#I’m absolutely blown away. this episode was fantastic
skotiwolves · 3 months
Tbb ep5 spoilers
“They’re happy you’re back.” “And so are we.”
“Omega trusts him. That’s good enough for me.”
“We’re finally together and you want to split us up?” “We just got you back. I am not going to risk you getting captured again.”
“Don’t hold it against him. He’s only worried about you.”
“You’re capable, but you are still a kid.” “I’m older than you, little brother.
“I said talk to him, not argue with him.” “He started it.”
“I killed an imperial officer. So yes, I did betray them, after they betrayed me. Oh don’t pretend like this is all about me. I tried to warn you hunter. I risked everything to send you that message. You ignored it. You let omega be taken to tantiss. She went through what she did because you failed. You’re angry because she escaped with my help and not yours.”
“Not alone. We’ll do it together.” “You sure about that?”
“Hunter, i… I thought I knew what I was getting into with the empire. I thought I was being a good soldier.”
“Nobody really understood what was happening bakc then”
“I’ve done things. I’ve made mistakes”
“I have regrets too crosshair. All we can do is keep trying to do better. And who knows? There just might be hope for us yet.”
mind if i just
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Hello, just wanted to say that I’m excited to be participating in this year’s fest. I’ve read some of the stories and I’m amazed at how unique each one are. I hope to not disappoint since these stories are truly amazing.
Also, I wanted to know how do you come up with assigning the songs? Is it random or do you “think” of a song that could work perfectly with the pairing?
We're so happy to have you, and will be here to cheer you on when you finish your work no matter what—at the end of the day, you've written a whole fic! About HP characters! Using Taylor Swift lyrics as inspiration! That's what we're all about, so we're genuinely delighted by each submission we get—regardless of the length, pairing, or album. :)
We've said this before (in our personal chats, and in a recent podcast episode lol), but truly one of the best parts of running this fest has been seeing the unique and absolutely brilliant ways that folks interpret their song prompts.
We intentionally didn't restrict the fest to a specific ""era"" (no pun intended) of HP characters because we wanted to make it open to as many people as were interested, and each year we've been blown away by the stories that contain the characters we usually read/write about AND the stories that contain pairings we've never considered before. It's no surprise to us—you're all fantastic, creative people—but it's been so neat to see/read the different ways each participant interprets the lyrics, the tone, or the ~vibe~ of each song and turns it into a doubly transformative work of art.
As for the songs themselves—as much as us picking songs ourselves would be fun...we use a fun randomized wheel hahaha.
In our first year, we wanted to try and randomize it as much as possible, so we literally put all 200+ songs that she'd released into a random generator and spun the wheel every time we had someone message us asking for a prompt.
After receiving feedback from participants—friends and strangers alike—we realized that we could offer up a bit more structure by dividing it into paired up albums (an especially convenient solution when Taylor had announced her Eras Tour, too) and giving folks about a 50/50 chance of getting a song from an album they loved/were more familiar with than others.
that said...this year's song assignments have been EXCELLENT all the way across and honestly...we couldn't have picked them this well if we tried
we do still have a bit of beef with our 1989/evermore wheel for practically clearing out 1989 before getting half-way through evermore though. she took after miss swift on ignoring evermore there lol
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 4: the fashionista caper
Liveblog for @csweekly
I’d like to start off by saying how blown away I am that the writing team keeps each caper so unique and fresh in a formulaic series. It’s one of my favorite things. I never once find myself truly bored with this show even watching it so many times.
Player….making a My Big Fat Greek Wedding reference? Out of anything they could start the episode with. Not sure what to make of that one besides cultural osmosis. It’s a little before his time.
Love Dash Haber as a villain. Capers not boring and neither are the operatives.
Lol the Cleaners just stop. Don’t react. Move on. Not dramatic enough for their viewing pleasure.
Is this when we get to say “no capes”?
Ever since Paper Star clipped Carmen’s hat once, Carmen is able to save it every time.
Tug of war over the hat is so funny to me.
Carmen doesn’t win all the time. Keeps things interesting.
You know, since it’s coming from Carmen, I legitimately can’t decide if she’s being overtly satirical, or if Coach Brunt actually does knit as a hobby. …no. No way Brunt has the patience. Carmen’s just mad.
APOCALYPSE. One of my favorite Zack moments.
Ahh the home base conversation. Equal parts touching and even mORE guilt wrenching for Shadowsan to hear. “If only I knew more about my past..” If only we could see his face when she says that line.
“The only thread I could pull…” Player making puns literally in his sleep at this point.
Shadowsan filling in Fashion Fest and the team’s REACTION to it. And then just his “Countess Cleo always took an interest.”
Cleo backstory!!! At least a basic one. Just makes me yearn for more. I get the feeling we would have gotten a lot of criminal backstories if we’d had more seasons.
Cookie! I’m glad they had her back for a full caper. Really tho, Carmen totally got her entire look from her LOL. There’s not as much ode to 90s Carmen in this episode through her than the laying it on thick they did in the first. I can’t decide if I like that or I’m disappointed there’s not more. Because in this caper she’s her own thing.
Zack is ALREADY including Shadowsan as dad please I’m so emotional about those two and what it says between the lines of Zack and Ivy’s past. This boy LATCHED onto the first male adult he was allowed to and said “we are going to bond”.
Julia it should be illegal to be this adorable.
Yeah. Different capers like I talked about in the opening paragraph. Going after 16th century gowns. This is a homage to older CS. Always the caper is something historical and unique rather than simply money or jewelry. Keeps the vibe from older iterations.
Also. Again. This entire episode foreshadows the dark red arc, everything leads to it. Brainwashing Carmen was ALWAYS on the table.
Oops. Sorry Zari (Stockholm is totally revenge for this moment)
Ahh and the beginnings of trusting Julia. Carmen’s got her pegged completely. Knows her heart is in it for history, and that whatever act she’s putting on isn’t really her. All that she could glean from their first and only interaction in India. Carmen almost ALMOST knocks her out like Zari, but ever the quick thinker, Carmen takes a chance with the knowledge she’s been given. She’s done the math and needs one more person.
Although I absolutely would have roared if Shadowsan got up on that stage.
The runway scene. Fantastic. And really you get a feel that this is actually the beginning of Julia’s arc in gaining confidence in herself. She already sticks up for herself, but this scene is what cements that 1. Carmen is not the bad guy 2 if she can get on that runway, she can stick her neck out with confidence for what she believes in. She doesn’t waver after this.
Also color theory. Carmen gives her her hat. Julia’s red shirt is gone but Carmen gives her this lifeline of friendship. Literally by verbally putting her in charge she’s telling Julia that she trusts her and wants to let her in on what the team is doing.
Ivy and Zack PLEASE. I love you enough already. You don’t have to go so hard on the runway.
It’s kinda cool how the models still walk like models in between the fighting.
Shadowsan’s strength is literally terrifying
LOL her eyebrow of incredulity to “which modeling agency are you with”
“Hackers can wear white hats after Labor Day” my gosh I love their banter. Everything is building up to Player’s s4 zinger of all time.
This hq idea is SO clever. Literally hiding in plain sight. The most home that Carmen can get right now. It’s my favorite thing.
“Zack got to have gelato and pizza” I love this family.
Huh I wonder if some or most of those silhouettes are based off of older iterations of ViLE operatives.
Such a solid and fun episode.
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imogenkol · 2 years
being glued to the screen and absolutely blown away by yet another week of fantastic television while watching the new episode of Andor but also being like
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Babes I’m STRESSED I need to know how she is doing why are y’all making me wait at least another week???
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cowboyshit · 2 years
meeting thunder rosa this weekend was so freaking cool. she’s seriously awesome and super nice (and also hilarious - we had a drunken idiot jump the barricade and she literally took off her shoe and was about to beat his ass with it before other people detained him) I was kinda bummed I was too anxietal to ask her to take a picture with me, but it was still awesome spending the day with her and getting to work alongside her. also, her son was on the card and wrestled a good friend of mine (abigail warren - keep an eye out for her cause she’s seriously SO GOOD, I’m pretty sure she’ll be getting some big gigs here soon) and he was the kindest boy I’ve ever met. he was still pretty green (I think they’d said he’d only ever had like 5 matches or so) but he still did fantastic. theres no WAY he’s not making it in this business.
overall it was a seriously cool experience this weekend and I’m still a little blown away that everything lined up to get me this gig. we have another show coming up the week after next and I’m not sure what’s after that, but eventually I think we’ll get back to filming weekly episodes and I know the owner is really hopeful that we can expand the company’s reach further up and down california. I know I’ve said it before, but coming fresh off of working my first event I’m still just in absolute shock that I’m literally doing what had been a pipe dream for me to do in the wrestling world. it’s just… crazy. I’ve been in a really awful depressive pit the last few months and while this didn’t magically pull me free, I can’t wait for when I finally can crawl out of it and look back at these moments and really let it sink in how awesome this all is.
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abbysfrenchbraid · 1 year
ok now that we’re all here please lmk your opinions on ep. 1 and predictions for the show!!!
my thoughts below
Holy fuck the nods to the game were amazing. The curtain flowing in the first scene, the film they’re watching, the watch, the birthday card, the shaky backseat cam, then their outfits and the area outside the qz
I absolutely adored the new elements: the slow burn prelude had me wringing my hands for 20 minutes, the TENDRILS HOLY FUCK, the smuggling system Joel has set up, Joel and Marlene!!!
Bella Ramsey is fantastic as Ellie and had me worried about the accent switch for nothing! I’m absolutely blown away
I don’t think we’ll see abby this season but I suspect the last episode will be the hospital and we will see Jerry Anderson as a much bigger character to establish the sequel
Lesbian backstory incoming!!
Ive already seen people who haven’t played the game talk shit about ellie and how they find her annoying… fucking excuse me?!
Marlene 🧎🏻‍♀️
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fredseibertdotcom · 11 months
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Larry Huber, official Oh Yeah! Cartoons portrait, 1998
Larry Huber.
Starting out in the cartoon business at 40 years old was pretty daunting. I had worked on some very short form animation in my previous lives, but cartoons? Completely different. Characters, layouts, storyboards, voice acting... A whole new world. When I first met with Hanna-Barbera’s senior staff –veterans all– I told them the truth. 
“I watched, and loved, cartoons as a kid. I don’t know much about making them. But, the good news is that you do. So I’ll listen to you about what we ought to do.”
At least, I thought it was good news. But honestly, pretty much only Larry Huber stepped up to help. And he’s been stepping up in my cartoon life ever since.
Larry’s a complete pro. He came to Los Angeles and studio art and animation, started in the business in the early 70s. He knows everything about the actual making of cartoons, which is great. But, better yet, he’s got great judgement, and though he would like to convince some people that he’s a curmudgeon, he’s one of the most caring and generous professional a newby, or a professional, could have as a colleague.
And that’s what he’s been for me. Actually, and more importantly, it’s what Larry has been for dozens of folks who made short films and series at my productions. Starting as the supervising producer on What A Cartoon! (he even designed the opening titles), coming on as my co-executive producer on Oh Yeah! Cartoons and Random! Cartoons, and continuing to help filmmakers on individual shorts at Too Cool! Cartoons and GO! Cartoons, and series spin-offs like Bravest Warriors and Bee and PuppyCat.
Larry’s got the obvious skill set –art, animation, storyboarding, directing, producing– but, I have to say what’s always blown me away is his instinct for filmmaking story. Obviously, there are a lot of ways to tell a story, whether it’s a short story or a novel. But, a film story has it’s own logic. And honestly, Larry is one of the few people I’ve met over the years that really gets it. I’m jealous, because I don’t really. At least, not like Larry.
And wow, what a mentor. My instinct for years has been that if you can pair a veteran professional, with the right first time wanna-be, usually young, professional, the results could be spectacular. Larry is the absolute proof. From Donovan Cook/2 Stupid Dogs, Genndy Tartakovsky/Dexter’s Laboratory, Craig McCraken/The Powerpuff Girls, Butch Hartman on all the shorts he did that led to The Fairly OddParents, Rob Renzetti/My Life as a Teenage Robot, Pendleton Ward/Adventure Time... I could write a whole post on just the young’uns he’s mentored. Including me (though I’m only a few minutes younger than him), I didn’t even know what a layout was before Larry filled me in.
With all the help he’s given others, it would remiss of me not to mention Larry’s co-creation, with Bill Burnett, of the fantastic ChalkZone, his series that ran on Nickelodeon for 40 episodes in the 2000s.
OK, I’ll spare you on the warm person that Larry is, a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, collector of HO trains and a cowboy and Civil War fan/scholar.
To me, Larry Huber made my professional life worth it. Thanks bud!
I’ve posted often about my mentors, the people I’ve learned the most from. And I’ve noted how often how many of them beg to differ as to whether or not I should credit them as such. So, I’ve calmed down in my titling. But still…
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Larry Huber illustration by David Feiss
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
Well this episode definitely made it clear Jiwoo is still in love with Seojoon but I’m still so desperate to know WHY he left. Like I know it’ll be revealed at some point but I’m inpatient!! I feel so sad for Seojoon and want to flick Jiwoo on the forehead lol.
Other observations: Seojoon is fighting hard to take the crown for king of pettiness away from Jaeyoung. The whole sequence of Seojoon sleeping peacefully bc he’s near Jiwoo again while Jiwoo can’t sleep because Seojoon is there was probably my favorite of this season, I think it said a lot about both of them! Also loved the scene of Jiwoo searching up stuff about Seojoon, I need to know if he was doing it because he’s wondering how Seojoon is able to come to the village constantly or if he’s just been keeping tabs on Seojoon since he left (maybe connected to why Jiwoo left?). This season also feels like it’s meant to be like a full blown kdrama with the other characters and such while other Kbls have generally felt more constricted to just the main romance plot because of their length, I don’t mind it! Finally, I never even back when I watched WYEL that’d we’d ever get a scene in a Kbl like this one where one character sucks the blood off another guy’s lip and it literally shows the blood on his mouth after that was wild lmao, Jiwoo really does have a habit I guess. Kangmin and Woohyeon’s chemistry is fantastic as well. I’m always shocked when I remember Kangmin is only 23, I think it’s clear Jiwoo is older and it’s not often actors play characters older than themselves and he does it so well, it’s really impressive!
Also next week seems to be the week Seojoon yells at Jiwoo based on their outfits in the episode preview and season trailer lol. I’m ready for it, Seojoon deserves to get his frustration out at this point!
he might still be in love but why not say it with words then?? and explain some stuff while you're at it fjkgfd. At this point I just want seojoon to slap him in the face once and very hard, even though the one who's more likely to do so is Yoo Ha lol. I sure hope some sort of explosion from seojoon happens next week though. Even if it’s just yelling. But something needs to happen asap. 
I’m also super curious about the part where Jiwoo looks up stuff about him though! I hope this has somewhat something remotely to do with his disappearance but we can only hope. But I feel like that was an important moment. 
You’re right when you say this feels more like a legit kdrama since most bls take place in a more trivial space, but I generally like that. However I sometimes do kind of miss the simplicity of season 1 lol and by that I don’t mean the number of characters or sideplots but just the smaller and simpler setting you know. I don’t know. this season sometimes feels like it wants to be bigger than it needs to be. 
I don’t have a lot of memories of wyel but was there a scene with blood like that too? tbh I never even noticed that there was blood on seojoon’s lip until I saw someone talk about it on twitter lmao. idk what that says about jiwoo but,,,,,,,,,, 🧛‍♂️🧛‍♂️
Their chemistry is good but as I said before, KM’s acting is not getting to me this season. Maybe that’ll change at some point. But right now he’s giving me absolutely nothing. I do agree about the age gap though! It’s interesting how it’s reversed in the show. 
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soul-wanderer · 1 year
06x14//Get It All Out - weekly recap
I’ll try to keep this a general recap and make separate posts for more in depth musings about certain topics on the show
- I am still loving those team bonding moments, even if they’re small
- I don’t even want to talk about this extremely stupid concussion storyline, because it was so comically bad, but here we are. Who thought they could get away with ten repetitions of “oh, Jack, are you okay?” without anyone doing anything, despite it being clear that he was, well, not okay? That was just ridiculous. And I’m annoyed he didn’t admit right away that he was responsible for the fire. Could have saved especially Andy a lot of trouble.
- Maya’s and Carina’s “first date” - was it kitschy? Absolutely. Which means it’s totally not my thing, but it was still cute, so I’ll allow it, especially because of Andy aptly pointing out how weird it was, and she was all around funny and cute about it
- Vic, the keeper of secrets. Still my favourite trope, hands down. Especially because this one had a good end, but it’s always extremely funny how she handles knowing things. Like trying to convince Andy that Eli wasn’t her type after all - that was such a pure Vic scene, and we deserve more of that, just like her listening to Travis rant and telling him that Eli has been dating Andy. Also, Vic calming Travis down and telling him to follow his own agenda - that was fantastic too.
- In general, I loved how Andy didn’t blame Travis and how Travis reassured her that he’d never do that to her. They could have gone full-blown drama but focused on their friendship instead, and it’s just what we need
- PSA: Married people are allowed to have friends that are the same gender as their partner. Carina was open about it, too, and I’m glad Maya accepted her explanation instead of giving in to her jealousy.
- Maya talking to Carina about the pictures and then going to Andy to talk to her about what to do. It shows Maya’s growth but also shows Maya supporting Andy AND most importantly it shows the moment Andy truly, fully realizes that Sullivan is not a good guy. I LOVED her anger. I LOVED her raw emotions. And I loved that Maya was just there for her. They can be reasonable about this later, but for now Andy just needs to be allowed to be angry and feel betrayed.
- Sullivan and Ross deserve their separate post, so I’ll keep it at “fuck Sullivan and his ego and his childish behaviour and everything he has done and keeps doing to the women on this show”. Ross deserves better. So much better than that.
- Same with Theo. He is clearly trying and sure he is trying too hard, but so did Maya when she was captain and the team still managed to forgive her and Maya still managed to relax and Theo deserves the chance, too. Which brings us to one of my favourite quotes and moments of the episode, with Travis being a freaking brilliant friend and telling Theo “No, you're not [screwing it up]. You're figuring it out. There's a big difference. You got this, man. You're a great firefighter. I'm proud to call you my captain.” which means a lot, coming from Travis, after everything they have been through in their friendship.
- Eli. Oh man, Eli. So he probably did not come from Dixon, but goodness knows he might go to him with all the intel he has now. I hope to be terribly wrong about this, but that would be one way to shut down 19 - and end the show if they have to. Needless to say, we are all NOT ready for that season finale. This is fine. Truly fine. Just fine.
- the garbage truck fire. Brilliant. Absolutely needed that comedic relief, especially with Andy’s remark and response to it
All in all it was a pretty brilliant episode, so kudos to the writers for giving us a balanced episode that had it all - even if they overdid it with the Jack storyline
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lem-cup-rev · 2 years
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ID: INVADED (2019)
- some spoilers for early episodes -
Do you want to hear me gush? I’m going to gush in this one.
I was absolutely blown away practically from start to finish. In terms of cerebral thriller anime, this is almost definitely the most interesting thing I’ve ever seen.
The very beginning puts us in a simple, abstract scenario. It says, “this is a story about solving a puzzle.”
Then it unfolds a little more. In this procedural, our detective explores a dreamlike subconscious in a dreamlike state of mind. The team, meanwhile, observes his interaction with the dreamscape to draw deductions about real-world crimes. Upon understanding this premise, I fell in love instantly.
Frankly, the puzzles and deductions frequently lost me. A lot of times, I wasn’t sure it quite made sense. And yet it always did a fantastic job of bringing me back in. The stakes for the characters are really clear, and after a little bit I would start to have ‘aha’s about the last plot twist and what it meant. I had so many moments of pure amazement at the way the sci-fi and psychological elements came into view from a brand new angle that totally clicked, or the way established characters and rules came back with brand new relevance that made complete sense. Ultimately, the whole trajectory of the series felt like a really successful building of a twisting, speculative mystery story that knew what it wanted to be and had so much thought and creativity put into it.
The main characters are incredibly interesting and endearing, which was constantly a thrilling surprise given how grim the story is.
Narisago is a fascinating dual figure: when exploring the subconscious, he’s a carefree, charming detective. When he wakes back up, the weight of his personal tragedies and the violence he’s committed comes rushing back to crush him. I find him thrilling to watch like a running drill bouncing around on a table. His grimy dangerousness is palpable, yet his tender heart is painfully clear to us as well.
Hondomachi is a young field agent who begins to show an eerie aptitude for the darker parts of the job. One aspect of her design is extremely funny: I initially imagined she was supposed to be about 16, sort of averaging together the fact that she’s a police officer with the fact that she looks 12. She’s supposed to be like 26. But besides her being a cutie, I love her character quite a bit. She’s extremely good-hearted and sincere, and yet we immediately see her do things and react to things in small ways that offput and frighten other characters, until she’s confronted with the idea that there’s something genuinely wrong with her. Watching her navigate the different sides of herself is such a uniquely sweet and creepy experience.
The show has a really surprising sense of humor that comes out when you least expect it. The characters will be goofy and joke like real people in bizarre situations, and it creates this absolutely delicious feeling of naturalism. The range the writing has between horror, grit, and humor is just unique.
The series’ obsession is serial killers, and its excavation of the subject is so interesting. I think it kind of takes modern knowledge about the patterns and motivations of serial killers, and expands on it to create its own personal mythos, this in-story logic about the nature of “the drive to kill” and what it means about your brain if you are a killer.
The animation is wonderful. During more static scenes the art feels serviceable and efficient; but as soon as there’s more movement, the animation kicks straight into gear and conveys it with flawless realism and charm. And that goes both for fantastical action sequences and for small moments of mundane, characterful movement.
There’s honestly more I could say, but if you want a thick little pitch packet for why you should watch the show, there it is. God, what a bizarre masterpiece.
Anyway it’s basically Inception
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beierxu08 · 2 years
Gallowsfiction Cultivation Chat Group - Chapter 1449 - Strongest Spiritual Emperor guarded strap recommend-p1
Awesomefiction fiction - Chapter 1449 - Strongest Spiritual Emperor cooperative listen reading-p1
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Novel-Cultivation Chat Group-Cultivation Chat Group Chapter 1449 - Strongest Spiritual Emperor rampant unwieldy Whenever it came to working with strength attacks, Tune Shuhang enjoyed a very powerful natural competency because of this, the demonic process ‘strong tooth enamel and excellent appet.i.te’. With this proficiency, he could take the vitality episode, and return it towards the attacker at 2x its power. The Opium Monopoly “If there is not any other way, I will just use my best expertise.” Piece of music Shuhang stretched out his hand and introduced the precious saber Cracked Tyrant ahead of positioning Elderly Bright along with it. Light came out of not anywhere, and Melody Shuhang couldn’t keep away from it. Tune Shuhang stated, “Absolutely.” “Benefactor has these kinds of terrifying martial skills. Is Benefactor a human body tempering pract.i.tioner?” the ape reported. “Regardless, since I’m not your rival in special deal with, then this upcoming episode will likely be my ultimate episode!” what is the bruce in robert the bruce Am I under the Celebrities Temple? In a covered location? Song Shuhang imagined. Was it his bloodstream that created a modification of the violet light, contributing to him slipping down here? Within the next occasion, Song Shuhang noticed the landscapes around him transform. Since the mild swept across his entire body, Melody Shuhang experienced a familiarized feeling—this light was much like the certainly one of that crystal pillar that evaluated a pract.i.tioner’s age for the Immortal Feast. “Guide you? Are we likely to beat?” Track Shuhang looked at the bald ape. The saber motive armor taken care of his system, shielding him completely. Dropped? He was mainly wondering about Mature White’s replicate, as well as scenario where he experienced made use of his key body as a hosting weapon. Will be the struggle to be against an challenger whose kingdom is much like your own property? Track Shuhang thought to themself. “Clang!” As it spoke, it jumped up. Its limbs then flooded Piece of music Shuhang. Brave Men and Women The bald ape extended out its fretting hand and clenched its fist, smas.h.i.+ng it towards Melody Shuhang. If this fist was swung, the potency of the beast main in the body erupted. Its fist has become fantastic, and bursts of Buddhist sounds rang out. Tune Shuhang lifted his hands a bit and obstructed. Track Shuhang stayed noiseless, and that he searched up on the atmosphere. Even so, he immediately provided on the thought of by using this skill. Do the runes in the undetectable holding chamber have a identical perform towards the illusory truth? Piece of music Shuhang responded, “Hmm… I did find some facts. This temple is recognized as Personalities Temple, however i didn’t have any other information in it in addition. Seniors, have you heard of this temple well before?” Scarlet Paradise Sword replied, “Nope, never been told about it.” This brilliant ape had a feeling with the 5th Phase. Having said that, the aura on its body was still volatile, which resulted in it possessed also just inserted the 5th Step. A large pit ended up being blown on the gra.s.sland. Tune Shuhang’s arms have been crossed when he endured in the big pit. Baldness? “Honestly, your terrific bloodstream-making approach makes me sense scared anytime I look at it,” Senior citizen Scarlet Heaven Sword mentioned. Someone spurting out blood stream for no reason was simply too unusual. “But its results is impressive,” Song Shuhang claimed, chuckling. Afterward, he suddenly thought about a little something. “Right, I will have turned on the fumes manner just now. In that way, I wouldn’t need to spew out pretty much everything blood vessels.” Next, there were nothing else. This type of loss-searching for behaviour would normally create a character not long lasting many episode inside of a TV selection. the mysterious affair at styles chapter 1 summary “…” Song Shuhang. “I dropped,” the hairless ape stated. “Benefactor, it is possible to go on to the next problem.” That was an excellent ape which had converted to Buddhism. It was actually dressed in monk’s garments, so it shaving its top of your head wasn’t peculiar in anyway. release me novel pdf download Comprehensive darkness crammed his vision. Track Shuhang inwardly thought about, This feeling… Might it be a spatial process? Was there a concealed spatial development in the Superstars Temple? The White colored Dragon’s sound rang out. “Shuhang!” Scarlet Heaven Sword’s sound reported, “Not very good, he declined!” heaven shadow box “Honestly, your great blood vessels-having strategy tends to make me truly feel scared everytime I look at it,” Older Scarlet Paradise Sword claimed. A person spurting out blood stream for no reason at all was simply too unusual. “But its result is amazing,” Piece of music Shuhang claimed, chuckling. After that, he all of a sudden considered a little something. “Right, I ought to have excited the smoke method just now. Like this, I wouldn’t need to spew out all of this blood flow.” “Benefactor, remember to guide me.” Right after the bald ape went looking at Piece of music Shuhang, it clasped his arms collectively and bowed marginally-just like the sound that has come from the faint mild, this hairless ape’s tone of voice have also been automatically translated. “What ideal ability?” Older Scarlet Heaven Sword asked curiously even though drifting from the oxygen. Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 Given that the secret assessment strategy was used to acquire facts and clues regarding this ancient temple, he could properly look for the treasures rather than snooping around like a headless travel. It could be better yet if he may find the actual place of the treasures throughout the evaluation. In comparison with saber motive and sword motive, armor intention was a lot less popular. Nonetheless, once armor objective was condensed, it could be extremely effective.
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metalandmagi · 3 years
Spring 2021 Anime Worth Watching!
We made it through the absolute bombshell that was the winter 2021 anime season. But for anyone who wants something new to check out, here’s a list of just some of the anime coming out this spring BASED ON FIRST IMPRESSIONS! There can’t possibly be as much to watch as there was last season...right?
As always, I will put an * by all the shows that are on Crunchyroll. 
Here’s my list for the Winter 2021 season in case anyone wants to check that out. 
2020 Anime Worth Watching
2019 Anime Worth Watching
New Shows!
*Backflip!! (Bakuten!!): A sports anime revolving around a boy who joins his high school rhythmics gymnastics team after being blown away by their performance during a competition. It’s got every sports anime trope under the sun, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that as long as a show does it well. And boy does Backflip do it well. The main cast is just so dang charming, the animation is great, and I want to see this team succeed. Last season we had gay skateboarding, now we get gay backflips. 
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*Those Snow White Notes (Mashiro no Oto): A coming of age story about a shamisen player named Setsu Sawamura, who is trying to reignite his passion for the instrument after his grandfather (a renowned musician) died. When Sawamura moves to Tokyo, he finds his love for the shamisen growing after meeting a badass wannabe actress and her worthless boyfriend who happens to be in a band. The first episode packed an entire season’s worth of plot into 23 minutes, so I’m more curious than anything to see where the show goes from here. If nothing else, it has the most amazing shamisen music I’ve ever heard. It seems like it’s going to be a wild one. 
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Super Cub: Another coming of age anime, this time revolving around a high school girl who has her zest for life reinvigorated when she buys a Honda Super Cub motorcycle. This is not a “cute girls doing cute things” anime...at least not so far. The atmosphere is what makes this anime really stand out, especially the music/sound design and the use of color. The first episode reminded me more of Terror in Resonance than anything else. It’s engaging because it’s quiet. The only thing that puts a damper on it is the excessive use of 3D animation for the characters’ legs while they’re riding. I’d hope that a show about motorcycles and scooters would strive to make the act of riding...look better. I don’t know how I got so invested after one episode where the main character barely speaks, but here I am.
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*To Your Eternity (Fumetsu no Anata e): I honestly don’t even know where to begin with this one. Let’s just call it the atmospheric, episodic story of a magical orb that can turn into different things. It’s probably best to go into this one knowing as little as possible, but let it be said that it had one of the most depressing first episodes I’ve ever seen. Overall, the music is amazing, the setting is mysterious, the story is pretty unique, and if it ends up being a “traveling around a fantastical world” type of anime like Kino’s Journey, it could be amazing.
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The Way of the Househusband (Gokushufudou): Based on the hit comedy manga, this story follows the married life of a busy career woman named Miku and her husband, the infamous ex yakuza member known as Immortal Dragon Tatsu. It’s made in the style of the manga, which is to say...it’s mostly still panels where the only movement is the characters’ mouths, so there’s not much...animation in this anime. It’s a technique a few comedy anime use which can be good and add to the humor in the right circumstances...or just seem lazy. The manga’s art is definitely better, but the voice acting (in Japanese and English) is God tier. And if the style of the anime isn’t for you, the manga is amazing!
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*Tokyo Revengers: An action/drama about Takemichi Hanagaki, a pathetic loser who finds out that his old middle school girlfriend was killed by a Tokyo gang. Without warning, Takemichi finds himself 12 years in the past, with the task of saving his girlfriend. Which means having to infiltrate the gang and hopefully become important enough to save her somehow. So yes, like Erased but with more shonen elements. I’m super interested to see where the plot is going, because our protagonist is kind of a cry baby, but at least he’s appropriately horrified at his cringe worthy middle school delinquent personality. We can all relate. 
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*Let’s Make A Mug Too (Yakunara Mug Cup Mo): Cute girls making pottery. There’s a little more backstory to our main character than that, but that’s all anyone needs to know for now. I always appreciate slice of life shows where the girls aren’t just blobs of moe, (like Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater...another underrated show nobody watched). If you’re looking for a laid back slice of life with a surprising amount of heart to it, this is the show for you. And it’s only a half length show, so the episodes go by very quickly.
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*Higehiro: I’m not writing the full title, even if it does describe the plot. A “comedy” in which 26 year old salaryman Yoshida stumbles across a teenage girl who tries to seduce him into letting her stay the night with him. But since he understands the concept of basic human decency and also doesn’t want to go to prison, he takes her in and helps her get back on her feet after finding out she’s a runaway with no other options. I’m cautiously optimistic that this won’t turn into a creepy mess, because while there is fanservice, the plot seems like it’s going in the direction of teaching our resident runaway some self respect, instead of just shipping her with an adult man. I see a lot of potential here. I just hope there’s progressively less teenage sexualization as we go along. 
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*Joran: The Princess of Snow and Blood: A fantasy period drama that follows a group of assassins in an alternate timeline of 1930s Japan who are trying to prevent the fall of the government by eliminating the Kuchinawa, a terrorist group that’s trying to take over the country. Our main character Sawa has pledged her life to avenging the death of her family, who was murdered by the Kuchinawa. Also there’s like magical energy powers that turn people into superhumans or something. Just trust me, it’s cool as fuck. I don’t know what this anime is selling to me exactly, but I’m buying it.
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*86: A sci-fi drama, revolving around the people of the Republic of San Magnolia who are constantly being attacked by their neighboring country. To combat these attacks, the Republic created drones that are meant to be cannon fodder with no real casualties, since they aren’t piloted by people. But it’s an anime, so of course the big secret the government is keeping is that they’re actually piloted by a group of plucky young soldiers! I see a lot of potential in this. It could be just another ultimately disappointing sci-fi made by A-1 Pictures, but I like our protagonist Lena, and the squad itself shows a surprising amount of personality with just a few minutes of screentime so far. 
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Pretty Boy Detective Club (Bishounen Tanteidan): It’s Ouran High Middle School Host Detective Club...without the crossdressing (though I wouldn’t put it past them). All the boys are 100% extra and seem like airheads, but their hearts are in the right place. The gimmicks are funny, but there’s actually a surprising amount of heart behind it. So I’m here for it.
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Shadows House: A supernatural mystery/slice of life about a noble family of shadow people who are each given living dolls to basically be their servants. Even though we never see the nobles’ faces, each doll is the mirror image of their master. And despite this being branded as a slice of life, there’s definitely something intriguing beneath the cute characters. It’s just the right amount of creepy while also managing a surprising amount of wholesomeness (I guess Cloverworks is pretty good at that). If you want something weird, but not overtly sinister or horrific, this show is super different from anything I’ve seen before. 
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Continuing Series
Moriarty the Patriot (season2): A Sherlock Holmes inspired mystery, this time focusing on Moriarty and his family attempting to take down the class system in London by surreptitiously murdering or covering up the murders of corrupt nobles. Or at least, that’s how it starts. After a few annoyingly repetitive episodes of this formula, the show starts to delve into Sherlock’s side of the story, and we see the two become embroiled in their sneaky rivalry, which is much more interesting to watch. If you missed it the first time, I’d recommend it now, especially since resident boss bitch Irene Adler is going to play a key part in this season. 
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*Fruits Basket (The Final Season): I won’t stop talking about this show until it gets the love and recognition it deserves. It got me through quarantine. It watered my crops (with my tears) and cleared my skin. And if you love complex but still morally dubious villains, this season is going to be a treat. 
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*My Hero Academia (season 5): There’s five seasons of this dang show. You know it’s good by now. And we’re getting more of the sneaky chicken man!
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Honorable Mentions:
*It's Too Sick to Call this Love (Koikimo): Now, we don’t have time to unpack all that. I genuinely have never felt so conflicted about an anime...ever. Just watch it and see if it’s your kind of thing if you like slice of life “romances”. Also something is very wrong with the sound mixing and recording quality so be warned.
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Also, we’re getting a Shaman King remake and a new season of Hetalia in the year of our lord 2021. 
Hopefully there’s something on here that piques your interest if you’re looking for something new. I’m still recovering from last season, so I can’t watch everything, like the Reincarnated as a Slime spin off and Don’t Tease me Nagatoro (for anyone who wants some quality trash). Also I want the record to state that I did watch the first episodes of Odd Taxi and Vivy-Fluorite Eye’s Song, and they put me to sleep. But everyone else seems to love them. 
See you next season!
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ktinastrikesback · 3 years
Listen LISTEN bestie about your 2x04 post, you are absolutely onto something bc if there's one thing 9-1-1 doesn't have it's throwaway lines. I'm consistently blown away by how overall TIGHT they keep the narrative. There are certain waypoint episodes (stuck, buck actually, what's next, future tense, Jinx, Parenthood)—and by the way i would LoVe your opinion on those—that I feel pave the way for the characters in purely subtextual ways (some of which as you've pointed out turned out to be true!) So yeah, what am I saying? Who knows, but the writers are absolutely insane, they make me feral.
Hi @kitkatpancakestack! First of all, your comments on my posts always make my day...thanks for supporting all of my crazy thoughts lol! Thanks for the ask, here's my long ramble for you😜:
Listen...I'm not quite sure I've watched any other shows that foreshadow so blatantly? The only other I can think of is This Is Us...which like...the whole point of the show is foreshadowing and hinting and interweaving different storylines. Is 9-1-1 as complex? No, but it's close enough! I mean, gosh, look at all of the hints dropped in the first few episodes of season 4 and how those ended up coming into play in the last few episodes. For example:
-4x01, Buck and Eddie in the elevator and on the roof. I wasn't here on tumblr at the beginning of the season, but I remember going on a HOT rant to my roommate about how the emphasis of Buck and Eddie being alone would come into play later. I didn't even read it as romantic, I literally was like "hmm, maybe they're going to end up in danger together near the finale" and? Look what happened.
-4x02, obviously, because it's us, I HAVE to mention the invisible string stuff...Again, I remember watching that and noting that okay, it serves a purpose in this episode and relates to covid, whatever. But I remember seeing someone here say (I was lurking) that the book Carla was reading from is intended for children dealing with a dead/dying parent. My brain immediately went: Will Eddie be in a coma or come close to dying? And.....look what happened.
And of course, Future Tense we already know set up SO much. The one-on-one phone call between Buck and Chris in Future Tense set up Chris running away to Buck in Breaking Point which set up Buck promising that he is there for him which set up Buck literally being there for him in Survivors? It's INSANITY. Each of these little moments are fantastic in their own way, but then when you string (see what I did there) them together, they paint a full, intentional picture? This is whyyy I read so much into everything.
Especially after this season and the way they so clearly laid out the blueprints for character arcs from episode one onward, I am SO ready to look over everything in 5x01, 5x02 and maybe even 5x03 with a fine-tooth comb.
We also have two lines that I think need to be re-addressed in season 5:
-First, "You don't find love, son, you make it." (2x08) This story and this line being in an episode about Buck's search for romantic love is SO significant, but we've yet to see how it directly relates to his love life at all. The relationship he entered into with Ali at the end of that episode was...a waste of time, he was single all through season 3, and now he's with Taylor...and like? How does this quote fit with that relationship? Answer: It doesn't, which is why it won't last. When this line gets called back, it will be significant, and right now, the only way it can meaningfully relate to Buck is through what he's built with Eddie and Chris.
-Second, "No comment, Taylor." (4x14) It's been on my mind since the episode aired, and since we know that the writers don't just throw in lines for the hell of it, we can assume that this will come into play at some point in Buck and Taylor's relationship. He doesn't trust Taylor. They tried so hard (not really) to convince us that Taylor has changed, that she is better for Buck now. And okay, yeah she's a little better, BUT we get this line plus her eagerness in Treasure Hunt to leave and go after the assistant story in the Maldives. If I were to bet money, I'd say Taylor's job is going to become a problem in season 5 and Buck ends up deciding to break things off because of it (what a cool parallel to Ali breaking things off with him bc of his job, huh?).
Looking at all of this and at how everything in 4x13 and 4x14 played out, Buddie happening by end of season 5 narratively makes sense. I'm feeling very confident about it, and maybe I'll eat my words later, but it just seems like things have been laid out so well over the course of season 4 (where I think we can all agree, something shifted with these two) that will end up (like the Buck and Chris stuff) painting a larger picture.
Anyways...thanks for the ask! I'll be here til we get that canon love confession 😂
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kalzoni · 4 years
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Thank you so much to the crew and fandom, you made something absolutely incredible!
I really can’t express how much I love this show and this crazy family
When Rise of the TMNT ended and I cried, I don't really think I've ever cried at a show ending before. So I wanted to write some stuff from the heart, because no show has ever impacted me the way this show has:
This show itself has such a beautiful focus on family, Family is the people you choose, whether biological or not. Platonic and Familial relationships are so hugely important in a child’s life and I’m so happy the show put such a hard focus on it, I don't think enough shows put this level of care into it. The show handled the idea of family beautifully in such a healthy and wholesome way. There’s no such thing as an average family. The world we live in is diverse. And the people we love come from all sorts of places. Family isn't defined by your blood relation, it's defined by your love for each other.
The show also had some really progressive views on its characters, with male characters being emotionally vulnerable and open and female characters being total badasses and written realistically to how a lot of girls actual act. And Splinter as dad? Man, his whole arc was just fantastic! He is a really genuine character, all the characters are! And the way sibling dynamics are written are so realistic and hilarious! The characters are all just written with so much care and I love it!
The crew of Rise are INSANELY TALENTED and PASSIONATE people who put so much love into this show, and you can see it in every single frame! The colours are vibrant, the character animation is excellent and the fight scenes are just PHENOMENAL and genuinely JAW-DROPPING! The show was visually amazing and just and totally out there! The love and care put into the show by every crew member is unlike anything I've ever seen before. The show is absolutely fantastic and is the very definition of passion project, from the first episode to the last. It’s absolutely stunning to watch and a pure inspiration.
Perfect is an understatement.
I really can’t fully express just how much this show meant to me and how much it impacted my life.
I discovered Rise of the TMNT two years ago totally on accident during a pretty low point in my life. I saw an article for this show and checked out the trailer and I was totally blown away by the animation. I loved the art style, I loved the animation style, just everything about it! It was like a group of people sat down and made a show just for me. I would just watch the promos frame by frame and animate alongside it for hours on end. I felt like a little kid! The only thing I would talk about was this show (and tbh that hasn’t stopped haha) This show reignited my passion for my future and my animation and gave the drive to push forward and keep trying my best. This led me to dropping out everything else around me and putting all of my focus into my portfolio to my dream course (mostly full of turtle drawings haha), and about 5 months after the first episode premiered I got accepted!
And it's not just the show alone that’s important to me, the Rise fandom has been the most welcoming and kind fandom I’ve ever had the pleasure to be a part off. You guys are absolutely amazing. When I first started posting two years ago I didn’t expect to get more than a couple of likes, but this fandom gave me such an overwhelming amount of support and kindness I really didn’t expect. You guys gave me so much confidence in myself and in my art and just made me so incredibly happy. I remember I used to purposely post late at night just so I would be able to wake up to your responses first thing in the morning, it always made my day. Every fandom I’ve been in a part of in the past has been purely for the sake of talking about content, but you guys have been so much more than that for me. You mean the world to me and I really can’t express just how much your kind words and support have impacted my life. <3
I am currently the happiest I’ve ever been in my life and I thank this show and fandom hugely for it. This show has continually been my inspiration as an artist to work hard to achieve my animation industry dreams. When I felt the lowest of lows this show pushed me forward and gave me the drive to work hard and get where I wanted to go. This show has been my comfort for the past two years. Whenever things weren’t going my way, I knew I could always pop on an episode or check out the tags and watch this funky family do their thing. This show and fandom just bring me so much joy and are so incredibly important to me.
This show has gone too early, but I’m so grateful it came into my life when it did.
I think this is the kind of media we need more of. Media made by people who genuinely LOVE what their making and who's inspiration comes from the heart. Media that’s spreads strong messages of family and love that the creators really believe in. 
Shows made with love and passion reflect on the audience watching it. We can see it, and we love it.
The crew that worked on this show are all amazing, and I have the absolute highest respect for them.
They had a story and a message they wanted to tell and they stuck by it till the very end. I honestly think the children currently growing up with this kind of content have to be some of the luckiest kids in the world.
The show may be over but it had such a huge impact on me that it will forever and always be one of the most important and special shows in my life.
To the fandom, and to the entire crew and creators of Rise of the TMNT.
You’ve made something absolutely incredible and I love you all for it
Thank you all so much
#Anatawa Hitorijanai #SaveRottmnt
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witchyprentiss · 3 years
✨My crossover thoughts ✨
-the opening scene was so good like Kathleen looked so happy to see Olivia. Bestie with stepdaughter Nicee go Liv
-bringing in barba was weird and didn’t make sense, he and Liv didn’t deserve to have their friendship destroyed over this
-why is Carisi the Ada it’s not a seggs crime
-Olivia telling Elliot off for how he just came back into her life without giving a fuck about her was sooo good. Amazing amazing job to the writers and Mariska for that.
-Angela is so cringe that testimony was rough
-Wheatley and Elliot having a d!ck measuring contest !? Lmao
-a mistrial was so so un shocking like yea duh it was a poorly constructed case
-This Eli storyline is such an over used plot point and also like HE IS A TEENAGER WHY ARE THEY TRAUMATIZING HIM MORE
-ugh the way Olivia will always be there for Elliot and how she takes his hand like they are in love
-the bridge scene :( but also like the camera work was fantastic.
-Elliot wants her in the room I’m emotional
-“why is she here” cause she’s your new mommy Eli get use to it kid
-“El” absolutely sobbing now thanks. The way she goes into Wonder Woman mode for the stabler family every time just gets me bad
-I love Jet. I need more Jet. Jet centered episodes please !!!
-Elliot wanting to know what’s been going on with Olivia and then his first question being how many people she’s fucked in the last ten years is sooo funny and very Elliot. The smirks to each other like I DIED. Also I’m sorry but why Ed? Like Olivia lived with Brian Cassidy and Cassidy got her through the lewis stuff but it’s Ed? I don’t get it! And I need more of Elliot being genuine with Olivia and wanting to know her and her son like!! I need it.
-The doctor truly thinks that Olivia is Eli’s mom so funny. And the way Olivia looks at them she loves her husband and step child huh
-I really thought Elliot was gonna take her hand when they walked out like wow
-THE SPIN!!! That was such a good callback. And what a beautiful step forward for them. The way Olivia was absolutely smitten and blown away by him taking charge and inviting her and Noah. I’m truly dead. I get why she’s hesitant tho but JUST COME! I mean come on
-yea Angela faking it was so not shocking like !? Not the plot twist you thought it was @ OC writers . But I do love Tamara .
-ELLIOT WAS SO EXCITED WHEN HE THOUGHT IT WAS LIV AND NOAH AT THE DOOR! And so was Kathleen and Lizzie!!! Ugh. And it 100% was them like Olivia can’t say no to that man
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The hardest thing was perfect! An absolutely beautiful finale! My favorite episode of the show!
All the way back in 2019, when I binge-watched the first season of Amphibia at the end of the year, I didn’t know I was going to watch my favorite animated show of all times (maybe even my favorite show of all!). The story seemed simple enough at first, a slice of life isekai cartoon focused on a girl that traveled to other world to learn valuable lessons and change for the better. And yet, as the first season unrolled, Amphibia felt like something different from everything I had ever watched.
Season one really took its time to build the characters and their relationships, and I couldn’t be happier it did that. Without all that groundwork, the emotional highs of the season wouldn’t have landed. I still remember watching Toad tax and being blown away by how the simple frog show I watched could take a serious turn. Anne standing up to the toads still remains as one of my favorite moments of the show. And watching Prison Break right after? It was amazing to be properly introduced to Sasha and learn so much about her in such a small time frame. And Reunion? My frog! Such an emotionally satisfying finale, Anne standing up to Sasha, Sasha willing to sacrifice herself! It was reasonable for the fans to believe that Reunion couldn’t possibly ever lose its spot of best episode of the show. But then, season two came.
Fort on the road was intriguing! Marcy at the gates was a spectacular character introduction episode! Honestly, can you measure how good the writers are when Marcy became a fan favorite right after being introduced? Marcy at the gates was out of this world! What to say of the Sasha’s arc? I love Sasha’s character so much! Barrel’s war hammer was fantastic! The third temple showed us more of her heroic side! The dinner and Battle of the bands were a heartwarming treat! And then, True colors!
True colors replaced Reunion as the episode that couldn’t be topped by any other ever. It’s been a year, and I’m still in awe of that episode. The Sasha betrayal followed by her learning about Andrias and then Anne not wanting to listen to her, leading to the best sword fight in the show... I’m still recovering from that! Nevertheless, Marcy stole that episode! Her flashback and her desperate attempts of explaining herself were heart-wrenching! And, of course, her final scene pierced our hearts as well.
Sometimes I feel like I’m one of the few people who loved season 3 A. It was so different, refreshing and fun! And then there was Olivia and Yunan! The new normal, Froggy little Christmas and Escape to Amphibia were some of my favorites of the whole season. Season 3 B had Commander Anne, The Core and the King and the finale trilogy.
The finale was masterfully written. It balanced all the arcs and gave them a satisfying conclusion. But The hardest thing outdid all the previous episodes and delivered something very special. In the end, Amphibia was Anne’s story. The conclusion of her journey, as well as her three seasons long journey itself, was beautiful.
Amphibia is my favorite show. I will love it and cherish it forever. I will definitely rewatch it at least once a year!
I am so glad I found this little frog show. Who knew it could have such a big heart?
Thank you, Amphibia!
See you on the other side!
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