#I'm not calling mando Djarin that's so stupid
edalia · 1 year
At this point, I'm just going to say it: the whole final scene in the Living Waters was unnecessary. EVERYONE already knew that Grogu was Din's son, he just needed to say it at some point. There was no need to say "I adopt him". In fact, in my opinion, it's counterproductive because it implies that up to that point he wasn't his son. Doesn't the term foundling already mean "child adopted by a Mandalorian"?
Btw, the Ragnar thing was also pretty random. It would have been much better to make a small tribute to his father instead of a second baptism.
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wakandas-vibranium · 1 year
Planet Earth 2023 || Part Two
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, guns, fighting, fluff, cursing, slow burn
Word count: 2.1k
A/N: Thank you for reading. Please like, comment, and share!
part one
part three
part four
part five
part six
You raced back inside just in time to close and lock the sliding glass door. The space pirate sprinted into the door but was knocked down by its own brutal force. Your home has hurricane-proof doors and windows, so naturally they would have been resistant to space pirates as well. 
As you got a better look at the space scoundrel, your mouth dropped open in a flabbergasted "O." The alien did, in fact, have the appearance of an alien. It didn't look or sound somewhat human like Mando did. It was an ash brown color, and rather than a chin, it had long tassels growing out of its face. 
As Mando inspected your back door from his position next to you, he emitted a small sound of appreciation. He continued, "I'm starting to really like this place," as he pulled you away from the doorway just as the pirate started to scramble to his feet. 
It slipped your mind that you left two of your front windows open this morning to let in some of the cool breeze. “Mando, check the windows in the front of the house and make sure they’re closed!” You called out, pointing him in the right direction. You sprinted the other way into your office, punched in the combination to your safe, and pulled out your handgun. 
From the sounds of scuffling, it seemed like Mando didn't close one of the windows in time. The space pirate had made it inside your home. 
Pew. Pew. Pew. 
When you turned back, red and green flashes of light were bursting through the opening to your living room. Were those supposed to be gunshots? Space gunshots. You sank your teeth into your bottom lip, stifling a laugh. There was no reason to find the current situation amusing, but today's events were becoming increasingly far-fetched.
You shook your head in fascination as you removed the magazine from the gun, gliding the slide back to check the chamber for rounds in the firing cartridge. You didn't want to look foolish in front of Mando by shooting blanks. You've experienced your fair share of stupidity for the day. The weight of the semi-automatic pistol felt familiar in your hands. It wasn't the first time you'd held it, but it had been quite some time since you'd last used it. 
Punches were thrown, and vases fell and shattered against your ceramic tile floors. Not even three hours ago, the atmosphere in your home was completely peaceful and tranquil. It was now bursting with the sounds of grunts, broken glass, and curse words shouted in a language that you didn't understand.
You were captivated by the Mandalorian's agility and speed. He must have taken part in an extensive number of battles while clad in armor. Despite the pirate's substantial size advantage, Mando was able to hold his own against him. And well, you should add. Mando had such grace and confidence in his movements. It seemed like the man was practically dancing.
You needed to concentrate on the task at hand. The baby's safety came first, and then you had to help Mando in his fight against the space pirate. You left your study cautiously but as swiftly as you were capable of in search of the little green one. 
The child was hiding behind the ottoman when you spotted him, and he whined as he looked up at you. "It's okay, little one," you reassured him as you crouched down further. "Stay right there." 
As you made your way over to the dispute, he simply cooed at your retreating back. Mando's gun was scattered across the living room floor, but he appeared to be winning the hand-to-hand fight. His blows were landing. The pirate appeared disoriented, advancing far more slowly in his pursuit of Mando. Mando threw a powerful punch, but the pirate caught it, used Mando's weight against him, and hurled him against the wall where your Prince poster was hanging.
With an involuntary gasp and a roll of your eyes, you screamed, "Goddamnit!" flailing your arms wildly, "Not my Purple Rain poster!" While music was substantially important to you, nothing could compare to having an original poster signed by The Man himself. The frame shattered under Mando's weight and was now in pieces on the floor.
While you and the pirate were standing there with your weapons drawn, Mando crawled across the floor to get to you. You took aim and fired twice; the first bullet went wide right but the second struck the pirate square in the right shoulder. He grunted in pain but didn't falter as green goop slowly trickled down his front. 
Holy shit, you thought. They bleed green, too? Just when you thought you had a grasp on everything space-related, new information was thrown at you.
“Get down!” Mando shouted as he tackled you to the floor behind the couch. As he landed on top of you, you sputtered.  He was quick enough to cup your head in his hands before you dropped but you hissed in pain as you absorbed the brunt of his weight. His timing was impeccable. You'd have been shot directly between the eyes had it been a split second later.
"Are you okay?"  He inquired, peering down at you. You're not sure why, but you brushed your fingertips across the metal helmet and nodded, "Yes." Through the helmet, you could hear his sharp pants. They were filtered to be quieter than they actually were, but you could still hear them.
A distressed shriek from the baby pulled your gazes apart. You looked back to where you had last seen him, and he wasn't there. Mando peeped over the sofa and stopped in his tracks. Oh, no, you thought. The pirate must have grabbed the baby. 
“Shabuir!” Mando hissed as he rushed to his feet, raised his palms in surrender, and took a hesitant step towards the pirate. "Don't hurt the child." 
When the pirate saw him move, he yelled, "Don't take another step!"
You inched your way to the far end of the sofa and took a peek at the scene before you. When you saw the pirate holding the baby and pointing his space weapon at Mando, your mouth set into a hard, frigid line.
The alien pirate was so big that you decided to forego your handgun in favor of a shotgun you kept tucked away in your hallway closet. You took advantage of the small window while his attention was focused on Mando to slip away to collect your shotgun. You pulled open the door of the closet, reached inside the hidden left-side compartment, and retrieved your shotgun. 
The pirate was harping on about how this was all Mando's fault and how he should have surrendered his ship immediately. From his never-ending speech, it seemed like all he cared about was stealing the ship and showing off to his fellow lousy pirates that he had taken one from a Mandalorian.
"You've lost, Mando," the pirate exclaimed angrily. "How about we make a deal?" — The Razor Crest for this ugly green kid you seem to care so much about," the pirate snarled as he brought the weapon closer to the baby's temple. 
This shotgun was far heavier than your handgun, but you still made sure to clutch it correctly behind the grip of the gun with your dominant hand. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to suppress an irritated groan. The space pirate was, once again, a major letdown. His rhetoric resembled that of a villain from Scooby Doo. What?  He must have been crazy to think Mando would hand over his stunning ship to some scallywag pirate. The pirate was so full of himself. Even though you wanted to kill him right there, where he stood, you had to make sure the baby was safe first. 
"Put the baby down or I'll blast you back to whatever planet you came from," you said as you rounded the corner of the hallway and stood beside Mando, shotgun pointed at the floor. You double-checked that the gun's butt was properly positioned in the crook of your shoulder before aiming it at the pirate.
Mando snatched his gun from the floor and pointed it at the pirate as well, saying, "And put him down gently." 
"Now!" you yelled, because he was moving too slowly for you, probably trying to come up with an escape plan, but there wasn't one. You were planning to kill him as soon as the baby was out of the way. 
As soon as he placed the baby on the floor, the little one ran over to his dad as fast as his tiny legs could go. Mando scooped him up in one hand, gun still raised at the pirate in the other. 
The pirate raised his hands and took a cautious step back, “Just take it easy.” 
"You come to my house, attack me and my new friends, and destroy my beloved Prince poster, and I'm supposed to relax?" you sneered carelessly. You made a jerky motion with your head. 
“Look lady—“
"—Fuck you!" You barked before flipping the safety off and squeezing the trigger, shooting him once in the chest, and he fell to the floor with a sickening thud, lifeless. 
"You've got two blasters?" Mando questioned as he double-checked the pirate’s body before he placed the kid on the ottoman.  
He was dead. You had no doubt about it.
You were a single woman living alone in the middle of nowhere in Florida. 
Of course you did.
“This is Florida, man. Pretty much everyone has a gun.” 
Mando was torn between nodding his head in agreement and shaking it in disbelief.
"Is your baby all right?" You inquired, bending down and running your finger across the baby's cheek.
“Grogu,” said Mando.
You looked up at him in confusion. “What was that?”
“His name is Grogu and yes, he’s okay. Thank you.” 
“Grogu.” you said and the baby cooed at you. His enormous eyes and ears, together with his adorable infant babble, melted your heart.
"I would say you're welcome," you said as you rose up and assessed the damage done inside your home, "but those words don't seem appropriate for killin' your first fuckin' alien." 
“Dinii,” Mando chuckled softly, shaking his tin head at you. 
You cut your eyes at the amused man, “You think this is funny?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “A little.” 
"I finally got my vacation time approved," you started ranting, "and on my second night, some enticing masked alien man with his adorable green alien son came crashing in my goddamn front yard." 
“You think I’m enticing?” Din asked as he looked you up and down. You had a warm feeling in your chest at your Freudian slip and his question to confirm it. You really hated that you couldn’t see his face. 
Never one to shy away from a challenge, a faint smile crossed your face as you nodded and said, "Yeah, I do." You hadn't even known them for a day and you were already smitten with the spaceman and his adorable son. 
Mando took a step closer to you before asking, “Can we lay low and stay here with you for a few weeks?”  
Oh, what the hell, you thought. It couldn’t get any worse, could it?
You nodded your heat at him, “Sure.” 
“Do you want to bury the body or clean up the house first?” Mando asked. 
You shrugged and plopped on the sofa beside Grogu. The baby giggled as he tilted a little with your sudden weight. It didn't matter to you which problem y’all cleaned up first, but you needed a few minutes to decompress. The adrenaline was wearing off, and your rattled nerves had your fingers shaking. 
The Mandalorian noticed, bent down on one knee in front of you, and took one of your shaking hands in his gloved hand before asking, "Are you okay?" He cupped your chin with his free hand, making you look at what must have been where his eyes were and said, "You aren't hurt, are you?"
You shrugged your shoulders and said, "I wasn't hurt." You squeezed his comforting hand and said, "I just never killed anyone before." 
"So, that was your first murder, huh?" He asked in a hushed tone, removing one of his gloves so that he could rub tiny circles in the middle of your palm to soothe you. It worked almost immediately. You could only nod, unable to string together a complete thought. You were surprised with how gentle he was being with you.  
“How about you let me do the killing from here on out?” He said, still caressing your palm even though you stopped trembling minutes ago. You weren't going to say anything about it. It felt too good. It had been far too long since you had been touched in this way, or actually touched at all.
You let out a deep sigh and said, "Sounds good to me."
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Alright I'm here with my every constant Din Djarin brain rot and a request: I'm a sucker for anything fluffy but a little angsty, maybe a two idiots in love situation with Mando? I have nothing super specific, only stupid love for Shiny Metal Man. 🥰
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"You," my finger jabs into the beskar armor of his chest, "are such an idiot." I hiss, hearing a sigh behind his helmet as his chin tilts down to peer at me through the T of his visor.
It was an accident.
I'm overly aware that him nearly getting me, and the kid, killed was an accident that couldn't have been preventable. He thought by leaving us on the Crest that we would be safe, tucked away and hidden from anyone of the outside world. 'I just need to run a few errands', he said, 'I'll be quick, I promise', he said.
It was not a few errands, nor was he quick.
He had picked up a job, without telling me, and went to go collect his bounty and the hefty reward that came with turning the pesky Twi'lek that had escaped past bounty hunters. But he refused to tell me because of, what he refers to as, 'my separation anxiety'.
Fuck him.
What he didn't expect was for his bounty to find our lonesome, quiet ship and fulfill his very own Goldilocks fantasy, a reference that goes right over the common Mandalorian's head, and stumble upon Grogu and I tucked away, resting.
He could've killed us, he was ready to. Until the metal man came back to the ship, excited to find his bounty but not excited to return home to his bounty giving him an ultimatum while pointing a blaster at the child and I.
"You are a stupid metal man." My tiny fists punch into his chest, Din stumbling back a bit as he shakes his head with another scoff.
"You are fine." His hands reach out to rest on my shoulders, his body leveling with me so the T of his visor is perfectly in line with my gaze. "Grogu is fine." He sounds as if he's trying to convince himself rather than me, his chest rising and falling in frantic breaths as his head tilts to look back at the bounty who's passed out behind him.
"Riddle me this," I sigh, taking a deep breath to calm my voice that's shaking with anger, "what is the mando'a word for stupid?" I know that I can't see him, but I can sense his jaw tensing along with his spine and his arms drop from my shoulders.
"Di'kutla-" He doesn't argue, just allows me to continue my assault as I shove him back into the cupboard behind him with a quiet 'oof'.
"Di'kutla!" I yell, eyes filling with raging tears, my whole body filling with boiling blood as he sighs defeatedly, leaning down to pick up Grogu who has ventured into the room somewhere in the middle of our argument.
"Stop." He whispers and my eyes lower to the child tucked in his arms, his big eyes staring at me, panicked and frantic. My shoulders drop, hands reaching out to pluck him from Din's arms without another word. Grogu coos as he tucks his face into my collarbone, tiny hands gripping the edge of my tunic. "I would never let anyone hurt you." His words are a promise and, if I could see his eyes, I imagine they'd have a similar sense of urgency riddled in the deep orbs. "Or the child." His hand reaches out to brush his fingers along Grogu's ears and the little one perks up, tucking his ears back with a small giggle-like noise.
But he doesn't stop there. He takes a hefty step towards me, arms reaching out to pull the both of us to his chest without a word. His heartbeat, though fast, reminds me that he's here- that he's not an emotionless, metal droid, even though he acts like one sometimes.
"What's the mando'a word for worry?" I ask against his chest, free arm reaching out to wrap around him, fingers grasping into the material of his beaten and battered cape.
"Baatir." My lips part to repeat the word but he just shakes his head, fingers reaching up to brush against my furrowed brows. "I know." He whispers, voice heavy with guilt as he clings to the child and I.
"You joke about my so called separation anxiety, but what makes it worse is that you lied to me." He sighs and if I imagine hard enough, I can almost see the way his lips tug down into a frown through the T of his helmet, his eyes fluttering shut in shame.
"Baatir." He repeats the word, almost as if it serves as a proper explanation for my heated emotions and it does. If I did not care for him, if I did not want him near- I would not worry. "I don't wish to make you upset or worry about me." Grogu yawns in between us with a small snort, hands reaching up to rub at his big eyes before falling fast asleep pressed up against the both of us. Safe. "I can handle myself." He promises, fingers once more lingering against my skin but this time, his gloved fingers trail down my cheek before sculpting the edge of my jaw.
"That's not how this works. We handle each other."
"Aliit." He recites almost immediately after the words leave my mouth and it sounds as if it's a realization of sorts instead of an observation. He pauses, body stiffening briefly against mine until he feels the weight of my hand against his back, his shoulders drooping briefly.
"What does that mean?" I ask, eyes widening as he leans down to press his helmet against my forehead, the cool beskar forcing goosebumps to arise on my skin but not because of the temperature; it's because of his proximity.
"Clan." He's so close that I can hear his voice clearly, even with the hum modulator still lacing his words. A shiver runs down my spine at the vulnerable confession, heart skipping a beat as I cling to him as if he'll disappear from my grasp. "Family."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1
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vanishedangels · 1 year
Blame it on the storm
Summary: After blowing up the Death Star Nineteen-year-old Luke Skywalker is dealing with his new popularity as he became the target of his squad mates' advances. Tired of that situation he asks Din Djarin, a bounty hunter he has just met, to pretend they're in a relationship.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Luke Skywalker, Din Djarin, Leia Organa, Han Solo.
Rating: Mature (+18)
Warnings: Harassment, Descriptions of anxiety episodes.
Tags: Canon Divergence (AU), Fake/Pretend Relationship, Post A New Hope (Star Wars), Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Protective Din Djarin, Tumblr Prompts.
Chapters: 2/3
Navigation: <- Previous Chapter • Next Chapter ->
He looked at his visor, and even though Luke respected Din's creed, deep inside he was dying to see the mandalorian's face.
"Are they still staring at us?" Luke asked under his breath, he waited, frowning, finally, Din nodded. "Then we should stay like this for a little while." He was trying to ignore the way those arms around him was making him feel.
Those butterflies. Luke swallowed hard, those stupid butterflies were there again.
Chapter 2: Butterflies
It was pretty obvious that the mandalorian had been to Tatooine in the past. But, how many times? What if they crossed paths before and Luke didn't remember him?
Impossible. He totally stand out among others. He thought frowning, he sighed staring at the wall, propping his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand, then his lips curled up into a goofy smile, remembering the sound of Din's voice when he asked him why he was leaving the night before.
"Force..." He said under his breath, shaking his head, chuckling.
"Why that dreamy expression, Luke?" Leia's words taking him out of his mind.
The blonde blinked.
"Anyway-" She said crossing her arms over her chest leaning back in the chair "Artoo needs some maintenance, I know you don't want other people getting their hands on him, so I'm just letting you know that the droid is waiting for you."
Luke nodded, lips pressed against each other.
The princess frowned tilting her head to the side "You're acting weird."
Luke stared at her sightly parting his lips, shifting uncomfortably in his chair "Didn't sleep well last night." He looked down.
Leia didn't say a word.
Although he didn't lie, he started to feel a little twitchy about Leia's silence "I'm fine, I promise." He added looking at her again but his eyes went immediately to the man entering the room. The blonde's eyes went wide and his eyebrows arched out of surprise.
Leia turned around to see what was catching his friend's attention, then she looked at Luke again offering him a knowing smile "The mandalorian?" She said in a low voice like sharing a secret.
"What are you talking about?" Luke said shaking his head laughing nervously.
"Is he hitting on you too? Like the rest of these nerf-herders?" She asked leaning forward over the table. Luke was still looking at Din shaking his head visibly annoyed "No? Because, let me tell you, he didn't tell me his name until yesterday, do you know why?" Luke looked at her again "Because of you, that little bastard, oh yes..." She nodded "He didn't give a flying fuck when I met him two weeks ago, I asked him 'What should I call you?' He said 'Mando', and then you showed up and he's all smitten and outgoing. Outgoing my ass."
Luke was rubbing his fingers against his temple, shifting his gaze between Leia and Din "Stop it, he's coming."
Leia drew in a sharp inhale and straightened up her back, she smiled looking up at the mandalorian when he came to a halt and he stood right beside their table "Good morning, Mando. Oh no, wait, you told me yesterday that I should call you Din. I'm so sorry, it's still new information to me." She grinned and Luke huffed, knowing that Leia was mocking him pretty hard.
"Good morning, Organa." He said, brushing three fingers over the table surface, Luke stared at his hand and bit back a sigh.
Luke was trying not to think about those fingers running up and down his neck. He swallowed hard, focusing on Leia's face. You're confused that's all, Luke thought nodding at himself. You don't need to have fantasies about the mandalorian. It's just your stupid imagination and your lack of experience in this kind of matter.
"Morning Luke." Din added staring down at the blonde.
"Huh? Oh, hi!" He answered avoiding his visor.
"Well, what can I do for you, Din?" Leia asked him still smiling.
"I came to join my boyfriend for breakfast."
Suddenly Luke was very conscious about the silence in the room, he looked around realizing all eye were on them. He tried to find Leia's gaze but the princess was focused on the mandalorian, she was gaping and Luke's heart jumped into his throat in a blink of an eye.
"Your... Boyfriend?" Leia managed to ask.
"Yes. Luke." Din said shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
And if Luke heard someone exclaiming "Fuck!" at the distance he couldn't process it at that moment. He stood up swiftly clasping Din's forearm, letting out a hysterical laugh "Yeah, we need to go, see you Leia." He jostled Din out of the room hardly noticing Solo was leaning against the wall, hands on his hips.
"Good job, mandalorian." Han said in a bantering tone.
Luke didn't stop until they were inside the hangar "Open the ramp, please." He said, eager.
"Your heart rate is out of the charts." The mandalorian observed.
Luke frowned loosening the grip around his arm "What?"
"And even through my tinted visor I can tell your cheeks are burning."
Luke babbled a little "How... How..."
"I'm scanning you. I'm sorry, you looked pretty bad and I needed to know." He bowed his head like if he was trying to apologize.
Luke sighed rubbing his hand across his forehead "Open the ramp, please." He pleaded again.
"Alright, Luke, but first, I need you to calm down." He bored into Luke's blue eyes, grabbing him by his arms.
Indeed, Luke was clearly hyperventilating and he came to the realization that this was getting a bit out of hand. Maybe the mandalorian was right, he was too young, inexperienced and he was being overdramatic, but he couldn't help it, the embarrassment was taking him over. He looked down at Din's hands curled around his upper arms, hoping they could soothe him, still it wasn't happening.
"Alright, I'm okay, you can open the ramp now." He nodded staring at the man's chest plate.
When they were inside the docking port Luke started walking from side to side, he shook his head staring at Din, still agitated "This was a terrible idea. I don't know what I was thinking. This is wrong, we should stop right now. I'm feeling weird, I don't like it." He took his hands to his hips looking down at the floor "I like to be around you, yes! But not like this, not like this. I shouldn't have asked you to pretend we're dating."
The mandalorian was standing in front of him, he looked calm "No, you never asked me that. I offered to pass for your boyfriend myself."
"No, you didn't offer-" Luke stopped at that realizing that, indeed, it was Din the one that came up with the idea before Luke could even speak. He grimaced and then his expression softened "Yes you did, and I'm being a pain in the ass, I'm sorry."
"Part of your charm." The mandalorian said sitting down on the floor.
Luke felt a weird sensation in the pit of his stomach at Din's words. He thought back to one specific afternoon. He was sitting at the kitchen table, his little legs dangling from chair, aunt Beru was chopping some vegetables when uncle Owen appeared and said something in her ear that little Luke couldn't hear from where he was. Then, uncle smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek. Little Luke covered his eyes laughing. When he finally decided to peek at them through his fingers, uncle Owen was already gone. Aunt Beru came close to Luke and she was still smiling, the kid asked her why she was so happy after a kiss from his uncle, she explained to him that when someone is in love, when that special person shows you affection you would experience something beautiful inside you. Luke wanted to know what was the thing someone in love would feel inside them, so he asked her again, aunt Beru sat down next to him pointing at his belly "It feels like fluttering butterflies inside your tummy." Little Luke was terrified, because how could butterflies get inside his stomach and why?
Maybe aunt Beru explained it quite well, if that was the case, Luke was in trouble because now he was getting a fluttery sensation in his stomach right there and then, only because the mandalorian complimented him. Alright, he was being sarcastic about Luke but still it sounded like he was complimenting him.
"Are you still on?" Din asked him looking up at his face.
Luke was unconsciously pressing his hand against his stomach trying to ignore the tickling he was feeling "Are you?" He retorted.
"I'm not the one having second thoughts here, if you are willing to keep on with this, I'm fine."
"And if I don't want to?" Although he still wanted to play along, Luke didn't know why but he wanted to see Din's reaction.
The mandalorian changed his position, Luke could see the way his shoulders tensed up "Then I'm fine too." He sighed "Look, if you're gonna react like you did out there they would know we're lying. So it's up to you."
Luke narrowed his eyes, thinking about the times his mates overstepped, making him feel like he was just a piece of meat, maybe this was a stupid idea but at least he could try. He sighed "No, I won't react like that next time, I can deal with this."
Those might have been some kind of magic words because the mandalorian rose to his feet in a heartbeat, standing inches apart from Luke "Good." He said and Luke took two steps back.
"There's a lot of work to do, I'll see you around." He said walking away, then he looked at the mandalorian over his shoulder "Boyfriend." He said under his breath in an effort to become familiar with the term. In the intimacy of Din's ship he was slowly opening himself to the mandalorian, it was just a matter of time he could do the same in front of Leia and the others. He just needed to work on it.
The little blue and silver droid was chirping excited as he slid behind Luke, the blonde chuckled rubbing the dirt and oil off his hands with a cloth "Yeah, you're like new, Artoo." Luke spent the last hours repairing the unit, but his mind swirled around the mandalorian and their arrangement. "Fuck, I need to act cool around him." He said to himself.
When he was passing by the Millennium Falcon he heard a whistle coming from there, he looked up and Han Solo was waving at him with his free and holding a wrench in the other hand "Psst! Luke, spotchka time, come over."
He entered Solo's ship finally walking in the main hold, his friend was already drinking from the bottle and then he poured the blue beverage in a glass "A toast?" He asked leaning forward as Luke sat down at the table.
"A toast?" Luke took the glass frowning at him.
"Yeah, since you finally grew some balls and convinced the mandalorian to be your fake boyfriend. Cheers!" He grinned at Luke.
"You're the only one that knows the truth so keep it between us." He said and then he was gulping down his spotchka.
"Slow down, kid, I don't wanna carry you to your room totally wasted." Luke shrugged. "Wait, you're telling me that annoying princess doesn't know it's fake? Oh, that explains your reaction earlier." Han chuckled.
"More." Luke said sliding the glass across the table.
"Alright, alright, but you should act smooth, you know?"
"What do you mean?" The blonde asked him.
"You should act like you're hot for the bounty hunter. You know what I'm talking about." He added staring into his eyes but Luke was frozen with a dull expression on his face. "You don't have a clue, do you?" The blonde shrugged making him sigh. "Ugh, kid... Alright, have you seen how couples act around each other?"
Luke nodded snorting "Of course, Han."
"Good. What do couples do?"
"They kiss." Luke replied nonchalantly.
Solo leaned back in the seat and huffed "This is not the case, kid, you can't kiss him. But, you can just casually touch him, like you mean it."
Luke pursed his lips staring down "I can do that." Actually he wasn't sure about it.
"Just, trust your gut, you'll be fine." His friend stated and Luke thought about the night before, when he nuzzled Din's neck effortlessly, like Han said, he just needed to follow his intuition.
The mandalorian looked around as he walked in the multi-purpose room, locking eyes with one of the men that harassed Luke the night before. Then he proceeded to sat down at a table. He was minding his own business when the same man approached him, sitting across from Din. He didn't make a move but behind his visor he was looking at his sides noticing that two other pilots joined the first one, the table was small, Din was resting his forearms on it, surrounded by them, waiting.
"So, he chose you, a mandalorian, a bounty hunter." The pilot at his left said tilting his chin up "How did you pull him?"
Din flexed his left hand instinctively, the man across from him made a clicking noise with his tongue, staring at his hand "He didn't pull him." He blurted. Their mates looked at him grinning. He leaned forward "Am I wrong, bounty hunter?" He laughed.
Although Din looked tense he didn't answer.
"What is it, man? Cat got your tongue?" He mockingly insisted, nodding with a crooked smile on his face.
"I'm listening." The mandalorian deadpanned.
"Oh, so, should I continue?" He narrowed his eyes like waiting for Din's reaction, but he only received silence "A man of few words. Do you think we're stupid? Huh?"
"I don't think about you. At all." The mandalorian said flatly.
"See, I don't buy it. You and blondie. He's not your sweetheart, you're just his hired gun, pretending you're together. Pretty lame." He arched his back to rest his feet on the table almost crushing Din's fingers under his heel. "This morning he looked so upset, you're not being good at your job, he almost lost his mind when you said that he was your boyfriend."
Din was flaring his nostrils behind his helmet.
"Yeah, champ, you disgust him." He looked Din up and down "And I can totally see why."
One of the pilots touched the man's leg "Hey, Brando, it's enough, you're stepping out of line here." He said under his breath.
"Why? I'm just having a friendly talk with my man here." He retorted.
Din withdrew his hands to cross his arms over his chest plate "So, Brando, is it?" The man nodded smiling. "Curious, I remember you were the one disgusting Luke yesterday, you said something about getting him on his knees." He pressed a button in his vambrace and the man, Brando, moved to put his feet on the floor again. "What would you say if I put you on your knees right now?" Din asked tilting his head.
At the same moment Luke and Han were walking into the room, Luke spotted Din's back immediately, realizing something bad was happening over that table.
Han sighed "Shit."
Luke started walking towards them and his friend grabbed his arm "Remember kid, like you mean it." He said nodding and lifting his eyebrows staring at Luke's face. The blonde nodded back, swallowing around the lump in his throat. He kept walking as his friend's words were reverberating inside his head.
Like you mean it. Like you mean it.
He took every step thinking about the times he and his friends were hanging out at Tosche Station, he closed his eyes remembering the way Loneozner and his girlfriend Camie acted around each other.
You've got this.
He heard Brando laughing but he could notice that the air could be cut by a knife. Brando looked up and over Din's helmet glancing at Luke's face "Oh, mandalorian, here's your boyfriend." He said with a sneer and then bursted into laughter.
Before Din could turn around Luke brushed his fingers across the nape of the mandalorian's neck, Brando's face dropped looking at them.
"Hi, love, did you miss me?" Luke leaned into Din smiling and then he pressed his forehead against his helmet, he could hear a soft groan coming from the mandalorian but he didn't pay attention to it since he was trying to save the day. He pulled back a little to stare at his visor with a soft smile that reached his bright eyes "Because I did miss you." Luke shifted his gaze pretending that he was surprised to see Brando and the other guys. "Bonding with my mates? Do you mind if I join you?" He asked stroking Din's pauldron.
"Ah-" Din cleared his throat "No, no, go ahead." He said and Luke was already sitting on Din's lap.
Inside, Luke was silently dying of embarrassment but he was making a point and as stubborn as he was, he wanted to succeed.
He blinked when he felt Din's gloved hands gingerly resting on his thighs, and his heart leapt in his chest as he hooked his arm around Din's neck. The three pilots were immediately standing up and leaving the table. Luke looked at them as his fingers were unconsciously drawing little circles on Din's neck until he reached the man's skin and he stopped, feeling the softness of him. Din moved his hands really slow and then he encircled Luke's waist with his arms, bringing the blonde closer to his chest.
He looked at his visor, and even though Luke respected Din's creed, deep inside he was dying to see the mandalorian's face.
"Are they still staring at us?" Luke asked under his breath, he waited, frowning, finally, Din nodded. "Then we should stay like this for a little while." He was trying to ignore the way those arms around him was making him feel.
Those butterflies. Luke swallowed hard, those stupid butterflies were there again.
Like you mean it.
The blonde hummed shifting a little in Din's lap and the mandalorian groaned again, this time Luke was very aware of the alluring sound the man in beskar let out. Trusting his gut, and especially the fluttering butterflies in his stomach, Luke rested his free hand on his chest plate, then boring into his black visor he started stroking the beskar, and he could feel the way Din's body tensed up beneath him.
"Is this okay?" He asked leaning towards him and almost brushing his lips against the helmet.
The mandalorian let out a weak "Yeah..." And Luke's heart skipped a beat.
"You should go to your ship. Take some food with you, I'm having dinner here and then I'll join you there." He suggested.
The mandalorian agreed taking his hands off him and he waited until Luke disentangled his arm from around his neck to stand up. When he walked to the door Han was still around casting glances at Luke from time to time.
Luke walked in Han's direction, passing by Brando's side and his pulse was pounding in his ears. The pilot looked away, avoiding him completely for the very first time in weeks and Luke felt like it was a little victory.
Two days passed and Luke was really astonished at the way things changed between him and his mates. Not only Brando, but all of them stopped approaching him. Still they couldn't help but glaring at the blonde from afar. Luke sighed relieved knowing that, at least, they wouldn't put a hand on him again. Then he started worrying about the mandalorian leaving and his stomach clenched at the mere thought of losing his company.
He kept returning to Din's ship every night, sleeping in the bunk while the mandalorian slept on the floor over some thick blankets and pillows that Luke brought from the base.
He woke up in the middle of the night and he sat at the edge of the bunk ducking his head since the space was too small, he was rubbing sleep from his eyes when he realized Din was peacefully sleeping. He chuckled when he heard the man snoring and he felt an irrepressible urge to lie next to him.
The snoring stopped and Luke flinched when the mandalorian moved his head to look at him.
"Can't sleep." Luke said as fast as he could trying to hide the fact that he was staring at Din while sleeping.
The mandalorian propped himself up on his elbows "Now I'm awake too." He said sitting up resting his back against the wall.
"I'm sorry." The blonde said in a soft voice. He looked around and then at Din again, finding that the visor was still on him, he pressed his lips together nervously, not knowing what to do "So, uh, they stopped. They must be really scared of you."
The mandalorian didn't say a word.
Realizing that Din might be offended by what he said, Luke tried to explain further "It's not only because you're a bounty hunter, but also a mandalorian above all things."
"Convenient." Din stated and Luke didn't realize until then that he was holding his breath.
"You really helped me." Luke said resting his head against the wall "I'm gonna miss you so much." He added staring at the ceiling and he didn't even regret being that sincere. "And not only because they are scared to death when you're around, I'm gonna miss this." He said gesturing with his hand between them "All of this."
Din hummed "Well, I'm glad they stopped harassing you, I understand what you were going through, I've been there."
Luke crossed his arms in front of his chest and stared at him frowning.
"You mean people used to harass you too?"
"Yes, when I was in the fighting corps they thought it was a good idea to pick on me cause I was different, I mean, the kids were used to jump from bed to bed and I was the only one not getting on it." Din shrugged.
"Why not?" Luke squeezed his eyes shut realizing he was being disrespectful.
Surprisingly Din explained it further "I wanted to be a warrior, my mind was set on that only purpose. They hated that. That's why this guy, Paz Vizsla, and the rest of my mates made a bet behind my back."
Luke nodded putting his feet on the floor and then he walked towards Din, finally sitting down next to him. Din reached out offering him a pillow, Luke took it, placing it over his crossed legs to rest his elbows on it, listening to Din with curious eyes.
"What was the bet about?" Luke asked.
"He bet his beskar'gam that he was going to be my first." Din looked down.
"A complete mandalorian armour." Din replied.
"And-" Luke swallowed not sure if he should ask the next question.
"He kept his beskar'gam." Din said and Luke could hear some sadness in his voice.
Luke's eyes went round, he found Din's hand and squeezed it, still staring at his visor "I'm sorry, Din."
"It's okay, that was so long ago. And I was too young to understand what I was feeling." He cleared his throat "At least I didn't remove my helmet in the heat of the moment."
Luke frowned "Can I ask you something?" Din nodded "And please, if I'm pushing boundaries here, let me know." Din nodded again. Luke breathed in "When you're having- well, you know... How is it to be with someone with that helmet on, I mean, don't you just want to kiss your partner?" He asked and his cheeks were red as apples all of a sudden.
The mandalorian chuckled "We do kiss. But not with our lips."
Luke smiled amused "Not with the lips? What? Is there another way?" He laughed softly.
"Yes, we kiss pressing our foreheads together." Din said not breaking eye contact with him behind his visor.
Luke's smile started to fade away the second he remembered that he pressed his forehead against Din's two days earlier when he was sitting on his lap.
His face turned crimson "Oh, no." He mumbled and he leaned back instinctively putting some space between their bodies. Din held his hand tight like trying to keep him close.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. If I knew it I wouldn't have done that." The blonde explained avoiding staring at him.
"I know." Din said squeezing his hand in a reassuring way.
Luke's hair was a mess and he looked sleepy "I should try to go back to sleep, have a long day tomorrow." He said standing up and letting Din's hand go.
"Alright." He heard the mandalorian said as he was climbing up to the bunk.
He kept tossing and turning for a while and kicking the blanket, sighing, feeling uneasy, still trying to process that he kissed the mandalorian without even noticing it and that he was now a couple of meters away from him.
What was Din thinking at that very moment?
Luke cracked one eye open to look at him on the floor.
An annoyed sigh coming from Din "Ah, Skywalker, are you going to do that the whole night?"
Luke lifted his head "Told you I couldn't sleep." He said in a whiny tone.
The mandalorian startled "I didn't know your voice could do that."
Luke's mouth set in a hard line, utterly offended by Din's words. "It's not my fault, you were right, your bunk isn't cozy."
"Listen, if you're going to be a pain in the ass you better come over here, there's plenty of room." Din retorted lifting the blanket.
Luke sat up slowly, considering Din's offer and, damn, how badly he wanted to share the bed with him. He blinked staring at Din and the man was still grabbing the blanket like he knew Luke needed a moment to process it.
When he put a foot on the floor he was still reticent but then the mandalorian let out a little sigh as he rolled over on the floor lying on his own side, and Luke couldn't refrain from complying with his demand anymore. He kneeled beside him and then he slipped under the blanket. He stared at Din's back keeping some distance between them.
Luke stayed lying on his back staring at the ceiling for a while resting his hands on his own chest thinking over and over how good it would feel to pass his arms around Din and he shook his head trying to push that thought away, I'm not a creep, I'm not a creep.
"Nothing." He said and then his mouth twitched.
"What's wrong?" Din asked still lying on his side.
"I said nothing." They stayed silent for a while "It's just, I want to hold you." Luke's mouth went dry not knowing where that boldness was coming from.
"Then hold me." Din effortlessly said.
"You mean it?" The blonde asked propping himself up on his elbows.
"Don't make me regret it." Din added reaching a hand behind himself to grab Luke's, the blonde's heart gave an extra beat when he finally hugged him from behind, resting his hand on Din's chest plate and burying his nose in the mandalorian's neck. Din put his hand atop Luke's an intertwined their fingers.
The mandalorian waited until Luke's breath evened out to mutter "Goodnight, cyar'ika." And although Luke was half asleep he answered by reflex.
"Goodnight, Din."
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Chapter 3: I'm Not So Brave but I'm Gonna Give It a Try
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: An awkward moment. A rejection. A talk. A glimmer of hope.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: M, grinding, allusions to sexual acts. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ MINORS DNI.
Cross-posted on AO3
A Sweet Response to Tragedy Masterlist || I Think of You Series Masterlist
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You’re sure you’ll spot Mando as you head further from town, all shining valor, but he sneaks up behind you until he’s just by your shoulder, startling you hard enough that you stumble forward.
“Maker, Mando, we’ve talked about this,” you complain, shooting vibroblades out your eyes at him. He shrugs and chuckles, reaching down to pat the kid on the head. His hand is dangerously close to your crotch and you have to willfully wish away your imagination.
(down girl)
“Any surprises?” he asks, and you notice he’s not striding with purpose to the Crest. You might even call it sauntering, or meandering. You’re taking your time getting back, and the idea warms you. 
(Is he enjoying himself?)
“No, very quiet. Bean ate something that sounded like a mouthful of bones, but he enjoyed it. Did you get anything to eat?”
Mando takes one step for two of yours, his stride much longer as he rests his hand on his belt buckle. The swagger of it all is arousing you more than is appropriate with a baby on your hip.
“I’ll eat on the ship,” he says, alluding to your usual arrangement. Dinner with the child while Mando retreats to the cockpit for several minutes and wolfs down his own food. That’s all you can imagine occurs, what with the speed of the event.
(maybe you could change that)
You ask him about the refuel and his own stock-up run, which he details in quick sentences, many of the words he’s using foreign to you. You’re both being lulled into an easy, calm state, side by side as the light of the day warms your backs. The sparse smattering of trees envelop you both as the sounds of the town fade into the distance. The crunch of earth under your shoes echoes in your ears and the relaxation in your limbs makes you bold.
“Thank you for today, Mando,” you say, and as smoothly and slowly as you can manage, you reach out and slide your fingers into the palm of his hand swaying between you. Your squeeze just barely, letting him know you have him.
Mando’s feet falter and you both slow to a stop, the helmet turned down to your joined hands. You keep the gentle pressure there, rubbing your thumb in a circle on the back of his hand, but he’s still locked on to your touch, fingers restless but not curling around yours. 
(fuck stupid stupid kriff)
You drop his hand, trying to smile in a disarming way.
“Sorry!” you say, a little too high and cheery. You try to think up an excuse but there’s a lump in your throat, so instead you start walking again, the child making confused noises. After a step or two you hear Mando continue walking as well, making up the gap. Striding with purpose now, the Crest looming into sight, you feel the deep urge to drown yourself in the routine of restocking the ship. 
Mando says your name, morphing it into a question, and you look at him with a too-bright smile.
“I, hmm…” he starts, and you know he’s searching for the reason why he didn’t accept your touch. You beat him to it.
“It’s okay, it’s nothing,” you rush out, waving your hands. “I was just…I was being silly.” You rephrase. “Sentimental. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” 
(must not be The Way)
Mando watches you for a moment, both of you still moving towards the ship, then turns his head and walks in silence. Mounting the ramp, you try to push the embarrassment of rejection down by pulling the supplies out in record time. Mando gets to his own tasks, putting items into his weapons locker (you don’t mess with that, not even knowing the combination for it) and climbing the ladder into the cockpit. Pushing the hover-carrier’s return-to-home button you shut the ramp, feeling the shudders and whirs of the Crest closing herself up from outsiders. 
You busy yourself with putting away the rations, your clothes, your new possessions on this ship. Your sleeping nook is well outfitted now, tucked into the hall storage cabinet just large enough for you (and Bean too, as long as he doesn’t have a growth spurt). The bed pad fits nicely, pillows and blankets making a comfortable cocoon of warmth. A piece of junk fabric hangs over the opening to provide some privacy. It’s perfect, a tiny refuge carved out for you. The child stays on your hip throughout, his weight comforting.
(It’s okay, you took a shot and it wasn’t the right time. Mando understands, you understand, you’ll be okay)
It’s when you’re putting your toiletries away, your toothbrush placed in the same spot as Mando’s, that you begin cursing yourself out.
(Stupid kriffing girl you’re going to ruin everything for what? Because you still have a crush on him? Grow up)
You put your forehead on the cool steel of the ‘fresher wall and take a few deep breaths. You thought Mando might be warming to you, that if you straddled him in the pilot’s chair (naughty) that he’d tumble into lust with you. But clearly that’s all it would be. If he couldn’t even hold your hand alone, far from prying eyes that could clock a Mandalorian’s weakness, then he must not harbor the same affection for you as you have for him.
The child tugs on the hem of your shirt and you sniff and wipe your face, pulling yourself back together.
“Okay Bean, let’s finish up then we can play,” you say, heading back to the hold. The child’s noise of agreement mirrors some of the sadness in your own.
After you settle the child at his favorite seat at the table, Mando calls down to you from the cockpit.
“Can you come up for a moment?” You get up from your seat at the table where you’ve been marking off your inventory checklist. Moving to pick up the child, “Leave the kid,” echoes after.
The request worries you as you settle the child in a little nest of wires you made while cleaning the hold. They’re bright and colorful enough that they help distract him when you both need to be out of the room for a few minutes. That and his silver ball should entertain him long enough for you to see what Mando needs.
Lifting yourself up the final rung, you don’t see Mando sitting in the pilot's chair. Instead, he’s looking out into the evening sky. It’s different from watching hyperspace, all deep blackness and cool light. The sky here is tinted indigo and cobalt, stars surrounded by halos of haze. A splash of umber signals the descending sun, a few glints reflecting off Mando.
“Everything okay?” you ask, eyes sweeping over his body to determine why he wouldn’t want the child here.
Mando turns to you, and in a step he’s closing the gap. You crane your neck up as he turns the helmet down, your breath coming in short pants. The visor pins you but its blackness is still a deep mystery.
“This is what I can give you, Mesh’la,” he whispers, low and sultry.
(And sad)
Just when you’re wetting your lips to speak, he backs you up against the wall of the cockpit. One thick thigh slots between yours, the unyielding beskar unforgiving against your soft core, your hands coming up against his chest plate in surprise. You try to form words, but for once Mando is filling the air, quietly so as not to disturb the child.
“I know how to fuck, and to fuck you good and often and how you like to be fucked,” he continues, one hand coming up to press his knuckle under your chin. You’re trying to be silent, afraid to break the spell, but feel your breath hitching into a soundless whine.
“I know how to protect you, and keep you safe.” His body covers you, cold and hot and all-encompassing. Your lips part as he drags his gloved thumb over your chin, ghosting against your bottom lip in much the same way as he touched you outside the ‘fresher.
“I’ll give you everything I know how to give,” he says, and his other hand captures yours, much in the same way you tried to earlier, and he looks down at your joined hands.
“But I don’t know how to give you this.” 
A wave of understanding washes over you. You let the breath out that you’d been holding.
(He’s never been more to someone than a bounty hunter or a lover or a warrior)
“It’s okay Mando,” you whisper, taking your hand from his tentative grasp and wrapping your arms around his neck. He pulls you closer, circling his arms around your back and curling down into you. Your hand strokes the back of his neck as if you could run your fingers through his hair. The cowl will have to do.
“I’ll take it, anything you’re willing to give. I won’t ask for more than that. I know how hard it is for you to offer it.”
The sigh you feel empty out of Mando makes you press your face into his cowl, relishing in the closeness of the embrace. 
(You’ll take what you can get to have him close to you)
“I’m sorry, Mesh’la,” he says, leaning back enough to press his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry if this disappoints you.”
(Kiss kiss kiss he still wants to kiss you)
“Never,” you murmur, “you’ve never truly disappointed me Mando. It’s actually kind of annoying.” You joke, and his arms squeeze you a little harder. His body shifts, his thigh rocking into you, and the moment turns from revelatory to arousing. You sigh, tilting your hips to better feel him.
“Dank farrik, you’re so…” A rough breath rasps out of the vocoder, the dizzying sound prompting you to roll your hips up his thigh. The breath changes to a rumble that vibrates against your chest. “Maker, I want to fuck you,” he growls, pushing you against the wall and wrapping his hands around your hips.
“Kriff, Mando, wanted to for weeks,” you whisper close to the helmet. “Wanted you to climb in the bunk every night since that first bounty.”
Mando groans, lifting you swiftly up to his waist, your legs wrapping around him. He slides his fingers underneath your waistband, fisting the fabric and dragging it down to expose your hips. The slide of the leather is electric on your skin.
“Can’t with the kid in there,” he huffs out, and you smother a laugh in his cowl.
“Time for him to get his own bedroom,” you shoot back, and your combined chuckles bounce off one another. 
“We might have enough time to…” Mando starts to say, dragging his knuckles torturously slow over your skin, when a curious “Patu?” echoes up the ladder. 
Mando groans and thunks his head against the wall, easing you down so your feet touch the floor. You could scream with frustration.
“So this is what parenthood’s all about, huh?” you say, and the shake of his helmet is part exasperation, part exhaustion.
“All the time,” Mando sighs out, moving to see what the child is trying to get into now. You catch his wrist before he leaves and press his gloved palm to your mouth, leaving a kiss among the blaster residue and dirt. “I mean it, Mando. I’m not disappointed.”
“Thank you, Mesh’la,” he says, dragging his thumb across your cheek with an affectionate tilt of his head. Much to your surprise, it doesn’t sound final.
(maybe not now) you think as he descends, (but also maybe not forever).
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lady-djarin · 2 years
across the galaxy
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chapter ix - back to you
din djarin x f!reader
warnings: implied smut, yearning/tension, angst, mentions of past trauma, soft sweet din, crying, panic attack, canoodling, nothing super crazy for now. (don't worry the smut will come back)
word count: 2,204
a/n: this is a short chapter, i'm trying to get back into the groove of the story, we'll get to more exciting things again soon! thank you for your support <3
You woke up in a daze, a whole half a rotation later. Not that you could really tell in deep space but that was your best guess. Your body felt like it had gone through a meat grinder but at the same time you felt so blissed out from the night's events. As you regained your bearings, your vision came into focus revealing a very messy hull of the ship. You were nestled in a bundle of blankets on the floor, the makeshift bed you and the bounty hunter shared. Everything that happened with Mando felt blurry, like a dream. You weren't sure if you believed your own memory, you knew you were poisoned with something, your body aches told you that but the only proof of what happened with the bounty hunter was the slight burn in your core. You tried to blink your eyes clear of the mental fog but you were still trying to process everything when you noticed the fresher running. It started to dawn on you that you actually did sleep with Mando, no not Mando – Din. He told you his name, you both expressed your deepest desires to each other in the throes of pleasure. Suddenly, the memories of so many lost friendships and relationships crash down on your mind all at once. So many times you had opened up to someone, much like last night, and they always left. Left you behind to clean up the mess of it all. Alone.
Panic bubbled up in your chest as you tried to stand on shaky legs. You quickly threw on your clothes and made your way up to the cockpit. You expected to find an endless canvas of white stars but were met with the lush landscape of a mysterious planet. Yes, you thought, you could get some fresh air. You silently as possible, made your way down to the ramp of the Crest. You powered it open and practically sprinted into the nearby forest. You took deep breaths and tried to come back down to reality by telling yourself the harsh truths.
‘He doesn't actually like you’
‘He was just helping you out’
‘Or maybe he just wanted a quick fuck’
All the things that had come out of similar situations in the past were coming back to you now. People using you for your kindness or perceived stupidity and getting what they want. You always tried to convince yourself it was them and not you but it's hard to look back at so many failed relationships and think you're not the problem. Your breathing was picking up even though you were walking at a slow pace and your mind wouldn't slow down. You felt the familiar panic of being utterly alone in the universe. Feeling like you truly didn't have anyone to call yours. You looked up into the trees, the multicolored leaves creating a stained glass effect on the branches and forest floor. You were always trying to be independent and be ok by yourself but times like these made you realize you wanted someone to share moments like this with. It was one of the most beautiful places you had seen by far but you were alone with that beauty.
You were alone until you heard him. The familiar heavy boots crushing leaves beneath their soles as he marched his way to you. Despite wanting to push away connection at the fear of losing it, you found yourself wanting that man by your side. Tears started to burn behind your eyes and the world in front of you began to blur. Your mind was screaming at you to run and never turn back, better to cut it off now before you get hurt worse. Your heart on the other hand, your heart was telling you to relinquish your soul to this man. When you were around him you felt safe, not like in the past around other people. Despite his scary nature, he was a very gentle and caring man, he showed you that last night. He cared about your well being, he cared about you. With tears now streaming down your face you were snapped back to reality when the gruff voice escaped the modulator calling your name.
“What are you doing out here?” He was in his helmet and heavy boots as usual but his heavy beskar was not covering his broad body. He looked you over, trying to assess your overall well being, which didn't go unnoticed by you. Your heart was aching to have him hold you but your body backed away on its own. He straightened at that, not wanting to scare you off. “I heard the ramp open… I got worried that something happened to you.”
You watched through blurry vision as he slowly walked towards you, holding out his hand for you to take. You didn't flinch back anymore but your limbs refused to move, the tears still staining your cheeks. Your senses were moving in and out of recognition, your mind going blank before racing off into space again, you felt like reality was shifting before your eyes. Din could see the unease in your body language, he wished he could erase whatever plagued your mind.
“Talk to me… what's going on?” He was only a few feet from you now, his soft voice regaining your attention. “Are you still feeling sick?”
You opened your mouth to respond but all that came out was sobs, you crumbled to the ground, clutching your face in your hands. As soon as you hit the ground, you felt Din behind you, holding you steady as you cried. You wanted so badly to explain what was going on in your head but you couldn't even put it into words. Din quickly gathered you into his arms and carried you back to the ship, a longer walk than you initially realized you made into the forest and barefoot no less. You had sprinted out of the Crest so quickly that you didn't even put on your boots.
Your voice was horse from the crying and your body shook with every sob. Din was trying to get you back to the Crest as fast as his legs could carry him all while not jostling you too much. You could feel his heartbeat in his chest, his shirt concealing much less than the beskar. It was beginning to quicken, more than usual. You had seen him sprint after a quarry and come back hours later, never having to catch his breath, he was clearly very athletic, so he wasn't tired now. No, he was upset, you even worried it was with you. Looking up to find his shiny helmet already angled down to you, you realized he worried about you. In all the time you had been around him, you had gotten used to what his slight change in body language meant. Reading someone without being able to see their face was almost impossible so it took a while to get used to it but now it was like reading a book.
He was worried– about you.
As you both got back into the belly of the Razor Crest, you had managed to stop crying, attempting to catch your breath without sounding too pathetic. The Mandalorian set you down on the closest crate, finding a blanket to wrap you in. The masked man stood above you, his warm hand finding your damp cheek to lift your gaze. You knew you looked miserable to him, you had to, your eyes puffy and red, lips swollen.
While Din thought they looked quite…kissable.
The black slit of his visor was tilted to the right as he examined you. You felt silly now, like a dramatic child throwing a tantrum, but you could tell that he was filled with nothing but understanding.
“Ad’ika, what’s wrong?” Still afraid to speak, you refused to open your mouth, feeling like more cries would escape. After a few moments of getting nothing out of you, Din kneeled down to your level, taking a knee between your legs. The familiar sight made your stomach drop just slightly, his shiny beskar reflecting the look of shock on your face. His touch now rested on your chin, his finger keeping your head level with his. Though you couldn't see his eyes, you knew your gazes met. “We don't have to talk about it but, promise me something,” you nodded to tell him you were listening. “Don’t run away from me, please. I - I don't like thinking you're in danger…”
To say that shocked you was nothing less than an understatement. You weren't used to people telling you that they valued you, the last time that happened was so long ago you had almost forgotten what it felt like. You broke down again, falling into the strong chest of the man in front of you, his hand finding the back of your head.
The two of you never really talked about what happened that day, it was almost a month ago. You thought Din was going to kick you to the curb after that but the day never came. He was actually quite understanding after that point, giving you your space when you needed it, or being by your side if you asked. Most nights were spent sleeping very close to each other on the floor of the hull but never touching. You two hadn't even so much as hugged since that first night together and you were starting to realize that your anxious thoughts might be right; he didn't care for you like that.
Little did you know, ever since seeing you in such pain, Din has wanted nothing more than to hold you and make you forget what troubled you. He wants to see your bright smile again and feel your warmth radiate off you like it used to. Something has shifted in you, something that concerns him. There is still some part of him that thinks he caused this change in you, that maybe crossing that line with you upset you in a deep way. When that thought occurs, it's usually followed by the reminder that you still seem to want to spend time with him, then he gets confused again. You could have left if you wanted to and he would have helped you in any way he could, even if it killed him. Yet, you stayed.
It had been weeks of the usual routine; him going on bounties and you caring for the child. You weren't feeling like yourself but would never admit that to him, not like he couldn't tell. You feared if you brought it up again, he would leave you, like all the rest. So you kept your mouth shut, trying to go about your day and not to think about the amazing night you had with the Mandalorian. The memory of his strong hands all over your body, the pollen lighting up your nerves. The effects of the drug made your body hurt of course but as soon as your body’s need was sated, it felt like liquid ecstasy was flowing through your veins. There was an unspoken arrangement that you shared a sleeping space on the floor of the hull but never in a romantic way even though your heart ached for it. Almost every night you would wake up at some point in the night to find Din’s body closer to yours, sometimes touching, but never enough.
This night was different.
You awoke to the soft glow of only a few buttons on the wall and the heavy weight of something on your waist. You turned slightly as you woke up more, realizing that the weight was the muscled arm of the man behind you. Your stomach sank into your feet when it hit you how close Din now was to your back, him practically spooning you. There was a part of your brain that told you to move away from him, keep him at a distance. However, the other part wanted to curl up into the heat of his body and revel in the feel of him again. So you did exactly that. As smoothly as possible, you backed up towards the sleeping man, pushing your form against his. He stirred slightly, making you stop as your heart raced but he ended up curling his arm around you tighter. He pulled you against him, burying his face, his bare face, into your neck.
He hummed lightly as the smell of your shampoo hit his nose, finally able to hold you. Your body fit against his perfectly, your ass now right in his lap. He was still mostly asleep but having you against him brought his mind to you. He had been waiting so long to have you in his arms, he was afraid if you knew he was awake, you would change your mind. He clearly saw you move towards him, it made his heart soar and he never wanted this moment to end.
The two of you would work out whatever you needed to, but for now, he just wanted to hold the person he loved as he drifted back to sleep.
chapter x
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klarex · 2 years
So I finally do a part 2 of Mando x jedi! reader! Hope you like it!
Genre: fluff
Warnings: swearing of course and a lot of cutiness
Summary: A little training with Grogu and going to a planet where Luke is.
Paring: Din Djarin x Jedi! reader
Cute little creature
part 1 part 2
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Pov. Y/n
After talking and drinking ours tea we hopped into his ship.
- Wow! I thought you would have a really cheap ship, but this is just- wow...
I said while looking around with amazed.
- This ship is amazing! I mean, it has a lot of space! It's definitely not the same as my X-wing..
I said and looked at him, smiling. He looked at me.
- Your X-wing..?
He said a little confused.
- Yeah.. I got it when I was in the reoublic and when I was still going on missions..
He nodded and went to a cockpit with me following. He placed Grogu in his chair and Din sat in his. I sat behind him, next to a little creature.
- So where are we going now, Y/n?
I told him a name of planet that Luke should be on. He put on a destination and we flew to the planet slowly.
While we were flying I asked Din.
- Soo.. I have 2 questions.
He didn't say anything, but I continued.
- 1. What should I call you? And 2. Can I try and teach Grogu something?
When I said "Grogu", a little creature looked at me. I smiled. Mando was silent for a moment like he was thinking about how he should answer.
- In public Mando, but if you want to you can call me by my name when there is no one around..
My smile grew bigger.
- Okey Din, but what about the second question?
- You can. Take him to the lower level and wait there for me.
He said and I nodded. I took Grogu in my hands.
- We're gonna play Grogu!
I said happily and he smiled.
We went to a lower level of a ship and I sat down on a floor with Grogu in front of me. I smiled at a little view I have.
He is cute..
- Okey Grogu, so first I want you to.. umm...
I looked around for something to help me teach him.
Fuck, I'm so terrible at teaching..
I thought, but then Din came in. I looked at him and he looked at me. I swear I could say we had an eye contact. I looked away blushing.
- S- so Din, have you got something small that he could lift with his force..?
He thought for a sec, but then pulled a ball from his pocket. He handed it to me.
- Thanks.
I smiled again.
Omg.. why did I smile so much?
I turned my face to green creature.
- Okey Grogu.. I want you to take it with your force.
I said and showed him how he should do it, but he just took it with his hands.
- *laughs* No, Grogu. Not with hands. With force.
I said and showed him again. He looked at Din and then back at me. He slowly lifted it and pulled it to him with force.
- Bravo, Grogu!!
I clapped and he laughed. Then I heard Din chuckled.
Wow.. his laugh is soo.. cute..
Even with this stupid modulator.
I really want to hear his voice without this stupid thing.
Wait! What am I thinking about?!
I blushed at my thoughts.
- W- was he using his force earlier?
I looked at Mando and he nodded.
- Okey Grogu, now push it back to me.
He did what I wanted and I clapped again. Then Din walked back into a cockpit to be a super pilot again.
After some more basic force tricks, we finally went back to cockpit only to see a green and blue planet in front of us.
- Yay! We're here!
I said/yelled.
When we got off a ship we saw a really green forest. I took a deep breath.
- Ah~ How good to be here again..
Mando looked at me, but didn't say anything.
- What?
I asked smiling.
- Nothing.. Just- I just thought about something..
He said and looked away. I just nodded not wanting to make him more uncomfortable.
- Come on! Let's make a visit to this old man!
I laughed and ran to a big lake in front of us.
Pov. Mando
Wow.. She really is full of energy.
I thought and followed her with Grogu in my hands. We saw her sitting on a log and talking with a droid. The droid beeped and Y/n laughed.
- Wait, really?
She asked and droid beeped, she laughed again.
God.. her laugh is amazing..
Then droid saw me and beeped.
- Oh? Wait..
She turned around and saw me.
- Oh! Yeah. That's not an enemy. That's my friend R2.
The droid beeped hold a metal arm for me to shake what I did.
- That is R2-D2, Mando. Luke's droid.
She said and droid beeped happily.
- Oh! Right. And his dearest friend.
She added and laughed.
- So R2 where is Luke now and can we meet with him?
R2 beeped something and went to some destination. We followed him while having a small conversation. We talked about a ships most of the time.
After some time we saw a stone tower. I could see that Y/n's smile grew bigger.
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i-am-scoot · 2 years
The "Artist"
Main blog: Fictional Viking (Since this is a side-blog, I can only reply to comments as fictionalviking, so if that name shows up, just know that it’s still me.)
Cosplay and…whatever
I Am Scoot on Instagram
Hi! I'm a human bean. I'm married to another human bean and together we have two small human beans that we love very much.
Read on to learn more :)
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(This is me.)
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The Comic
Not sure where to start? Here you go. Have fun! 😁
When Mando Met Scoot
I don’t know who she is or where she came from. Scoot simply appeared in all her bright blue and purple glory in my mind one day and decided to stay.
Don’t ask me why she chose my brain of all brains to take up residence in, or why she chose me of all people to tell her goofy, random, strange story. Maybe it’s because I’m just as goofy, random and strange as she is. Maybe it’s because she could sense I needed her confusing yet oddly comforting presence in my life.
Maybe both.
Or perhaps it was because the second season of The Mandalorian left me with so many burning questions, the most pressing of which was “hm, I wonder what would happen if there was a Mandalorian who just wasn’t very Mandalorian-ish…but they were completely unaware they weren’t very Mandalorian-ish?”.
Yeah, I ask the important stuff.
Anyway, poof, there she was. So I dropped her right in the middle of Din Djarin’s story to see what would ensue. I have not been disappointed.
This is not a serious series, nor is my cartoony interpretation of the Star Wars world meant to reflect the vastness of that great universe…ok, you know what? I’ll cut right to it: it doesn’t exactly follow the plot of the show or stick to the “correct” canon in any sense of the term. My intention is to enjoy myself first and foremost, and hopefully entertain anyone else who happens upon this mess I call a comic. I like making people smile, and if my stupid, poorly-rendered Star Wars-themed scrawls make your day even the tiniest bit better, then mission accomplished.
Oh, and on that topic, if you haven’t noticed already, I have no idea what I’m doing, so don’t get your hopes up if that’s what you’re looking for. There are numerous type-o’s, glaring inconsistencies and plot holes, I don’t do straight lines and perfect circles, and I definitely can’t figure out anatomy, perspective and proportions to save my life (like, what even…??). But I’m learning as I go and having a lot of fun along the way and that’s all I care about.
In short, my only wish is to humbly pass along the adventures of the individual who might possibly be…
The Galaxy’s Most Incompetent Mandalorian Warrior
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i-am-scoot · 2 years
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Not sure where to start? Here you go. Have fun! 😁
When Mando Met Scoot
I don’t know who she is or where she came from. Scoot simply appeared in all her bright blue and purple glory in my mind one day and decided to stay.
Don’t ask me why she chose my brain of all brains to take up residence in, or why she chose me of all people to tell her goofy, random, strange story. Maybe it’s because I’m just as goofy, random and strange as she is. Maybe it’s because she could sense I needed her confusing yet oddly comforting presence in my life.
Maybe both.
Or perhaps it was because the second season of The Mandalorian left me with so many burning questions, the most pressing of which was “hm, I wonder what would happen if there was a Mandalorian who just wasn’t very Mandalorian-ish…but they were completely unaware they weren’t very Mandalorian-ish?”.
Yeah, I ask the important stuff.
Anyway, poof, there she was. So I dropped her right in the middle of Din Djarin’s story to see what would ensue. I have not been disappointed.
This is not a serious series, nor is my cartoony interpretation of the Star Wars world meant to reflect the vastness of that great universe…ok, you know what? I’ll cut right to it: it doesn’t exactly follow the plot of the show or stick to the “correct” canon in any sense of the term. My intention is to enjoy myself first and foremost, and hopefully entertain anyone else who happens upon this mess I call a comic. I like making people smile, and if my stupid, poorly-rendered Star Wars-themed scrawls make your day even the tiniest bit better, then mission accomplished.
Oh, and on that topic, if you haven’t noticed already, I have no idea what I'm doing, so don’t get your hopes up if that’s what you’re looking for. There are numerous type-o's, glaring inconsistencies and plot holes, I don’t do straight lines and perfect circles, and I definitely can’t figure out anatomy and proportions to save my life (like, what even…??). But I’m learning as I go and having a lot of fun along the way and that’s all I care about.
In short, my only wish is to pass along the adventures of the individual who might possibly be…
The Galaxy’s Most Incompetent Mandalorian Warrior
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
{Innocent part 2}
A mandalorian Fanfiction
Din djarin x reader
Summary: y/n has had a bounty placed on her head ever since she was a young child and has sworn to never tell anyone why. she lives on a small planet with her father who tries his hardest to protect her from bounty hunters. But one day he isn't there to protect her.
Warnings: language possibly. and bad spelling maybe...because I have no idea how to spell some things because I'm stupid.
And also, I haven't watched the third episode of the mandalorian so I'm pretty much winging it here so I apologize if its extremely inaccurate. I tried watching the episode but my family won't let me because their asshole's. So I just done a time skip where our mando boi originally saved baby yoda(but this time its y/n getting saved so yeah....)
But anyway I hope you guys like it!
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" I'm the bounty you have been looking for, " she muttered, her voice calm. " please mando....please just take me in, all I've done is get the people I love killed." Her eyes pleads him, her voice absolutely broken, cracking with emotion.
" get up and go bring me the fuel...after you give samira a burial and pay you're respects. " the mandalorian said while standing up, watching as y/n nods, her heartbroken eyes making a small amount of guilt already eat away at him.
It's been hours since everything happened, since samira was buried...since y/n told the mandalorian that she was the one he was supposed to turn in.
That's how she ended up in the co-pilot seat as her eyes roamed every aspect of the galaxy that laid before her. Never in a million years would she think she'd see such a sight, it was her biggest dream. And now her she sat, a smile on her face and a sparkle shining so bright n her eyes someone would think that she wasn't on a journey to her death.
That made the mandalorian look away from her joyful face and in front of him at the vastness of the galaxy.
How could someone be so happy knowing that this was their last moments in the galaxy?. It left him confused and even more guilty knowing that this girl beside him was considered a friend, someone he trusted and trusted him.
And now he was flying them to her death all for a fair amount of units.
But those said units would be good to have for the child, to keep the little green creature fed and safe.
The mandalorian looks over at the child seated in y/n's lap. It's eyes sparkling just as bright as hers. He knew that once the child figured out where he was taking the girl that the little thing would hate him. The child had grown quite fond of y/n over that week of being on her home planet, and she seemed to adore the little creature as well. They was always together, she would tell him stories or sing to him making him fall asleep. She cooked him meals and bathed him whenever he was dirty from playing in the mud with the other children on her planet.
The child loved her, even more then it loved him possibly. the mandalorian could see that, and although he felt a little jealous of how much the child prefers her company, he thought it was cute. Although he'd never say that out loud.
" how did you get it?." The mandalorian's modulated voice broke the silence, the girls smile filters a bit as she finally tears her gaze away from the stars and such. She looks at him with a smaller smile now.
The mandalorian couldn't help but ask the question that's played on his mind the moment she admitted to being the bounty almost every bounty hunter has looked high and low for.
She sighs and looks back towards the galaxy, eyes now glued to it, she knew he was asking about the bounty on her head, " I can't tell you, I'm sorry " she muttered, but he heard her and nodded his head. His helmet reflecting the buzzing by stars.
She wanted to tell him, but made a promise to those she loved and lost that she wouldn't ever tell a soul how she got the bounty.
But the child somehow knew, she knew that. Which is why it looks up at her with those big brown almost black eyes of its. As if it was asking why she kept it so secret.
" how did you get the necklace then? Or is that a secret as well? " he asks, his annoyance at himself coming out.
But y/n thought it was because her and sighs, reaching a hand up to hold the mandalorian necklace, tracing her thumb over the metal skull pendant. Her mind drifts away to the memory of when her father gave it to her, a small smile on her face.
" my father gave it to me when I was young." She said, her voice low but gentle.
He looks at her confused, but that look was hidden behind his mask as she rocked the child back and forth in her arms, it's eyes threatening to close.
" he was mandalorian? " he speaks, the confusion dripping from his modulated voice making y/n smile with a chuckle.
" yes, he was. My mother though wasn't, she was just a farm girl from my home planet Esor... that's one of the reasons I rushed to your ship when you first landed, I thought that you was my father." she explained, her eyes looking down at the sleeping child in her arms.
There it was, that same innocent look on her face that made the mandalorian's heart flutter, she was beautiful, angelic even. And he couldn't deny it, he couldn't help but to enjoy hearing how soft and gentle she spoke or how her smile seemed to brighten his day. The way she would always ask how he was or if he was hungry, showing him how much she cared about him.
He breaks himself from his thoughts as he takes in what she just said, " I'm sorry to hear that." Was all he said. She hums in acknowledgement and continues watching the child sleep.
" you should get rest, we will arrive at our destination tomorrow morning " he adds, watching her nod and stand up. She brings a hand down to pat the mandalorian's shoulder clad in beskar, a sad smile on her face.
" thank you..." she says, causing his brows to furrow in confusion. Why was she thanking him?
" for what? " he spoke, looking up at her.
" for having a heart kind and loving to protect this child from harm, for finally putting my village out of danger for getting rid of me." She said, voice calm and soft as ever. He stared at her in silence, completely baffled by this girl. She was thanking him for taking her in? Was she crazy?. Guilt made his heart clinch as he looks away from her.
Realizing he had nothing to say, she walked away. Leaving him alone to his thoughts so she could put the child to sleep.
Why did he have to fall for someone who had a bounty so high on their head?
And why did that bounty have to be so damn beautiful, nice and innocent....
" we're here " the mandalorian spoke after he woke y/n up. Her eyes fluttered open looking up at him with slight confusion until she fully woke up and realized what he said.
" okay, " was all she said as she stood up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
After a few minutes she was out of the room in the rezar crest that the mandalorian let her sleep in. Her hair was slightly a mess since she didn't have a brush with her, not that she needed one really. She stood in the middle of the ship as the mandalorian was speaking to the child in a hush tone.
" we have to, she's dangerous and we need the units. Stay here until I get back, and don't touch anything " he explained, the girl smiled and snorted at hearing him call her dangerous.
She wasn't really, she couldn't bring herself to hurt anything. But she could see why the mandalorian thought she was dangerous, especially since every bounty hunter was searching for her.
The child wasn't pleased with what the mandalorian was doing, the girl and him could see that. But he needed to, she wanted him to.
" I'll be alright little one, just don't cause to much trouble while I'm gone, and please don't be so harsh with mando..." she spoke up from behind the mandalorian, who stood up and turns to face her. She had that smile on her face he thought was impossible to leave.
The child whines and reaches his chubby arms up to the girl and she smiles, although her heart was breaking at the thought of leaving it. The creature has grown on her, slithering it's way into her heart....just like the mandalorian who she considered a friend, but deep down knew that something in her longed for him to see her as something much more then that.
She picked the child up and holds him as he hugged her. " it's alright little one, you'll be just fine without me " she reassures it.
" we should go." The mandalorian said, opening up the door to the ship.
He couldn't bare seeing how distraught the child was, he was honestly feeling the same. He didn't know if he could go through with turning her in. His and the child's life's wouldn't be the same, who else would sing the child to sleep or pester him on his well being?
He pushed those thoughts aside and tried once more to convince himself she was dangerous and a threat to the child.
Y/n puts the child down and sighs, pressing a gentle kiss to the childs head before looking away from those pleading big eyes of its.
She follows the mandalorian out of the ship and watches as the door closes, the childs frown and tear filled eyes breaking her heart.
" come on " the mandalorian barked, walking toward the building that the girl assumed was who would pay the mandalorian for turning her in.
He was angry, angry at himself for doing this even when everything in him screamed at him not to. But he was still walking, still moving toward the building he knew the client was in.
He sighs as he walks through the door, seeing about five men in white armor...stormtroopers.
The girl looks at then with slightly wide eyes, her gaze then fell on the man who was seated at a desk in the room. Shock on his face when his eyes landed on her.
" well, it looks like the mandalorian has done what couldn't be done..." the older man grins.
" where's the units And beskar? " the mandalorian asks, going straight to business as he held his hand over his blaster on his hip, do to the armed stormtroopers. The client smiles, motioning to one of the stormtroopers to fetch the units, while the clients eyes stayed on the girl who stood beside the mandalorian, not a ounce of fear on her face as she stared the stormtroopers down.
" I've heard so much about you y/n, I've looked for you for years but you're father kept you hidden well....even after all my offers " the client spoke. At the mention of her father she looks at him now instead of the stormtroopers.
" you, you're the man my father tried to get rid of..." she said, her voice trailing off as she stared at him.
" yes, only he failed miserably at that. So did you're mother." His grin never filtered, the girl was now looking at the ground with tears swimming in her eyes.
" what did you do to him? " her voice trembled for a moment, as it came out weak. The mandalorian couldn't help the sad feeling for her clawing at his chest.
" the same thing I did to you're mother...I killed him, the moment he stepped through that door, only before I ended his life I took that ridiculous helmet off so I could see the failure in his eyes. " the client explained with the same wickedness.
Y/n couldn't help the tear from falling from her eye. She never let her emotions take over her before but she couldn't help the anger running through her veins as she took her small knife out her father gave her and ran towards the client, but before she could reach him a blaster was pressed to the side of her head. Her eyes flicked from the client and towards the stormtrooper holding the blaster.
The mandalorian watched as this went down, watching how she held the knife tightly. So she was murderer?
" I'd put the blade away girl " the client said, but she didn't, her anger was boiling over almost. She didn't care if she was shot by this pathetic life form and his goons, she was mad, absolutely infuriated by this man who took her father away and even disrespected him before ending his life....her father deserved better.
" and why should I do that? Give me one reason why I shouldn't end you're pathetic life? " she growls. The mandalorian stood there watching the scene before him unfold in shock, never would he think that y/n would say or even attempt something so violent.
" because I know the bond you've developed for the child, " he said with a small smirk, the mandalorian tenses at the mention of the little creature. " I originally wanted the child, but the mandalorian has brought me you instead, but I'll happily settle for you and leave the child be as long as you complie " he says, the girl loosens her grip on the knife and drops her arm by her side.
" don't you see the longer you fight who you are the more people you love get's hurt? " he adds with his same tone of wickedness.
She felt absolutely defeated, why does she put everyone she loves in danger?
" as long as you promise not to go no where near the child, then I'll complie...." she said lowly, but the client heard and smiles widely.
" good, take her to the back " the client orders a stormtrooper, who roughly grabs her arm and takes her away.
The mandalorian was glad he had a helmet, because it hid the look of pure guilt and anger on his face.
He didn't like the way the stormtrooper manhandled the girl, he didn't like the fact it was his fault she was here in the first place.
" what are you going to do with her? " the mandalorian asks, the guilt hidden by his modulator.
" it's none of you're concern. Go retrieve you're rewards." The client said, and so the mandalorian shrugs the comment off and heads to where his beskar and units was.
It wasn't long before the mandalorian stepped foot onto the rezar crest with his new beskar, and a satchel full of units. When he stood in the middle of his ship he spots the child standing before him. Eyes glazed over with tears as it frowns at the mandalorian.
" don't give me that look..." he muttered with a sigh. The child crosses its arms with a pout, making the mandalorian sigh deeply and throw the satchel of units on a nearby seat.
" you need to eat womp rat, " the mandalorian spoke, searching around for the food y/n made before he turned her in....
Just the thought of what he did makes him feel horrible, a sick feeling in the depths of his stomach. But he pushes that thought away and finally finds the container of soup. He tears the lid off and hands it to the child, only the child pushes it away and waddles to the co-pilot seat and refuses to even look at the mandalorian.
The mandalorian stood there, looking at where the child once stood. Great, now the womp rat won't even eat, just perfect.
Angry at himself he storms to the pilot seat and begins messing with buttons and levers, preparing to leave this planet and find another one faraway from harm.
A whine from the child breaks him from his thoughts as he stops in mid take off. The pleading look in its eyes, begging him to not leave without the girl who has ahold of both their hearts, one willingly....the other not so much.
The mandalorian hated how much the girl ran through his thoughts, how she was the only thing he seemed to think of....and she cared about him and trusted him, and yet he dropped her off at the enemy's door step.
With one last look at the child he knew what he needed to do, " you better thank the stars you're adorable..." he said with a sigh, turning the ship off as he jumps out of his seat and grabs his blaster and rifle....
He couldn't do it, he couldn't go through with giving her away like that. She deserves better, her damn family died protecting her....a mandalorian for that matter which makes her one, he couldn't leave her behind.
" don't touch anything while I'm gone! " he said loudly as he leaves the rezar crest and marched right back towards the building where she was.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The rezar crest was silent as the mandalorian pilot's it to another planet, one safe and that can provide fuel, which they was running low on.
The mandalorian looks to the seat beside him, seeing the child's happy face gazing out the window in front of him. The man can't help the smile that tugs at his lips, seeing how happy the little creature is makes him feel happy.
It's been at least five hours since the mandalorian had a change of mind and rescued the girl. He found her being experimented on by dr. Pershing, she was unconscious and the sight made him want to just fire multiple blasts into the man. But he didn't, he grabbed her and left...of course though he was chased by the bounty hunters who ambushed the place, looking not only for y/n but the child as well.
But luck was on his side and some mandalorian's appeared, helping him get to his ship with the girl in his arms safely.
He couldn't help the fluttering in his heart as he held her close to him when he was safe, his eyes roaming every detail on her face, memorizing her beauty.
But then he remembered the situation at hand and quickly laid her down in his room on the rezar Crest and kicked the ship in high gear, leaving that horrid planet as fast as possible.
Y/n laid unconscious on the cot that the mandalorian would usually sleep in, the door left open to the room so he could hear when she wakes up.
Her eyes slowly open as she looks at her surroundings, confused. She sits up and realizes she's on the mandalorian's ship, but how?
A smile blooms on her face when she hears the child's cooing followed by Mando's modulated chuckle. She stands up and walks to the cockpit, smiling wide when she sees the child playing with a few buttons on the rezar crest, mando soon moving the child away as he stands up, stopping in his tracks when he sees the girl awake.
" you're awake- here you need to eat! " he rushes to gently pass the girl the child and begins searching for something to feed the girl who giggles at him.
" I'm not hungry...thank you though " she says, making the mandalorian look at her as he now held what looked to be some sort of meat.
" are you sure? " he asks, now fidgeting with his fingers as he sat the food down.
" yes mando, I'm sure " she reassures him, he nods and looks around. He felt awkward, guilty still for almost leaving her behind. " I like the new beskar, it looks better then that old beaten thing you was wearing " she smiles playfully at the man as she looks the new armor over.
The child reaches a small hand up to hold the girls face making her giggle and look at him. His smile making her heart swell.
" I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ever taken you in " the mandalorian blurts out, y/n looks at him with a small kind smile.
" it's okay, I asked you to remember? " she says, he sighs and walks over to her, gently taking the child out of her arms and sitting it down on the table beside him. He looks at the girl, his helmet shining in the dull lighting of the rezar crest.
" but I shouldn't have done it, no matter what you said. It was wrong " he admitted, making the girls smile filter as she gave him a serious look. Although he was hidden behind the helmet, she could feel the guilt coming off him in waves. She gently rests her hand on where his cheek would be if the helmet wasn't in the way. Her eyes looking into visor. She smiles softly at him.
" no, it wasn't wrong. If you didn't the child would have been in my place, " she spoke, voice as smooth as honey making the mandalorian blush under the helmet, the closeness causing butterflies to erupt in his belly. " don't feel guilty for what you did mando...it was what I wanted " she tells him.
" but why? Why would you want that?! " he said with sadness and frustration. He couldn't comprehend why she wanted to be gone, when he and the child both would miss her.
" because the client was right. everyone I love has died because me....and me being here around you and the child....you would both be added to the list of poeple I get killed, I can't handle that " she said, her voice trembles as tears swim in her eyes.
The mandalorian brings a gloved hand up to hold her cheek, running his thumb over her soft skin. How he wished to feel it without the leather material of his glove depriving him of doing such. His eyes locked on her y/e/c ones.
" No, because now you have me to protect you and those who you love. I won't let you or the child ever get hurt...I promise you that." He told her, his modulated voice soothing her aching heart.
She smiles and leans more into his touch, for him to be a bounty hunter he had a soft touch and caring heart. That made her fall even more for the man. She nods her head at him, not trusting her voice at the moment. But he knew that she was grateful for his promise.
As time went on, the three sat and talked, y/n spoke about her father more to the mandalorian, explaining that his new beskar remained her a lot of her father's. She also told him stories of how she'd wait for his arrival during his disappearance. The mandalorian listened along with the child, they was both sporting little smiles but Mando's was hidden of course. Y/n also tried getting the bounty hunter to speak of his life, even asking what his real name was, but he wouldn't of course. She was fine with that though and understood.
Awhile after their talks, the child had fell asleep. His little form curled up in his bubble like carrier. Now it was just mando and y/n, both sitting in silence as she fondly fidgeted with the necklace around her neck.
Mando watched with a loving small smile, his arms crossed as he was debating whether he should open up a little to her or not....
" Din Djarin " he spoke, startling her at first with his sudden loudness, but she looks at him with a confused look. He chuckles at her obviousness, " that's my name..." he muttered quietly, but she heard and smiled.
" it is a wonderful name din " she replied as she looks down at her necklace with slight pink cheeks.
Hearing his name roll of her tongue made his heart swell, she said it so beautifully. Her soft and sweet voice causing him to sigh dreamily.
Oh boy did he have it bad for her. It made him wonder how he even allowed himself to deliver her to the client. He never wanted her to leave him, to be away from him. He always wanted her by his said, along with the child. He always wanted to be with her to protect her.
And unknown to him she never wanted to leave him, she never experienced love, but she was sure that this was what it felt like, her heart belonged to him. And she never wanted to leave him or the child ever again.
-------------------to be continued------------------
I hope you guys enjoy this, it took me almost like five to four days to write lol.....but now with the way I'm making it I think it might be longer then 3 parts...let me know what you guys think (:
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
a mandalorian fanfiction.
Din djarin x reader
Summary: y/n has had a bounty placed on her head ever since she was a young child and has sworn to never tell anyone why. she lives on a small planet with her father who tries his hardest to protect her from bounty hunters. But one day he isn't there to protect her.
Warnings: language maybe and bad spelling because I'm a tard.
A/N: I made up a planet because I felt EXTRA creative. And also, the villagers in this fanfic (including y/n) speak alien language so when words are put like this its them speaking a different language....so enjoy my fellow mando lovers.
Part two here
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The moon was shining bright in the sky of esor as the Stars in the galaxy twinkle beautifully. The town's people all gathered around in the sandy area as a bonfire made the hut like homes around glow in a red/orange light. Happy joyous laughter being the only sound around other than the tune of a flute as people danced laughed and celebrated the marriage of a young couple. Everyone was happy, elated. All except one young child, around the age 4years old. She watched the people cheer, dance, sing. As her little mind drifts to the whereabouts of her father. He left in the early morning hours, before the sun had made its appearance in the sky. For the mission he has sworn to never fail, protecting his heart and soul, her, his little y/n.
She was innocent, loving and kindhearted. He knew this from the moment she was birthed into this universe. Her y/e/c eyes holding this look of nothing but sweet kindness, her little laugh as innocent as ever. But she was also brave, always asking her father if she could join him on his missions, which also lead him to figure out shes stubborn as hell. But he refused, her innocence should never have to see the blood and gore her father has seen. The horrible sight of him slaughtering filthy creatures, pure monsters who dare utter the words of their plans to kill his little angel for money. That's why he leaves her daily to try and rid the galaxy of scum bags like them. Leaving her in the caring hands of his wife's friend samira, A girl in her mid-twenties. But when the stars are out he comes home, always.
With a small smile and relief, the little girl with a y/h/c bread spots the landing ship that belongs to her father. She smiles brightly and runs to her and his little hut. The candle light not giving the room much light, but enough to see. She giggles as she throws herself on the small bed and waits for him. Her eyes shining brightly as she waits for the story he will tell this time. It doesn't take but 10minutes for the the man clad in the grey shining beskar armor walks through the huts little wooden door. His helmet preventing the little girl to see the happy smile on his face, Bruises and small cuts litter his face.
The mandalorian man walks further into the room, gently sitting on the bed as he takes his glove off to take ahold of his childs hand. She smiles at him and looks over beside her, a little black piece of cloth. He chuckles and watches as she puts it over her eyes, looking up at him blindly as all she saw now was darkness. The mandalorian gently brings his hands up to both sides of his helmet and takes it off as it hisses.
Upon hearing the familiar hiss she lifts her hand up to feel her father's face, it was clean shaven and full of scars.
The small cuts making her worry but he was quick to stop her worries. " I'm okay, no need to worry y/n..." his voice gruffly yet soothing.
She nods her head as she sighs. " where did you go this time?! " her excitement evident in her voice making him laugh.
" I went to this place called coruscant, it wasn't that great of a place honestly " he tells her as her smile was now small, " but I did manage to bring you something back " he smiles, she grins and waits with her left hand outstretched. He chuckles and places the small knife in it. The handle was silver, while the blade itself was black with little red swirls in it. He had it specially made for her. She examines it carefully and blindly. Her small finger carefully touching the blade.
" what is it? " she asks softly. He scoots closer to her on the bed and takes it, laying it on the table beside her bed.
" it's a knife, to-to protect yourself for when I'm no longer around " he quietly said, Stuttering a little as the odd feeling of pain and worry seeps into his heart. " I know I just got back, and I'd love nothing more then to stay right here beside you " he says, voice dripping with the sadness he feels. He couldn't hide it, no matter how hard he tried.
" then why don't you? " the Tremble in her voice making his heart shatter. He sighs and holds her chubby little cheek in his hand.
" because theres someone out there who's really bad. He wants to hurt you....so I have to go and have a, " he paused, his y/e/c eyes looking ever every inch of her face. She looked just like his deceased wife, all except her eyes that was just like his. " have a discussion with him and I when i get back i promise you y/n that I won't be wearing this helmet " he chuckles at the gasp of excitement she let's out.
" and you won't ever leave again?! " she questions hopefully. He nods but remembers she can't see him and chuckles. " no, I won't leave no more. This will be the last time " he reassured her. She squeals in glee and throws her little arms around his neck and hugs him tightly. He wraps his arms around her and holds her. The thought of this possibly being the last time he will ever see her again running through his mind........
later that night after she fell asleep he had given her the necklace he wore, the necklace that was given to him by the guild, the mandalorians.
Years later
Y/n was seated on a rock just outside her home, whittling on a small stick she found on the ground. Her y/h/c hair a mess from lack of brushing it. She was now in her early twenties and still had hope that someday her father would return, walking out of that ship of his without his helmet. Although she didn't know who'd she see considering the girl has never seen the man. She would often sit outside every single night and wait, looking up at the stars hoping to see him. But she was always met with the same fate of seeing nothing. Absolutely nothing.
As she got older the more her anger at this stupid little planet grew, it was nearly deserted. Not even smugglers on the loose knew it existed. All she wanted was for someone to land so she could take their ship and search the galaxy for the only family and friend she had. But deep down inside she knew she'd never find him. She could feel it, that he was gone. But she refused to believe it.
" y/n! Y/n! " the girls head whips around upon someone yelling her name. Her whittling coming to a halt. She looks up seeing samira, her dark locks cascading down her shoulders as her aged face holds that of worry and hope.
Y/n stands up and looks at the older woman with confusion. " what's wrong!? " she asks, voice low, soft and gentle as always. the girl has never raised her voice at anyone no matter what the situation. Most believe it to be impossible for the kindhearted girl who didn't have a mean bone in her body.
" a ship, its landed here! I've heard it's a mandalorian y/n! " samira says, trying to catch her breath from running all this way. Y/n's eyes widen and for the first time in years she feels her heart beat with excitement. Could it actually be him?. The thought kept repeating itself in her head. Without even responding to her former caretaker she runs, fast. Running in the direction of which samira came from. Bumping into people on her way to the other side of the little village.
And that's when she saw a unfamiliar ship. It was a rezar crest, after years of living in this small planet she had read many scrolls of mostly everything in the galaxy, ship models as well. She stops her running and sees the few more muscular men of the village gathered around a mandalorian. His worn and scarred beskar armor shining in the hot suns of esor as he holds up a blaster at the men. Y/n slowly makes her way toward the man, still holding on to hope that its the man she's been waiting for.
Once she was stood with the villagers and Mandalorian she sighs deeply. She knew just by the looks of his armor it wasn't him, it wasn't her father. But she still pushed past the men and looks at him. His head now turning towards her and speaking.
" look, I have no idea-"
" shut up! And drop the blaster! " one of the villager men growls, holding his staff up towards the mandalorian. The villager speaking in his native language.
Y/n looks at the armored man, " I'm assuming you don't speak our language? " y/n asks in her gentle caring tone. The man huffs.
" I've only been saying that the moment I had a staff shoved in my face! " the mandalorian retorted. Y/n smiles a small amused smile.
" drop your weapons " and so they did, following the young girls orders. She stands to be in front of the mandalorian now as she smiles at him, hand outstretched for a handshake. He looks at her and holsters his blaster ignoring her handshake. She drops her hand back at her side with a little sigh, and slightly pink cheeks.
" why are you here? " she asks, he only stares at her for a moment before responding. " I need fuel for my ship, food. " he tells her. She nods and looks back at the villagers.
" he's no threat, not now at least. Treat him nicely to keep peace in our village please. " y/n spoke in her native tongue as she smiles a small smile at the man. " follow me. " she said, and began walking towards the little huts littering in the middle of the place up ahead. He turns back to his ship, walking up the open ramp and scooping the little bundle of blankets in his arms. The girl watches in confusion until the mandalorian steps beside her. And in that moment she swore she could absolutely never love something as much as the cooing green little creature with big eyes staring right back at her, her heart melting at the adorable sight.
" oh, my maker! He's adorable! " she smiles brightly at the child. He scoffs. " yeah, that and annoying. " he responds. The girl gaped up at the man as the words left his mouth and straight out of his voice modulator his helmet held.
" how could something so small and innocent be annoying? " she questions, and the tiny little hands of the child are reaching for y/n with a cute smile. " can I hold him?! " she asks enthusiastically, the bright look in her eyes making the mandalorian chuckle.
" sure " he says and hands over the child with big ears. The girl holds him so gently as he smiles up at her, her grin grows as his small little hands touch her face. The mandalorian just watches as the two interact, a secret little smile on his face.
" what's his name? " she asks the mysterious man. He shrugs making her look back down at the baby. But his modulated voice was heard again, " i just call him the child...womp rat." The girl looks at him with a small glare.
" how dare you call him such a thing." She muttered while tickling the green child. His little laugh nearly making her heart burst.
" where is this fuel at you promised again?" He interrupts the affectionate little moment for the two as she looks back up at him.
" oh, right. This way! " she chirps beginning the walk once more towards her hut. The mandalorian followed less chirpy then she. After a few minutes they arrived at the said hut, they all three entered and she sits the child down at her little table immediately fixing the child some food, knowing the mandalorian wouldn't eat if she made him some.
" the fuels here? " he questions, sceptical about the girl that stood before him, cooking what looked to be some sort of soup.
She smiles at him kindly and nods, " yes, of course though its outside behind my home. " she tells him as her focus was on her cooking, and her mind drifting to way she kept such a stash of fuel. He nods and watches her as he leans against the wall with crossed arms. His guard up for incase something goes south like always for the bounty hunter.
But something was telling the mandalorian that this girl wasn't a threat, she was too nice, too innocent. He couldn't imagine the girl before him ever hurting anyone.
The time ticked by as the soup she made was down and the green child eat it all In nearly three seconds. She watched amused as the mandalorian was sporting a grin at the little creatures antics.
" he must have been starving." laughed the girl, the big eyes of the baby looks at her sheepishly.
" I hope you're people or...friends or whatever doesn't mind us staying her for a few days..." the mandalorian spoke, y/n looks up at him.
" not at all, the people here on this planet was hostile at first because we never see new people land here. This is a uncharted planet not many know of it. " the girl explained, her y/e/c eyes sparkling in the orange like glow the sitting sun casts. The mandalorian in that moment thought that this girl here in front of him was undeniably beautiful, the most beautiful woman he's ever seen in the galaxy. But he tries hard to shake that thought out of his head, he's a mandalorian, a bounty hunter he doesn't need to think such things about a stranger. He's just here for fuel, food and a high paying bounty...nothing more, nothing less.
Time skip, four days later.....
It's taken longer for the mandalorian to find the bounty on this planet, no one fit the description of the person he's looking for and its frustrating him. He didn't want to spend a lot of time in this dump but he's sadly struggling here, he's tempted to just leave. But the mere thought of leaving somewhat....makes him feel weird. He didn't know quite why, but he thinks it has to do with the girl y/n he has befriended. She was sweet and took care of him while he stayed here. She offered him her home to stay In along with the child he swore to protect. She was beautiful, inside and out.
The mandalorian stands outside leaning against the hut he has been staying in. Watching as the green child play with the small children of the village. Y/n playing with them as they laughed and giggled, the smile on her face making his heart flutter. Wait-no, no, no, no-
" watcha thinking about mando! " the man jumps and his gloved hand is on his blaster in a matter of seconds, but his quick to calm down upon realizing it's just y/n standing beside him now. She was fast and quiet.
" nothing..." he says smoothly, his voice somehow always making the young girls heart beat faster, it always made her feel this since of safety. She couldn't help but think what it would sound like without the helmet....
Y/n crosses her arms and leans on the wall like him, now she watched the children play as well, a smile tugging at her lips, " then why so jumpy? " she innocently asks, his head tilting slightly as he looks down at her.
" you're fast, quiet, sneaky. " he tells her, a small smile tugging at his lips behind his helmet. She giggles and can't help but stare at the man. Although he was hiding behind all that beskar, she couldn't help but feel attracted to the man. He was captivating, kind hearted. It confused her as to how someone like him, a bounty hunter could be so nice.
" so I've been told." She smiles that heart stopping smile of hers. The mandalorian let's out a chuckle, " but you didn't answer my question..." she adds softly, her eyes shining like crystals, their sparkle capturing the masked man in a trance.
He shrugs and turns his gaze back to the child, watching how it plays with the others, " I was sent here for a bounty....but I haven't found them yet, " he said, why he was telling her he didn't know, he just felt like he should. He wasn't one for explaining his line of work to people, especially someone who he only has known for a nearly a week.
Her eyes shift from joy to something he can't quite place when his own flick back to her. He cocks his head to the side as her smile filters and her face falls.
" a bounty?, why would someone with a bounty be on this planet....it is peaceful and kind. No one here has done anything wrong.... " she tells him, earning her a grunt in response. She sighs and wipes her sweaty palms on her torn and wore out dress, " I most go and see what I should cook for the child." She rushed away leaving the mandalorian confused.
The beautiful girl had a point, everyone on this planet seemed innocent and good hearted, said they was programmed to only know peace and kindness, as if they didn't know the gore and evil that lived in the galaxy, the killing and thieving....the Esoriens was innocent peaceful people.
So why would they're be a bounty here?.
Screaming, that's what woke the mandalorian from his sleep. He was quick to put his armor on, grabbing his blaster and searching the small hut y/n let him stay in until the bounty was found, he searched for the child. The worry of someone capturing the little creature mak8his blood run cold, but his worries washed away when he saw its wide dark eyes looking up at him as it sit by the window in the living area of the hut. Its grown and worries filled noises making the mandalorian confused, until finally his brain was unfogged from his sleep and he realized that the screams outside was y/n....
His heart dropped as he ran outside, his eyes searching for her, his y/n...his blood felt cold, mind racing with fearful thoughts. Until finally he found her, struggling against a rather tall and muscular man, a bounty hunter the mandalorian knew of. He held her in a chokehold with a wicked smirk.
Y/n struggled against his hold, her y/e/c eyes now locked on the beskar clad man, holding his blaster at hostile bounty hunter.
" let her go! " his modulator rang out the village, deeper then usual, a sign that he was angry.
The man holding y/n scoffs, " why, I'd be a fool to let 100,00 units go." He growled out, his hold tightening on the girl, making the mandalorian grip his blaster and walk closer to the man.
" I said let her go, she's not the one with the bounty on her head! " mando said with venom, not even the modulator could mask that.
" you call yourself a bounty hunter? " the man laughs, the sound making the mandalorian confused, why would this scum think y/n was the bounty he spent weeks looking for?....unless-
Y/n's scream broke the mandalorian from his confused state of mind, the man holding her firing his blaster into a villager who tried to attack the hostile bounty hunter....it was samira.
The mandalorian didn't hesitate to shoot the man between the eyes with his blaster, the villagers all astonished. Thankful they didn't have to kill the man themselves.
" No!, No! " y/n yelled in agony as she fell to the ground and crawled over to the only thing she had left in this galaxy, the only bit of familiar she had, " Samira! No!." She cries, her sobs as she held the old woman in her arms breaking the mandalorian's heart.
He slowly approaches the broken girl as he sets a gloved hand on her shoulder, her sobs the only thing heard aside the sniffles and small cries the other villagers.
" I'm sorry...." is all the man knew to say, his voice bringing the girl somewhat a bit of comfort.
Her sobbing soon came to a stop, the tears still falling from her eyes, " it should have been me...I-it should hav-" she was interrupted by a small cry, her own. The pain she felt from all those years ago where she faced the fact her father was gone coming out now....
The mandalorian crouched down, looking at the girl, his heart breaking for the girl who he would do anything for....
" I'm the bounty you have been looking for, " she muttered, her voice calm. " please mando....please just take me in, all I've done is get the people I love killed." Her eyes pleads him, her voice absolutely broken, cracking with emotion.
For what felt like the hundredth time that day, his heart dropped, breaking. His eyes stinging with tears. But he wouldn't let them fall, he wouldn't let anyone know that he was going soft for this angel in front of him, his bounty. He felt conflicted, torn apart. He didn't want to turn her in for units, she deserved better then to have her life cut short. But then his mind wondered to the child, he needed units to keep the child fed, to keep fuel so he could keep fleeing planet after planet to protect the innocent little life. Innocent, That's what he used to believe y/n was...until he heard just how many units she held above her head, not even the roughest most brutalist murders he has turned in has had that much units on them.
If it's true...then she wasn't as innocent as he thought, she could be a possible threat to the small life he protects....he looks at her, trying to convince himself that she's dangerous and a threat to the child, the child she takes such great care of-
No, she's dangerous and a threat and he needs the money.....
" get up and go bring me the fuel...after you give samira a burial and pay you're respects. " the mandalorian said while standing up, watching as y/n nods, her heartbroken eyes making a small amount of guilt already eat away at him.
But it was for the better, its what y/n wants, what she's always wanted. To finally be free from this planet full of painful memories and to finally keep her poeple safe from those who try desperately to end her life.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Alright dudes, since my obsession with mr pascal has grown I made this bad boy. And I thought I'd make it a 3 parter. Plz let me know if you dudes like it🙃🖤
P.s I'm also slightly new to tumblr writing so.......I'm unfamiliar with all the tumblr stuff and things.
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