#Harris Park restaurant menu
jesondamon · 29 days
The Taste of India: Most Popular Indian Dishes to Try in Harris Park
In the suburb of Harris Park, Australia, Indian cuisine is loved and served with utmost authenticity, which transports diners to the bustling streets of Indian cities. From the fiery curries of Delhi to the flavours of Kerela, Dosa Hut is one Indian restaurant in Harris Park that stands out for serving amazing Indian cuisine.
Whether you are a seasoned fan of South Indian food in Harris Park or want to try Indian non-vegetarian dishes in Harris Park, Dosa Hut’s culinary marvels are all set to impress you. Indian cuisine, as we all know, is known for its unique ingredients and flavours. This palate offers a harmonious blend of spices and vibrant herbs.
The popularity of authentic Indian dishes in Harris Park is on the rise, thanks to the suburb’s multicultural makeup. The suburb welcomes diverse food families and has a special fan following for Indian cuisine. Be it Indian catering in Harris Park or a high demand for Indian takeaway, the influence of Indian food in this suburb is undeniable.
In this blog, we will tell you about the most popular Indian dishes in Harris Park that are a must-try.
5 Must-Try Indian Dishes You Must Binge on At Dosa Hut in Harris Park
For the tandoor lovers - Chicken Tikka
North Indian starters are all about richness and bold flavours, and one such unmissable preparation is Chicken Tikka. Marinated in a mixture of yoghurt and spices, the chicken pieces are skewered and cooked in a tandoor (clay oven). The charred exterior and the juicy interior make this dish a favourite on the menu. Further, the smoky flavour of the Chicken Tikka, when paired with the zesty mint chutney, enhances the overall dining experience.
You can gorge on this marvelous Indian starter at Dosa Hut, the best Indian food outlet in Harris Park.
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For creamy bliss - Dal Makhani
This highly adored North Indian curry is popular for its creamy texture, balanced flavours, and rich ingredients. The magic of this vegetarian curry lies in its preparation technique, where the lentils and beans are simmered on low heat and allowed to absorb all the flavours. Further, the curry is cooked till it achieves a velvety texture. The addition of butter and cream towards the end of the cooking gives it a rich and comforting feel.
Dal Makhani is one of the most loved vegetarian curries that can be eaten with Indian bread or as a side dish. You can also pair this wonderful curry with plain rice! Filled with the goodness of lentils and beans, this curry is hard to resist.
Head to Dosa Hut, the most recommended Indian curry restaurant in Harris Park, to relish this melt-in-your-mouth dish.
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A flavourful street food sensation - Pav Bhaji
Pav Bhaji is a popular street food from Mumbai, India. This dish has captured the hearts and tastebuds of food lovers all over the world. The bhaji in this dish consists of a flavourful vegetable mash of boiled potatoes, peas, tomatoes, onions, and a blend of spices. Served with soft buttered buns toasted to perfection, Pav Bhaji is both comforting and satisfying.
You can savour this amazing dish at Dosa Hut, the most visited Indian cuisine restaurant in Harris Park.
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Of royal and majestic flavours - Chicken Dum Biryani
This list is incomplete without the mention of Chicken Dum Biryani. This royal dish hails from the kitchens of the Mughals and has become a symbol of culinary excellence. Dosa Hut serves authentic Chicken Dum Biryani. In this dish, the luxurious combination of rice, flavourful chicken pieces marinated in yogurt and spices, and herbs, are layered and slow-cooked to perfection. Further, fried onions and strands of saffron are added to the final dish to enhance the complexity and richness of the preparation.
You can order Chicken Dum Biryani from Dosa Hut- a highly recommended Indian food delivery restaurant in Harris Park.
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South India’s culinary marvel - Masala Dosa
The humble Masala Dosa comes with simple flavours, but its appeal is anything but ordinary. This iconic South Indian dish has a crispy golden outer texture and flavourful potato filling.
With the perfect balance of taste, texture, and tradition, Masala Dosa is a masterpiece. A breakfast staple in India, this dish can be eaten for snacks or a wholesome meal. Usually served with sambar and chutney, Masala Dosa is apt for those who like to have light meals.
Make sure to book your table at Dosa Hut restaurant for the best Masala Dosa in Harris Park.
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Discover the culinary surprises of Harris Park with Dosa Hut’s warm hospitality, where Indian vegetarian and non-vegetarian food take centre stage! You can also browse the Harris Park restaurant menu on our website.
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pancakes4two · 2 years
omg… i FINALLY finished this pre frat blurb which means this is the last post in the harry eras series (for now 🥲🥲🥲🥲) thank you for all of your nice comments and for showing so much love to this series since the beginning 🥰 it means so so so much to me
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Liked by harrystyles, yourmom and 150 others
yourinstagram baby’s first show! can’t possibly put into words how proud i am of you and how excited i am for the year ahead!!!
@.harrystyles hope you know it doesn’t matter how big of a rockstar you become, you’ll always be the cute boy with dimples in my english class to me ❤️ ily
View all 40 comments
harrystyles Rockstar?! I’m just a kid who was on the X-Factor!
harrystyles In all seriousness, I love you lots. Thanks for being there and calming my nerves ❤️ And you’ll always be my baby.
niallhoran The two of you are gross
yourmom What a lovely caption! We are all so proud of you H, and can’t wait for you to see you perform in (your hometown)!
harrystyles Thanks so much Ms. L/N. Excited to see you all again soon.
yourbff so jealous you get to go on tourrrrr
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Liked by harrystyles, nicholasgrimshaw and 90 others
yourinstagram h finally meets his long lost twin. you know, the one he supposedly ate in the womb
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nicholasgrimshaw Gross. You have no sense of decency @.harrystyles
harrystyles Two Harries are better than one.
yourbff how does it feel knowing your bf’s face is plastered against a giant wall???
yourinstagram feels scary and weird.
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1dupdatesofficial Harry was spotted back in (your hometown) this afternoon! Locals are saying he returned to take his girlfriend to her prom, as he wanted to be her date no matter what, despite his busy schedule.
View all 7,634 comments
1d4ever they’re such couple goals i’m cryingggggggggg
harrygirl1 Can you just imagine Harry taking you to prom 😭😭😭
iluvharry he’s so young but such a good boyfriend already 😭
1dupdatesofficial UPDATE: He is in fact back for prom! Fans just spotted him and Y/N out for dinner at a restaurant near their school. Harry was wearing a heart print shirt & suit and Y/N was wearing a matching dress!!!
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Liked by yourinstagram and 1,627,726 others
harrystyles Rough night out.
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harryfan1 ILY HARRY
ilovethe1dboys DID Y/N TAKE THIS
niallhoran Lmao disaster prom
yourinstagram omg don’t be so dramatic i only stepped on your toe while dancing
harrystyles It really hurt.
yourinstagram i’m sure it did h, i’m sure it did
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Liked by harrystyles, edsheeran and 190 others
yourinstagram past 2 months on tour.
watched my bf shoot death glares at me from his plane seat. watched my bf ask for a kid’s menu and proceed to color it in with crayons at a fancy restaurant. watched my bf run in front of the backup camera as i tried to park his car at a busy concert venue. watched my bf throw knives at a watermelon during a barbecue with ed sheeran.
someone tell me why i agreed to go on this trip
View all 30 comments
harrystyles Hehe
harrystyles You agreed because you loooooove me.
yourbff what even is your life.
yourclassmate i’m dying of jealousy!!!!!!
edsheeran That was fun @.harrystyles let’s do it again
gemmastyles what is wrong with you @.harrystyles? genuinely wondering
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pulisicz · 1 year
lavender haze pt 2 - christian pulisic
i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me
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summary - during your date with christian, you both talk a little bit about your personal life’s, and you two realize that you want to give a relationship between you a try.
pairing - christian pulisic x fem!reader
song inspo - lavender haze (taylor swift)
warnings! - none
word count - 800+
note - again, i’m so sorry i have made this fic so long. i am proud of it though, so there’s that.
also, i tried making this part short and sweet, so i hope you like it!
part one
the second you walked into the restaurant, you immediately fell in love with it. the vibe was amazing, and the smell of the food was incredible.
you got seated at a table and began to look at the menu.
"everything here looks so good, it's impossible to choose".
christian gave you a little chuckle before putting his own menu down.
"i recommend the grilled cheese and fries. it's simple, but there is just something about the way they make it that just makes it so good".
so, just like christian recommended, you ordered the grilled cheese, and he was definitely right about it being amazing.
"so, you play for chelsea, right?"
the question came out of your mouth before you had time to even think what you were saying through. christian looked a little surprised at your question, and blushed a little and hid his face.
you started to panic, hoping you didn't make this entire thing awkward.
"i indeed do, ms swift".
"how the- how do you know?"
you were genuinely confused on how he knew. the only time you even talked about your sister was while you were on the phone with her and her name, but taylor is such a common name, so how would he have known.
"your sisters boyfriend come over to the bar last night to get you, and he was not even trying to be discreet about it".
then the events of last night flashed in your head. you and christian both laughed the whole situation off. if you were on a date with anyone else you might have been worried about the public finding out, but it was christian, someone who dealt with the same things as you. plus the two of you got so well together, it was almost like you were normal people, not a famous soccer player, and not the sister of a famous pop singer.
lunch was going great, both you and christian had both ordered vanilla bean ice cream, and you were talking about your lives, and what hobbies you had. you both liked to read and were very much introverts, you both likes board games and harry potter. it was nice talking to him.
just as you were about to get the check your sister texted you.
taylor: you doing okay? make sure you get to the hotel in time for you to get ready, okay?
y/n: we are getting the check now, then we are going to a nearby park for a little. i'll be back in time don't worry.
christian refused to let you pay or split the bill, which was both frustrating and sweet.
once you two got to the park, you found a bench to sit on.
everything was so normal with christian. you had been on many dates in the past, but none have been this casual. most of the time you would go out to dinner, and it was filled with awkward conversations, or the guy would just ask about your sister. it was refreshing to be on a date with a guy who cared about you.
after another 10 minutes, you and christian started walking around the park trail. the flowers were blooming and the weather was perfect. the two of you found the most beautiful fountain, and you threw coins into it making wishes.
next thing you know, christian turns to face you and he places his hand carefully on your cheek, cupping it to bring your face up to meet his. he then carefully connects your lips to his.
it's like he read my wish
christian deepened the kiss. what was once a soft, careful kiss, became passionate and messy. his hand snaked around your waist, as your hand wrapped around his neck.
you just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
but all good things must come to an end.
christian was the one to break the kiss, both of you out of breath. you and christian leaned your foreheads together, smiling like little kids. there was something so magical about the moment. was it because of the fancy fountain in front of you, maybe. but it was a meaningful moment, nonetheless.
"was your wish the same as mine?" he asks out of the blue.
"considering my wish was what just happened, i think it would be safe to say we did, in fact, have the same wish".
you gave christian another peck on the lips before you two started walking back to his apartment.
"how long will you be in london for?"
"my sister has 6 shows here, so i would say like, 2 weeks?"
christian smirks and looks up at the sky. he was already planning more dates with the two of you.
"are you free tomorrow night?"
"only for you, mr pulisic"
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dknuth · 9 days
The Moors
I didn't have a good idea what the moors are like. All I knew was from old Sherlock Holmes stories and films, and the scenes on the moors were always at night. So we stayed three nights in Pickering on the south side of the moors. I noticed there were few towns in the central portion.
We took it easy here. After this, we will join a Hadrian's Wall tour, and I expect we will be out fairly early in the mornings, so this was Cathie's last chance to sleep in on the trip.
We drove to Goathland for lunch at the Homestead, a small restaurant focused on local produce. As we approached the tops of the moors, we could see why they were so empty.
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All of the dark areas are thick heather and other shrubs. They would be tough to walk through and of little use for grazing. Apparently, the soil is acidic and poor, so little else grows there.
As we approached Goathland we spotted a steam train. It was a Sunday afternoon of a holiday weekend and the local railroad was running special tourist steam trains.
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The local station in Goathland is perfect for a steam train stop. In fact it was used in the Harry Potter movies.
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On Monday we drove to Bridlington on the east coast. Along the way, we tried to visit the ruins of a medieval village, but the road that Google Maps sent us down was closed to traffic, and it was raining, so we skipped it.
No sooner than we decided to skip it than the clouds broke.
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It is really amazing how quickly the weather changes here. From raining from just cloudy to partially cloudy to pretty sunny. But never totally clear skies.
Our other stop was in the village of Rudston which has the largest standing stone in Great Britain.
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It's believed to date from about 2,000 BCE, the late Neolithic.
Bridlington was busy! It was a holiday Monday, and the town center parking lot was full! We found a spot near the harbor and a seafood restaurant. We had some tremendous curried shrimp that was reasonably spicy, much more than we get in Capitol Lakes. I also had a big bowl of mussels that were good.
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It was right a low tide and the harbor was dry.
Brits seem to be big on dogs. Most people have dogs everywhere we've been. Hotels, casual restaurants, and pubs all advertise that they are dog-friendly and often have water bowls on the floor for them. This is so different than at home. At Cap Lakes, we even have people who are very anti-dog and complain about them being on the property.
The seafood restaurant even had a dog menu and special dog foods.
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After lunch, we went to the RSPB reserve at Bempton Cliffs. (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, I had to look it up.) It's a great spot for seabirds as the cliffs have lots of ledges, nooks, and crannies in which to nest. Unfortunately, I didn't have binoculars or my camera with the zoom lens. My vision is poor for seeing small things at a distance, so I really couldn't see them very well. Nor could my iPhone take quality photos. So I enjoyed the overall views.
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While the gannets are pretty clear in that photo, the guillemots on the rock face are hard to see, as they were for me.
One gannet sat on the clifftop near the walkway and conveniently posed for me. A very thoughtful bird.
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They keep the meadows wild for all the birds that nest in them. That also provides a carpet of wildflowers.
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Then, it was back to Pickering and The White Swan to pack up for the drive back to York and the train to Newcastle to begin our Hadrian's Wall tour. (That's officially Newcastle upon Tyne.)
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Okay one more because I'm enjoying your answers too much
Which is your favourite fast food restaurant? Favourite smoothie flavour? What's the place you want to visit more than anything? Describe your favourite dress. You get to choose a hp creature as a pet, what do you get? Seaside or lakeside? Sunshine or starshine?
Caramel iced latte with caramel drizzle in a tumbler with dancing fruits on it or hazelnut hot chocolate with chocolate whipped cream in a large Slytherin mug? (you get to keep the mug/tumbler)
Favourite sport? What would you give Snape for his birthday? And Harry?
Snape comes back from the death for one full day. What do you two do?
Byyyyye ❤️
Okay favorite fast food is hard to choose! It used to be Whataburger because of their mushroom and swiss burger, but they removed it from their menu!! :( Now I'm inclined to say....Panda Express maybe?? Their orange chicken is great! Fave smoothie flavor would be blueberry-banana!
My favorite dress?? So many to choose from! I think my favorite is probably this yellow sundress that has spaghetti straps and has cute little pink flowers all over it. The bodice is pretty fitted and the skirt flows out very nicely when I spin! Also: POCKETS!!!!
My chosen HP creature as a pet would be....hmmmm. Can't I adopt them all???? I think a puffskein maybe! Fluffy and cuddly, just how I like 'em! I have 2 pygmy puff plushes at home, a pink and purple one whose names are Pippa and Puck! :) But I figure a puffskein is bigger which means more to love!
Lakeside and sunshine, though I do have a fondness for starshine. But I'm a Leo moon and rising so I gotta have that sunlight!
Tough call on the drink of choice, but I think I'll take the caramel one! Either way my partner would have to finish it for me...I can't do much of overly sweet drinks! But I can't quite resist the fruity tumbler! It would be nice to put some fruit juice in afterwards! (I do love me some orange juice...extra pulp, please!)
Favorite sport would be QUIDDITCH. Cuz...I'm not much of a sports person, to be honest! But magical sports I can get behind!
For birthday gifts for the boys...hmmm! For Severus, I think a nice leatherbound book...a book he enjoys, but a version that's extra special! OR nice new boots and/or robes. High quality, but not ultra fancy...just practical and sturdy and nice. Our man deserves nice things! For Harry, I think a new broom is always a classic, or any flying gear. But also I have this little headcanon of Harry liking mechanical puzzles, so maybe a really complex and cool mechanical puzzle to work out!
If Severus only came back for one full day...hmm. I'd want him to have the best day ever! I'd bake him some goodies and we'd have tea and chat. Maybe we'd take a walk and go through a park or gardens, and maybe visit a museum. I bet he'd appreciate a museum. But mostly focus on quality time and talking and experiencing cool things for his one day back!
And if I timed it just right, I'd give him a big ole hug before he goes. Gotta make sure he doesn't kill me on his way back to the Afterlife, though.
Thanks for chatting with me, Lizzy! It was a lot of fun! <333
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tablacuisine1 · 16 days
Best Ways to Celebrate Father's Day in Orlando
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Father's Day is just around the corner, and Orlando offers a plethora of exciting activities to make this day unforgettable for every dad. Whether your dad loves the great outdoors, thrilling adventures, or savoring delicious meals, Orlando has something to offer. Here are some of the best ways to celebrate Father's Day in this vibrant city.
Get Outdoors
Explore the Gardens
Start your Father's Day with a tranquil stroll through one of Orlando’s beautiful gardens. Harry P. Leu Gardens, renowned for its lush landscapes and diverse flora, offers free admission for dads on Father's Day. It's a perfect spot for a relaxing morning, where you can admire the stunning blooms and bond over nature’s beauty.
Hit the Trails
If your dad is an outdoor enthusiast, consider going for a bike ride or a hike. Orlando boasts numerous trails that cater to all levels of adventurers. Head to the West Orange Trail for a scenic bike ride or explore the numerous hiking trails at Wekiwa Springs State Park, where you can also take a refreshing dip in the natural springs.
Zip Lining and Water Parks
For the more adventurous dads, zip lining at Forever Florida or scaling the aerial obstacles at Orlando Tree Trek Adventure Park could be the thrill they seek. If water activities are more his style, splashing around at Universal’s Volcano Bay or Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon provides a perfect combination of excitement and relaxation.
Beach Day
Don’t forget that Orlando is just a short drive away from some of Florida's best beaches. Cocoa Beach and Daytona Beach are both great options for a sunny day of sand, surf, and family fun. Pack a picnic, bring some beach games, and enjoy a day by the ocean.
Adventure Race
For a unique and exciting way to spend Father's Day, consider participating in the Father’s Day Adventure Race on June 16, 2024, at Little Big Econ State Forest. This event is the ultimate family-style team-building experience, featuring biking, paddling, and more. There are three race categories to choose from, ensuring that everyone can participate, regardless of skill level. It’s a fantastic way to bond as a family while embracing the spirit of adventure.
Dining Out
Treat Him to a Special Meal at Tabla Indian Restaurant
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After a day full of activities, what better way to wrap up Father’s Day than with a delicious meal? If you’re looking for a unique dining experience, Tabla Indian Restaurant is offering a special Father’s Day menu on June 15 and 16. Indulge in exquisite Indian cuisine, enjoy handcrafted cocktails, and make your dad feel special in a fine dining setting. The ambiance, coupled with flavorful dishes, will surely make this a memorable meal.
Unique Experiences
Golfing and Sports
If your dad is a sports fan, Orlando has some great options. Take him to Topgolf for a fun and interactive golfing experience, or if he prefers watching sports, catch an Orlando City SC soccer game. The excitement of a live game could be the perfect way to cap off the day.
Cultural Experiences
For a more relaxed yet enriching experience, visit the Orlando Museum of Art or take a scenic boat tour through the Winter Park Chain of Lakes. These cultural outings can provide a serene and thoughtful way to spend quality time together.
Father’s Day in Orlando offers endless possibilities to create cherished memories with your dad. Whether you choose to explore the great outdoors, participate in an adventure race, enjoy a sumptuous meal, or dive into unique experiences, Orlando has something to make every dad feel special and appreciated. So, plan ahead, tailor the day to your dad's interests, and make this Father’s Day one to remember.
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jjflooringorlando · 3 months
Unleash Your Imagination: Why Universal Studios Orlando is a Must-Visit Destination
Have you ever dreamed of stepping into the fantastical worlds of your favorite movies and TV shows? At Universal Studios Orlando, those dreams become reality. This world-renowned theme park brings the magic of Hollywood to life, immersing visitors in the glamour, excitement, and creativity of the entertainment industry. Whether you're a movie buff, thrill-seeker, or simply looking for an unforgettable family vacation, Universal Studios offers something for everyone.
Thrilling Rides and Attractions for All Ages
One of the biggest draws of Universal Studios is its incredible selection of rides and attractions based on beloved films and TV series. Soar through the air with Harry Potter on the "Flight of the Hippogriff" roller coaster. Join the MIB as an agent trainee on the interactive "Men in Black: Alien Attack." Plummet 85 feet on the "Jurassic World VelociCoaster" as you're chased by velociraptors. And of course, no visit is complete without experiencing "Despicable Me Minion Mayhem," a hilarious 3D adventure alongside Gru and his mischievous Minions.
These are just a few examples of the exhilarating attractions that await you. With rides and experiences spanning a wide range of intensity levels and themes, Universal Studios ensures that there's something to delight visitors of all ages and interests. Whether you're a hardcore adrenaline junkie or prefer more mild thrills, you'll find plenty to keep you entertained.
Immersive Themed Lands Transport You to Another World
Beyond individual rides, one of the most impressive aspects of Universal Studios is how it crafts entire immersive lands that make you feel like you've stepped into the world of a movie. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is a prime example. This expansive area is meticulously designed down to the finest details to recreate the magic of the beloved book and film series.
Stroll the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade village, where you can shop for wands at Ollivanders, sip Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks tavern, and mail letters from the Owl Post. The towering replica of Hogwarts Castle looms over it all, housing the groundbreaking "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" attraction that takes you soaring through iconic scenes. It's an enchanting experience that will delight Potterheads and muggles alike.
Other immersive lands include the comic strip inspired city of Toon Lagoon, the vibrant Universal Music Plaza celebrating music legends, and the Simpsons' hometown of Springfield. Each transports you to a different world and is packed with details that will impress even the most avid fans.
Spectacular Live Entertainment and Character Encounters
In addition to rides, Universal Studios puts on an array of spectacular live shows and entertainment throughout the day and night. Watch death-defying stunts at the "Bourne Stuntacular." Sing and dance along at the "Shrek 4D" film with special effects. Marvel at the talented performers in the "Blues Brothers Show." And don't miss the nightly Universal Orlando's Cinematic Celebration, a stunning multimedia experience with thundering music, dazzling lights, water fountains and pyrotechnics that brings the movies to life.
Meeting your favorite characters is another highlight. Snap a selfie with Optimus Prime, get a hug from SpongeBob, or watch the Minions goof off. Seeing these icons in-person is a surreal experience that instantly transports you to your childhood. Both kids and kids-at-heart will be starstruck by these larger-than-life figures.
Fuel Up at Themed Dining Experiences
When it's time to refuel, Universal Studios offers a wide array of imaginative dining options. Many of the restaurants are attractions in themselves, with stunning themed decor and menus inspired by movies and TV shows.
Feast on Krusty Burgers and Lard Lad donuts in Springfield USA. Dine in a classic car at Richter's Burger Co. in Marvel Superhero Island. Enjoy a sweet treat at Seuss Landing's Hop on Pop Ice Cream Shop. And don't miss the chance to eat at Mythos Restaurant, consistently voted best theme park restaurant, which features spectacular carved rock formations and waterfalls.
With over 50 places to eat, ranging from quick and casual to full-service, sit-down restaurants, you certainly won't go hungry. The only trouble is choosing which of the many delicious and creative options to try!
Create Unforgettable Memories at Universal Studios Orlando
At its core, a visit to Universal Studios Orlando is about making memories that will last a lifetime. It's a chance to bond with loved ones while experiencing the wonder and excitement of your favorite movies and TV shows brought to life. To scream with glee on pulse-pounding rides. To smile ear-to-ear while meeting your heroes. To be awestruck by the creativity and magic of movie-making.
As John Williams, the Academy Award-winning composer of classic film scores like Star Wars, E.T., Harry Potter, and Jurassic Park said, "I think music has the ability to inspire and transport us. A great movie does that." At Universal Studios, you don't just watch that movie magic - you live it. You're transported to a world where anything is possible.
So what are you waiting for? It's time to unleash your imagination and experience the thrills, laughter, and unforgettable memories that await you at Universal Studios Orlando. Whether you're a long-time local or first-time visitor to Orlando, this world-class theme park is a destination you don't want to miss. Start planning your visit today at universalorlando.com and get ready for an adventure you'll never forget. See you at the movies!
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prolandscapingcompany · 7 months
In-N-Out Burger in Alhambra, CA: A Local Culinary Icon
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In the bustling city of Alhambra, California, In-N-Out Burger stands as more than just a fast-food restaurant—it's a culinary institution with a dedicated following. Since its inception, In-N-Out Burger has become synonymous with quality, simplicity, and a commitment to delivering a classic American burger experience. In this article, we will explore the charm and enduring appeal of In-N-Out Burger in Alhambra.
Iconic Beginnings:
Founded in 1948 by Harry and Esther Snyder, In-N-Out Burger started as a humble drive-thru in Baldwin Park, California. The Snyders' commitment to fresh ingredients, made-to-order burgers, and a simple menu laid the foundation for what would become a beloved West Coast fast-food icon.
Timeless Menu:
One of the hallmarks of In-N-Out Burger's success is its timeless menu. Focused on simplicity, the menu features classic items: the Double-Double (double meat, double cheese), the iconic hamburger, cheeseburger, and the Protein Style option for those opting for a lettuce wrap instead of a bun. The menu's consistency and limited selection contribute to the brand's identity and customer loyalty.
Quality Ingredients:
In-N-Out Burger's commitment to quality is evident in its use of fresh, never frozen, 100% beef patties. The menu's ingredients are sourced with care, and the commitment to freshness extends to the hand-cut fries and real ice cream used in their shakes.
Secret Menu:
Part of the allure of In-N-Out Burger is its "secret menu," a not-so-secret list of customizable options that customers can order. From the Animal Style burger, featuring extra spread and grilled onions, to the Neapolitan Shake with strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla flavors, the secret menu adds an element of fun and personalization to the dining experience.
Cult Following and Community Engagement:
In-N-Out Burger has cultivated a devoted fan base, and its red-and-white arrow logo is a familiar sight to locals and travelers alike. The brand actively engages with its community, often hosting events and supporting charitable causes. The company's commitment to maintaining a positive and inclusive atmosphere contributes to its enduring popularity.
Efficient Service and Cleanliness:
In-N-Out Burger is known for its efficient service and commitment to cleanliness. The streamlined ordering process, open kitchens, and spotless dining areas create an environment where customers can enjoy their meals in a welcoming and well-maintained space.
Time-Honored Traditions:
In-N-Out Burger embraces time-honored traditions, including its distinctive white and red aesthetic, the classic paper hats worn by staff, and the practice of printing Bible verses on their packaging—a tradition initiated by the founders that continues today.
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cool-in-winterpark-fl · 7 months
Winter Park, FL, Is A Charming City
Winter Park, Florida, is a charming city near Orlando's theme parks. It was founded in 1887 to escape cold weather and has become a year-round destination. The city covers an area of 10 square miles and offers Michelin-recognized restaurants, locally owned shops, lakes with boat tours, and grassy areas for kids to play and fly kites. Winter Park has a rich history and is a must-visit destination for the residents of Orlando. Park Avenue is a popular destination in downtown Winter Park, with many stand-out restaurants and local boutiques. Just off Park Avenue is Rollins, a small liberal arts college contributing to the town's cultural activities. The waterfront connects six lakes and is a short walk from downtown. Winter Park is an excellent place for anyone looking for a break from the crowds in Orlando.
Apartments for rent in Orlando
If you are searching for a beautiful home for your family, look no further than the apartments for rent in Orlando. The best choice is the Winter Park at Westmount. This resort-inspired apartment community offers a peaceful atmosphere surrounded by nature and modern conveniences because of the excellent amenities. You can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature without compromising the comforts of contemporary living. Westmount at Winter Park is found on a serene lake, providing breathtaking views and a peaceful ambiance. Westmount at Winter Park is located in a highly desirable neighborhood with numerous options for shopping, dining, and entertainment, all within easy reach. You are close to everything, from Winter Park Village and Rollins College to Disney World. Call (407) 378-1810 for more details. 
Harry P. Leu Gardens
Harry P. Leu Gardens, located near Winter Park, FL, is a 50-acre botanical garden showcasing a diverse array of plants and flowers worldwide. Visitors to the Harry P. Leu Gardens can explore the Rose Garden, Butterfly Garden, Herb Garden, and other special gardens, as well as historical buildings like the Leu House, Orange Packing House, and Rose Garden Gazebo. The gardens offer guided tours and educational programs for all ages, including school field trips, adult workshops, and family events. They also provide a peaceful atmosphere for visitors to relax and enjoy nature, history, and relaxation. Harry P. Leu Gardens is a great place for people of all ages and interests to enjoy nature, learn about history, and relax in peace and quiet.
Top Steakhouses in Winter Park to go
The three top-notch steakhouses in Winter Park, Florida, are Outback Steakhouse, an Australian-themed restaurant chain that offers a diverse menu with lunch specials like Blooming Onion and Caramel Mustard Glazed Pork Chops. Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar is renowned for its exceptional service, warm ambiance, and delicious steaks. The staff, particularly Michael and Jason, go above and beyond to ensure a memorable dining experience. Ruth's Chris Steak House in Winter Park offers warm hospitality, a comfortable ambiance, and meticulously crafted dishes, including their signature Ribeye Steak and stuffed chicken breast. The restaurant also offers a satisfying happy hour with affordable options. 
Link to maps
Harry P Leu Gardens 1920 N Forest Ave, Orlando, FL 32803, United States Head west on Nebraska St toward N Hampton Ave 0.6 mi Turn right onto N Mills Ave 1.1 mi Continue onto S Orlando Ave Pass by Einstein Bros. Bagels (on the right in 0.3 mi) 1.6 mi Turn left onto Lee Rd/U.S 17 Truck/U.S 92 Truck 0.4 mi Turn right Destination will be on the left 157 ft Westmount at Winter Park 1701 Lee Rd, Winter Park, FL 32789, United States
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thedaveandkimmershow · 9 months
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In an effort to experience a legitimately full day at the theme parks, I got up at 6.
Actually, I got up at 610 'cause I hit snooze on my alarm.
Because there was coffee and tea to make and we didn't wanna use tap water, I grabbed our water bottles and filled them up from the Everything machine downstairs.
The Everything machine?
Yeah. It's got all the drinks in it. You just hafta choose the one and it's what comes out of the nozzle when you push the big white button.
After that, I'm back up in the room making coffee, rustling up a sleeping Kimmer, then a breakfast of that yogurt we got from Publix plus the cheese and red grapes left over from our dinner at Bar 17 Bistro last night.
We actually make it to Islands of Adventure at 8 which is perfect because that's when the park opens.
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From the front gates, we walk straight to Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure that was an epic adrenaline rush on top of a 50 minute line experience.
After that, 25 minutes through the base of Hogwarts for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, an experience that in the past has rendered me ill from motion sickness in mild and nearly incapacitating ways.
Why did you ride it again, then?
It's such a cool ride, I'm in love with the idea of it even when the reality of it is perfectly tailored to overwhelm my poor senses.
After that, we slowed the pace with a stroll to the Three Broomsticks restaurant to peruse their breakfast menu. Unfortunately, nothing actually appealed so we hopped on the Hogwarts Express from Hogsmeade Station. Basically walked on, there really was no line. Just a long walk, is all.
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At the other end of the line, with King's Cross Station at Universal Studios right next to Diagon Alley, we checked on the Gringotts ride that was also basically a walk on. After the ride, we walked over to the Today Show Restaurant where they always take good care of Kimmer. Usually, one of the cooks comes out to our table to get the lowdown on allergen sensitivities. This time, the chef's name was Yusr.
Our breakfast this morning wound up being breakfast croissants and fruit. We were on our own time, of course, so we took our time. Afterward we decided to head back to our hotel because it was getting very hot outside. Arriving at 1, Kimmer took the nap option while I processed and posted my photos from the morning.
And we did, by the way. We wiled away our afternoon in sleep and photographs.
Coming up on 430, we get on the bus to Volcano Bay for a round of floating around a lazy river. We're the only people on the bus, by the way, which gives us front row seats to a conversation with the bus driver. Another man named David.
Go figure.
Now, David's got a lot of life under his belt. He lived in Chicago for many years, working as a fireman who also happened to be the driver of his station's hook and ladder.
Did I say "many years"? Well, it was so many years that he eventually retired from that job. Unfortunately, retirement was boring for him so he tried out a job at Amazon...
Which lasted two days.
Total non-starter for him. Then he got his commercial driver's license and worked a school district bus driving job for a year until the district's bus service was privatize. It was changed. And although he enjoyed the kids, he didn't wanna navigate the whims of administration anymore so he quit. Not long after, he met someone who said you should do this gesturing at these massive busses, the kind that big-time music performers use on tours that criss-cross the country. The very moment he was shown one of these busses he was all-in. He knew now what he wanted to do. So he applied and got the job which actually includes driving variations on bus sizes from shuttle all the way to touring.
Easier than the hook and ladders, he says.
I was telling him about the breathtaking lightning shows that impressed in Florida, a remark sparked a conversation about how he grew up in the bottom left corner of the state of Michigan where he remembers lightning just as I described. After that, he moved to Chicago. Then at some point he made friends with someone for whom he ran an ultra light airplane business for six years. He was eventually given one to use personally.
He has a grown son, thirty five, living in LA where I think David lived just before coming out here.
I asked him if Orlando is a better idea than LA. He totally loves it here. The weather moves through quickly and the rain and the lightning reminds him of growing up. In fact, nowadays when lightning's doing its thing on a massive scale, he'll open the doors to the patio out back of his home and watch the light show in peace.
He's lived a good life. And he's living an even better retirement.
We arrived at Volcano Bay at ten minutes to five and did our floaty thing until six, round and around that lazy river on inner tubes.
After that, Kimmer guides us over to a snack place by our locker for a vanilla chocolate soft serve ice cream that we split.
By the time we're back in our room, it's coming up on 7 at which point we're relaxed and having a lazy evening. We take turns speaking to Linzy on our phones. Whilst Linzy 'n Kimmer are talking, I spot the fireworks extravaganzas that are occuring simultaneously at Epcot Center and Magic Kingdom.
I think I have it figured out, by the way, which park is which from my vantage point and the orientation of the hotel. I think The Magic Kingdom's on the right from where I'm looking with its fireworks bursting high above Sleeping Beauty's Cattle while smaller ones paint the sky in front of it, a little to the left. Or behind it, maybe? I'm not sure how the park's oriented from my viewpoint.
Much, much further left of that scene, I think it's Epcot with generally lower fireworks but spread out horizontally as if maybe around the lake.
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When the phone conversation ended, we settled in to Deathly Hallows Part 1 from the part where Harry, Hermione, and Ron are hiding out in Sirius Black's childhood home... and watch all the way to credits.
Then we watched all of Part 2.
It was a very Harry Potter day.
And thus endeth day 4.
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candy-floss-crazy · 1 year
Burger Joints Of The World, In-N-Out Burgers
Gourmet burgers are one of our main lines nowadays. Despite the campaigns for healthier heating, veganism etc, burgers are still massively popular. Like most people I have made many a visit to the famous American chains over here, namely McDonalds and Burger King. In fact I am old enough to remember when Wimpy was a massive chain, and truth be told, what I remember of them, their burger was better than either of the USA behemoths. However there are many other chains or 'burger joints' in the US of A. Non at the size of the main two, but some pretty big and expanding. Some of the smaller ones are nowhere near in size, but have massive public followings. We are gonna look at a few of these, their history and menu's. Our first contender is the quaintly named In-N-Out Burgers. First launched in the Los Angeles suburb of Baldwin Park California by Harry and Esther Snyder in 1948. The original store was tiny, only some 10ft square. Harry would visit the local wholesalers each morning to pick out the freshest ingredients whilst his wife Esther would take care of the administration and bookkeeping. The beef patties were made by hand fresh every morning, and quality was a watchword for them from the off. Harry and Esther Snyder Drive Through Harry would work in his garage on a night, after long days of cooking burgers. Later in 1948 he put together a two way voice box allowing his customers to order food without even leaving their cars. This focus on drive through was a mainstay of the companies business model. In fact it wasn't until restaurant No.21 in 1979 that they even had a sit down section to allow guests to consume their food on the premises. By 1963 they had grown to the extant that they opened their own processing plant for the burgers, up till then Esther had prepared each patty using a hand press. The Famous Speaker Box By the time Harry Snyder died in 1976, at the age of 63, the chain had grown to 18 restaurants. Second Generation Harry's son 24-year-old Rich Snyder took the reins after his fathers death and expanded the chain rapidly, building the chain to 90 stores over the next 20 years. Sadly in 1993 whilst returning from opening store No. 93 in Fresno, California, Rich died along with four other passengers when the light aircraft he was in crashed due to being caught in the wake turbulence of a larger aircraft that landed in front of them. His brother Guy took over and aggressively expanded the company to over 140 locations in six years before dying from an overdose of painkillers. Esther Snyder died in 2006 at the age of 86 whereupon the presidency passed to Mark Taylor, former VP of operations. Animal Burgers They launched their 'Animal' burger in 1961, where the beef pattie was fried in a thin layer of mustard, add extra pickles and grilled onions were added. Animal Burger Protein Burger Their protein burger, dispenses with the bun and wraps the whole lot in lettuce, for a healthier option. Protein Burger Flying Dutchman A real unusual one this, think of taking the burger out of the bun and , well and nothing. That's what you get, two patties, two slices of cheese (well that yellow stuff the Americans claim is cheese), pickles salad and wrap it in a slice of paper. In N Out have many items on their secret menu. Not on display in the restaurants, but viewable on the website. Flying Dutchman In n Out Burgers Crossed Palm Trees The company tend to have a pair of crossed palm trees at the front of each location. This is allegedly in allusion to Harry Snyder's favourite movie, It's A Mad, Mad, Mad World. Crossed Palm Trees Bible Quotes In keeping with his Christian beliefs, many In n Out Burgers items such as the drinks cups have bible references printed on them. Image From Particle Man Read the full article
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zaikarestaurantau · 1 year
Have You Tried This So Tasty Indian Food?
When it comes to delicious meals, nothing is better than Indian cuisine. Having Indian food is a way to avail pleasurable moments. Also, if you ever plan to have dinner at any Indian Restaurant In Harris Park, choose anything from the following list.
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Dahi Puri
Paneer Tikka
Calcutta Fish Fry
Beetroot kabab
Get to discover more top-notch options available on the food menu of Zaika Indian Restaurant, a well-recognized Indian Food In Harris Park. Here caterers and chefs try their best to deliver what our customers are looking for. Kindly visit their website to get further details. 
Zaika Indian Restaurant
Address - 75 Wigram St, Harris Park NSW 2150, Australia
Contact - 0272583645
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christhebrit2 · 1 year
Hello you :)
8,14 and 18 please.
8 game of the year?
I havent really got around to playing any 2022 games so far my game libraries are full to bursting. The most recent game i played was probably The Spider-man game which was 100/100 or the latest Football Manager. I got my Steam Deck and have been replaying Rise Of Nations which is an all time classic. I've got Horizon Zero Dawn and Death Stranding to play and the Jurrasic Park simulator to get on with as well.
14 best book you read this year?
The Great War: American Front. I'm slowly making my way through Harry Turtledoves alternative history books they are lonnnngg
A memorable meal this year?
I tried curry goat for the first time and it was delicious. A new Jamaican restaurant opened near me and I'm working through there menu. The jerk pork was absolutely unbelievable as well.
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pacebolton · 2 years
6 Restaurant Landscaping Ideas To Boost Your Site Visitors & Sales
It’s additionally onerous to overlook that all-day menu of salads, pastries, and seasonal bowls. Downtown Kirkland’s new-ish brasserie has arrange sturdy, light-strung tents; reserve outdoor seating on OpenTable. At the rear of this charming modern Indian restaurant is an equally charming enclosed patio, warm with heaters and scattered with cushions. Kristi Brown’s new restaurant attracts crowds for takeout, but a large overhang shelters a handful of out of doors tables across the restaurant’s prime corner perimeter. A beforehand under-the-radar Italian cafe on First Avenue is now decidedly on the neighborhood’s radar due to a gloriously atmospheric pair of lined and heated patios out entrance. The food’s nice too, and Limoncello currently runs a cheerful hour menu. They permit a summer time's breeze to gently circulate your seating area while trying super fashionable. If you are set on a parasol as your patio cover of selection, then that is a simple method to give it an additional carry come dusk. Does your massive outdoor couch need shelter, but you do not want to opt for a permanent structure? This jumbo-sized adjustable one above provides a touch of luxurious and a giant dose of versatility, and can look chic in any plot. Don't worry, this nook garden arbor idea is simply the ticket for a simple but efficient patio cover. Include plenty of followers and shade throughout summer time to maintain your prospects cool. Place them at the desk and rooftop degree to keep a breeze flowing. All-weather tents are now up on the storied West Seattle patio, which suggests you'll find a way to take pleasure in some kalua pork tacos, absorb views of the town, throughout a potential rainstorm. Harry’s Beach House has added a trendy tent, as nicely as more umbrella-shaded seating that looks out on Alki. It takes more than simply piling in as many tables as attainable to make sure your restaurant can seat essentially the most customers. A crowded area could pressure your waitstaff or make for a noisy, cramped dinner expertise folks won’t wish to return to. First and foremost, your outdoor dining space needs to be as much as code. Research your state’s and city’s outdoor dining laws to understand the guidelines for capacity, accessibility, and even parking regulations. restaurant patio designs Tree branches were skilled to develop up the pergola, adding a lift of pure shade to the area to maintain the design one with its panorama. Paired with woven accents and a big outdoor fire, this patio furniture is perfect for gathering around together with your favorite visitors. There's something undeniably dreamy about outdoor dining areas. All you need is a desk, chairs, and the corporate of your family and friends. Likewise, if it is street-side, consider putting some form of barrier between the seating and avenue. Within the patio itself, restrict the variety of tables so youhave room to space them appropriately. This may be a straightforward thing to miss, however uneven floor could cause a myriad of problems, not least of which is the security of your patrons and employees. Spaces which have a more naturalistic flooring, somewhat than one thing like concrete, would require a extra deliberate method. If you don't get this right, you'll find yourself with unstable tables and chairs, along with quite a lot of attainable tripping hazards. Southern California–based LH Designs spruced these up with succulents. Landscape designer and Terremoto founder David Godshall opted for a artistic hardscape versus grass in this backyard. Not solely do playful tiles allow for a welcome pop of color, but they're also drought-friendly and simpler to maintain. Put an indication or sandwich board in entrance of your restaurant, and submit some pictures in your social media platforms exhibiting people what they can anticipate. While the summer time solar is a big draw for some prospects, others wish to soak up some physique temperature dropping AC within the steamy summer time months. So ensure you’re keeping your dining room cool and offering just as special of an experience inside as you would possibly be out. Unfortunately, most dog house owners have to choose between bringing their dogs or eating out. They might affect how late you'll have the ability to keep your patio open and whether or not you'll be able to host reside music or a DJ. The first step to making the most use of your outdoor eating space is to dedicate as much area to it as attainable. Restaurants that have previously solely had indoor areas have found artistic methods to ascertain eating areas outdoors. Steel bistro chairs and tables are very easy to scrub and transfer around, and can give off an elegant, subtle cafe vibe. Now, many visitors anticipate the full-on experience of eating out, coupled with the convenience of ordering and paying from their gadgets. Especially when it comes to eating outdoors, ordering and paying on their very own — with out having to go inside or flag down a server — can be a nice advantage for customers. Take historic gross sales information into consideration and feedback from clients about their favourite things to order.
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sanctificetur · 2 years
t. their love is a flower in the snow.
jess thenardier walks into montfermeil town square with her direwolf, eponine, roughly 10am morning. to meet harry and heath pontmercy. centred is cathedral with pointed tips.  
she rushes her intricately detailed drabble in magnetic fashion, it nearly deadline, slinging on and huddling in her light pink jacket + other warm clothes.
as later, she hurriedly yet objectively write edit her stable canvas (through postlog) while watching shorts of ruadhan alongside. 
and bringing eponine, her familiar, hearing a soft whine.
eponine’s sad depths of blue-grey eyes glint in emotion ; another variation of looming over another: nigh full circle : sprinkled snow of chaos. 
jess says, “i nearly abandoned you!" and she picks 'Nine up. ‘Nine reminds her to also bring empty thermos, water bottle, tissues, indicated by soft paw tapping her chest.
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she catches their eye, upon their own ascent to the square...
eponine is nervous to meet them, it being half a moon’s tide since rekindled friendship. she worries if them being a boy or girl will make a difference in danger of safety. she balked in middle drawbridge and howled at portcullis. sound of river she partially fears. beasts know to avoid in flood. jess is impatient + understanding of eponine. “what’s wrong, 'Nine?”
they stride across square : horse situated on top of building, and big ben tower. the light jacketed pink drawbridge joined by golden circle square joints, near. lights accentuate bones of pavement bridge : yellow flower fairies.
“Hello,” Harrison said. ”Hi,” Jess responded, and Eponine says woof woof!
brief pause, as we stand there, wide brimmed umbrella sheltering from rain ; yet cool wind and smell petrichor. sun water pierces eyes ; no eyes to be shadowed by tinted glasses. look up at the sky in reminiscence,
H&H wear football jerseys because weather is chilly rain, fifteen degree cloud atlas rain rice.
 “What would you like to do today?” - Heath. “Go to a restaurant...” - Jess.
“...Coffee (ex. Nadia’s Cafe, Max Brenner, Guylian) nearby first, while walking Eponine, and then go into my car to Macquarie,” Harry continues.
In cafe, they order. after staff gives her drink -- jess pours from cupholder in empty thermos at counter. she secures tightly. she drinks short bursts of bottled water ; coffee burning to nigh dehydration.
affection threading through Harry in dog favouring, but not cats -- Eponine’s black cat ears perk up at hearing her name being said, instead of simply calling her ‘Wolf’ or ‘Dog’.
We arrive at Macquarie, look around, and go to Panda Yum Cha.
sundream in flashes
sighing in bliss, needing to take hat off for a bit once they reach inside shaded areas of trees/interior centre -- sweat beading his forehead. 
rufus du sol emanates its intricate techno beat throughout the outing.
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while jess peruses restaurant menu, eponine looks along. they discuss order, yet individually decide on food/drink, with jess being human spokesperson to staff person. they’re mindful of eponine, as she is important to the group hangout too. Staff sets down public dishes, accompanied by cutlery set (big tablespoon, fork, knife) in middle of table ; shelter from rain and wind. yet petrichor gentle fall of rain outside ::. gibbous moon dumplings, steamed rice silver pot, white lasagna, green mixed vegetable, etc) -- so we can wisely share and split bill on dishes yet not spend too much (wise ordering beforehand).
we walk throughout the park of shopping centre and our soul and body together yet individually. there are flowers growing around grey wasteland ; stones in pond : moonshine -- white pear and blossom substituting as moisturising hand cream, remember to put cream on hands
sure as the world keeps the moon in the sky
 tiny jonquil flowers : white petal, yellow centre, byakugan emanating green grass ; sharp tang overwhelm if sniffed too closely, and pink coconut and watermelon : light pink ; yet a darker shade than j’s pink jacket -- clace. 
she fidgets with her flower necklace, morning evenstar. yet eponine’s presence reassures her to steady hands. united lights guiding her in her life -- faith coming back to her that they will meet, and better sleep in long run -- less wandering of feeling eternally torn between consciousness and sleep, longing for salvation. and ruffles eponine’s grey white fur with her left hand : palm has light lines going everywhere, with three distinct leylines : two strong furrowed, with the lifeline nearly connecting of currently gibbous moon -- not fully formed, cobweb shadowing one side.
yet our walking in soul and body is not in robotic sync. but still just staying. 
their love is like a flower in the snow
within their walk, they also notice surroundings. jess observes, ”wow, the snow from the clouds sprinkles like feathers into the air!!” 
it also forms unique varied cloud shapes upon the figures in this landscape, settles into shoulders of beautiful white dust. and then some other feathers remnants drift to the ground.
they arrive at restaurant surrounded by early September river , pools of serenity, and sit down. stained glass ceiling shelters them. 
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decorated light yellow-white flower pattern border, and when sun rays hits on certain areas, colour momentarily deepens to gold. like sconce glowing yellowing white.
everyone has ocd elements : consciously or not as aware. not having your entire life revolving around it. 
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we just calmly relax at sitting in restaurant, eating and drinking, just staying in each others’ company : moth fluttering house with open door at end. we study each others’ palms and trace the intricate lines skittering there as we are professional pals on a deeper intimacy : find your glow ; feed your soul.   
Afterwards, we sit on sofa around MQ, conversation threading through us of verbal and non-verbal. Jess inquires if she can charge her phone at a portable wall socket ; staring at it during charge. We all get to know and treat each other better including ourselves: [ direct meme. indirect social app dash. social profiles of random or specific paging navigation. mangas (les mis, infernal devices x3) : not constant mobile reliance. ]  -- teenager/adult/elder formed into a human trying to fit in to society) threaded within us. growing and rising with talking and Wordpress draft / new post note taking. discussing how pandemic might have changed your experience of, or feelings toward work. visit library with H&H. lingering in touch. claws slide out and pierce their skin, trickling blood, while smiling in affection. warning & burst of light -- healing bridge to ground jess into zoom reality, yet can’t be tamed. bites hands, incision tips leaving crescent moon marks on skin, and pierces it through with blood trickling slightly.  because worry and change dancing through her. to stay, as we have not left you, the long journey of unfinished symphony is nothing if it brings us all to this moment of reunion ; re-integration of once fortnightly (for critical communication yet also respect aloneness : purity of thought/self autonomy -- yet that can go hand in hand) get togethers of charmander and pikachu singing -- of moving forward into MQ during my holding steady ground fort in the Parra square of St john’s cathedral.
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ozfoodhunterlive1 · 2 years
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