#James Hsu
weedsnthistles · 5 months
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yknow that "draw your comfort characters in this comic" meme. yeah that
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dogegohiking · 11 months
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NEW Canifornia soldier we're unforgetable~
[Some of my favorite pictures that i must cut it out to ya guys!!]
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stellaeono · 1 year
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Very sad day at my country! I made diagram to cope! Rip in piss bozo!!!!
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melonmortis · 2 years
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FNV CARD REDRAWS MY BELOVED!!!!! I forgot how much fun these were the first time I tried the, and decided to do Hsu this time around. I actually would like to redo the Arcade and Vulpes ones back in February! I’ll do more after that (requests would be appreciated for ideas lol).
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delafiseaseses · 1 year
We set up here with our sights set on annexing New Vegas. That's a lot of resources that could do a lot of good for us. But that hasn't happened. If anything, they annexed us. They rake in the profits from our soldiers and we're stuck protecting them from the Legion. Not exactly the plan.
-Colonel James Hsu
Y'know, of the top brass of the NCR Military we meet, Hsu is the least objectionable. He's the nicest and most competent of them.
That doesn't mean he's not, as this quote clearly shows, an imperialist bastard.
One of the main good things about the NCR's occupation of the Mojave is that they defend it from the Legion (there's other good things, but this one is the easiest to point to). However, as Hsu says, that wasn't the plan or their motive. The plan was to come in and take over and the motive was to extract resources from the Mojave for New California. Hsu describes Vegas 'annexing the NCR' as a bad thing. He knows getting annexed is bad, but he also freely admits he and the NCR wanted to do it.
I don't actually think he understands how he sounds when he says stuff like that. The NCR playact America, as the Legion playact the Roman Empire, that includes the Exceptionalism. Of course the NCR deserves those resources (rather than the locals). Of course that would be good because it'd help us.
As I said, James Hsu is the nicest of the NCR's top brass, my favourite of the high-ranking NCR military, and that's a condemnation of the NCR as much as a compliment to Hsu.
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My favorite author is back, and I miss your writing, mate. Happy holidays and congratulations on 1.5 followers! You deserve it because you write with all your heart
How about ☠️🦖 DEATHCLAW “How could you do this to me?” (Or any prompt, it's fine) for Colonel Hsu? I want to see something sad happen to him
Thank you very much!
Hey bruderup!! 😁 Omg, stawp 😭 thank you so much, my friend!
And yessss, thank goodness an ask with Hsu, idk what it is, but I love writing for this guy. <3
I hope you like it!
"Tell me it's not true, Six." The words were firm, he was a man giving an order, but there was hurt there as well. A partner pleading for a truth he didn't want to hear.
His voice shook with it.
"James, please--"
"Don't." He held up a hand. The other was clenched, his fingers a stark white against the wooden desk below as he dug his nails into the veneer. "Just... Answer the question. Tell me if what I heard, what the evidence points to, was true."
"Colonel," Six said pointedly, taking a step forward, "Do you really think that I would be capable of a terrorist act like that? After all I've done for this outfit, after I've made it clear... the way I care about you."
Hsu clenched his jaw at that, unprepared to play these games. He's been fishing for a direct answer for nearly an hour now, and his patience was wearing thin and sparse as the desert grass in the heat of summer. But they knew him. They knew his heart now, they'd been the keeper of it for months, and he couldn't...
How could they betray me? After everything, all this time... Could Six be so ruthless?
But he knew they had to be, or whoever it was that was responsible; they must have no room for empathy in their hearts, if what the reports said about the monorail were true. More than a dozen men dead, because of one mistake.
He just hoped the lapse in judgement didn't lie with him. That he was the one who let a Legion spy slip by his notice.
And for what? What did he think could come of this? The lonely NCR Colonel and the courier from nowhere... It sounded like the start to a poor joke.
"I want to believe you," He let the words fall from him, dripping with unconcealed desperation, "Six, you know how strongly I feel about us-- a-about you as well, but... I can't look past this. I'll need some evidence to the contrary, need an alibi, or a witness, anything that you can find that doesn't point to you, because what that soldier found in your locker... It was pretty damning."
Six's eyes seemed to plead with him, their lip all but trembling as they took the lasts steps towards him, and rounded the desk. Hsu turned to face them, sympathy shining in his dark eyes, and they threw their arms over his shoulders. Lightly, his hands wrapped around their body in return.
"What if I can't?" They sniffed, and he felt their chin press into his shoulder as they spoke. "I mean, what if I can't find anything? What'll happen to me?"
Though they couldn't see it, Hsu's expression turned grim.
"You will." He told them, the firmness returning to his voice in the form of thoughtless determination. "You have to. Please, I... I can't lose you, Six."
James felt his words turn raw, his throat drying with the impending emotion.
"Especially not like this. It would... God, it would ruin me."
They pressed into him further, almost suffocating him with their grasp.
"You don't have to, you know."
There was a strange quality to the words they spoke, so close to his ear, as their arms held firm to him. It was like they were imprisoning him in their embrace, refusing to let him back away form them, denying him a view of their expression.
"James..." Six whispered his name, the way they did when they were close, the way they spoke to him only when they were intimate.
"Come with me."
He froze, his arms ceasing the comforting rubbing motion over their back that he'd began to try and keep his partner calm. Slowly, he released them, forcing himself out of their tight embrace.
"What?" He whispered, just as softly, but his was tinged with fear.
"You've told me, so many nights, how you wished it could be different, how this job-- the NCR-- is eating away at you. The sleepless nights, the grief, the nightmares... You can put it all behind you."
"Six, I..." He was damn near at a loss, but Hsu shook his head to clear it, and soldiered on. "I'm not running from my problems. And neither should you. We can find the evidence that we need, we can move on from this--"
"No, James." Six's gaze was unyielding, holding him hostage with it's intensity and on the verge of pulling the trigger. Of firing the unwanted truth right through his thick skull. "We can't find the evidence."
The Colonel held his breath, knowing what was coming before it even hit him, but hoping beyond hope that this wasn't fucking real. That they wouldn't say it, wouldn't mean it if they did.
"Because it was me."
Their hand rose with the intent to brush over his cheek, the caress of a lover to their partner, but Hsu snatched their hand in his own, like a defender grabbing a violent assailant.
"What?!" His nose curled in a snarl as his eyebrows furrowed low, but even still, the words were his last chance, their last chance, to take it back, to say they were mistaken, to lie, because, God the way he could've accepted a lie, any lie, as a replacement for this condemning confession...
"How could you do this to me?" His words turned to pleas for the truth.
Did they ever care for him? How long? Why him? What did he do to deserve this betrayal?
Hsu's hand held firm to theirs as they tried to speak, and he pushed their wrist down to the hardwood of his desk, trapping it there in a painful grip.
"How could you lie to me? For so long? How could you murder all those people? Who the hell are you really?"
"James, no, you need to listen--" You tried, fear injecting into your voice from the forcefulness of the Colonel's touch, from the fury in his eyes.
"How the hell could you make me care about you?"
Hsu's other hand grabbed their free one as he stepped forward, his face inches from theirs as he wrenched both of their arms back, and forced them down onto his desk, preparing to handcuff them.
"Just... why?"
He asked, the handcuffs clicking into place too quickly for Six to attempt an escape. Their face turned to him, their cheek pressed down onto the desk as their eyes met his, filled with an honest disbelief.
The only honest thing about them...
"I did care about you, James. But this... The NCR, it wasn't the future that was meant for this place, for the Mojave. I thought one day, you could learn to see reason. That, when the time came, you would leave with me. You would choose me, over this job that you despise."
A hopefulness still rang true in their voice, their pleading eyes, their desperate expression, but Hsu only set his jaw firmly.
"You thought wrong."
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wrote this cause I got bored and had a new au for Kola also my first time writing for a cannon character(s) so hope I did them some justice. 
        Kola walked carefully around Camp McCarran, careful not to be seen or accidentally stepped on. She had been staying in the camp for about a week now and had learned to avoid being seen so far because of her size or everyone just being too busy. Which surprised her as everyone seemed observant to her but then again, she had taken food on multi-pul occasions. And she had yet to be caught by anyone so far so maybe she was wrong in that regard. As she was lost in her thoughts, she almost got stepped on, but thankfully was missed by a few inches. Looking up, she saw it was Lt. Boyd who looked to be talking to Col. Hsu about a missing corporal who had yet to check in for almost a week. Following them, Kola listened in, staying out of sight, moving between hiding spots which were few and far between each one. Before the two came to a stop in the food area of the concourse as the two sat across from each other. Moving slowly and carefully around, Kola made her way closer to listen in more, only to stop when her stomach growled lowly at her. Putting a hand on her stomach as she looked around, trying to see if she could take any food that got left out. Looking about, her eyes fell on what looked to be a plate of food that had been left out. Going over to it, she started to climb up quickly, making it up before dashing for it, only for a glass cup to be slammed down on top before she could make it.  
        James was talking to Boyd when a loud slam was heard, causing the man to jump. Looking over along with Carrie at the camp’s cook, who had his back to them, looking down at something on the table. Across from him Boyd got up to see what was going on as she went over, asking what was stopping mid-sentence. Now really worried, he walked over to them “Will, Carrie, are you both okay is something wrong?” he asked, them concern in his voice. He looked toward what they were looking at, noticing the glass cup covering what looked to be a small pocket sized human pushing it over to a plate of food. Reaching over slowly, he pulled the cup off, getting a better look at them as they stared up at them. James saw that whoever this was, they wore a brown button-up shirt, with a pair of coveralls and a bandana tied around their neck. Along with an cloth bandaged over their left eye,  the last two items were a bag of sorts around their waist and a shackle with a broken chain. Part of which was still attached reaching a finger out, he poked them in the stomach gently, wanting to be sure this was real. Poking the other got a reaction of them as they made a small sound of discomfort, pushing his finger away in response, as they looked up at him pouting.   
        The reaction caused Hsu to give a chuckle in response, “sorry, sorry had to make sure you weren’t some fever dream,” he tells the smaller being. Looking at them smiling, “my name is Jame Hsu and this is Carrie Body, and Corporal William Farber,” he said introducing himself and the two with him. He figured it would make the other feel more at ease if he made introductions and to ease possible tensions. Before he could ask for their name, the other turned their back to them, going over to the plate picking up a pea, walking over and setting it down. James watched along with Carrie and William as they went back and forth, spelling out “Kola” with the peas. Holding a finger out to her gently “nice to meet you, Kola,” he said watching as she stepped back as if not wanting to get poked again, before reaching out to shake his finger slowly. After introductions were made, he watched as Kola turned to the peas, taking them back to the plate, before she dug into the food. Grabbing his own food from the table and coming back over, he sat in the booth, figuring he’d eat with their new guest. After he’d ask her some questions back in his office along with seeing if he could get that shackle off her ankle as it didn’t seem too comfortable. As for now, he’d leave her to eat her food contently in peace, who Farber had been kind enough to bring something to drink using a small used bullet casing.  
        Kola ate with the Colonel Hsu, neither saying a word as she thought about what to do now that three people knew about her. She couldn’t go back into hiding and just nicking food anymore or other items she sometimes would flitch but, maybe if she played her cards right, they’d let her stay here at the camp. Finishing up her food, she stood up she walked over to Hsu, patting him on the hand to get his attention who looked down at her. Before he could ask what was wrong, she started to mime to him, asking permission to stay at McCarran. It took a moment but the other got it after a bit smiling at her “yes, you can stay but on a few conditions” he tells her before continuing on after she nods. She listened as he listed them first was she couldn’t get underfoot as she could get hurt, second was she couldn’t steal food anymore, the last one was if she was okay with it he wanted to ask a few questions and take that shackle off her ankle. Kola thought it over for a moment before giving a nod, seeing as those could be easy to do so long as, for the last part, none of the questions were hard to answer. With that, the two got up,  Kola riding the man’s shoulder, making sure she had a fairly good grip to not fall off on their way back to the other’s office. Thinking the whole way back what he was going to ask her when they got there.
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number1yisuchongfan · 2 years
The Heathers musical but Veronica is James Hsu and JD is Ronald Curtis and the school is the Camp McCarran
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the-bluespirit · 1 year
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THE CAST OF EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE wins Cast in a Motion Picture at the 2023 Screen Actors Guild Awards
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theartofjoekim · 1 year
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Everything Everywhere All at Once.
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Everything Everywhere All at Once Passes Return of the King as Most-Awarded Movie Ever
Everything Everywhere All at Once can add another historic win to its list.
According to IGN’s calculations, the multiversal hit is now the most-awarded film ever with 158 accolades to date from major critics organizations and awards bodies. This spot was previously held by The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, which earned 101 major awards by IGN’s math. (via IGN)
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gongju6649 · 2 years
An Ode to 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' by David Gate
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cloudtinn · 1 year
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 Everything Everywhere All At Once Oscar sweep at the 95th Academy Awards!!
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FNV Minor Character Poll - Round 1-B, Day 4
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Left: Col. James Hsu, commanding NCR officer at Camp McCarran. —"We set up here with our sights set on annexing New Vegas. That's a lot of resources that could do a lot of good for us. But that hasn't happened. If anything, they annexed us. They rake in the profits from our soldiers and we're stuck protecting them from the Legion. Not exactly the plan."
Right: Big Beard & Little Beard, guns for hire at the Atomic Wrangler. —Big Beard: "Let me guess. You want to know my secret - how I got my beard to grow in so thick. Sorry, but I can't tell you that. Trade secret."
Designated cheerleaders were not available for this match-up.
[Bracket | Info & FAQs | Become a Designated Cheerleader]
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mannyblacque · 1 year
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