#I'm sorry I tried to kiss you a lot rae!!!!!!!
russian-soft-bitch · 9 months
Robert Langdon general dating HCs
Robert Langdon x fem!reader Author's note: i got this request in like january, @rae-and-mezo i'm terribly sorry it took so long, but i guess we all had those bad times when work is extremely draining Author's note #2: i kind of mixed all the versions of him in my mind, so it probably won't be accurate Requested: yes
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i feel like in order to really build a relationship with this man, you have to work in an academic field, not necessarily in his area, but something close (probably the history of art)
it took him a lot of time and building up courage to ask you out on a date, 'cause you had this aura around you that told men not to mess with you; you were, after all, a smart woman. Smarter than a lot of other professionals at Harvard, in Robert's opinion
since the early stages of your relationship, he always tried to ask for your opinion on things, even consulting with you about bits of his book. that alone was something you never experienced before; those idiots you dated before had hard time with accepting the fact that you were known really well in academic field
also, he's a simp for you, okay
you could do whatever, and he'll support you and will brag about your success
your schedules are working extremely good together. the only time you were barely seeing each other was when you were writing your doctorate
Robert convinced you to go swimming with him at least once a week. it was hard at first, but in a month or so you started to actually like it
if you want to get married, then expect something over the roof for a wedding gift; he probably wrote to the Pope and asked for permission to take you to the archives
you rarely fight, but if you do, you will scream at each other for like 2 hours and then just fuck your frustrations out (it's never about serious stuff, you just have to have different opinions on significance of the kind of strokes Leonardo used on his paintings)
Robert will always make sure that he has time to kiss you and say he loves you before your work day
most of the time, he drives you both to the campus; the first time it happened you students were making all kind of comments (at some of them you actually smiled)
sometimes Robert is so far up his mind that you have to remind him what's real and what's not
he realized that he loves you when you had helped him through his panic attack not even knowing that he has a tendency of having them
you realized that when he did the most mundane thing ever; something like installing your new bookcase without you asking him to help you
you also were convinced at that moment that there's nothing more sexy than a smart man doing something with his hands (especially with his shirt's sleeves rolled up, oh my god)
i won't describe your sex life, but considering the fact that you're both sensible adults, you probably have no troubles with speaking about it and discussing your opinions
his favorite thing about you is the way you eyes light up when you speak about something you're passionate about
his second favorite thing, though, are your tighs (especially when they're on his shoulders and wrapped around his head)
he once asked what you liked about him. he had to stop you because the list was going on and on
you love his arms and ass more than anything
but the real thing you love about him is his intellect
expect him to have his hand on you at all times. holding your hand, having it at the small of your back, on your hip, whatever comes to mind
you love the way he relaxes instantly when you play with his hair
you once caught him dancing to your playlist (he said he didn't really liked it)
every week you choose a day and just dance together to your playlists
Robert is also not afraid to be goofy around you, which you appreciate and adore
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kagejima · 2 years
Hihi rae!!!!! I love you sm and hope you are doing good!! I wanted to send in a nanami Monday and I'm really tired so I'm just thinking about cuddling him after a long day and him just running his hands through your hair and gradually pulling you closer and closer and giving little forehead kisses and justnffbhdj soft nanami my absolute beloved 💕💕
As always pls get some water and foods and rest when you can 😄 I appreciate you and I hope you are having a good day!!!
rae's notes: i am catching up on old themed day submissions! themed days are on hiatus indefinitely until i can get my shit together WIP-wise (and life-wise fhadjfhalksd)!
CHRIS, BABY, I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! Also I have your other asks and I am going to answer those, I'm so sorry, please forgive me, baby fhsdjfkhadfas motivation is a fickle mistress :((( ilysm and i hope you're doing well!!!!!
Okay, so sosososososososo so usually when I write, I'll put music to it, and it helps me write a lot better-- but at my best friend's wedding like eleven years ago, the song her cousins sang as she walked down the aisle was "Bread & Wine" by Josh Garrels, here, I'll bring it up -- okay, here we go!
BUT??? I'm super soft now because the first part of the song especially makes me think of Nanami now but instead of him cuddling you, you're cuddling him!!
I was wrong / Everybody needs someone / to hold on / Take my hand / I've been a lonesome man / Took a while to understand
If I fall, I'll fall alone / But you can help to bear the load / A three-fold cord is hard to break / And all I have I give to you / If you will share your sorrow too / Then joy will be the crown upon our heads
OKAY!! OKAY!! I'M PROBABLY GONNA GET REALLY SAPPY! (gender neutral reader)
Kento Nanami doesn't like needy.
Kento gets enough of that from Satoru's dumb bullshit. He gets enough of that from protecting Yuuji and making sure he doesn't die on a mission.
He gets enough of that in his every day life of being the only one with the brain cell and having to get everybody out of trouble.
So when Kento realizes he needs you, he's baffled.
Almost... ashamed that he's the very thing he doesn't like.
Because clingy and needy people were always burdensome to him, and he wonders if you see him as a burden now as he has his head on your chest, one of your hands on his head and the other running up and down his back.
And he gets so worked up about this confusing feeling that he can't stop himself from speaking.
"Do you think that I'm needy?" He asks, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, and he fucking hates it.
The very last thing he wanted is to be cumbersome to you.
He was supposed to be taking care of you.
You already had so much to juggle. He tried to help where he could; but his work as a sorcerer took him away from you more than he liked it to.
And so times like this were sacred. Precious. Every moment he got to spend with you was important to him, moreso than anything else.
But he feared it was now turning into him looking desperate, looking too attached.
He never needed anyone...
He felt vulnerable.
Your hand stops moving through his hair and you laugh a little bit.
"What? What brought this on?"
Kento lifts himself up off of you and takes your hands in his, his thumbs caressing the back of your hands.
"Do... Do you think I'm needy?" He asks again.
You smile at him before you cradle his face in your hands.
"I think that you've always had others look to you for things and you've never been able to lean on someone else." You say after a moment.
You see the tears forming in the corners of Kento's eyes and you gently thumb them away.
"I don't think that you're needy..." You answer his question, "I think that you've been strong for a really long time... and I think now that you're letting your guard down, it's really scary for you."
Kento leans his head deeper into your hand, closing his eyes.
"I want to let you in." He whispers.
"So let me in," You whisper back, "Let me take care of you."
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hey franky how are you?, i had a shitty day my head is pounding all day and i couldn't do anything even medical didn't help.. if that's really okay, can i please request something comfort with sabo? Nothing came out to my mind cause it's still pounding and i can't think so i trust you, if you don't want to write it's okay too I'm kinda uncomfortable for even asking you that.
Thanks and have a good day or night
I am sorry this took so long, I hope you feel better though ;-;
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- You kept trying to read, trying to ignore the throbbing in your head but Sabo could tell you were struggling.
- “You should stop reading, have you eaten today?” he asked as he closed his book and watched you, how you nodded your head, only a little. Not wanting to irritate your painful head anymore.
- “I’m fine Sabo.” You said with a sigh as you flipped the page, or you would have if his hand hadn’t stopped you.
- “You know how I get them a lot, it’s just one of those things” you mumbled and tried to move your book away.
- “Bed, come on.” He stood up and pulled your chair back, now enjoying the sound it made on the floor, wincing even more.
- “I’m fine.” You insisted until Sabo furrowed his brows and folded his arms over his chest, looking at you with a frown.
- “I just, I don’t want to waste my time with you by not feeling well.”
- He laughed a little, his arms dropping to his sides before he pulled you into a hug.
- “I’ll still be with you while you rest up.” He gently guided you back to the bed, pushing you back onto the soft sheets.
- He closed the curtains before he tucked you in, a soothing hand on your forehead.
- “Have you taken anything for it?” you mumble a ‘yes’
- “Then sleep, hopefully, you’ll feel better when you wake up.” Sabo got into bed next to you, gathering you up in his arms and kissing your forehead where you felt the most pain throbbing.
- “I’ll still be here when you get up, rest.” You sighed and cuddled against him.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Hi, I haven't seen any request with Raleigh Becket, so him with🥶,☕,😚(kiss). (Also I'm sorry I barely ever request anything and I suck at picking characters and emojis or prompts). Hope you won't have much trouble with this.
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! No need to apologize at all, this is great lol, and I’m glad to have gotten a Raleigh request! 💗
Iced Coffee Kisses
Pairing: Raleigh Becket x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, Raleigh crushing on a girl & being the awkwardest turtle in the world Word Count: ~1.2k Emoji Prompt: 🥶☕️😚 (key words are in bold)
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It’s fucking cold.
The frigid air bites through his coat as falling snow dampens his hair to darker gold. He really isn’t one to bitch about conditions, but he shouldn’t even be in this position. Though his shift is done, the officer in charge is in the middle of some speech, some protocol he needs to teach, and he wants everyone to listen. Raleigh Becket is a good boy so of course he feels compelled to do as told.
There’s a completely selfless reason as to why he’s fucking miffed: he picked up coffee for somebody at the tail end of his shift. It’s in a little paper cup with a cheap plastic lid, and cooling off with every passing minute. He’d have just gotten a new one, when this stupid speech is done—but as the officer goes on and on and on, it’s getting late and Raleigh knows, by now the cafeteria is fucking closed.
When he’s at last released he hurries to the dormitory halls—toward your room—rushing as briskly as he can without the risk of spilling cooled off coffee all over his balls. From all the cold his crotch is numb, so if this drink splashed from the cup and stained his pants he probably wouldn’t even feel a thing at all.
Maybe it’s good if his dick’s broken ‘cause whenever he gets close to you it tends to want to stand up stiff and tall.
When he arrives and softly knocks his frostbit knuckles on the closed door of your dorm… for the first time all day he finally feels warm.
Warm turns to hot now as the door swings open, and you’re wearing your pink panda bear pajamas just as he was hoping. Or not hoping, to be more precise—he always loves to see you looking so damn cute, till he reminds himself it’s rude, and has to turn away his eyes.
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The pink of your pajamas pales against the rosy petals of his lips. He’s just a friend but times like this you wish that he would fucking grab you by the hips… slam you against the wall and claim your ass as his, with a big fat passionate kiss…
Of course that isn’t what he does. At least not yet. He’s still the same virtuous golden boy he always was, even more bashful and respectful now than back when you first met.
“Hey!” he greets you with a goofy smile as he holds the coffee up, big hand wrapped tight around the small white cup. “I, uh—I know you said that you’d be working on that huge project all day, most likely staying up all night. Figured some coffee couldn’t hurt, right?”
Beam at him sunshiney bright. “Aw, that’s so sweet of you!” I seriously love you.
“It’s… it’s more like iced, I guess,” he tells you with a grimace. “Got held up but tried my best.”
“I love iced coffee,” you reply honestly. “Thanks so much Raleigh, this—this is really sweet.”
You take the cup he came to offer you and all you feel is heat.
“I like your dorm.”
He instantly regrets that you invited him inside ‘cause now he’s sitting here beside you on your bed and starts to squirm. He’s saying stupid shit and finds his mouth is spouting off impulsively before the thoughts can form. “It’s… really warm.”
You don’t want him to feel embarrassed or ashamed, but seeing him all shy and awkward is so cute you can’t be blamed. Your tone is playful and indulgent and you hope he knows that you don’t mean to mock him. You just really want to fuck him. “Leigh, you do know that our rooms are all the same?”
The only person in the world who gets to call him by a girl’s name.
Rolls his eyes, hoping you don’t notice the bulge between his thighs. “Obviously. But the, uh—pictures you’ve put up are really lovely.”
Gestures at the walls. You’ve been meaning to decorate a bit more but you’ve not gotten around to it at all. There are, like, two photos hung up but otherwise you can’t deny your room is ugly. Even more so when in contrast to the sheer beauty of godly golden Raleigh.
Though he knows your bed is just the same as everybody else’s, he can’t help but feel it’s extra fucking comfy. He feels home here on your mattress. Warm and fluffy. “How’s the coffee?”
“It’s… it’s iced,” you answer with a tender smile as you take another sip, lick the cool liquid off your lip. Shift closer toward him on the bed. “But like I said—I really like it iced. It’s nice.”
“I like your eyes.”
Dude, what the fuck. He wants to hide under a rock. There’s not a rock in sight though so the poor guy’s out of luck. He wants to run but he’s forgotten how to even fucking walk. You touch his forearm through his coat and it’s as if you touched his motherfucking cock.
“I like yours too. They’re really blue,” you coo, sweeping a tuft of snow-kissed gold off to the side so you can see his blushing face in fuller view. “Leigh, you do know I’m really into you?”
He swallows hard and doesn’t think he’ll make it through, if you continue. He’ll combust to fucking pieces if it’s true. “…Into?”
You nod and set the nearly empty cup of coffee on the nightstand, freeing both your hands. “I’m really not that subtle with my hints to you.”
“What hints?” This blonde buffoon is seriously sitting here without a fucking clue.
Even that one time when you literally asked Raleigh if he wanted to take you on a date he thought you meant as friends or something and he still wasn’t convinced.
Leigh sees you as some kind of Disney princess way beyond his league—your bravery and brains and beauty make him weak—he doesn’t have a clue that he’s your fucking prince.
So you decide your hints are gonna have to get a little bold. “You know the coffee that you brought may have been cold… but you’re still super fucking hot.” You watch his eyes widen to take in what you’ve told. Whether he finds himself believing it or not. “Believe me, Leigh—I like you, like, a lot. I think about you every fucking night and get off on the thought.”
Oh my God what the fucking what. Now any chance he had at answering coherently is shot. He fumbles frantically for words and gives you what little he’s got. “I do… I do that when I think about you too?”
He says it like a question as if there was any doubt that you already knew.
“I know you do,” you purr. Lean in to finally kiss him hungrily and hotly—then shift suddenly—down to your knees before him on the floor. You love his kisses but you’d love to kiss him elsewhere even more. “You know I never thanked you properly, for that lovely iced coffee that you got me… thankfully that is exactly what this slutty little mouth of mine is for.”
Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Hello! Congrats on your follower milestone! 🥳🥳Can I request the prompt "Are you hitting on her for me?" with Pero Tovar? (I love the grumpy Spaniard) I'm a sucker for some hurt/comfort, but you decide where you want to take this. Thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰🤗
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Here we have just some soft, fluff! Enjoy!
Pero Tovar x Fem!Reader ; warnings: none
Pedro Characters Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Working at the small, aging tavern wasn't an ideal situation but it was enough to pay the bills and then some. Plus free drinks every now and then. And getting to meet some interesting characters. Maybe it wasn't bad at all.
You had a lot of leeway and flexibility and if anything or anyone or anything ever got out of place, you were quick to put an end to it. Your fiery and no nonsense attitude had quickly earned you a reputation that you didn't mind.
So it was interesting when one particular man caused you to experience a bout of nerves. And hells, it wasn't even a stranger...this man had come around many times before whenever he was in the area which seemed to be an awful lot lately. Perhaps the mercenary had laid down his weapons and decided to take on a more and quiet life.
You'd catch his eye almost as soon as he'd walked in, offering up a nervous smile while he gave you a nod of acknowledgment. Was that a smile gracing his own features? 
Pushing away any thoughts - innocent or more lusty - you went back to preparing drinks for the Spaniard and his companion. It was just his usual, nothing fancy, and you quickly padded over to give it to them. Both men thanked you politely and you quickly scuttled away, ready to hide behind the counter. Your cheeks and whole body felt like they were on fire. And from what? A five second interaction in which you couldn't even meet his eyes? Pathetic, you chided yourself. 
Grabbing your previously discarded rag, you went back to scrubbing at the grimy counters.
The little looks and glances that were stolen between the two of you weren’t lost on either one of you. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
And so, it appeared anyway, the two of you continued your little cat and mouse game for some time. And what a wickedly fun little game it was - Pero, you’d learned his name some time ago but found it too intimate to use it, even think it to yourself, would come in and spend his evenings having a drink and reading by himself or in the company of another. He’s started to make it a point to greet you eagerly, and try to hold small conversations with you, coaxing out bits and pieces of yourself. In turn you did the same to him, trying to get to know as much as possible about the former mercenary. But it had never led anywhere more than friendly conversations or lingering looks and salutations. The idea of proposing anything more seemed to knock the wind right out of your sails. Instead you continued to dance the same dance, going round and round again. 
Maybe one day you’d get over him. Him - Pero Tovar - the one that had managed to make you feel small and weak. Yet somehow...you thoroughly enjoyed how he made you feel.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was several months later when his companion, a man who’d also seen quite often, couldn’t take it anymore. But then again, there was only so much that could happen before it all gave way and snapped.
After a quiet round of drinks, the man had seemed to be having a lively discussion with Pero before shaking his head in amusement at the dark haired man. He stood up and shamelessly pointed at you, something you instantly noticed before making his way over. The look on Pero’s face was of shock and awe as he wished his friend would sit back down. 
“Wait,” he hissed through gritted teeth, “are you hitting on her for me?”
“You’re seemingly never going to do it,” he insisted with a coy little shrug, “might as well be me. I’m just pushing you both in the right direction!”
“I implore you to stop,” Pero groaned as his friend just gave him a wicked smirk but continued to walk towards you. He sighed heavily, wanting to slam his head on the table, “fuck.”
“Hello,” the pleasant voice caught your ear by surprise as you jumped from behind the counter where you had been organizing some supplies. Almost stumbling over your own feet, you caught yourself before offering him a small, but nervous smile.
“Hi,” you sounded as nervous as you felt, despite your best efforts, “h-how can I help you?”
“What was your name?” he asked as you gave it to him, trying your best not to glance back over at Pero, who was very pointedly looking away, “my friend over there, Pero, he’s quite smitten with you. He’d never admit it of course, but I figured if he wasn’t going to make a move I would for him.”
“I-I-I...umm. What?” seriously you couldn’t have heard him correctly. Pero...smitten with you? Impossible, “surely you have me mistaken for someone else. I’m just...I’m just…”
“The apple of his eye?” he challenged as you felt your whole face warm up, “he has not stopped talking about you for months. I told him that if he doesn’t gather up his courage and actually speak to you, I would do it for him. So here we are.”
“Oh,” you couldn’t but grin at his words, feeling Pero’s dark eyes on you, as he tried to read your reaction from the distance, “I...I’m quite fond of him too. He’s very kind...and handsome. He’s not like the others around here…”
“He’s a Spaniard!” he joked as you both laughed, “but if it should please you, I’m sure he’d be over the moon to enjoy your company.”
“Ay, that may be true,” you grinned from ear to ear, “but however, I still have duties to attend to.”
“How about we swap?”
“Yes,” he held out his hand for the rag you were clutching onto, “how hard can it be? You speak to him, and I’ll handle the counter. Not like it’s terribly busy here, right?”
“I...okay,” you handed over the rag and shuffled around the counter, pulling your apron off and making quick work of discarding it as well, “thank you!”
Slowly making your way over to Pero, you watched as his face shifted through a series of emotions as he tried to remain calm. But before you fully approached him, he jumped out of his seat and pulled the chair opposite him out for you. Stopping short of him, you extended your hand to him, and he easily wrapped it up in his own, giving yours a firm squeeze, “Pero.”
“Querida,” he whispered softly before pointing at the chair. You sat down, wondering what the nickname - not that you minded. It sounded lovely coming from him either way, “I’m sorry about all that. He doesn’t know when to shut up.”
“It’s no matter,” you promised softly, “he’s right...I’ve been...wanting to spend time with you too. I just didn’t think it would be something that you wanted as well.”
“Of course it is,” he admitted, almost shy as a flush of red crept into his cheeks, “I’d really like that, I just needed a push in the right direction apparently.”
“Well,” you grabbed the old mug of ale on the table and knocked it against his, “cheers to that.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Six Months Later
“Pero,” you grinned at the tickle of mustache as he kissed along your jaw and neck, your name spilling reverently off of his lips. You couldn’t help but as his hands found purchase on your waist as you tried to give him a gentle push back, “anyone can see, silly man!”
“Let them see,” he insisted in a low, teasing voice, “what are they going to do?”
“Brand us as the sinners we are,” you reminded him as you pulled his face up to meet yours, “they’re all the same - just like us - but you know how people get.”
“Then we’ll run away,” he suggested softly, and you weren’t sure if he was joking or quite serious. He traced a hand over your features, gently resting his hand on your cheek before pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, “we’ll go and live in sin by the sea - just the two of us.”
“What if I wanted more than living in sin?” you asked softly, biting on your lip as you tried not to seem too forward, “I want it all, with you my love.”
“I will marry you in a heartbeat if you want it,” he promised as you nodded before beaming at him, “and make the most honest woman out of you for the world to see, while remaining sinful behind closed doors.”
“Such lofty promises,” you stole a quick kiss, “but will you make good on it? Truly?”
“Of course,” he insisted with a soft nod, “you are everything, querida, and I will give you everything you want.”
“A cottage by the sea, marriage, and perhaps a babe or two?”
“Consider it done,” Pero grinned from ear to ear as he picked you up and spun you in his arms, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Pero Tovar,” you whispered softly, “more than you will ever know.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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l000ey · 5 years
red: the new era → one
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A big dream for a little girl
Season one, episode one
"When I was little—" The camera began to record a nearly empty set, the only thing that filled it was Red sitting in a chair and some gadgets that were used for sound or recording directly. It focused on the girl, who was looking at the floor while moving for a comfortable pose in that chair, when she found it she continued " —I didn’t have many friends, to say none. I was born in a bad neighborhood of Tokyo where, if you were a boy, what was expected of you was that the highest you get in life will be be part of the Yakuza and if you were a girl then—" She let out a bitter laugh "—you were expected to get married with a Yakuza and you will stay at home giving him children and making his food. My family didn’t agree with those ideals that there were in that area but we didn’t have enought money to pay another house in a nice neighborhood with children playing in the street and full of flowers and laughter, so we had to put up with it ".
"Today I made a new friend, Mommy!" A seven-year-old Donghyuk exclaimed holding onto his mother's hand, who gave him a sweet smile.
"That's great, dāri!" She pulled at his hand acting just as excited as he was. Both wore a big smile while the little Dara of five-year-old, holding on to her mother's other hand, walked in silence "And what's his name?"
"Uh" The Rae's firstborn looked straight ahead, searching his brain for the name of the boy who had asked him if they could be friends. He looked at his mother with a frown and drooping eyes, expressing his sudden sadness "Mommy, I don’t remember his name".
Her mother let out a laugh, extending her index finger to stroke his face without letting go of his hand or her daughter's "Don’t worry, dāri. Tomorrow you will see him again and you can ask him".
"Okay" He murmured and turned his head as soon as he heard a dog barking, quickly forgetting the subject. Anzu raised a funny eyebrow at seeing her son being so distracted, turned her head to see her daughter, who was in total silence.
"And you, xiǎolóng?" After hearing the chinese nickname the girl raised her head, pushing her brown hair away from her face letting to see a confused expression since she wasn’t listening to the conversation her mother and her brother were having.
"Have you made friends today?" She stroked a strand of her long hair before the girl shook her head. She frowned when she saw Dara look away from her "Why, xiǎolóng?".
"You know why, mom" She replied, fixing the strip of the little red backpack she carried on her back. She made a slight pout and looked at the ground watching her little shoes move, right, left "They think I'm weird".
Anzu pressed her lips between them making them look like a thin line, sighed and stopped walking making both little ones stop to watch her. She let go of Donghyuk's hand and crouched down to the same height as Dara, placed both hands on hdf cheeks red from the cold and gave her a smile "They don’t think you're weird, dāri. They are afraid of you. "
"Afraid?" She batted her eyelashes, confused by her mother's words.
"Yes, dāri" She nodded fixing her scarf "They are afraid because you don’t think like them, your thoughts and ambitions go beyond what they can imagine. And, that, dāri, it makes you very special, okay?".
Dara was going to answer but some male screams interrupted her, quickly the three turned their heads to see where the sound came from, Anzu quickly got up again taking the hands of her children when they saw that they were young men fighting over a bag of cocaine.
"That place was dangerous" She looked at the camera while playing with her left earring "I remember that sometimes you could hear, uh, shots and screams at night, the next day you went out and you could see the blood on the road. There were also a lot of people there who took drugs, probably there wasn’t a day when you didn’t see someone sticking a line of cocaine or smoking marijuana. It was like living in hell. "
The streets of Shinjuku, Tokyo, were quiet at night removing some area where there were clubs or bars where the yakuza enjoyed their free time or even continued working. At three o'clock in the morning, in the house of the Rae family, as every day they were all sleeping until a loud rumble woke the youngest member of the family.
The little five-year-old girl rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands while yawning, frowned when she heard screams and proceeded to leave her bed to go to the window not far from her bed. The red neon lights of the bar across the street were squeezed through the holes in the blinds decorating her room.
She let out another yawn causing the screams to be distorted, but as soon as she just yawned she heard them again clearly. She watched the window, hesitant to look or not.
"Curiosity is good but not when it can get you in trouble, xiaolong."
Her father's voice quickly slipped into her head but as fast as it came quickly left as Dara denied rejecting the words and moving closer to the window. With her small index fingers he removed a piece of blind and observed two men fighting in the street. One was tall and thin while the other was somewhat shorter but with more muscle mass, punching each other and struggling between them.
Then the tall one drew a gun as soon as they separated and shot the other.
Dara's green eyes widened so much that it even hurt. Her body was paralyzed, the hand that was holding the shutter fell like a dead weight.
He has shot him.
He has shot him.
Her feet woke up and without her noticing she was quickly taken to bed. Her breathing started to go faster when she felt that the air was missing in her lungs, her eyes filled with tears and she had to hide her head in her arms.
Another shot.
And another, and another.
Dara shouted and before she could scream again the door of her room opened quickly and her parents and her brother entered the room. Her mother approached her to hug her but as soon as she felt her fingers curl into her small arm she shivered and moved away from her quickly.
Anzu sighed "Baby, I'm mom".
When she heard her voice she turned around and threw herself at her, wrapping her arms around her mother’s neck, once her face was pressed against her mother's skin she could release the tears and sobs that hadn’t been able to leave before as much as she would have tried.
Dongyul went to the window, watching as the boy who had shot the other was now pissing on the now dead body. He closed the shutter quickly when he saw Donghyuk approach him and the window, grabbed his shoulder and turned him around as he exchanged glances with his wife.
"My parents were very worried about me and my brother, they didn’t know what to do. The bills every day were more difficult to pay and my parents couldn’t find a job, they were afraid to end up living under a bridge but more afraid of thinking that my father would join the Yakuza" Her eyes traveled on the ground, looking at the tip of her right shoe and then traveling to the other, remembering her childhood "My father had a friend, he was his best friend, they had gone to school and high school together, they were like brothers. His name was Daichi, he—” She sighed trying to find the words "—he was part of the Yakuza. "
"What's up, family?" Sato Daichi entered the living room of the Rae house leaving a bag of hot taiyakis on the table on which the children were drawing.
"Uncle Daichi!" Donghyuk climbed down from his chair and ran to hug his legs making him laugh before bending over and kissing his crown.
"How are you champion?" He smiled at her and turned his head to hear the bag in which the Taiyaki were being moved. He saw Dara dragging the bag towards her and put her little hand inside the bag and then take out one of the buns, smiled at seeing her with her cheeks swollen by the amount of food "Darannie~" He hummed before placing his hand on her head and disheveled, taking a swipe of the girl "Wow!".
"Daichi let her go" The voice of the elder Rae sounded making the three look at him. Dongyul made a sign to his best friend indicating that he approached him, Daichi did it leaving the children with their paintings "Last night she saw how they shot an guy, she was very scared. Now she is very sensitive. "
"Really?" He brought both hands to his hips, watching his best friend without believing it. He grimaced "Fuck that’s bad bad, sorry hyung".
"Come" He told him to follow him and, before giving one last look to the children, he walked towards the kitchen where Anzu was sitting at the table with a lot of papers "Jagi, Dai has come".
"Uh?" The japanese looked up and when she saw her friend she got up with a slightly uncomfortable smile. "How are you, Dai?".
"Good, good." He answered by sitting on a chair and accepting the beer that Dongyul had given him. He took a look at the papers and even pushed one with his finger "And you? Hyung told me what happened last night with Darannie. "
"Oh yeah!" She sighed before letting her body fall back into the chair, ran a hand through her hair that was pulled back in a bun that was too disheveled. "It was horrible but now she’s better, thank God."
The youngest in the room raised an eyebrow "And this?" He pointed to the pile of papers in front of him, drank his beer watching as the couple exchanged glances, unsure whether to tell him or not. He gave a soft laugh "Come on hyung, noona. I am your friend, you can tell me”.
After a long sigh Dongyul spoke "We have many bills without paying, we don’t have money and it’s very possible that they take our house away from us".
The blond frowned, processing the information in his brain. As soon as he did, he thought how unjust it was, his hyung and his noona were good people with wonderful children and they didn’t deserve to have to suffer in this way.
"Hyung..." He called his attention as soon as he felt the light bulb go on over his head "I know it's not the ideal job but it would help you pay the bills and—"
"No" Anzu got up again from the table as soon as she heard him "No, no, no. My husband will not be part of that mafia you call work. No".
"But noona, you could pay the bills and they wouldn’t take your house away." They both followed her with their eyes when she started walking around the kitchen. "What is the alternative?" He asked his best friend.
"The alternative?" His bushy eyebrows wrinkled, Anzu stopped walking and Daichi stared at him obvious. He sighed sadly looking at his wife "There is no alternative".
"Exactly" Clapped giving emphasis to his words "What will you do if you lose the house?, Will you divorce again and each will take a child and go to another country?" He gave a sad smile to both "Look, i know that is not the dream job but soon you will not be able to pay for the children's school or your food or clothes, they will cut off your water, electricity and gas, and then you will live on the street. And I could never forgive myself knowing that I could have helped your life to bit collapse. "
The light-eyed woman let out a sob, quickly covered her mouth so the children wouldn’t hear. They had, she and Dongyul, come to think of what would happen if they didn’t pay the bills but hearing someone else say what their future might be made her feel like they were throwing a bucket of frozen water on her.
Dongyul looked at his wife, who was leaning against the counter crying against her hand, the dark circles of having spent sleepless nights trying to find solutions for her family every day were darker, her hair had come to lose its natural shine and her skin was paler than usual.
"I'll accompany you to the exit" He got up and left the room without checking if the japanese male followed him or not, he just walked. When he reached the door he opened it and turned around to meet his friend "Thanks for coming, Dai."
"Hyung—" Daichi tried to speak but he interrupted.
"I will not be part of the Yakuza, I know how those things work and I don’t want a day when my wife and my children are dead. Thanks for trying to help but I have to decline your offer" Sato nodded with his lips pressed in a thin line and hugged the older one.
"Let me know if anything happens, okay?" Rae nodded and separated from him before he started walking towards the stairs. When he disappeared down the hall he closed the door.
"Don’t get me wrong, music has always fascinated me. My mother used to sing lullabies to me when I was a baby, it was the only thing that calmed me down. And every day I woke up with the music my parents were listening to while they cleaned the house. I always danced or sang, even if there was no music” She licked her lips and drank from the glass of water that a girl passed to her “The music quickly became an escape route. For my 6th birthday they gave me an ipod and I always took it everywhere, I slept listening to music, I ate listening to music, homework listening music, I walked to school listening to music. There was no time when you didn’t see me listening to music, the kids at my school made fun of me because of it. I didn’t relate to anyone, it was just me and my music so the other kids thought I had some disease or that I was just a weirdo. I was bullied for not following the stereotypes of a typical japanese girl, my father was Korean, I had a hebrew name and my eyes were clearer than the others".
Her dark brown hair moved thanks to the pleasant air that ran through the schoolyard, the flowers of the cherry tree on which she was leaning fell lightly around her thanks to the light spring breeze.
Her ears were covered by her headphones although she had no music on. Dara was enjoying the solitude and tranquility offered by her place away from the other children who could be heard screaming and laughing in the distance, enjoying theirchildhood.
She sighed enjoying her time alone and the warmth of the sun, although her heart couldn’t help but jump when she heard the voice of Watanabe Annaisha, the most repellent and popular girl in the school.
"Look there is the school’s own weirdo" She heard her shrill voice and followed by the sharp laughter of the other girls "Once again listening to music, I'm sure she does it to escape the horrible life she leads".
"I've heard that she can turn someone into stone if you look her in the eye." Another girl said "Like Medusa."
"Don’t say nonsense" Annaisha sent a look to her friend making the others looked at her confused, believing that she was defending Dara. Their doubts were spent when the girl with two pigtails smiled "Medusa was beautiful, she is far from beautiful".
Little Rae's scowl frowned at her words, her small fists clenched causing her nails to press on her palms making her feel pain but not a pain as big as she felt when she heard other girls talk like that her.
"I don’t understand how your mother has let someone like that attend this school" Another of the girls spoke, she has black wavy hair, referring to the school principal.
Annaisha laughed "For her brother. Dong nii-san is a good student and very handsome” All the girls let out giggles and sighs at the mention of the Rae's firstborn son.
"She's ugly, sure she is adopted."
"There is no way in which Dong nii-san is a relative of her."
"Anyway, let's see what the boys do!" Annaisha exclaimed receiving a positive response from the others, who quickly followed her and started talking about the beautiful boys at their school.
Dara huffed trying to keep the tears from coming out. She opened her eyes and one began to slide down her cheek but before it reached her chin she wiped it roughly with the sleeve of her jacket.
"Don’t let anyone think that you are weak, you are not weak and you never will be. They are the weak ones who have an empty life that they seek to fill by getting involved with others” Her father's voice got into her head.
She sighed before cleaning her face and closing her eyes again.
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silver-wields-a-pen · 5 years
Illthdar High: An au fan fiction
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Tuesday Afternoon
Nyima checked her watch as she hurried down the side-walk. She kept her head down, ignoring the occasional call out from passing creeps. A familiar voice made her glance up. Is that the janitor? She shuddered and pulled her long, dark hair over part of her face in an attempt to hide. She had roughly half an hour before she had to be at Vyxen’s, which gave her plenty of time to drop off the mail for her mom and then pop into the nearby GameStop to see if the new Final Fantasy game was in stock. Her mother didn't let her preorder it and the last time she’d checked they were all sold out. It was a soul crushing experience. She almost threw herself on the floor in a fit of misery. Only the thought of being looked at by everyone stopped her. If it's not here today, I really will scream. The lie made her giggle.
Ten minutes later and her letters were safely in the mailbox and a wall of games were in front of her. She bounced on her toes with excitement. It's here! It's here! I can play it! Yay! Tunnel vision got her across the store in record time, but not without gracelessly crashing into someone on the way. “I’m so sorry!” Panic swept her game-induced euphoria to the side. “I’m so, so sorry!” She repeated, crouching down to grab the game the other person dropped. 
“Uh, um.. no. No, it’s my fault. I’m sorry.”
The strangled voice was too familiar for Nyima not to realize who it belonged to. She froze and went cherry red. Oh my god, no no no way, not him! Anyone but him! Let me die! This was the worst thing that could happen and it took every ounce of bravery not to just drop the game and run out of the store.
She stayed frozen in place, fingers curled around the game box. She stared so hard at the pair of sneakers at the edge of her vision she could draw them with her eyes closed. The tension was so thick she thought she'd drown in it and she wished she could.
“You can’t drown in feelings, they’re not substantial. Same for evaporating, so stop thinking it.” She could hear Rae’s voice in her head, speaking too much logic for her liking. “Can't stay on the floor either. They'll close eventually.”
You're not my friend anymore. Mustering all the courage she could scrape together, Nyima stood up. She left her gaze on the floor until she forced herself to look up. Jingyi was wearing a gaming t-shirt and a Pokemon beanie. He looks so cute. “Hi, Jingyi,” she mumbled, her voice barely audible even to her own ears. He's so cute, he's super cute! Look at that cute smile and the way his hair looks perfectly messy and his eyes are so kind and warm and I RAN RIGHT INTO HIM! I'M SUCH A LOSER! She was so mortified she could die.
So could he. Jingyi was used to people running into him, so he didn't mind until he saw who it was. He thought he’d have a stroke when she mumbled apologies, so he kept a hand solidly on his inhaler in his pocket just in case. He took a deep breath, trying to commit the flowery scent of her shampoo to memory because he’d probably never be this close to her again. Or maybe he would. This was a good chance to talk to her. Richard told him to seize opportunities when they came his way and this was as good an opportunity as he would ever get. Yes! I’m going to talk to her. Decision made, he straightened up and smiled until his cheeks ached. “You play games?” He rolled his eyes at himself. Smooth move, dork. Of course she plays games. Why would she be in here if she didn’t?
“Yeah,” Nyima replied. Her voice was soft and her eyes darted around, looking at everything but him. Her face tinted pink and if he wasn’t already stupidly head over heels for her, he would be now. “You too?”
“Yeah,” he responded. Silence overtook them again.
“Oh! Here.” She pressed his game back into his hands and made to leave.
Fearing he was losing his first real chance to talk to his dream girl, Jingyi blurted out the first thing he could think of that wasn’t about how beautiful she was. “Have you ever played?” He gestured to the Mortal Kombat game in his hands.
“No.” Nyima stopped mid-stride and turned back to face him, keeping her eye line level with his chin. Her hands fiddled with the cuffs of her cardigan. “Is it good?”
“Yeah,” he said for the second time. He chuckled, awkward, and she looked up at him. They both smiled. “You should try it sometime. My favorite character is Sub Zero, he can control ice––”
“Like Shiva!” Nyima perked up a little. She held up the game box in her hands although it didn't have a picture of the character she meant on it. “Shiva from Final Fantasy, I mean. She's really cool.” She giggled like a nerd at her pun. “I couldn't be like that; I hate being cold.” She shut up when she realized she was rambling, wary of looking like a bigger idiot than she already had.
Jingyi laughed. She's so cute. “I don’t like the cold either,” he confessed, his formerly inexistent confidence sparked to life when the corners of her lips rose. “Shiva sounds like a cool character, no pun intended. Her and Sub Zero would probably make an awesome team. M-may––” he stuttered as his courage fled the shop. No, come back! I need you! Shit. “Erm, maybe if you want, we could, like, maybe play together sometime? You could show me Final Fantasy and I’ll show you Mortal Kombat?”
Nyima squeaked. It sounded like a date. She scuffed her shoe against the floor and tugged on her cardigan.
“Ok,” Jingyi said, deflating after guessing she was about to say no.
Nyima sucked in a breath and looked up at him. She opened her mouth and whispered, “Yes, please.”
Jingyi nodded, dejected. “I figured a girl as pretty as you would––” His brain caught up to her reply and he looked at her, incredulous. “Seriously?”
Nyima was tense and nervous as a rabbit seen by a lurcher. She jerked her head in a yes, clutched her game to her chest and ran towards the tills calling in a squeaky voice, “Text me!”
Zercey was so done with today’s practice and it just began. First, she had to deal with yelling at the JV squad members who showed up late. Their captain was still out sick and the assistant captain wasn’t even good at pretending to be mean. I mean, really, a good captain has to be good at both cheering and leading. This isn’t a Miss Congeniality contest. That mess dealt with, she had to focus on her own squad to make sure they had their routine down for the pep rally and game that weekend. They had a big week ahead of them, and if the last few practices were any indication, they’d be preparing until the last possible second. Today they were in the gym as their coaches decided it was best to separate them from the distraction that was the football team.
Zercey got in formation for the beginning of their halftime routine. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, two... She counted along in her head as she lost herself in the sound of the groups' shoes squeaking on the floor in time to the music playing. She concentrated on making her movements precise, locked elbows, light feet. Left hurkie, toe touch… She knew her jumps were good and could see out of the corner of her eye that the rest of the squad was hitting the tempo as well. Round off, back handspring. She used the momentum at the end of her flip to propel herself higher up and back, hands above her head and legs tucked, so that her ending position was the setup for the first stunt. As one, her bases gave a slight pulse down and then she shot up, their arms extended fully overhead as she grabbed her leg with one hand and blew a kiss to the audience with the other. That was where she belonged: high above the crowd, center stage, with all eyes on her. Her confidence sufficiently boosted, she got into the groove, moving more from muscle memory than conscious effort. As she let her mind wander, she thought about Lerki. Damn that beautiful jerk! Why did he insist on messing with her and sending stupid mixed messages? He ignored her almost all day after his teasing in English class, and she found him flirting with every person with a B cup or bigger every time she saw him.
But, when she was leaving the gym after a late practice, there he was, waiting for her in the parking lot. 
“Hey,” he said in that annoyingly sexy voice of his. She huffed and tried to walk by him, but he caught her wrist and spun her around. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
“Oh? I thought you might have been waiting on one of those bimbo underclassmen,” Zercey snapped, yanking her wrist out of Lerki’s grasp and walking away, nose in the air. If he thinks he can just flirt with anyone right in front of my face, and then come back as if nothing happened, he's got another thing coming.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” Lerki cooed, catching up and snaking an arm around her waist. “Come on, sweetness, come hang out with me. I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’ll even drive you home.” He smiled suggestively and Zercey felt her resolve crumbling.
“Fine,” she agreed. And that was how she got an awesome new bracelet and lose an equally awesome bra in his car. It was a good night. She was still a little giddy when she walked into school this morning, remembering how warm his hands had been when he teasingly trailed his fingers along her thighs. That giddy feeling persisted all the way up until she saw him chatting up another freshman in the hallway. He was lucky she didn’t punch him right there and in front of everyone. 
The music ended, and the squad walked over to their coach and choreographer. When she was in school, her team won Regionals three years in a row and Nationals twice. She was even more competitive than many of the girls on the team, and Zercey could tell by the thin line of her mouth that whatever notes she had for them, they wouldn't be good.
“We showcase this routine in four days and you all still don’t have the timing right,” she began, disapproval ringing in her voice. “The first tumbling pass is beyond sloppy. Curran, I only saw four back handsprings, what happened to the fifth? And do you care to tell me why your full became a tuck?” Zercey had to bite her tongue to keep from yelling at him right alongside her. Curran knew better than to switch up any of the flips this late in the game. At least he had the decency to hang his head and look sorry. She continued giving notes to the rest of the group, addressing Zercey last.
“Stay focused. Halfway through and your eyes look dead. I don’t care what else is happening around you. As a flyer, and as captain, there is no excuse for half-baked facials. Charm the crowd or else I’ll change the stunt groups.” Addressing the team at large she said, “I’ve seen enough of the dance, line up for the cheer.”
Dismissed, the squad walked back onto the floor, mentally preparing themselves for the hard work ahead of them.
Inwardly cursing Lerki for being the reason for getting reamed out, Zercey took a deep breath as she found her starting position. 
“Are you going to go to the dance on Saturday?” Raemina asked all of a sudden. She was sitting on Vyxen’s bed, splitting her concentration between completing flashcards they would need for their study session and watching Vyxen agonize over where to put the book she’d just finished on the shelves.
“Probably not,” Vyxen responded offhanded, grey eyes scanning her shelves for the sixth time. This book was the fourth in a set, but it was a different color than all the others. It would bother her not to keep the set together, but it would also bother her to ruin the color system she had in place. “Do you think it would look weird if I bought a cover for it so the color would match all the others?”
“I don’t think anyone but you cares what your bookshelf looks like.” Rae tried not to be amused, but she’d never seen a teenager so bothered by book colors before. “You will give yourself grey hairs if you keep that up.”
“No one would notice.” Vyxen struck a pose and dramatically flipped her platinum colored hair over her shoulder mimicking a gesture she’d seen Scyanatha do in the hallway. She placed the book down on her desk, resolving to go ahead and buy the cover before she shelved it, so that way everything would be in order. She made to return to the bed to help with flashcards, one knee pressing into her floral mint and coral bedspread, when she heard someone flying up the stairs.
A second later Nyima busted into her room, out of breath and looking panicked. “I think I have a date with Jingyi,” she wheezed as she bent over to catch her breath.
“What!?” Raemina jumped off the bed so fast she tripped. She grabbed Nyima by the wrist and dragged her over to the bed, jaw dropping lower and lower as Nyima told them the story of what happened in the video game store. “Are you serious!? This is amazing!” She hugged her until Nyima said she couldn't breathe.
“You’re really going to go to his house?” Vyxen was less ecstatic than Rae, but only because her mind was preoccupied by all the things two teens could get up to at someone’s house and it was threatening to make her faint. “Are his parents going to be there?”
“Hopefully not!” Raemina was giddy with excitement and a little jealous. Mostly she was happy. Nyima was the first of the three of them to get a date; this was a huge deal! “Maybe you guys will make-out!” She pressed on, ignoring how both Nyima and Vyxen flustered at the suggestion. “Do you think he’ll ask you to the dance? We’ll all have to go then, it will be amazing. We could go dress shopping and––”
“How's Rhys doing?” Nyima asked Vyxen, desperate to change the subject. She bounced off the bed and away from Rae’s grasp to inspect the chubby black goldfish lazily swimming around the large tank Vyxen kept beside her desk. “Is he still sick? He looks like he’s doing better. I researched what could cause it, I think it might impress the interviewer when I apply for veterinarian school for me to know about fish. Few people would care about things like that.” She trailed a fingertip across the glass and watched in amusement as Rhys followed it.
“No one cares about the fish!” Raemina noticed the attempt to change the subject and she wasn’t having it.
“I care about the fish…” Vyxen grumbled, pouting when her fish followed Nyima’s hand. Rhys never did that for her.
“Ok, whatever, we all care about the fish and he’s fine. Guys! This is serious. We have to go to the dance now, we have to.” If she could get them to agree she could ask Rhovan to be her date! This was perfect!
Nyima and Vyxen shook their heads. “I don’t really want t––”
“Vyxen, you’re going,” Raemina informed her, refusing to even let her suggest that she wasn’t. “It’ll be great, come on! We can get cute dresses, Nyima can dance with Jingyi and we’ll get to see that awesome new DJ! It’ll be so much fun! And––” Rae tried to persuade, dancing across the room to Vyxen’s computer to bring up Youtube. “Touch,’ by Little Mix poured from the speakers “––we can all dance together! We’ll show the Barbie club that they’re not the only ones with moves.”
“I don’t want to show them anything,” Nyima muttered under her breath. She tried to avoid Scyanatha and her friends and she’d like to keep doing that until she graduated and never had to see them again.
“Come on! I know you two know the moves!” Rae rocked her hips all the way down to the ground and popped her tiny butt out to the best of her capability, sending a wink over her shoulder.
Vyxen and Nyima giggled, rolling their eyes but joining in. Rae was too stubborn to let them off easy. Soon the room was full of pop music, laughter, and dance moves no one would expect from three perpetually shy and nervous girls. Butts were dropping to the floor, thighs were spreading wide and hair was being flipped every which way. They’d watched the music video enough at sleep overs to be able to follow the moves fairly well.
They were on one of the best parts of the song, all with their hands in the air and their hips thrusting forward, when a wolf whistle followed by the sound of clapping and loud laughter from the doorway caused them all to freeze in place.
Salem leant in the doorway with an evil smirk on his face, and Date and Rhovan were right beside him.
“Salem!” Cheeks burning, Vyxen stormed over to the door, screaming, “Get the fuck out!” She slammed it in his laughing face.
“I’m quite disappointed in you two,” Principal Chiyoko tutted from behind her desk. “Not only is smoking very damaging to your health, but we strictly prohibit such behaviour on school property.” She shook her head as she talked, desperately searching for a way to connect with the two students in front of her, who seemed to ignore her good advice at every turn.
Rhoe grumbled, arms folded tight against her chest and legs splayed in front of her. Cowan sat beside her looking bored. They were used to Ms. Chiyoko’s lectures. They'd received one at least once a week since school started. She tried everything: appealing to their good natures, suggesting they join a club so they could take up new hobbies and make friends, even going so far as to halfheartedly threaten to pull their parents in for a meeting. Unfortunately, she found it difficult making her soft and light voice sound firm. It was a challenge to get people to take her seriously.
“I’m afraid that this puts me in a rather difficult position. I can let you off with a warning this time, but if this happens again, you must serve an in-school suspension.” 
“What? That’s fucking bullshit! What kind of fucking joke is this shit?!” Rhoe let out a string of expletives.
Principal Chiyoko blinked, startled. “Now, young lady, I won’t have anyone speaking like that in my office.” She fixed the two with the sternest look she could muster. “For that outburst, young lady, I’m giving  you both a detention! You’ve dragged your friend down with you, doesn’t that make you feel bad?”
“No,” Rhoe replied bluntly.
Cowan snickered beside her.
Mrs. Chiyoko looked devastated, shrinking into her too-big yellow suit jacket and mumbling for the two of them to see the assistant principal, Ms. Queline for their detention slips.
Queline shot the two a scathing look when they exited the office. They were there every day, but no matter how many times Cowan and Rhoe got in trouble, they still caused mischief. Delinquents, the both of them, Ms. Queline thought savagely. If it were up to her, detentions would be a much more serious matter. What kids these days needed was a strong hand, none of this mollycoddling parents liked to do with them. Kids needed to learn respect even if that meant the hard way.  And they would use detention for something useful, like deep-cleaning the science labs; something where they worked with their hands and really thought about the consequences of their actions, not just another hour and a half of falling asleep and doing homework in a classroom. She sighed as she finished writing up their detention slips. “If I see you in here one more time before the end of the semester, you’ll be spending the entirety of your in-school suspension scraping gum off the desks and scrubbing this school from top to bottom, do you understand me?” She snapped, throwing the two slips of paper at them and ordering them to get out of her sight.
Detention used to be all in one room, but ever since someone found a used condom under a desk, Principal Chiyoko decided the best idea was to split it between two genders. So Rhoe stalked off to one room and Cowan walked into the other room, only to see Xyl and another underclassman whose name he didn’t know.
“What’re you in here for?” Cowan asked Xyl as he took the desk next to him. Better being stuck with someone he knew than spend the next ninety minutes in boredom. 
“Got caught passing notes.” It was true. In class earlier that day, he had tried to slip Date a piece of paper for some new Khrome ideas, but the idiot wasn’t paying attention, so they stuck him in detention when they were supposed to be having band practice.
Cowan nodded sagely. “Yeah, that’ll happen.” 
“What are you in for?” Xyl echoed, eager to keep the conversation going. It wasn’t often that he got to talk to Cowan without Rhoe there to scoff and roll her eyes at him while he did it.
“Your sister forgot to check the area before we lit up and Uwe busted us.”
Xyl nodded by way of agreement, but couldn’t think of anything else to say. He wasn’t really a people person, most of the time he just tried to stay out of the way and focus on things he enjoyed, like his band or… The band!
“Oh hey, are you going to the talent show on Friday?” he tried to phrase the question as casually as he could so that Cowan wouldn’t think he was trying too hard. 
“Uhh… I hadn’t really thought about it.”
“Oh.” They lapsed into silence once more.
“Are you?” Cowan finally said.
Xyl lost the thread. “Am I what?”
“Are you going to the talent show thing?”
“Oh, that.” He tried to act casual. “Yeah, my band will be playing there. It’ll be all right, I guess.” He linked his hands behind his head and tipped back in his seat, then overbalanced.
Cowan grabbed Xyl's chair to stop him toppling over. “Right, I forgot your sister said you had a band.”
Xyl cringed. He could only imagine what Rhoe had said about Khrome.
Cowan seemed to read his thoughts when he responded, “She seemed to think you all make more noise than you do music.”
“Well, actually we’re more punk than we are a noise band,” Xyl replied, not getting the joke. Cowan’s blank stare told Xyl he didn’t know what he was talking about. “Never mind,” he said lamely.
Mr. Bracken, who had the misfortune of supervising the boys’ detention today, finally looked up from his desk and reminded the students they should be doing homework and that there was no need to talk.
“Hey, I was planning to give Rhoe a ride home after this. If you wait with me, you can get a ride too,” Cowan whispered when Mr.Bracken’s attention became focused entirely on his book again.
“I’m actually heading to my friend’s house after this...” Xyl never wished he had a good reason to get out of band practice more. He might have done it anyway, but he’d never hear the end of it if he ditched practice with a show so close.
Cowan shrugged. “That’s cool. I can drop you off there too. Where does he live?”
“WHAT DID I JUST SAY?” Mr. Bracken’s voice rang out sharply in the quiet room and put an end to any further conversation.
“Remind me to never let you talk me into anything ever again,” Rhoe said to Cowan as the three of them emerged from their assigned classrooms. “Mr. Phanuel’s easily amused, and I had to spend the last ninety minutes listening to him and Miu go back and forth in a burping war. I have never been so close to killing someone in my life.” She stalked down the hall, radiating anger as she went and leaving the two boys to fall into step behind her. “And what the fuck are you doing here?” she growled when she noticed Xyl following.
“I offered to give him a ride,” Cowan answered, ignoring the exaggerated sigh that burst out of Rhoe's mouth. You would think Imogen, Rhoe and Xyl would be close considering they were triplets, but he’d never seen a set of siblings that disliked each other more.
“Whatever,” Rhoe snapped. “Just drop him off quick cause I don’t want to look at him.”
“WHOO! GO BABY!” Scyanatha's heels clacked as she jumped up and down and clapped when she saw Seth make a good move in the football game. She didn’t know or care much about sports, but she had bothered to learn enough about this game to know when her man was doing well so she could cheer him on properly. She clapped for a minute longer before dropping to sit beside Imogen on the bleachers.
The same set, interestingly enough, that Imogen made out under with Salem both yesterday and today. Luckily Scy didn’t know this, otherwise Imogen would no longer be sitting next to her if she did.
“Back to what we were talking about, you have to come shopping with us tomorrow Imo, I won’t take no for an answer. That new boutique I’ve been talking about for a month is finally open. Seth’s gonna buy the three of us any dress we want and if you’re worried about that stupid project for English, don’t be. Seth already has people lined up to write it for us.” Scy informed Imogen in a tone of voice that said Imo was going shopping tomorrow whether she liked it or not.
Imogen sighed as Scyanatha flicked open her mirror to reapply the lipstick that wore off when she ‘kissed Seth good luck’ for a full twenty minutes in the locker room before the game started. It’s not that she didn’t want to go shopping – she’d never turn down a chance to get free stuff from Seth – it’s that she planned to meet up with Salem. She’d spent the last month stealing moments with him. A full afternoon with no interruptions left her jittery and excited.
Scy snapped her mirror shut and turned to look at Imogen seriously and she knew then and there that she’d have no choice but to cancel on Salem. “Ok fine, you convinced me. I’ll ditch my study session and come shopping with you.”  
“Fabulous.” Scy turned to her left where a pretty, but entirely brainless lackey sat. “Oh,” she said, as if just remembering the girl was there, “you can come too, dear. Seth can buy you a dress as long as you let me pick it.” The girl was basically a servant, but on occasion Scy treated her and a few other lessers to keep them in line. And since she bought their clothes she could guarantee none of them looked better than her.
“Of course!” Laura was quick to agree, vibrating with happiness she’d been acknowledged. She didn’t often get invited to the shopping trips the other three girls went on and so this was a big deal. “You can totes pick my dress Scy, you have such good fashion sense. I’ve never even owned or worn a dress, so I wouldn’t know where to start.”
Scy swept her gaze down to the pale yellow dress Laura had on. “Uh-huh.” She didn’t comment further, turning away from the airhead, planning to continue ignoring her until she needed something again.
Imogen snickered, unable to feel bad for the idiot. She opened her phone, sending a brief text to Salem to let him know that she wouldn’t make it to their not-a-date tomorrow. She then spent the rest of practice splitting her attention between finalizing plans for the homecoming dance and listening to Scyanatha talk about her new shoes and how she and Seth better end up as Homecoming King and Queen or else she was going to sue to school.
Laura nodded like a dog and chirped in agreement.
Practice ended an hour later and Zercey came strolling out of the gym in six inch heels, head held high with Lerki following close behind her, trying to talk to her.
Scy and Imogen rolled their eyes at the same time.
“This is getting ridiculous,” Imogen commented as she gathered up her bag. “Lerki is only flirting with people to make her jealous and it works every time.”
“Zercey needs to learn how to control her man. Oh hey, you guys should come spend the night at my house tomorrow. We can get our dresses after school and I’ll give you two a crash course in dealing with boys. It’ll be embarrassing if those two don’t go to the dance together.” Scy knew Zercey liked Lerki, and she wanted to help her friend, but she also had an aesthetic going. Zercey was the cheer captain,  Lerki was the quarterback of the football team, they had to be together. Every movie said so, and Scy liked the look the two of them gave their group, so they better get their act together. “Oh, and you,” Scyanatha added to Imogen, making her way down the bleachers to meet Seth while Laura gathered her things for her. “You need a date for the dance. There are two hot football players that Seth says are single, pick one and I’ll make it happen.”
Imogen panicked. What sort of excuse could she come up with to get Scy off her back? She liked none of the football players that was true enough. Especially since they were all more concerned with beating the pulp out of other dudes than they were in having a conversation. But that wouldn’t be reason enough for Scyanatha. “I don’t know if that’ll work,” she said, trying to come up with a good justification for turning down her offer. “It’s just that I’m probably gonna be helping with the preparation and clean up, so a guy would just get in the way.”
Scyanatha pouted. “You’re no fun anymore.”
Seth saved Imogen by coming over and enveloping Scyanatha in a big, sweaty hug.
“Ew! Babe, don’t be gross!” she squealed, playfully slapping him on the arm. He smiled and kissed her.
Imogen was used to their excessive PDA, but was still thankful that Zercey finally caught up to their group in that moment. “Hey Zerce, how was practice?” Imogen was eager to have something to look at besides Scy and Seth sucking face. 
“Great!” she said in that voice that meant she was lying, and probably for Lerki’s benefit if Imogen had to guess.
Lerki caught up, passing them all to walk backwards in front of Zercey. “Are you still mad at me? That hurts my feelings,” he appealed, trying to make her look at him.
She refused and instead turned her attention to Imogen. “What’s up with you? Are you coming shopping tomorrow?” Zercey shook her hand out of Lerki’s grasp when he tried to touch her but otherwise did not indicate she knew he was there.
“Yep,” Imogen affirmed, not looking forward to it but knowing she had to go all the same. Shopping for formal events was a nightmare with Scy because she wanted them to look a certain way and their opinions meant nothing. It was a free dress though, so she couldn’t complain too much. “What color dress are you going for?” she asked, though they both already knew that it didn’t matter and they’d get whatever color that made Scyanatha’s dress stand out.
“I don’t care about the color.” Zercey yanked open the door to Seth’s pristine silver Mercedes and tossed her bag in. She usually caught a ride with Lerki but clearly that wasn’t happening today, which meant that Laura would be forced to ride with him instead.  “I just know my dress needs to be short and hot because I need a new boyfriend.” She slid into the car and slammed the door shut before Lerki had time to respond.
“If she puts a scratch on that door, you’re paying for it,” Seth informed Lerki, clapping him on the back before sliding into the driver’s seat with Scy, Imogen and Zercey and driving down the road.
This annoyed Lerki and he resigned himself to spending the rest of the night texting and sucking up to Zercey until she forgave him instead of doing something better like making her lose another bra. He slammed his own car door shut and drove off, moving much faster than what the speed limit advised and already thinking about what sort of present he would have to buy to make her talk to him again.
Poor Laura, meanwhile, stood forgotten in the parking lot. “It’s ok,” she chirped to no one, fishing around in her pocket for her cell phone. “I can find my own way home.”
Salem stumbled into his room and threw himself onto his deep red bedspread, laughing hysterically. He would never, ever, forget how red the nerdettes’ faces were when they realized their little show had an audience. He wished he’d had a camera to capture the moment. “That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.” He finally stopped laughing and crawled to sit on the edge of his bed while Date collapsed onto one end of an old black couch and Rhovan kicked the door shut before joining him there.
“I don’t know if you’re one to talk about ridiculous things when you’re carrying around a flask of Hawaiian Punch, wearing glittery makeup and claiming to be a child of the night,” Rhovan reminded him and cast a pointed look at the various vampire posters on the dark grey walls and the vampire novels lining the bookshelf to drive home his point.
“It’s an aesthetic,” Salem defended, “and the girls love it. That’s why I get panties thrown at me when we play shows.”
“I have never seen you get anything resembling underwear get thrown at you.” Date didn’t notice a lot of things, but he was sure he would have noticed that.
“You need to pay more attention then.” Salem ended the discussion there before they could call his bluff.
“Speaking of underwear…” Rhovan would never get the image of purple, lace panties out of his head now that he’d had a glimpse of them when Raemina’s plaid skirt hiked up during her dance. “Rae had nice ones, is she single?” He’d always thought she was kind of cute but he’d never paid much attention to her. She was a smarty-pants. He wasn’t. They lived in different worlds and all that jazz. He would have never thought she was the type to pull off ‘sexy’ and she’d just proved him wrong.
“Ew, please do not.” Salem pulled a disgusted face. He hadn’t seen or wanted to see any of the nerdettes’ underwear and couldn’t imagine why anyone would. “I do not need another one of you guys drooling over those brats.”
“Another?” Rhovan questioned, though his voice sounded far-away as if his thoughts were still down the hall and behind the door with a glittery green ‘V’ on it. He wondered if Rae had a date to the dance yet and if she’d consider going with him. He also wondered if all her underwear was lace, but he had to abandon that train of thought because it was sending all of his blood south.  
“Yeah, this idiot,” Salem waved his hand towards Date with a scowl, “has been creeping on my sister for months. You know that song where he mentions a ‘moon haired muse’ GUESS WHO THAT IS?”
“I’m not creeping,” Date corrected, flicking his black hair out of his eyes. He didn’t deny the accusation that the girl in his song was Vyxen.
“Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to jam out on my bass when you’re singing about banging my sister?” Salem shuddered.
“Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to appear in public with you when you’re wearing fake vampire teeth?” Date challenged in his usual, bored tone of voice.
“IT’S. AN. AESTHETIC.” Salem slapped his knee to emphasise his point.
“Sure it is.”
The conversation amused Rhovan and he would have egged it on if they didn’t have bigger fish to fry. “Xyl is in detention, so we’re already losing time here, we need to focus if we’re going to get a set together for the talent show.”
Salem held his hands up and said, “I will play any song you want except ‘Ravage my Heart’ or any other song that mentions my sister. I’m not doing it. This is school and everyone will know who we’re talking about.” They probably wouldn’t know as Vyxen wasn’t popular or interesting, but Salem wasn’t going to take any chances. Imogen would be there, and he didn’t need her to think he was any weirder than she already did.
It was this scene that Xyl walked into when he finally arrived at the house. Rhovan and Salem were arguing about which songs to play and Date was in the middle, ignoring them both and scribbling furiously in his notebook. “What the heck is going on here?”
“You missed an awesome dance show.” Salem read the text from Imogen, eyes sweeping over her blunt cancelling of their plans tomorrow and recognized a chance to make himself feel better when he saw one. He said the words ‘dance party’ especially loudly so Vyxen and her friends would hear it.
“How did you get here so fast?” Rhovan asked, checking his watch to see that detention had ended barely fifteen minutes ago.
“My sister’s friend dropped me off.” Xyl dumped his bag on the floor and flopped onto Salem’s bed, trying and failing not to think about how nice Cowan had been and how much hotter he was up close.
“Oh yeah?” Salem tried to wrench his head around as casually as possible to look out the window, hoping to see a glimpse of Imogen in whatever friend’s car she’d came in.
“Yeah, he was nice. Rhoe was mad about it though, so I’m sure I’ll be hearing about that when I get home.” It wasn’t a conversation he was looking forward to. “Do you think I can crash over here tonight?”
“Sure.” Salem sighed in disappointment, turning his head away from the window when he realized that Xyl hadn’t been talking about the sister he was interested in.
“All right, now that everyone knows where everyone else will sleep, can we please talk about the set list? In case you somehow didn’t remember, we have a show in three days,” Rhovan practically shouted. It was days like these when he felt like he was the only one who took their band seriously.
“Hold that thought, I’m starving. Do you guys have money for pizza?” Xyl asked, prompting a great shuffling as everyone dug into their pockets to pull out their wallets and discussed what toppings to get.
Rhovan could have screamed.
Back home, in the safety of her own room, Nyima let out a deep breath to steady herself. She waited all of ten seconds after Vyxen slammed the door before she ran from the house after the humiliating episode with Salem and his friends. Today is so embarrassing! I should've stayed in bed! Her phone pinged with a text and she clutched her chest. Jingyi? Oh, poop. Why did I say text me?! WHY?! She inched her phone out of her pocket and sighed with relief when she saw it was just her friends group chat.
Glitteraffia: Sorry again about my dumbass bro. U ok?
Shiva fan 212: Yeah. It's okay. If I had a brother like that, I'd apologise all the time too.
Glitteraffia: LOL
Moon Princess: But, seriously, you guys, we should definitely get pretty dresses and go 2 the dance.
Glitteraffia: Rae, ur sitting 2 feet away.
Moon Princess: You keep ignoring me.
Moon Princess: Come on, Nyima. I bet Jingyi can dance.
Shiva fan 212: I can't.
Moon Princess: LIES! I saw you!
Shiva fan 212: Vyxen, get her.
Glitteraffia: Idkulik him and he likes u and it'd be cute af and pretty dresses.
Shiva fan 212: Traitor.
Shiva fan 212: Ok, fine. When things go Carrie it's your fault.
Glitteraffia: Carrie's awesome and they deserved it.
Glitteraffia: Scy would totally deserve it.
Moon Princess: She would.
Shiva fan 212: Lol ok.
Moon Princess: YES! VICTORY! After school 2moro!
Nyima put the phone down and sighed. She didn’t know why she agreed to it. She hated the mall; there was always too many people there, and crowds made her nervous. Maybe my mom will say no. She wasn't optimistic. Her mother was a free spirit. First Jingyi and then this? If she weren’t such a dedicated student, she’d consider skipping school tomorrow to avoid reality. The only redeeming part of the day was getting her new computer game, and she’d be breaking it open right now if she didn’t still have homework to do. Looking at the beautiful cover art beneath the plastic wrap, Nyima let out a sigh and then turned to her assignments, wondering somewhere between math and English if Jingyi was already playing his new game and maybe he’d tell her about it tomorrow.
By @guardians-of-las-vyxen & @yogiwithabook
9 notes · View notes
imagine-bnha · 6 years
Can i have a student match up please ? I'm 154cm pan girl with dark brown hair.My hair are always in a ponytail, I also have really chubby cheeks. I'm really shy at first but when you know me well i become much friendly! I love drawing and playing video game.I love to support everyone and i want to make everyone happy ! I also laugh a lot but I also cry pretty easily when someone yell at me. Thanks ! (And sorry for my bad english ^^')
Your English is fine, dear!
I match you with…
Ochaco Uraraka!
Ochaco finds your initial shyness cute but she enjoys your friendlier side more. She also tries to make the people she loves happy and wants to make sure they lead good lives. She finds your chubby cheeks adorable and loves kissing them. Ochaco offers a great shoulder to cry on whenever you’re having troubles or going through bad times. Her favorite thing to hear is your laughter, so she tries to find ways to make you laugh. She isn’t the best at video games but she’ll play them with you just to see your happiness when you win
- Admin Rae
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3 notes · View notes
Well shit man last night was really something!!!!!
0 notes
l000ey · 6 years
kwon ryu → r.d
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pairing; song mino x rae dara (mention of kwon jiyong)
summary; mino wants a baby but dara tells him that she can’t have babies and why, then they go to visit someone special for dara
warnings; mentions of miscarriage, stress attack and mild depression and spoilers about red’s future
note; poor red dragon :( I think I'll do an alternate ending to see how it would be if she ended up with gd
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Dara's head was moving from side to side in sync with the demo of a girl, a possible artist of her new company, that Tian had brought her that morning. It wasn’t bad, the rhythm was catchy, the lyrics in english and along with many "bitches". Her artistic part, Red, she loved it. She smiled and shoved a large handful of ramen into her mouth as she looked at her emails.
She was alone at home since Mino had to go to the studio to finish his solo album but she didn’t care much, she was proud of him and the time alone was always a good thing for her, besides that if Mino was with her she couldn’t finish all the work she had with the opening of the new label, probably if Mino were here she would not even have been able to get out of bed this morning.
"D, I'm home!" The king of Rome exclaimed leaving the keys on the kitchen table. He greeted Jaehee, the housekeeper, who was cleaning the kitchen. "Hi, Jaehee. How are you today?".
"I'm fine, Mino." The woman gave her boss a sweet smile. "Thanks for asking. Dara is in her office, she said not to bother her until lunchtime” She sighed, picking up the plate with the remains of pancakes and chocolate syrup.
"Did she get up later today too?" He raised a curious eyebrow. Lately Dara had been behaving differently, didn’ t talk much, locked herself in her office or in the studio that she had at home and only went out to eat, have dinner and then go to bed. Mino thought that maybe it was because she was very focused on opening her own company, because her parents had told her they would come to visit next month or because she hadn’t been on stage for a while. Whatever it was, it was affecting her and that was worrying not only Mino but also her employees, her fans, her friends and the whole world.
Jaehee nodded, making her white hair bun move with the movement of her head. "She got up an hour ago, had breakfast in silence while looking at her phone and when she finished she locked herself in the office. Although about ten minutes ago came and prepared an instant ramen "
Mino let out a sound from his throat, making her understand that he understood and after giving her a slight smile he headed towards the office. He sighed when he saw her move her head with some song that was listening on her headphones, he smiled before closing the door behind him and leaned against the door watching her with his arms crossed over his chest. She kept humming a song that he didn’t know how to recognize and her eyes were focused on the screen of her computer, not realizing that her husband was right in front of her. It must be that the song ran out at once because she took off her headphones and smiled, even without looking at him.
"Are you going to stand there longer? You look like a creepy stalker” She heard him chuckle before approaching her and sitting on one of the chairs in front of her desk."How's the album? "
"Interesting" He shrugged, still crossed his arms "And the company?"
"Interesting" She made the same gesture as him making both laugh, when the laugh died Mino sighed without erasing his smile while Dara filled her mouth again with ramen.
"D?" The girl made an affirmative noise at his question, unable to respond with words because her mouth was full of food "I want to have a baby".
Immediately the brunette began to cough because of the surprise almost choked, Mino got up to help but she stopped him raising a hand, swallowed and drank water and then cough a couple of times more. She shook her head, her eyes were closed and her body tense. The boy frowned, was it so bad to want to have a baby with the person you love?
"Are you okay?" His voice drew her to reality. She opened her eyes and nodded before smiling and taking his hand across the table, her  thin hands were much smaller than his.
"Mimi" The brown eyed boy smiled quickly, he loved that nickname for some reason, but only if it was she who called him that because if you did not call yourself Rae Dara and you called him that way you ran the risk of taking a punch in the face " I...Why so suddenly? "
"Today Hanbin brought Hanbyul and, well she is not a baby anymore, but she is so pretty and it was so beautiful to see her and Hanbin hugging each other or how she fell asleep in his arms" He moved in his place and put both hands around hers with the other hand that was free "I want that, with a little princess that looks like you or a champion that looks like me and teach them how to rap, dance and produce, it would be incredible. I want to have a child with you".
A silence covered the room. Both looked at each other in total silence, she looked at him with pity while he looked at her with hope that she would say yes. Dara broke the visual contact by finding the glass that made the desk much more interesting, Mino frowned and took a hand to her chin to raise and make her look him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He gave her a sweet smile, trying to comfort her and convey that he was there for her although he was also afraid and the insecurities did not take long to reach her body. Many questions came to his brain.
She didn’t want him enough to have a child with him?, Didn’t she want to have a baby because she thought he would ruin her career? Would she think that if she was pregnant he would stop loving her because she was not thin? or worse, Did she don’t want to have a child with him because she was only using him as entertainment until Jiyong left the military service?, Would she ask for a divorce when that day comes?.
Her green eyes rested sadly on his, they were watery. "I can’t give you children, Mino. There is very little chance that I would get pregnant, almost nil"
"What?" Mino didn’t understand anything, why could not a girl like her have children? She loved children!
"When I was eighteen, I got pregnant by mistake but Jiyong and I were happy, how couldn’t we? We were in love, we had the job of our dreams and we were going to have a child, the perfect life was getting closer but apparently being parents didn’t fit into the destiny's plans so it tried to erase the error” She took a breath of air causing Mino to squeeze her hand because hers were trembling non-stop. She swallowed and continued "One day Tian and I were in the car, I had a concert here in Seoul and I decided to tell him that I would be a mom because he was like a father to me and still nobody knew, I wanted him to be the first to know, I was happy to finally tell someone the secret but Tian was not very happy about it. From the beginning he didn’t support my relationship with Jiyong, as any father would, but he learned to live with it, of course pregnancy was something else, he began to tell me it was stupid, a risk too big for my career, that I was very young and that both I and baby would suffer because Jiyong wouldn’t be long with us, we argued very hard and I had a stress attack that caused me to have an abortion, I lost a lot of blood and they had to operate on me. It turns out that something was bad insidet there and the doctor told me that thanks to abortion there was very little chance that I could conceive children in the future ".
By the time she finished speaking, she was in a mess, she was crying non-stop, her eyes looked like waterfalls, she was shaking and it seemed like she was not breathing. Mino approached her so that she would sit on his lap and hug her, kissed her shoulder to give her moral support.
"How long were you when it happened?" He muttered almost distressed, it felt strange to talk about a son who could be here scampering but that was not his but Kwon Jiyong's.
"I had just turned a month." She shivered in his arms, making him tighten her grip on her and place the blanket she wore earlier around her shoulders better. Shee looked into his eyes "You can’t tell how much it hurt to wake up from the operation and see Jiyong crying next to my bed, hugging my arm. The happiness that had lit up his face when I told him I was pregnant had turned into a heavy, dark shadow of pain and grief. When I was pregnant he looked at me as if I were some kind of goddess who was giving him the greatest of gifts and, you don’t know how much I would like to see that look on you Mino, but I can’t, I'm sorry” Finally she let out a sob, she hid her face in his neck and her hand made a fist around the fabric of the shirt he was wearing. The boy could feel the tears wet his shirt but it didn’t matter to him but he pressed her harder against his body and kissed repeatedly the skin of her shoulder.
"It's okay, babe. It's okay, I can settle for Johnny and you. We are the perfect family of three, although we could give Johnny a friend, what do you think? "He smiled at a laugh choking a sob, at least she was laughing. He stroke her back carefully and they both stayed in that pose for several minutes, both without saying a word. Oh, what memories of there for 2015 in the new year.
"These days I've been this weird because next week ten years ago and it's going to be the first year for the anniversary without Jiyong, and it feels weird and bad because Jiyong is the only thing left of that memory and always, every year, we go to his grave to take flowers.” She broke the silence with his voice even more hoarse for having cried. Mino tightened his lips making them a thin line, feeling even more bad for her.
"He have a grave?"
"Yes, it was Jiyong's idea" She shrugged her shoulders away from his neck while wiping her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt, which was actually from Mino “He said we needed something to remind us that this had really happened, that pain would make us human again if at some point we lost ourselves. "
Mino gave a nod, knew that G Dragon and Red had a language that only they understood, they said a lot of deep things that might not make sense at that time but they knew their meaning one way or another. Their relationship was strange and too poetic.
"Can we go visit him? I'd like to go” He asked and Dara smiled before giving him a chaste kiss and hugging him by the neck as she thanked him again and again.
And so, half an hour later, they were in the cemetery looking at a stone grave surrounded by flowers and a dragon sculpted in the marble next to the initials 'K.R'. Mino frowned, keeping his hands in the pockets of his coat while Dara stroked the stone and left a bouquet of flowers, as she had said on the way were sakuras, the typical flowers of Japan.
"K.R?" His scowl still frowned on one more "It's obvious that K is for Kwon, but what about the R?".
"Kwon Ryu, that was going to be his or hers name."
"Dragon in Japanese, of course" He let out a small laugh at the obviousness of the matter and Dara smiled at him from the ground.
"The dragon is something very powerful and precious. Jiyong name means dragon in Korea, my favorite animal is the dragon and that's why I have one tattooed on my back, I'm from Japan so Ryu was a good choice to be the name of our unborn child” She shrugged and got up, got rid of the snow that had stained her knees and entwined her arm with her husband's before smiling at the grave "Let's go home, it's beginning to snow very hard".
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l000ey · 6 years
help me → r.d
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pairing; lee chaerin x rae dara (ft. rae donghyuk and mentions of jay park, woo jiho, lee sunghwa, kwon minsik, jessica ho, ikon, dong youngbae, epik high, lee seunghyun, song minho, blackpink and kim jennie)
summary; red makes a trip to the states to visit her best friend and ask her for help.
warnings; angst(? and depression.
note; i feel bad for hurting red :(
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The sound of high heels crashing against the cold marble floor filled the entire mansion, to be followed by several sighs and grunts. Chaerin stopped walking as soon as she reached the main hall where Donghyuk was sitting in one of the chairs drinking from his glass of whiskey.
He looked at her under his lashes as he moved his glass from one side to the other, watching as the liquid moved among the ice. "Why are you so nervous? It's just Dara. "
She rolled her eyes from side to side. "I know it's just Dara, stupid." She dropped onto one of the sofas while D.one turned to face her. "But I'm worried about her, Jay called me and said that she wasn’t very good. "
"Jay?" He dropped the glass and moved around the couch to be closer to her, raised both eyebrows in surprise. "Jay Park?" Chaerin nodded. "What did Jay Park call you? I thought you didn’t talk with him"
"And I don’t" She leaned over to pick up the glass he had left earlier "But when it comes to Dara, I'm in touch with all the people with whom she surrounds herself"
"Like who?".
"You know. Zico, Gray, Sik-K, Jessi, Jay...basically they are the ones she usually hang out with more often.” She took a drink from the glass.
"And what about YG's idols?" He raised a curious eyebrow at her “Don’t she hang out with Ikon anymore? But they were like her children and Bobby is her best friend, after Youngbae hyung, of course. "
The korean sighed "She don’t usually join them anymore. According to what Jay told me, she feels displaced or something like that because apart from Epik High she is the only artist of the old generation".
Donghyuk crossed his legs and brought one of his hands to his chin, thinking about what was happening in Korea but his thoughts were interrupted by one of the servants.
"Miss Dara is already here" She warned them in english and they both nodded before getting up and heading to the main entrance. Both sighed as they watched the door, the car was heard being parked and steps on the asphalt until the door opened revealing Dara. Chaerin smiled feeling her eyes moisten, released her grip on Donghyuk's arm and ran to the youngest to then surround her with her arms. She had missed her so much, it had been five months since they had last seen each other and it had been horrible for the ex leader to spend so much time separated from her best friend while hearing from Mr. Yang and the Ikon guys that Red seemed not to be having a good time, so she came up with the idea of ​​bringing her to the United States so that she would not spend so much time alone.
"Yah Chaerin, don’t monopolize her." The japanese men pushed her to hug her little sister, who looked at him confused. "Ah, sis, I missed you."
"What are you doing here, Donghyuk?" She struggled to get out of his grasp and watched as she had not seen him for quite some time. The last time she had heard of him was a year ago, she had heard that he was in Japan visiting their family and that he was accused of infidelity towards Hyuna. Hyuna went to see him to Japan to see if it was true and in the end, they ended up making a show both.
"Well, I had work here so I came to stay at this wonderful and huge mansion of yours because, why spend my money in an expensive hotel if I have the house of my hospitable sister? And it turns out that when I arrive here I find that Chaerin also lives here.” He pointed at the older woman and she rolled her eyes."Don’t you have an apartment? Where is the one you taught for the 73 questions for Vogue?” He opened his mouth and the eyes, releasing a noise of false surprise "Was it rented?"
"Shut up, Dong." She returned the push and rolled her arm in the youngest one to pull her and start walking towards the salon.
"I see that your relationship has not changed anything" Chaerin nodded, pressing her lips in a thin line. Dara stopped walking, stopping her unnie as well and her older brother, who was following them closely. She inhaled air trying to calm her rapid pulsations, looked at her best friend "Can we go to my room and talk?"
"Sure, D" Donghyuk tried to grab the suitcase she was carrying but she didn’t leave it, he looked at her confused.
"I mean Chae, I need to talk to her"
Both elders looked at each other, confused by her sudden change of mood. Donghyuk sighed, nodding before releasing the suitcase, Chaerin sent a smile to the girl before whispering a "Come on" and that both began to climb the stairs but, once again Red stopped. She turned to look at her staff, who were staring expectantly with her brother on the ground floor.
"Take our dinner to my room, please," She said to Mrs. Kim, the housekeeper. She nodded before bowing, soon the others followed her.
"Come on, D" Chaerin tugged on her arm and she nodded before following her.
An hour later they both ate in silence, lying on the floor of Red's room while some american program played in the living room of the suite. The blonde looked at her out of the corner of her eye as she blew the hot ramen rolled on her chopsticks, Dara stirred the kimchi with her eyes lost somewhere on the wall.
She left the chopsticks in the bowl and after running her hands down her thighs, she frowned "Okay, spit it out."
Her green eyes moved towards her. "What?"
"There is something that is bothering you and don’t even think to say that you're okay because I'm not your brother, you can’t lie to me" She stopped removing the kimchi and then sighed, moved into her sit looking for a comfortable position and looked to her best friend without knowing what to say. Chaerin made a face feeling her heart beating slower, she was not Red. She was Dara and only God knows when it was the last time since she saw her. She looked shy, pale and downcast, not at all like the Dara she used to see after a concert, dancing from side to side with a smile on her face and annoying Sandara or hugging Minzy.
"I don’t know what to do, Chae." Her voice was a faint, husky sound. "I feel very tired of everything. I'm tired, very tired. There's nothing to make me get out of bed anymore, you know? Before I woke up thinking about what I will do that day, excited to start a new day and new experiences but not anymore. Now I wake up but I don’t open my eyes, I wait to see if I can go back to sleep but I don’t get to do it. I suppose the illusion has vanished after so long." The korean woman didn’t know what to do. Tears ran like a river down Dara's cheeks -and hers too- but she didn’t know what to say, those words had been enough to leave her speechless. She felt bad, of course. She felt bad because she was living happily in the United States while Dara, her little Dara, was suffering in Korea alone.
She raised her hand with the intention of touching her knee to convey that she was there now, that she was there for her, but for some reason she lowered it. Her body also didn’t want to respond to her desire to get up and give her a hug, so the brunette continued talking.
"Sometimes I go to the cafeteria and I meet Seungri, he always sits alone so I sit down with him. Lately he is very busy with his new album so he doesn’t have time to go to the cafeteria, so I tried to sit down with the guys from Ikon but they talked about their things and I felt isolated because I didn’t know what to say. I tried to sit down with Winner but it's a little uncomfortable because of what happened between Mino and I, you know. Then I tried Blackpink but they remind me too much of you, especially Jennie, she looks a lot like you. So I started eating in my studio and then I moved to my house. I never left anymore, I didn’t feel the need to go anywhere. During the day I got drunk and as I suffer insomnia I couldn’t sleep so I dedicate myself to writing songs but they are all so sad that they made me feel even worse ".
She took her hands to her neck and began to rub it. "I feel like I'm suffocating and nobody is there for me. I have problems with my family, my friends are too busy with their work, their couples or their children and I don’t have anyone, I am alone. I feel very lonely, Chae. "
She let out a sob and that was the signal for the older one to get up and surround her with her arms, she also cried as if her life depended on it.
"I'm so sorry, D. I didn’t know you felt that way, if I had known I would never have left you alone" She pressed several kisses into her hair while their sobs filled the room "I'm so sorry, little one".
“Can you help me with something, Chae?”
The blonde nodded giving her a small smile “Of course, anything for you”.
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