#I was around 11? i think when i first made my first tumblr blog
behindthehatness · 1 year
I'll be completely honest, I originally joined just to look at pretty drawings and save them in my gallery and That was around when i was in elementary school, I've had 2 old tumblr blogs that i abandoned just cause i forgot my password, Made a new one Im turning 19 this year, It's been a wild ride and i dont wanna stop yet so I'll just keep on reblogging and sometimes just Post but this is the social media i use the most right after discord
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fatphobiabusters · 3 months
yall are weird as hell for making weight loss seem impossible to people dying from obesity when thermodynamics says otherwise. energy cannot be created from nowhere. if you are eating less energy than your body needs to move and function, and you are still living, then your body needs to get the energy from somewhere. and guess what the whole purpose for fat is! before you promote laziness and giving up, go back to biology class bae xx
I'm about to fall asleep after a long day of driving. 6+ hours on the road with my German friend who's an international student at my university. We stopped at a fun restaurant in the middle of no where and she got to try gator tail for the first time. We felt the humid sea breeze of the ocean as we laughed and talked over our lunch.
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We drove through Tampa and walked along the water at night.
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I taught her about American road trip games like "I spy." She laughed until she had tears in her eyes at my pretend southern accent. We ate ice cream and saw such cute candies as we explored.
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She celebrated my birthday with me and even made me a reese's peanut butter cake for my birthday! The vanilla pudding she used for the filling and icing was delicious.
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Tomorrow we're going to a nice restaurant with my dad to celebrate my birthday. I'll be showing her my hometown, we'll take pictures at the beach in pretty dresses, and she's excited to visit an Italian market that has the type of bread she loves yet can't get at grocery stores here.
We talked about our childhoods and families, ate pasta for dinner at midnight because we didn't get to where we're staying until 11 PM, and we had an amazing day sharing our cultures with each other.
I happened to look on Tumblr before falling asleep after such a fun day and saw this ask. I looked at your profile too.
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And all I can think as I lay here excited about the fun day I have planned tomorrow with my friend is that I hope you get a better hobby than trying to harass and oppress a marginalized group on a dying website with your sad blog you use to hurt both yourself and the people around you.
I actually have a life outside of social media, and I hope you get one too.
-Mod Worthy
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suemooon · 7 months
Origins of the Oncest ship: the history
Travelling in The Once-ler's fandom history | by suemooon
Welcome Oncelings!
to one of my most serious researchers I have ever done before, now, here’s a little explanation:
I wanted to make a fandom analysis using old posts, the way back machine, and other stuff to try to compare the once-ler fandom in its golden age and now, trying to suppose how it was and trying to see what happened there, but it would be later. Because I got a really interesting capture that I got while I was checking the Oncest tag in the wayback machine, and I got this:
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Someone saying that they were the first ones to show the Oncest ship term.
I wanted to see if it was real and not a joke or something like that, so I copied the url of the tumblr and desired that the blog is still up, and I got it!!!
I explored their tumblr for a little while, and I noticed another thing, there’s a bunch of photos of the once-ler BEFORE the movie of the Lorax came out, this of course means that ye, there was some people who found the once-ler attractive and begun to share his pictures in tumblr (without any tag, if it wasn’t the help of this blog and some other ones, I probably couldn’t got them).
This makes a lot more sense than saying that the once-ler fandom was born after the came out of the movie I can say.
Those pictures belongs to all the Lorax trailers, in which ONLY appears the gray once-ler, not greedler. So we can say that the people who find him attractive in the beginning, the greedler was like a kind of “plot twist”
But the topic of the whole fandom will be for my another analysis, now let’s try to focus on Oncest.
2. Possible date of apparition
In my research, it seems that Oncest was born between 19th March, 2012, but where did I took this supposition?
Checking the dates between their first Oncest mentions (and also checking other old inactive once-ler’s blogs), there’s some important dates to make a highlight.
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link to post: https://theambernerd.tumblr.com/post/19771248254/thank-you-all-you-lovely-people-for-following-me
In this screenshot, someone responds that this pairing has a name, this is from March 22, 2012, so the ship already existed and had a name too, so let’s check out the other blogs and their archives.
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Suddenly we see Oncest fanart.
The dates are between 19th and later, is this the origin of the ship?
Of course this is just a supposition, I had to see it at that time to prove it, but it’s not the case. All I can do is make suppositions.
You can take it as something true or fake, that’s your opinion.
3. Who was the original person who brought up with the Oncest idea?
This one was one of the most complicated things that you can try to research, we are talking about something that is 11 years old, so some pretty amount of information got lost with the time.
In words of temporarilycheating.
IT’S CALLED ONCEST BECAUSE I SAID SO! Lol but really…actually, I’m kinda the one who came up with the name in the first place… The pairing existed, but I think it was originally called twincest or something… But anyhow, in month one of the fandom, back when Sirsteeve made some of the first oncest fanart the fandom went CRAZY over the idea…and so did i. So I was sitting in my living room having a feels moment over this new OTP…but since the fandom didn’t really have a name for it, it made me think… It came to my mind that the fandom was somewhat dividing the once-ler into two seperate people of the same relation-oncie and greed-ler. To me, it sounded like incest. So I played around with that idea a bit in my head. And after saying incest repeatedly in my head I noticed the ‘ce’ in the word. I came to the conclusion to 'once’ in addition to the 'est’. thus 'oncest’. I had a fangasm and posted my idea to tumblr ASAP. Apparantly, it caught on cuz it’s still called oncest today and is widely known C: That has to be one of my greatest achievements in this fandom.
link to post: https://temporarilycheating.tumblr.com/post/25857778616/why-is-it-called-oncest
There's a small mention to someone named "Sirsteeve" who explains that were one of the firsts ones to draw Oncest.
I searched and their oldest Oncest post I found is this one.
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Date: March 19th, 2012 by: sirsteeve ( hour - 5:22 PM )
So we have in our eyes one of the first Oncest post ever.
Is that the original Oncest post? I don’t know, it only says that is ONE of the first persons in the fandom who brought up the idea. Is it made by one person or a group of people? I don’t know.
Other very first posts about Oncest:
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Date: March 19th, 2012 by: cartoonjunkie ( hour - 10:39 PM, 5 hours later after sirsteeve )
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Date: March 20th, 2012 by: owlapin
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Date: March 21st, 2012 by: rutella
4. Who gave the name of "Oncest"?
GUYS!!!! I KNOW WHAT TO CALL THE PAIRING!!!!! Y'know, once-ler/green suit once-ler!???? IT SHOULD BE CALLED ONCEST!!!! GET IT!? Its like incest, but with himself! :D WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK!? If you like the idea, reblog this to spread the word! :D
Date: March 20th, 2012
It seems it’s true, temporarilycheating was the one who created the Oncest term, we should give her more recognition for it!
link to post: https://www.tumblr.com/temporarilycheating/19650360910/guys
Second part? who knows. But the only thing I can say is… this one was one of my most complicated things to find, but now I got some important information. I'm here for you to share my knowledge!
I must say, I’m very proud of me for this, you guys have no idea how excited I got when I found these photos and data, maybe is not too much but I think they’re really important yet; this information forms part of our fandom history, and I think we should keep that information up and don’t lose it.
As a reminder too, as I already said once…
Oncest is like an icon for our dear Once-ler Fandom, whether we like it or not.
We can’t deny its existence, we can’t blame it, we can’t try to delete it, it always will exist as always the fandom will exist and some people like it.
And… My opinion about Oncest?
Well, I don’t hate it, I don’t love it thou, but I can like some posts about it, I can appreciate art from this ship, and it’s idea too.
Any reblog, like, and comment it's appreciated!
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devskindawritingblog · 5 months
I remembered to send the ask to your writing blog this time!
Okay, here’s my idea for Shauna: she and reader aren’t dating yet, just best friends (sorry Jackie) and reader doesn’t know what to get her for Christmas. Then Shauna accidentally leaves her journal at their house, and they read it to try to get an idea for her gift. But instead they find all her entries about how she’s in love with reader. Shauna finds out and gets really mad, but she’s actually just embarrassed and scared that she ruined their friendship. But then reader kisses her and tells her they love her too. Turns out the perfect Christmas gift for Shauna was a girlfriend
Christmas Confessions
Shauna shipman x reader
AN: My last Yellowjackets Christmas fic! And of course my lovely tumblr wife requested it😘. I made the reader and Shauna besties and didn’t want to try and include Jackie somehow so I just don’t mention her. Shauna’s text is in green. And I put like the journal flashback things are in italics And the word count is I think the biggest at almost 1.8k. Also now that my Christmas things are done I’ll totally take requests. I’ll take requests about anyone that I have written for so far.
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You and Shauna have been best friends since kindergarten. You have always been inseparable. Always having sleepovers together even joining the soccer team in grade 9. Everyone at school knows about you too and how much you care for one another.
One time in grade 2 a few of the boys were making fun of you and pushed you and that was the first time Shauna punched someone for you. That was when you first realized how much you would do for each other. Sure, Shauna got in trouble but it was grade 2 so she didn’t catch that much slack.
After that point no one messed with either of you. People were scared of Shauna and they were scared of what Shauna would do if they hurt you. And it was like that even in highschool.
December 12, 1996
You and Shauna are both in your senior year now. She came over for her weekly sleepover. The two of you were hanging out like you normally do. Watching a movie, listening to music, and sometimes just laying there together.
That was the thing you loved about Shauna; the silences were never awkward. You could lay there and talk or just sit. Sometimes Shauna would write in her journal while you did homework.
 You start to think she loves that journal more than you. She always had it around. You learned early that she is very private about it. So you don’t ask to read it anymore. She’s your best friends but she can keep her thoughts and feelings private if she truly wants to.
Shauna had already left after having dinner with your family. Her mom had been in a rush to go somewhere. You go back into your room and that’s when you notice Shauna's journal sitting right on your bed. She must have forgotten it because she was rushing. 
You move it off your bed and place it on your nightstand. You will give it to her at school on Monday you think to yourself as you lay down on your bed. An hour passes every so often you glance over at the journal. 
You realize you still need ideas for what to get Shauna for Christmas. You look over at the journal and grab it. You get a good idea. You might as well take a little look to find possible gift ideas. It couldn't possibly hurt, right?
The cover has her name printed neatly with a pen. For a second you hesitate hoping nothing too personal is in her journal. It will only be for a few minutes you say to yourself. That reassures you and you flip open the first page.
June 28 1996. You knew Shauna got a new journal at the end of grade 11, because you two found it at the mall together. You picked it up and showed it to her.
“Look Shaunie, it's green. Don’t you need a new one?” You said to her. Shauna ended up buying it. What you didn't notice back then was how Shauna looked at you that day or any day really.
The entry is pretty normal. It talks about your guys mall trip. And how you guys got ice cream. You smile to yourself as you remember how much fun you had with her. It talks about how you got ice cream all over your face and Shauna had to get a napkin and wipe it off.You finally notice how she talks about you. Sure you're close and give each other compliments but this feels different. You shrug it off and keep searching.
The next few entries are all in the summer. Mostly talking about the family vacation she went on .You flip to another entry.
August 5 1996. You and Shauna were at her house. It explains what you guys did that day. Shauna had gotten a new lip gloss for her birthday and you both were trying it out. Shauna put it on first, rubbing her lips together. She writes about how you put it on as well. You remember how much you liked the lipgloss. The lovely pink shine looked great on your lips. And Shauna definitely thought so too. In fact she goes into great detail about how much she did like it.
You pause a confused look on your face. The sudden realization hits you hard. How did you not notice? You keep reading trying to confirm if you're not going crazy. You blush as you read the last sentence. 
“I wanted to kiss them so badly.” Shauna writes with a few pink hearts around your name. You suddenly feel really guilty but also relieved. You have known you like Shauna for a while. But you have been too scared to confess. How could you ruin your relationship with her like that?
You have so many conflicting feelings. You're happy she likes you back, but nervous as to how she would respond about you snooping around in her private journal.
At this point you can't stop reading them. Each one is a different day. Each entry delves into just how big of a crush Shauna truly has. 
September 25 1996.
This one was around your first few weeks of grade 12. You and Shauna were in the same English Lit class. You went over to study with her. It was a fun night. but clearly Shauna saw it differently. She spent a good paragraph talking about your silly jokes and describing just how much she loves your laugh.
October 31 1996
The two of you went to Lottie's annual halloween party. Of course dressed in matching costumes. You spent a long time finding a cute costume that would match with one another. The entry sounds pretty normal except for Shauna’s clear jealousy to you playing spin the bottle with the other girls. You ended up having to kiss Natalie. It was all for fun and games but clearly Shauna didn’t think so. You read it over and Shauna sounds angry.
“It should have been me kissing them.” She finishes off the entry with that angrily scribbled in pen.
The next few entries are about the same. You feel bad for reading all her personal thoughts and feelings. But you can’t seem to stop yourself from reading. You spend 2 hours reading all of the entries. You lay in your bed contemplating what you should do?
Give it back to her?
Confront her?
Keep her in the dark?
You run through all the ideas and scenarios in your head. Your anxiety builds and builds. You decide to sleep on it, you're exhausted from all the thoughts of what could happen.
You wake up on Sunday morning rubbing your eyes as you look over and see her journal staring back at you. You get up and get dressed, determined to tell her.
Your mom went out to do some Christmas shopping and you left her journal open on your bed.
You hear a shape knock on your door. You walk over to the front door and open it to a slightly flushed Shauna. She’s dressed in her iconic flannel .
“Uh,hi, sorry for showing up unannounced but I-uh left my  journal here last night.” She is clearly nervous that you might have read it .
“Oh! Right, come in , it’s uh in my room.” You say ushering her in, your face heating up as your heart pounds.
You bring her into your room forgetting that you left her journal open on your bed. She walks in after you as you quickly grab it, closing it and passing it to her.
“Did you read it?” She says half nervous half accusatory. You stumble over your words as all your thoughts slip from your mind.
“You did read it ! You know it’s private!” She yells pacing around your bedroom. You try to jump into it to try and defend yourself but she’s not having any of it.
Shauna never yells at you and this version of her scares you. 
“Shauna plea-“ You try to say but she cuts you off to mad to listen. “You know how I feel about you don’t you? You know how I feel about you ?” She says her voice quiets a bit. 
“I can’t believe you would do this!” She starts yelling again. She sounds almost disappointed and it makes you feel worse. But you have to tell her.
You start tuning her out as you work up the courage She goes on about how mad she is. But you're not listening anymore. You step closer to her. She stops noticing the look on your face.
“What?” She starts to say before you quickly cut her off. You lean forward cupping her face and pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Her breath hitches and she gasps in shock. You pull back a little, noses touching. “Is this ok?” You say a hushed whisper. Shauna nods and smiles wrapping her arms around your waist, pulling you into another kiss this time.
You both end up on your bed, Shauna's journal discarded on the floor. As you too enjoy your first kiss together. Shauna’s hands behind your neck as you both make out. 
Shauna lays down with you and you smile . “I love you too. You know ?” You say as Shauna blushes remembering that you read all the things she said about you.
“Did you actually read like everything?” Shauna says quietly as she plays with the hem of your pants. You blush too a little embarrassed. “Yeah uh I did , funny enough I was trying to find an idea for a Christmas present.” You say as Shauna’s embarrassment slowly disappears.
“That stuff I wrote was a little uh well you know.” Shauna says turning shy again. “It was really cute Shaunie.” You say with a little smirk. She groans and covers her face. “Especially when you said that you wanted to fight Natalie during halloween.” You say giggling a little at Shauna’s flustered face. 
“I also heard all about how you love when I wear this shirt.” You say sitting up a little to give her a full look. Her eyes widen a little and she somehow blushes more red. 
“That's mean.” She whines but you both know now that she is loving this. She eyes you up and down and pulls you in for another kiss. “I bought you that shirt for your birthday.” 
“I know silly you went on and on about it.” You tease as you pull her down with you and pull her into another long kiss.
“You know what? It turns out I got you what you wanted for Christmas.”
“Really what was it?”
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Introduction Post
Hallo, Hola, Ciao, Bonjour, and all the other greetings, everyone 👋. My name is Arrowquill, but you can just call me Quill. I don't care for pronouns much, so you can call me whatever you like.
I'm a student who was born in Galar, but I'm currently studying at Naranja-Uva Academy in Paldea, where I'm studying biology. I want to be a pokemon professor when I graduate, so I will be sharing info and facts here! Extra stuff under the cut. Scroll to the very bottom to see blog rules.
More about me
I'm the kid of @historianofgalar and grew up in the wild area of Galar. Not much there really. I got my starter at 11, joined the Galar league at 12, made rivals, got a crush on one of my rivals, failed the Galar League at 13, had a mental breakdown and almost died on an ice mountain at Galar's research facility, realized the problem with the government, I think I might've made the Galarian government hate me, joined a new research facility that does more field work, and yeh :)
Main Team
I have a lot of pokemon, as I have to study a lot. But here is my main ones
Squirt the Inteleon
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My sweet baby and first pokemon. I got her when she was a sobble as a gift from my dad when I turned 10, and I've cherished her ever since.
Flash the Cinderace
I got him from as a rescue from a not great research center shortly after I received Squirt. He's super energetic, and him and Squirt are quite close.
Joker the Orbeetle
First wild pokemon I caught. Caught him the old-fashioned way when he was a Blipbug. I named him Joker because I thought he looked really goofy, but seeing orbeetle, I see the irony of that.
Archer the Decidueye
Caught him on the Isle of Armor as a reward for finding a lot of diglett. I was supposed to get a Popplio, but the guy thought it was neat how I was named Arrowquill, and Rowlet evolves into the Arrowquill Pokemon, so he gave me a rowlet instead. Archer is really sweet, but a bit timid, so he tends to keep to himself a lot.
Jellybean the Goodra
Funny story on how I caught her. It was raining, and I was trying to catch a Pikachu, but I accidently threw it at a goomy that was just passing by. Long story short, she's a goodra now, and I love her.
Scarlet the Corviknight
Caught her as the second wild pokemon on my journey, right after Joker. She's shy, but also really great. She's one of the more serious members, and she's pulled my team through a lot.
Bagels the Fidough
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Caught him because he was following me when I was eating, and I caught him because it isn't a good idea to have wild fidough walking around a city. He's super cute and I love him a lot.
Kiku the Appletun
Received her as a gift from my rival when I told her I wanted an Applin but couldn't find one. Kiku ecame an Appletun and now eats my homework when I don't pet her.
Caesar the Chestnaught
Technically, he has two names? I call him Caesar, as in See-ser, but my mom says it's pronounced "Hay-sar." Either way, I caught him as a Chespin in Paldea.
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Ooc: Blog Rules
-While this blog is supposed to be made so everyone can view it, there might be some NSFW mentions regarding pokemon breeding (nothing too detailed). However, this blog does not accept nsfw asks, mentions, or submits other than light-hearted jokes
-Please keep in mind that Quill is older than irl me, and I am a minor. I won't roleplay anything sexual and will block/report anyone that tries to do that with me
-If your account has the default tumblr pfp, is untitled, has no description, has a pornographic name, or pornagraphic imagery, I'll assume that you are a bot and you will be blocked
-Quill is a character I am still developing, so a lot of stuff about them might change overtime
-While I might post some Fakemon, they will most likely be from the ancient past. The Fakemon that I do post who aren't variants or from the ancient past will not be mine, and I will give credit to the original creators. You can submit fakemon if you want, but there will not be fact posts about them. Just analysis.
-I do not allow hybrid Pokemon, but I WILL allow and talk about crossbreed pokemon. Like a Bounsweet, whose dad was a Roserade having traits of a Budew and stuff like that
-I awnser asks, but at my own pace. Some I might delete for multiple reasons (difficult, can't think of anything, or I just plain don't like the pokemon). But I try my best to awnser most asks, even if it takes a while
-My headcanons can be used by anyone, and you don't have to ask if you want to use them
This blog is completely made for fun and as a way for me to spit my headcanons and roleplay as my OC. I have a regular tumblr where I just post random shit: @mintaikcorpse , and an art blog @mintaikk
Posts to see
Ooc Post
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Joining us today is the fabulous @ashintheairlikesnow!
It’s great to have you here, Ash! Let’s kick this interview off with a fact or two about yourself!
Hi! I go by Ash, I am an ageless elder crone, and my life is built around the whims of an old dog and a very young cat. My primary hobby is reading, and I especially get lost in books on cults and new religious movements, World War I, and vampires.
What does whump mean to you? 
To me, whump is physical, mental, and emotional suffering. What causes that suffering can be any one of a number of things, and any of them might be what fascinates about the story. 
But it's whump when someone hurts.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join?
I had gone through a tumultuous few months in 2019, including being laid off. I was reading and writing in-between frantically applying and interviewing for new jobs, and somewhere in there I stumbled back onto Tumblr after a long… long… hiatus. 
In August of 2019 I did a fanfiction writing challenge and the prompt for day 11 was 'whump'. A friend of mine had to explain to me what the word even meant, which is when I realized there was a whole subgenre dedicated to my favorite thing to write! After that, I started following some blogs with whump in their name and shortly after, took a chance on posting some writing, too. 
2019 you say, and yet I would affectionately swear you’ve been around the whump community forever! Do you think  your view on whump changed since you joined? 
Definitely! I was more timid when it came to what I would or wouldn't write out in detail early on. Eventually I gained confidence and started including things that delved into full horror, where before I wasn't sure how it would be received. 
I think I have come to appreciate a ton of tropes that didn't really speak to me or that I struggled with at first! Finding certain writers that really did a great job with them helped me get over that.
ANd now for the best bit; Let’s talk whump tropes! Do you have a few particular faves?
Noncon and recovery from it - one of my favorite things about whump isn't even the harm but the way a character recovers from it, and noncon can be a violation of physical self, identity, everything. So I enjoy the noncon but also watching someone rebuild themself afterward. 
Trauma recovery - on a related note. Most of my stories really focus heavily not on the worst of times, but in what comes after. How do you find yourself again when everything about you was erased? Or beaten, or broken? Resilience is essential in my work. 
BBU - I started writing at the beginning of the BBU taking off in early 2020 - I think my first Kauri piece was written in January 2020 actually. I love world building and dystopian fiction, so I never stop finding new awful details about the BBU to bring to the light. 
Creepy/intimate whumpers - Whumpers that get under your skin without necessarily treading into noncon territory. Think like @comfy-whumpee's Alistair, a master of overwhelming, awful affection and the power of control. Or @for-the-love-of-angst's Zever, a father-figure to OC Taron turned captor. 
Shades of gray - whumpees who weren't the good guys, but who have been forced to struggle and suffer. I like writing, and reading, imperfect people who are trying to make themselves better than they've been, or bad people who have their reasons who run into someone they can't get away from. 
Hype time! Do you have a few pieces of your favourite work that you’d like to share?
This is so hard! Oh my gosh. I need to think about this. 
Haunted - a Kauri piece. The way this one delves into the emptiness of Kauri from someone else's perspective… there are some metaphors in here I am really proud of. 
Blood, Freely Given - a vampire walks into a hospital. God, I love when I get the chance to work in a more horror-centered space. This one is lyrical and I love it.
I’m Here - a boy remembers everything he was made to forget. This was maybe the most intense thing I've written. It is disjointed and chaotic and I adore it.
Oh my god! I am obsessed with Blood, Given Freely’s vibes! Creepy but somehow tugging at my emotions- damn! Do you have a particular writing routine?
My best writing happens in a coffeeshop with a pastry and a latte on hand! I almost always sit down and put on a playlist based on whichever story, then write out a whole piece on two or three hours. Then I spend a day or two editing and cleaning up, then post. 
I used to try to write once or twice a week. Lately that's fallen off to every other week or even less. Life gets busy! But I still write when the mood strikes me. 
And do you find somethings are easier for you to write than others?
I am so so so bad at writing fight scenes or action. It's like pulling teeth! On the other hand, I am pretty good at dialogue, I think. The different voices of different characters come to me fairly easily. 
Can we get a peek behind the curtains and see what your currently working on?
I am half-heartedly trying to get started on a novel that I keep going back and forth on, involving a man looking for a vampire in 1926 upstate New York. But not for the reasons you think.
Actually, maybe exactly for those reasons.
I am definitely enjoying writing horror more often. My OC Finn Schneider's story is pure nightmare fuel, and I find myself thinking about him a lot. 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
When I was in high school, I decided to start telling bad jokes on purpose, as my "thing". To my credit, I kept it up for years. I had jokes I would tell at every party. They were all terrible.
I was surprised that people kept asking me to tell more.
Now I can't remember any of them. 
I mostly run screaming from puns. They are the real monsters here. 
Haha, puns seem to be very popular in the whump community, particularly in our urls! Would you care to share some writing advice with our readers?
My best advice has always been and will always be just to write often. Like any muscle, it gets stronger with exercise, like any skill you get better primarily through practice. Even if you doubt yourself, keep writing. You will look back and be shocked at how you improved even without realizing it over time. 
Try to set aside time to write. It doesn't have to be anything in particular, any one story. Write anything at all. 
Shout-out time for some of the wonderful people on here!
Oooooh it would be such a wildly long list. I will try! Okay, here are just a few:
@albino-whumpee who we recently lost created some incredible whump art from a very personal place. I miss them. 
@wildfaewhump @comfy-whumpee @whump-tr0pes @hackles-up @card-games-and-pain @whumpiary @sableflynn @redwingedwhump @whump-it @for-the-love-of-angst @boxboysandotherwhump @whumptywhumpdump @winedark-whump @justplainwhump @just-horrible-things … gosh there are so many!
Finally, is there anything you'd like to add?
The whump community has been an incredible place to make my writing "home". I've met some pretty amazing people on this hellsite! May we all continue to enjoy the suffering of our silly little guys here together! 
Thank you for joining us, Ash. It was an absolute pleasure to have you on the show! 
And to all you fabulous folk at home, have a whump-derful day!
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shreya11111 · 2 years
post volume 2 byler hope
i know volume 2 has left us feeling very pessimistic and hopeless for the possibility of byler. yet, i do still think there is reason to hope and so i have compiled a list of amazing posts that have definitely increased my faith in s5 byler.
(here is a small disclaimer that even though byler just makes sense to us narratively and overall, there is still a chance that the duffers won’t go through with it. if you choose to have hope regardless, that’s great! but pessimism is absolutely valid too. cautious optimism is definitely recommended)
on tumblr:
1) Ok This may be something that can give us bylers a little more hope. by @beepboop358
3) Five act structure: reason to hope by @reservoir-god
4) Will’s First Lie & First I Love You by @aurorabyler
5) Listen, I know that feelings are mixed in this tag right now but hear me out. by @admirablespoling
6) wanted to put this on here bc it perfectly summarizes my thoughts 🙃 by @lesbos4robin (and cr to @/causeineedu on tiktok)
7) i guess the thing giving me the most hope right now by @queerstshit
8) Mike’s monologue sorta feels like a (weird) Wikipedia article (also check comments) by @wakeupthemembersofbylernation
9) insanely steaming hot take but the Will / El / Mike arc was kinda insanely well done by @mssingrls
10) it’s so insane to me how mike just hasn’t been able to tear his eyes away from will the entire season by @heliumcake
11) I just actually watched season four all the way through and byler is 100% gonna happen it’s so obvious. by @tinyteenieworld
12) This scene reminded me a lot of the beginning of s3, when Mike is goofing around by singing in the middle of kissing by @howtobecomeadragon
13) Piggybacking off of and inspired by this rad post by @admirablespoling. by @tsugarubecker
14) there really is no point to byler if it's unrequited. by @11byers
15) The m!leven flowers are rottin— by @dancing-in-our-snow-globe and @beepboop358
16) It would appear I am indeed one of the very few optimistic (delusional?) Bylers left. by @chirpsythismorning
17) a part of me feels like it's possible that the end of episode 9 was preparing the general audience for Eleven going off on her own, and a Byler ship by @merthurfan-blog
18) my analysis of mike’s “feelings” for el and what leads to the monologue/his feelings behind it by @strangerfigs
19) Here’s a handful of cautious optimism as a treat, my brothers in byler by @hopfields
20) Mike's S4 jacket (and who his heart is really pointing to) by @mlchaelwheeler
21) St@ncy’s revival is like one of the biggest byler proofs in V2. by @neverforever09
22) michael’s airport outfit by @prfctmxxnlight
23) analyzing ST S4/Byler from someone with a film degree. by @swift-fated and credit to @/joannimal on twitter
24) Somebody on twitter noticed how the scene at the roller rink… (parallel to Little Women) by @justmeandmyships
25) Do you find it possible that Byler will definitely happen in season 5 and if so why by @upside-down-byers
26) volume 2 & instant vs delayed gratification by @chartreuse-goose
27) Whenever you doubt Byler, remember that… (a little reminder of all the things pointing towards byler as endgame) by @byernation
28) i just rewatched “the piggyback” and oh. OH. !!!!!!! by @hawkinsp0st
29) i can’t get over “we’re friends. we’re friends.” and “are ‘friends’ electric?” on mikes official Spotify playlist by @strangerfigs
30) “False Confessions” & “Piggybacking” in ST4: Ask Yourself if We Are Being Encouraged to Pick Apart the Inconsistencies... by @bluemeetyellow
31) Byler is going to be Canon and Here’s Why: by @allnaturalapplejuice
on other social media:
1) this beautiful twitter thread on ‘stranger things and the art of slow burn’ by @/hawkinshermit on twitter
2) any and all videos by @/causeineedu on tiktok. this one is one of my personal favs.
3) all the videos by @/naturallybrielle on tiktok
4) the analysis videos of @/girlskth on tiktok. she made a really cool discovery here and here.
5) this post on the use of little women parallels in the show by @/sbyleril on twitter (check comments! there’s a really good video with the parallels too)
6) this perfect harry potter chamber of secrets/byler parallel by @/folklorent on twitter
7) this twitter thread on the parallels between the romances in little women in stranger things by @/rosiec4ke on twitter
i will definitely be adding more posts to this list if i come across any. thank you to all the bloggers for giving me permission to include their posts! i really appreciate it. i also really hope this helped restore your hope in s5 byler, even if just a little bit :)
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: kermiekermie
today's interviewee is @kermiekermie, who ran "Friend or Host", was a part of the "Block Men Simps" group chat, and has generally been an active member of MCYTblr for a long time! below is a transcript of the questions and answers.
Q: What was your general experience in MCYTblr? Does anything stand out to you immediately?
A: I think my general experience on mcytblr was pretty positive compared to some peoples. The one thing that really stands out is how young I was- i was 11 when i joined mcytblr in early-mid 2020. That didnt really change the way people treated me aside from the occasional teasing and babying, but I did make it a point to say I didn't want to be treated differently. Mcytblr was not my first time in a fandom space and I knew how to avoid creeps already so I never really had any truly negative experiences, honestly the only annoying things that happened were being banned from discords and blocked by people due to my age (which was completely understandable). The biggest memory I have of mcytblr is of course the Block Men Simps group chat, and the original members of the group chat are really the only tumblr mutuals I still keep up with (snail actually has my snapchat!) I still kind of view them as a sort of family, and they were there for me in what I consider an extremely low point of my life and really helped me take my mind off things. During quarantine, I didnt have any of my irls numbers or socials and my mom had just been diagnosed with breast cancer, so I quite literally NEVER left the house and tumblr was really the only social interaction I got for a solid year. And while that definitely impacted my social development (i still cant start a conversation with someone irl without feeling nauseous and shaky) i'm very grateful I had people to talk to throughout that.
Q: I understand that you were the one who set up "Friend or Host". What was the process of organizing a fandom event like that like?
A: Friend or host . god. Like I said, I was 11-12 throughout the majority of my time on mcytblr, and I had ZERO experience organizing anything and I had very little help from anyone else. I tried to make it work the best I could and got creative, but overall I don't think it was a very big success. Funnily enough, not everyone who participated in FOH knew my age and one of the winners actually blocked me afterwards they found out, which I still giggle about today.
Q: How did Friend or Host go?
A: I don't think FOH necessarily went bad, but if I had a little more help and better organization skills and planned it out further ahead of time, I think it would've gone better. It was still fun and I had a good time either way, but I can admit it was a little messy.
Q: What major events in the fandom do you remember? (Either from the MCYTers themselves or fandom-specific!)
A: Honestly, my memory of my time in the wider mcytblr community isnt all that great and I tend to get timelines a little messed up, but i DO remember being there for the creation of the original dreamceler copypasta. In the BMS group chat we were having our normal conversation and someone oncest got brought up at the same time as dream somehow, and thus Ginger wrote the extremely cursed dreamceler copypasta. This eventually evolved into an entire universe (the dreamceler cinematic universe?) with various different copypastas that eventually had to be archived because of how out of hand it got. Sometimes I still see the copypastas floating around and it kind of freaks me out every time. I also have a veryyyy vivid memory of the time I made the 2020 mcytblr election discord read OmegaNotFound on wattpad (do NOT research. for your own safety) and it was really amusing seeing everyones reactions.
Q: Do you remember any of the "kinnie" blogs?
A: oh MY the kinnie blogs!! i actually have dms with a couple of them plotting little jokes and such and I got involved with them quite often!! i actually ran a justaminx one for a couple days (yikes) and it wasnt really that believeable looking back. me and ginger as well as a couple other mooties loved spamming the ask boxes of them with piss jokes and such, and I feel like we played a pretty big role in how widespread and popular kinnie blogs became.
Q: What was the "Kroger Anon"?
A: oh my dearest kroger anon how I miss you…. I still dont know who the kroger anon actually WAS, but they would send rainbow colored advertising messages about Kroger to various mcytblr blogs at random intervals. Funny thing is, I dont live near any krogers and have never been to one in my life, but the anon messages kinda made me want to go. I miss kroger anon…. kroger anon if youre reading this come home please..
Q: What were common in-jokes in the fandom of that time? (Copypastas, headcanons, rumors, etc)
A: Common in-jokes is a hard one!! like i said earlier, my memory of my time in mcytblr isnt all that great or extensive and I could probably better answer this if I went through my archive but alas, I do not have the patience for that. Obviously we had the good ole tapeworm and pregnancy posts, dreamceler, and various other cursed copypastas and memes. One inside joke between the block men simps gc was "thinkign 👽" which came from a typo snail made that just kind of caught on and we would use every once in a while to giggle at. Other than that, I can't really think of any specific inside jokes.
Q: Is there anything else you remember or would like to talk about?
A: Something I really want to talk about is how much lurking I did!! on the outside I was definitely a normal parasocial mcytblr blog but I lurked on pretty much every corner of the fandom you could really think of. Obviously I have a ton of critblr and other controversial mutuals but I never really openly interacted with that side of mcytblr since it was pretty heavily debated and I am nothing if not conflict avoidant. I also did quite a bit of truthing that no one ever really mentioned which I guess I sort of appreciate. I think being in a fandom that involved actual real people ar that age for that long kind of screwed with me, and ive never really been able to be in a fandom for a piece of actual fiction because theyve just never gotten my interest in the same way, I guess. Even now, i was in grouptwt for quite a while (tgc podcast) and now im active on kpoptwt, which again, both of those fandoms are for actual real people. I dont think its the parasocial aspect either, ive never been super parasocial and have never had a problem criticizing the content creators I watch. Im really grateful for all the people I met on mcytblr, but I think the actual dream smp and the way I engaged with content overall negatively impacted how I interact with things now.
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dryams03 · 1 year
This drawing came actually pretty late, I'm really really sorry, but I hope it still counts! I made it with all my patience and heart in 11 h so... It better worths the while >:p
Don't mind me simping under the cut @goldazu || @ruki--mukami
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Well, let's talk with truth and heart because those are the meaningful words we have in the world to speak.
First, I send to you past Mai 26 a single message with a happy birthday while I was... in the middle of something at the university, sleepless and stressed. Yes, a hard day with... 48 hours of speedrun...
I wrote something like I really hoped you were doing fine; but I really wanted to do more, I had this drawing on mind that moment but I wasn't able to do it.
But that didn't stop me you see, I wanted to do something special for you because you, honestly, you deserve it.
I think that every single soul that decides to share their inner worlds in any art branch that ever existed need to have a mutual like you. Not only because the wholesome and fulfilling support you give and the kindness you sprout to people around you but the way you show yourself so dedicated to your blog. Everything is so organized and your writing is perfect cause it feels so real! (sometimes I feel like Ruki is a real person and right behind there is you, the secretary, writing his speech with a bloc-note XD).
Girl, it's inspiring, I meant it a lot. And I hope, as you said, it stays like this a little bit longer, no matter how much. It will be fine.
I have to confess, before I met you I really have been having a little bit of troubles around my character. I was unsure that Cassie would find a place to develop her personality. Like... She has phases, right? And she could be amazingly cheerful and a literal sunlight at the beginning but she... Is more like that in the surface, you see. But none crossed that line. I think the problem was that I hadn't found in that time the kind of roleplay that I was looking at. The roleplay that sinks into the deepest parts of the characters and that make them give opinions, do more complicated actions, express themselves in the way they truly are. But, since the day you met Cassie you have been supporting me and I have been feeling a lot of confidence about my character. You really made me want to come back to Tumblr with a lot of energy, to renew and rethink my character, and show all her sides, all the beauty that she is intended to give, the lightest and the darkest side of her. And I granted part of this inspiration to you .
And, Jas, did you remember? Cuz I think I wouldn't forget it in my life——
Girl you made me a fanart of my girl in my birthday when you barely knew me!! I was like: I LOVE IT BUT WHY?! I was surprised! I wasn't expecting anything like that! And it made me so happy that I could barely keep myself entirely! (Also that day I was feeling pretty bad, I was having a terrible day and that simple thing changed completely my humor. No people physically around me understood it, but I didn't give a shit! I was happy! For true! Btw the picture is still in my smart clock and I don't plan to quit it uwu).
No matter the time you took to answer, that doesn't stop me to enjoy roleplaying with you. I'm glad you feel fulfilled with your life and I hope you can still walk to the future with all hopes.
I'm glad for having in my memory the day I clumsily popped into your inbox.
And, again, happy birthday Jas. I appreciate you a lot ♥️
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oonajaeadira · 1 month
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for the tag, @insomniamamma. For the record, I think you write beautiful smut. I appreciate it for its realness and connection.
How many works do you have on ao3? Aw man, you made me log into my AO3 account? I haven't been around there recently because I feel bad about leaving some messages unanswered. Tumbletown is my main fic home and I haven't really had the time to post here, much less on AO3. (Answer the question Adira.) It says I have 19. I don't post there until they're here and sometimes don't crosspost. Mainly I've been posting over there only if I have a complete series, although sorry LMR readers both there AND here.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 260,317. Seeing as how not even half of my fic is up over there, I cringe to think of what my actual wordcount is.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Pedro Pascal. Which is an umbrella for the actual fandoms contained therein.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos According to AO3? Losing My Religion, A Girl Walks Into a Bookshop, A Rare Treat, The Sweets Series, Eyes Closed, Comm Open. According to Tumblr: Good. Things. Take. Time. (this one's a Tumble exclusive, dunno if I'll ever AO3 that one), Losing My Religion, Dulces Suenos, The Sweets Series, A Girl Walks Into a Bookshop.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do. Every one. I know I'm behind on some and I'm sorry about that. I let that bother me enough that it's getting in the way of my writing and I shouldn't do that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't like to leave angst hanging and only use it as a trampoline for a happy ending, but I guess the closest thing I have would be A Kiss Before Dying and in Death We Combine. Even if it ends in "death," at least they get to be together.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them? LOL. Of the multi-chapters I've actually finished, probably A Girl Walks Into a Bookshop.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Only in passing. There were the mean girls that were kind of being catty over on a few other blogs about GTTT when it blew up much to my surprise (yes, of course I saw all of that, mean girls gonna mean). I remember some comment about not trivializing massage therapists just because I have a shitty back.... and all I could think was, hey. First of all, I can tell you didn't even read it, you're just mad about it blowing up. Not my fault. Next. Don't talk about my back. You wouldn't like being injured and having people talk smack about a piece of your body that gives you pain beyond comprehension, y'bigot. Also not my fault. Once I realized they were just mean girls meaning, I let it roll off and got my own satisfaction by writing a pretty bomb series based on some of their prompt lists that I never would have seen if I hadn't been clued into the smack. Turn that hate into something great!
9. Do you write smut? I do. Not exclusively and it's never the main dish of the story. If it does show up, it's usually the result of a long period of longing and/or feelings exchange.
10. Craziest crossover? I'm not a crossover gal. Every once in a while I'll write an easter egg into another fic (there are several in GTTT), but nothing heavy duty. There was the time The Mandalorian got something of a cameo in a Sweet's fic tho....
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Oh gods, I hope not. That would suck. I hate blocking people.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? YES! But not in the way you might think! @katareyoudrilling did an amazing job translating the first chapter of Good. Things. Take. Time. into a sexytime roleplay script!!!! I'M STILL SQUEEING ABOUT IT.
13. Have you co-written a fic before? In a way. For a while when RP accounts were in full swing, I was falling very much in love with the adventure I was creating with @morally-gray-prospector. That account was so amazing, run by one of the smartest writers I've ever known here, but they were TOO good and poured themselves generously into their responses, which got them quite a following...and they burned themselves out! While my story with Ezra didn't have an ending, I never expected it to. I meant it when I said it to the writer: I'm just so happy to have an adventure with Ezra and every minute working on it was a joy that I will love forever. I'm glad they had fun too and didn't keep pushing themselves when it was no longer sustainable. <3
All time favorite ship? It's Din and Little Bird. Now that I know how that story is going to soft-end, they're my favorite couple of all time.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will Oh, I'll finish them all. Right now, Branded is in the most danger of lingering, since I have to figure some stuff out with them. But if I could solve the puzzle of Losing My Religion, then I have no doubt that I'm eventually going to get on with that one too.
What are your writing strengths? I don't know what my strengths are, but I like the magic of showing without showing. I like pacing. I enjoy trying to get the characters' voices right and make the dialog real.
What are your writing weaknesses? I am slow. And I make a show of "not following the rules" as if I'm some kind of rebel, but really, I'm just bad at following rules!!!!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language I try to avoid it for the most part because I usually mess it up pretty badly. I generally don't write Din in Mando'a because I haven't really heard him speak it in the series and he seems to always default to Basic even if he understands it spoken to him, so I can't shake the feeling that it's out of character. But Little Bird is a Mandalorophile, so she'd definitely know it and use it. I do sometimes pull in Spanish for Sweets, but it's usually because it's two characters who actually would speak it when Sunday's not around, and even then I try to make sure it's basic enough for folks to follow. The one time I tried to put Italian in I messed it up pretty good, but a beautiful reader helped correct it for me and I'm so so so grateful. <3
First fandom you wrote for I know I have a Doctor Who piece in a notebook somewhere hidden away. And I most likely have a slew of Ranma pieces from my college days. Were there any before that? Possibly.
Favorite fic you've written I have too many. I write really slow, so if it's actually made it to Tumbles, that means I loved it enough to manifest it. Some of them I love because of the fandom, some because of the relationship, some because of the world building, some because of the interaction, and most because of the good time I had writing it. Right now I'm seeing people reading Losing My Religion, and I've had reason to dip into some of those chapters and re-read a little and it's reminded me how much I love writing for the Star Wars universe, how much confidence I have in it. That was the first fic I really wrote, and I put so much of myself into it... so if I choose a favorite, I'll point there first even if it's not really finished yet.
tagging: @blueeyesatnight @ezrasbirdie @missredherring @leslie-lyman @prolix-yuy
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finnglas · 1 month
gonna use tumblr like livejournal for a minute, just personal musings under the cut.
I'm so scattered today. I can feel my brain reaching frantically for anything it thinks will give us a little hit of dopamine to combat this horrible feeling of entering the pet-with-cancer gauntlet again. The last time I did this was in 2010 with my heart-cat, and it was fucking awful. I had nightmares for almost a year afterward where I would wake up screaming and crying from dreaming that she hadn't died after all and she'd just been slowly starving to death while I neglected her, or some other equally terrible narrative my subconscious made up out of the guilt of not being able to save her.
I'm hoping that in almost 15 years maybe my subconscious has learned some better coping methods than just torturing all of us.
It also means that I'm questioning any plans that take me away from home, or any decisions to change jobs or... Well, you probably get it. Her first appointment with the oncologist is Thursday, so we'll know more then. Feeling guilty that I have to request time off from work again right after I finally got my requested schedule, but they don't do evaluation appointments on any days I'm already off.
(Just talking out the guilt at this point.)
Anyway. I was going to talk about the projects I want to work on and how I can feel my brain fluttering around them like "maybe this would distract us." Let's see if it does.
I want to finish the final Maya & Grace story and collect them all into a little omnibus that I can do a print run of. Problems: I have to decide where I want them to go. It will also have to be a slightly longer story than the other two-and-a-half to make the collection long enough to print. I also want to revisit/rewrite "Shiver," since I felt like it wasn't ready to publish when I put it out, but I had promised a friend that we would both write Halloween stories that year and then they passed away over the summer, so I felt like I needed to keep that promise somehow. But it needs some finessing.
Night Is For Hunting needs some rewriting too. Basically what got published was my first draft. And that's how I learned that I cannot write to someone else's deadline, even with an extension. I'll have the rights for all three books back in April of next year (April? June?) and would like to celebrate by releasing the Director's Cut of NIFH so that I can get on with the business of writing Wilderness of Horrors.
I wanted to write a thoughtful blog-article type piece on the effect of economic class on my choice of narratives. I realized that I write a lot of stories about people's complicated relationships with their hometowns - wanting to leave, but also not feeling confident in where they're going. I read an advice book once that was like, "What does your character want?" and the answer to almost all of them was "To get out," and it really comes back to the fact that I write small town, working class characters as a default. And when you're from a small town in an economically depressed area, you understand from the start that there's not a bright future for you there. You can graduate high school and get a job at the 7/11 or the Piggly Wiggly and get married to one of your old classmates and have kids that you don't have the time, attention, or money to care for -- or you can leave. You can go to a bigger town with more opportunity and people you don't already know. And you might end up worse, but hey, the dice are there for you to roll. Add to that if you're queer or neurodivergent, especially in a time before the internet, and whew buddy! You've heard that all authors just write the same stories over and over? That's the one I keep writing. I guess because it's mine, in a lot of ways.
Blackthorn is languishing thanks to all the stress and stuff but it was going so well and I really want to finish writing it before I focus on the rewrite projects (there are three). But the rewrite projects are so seductive because lmao they're already written. I just have to fix them. And I'm so much better at fixing them.
All right. clawed myself out of the worst of the abyss for now.
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
My Experience at SPNNC 2023 Con
Hello, my name is Ellie. If you're not already familiar with my blog, I write a lot about things like my divination with tarot and a pendulum, the show Supernatural and the former cast, deities, various experiences of my own, dreams, etc. I went to the SPNNC 2023 aka CE Charcon 2023 as some here on Tumblr call it. I still don't know what the deal with the spatulas is at this con, I guess I wasn't one of the cool kids who was in the know about this "trend" per the usual ha ha.
Friday, Aug 18- Didn't go
Saturday, Aug 19
I arrived around 10:15am because I thought the line to register would be long and that it'd take ages to park. Nope, it took a couple minutes for me to find parking and the line to register empty. Someone told me however that on Saturday the line was over an hour long Friday. I guess that what they mean by priority registration for Thursday and Friday is that only people with weekend packages could register for the first hour and a half or so of registration on those 2 days, so they don't wait in line as long. I guess my not being able to make it on Friday was for good reason ha ha. In-between panels and photo-ops I went exploring the hotel, talked to some other people at the con, looked at the vendors tables, sometimes observed the actors and actresses interacting with each other or other fans.
11:30- Drake Rodger Photo-Op
I walked into this photo op and curiously my mind went quiet. For those who read my posts or know me personally, you know this NEVER happens. I almost always have many trains of thought happening at one time. A couple days before I went to this convention I was told by one of my guides Loki to buy a photo op ticket for Drake. I thought this was rather interesting but I decided okay let's do it. I saw Drake do the so called "Teletubby hole violation" when in line. I believe there were 3 people in line before me when I saw that. Pretty cooI stuff I got to see it in person, not gonna lie. I thought it was totally perfect ha ha. I'm afraid I didn't make the cut in that IG video as I didn't do a crazy pose. I will say however that as crazy as this might sound, I swear I thought he was going to pull me in closer but felt himself stop O.O When the photo was taken and therefore my photo op was done, he said "Thank you" in his soft spoken voice. Meg Donnelly his girlfriend was in the room and smiled at me as I walked off, which I thought was interesting to say the least. I walked out of this photo op a fan of his.
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2:30- Cosplay Costume Contest
I chose to dress as Hela from Thor: Ragnarok the Norse Goddess of Death for my costume. The winners were chosen based on whoever got the loudest cheers when the host stood behind them. I can see why not that many people chose to participate in this contest. A lot of the contestants wore the Castiel trench coat (not photographed here). The winner was "Pudding Dean" who got $150 and a certificate. Donna and Gabriel were the runner ups. I believe they got $75 and $25 along with the certificates. The rest of us got a red Supernatural lanyard for participating. Even though I did not win this contest, I am glad I was able to go onstage and not get stage fright while being asked my name and who I'm dressing up as let alone panic standing in front of that crowd. It shows to me I've grown a lot over the years and am overcoming some anxiety issues I have at times. Also, the fact I got plenty of compliments on my costume and even someone wanting a selfie with me because they loved my outfit so much made it all worth it even more in my opinion. By the way, I totally think Hela should've been a Supernatural character and could've made a GREAT villain or an anti hero, just saying...
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4:50- Rich Speight Jr Photo-Op
Okay, being dressed as Hela from Thor: Ragnarok and taking a photo with Loki from Supernatural was at this point a given. I was nudged to buy a ticket while at the convention at this point. Naturally, a Loki nudge which totally makes sense ha ha. The Jared photo ops were running 20 min or so behind naturally, so therefore this photo op was running behind too. I ended up waiting by an empty security desk to charge my phone while waiting for the photo op to come up. I talked to a couple people while waiting but also where I was happened to be by where Meg, Drake and Jojo's autograph tables were set up (couldn't really see Jojo so much as his table was across the hall and not in a good line of sight where I was).
I ended up watching them over the course of most of my waiting time. Drake seemed pleasant while waiting around for autographs and such talking to the person he was sitting with. Jojo at one point threw a pen at him and Drake had to get up to get it off the floor. Meg barely spoke to the person she was with. At one point she started to tap her pen while looking around and not talking. When someone came up to her to say something she had that "friendly" voice she uses on stage and talking to fans. Talk about an awkward silence mostly between her and the person she was sitting with. I felt bad for Jojo and Drake because they clearly were hoping for more autographs and getting bored sitting there. After seeing Meg behave the way she did and having a tense tone with the person she was sitting with for the short bit they did talk, I did not feel so bad for her.
As for Rich, he seems like a really cool guy. I told him "yes" at first when he asked me if I made my costume and said he loves it. I ended up saying I'm just kidding I bought it online but "I thought you'd be happy to see me". He said "I am very happy to see you", dunno if he caught this Thor: Ragnarok reference or not when Hela said "I thought you'd be happy to see me" before she defeated the Asgardian Army. I certainly walked out of my photo op with him a fan of his.
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9:00- Concert (Or should I say more like 9:30)
Nothing much to discuss here. I was aware many people were speculating that Jensen would sing on this night. Something kept telling me however that he was not going to sing but couldn't explain it. Mark Sheppard did show up to play the drums for apparently the first time since 2010 when he last played drums onstage. This is curious because it was his higher self who set me up coming to this convention to begin with. When Mark showed up, something told me "Jensen is not showing up to this concert because people were criticizing his looks online like crazy". A friend of mine had some similar feelings while this concert was going on. Of course, people must've been mindblown he didn't show up with how many were expecting him to show up but didn't ha ha. The microphones were very loud here, I walked out a little after 11pm when the concert was done with a headache.
Before Gold Panel/Before I went back to Convention
The same friend of mine who had the same feelings I did about why Jensen didn't show up to the concert dreamwalked to the very same room Jensen and Jared were in. Virtually EVERYTHING they talked about when she dreamwalked (mind you, for the first time ever!) to them manifested in the Gold Panel. I didn't get to go to this panel because I only had the copper package. Jensen said things to Jared like [I'm only paraphrasing in this section mind you] "do people actually want to meet me or do they only care about my looks?", mentioned how upset he was people were making fun of his mustache this weekend, and Jared at one point said "no matter what people are saying about you, you're an awesome person. I want you to know that". Jared even made a strange remark about how "Gen asked me to babysit the kids a couple weeks ago". Around 10:20am before I left for the convention, I picked up my pendulum and said to Hermes "Is there any truth to this dream my friend had?" and he said "Yes, LOTS of it".
Turns out, in this particular panel someone asked them if they ever experienced bullying and their children (around the 6:05 mark). Around 14:10, Jensen also brought up how his daughter said "it's not babysitting" when Jensen is with his kids. "She's just mom and he's just dad". Hmmm, were Poseidon and Hermes telling them both the night before or so what kinds of things they will be asked during the panels? Very interesting dreamwalking experience, let alone the fact everything she heard ended up manifesting the next day at the Gold Panel (and that Hermes said there's lots of truth to her dream with me curiously asking him this 10 or so min before the panel was scheduled to start at 10:30).
Sun, Aug 20
I came back to the convention around 11:15 or so. I mostly hung around the vendors area and explored the hotel and talked to some people before I went to the Mark Sheppard panel.
1:15- Mark Sheppard Panel
Mark's panel was an absolute joy for me to be in the room for. He said things like "if you have a panic attack this is the safest place you can be", "who wants to be king of a country", and asking someone "is that the best you can do" when they started to ask him "if you could be any animal [what would it be and why]?" and cut them off saying "oh Jesus". It was 100% worth going to this convention to sit in this panel. Mark's authentic, sarcastic, and speaks his mind but also has a very caring heart despite having a tough love approach at times. I enjoyed his walking around the theater for his panel instead of sitting up there like others do. At one point he was walking through the row 3 rows in front of mine when he was looking at someone's Moose doll, which I thought was pretty cool. Very close!
J2 Main Panel
No, I didn't get to go to the Gold Panel because I only had a copper package. It's interesting because I felt my lie detector alarm go off many times when Jensen was speaking in this panel. It was hard to hear some of what was being said at times during this panel because I wasn't exactly front row and did tune out some here and there. Jensen I believe is trying very hard to keep up with a happy family life at home. His passive aggressive tone speaking about Danneel was very apparent at least to me. The car story? Jensen please hun, you should've just driven with her. I know you were aggravated about the car problems but that doesn't mean behave this way. It does show a very concerning mindset that Hermes spoke of that he's in right now. Those who are not seeing it at this point do not have their eyes or hearts open to receiving this information...
I found his answer about reading a book he'd like to revisit to be very off putting. I myself had reading struggles as a kid and essentially taught myself how to read when I was going to enter 5th grade (long story here). He did an absolutely terrible job talking about his dislike of reading here. Don't like to read? Fine but the way he used a book his wife reads a lot, come on! You never read 1 book in your life Jensen? Sheesh...Someone was kind enough to point out to me that when Jensen was speaking of the book Danneel reads that's by her when she sleeps, she says "HER bed" not "THE bed" around the 40:35 mark (put some earbuds or headphones in and you'll hear it). Jared was a great pleasure to be in the same room as. I feel that Jensen also would've been more pleasant if he was not on the downward spiral he seems to be very much on lately.
I've spoken a lot about Jensen and Jared and others in past posts regarding divination and deities and other topics. Poseidon and Hermes both used Jared and Jensen to speak through them. Just about everything that was said in this panel they have talked about many times to me recently. I expected many of the things that were discussed to be discussed, very few surprises. Heck, even the ridiculous questions that made it through weren't totally surprising on a divine blueprints level. Jensen very much needs guidance, as Hermes has told me plenty of times before and I could see it in his eyes.
Some of the things I knew about them I discussed with only a few via PM and even they were surprised at some of the things that came about in this panel vs what I told them. I will say this, I was not surprised by the house purchase Jensen made in CT based on things I do know, nor was I surprised at Jared talking about how as he gets older he is becoming less able to tolerate 100 plus degree weather for a month at a time. Him talking about liking the mountains, NC even and Asheville and such was interesting and mentioning Idaho (when Gen made a trip there with their kids no more than a couple weeks beforehand).
I went home after this panel was done. There was at one point a golden sticker on someone's chair behind another sticker and the prize was apparently a gold ticket to another con. Of course... the winner was in a gold seat NATURALLY. Quite annoying but I know enough about Creation Entertainment to know this was 100% to be expected. Would I go again? Absolutely. It was a joy being in the room for all these panels, meeting the actors and fans I did, and being able to say I actually went to one of these things.
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neversetyoufree · 1 year
Hey! In your recent post about Noè and asexuality, you mentioned there being more evidence displaying that Vanitas finds Noè attractive than vice versa. As soon as I read it, I found myself agreeing but when I stopped to think about it I couldn't recall a panel that really suggests that, off the top of my head. This also isn't a view I have seen a lot of other vnc fans talk about so I'd really appreciate if you could expand on it / unpack it a bit more. Anyway, love your blog!
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[Image Description: An anonymous tumblr ask. It reads: "Hi! I have just recently found your Tumblr blog and have been loving all your analyses. I only found out about the vnc manga a few months ago and some of your posts have been so useful in explaining some deeper themes/subtext that I was confused about. I was reading your ace Noé post and saw that you mentioned that there is more canon evidence that supports Vanitas finding Noé attractive than the other way around. I was hoping you could expand on this?" End ID.]
First of all, thank you both so much for your kind words! It makes me so genuinely happy to hear that y'all like what I post.
And for anyone curious, here's the ace Noé post that both anons mention.
Now as for your question, that's kind of a difficult one. I said that there's more evidence for Vanitas being attracted to Noé than vice versa (in terms of traditional physical attraction, not blood stuff), and I do stand by that. However, Noé has shown pretty much no physical attraction to Vanitas in non-blood contexts, and more than zero doesn't necessarily mean a lot. This whole post is going to be tiny details and subtext, because "Vanitas is attracted to Noé" is definitely not a major or certain thing.
That said, I do think you can make an argument for the idea.
For starters, let's go with the classic Vanoé bait panel: Vanitas's reaction to Noé's excitement over Paris.
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Vanitas is at his most performative in the early chapters of VnC, and though he does sometimes act borderline flirtatious (like when he gets up in Noé's personal space to poke him in the chest), I'm not inclined to give those moments actual weight. It's all too much a part of Vanitas's act to be good evidence for real feelings of attraction.
However, in this particular scene, that argument doesn't hold. Vanitas will play up his flirty persona in order to change the subject when he gets uncomfortable, but there's no reason for him to do that here. There's no need for him to change the subject, and Noé's not paying him any attention. His expression here is just his genuine reaction, not part of a performance made to influence Noé, and it's such a fond reaction!
Vanitas has only just met Noé, but here he is so softly entertained by Noé's glee. It speaks to an immediate draw to and enjoyment of Noé on Vanitas's part, and that doesn't have to mean romantic attraction, but it certainly fits well with that argument. Noé is extremely cute here, and Vanitas likes that about him. Make of that what you will.
Even more than that scene, though I think the most explicit moment of Vanitas's attraction is one of his reactions in the bell tower.
In the middle of Noé's speech to Vanitas in chapter 11, he smiles at him properly for the first time. This is also when we the audience first see Noé smile for the outside of a flashback, so you know that that moment is important both for Noé and to Mochijun. And it also makes quite an impact on Vanitas.
Noé tells Vanitas that he wants to stick with him and see out his "salvation" mission, and then there's an extra beat, a panel for just Noé's smile, and only then do we see Vanitas's reaction to all this.
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He's so struck! Noé has a huge effect on Vanitas in this moment, even before he's finished his whole speech. His words have a big part of it, of course they do, but the way the page is paced (with an extra, albeit cropped panel for that smile) makes me think that Noé's appearance itself is also pretty key for provoking that reaction. If the way Noé looks while smiling didn't need extra emphasis, Mochijun could've given him the smile in the panel above these where he's speaking, rather than give it its own shot.
Noé looks at Vanitas like this for the first time, and Vanitas's eyes go wide with awe. Because Noé is a goddamned vision. It's even more apparent in the animated version, because the animators weren't bound by paneling constraints and could show us Noé's whole face.
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I have had irl lesbian friends tell me how attractive they find Noé in this moment lmao. He's just pretty. So I don't think it's unreasonable to say that Vanitas, in this moment, is affected by how pretty Noé is. Absolutely anyone would be.
It isn't irrefutable proof that he's in love with or generally lusting after the guy, but it is a good argument for a moment of appearance-based attraction, which is something we haven't really seen from Noé toward Vanitas. (We've had Noé staring at him in awe when he does his Book stuff, but never an "oh shit he's hot" moment like this one).
There might be other small moments as well, but these are just the two big ones that I can remember with out combing back through the manga in detail. And though there's no certainty here, these are a pair of scenes that can be read as Vanitas being very struck by Noé's appearance in a way that I don't think we've gotten in reverse.
Any positive number is still more than zero, lmao.
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CFWC's Writer of the Month:
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is CFWC's very own, @lucy-268! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog: lucy-268 Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
During the COVID quarantine in 2020. I played Bloodbound and Bloodbound 2. Then High School Story. I finally got tired of PB/Choices asking me if I wanted to try Open Heart.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
Because Facebook keeps track of things you search for, it asked me if I wanted to join a Choices group. There was a post about Open Heart fanfics on Tumblr. So I dusted off my old Tumblr account.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
I am a cat person, but Lucy was the best dog ever. She was my Mom’s dog that mom brought with her when I moved here from PA to VA to save me from having to drive back home every other weekend. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
I am an introvert. A lot of people around me overwhelm me and I had an aunt who always made comments like, glad you decided to join us. Similar to this post.
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
For choices, since 2020. In a previous life, I wrote Harry Potter fics. I wrote Hinny stories that are still available on fanfiction.net and Livejournal. But with few exceptions I won’t tell anyone the username I used then. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Open Heart.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were writing it today?
This is the first fic I posted. I had an HC for Charley’s backstory and the brother she was close to, along with some of the brother’s friends. I think I brought the friend back in one other fic. At one point, I thought about bringing him in as an LI for Sienna. I would probably change it.
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I Would Not Change a Thing. It’s personal to me because I know a couple of people who have semi colon tattoos. After I posted the fic, someone who has since left the fandom shared with me that she got the same tattoo that I gave Charley.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but found could use a little more love?
My first one was well received. The fandom was more robust then, and I felt welcomed into the community.
I think some of my Tobias/Samantha fics are better than others I’ve written, but because of the size of the fandom and the pairing (not Ethan), they aren’t well-read.
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
I don’t often write smut, so we can eliminate that. I generally get more ideas for fluff, but I'd hate to not be able to write angst when the mood strikes.
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Yes, There are a few pieces of Charley, Samantha, and especially Maggie (I even used my grandmother’s name there). Even a little bit of Emma from TNA.
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
The ideas for fics. And dialogue. And time.
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Did you look in my google docs folder? I have about 100 docs in there. Some are saved in files labeled Sunday Six that I need to go through and pull ideas from save fics together. I have three artworks I either commissioned or won that I need to write fics for, including a cat T/S adopted, a winter fic for T/S, and E/C’s wedding.
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? 
They aren’t active in the Choices fandom much, but two who were very welcoming to me when I started writing were @openheart12 (who asked to be tagged even though she had never read anything I wrote!) and @anothermansjeans (formerly oofchoices), who did some of my first moodboards. Thank you both for the kindness you showed me.
@jamespotterthefirst - Your fics were some of the first I read, and I was so happy when you started to read my works. You are a true friend, and I feel blessed to have you in my my life.
@jerzwriter -  You are my go-to person when I need someone to talk to. I love your ideas, and I wouldn’t want to run CFWC with anyone else.
@genevievemd - You always find the best David Gandy photos. I admire your dedication to completing two series of Smiles. And did it daily.
@liaromancewriter - You are always willing to help with everything. Your Ethan x Cassie is great, but I love Maxenna. (And I still need to finish your original!)
@potionsprefect - I love Victoria as an MC. I admire how you have developed the personalities of your twins (and I’m jealous that I don’t think I have accomplished that yet.
@bex-la-get - It took me a while to find you, and I miss you now that you are on a hiatus. But I love your bookstagram accounts. I can’t forget to mention your cat videos of Percy and Odin.
@danijimenezv - Thank you for giving me the story idea for I Scream, You Scream. Thank you for sharing your stories of your vet internship.
@writer-ish - You always pop up with just the perfect comment or gif. I just wish you’d do it more often.
@a-crepusculo - Another fellow cat person. One of my favorite fics is your When It Rains. I love the idea of Ethan being free enough to stop and dance in the rain.
@storyofmychoices - Thank you for all you do for the fandom in general. Your writing inspired me to read both Mother of the Year and Save the Date.
@burnsoslow - See the above comment. Your Drake and Alyssa inspired me to read The Royal Romance, at least the first one. I was avoiding it because Choices kept trying to make me read it. I miss wackydrabbles, even though there are plenty of fic prompts around.
I am sure there are so many others I should mention, and I’m sorry for anyone I forgot.
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would not change a thing; see question 8 above.
17- Do you write original fiction? 
I have some stories started.
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
Reading, cooking, baking, and playing with my cats.
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
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pixiewritesstuff · 1 month
This is probably going to be a long ask I'm sorry 😭
I got into Undertale and the AUs when I was like nine I think and I'm like thirteen now and sans aus have been such a huge comfort to me!
I discovered your tiktok account around a year ago and you inspired me so much immediately! Your characters were so cool - Smudge was the first one I saw.
Sadly I stopped watching your account for a long time because I deleted my tiktok account but I remembered you a couple of weeks ago and was like GAHH I HAVE TO FOLLOW PIXIE!
I have been at a low - girl I'm like Ink, I have such a fear of being forgotten- I want to make an impact in this fandom and I thought I couldn't but then I was like 'wait...' and you've given me inspiration to make a blog called askbittersweet!
Maybe I won't get asks, but you gave me the inspiration and confidence to and you're just so important to me!
this was supposed to sound so much cooler but my words failed.....
also your art style is so pleasing lol! I had a lucid dream where I had your artstyle it was kinda weird but it was cool n stuff (jeez lousus i'm bad at talking)
Awww thank you!! I got into the Undertale AUs when I was about 11/12 and now I'm turning 19 in a few hours, so I definitely relate to that sense of comfort!
And thank you for your support. :3 I've been working every day to give everyone content they can like. I love this community and honestly it's my honour to be giving everyone content that they enjoyed. Secret be told, I didn't think anyone would like my work considering my writing isn't all fluff and sunshine, but I was completely blown out of the water with support and love from such amazing individuals. I've met and made friends with so many amazing individuals, each fan interaction I have makes my absolute week because there is nothing I love more than cooking up content.
I wish you luck on your own content journey! As long as you have a passion for what you do? There is only one way for you to go and that's up. Since I'm feeling nice today, I'll give you a few tips ٩( ᐛ )و
★ Use what's trending to your advantage -
Tik tok, Tumblr, Twitter/X all follow an algorithm of sorts, if you see bunch of videos following the same pattern... Take the leap! Make sure to add your own spin on it, not only will that help you stand out but copying others makes a story so bland, bleh!
★ Be brave, be confident -
I know putting yourself out there can be scary, it's literally throwing yourself on a stage and slowly building an audience hoping you'll attract your kind of people. But you'll never get anywhere if you stand around timidly and be too scared of that attention. Sell yourself, be brave, what makes you different from everyone else? What makes you special? What makes your amazing work so amazing? What can you do to bring something different to this multi verse?
(For me? I can bring adorable characters with a horror aspect, but what makes me different? There's no one quite like our lovely princess Smudge, is there?)
★ Don't be afraid of interacting with people but withstand your boundaries.
Unless those people are total dickwads and have no life, making interactions with people is a great place to start. You'll build a solid support system, people who aren't just interested in your stories but genuinely want to see you thrive! Little side note- don't let people stand on you either. I've had many a time where people thought they could push my boundaries and got kicked to the curb. Don't be a door mat, how will anyone respect your characters if they don't respect their creator?
★ Last but certainly not least - believe in yourself!
Okay, this one is a little corny and I know what you're probably thinking. 'But Pixie, I have low self confidence and esteem. Being confident doesn't come naturally.' And I'm super sorry to hear that. You're a wonderful person with flaws, but those flaws don't undermind your best traits one bit. If you don't believe in it, believe in us to believe in you. Would there be hundreds of people lying to your face? Really? No. There would be some merit behind their words, right? I faked it till I made it. Now? I have the ability to trust my own talent. I find love in my work and in my characters. I can only hope you do too, you can do amazing things if you set your mind to it. That's something I live by.
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afniel · 1 year
Yo hi there? I’m hoping you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it 😞 Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cat? Its on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it as we badly need help because there’s some kind of a rash on her mouth and im so so worried 😭😭 Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please and have good day! 😭🙏🙏🐈
So here's a real common likely scam. Account seems legit at first glance, name makes sense, contents are thematically related, seems like it all checks out. Except as of the time of this reply, this account is a whole 11 hours old, and the only personal posts they've made are asking for money for this cat that might or might not exist.
I'll allow that reverse image search didn't pull up any identical cat photos, but the single photo they supplied doesn't show any kind of oral lesions, or indeed anything specifically wrong with the cat at all. It's just a cat photo. Cute, but not credible.
Asking to only reply privately about what seems to be a public fundraiser is a huge red flag also. Normally if someone asks that, you do it, right? That's been considered Tumblr good manners since the site's inception. However it's shady to go around sending copypasta asks to strangers for money and then essentially asking them to not blow your cover.
The link in their post not only uses PayPal and not something more reputable for fundraising, but it specifically asks you to send it as friends and family to avoid them taking a cut. This also handily avoids almost all of PayPal's built-in scam protection and refund systems.
Checking their pinned post also reveals that someone's already pointed out that it's likely a scam and they didn't even refute it, when it would have been super easy to go, "Sorry it sounded sketchy, here's more detail."
And even if this is still somehow real despite entirely failing the sniff test, and there really is an 11-hour-old account with a sick cat, no pictures of what sounds like it should be a visible ailment, no idea that GoFundMe exists, and parroting an extremely common scam (and let's be real here, I don't believe that to be the case for one moment)...
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Don't fucking prey on strangers with this. That's not what we're here for. Like I'm flattered that you think my following is large enough to contain a few suckers but get the fuck on outta here, buddy.
I'm off to report and block this person now and you should do the same.
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