#Kwami of illusion
chikorra · 7 months
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Mischievous Illusion => Find more Kwamis here! :3
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artblooger19moon · 1 year
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Trixx Kwami of Illusion 🦊
Miraculous Ladybug
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captorations · 2 months
thinking about tikki aka goddess of creation being ladybug-themed aka beetle-themed and the age-old joke about how if a creator god exists they must really like beetles
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
Nino DOESN'T "deserve" Alya to tell him she's Scarabella. She's not obligated to do so and I'm sick of everyone acting like she is. Luka is the one who needs to tell the truth to two other kids who actually deserve to know his secret because Scarabella isn't about Nino she's about Alya but Ladybug and Chat Noir are about Marinette and Adrien not Luka. You're telling the wrong person to reveal their secret here.
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Soooooo, it's not blood. It's pizza sauce 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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floweryotter · 2 years
Wouldn't it be funny if Kwami's Choice wasn't premiered by Gloob nor TFOU, but by Disney Channel Spain?
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rainbow-arrow · 2 years
heads up there’s like four back-to-back episodes of miraculous coming out this week. still sorry i’m not normal
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totallovestrucksimp · 2 years
Damn, the new trailer that Gloob posted was for Illusion…
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redtippedfox · 7 months
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Accidentally deleted this post when I was trying to edit it but guess I can’t undo that.
All characters in this AU are aged up and are adults
Anyway gonna take this chance to redo this post and upload her updated kwami swaps.
Behold the holy trinity of Kwami swaps part 1
1. Fox! Marinette: Huli Jing, she’s a trickster and her illusions are beautifully dangerous
2. Bee! Marinette: HoneyBee: She’s hella sweet but you don’t wanna piss her off because her sting can hurt
3. Turtle! Marinette: Chelona Jade: Graceful, strong, and powerful she is the protector.
4. Black Cat! Marinette: Lady Noire: Pent up Destruction can be dangerous especially for a rule follower who’s been stuck being perfect
5. Mouse! Marinette: Multimouse: She may be small but she can give you quite a scare when she divides and conquers.
6. Peacock! Marinette: Bleu Celine: A Goddess in human flesh her Sentimonster’s seem like a dream but beware for they are not all they seem.
7. Butterfly! Marinette: Titania: Light as a butterfly, become her champion be blessed by her gift.
These kwami swaps are definitely going to appear in Timey Wimey soon, we’re getting really close to Marinette’s reveal. I’ll also be posting the other half of this which the Chinese zodiac part of the Miracle Box, yep that’s right my girl is pulling a Kwamibuster on the corrupted hero’s but with a twist. Anywho, updated their designs and was just trying to edit the post but accidentally deleted it so whoops.
So cleaned up their designs and thought might as well post more.
The main seven Miraculouses are still my favorite
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starguardianniom · 8 months
The Dark implications of the Paris Special ending
Ok so we all saw the special and we kind of all figured out that basically Shadybug and Claw Noir were child soldiers tasked by the Supreme with retrieving the Butterfly miraculous so that they would be "spared", right?
So, does that mean the Supreme personally contacted them, or knows where they live and their identities? Meaning that now they'll be hunted down for becoming heroes and joining the resistance? Does that means the Supreme will go after their families? Or will send other holders after them?
Does it implies that now Emonette and Emodrien will have to go underground or something?
I could see them revealing themselves to Betterfly and him to them and they would become some sort of family, as Emodrien and Gabriel are already son and father and Emodrien will most likely date Emonette.
But that could complicate things further, if Emodrien is hunted, then Gabriel isn't probably safe as a civilian now, he could be captured to keep Emodrien in line or something.
Suddently I feel their problems just got bigger now, sure Shadybug and Claw Noir now are good heroes and their powers won't kill them anymore, but well their lives are about to get changed a lot, given Shadybug's fear at going back knowing the Supreme won't like that they defected.
So it could definitely be explored again in the future maybe, given they clearly aren't done fighting.
I must wonder if the Supreme use a miraculous himself, maybe the Rabbit or Horse for instant teleportation and safety anywhere? Or the Fox to have illusions anywhere and everywhere? Or the Snake to always have second chances?
Speaking of which, why did the Supreme gave Emonette and Emodrien the miraculouses when he usually gives them to the elites he keeps close to himself? Because he couldn't afford losing said elites but 2 random, angry and bitter goth kids? Sure, no problems. He doesn't tell them that they could use their kwamis for a wish since he overrided that, and that using their powers for evil would kill them in the long run, so he probably thought that they could accomplish their missions and still die from the after effects of their miraculouses after telling them they would be spared, and well he would probably spare them simply to watch them die slowly from the misuse of their powers and gloating about it as they die or something maybe?
Emonette realised it after failing to make the wish, she was dying from her powers, and was beyond scared and sad and broken at seeing how much she's fallen. She even said that getting the Butterfly back was all they had left. We were literally watching 14 years old teenagers slowly die during most of the special, people! Give those kids all the hugs, love and protection of the world please.
But the implications are dark and evil and damn I am so scared for those kids, and also that good Gabriel.
So we need another episode with them. Heck can we have the rest of the series with them please? I need to see Emonette befriending Alya and Emodrien, Nino. Need them to be the quad squad under daddy Betterfly and stuff, being a lil happy family fighting against the corruption of the Supreme in their world.
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IOTA Reviews: Pretension
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Oh joy, another Felix episode. Because the last one was just so good, wasn't it?
Let's get into the nineteenth episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Pretension
We start off with Kagami and Adrien heading to school, with the former making plans with Marinette to spend a little time together, all while Argos stalks them. We then cut to Gabriel, who's attempting to heal his Cataclysm wound with a machine that drains the energy from his imprisoned Kwamis. It fails because... uh... uhhhh... it just doesn't?
Kaalki: I told you. No magic can heal this wound.
Barkk: A Cat Noir Cataclysm can't be healed!
Yeah, they just say nothing can heal the wound, and don't even mention the fact that we've already seen the Ladybug Miraculous heal Adren when he was wounded by his own Cataclysm in “Miraculer”. And before you say it was a weaker version of the attack, check out what Astruc said a few years ago when the subject was brought up.
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Whether you want to take this as fact or not since it wasn't explained in the show itself, the point is that we've seen Ladybug heal someone who was wounded by Cataclysm before. Then again, considering the recent reveal, that episode only opens up another can of worms.
Back at school, Marinette talks with Adrien and Kagami about how Gabriel only sees her as some crazy fan, though she doesn't do a lot to help her case.
Tomoe arrives, and just like she's done this whole season, is only here to provide exposition while nagging Gabriel to get Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous already. Gabriel comes up with a plan involving a gadget Felix accidentally dropped at the end of the last season. If you forgot, I understand, since it's a pretty weird thing to call back to.
Marinette: He feels worried and I would be too if I were him. He thinks I'm one of those fans who follows you everywhere, showers you with hand-knitted gifts and knows every single one of your middle name days.
Kagami: Isn't that what you used to do, Marinette?
Marinette: Yes... except no! I mean, yes, but I was doing it out of love and, besides, I've changed a lot.
Kagami: You are correct.
Marinette: Really? You think I've changed a lot?
Kagami: No. Well, not that much.
I love when even the show points out how little character development there is. Makes my job a lot easier.
Adrien goes with Marinette to talk to Gabriel about their relationship. We get a pretty somewhat chilling moment where Gabriel's kind father facade briefly fades as he orders Adrien to go to his room so he and Marinette can talk, all while he still puts on a welcoming image. After Plagg reminds Adrien that all Gabriel knows how to cook is pancakes, Gabriel then lectures Marinette about why he doesn't want her to see Adrien.
Gabriel: I don't think you understand, child, so let me put things differently. Life is like fashion. You think you have a choice, but all you have is the illusion of choice. And I decide what choices are given to you.
Marinette: You're wrong! (Shows Gabriel her sketchbook with her designs) Fashion is about listening to people, it's about understanding who they are, what excites them and creating the clothes that will help them express their inner world. Help them connect with others and make their dreams come true.
Gabriel: (Laughs and looks over Marinette's sketchbook) No, that's not fashion. That's making dresses for your dolls. Fashion is a product, a marketing strategy, an industry that relies on uninterrupted trend renewal that forces you to either throw away everything you have and buy more or, worse, to be out of fashion.
That bastard! I can't believe Gabriel wants to make an honest living by using market research data to his advantage! What a piece of scum...
I joke, but the rest of Gabriel's little rant is even worse, as he acts as if he decides what people like and don't like, even though he just mentioned the importance of keeping up with current trends. Seriously, this dude's talking as if the entire world revolves around his brand.
Gabriel: Thanks to the clothes I create, the celebrities who wear them, the advertisements I design and the Alliance rings that broadcast them, I create an idyllic vision. A perfection that everyone aspires to achieve, while keeping it just out of their grasp. You finally understand the difference, don't you? You listen to people's desires and create what they want. Somehow, people make you. Whereas I create people's desires. They buy what I decide to buy. They think what I want them to think. I'm the one who makes people. You think you love Adrien, but you're just under the spell of this world I've created. A world where Adrien is the star, shining high above. A world where you're just part of the crowd below looking up at him.
Let's see... a complete narcissist with an obsession with controlling others, puts on a facade to make himself look more approachable, uses his influence to sell something to the masses that are part of his greater operation, and acts as if his products are necessary for society to function when they're more of a luxury than anything else? Where have I seen this before?
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Marinette goes against Gabriel's wishes and tells Adrien she loves him before rightfully telling him to piss off... through a pancake metaphor, for some reason.
Marinette: You know what the problem is with your pancakes? Way too much flour, not enough butter. You're using an old, completely outdated recipe. No one likes them like that anymore. And that's the good thing about being a baker's daughter. I don't even need to try them to know that they're tasteless.
You know, I could make so many jokes about the state of the show with this little speech, but I feel like it'd be too easy.
Meanwhile, Kagami tries to tell her mother that she's not interested in Adrien anymore, but we get the same crap Tomoe has been saying ever since Season 3. “You must follow our family legacy, Kagami!”, “Stop letting your emotions control you, Kagami!”, “I'm only blind for a cheap visual metaphor, Kagami!”, yadda, yadda, yadda. During this, Argos overhears this and outright kidnaps Kagami. Rather than call the police to report a kidnapping, Tomoe calls Gabriel, who had transformed into Monarch offscreen, and tells him to akumatize him (even though she's still carrying her useless Magical Charm), which he does, turning her into Matagi Gozen.
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Matagi Gozen is basically Ikari Gozen, only instead of a centaur, she now rides a robot dog for some reason and has a bow and arrow now. Her powers are basically related to her size and riding a robot dog, mostly so we can focus on her Miraculous powers for the day. Even though Tomoe was seen wearing six Alliance rings before she called Gabriel, she only gets three powers, the Bee Miraculous' Venom, the Rooster Miraculous' Sublimation (which she uses to give herself an enhanced sense of smell), and the Mouse Miraculous' Multitude. It's really just the same setup we got in “Multiplication” with a few changes, and it's nothing special. Although, it's too bad that Monarch doesn't have the Dog Miraculous, as that would have really gone well with her powers.
As the four Matagi Gozen clones go on the hunt, Argos takes Kagami to the Eiffel Tower to hide out, where we get—wait, it's, it's, BY GOD, IT'S KAGAMI WITH A WOODEN CHAIR!
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Argos transforms back into Felix, and unintentionally throws Matagi Gozen off the trail since she was tracking him through one of the feathers on his fan. It turns out that after that single conversation they shared last episode, Felix is suddenly developing feelings for Kagami, and the whole reason he kidnapped her, aside from “protecting her from her mother”, is to get to talk to her again.
Felix: We have so much in common, and yet, you're also so different. I've never met someone like you.
Kagami: We don't even know each other!
Felix: I know you. I've been following you non-stop.
Kagami: Even better! You follow me, you spy on me and now you've kidnapped me to get to know me?!
Felix: Uh... yes?
Kagami: You are utterly incompetent at social relations.
See? Felix isn't a sociopath who just tried to wipe out all of humanity last episode! He just needs to make friends, that's all.
Yeah, in case you can't tell, it seems like the show is still trying to course correct the characterization of Felix. Rather than the overconfident and manipulative wild card he was for his last five appearances, the episode is now trying to make Felix out to be a secretly awkward person with noble goals. Afterall, he saved Kagami, so by that logic, he has to be a good guy. Yeah, he technically stalked her like a creep, but it ended up being good in the end, didn't it?
After Marinette and Adrien transform into Ladybug and Cat Noir respectively, the Matagi Gozen clones start to track Felix through the scent of the aforementioned gadget. Right as Matagi Gozen finds Felix, Ladybug and Cat Noir arrive on the scene, giving Felix the chance to transform into Argos and escape with Kagami again.
Matagi Gozen: This is what heroes do? Not only did you help that monster escape, but now you're going to fight me? A mother trying to save her daughter?
Cat Noir: Hey, my lady. When you think about it, they're not wrong. We all want the same thing. If we let them save Kagami, we could seize the opportunity to get Felix's Miraculous back.
Ladybug: Too risky. They're under Monarch's influence.
Yeah, but you can't even try to negotiate a temporary alliance between Matagi Gozen? Yes, we know that she's working for Monarch, but the heroes don't know that. All we get is Ladybug asking Matagi Gozen to reject the Megakuma, and she goes back to fighting them. How interesting would it have been for Ladybug and Cat Noir to make an uneasy alliance with someone they don't know is working for Monarch?
After Cat Noir gets ignored during one of the few times he makes a decent point, he escapes to the sewer and detransforms, Matagi Gozen losing their scent trail. Matagi Gozen goes back to looking for Kagami, and decides to shoot her with some arrows tipped with Venom. Argos defends Kagami, and breaks up his fan to throw the pieces around and create multiple fake scent trails to throw off Matagi Gozen before detransforming. How Argos even came came up with this plan when I don't think he figured out Matagi Gozen could smell really good is anyone's guess.
As Kagami and Felix keep running away, Kagami asks the question I'm sure you've all been thinking.
Kagami: I don't understand. You have the Miraculous of the peacock, why don't you create a Sentimonster to get us out of here?
Felix: First of all, don't call them that.
Fine, “walking sin against nature” it is. Got anything else to say there, buddy? Maybe anything that isn't a half-assed speech meant to make the audience sympathize with you?
Felix: I refuse to create a being to manipulate them, control them, abuse them, and end up destroying them. When you bring a living being into this world, you have a responsibility towards them. Your duty is to protect them, love them, help them discover the true meaning of their existence. To deprive them of that... is monstrous.
Kagami: Are you talking about... yourself?
Felix: I'm talking about... us.
Come on dude! I said anything that isn't a half-assed speech meant to make the audience sympathize with you!
Okay, I've been putting this off long enough. Let's talk about Felix's ideology, his little speech, and, how it contradicts his previous appearances.
First off, for someone who refuses to create a Sentimonster to control and abuse, Felix had no trouble screwing around with Adrien in his first episode when his main goal was to get one of the rings from Gabriel. Hell, it makes even less sense why he'd keep that ring that we know can be used to control Adrien if his plan ultimately amounted to trading it away along with the fifteen Miraculous in Ladybug's possession.
Second, Felix literally created a Sentimonster to destroy humanity with just last episode, and he doesn't even mention that. Yeah, you can chalk it up to character development, but we don't even get a line about learning about the burden of ending a life you yourself created. It just feels like a way to make him seem more sympathetic after he went all “I'M THE GOD! I'M THE GOD!” last episode.
Third, and I'm just going to be honest about this, but why should I care about the life of a Sentimonster when the show has shown it doesn't care either? Ever since the end of Season 2, we've seen Sentimonsters be summoned and erased from existence left and right, and other than a single occasion (Ladybug), nobody has really brought up the fact that Sentimonsters are living beings too. Even putting that aside, most of the Sentimonsters we've seen have either been giant monsters, clones of other people, or mindless tools, none of which showed any desire to be alive other than to serve their purpose. It's only because Adrien, Felix, and now Kagami are revealed to be Sentimonsters that we should care about the ethics of summoning a Sentimonster in battle. Even in the last episode, Felix never brought up than Ladybug is essentially taking innocent lives whenever she de-evilizes an Amok.
And finally, the fact that this speech was used to set up a romance between Felix and Kagami, not because he saw a kindred spirit in her, but rather, because he believes that she's a Sentimonster too. You know that episode of South Park where Cartman tried to set up Token with a new girl, where the entire joke was that it was because Cartman believed that black people can only date other black people? This is basically that story with none of the irony. The episode seriously treats Felix taking an interest in Kagami specifically on the basis that she may be the same kind of artificial creation as him, as if he isn't capable of relating to anyone who also has to deal with abusive parents and isn't a Sentimonster. On a completely unrelated note, isn't it funny how out of the four rich kids with abusive or neglectful parents, Chloe is the only one who isn't a Sentimonster and is the least sympathetic?
Ladybug (having gotten a pair of scissors from activating her Lucky Charm offscreen) and Cat Noir try to stop Felix, but after a single speech from him, Kagami is now completely on his side for some reason.
Kagami: Felix is not your enemy! He's like me! He doesn't know how to express himself. Everyone is wrong about him! Including me.
Funny, I don't seem to remember you dooming all of Paris by giving over a dozen magical artifacts to a supervillain. Also, speaking from someone who struggles to socialize in real life, I can confirm that social awkwardness isn't really an excuse to kidnap someone. Just remember what happened in Misery.
Ladybug realizes that Felix and Kagami are vital to her Lucky Charm working, she decides to trust Felix. Felix then transforms into Argos and immediately escapes without contributing to the plan, while Kagami uses the scissors to cut the string of Matagi Gozen's bow after Ladybug and Cat Noir restrain the Akuma.
Ladybug then de-evilizes the Megakuma, uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the damage caused by the fight, gives Tomoe yet another useless Magical Charm after the last useless one broke because it was completely useless, and Argos once got away without facing any consequences for his actions.
Afterwards, Kagami tries to stand up to Tomoe, but she orders her to hand over her ring containing her Amok—I mean, her ring that has absolutely no control over her, and is part of this thrilling mystery. Adrien also tries to stand up for Marinette, and Gabriel tells him to enjoy her time with Marinette... before saying he's moving to London next year. This is supposed to be a dick move, but with how often Adrien gets caught in the crossfire of Akuma attacks, with or without the mask, this is arguably the smartest thing Gabriel has done for the past five seasons. Adrien chooses not to tell Marinette about London, because I guess all that whining about hating secrets only mattered when someone else was withholding information from him.
The episode ends with Felix revealing that the ring Kagami gave her mother was a fake. Of course, this makes no sense because not only did we never see Felix steal the ring from Kagami, but Tomoe has a mental connection to Kagami, she should notice the ring is a fake. Also, you know how Kagami's arc so far has been a mixture of finding independence from her controlling mother while coming to terms with her breakup with Adrien? Get ready for all of that to be thrown out the window, because the writers are desperate to make him look good, Felix is now the one to save her from her mother and give her independence back, while also hinting at a relationship starting between the two. I'd say this episode fumbled the landing, but I haven't even gotten to the season finale yet.
This episode started out pretty poorly, and quickly went downhill afterwards. The idea of explaining why Gabriel's Cataclysm wound can't be healed was convoluted, Felix continues to be unlikable, Tomoe once again shows how terrible of an antagonist she is.
I'll admit, the chemistry between Marinette and Adrien was decent, but it's far too late to really establish a proper rivalry between her and Gabriel more than halfway through the fifth season, especially while discussing fashion when it's only been used to justify plots where she tries to make stuff for Adrien. The writers had plenty of time, yet rather than build up tension between the main hero and main villain, they decided we needed more episodes revolving around Chloe, Lila, and Felix.
Speaking of, Felix once again shows how poorly written he is. He was the one to instigate the conflict, it wasn't established if he even had a plan on what to do once he gets away with Kagami, and if anything, only made things worse because of his refusal to surrender, much less acknowledge his fault in this situation when the Akuma chasing after him is only as powerful as she is now because he gave his evil uncle multiple Miraculous to use for his Akumas. But no, he has to be the one to wreck Kagami's character arc and be the one to try and liberate her from Tomoe's influence because he's a good guy now! It says a lot when Cat Noir is the only one who still isn't trusting Felix at this point.
While it's nowhere near as bad as “Emotion”, this was still a really bad episode to follow up on.
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While Felix came dangerously close to winning the award, he at least showed more restraint here, and was able to throw off both Matagi Gozen a few times. Tomoe, on the other hand, got nothing to show any real intelligence, and if anything, proved she was just as incompetent as Gabriel is. She chose to nag Gabriel while he was suffering from the effects of his fatal wound, decided to akumatize herself instead of even considering contacting the cops to stop a single kidnapping, while ironically drawing more attention to herself in her attempt to save Kagami and stop Felix, decided to try shooting her daughter instead of the one who abducted her, and didn't even realize the ring capable of controlling her daughter was replaced by a fake when she should obviously be able to sense something.
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bbutterflies · 3 months
marinette with her gfs kwami trixx……
marinette just loves her girlfriend SO MUCH she has to make extra illusions of herself to convey her love :) here she is as silver fox!!
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Miraculous ladybug season 5 episodes (released so far) guide:
For my lovely friends who cannot recall which episode is which (sidenote, if you havent seen season 5 please remember that a very brief memory-jogging summary is not gonna give you full context and please just watch the show if you wanna know what’s going on)
Evolution: time portals, gabi chooses violence against teenagers over saving his loved ones, alix is put into witness protection
Multiplication: Alliance is announced, Adrien quits his job, no one can find Félix
Destruction: Gabi attempts to doxx Ladybug but is foiled by the power of scavenger hunts. Then he cataclysms himself
Jubilation: gabi uses spyware to doxx ladybug real? psyche! It’s just marinette’s old friend in a costume! Also Ladynoir gets married and has four kids and then gets divorced and never speaks of it again
Illusion: “i’ll make you pancakes any day, son.” Gabi is so divorced and in a custody battle. Nino creates the Resistance and akumatizes Gabi on purpose for intel
Determination: adrientte goes back to the wax museum with luka and kagami as wingmen. Marinette fails the date successfully by finally deciding that chat noir is so hot
Passion: Natalie gives Adrien romance advice and gets akumatized on purpose to fight her ex-husband. Ladynoir kwami swap happens.
Reunion: old-fashioned stuffy ladybug calls chat noir a silly little clown boytoy but ladybug will not be stopped from loving him even more
Elation: glaciator 3.0
Transmission: crying sobbing in bed, love confession, rejection, the kwamis decide the depression has gone too far
Deflagration: kittybella, gay rights, five seconds of ladrien, that adrinette hand-raising thing, my entire life
Perfection: “i love moo,” dolphin love song, kagami turns into a cloud for a minute
Migration: luka goes into witness protection
Derision: marinette traumatic backstory reveal. Adrien tries to maim a man
Intuition: gabi is dying. This is his own fault. They are in outer space
Protection: adrinette cute picnic date, look how polyamorous-coded they can make kagami
Adoration: power of lesbians so strong it convinces marinette to say i love you to her boyfriend
Emotion: diamond dance, argos reveal, red moon, laying on the floor bathed in moonlight and wailing rights
Pretension: kagami is slightly kidnapped but then takes over her own kidnapping and gets to trauma dump. Marinette insults Gabi’s pancakes
Revelation: someone Finally gets doxxed! It is Gabi. Lila becomes a conspiracy influencer and a class rep
Confrontation: lila tries to ruin everyone’s lives by messing with their class schedules. marinette is 12,000 steps ahead of her. Lila’s wig is snatched
Collusion: evil police robots are a thing. Bustier is a confirmed lesbian who craves the proletariat uprising. Ladynoir says guillotine the elites. chloe is mayor. Superheroes are illegal.
That’s all that’s been released as of today (may 28, 2023)! Please dont mention leaks on this, this is just a reference for keeping track of released episodes, okay thanks!
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kari-go · 20 days
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Kwamis from this post by @gamerknight7310
rabbit kwami - @celestiall0tus
Fangg - dog kwami - @bakawitch
cat kwami - @fabseg-reader
Poppy - giraffe kwami - me
Jassy - urutau kwami - @theytistic
I tried to make the appearance make at least some sort of sense with the power/user.
For the rabbit, I found the old post, which included a picture of an optical illusion and since the picture was black and white I chose those colors for the kwami. The pattern is kinda supposed to be like lines, or like paint splotches? It kinda looks like a cloud actually, which is also fitting (Cloud the mind? haha).
I didn't find the original post for the dog but I found Penumbra Graciela Hortenzia Truffle McSmore the III instead which is honestly so much better. Look at her, she's such a cutie, she deserves all the pets <3.
I also didn't find the cat so I just picked a random orange cat because the power name is Zoomies. Orange cats are like the cats known for their zoomies. Also, look at the picture, that cat is about to destroy the house.
I talked about poppy seeds in my reblog so I just went all out with that. She kinda looks like a strawberry to me lol
I found the urutau post, kwami included, which helped a lot! I just redrew it in my kwami style/rules.
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I cannot get enough of this fucking bird omg. the eyes look like boba
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I can't
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Transmission left me in such a daze that I had to make a second post about it!
The fact that Adrien was okay with throwing his own pictures in the trash because he wanted to respect her wishes but couldn't tolerate Marinette saying bad things about her own self.
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While I have nothing against either Alya or Zoe having the miraculous... wasn't the whole point of the Kwami of luck/destruction that their holders must complete one another??? HOW CAN THEY JUST BE GIVEN TO RANDOM PEOPLE?? (I can be super off mark with this)
I LOVED the parenting parallels throughout the episode
Natalie recognized Adrien's distress and acted as a MOM in her own right and even warned Gabriel to not use his son for once.
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The scene when Tom and Sabine just slowly shut the trapdoor upon realizing that their daughter needs to have this moment.
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And then we see Gabriel... who not just saw his son's sorrow as an opportunity twice but also manipulated him into wearing the Alliance ring (God, I hate his so freaking much)
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(Look at his creepy smile. GET HIM AWAY FROM ADRIEN ASAP)
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My other mlb rants:
Emotion l Illusion l Perfection l Protection l Elation l Passion l Transmission (Part 1) l
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chikorra · 9 months
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Trixx - The Kwami of Illusion =>Find more Kwamis here! :3
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