#I have been thinking about this nonstop
squash1 · 2 years
currently obsessing over the dreamer trilogy being an extended metaphor for maggie’s chronic illness/chronic illness in general. maggie’s body was unable to make cortisol — a substance necessary for life. a lack of cortisol causes extreme fatigue — a clear parallel to a dreamer or dream being alseep because of a lack of ley energy. maggie got sick while writing the raven king and as a result she wasn’t able to create what she needed to. in greywaren, when the ley line shuts down, ronan is unable to create what he needs to. like maggie, ronan’s identity is centered around creating — it is the thing that sustains him (if he doesn’t create, the nightwash will kill him). ronan ends up literally stuck in his own brain, in this liminal space between being alive & human or being dead & otherworldly. he is aware that life is continuing — in fact there are many moments where ronan desperately wants to wake up, to come back to reality but cannot because without the ley line he cannot exist as he was. in many ways this is what having a chronic illness is like; it is watching life continue without you, an unwilling observer to all that you cannot have.
while looking back at the tdt dedications i reread the mister impossible dedication that says: “to the magicians who woke me from my thousand-year slumber.” to me this seems like a direct parallel between maggie’s illness and dreamers being asleep and ultimately the ability to wake from that sleep with help from other people. in greywaren, ronan finally wakes up after both choosing to exist not knowing what his life will look like, and after hennessy tattoos one of the strongest sweetmetals onto his arm. sweetmetals in this instance signify medication or treatment of some kind. sweetmetals are not a permanent fix. they do not last forever, they’re expensive and hard to acquire but they functionally match the ley line — the life force you are born with. in maggie’s case, she is woken from her sleep by doctors who are able to supplement what her body cannot produce.
what i find extremely interesting is the connection art/creating/dreaming has especially in the context of illness. it’s incredibly circular. sweetmetals are usually art pieces of some kind — they don’t have to be masterpieces, they just have to mean something to someone — and they are able to sustain dreams (or in ronan’s case a dreamer/dream). which means in a moment where ronan is not able to create, it is another person’s creation that saves him. when used as a metaphor for medicine/treatment you get this message of the interconnectedness of human lives; the way we all rely on one another for survival. maggie survives because there are people who have found treatments that work. ronan survives because someone created ink that functions as a sweetmental, and someone else stole it for him, and someone else decorated him with it for his protection. they give this to him so he can continue to live & create and hopefully help someone else with his creations, just like maggie is able to help all of us by continuing to write and create.
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ladyfenring · 2 years
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halfhissandwich · 1 month
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Prince and the frog!
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lucky-cat-cafe · 4 months
So, me and my friend have watched Moonlight Chicken Episode 5 the other day and when this AlanWen scene came on
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my friend just out of the blue said "what if First plays a doctor" and I have not stopped thinking about that ever since.
Now I wonder what Khao would play. I'd root for patient of course but I wonder what his story would be to end up in the hospital in the first place. Another friend of mine has written a story about a doctor and a gang member patient who came into the office on a wrong name because he's a gang member and the doctor isn't supposed to treat gang members but he did anyway. Different fandoms but damn...I would eat this shit up ngl.
Anyone with me or no? First as a doctor? Like, keep that whole fit with the glasses and all and just change the dress shirt into a doctor's coat. No? Just me?
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fitsinthepalm · 11 months
emma met a boy with eyes like a man, turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand // oh, goddamn, my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand
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iamaweretoad · 9 months
@vitanithepure sorry for making this its own post, I kept running out of room in the comments! XD But to answer your question about Sal's reaction to the news about Ariel's past:
Sal's reaction is.... Hmm. I don't think he cares? I mean, he cares about Ariel and how the news affects him, but the news itself doesn't change anything. Ariel is still Ariel. I think Sal sees who Ariel is now as separate from who he used to be. Sure, Ariel is still responsible for the things he did in the past, but in Sal's mind that is beside the point. Sal grew up surrounded by casual cruelty and violence, he has known those sorts of people his whole life, and Ariel isn't one of them.
Also Sal is a product of his environment and he knows it, and he sees Ariel as being the same. Sal couldn't rise above his environment so why would he expect Ariel to be able to do so in a much worse situation? It took being forcibly removed from that environment for Sal to even start trying to be better, and as far as he's concerned, Ariel is still doing a much better job than him despite having to fight ten times as hard.
Sal is angry and freaked out because he doesn't know how to help, but nothing Gortash said changes how he feels about Ariel.
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the-cheshire-cat-grin · 9 months
v: you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up
johnny: you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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endingboyhansel · 1 year
the idea of a bug race ‘23 implies the existence of a bug race ‘24
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
i think i'm starting to figure this out
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mickedy · 1 year
i like how consistently princess peach is characterized as somewhat emotionally stilted and socially inept, she is sort of this emotionless dignified monarch. the first thing she does when mario approaches her is throw him into the floor, and her whole relationship with him is sort of awkward and detached (in an endearing way, she is just not the most social person)
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even in the games she is emotionally restrained and no-nonsense. she can be pretty blunt when speaking to people
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super princess peach even makes a point of her being the only one in enough control of her emotions to resist the influence of the vibe scepter. she can activate her emotions on command
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people say "peach has no personality" a lot and it's because she literally does not express herself very often, its part of her character. she's stiff and refined, she's dignified, that's just who she is. she is quite the opposite of princess daisy who is spunky and loudmouthed, but it doesnt mean she has no personality
someone i know described peach as "friendly, but not someone you can be friends with" which i think encapsulates her perfectly
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aalfierd · 2 years
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i watch the show for the.. plot. yes, plot
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passionfruitbowls · 1 year
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Season 1, episode 23 vs. Season 5, episode 20
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clonecaptains · 3 months
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ANDREW LINCOLN as Rick Grimes ↳ The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 1x01
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onebarofsoap · 1 year
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some guys. for my friends 😁
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lunareiitic · 6 months
I saw a discussion on Reddit earlier where someone talked about how gracious Herta is to Ruan Mei and felt that the plot shows that Ruan Mei is taking advantage of her and I felt like... it's not a bad conclusion to draw from the text but. It feels not correct. Like yes, Herta essentially does let RM do whatever she wants, especially with regards to the space station, and RM doesn't seem to be very thankful for it. (Setting aside the fact that it isn't really Herta's space station. Asta's the one who bankrolls and manages it. It's just got Herta's name on it. Herta is just as uncaring to the researchers lmao) But to call RM a "passive manipulator" (yes, I saw this take too) of her and nothing more I think... overlooks both of their personalities? Taking into account that both of these characters are essentially confirmed autistic (go see the official post about the Genius Society, you can't make this up) their dynamic is a little tragic but very true-to-life.
Herta is loud, pushy, and bratty. She's like a cat- she doesn't take no for an answer and the moment you try to get her to do something she doesn't want to do she goes limp and useless. She admires Ruan Mei because she's nothing like her. And RM would never push Herta to do anything. RM doesn't push. She doesn't even really manipulate. The woman cannot lie to save her life. All she did was ask Herta if she could use part of the space station and Herta obliged, and it sounds like she'd been waiting for Ruan Mei to finally ask her for something. RM doesn't really have a malicious bone in her body. That's what makes her so terrifying. People are often just willing to do as she asks and she makes no pretenses or illusions about herself, her motives, or her life. The closest she gets to lying is just not answering when pressed. She is so socially inept she has to drug the trailblazer into silence so they'll help her. And I think this is... out of embarrassment? If it were me, an autistic bitch who cannot lie to save my life, I would want to do something similar. She knows she's gotten herself into a situation because she left the incubator on too long and then the space station got attacked, but admitting that to Herta would wound her pride and also cause friction between them. You can tell that she brought the Trailblazer into that Genius meeting because she was afraid Herta and Screwllum had caught on to her, and once she realizes that it's just them debating about (in her eyes) nothing, she lets the Trailblazer go. I've seen people call that "callous", as if she was dropping them as soon as they were not useful to her. But she says why she does it basically immediately- she thinks it would bore us and she has something else more important that she needs our help with.
I think the part of Ruan Mei's character that people are overlooking right now is that Ruan Mei does care. Look at the story bit for Genius' Repose, where she serves machine oil in a teacup for Screwllum and promises to send a box of homemade sweets to Herta's flesh-and-blood body. She's the kind of person who is actively thinking of her mother and her grandmother and their little home in the snow every time she eats something sweet. Her creations are literally desperate with love. Love, love, love, love. Love that feels alien to her, love that she can't put into words, love that her alexithymia won't let her ascertain and compartmentalize. Love that is as elusive and vexing and important as that spark of the divine soul she's been chasing all this time. She loves and she loves deeply, to the point of obsession. But she's in love with the past as much as Herta is- their signature light cones both have them reflecting on a past version of themselves that they know they cannot have back. She quite literally brought her mother back to life because she couldn't bear to break a promise to her late grandmother (who... somehow, is still waiting for her... somewhere). She's a deeply sentimental person. Haven't you ever looked at other people and felt, even for just a moment, that you are apart from them? That they have something you lack? What if you let that feeling consume you? Ruan Mei yearns for a world that she cannot touch because she's lost the trees in the greater forest of her mind. She feels the need to become god because she feels so utterly alienated from the world around her. But she can't escape herself, no matter how far she runs.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that Herta and Ruan Mei are friends, even if Ruan Mei doesn't feel that she's capable of it. It makes a lot of sense that they're both ice too, element ruled primarily by The Remembrance. I wonder how they both feel about that?
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"the fault, dear Brutus -" (Julius Caesar)
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Quotes from A Critical History of English Literature by David Daiches. Panels from Death in the Family, Under the Red Hood, Lost Days, and Batman and Robin.
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