#Larry Renos
adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Rollerball (2002)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
It’s a shame movie-making is such an expensive enterprise. If it wasn’t, pictures like Rollerball would get the release they deserve and get buried in the middle of a desert, never to be seen by audiences. Instead, this screams of the kind of production that wasn't quite there and was worked and reworked until it become an unintelligible, tasteless mush the studio hoped would recuperate their losses at our expense. This film isn’t merely bad; it’s bad in ways you’ve never seen before. Normally, this might make it interesting but it’s also painfully dull.
NHL hopeful Jonathan Cross (Chris Klein) joins his friend Marcus Ridley (LL Cool J) to play professional rollerball in Kazakhstan. This violent contact sport in which two opposing teams skate around an 8-shaped track and attempt to score with the help of their designated motorcyclists is gaining traction overseas. The game’s promoter, Alexi Petrovich (Jean Reno) believes Jonathan is the key to rollerball going global.
Even if you haven’t seen the 1975 film upon which this remake is based, you will immediately recognize why this scenario isn’t working. Firstly, it’s set in present day rather than a futuristic dystopia like in the original. Here, rollerball is simply another sport. It has no meaning to anyone watching beyond basic entertainment. We might as well be watching a normal sports movie. Except it isn’t a normal sports movie because no one watching knows what rollerball is. It doesn’t look like a normal sport because the players all wear crazy Death Race 2000-like costumes for no reason. It made sense in The Running Man. Here, it’s simply distracting. The audience has no emotional attachment to the game and the film’s attempts to make us care via sports commentators explaining the rules fail completely to engage.
These problems are the tip of the iceberg. Had the film been well shot, it might’ve actually been fun to discover a whole new violent pastime. The cinematography and camerawork will have your head spinning so fast you'll wonder if you accidentally took some bad medication. The action scenes are basically unwatchable. Either because the camera cuts abruptly to awkward shots that mean nothing, the editor is trying to stitch together two clips who feel barely connected or the cuts come in too frequently. Even those are minor compared to some of the biggest sins committed. In many scenes (particularly during the beginning), we're introduced to the characters in rapid succession while they're playing a fast-paced game and asked to read subtitles at the same time. It’s too much to handle but even this is not as bad as it gets. There is an extended chase scene in the desert shot entirely in night vision. Not seconds of all black-and-green; full minutes. You’ll be begging for a power outage or anything else that’ll turn the movie off.
And now we get to the characters. From Rebecca Romijn-Stamos to Jean Reno, nearly everyone dons a bad and unconvincing accent. Chris Klein gets to speak in his Native American which is too bad. Had he been given some kind of weird drawl or verbal tick he might’ve been more interesting. As is, he’s so bland he’s almost translucent. It feels like an eternity before the obvious and predictable story properly kicks in. Even if it were worth as much as your average piece of used bubblegum on the sidewalk, you wouldn’t care. It’s impossible to care.
Even the sophomoric appeal of blood, violence and Romijn-Stamos taking off her top combined cannot earn this film even the fragment of a star. There isn’t a thing about this movie that’s good. Not the score, not the costume design, not the dialogue and certainly not the direction. Shortly after completing the film, John McTiernan was emprisonned for hiring someone to spy on Rollerball producer Charles Roven. I hope they tacked on a couple of months for making this movie and wasting my time.
Rollerball is like a memory of being mugged by a bully. You can’t learn anything from it but there’s no way you can forget it happened. I suppose that qualifies it as traumatic, though saying so gives it a much grander position than it deserves. Just try your best to push Rollerball out of your mind. It’s the worst movie I’ve seen in some time. (On Blu-ray, April 1, 2020)
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harpersessentials · 9 months
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I don’t know if it happens to you - but I often find myself with a sudden urge to rebuild worlds - Even though I’m the worst sim-builder and sim-decorator in the whole history of Sims 😋 And in my quest for lots there’s one thing that stresses me out all the time: where will the builds fit in the map?! 🤯 Therefore, I have been creating some personal lists with favourite lots and I thought why not sharing them with you too!
Below I leave a list of my absolute-favourite cc-free lots for Britechester (and their respective location in the map). A selection of builds made by amazing and astonishingly creative architect simmers. Thank you all for sharing your builds with us!
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1 - Larry's Lagoon 40x30
Foxbury Lots-In-Commons (University Housing) by Cerrydd
Foxbury Commons (Foxbury Commons) by Mini Simmer
Foxbury Student Union (Foxbury Commons) by Kriint
2 - Maritime Manor 30x20
FoxD-gn (University Housing) by @helgatisha
Foxbury Housing (University Housing) by @Lazysimie
3 - Briny Tower 30x20
Foxbury Tower Dorm Right (University Housing) by jasonsterlingmrc
4 - Tidal Tower 30x20
Foxbury Tower Dorm Left (University Housing) by jasonsterlingrmc
5 - Laurel Library 50x40
St. Laurel Library (Library) by @awingedllama
6 - Pepper's Pub 20x20
His Lordship's Dinner Ale (Bar) by @moonlightowl-es
The Pub of Britechester (Bar) by @simnematographygj
Parisian Apartments + Coffee Shop (Residential/Retail) by Milgemilge
7 - Spring Steppes 20x15
London Townhouse (Residential) by @theseptembersim
Brook Townhouse (Residential) by @xogerardine
London Townhouse (Residential) by @xogerardine
Britechester Townhouses (Residential) by @juliafilms
Study in Britechester (Residential) by Moniamay72
8 - Mossy Lane 20x15
Wisteria London Townhouse (University Housing)by @theseptembersim
Campbell Townhouse (Residential) by @xogerardine
Autumn Townhouse (Residential) by @plantsimgirl
Britechester Bakery (Retail) by @simpaera
Mossy Lane Reno (Residential) by DoctorSimCraft
9 - Honeydew Fields 20x15
Allen Townhouse (Residential) by @xogerardine
Honeydew Fields (Residential/Cafe) by @helgatisha
UBrite Housing (University Housing) by xandralynn
Gibbs Hill Housing (University Housing) by Xandralynn
Classic Apartments (Residential) by plumbobkingdom
10 - Drake Hall 30x20
Wyrm Hall (University Housing) by @caelhinn
Britechester Student Hall (University Housing) by @96langerlui99
Drake Hall (University Housing) by @helgatisha
University Dorm (University Housing) by @juliafilms
Georgian House (Residential) by @theseptembersim
11 - Darby's Den 30x20
Darby's Den (UBrite Commons) by @juliafilms
UBrite Commons (UBrite Coomons) by MissSimReno
Student Center (UBrite Commons) by Xandralynn
12 - Wyrven Hall 30x20
Hydra Hall (University Housing) by @caelhinn
Wyrven Hall (University Housing) by @helgatisha
13 - Darkwing House 30x20
Darkwing House (University Housing) by @rebouks
Darkwing House (University Housing) by @awingedllama
Drake Dormitory (University Housing) by melapples
Simpha Sorority House (University Housing) by Mini Simmer
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do-you-have-a-flag · 9 months
the one post I saw about burning man on here has missinfo (breaking event so understandable) and a pretty unsympathetic tone (I get it fyre fest or whatever but it is a former arts event that has been around since the 80s a lot of people did not have reason to expect stranded by the weather like this)
there is so much funny and interesting about this event even beyond the rich people stuck in the mud element
if you get a chance to skim the "Event timeline" portion of the Wikipedia article its a mix of creative themes and facts about mishaps
but to summarize the general history and give you a sense of how chaotic this event has been for the last almost 40 years
this event which started as an art collective and encouraged leave no trace trash policies as well as decomodification, a gifting/barter economy, and "radical inclusion and self expression" slowly changed into something critisised as less participatory and more influencer-baity which, when contrasted with the earlier emphasis on self reliance, is a recipe for trouble
By 1988, Larry Harvey formally named the summer solstice ritual "Burning Man" by titling flyers for the happening as such. This was apparently done to ward off references to "wicker man", the reputed Celtic pagan practice of burning live sacrifices in human-shaped wicker cages. Harvey has stated that he had not seen the 1973 cult film The Wicker Man until many years after and claims it did not inspire the action.
In 1990, a separate event was planned by Kevin Evans and John Law on the remote and largely unknown playa, known as the Black Rock Desert, about 110 miles (180 km) north of Reno, Nevada.[26] Evans conceived it as a dadaist temporary autonomous zone with sculptures to be burned and situationist performance art. He asked John Law, who also had experience on the dry lake and was a defining founder of the Cacophony Society, to take on central organizing functions of the events. In the Cacophony Society's newsletter, it was announced as Zone Trip No. 4, A Bad Day at Black Rock (inspired by the 1955 film of the same name).
there was a whole OTHER desert art party but this one openly inspired by a CRIME DRAMA?
so anyway several of these desert events of varying artistic and seasonal relevance got merged and grew through word of mouth, Wikipedia gives this insane sentence
1991 was also the year that art model and fire dancer (and later Burning Man's first art director) Crimson Rose attended the event.
this is very much something that started small
There were about 20 participants the first year, and approximately 100 in the second and third year. The annual, several weeks-long event, was held over summer Solstice at various fertile hot springs surrounding the desert. Participants built art and participated in self-directed performances.
and only became a public event in the mid 90s
Some key organizers of Burning Man were also part of Desert Siteworks [...] Hence, the two events saw much cross-pollination of ideas and participants.[...] 1996 was the first year a formal partnership was created to own the name "Burning Man" and was also the last year that the event was held in the middle of the Black Rock Desert with no fence around it.
the year it became a public event 2 deaths happened in the space between camp sites
Harvey insisted that the [crash] had not occurred at Burning Man, since the gates were not yet open. Another couple were run over in their tent by an art car driving to the "rave camp", which was at that time distant from the main camp. After the 1996 event, co-founder and partner John Law broke with Burning Man and publicly said the event should not continue.
so from the late 90s on there's a new location and much more regulations and formal ticket sales, shifting the tone firmly from loose artists commune/solstice bonfire into a more standard festival vibe with the aesthetic qualities of a Mad Max movie.
new rules include:
A grid street structure.
A speed limit of 5 mph (8 km/h)
A ban on driving, except for approved "mutant vehicles" and service vehicles.
Safety standards on mutant vehicles.
Burning of any art must be done on an approved burn platform.
A ban on fireworks.
A ban on animals.
in 2017 someone threw themselves into the flames
in April 2020 covid canceled the event, in September 1000 people tried to hold their own Burning man on a beach and San Francisco's mayor called them reckless and selfish. Similarly some people still showed up to the original location despite it's official cancelation.
in 2021 online events were planned
people showed up to the desert unofficially yet again, even more than in 2020
The Bureau of Land Management implemented restrictions including no structures other than shade structures and no fires other than campfires. There was a massive illuminated drone display outlining the Man instead of the burning of a Man effigy.
the event has had issues of trash, the flames releasing co2, gentrification by silicon Valley, diversity issues
so where we are at now is a lot of clueless and willfully ignorant people, mostly rich, several tech bros, going to an event that used to be an unregulated seasonal arts commune and is now an overpriced photo op with just as much drugs but way less active participation to the point of being like any standard music festival.
and it is in the desert.
and it has flooded for the first time in the event's history due to torrential rain. climate activists trying to block the only route to the event a few days ago make this especially symbolic as an example of dramatic weather conditions.
the mud is solidifying in heavy layers, people are stranded, there are no portable toilets working, they are on limited supplies, they are dressed for a party and celebrities are there and there is a real risk of trenchfoot but no ebola. someone died.
so yes hubris and schadenfreude at the rich people wading through muck during the escalating climate crisis. but also in addition to that a wild event with a wild history for which this is far from the first scandal. there's something to the counterculture and anarchic roots of the event, how they appropriated cultural practices, and how they were commodified in turn. how the pandemic interacted with the messaging of the event, how people with tech money and celebrities got involved, how the event is a particularly flashy and less sympathetic example of climate problems that have been hitting vulnerable communities for years now.
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zx-ta · 1 year
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Britechester, baby!!
Laguna de Larry by @ozono96 on the gallery as Foxbury Commons - Found here - YT tour
Foxbury Student Housing by @cyberdollyt on the gallery -  Found here - YT speed build
Tidal Tower Rebuild by thingaplumbob on the gallery - Found here
Tidal Tower Rebuild by thingaplumbob on the gallery  cause I’m lazy - Found here
Pepper’s Pub Reno by DoctorSimCraft on the gallery  - Found here
Britechester Library Reno by DoctorSimCraft on the gallery  - Found here
Honeydew Fields Reno by DoctorSimCraft on the gallery  - Found here
Mossy Lane Reno by DoctorSimCraft on the gallery  - Found here
Classic Apartments by PlumbobKingdom - Found here (MTS)
Drake Hall Redo by Riemunen on the gallery - Found here
Drake Hall Redo by Riemunen on the gallery - Found here
Darby’s Den Reno by PlumbobKingdom on the gallery as University of Britechester as Commons- Found here
Darkwing House by @awingedllama - Found here
Default map by 20th Century Plumbob
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cbssurfer · 7 months
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Hawaiian and surfing legends… Eddie, Reno and Larry sharing the Stoke
Credits: Dan Merkel
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x-heesy · 1 year
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𝙿𝚑𝚞𝚌𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝 🔥
fiery selection of photos from the festival Burning Man
Burning Man is an event focused on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance held annually in the western United States. The name of the event comes from its culminating ceremony: the symbolic burning of a large wooden effigy, referred to as the Man, that occurs on the ultimate night of Burning Man, which is the Saturday evening before Labor Day. The event has been located since 1991 at Black Rock City in northwestern Nevada, a temporary city erected in the Black Rock Desert about 100 miles (160 km) north-northeast of Reno. As outlined by Burning Man co-founder Larry Harvey in 2004, the event is guided by ten principles: radical inclusion, gifting, decommodification, radical self-reliance, radical self-expression, communal effort, civic responsibility, leaving no trace, participation, and immediacy.
#sculpture #sculptureart #sculptureartist #sculptures #sculpturelovers #sculptureoftheday #sculpturepark #sculpture_art #sculpturegallery #sculpturesofinstagram #sculpture_gallery #sculpturesurbois #contemporarysculpture #sculpturecontemporaine #sculpturephotography #sculptured #modernsculpture #abstractsculpture #handsculpture @darksilenceinsuburbiareloaded @luna-zylum @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut @derflaneur ❤️‍🔥#artsculpture #instasculpture #skulptur #skulpturen #skulpturer #skulpturensammlung #skulptures #skulptūra #skulpturia #skulpturenausstellung
𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔: The Sound Of The Big Babou by Laurent Garnier 💃🏽 🕺🏼
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
Excerpt from transcript:
MARTÍNEZ: All this brings us to the politics of health care and this year's presidential election, which is likely to be a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
LARRY LEVITT: They could not be further apart when it comes to health care policies.
MARTÍNEZ: Larry Levitt is the executive vice president for health policy at KFF.
LEVITT: And those policies absolutely trickle down to states and to communities.
MARTÍNEZ: Levitt says November's election will be unusual in that we're likely to have two candidates whose records on health care while in office we can directly compare.
LEVITT: President Biden made a centerpiece of his campaign in 2020 to reinvigorate the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, and he has done that. We have record enrollment. We have the lowest share of the population uninsured in history. That makes a difference.
MARTÍNEZ: And it stands in contrast to the Republican front-runner.
LEVITT: Former President Trump, when he was in office, tried unsuccessfully to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cap funding for Medicaid, the health care program that serves low-income people. And he's recently been vowing once again to try that if elected.
MARTÍNEZ: Levitt believes that means voters have a clear choice between the candidates when it comes to health care. Talking to Dr. Walker at CHA, he's careful not to comment on politics but admits that when he goes to vote this November, it's going to be difficult not to be influenced by the clinic's mission.
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beardedmrbean · 6 days
RENO, Nev. —  U.S. District Judge Larry Hicks, who was appointed by former President George W. Bush in 2001, died Wednesday after being struck by a vehicle in Nevada. He was 80.
The Reno Police Department was called to a vehicle-pedestrian crash near the federal courthouse in downtown Reno at about 2:15 p.m. Hicks was transported to the hospital but died just after, authorities said.
The driver involved in the crash remained on the scene and is cooperating with the investigation, authorities added. Impairment does not appear to be a factor in the crash.
Officials paid tribute to Hick, who was remembered for his love of his family and Reno community.
"Today’s news regarding the Honorable Judge Larry R. Hicks who served Nevada for over 53 years is tragic," Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam said on X. "Despite his notable accomplishments, Judge Hicks once stated, 'My greatest thrill in life is my family.' His life philosophy was based on a balance of family, work, and self."
“Larry Hicks was a one-of-a-kind man, revered in our community and, most importantly, beloved by his family. On behalf of my family and the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office, we extend our deepest condolences to Larry’s son Chris, the current District Attorney, and all of Larry’s family. Judge Hicks’ legacy will forever be noted in Washoe County.”
On Wednesday night, the District Attorney's Office released a statement on behalf of the Hicks family:
"Today, our community lost an extraordinary man. Judge Larry Hicks was a deeply admired lawyer and judge, a devoted friend, mentor, and a committed servant to the administration of justice. To us, he was first and foremost a man who put nothing before family. He was a hero in all manners, a loving husband of nearly 59 years, a doting dad, an adoring Papa, and brother. His loss is beyond comprehension."
District attorney, judge, family man
Hicks was a former Washoe County district attorney and the father of Washoe County District Attorney Chris Hicks.
In a video interview with his son in 2022, the judge talked about the quality he was most proud of that he got from his parents: "Devotion to family above and beyond all other qualities. My mother and father were totally dedicated to their children."
In the interview, Hicks said he and his wife, with whom he also had two daughters, would be celebrating their 57th anniversary.
Hicks was born in Evanston, Ohio, and his family moved to Reno from Los Angeles when he was 13. He graduated from Reno High School and became the first person in his family to attend college when he entered the University of Nevada, where he joined Sigma Nu fraternity, according to the interview.
In 2020, Chris Hicks posted a tribute to his father after he won an award.
"Recently, the State Bar of Nevada honored my dad, Judge Larry Hicks, with the Presidential Award recognizing his illustrious career," Chris Hicks wrote. "The prestigious award is presented to those whose conduct, honesty, and integrity represent the highest standards of the legal profession.  
"Congratulations Dad. There is no one more deserving! Thank you for being the father, mentor, and lawyer you are."
Earlier this month, Hicks presided over a private investigator's lawsuit that claimed Sparks police detectives violated his rights by naming him as the person who put a tracking device on Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve's vehicle.
Hicks called David McNeely's argument "unpersuasive and unsupported" and dismissed the case with prejudice, meaning a similar lawsuit cannot be refiled.
The U.S. District Court said flags over the federal courthouses in Nevada will be flown at half-staff in honor of Hicks.
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In 1960, MGM toyed with the idea of doing an all-male remake of The Women which would have been entitled, Gentlemen's Club. Like the female version, this would have involved an all masculine cast and the plot would have involved a man (Jeffrey Hunter) who recently discovers among his friends that his wife is having an affair with another man (Earl Holliman) and after going to Reno to file for divorce and begin a new life, he later finds himself doing what he can to rectify matters later on when he discovers that the other man is only interested in money and position and he decides to win his true love back again. Although nothing ever came of this, it would have consisted of the following ensemble: Jeffrey Hunter (Martin Heal), Earl Holliman (Christopher Allen), Tab Hunter (Simon Fowler), Lew Ayres (Count Vancott), Robert Wagner (Mitchell Aarons), James Garner (Peter Day), Jerry Mathers (Little Martin), James Stewart (Mr. Heal), Ronald Reagan (Larry), Troy Donahue (Norman Blake), and Stuart Whitman (Oliver, the bartender who spills the beans about the illicit affair).
This ranks among the greatest films that were never made. The inferred cast list is so formidable.
It would instantly become a homoerotic classic. Just imagine this scene with Jeffrey and Earl:
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randoimago · 11 months
Question: Who's your favorite character in each fandom you write for? Good luck deciding
You're the bane of my existence anon /j
I did cheat on this a bit where if there's a sequel or smth then I added an extra character 😅
(this Link is to a full list of my favorite characters)
Favorite Character in Each Fandom (I regret it already)
Attack on Titan - Reiner (needs hugs and therapy) (Jean is an honorable mention)
Danganronpa - Kaito (Chihuro, Chiaki, and Shuichi are honorable mentions)
Demon Slayer - Kanao
Detroit: Become Human - Connor (Ralph is an honorable mention)
Dragon Age - Alistair (Origins), Fenris (DA2), Varric (DAI) (Dagna and Krem are v honorable mention)
Durarara - Shizuo 🥰🥰
Fruits Basket - Hatori (hugs and therapy)
Haikyuu - Bokuto 🥰 (Iwaizumi is an honorable mention)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Mista
Jujutsu Kaisen - Nanami (I can't wait for Shibuya, you guys)
K Project - Kusanagi (if I had a nickel for every blond bartender...)
Magi - Jafar 🥰🥰🥰
My Hero Academia - Ashido (my child)
Naruto - Rock Lee (my baby)
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kasanoda
Sk8: The Infinity - Joe
Video Games
Ace Attorney - Apollo Justice
AI: The Somnium Files - Date (Ryuki is my fav in Nirvana Initiative)
Fable - Reaver 😔
Fallout 4 - Nick Valentine (Hancock is a dishonorable mention)
Final Fantasy 7 - Reno 🥰
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Dedue (the sadness this guy made me feel 🙄)
Fire Emblem Fates - Kaze (I restarted my whole game for this fucker)
Fire Emblem Awakening - Stahl
Genshin Impact - Noelle (my child)
Hades - Daddy Dionysus
Kingdom Hearts - Axel 🥰🥰
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Link, but specifically in the Gerudo costume
Mass Effect - Tali (Garrus and Wrex are honorable mentions)
Monster Prom - Liam 😒
Nier: Automata - 9S (hugs and therapy pls and thank you)
Persona 4 - Kanji
Persona 5 - Ryuji (Akechi is a dishonorable mention)
Pillars of Eternity - Xoti my love
Pokemon Swsh - Raihan 😔 (Leon is also there too)
Pokemon ScVi - Larry 🥰🥰🥰
Skyrim - Serana
Stardew Valley - Penny (hugs and therapy pls)
Spy x Family - Franky
Yakuza - Majima 🥰🥰
Zero Escape - Sigma (ZTD Junpei is fantastic tho)
Nevermore - Morella
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - Lee Hyunsung 🥰🥰
Surviving Romance - Jihyeon (my baby)
Unholy Blood - Euntae
Arcane - Jinx (my baby needs hugs and therapy)
Batman Universe - Jason Todd 🥰
Critical Role - Vax (C1), Caleb (C2), Laudna (C3), Dariax (ExU)
Young Justice - Dick Grayson
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beapuffsimmer · 1 year
Britechester Lot Renovations
Here are some lot renovations in the gallery that I think would help make Britechester a more interesting and full world.
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University of Britechester
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Darby's Den -> Ubrite Commons [ID: CatSaar]
Darkwing House -> Britechester Sorority [ID: JessicapieYT]
Drake / Wyvern Hall -> Wyvern Hall Reno [ID: ChrissieYT]
Foxbury Institute
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Larry's Lagoon -> Larry's Lagoon Reno [ID: lilsimsie]
Maritime Manor -> Fraternity House [ID: JessicapieYT]
Tidal / Briny Tower -> Tidal Tower Reno [ID: lilsimsie]
Gibbs Hill
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Honeydew Fields -> Asian Restaurant [ID: Jichuchi] [alt: University Housing by: JessicapieYT]
Laurel Library -> Laurel Library Reno [ID: ferretdaisy3]
Pepper's Pub -> Pepper's Pub Reno [ID: lilsimsie]
Mossy Lane -> Mossy Lane Reno [ID: Julie1112]
Spring Steppes -> Spring Steppes Duplex [ID: Julie1112]
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airyairyaucontraire · 4 months
How did Larry just jump from "I'd like to study architecture" to being an architect who did the reno on his family's new Newport house in the time between seasons?
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drzito · 1 year
Las 211 peliculas que he visto en 2022 (parte 1)
En negrita las que os recomiendo:
1. El sexto sentido (Nemesio Manuel Sobrevila, 1929)
2. El pan nuestro de cada día (King Vidor, 1934)
3. Luna Nueva (Howard Hawks, 1940)
4. Un sueño americano (King Vidor, 1944).
5. Breve encuentro (David Lean, 1945)
6. El capitán Kidd (Rowland V. Lee, 1945)
7. Lazos humanos (Elia Kazan, 1945)
8. La bella y la bestia (Jean Cocteau, 1946)
9. Domador de sirenas (Irving Pichel, 1948)
10. La fuerza del destino (Abraham Polonsky, 1948)
11. Nunca la olvidare (George Stevens, 1948)
12. Vida en sombras (Lorenzo Llobet Gracia, 1949)
13. Milagro en Milan (Vittorio de Sica, 1951)
14. Umberto D (Vittorio de Sica, 1952)
15. Valkoinen peura [El reno blanco] (Erik Blomberg, 1952)
16. El salario del miedo (H G Clouzot, 1953)
17. La loba (Alberto Lattuada, 1953)
18. Los apuros de un pequeño tren (Charles Crichton, 1953)
19. Tarantula (Jack Arnold, 1955)
20. El ferroviario (Pietro Germi, 1956).
21. La mala semilla (Mervyn LeRoy, 1956).
22. De dode tjern [El lago de los muertos] (Kåre Bergstrøm, 1958)
23. Cover Girl Killer (Terry Bishop, 1959)
24. Horror en el Museo Negro (Arthur Crabtree, 1959).
25. Beat Girl (Edmond T. Gréville, 1960)
26. El hotel de los horrores (John Moxley, 1960)
27. La sangre seca (Yoshishige Yoshida, 1960)
28. Macario (Robert Gavaldon, 1960)
29. Marea nocturna (Curtis Harrington, 1961)
30. El poder de la mafia (Alberto Lattuada, 1962)
31. Historias de terror (Roger Corman, 1962)
32. Vida para Ruth (Basil Dearden, 1962)
33. El demonio (Brunello Rondi, 1963).
34. El especulador (Vittorio de Sica, 1963)
35. Las tres caras del miedo (Mario Bava, 1963)
36. The small world of Sammy Lee (Ken Hughes, 1963)
37. El extraño viaje (Fernando Fernan-Gomez, 1964)
38. La mujer de la arena (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964)
39. Los corceles de fuego (Sergei Parajanov, 1964)
40. España insólita (Javier Aguirre, 1965)
41. El ojo del diablo (J Lee Thompson, 1966)  
42. Kriminal (Umberto Lenzi, 1966)
43. Las Brujas (Cyril Frankel, 1966)
44. El desconocido de Shandigor (Jean-Louis Roy, 1967)
45. Corrupción (Robert Hartford-Davis, 1968)
46. La maldicion del altar rojo (Vernon Sewell, 1968)
47. Mr Freedom (William Klein, 1968)
48. Satanik (Piero Vivarelli, 1968)
49. Un día tranquilo en el campo (Elio Petri, 1968)
50. Queimada! (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1969)
51. Ya soy una mujer (David Greene, 1969)
52. 4 moscas sobre terciopelo gris (Dario Argento, 1970)
53. El martillo de las brujas (Otakar Vavra, 1970)
54. Lokis. Rekopis profesora Wittembacha [Lokis. El manuscrito del Profesor Wittembach] (Janusz Majewski, 1970)
55. Valerie y su semana de las maravillas (Jaromil Jireš, 1970)
56. Bahía de sangre (Mario Bava, 1971).
57. La maldición de los Bishop (John D Hancock, 1971)
58. Angustia de silencio (Lucio Fulci, 1972)
59. Lejos de los arboles (Jacinto Esteva, 1972).
60. San Francisco, ciudad desnuda (Stuart Rosenberg, 1973)
61. Torso: Violencia Carnal (Sergio Martino, 1973)
62. Sintomas (Jose Ramon Larraz, 1974)
63. Trastornado (Alan Ormsby y Jeff Gillen, 1974)
64. Blue Moon (Louis Malle, 1975)
65. El quimérico inquilino (Roman Polanski, 1976)
66. God told me to (Larry Cohen, 1976)
67. Foes (John Coats, 1977)
68. La centinela (Michael Winner, 1977)
69. La ultima ola (Peter Weir, 1977)
70. El dinero de los demás (Christian de Chalonge, 1978)
71. Cristo se paro en Eboli (Francesco Rosi, 1979)
72. La hipótesis de un cuadro robado (Raul Ruiz, 1979)
73. Profecía maldita (John Frankenheimer, 1979)
74. Impacto (Brian de Palma, 1981)
75. Vida/Perra (Javier Aguirre, 1982)
76. Los jueces de la ley (Peter Hyams, 1983)
77. Ojos de fuego (Avery Crounse, 1983)
78. 1,2,3... Splash (Ron Howard, 1984)
79. Los santos inocentes (Mario Camus, 1984).
80. Repo Man (Alex Cox, 1984)
81. Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon, 1985)
82. 007: Alta tensión (John Glen, 1987)
83. El príncipe de las tinieblas (John Carpenter, 1987)
84. Walker (Alex Cox, 1987)
85. La tumba de las luciérnagas (Isao Takahata, 1988)
86. The Dreaming (Mario Andreacchio, 1988)
87. Un lugar llamado Milagro (Robert Redford, 1988)
88. Celia (Ann Turner, 1989)
89. Cuando fuimos brujas (Nietzchka Keene, 1990)
90. Temblores (Ron Underwood, 1990)
91. Clearcut (Ryszard Bugajski, 1991)
92. Mississippi Masala (Mira Nair, 1991)
93. Un lugar en el mundo (Adolfo Aristarain, 1992)
94. Anchoress (Chris Newby, 1993)
95. Dark Waters (Mariano Baino, 1993)
96. Lo que queda del día (James Ivory, 1993)
97. Lazos Ardientes (The Wachowskis, 1996)
98. Nubes pasajeras (Aki Kaurismaki, 1996)
99. Una gran noche (Stanley Tucci, Campbell Scott, 1996)
100. Salvar al soldado Ryan, (Steven Spielberg, 1998).
101. CQ (Roman Coppola, 2001)
102. Funny ha ha (Andrew Bujalski, 2002)
103. Hotel (Jessica Hausner, 2004)
104. Noroi (Kôji Shiraishi, 2005)
105. The Dark (John Fawcett, 2005)
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aestheticvoyage2022 · 2 years
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Day 223: Thursday August 11, 2022 - “Reno Updates”
We now have two concurrent projects rolling on separate sides of the house and our little family living in the middle.  The next time I post updates of either one will be when they are done.  Two slight adjustments to the Finca’s floor plan, adding on that full bathroom that is seeing its tile go in and paint done this week, and then the other a wall and french doors for my office complete with. a full walk in closet/storage specifically geared towards Mama’s flight bags, and a doubled in size linen closet next to the spare bathroom.  We made good use of that double hallway after-all!  When both of these are done, we’ll be a lot poorer, but we’ll have knocked two significant big home mission projects off our list (three if you count the extra insulation install).   To make a fire you have to burn a few - and so we’re dealing and coping with the house being cluttered and upside down, but honestly we’ve done a really great job of sectioning things off, especially for our mobile toddler who loves checking in on and supervising the crew, slightly obsessed with their tools - especially when they bust out the big vacs.  Every day we inch closer and this post feels like its coming in on the halfway point and before we know it, we’ll be showing off the final product.
Song: Larry Fleet - Working Man
Quote: “Whoever wants music instead of noise, joy instead of pleasure, soul instead of gold, creative work instead of business, passion instead of foolery, finds no home in this trivial world of ours.” ― Hermann Hesse
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docwmedicineman · 6 days
SEE that was easy wasn't IT ?
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aykutiltertr · 2 months
Mission: Impossible Görevimiz Tehlike Tom Cruise Rhythm Karaoke Original...  Aykut ilter Ritim Karaoke Kanalıma Abone Olun Beğenip Paylaşın Aboneler İstek Şarkı İsteyebilirler. Şarkının Orijinal Versiyonunu Linkten Dinleyip Ritim Karaokesiyle Çalışabilirsiniz. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfsZpTbc_7w Lise Üniversite Koroları Müzisyenler Solistler Vokalistler Yorumlara isteklerini Yazabilirler. Görevimiz Tehlike Mission: Impossible Görevimiz Tehlike Tom Cruise Rhythm Karaoke Original Traffic (Film Track) Madde Tartışma Oku Değiştir Kaynağı değiştir Geçmişi gör Araçlar Vikipedi, özgür ansiklopedi Görevimiz Tehlike Mission: Impossible Yönetmen Brian De Palma Yapımcı Paul Hitchcock Tom Cruise Elias Badra Paula Wagner Senarist Hikâye: David Koepp ve Steven Zaillian Senaryo: David Koepp ve Robert Towne Oyuncular Tom Cruise Emmanuelle Béart Kristin Scott Thomas Jon Voight Jean Reno Ving Rhames Vanessa Redgrave ve Emilio Estevez Müzik Danny Elfman Dağıtıcı Paramount Pictures Çıkış tarih(ler)i 22 Mayıs 1996 (ABD) 20 Eylül 1996 (Türkiye) Süre 110 dakika Dil İngilizce Bütçe 70 milyon $ Hasılat 457.696.359 $ Devam filmi Görevimiz Tehlike 2 Görevimiz Tehlike (Mission: Impossible), 1996 ABD yapımı aksiyon-casusluk filmi. Aynı adı taşıyan televizyon dizisinin devamı niteliğindeki film, aynı zamanda Görevimiz Tehlike film serisinin ilk filmidir. Filmin başrolünde Tom Cruise oynamaktadır. Yardımcı rollerde Emmanuelle Béart, Kristin Scott Thomas, Jon Voight, Jean Reno, Ving Rhames, Vanessa Redgrave ve ayrıca Tom Cruise'nin yakın arkadaşı olan ve filmde ismi geçmeyen Emilio Estevez yardımcı rolleri canlandırmaktadır. Filmin gişede yakaladığı başarının ardından serinin devam filmleri yapılmasına karar verilmiştir. Konusu Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) Jim Phelpsin (Jon Voight) Impossible Mission Force'daki takımının kilit adamıdır. Gizli çalışan Sarah Davis (Kristin Scott Tomas), her türlü güvenliği çözme uzmanı Jack Harmon (Emilio Estevez), gizlice izleme uzmanı Joan Williams, ulaşımı halledecek olan Claire Phelps ve Ethan Hunt her zamanki gibi kilit adamdır. Prag'daki bir hainin suçunu ispatlamak için görevlendirilmiş ekip her zamanki gibi gizli görevlerine başlarlar fakat işler tamamen ters gider. İlk önce Jack Harmon'ın ölümünün ardından tüm ekip hayatını kaybetmeye başlar. Sadece Ethan Hunt bu olaydan sağ kurtulmayı başarır. Hemen CIA'de IMF yöneticisi Eugene Kittridge (Henry Czerny) yanına gelir,fakat yönetici bu işte suçlunun Ethan Hunt olduğunu gösterir ve Ethan kendisini temize çıkarmak için büyük bir maceraya atılır. Yaş sınırı Film şiddet ve küfürler içerdiğinden 13 yaş ve üzeri yaş grubuna hitap etmektedir. Kadro ve karakterler Tom Cruise — Ethan Hunt Jon Voight — James Jim Phelps Emmanuelle Béart — Claire Phelps Ving Rhames — Luther Stickell Jean Reno — Franz Krieger Henry Czerny — Eugene Kittridge Vanessa Redgrave — Max Emilio Estevez — Jack Harmon (ismi geçmiyor) Kristin Scott Thomas — Sarah Davies Marek Vašut Ekip Yönetmen: Brian De Palma Senaryo: David Koepp, Robert Towne; story by Steven Zaillian Yapımcı: Paul Hitchcock, Tom Cruise, Paula Wagner, Cruise/Wagner Productions Film müziği: Danny Elfman Müzik Filmin ünlü müziğini 1995 yılında New York City'de zaman geçiren Larry Mullen Jr. ve Adam Clayton stüdyoda zaman geçirirken hazırlamışlardır. Müziğin iki farklı türü mevcuttur ve bu sebepden biri remix olan iki tane single piyasaya sürülmüştür. Filmin müziği Grammy Ödülü'ne de aday olmuştur. Dış bağlantılar IMDb'de Görevimiz Tehlike Otorite kontrolü Bunu Vikiveri'de düzenleyin BNF: cb14414337r (data)SUDOC: 178300640VIAF: 188301022 Kategori: Görevimiz: Tehlike1996 çıkışlı filmler1990'larda gerilim filmleri1990'larda macera filmleri1990'larda aksiyon filmleriAmerika Birleşik Devletleri macera filmleriCinayet filmleriBrian de Palma'nın yönettiği filmlerDanny Elfman'ın müziğini yaptığı filmlerParamount Pictures filmleriTom Cruise'un yapımcısı olduğu filmlerRobert Towne'ın senaryosunu yazdığı filmlerAmerika Birleşik Devletleri takip filmleriAmerika Birleşik Devletleri casus filmleriAmerika Birleşik Devletleri soygun filmleriAmerika Birleşik Devletleri devam filmleri1990'larda casus filmleriKonusu Londra'da geçen filmlerKonusu Prag'da geçen filmler1990'larda İngilizce filmler
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