” Emma purses her lips together, then looks at Lio with tears in her eyes. She brushes her thumb over the hairs behind his ear. “So loved. So wanted. Never a mistake.” Lio nods, then reaches to hug her. They hold one another tightly. 
“Love you, mama.” Lio inhales heavily. “I can see how you wanted to protect me.” 
“I love you, Lee. So much sweet boy.” When they pull apart, Emma stands to grab Lio more water, then comes back to the couch.
“She wasn’t even pregnant.” Lio confesses. “False positive.” 
“Oh.” Emma blinks. This is the first time she is hearing this. “How does that make you feel?”
“Relieved.” Lio answers honestly. “More than any of the other reasons I said this summer… I just don’t want kids, mama.”  Emma nods. She has suspected so for awhile. 
“It’s your life. You get to decide. But you need to be more careful because at some point, it becomes not your choice.” 
“Kay, pot.” Lio jokes with a light-hearted smirk. Emma tisks, chuckling and smacking Lio’s leg.
“Don’t slut shame your mother. You didn’t see how good James Bond looked that night.”
- - -
A brisk and skin drying wind has picked up on the East coast in the middle of November. Old man winter is roaring its way to the East coast with a winter storm warning in effect beginning tomorrow. With the impending weather, things are sure to get dicey in the booming metropolis of New York City. Despite the lingering effects of his concussion agitating him today, Lio is currently being dragged from room to room in the Bubble Planet by Stella Wood.
“This way! This way!” She yells, struggling to pull his heavy weight with her little body.
“Stell, I’m coming. Just chill.” He laughs.
“She doesn’t know that word. She’s three.” Lucie jokes back to him. 
They weave through room after room, each one more exciting than the last. Stella is having the time of her life, especially when she is on Lio’s shoulders, getting to touch the bubbles falling from the ceiling.
“Mama, this is the best day! I wish daddy could come!” Lucie and Lio avoid looking at each other, just like they avoid the giant elephant that is Connor Wood between them.
Although Lucie and Connor have discussed more about what happened this summer, he is not ready to move on. It got particularly heated when Lucie asked if Stella could see Lio. Connor questioned Lucie’s motives, worried about the implications and confusion Stella would have about Connor not being there. These were fair and valid points, but her inquisitiveness hurt less than her tears about missing Lio.
“Baby, you do what you need to do, but I’m not interested in spending time with him or fixing this. I’ve made concessions along the way. This is where I am at. Stell stays here with me.” 
Lucie respected that. She dropped it completely. But suddenly the next morning, Connor had given her quiet permission for her to bring Stella to breakfast with Lio. That was a month ago. Connor heads to the rink on days when his girls are meeting up with Lio, always having an excuse about training or treatment or nutrition. Lucie kisses him extra hard on those days, wanting him to know she loves him deeply and understands so much of this is difficult for them.
Now, as she watches Stella up on Lio’s shoulders, all she can fathom is the immense hole Connor’s absence brings. 
“Baby, are you getting hungry?” Lucie asks her daughter as they bop out onto the New York avenue.
“What do you want?”
“Mac and cheese!”
“You had that for dinner last night.” Lucie laughs.
“She is a good Swiss girl!” Lio nods approvingly. 
“Her favorite is Kraft.” Lucie points out.
“We’ll work on it. She’s three, ya know.” He jostles Lucie’s shoulder, then immediately regrets it at the way the world swirls upright for a minute. “Oof.” He rubs at his temples.
“Careful, Lee. No setbacks.” Lucie cautions, gripping his shoulder.
The three of them head a few blocks down to a diner, settling into a red booth with huge, plastic menus and a coloring page for Stella. Lio sits on her side of the booth, taking turns coloring a troll in a field of daisy. 
“Not pink!” Stella scrunches her nose, pushing Lio’s hand away.
“What? You said I could pick any color.”
“Yeah, any one but pink.”
“You love pink?”
“When I was two.”
Lucie and Lio both snort, attempting to pursue their lips to keep their laughter in. Stella Wood is an absolute hoot. 
“Can I share a milkshake with you?” Lucia asks Lio.
“I was gonna share with Stell.” 
“Oh, I see how it is.” She raises her eyebrows then looks away with a smirk at her menu. She decides on a simple Strawberry shake. “Stell, do you want to share with uncle Lee?”
“Which flavor?”
“Reese’s! His favorite!” 
“No, you can’t have those, baby. You’re allergic to peanuts.”
“No peanuts in there?”
“Yes, there is peanut butter.” Lucie calmly reminds her.
“Sorry, Uncle Lee. I get sick.” She pats her little pot belly. 
“It’s okay. I was thinking chocolate.”
“Oh yes.” The little girl sighs happily.
The waitress comes and takes their orders. The adults grab cheeseburgers with fries while Stella happily exclaims she needs Mac and Cheese. The waitress practically swoons out of her Keds at how sweetly Stella thanks her for going to get their food. More coloring is done and a quick few games of hangman using three letter words like cat and dog and hat. Stella is getting so good at her ABCs. The milkshakes come out first. Stella watches in awe as the shake is split between two cups for her and her uncle.
“You gonna be able to finish that?” Lio asks. 
“Mhm.” Stella nods enthusiastically. With one hand she grabs the glass while the other helps her balance on the table top. She sucks up the milkshake quickly, then sputters, coughing. 
“Oh, that was a big sip. It’s cold, huh?” Lucie chuckles, handing Stella her water glass. She holds it up to the little girl’s lips for a sip.
“Ah!” She exclaims. “Mmmm.” She sucks up more of the thick liquid. Lio and Lucie chuckle, watching Stella enjoy her ice cream. Lio leans back farther in the booth, looking across the table at his cousin.
“I’ve had so much fun with you today. I missed this.”
“Me too.” Lucie murmur. Stella coughs again, loudly, then seems to gag. Stella sits up straighter, looking Lucie in the eyes with wide orbs. “Are you okay, baby?” Lucie straightens. Lio sits up as well, reaching out for Stella. She makes a wheezing noise, then sticks her tongue out. 
“Oh my god. Stell?” Lucie covers her mouth, watching a red, angry rash begin to form on Stella’s face. Lio grabs Stella as she begins to sway backward.
“She is very warm.”
“What is going on?” Lucie whispers, she looks around the table then she smells it, the faintest whiff of peanut butter coming from the ice cream in the glass Stella was drinking. “Oh my god. Peanut butter.” She reaches for her purse, fumbling around. “Um.. ohmygod.”
“Do you have an Epipen?”
“Um.” She nods vigorously, beginning to pant herself. Her stomach tightens, fear dashes down her spine. She rips her hands through the contents of her purse, looking for the injection she always carries with her since the first reaction Stella had a few months ago in Switzerland. But it wasn’t like this. It was nothing close to this. 
“Luc, come on.” Lio calls to his cousin, picking up Stella into his arms. “You’re okay, baby. It’s okay!” He tries for a cheery voice as Stella being to sob. “Luc, dump the purse out.” Lucie picks the bag up, emptying it from the handles. Lio sees the EpiPen immediately, tossing the cap off hastily. He does the injection, pausing to watch Stella’s reaction. Her wheezing gets tighter, but she can no longer speak to him or even cry. Lio’s heart is racing in his chest as he watches her struggle.
“Do you have another one?”
“No! It’s with Connor at home.” She shakes her head frantically. “Oh my god. Someone call an ambulance!” Lucie sobs out to the restaurant. In the haste of dumping her purse out, her phone fell underneath the booth. But she is frozen in paralysis. She can’t move. She can’t breathe. She is forced to watch her baby struggle.
Adrenaline takes over Lio like he was injected with the epinephrine. He calculates out where they are in the city, the amount of time it will take for an ambulance to get there and he knows Stella’s chances of making it are slim with how much she is struggling even after her first injection. He has seen this before with a kid in school when they still lived in Jersey. 
“There isn’t time for the ambulance. I’m taking her to Children’s.” The hospital is at the end of the three blocks they walked from Bubble Planet, close to Lucie’s car. Lio secures Stella to his chest and begins to run from the restaurant. He leaves Lucie at the table to scramble her things back into her bag. He runs as fast as his body will go. Stella jostles against his shoulder, going limper and limper and Lio quite literally races against time. 
“You’re going to be okay, Stell. it’s going to be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He promises the little girl in his arms. 
Tears blur his vision. His concussion rears it’s ugly head, pulsing against his temples and making the sidewalk shift with his blurred vision. He can’t let that stop him. Stella needs him. He pushes his injured and weak body to go harder the next block, dodging pedestrians and cabs in walk ways and dogs on leashes. He hits the emergency entrance of the hospital, screaming for help. 
“Help! Please! My nieces is going into shock! She was exposed to peanuts!” Nurses swarm him, snatching Stell immediately and taking over. 
“Did you give her Epinephrine?”
“How was she exposed?”
“Is this her first exposure?”
Lio answers the questions as best he can. Yes, ingested and no. He looks over his shoulder, wondering when he can expect to see Lucie. But then they are taking Stella away on her bed. Another nurse holds him back as they rush down the hall with her. 
“Sir, I need you to wait in the lobby.”
She is right. He needs to wait for Lucie anyway. But that doesn’t make it easier to turn around. He heads to the doors he just sprinted through, avoiding the gazes of curious onlookers. He walks outside into the cold air. His chest tightens immediately and he turns to the side, looking for something he can vomit into. But then he sees Lucie Wood, rushing down the sidewalk, clutching her purse to her chest, sobbing so loud he can hear every inhale and exhale of her shaking body.
“Luc, they’ve got her.” Lio calls to her. He opens his arms up and Lucie collapses into his body. His shirt is immediately wet from her face. Large hiccups shudder her frame against him. He squeezes her tight, smoothing her hair down. “It’s going to be okay.” Lio whispers to her, hoping that maybe if they chant that together, it will make it real.
Several minutes pass. Lucie continues to sob into Lio’s body, even after he moves her inside to get out of the wind. The doctors come out looking for him, finding him and Lucie together. Stella is stable. They can go see her, but she will need to stay for several hours for monitoring as they had to give her two more injections. Lucie heads right into her daughter’s room, curling up with the little girl who looks drugged and exhausted in the center.
“Mama is here. You’re okay.” She cries to her daughter. Stella is upset and shaken from the ordeal. She clings to Lucie like a monkey, balling her shirt up in her little fists. 
“LuLu, do you want me to call Connor?”
“Yes.” Lucie whispers, barely able to get the word out of her shaking lips. She reaches into the back pocket of her jeans, handing her phone to him. “If you call he won’t answer.” She says simply. Lio tries to brush that off like it doesn’t hurt, but it stings as bad as the wind biting his cheeks during his sprint to the hospital. 
Lio takes a deep breath, then clicks on Connor’s contact. His heart is pounding in his chest like he’s about to take a face-off in the final minute of a trailing game. He licks his lips, leaning agains the wall, waiting on the call to connect.
“Hey baby! I’m just about to leave.”
“Ah.” Lio coughs. “Hey, it’s Lio.”
“Where is Lucie?” A definite snap tightens the words through the line. 
“She’s with Stella. She asked me to call you and tell you what is going on.”
“What? Are they okay? What..” 
“Lucie is okay.” Lio starts.
“Stell? Whats wrong with her!?” Connor’s voice is beginning to escalate. “What did you do, Lio?” Connor snaps. Lio closes his eyes. 
“I didn’t do anything. It was a mistake at the restaurant.”
“Fuck!” Connor yells. “Where are you?”
“At Children’s hospital off 34th.”
“You have to tell me what happened, Lio.”
“I’m trying to, but you’re not letting me get much out here, man.” Connor sighs. Lio takes his silence as compliance. “We were out grabbing lunch and she had an allergic reaction and we had to bring her to the hospital. Her Epipen wasn’t enough.”
“Fuck, I have the second one. We usually have the two together, but Lucie and I had plans the other night and…” Connor’s voice is distraught.
“It happens. But you should get down here. They need you.”
“I’m on my way.” 
Lio removes the phone from his ear, looking at the lock screen of Lucie, Connor and Stella. Lio took that photo of them this summer in Switzerland, before everything happened. He sighs heavily, then comes back into the room.
“Connor is coming.” Lio assures Lucie. She doesn’t take her crying eyes off the little girl in her arms. She sniffs and nods in acknowledgement, continuing to touch her daughter’s face soothingly. Lio can’t tell if it’s for Stella or Lucie.
Connor Wood arrives thirty minutes later with squeaking sneakers on the tile floor of the hospital hallway. Lucie and Stella are dozing in an overwhelmed sleep. Lio sits in the chair next to them with one hand on Stella, rubbing her arm. Lucie’s hand clings to his wrist, needing comfort in one of the worst moments of her life. 
“I’m a terrible mom.” She had told Lio tearfully.
“You’re not. It was scary.” 
“What if you weren’t there?”
“It doesn’t matter. I was.”
“Luc! Stell!” Connor rushes into the room then locks in on Lio. He shifts his worried eyes to the bed, seeing Lucie and Stella curled together. His lips pull into a deep frown, then his eyes seemingly dim when he takes in Lio in the place he should be.
“They’re resting, Lucie is pretty upset.” Lio says as he slowly works his wrist out of Lucie’s grasp. “I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to see me. I’ll leave now, I just didn’t want to leave the girls alone before you got here.”
“What happened?” Connor asks. Lio can see the way his chest rapidly raises and falls beneath the Rangers logo on his chest.
“Stella somehow got a peanut butter shake at the diner. Wrong order. She had some and started having a severe reaction.” Connor’s face gets ghostly pale. He puts his hand on his head over his blue hat, waiting for more. “Um, Luc, She… she panicked. It was all scary. Truly awful. But I gave Stell the injection, but it didn’t do enough. She became mostly unresponsive.” Connor closes his eyes, bringing his hands to his face in anguish. “There wasn’t time to wait for help, so I grabbed Stella and ran here with her.” 
“You ran?”
“Yeah. Stell didn’t have time.” Lio reiterates. If he is mad at Lio for that, then so be it. Maybe it was reckless, but Lio had to make a judgement call and Stell is going to be okay because of it. Connor stares at Lio. Then suddenly he steps forward around the bed. Lio stands up taller, preparing for anything. Connor wraps an arm around Lio’s shoulders to bring him into his body. Lio brings his hands up, clasping Connor’s back as they share a deep, sincere hug. 
“Thank you.” Connor whispers, tears coating his voice. Lio squeezes Connor tighter, not wanting to let go of his best friend. Suddenly, it hits Lio. How close they were to losing Stell. How dire she had looked when he ran through the doors of the ER. How Lucie had every right to be that terrified at the table. It had been bad. Horrible. Worst case scenario. 
Lio can’t help it. He begins to sob. Everything that has happened the last few months weeps out of him. From losing Savannah, to screaming at his parents, to only having his little sister, to losing the three people in this room with him. His concussion… almost losing Stella on that New York street.
“It’s okay, Lee. She’s going to be okay.” Connor puts his hand on Lio’s head. “You saved our girl.” Lio nods, shuddering as he pulls away. Both men wipe their faces with their hands, then look over to the two girls laying in the bed. Stella has a sleepy grin on her face, watching them.
“Daddy!” She giggles, reaching out to him, flexing and unflexing her fingers for him to come closer.
“Hi baby.” Connor smiles brightly, leaning down to kiss her cheeks. “Can I lay with you and mama?” 
“Yeah.” Stella yawns as she says the word. 
“Sleepy.” Connor chuckles, kissing her again. He curls her and Lucie into his body, trying to be careful not to wake his wife. Lucie jolts up at the feeling of his hands on her. “Me, Luc. It’s me.” She visibly relaxes when she sees her husband. “I’m here.” He brushes her cheek with his thumb. 
Lio watches from the end of the bed, then anxiously rubs at his forehead. He clears his throat, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“Um, well I’ll head out so you all can be together.”
“No, don’t go.” Lucie shakes her head. 
“It’s okay, Luc. I’ll see you later.” 
“You should stay with us.” Connor says softly. “We want you here.” The insinuation of the we has the corners of Lio’s mouth sliding up.
Lio makes his way back to the chair by the bedside, sitting down in it. Him and Connor share a look of understanding. Lucie trails her nails along Stella’s back as another big yawn stretches her little mouth. 
“Uncle Lee?” Stella murmurs.
“You gonna be here when I wake up?”
“Yeah, Stell.” He sighs. “I’ll be right here.”
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flwersgarden · 2 years
ˏ୭̥ ilomilo 𔖩ܻ⃯۫࣪꙳ ᡃ.
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pairings : yandere!austin!elvis presley x female reader.
summary : elvis realizes having you is not going to be as easy as he thought it would be so he has to take dramatic measures.
includes : yandere themes (obsessive behavior, delusional thoughts, use of power status as a form of manipulation).
author's note : IM SO EXCITED OMG seeing how ppl liked it made me feel so happy since it was my first time writing elvis and bleh, just a bunch of corny stuff i'll keep for later. oh! by the way, if you want to be part of this series taglist, pls let me know! you can comment or send me an ask and i'll add you<3 okay, here y'all have part 3!!
part one. part two. part four. part five.
remember!! i don’t condone this type of behavior in real life, this is purely fictional. pls let me know if warnings need to be updated or added.
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“ what ya' think, baby? ”
you blinked, waking up from your usual daydream moment to look at elvis; who was up in a stage, crouching down, while the colonel was in front of him looking at you with that usual mean look he had whenever elvis asked for your opinion (which was always).
you looked around, watching the size of the stage, and when you were about to speak, the colonel beat you to it.
“ oh! and for you, my dear. ” he pointed at you, walking to a part of the audience seats, one where it looked fancy. “ the best seat in the house. ”
elvis chuckled, standing up in the middle of the stage, while you just rolled your eyes when you knew neither of them were looking at you.
“ what she deserves. ” the colonel mutters.
elvis looked at you, again, looking for your approval.
“ it sounds good. ” you softly said, giving a smile just so elvis doesn't question you later.
the colonel laughed happily.
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you and elvis were in the suite that the hotel, so kindly, gave you.
doubt was clouding your mind, as always, while you removed your makeup for the night. your eyes catching the sight of some bottle pills next to your bag of makeup.
“ honey, you comin'? ” elvis asked from outside the bathroom door, knocking once.
“ yeah! ” you answered, throwing the used paper full of your makeup to the trash, turning off the lights. getting out of the bathroom, closing the door behind you, watching elvis sitting on the bed with a smile.
“ y' look beautiful. ” he softly said, patting the side next to him.
as you got comfortable under the covers, elvis looked at you, turning off some lights, leaving just the curtains open with the city lights slightly brightening up the room.
“ i wanted to tell you something. ”
everytime he said that, your body starts to tremble, your hands start shaking and your mouth keeps shut.
“ 'm going to leave her. ”
and that was enough for you to stand up from bed.
“ n-no, baby- listen to me, come back to bed. ”
you knew, you knew it.
he told you months ago that priscilla and him were done since you told him you didn't wanted to get between anything, that you hated to feel like the cause of someone's sadness and the worst part of it all was that he told you she didn't love him and he didn't love her, that he was just with her because of his father and that nothing happened between them.
“ i swear there is nothing between me and her! ” he screamed at you.
you were sitting on the floor, holding your head in your hands. you were sure you were in the brink of madness. he drove you crazy.
“ don't be jealous, y'know you' the only one for me. ” he whispered. the way his tone changed so easily scared you more than anything else.
you couldn't even manage to say that you weren't jealous of anything and the mere fact of him thinking that way made you even more angry. your emotions clashing with each other made you feel a rollercoaster of emotions, you felt like you couldn't breathe. he was crouching down to your level so he could 'hug' you, your head in his chest and his chin in the crown of your head.
“ you have a daughter with her.. ” you whispered back, tears flowing in your cheeks without no sound of sobbing. your body was numb, you are sure of it.
“ i will take care of it. ”
you walked quickly into the bathroom, a room you got to know as a safe place, locking yourself in.
you heard a sigh on the other side of the door, a soft knock made you start sobbing, your eyes hurted from how much you've cried since you met him.
“ baby, listen. i know i lied b-but i-. ” he scoffed, probably running his fingers through his hair. “ i couldn't leave just like that, i'm not that type of man. i needed to give her an explanation. ”
you listened with tears in your eyes, hand in your mouth so elvis couldn't hear the way your whole sadness washed away at once.
“ she cried, yes, but it would've been worse if she sued me- you! about anything. can you imagine? ”
you just shook your head, sitting in the toilet with a chilling wind passing through your body, ignoring how he so blatantly tried to make priscilla the villain of the fairytale he wanted to live with you.
“ please, darling, come out. ” a few sobs were heard. “ let me fix this. ”
you opened your door, your eyes quite red from all the crying you did.
“ you will never fix this. you never fix anything. ” you were tired of ignoring what he always did, the way he said he was going to take care of it and then just ignore the problem. “ i don't even want to be here, i want to go with my family back home, i want to go back and just forget that i ever met you. ” you pushed him aside, moving to the drawers that contained your clothes.
“ baby, stop. ”
“ 'm not your baby. ” you talked back, your hand moving to grab a dress.
when suddenly, your arm was yanked back, your chest colliding with his figure, your eyes widening as you took in how angry he looked.
“ you are my baby. ” that tone that scared you to death could be heard in his voice. but you were too angry to see it.
“ i'm. not. ” you tried to walk out but elvis tightened his grip.
“ d'you want me to make your ol' folks life a miserable hell? ” he threatened.
he used that old play move.
he said that to you when after the special he still wanted for you to move to Graceland.
he said that to you when you tried to call your daddy for him to help you out.
he said that to you after you met priscilla and tried to leave him.
and he said that to you now.
“ do you want that? you want to see your daddy begging on the streets? your momma crying to sleep in a cardboard box? ”
your tears started flowing again.
“ remember. it's because of me that your folks have some goddamn money in their names. i'm the reason why your folks have respect and are not being shamed in the street because of what your momma did. ”
you closed your eyes, believing you were still stuck in a nightmare.
when your 'relationship' with elvis became public, everyone went to your parents house. some girls trying to see if elvis was there, some boys trying to catch some glimpses of you and everyone else trying to see if there was something about the both of you that the press could give them money for.
your mother went hysterical, opening up the door and threatening everyone if they didn't left her home. everyone was scared, seeing your dad's shotgun in the middle of the living room.
it got to the newspaper, you, worried as hell, left yourself vulnerable to elvis manipulation.
telling you he would take care of it and, sadly for the future you, he did.
he paid the press a lot of money to say that it was fake news, that your mother was not crazy and that you weren't home. that you were with elvis traveling with him and that the y/l/n house must be free of stalkers and crazy fans.
“ if i was you, ” elvis continued. “ i would be grateful. and the way that i want you to be grateful is for you to be with me. to stick with me. ” his grasp in your arm was non existent in that moment but you didn't noticed, too focused in how he sweet talked his way to you again.
“ 'm not even asking for money. y'know how many people would've taken advantage of you in that moment? they could've asked you for your house, your car- everything you own! ” he moved his hands as he exclaimed. “ but not me, baby. because i love you. ” he softly said.
you were trapped.
but you decided to stay put. for your parents' sake, at least.
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after last night you couldn't risk anything, the way that elvis wins everytime is astounding.
you couldn't remember a single time that one of those fights ended with you winning.
now dressing up in some clothes elvis bought you, you could feel your body about to collapse. it was exhausting living with him and fighting everytime you didn't do something he wanted.
you entered the bathroom, leaving the door opened, searching for your lip gloss when a bottle full of pills caught your attention. grabbing it with your manicured hand, you read the paper on it.
' for exhaustion, take two of these. '
you raised your eyebrows, probably elvis' doctor gave him these.
you looked at the door, trying to hear if someone was coming near you before opening the bottle and taking three pills out — one more, just in case as you reached for a cup to fill it water, you started to convince yourself this was good.
just this time. you were tired and you needed it.
drinking the water after putting the pills in your mouth, you swallowed. closing your eyes as the bitter taste of the pills stayed in your tongue for a bit.
“ mrs y/l/n? ” you turned your head to the side while opening your eyes, nodding to some bodyguard elvis hired for you that was standing in the middle of the room; he was probably worried you ran away or something like that.
you just nodded, letting him escort you to the stage room.
they took you to the exact seat the colonel showed you and elvis before but when you sat, you realized you couldn't see almost anything. the people in front of you blocked your sight. the colonel was smart for this.
he told you days ago that you distract elvis, he no longer made eye contact with his fans, he only looked at you. he got close only in the area you were standing in. and that made some fans feel jealous, that in the colonel's book is a lose money situation.
you just sighed and asked for a drink, your pink purse that matched your outfit in the seat next to you while some memphis mafia person sat opposite to you; giving you an apologetic look which you just smiled kindly.
the show went on, with you asking for some soda and food before the bodyguard in charge of your security asked you to accompany him backstage. probably because elvis was about to finish.
as you arrived backstage you saw elvis in the same position in which he said goodbye to the audience but instead of the smile he always has performing, a frown was in his face while he was breathing heavily. he was angry.
some musicians kept saying his praises to him, some of them clapping before leaving only you, some members of the memphis mafia, elvis and the colonel.
“ jerry, take them. ” elvis said, pointing at the rest of the people who weren't you and the colonel. and in the moment where they left, elvis stood up, throwing his towel at the colonel.
“ I COULDN'T SEE HER! ” he screamed with all he had, still breathing heavily from the performance.
the colonel just kept quiet.
“ i couldn't see her. ” his fists were closed. “ and you know that makes me feel like the performance is no good. ”
“ it was good! i think she saw a lot of- ”
“ i don't give a damn what you think. ”
elvis turned around, meeting your eyes, his expression softening.
“ baby, could you see a thing? ”
now you were in a debate.
lie to elvis and say you saw all the show, making the colonel happy that you stood by his side and that would stop him from making you his target... or say the truth and see how elvis tears the colonel down.
“ no. ” you said. “ i couldn't see anything. you can ask jerry. ”
the colonel expression shifted, he was no longer confident and elvis anger was now something you could feel.
he turned to the colonel again.
“ you're fired. ” he grabbed a microphone stand from the stage and threw it to the colonel, barely missing him, making you and colonel parker scared.
elvis screamed, now ignoring the colonel pleas to listen to his side, now walking to you; his grasp surprisingly soft when he grabbed your hand.
“ come on, darling. ” and the both of you left the stage.
while walking to the suite you both stayed in, elvis just kept apologizing as if you not seeing the show could kill you.
you could just think in how you chose to tell the truth just because you wanted to see how elvis treated the colonel. just cruel-.
“ will you ever forgive me? ”
“ elvis, it's fine, really. next time you perform i'll see it. ”
“ of course you'll see it, i'll be the one to give you the next seat. ”
he just entered the room, starting to take off his suit, which meant that the conversation was over. you took your cue and started undressing as well to get ready for the night.
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elvis was in the process to ending the contract with the colonel, hiring this good lawyer steve binder recommended, threatening to make public the way he made him work countless times and how he took half of his money. the colonel was smart enough to not fight so much about it.
steve binder started working for him, with some other people that elvis trusted, now guaranteeing elvis a good way to keep his career safe.
he had to make a final show in the international hotel, just because of his fans.
you were now sitting in the seat the colonel and the manager of the hotel were sitting just a few days ago, smiling unconsciously at elvis performing. he had a place in some part of your heart, you sadly recognized.
when he was about to wrap up he suddenly asked for the crowd to keep quiet, everyone obeying.
“ thank you, thank you. ” he said between breaths, a hand in his hip while the other one was holding the microphone. “ i just wanted to- i have a surprise. ”
everyone cheered at that, you frowned; looking at jerry who just smiled.
“ so, as i said before, my beautiful girl is here. ” he pointed at where you sat, the same anxious feeling returning to your body which you covered with a 'shy' smile hearing how some people clapped while others whistled. elvis chuckled. “ yeah, a beauty, am i right? ”
you mouthed a thank you, blowing a kiss which he caught with his fist, a smile decorating his features, keeping his fist close to his heart. he loved how tame you were.
suddenly he jumped out of the stage, people gasping around you as he got closer to where you were.
“ darling, i've been wanting to ask you this for a long time. ”
you frowned for a few seconds, tilting your head to the side.
elvis just smiled wider, kneeling in one knee. “ will you marry me? ” you gasped, standing up, and the crowd too, both of you surprised at how he asked it.
you didn't expected this. what the fuck is going on.
“ elvis... ” you whispered, your hands started shaking, hoping for earth to swallow you whole.
chants of 'say yes!' were invading your ears, suddenly feeling everything so close that it made you breath heavily as if yourself did a performance.
“ give 'em what they want. ”
this man had the impudence to say that close to the microphone, making everyone cheer. when you and him knew this was what he wanted.
“ please... don't make me do this. ” you said back, closing your eyes for a few seconds, trying not to cry so people didn't got the wrong impression — you crying would be because you hated this not because you loved it.
elvis just smiled.
as if it was a movie, your life flashed right in front of your eyes.
how you went to school with the hopes of being the better worker at your dream job.
how you started working as a waitress to keep your family out of poverty.
how you befriended the girl who took you to his show.
how you were one of the many people who were hypnotized by elvis presley.
how you smiled and encouraged him at his obsessive ways to get you.
how you obeyed what he ordered you to do because of fear.
and now this.
“ y-yes. ” you shakily said into the mic he shoved in your face.
what happened after was a blur.
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Burned Out
hiya! guess who’s craving more angst?? me!! So, since bruised ego, creative block, and shackled creativity has already been done plenty times, what if Roman had literal burnout. like maybe he’s got a high fever or he feels like he’s literally being burnt and he doesn’t realize it. Maybe another side smells the smoke and follow it to Roman who is just working away and he looks exhausted and sick and stuff. And then the sides take care of him and give him comfort. - lio-the-chaotic-nonbeanie-weenie
 Read on Ao3
Warnings: burn out, emotional and physical
Pairings: DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 3382
The first time Roman noticed it, he thought it was a new power.
 The first time Roman noticed it, he thought it was a new power.
In his defense, he was still young! Creativity still reigned supreme in the Imagination, how was he supposed to know what it meant? The Imagination was wild and free and he was the only one who could tame it! He and his brother would craft wondrous things the other Sides couldn't hope to imagine, and they did it every day, all day, until Thomas had to go to sleep and they could slip into his dreams and play all night long.
So when he saw a spark curling up from the tips of his fingers, he thought he'd created something new.
It was so cool to have fires burning in his fingers, wasn't it? Fire at this point was still dangerous and scary and all the adults told you never to go near it because it was so scary. So if Roman could have fires burning in his fingers that made smoke and sparks, that was cool.
"Maybe you're gonna be like a dragon," Remus had suggested, his tentacles flopping around. It was at this point that the—well, the Sides that would become the Dark Sides had started to show their more animalistic features. Janus's scales had begun to show, his extra arms making him a menace when it came to movie nights. Virgil's voice was doing this weird thing now that made his ghost stories extra scary. And Remus, well, Remus smacks Roman's arm. "That's cool! I'm a Kraken, you're a dragon!"
"I thought Logan said you were an octopus."
"A Kraken is just a really big octopus."
"No, it's not!"
"Yes, it is!"
Roman reaches out to push Remus over but another set of sparks comes from his fingers and Remus shrieks. "Ow!"
"Oh, god, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't—I forgot—are you okay?"
"Yeah, 'm fine." Remus gives himself a good shake and grins maniacally. "See?"
Roman lets out a breath of relief and looks at his fingers again. The sparks are still curling from them, drifting down on the grass. Everywhere they land, the grass fizzles and snaps and turns black.
"Maybe I shouldn't be here right now. I don't wanna burn everything."
"But you don't wanna burn the Mindscape either."
Roman sighs. That is true. "Maybe—maybe we can just—sit? So I don't burn anything?"
"Fine by me. You can tell me what ending you came up with for the story if you want."
He goes to do that but instead yelps at the sudden pain in his fingers. "Uh, maybe not."
"Do you wanna go…tell someone about this?"
"What? No, no, it's fine. Besides," he declares, puffing his chest up, "I'm gonna be a proper dragon when they all see me!"
"Bet I'll finish transforming first."
"Bet you won't!"
"Bet I will!"
The first time Roman figures out what it is, he almost destroys every single project he's been working on for the last month.
It hadn't been the…easiest of months, that's for sure, but it wasn't like it was the worst one he'd ever had. Sure, he had a lot of projects to do for Thomas but that was his job, he couldn't complain about being able to do his job. It was hard enough convincing everyone that it was worth taking the time to do these projects, he couldn't exactly start complaining about them now. And sure, it wasn't like it was gonna be a one-and-done thing, he had to submit them for everyone to talk about before he could officially pronounce them done, but still.
He's fine.
This is fine.
He's just come from a meeting where Logan was…not too enthusiastic about the amount of time he'd been spending holed up in his room working on things. Well, 'working' on things as Logan put it, was a core element of his, ahem, 'evaluation' of Roman wherein he described exactly how unproductive Roman's time-spent-to-product-shown ratio is.
Two weeks for just one chapter, Roman? In the past, you have managed to complete multiple chapters in the same day. Why have you decided to decrease productivity?
"It's not like I can just push a button and this stuff comes out," Roman grumbles as he goes back to sorting through his desk, "I'm not a machine. Do you know how much braining it takes to make the words go? No, all you care about is whether you can tick the little box that says 'Roman's Dumb Project' off your to-do list."
The other part of it, one that Roman argued for during the meeting, is that he's better now. When he was younger—when Thomas was younger, it was just a matter of getting things down on a page. He wasn't worried about language or narrative or characters, didn't have to hold himself to higher standards because he hadn't made those yet. He's worked to get better at what he does and so now it takes more time.
The problem is that Logan's type of work is the kind that becomes easier when you're better at it, so Logan argued that because he was better, it should be taking less time.
"We're not the same," Roman mutters to himself as he had said downstairs, "you can't hold me to the same degree you hold yourself."
I can, Logan had said as everyone else looked away in silent agreement, and I should. If you don't increase productivity, perhaps we need to reevaluate how we approach projects like this in the future.
"I'll reevaluate your face, how about that?"
He goes to pick up the sheaf of paper that represents all the work he's put into the past month with Logan's comments on it and his fingers twitch.
A single spark touches the paper.
"What? No, no, no!"
It races along the edge, curling into a blackened, ruined husk in a matter of moments. Roman rushes to put it out, get that piece of paper away from the rest, but more sparks keep catching and soon the flames begin to lick at the entire stack. In a blind panic, he flails for his water bottle and empties the contents over the burning pages. The fire dies with a wet sizzle.
Panting, he looks down at his hands. His fingertips are smudged with ash.
And the entire project with Logan's careful annotations sits in a wet, soggy mush.
"Thank god," he mutters to himself, "I took notes."
He waits a few more minutes to ensure he's not about to set fire to anything else and carefully disposes of the now-ruined stack of paper. It slides into the trash with a desolate squishing sound. He decides it's probably a good idea to wait before touching his notebook too.
The first time he sets fire to a canvas, he knows this isn't a superpower.
Granted, he hasn't really thought that since the Split. The only Sides that had animal-like features and such were the Dark Sides and Roman was Not a Dark Side. He was a Light Side and that meant that he shouldn't tell anyone else about it. But still, privately, just for himself (and maybe a few times in a corner of the Imagination no one but Remus knows about) he pretends that he can summon flame as a superpower.
Not in a 'back now, ye villain!' way or a 'let's see you defeat me when I can do this!' way, but in a quieter way. Maybe that's why he doesn't tell anyone about it, because it doesn't fit with his big arrogant Princely persona.
He pretends he's an old man in a quiet little cave, far away from his kingdom. His cave is filled with soft moss and warm rocks and in the center is a little firepit. When weary travelers come from far and wide, looking for a place to spend the nights, he takes them in and lights his fire, offering simple meals that taste more filling than anything you could ever dream of, and stories to help you fall asleep.
It's a selfish dream, but it's his favorite.
It's been a long week. He's had projects piling up on top of each other and everything seems to need an emergency last draft because apparently people don't understand that when he says I'm finished, that's not an invitation for them to come in and say oh, can you fix this, this, and this? 'Finished' means 'no more edits.' It means 'you've missed your window to tell me there are things you want changed.' It means 'you're the asshole who set this fucking deadline so you don't get to give me more work and then complain that I'm missing deadlines.'
He's a bit upset over it.
The point is he's been working overtime recently trying to get his work in and done and out of the way so he can focus on other things. Namely, all of the other goddamn projects they keep giving him. And finally, finally, he's at the end of the week and everything is done and now, now it's the weekend. Which means it's time for him to do the things he wants to do.
Remus has claimed the Imagination for the day—they each have to go through every month or so and do a spring cleaning of sorts—and so he's in his room, toying with all the things he could work on. He could keep working on that short story he's been putzing around for a while, he could do that crafting thing he's been meaning to do forever…
He looks down at his fingers. They've gone black again. They've started to do that more often now. He absentmindedly rubs them together and they smear across his hand with a slight sting of tender flesh. It reminds him of the ashes in his little firepit and he smiles.
That's what he can do. He can paint his little safe haven.
He summons a large blank canvas and paints, carefully mixing up the colors he wants to use and reaching for a brush. The moment his fingers touch it, he yelps in pain.
The metal rim around the base of the bristles cracks and warps from the heat of the fire. He frowns, trying again, only for the wood to start to smolder and he quickly drops it.
"Alright," he mutters, "maybe different brushes?"
The plastic ones just start to melt and smell horrible. The better wood ones just get way too hot to hold and he has to let them go with stinging palms. Even the littlest ones that he can pinch between two fingers aren't working.
He tries switching mediums. The colored pencils just snap. The markers start to smell so toxic he has to stop for a good ten minutes to fan the fumes away. The oil pastels melt all over his hands and it would be cool if it weren't so frustrating.
In a last-ditch attempt to just do something, he drags his fingers through the paint and grins victoriously when it stays on there. He reaches out to smear it across the canvas and—
He watches in horror as the flames eat through the canvas in a matter of seconds.
The empty wooden frame clatters hollowly to the floor.
The first time he gets a fever, he knows this is how he experiences burnout.
He's put it together by then. It's oddly poetic—at least it would be if it weren't so infuriating.
But when he wakes up one day with his head pounding and his entire body sweating and feverish, it goes from infuriating to downright torturous.
The fever is relentless, burning him alive one moment—not literally, thank all the gods that have ever been invented and a few that haven't yet—and freezing him the next. He sweats through all of his clothes in what feels like two seconds and half his blankets to boot, and then he's forced to curl back in up in the gross sticky sheets because he feels like he's going to freeze to death. His head has sledgehammers beating against it from all sides and he must start crying from it at one point because he's got tears on his cheeks and a stuffy nose on top of everything else.
He wants someone here. He wants someone to take care of him. He wants someone to kiss his forehead and tell him it's all gonna be okay so bad.
Immediately, his mind goes to the Imagination. Of all the selfish things he indulges in there, the people he's conjured just to take care of them are right near the top of the list.
He thinks of the castle steward, the slightly too-flirty young man with curly hair and a wicked smirk who softens at the first sign of genuine discomfort. He wants him to come and find him like this with some off-hand pickup line about getting even hotter before he calls for a bath to help get his fever down.
He whines as the fever suddenly flares hot again and he shoves the blankets down around his knees.
He thinks of the sweet no-nonsense woman who makes chainmail in the town square and how he just wants her to come say oh, it's alright, love, you'll be alright. He wants her to come make sure he's got enough fluids in him and sit with him, stroking his brow and keeping him focused on resting, not how awful he feels.
The pounding in his head gets worse.
He thinks of the kindly old knight who is one of the few people that actually remembers and how he looks at Roman like he's so proud of him. He wants him to come and just be here, maybe if he's feeling particularly pathetic, he'll cup his face with one gloved hand, kiss his sweaty temple and murmur this too shall pass, my dear boy.
He doesn't realize the ash has spread to his arms until he tries to wipe his face and sees the burning sparks.
It's cruel, he decides in one of his last lucid moments before he succumbs to the fever, that the very things that bring him comfort in his worst moments are the same ones he is to be punished for by the flames.
The first time the ashes spread to his face, he thinks he might die.
It's not been good. He feels chained to his desk, fingers bound to the keys of the keyboard churning out word after word after word. He's not even sure of their quality anymore, only sure that the number in the corner keeps getting higher and they won't be happy unless it reaches four digits. The work isn't even fun anymore. It's just a chore. The ideas that once ran around his brain with boundless energy have vanished.
Burned to a crisp.
He's stopped wearing his prince costume. The ash just gets on the white immediately and it's so hard to clean. He wears ratty old T-shirts now because no one will notice if they're a little more threadbare than they were when he started. The ash trails all over his pants, his desk, his computer, up his arms and across his torso.
He thinks hysterically that he can see his fingers getting shorter with the amount of ash he keeps losing.
The fever never really goes away. He keeps a hot water bottle and a bowl full of ice next to him as he works, either to put on his lap when his fingers tremble from the cold or to stick in his mouth when he can't breathe from the heat. His typing will grow clumsy and he has to force himself to go back and fix his typos, lest he forget and accidentally submit them to the others.
It hurts. There's nothing poetic or glamorous about it. It just really fucking hurts.
When he drags himself to the bathroom too many times for how few words he's written, he stops.
There, in the mirror. His face…
He's run out of words to describe it. He just looks at his face covered in ashes and cries.
That hurts too.
The first time the others come to take care of him, he thinks he's dreaming.
He thinks he's dreaming when he hears Patton quietly go oh, sweetheart, and gentle hands reach for him and adjust the covers around his head. They tuck back the blankets just enough so he can breathe easier and the softest kiss presses to the tip of his nose. It's okay, sweetheart, we're here now.
He thinks he's dreaming when he feels Virgil's arms hook under his and lift him up so he can carry him to the bathroom. Easy, Princey, it's okay. We're gonna get you in the bath, okay? You're a mess right now. The strong chest next to his cheek feels soft and he can't help trying to nuzzle into it. Shh, it's okay, bud, I gotcha.
He thinks he's dreaming when he hears Logan's voice instructing quietly how to make him better. The water will feel cold to you but it isn't. You've got to let it do its work and help break that fever, alright? Strong and sure hands wipe the tears from his cheeks and he just keeps crying. Hush now, little one, it's alright. We're right here.
He thinks he's dreaming when he feels a soft washcloth brushing against his face, his neck, down his arms and legs. The smell of Janus's favorite body wash fills his nose as an almost hypnotic whisper fills his ears. Shh, shh, my prince, don't you fret. We'll take care of you.
He thinks he's dreaming when it apparently comes time to get him out of the bath and Remus is there, tentacles and all, drying him off with a soft fluffy towel and getting him into a clean shirt and boxers. You're such a mess, Roro. I love you so much.
He thinks he's dreaming, but then he remembers that it hurts to dream right now.
He thinks—he thinks—
"Roro? Ro-bro, can you hear me?"
"'S that you?"
"Yeah, Roro, it's me. I'm right here. Oh, fuck, I'm right here, you're doing so good, okay? It's gonna be okay, we're right here."
"Easy, Remus, you're gonna freak him out more. Calm down, bud."
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down, Roman's—"
"Still not out of the woods, so shush."
He blinks, trying to figure out what's going on. Someone with glasses leans over him.
"Roman? Can you hear me, little one?"
"Yes, that's me." He can't be imagining the relief in Logan's voice. "Your fever's broken but we need to get you to drink something. Have you been able to keep things down?"
"Good. Janus—"
"Right here." A cool hand supports his head and another guides something to his lips. "Your favorite flavor, sweetie, we need to get your electrolytes back up."
He drinks. A hand strokes his throat to help him swallow. By the time it's pulled away from him, he feels a little bit more human.
"Good," Janus whispers, his hands still cradling Roman's body, "good job, sweetie."
"Kiddo? Can you look at me?"
It takes a moment, but Roman manages to open his eyes, turning his head to try and find Patton. Patton smiles when he does it, reaching out to stroke his cheek.
"You're gonna be okay," he says in that firm voice that brokers no argument, "you will. I know it might not seem like it right now, but you're gonna be okay."
"Yeah, sweetheart," he promises, "you're gonna be okay."
For the first time, in perhaps a very, very long time, a different spark flares to life inside Roman's chest.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @ultrageekygirl  
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otomesanada · 1 year
Be My Princess 2’s Childrens (PT. 1)
so, i will only translate a little bit of the second CG (image in the right) because if i translated everything, it would be a loooot... and i would stay here for days and days. but there's context, i will also talk about why the nickname, if it's too different from the name! here is part two of the princes.
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King Henry & Prince Nicholas (Nico).
MC and King Henry were occupied for his birthday party, and MC was worried Prince Nicholas was feeling lonely. while talking to all the other princes, Kevin asked if Nico is alright, since he wasn't at the party, and she answered he is doing good but Henry saw she looked a bit worried so he let her get out of the party earlier and she went to find Nicholas, who asked what she was doing there. MC said she was there to make company to her baby, but Nico took her hand and made her go back to the party, because it's daddy’s birthday. MC told Henry about it and both laughed a bit, then went to commemorate together privately. after their mini date in a restaurant, they both went to find Nicholas, who was talking alone in his room. the plushie is Nicholas birthday gift (second image), Lassie ¹. MC gave Henry a cake too, then they cut in 5 pieces; one for Henry, MC, Loyd, Nicholas... and the last one for the plushie!
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King Sieg & Prince Elion (“Lila”).
why the nickname Lila? Prince Elion’s nickname is Lila because of his color palette.
King Sieg’s birthday is coming and he will make a national announcement about his heir, Lila. Prince Elion is really anxious for the day, he is worried he won't be good enough for his speech. MC is worried for their son, and ends up with stomachache (gastritis). Elion and Sieg makes porridge for her, and the child start crying, thinking it's his fault his mommy is feeling sick. Sieg and MC are shocked, but then both start talking to Lila about how they are proud of him — and if he is worried, they can study his speech together! Sieg also tries to apologize, he didn't want to pressure his son... the day come and while looking at the public, he gets excited and adds on his speech he wants to be a king as cool as Sieg and as kind as MC, surprising his parents. after party, Sieg hugs Lila (second image) and says they are both proud of how their son is growing up so well.
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King Kuon & Prince Riito (“Rikkun”).
why the nickname Rikkun? Prince Riito loves squirrels and he called himself Rikkun when he traveled to the past.
King Kuon and MC were having breakfast with Prince Riito when Rikkun asked Kuon to teach him how to make latte art. Kuon was a bit cautious, because it might be hot and burn Riito’s little hands, but MC convinced him that it'll be okay as long Kuon watch him. with Kuon’s birthday party coming, they were worried about showing Riito to the public, as they both know their child is clingy and need support. they are worried to make it traumatic to him. they agree to think a bit more about it later... next day, Riito calls MC secretly, he wants to make a latte art as Kuon’s birthday gift. MC agrees to help him, making it a secret. Rikkun works hard to learn, even making Butler Kent a latte (who gets emotional). the little family goes to a festival of bakery and Rikkun wants to buy his parents's favorite coffee himself, after a brief hesitation, they let him buy it alone. Rikkun takes a long time there, making MC and Kuon anxious, but shows up with the coffee in hand. they are impressed by how Riito grew up lately and decides to show him on the party. later, Riito shows the latte art he made himself to Kuon, who is very proud.
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King Kevin & Prince Cyrus (“Lion”).
why the nickname Lio/Lion? Prince Cyrus was holding a lion plush when he traveled to the past.
since King Kevin’s birthday is coming, he's been a lot more occupied than normal, but he still makes time to read Prince Cyrus a book before sleeping. MC notices how it's more peaceful, but then Cyrus complains about how Kevin can't read a book because he can't do a princess voice and things are back to normal. next day, Butler Gabriel talks to MC about Cyrus being invited to the kid’s band in Kevin’s birthday parade and Cyrus is excited to it, as a gift for Kevin! MC is worried, Cyrus is a bit shy but agrees... so he started training alone, it was nice, but after a while, he needed to train with others kids, and got too nervous, making a lot of mistakes. MC tried to talk to Cyrus it was ok to make mistakes, but the kid was too stressed and yelled at her, saying he couldn't do it and ran away. MC then talked to Kevin about their fight, who went to talk to Cyrus, motivating him to never give up, no one is perfect it at first. Cyrus agrees to go back and get better. Kevin’s birthday now the surprise revealed, the king cries when seeing his son is growing up. later, Kevin wants to reward Cyrus for working hard, who just wants a piggyback and spend time with his father (second image).
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King Ivan & Prince Elem (“Wolf”).
why the nickname “wolf”? Prince Elem didn't remember his own name when he traveled to the past, so that's why MC and Ivan gave him this nickname.
King Ivan’s birthday party was near and with it, the announcement of his heir, Prince Elem, that until then lived hidden from everyone... because this is the first time Elem will see the public, he is very nervous and fussing, being really agitated, making MC and Ivan worry for his safety. MC needed to go out to finish her work, then Ivan then make a promise with Elem and apologize to MC for make her worry. when she's back from work, she notices Elem sleeping — something really hard to happen — while Ivan is hugging the tiny body. Ivan and MC talks a bit, with him praising MC to take such a good care of their child and noticing something was making Elem nervous. Elem then wakes up and apologize, making the small child admit he just wants to be praised a lot by his mommy and daddy. in Ivan’s birthday party, everything goes well, he shows up and they spend next day playing with snow (second image), with Elem teaching Ivan how to make snow rabbits!
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¹ Lassie is how Henry calls MC in his route, because of the dog. they have a master-pet relationship.
Sieg, Kuon, Kevin, Ivan, Max and Lyuo are called papa (パパ) and MC is mama (ママ). while Henry, Oliver and Shion are called otou-sama (お父様) and MC is okaa-sama (お母様).
i search for everyone's name so i could name them accurately, as Elion... but i don't know how to translate perfectly Kuon’s and Shion’s son’s name. i know Ruito is a name, but i didn't hear anything about Riito. sorry if it's wrong!
some of these images aren't mine, it's from some of my friends but they allowed me to post it, besides it's from voltage’s anyway.
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
Danni!!! Okay of course first I am here to give you these 💐💐💐 because you deserve them for every single fic you write and especially for Reclamation!!! 🫶🏼 I was wondering if you could give a little peek into what happens after the ending! Not a full blown 10k work or anything but just some thoughts like…what is the wedding like? Where do they live after? Do they eventually have kids? Do sewis have kids? Anything else you wanna add! 🫶🏼
Oh Isabel thank you for thisssss!!!!🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾 I had so much fun thinking of these! I could go on forever lmao. Here are some post Reclamation headcanons, I'll put them after the cut😅😅 I still can't believe its over🥹🥹🥹🥹
They get married at the Verstappen estate. Daniel wanted to elope so they didn't have to plan anything but Sophie insisted and called up Grace and they pulled rank. They have a garden party in the sprawling grounds. It's very classy. Isabella, Isaac, Luka and Lio are stinkin’ cute. 
Max and Daniel go off to fuck twice. The first time was handys after their first look (Charles reminded them that they’d have blowjob lips in all their pictures otherwise. Max thought that was a good idea, Jules vetoed). The second time they go to fuck is during the reception after the first dance because Daniel whispered in Max’s ear that he was wearing a special (and pretty) plug.
Daniel changes outfits three times because of course he would. His final late night reception party shirt was actually a tasteful pattern this time but if you looked closely (and only 3 people did) you’d see that the outline design was actually cocks with a ring on them 😊.
Carlos is there as a friend and Charles' date. They finally got together. Pierre is there with a new girlfriend. A different girl from the yacht party who was also a different girl from the engagement party. She's only in one group picture because no one trusts that she'll last longer than a few more weeks.
They live in the penthouse for a bit then they buy a house in the hills with a view of the city and the ocean. Daniel categorically will not move back into the estate and Max has no problems there. They get one more cat– a compromise because Max wanted a dog (since they now have a yard) and Daniel said no and sucked his dick so he'd stop bringing it up. This happens twice before Max actually does stop bringing it up because he doesn’t want to get pavloved into getting hard when thinking about dogs 🫣
They do have a daughter eventually, but like after a good while of just being married and having each other again. They have a lot of time to make up for!
Sewis absolutely has kids. They have three little gremlins! Twin girls and a sweet little boy. The middle daughter is soooo bossy like both her dads. She bosses Blake around and has him wrapped around her finger. She was the only one who didn’t cry when he first met her– she actually went to sleep, and that was during the colic phase so Sewis begged him to come over often since he seemed to be the only one to get her to rest. 
When Jules gets married, Daniel goes all out with the planning. Jules is exasperated as fuck but he lets Daniel have this because he knows his bestie is trying to ‘repay him’. Which they’ve spoken argued about but Daniel needs Jules to know how much he loves and appreciates him forever and ever til the end of time. They ended each wedding planning email with ‘fuck off’ and Jules’ said ‘fuck of please/respectfully/categorically/emphatically’. Daniel cackles each time.
Max and Daniel do not go off to fuck at Jules’ wedding. Not because of respect or anything so silly. But Daniel essentially made himself the wedding planner's assistant so he literally couldn’t step away. Charles laughed at Max’s grumblings. The wedding was gorgeous.
They still go to the cabin as often as possible. Daniel bought more land around it and they built another, bigger cabin so that the entire group plus spouses and all the kiddies can be comfortable. None of Pierre’s girlfriends have been to the cabin.
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dxmoness · 11 months
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When you are young, they assume you know nothing...
That is true, and you of all people should know.
Every night, you hear them. The screams of fury from your parents during their endless and slowly draining fights, the whispers of the servants gossiping about your parents and even yourself.
You find yourself now fifteen, no longer a child thus everyone assumed you know how to do hard tasks like this. You are expected to find a mature fiancee. Yes, this means at the very least twice your age.
You were against it, but had no choice. You've been talking with the suitors these past few weeks. None could grab your attention, only drift it further away from them.
It was not because you were bored and rebelling against your parents’ wishes. It was just that the topics they chose were either too formal for your taste or vulgar for your age. Some conversations were extremely inappropriate despite talking to a minor. It made you shudder at the mere memory of them.
They assumed you didn't know this was illegal. Of course they would. You are young. You know nothing of the laws. But you know all too well that this is wrong. Everything about this is wrong.
“When are you going to pick?! Useless brat...” Your mother shouts at you, striking you across the face. The night is young so you go to the garden. The side of your cheek burning from her force. It is red, you know so. They had taken you to your room to clean your cheek, but you ran away too fast. Your father and mother’s argument is still fresh in your mind.
Your fingers caress the spot to comfort yourself, but to no avail. It hurt worse at the feeling of being touched. Your tears pricked as you tuck your knees towards your chest and simply hide in the trees, crying.
“Is something wrong?” You look up to see a hooded person. The voice belonged to this figure.
“Huh?” You are surprised. No one spoke of a guest this late... Perhaps you misunderstood the voices?
The figure kneels down and the gloved fingers move, coming to contact with your cheek. You flinch at the touch, causing the person to retract their hand. “Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay...” Your voice falters as you see the person's face. Your eyes widen with surprise. It was the late Marquess’ son, Helio Niccolo.
“He...lio? They said you died!” You couldn't believe it. “How? Why?”
“So you've heard.” Helio smiles simply. “But that isn't important right now, what's more important is asking how you got that.” He points at your reddening swollen cheek.
“It’s nothing...” “That’s a lie.” He countered. “ Please tell me.”
There is a silence that indicated you'd rather not talk about it , this makes Helio nod as he takes something from his coat. “Would you like some?” It was a few warm muffins. Your stomach grumbles at the sight as he hands you one without you making a response. You knew you wouldn't be allowed to have dinner if they found you now so you eat the muffin.
That's how you two spent your moments together...
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─────── NOTES?!
I don't really have that much to say. This is just a random thing I wrote 😭
@primordixl , @shiverisms
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mystic-story-lover · 10 months
Hey there friend! Just popping in to request a soft lil thing with Alex Shelley where the reader wins their first big title in impact and they have a cute little moment backstage afterwards whilst taking some pictures
~ My Champion ~
Alex Shelley x Zoe (Female!OC)
Word Count: 3048
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of smut
Type: Fluff
Summary: At Slammiversary, Zoe wins her first title in a triple threat from Deonna and Trinity. After the three count Alex comes running out to celebrate.
A/N: I know that officially, the men were the main event and Josh walked out after, but I switched that up just a bit to give a little more for the story
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Gif is mine
“Are you nervous for tonight?” Deonna questioned as I sat beside her.
“Is it bad if I say yes?” I smile at her, and she shakes her head.
“Not at all! I know this is something you’ve been pushing to achieve for so long, and you deserve it Zoe.” She replied, placing a reassuring hand on my arm.
We sat and talked for a while, mostly about how the match would go tonight, and having a friend to listen to my worries truly helped. Deonna and I became friends shortly after her arrival in Impact, and it became a tradition for the two of us to sit together before one of us had a title match.
“Babe, there you are.” I heard from behind me, and spotted my boyfriend coming up to us.
“Hey babe, what’s up?” I asked as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.
“Well, I just had a meeting with Scott, and he mentioned that my match has been moved to the co-main event. You, Deonna, and Trinity are going to close the show.” He smiled down at me, and a feeling of dread overcame me.
“What?! When did this happen?” I asked frantically as I began to panic. 
“Hey, Zoe, it’s alright. The match will still go on as normal.” Deonna stated, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. 
I shifted my gaze to her, and she gave me a soft smile. A warm hand drug itself over my arm, and I glanced up to see Alex looking down at me. He wore a smile as well, and when I looked at him, he placed a kiss on my lips. 
“It’s going to be okay.” He reassured me before kissing me a second time.
“You guys are right. I’ve just been so nervous about this.” I sighed before leaning back, my back coming into contact with Alex’s belt. “Shit that’s cold.” I hissed.
Both of them chuckled at my words, and Alex took off his denim jacket before helping me into it. Once he knew it was settled on me, he helped me lean back against him once more, this time the jacket protecting my back from the cold.
“When is Chris fighting?” Deonna asked, and I checked the time from my phone. His match was going to start soon, so we needed to be at the monitor’s for the segment with Alex.
“Soon, which means we should go in a moment.” I spoke, and Deonna nodded at my words.
“I’ll see you later then Zoe. Good luck Alex, you’re going to do great.” She stated before standing up and walking away.
“Are you ready to go beautiful?” Alex asked, massaging my shoulders a little. 
“Yeah, I am. I’m going to try and catch Chris before his match.” I replied, and Alex released my shoulders, giving me the chance to stand.
Once I was up on my feet, Alex reached for my hand, and he interlaced our fingers together. We greeted those who we passed in the hallways as we made our way to the interview area, that way, once Chris’ match came to an end, Alex would be there ready to go. When we arrived, Alex released my hand and gave me a gentle kiss to my lips.
“Could you tell him that I’m proud of him?” Alex asked, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
“Of course, and I’m sure he’s going to appreciate it.” I smiled at him, which he softly returned.
I turned around after that, and began walking over to the guerilla. Lio was standing there waiting for his music, and I watched as he bounced on the heels of his feet. Chris was over in the corner talking with the ABC, since their match would be only seconds after this was. 
“Zoe, what are you doing over here?” Lio questioned.
“I came to check on Chris before the match, and deliver a message to him for Alex. Are you ready for this?” I replied, and asked as he began to shake his arms.
“A little part of me is, yeah.” He answered, but before he could say more, his music began to play. “See you later!” He called as I began walking towards Chris.
He stopped his conversation as he saw me approach them, and the others welcomed me with a smile.
“Hey, Alex wanted me to let you know that he’s proud of you.” I stated, a giant smile plastered on my face.
“I’ll give him my thanks after the match.” He smiled at me. “I heard you got moved to the main event.”
“Terrifyingly so,” I laughed. “That’s your music, time for you to go.”
Chris nodded, and shifted his face into a serious expression, and walked toward the curtain. Ace, Chris, and I watched as he disappeared before they turned to speak with me.
“So, you’re nervous about the main event?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, I mean this is something I’ve worked for, but it’s terrifying that it’s actually here.” They nodded at this, and we heard Lio’s music begin to play again.
“Well, guess we better get ready.” Ace chuckled, trying to bring light to the situation.
“Give me too sweet.” I smiled proudly. 
Ace and I debuted around the same time together in Impact, and we’d always been close because of it. When it was just the two of us trying to make a name for ourselves in Impact, we had each other’s backs, and that never really changed. He was my best friend, through and through, but I was grateful for the other friends I’ve made along the way. Both Sabin and Bey, the Chris’ as we called them, were two of those that came around shortly for me, and we’ve been friends since. The guys too sweeted me, and they smiled as I waved goodbye.
“Hey, babe, I’m over here.” I heard Alex’s voice, and turned my head to the right, spotting him smiling at me. 
“Hey you, how did your segment go?” I asked, smiling as I got closer to him.
“It went well, at least I think so.” He chuckled, a smile forming on his face.
“Alex!” Chris called, and I watched as Alex’s gaze shifted, thus causing me to turn around and spot Chris coming our way.
“Hey man!” Alex retorted, and I watched as the two men struck up a conversation.
It was only a few months after my debut in Impact that I met Chris. Everything around me was nerve-wracking, and I was still adjusting to being in a major company. Seeing my nerves, Chris swore to take me under his wing and make sure that I was safe here, and that I was happy with my career. Since then, he’s been one of the people I trust most in life. Not long after meeting him, he introduced me to Alex. 
“Babe, are you with us?” Alex waved a hand in front of my face, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Oh, sorry, what did I miss?” I asked, and Chris started to laugh. I playfully punched him in the arm, and he pouted, causing Alex to erupt in a fit of laughter.
“We were talking about our favorite bands to listen to.” Chris replied, rubbing his arm in a dramatic effect.
“Well, mine’s definitely got to be FIDLAR.” I smiled, and Alex nodded.
“No way, there’s so many bands to choose from.” Chris groaned. “How can you just pick?”
Alex and him began to argue over which bands were better, allowing me to get distracted in my thoughts once more. The conversation reminded me of my first date with Alex, and a smile grew on my face at the thought. It started with lunch, which we went to a cozy restaurant, and then he took me around town to explore Detroit. I’d just moved there about a month before, but was so busy with Impact and Indies that I didn’t have the time to get around to it before our date. Once our tour was over, Alex took me for a beautiful stroll of the beach at sunset, and that’s the spot where we share some of our best memories. When Alex asked me to move in with him, we were spending time at the beach, and he waited until the sunset arrived to ask, mentioning that it was his favorite memory from our first date, therefore he wanted it to be as important for this.
“Earth to Zoe, are you still there?” Chris asked, but I didn’t notice. 
Everyone knew how I felt about Alex, no matter how much I worked to cover it. Ace was the first to figure it out, and from there he mentioned it to Gia. Second to learn of my feelings was none other than Alex’s best friend, and he instantly came running to me when he realized it. The conversation mostly consisted of “you can’t tell him” and “I won’t but you need to”, even though I never intended to. I wanted to wait for the feelings to disappear on their own, but when Alex asked to talk to me, and told me how he feels, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to tell him the same thing. Once our feelings were known, Alex and I became even more inseparable, much to the annoyance of Chris.
“I think she’s thinking about you.” Chris stated.
“How can you tell?” Alex asked, looking over at me, still lost in my own little world.
“Look at how she’s smiling. She wore that same one when she told me you asked her on a date.” Chris replied, pointing at my face.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” I asked, confusion wrapping itself into my facial expression.
“Ah, there she is!” Chris exclaimed. “Were you thinking about your boyfriend?” 
“Yes sir I was.” I spoke matter of factly. “Mostly about how everyone knew how I felt before he did.” 
“Well, as much as I’d love to hear about how you were thinking of me, I’ve got to go. Nick’s walking out in a second.” Alex smiled at me before placing a kiss on my forehead, causing Chris to gag.
“Did the other two matches end already?” I asked, completely unaware of how much time had passed.
“Yes, they did Miss Daydream.” Chris laughed and I flipped him off.
“I’ll see you after your match. Good luck babe.” Alex said before kissing me.
“The same to you handsome!” I called as he walked away. 
Chris turned to face me, and he wore a smirk, making me know something was up.
“What do you know that I don’t?” I asked, poking him in the chest with my finger.
“Just that Alex has a surprise for you.” Chris said, raising his hands in surrender before walking away.
“What was that about?” Deonna asked as she approached me.
“I’m not sure, to be honest with you. All I know is Alex has a surprise, and he walked away before saying more.” I sighed, bringing a hand up to my hair. 
“Weird, maybe it’s something to congratulate you.” Deonna asked with a smile.
“Possibly, but I’m not sure.” I answer her and begin to pull my hair out of the braid it was in. 
I ran my fingers through my hair as Deonna and I watched the match on the monitor. Alex was quick with his movements, but it was clear they wanted to show it as Nick had the power advantage to take the win. We watched as Alex hit “Sliced Bread” and heard a hiss behind us, causing me to turn around and see Trinity. I smiled and waved at her before turning back around to continue watching that match. As we continued to watch, more of our friends came over to see how this played out. 
“Here is your winner, and still your Impact World Champion, Alex Shelley!” It was announced, and I let out a little scream of excitement. We watched as Alex walked up the ramp, and Chris was right next to me as we waited for him to come back.
“Hey, there’s my champ.” Chris whistled, smiling at Alex. 
“Hey man!” Alex laughed, but stopped when he spotted me.
“Congratulations, champ.” I whispered and watched as Alex smiled.
“I did it for us, baby. We’re gonna run this place.” He whispered back, approaching me. I leaned into his palm as he rested his hand against my face, and smiled up at him.
“Get a room you two!” Ace shouted from the crowd, causing us both to laugh.
“She has a match first!” Sabin called back.
“Did you really think I’d miss it?” I asked.
A rupture of “no” came from the group, and I laughed. When everything seemed to go wrong, these were the people who showed me they could go right. I’d always be thankful for my friends here, no matter what happened to me.
“I’m glad I had a spare jacket waiting for me by the way.” Alex laughed, and I blushed.
“Is it okay if I wear this one tonight?” I asked with red cheeks, and he nodded before kissing me so I could go.
A whistle interrupted us, and I knew that it was time for me to get in position. I gave Alex one last peck before walking to right behind the curtain and waiting for my music to begin. Once it played, I walked out, and made my way to the ring where I waited for Trinity and Deonna. As they came out, I moved out of the ring to give them space. When everyone was out here, I slid back into the ring and got into a corner where I waited for the bell to ring.
The match was back and forth for all of us for a while, each trying to hit their signature move instantly. A quick win wouldn’t be easy, that much was clear for us, so we continued to battle it out. As Trinity was about to end the match, I shoved her out of the ring, and hit Deonna with a Shellshock, giving me the opportunity to pin her. I did exactly that, listening as the ref hit the mat three times, and I scored the win. I quickly rolled off of Deonna and watched as she rolled out of the ring, allowing me room to celebrate. 
“Here is your winner via pinfall, and new Knockouts World Champion, Zoe Scott!” I grabbed the belt from the referee’s hands, and tears fell from my eyes. I raised the belt above my head, and I could hear the fans cheer for me. Truly, it was a dream come true for me. As I was celebrating, the Motor City Machine Guns song began to play, and both men came running to the ring. Chris instantly wrapped me in a massive hug, allowing me a moment to let my tears out. When we let go, he raised my hand, showing everyone that I was supported by him, causing me to smile in between the tears. After a second, he released my hand, and Alex reached for my other one, using it to twirl me into him before placing a passionate kiss on my lips. Normally, I’d kiss him back, but I was caught off guard as Alex and I weren’t public with our relationship. It took a second, but I did end up kissing him back. When the kiss broke, Alex signaled for a mic, and he was granted with one.
“Congratulations to my wonderful girlfriend on winning her first title here in Impact.” Fans screamed when he used that title, and I smiled as tears continued to roll down my cheeks. “I love you so much Zoe.”
I ran into his arms, belt still in my hands, and he embraced me in a tight hug as we celebrated my win. We spent roughly five minutes in the ring before walking back hand in hand with Chris beside me. Once we were in the back, I released Alex’s hand and ran towards the area where I spotted Ace. At this point, I was wearing the belt around my waist, so I was easily able to run into his arms for a hug. 
“You did it Zoe!” He exclaimed, squeezing me. “I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
“Thank you for everything Ace, I mean it. You’ve been my best friend for years, and you never once gave up on me.” I cried, and he began to rub my back.
“Zoe, I’ll always be here for you. You’re my best friend.” He smiled as I pulled away.
I hugged him once more before turning around to see Alex. He was smiling at me, and I ran back into his arms, this time jumping for him to hold me.
“We got a wild Zoe on the loose.” Chris joked, and I laughed, throwing my head back.
“Don’t fall now!” Ace chuckled.
“I won’t drop you, don’t worry.” Alex reassured me, sliding one hand up to support my back.
We spent half an hour with our friends, having a blast and reminiscing on past times. By the end of the night, I was exhausted, and I could tell Alex was too.
“Babe, we can go back to the hotel, you know that right?” I sighed as I laid my head on his shoulder. 
“I know, but I want you to keep having fun.” He answered.
“All I need to have fun is you.” I whispered and kissed his neck.
“Babe, what are you doing?” He groaned as I placed another kiss. 
“Showing you we can have fun too.” I state before kissing higher up.
“We’ll head back and have as much fun as you can handle then,” Alex groaned again as I kissed right under his earlobe. “But I have a question first.”
“What’s up?” I asked, pulling away from him.
“Will you wear my jackets more? They look good on you.” He asked sheepishly.
“Of course I will!” I giggled, excited at the question.
“Good. Now let’s go celebrate.” Alex smirked as he stood up.
“It’s gross to think my best friends are leaving to have sex.” Chris made a disgusted face as he began walking away.
“Oh don’t worry Chris, I’ll make sure to tell you all the details.” I joked.
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matoitech · 1 year
REALLY wish ppl who talk abt how they ‘read lio as nonbinary’ whatever way they say that know that it is not the epic transgender ally win they think it is to say that, at least not the way they r saying it (like sometimes the way ur saying smth or why u believe smth is transphobic/homophobic!). like the character who is just a feminine gay man who has no comments made abt his appearance no question abt his gender he isnt identifying or is read any way but as a man like just rly isnt the appropriate choice for u to say hes ‘basically not a man’ bcuz of his appearance. bcuz thats just kind of fucked up and shitty. esp in promare where galos love interest is a man for a reason (and if ur saying ‘well i Read lio as not a man so promare isnt GAY exactly’ like okay well thats just homophobia dude). also when theyre like ‘lios nonbinary bcuz hes androgynous not galo tho cuz galos masculine so galos Very Male’ like just. big misunderstanding of what nonbinary even is or means or ‘who can be nonbinary’ like.. how are you fucking up this bad is all. reading chars as trans isnt ‘bad’ inherently (OBVIOUSLY??) its like the way u go about this the way u explain urself the way ur viewing gender n presentation n how ur talking abt gay men... like i think galo and lio r trans and their writing n characters become expontially better and work in a much cooler and more fun way thru that but saying 'lio is not a man bcuz hes too feminine’ is bad!
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sojutrait · 2 years
its a long one lads
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( @aomi-nabi ) THANK U AAAAAAAAA ur asks always make my day omg 😭😭❤❤❤
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THE WALK WITH ME IS SENDING ME KFKJFDGFGK so far we’ve also canonized him death dropping so i can really see his ass doing both-
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nothings going on dw ive just been busy dkfjdfk 😭😭
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( @deathbypufferfish ) death by pufferfish . com 
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( @lava-nder ) ngl my sims rarely even interact with townies made by the game kfgjfk 😭😭 if i do notice my sim getting close to a townie (.ie nadine or josh) THEN i’ll give them a makeover, but other than that i just ignore them or put in my own townies kdfjk as for lots, i just build my own or place down any new ones once i realize ive been to a lot too many times and want to switch it up
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GATIA BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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REAL i love oshin sm omg, been with her since her get famous lp 😌
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HELPPPFKFDK im not surprised, during homelandertrait halloween takeover i was ready to lose some followers 😭😭😭
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( @mmusicalwhims ) thank u so much !! 🤧❤❤❤❤ i should bring back that username tbh it was kinda iconic KDFJKFD
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( @wildmeadowsims ) (link) AAAAAAA I SAW im not really a concert person but im excited to see everyones recording of it dkfjfkfkg and i heard she was adding more international dates eventuallly so fingers crossed !!!
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ive never had that problem god bless KFDJK but i think u can turn off auto mean interactions with mcc so theres a temporary solution 
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the randomize button is my beloved 
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( @velvet-disc ) TYYYY take them, they’re too much for me to handle anyways 🗿
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( @25dejulho ) it depends on the save, but usually i start in another simmers save (my faves are ratboysims and simlicys), either build a house or find a shell off the gallery and decorate it myself, make a fam, then make some townies, give them all skills, careers, etc. just so theyre not like- newborns THEN start playing dkfjk its hella overkill and takes hours but thats how i do it 😭😭😭 tbh u dont even gotta do all that, u can just start in the aforementioned saves by other simmers and start ur own sims from scratch dkfjfgkj
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( @catladyfinds ) hi!! i try to keep my cheating pretty minimal, but theres no like- hard fast rules i do. i never cheat money just bc i think its boring for my sims to be hella rich skfjkgfgk but at the same time, if they have to pee and the toilet is 3 stories up then ill just say fuck it and cheat it 😭😭 so my rule is pretty much, quick lil cheating of needs is fine, but nothing that would make the game too easy or unrealistic 
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currently its cas and gameplay! but im hoping to get bit by the building bug again bc i have some ideas dkffkfg
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aaahhh, idk really i get hella attached to 90% of the sims i make instantly 😭
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( @chlosimly ) TYYYYY 😭😭😭❤❤ its all the cc makers not me KFDJKF
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(referring to the non-canon halabi death i overruled) SEE its so depressing and dark i dont even wanna say it 😭😭😭 ITS OKAY, THAT TIMELINE NEVER HAPPENED I INTERVENED 
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see i take offense to this bc the charm family is ugly as hell 🥴🥴
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thank you!!! 😭😭❤❤❤
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HELP i dont want to be too annoying so i try to keep the soju shut up posts to a minimum but im glad u like them 😭😭❤❤ im a chronic complainer so theres more where that came from dkfkff
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i didnt wanna use her last name in the tag in case she got married and changed it 😭😭 same kinda with her first name, lord knows i cant resist family gameplay so i wanted something that could still work if i ever post from her future kids pov!
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( @starterflowers​ ) thank u so much !! i also think hes pretty awesome kfdkfgk u have a great day/night as well ! 💕💕💕
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*jumps then falls flat on my ass*
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in theory 😌
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REAL i need him as an actual tangible person i can slap around (affectionately) 
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i dont think its a specific part, more so just trying to make someone who doesnt look bland 😭😭 if a sim is too cookie cutter ik i wont feel any emotion for them kfkgfk
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i actually liked how evermore/folklore had no hype! the surprise made the whole thing more special, like i lookback at those releases fondly dkjfkd now- yeah she def overhyped midnights 🗿🗿🥴🥴 this roll out has been so lackluster and so help me god if we get another anti-hero remix im gonna snap 
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
Omg here’s another prompt you could do a billion different things with: Max going to visit Victoria to meet Lio after his first championship in “my own cloud”
sorry this probably sucks! hope u like some parts anyway & thank you for always chatting about this au & many others with me :)
cw: hints at child abuse but nothing explicit
“Are you sure your dad isn’t going to be there?” Daniel asks, thumbnail stuffed into the corner of his mouth. When he takes the digit away, a spot of blood is stuck to his stubble.
Max tries not to roll his eyes, to ask Daniel to just stop worrying, please, because he is trying to be better about it. Daniel knowing, Max suddenly being made of glass with the way he can see right through him.
He wants to suck the raw skin surrounding Daniel's nail bed into his mouth, to lathe over the ache with his tongue until it's soothed. An apology, as much as a reminder.
“He is in Belgium,” Max tells him instead, again, foot already over the threshold of their apartment, “and Victoria is of course in Rotterdam. I think he will not make the trip until after Christmas.”
Daniel doesn't look convinced, shifting from one foot to the other before eventually stepping forward to take Max’s sleeve and tug him back from the no man’s land that anything outside of their four walls has become.
“At least give me a kiss before you go.”
On the plane, Max is less certain. Tries to convince himself that it will be okay if his dad is there, that so will Victoria and Tom and his mum too, maybe, but it does little to calm him when that never stopped anything before.
It’s over, he reminds himself. Now, I am too old.
It’s Tom that answers the door, looking exhausted. It’s the first thing Max notices about him before his eyes slide from his face to instead over his shoulder, to the pile of shoes lined in the hallway. As though that would give anything away. “Come in, mate,” he says, kind but not overly familiar. He’s older than Max, but Max pays for the house where he sleeps next to Max’s sister every night, for the car he drives. It dampened any genuine chance of friendship between them a long time ago, and Max is mostly okay with that. Taking care of his sister is what matters.
There’s that smell that reminds Max of her right from the hallway, that he remembers from when they were very small, seeping out from underneath her bedroom floor before he would knock and call for her through the wood, dinner time, Victoria. He didn’t like going into her bedroom, full of pink soft things that made his fingertips itch.
“Max!” she cries now happily from the sofa, where she looks up from the wriggling bundle in her arms. Early morning sunlight shining through the window lighting her smile up all gold, the baby soft and pink and-
“Oh, there he is,” Max says stupidly, mirroring her smile as he takes a step towards them.
She hands Lio over easily once Max has sunk into the cushions beside her, doesn’t lecture him on how to hold his head because he knows now from last time, almost one year ago to date.
He's perfect.
“You’re the world champion,” she says, voice sounding thick with tears with a hand on his shoulder, but Max can’t turn his head to look, eyes only for the bright blue ones looking up at him. A clock somewhere wound all the way back twenty four years. Twenty two. Seven.
“He is so small,” Max says in awe, and Victoria laughs.
“Max,” she says, and Max knows she wants him to talk about the race, what it felt like to win. He doesn’t want to.
“He is tiny,” he repeats, and this time she snorts.
“In my dreams, 8lb chunk that he is. He’s a Verstappen through and through.”
Her words settle like a stone in his stomach, uncomfortable and heavy. He wants to shake his head, to tell her that no, Lio can’t be. He’s too little. Instead, he strokes a finger over Lio’s brow, feeling it furrow under his touch.
“Has-“ Max swallows, “has dad been to see him yet?”
Victoria shakes her head, not diming her smile or taking her eyes away from her newborn son. Reaching out, she traces one fingertip gently over the opposite eyebrow, mirroring.
“Good,” Max says, on instinct before he can choke on the words as a way to keep them inside, and then cringes at the way it makes her head snap up, smile gone. “I just mean- Just-“
“Come on Max, this is-“ she doesn’t say the word silly, but Max knows she was about to. “You should put this disagreement, over Daniel or whatever, behind you. I know he misses you. I want us to be able to spend time together as a family again.”
Max nods, but his eyes are fixed on the lions covering Lio’s baby grow. On the front there are 15 of them, printed tiny, and Max wonders if there are so many on the back.
“Hello baby Lio,” Max says after a beat, ignoring her. “Welcome to the world.”
“Max, Dad did a lot for you,” Victoria tries again, lifting Lio out of his arms as easy as anything.
I’ve done a lot for him, Max thinks bitterly, but won’t ever say. I’ve done a lot for all of us.
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fotiathymos · 2 years
I do see them fight a lot in the beginning of their relationship (not romantic) mostly because they each dont know how to handle their own thoughts and emotions. 
Galo distrusts their own thoughts and world more after everything they thought was revealed to be fabricated by a man using them. Their anxiety sky rockets to the point of feeling so useless of a person, they just work 24/7 because then they have some use to others. Everything in Galo’s world was a gift from Kray, those gifts became disgusting. They were all a means to an end for Kray and Galo saw them as blessings at first. Galo did in fact work hard to become apart of burning rescue but once it was shown that Kray gave Galo that leverage to join the job as a means to get Galo killed...makes Galo feel like they were given a handout and that they aren’t really a good fire fighter and everything that they loved so much and worked hard on and poured every part of their being into...wasn’t real. Galo would have a hard time after the movie’s events. That façade of being happy and proud and a show off would grow x10. They’d have to be talking or working or doing something to not be thinking alone in their thoughts or else they’ll spiral. One of those distractions would be worrying about Lio or helping the Burnish’s efforts. But thinking about Lio romantically, thinking Lio was charming, or cute or smart or funny or how nice it was to be around Lio or how Lio actually made Galo feel like they were worth something?? Oh god no push that thought away fast. Galo would doubt all of it. They put Lio in jail and they idolized the man who almost killed all of them. Galo was worthless and didnt deserve to be given the light of day from Lio.
The problem would be that Lio could see past Galo’s façade easier then anyone else. I see a moment where all news cameras are on Galo about a trial for Kray and how Galo was testifying that day. Galo would be putting on a big front to cover the mess in his head from it all. When Galo got to go home after leaving the longest court session and then news mics in their face all day, they’d go to work instead, to find the station empty, except Lio, with some pizza and a blanket on the floor beside the firetruck. Lio would have his own exhausted eyes from watching the news all day covering the trail. Lio would nonchalantly say “It looked like you were having a hard time so I brought you food and we don’t have to talk, just relax” and Galo would breakdown. 
Lio would let Galo cry. Both of them, for sure, didnt want to talk about Kray. And Galo really didn’t want to think or feel anything for a while. They wouldn’t sleep that night, just eat pizza and Lio asked Galo to tell him about what a Matoi is and why they were so important, so then Galo would think about something else, something they enjoyed and wouldn’t have to fake a smile for. Eventually the smile would come more natural and the tears would be less frequent. Galo would doubt Lio was listening at first, till Lio started actually asking questions and engaging in Galo’s rambles. They’d both start feeling more human and laughing together. Wishing to order more pizza but it’d be 4am.
After that night all it would take is for Lio to give Galo a look for Galo to put down his façade and be honest. But mostly when they were alone. Galo would still have to fight their brain telling them that Lio doesn’t actually care. It would still throw Galo for a loop when Lio remembered something Galo said or Galo liked. They’d finally start easing more into being okay to like Lio. They’d fall really fast after that. Because those feelings were always there, Galo was finally allowing themself to feel them. Lio would take much longer on himself.
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ladylooch · 3 months
I can just imagine a time when Mack comes home and she is very overwhelmed or upset about something and asks Nico to hold her. It's so quiet he almost misses it but immediately stops what he is doing to comfort his teen who is usually so against needing help or hugs. They are on the couch, a cried out Mack has her head on her dads lap as he plays with her hair and she sleeps when Lexi returns home.
Mack can't believe it. She actually failed. Not even a C or a D, which would have made her pass at least, she FAILED her World History exam earlier in the week. This has never happened to her before. She is so good at studying, but the details of all the moving parts in World War I were not sticking into her head, no matter how much Nico tried to help her. She didn't stand a chance and she knew it even as she turned her exam in.
This afternoon, Mack seems to be the first one home. Lucie dropped her off then went running off somewhere with Lio after school. Sophie and her parents are not home yet. Her dad is with her uncle and her mom is picking up her younger sister from a field trip.
Mack makes good use of her alone time and wails out her frustrations. Big, hiccuping sobs rattle her slim frame as she covers her face with her hands.
"Sweets, what's wrong?" Her dad asks suddenly from the stairs. Mack startles, then tries to quickly hide her tears.
"N-n-nothing." She sniffs, palms swiping across her cheeks.
"This does not look like nothing. What's going on?" Mack looks down at the bulge of her sweatshirt pocket in her lap. Her bottom lip shakes and she bites down hard on it, drawing blood from her already chapped winter lips. Nico sits down next to her, grabbing her wrist and guiding her into his chest. Mack loses it completely again.
"Whatever it is, we will fix it together. I'm here for you, baby." He strokes his hand over her hair, smoothing the fly aways down. His lips press to the left of her pony tail. "I love you."
"No matter what!?" Mack squeaks out through a sob.
"Yes, no matter what." Nico's voice is calm and quiet, a complete opposite of the wailing happening in his arms.
"I failed my exam earlier this week. I got an F! A literal F!" She confesses through hiccups. Nico sighs heavily, mostly in relief because his mind was running a million miles a minute on what could be making his daughter this upset. This he can deal with. Easily.
"That sucks. I know how hard you studied and I'm sorry you are disappointed with your grade." He rubs her back, shifting so they can lean into the pillows more. "But you are so smart and you work so hard, I know you'll do better next time, sweets." Mack nods, then nuzzles in deeper to his chest. Nico squeezes her tighter.
It takes a few more soothing sentences from dad, including some questions about what extra credit may look like, but Mack eventually stops crying so damn hard. Her pink cheeks are still tear stained when Lexi comes home.
"Hi my sweet babies." She murmurs, instantly taking note of Mack's latch on Nico's sweatshirt. "We okay?"
"Yeah." Mack sighs, not taking her eyes off the TV. "Dad made it better."
"He tends to be really good at that." Lexi smiles, then kisses Mack's head before smooching her husband. Their silent look tells Lexi he will fill her in later.
"Can I snuggle!?" Sophie asks, coming in front of their faces. Nico and Mack open their arms and pull her in too.
The three of them remain there until Lexi calls them for dinner.
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dirtyglitterr · 1 year
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ꜰᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
Neymar Jr x Original Character Summary: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ. ᴡᴀꜱ ɪᴛ ʙʏ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ? ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ, ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙʟᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʜꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.
Warnings: Mature Language
ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
I turned to Penny and asked her, "What should we order for dinner?" but she just wagged her tail in response. I guess I'll have to decide for us. "How about that noodle place that has those egg rolls that you like?" With the mention of those veggie egg rolls, she gave me a bark of approval before jumping onto my lap. I chuckled and scratched behind her ears, saying, "Okay, it's settled then. Noodle place it is."
Neymar finally came out of his room, freshly showered, and joined us in the living room. He was shirtless and in black sweatpants; his hair and tattoo-riddled chest were still damp from the shower. The way droplets of water clung to his brown skin, glistening in the light, made my heart race. Soccer sure did keep him fit. He sat down next to me, leaning back against the cushions, his muscles flexing as he stretched out his legs. His toned body was tempting, and I wanted to explore every inch of it with my tongue- "What are we ordering for dinner?" he asked, breaking me out of my trance. glancing at Penny, who was happily snuggled on my lap.
"I was thinking about that noodle place with those veggie egg rolls," I suggested, trying to ignore how much of a heathen I was turning into the longer that I'm around him.
He nodded in agreement, saying, "No idea what noodle place you're speaking about, but I trust you to make sure I'm fed." I grinned, rolling my eyes. "You know you're paying, right?"
"Você está começando a se tornar um marido de merda," I replied, still petting Penny, who had settled comfortably on my lap, as I placed our order on my phone.
"We gotta keep the spark somehow. Besides, it's your punishment for entertaining that ass." He said this while pulling my legs onto his lap.
Speaking of that ass, "What's your deal with him anyway?"
Neymar sighed deeply, flicking through the TV channels until he landed on a soccer game. God, it's like he lived and breathed soccer. "He's trying to push me out of PSG," Neymar said, his eyes still glued to the TV screen.
"Can he do that?" I asked, leaning my head back against the couch.
Neymar shrugged, his attention still on the game, as he began rubbing against my calves. Damn, that felt too good. "Technically, no. Besides Lio and me, he's one of the top players on the team."
"If he's already in the top three, why is he such an ass towards you?"
"That's the problem, Flor; he wants to be the top player overall on the team." I sighed, understanding the pressure Neymar must be under. Being a top player comes with its own set of expectations and demands.
That's why the other day, when he was calling me the best interior designer, I couldn't accept it. He may think so, but the competition is fierce, and I'm just grateful for how far I've been able to take my company. "I get it," I said, "but that doesn't give him the right to be an ass towards you."
Neymar finally tore his eyes away from the game and looked at me. "I know, Flor. But he has a lot of power within the club. And he's not afraid to use it. They spared no expense when bringing him into the team. He's a young talent and easy to mold while I'm trying to keep up. "
I sat up, almost offended that he'd ever fix his lips to say that. "Keep up, Neymar. Not once did you need to step out; you played at your peak for the entire game." But he just shrugged, his eyes shifting back to the flat screen.
I knew that he was thinking about something else entirely, something that he didn't want to share with me. It was frustrating, but I also knew that I couldn't push him too hard. He was already under a lot of pressure, both on and off the field. I decided to change the subject, hoping to lighten the mood. "So, have you been keeping up with the latest transfer rumors?" I asked, trying to sound casual.
"It's not enough." He replied, his tone still tense. "I need to push my limits or I'll be seen as a nonvaluable player by tomorrow by management."
"I'll fight for my place on this team, no matter what."
It was a quiet moment between us, Neymar's focus shifting from the game to the gentle rhythm of his hands. "You're so tense," he murmured, his voice softening. "Just relax." I closed my eyes, letting myself sink into the sensation of his touch. For a moment, everything else melted away and it was just us, here in this moment together.
"Fuck management!" I snapped suddenly, crawling over to straddle his lap. Neymar's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't push me away. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, his hands now slipping under the large shirt that he wore and roaming the skin of my back. Focus, Mia; you have a motivational speech to give. Placing my hand on his cheek, I said, "There will never be another you." Neymar looked at me intently, his eyes softening as he listened to my words. If you weren't so damn good, he wouldn't be threatened by you. You wouldn't be one of the best players in the world—hell, for your country. They will always need you, never you needing them. Remember that."
He leaned in, pressing his lips against the corner of my lips, then pulled back with a small smile. I knew he needed this reminder; he needed to hear that he was valuable and irreplaceable. Hell, who doesn't?
He lifted his hand to my cheek, gently stroking it as he looked into my eyes. "Thank you," he said softly. His hand was still on my cheek. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he slowly leaned in, resting his forehead against mine.
"I'm with you," I whispered as I smiled back. "Whatever happens, I've got your back," I said. We stayed like that for a few moments, just breathing together, my fingers caressing his bearded jaw. Fuck, what was I doing? This isn't what friends do; this, this-this was couple shit.
As I opened my eyes, his hazel eyes were on me, watching me intently. I felt a jolt of electricity run through me at the sight of his gaze, but I quickly composed myself and stood up from his lap, reclaiming my spot next to him on the couch. Awkward much, Mia. "How long will you be staying?" He asked,
"I only planned to stay for a month, but then again, I didn't plan on getting married," I replied with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood. He chuckled along with me, but I could tell there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I asked Anto about the annulment."
"You did?" he said, his voice low.
"Yeah, and apparently we'll be stuck in this for eight months."
"More time for me to use my husband's card then," he smirked, his eyes locking onto mine.
"It's not funny, Neymar. It may be for you, but not for me. I wanted my experience of being married for the first time to mean something, not a drunken mistake." As soon as my words fell out of my mouth like vomit, I instantly regretted them. The hurt reflected in his hazel eyes made me feel even worse.
"So if you married that abusive piece of shit, then it would've meant something, but since it's me, your world is ending." I could see the hurt in his eyes, and it made me feel guilty for my previous words.
"That's not fair," I said, trying to repair the damage I had caused. "I didn't mean it like that." I reached out to take his hand, but he stood up and walked away in the direction of the kitchen. "Oh Penny, momma's fucked up again." I sighed, looking over at Penny and feeling a wave of sadness wash over me. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and asked, "Should I go after him?" I whispered to her. Penny barked as she nuzzled her head against my hand, as if trying to offer some sort of consolation. Giving me the courage I needed.
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