#I'm having a bagel
freyaswolf · 1 month
It's a second breakfast kind of day
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
do you think kk was just fucking w capn during the 400 bagels scene and was just committing to the bit
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tum-bakery · 2 months
could I please ask 🫄🤢 for Exis and 🤤🤒 for Belle? <3
This Ask Game
🫄- It's not very likely most of the time, they've got a pretty big capacity before it really reaches over eating levels, and they're usually at a bit of a calorie deficit with how active they are and of often they change forms. (Not to mention they're pretty focused on not over burdening the folks around them-) That being said...
There have been a LOT of time that's their own body works against them. They'll think they have more room because they were just/ are a larger creature, and when they change back their stomach gets smaller but their meal stays the same size. This has lead them to being obnoxiously stuffed on more than one occasion.
🤢- That's a really tough one because their stomach changes pretty frequently, but I'd say coffee and chocolate wouldn't do their tummy any good, and they try to avoid either when they can since they don't even really like the flavor.
🤤- I did not expect this to be as hard to answer as it was, but I'll give it a shot. She's not the biggest fan of having a really sloshy feeling stomach, so she likes to fill up first, but nothing quite matches that absolutely all encompassing, delightful and cozy feeling of filling in all the gaps of her stomach with a warm drink or broth at the end of a big meal. Even better when she ate something bready and absorbent so she can really push herself to feel just over perfectly full.
🤒- Belle isn't super prone to tummy aches, but she's pretty far from having a steel gut. She's just very careful about what she eats. She IS however a bit more likely to get tummy aches when she's spending time with friends and wants to be polite- or when she tries to push her limits and eat more than usual.
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deadcrowcalling · 16 days
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me remembering exams start next week
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I'm a Midst subscriber and I've been waiting excitedly (but very politely and quietly, I did not send spoilers or messages at all) for the past 2 weeks to see how you would react to the episode because I could tell it would drive you insane in a good way, you have a very specific brand haha. Also I want to strangle Costigan with my bare hands. :D I'll be enjoying reading everything and anything you have to say on the episode!
I'm so flattered!!! I have SO many things to say, once I get my thoughts in order because it's just AHHH. Costigan is SO MUCH. I love her as a character and find her narrative role and influence SO fascinating, and if we ever see her again, I'm going to fucking claw her other goddamn eye out! :D
I'm going nuts! In the best way! You were SO right about that! God, I have to percolate all my thoughts because GOD. There's so much to say. Like I said WAY, way, way back (before Change, iirc), I had so many questions about the Phineas-Spahr-Costigan lineage, and BY GOD, did this explain so much. These roots run deep, indeed.
I'm so flattered that you thought of me though! And that you look forward to my thoughts! That's so sweet of you ;-;
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dykefaggotry · 2 months
I literally work at a coffee shop and I've been off sick for 2 days but ALL my body wants rn is coffee shop food/beverages. when I could literally just wait till I go to work tomorrow and get them for free/discounted
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filet-o-feelings · 3 months
I usually hate getting my oil changed because there's too many noises at the dealership, but it’s quiet today and I got an iced coffee for the first time in weeks AND I got to pet a dog! It's shaping up to be a pretty good day.
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slightlytoastedbagel · 8 months
I still don't fucking understand ruikasa
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britomart · 3 months
the conses... they're quencing
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lunapwrites · 4 months
Nothing worse than when your partner says something really fucking funny and you go to immortalize it in no context text form and you have already forgotten the punchline.
Bean please for the love of God can I have at least one of my brain cells back. I am begging you.
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Men stop commenting on my food challenge.
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an-aura-about-you · 4 months
I baked some cookies using the same recipe I used last time (ie the one on the back of the bag of chocolate chips) and even though I didn't make them into cookie bars they turned out very cakey. They're still good, but considering there was hardly any spread, I'm thinking of checking my recipes or technique for the next time I bake some.
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climatakt · 1 year
The autistic urge to overjustify your actions to everyone, even with what you choose to eat for breakfast
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hairtusk · 8 months
i get emotional sometimes thinking about how well i eat when i'm at my boyfriend's place, because he's the only person ever in my life who has cared enough about me to find and prepare meals that i can handle with my ARFID :')
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scrapimmortal · 4 days
i don't work for three days in a row and i'm suddenly afraid that i won't be able to do anything and i'll have forgotten everything when i go in on friday
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bagelthatwrites · 1 year
Somewhere Sunrise (Begins Another Day)
Chapter 1: Unfortunate Mishaps
Summary: Reagan Ridley tries to be prepared for situations, but the job always manages to surprise her.
Especially when she's thrust into another universe, and stuck figuring out how to get back.
Fandoms: Undertale (2015), Inside Job (2021 Cartoon)
Notes: (thank you to my good friends @pastelkonpeito and @maddestmewmew for beta reading this chapter!! also another thank you to hen again for helping me improve the pacing !) Also this takes place briefly after part 2 of the show, and after the true pacifist ending of Undertale.
WARNINGS: blood mention, possibly death, also swearing
If you knew anything about Cognito’s head robotics scientist, it’s that she’s been on this job for over a decade.
The job came with many problems and risks, be it near death experiences, dealing with cover-ups and disappearing accidental witnesses, or nearly losing an appendage or two.
But out of everything Reagan Ridley’s done and been through, she didn’t think she would spend her last moments like this.
The machine had taken months to finish, endless all-nighters spent programming, and connecting wires, and checking and rechecking the blueprints to make it perfect. 
The companion watch took just a few weeks to properly sync to the shiny, new transporter… 
And it malfunctioned. And it took her with it.
It was a decently quiet night in the building, and the cool wind from outside somehow seeped its way through from the windows to the quite sizable space of Ridley Labs, though it never affected Reagan, as she was used to the drafty windows. Never got the damn things fixed.
Her best friend and co-team leader Brett Hand shivered, though, used to the rest of the building being room temperature. 
As Reagan installed the last few panels onto the transporter core, Brett took a minute to look around the lab again.
It was in its usual state, messy but somehow organized enough. Fitting for her, isn’t it?
“Alright, we’re almost ready.” She lifted the welding mask and switched off the propane torch, turning to him. “Brett, do you have the watch?” “Oh- yeah.” He handed her the device. “So… what does this do again?” “Were you even listening the first time?” She muttered, and waved her hand dismissively. “Well, the old teleporter was broken and out of date, so I took the liberty of building a new one. This one syncs to a watch- the one I’m holding here- to take the wearer to and from their destination. The machine serves to make sure that the watch works as intended, and to actually choose your destination.” She patted the machine, and put the wristwatch on, adjusting it.
“You’re here in case something happens to me.” She pointed to Brett, and walked back over, putting her hands on his shoulders. “...If I’m gonna be honest, you’re the only person in this place that I’d trust if anything happened to me.”
“Awww… Reags!” He smiled bright, pulling her into a tight hug. “Me too.”
“Put me down, you goober, or we won’t be able to start the experiment!” She laughed out and smacked at his arm.
He placed her back down and she turned to activate the machine and the watch. “Alright. I’ll start with a decent location… somewhere just outside of DC.” She pressed a few buttons on the machine.
“But… what if you can’t get back? You might have to walk for a while…” Brett commented. He widened his eyes. “OR! I could come and pick you up!” She snapped her fingers. “Exactly.” She presses a button on the watch.
The transporter vrrrr’d to life, and its sounds echoed across the lab in a pleasant symphony of machinery.
“It’s working!!” Reagan couldn’t hide her excitement, her eyes lighting up as a smirk appeared on her face. “Brett, it’s working!”
Brett squealed in corresponding exhilaration as the watch lit up in unison.
The excitement of the pair was short-lived, as the wristwatch elicited short shocks.
“Shit.” Reagan struggled to get the watch off, as she felt the teleportation tech do its magic. “I can’t- shit, fuck, it’s stuck! I can’t get it-”
And she disappeared in a flash.
Brett’s phone buzzed, and the call was from…
…Reagan. He sighed in relief and clicked to accept the call, only to see a screen of white.
Reagan comes on screen, hair whipping in the wind (wind????????).
"Brett! Are y-ou getting this tr-ansmi-ssion!?" The audio and video were cutting out, but Brett nodded. 
"List-en to me! I d-on't know wh-er-e I am, but no m-atter WHAT, you have -to keep the m-achine running! I seem to- to h-ave gone to a- different area than intended-”
She pushed her hair out of her face and looked around, squinting in the foggy winter wonderland- if she remembered correctly… it was supposed to be… September.
Oh god.
“I-I.. I-’m th-ink in a di-ffere-nt uni-v-erse! And it's hailing b-" A piece of hail flew down and nailed the scientist right in the temple, causing her to fall over into the snow. 
"Reagan? REAGAN!?" Brett brought the screen closer. 
"Aw- SH-IT, I... there's sn-ow getting into the wa-tch a-nd I-" Reagan's eyes drooped slightly, and they both noticed blood dripping down her face from the deep cut, now very prominent on the side of her head. 
“Shit- Th-this is go-ing a lot w-or-se th-an I th-oug-ht it wo-uld! If I c-an get th-e wat-ch to-”
…She couldn’t…
Reagan felt herself getting weaker. There was blood dripping down into the snow now.
The situation was getting worse. The situation was unsolvable.
"...Brett... if I don't su-rvive this... I j- just want you to know that I'm sorry... for ev-eryth-ing. You w-ere a... a good fr-iend." Reagan felt herself getting more lightheaded, and the watch glitched and crackled as the weather worsened the condition. 
"Reagan, why are you apologizing..? Hey- no- listen, you'll come back, you'll be okay, I promise- REAGAN?" Brett teared up and clasped his hands worriedly. The transmission was almost lost. 
"...G-oodbye, Br-ett." The screen cut out as white overtook the transmission video, and the small screen finally displayed "SIGNAL LOST". 
"Reagan? REAGAN!" Brett called out, but no one answered. 
He felt his stomach twist.
He failed to keep himself stable on the edge of the desk, starting to slide down and sit on the floor.
His heart caught in his throat as he choked up, tears falling, the lab now dreadfully silent.
“Oh goodness…. Frisk! Get the first aid kit!”
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