#Kingdom Hearts: RE; Chain of Memories
vgbossthemes · 7 months
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When Sora faces off against Larxene in Castle Oblivion during the events of Chain of Memories, he and Roxas are separated at the time.
Roxas is Sora's Nobody, so Larxene was being literally accurate in her taunts.
Larxene: You really are a hero. A Heartless hero!
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embraceyourdestiny · 1 year
penned between the margins // Kingdom Hearts fanfic
Rating: General
Characters: Kairi (post KH1~ around CoM)
Warnings: Dairy entry that’s present tense + first person POV, slight dereality typical with memory related issues in Kingdom Hearts, Hospitals
Something happened. I don’t know what it was, but I know something did happen.
It started a few weeks ago. This… feeling inside of me. It’s nothing like anything I’ve felt before, so I don’t know how to describe it. It’s almost… hollow? No, that doesn’t sound right. Empty? Maybe, but not quiet.
Longing. That might be the way to describe it.
I don’t know where it came from. One day I was running down the beach of the main island with Wakka and Tidus, playing games with them, giggling with Selphie and the other girls about about dumb school stuff like we always do, and the next thing I remember I somehow ended up at the play islands, standing at the empty shore like I was looking for something.
Like something was missing.
I don’t remember how I got there, I don’t even remember leaving the house that day or what compelled me to go there without telling anyone. I just… did. Or did I? If I don’t remember doing it, did it really happen?
Everything feels like a dream. That’s probably the best summary of how most things have felt since that day.
Some things are real, I know for sure. Wakka and Tidus are as rambunctious as ever, sparring up and down the shore, laughing and messing with each other like they always do. Selphie and I are practically glued at the hip like we’ve always been. These things are the same and they feel normal but… but they also feel like they’re not.
It’s weird. I don’t know how to describe it. Somehow, things don’t quite feel real.
Nothing from my life is missing or out of place; mom and dad are as great as ever, no one moved in or away (I made sure — daughter-of-the-mayor privileges come in handy every once in a while), summer was ready to end and school was about to start a few weeks away just like it was before this gnawing feeling consumed me, so, what’s wrong? Why do I feel like this? Why does it feel like I’m searching for something I can never find, even though I can almost feel it brushing against my fingertips?
Selphie was the one who found me all those weeks ago and I still feel like I have to apologize for it everyday, even though I stopped doing that about a week ago. She said we were walking down the beach, chatting away like any other day, when I just… stopped. Stopped moving, stopped talking, even stopped breathing, though I don’t know how much of that was an exaggeration on her part or entirely true. She’s always had a flair for the dramatics, after all. it’s not that I doubt her, I just… I feel like I’m always second guessing myself these days.
Anyway, she said I stopped walking and just… turned on my heel and walked towards the shoreline. She said I would’ve walked right in if she hadn’t stopped me, and that might be the scariest part of all of this. The second scariest, actually. Doing things beyond your control and not remembering it is terrifying, but knowing you’re missing something without any proof of many things missing is indescribably startling. At least there’s a reason for people doing things and not remembering doing them, what explanation is there for remembering something that didn’t happen?
That’s what I keep telling myself. It didn’t happen. It feels wrong, so wrong, because I know something did happen, but maybe it didn’t. Maybe I’m just remembering wrong. Maybe I’m imagining it. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
And it’s even weirder because with how Selphie describes her story… I don’t remember it like that at all.
We might’ve been on the beach together at some point, the details of memories with her are fuzzy in an entirely different way, but I don’t remember her being there. I don’t remember anyone from the islands being there. No one. I was all by myself for so long. I have no visual memory of this, no flash of images that give me at least some solace that I’m not completely losing my mind, but I know I was alone.
Or… no, I wasn’t. Not entirely, at least. There was this… warmth. This light, almost. I was scared and alone, but the light helped keep me warm and safe. I think, at least. With no proof even within my own mind, it makes what I feel seem less reliable, but I know it happened. I know. Or, I thought. I don’t know. It’s all a big jumbled mess.
All I know is that before Selphie found me on the beach that day, everything was dark. And cold. And alone. But not. Because that light was protecting me.
Maybe I am losing my mind. How can I both feel something and not feel something at the same time?
Selphie nearly gave me a heart attack when her concerned hand gently touched my elbow that day, but outwardly, I had no reaction. It was unnatural. She touched me and I barely moved. I only slightly shifted to face her but with no control of my own. Like my body was on autopilot, trying to fly to my rescue. And I was so tired. As nice as she could put it, Selphie said I looked dead in the eyes when I looked at her before collapsing in her arms, and isn’t that embarrassing?
Wakka and Tidus had luckily come to the islands that day and found us soon enough, me lying in Selphie’s arms on her lap, wordless, almost comatose, and Selphie freaking out on the inside but surprisingly calm on the outside, holding my hand and gently stroking hairs behind my ear that just wouldn’t stay.
I don’t remember much from that day, honestly. All I know for sure is besides darkness and light, I vividly recall Selphie’s soft hand in mine, the slight shake of her body as she reassured me that everything was going to be okay, and the image of her crumbling to the floor the second she thought I couldn’t see her anymore behind the hospital door. But, I did, and it’s been haunting me ever since.
She looked so… frail. Small. Like a child, wailing on the floor in the middle of the hallway. For me. Maybe that’s the real reason I still apologize to her everyday, even if it’s only in my head. Purposefully or not, I did that to her, and the guilt is almost too much to bear.
Staying in the hospital was… an experience I hardly remember. It comes back in flashes, in sensations I’d never felt before but can pinpoint exactly now, like an IV in my arm and being fed food and water because I couldn’t do it myself for days on end. Humiliation is commonplace among my confusing and busted wheelhouse of emotions now, it seems.
The weird thing was, when I was conscious and coherent, trying to tell everyone what I think happened, with their words, they told me I was wrong, that I never left the islands, that everyone is safe and here, that I have nothing to worry about. But their actions said something different. Worrying hands that seemed frantic for reasons more than me having a bad… whatever I had. Quick glances constantly thrown over my parents shoulder, like if they looked away for even a second, I’d disappear into thin air.
Sometimes, it feels like the other way around. Like instead of disappearing into thin air, I just appeared out of nowhere one day.
It’s confusing because I don’t feel this way about my entire life. I know the memories of before that day are real, that I came to this island as a little girl, that against all odds I found a family and great friends, but it still feels so, so wrong. Even though those memories shouldn’t be tainted in anyway, they still feel off. Incorrect. Like something missing. Just like Selphie’s telling of the day she found me. I don’t think she’s lying, but I know she isn’t right. And the most confusing part is I’m not lying to myself, but I know my memories aren’t right either.
It’s been a slow adjustment, coming back. I keep phrasing it that way in my head. “Coming back.” I didn’t leave, not physically. At least, I don’t think, but it feels like I came home after a long, long, taxing journey. Like when you come back after a long family trip and the tiredness of your travels finally settles in, leaving you fatigued and sluggish, but I never feel that relief that swells in you when you finally get home. That feeling of when you step through the door of your house and comfort, safety, security, home washes over you. It hasn’t happened yet. I’ve never left, and yet I don’t feel like I’m home.
‘ Try not to think of it,’ my mother tells me. ‘Focus on what it is you’re feeling,’ the therapist says. ‘I’m losing my mind,’ I think.
I don’t know which one of us is right.
At the moment I’m sitting on the balcony of my bedroom, staring out at the setting sun as it’s light sparkles over the horizon. I’ve always loved twilight. It’s the best part of the day, when the sun is nuzzling into it’s comfortable place and gives us one last glow of it’s beauty before saying farewell and making way for the night. The time between day and night has always been one of comfort for me. It’s even prettier on the play islands, but I haven’t been back since Selphie found me.
Okay… not technically true. I did go back once when I could find the chance to get away between the hectic mess of discharging from the hospital and settling back in at home. And there I go talking about it like that again. “Settling back in.” I never left, so there’s nothing to settle into. I tell myself this so I feel like I at least have a little control, but once the lying starts it means that control has been lost for a long time, right?
...Right. The play islands. I went back because I thought I could… I don’t know. Find whatever it was that was missing? As if it was just some trinket I dropped near the paopu tree and if I came running back it’d be right there, waiting for me to return. It sounds as ridiculous as it felt to do. What I lost wasn’t some mere charm off a bracelet or something trivial like that, it was real and important, of course it wasn’t going to just magically appear the last place I remember seeing it.
Huh… that’s a bit of a clue, isn’t it? “The last place I remember seeing it.” The paopu tree. It keeps coming up in my thoughts and in my memories, as if I can trust those, but maybe that will be helpful down the line.
Before all of this stuff happened, I used to keep a diary. Not for any real reason, the content of it hardly mattered, honestly. Scribblings here, a random poem there, what I wrote wasn’t important, it was the fact that I was writing at all that was. It helped me keep things clear and concise in my own head, all my thoughts organized into one, easy to read space. I kept a journal with me constantly, writing down anything that seemed important and sometimes especially things that were mundane, so I wouldn’t forget it later. I eventually fell out of the habit, but the doctor suggested for me to pick it up again to help make sense of what happened to me and I’ve been trying to do it ever since.
These days, though, my thoughts and writings form into one big blob of a mess and I find myself constantly getting lost in the flow between them. Some things I thought I wrote down end up being only thoughts I had at some point and never committed to writing down, and other things I thought were only daydream imaginings end up staring right back at me on the lines of paper. I look down at the notebook in my lap now and realize I’ve been writing this whole time. It’s become second nature at this point, I wasn’t even looking at what I was writing. My penmanship has seen better days but the writing is still legible and… as coherent as I can make my thoughts be recently. It makes sense to me, at least. (And doesn’t.)
I scribble the note about the paopu tree down, even drawing a crude rendition of the tree with three paopu fruits on it in the margins, as best as I can muster. It’s not much, but drawing has also been helping me make sense of the mess of my brain recently, even though I’m not all that good at it. Maybe I need a hobby. Something to distract me. The doctor said something like that, too, I think, but, as always, I can’t remember clearly.
There are few and far moments in between when thinking about whatever it was that happened to me isn’t all-consuming and occupying every one of my thoughts, and my mind flits over to the thought of school.
God, doesn’t that sound awful.
School has never been bad, but dealing with it while also dealing with all of this sounds a bit much. Maybe I can ask if I can be homeschooled, just for a semester. Mom and dad will probably fight it, saying it’ll be good for me to be among my peers, especially after all of this, but I disagree. It might not be a good idea, but I think I just need to be alone with this stuff for a while, so I can make sense of it for myself, and then I can make it make sense to others. If it ever gets to that point. I don’t know if it will, honestly.
Well, it’s okay for now. School isn’t for at least another month so until then, I’ll just keep trying to make everything make sense.
I’m not normally a pessimist, but these thoughts and recent experiences have made me not feel like myself. I try to not let it bother me, but it does so much. I scribble another note down about needing to make a checklist of school supplies and end the note with an explanation point, dotting the bottom with a drawing of a paopu fruit.
Paopu fruit… paopu tree…
I look up from my journal and out to the glittering sea, the play islands gently hugging the darkening horizon. Maybe I should go back there soon. Something feels like it’s calling me. But maybe I’m imagining that, too.
I hear my mother call me for dinner and I sigh, closing my notebook. I stand, looking out wistfully towards the twilight horizon and the play islands one more time, before I leave the balcony and shut the sliding door tight, locking it into place.
Another thought for another day.
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bax16 · 2 years
After so many years, I'm finally startin on Square Enix's newest blockbuster hit RPG Kingdom Hearts Chain of Gaslighting Sora Lmao
Wish me luck
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keyknows · 1 year
youtube just recommended me a video that’s like “the worst kh game, birth by sleep!” and i’m here like did you play re:chain of memories?
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plateauofmemories · 13 days
Anyway after successfully playing one go through of Kingdom Hearts: Hell Simulator and having it work alright (it's the cloud version of switch so. It has to cooperate with the wifi), I decided I'd start up one of the longer titles.
And this I have begun Re: COM for the third time!
Hoping to actually stick with it this time.
(especially because I like, don't remember enough to play without paying attention to the tutorial but also I remember enough that the tutorial was mildly torturous. Like stfu Marluxia and let me shove these cards in your face)
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foxybatty · 2 months
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With the Kingdom Hearts series closed and done for stream until the release of Kingdom Hearts IV (whenever that is), here's all the thumbnails I did for the series.
Thank you for this long and nostalgic journey. <3
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tapioca-puddingg · 2 years
Yo! Just went live on Twitch! Gonna be watching the chain of memories cutscenes. Stop by if you're interested!
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shadowcatgirl09 · 8 months
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Namine in Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories
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—Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories; Riku's Poem
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Kingdom Hearts χ will count for:
1) Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
2) Union χ
3) Dark Road
3) χ[chi]
4) χ Back Cover
(I excluded Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix and Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, since those are remastered collections)
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vgbossthemes · 2 months
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teenagemutation · 10 months
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Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories / Playing Cards
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Is this actually going to work? If it does, it's all 5 versions of Lazy Afternoons from the Kingdom Hearts series. Chain of Memories, II, re: Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days, and HD 2.5 remix
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As an added bonus, you can play all 5 of them at the same time even.
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ninelivesastrology · 1 month
I’ve been experimenting with electional astrology by choosing to start videogames at certain times. I told my husband to seize this Moon in Taurus sextile Venus in Pisces transit for a Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories playthrough.
I wish I remembered when I started Resident Evil 4 Remake’s Separate Ways, but that was the last game I completed. I have to elect to start my Resident Evil 4 Remake NG+ Professional run, hopefully resulting in an S+ Rank. 🫠 I want the cat ears… give me the damn cat ears… I’m a completionist.
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thelaughtercafe · 4 months
Fandom List!
Asterisks* next to anime mean I'm completed with the anime not manga so please no manga spoilers! Thank you once again! 
Characters are fine but if I don't know someone I won't include them!
Italics mean I’m on the cusp of hyperfixating and bold means I currently am. Please request for these fandoms as I’m more likely to get them out faster!
Please remember the 5 character limit for headcanons, 3 for scenarios(any mix of fandoms is fine!) and I hope you enjoy your stay! 
Assassination Classroom* 
Fruits Basket*
Brothers Conflict*
Dance With Devils*
Diabolik Lovers*
Angel Beats*
Claanad/Claanad: After Story*
Ouran Highschool Host Club*
My Hero Academia*
Death Note*
The Promised Neverland
Tales of the Abyss*
Avatar the Last Airbender*
Sword Art Online
Fairy Tail
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc
Danganronpa 3: Future Arc
Danganronpa 3: Hope Arc
Danganronpa 2.5: OVA
Uta no Prince Sama!
Bungou Stray Dogs (Caught up to end of Season 4, including Dead Apple)
Death Parade
Fullmetal Alchemist*
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood*
Angels of Death*
Ghost Hunt*
The Devil is a Part-timer!*
Mekakucity Actors*
Maid Sama!
Seven Deadly Sins*
Violet Evergarden*
Soul Eater*
Yuri!! On Ice*
Akame Ga Kill!
Black Butler
The Dragon Prince (Up to end of season 3 so no spoilers past that please!)
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjutsu
Miraculous Ladybug*
Banana Fish
Cardfight Vanguard Overdress!!*
Cardfight Vanguard Divinez*
My Happy Marriage(Up to episode 8)
Spy x Family (Up to end of Season 1)
Legend of Vox Machina (Finished season 1 and know the characters, just no plot past that please!)
Video Games
Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy 4*
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 7/Remake*/Dirge of Cerberus*/Crisis Core*
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 10*
Final Fantasy 12*
Final Fantasy 13*
Final Fantasy 14*(Caught up to the end of Endwalker, but not post patches yet)
Final Fantasy 15*
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates*
Final Fantasy: Type 0*
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition*
Xenoblade Chronicles 2*
Xenoblade Chronicles 3*
The World Ends With You*
Neo: The World Ends With You*
Kingdom Hearts*
Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories*
Kingdom Hearts 2*
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep*
Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance*
Kingdom Hearts 3*
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days*
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded*
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory*
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc*
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair*
Danganronpa v3*
Danganronpa: Ultra Despair Girls*
Tales of the Abyss*
Tales of Vesperia
Suikoden: Tierkreis
Persona 5 Royal*
Dragon Quest 11 S*
Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Obey Me!
Collar x Malice ( Finished Mineo and Takeru's routes so no spoilers for the others but please feel free to request any character!)
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail*
Ikemen: Sengoku
Ikemen: Vampire
Ikemen: Revolution
Ikemen: Villians
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Birthright
Fire Emblem: Conquest
Fire Emblem: Revelation
Resident Evil*/Remake*
Resident Evil 2*/Remake*
Resident Evil 3*/Remake*
Resident Evil 7*
Resident Evil 8*
Baldur's Gate 3
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Stardew Valley (I'm on Year 1 Summer, but can already tell Sebastian and Sam have my whole heart so they're the only two I'm able to write for atm, will update as I finish more)
TV Shows
Criminal Minds
The Vampire Diaries
Teen Wolf*
Good Omens
The Walking Dead
The Umbrella Academy*
Asian Shows
Sweet Home(currently up to Season 2 episode 2)
Bride of Habaek(currently up to episode 7)
My Holo Love*
Boys Over Flowers*
Cheese in the Trap*
Murphy's Law of Love*
Squid Game*(I'll be picky with these requests probably since it's been a while <3)
Rise of the Guardians*
Scream 2*
Scream 3*
Scream 4*
The Little Prince*
Meet Joe Black*
The Princess Bride*
A Little Princess*
Phantom of the Opera*
Les Miserables*
The Breakfast Club*
The Santa Clause*
The Santa Clause 2*
The Santa Clause 3*
Spirited Away*
Howl’s Moving Castle*
Princess Mononoke
Iron Man*
Iron Man 2*
Captain America: The Winter Soldier*
Avengers: Infinity War*
Avengers: Endgame*
Spiderman: Homecoming*
Spiderman: Far From Home*
Heathers: The Musical*
Epic: The Musical*
Not sure where to put this one so it gets its own category!
Critical Role (Up to Campaign 1, episode 40 atm)
Baldur's Gate 3 Oneshot*
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