#Inclusive Metaverse
akwyz · 8 months
How can we create a more inclusive metaverse?
Dive into the world of the #InclusiveMetaverse! Discover how we can create virtual spaces that are equitable, diverse, and truly representative of our global community. 🌍 Let's build a #Metaverse where everyone belongs! 🤝 #DigitalInclusion #axschat
Interview with Paul McDonagh-Smith, Senior Lecturer MIT Sloan School of Management Interview with Paul McDonagh-Smith at Hannover Messe. Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan School of Management & Digital Capability Leader at MIT Sloan Office of Executive Education. Advisor to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Paul invented and innovated with XR & metaverse across multiple industries and is Faculty…
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real5fingersgroup · 1 year
Uniteverse - Unlocking the Future of Metaverse Economy with Decentralized Principles
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Uniteverse, the core program that serves as the foundation of our entire universe, is revolutionizing the concept of Metaverse with its innovative approach and decentralized principles. With maximum imitation of the real world, Uniteverse offers a virtual environment where users can have different levels of access and prestige based on their initial resources, earned through hard work or even inherited. In the world of Metaverse, your level of access is directly correlated to your level in the Uniteverse program, creating a dynamic ecosystem driven by active participants.
At the heart of Uniteverse's active development is the unique partner program called the Uniteverse Matrix. This Matrix offers a 100% payout in the network, meaning that all 100% of the turnover are distributed as income to the participants. This creates a powerful incentive for users to actively engage in the Uniteverse program, as they directly benefit from the growth and success of the platform. The Matrix is designed to provide a sustainable source of income to its participants, and it is powered by the Force coin, the official cryptocurrency that drives the entire economy of the Uniteverse Metaverse.
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In addition to the Matrix, Uniteverse also introduces an additional program called MANA. MANA is an asset of the Metaverse with the potential for market price growth, similar to real estate in the physical world. As the Metaverse continues to evolve and gain momentum, there are strong indications that the value of land and real estate in the virtual world will see significant growth. With MANA, users can invest in virtual properties and potentially reap substantial returns as the Metaverse becomes an increasingly integral part of our digital lives.
Uniteverse's approach to Metaverse is rooted in decentralized principles, which ensure that the power and control are distributed among the community of participants. Unlike traditional centralized systems, where a handful of entities hold control over the entire ecosystem, Uniteverse empowers its users to actively contribute to the growth and development of the platform. This creates a truly inclusive and democratic environment where everyone has a voice and an opportunity to benefit from their contributions.
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Uniteverse also places a strong emphasis on user engagement and community building. Through its Matrix Flower Bonus, users can earn rewards by filling up their Matrix with other members. The Matrix is a 5-level deep structure, and with a total of 62 members in the Matrix, users have the potential to earn a substantial passive income from their contributions up to the 5th orbit. This creates an exciting opportunity for community members to actively participate in the growth of their Matrix and earn rewards in return.
Furthermore, Uniteverse's Referral Bonus provides additional incentives for users to refer others to join the platform. With a structured 4-level referral program, users can earn bonuses from the contributions of those directly or indirectly invited by them. This referral program is not dependent on the Delta and Matrix orbits, but rather based on the level of referral, providing an additional layer of rewards for users who actively promote Uniteverse and help expand its community.
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Uniteverse's vision goes beyond just creating a virtual world. It aims to build a vibrant ecosystem that fosters creativity, innovation, and economic opportunities. By providing a decentralized platform where users can earn rewards, invest in virtual properties, and actively participate in the growth of the Metaverse, Uniteverse is unlocking the full potential of the virtual economy.
As the Metaverse gains mainstream attention and becomes an increasingly important part of our digital lives, Uniteverse is well-positioned to be at the forefront of this emerging landscape. With its unique approach, innovative programs, and commitment to decentralization, Uniteverse is setting a new standard for the Metaverse economy. Join Uniteverse today and be part of this groundbreaking movement towards a more inclusive and democratic virtual world.
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One of the key aspects of Uniteverse that sets it apart from traditional virtual worlds is its use of decentralized principles. In a centralized system, a few entities hold control over the entire ecosystem, making decisions and reaping the majority of the benefits. However, in Uniteverse, power and control are distributed among the community of participants.
This decentralized approach allows for a more democratic and inclusive environment, where users have a voice in the development and decision-making processes of the platform. Users can actively contribute to the growth and evolution of Uniteverse, shaping its future direction through their participation and engagement.
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At the heart of Uniteverse's active development is the Uniteverse Matrix, a unique partner program that offers a 100% payout in the network. This means that all 100% of the turnover are distributed as income to the participants, creating a powerful incentive for users to actively engage in the platform. The Matrix is a 5-level deep structure, and with a total of 62 members in the Matrix, users have the potential to earn a substantial passive income from their contributions up to the 5th orbit.
The Matrix is designed to be a sustainable source of income for its participants, and it is powered by the Force coin, the official cryptocurrency of Uniteverse. The Force coin serves as the backbone of the entire economy of the Metaverse, facilitating transactions, investments, and rewards within the platform. Users can earn Force coins through their contributions to the Matrix and other activities within Uniteverse, and these coins can be used to invest in virtual properties, trade on the marketplace, or convert to other cryptocurrencies.
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In addition to the Matrix, Uniteverse also introduces MANA, an asset with the potential for market price growth. MANA represents virtual real estate within the Metaverse, and as the virtual world continues to develop, there are strong indications that the value of virtual land and real estate will see significant growth. Users can invest in virtual properties using MANA, and potentially earn substantial returns as the Metaverse becomes an increasingly integral part of our digital lives.
Uniteverse also places a strong emphasis on community building and user engagement. The platform offers a Referral Bonus program, where users can earn bonuses by referring others to join Uniteverse. This structured 4-level referral program provides additional incentives for users to actively promote Uniteverse and help expand its community, further contributing to the growth and development of the platform.
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The vision of Uniteverse goes beyond just creating a virtual world. It aims to build a vibrant ecosystem that fosters creativity, innovation, and economic opportunities for its users. With its decentralized approach, innovative programs, and commitment to user engagement, Uniteverse is poised to become a leading player in the emerging landscape of the Metaverse economy.
The potential of the Metaverse is immense, with its ability to offer new opportunities for communication, commerce, entertainment, and social interactions. As the concept gains mainstream attention and becomes an integral part of our digital lives, it is crucial to have platforms like Uniteverse that prioritize decentralization, inclusivity, and community participation.
In conclusion, Uniteverse is a groundbreaking program that is redefining the concept of Metaverse with its decentralized principles and innovative approach. Through its Matrix partner program, Force coin, MANA asset, and community building initiatives, Uniteverse is creating a dynamic and inclusive virtual world where users can earn rewards, invest in virtual properties, and actively participate in the growth of the platform. Join Uniteverse today and be part of the movement towards a more democratic, inclusive, and economically vibrant Metaverse.
More info: 5fingersgroup.com/mymetaforce
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creativity-on-fire · 2 years
Kathryn’s Hacks | Digital Self Portrait “A Little Puzzled”
A Little Puzzled
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newforum · 2 years
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batbeato · 6 months
so I started playing persona 5 tactica the other day. at the moment I'm finishing up the first kingdom (Marie). I thought I might share my thoughts. I promise I am having a blast playing tactica but I am also a little hater who latches onto what I don't like and must exposit about it for hours before I return to the fun parts.
With that said. I cannot stand Toshiro.
As far as design goes, he's pretty much forgettable. He looks like the standard politician/businessman. He could be in the background of an anime, in one of those scenes where the politicians are reacting to the main cast, and all of the politicians look the same.
As far as character, I have been slightly spoiled, I'm vaguely aware he goes apeshit at some point. However, how he generally acts is... boring. It feels like a recycled, worse version of Zenkichi (they have him being shocked about the Metaverse, they have him being less physically able than the Phantom Thieves) in some areas, but while Zenkichi's personality is compelling, Toshiro's is not.
Zenkichi, from the very beginning, is a character with divided loyalties. He makes himself interesting because he is an adult who believes in the Phantom Thieves' innocence when it comes to what's happening in Strikers, but he is also loyal to his boss. Over the course of the story, we learn more about his history, his struggles as a father, and his struggles with the corruption of the system.
Toshiro starts out as a man with amnesia as to why he's even relevant to the plot. The Phantom Thieves compare him to past corrupt politicians (Shido) that they've stopped, but they are also so willing to trust him and his strategies (which should be entirely unneeded, as Makoto is already the designated strategist of the group) that they appoint him as the bridge between the Rebel Corps and the Phantom Thieves.
Toshiro's gags are about how he's very skilled at negotiating and running away. They come off as flat and get on my nerves constantly.
Rather than a character that fits in well with the Phantom Thieves as a fellow outcast, he's a man with power for whom his easy inclusion in the group - which has had issues with politicians and authority from the beginning - seems ridiculous.
As his backstory with Marie was unveiled, I also found the connection made between him and Haru to be similarly ridiculous. Haru is a young woman, still in high school. She does not have the ability to tell her father 'no' due to her age and gender (as well as years of less than ideal parenting, I'm sure). However, Toshiro is an adult. In Japan, you must be at least 25 to be a member of the lower house (and 30 to be a member of the upper house). He is an adult, a man, and should have been more than capable of telling his father that he would prefer a different spouse for a financial backing.
Marie does seem to be very abusive, and I'm not discounting that, but from how the story is presented, it seems that Toshiro was aware of this from the start. He had the ability to say no. He did not exercise it. The story frames it as Toshiro being forced into an arranged marriage. He is a grown adult. It is infuriating.
Not to mention the fact that while Persona 5 had its first villain be a man abusing his power to torment male students and sexually abuse female students, now Persona 5 Strikers and Persona 5 Tactica have both had their first villains be a woman abusing her power to torment/abuse men. I sincerely wonder why this decision was made.
I'm sure Toshiro has more interesting qualities to offer to the story as I keep playing, but these initial attempts to endear him to me are awful, and I can't help but feel that, if they did want another adult character in the story, they could have reused characters from Persona 5 (Sojiro, Iwai, Yoshida) or even reused Zenkichi from Strikers. Toshiro, as a politician, is a member of the very system that the Phantom Thieves are often fighting against, as it is a system filled with corruption and abuse of power.
Anyway, besides Toshiro, every day I am haunted by the fact that Elle was localized as Erina for no reason except to make me suffer. The Persona localization team is... interesting, and often makes decisions I disagree with that wildly change the meaning of lines.
Otherwise, Elle is a serviceable character who's very fun, and has little charm points like her hilarious names for battle plans. I'm still very aware that she exists to be cute and sell the game, and to ship Joker with (for men who self insert as Joker), but she's cute. I also like that she's voiced by Mash's VA (since they both have purple hair, I think it's cute). I'm going to enjoy learning more about her as the game progresses (unlike Toshiro where I have already mentally checked out of any emotional investment and will need to be enticed back).
The gameplay is really fun. I'm playing on Normal and if I do a NG+, I'll probably play on Hard. The new artstyle also works for the game, since it's cuter but can still look serious when the mood calls for it. I like getting to see the main cast again, even if I already feel like Strikers is the more well-written spinoff.
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kiaroscuro · 4 days
Uploading all of these pictures makes me realize how many goddamn AUs I actually have, haha. I just,, read something I like and then bam! It's a Persona AU. I mostly, uh, daydream (?) or imagine (??) the scenarios and then need visual representation if I think it's worth revisiting... tell me I'm not the only one? My brain's full of 20 different tabs and one of them plays music. Another blasts memes. The third is rehashing the emotionally exhausting scene I keep trying to pen down for the eight time.
One is obsessed with cats.
(also, this is like, blanket permission for everyone to become inspired and do their own thing with some of these ideas, haha. And tag me if you want!)
Anyways, if we're already talking about AUs!
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I like to call this "everyone's a supernatural creature except Ren" because,, that's the main idea. There's three big factions and a lot of smaller ones, and Shujin is an inclusive school for the supernatural as well as regular humans. It's pretty canon except the Metaverse is, like, a coveted realm of consciousness that higher-ranking faction officials try to get their hands on to use it for their own nefarious gains.
A few individuals already have their hands in it, but a rebel group -- consisting of the fey Arsene, Milady and Morgana the fey-aligned and the other persona -- do their best to keep thw conspiracy from gaining full control over the Metaverse. Haru, Ryuji and Ann are also already involved: Haru is helping the rebellion, Ryuji and Ann are antagonistic against her.
Ren knows literally nothing about this, hangs around Ryuji mostly because they're friends, and then an injured Morgana stumbles into his life and Ren gets sucked into the rebellion quickly once he figures out that Shido's the asshole that got him into Shujin in the first place.
Cue everyone being extremely worried about the only human on their group.
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reversemoon255 · 6 months
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GAT-X105B/EG Build Strike Exceed Galaxy
While I think Metaverse was a perfectly harmless, cute series, that doesn't mean it couldn't be better. I watched the Gridman movie shortly afterward, and that did way more of the crossover stuff you want to see in the same amount of time. As every main character got a new Gunpla, I'd like to take a second to talk about how I'd rather they'd have handled each season's representation in those reviews.
A big misstep with the Fighters cast is their ages. Sei is the same age as Sekai, and considering he wasn't revealed until EP3, finally revealing the version of him teased in Try would have been a great payoff. It's also a bummer how every Fighters universe character besides Fumina doesn't have an Avatar, and they had a bunch of already existing outfits that would be both perfect and great marketing. You give Sei his EP1 Amuro costume, Ral his original series outfit, and you give China, Rinko, and even Gyanko their MS Girl outfits, because there're kits of them and that'd be good marketing.
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Also, not making the characters their proper ages mean they had to omit Reiji's daughter. And how perfect would her inclusion have been? Seeing one of the original characters getting their kid into Gunpla? Maybe when Reiji comes in on the Star Burning Gundam, he's wearing the Beargguy F backpack and she's along with him? It would have been an amazing end cap to Fighters, Try, and Metaverse. Fighters was probably the season that was handled the worst of the four, which is disappointing since it was the first.
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The Kit: Onto the kit, it is the EG Strike Gundam with new armor parts and backpack, but you'd think it was a new mold considering how it has no leftover parts. It has some nice accessories and a lot of hard points for customization. I do worry about longevity, considering my original EG RX-78-2, but other than that I have little issue.
The Details: Quite a bit of black panel lining, as well as some black paint to fill a few small areas. Metallic blue on the peripheral cameras and rifle scope. I also filled in the clear red parts with metallic red where I could to hide the plastic underneath.
Overall, a simple but neat kit with some cool gimmicks. I'd almost recommend getting two just to mess with the customization stuff.
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muzzleroars · 2 years
my take on Akechi in Strikers is admittedly, partially because it rubs me wrong for him to not at least tell Akiren he's alive at the end of Royal if he could,
so I'm partial to him being stuck in the metaverse after the engine room and EMMA finding him while rummaging through the mass unconscious for old mementos blueprints and what not lol
anyway I just like the thought of her being like '????' and deciding hell with it, another monarch for another jail with a keyword she seeds into online forums/sites about him
and then Sumire and/or Maruki find out about him and have to help him get out since the Phantom Thieves are obviously busy
(Maruki admittedly is mostly there because 1) Maruki probably feels guilty he couldn't help Akechi before 2) if they can have conversations through the trauma doors I just picture Akechi giving Maruki SO much grief while they're trying to figure out how to get it down lol)
OOH i like this!! first, i also agree that it would be...not great for goro to just decide to leave akira in the dark. i can see how that might happen for so many reasons, but if he could i think he would at least let him know he was still alive, even if he didn't give him any contact information or say anything further. but trapped in the metaverse is super interesting to me and obviously gives him the best excuse possible lol
additionally, i really like the inclusion of maruki here bc tbh....TBH....he really didn't do enough at the end of the story to make up for how much he truly messed with these kids. i don't believe maruki is at all a bad person; in fact, i think he's overly kind and a bleeding heart, but his grief twisted him immensely to the point that he did real harm to a group of kids that have already been through hell. i think he rationalized it by believing they would forget it all and achieve real happiness in his utopia...but as that utopia never came to pass, the damage he did was never undone and i would really like to see how he reckons with that since he actually hates to see suffering. and so just. the idea that goro's jail could showcase both of their characters, have growth for maruki and truly take a deeper dive into what goro's been through, sounds really interesting imo
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fleetwood-cheese · 6 months
Phantom Thief outfit breakdown: pt 6
This is a continuation of my previous post and series regarding my opinions on the phantom thieves' metaverse costumes, prompted by a poll by @waywardsalt. I will like all of these together as they're finished.
Akechi - Ann - Makoto - Sumire - Futaba - Akechi 2
Next Up: Yusuke! Heads up, we're getting to the point were I have significantly less in the way of changes, so from here on out it might primarily be analysis over direct tweaks.
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In my opinion, Yusuke has a very solid design, but it's not a stand-out one to me. I think some of the other costumes are worse but, also more memorable, so this one rides the line of being good but not flashy enough to stand out in the way others do. I think this actually works well for Yusuke though, as his eccentric and larger than life personality easily shine through and draw attention instead.
The key ideas behind this outfit seems to be to take a simplistic, elegant, and streamlined approach to match Yusuke's frugal upbringing and artistic sensibilities, with traditional Japanese influences to accent it. His mask is an excellent example of this, clearly being an homage to not only kitsune mythology, but the dramatic masks of kabuki, which in turn ties into the way Goemon is clearly designed with the elaborate costumes and dynamic swagger of aragoto, or rough-style, kabuki male leads.
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My biggest gripe with the outfit is the tail; I love its inclusion to further accentuate the kitsune inspiration, but I think it could be executed better. The current way its attached, with the metal end clipped to the sash, just screams middle school furry tail to me in the tackiest way. No shade to furries (Yusuke would probably find them fascinating and delightful), but it's not working for this outfit. I think the key to making it look better is to de-emphasize its point of attachment, and make it look like a more natural part of the whole costume and the sash instead of something clipped on at the last minute.
I also think the sash itself could be improved upon; its a good pop of color, but sort of shapeless. I would do this one of two ways: either make it more rope-like, to tie with the dramatic tasuki of his persona, or by making it more obviously similar to the obi belt of traditional kimonos, which are smoother and tied tighter than the sash present on the outfit now. Obi's are also tied in the back with a variety of different knots, depending on how secure it needs to be, which could help with the tail attachment; it also would add an additional traditional touch to the ensemble.
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I think the distribution of pops of color, such as the shocking neon blue of the gloves, blue stripes on the sash, and red ribbon of the tail, do a good job of breaking up the navy blue and white palette of the suit and white motorcycle boots (interesting choice, considering Makoto is the one with the literal motorcycle persona). However, I do think it would have been nice to see slightly more color accents throughout in a subtle way, perhaps by making the silver of the zipper more prominent? Nothing flashy, just something small to break the color block up a little more. I also think that Goemon's distinct black and white geometric patterning could have been incorporated, but I'm not sure how.
If you wanted a bigger change, you could open the ends of the sleeves up to resemble kimono robes or add a haori instead of the kind of ridiculously puffed sleeves, but I think this is really necessary and is probably more of me wanting the samurai/ronin aesthetic than anything substantial.
Overall, Yusuke's costume runs a middle ground: good enough to not be noticeably bad, but not flashy enough to compete with some of the more elaborate thief costumes. It's good, its just not wowing me and letting his personality do the talking. I have this one 5th place out of 10 and an overall score of 7/10!
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akwyz · 1 year
How can we include people with disabilities in the design of the Metaverse?
How can we include people with disabilities in the design of the Metaverse?
My interview with Marisol Villena. Inclusion, accessibility and equitable product and program development manager for the Accenture enterprise metaverse. Interview with Marisol Villebs
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Folding Ideas dropping another banger of a video today - he is imo the coiner of "the unbearable cringe of crypto" as a tagline, and no greater rule of the universe has man discovered - seeing Decentraland in action is a mass pyschology exercise in tearing down imposter syndrome forever. You can make a better game than this purpotedly-billion-dollar fraud, and that 'you' is inclusive of all human beings alive, including the actual employees of Decentraland in any other context. As always I continue to admire the way Dan has syngerized his content; he cared about the culture and 'meta' of the internet, he cared about game design, he cared about MMO's, and he cared about marketing & media narratives. The crypto+ ecosystem is literally the worst parts of all of those pieces, bundled into a bulls-eye target for the 2 hour deep dives he has pivoted his career into.
But anyway, I maybe need to write something up because this video also crystallized something for me about, hm, how to say, The Wired vs The Metaverse, and the iron law of demographics behind those time-delineated concepts. I'll work on it.
(Before or after I do that write-up on Memories of Emanon or that update on my River's Edge essay or post the next update of the translation project or do my FLCL & Sing Yesterday for Me scanning project...)
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creativity-on-fire · 2 years
Kathryn’s Hacks | Digital Self Portrait “Pondering My Future”
Pondering My Future
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Surfer House, #Miami, Florida by Veliz Arquitecto @veliz_arquitecto. Read more: Link in bio! Veliz Arquitecto: We work on the design of an architectural installation that revolves around highlighting the sculpture designed by the Meskita artist and generating an inclusive environment where the work and the architecture are part of the whole. In a maritime environment that immerses us in this lifestyle of surfers with a scale to be used in correspondence with the Metaverse… #usa #florida #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfHEvlPLdeS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scott-balmer · 1 year
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A new Illo this time done for Atticus. With the move toward web3 and the metaverse now is the best time to learn from past mistakes to safeguard future virtual space to be inclusive and safe for every traveller within the virtual realm
A big thanks to Tim and Making Pictures for making this happen
#illustration #illo #editorial #editorialillustration #virtual #web3 #meta #metaverse #psychedelic #psychedelicart #psychedelicartist #vector #digital #affinity #affinitydesigner
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metaverseblock · 2 years
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Blockchain Tech Provides Many Paths To Financial Inclusion For Unbanked Accessible services, financial inclusion, and the unbanked are major talking points in most conversations about crypto. The details talk about cryptocurrency are mostly those already within the financial system. 人们已经摆脱高水平现金使用的经济学领域,但是有些地方现金短缺,CBDC可以增加经济增长和繁荣的基本机会。nChain与央行合作,通过其数字现金产品支持CBDC的使用,确保公民继续获得包容性和稳定的中央银行资金形式。CBDC将提供进入数字经济的机会,并通过支持纳米和小额支付来提出新的商业模式。一些人正在积极努力扩大金融包容性,并为大多数服务不足和没有银行账户的人提供服务。#blockchain #區塊鏈 #metaverse
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mianwo · 1 year
saw a tech conference called Lesbians who Tech/Queer women in tech thats very obviously a summit by and for queer women in tech, very surprising i know. i was mildly interested in it so i started poking around at their previous summits agendas and its all shit like “building the metaverse inclusively” (appeared as two entirely separate talks) and “securing crypto infrastructure” (at least the talk is led by a woman!!) and “kamala harris keynote speaker”
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