#I originally got my first pair of them at a thrift store for like $10 the summer before senior year of HIGH SCHOOL
therealvalkyrie · 1 year
got new basic white sneaks bc my old ones r literally falling apart at the seams and a) they’re so fuckin stiff omgod and b) they’re so white it’s literally blinding!!! my feet r a driving hazard, I feel like it’s illegal for me to own shoes this white
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Dynaco Repair Post No. 6: The Glow Renewed
Tuesday evening, 12-26-23
I was completely caught off guard by the box by the front door when I got back from Bunny Duty/Safeway/Post Office errands today. Things are supposed to be delivered starting tomorrow, three different packages, but nothing was scheduled to come today.
Busted out in a big grin as soon as I saw it was from my bud in SC: The EL34s got here two days early! So...I was completely (and delightedly) doing something much different this evening than I had planned!
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In the box were five tubes, all of them "good spares" I had personally pulled out of working ST70s I had. I'd de-tubed them before I sold them on eBay. They went to afore-mentioned friend who was going to use them in HIS Dynaco, but hadn't yet. He sent 'em back to me, four of the square-bottled Mullards (three of 'em original Dynaco-branded actual Mullards), and one "Winged C" (the Russian iteration), and a JJ as a spare. These had been in one of the systems I'd set up for ANOTHER of our buddies (my bestie who died in 2021). Old, but good, solid tubes with lots of life left in 'em.
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The 5AR4 I have is the original one. The silvering at the top is almost non-existent. It's a US-made Mullard clone:
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Gorgeous, ain't it?
SO...I got the ST70 ready for relaunch. Put it on the bench and hooked it up to my trusty old Micronta variac, set to "Zero Volts", got the fuse in, and switched it on.
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Started out slowly turning it up to 10V, and waiting 15 minutes, and then turned it up another 10V to 20V, and waiting 15 more minutes, lather, rinse, repeat, until I got it up to about 117V.
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At about 40V I began to see the barest glow in all but one tube (that Winged C). At 50V, it began to glow as well. So far so good. After about an hour, I'd nursed it up to 70V, every tube glowing strong. I let it sit at 70V for about a half hour, and then just slowly turned the knob on the variac up to 117.
Every tube came up like a champ. The ST70 Glows once again!
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I let it sit and burn for about an hour, and checked the bias voltages. I had set the two adjustment pots to their center point. The left channel needed the slightest of increase (probably due to the Winged C) to get it up to the correct voltage, but the right channel was dead-set-centered on 1.56V. Boom. Rock solid. Done.
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Now that the repairs are done, and I know everything is working, I will start tomorrow on re-connecting and re-arranging all the components in the system. I'm kinda spent at the moment...it's been quite a day! I'll post more tomorrow, but for tonight I call it a victory. All of the thanks go to my buddies @misfitwashere (who got me the parts) and our old compadre "Harbourmaster" on the East Coast, who sent the tubes.
More tomorrow, and to all a bitchin' Good Night.
Wednesday Night, 12-27-23
Well, it took awhile, but I finally got things re-wired and in position. Got the turntable and the FM3 hooked up and both work splendidly. I found a super-shielded RCA cable for the turntable specifically, and it sounds better...there's almost no need for the turntable ground wire now!
First, tho', I have to show off my speakers. These started their lives as Pioneer boxes, Model CS-44, to be exact. I got them at the thrift store for $25.
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BUT: the 8-inch woofers and tweeters in them were garbage, so I replaced them with new components: A pair of 8" butyl-rubber surround, poly-cone woofers (they will never need reconing), and a pair of genuine Danish SEAS Tweeters, salvaged from a working pair of Dynaco A-25s.
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The result? The 8-Inch Dynaco Speaker That Never Was! The A-10s had 6-inch woofers, and all the others had 10-inch woofers.
And the sonic result? A pair of mid-sized bookshelf speakers with rock-solid bass and the clearest, most well-defined mids and highs you could ever want to hear! And they don't look bad, either!
Here is everything finally in place:
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And that about wraps it up! I've finally got my music back. I'll finally be able to continue my vinyl transcribing, and won't have to worry about my equipment for another good long while.
Many thanks again to my bros @misfitwashere and Harbourmaster. I couldn't have gotten it accomplished without y'all's help.
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like-a-masquerade · 4 months
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Coord Breakdown: January 30th, 2024
A rather fancy look to go shopping today. It's my first time wearing this blouse and I'm sooooo happy with it! Full coord comments under the cut.
Blouse + jabot: Lilizi
Skirt: Fanplusfriend
Bracelets: Offbrand (Rainbow)
Boots: Offbrand (Betsey Johnson)
Earrings: Offbrand (Spirit Halloween)
Hairbow that you can't see from the front but I swear it's real: Offbrand (???)
I love this coord, and especially the blouse, so much!! Purple is my favorite color and I am quite the fancy goth, so when I saw this blouse on Lolibrary I absolutely fell in love with it. When I got some Christmas money, I splurged and bought it through 42Lolita's Buy For Me service. It was my first time using 42Lolita and it was pretty nice tbh! Very easy, lovely customer service, shipping was relatively fast. Of course the shipping cost wasn't exactly the cheapest in the world, but... well... you know how it is with shipping as an overseas lolita lmao. Anyway, the blouse itself is comfortable and very well made, and seems surprisingly durable. Absolutely gorgeous, 10/10.
The skirt's been a favorite of mine for a long time now, after buying it off Lace Market a few years ago. It's a beautiful black satin damask with tiny black rhinestones on the lace trim, and I'm nothing if not a lover of glam, so of course I'm all about that shit. The skirt definitely pairs really well with the blouse!
The boots I found at a thrift store a few months ago for about $13, iirc. They're nubuck leather. They're kind of hard to see here, but here's a picture of another pair in their original form from a Depop listing:
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Now, I thought that they were simply very worn and dirty, and with a little TLC would be revived to a vibrant purple with uncrushed pleats. No. No, apparently these are simply "distressed". As a punk I think the concept of making expensive items and faking them to look worn out is fucking stupid (at least distress them yourself, goddamn it! Don't do it in the factory!), so I took it upon myself to un-distress them using some Angelus leather dye. This was my first time dyeing shoes, and the color came out gorgeous! Unfortunately I put on way the hell too much, so between that and all the work and rubbing alcohol it took to get rid of the excess dye, I... think they dried up and shrunk a bit... But wearing them a few times softened them up. I'll probably look into treating them with some leather conditioner when I get the chance.
As for the eyeshadow, it's all Juvia's Place as usual, a combination of the Violets palette and the black from the Saharan palette. Typically I put the darkest shade on the inside corner of my eye and give it a sharp unblended edge in a vaguely tradgoth look, but I wanted my makeup to be a bit less harsh for this coord, so I instead put the darkest color on the outside and blended it all like a normal person. I think it looks cute!
I'm also wearing a nice black satin hairbow my best friend gave me for my birthday. It has a nice delicate, old-timey look. She's made a tradition of giving me a black hair bow every year, because one time she gave me one and I accidentally lost it and she refuses to let me live it down and keeps jokingly buying me more black bows "to replace the one you left on the goddamn train". Love her!!
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szif · 5 months
my prized possessions at the moment:
-an obscure-ish album i got from a soulful gifter of an artist i really love which is such a great example of like how nice people are and how out of nowhere something i love can be with me through the generosity of people and how those experiences stick to you
-my copy of "flowers for algernon", got at a library -> it was one of the copies of books sent for burning because somebody left it in there and it was not a registered library book and nobody wanted it so it was either me taking it or it would've gone into the furnace. there is something, like a message here, about a book of somebody's experiences that might resonate with others (just like it did to me) and shed light on something others might not feel and broaden their experiences - sent to a book burning furnace. because it's an unwanted book. is anyone else feeling it?
-a light coat i found at a thrift store for 2k, originally paid by somebody else for me, then i paid it back. it's the best coat i've found ever and it was love at first sight. i genuinely feel way more confident while wearing it
-my boots i got at an entirely different thrift store (a price of 6k, a similar, less cooler boots i saw for 9.5k at a regular clothing store) and they were also love at first sight, i managed to make them work despite the size difference (i will outgrow them completely after a while... trying to make the most of what i can with them and walk everywhere in them!!) i just like the fact that one of them caught my eye, and i spent 10 minutes looking for its pair and desperately tried to get them on and make sure they fit. i am glad i was resilient & determined enough for them
-my headphones i managed to get for a reasonably cheap price (5k vs 30k...) and are extremely high quality. i cannot function without them basically and ive been way better at handling public affairs with them with me. music also became a huge part of my life so just having them now is amazing....
i dont know these things are just real sentimental to me and i love them a lot and theyre like, an example of something that are "mine" and all "my" feelings are poured into it and im super happy about them. i just dont have a lot of things like these and i hope i get more and more of these.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
part 10 of the ‘hey batter batter’ series
pairing: Francisco (Frankie, Catfish) Morales x reader
wordcount: 3k
warnings: so so soo much fluff. clouds and clouds worth. kissing, implications of sex (blink and you’ll miss it)
summary: it’s a Triple Frontier Baseball AU! Trust me, you don’t need to know anything about baseball.
In this chapter, you and Frankie finish the season and the summer, and know it’s only the beginning.
notes: thank you all so much for supporting this little story of mine! I genuinely am blown away by how kind everyone has been! originally I planned on this series just being a couple of one-shots set in the same universe, but it got away form me, and I can’t believe so many of you came along for the ride. some of those stories will come in time, but thank you thank you thank you to everyone who stuck around this long! all the love for all of you!
It was a beautiful day for a baseball game.
The sun was shining and for once your bones weren’t shaking with the rumble of the stadium as people stomped and cheered. In fact, the majority of the noise was from Frankie’s momma as she chattered across your lap to your grandfather. The two of them were discussing gardening and how well season was played, how proud they were, the best of friends. It was peaceful, almost, and most of the flashing lights and roaring crowds were away – it was the final game, a charity fundraiser, all fun.
You could see your catcher as he turned, looking at your section like he couldn’t help but search for you, and you smiled, heart as full and as warm as the sun on your shoulders. His curls were sticking out from under his helmet haphazardly, the pads on his shoulders and thighs making him even more solid, and it was a sight that you’d never get tired of. Combined with the smells of warm pastries, jalapeños and melted cheese, contentment settled into your soul like a hand in a glove, a perfect fit.
It was the of the ninth and they were playing well, encouraged by the cause and playing for the love of of the game instead of a paycheck. Behind you, you heard someone mention just how well Frankie had batted this season, and you brushed pan dulce sugar from your lap.
The players had told you last week after all the big games were done why Santi had offered to pay for you and James to fly to see their final games. At the time, it had baffled you how intensely they insisted, how eagerly the pushed it, and how your boyfriend had looked equal parts embarrassed and hopeful, but eventually you agreed, assuming you could get the time off from work. When the secret came out you laughed, shaking your head and rolling your eyes.
They had exchanged smiles and shrugged and shared knowing glances as they let you explain away what they knew was true. You were their luck.
The thought was long gone from your mind now though, as Ben was doing weird poses on the field, and you heard chuckles ripple through the crowds. Fans of him and the team alike were endlessly charmed, and you knew you’d catch comments about it for months to come. His brother was just standing, and still you heard dreamy sighs of Will’s name, and made a mental note to tease him after the game about his “blonde halo”. Whatever that meant.
Santi threw a perfect curveball, and when it landed firmly in Frankie’s glove, you heard a girl swoon, “That’s my man!” and the laughter of her friends, as they called her “Mrs. Morales”.
“No!” his momma was glaring over her shoulder tugging on your elbow, as if physically fighting them was a viable option. You tugged back, making soothing noises as she protested, “Mi frijol.” The sweet lady muttered something else and before your heart could latch on to what you could’ve sworn was something about the future and tu marido you moved on.
“I know, I know,” you were saying, when James leaned over, glint in his sweet, aging eyes.
“She’s right, honey,” he said, only encouraging his friend, and you grinned.
“He’s my boy,” she said again with an air of finality, “and yours."
Looking at your grandfather sheepishly, you pointed at your shirt and shrugged as he said, “Right again.”
You were wearing his backup Jersey.
Cheesy as it was, it felt good to have the little claim of his over your skin, and while it wasn’t obvious to everyone, you wore it with pride. Comments from his fans slid off it like raindrops on a tin roof, and while you apricated her inclusion, you didn’t need it to know he was yours, as you were his.
Jimbo leaned towards the woman at your side and whispered conspiratorially in her ear, and she settled, and you left it, enjoying their friendship. The day was too lovely for anything else, anyway.
Catch, catch, walk, look for his girlfriend, sit, swing, hit, run, walk, sit. Repeat.
Nothing so eventful happened the last few minutes of the game, and as the Will went out for his final bat, you felt a surprising wave of bittersweet nostalgia for all that had passed since the opening game, cold as an evening breeze.
Then the ball cracked against the bat, and the sound snapped you back, and you felt a fire under your breastbone, reminding you the best was yet to come.
Frankie’s mom finished her final cheers enthusiastically, all annoyance long gone, and she pulled you into a hug.
“Nieta is calling. Hug Francisco for me, hija, and I’ll see you tomorrow?” You nodded, squeezing her back almost as hard. You and Frankie were using his first real day off to babysit and get some quality time, and both of you were well aware this was hardly goodbye. You gave a gentler hug to your grandfather, who was going with her, whispering “Bye Jimbo,” as you kissed his cheek. He had conspired to let you stay out for the evening, and while you’d miss driving him home, you were grateful for the opportunity.
Seeing them safely as far as you could, your feet danced with excitement. Like it had been more than handful of times, they knew the path to the locker rooms, carrying you so light you were almost floating. When you slid into the waiting room, Frankie was already clean and looking for you anxiously. Maybe you should’ve given him a little wave from across the room, but you could do better.
You ducked away from his line of sight, and snuck around behind him before say, “hey, batter, batter.” He whipped around and before you could even register the grin on his face, he was pulling you against his chest.
“Hey yourself,” he said, and the two of you got one sweet, slightly needy kiss before you heard good-natured groans.
“It’s been like month,” Santi said, ruffling your hair as you stepped back, “Aren’t you guys done flirting?” You stuck your tongue out at him, wondering if you were fast enough to flick him in the forehead.
“Don’t bother,” Will said, his tone resigned but playful as he hugged you too. “Be happy he got her to stick around.” You pulled a face, and Benny laughed. They all knew by now that it was more than a summer fling, even Tom, who you realized hadn’t come out yet.
When you asked, they winced, and you dropped the topic, knowing they would tell you in their own time. Frankie pulled you back to him, his warm fingers lacing with yours as you herded them towards the door.
They were still working on things, still trying to figure out what their next steps looked like.
For now, you owed your baseball boys a dinner.
 It had taken you a couple of times cooking for them to get the portions right. The Miller boys ate like they were hollow, and after a game was a testament to that.
Thankfully, you had more than enough this time, having been preparing their favorites for days with the enthusiastic help from Frankie’s mom, and begrudging help from his sister as a thank you to her hermano. The piled into your little space and ate gratefully, telling you about the game like you knew what they were talking about.
“Benny, why were you –” his deep laughter cut you off, and your hand shot out to grab Will’s wrist mid-throw. You had a rule against projectile food to keep them from squabbling like children at your makeshift dinner table. The dinner roll fell to his plate as Benny tried to explain, and Santi deadpanned.
“I was stretching, and I got distracted –”
“You were flirting with the entire stadium, Ben.”
“No! Well –”
It was warm and bright, eating dinner with them like a family, teasing and laughter filling the space like clear broth in the cool of night.
Frankie’s hand found your knee under the table.
The best part about these replacement-parties was watching them all try to help clean up. You were lucky professional athletes had fast reflexes, or you would’ve lost more than a few dishes to their shenanigans. They insisted, wouldn’t let you help, and things probably would’ve been put back correctly if you had, but it was great, letting things play out however they may. Maybe years and years down the road, you would tell a younger generation that you had some of the world’s most desirable athletes fighting in your kitchen over where you kept your dish soap refills.
And after, they would collapse in your living room, unearthing all the games from your shelves. One of your favorite moments from the summer was coming through thrift stores for games, ignoring the stare of jealousy and making ridiculous bets.
All the while, Frankie kept as close to you as he could, too busy watching you with wrinkles in the corners of his eyes to be embarrassed of his rambunctious friends.
When you and Will won the first game of the evening, he accidentally hit you in the face with the back of his hand as he flung his arms open in triumph.
It hadn’t hurt as badly as it would’ve if his brother had been the one talking with his hands, but Frankie had still thumped him in the back of the head before he followed you to the kitchen.
“Baby, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Frankie,” you laughed, but he was already taking the pack of frozen peas from your hand to press it against the lump forming on your temple. He was gentle, and the air shifted, like there was more on his mind than your minor injury. Brown eyes searching yours, you wished you knew what he was thinking.
“Francisco?” Your hands had settled on his chest but the moved around his neck when he moved the ice to ghost his lips over the spot. He didn’t answer for a moment, just setting the peas aside, and carefully trapping you against the counter.
There were noises of good-natured arguing coming from the living room, and you knew he was taking advantage of their distraction, carving a little pocket for the two of you in time.
“Te adoro,” his lips were almost hot as they pressed into yours. “I love you,” he said, so close you could feel the hairs on his upper lip still.
For the past month, your relationship had been fast, jumpstarting to serious and staying that was, but this was new. It was one thing, for him to tell you he wanted something real with you, wanted you to be a part of his life, and another to hear him say he loved you simply, without abandon. Still, you didn’t hesitate.
“I love you too.”
He kissed you again, unhurried, and you almost couldn’t return it, you were smiling so widely. Your bump was long forgotten.
When the two of you came out the kitchen, the others had barely noticed you were gone and Ben immediately was accusing you of cheating, but Santi shot you a knowing smile.
There was a gap of time when a season ended, when Molly’s inbox was mercifully void of emails. It was a time when the chaos of her job slowed, for a bit before she began her work for the off-season, and she relished it with every fiber of her being.
This particular gap began wrapped up in sheets with Tom, her Tom, kissing and wishing the world outside was a simple as this, in the little bubble of her room.
She could always tell though, when his mind was no longer filled with her, and the other sides of him began to leak through the cracks. His eyes moved with urgency instead of appreciation his hands moved a little slower and then in sudden jerks, and when he trailed off mid-sentence, she sighed.
“You told them, didn’t you?”
He rolled onto his back; his gaze pointed towards the ceiling.
“Right after the game,” he confessed, and she sighed again, sitting up. If nothing else, for him, she had endless patience.
“How’d that go?”
Her love was silent, thinking only of the embarrassment and defensiveness that had reared in his chest. The tilt of Santi’s head, Frankie’s slow nod. He wished Benny had been disappointed, wished Will had thought it was a joke.
“They understood,” Tom didn’t add that he hoped with all his considerable might that they had reacted stronger, hoped they had told him not to, said they needed him to stay, but they hadn’t. It wouldn’t have been true, anyway. They were growing, going somewhere he couldn’t follow.
Her hand ran over his chest as it filled with air, stilling over his heart.
“It’s time,” one of them said, and the other nodded.
Counseling. Rehab. Retirement.
Slowing down to coach at a local college.
He clenched his hand into a fist, and then relaxed, palm falling open, upwards.
The love of his life kissed his forehead.
It was time.
The first stop of the day was with James, spending the morning helping him around the house. Before this summer, you had thought you were his favorite grandchild, but he had essentially adopted Frankie months ago, and already liked him more than you.
The little old man talked excitedly about baseball and lectured your love on enjoying his off-season. He dragged him into the yard, talking his ear off about the benefits of different teas and the importance of volunteering with youth programs, and you settled inside, throwing away expired things from his fridge. Their absence was your only opportunity for the chore.
Honestly, the two of you needed to leave sooner than later and you weren’t sure how much time you had.
“Honey?” You dropped a can of whipped cream from a month ago guiltily.
“Yeah, Jimbo?”
He eyed you suspiciously but seemed too excited to be deterred by you.
“I put this together for you!” He said proudly, and you noticed a flash of the same mischief from yesterday in his eyes. Your grandfather handed you a box, and made you promise not to open in until you left. You hugged the sweet man, and smiled when Frankie did, too, before saying your goodbyes, thankful beyond words for him.
If it weren’t for him, you were sure you wouldn’t be climbing into the truck of your boyfriend, and certainly not having the catcher’s hand slide into yours. When you opened the box, the gratitude didn’t shrink, but your embarrassment rose.
Frankie laughed so hard you thought he was going to have to pull over.
It was full of Francisco Morales merchandise, signatures and memorabilia ranging from his very first baseball card to his most recent bobble head.
Frankie kissed your knuckles for the second time since you climbed into his truck, which was silly since it had only been three minutes since you left his mother’s house.
He could feel your look, answering before you even asked.
“I’m good, just… I love you,” he said, unable to keep his eyes on the road when he said it.
“I love you too, Frankie,” you said, wondering what prompted him.
“Could we… would you want to get dinner?” He looked thoughtful and you laughed.
“Are you asking me on a date?”
Your hand was lifted to his lips again, sending electricity up your spine as he confirmed.
The two of you had a bag full of Anita’s best by the time you entered his home, and he still hadn’t told you what was on his mind. The two of you ate, sharing stories about the day’s adventures, helping his mother around the house and watching, Bianca, his sweet, tiny new niece. You had a great conversation with his mother, and despite her excitable nature, she surprised you by asking you about your boundaries and promising not to overstep.
Frankie told you about his hermana, and her slowly opening up to the idea of letting him help her out, not as charity but family, and letting him shoulder some of the responsibilities. You watched the warmth in his eyes as he talked and wondered how it was possible for a single person to feel so safe.
Eventually the talking slowed, and you found yourself half falling asleep against the stretch of his chest, is hands slowing their wandering paths.
“Love?” he murmured into your hair. You hummed in response.
When he didn’t say anything, your mind woke, and you pulled yourself up, and into his lap, straddling him.
He looked up at you for a moment before you felt him sigh against you.
“I have this baby,” he said, and you couldn’t help but smile at his phrasing. Santi always said it was melodramatic. “Do you… is this all too much?”
His expression mirrored that of your first date, and you told him the same thing as you had then.
That you would stay, as long as he would have you. That you would navigate alongside him, that you were happy to. This time, you added that you loved him, and you felt him shift under you, anxiety leaking out of him, allowing solid adoration to replace it.
Frankie said, “Thank you,” against your mouth, and like a prayer. In the dim evening light, you kissed him, and as his hands slipped under your shirt to hold your sides, he held you for the first time like you were real.
And you were, this was something that wasn’t going away.
For the first time in a long time, it was a perfect day for something new, and his heart was here, beating under his hands.
pan dulce: pastries
mi frijol: my bean
tu marido: your husband
nieta: granddaughter 
hija: daughter
hermano/a: brother, sister
te adoro: I adore you
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge @pbeatriz
hey batter batter taglist:
@icanbeyourjedi @studyofawearymind @hnt-escape @athalien @the-witty-pen-name @daffodin @sarahjkl82-blog @pintsizemama @anaaaispunk @pjkimrn @dobbyjen @stuckontheceiling
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tangent101 · 4 years
Perceptions of Wealth with Max Caulfield in Life is Strange
One thing I’ve noticed repeatedly in Life is Strange fanfics (and in occasional commentaries elsewhere) is how people assume Max Caulfield comes from a wealthy family. And while I’ve talked about this in the past, it’s probably about time to mention yet again that Max is in fact from a poor family, and that her parents either live in an apartment complex or in her grandfather’s house.
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It’s easy to claim otherwise, especially when you compare Max to Chloe, but when you look a little deeper, the signs are clear that not only is Max poor, but she may in fact be as poor as Chloe. We can start by looking at Max’s clothes. Let’s start by looking at Max’s journal entries on clothes:
My mom cried, and my dad laughed. They're so weird. But they're happy and this means extra financial support because they don't have to pay anything to Blackwell. This means new clothes and if I can work it, a new laptop.
Max’s journal entry for July 10th already lays the groundwork here. She believes that seeing her family doesn’t have to pay for tuition, she can get new clothes and maybe even a new laptop. And to be honest, I actually bought into this... until just now when I saw this August 25th entry as well:
That made me want to cry like a little girl. And never leave Seattle. So instead of packing, I feel like burning all my clothes, then just raiding a thrift store to build up a new Max wardrobe over my junior year. Not that I even have an old Max wardrobe.
First, do note that Max talked about “raiding a thrift store” to build up a wardrobe. Her comment here is so matter-of-fact that the point Max was thinking of going to a thrift store for her clothes slipped past my radar... but as a middle-class woman, I do have to admit that it wasn’t until finances got rather tight that I started buying at thrift stores myself. Given that clothes aren’t tremendously expensive at Walmart and the like (especially if you hit sales) that’s perhaps not surprising. But there are no back-to-school sales for Max mentioned or the like.
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In fact, we see no signs that Max got a new wardrobe (and admittedly she doesn’t have a lot of outfits, even accounting for keeping jeans in the bureau). Her laptop also is a fairly small one and may in fact be her old laptop. I cannot recall anything Max says or does that genuinely states that anything Max brings with her is new. (This also is true for alt-Max, seeing alt-Max’s journal states on September 14th “Yes, I'm older and thanks to Vic and Nathan I'm now a bit more fashionable too.” In other words, the nice clothing alt-Max wore were gifts from Victoria and Nathan.)
Max even comments on this when perusing Victoria’s clothes. She comes across some socks that “cost more than my entire wardrobe” and given a nice pair of thigh-high silk stockings can cost $75 or more, this might not have been hyperbole. Given that if you’re very lucky on sales you could probably snag skinny jeans for $8 new, and designer t-shirts for close to that (and let’s not go into the hoodies)... and it becomes most likely Max’s wardrobe, with (as Chloe puts it) “chlorine brand [T-shirts] and generic jeans” is cheap used clothing.
Hell, even Chloe’s clothing is in better shape. Despite the fact Chloe’s “poorer” than Max, her clothes look much less shabby and worn. Her ripped jeans look designer. Her shirts are likewise in good shape, with any “damage” being strategic and done for looks. Admittedly, Chloe may prefer certain outfits over others, and thus the lack of wear is Chloe not wearing most of her outfits all the time... but if you put Max and Chloe side-by-side (without Max’s camera evident) and ask which girl is from a wealthier family... and people would probably think Chloe is.
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This also helps explain why Max never visited her best friend even in the summer despite living six hours away. If Max’s parents lived paycheck to paycheck then the cost of fueling up a car to drive Max to Arcadia Bay would be painful. (I say this as someone who once had to put her last two dollars in her car so to have just enough gas to last a week, back when that would buy two gallons of gas.) Max didn’t fall out of touch because of stressing out over William or being a bad friend. Max probably didn’t have a cell phone for the first year she lived in Seattle. 
Again. Max and her parents moved to Seattle in the middle of the Great Recession. Yes, that was 11 years back but a lot of people lost their homes. Some of those who become financially destitute never recovered, even today. Others were forced to move in with parents. So if Max is living in a house, it belongs to her grandfather. She probably lives in a two-bedroom apartment and one that’s not even in a good part of Seattle. (She most definitely never rubbed elbows with Victoria in Seattle and never met Victoria prior to Blackwell.)
Speaking of Victoria, this gives another reason for Victoria’s harassment of Max and that is classism. Victoria acts like the typical snobby rich girl who sneers at those who struggle financially. Add in that Max has actual talent despite her lack of wealth, and she becomes a prime target for Victoria (along with Kate for her religious upbringing and lack of “shame” over her religiosity). 
There’s another aspect of this “economic value” with Max that you might not expect, and that’s behavior. When you’re poor, you tend to become invisible to people wealthier than you. In return, some poor people will try and avoid standing out and drawing attention to them. Max has this in spades. She is a “shy cliched geek” who hides behind a lens rather than interact with a world that judges based on appearances. Well, Max appears as shabby and without value. 
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She is treated as such by various people as well. And trust me, if Max dressed like Victoria or Juliet, she would not be treated as dismissively. Appearance and behavior are reflections of each other, and we again see this with alt-Max with her nice clothes and more assertive personality, compared to the original Max who feels out of place.
Amusingly enough, as she starts wearing Rachel and Chloe’s clothing she increasingly becomes assertive and willing to take a stand. A good part of this lies with Chloe’s confidence with her, but we the players get to see this as well with Max’s clothes changing and becoming more vibrant. 
So, why do people think Max is financially comfortable? I suspect it’s primarily because Max uses an instant camera. I once calculated out the financial value of the Caulfield Photo Wall, and came to over $100. Admittedly, that may have been all of Max’s photos (outside of ones that Chloe or other people had claimed over the years)... but when you also account for however many photos get rejected for not being good enough (and Max rips up several photographs in Life is Strange) and you’re left with the possibility Max has taken probably a thousand dollars’ worth of pictures.
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That said? This doesn’t mean Max has spent a thousand dollars on film. Don’t forget, Max starts out with a battered camera that despite the design being extremely sturdy falls apart when it is knocked off a desk. Polaroid Instant Cameras are much sturdier than that, so the only way that camera fell apart that easily is if it had been broken in the past (which would explain why Max knows how to repair the camera). And with Max’s own journal, we know that Max is perfectly willing to buy and utilize previously-owned items.
In all likelihood, Max lucked across an estate sale or yard sale where someone was getting rid of an old camera they didn’t know the value of and all the film with it and Max walked away with $500+ of film and camera for $10 or so. If she bought more film via eBay and was lucky? She could very well be getting more film for only a couple dollars per cartridge of eight shots. It is also noteworthy to state Max doesn’t have a backup camera. She doesn’t have a digital camera on the side for most of her shots. She uses her phone for some pictures but mostly it’s that old beast of a camera that barely is holding together. 
There’s another reason why a lot of people just assume Max is from a nice middle-class family and that’s because many gamers are from that setting. Who wants to think of Max as a poor girl who is only attending Blackwell because of a art grant? Especially when you add in shabby clothes that highlight Max’s shy and withdrawn personality... you end up with someone that people can have difficulty connecting with. So it’s understandable people just assume the best for Max. After all, they are Max in the game, and who wants to be poor?
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teenyfish · 4 years
Marine Biology Story of the Day #13: The Collection
Hey everybody, long time no see—we’ve been dealing with hurricanes and vacations and I’ve been extremely worn down from work so I have not posted anything in the last two weeks.
But, since it’s early spooky season and I’ve finally had a chance to sit down, we are going to do a special post today and go over my collection.
My collection of “dead things”, as my husband likes to describe it.
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I like to describe it as my natural history collection. It’s a collection I’ve been curating since I got go college, and I have either collected and cleaned them myself, or received them as gifts from others who share my strange hobby.  I have not personally killed any of these animals, however I’m sure some were road kill or were killed by barotrauma (if they were fish).  Also, these are not all from dead animals, I have a large collection of molts and shells as well.  For me, these are found objects, and I am giving them life again in my house.  If you are uncomfortable with the idea of animal bone collection and processing, I suggest you stop here.
If you have a morbid curiosity like I do, welcome.
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Lets start with the bones.  On the first row we have what I think is a squirrel skull that I found on a beach (I’m not 100% sure because I don’t have any teeth from it) and a cormorant skull I found completely bleached and cleaned on a dock.  On the second row we have a pair of deer antlers I spent $2 on at an antique fair, we have an otter that I cleaned for my university that I was allowed to keep, we have rocky the raccoon, also from my university, a cat skull I found on a washed up beach (there were no tags attached, no tissue left, it could have been a pet or a stray, but considering we were in the middle of nowhere, there was no way to tell), and a Atlantic sharpnose shark jaw I cleaned while on a NOAA trip.  The back row we have a blacktip reef shark jaw from the same trip, and a red drum skull collected from a beach.  
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Now, rocky is one of my favorites—we have a long relationship.  When I was in college, I took a mammalogy class and one of our assignments was to go find a dead animal and bring it in, dissect it, and clean it.  Like for a grade.  Our professor had tenure and was pretty eccentric, so he got away with it much to the chagrin of the president.  I found rocky on the side of a highway, while I was driving home to my parents’ house for fall break, and he looked pretty freshly dead, so I thought that would be the best way to go.  It didn’t stop him from stinking up my car though, and my mom was not pleased that I stuffed him in the basement freezer.  He made it back to school in a Styrofoam cooler, and I got an A on that assignment, and then we put all of our skulls in the “beetle tank” so that they could finish cleaning the skulls for us.  I forgot about it.  Fast forward to two years later, I was working for the graduate department while getting my graduate degree, and we were asked to clean out the “bone room” and process the skulls, and I found him, a tag with my name on it attached.  He came home to live me ever since.
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Next we have the molts, all of which, with the exception of the sea urchin, all came from live animals that continued on living after they had shed their shells. On the bottom left we have my horseshoe crab molts, the larger one was collected on a fisheries survey I was on, the little one I found at a hotel beach in Florida.  Just above the horseshoe crabs, we have an urchin that I found in Maine—this one was likely smashed against the rocks by a seagull, because when an urchin dies, it usually doesn’t leave behind it’s spines. Next to it is the large, American Lobster, which came from the lobster at the aquarium I used to work at!! And then, in the bottom right is a spiny lobster molt.  Spiny lobsters come from the south eastern united states, but our aquarium collected a spiny lobster in North Carolina.  She was one of my favorite animals I worked with in the aquarium.
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Then we have the full bodied organisms that were preserved fully.  We have European hornets pinned in the bottom block, which are from a small project I worked on as an undergrad.  These are invasive to the states.  The large blue jar contains a baby sandbar shark. My friend (who is also a biology nerd) found this one for me at a thrift store, so WHO KNOWS how it got there originally—but I gave her a new home none the less.  The last three small jars are fish and invertebrates that were collected on my trip studying marine plastics in the Pacific.  In one is a Velula velula, or a by-the-wind sailor, which is a small siphonophore (similar to a jelly fish, or like a small man-o-war) that “sails” on the surface of the water with it’s little biological sail!  The next one is a myctophid, which I’ve covered in previous posts, but it’s a small, very numerous deep sea fish with bioluminescent photophores on it’s belly.  The last is a dragonfish or a viperfish, which is another deep see fish similar to an angler fish, but it’s bioluminescent lure is on it’s chin.  
I’ve been putting this collection together for almost 10 years now, and they all have their little spots on my shelves at my home.  I just find these pieces of biology so beautiful, and I want to give these animals a second life.  I’m not just into dead animals, I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank and a sweet baby puppy as well, but I just love natural specimens--it is just so cool to be able to reach up on your book shelf and be able to study anatomy from the real thing. 
Now, there are a myriad of methods required for preserving biological samples, many of which you can do at home with your own materials.  Cleaning a skull successfully also depends on the condition that the remains are found in.  I rarely do a skull that has a lot of tissue still on it, it’s a lot of work. I do stress though, unless you want to get into some really nasty stuff, it is not for the faint of heart (or people who are easily nauseated).  If you want any information on how to clean skulls, both from mammals and from fish, please feel free to contact me in the notes or in the asks.
That being said, as a reminder, there are some legal issues regarding many species.  Marine Mammals and endangered species are a no go, even if you find the animal already dead.  Make sure to be aware of that when you go out in the field looking for bones.  It is also is typically illegal to collect things from state and national parks in the U.S., and I don’t have all the rules for other countries, so just educate yourself before you head out.
As always, if you have any questions or comments PLEASE do not be afraid to ask!  
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so i realized while i was looking for a costume that i won too many pairs of jeans that i dont actually like and decided to rank them for the internet cause why would i want to do anything productive
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so first up we have these. theyre from gap. theyre definitely mens jeans. i dont know why i bought them. the worn in wash is kind of obnoxious. i think I've only worn them maybe twice? they do fit though somehow but the legs are weirdly baggy. i usually forget i have them. i would never normally wear them but they do look cute with my cowgirl boots (yes i own a pair of cowgirl boots but that's a whole separate post)
rating: 2.3/10
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up next we have these. theyre levis. i bought them at a thrift store when i was home over winter break for like $5. they might be mens, idk. i bought them to have a pair of jeans i could not care about when i was doing crew things. theyre very nice, good quality, nice stretch to them. my mom thinks theyre too small on me (theyre not) but they have some nice stretch to them and i could totally do a split in them if i wanted. i also really can't stand medium wash jeans i think theyre disgusting. but i dont wear them usually outside of my stage crew job which i dont have anymore because school is still closed.
rating: 7/10
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these are actually my moms jeans. theyre from the 1980s. they have absolutely no stretch. theyre like a half size too small on me which is always fun (but they make my butt look good). i think I've worn them once because after awhile they start to hurt cause there's no stretch and theyre too small. also they have a button fly which i think should be illegal. and theyre light wash? i hate light wash jeans almost more than i hate medium wash jeans. 
rating: 5/10
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these are another pair of gap jeans. i really can't stand these. they claim to be skinny. they are not skinny. the bottoms do this weird gap thing. also i think theyre like an inch too short. and they have just a smidge too much stretch where you have to wash them after literally every time you wear them. i really dont know why i own them. they could be my villain origin story. my mom thinks they “fit nice” though. i avoid wearing these unless literally every other pair of pants i have is dirty (and on top of all these jeans i own like 10 pairs of leggings cause dance so that's saying a lot)
rating: 1/10
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these are essentially the last pair but in light blue. theyre also from gap. again, not really sure why i own them. these ones do this obnoxious thing where they gradually become shorter on you as the day goes on. i have no idea Why but they do and i really really hate it. also they have a grass stain on them for some reason? idk why or how it even got there but whatever. aesthetically tho they kinda slap and i wear them when i need to look slightly more presentable. also my terrible english teacher senior year had this exact pair of pants and my goal was to wear them on the same day as him and twin but it never happened.
rating: 5/10
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these are my last surviving pair of abercrombie and fitch jeans. i think theyre honestly like a good 5 years old at this point (which is not only my oldest pair here besides my moms but a long lifespan for a&f jeans) theyre kinda cute. they are a size too big on me though now which is mildly annoying cause i definitely have to wash them after every time i wear them. and the pockets are annoying cause they have dumb snaps and dont fit anything. but theyre a vibe. i still wear them when i need to look mildly presentable. 
rating: 7.5/10
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these. these are my absolute ride or die jeans. i love them so much. theyre calvin kleins. i bought them off the sale rack after christmas almost 2 years ago at lord and taylor. like they were originally 80 and i bought them for maybe 20. they are so amazing. good quality denim. nice tight skinny jeans. make my ass look good. theyre my everyday jeans. match literally all my shirts (you'd never know but black jeans are actually my favorite kind of jeans and before this i bought a&f ones that smelled like rubber for 4+ years idk why i did that). the only issue is. they ripped like 6 months ago when i was still at college. and i haven't been able to fix them yet. and they dont sell this style any more. which makes me really sad. and i really need to fix them cause i hate literally all of my other jeans.
rating: 9.5/10 (only cause there's a hole in them rn)
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Goodreads Reading Challenge - 2019
it make I challenged myself to read 12 books for the entirety of 2019. The goal post was so low because I had just started University and I didn’t want to add on unnecessary stresses on top of my new course load, and one book a month should have been a walk in the park. 
Sincerely, I did not expect to be finishing the final book on literally the last few days of the year, but what are you gonna do? Below are the books I read and a short blurb about what I thought of them!
Black Comedy - Peter Shaffer
I started off the year cheating a bit, but who’s really counting? I was stage managing this production and since I wasn’t in it but still had to read the script, then no harm no foul. This is a hilariously put together play that shines in its slapstick comedy, but allows for plenty of wordplay that just flies by, one pun after another. Absolutely worth stage managing again, 10/10.
Turtles All The Way Down - John Green 
A very interesting exploration of mental health and how it can spiral out of control combined with a subplot of solving a murder mystery, and how getting to the resolution of things never feels as quick, easy, or simple as you imagine. I got this as a 2018 Christmas gift because it became well-known that, at least teenager me, had/has a strong John Green phase. I have read every one of his books and I can say that this has a completely different feel then his previous works, and I feel like my tastes have changed as I grew older.
The Portuguese Kid - John Patrick Shanley
Since Doubt is my favorite play, I was very excited when this play shipped through DPS’ quarterly book-club, and I read it immediately! This explored relationships formed through age gaps and how hard it can be to get a real connection nowadays, and I believe that just reading it is not the way that this should be consumed. 
Not Someone Like Me - Susan Rice
This play was. .  . a lot to read. This is a collection of monologues, based on events that actually happened, of women telling their stories experiencing rape and assault. It brought me to tears, it made me shake - it felt so real. 
The Play That Goes Wrong - Henry Lewis
Take almost everything I said about Black Comedy and multiply it. A fantastic comedy where every aspect shows a different level of humor, and there’s something for everyone in the audience to laugh about. My personal favorite joke is the actor playing the corpse not doing a good job, because he’s literally corpsing.
Scissoring - Christina Quintana
I enjoyed how it tells a story that is very relatable and down to Earth, but adds enough surreal elements to give it a feeling of a story known throughout time. It also made me go down a rabbit hole regarding the gay history surrounding Eleanor Roosevelt. Very fun!
Speak - Laurie Halse Anderson 
I picked this book up at a thrift store exclusively because my friend was shocked that I didn’t read this in high school, and because it was released stating it’s paired with The Outsiders, I knew that I would like it. This is a classic, and I don’t have anything else to say about it. Speak is one of my favorite books that I have read this year.
Everything’s Fine With Virginia Woolf - Kate Scelsa
A feminist parody of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, this felt like an interesting take on a classic. It pairs well with the original, and the snarky humor reminds me a lot of writing styles of my friends. The excerpts about fanfiction are the funniest, especially after I’m already reminded of my friends. 
Aura - Carlos Fuentes
I read a lot of fantastical realism this year (even more after this) even though its not really one of my favorite genres. I don’t dislike this genre, but it is hard for me to forgo its usual tropes. I didn’t particularly enjoy this novel and I think it was because of my personal bias - the reincarnation aspect just read to me as a story of how women getting older and “uglier” is the most horrifying thing the main character can think of. 
 Sing, Unburied, Sing - Jesmyn Ward
Another fantastical realism one! But more in the southern gothic part. Telling the story of 3 generations of a family and the ghosts that are haunting them (metaphorical and literal), this was a wild read. I love books that make me feel sympathy towards characters doing all the wrong things, and this worked for me. 
It’s Kind of A Funny Story - Ned Vizzini
Fun fact: this was written by the same guy that wrote Be More Chill! I got this novel several years ago when it was all that my bookish friends could talk about, and i started it at least 4 times and haven’t been able to finish the first chapter. I picked it up one more time and was able to read the first 200 pages in a flurry - it was a book that I could not read when not in the right headspace for it, but now that I am it is the perfect book for 2019.
Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli 
Adorable! I’ve been looking forward to reading this as soon as I saw the movie and it did not disappoint! Truly the best book to end the year on as it was what I needed to give me a positive outlook for 2020.
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Adventures in Becoming Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor
For Halloween this year, I have convinced my beautiful friend J or @jebug29 (who you all may or may not remember from the original “Count Olaf is a power bottom” post) to accompany me as the Count Olaf to my Esme. While finding his costume has been relatively simple (we found a good portion of this costume at the local thrift store because Olaf isn’t incredibly hard to dress and will mainly be a challenge with prosthetic facial hair), mine has displayed some difficulties.
I’ve decided to record them, along with my thoughts and feelings on the matter, and will release this post after all is said and done.
Chapter 1
After getting J’s clothes all for under 5 dollars, I also found a GIGANTIC martini glass to use as a prop. I love it. I didn’t buy a second one for J, but he can use my wine glass. 
Olaf’s more a wine guy anyway.
We also did technically find a pinstripe blazer I could use, but unfortunately I had too copious amount of titty for it, so no go.
Chapter 2
J has fallen in love with the Gunther disguise.
Hate to let the guy down, but ya girl doesn’t have Gunther disguise money (I’m the only one funding this little venture because to be fair I pestered poor J into this), so he’ll have to settle for regular Count Olaf despite the fact the Gunther is technically more thematically appropriate.
Chapter 3
Checking Amazon just in case we continue to have poor luck at the thrift store.
It has come to my attention that J and I may need to contemplate actually stealing a fortune.
Esme is an expensive bitch.
The first pinstripe suit came up at $119!
So, we’re gonna compromise and try to just buy a pinstripe blazer and pair it with a plain skirt I already have (plus the accessories and make-up I already had prepared)
I mean, I still gotta buy a blonde wig and J’s cosmetics, after all.
Chapter 4
Amazon: Oh! We have a pinstripe blazer in your price range!
Me: Really?!
Amazon: Sure! ...For anyone with a significantly smaller bust size than you :)
Me: *singing* There are no happy endings. Not here and not now~ This tale’s full of sorrows and woes~
Chapter 5
But then I tried to put in in my cart and those motherfuckers told me it wouldn’t show up until DECEMBER. So, back the square one.
Chapter 6
I’m screaming. This shit’s expensive and it may not even get here in time.
At least I found a nice wig?
Chapter 7
Did you guys know that when you ask for a costume unibrow every online shopping thing thinks you want a Rick Sanchez costume?
Because I do now
Chapter 8
You know, this would be a hell of a lot easier if the original Series of Unfortunate Events movie didn’t suck an entire ass and got the same fame that Harry Potter managed.
Everybody just take a moment to imagine that timeline.
Chapter 9
Ok, here’s the haps, peeps.
Still no luck on the blazer. I found one, but it wouldn’t actually arrive until the 30th, so no.
However, I did manage to get myself a blonde wig and stuff to make J’s facial hair Olaf-approved!
I’m gonna make the unibrow out of costume mustaches and spirit gum (you know, that stuff cosplayers use to stick the side pieces of their wigs to their heads so it looks more real) and I bought a goatee set that should work well too.
In this house, we improvise!
Chapter 10
I also got myself some new matches to use as a prop and also for personal use.
(I find striking matches calming)
Chapter 11
Me: Oh look! I found another blazer!
Me: What the fuck do you mean you don’t deliver to P.O. Boxes?
Chapter 12
My matches are here
Also the stuff for J’s eyebrow and facial hair
and my absolutely beautiful wig 
Hot damn!
Chapter 13
We just needed a bigger thrift store!
We also got J some new suit pants so both of our costumes are finally complete! 
Hopefully my next update will be the reveal!
Chapter 14
I know I said the next update would be the reveal, but this exchange was too funny:
J: *trying on the jacket for my pinstripe suit for some reason*
J: *struggling* The buttons are on the wrong side.
Me: Yeah, it’s a women’s jacket.
J: Oh.
J: *horrified realization that we bought a women’s blazer for his Count Olaf costume*
Chapter 15
J has been growing his hair out so it’ll be easier for me to style his hair into Olaf’s devil horns. 
Ya know, these little things:
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(Tbh, I do that to his hair at every chance because I find it hilarious and it makes me happy, along with his Count Olaf voice.)
He didn’t really need to do that, but God I love my friends.
Chapter 16
8 hours before the Halloween party:
I have not started getting dressed yet.
J decided to try on his costume and has realized his shirt is also a women’s shirt.
I had to tie his ascot for him.
Then he tried to go eat sushi dressed as Count Olaf. 
I proceeded to tell him to not do that and put his costume on later after we’ve all eaten dinner and won’t be sitting around waiting for hours.
- Chapter 17: The Reveal!
(Please don’t judge too harshly)
After preparing for months (and spending more money than I’d like to admit) I finally had a proper Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor!
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Cute necklace right?
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Full-body picture taken by J, who is a hilarious photographer.
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Finally a costume where I can incorporate my tattoo! (Though I filled in the iris and pupil)
And, of course I had my Count Olaf: @jebug29
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Ya’ll, I’m actually hella proud of the job I did on his fail hair. Hot damn!
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A selfie he took with my phone
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Why does he look so sad???
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His “tattoo”. To be fair, I had less space to work with than what I thought.
And some pictures of the two of us together:
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A toast to murder and arson
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Idk why J’s back is to the camera, but I look cute.
And finally us posing with the picture J drew of us as Olaf and Esme
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And to those of you wondering: Yes, I won that bet with my roommate.
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shatteredlovers · 6 years
I’m gonna fight u
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? u2. Are you outgoing or shy? shy3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? u... and my nj peeps at the end of the semester4. Are you easy to get along with? ye i think so5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? u do lol6. What kind of people are you attracted to? u 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? yes (:8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? i’m wondering how my little brothers are making out in college!!9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? no10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? wendy, lexie, or dom I’m not sure11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “she’s just bein safe!!”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? “Rivers and Roads” by The Head and the Heart, “Feels like Summer” by Childish Gambino, “Fallingwater” by Maggie Rogers, “Peach Scone” by Hobo Johnson, and I can’t think of another rn but I’m listening to “17″ by Youth Lagoon.13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? YES14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? yeah15. What good thing happened this summer? I got to spend it with u making memories16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? hell yeah (;17. Do you think there is life on other planets? yes18. Do you still talk to your first crush? no19. Do you like bubble baths? yes!!20. Do you like your neighbors? i don’t know them /:21. What are you bad habits? i’m messy tbh22. Where would you like to travel? oh god everywhere, but i’d really like to meet my cousins in Scotland23. Do you have trust issues? I did but I feel good now24. Favorite part of your daily routine? putting my feet up at the end of the day to eat and watch New Girl or Big Mouth25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? maybe my teddies mostly bc they hurt my back lol26. What do you do when you wake up? i hit snooze about 6 times27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? nah i’m chill28. Who are you most comfortable around? wendy29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? all but one30. Do you ever want to get married? yes i do31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? yes!32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? rihanna and harry styles are prob my top33. Spell your name with your chin. sd jk,hg34. Do you play sports? What sports? i don’t anymore lol35. Would you rather live without TV or music? tv36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? that was my entire childhood-adolescence 37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing, they don't bother me rly38. Describe your dream girl/guy? u wendy!!!!39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? i like thrift stores, h&m, target, honestly wherever40. What do you want to do after high school? I’m gonna be a music therapist41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? no42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m probably either observing, spaced out, sleepy, or fuming.43. Do you smile at strangers? yeah44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? ocean45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? there’s stuff i gotta do46. What are you paranoid about? figuring out internship stuff coming in the next year47. Have you ever been high? once48. Have you ever been drunk? plenty49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? no50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? gray51. Ever wished you were someone else? when i was like 12/13 i did a lot52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? i wish i was a little more organized53. Favourite makeup brand? thATS HARD54. Favourite store? barnes and noble55. Favourite blog? urs56. Favourite color? dark green57. Favourite food? eggplant parmesan 58. Last thing you ate? a lifesaver gummy that my client’s sister gave me!59. First thing you ate this morning? baby carrots60. Ever won a competition? For what? idk honestly lol i’ve won singing things61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? no62. Been arrested? For what? no63. Ever been in love? i’m falling right now.64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? i was taken advantage of so it kind of blew65. Are you hungry right now? very66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? i like you all equally!!!!67. Facebook or Twitter? neither68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now? no70. Names of your bestfriends? i have quite a few71. Craving something? What? u wendy i want to snug72. What colour are your towels? turquoise72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 173. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? sometimes but i usually hug wendy or my pillow74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? 1, I got rid of everything but a sloth that my friend got me when i got into my car accident75. Favourite animal? dogs and owls76. What colour is your underwear? i’m not wearing any lol77. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate all the way78. Favourite ice cream flavor? chocolate fudge brownie ben and jerrys
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? gray-blue
80. What colour pants? gray81. Favourite tv show? i love the office, criminal minds, and new girl82. Favourite movie? When Harry Met Sally or Dead Poets Society83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? original84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? idk they’re different types of funny lol85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? idk86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? squirt87. First person you talked to today? lexie88. Last person you talked to today? my supervisor89. Name a person you hate? i don’t really hate anyone, i just distance myself from people that are toxic to my wellbeing.90. Name a person you love? I love you, Wendy.91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? nope!92. In a fight with someone? nope!93. How many sweatpants do you have? 3 pairs maybe94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? too many (i.e. not enough)95. Last movie you watched? Scarface96. Favourite actress? eh97. Favourite actor? eh98. Do you tan a lot? no99. Have any pets? I HAVE A BUNNY HERE IN AZ AND IN JERSEY I HAVE TWO DOGS AND A FISH AT MY PARENTS100. How are you feeling? p good 101. Do you type fast?decently fast if i don't think about it lol102. Do you regret anything from your past? not really103. Can you spell well? yes my grandpa made me spell all the time as a kid104. Do you miss anyone from your past? no105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes they're my fave106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yeah107. Have you ever been on a horse? no108. What should you be doing? my session summaries and activity write-up for tomorrow109. Is something irritating you right now? i slammed my foot getting out of the car and idk if i super fucked something up bc its hurts rly bad110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? yeah111. Do you have trust issues? i did but i’m ok now112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? probably wendy113. What was your childhood nickname? M&M114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yeah115. Do you play the Wii? i have before lol116. Are you listening to music right now? yes “let’s talk about feelings” by joywave117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yes118. Do you like Chinese food? YES119. Favourite book? idk i rly like classics120. Are you afraid of the dark? partially121. Are you mean? i can be122. Is cheating ever okay? N O 123. Can you keep white shoes clean? no i suck124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no but you can click w someone125. Do you believe in true love? sure126. Are you currently bored? no127. What makes you happy? you, my friends, my family, animals, music128. Would you change your name? thought about changing it to my middle name129. What your zodiac sign? libra130. Do you like subway? eh jersey mikes is better131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? say thanks but i love wendy132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? i think i already answered this133. Favourite lyrics right now? idk134. Can you count to one million? no i lose focus easily135. Dumbest lie you ever told? idk lol136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed and often locked137. How tall are you? 5′2138. Curly or Straight hair? i have straight hair but i love curly hair139. Brunette or Blonde? i love brunette hair140. Summer or Winter? summer in jersey, winter in AZ141. Night or Day? night142. Favourite month? October143. Are you a vegetarian? not a chance144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? DARK CHOCOLATE145. Tea or Coffee? i like both146. Was today a good day? yeah it was my session went rly well w my client147. Mars or Snickers? snickers all the way148. What’s your favourite quote? “If flowers can grow through blankets of melting snow there is hope for me” - @tylerknott149. Do you believe in ghosts? yes150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? i don’t have a book anywhere near me unfortunately lol
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xbaepsae · 6 years
positivity tag | 2017
tagged by lovely @guksheart <3 loved, loved reading your post! thanks for tagging me :) sorry this took so long; it’s already almost march *awkward smile*
rules: write ten positive things that happened in 2017, then tag several people you love and have an amazing 2018!
1. hmm... first of all, this blog lol. even though i created this blog in august 2016, i feel like i didn't really “take off” until the beginning of 2017. that was when i started joining networks and making/meeting new friends :)
2. i changed my major! i came into college declared as a biology major--idk why lol--and hated it so much. but i stuck with it for two years because i wanted a job after i graduated. and... my parents lol. however, on a whim, i realized that life is so incredibly short to not pursue your passions. also, bts really inspired me to chase my dreams :’) so i am now an english major and stressed, but happy
3. this was the year that i really started to love myself, and it wasn't because of bts lol. i stepped up my fashion game, took more photos of myself, got into skincare, and just really stopped caring about what other people thought about me. i also have really become an advocate for that #praisintheasian thing on twitter. i think that really boosted my self love because i used to HATE being different. being asian and growing up in a predominantly non-asian community is tough and all i ever wanted was to be blonde-haired and blue-eyed, which now makes me sick to think that i hated who i was that much. but no worries--i love who i am now
4. i got bangs! that was a big moment for me lol. it was a huge change for me because i hadn't had bangs in years--like i’m talking, since childhood. but idk, i just wanted something different. and i cut them myself, which was one of the most nerve-racking experiences of my life. but the bangs were fun while they lasted. i just hated how high maintenance they were, and how i looked like i was 12, so they were only present for a few months unfortunately... but they were still cute
5. so my school has this program where students can travel abroad--a two week trip--after taking a semester long class. however, the program is really competitive and hard to get in. i had like zero hopes to get in lol. but miraculously, spots were still available and ya girl copped a spot! i am going to france and germany! i was seriously sooo happy and excited when i realized i actually managed to get into a class. and ugh--last march when i found out, the trip seemed so far away. but now it’s just three months away and i still can't believe it
6. my family adopted a doggo and my heart has never been so full. we’ve had pets in the past, but my mom really isn't an animal person. but for some reason, she randomly sent me a picture of this cute ass dog and said, “we’re getting a new family member.” i’ve never been so confused in my life lol. but long story short, my doggo’s original owners were giving him away because the wife didn't like animals, but pretended to like him just so she could be with the guy... but then they got married and an ultimatum was set. i know, so sad right?? well, her loss because my doggo--brock--is literally the love of my life... even though he’s super needy sometimes but i love him so much and would die for him
7. i mentioned earlier that i’ve started to up my fashion game and that’s all thanks to thrifting! omg thrifting is literally my favorite thing to do. i love it so much. i mean, i’ve been thrifting before in the past... but i never understood it’s true potential until 2017. my love for thrifting basically started when i realized that clothes at regular stores are way too damn expensive lol. like... who wants to pay $30 for a pair of shorts? that’s not even a lot of material. so, i started thrifting because i needed shorts for summer and the rest is history :) oooh! but i’ll tell you guys some of my fave finds: a pair of vintage tommy jeans, a super cool wilson’s leather jacket, and a shit ton of denim shorts galoreee
8. i turned 20 this past year and it was kinda crazy lol. like, im not a teenager anymore... it stills feels surreal most days. but even though i hate the thought of getting older, it’s also a great thing because it means im finally past the super awkward teenage phase LOL. jk. im still awkward; but what i mean it, i finally feel like im “blooming” into the person i was meant to be
9. in 2017, i really made it a point to spend more time with the people i love and grow my relationships with them. and i think i did a pretty good job lol. hopefully. it’s just that, life is so short friends... make everyday count
10. and last, but not least, i started posted my poetry for the world to see in dec 2017! growing up, i was never that into poetry. i mean, i was kind of interested in it a little when i was younger. i liked writing, so poetry was kind of easy for me. but i didn't love it until i got my heart crushed--not broken people, just slightly crushed lol--by a boy in 2015 and suddenly, the words couldn't stop flowing out of me. so, i’ve been writing poems for a little over two years now and it’s been so much fun! i decided to start sharing my poems because i figured, why not? lol. so maybe i’ll become an instagram famous poet one day
tagging: @kawsofhobi, @blumiin, @sunkissedmin, @taecup, @nochuism, @tiniekihyunie, @gukspoc, @19jiminieee95, @sonnenfuchs, @gujoonim, @minyoong2 & anyone else who wants to do this bc it’s two months into 2018 already so everyone has probably done this already...
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lafillederenard · 7 years
all the questions!
Thank you, Kate! I’ve been going through these slowly for a while now. Here are the first 50 questions to the ask post found here: x
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
I pour more milk than is needed and feel wasteful when there’s milk leftover in the bowl. Sometimes I drink the milk and feel better. Usually I don’t even eat cereal though? I’m a wakey wakey eggs and bakey gal.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
Love that crisp cold winter air! Sure would like to feel it sometime soon! Right now at school, it’s almost like I can feel the weather slowly shifting to cold winter air weather.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I often just use scraps of paper that are handy. I’ll use a pen or pencil if I’m switching between reading and writing. And I’ve used my phone a couple of times.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
I like really sweet and flavored drinks when going out for either. For coffee from scratch, I like to add a lot of creamer, preferably flavored.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
I used to be more so before. Now, not so much, but it has become a habit for me to smile with a closed mouth for pictures.
6: do you keep plants?
I try to, but it never seems to end well. 2 of my 4 succulents I had in my dorm room were stolen recently when I left them out. The other two I’ve been ignoring. I’m much better at taking care of my virtual plants on the app Viridi.
7: do you name your plants?
I’ve named a couple of my real plants, but I don’t really care to for the most part. Most of my plants in Viridi have a stupid meme name.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
Music and writing. I haven’t been journaling as often as I used to, but I still consider it a big way I like to process my emotions: by writing down as much as I can.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
Yeah. I get self-conscious though, sometimes even when no one is around to hear.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
I like to sleep on my stomach, and can pretty much only fall asleep that way. But I sometimes switch to my side during the night.
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
I don’t know if I can think of anything specifically that actually really applies so I’m just gonna pick some stuff…. High school friends will probably laugh if I mention how we all agree I have pretty good aim with my vomit….and college friends, well they call me the Cheese-It Harpy. Friends, let me know if you’re reading this and you think of something else.
12: what’s your favorite planet?
I don’t have a favorite planet. I’m very appreciative of space and I know basic astrology with the planets, but somehow I just don’t have a fave.
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
I did my friend’s hair up pretty and she liked it and another friend liked it.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
It’s gonna have vines on the walls outside and there’s a courtyard maybe and the apartment will have yellow painted walls and the window will look out over the street and we’ll put up lots of string lights and small plants. I really want to make those tiny tiny gardens with the little benches in them and stuff. And the kitchen sink will usually have dishes in it bc I’m/we’re not people who wash our dishes right away. There will be original and purchased art on the walls.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
So apparently CalTech astronomers think there might be a big planet way out past Pluto, technically in our solar system.
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
UM I love all pasta but I will pick lasagna as my favorite almost all the time. I really love a baked ziti covered in mozzarella tho
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
So I don’t really want to dye my hair, but if I did, legit I would want it to be opalescent (silvery-white with pastel colors). Opals are my birthstone, and you bet that my hair would look like that if I was a Crystal Gem. But I don’t really think I’d be able to pull that off irl.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
So yeah, so my CV squad is always gonna remember me throwing up into the cup holder of the RENTAL car. My college friends…there’s probably so many but I’m blanking and can only think of when I spilled the cappuccino….or when I was tired and they put plastic lizards on my head and I got emotional bc I felt loved LOL. Idk help me out here guys Idk why I’m forgetting. I need to write down more of the things I do.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I keep a writing journal at all times, and it’s basically a regular journal/diary where I write what happened, how I’m feeling.I also have a gratitude journal. I try to write in there as often as I can about things I am grateful for on that particular day, like compliments I may have received, or nice things that happened.
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
Brown. Almost everyone I’ve ever crushed on has had brown eyes. Brown eyes are beautiful!
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
Favorite bag??? I don’t use bags, lol. I got my backpack. I’m not terribly attached to it.
22: are you a morning person?
Nope! My sleep schedule may be really messed up, but either way, I love being up and doing things at night. I really like to take my time waking up in the morning; I’m pretty slow about it.
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
The thing I usually end up doing is bumming around the computer, tumblr and all. My favorite thing, though, would probably be to watch a really good movie or two, or to gather a pile of books and read through them all, like I used to do when I was little. I also really like to sleeeeeeep
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Not really. There are some things that I just don’t talk about with anyone.
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
I’ve broken into very few places. One of them is the toilet paper dispenser in the slightly scary bathroom downstairs in the campus center.
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
This is basically all my shoes, as I kinda just find one pair of shoes I really like, and wear them every day until they get destroyed. I really liked my San Antonio Shoes that I wore to band. Several people complimented me on them. They seemed to fit really great. They were some good shoes. If I ever have the money, I might buy another pair sometime. The pair I had were bought ridiculously under-priced at a thrift store.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
I really like fruity gum. Fruit Stripe is my favorite chewing gum, but my favorite legit bubble-blowing bubblegum is the cotton candy bubblicious. It’s blue and super sugary and I have distinct memories of times when I chewed it, or wanted to be chewing it but was chewing something else, lol
28: sunrise or sunset?
Sunset is my favorite time. Since I do a lot at night, it’s not really a sad symbol of my day ending, but the night beginning. Whereas if I am seeing the sunrise, that probably means I’ve stayed up all night, which probably was questionably smart to do….
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
I have a friend who kisses my hand to show affection, and I think it’s really cute and nice.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
I’ve never had any bone-chilling moments — no ghosts, home intruders, etc. But I have been genuinely scared of whether or not me and my family would be okay.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
I don’t really like the look of fuzzy socks, but I like how it feels to go to sleep in them. I prefer not to wear socks to bed, but my feet get cold often and I can’t fall asleep if my feet are cold. I’ve got a growing collection of socks with foxes on them, but I kinda prefer to wear plain socks. I feel like it’s immature to wear colorful socks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
I can’t recall anything exciting happening. We’ve gone out for food. Had a microwave macaroni party…
33: what’s your fave pastry?
Ooh. I can’t think of anything specific. I like stuff with cherries, or maybe like a cheese danish. I’m not picky!
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
When I was really little I had Silly Bear. He was purple or something, and wore a jester’s hat, I think. I used him to make my brother laugh for the first time. Then I had Maple the bunny. She was the most beautiful bunny, until we put her in the wash and then the dryer. Now, I have my fox. It doesn’t have a name, it’s just my fox. I’m sorry to say that my fox went in the dryer, too. My mom told me it would be okay, and it wasn’t. It’s fur is all messed up, but it’s still cute and I love it. Makes me wish I had kept Maple the bunny. And yeah, I sleep with my fox most nights.
35: do you like stationery and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
Ughhhh yeah my favorite is designer notebooks that are all pretty. Blank paper is enticing to me. I used to really like pencils that were colorful or had designs on them, too, but I’ve actually made the switch to pens now. I never thought I would switch to pens because I make so many mistakes, or I used to. I prefer my pens to be comfy and write nicely, rather than to look good. Pencils that write nice and dark are very important to me. But yeah I love stationery, and I always have to visit the stationery aisle whenever I go to the drugstore.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
So lately, I think my mood has been sort of like Norah Jones or Corinne Bailey Rae. Kinda soft and sad, but nice. At least, that’s how I want my mood to be. Less the sad part though, just kinda soft and nice. Tryin not to stress out over finals.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
Definitely messy, but an organized messy. I want to know where everything is, and I want to be able to function and move around in the room, but I love having little figurines and papers all over my desk and stuff.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
Well, as an English major, I have many grammar pet peeves. I hate it when people put recyclables in the trash. I dunno what else…
39: what color do you wear the most?
I wear a lot of blue because it looks good on me. Matches my eyes. I am gaining an increasing number of maroon-/burgundy-colored clothes. I don’t like to wear gray clothes.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
I don’t wear jewelry. Let me tell you about my Two Cats On a Couch instead. They’re made of painted wood; two cats, one striped, and one in some kind of clothing. They are on a red couch with white dots and yellow flowers. The cat in the clothes is me, and the other cat is someone to talk to. My mom found the cats at a thrift store and said she got them for me because she wanted me to always have someone to talk to. They were the last gift I ever received from her, as she gave them to me shortly before she passed away.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
One of the last books I remember liking a lot is The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. I read it about four years ago, and it was meant for a younger age group than mine even back then, but I remember it really resonating with me. It also totally hyped me up for a good test experience when I was about to take the SAT, because I read about the kids taking the test in the book right before I went to take the SAT, and it made me excited to rock a test.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
I wish I had a favorite shop, but I don’t get out much and I usually take things to go places. There are several coffee shops in the area, but the independent ones are kinda new and kinda less comfy, and more minimalist, at least from what I’ve noticed. I can tell you about Norm’s, though, because I could definitely say that it’s a favorite spot of mine. My larp club at college, AOKP, goes to Norm’s every other Thursday or so. We have this big table in the corner that we usually sit at. I steal crayons from the basket on the front counter. My friend once left a big pile of sand in the bathroom because she didn’t clean herself off before we left the beach. I’d say that Norm’s has become a special place for me.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
Alice, this one is you! The last time I really watched the stars, alone or not, was when we went to the beach to watch the sunrise. That was a good time.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
Thanksgiving break was emotionally rough for me, but there was one afternoon when everything seemed really pretty, and the sun was real good, and all the plants were good, almost like they were giving off a vibe, and I just sat outside for maybe an hour and wrote in my journal, and started to feel really calm and good. I don’t even remember what I was thinking about, I’d have to check in my journal. That time just felt really good, from what I remember.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
I would say that I do try to intuit a lot of things, but I maybe have a hard time trusting myself or what I’m feeling. I’m trying to learn to recognize when I’m ignoring a feeling that is telling me to do or not to do something.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I like this joke, cuz English: A rule of grammar: double negatives are a no-no
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
I don’t think people should be eating balut (duck embryos), and I’m pretty sure the smell alone of coconut shrimp has the power to make me throw up in an instant.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
I think it is the same. I just kinda always am afraid of, instead of a comfy life, being alone and not having money or food and not being okay. Especially the alone part.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
I really don’t buy or even use CDs anymore, since I was little. We didn’t have internet in the house when I was a kid, so all the music we listened to, we played on a boombox. It could do CDs and tapes. My mom had a small collection, and we rented a bunch of stuff from the public library. The sound on the boombox got messed up eventually, and by that time I had access to the internet, so now it’s streaming and Youtube.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
I have a collection from, like, late elementary and middle school, of pencils that I used until they got really heckin small. I’m talking, you can barely write with the dang thing. One of these pencils is a colored pencil that is one of the best shades of my favorite color (neon orange) that I’ve ever seen.
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funnynewsheadlines · 5 years
175 Of The Best Things People Found In Thrift Stores, Flea Markets And Garage Sales (New Pics)
Shopping at thrift stores is pretty exciting. You never know what you're going to find next. Regular stores usually have generic themes and you have a basic understanding of what they offer. But with thrift stores, it's like opening the old metal cookie box in your grandma's attic. From a Jesus Magic 8-Ball to a sassy "grandfather" clock/shelf, Bored Panda has compiled a list of unusual thrift store finds you’d pretty much have to buy if you found them. Scroll down, enjoy, and upvote your faves.
For more similar pics, check out Bored Panda's older collections of rare secondhand finds here, here, and here.
#1 My Daughter, She Gets Me. She Found The Pot At A Goodwill ($2.). It Was Originally Made For Baking Soda But This Is Much Better
Image credits: Amanda Kevern
#2 I Was Invited To An Event At Goodwill Today And Happened To Find This Brand New Burger Sweatshirt For A Mere $8. Still Had Tags On It. Just Call Me Rhonda Mcdonald. The Bag Was A Gift From A Friend!
Image credits: Nicole Rieder
#3 I See All Your Sassy Teapots, But I Think I Found Something Even More Sassy. I Present To You All The Sassy Grandfather Clock!
Image credits: Jessie Finn
#4 Does This Qualify As A House Hippo? About 25 Years Ago I Saw This For Sale At A Furniture Shop, There Was No Way I Could Afford It So It Stayed There. Fast Forward To A Couple Of Years Ago On A Local Buy Swap Sell, Lo And Behold There's My Hippo - There Was No Way It Was Getting Away This Time!!!
Image credits: Kerrie Murphy‎
#5 The Miracle Of Life...
Image credits: Katherine Brown
#6 Girlfriend Found This The Other Day And Wants To Reupholster It In Purple Velvet. From What I Was Able To Find Out Its Called A Victorian Balloon* Chair And Rike's (From The Tag) Was A Department Store In Dayton Ohio
Image credits: Aaron Biddle
#7 Found This Gem While Browsing The Thrift Shop Last Night For $6.99
 I asked the husband how i looked, and he said it was "hideous." I told him it's what's on the inside that counts. Paired it with a suit jacket, think i should wear it to my 16 year old's meet the teacher night tonight?
Image credits: Krystle Getson
#8 Fun Little Salt And Pepper Shakers
Image credits: Lisa Dodge Townsend
#9 Finally Found A Mushroom Lamp Today!!! I Am In Love!
Image credits: Alexandra McKay
#10 My Husband Saw This In Front Of An Antique Shop While On A Business Trip In Pennsylvania. It Totally Came Home! It Gets Moved Around A Lot, Because It‘S Huge! Since So Many People Have Asked *adding* He Paid $700 For It.... A Lot For Us But We Are Both Thrilled With The New Addition To Our Family
Image credits: Amanda Bowen
#11 Ohhh The Looks I Got Walking Around With This After I Purchased It Today
Image credits: John Rose
#12 My New Thrift Store Find, With This New Sweater Everybody Will Know I'm A Funguy...
Image credits: Chris Costigan
#13 I See The Occasional Post Where Someone Finds Their Own Art Etc, So I Guess This Is Mine. The First Photo Is Me At A Vintage/Thrift Sale On Sat, Holding A Dress. The Second Is Me, Age 16, Wearing The Exact Same Dress!
I personally hand sewed all the sequins and appliqués, for competitions in beauty pageants. When I saw it I nearly fell over. No one in my family knows how it got an hour’s drive away, after 24 years. Pretty proud though, my yee haw creation was marked at $80.
Image credits: Nicole Bee
#14 All My Childhood Dreams Are Coming True! Now I Can Sing Opps...i Did It Again While Wearing Britney’s Red Catsuit. It’s A Glorious Day!
Image credits: Caitlin Trantham
#15 Brace Yourselves. I Found The Thrift Store Holy Grail. Am I Ready For #pride Or What? $7.99 For The Rainbow-Sequined Bodysuit And Worth Every Cent. Boots Were $2.50. Mile High Thrift In Thornton, Co Is My New Addiction
Image credits: Kaz Windness
#16 My Halloween Costume From Last Year. It Started With The Homemade Dress At A Thrift Store In Dallas, Oregon. I Told My Wife “Hey, I Bet I Could Fit Into This” And There Was No Turning Back. I Made A Point To Gather All Other Elements From Thrift Stores (I Already Owned The Shoes)
Image credits: Michael Fairchild
#17 Only $1 And Completely Unused! At The Place Of Forsyth Thrift Store In Cumming, Georgia
Image credits: Meredith Finley-Simonds
#18 Found This Granny At An Estate Sale In Ft Worth. Yes, She Came Home With Me! Worth The Money For The Laughs We’ve Had. She Will Be Dressed For Every Holiday!
Image credits: Carrie Sexton
#19 Speechless. My Daughter Found This At Renaissance In Laval, Qc, Canada
Image credits: Caroline Huot‎
#20 Found This Around The Vases At Fabulous Finds In Port Charlotte, Fl. They Didn't Know It Was A Hat! I Was Delighted To Find It And Take It Home With Me
Image credits: Eliora Bachman
#21 Behold. Chewbacca, Riding A Giant Squirrel, Fighting Nazis. It’s About 11x14 And Resides In Our Dining Room
Image credits: Nikki Dieball
#22 I Have So Many Questions. Like Who Is This Brave Kitty? And What Did He Do To Earn His Metal? And How Did They Get Him To Wear That Uniform? Does He Put His Little Helmet On Himself?
Image credits: Sarah Choate
#23 We’re Redoing Our Bathroom And Discovered Some “Secondhand” Wallpaper Under The Mirror And Light Fixture. I’m In Love With The Doodles. I Took It Off The Wall And Was Able To Keep Most Of It In One Piece, It’s In Great Shape! May Just Have To Frame It
Image credits: Lydia DeTello
#24 When You Loose The Head On Your Ninja Turtle.... Improvise !
Image credits: Sarah Myers‎
#25 I'm Gonna Try Posting This Again, Because Everyone Likes The Tiny Stuff. My 10 Year Old Son And I Found This Tiny Cast Iron Stove Last Week At An Antique Store And I Let Him Cook A Tiny Grilled Cheese Sandwich And Tomato Soup On It! It Worked! He Was So Stoked!
Image credits: Sarah Smith
#26 The Amount Of Regret I Hold In My Heart For Not Buying This Is A Level Human Words Can’t Describe. Found At St. Louis Goodwill In Forest Park
Image credits: Natalie Rutledge
#27 The Top Is A Random Painting I Bought, The Bottom Is My Dog, Applesauce. I Had To Buy The Painting, The Resemblance Is Uncanny!
Image credits: Birdie Wood
#28 You You You You You Outta Know That I For Sure Brought This Baby Home With Me!
Image credits: Addison Hamilton
#29 Passed A Goodwill When I Was Heading Back To The Canadian Border. America, You Did Not Disappoint
Image credits: Amanda Tolentino
#30 I Don’t Even Know A Rick, I Just Thought For A Quarter It Was Too Cute To Pass Up. Provided Several Size References
Image credits: Elizabeth Groover
#31 This Is My Jesus "Magic 8" Ball. Over The Years, He's Lost Some Liquid So The Prediction Portion Isn't As Legible As It Once Was But It's Funny Nevertheless!
Image credits: Paige Fettuccine
#32 Kenosha Wisconsin Goodwill
Image credits: Yvonne Carroll‎
#33 First Post! I Came Across This Beauty At One Of Our Local Thrift Stores. It Did Not Come Home With Me
Image credits: Missy Thompson
#34 Saw This In Tasmania Australia At The Salvation Army. I Thought "Argh Cute Chair" Turned It Upside Down And Giggled For 5 Minutes
Image credits: Belle Joyce
#35 We Moved Into A Vintage 1962 House With Everything Original. This Dollhouse Was Built Into The Cabinets In One Of The Rooms And I Was Gifted It To Keep Safe And Enjoy. Mary Built This Over A Ten Year Period While She Was Sick. Update:. Thank You Everyone For All The Love. I Was Kinda Crabby Recently And You've Made My Week. I Posted A Video Of Part Of The House And The Updated Dollhouse Video Where I Have Moved The Furniture As I Could Back To Its Original Spot. Sadly, The Dust Had To Remain
Image credits: Emily Millar
#36 Ahhhhhh Real Monsters!! Best 10 Bucks We Ever Spent! Picked These Up A Auction Today. Update: I Didn't Realize We Would Get So Much Love! We Almost Didn't Buy Them. Glad We Could Spark Up Your Childhood Memories!
Image credits: Tanaya Holmes
#37 I Dont Even Wear Crocs And I Had To Scoop This Bad Boy Up For 25 Cents
Image credits: James Hill
#38 Some Shoepants Comin' At Ya. These Babies Set Me Back A Whole $.25 At St. Vinnie's
Image credits: Erin P Christie
#39 Found These Creepy Things At Salvation Army. I’m Only 50% Sure Those Aren’t Real Teeth. They Did Not Come Home With Me
Image credits: Brianna Bailey
#40 I Shall Be The Warmest Lady At The Bus Stop This Year! All For An Amazing $11 At A Pa Barn Sale This Morning. To Frances Sharpe The Maker Of This Ensemble, Your Creation Is Wonderful And I Will Treasure It!
Image credits: Kimberly Rose Deremer
#41 Dinosaur Chopsticks! I Have Found My Soulmate
Image credits: Madeline Ashton
#42 After 20 Years Of Loving This Towel, We Found The Exact Same One, Completely New, At Goodwill
Image credits: Jay Englishbee
#43 Behold: The "Breakfast Table." Yes, Those Are Bacon Legs
Image credits: Amber Dawn Dancy
#44 You Could Say My New Hair Dryer Is Packin' Some Heat
Image credits: Jenna Schmidt
#45 100+ Year Old Magicians Suit
Image credits: Joe Brotterball
#46 Speechless..... To Say The Least!
Image credits: Tracy Tanner
#47 So We Found This Arm Which We Believe Is What Students Practiced Drawing Blood From My Husband And I Take Turns Hiding It In Plain Sight To Startle Each Other Just A Bit Of Demented Fun Lol
Image credits: Reba Lynn
#48 My New Chair So In Love With It
Image credits: Donna Whelan
#49 It’s A Major Award And Yes It Came Home With Me
Image credits: John L Smith III
#50 75 Cents At An Estate Sale. Definitely Came Home With Me
Image credits: MJ Buley
#51 My Very Own Crustacean Menstruation Station For A Non-Gestation Shellebration... 6 Bucks At St Vincent De Paul In Ottawa, Canada
Image credits: Janel Gee
#52 Saw This Yesterday. It Didn’t Come Home With Me
Image credits: Bernard Bosio‎
#53 Step 1: Cut A Hole In The Pumpkin
Image credits: Sophie Ryckman
#54 Found The Uranium Glass Honey Hole!!! These Beauties Came Home With Us!
Image credits: Christina Brown
#55 I Found This Awesome Circus Uniform At The Goodwill Near Me. I Looked It Up And The Circus Ran From The 1930s To 2016 So I Have No Idea How Old It Is But I Brought It Home And Now I Run This Circus
Image credits: Sarah Mae Stone
#56 At A Local Thrift Store
Image credits: Sarah Kristin Hamlin
#57 I Saw This In The Window Of A Thrift Shop And Literally Screamed To My Husband “Pull Over!” She Wasn’t For Sale, But The Clerk Said She’d Consider Selling Her For (Only!) $25. She Now Has A Place Of Honor In My Living Room Next To The TV Stand
Image credits: Wendy Thompson
#58 Found And Took Home This Authentic Hostess Twinkie Pan From A Closed Factory In St. Louis. It’s Going To Become A Light Fixture
Image credits: Devon Renee Spencer
#59 I Bought A Blazer At The Thrift Store Yesterday. When I Got It Home, I Reached In To See If The Pockets Were Sewn Shut Or Not. They Were Not, And To My Dismay I Felt Something Gelatinous And Room Temperature In My Left Hand. I Ran To The Garbage Can, Horrified And Prepared For The Worst...
Image credits: Lon Eldridge
#60 It’s A Paint Palette Serving Tray! I Am So Happy Right Now! Found At A Goodwill In Atlanta And There Were Two Of Them But I Decided To Save The Second For Another Artist To Freak Out Over!
Image credits: Tamara Comstock
#61 Found This Dumpster Diving When I Was 11 Years Old Been On My Wall Ever Since
Image credits: Amanda Dee Harding
#62 My Husband Patrick Is A Massive Cat Lover, To The Point He's Now Called Catrick. Today We Found Him The Most Purrrfect Vest
Image credits: Amanda Krysa
#63 Found This Seahorse, A Mythical Hippocampus (Greek For Horse Monster!) In An Antique Shop In NY State. They Pulled Poseidon’s Chariot, According To Greek Mythology. Wasn’t Sure, But Then Had To Go Back And Buy It!
Image credits: Jamie Dransfield
#64 I Found A Garment
Image credits: Kristie Otis Shackelford
#65 I've Finally Found Something I Think Qualifies For This Page
Image credits: Jean Losey Darlow
#66 The Fur Babes Got A Tiny Couch. $30.. What A Steal
Image credits: Valencia Von Diata
#67 Doesn’t My Friend Have Some Sexy Legs?! The Answer Is No, He Doesn’t. Those Aren’t His Legs Or Even His Butt. That My Friends, Is A Barstool We Found At An Antique Shop In Fort Collins, Co. It Was Already Sold And Just Waiting For Pick Up But We Had To Snap A Picture
Image credits: Siobhan Morrison
#68 Hand Painted Find At Goodwill... This Cat Has Seen Some Things
Image credits: Shelby Albright
#69 Flea Market Find , Metal Molds For Babydoll Heads
Image credits: Ritchie Baird
#70 My Favorite Find Yet. A 2 Foot Tall Ewok Candy Bowl
Image credits: Tom McDonald
#71 So I Posted The Lovely Cat Pillow On The Left When I Found It A Few Months Ago At A Goodwill In Indiana. It Was Wonderfully Weird And I Kept Telling My Grandma How I Wish I Had The Money For It, How I Shouldn't Have Left It Behind. We Went Back A Few Days Later And It Was Gone! So, My Lovely, Very Crafty Grandma Made The Pillow On The Right For Me. And Somehow, I Love It Even More Than The Original
Image credits: Tori Smith
#72 Found This Little Gem Today In A Antique Store, Definitely Came Home With Me
Image credits: Troy Gleason
#73 This Bad Boy Has A New Home In My Kitchen
Image credits: Cassie Lee‎
#74 First Post!! I Found This Beauty In The Window Down At Extra Care Charity Shop In Bulwell Nottingham UK. Didn't Come Home With Me Unfortunately. Lets Hope They Find A Good Home!!
Image credits: Donnah Henshaw
#75 My Grammy Has Been Collecting Toys Since The '60s When She Started An In Home Daycare. I Give To You The Only Working Mcdonalds Ice Cream Machine In Asheville, Nc!
Image credits: Katie Hull
#76 This Unusual Table Was At An Estate Sale Auction I Attended. Sold For $750
Image credits: Sue MG
#77 Found This In An Old Nasa Book That My Husband Recently Bought This Weekend At A Goodwill! Thought It Was Pretty Cool...he Is Going To Plant Them!
Image credits: Katrina Marie Lackhouse
#78 Found This Little Booty And Heck Yes It Came Home With Me. Found At Speedway Antique Mall In Tucson, Az
Image credits: Cate Culek Beech
#79 This Photograph Was Stuck In A Stack Of Vinyl Records I Bought At A Thrift Shop. Makes Me Laugh Every Time I Look At It
Image credits: Amy Krumm Kelly
#80 Mermaid Blanket Found At Goodwill In Spokane. Now I’m All Set For The Coziest Winter Ever
Image credits: Melissa Stoner
#81 Found A Little Waffle(?) Head Cat... 50c He Came Home With Me...i Love Him
Image credits: Rochelle Featherstone
#82 Someone Put A Lot Of Effort Into This!!! 10 Bucks And Fits Like It Was Made For Me. Yes It Is Mine Now
Image credits: Meaghan Towns
#83 Went To A Thrift Store And Bought Me A $2 Wallet. Searching It In The Car This Fell Out, Someone's Preserved 4 Leaf Clover! Wonder How Old It Really Is And Wish I Knew Who It Belonged To Bet They Held This Dear. I Hope To Continue To Keep It Safe Might Not Be Much But I Think It's Pretty Neat And Special
Image credits: Vanessa Carlson
#84 I'm A Bit Of A Nerd Who's Parents Definitely Raised Him On Star Trek, Among Other Things, And I Couldn't Pass It Up. It Came Immediately Home With Me
Image credits: Kai Calhoun
#85 I Regret Not Bringing This Home Because I Really Think This Top Tier Comedy
Image credits: Marcella Uzi
#86 I Turned Around And There They Were...starring At Me...
Image credits: Joanna Becker
#87 Someone's Grandma, Put Some Time And Heart, Into Making These
Image credits: Billy Jacobs
#88 Just My Cat With A Mustache Riding My Goat That I Found At A Thrift Store
Image credits: Linda Buscaglia
#89 Anyone Ever Seen A Toy Gun That Shoots Pigs? Well...i Now Have One And I'm Looking For A Target...the Cat...the Dog...my Husband??!! Only A Dollar At My Favorite Thrift Store In Church Hill, Tn
Image credits: Drea Howman
#90 I Believe, It’s A Funeral Fan, I Have Two Of Them... Way Back When...fans Like This Were Placed On Each End Of A Casket And Were Used To Help Keep The Body Cool...
I unearthed this one from the garage this morning... I consider selling them every time I have to move them because they are so heavy and awkward... and then I look at them and imagine all the weird stories they could tell if only fans could tell stories... and decide to keep them
Image credits: Jennifer Johnson
#91 What 1980’s Teenager Donated This? Found It In A Bin Of Donations. I Work At Goodwill
Image credits: Nikki Raymer
#92 This Couch. I Wanted It So Bad. It Did Not Come Home With Me. It Was $400 And At The Salvation Army In Oxford, Michigan. Someone Go Give It A Good Home Please
Image credits: Jain Jackson
#93 I Found This Gem In Howell, Mi. I Did Not Take It Home Lol..... This Is My First Post And I Hope It Lives Up To Your Standards!
Image credits: Kathryn Heinrich
#94 I've Had Frank Now For 1.5 Years, But He's Worth Sharing Here. I Live In Mo. He Had Traveled Up Here From Fl To An Auction And I Won!! I Was The Highest Bidder...$100 For This. My Husband Asked Me "What Are You Going To Do With That?" I Said...."Lawn Ornament"
Image credits: Adrienne E Williams
#95 I Don't Know What Function A 2 Yr Old Would Wear This Too But I Felt It Needed To Be Shared.
Image credits: Amber Buckley
#96 Came Across This At Work Today(I Work At A Local Thrift Store) Yes Its A Wreath Of Mr Potato Heads...
Image credits: Heidi Everling Berry
#97 Look At What I Found Yesterday! What Makes It “Weird” Is That It Has Never Been Sold! It Just Sat In A Warehouse For 60 Years!! That Means Not A Scratch Or Poltergeist In It! Score!
Image credits: ‎Julie Danner‎
#98 A Friend Found This At An Antique Mall. It Was A Perfect Match To My Pet Porch Cow, Bucky! She Gifted It To Me And I Love It!!! (I Painted Its Nose To Match Bucky’s. Lol)
Image credits: Cheryl Stephen
#99 I’m Lucky Enough To Manage A Non Profit Thrift Store In My Town (Matthews, Nc), And Have Wonderful Volunteers That Usually Leave The Weirdest Donations On My Desk Because They Know I Love The Unusual Items. This Is One Of My More Recent And Favorite Finds, Bought It As Soon As I Saw It! Best Knife Set Ever!
Image credits: Lindsay Stokes
#100 I Wore Them Out Of The Store
Image credits: Ian Anderson
#101 I See Your Bmo Docs And I Raise You These Ice King Docs!
Image credits: Daniel Kessenich
#102 My Wife And I Found This Framed Photo Of Mr. Bean, With All The Elements Of The Photo Made Of Different Types Of Beans!! One Of Our Strangest Finds Yet, So We Just Had To Have Him. He Now Stares Us Down As We Walk Through The Kitchen
Image credits: Gary Charles Mullins
#103 Hi! I've Seen Many A Post Of Cool Animal Beds And Wanted To Share Ours! This Is Lexus, She Is 20.5 Years Old. This Is Her Bed Which Was Found At A Consignment Store About 8 Years Ago! She Loves It. In Her Old Age I Have Had To Put A Paint Can Underneath It So She Has A Step...
Image credits: Casey Carolina Hernandez
#104 Sharing This With All Of You Is A Huge Whisk I'm Willing To Take
Image credits: Dottie Dayjäg
#105 This Plate Was Found In A Charity Shop In Bath, UK, A Mahoosive 9 Years Ago But It's Come Up On My Memories And I Had To Share. I Still Have It! Thomas Is A Dick
Image credits: Coral Mariner-McLaughlin
#106 Family: What Are You Bringing To Thanksgiving? Me: I Could Give Two Shits
Image credits: Courtney Rae‎
#107 So, It Is Widely Known That I Am Obsessed With Cows Of All Types. I Got A Call From My Friend Last Week Who Was Thrifting And She Said She Found Me Something Perfect. It Did Not Disappoint
Image credits: ‎Kelsey Drover‎
#108 I Don’t Know If This Weird Enough For Y’all Cause Of Seen Some Really Off The Wall Stuff On Here But... Found At The Waterfront Mission, I Give You A Cow Bell
Image credits: Pam Turner
#109 Whooo Needs Some Salt And Pepper?? Found For $2 At An Estate Sale In Sunfield, Mi And They Definitely Came Home With Me Even Though I Had No Clue What They Were When I Bought Them
Image credits: Heather Boros
#110 This Is Thaddeus. I Found Him At Goodwill. And I Can’t Stop Slowly Zooming In On Him And Playing Sad Music
Image credits: Morgan McCleery
#111 Interesting-Odd-Second-Hand-Finds
Image credits: Kaylin Caz
#112 Nicolas Cage Came Home With Me
Image credits: Kelly Geiger
#113 Just A Chair With Spider Web Print .. No Biggie
Image credits: Cece Gee
#114 First Post If Approved! Who Wouldnt Want A Chameleon Tape Dispenser?! Wasnt For Sale Unfortunately But It Was Found The On The Desk Of A Thrift Store Cashier Such A Cute Little Weirdo
Image credits: Carey Lynn
#115 At Savers Honolulu
Image credits: Michael Walter
#116 I Need A Situation Where I Can Wear A Cow Tie
Image credits: Steven Lesser
#117 I Found A Naked Mole Rat In A Free Pile At A Garage Sale. And He's Wearing A Sombrero! He Squeaks When You Push Down On His Hat
Image credits: Cat M Turnbull
#118 Found This Buried On A Bottom Shelf. Had To Have It
Image credits: John Rose
#119 Very Specific But, Hell, If You're A Heather With A Great Casserole Then You're In Luck. Or Not A Heather At All, And Just Appreciate The Irony. Goodwill In Benbrook, Tx. $5
Image credits: Alandria Cruxiel
#120 Meet Jim Chairy... The Tiny Chair And Framed Picture Of Jim Carrey Sold Separately, But Bought Together For A Lifetime Of Dry Humor Arc Colorado Springs
Image credits: Chelsea Sanderson
#121 Found This Funky Cat Shirt And You Bet I Bought It! £4 And The Septum Actually Moves!
Image credits: Niamh Blakely
#122 Bought This For 25.00
Image credits: Allison Vieira
#123 Went To Visit My Sister At Her Goodwill Store In Newark Oh And David Bowie Was Sitting The In Window Just Waiting For Me
Image credits: Kim Bush
#124 Omg! My Name Is Never On A Coke Bottle Or Snicker. No Key Chain! It's Only On A Wine Bottle (Sold Everywhere)! In Many Varieties, Even. But!!!! My Best Friend (Not Even On This Site), Spots This @goodwill In Canton, Nc! I Sat In Front Of This Sign At One Point In A Pizza Restaurant. Trying To Figure Out How To Get It. Didn't Go Home With Him. He Brung It To Me. I'm Over The Moon
Image credits: Chianti Chambers‎
#125 My Roommate Is A Goodwill Queen... She Finds This Today And When I Tell Her How Much I Love It She Tells Me To Keep It... I'm Dead
Image credits: Mariah Knauf‎
#126 This Is A Sassy Or Judgemental Cookie Jar. Bonus: That Plug Doesnt Work, It's Made Of Clay So...decorative...? Goodwill In Litchfield Illinois
Image credits: Makaen Serr‎
#127 Found This At The Local Value Village In Seattle, Wa Yesterday. I Think It Must Be Some Kind Of Ancient Relic From The Lost City Of Atlantis??? Trying To Figure Out What The Numbers Mean. Anyone Have An Idea Of What Kind Of Fossil This Is?
Image credits: Zoe Angelique
#128 This Was Dumped At Work.. I’m Trying To Figure Out How To Get It In My Fiat Convertible! Oh My! So Many Responses!! I Think We Found A Way To Get It Home!!
Image credits: Felicia Walter Roberts
#129 Who Wore It Better? Despite My Love For Funky Hats, This One Did Not Come Home With Me. Goodwill, NYC
Image credits: Denise Stillwell
#130 My Grandmother Always Wore A White Apron In The Kitchen That Was Too Big For Her. So, She Folded It Over A Little At The Waist And Tied It Twice. When She Passed Away, My Sisters And I Were Sorting Her Recipes And Cookbooks, I Said I Wanted Her Apron. I Was Not Disappointed!!! My Entire Childhood My Nana Had Been Wearing This Apron Backwards!
Image credits: Gina DiAngelo Petrochello
#131 First Post. Epically Disturbing Find That I For Some Reason Came Home With Because Why Not?
Image credits: Rachel Kristin
#132 I Don't Dry My Hair Often But When I Do I Have Found This Quite Effective. Garage Sale Somewhere In Sa For A Few Buckaroos
Image credits: Anna Goodhind
#133 I Found My Great Grandmothers Vintage Evening Out/Makeup Coin Purse The Other Day And Shared It On My Personal Facebook Page And Got A Ton Of Feedback! The Buffalo Nickel Is Dated At 1935 And The Mercury Dime Is Dated At 1945. Wanted To Share This Neat Find If Anyone New Anything About It And Would Like To Share
Image credits: Mary Seay
#134 Seen At A Boot Sale Huntsville Alabama
Image credits: Ronnie Minter
#135 Found This Jacket Covered In Pins At A Vintage Market In Philadelphia. It Did Not Come Home With Me
Image credits: Ilana Volain
#136 My Daughter Said “No!!"
Image credits: Judy Harless Cook
#137 Shoulder Pads For Dayyyys. Found At The Payson Az Goodwill
Image credits: Lanelle Horstmeier
#138 I Am The Proud Owner Of This Goodwill Gem Of A Unitard, For No Other Reason Than I Am Totally Obsessed With This Page
Image credits: Terri MJ
#139 Thank You Goodwill, You’ve Made My Funky Fairy Dreams Come True
Image credits: Heidi Blanchard
#140 Duh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh-Nuh, Bedman!
Image credits: Abby Breann
#141 I Bought This Wax Apple And Was Very Surprised To Find The Secret Inside! An Amazing Scene Featuring A Girl, Woodland Doves And An Amazing Painted Backdrop! The Apple Is So Small (See Pen For Reference) I Have No Idea Who Would Have Been Able To Do This!
Image credits: Adam Garrett
#142 My New Little Salt And Pepper Shakers From Goodwill...... For 99 Cents! The Lack Fuzzy Is From The Feather Boa It Was Next To On The Shelf. Gotta Soak The Price Tag Off
Image credits: Melissa Ervin
#143 Standing In The Goodwill Aisle, Weighing In At 130lbs... It's Jeeennnniiffferrrr Leeeeewwwwwwis! Embarrassing My Family And Making It Weird For Folks In Goodwill Since 1976
Image credits: Jennifer Lewis
#144 One Of My Favorite Thrift Mall Finds
Image credits: Ute Lajoie Musselman
#145 A Few Weeks Back Someone Posted About Their Potato Bowl. Growing Up My Nickname Was Potato. My Friend And I Have Been Finding These Randomly And Whenever She Finds One She Sends It To Me
Image credits: Jade Ross
#146 Found This Beauty At My Local Goodwill. I Think He Deserves To Be Hung Up In The Living Room
Image credits: Lisa Thompson-Grant
#147 I Can’t Understand How A Formalwear Porta-Potty Portrait In A Crystal Frame Ever Got Donated
Image credits: Betsy Ruppert-Kan
#148 This Is Her Napping Chair
Image credits: McKenna Rae Newman
#149 I’ve Seen Your House Hippos (So Cute By The Way!), But They’re Quite Ordinary When Compared To This... Cabbage Dog??? Left It There Though Even If It Was Just 50 Cents... Cause You Know, Kids... And Cats! I’m Not Sure It Would Survive In My Home!
Image credits: Melanie Dionne
#150 Back In The Early 90s We Lost My Great Grandmother, Very Old School Italian Catholic. She Had Collected These Over The Years And In Amongst All The Family Dramas My Grandfather Shoved These In My Pocket And Told Me To Keep Quiet (I Was Around 9) Later Discovered That It Held All Her Saints Medals From Around Europe Etc. I've Always Loved Them Cause They Were Hers. No Clue Of The History That I'm Sure This Box Is Full Of, But I'm Sure It's Amazing. She Even Had The Collection Blessed By The Pope At The Time During Her Trip To The Vatican. I'm Not Religious, But I'll Love These Forever
Image credits: Lindsey Primeau
#151 Found This Gem About 5 Years Ago At A Random Yard Sale In The Middle Of Nowhere. It Did Not Come Home With Me
Image credits: Laura Hohman
#152 $1 At Goodwill The Cashier Didn’t Want To Sell It To Me Due To The Profanity
Image credits: Krista Rann
#153 Found Another One!
Image credits: Cody Pollard
#154 Found This Beauty At A Garage Sale In Kansas City Missouri. All Nails And Screws. I Absolutely Love It
Image credits: Brandy Pierce
#155 Found This Cutie In A Small Thrift Shop From Romania (My Home Country) And He Definitely Came Home With Us
Image credits: Ani Dima
#156 I Was Doing A Bit Of Vintage Shopping And Found This Lovely Turban And Portrait At The Same Shop In Different Booths. The Hat Came Home The Portrait Did Not...but I Really Think I Want To Go Back For The Photo Now
Image credits: Donna Smith LaRiviere
#157 First Post: My Sushi Cat Keychain. Found It At An Estate Sale For $1.00. We Actually Got 3 Different Ones, This Is Just The One I'm Using. My Mom Says Its Creepy
Image credits: Melanie Loeb
#158 I Found Them!! I Finally Found A Pair For Me! ( A Little Wide, But Inserts Should Handle That!) I'm In Love, Now I Have To Try Walking In Them!
Image credits: Genevieve Levangie
#159 I Found Him At S Rummage Sale Today. I Named Him Buck. I Wish He Could Stay In The Car But I’m Afraid Someone Might Break Out My Window To Save Him
Image credits: Sherry Bruno
#160 Spotted In Chicago, Did Not Come Home With Me As The Random Capitalization Would Drive Me Bananas
Image credits: Amy Cox
#161 I Bought This Lamp From A Very Lovely Woman During A Moving Sale Recently And I Don’t Think I Was Able To Express My Gratitude Enough For Selling Me This Amazing Piece. Yes, It Is A Woman Riding A Dolphin. Yes, It Is Now My Favorite Thing Ever
Image credits: Savannah Crutchley
#162 This Dragon Is Freaking Amazing! It Was At The Gw In Green Bay Wi And Sadly Was Already Sold. It Breathes Smoke And Lights Up And I Think The Wings Move As Well. Holy S**t! I Was Honestly Floored By Its Size And How Realistic It Looks
Image credits: Melissa Warburton
#163 I Went To An Estate Sale Which I Knew Was A Distant Relative. Things Were Pretty Much Picked Over...but Then I Looked In The Back Of A Cupboard And Saw This Teacup. I Turned It Over To See Who Made It...
"To my surprise this piece of tape was on the bottom. It reads 'From Aunt Mandy on our 25th wedding anniversary Dec 1961', 'Cup given to Grandma Lange's mother on her 25th ann.'Soooo....I have a Great Aunt Mandy and my Grandma was a Lange. With a bit of research we determined that this cup was given to MY great great grandmother approx in 1868!!!"
Image credits: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeirdSecondhandFinds/permalink/1328018740715669/
#164 Ah Yes, Just What I've Always Wanted - A Human Arm Covered In The Ripest Of Smallpox
Image credits: Sharna May Richardson
#165 This Is Siouxie Sioux Cat Eye Earring. An English Artist From Siouxie And The Banshees. I'm Sure Some Of You Recall The Band
Image credits: Feather Robley
#166 I Found This Yesterday At Goodwill. I Go To Goodwill A Lot And This Is By Far The Weirdest Thing I’ve Ever Found, Because Of That It Has A Special Place In My Heart
Image credits: Teresa Kessenich-Chase
#167 Found In Mobile, Al For $100 For The Set. Mission Of Hope Thrift Store Yes-One Hundred For The Set
Image credits: Catherine J Harvey
#168 My Daughter Was Gonna Sit On It So I Could Snap A Quick Pic. I Saw The Price Tag And Told Her "Dont You Dare Sit On It!"
Image credits: Polly Calvin
#169 Found This Happy Little Guy And Had To Bring Him Home. (Goodwill In Palatka, Fl.)
Image credits: Blabi Gale‎
#170 Was Out At An Estate Sale And Found This Perfect Little Halloween Sweater For My Bearded Dragon. I Couldn’t Resist
Image credits: Alli Curtis‎
#171 My 8 Year Old Asked To Go To The Op Shop Whilst His Sister Was At Her Friends House...... $3 Later He Walked Out With These Weird Unusual Shoes For His Sister Because They Didnt Fit His Feet, And He Thought They Were Too Aweaome To Leave Behind
Image credits: Stace Dever
#172 Found At An Antiques Shop In Milton, Nc. No, They Did Not Come Home With Us
Image credits: Becca Bertok
#173 I Found This Great Vomit Clock This Weekend For Only $5! But I Left It For Someone Else To Enjoy
Image credits: Lanell White Keith
#174 Fun Find At A Gw In Oldsmar, Fl Yesterday. Haven't Stopped Wearing It Since!
Image credits: Kara Lotabotchu
#175 I Got This At Marburger During Our Round Top Texas Trip Last Year. It’s A Victorian Mourning Ring. This Ring Has The Braided Hair Of *jane Under The Center Piece And The Date She Passed Away On The Underside. I Did Buy This Ring! Some Think This Is Very Creepy- But I Actually Thought It To Be Beautiful
Image credits: Holly Carroll Wells
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2Bw4UxP via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2p0WKeb
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Interesting Flower Door Hanger
Truck with Flowers wood cut out hand painted door hanger Burlap Door This Pink Flamingo Door Hanger would be a beautiful touch to your Summer Decor. Jan 14, 2019- Explore Vicki Braxton’s board “Flower Door Hangers” on Pinterest. . He Loves Me, Jolie Fleur, Heart Art, Heart In Nature, Beautiful Flowers. Here you will find a lot of pretty cool front door flower pot ideas. See the best ideas Give a hanging basket with fresh flowers as an amazing gift. Arrange fresh . Feb 13, 2019 – These great spring wreaths will freshen up your front door. . things monogrammed, you need to make this DIY monogram floral door hanger. May 2, 2014 – Hang your door decor using a wreath hanger or command strips. . Flower door baskets look absolutely gorgeous when filled with fresh flowers . Mar 24, 2017 – This spring floral door hanger is so easy to do and requires no floral . We have a beautiful old door that’s original to the house, but it has a . Flower Door Hanger, 21 inch White wood Daisy FLOWER Door Sign, Front Door Decor, Hanging Garden art wooden sign primitive rustic sunflower. This colorful Spring Flower and Berry 14″ Wreath will attract the admiration of your . This will look stunning hanging over a kitchen fireplace mantel or as a door . Advertisement -. Home front door with ivy and loads of flowers. Stunning. . Pair these with pots and hanging planters for a healthier vegetation and more . IKEA – ENUDDEN, Hanger for door, , Covered back prevents scratching of door.Hangs over the top edge of the door and helps you convert unused space into a . IKEA – BROGRUND, Hanger for door, , Covered back prevents scratching of door.Hangs over the top edge of the door and helps you convert unused space into . IKEA – ENUDDEN, Hanger for door, , Covered back prevents scratching of door.Hanging storage helps you to convert unused space into a storage place. Nov 23, 2018 – door hanging storage ikea welcome hanger motivational decoration . . door hanger flyers template free decor welcome with blue flowers . do not disturb door hanger template Do Not Disturb Door Hangers – PSD, . IKEA – STOPPAR, Door handle plate, , Four colorful door tags printed on both litte door hanger for a friend and wanted to enter it into this weeks challenge Flower . IKEA Matteby – Wall Template for Hanging Picture Frame Collage at Home, School, Work [Poster Template Does Not Include Actual Frames] use it for door infront of crafts Black & white square photo wall display. With a . Rosie Rose. Door Hanger Templates Take your marketing old school with door hangers that reach a . //mybookreview.club/floral-supplies/wreath-hangers/915464325 . IKEA – ENUDDEN, Hanger for door, , Covered back prevents scratching of door. Ecosia uses the ad revenue from your searches to plant trees where they are needed the most. . Commercial Door Hangers – HD Supply Facility Maintenance . Ikea Enudden Over door 6 hooks hanger knobs White, Clothes, Bags, Coats pup10. . the public, we’ve got a proven, hard-working door hanger template for you! Clothes hanger Hooks and hangers Rack with knobs – IKEA . Wreath Hangers – Wreath Hooks – Over the Door Hanger – Floral Hanger – Accessories for . Sweet Spring Door Hanger–i like the way the flowers are painted. . 5 Creative and Modern Tips: Vintage Home Decor Interiors Living Rooms vintage home . Flower Wooden Door Hanger by JustHangingOn on Etsy, $55.00 Wreath . Watercolor Painting Art Print, Pink Turquoise Floral Art, Modern Abstract Wall Art, . Wooden cross door hanger Hand painted Any by HillbillyHandcrafted Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Daisy flower door hanger. Etsy . for Ms Word Professional Resume Design Modern Top CV Template Package, . Monogram, Door Decor, Vintage Modern, Distressed, Burlap, Trendy, . Flower door hanger, spring flower in a Pot – summer wood cut out hand painted door . Modern Door Sign, Front Door Decor, Simply Blessed Door Hanger, Door Hanger, Flower Door Hanger, 21 inch White wood Daisy FLOWER Door Sign, Front . Flower door hanger, spring flower in a Pot – summer wood cut out hand painted Decor, Square Sign, Black And White Decor, Door Sign, Hello Door Sign, Modern bunny wreath – spring Easter egg hand painted personalized door hanger. Modern Door Wreath, Front Door Decor, White Door Hanger, Hello Door Hanger, Hanger, Wood Door Hanger, Painted Door Hanger, Welcome Door Hanger. Floral Welcome Door Hanger Welcome to Our Home Door Hanger Hand painted door hanger Abstract Floral Door Hanger Round Door Hanger. Check out our flower door hanger selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our wreaths & door hangers shops. Check out our floral door hanging selection for the very best in unique or custom, . tree hanging wall hanging Brushed Natural rusted metal outdoor decor pretty. DIY – How to Make Toran for Door Hangings at Home Woolen Flowers Toran . How To Make Beautiful Door/Wall Hanging With Disposable Thermocol Tea . Here you will find a lot of pretty cool front door flower pot ideas. See the best Arrange fresh cut flowers in a door basket to hang inside. Spring Front Door – The . Hi friends This is my new video Paper Flower Wall Hanging making. It is a best paper craft. This video will . Paper Wall Hanging Very Easy And Simple! কিভাবে কাগজ দিয়ে চমৎকার ‘ওয়ালম্যাট’ বানাবেন-দেখুন door Decoration. . Hanging Flower. Wall Decoration Ideas . Learn how to make a beautiful door hanging craft with wool flowers ।। Door hanging decoration. CWPR . A beautiful decoration for your home. Beautiful flowers that can decorate your wall or any other home . Door Hanging Toran From Cloth Flower Bandhanwar DIY Easy Handmade Toran Inspiration . its so . These flower arrangement tips and ideas will give you the confidence to arrange . How to Make A Terra Cotta Pot Flower Tower with Annuals. . 60 Best Front Door Flower Pots Will Add Good First Impression Your House #frontdoorflower # . Love this pot holder at Heartwood Acres Matt and Ashley E-Session Photo By . Tips on how 42 Amazing Outdoor Hanging Planter Ideas to Brighten Your Frontyard Hanging 35 Front Door Flower Pots For A Good First Impression. See more. Tips for stenciling and crafting with burlap Painting Burlap, Burlap Canvas Art, Crafty Craft . Items similar to Burlap Flower Pot door hanger on Etsy. Jun 20, 2013 – Something very simple and also very beautiful you can do for your front door entrance is to have flower pots. Display them on either side of the . This season, try hanging your outdoor plants—whether they are flowers, herbs or vegetables. . Doors; Door Installation · Door Repair · Garage Door Repair · Screen Door Repair Try some of these pretty hanging planter ideas to brighten up your home. 3 / 16 . Here are some tips if you’re looking to start seeds indoors. Hand Painted Slate Welcome Sign, Red Geraniums Welcome sign, Garden decoration, outdoor decor, deck decor, Door hanging, Door decor,. LindaSpangArt Check out our flower door hanger selection for the very best in unique or custom, . Flower door hanger, spring flower in a Pot – summer wood cut out hand . Shop our selection of Planter Stands in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . 4-Tier Metal Plant Stand Flower Pot Holder Read Our Guide. Select 2 . Apr 24, 2018 – With our tips and tricks, you can use store-bought flowers or blooms from . Give guests a warm welcome with this pretty flower arrangement for your front door. Give hanging flower pots a fun upgrade by planting blooms in . Aug 17, 2015 – Silk Flowers; Umbrella with a Hooked Handle (My darling green polka dot umbrella from Target was only . DIY Spring Umbrella Door Hanger from Susie at Susie Harris Blog . How To Make A One-Of-A-Kind Scarf Shirt! Old umbrella + thrift store flowers= amazing spring door decoration. Floral Umbrella Arrangement Flower crafts of all kinds; wreaths, tiaras, bouquets, paper, . Spring Door Hanger- A bright umbrella and some beautiful spring flowers make a Summer Wreath, Boxwood Wreath, Valentines Wreath via Tracy King. Apr 10, 2012 – Arrange the flowers/picks in the umbrella. . A perfect door decoration for spring! i love the purple umbrella with the flowers and the . gift post has been sharing on the site because there are different type gift on the site. Explore Projects. Make Over · Build · Garden · Organize · Repair · Upcycle · Decorate · Clean · Paint · Tile · Furnish · Celebrate. + Post Project; DIY Forum; Join . Mother’s Day Gift, Umbrella Door Hanger, Spring Door hanger, Hydrangea Door Hanger, Front Door Hanger, Floral Door Decor, Umbrella Decor. Apr 19, 2017 – Attach the command hook to the door following the directions on the package. Then, simply loop some floral wire around the umbrella hook . Jul 4, 2018 – April showers bring May flowers, but I’m not one to put things off…. I saw a few umbrella door arrangements last spring, but they all used silk . Explore peppermint pattie’s board “Metal Door Hangers” on Pinterest. . Large Metal Flower by PeaceLoveFreckles on Etsy, $36.95 Wooden Door Hangers, . Flower door hanger Wooden Door Hangers, Wooden Doors, Wooden Signs, . Flower welcome door hanger by JustDotsCo on Etsy Teacher Door Hangers, . Rustic & Galvanized Metal Flower – On my front door ! . Galvanized Metal Flower Candle Holder Room Scents, Galvanized Metal, . 10 Sensational Hacks: Living Room Remodel On A Budget Hallways living room remodel ideas thoughts. Floral Door Hanger- Door Hanger- Wreath Hanger- Wreath Hooks- Metal Door Hook- Wreath Hangers- FREE SHIPPING 15 inches Long, Made in the USA. Bring a bit of that floral fancy into your foyer with this decorative decor sitting on a blank wall by the front door. Crafted of metal, it features a scrolling silhouette . This wreath hanger is perfect for over-the-door hanging and will compliment . Their handmade Floral Metal Wreath adds serenity to your porch, front door or . Shop Wayfair for the best metal flower wreath. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Feb 13, 2019 – These great spring wreaths will freshen up your front door. . things monogrammed, you need to make this DIY monogram floral door hanger. Buy Metal Garden Sunflower Welcome Sign Hanging Bird Flower Yard Fence Door Decoration: Yard Signs – Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on . Burlap Door Hanger Decoration Spring Flower by sherj87 on Etsy, $35.00 All Things Burlap – Painters Tarp No-sew Pillow –classy Burlap Wreath With . Small Rich Light Violet Burlap Sunflower Wreath, Sunflower Door Hanger, Burlap Wreath, Spring Flower Wreath, Summer Sunflower. Small Rich Light Violet . Elegant. by DeanMichaelDesigns Easy Burlap Wreath, Fall. More information. Items similar to Burlap Flower Pot door hanger on Etsy 48 Red & White Elegant Swirl Santa Claus Wooden Door Hanger Christmas Decoration on Etsy. Explore denise smith’s board “burlap wreaths/door hangers” on Pinterest. . Large Elegant Burlap Cross Wreath Easter Mothers Day Spring Summer Door . Burlap Flower Wreaths, Wreath Burlap, Sunflower Wreaths, Burlap Crafts, Deco . Large Elegant Burlap Cross Wreath Easter Mothers Day Spring Summer Door Wall Decor Brown White Ribbon Bow Cream Floral Arrangement. Large Elegant . You’ve searched for Wreaths & Door Hangers! . Cotton Boll Wreath, Summer Wreath, Door Wreath, Wreath Street Floral, Everyday Wreath, Jade Wreath – Farmhouse Home Decor Wreath – Everyday Burlap Wreath – Burlap Wreaths, The Blakely – Hospital door hanger girl, shabby chic, rustic, blush, baby door hanger, . Keep your front door seasonal and stylish with a decorative door hanger. This burlap door hanger is crafted from a medium-weight, poly-burlap material with . Sep 10, 2018 – From wreaths to door hangers, catch everyone’s attention! . These fall-themed DIY door tags look elegant and are fun ways to create a . Grab some fabric fall leaves and burlap, then wrap it around a wire wreath for Then, simply hang up your flower can door decor in your front door or porch and enjoy! Buy Evergreen Flag Welcome Blessings Hanging Outdoor-Safe Burlap Door Décor – 18.8″W x . Elegant Signs Welcome Sign – Front Door Decor – Outdoor 6×12 Rustic ~3D Accents and Specialty Fabrics: silk flowers or leaves, organza, felt, . Items similar to Customizable Sunflower Door Hanger on Etsy . Rustic Sunflower Door Hanger $45 To place an order, go to CARRIE CREATES on Facebook. Explore Shirley Hester’s board “Sunflower door hanger” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Wreaths, Door wreaths and Holiday wreaths. Buy products related to sunflower wreaths for front door and see what customers say . Hanging Butterfly Sunflower Welcome Sign for Door Hanging (Sunflower). Buy products related to sunflower wreath products and see what customers . 21″ Sunflower Wall Decor Country Rustic Primitive Burlap Wall Hanging Wreath. Results 1 – 48 of 341 – Get the best deal for Burlap Door Décor from the largest online . 21″ Sunflower Wall Decor Country Rustic Primitive Burlap Wall Hanging Wreath . Mason jar burlap door hanger, spring door hanger, personalized burlap . Results 1 – 48 of 126 – Get the best deal for Sunflower Wreath In Door Décor from the . Lighted Hanging Wall Wreath Sunflowers Floral Swag Birdhouse Door . This beautiful sun flower door hanger is the perfect way to welcome Summer and Fall to your front door. The flower sign is 18 in Please select wording and. Burlap Sunflower Wreath, Small Burlap Sunflower Wreath, Sunflower Door Hanger, Kitchen Sunflower, Burlap Sunflower, Fall Sunflower Wreath. Door hanger measures 6.5W x 5.5H in. 100% polyester; “Welcome Fall” is embroidered in colors of yellow, orange, green, and ivory; Sunflower petal are made . Circle Monogram Door Hanger – Spring Door Hanger – Wood Circle Door Monogram . Farmhouse decor, Neutral flower decor, Daisy wreath, mesh wreath. Check out our hospital door hanger gender neutral selection for the very best in . Hospital door hanger / Letter L / Baby room decor / Personalized baby name . Custom Floral Letter Hospital Door Hanger Flower Initial door. This listing is for a CUSTOM monogram door hanger approx 24 inches around. It Will be painted in a neutral ivory color accented with a bow of your choice and . Items 161 – 192 of 289 – Large Flower Door Hanger. $ 60.00 . Large Pineapple Door Hanger~Pink Version. $ 69.50 . Lilly Inspired Floral Initial and Name Garden Vinyl Flag. From $ 25.00 – $ . Peony Floral PINK Neutral Wreath. $ 125.00 . Custom MONOGRAM door hanger / BURLAP bow/ NEUTRAL colors/Block and . 24 inch/ flower/wooden/wedding gift/front door decor/hanger/hydrangeas. Results 1 – 48 of 79 – Wooden MONOGRAM door hanger/wreath/Custom Initial/burlap in a neutral cream color accented with your choice of flower color and . Shop Wayfair for the best door hanging letters. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Our selection of door wreaths and floral wreaths can give your space the perfect Welcome Flower Wreath Hanger . Blue and Gray Woodchip Flower Wreath. Brilliant Stranger · Visit/Shop · Words · Art and Performance · Clothing · Past Projects. Select Page. © 2019 Brilliant Stranger. All rights reserved. Brilliant Stranger . We are a boutique marketing firm in Wisconsin that cares about the communities we live in. We have decades of experience AND we are fun to be around. WE BELIEVE COOPERATIVES BUILD A BETTER WORLD BY ADVANCING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL INTEGRATION AND DECENT WORK. Brilliant Stranger – 10740 N Bayshore Drive, Sister Bay, Wisconsin 54234 – Rated 5 based on . Door County Wearable Art Show . English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France) · Deutsch . Located behind Ecology Sports in Sister Bay Wisconsin, our gallery/boutique is open Mid May through Mid October. Mar 12, 2019 – . featuring locally sourced food. If you ask us, there isn’t a better way to enjoy Door County. . Baileys Harbor, WI 54202 (920) 839–1515. Sep 28, 2018 – Pantry Doors With Glass Lowes Tags : Pros and Cons of Glass Pantry . Tagged door county us-bundesstaat wisconsin, door datenbank, door . Oct 30, 2018 – . door bird erfahrungen, door county us-bundesstaat wisconsin, door . Laundry shoot door- Fire rated and self latching x Bottom Hinged (BH) Chute . . it more charming Laundry . laundry chute & basket to catch it – brilliant! . this would get us going again If hold a few pairs of folded pants and a hamper. Sweet bedroom designs b&q bedroom door handles bedroom door ideas . kind bedroom designs b&q bedroom door handles door county us-bundesstaat wisconsin . brilliant bedroom designs b&q bedroom door handles door louvre vent uk. buy brother quilting machines australia · buy dog shock collar fence · brilliant 40 . breathtaking door county us-bundesstaat wisconsin · beautiful little tikes twin . Provides links to quotes to many architectural finishing systems products such as modern skirting boards, concealed riser doors, no architrave door frames and . Providing a modern and defining feature to your project; EzyJamb® creates concealed door hinges and square set interiors, as the unique frameless door jamb . Concept Doors was founded in 2003 as a supplier of pre-hung doorsets to the construction industry. The companies innovative and dynamic approach to the . The largest platform for products, materials and concepts for designers and architects. Explore design products and much more on Architonic! . Reporting Standards · Classifications · Legislation and methodology · Concepts and definitions . New aggregate for European Union without UK > more . Oct 30, 2018 – Laundry shoot door- Fire rated and self latching x Bottom Hinged (BH) Chute . Put laundry . Uk Concept Pig Paper Towel Holder · Wonderful . Sep 28, 2018 – Pantry Doors With Glass Lowes Tags : Pros and Cons of Glass Pantry Door Two sizes remodel perfect home interior,replacing bi . closet doors frameless uk lowes cheap bi . special concept glass pantry door decals Tagged door county us-bundesstaat wisconsin, door datenbank, door designs indian . 3 days ago – Three concept versions were unveiled, each debuting at the North . The app allows you to perform remote door lock/unlock, remote engine . and Lexus Enform with Sie vermissen ein mobiles Gerät in der Datenbank? Archnet is a globally-accessible, intellectual resource focused on architecture, urbanism, environmental and landscape design, visual culture, and. #FlowerDoorHanging #Doorbird #SunflowerDortmund #FlowerPotDoorHanger #FlowerDoorHangerTemplate
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Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/b-uRIOYtoTI/interesting-flower-door-hanger
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Katahdin (Rangley, ME to Baxter Peak, Northern Terminus) by Allison Broadwater ‘09 and AJ
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It took 184 days, 2189 miles, and 4,370,000 steps, but we finally made the summit of Katahdin around noon on October, 13. But before that, we had to finish the mountains of southern Maine, make it through the 100 mile wilderness, and ford 10 streams and rivers. 
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Our first ford came two days before Monson, before the 100 mile wilderness. There were no signs or warnings like elsewhere on the trail. Just one white blaze on the south shore of a river and one blaze on the north shore. We had thought about it so much that when it came time to cross, it was a huge deal. It shouldn’t have been though, there was nothing too bad about it. It was cold and wet and you have to take your boots off, but you warm back up pretty quickly. We didn’t even lose any oxen. 
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Arriving in Monson, we made arrangements to stay at Shaw’s, an AT staple going back decades. At the hostel, we had a home cooked dinner (meatloaf, potatoes, rolls, salad). The strange part, though, was that this hostel probably had 15 hikers staying that night and we only recognized one of them. Not to say that we know every single northbound hiker, but it’s strange to run into someone new at this point in our hike. Now there were 14 new faces. 
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Monson is the standard stop before entering the 100 mile wilderness and most people come into town for a week of supplies. It is also the last trail town before Katahdin. This means that northbound hikers worried about weather or the October 15 deadline could jump ahead to Monson to make sure that they can climb Katahdin. We never really found out for sure, but we assumed this was the reason for so many new faces in Monson. 
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Back in the Whites, we were doing a large load of group laundry and I came up short a pair of pants. This meant that, in the Maine autumn, I only had gym shorts to hike in. Monson seemed like a groovy little town but it didn’t look like a town that would have an REI, or Walmart, or even a souvenir shop that sold sweatpants with sparkly writing on the butt. Luckily, for “thrift store prices” the hostel owner sold me a pretty nice pair of lightly worn smart wool tights. This was a good thing. The nights in the 100 mile dipped below freezing and we have both lost some body insulation over our journey. 
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We carried exactly 7 days of food with us, plenty for 6 days in the forest and 1 day up and down Katahdin. The 100 mile wilderness is the largest expanse of forest through the most isolated part of the trail. The party line is that there is no way to re supply or get rescued from the forest except back the way you came in. In reality, this wasn’t exactly the truth, but it was definitely more isolated than any other part of the trail. 
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Day 1 in the wilderness had only one major climb but we didn’t make it as far as we had planned and ended up camping at a shelter 4 miles short of our goal. This was a big deal because of how tight our supplies were stretched. To make matters worse, day two ended the same way- a couple miles short. At least we were able to get cell reception on a mountaintop and let our families know we were still alive. Day three was more of the same, but we didn’t have the luxury to stop at nightfall- again short of our goal. We knew that rain had been forecast for our day 4 and that day would have three mountains, with one open summit. We wanted to get as much of that as possible done without rain. Our little bubble of hikers stopped at a nice campground and had a fire going by the time we got there. It was hard, but we managed to get water and actually put our packs back on to get a few more miles done in the dark. We camped on top of cold, windy, cold Hay mountain in a makeshift tent spot. We got our earliest start ever the next morning to get some hiking done before the rain. We actually got to the top of our last mountain before Katahdin, White Cap, before it rained. This was great because once the rain started, about 9am, it came down hard and lasted all day long. It was very, very cold. The internal debate was whether to put my cotton gloves (why do I even have these?!) on to keep my hands from going numb. They would never dry and wouldn’t be very warm, but would be better than nothing. In the end, I decided to put them on and it was 100% the right decision. 
It rained while we ate lunch. It rained through a river ford. It rained while we put up the tent and cooked dinner. At times it turned to sleet, but never snowed. Crawling into the tent wearing like 5 layers, all soaked, was super not fun. But it got better eventually! We threw on our one dry set of clothes and got into our sleeping bags and eventually didn’t notice how wet everything was. 
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I took a misstep across a bog
The next day was hovering in the 20s when we woke up. Putting on our dripping, frozen socks and shoes we decided that it wasn’t in the cards to do any morning hiking. We built a fire with wet wood and our awesome outdoors skills and warmed up ourselves and dried our clothes a little. We managed to leave that day, day 5, around 10:30 in the morning. We did 19 miles before throwing our tent down in a dirt parking lot. The next day we did 18 to get us successfully out of the 100 mile.
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First view of Katahdin. 16 miles as the crow flies, 40 trail miles
Finally, we were back in civilization, at least circa 1980: there was no cell coverage and nobody accepted credit cards. But at least the road was paved for, like, a half mile before turning into gravel. We had arrived at Abol Bridge! Closest town: Millinocket, 11 miles away. 
We had known about Millinocket since about Harpers Ferry because the ATC had posted signs from Baxter officials pleading with thru hikers to 1) walk in small groups, 2) not stand on the Katahdin sign, and 3) not bring alcohol into the park. This last point was hammered home with the statement, “Save the drinking for Millinocket!” This gave us two impressions, that either the ATC was throwing Millinocket under the bus or Millinocket was party central.
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Not to put down Millinocket, it was a fine town, but they were not cultivating anywhere close to the party atmosphere we were expecting. So because of that, it was kind of boring. It could stand to be spiced up a little. Maybe a change in the town slogan would help. I don’t know if they already have a slogan, but we thought of better ones. Allison and I each came up with one, but I won’t reveal who thought of which, so as to not bias the vote. There is the cruddy, plain slogan, “Come rock it in Millinocket!” Or the clearly better, “Don’t Millinocket ’til you try it!” We will let the voters decide. 
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The most incredible part of leaving the 100 mile was knowing that the saint, Steve Broadwater, was somewhere in Millinocket in a warm dry cabin waiting to pick us up after our summit. We kept missing meeting up with him the day we arrived at Abol bridge. How did anyone make plans before cell phones?! But the next day, after our stay in the thru hiker exclusive campground The Birches, we finally met him before our climb and he had brought with him something that has been on my mind for about 6 months: pepperoni rolls! After eating a half dozen, we were ready to climb. 
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One of the best quotes ever
Katahdin itself was everything we had been told. It was the hardest, steepest, rockiest mountain on the trail. It had hands down the best views too. We made it to the top in record time to beat the impending rainstorm. We hung out at the summit long enough to eat lunch and take pictures, then booked it back down, only losing the trail a few times. Steve met us in the parking lot with more pepperoni rolls after our 7 hour hike up and down the mountain.
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Our time in Maine was concluded in spectacular fashion in a secluded (though really all of Maine is secluded) cabin, spending an entire day eating, propping our feet up, watching TV, and airing out our soaked.. everything. A few trips to fast food, a couple real dinners, and a trip to the AT cafe finished up our experience in Vacationland. I don’t know if Maine really is The Way Life Should Be, but it was unlike anywhere I have ever been, and we liked that. 
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I don’t know how we did it. On some days I couldn’t even tell you why we were doing it. But in the end, we did it- and we did it how we wanted. Our journey wasn’t heroic or impossible. It wasn’t something we were thrown into against our will. It wasn’t even something that helped anyone else. But it was our journey. In the end, if the only thing we accomplished was reaching a goal that existed solely in our own minds, then I’m still extremely proud of it. What we learned about Appalachia, the wilderness, backpacking, and each other are things that we will remember for the rest of our lives.
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Next stop: Virginia! (After a 22 hour drive). We skipped some miles before our week of canoeing down the Shenandoah back in June. So we have to wrap up those miles and then, finally, home! This won’t be our last post though. We will have a few more about what gear we loved or hated and some pictures that never made it into others.
Reposted, with permission, from Allison Broadwater’s blog. For context, be sure to read the origin story of this trip.
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