#Mala idea
Cuando Joe nombró a su ex ambos sentimos una corriente de aire gélido que nos atravesó. Esto de nombrar espíritus malignos nunca es buena idea, pero como ni a ella ni a mí nos detienen las malas ideas, seguimos dándole al chusmerío con el mismo tema. Tendría que haber parado con eso cuando nombré a mi ex: al instante se cortó la luz. Parecía una película de terror y de las malas. Pero no me detuve, ella tampoco. Así que cuando seguimos opinando sobre el presente de ambas escorias la cosa se puso peor y empezó a sonar una alarma de incendios, o lo que sea que fuera esa cosa estridente y repetitiva que ahuyentó a cada ser vivo que estaba en ese local donde nos juntamos a merendar aunque ya eran las once de la noche. Pensé que lo único que nos faltaba era que apareciera algunx de esxs dos idiotas (ex’s) en el lugar, así que por pura precaución le dije a Joe “vámonos a la mierda”. Ella con su nula orientación habitual tomó el camino exactamente opuesto al salir. Corrigió su rumbo unas cuantas cuadras después, llegamos a donde tenía que tomar el bus, y acá viene lo que yo creo respalda mi teoría: el bus vino inmediatamente. Parecía que iba a viajar parada porque venía con bastante gente de pie, pero cuando me escribió para refregar en mi cara que ya estaba en su casa le pregunté si demoró mucho en sentarse, me confirmó que encontró asiento libre a una cuadra y media de haberse subido. Así que ella tomó el bus de inmediato, viajó sentada aunque el coso venía repleto, y llegó a su casa cuando yo aún estaba esperando mi bus, que además demoró más de lo que demora habitualmente cuando lo tomo borracho a las 4 o 5 a.m. y no a las 23:30 hs. Y me estaba meando. Así que mi teoría concluye que mi ex es peor que el suyo.
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"Todos mis pensamientos están orientados hacia la resignación, y, no obstante, no pasa un día en que no trame algún ultimátum contra Dios o contra alguien." (E. M. Cioran, Del inconveniente de haber nacido, 1973)
Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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diariotontx · 1 month
Al que se le ocurrió la idea de vivir que venga, que le traigo una pelea guardada.
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violetrashie · 3 months
I have an internal conflict because… I understand Regina changing, asking for forgiveness and improving as a person etc and all the fics show a nice and sentimental reconciliation between her and Janis but… just listen to me… the tension-hate-kiss?? that moment of thread of insults and fulminating glances that end in a passionate kiss? with hand pulling lightly on hair, whisper between kisses of "I still hate you" while the other says "shut up"???? *lesbian sighs*
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smashassassin · 8 months
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[WIP] We'll see if I get around to finishing either of these
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834k · 2 years
I'm about halfway through the Sunbearer trials and slight spoilers but Quetzal is a stronger person than me. Imagine loosing your child to a series of trials and the grief is so bad that you hold off on having another child for over one hundred years before finally working up the nerve and then they get chosen for the same series of trials on their second to last year of being eligible. I would have just started biting people
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hiccupbutpurple · 8 months
The treaty signing between the Berkians and the Berserkers still happen except it isn’t as formal between them but they play up the formalities for fun.
Viggo knows they are friends but the first time they do this upon him and Hiccup reuniting, he thinks that, since it is a formal event, the formalities are necessary. Besides he is very much about keeping up appearances.
Hiccup forgets to tell him it’s basically an inside joke and so they are staying on Berserker Island and Hiccup decides he wants to have sex. Viggo, despite wanting to, thinks it would be disrespectful if any one found out (he’s trying to make a good impression of himself since not everyone trusts him). They are discussing why Viggo is hesitating in a bit of a telling position when Dagur walks in.
Viggo is ready to make an excuse, lie, be defensive or something but Dagur smirks and is all like, ‘don’t stop for me’ or something along those lines. They agree to carry on and let Dagur watch.
Hiccup enjoys how much power he has over Dagur and Viggo enjoys showing Hiccup off. (Maybe hints for Hiccup, Dagur and Mala having a threesome at some point too).
Also some Viggo and Mala bonding mayhaps.
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sarnai4 · 15 days
Keeping the Spark
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This is some fanart I made for the story of the same name. It's on AO3 and Fanfiction.net now. It's a series of one shots where Dagur and Mala get to go on dates and vacations as a married couple. I still don't forgive RTTE for robbing us of some Dagala content, so I'll see if I can bridge the gap. The genres are romance/comedy/some adventure. In the first chapter where this moment happens, they're zip lining in the Amazon Rainforest. Hope you enjoy it you check it out!
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
A crack idea @lashlamb13 came up with!
@lilliths-httyd-blog and @smallfrogpleasedtomeetyou, I feel like you would like this.
Modern AU Viggo and Mala hate each other just like in canon, but for petty reasons. It all started when Viggo killed Mala's tamagotchi and then held it over her head out of her reach.
The funny thing is that he does the exact same thing at their high school reunion.
Everyone is surprised to see how tall these two got to be. Viggo was a twink as a teenager, and Mala didn't hit her growth spurt until college. Mala shows up thinking: "I'll finally be taller than Viggo", but lo and behold, Viggo is still a stubborn two inches taller than her.
Ryker is laughing his ass off at their entire exchange.
And another reason Mala hates Viggo is that he got more votes for class president in high school.
Petty hatred, but still hatred.
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dani-luminae · 1 year
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Went looking for Little Mermaid merch books at Walmart, didn’t find the one I was hoping for but I did find this!
I’ll let you know how it goes as I read through it
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sweetbumblebea · 8 months
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There are no words to explain this
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sctting · 2 years
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          ‘ podríamos simplemente usar lo que ellos mismos nos han prestado para huir hacia canadá sin mirar atrás... ¿no crees? ’ dice, apoyándose en la puerta del café en el que se ha detenido por una bebida, mientras observa hacia transportes estacionados cerca de la puerta. ‘ ¿cuántas chances habría de que nos encuentren? ’
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poplin-kitty · 6 months
Nose que acabo de hacer pero me gusta xd
I don't know what I just did but I like it
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Originalmente solo serian bocetos del reboot, pero luego pense que sería padre hacer que opposite y reboot interactuaran, y los hice pelear a lo wey jajajaj
Originally they were just going to be sketches of the reboot, but then I thought it would be cool to make opposite and reboot interact, and I made them fight like hell hahaha
(siento que reboot tiene un humor todo sarcástico, pero solo dijo esa tontería para ver como reaccionaba el opposite, reboot es medio ajeroso con los otros wallys)
(I feel like reboot has a very sarcastic humor, but he only said that nonsense to see how the opposite would react, reboot is kind of mean to the other wallys)
Rebot es de @bloodrediscream
Opposite es de @/Henneysilly (nose donde le puedan hayar la verdad)
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violetrashie · 2 months
So… imagine, a little time has passed since spring fling, Regina is trying to change with the help of therapy and lacrosse and Janis wants to learn to forgive her. While it's all happening they are still defensive towards each other, fighting and getting annoyed. Like:
-Just because you're hot doesn't mean you can wear that hideous, homeless looking jacket, Janis -Ohhh so you think I'm hot???? *eyebrow raised while smirking* -*Freaking and blushing*: yeah… A HOT MESS!!
*proceed to fight and insult each other even more*
sigh… I'm just a girl…
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smashassassin · 9 months
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[OC] There was a neat prompt I thought of and I wanted to draw it.
The wards in place inked his hands in black, serving as a warning. Any use of magic was immediately tempered down; but that did not stop him. Wards be damned. He continued to draw as much power as he wanted. Malae, who is bristling with electric sparks, signed very slowly to the dracon.
'You don't deserve a second chance.'
With the release of bolt of magic, he stuck down his enemy, ending their life.
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natalia-lafourcade · 10 months
Went to a Juanes concert and they had to cancel the show because people who didnt get in jumped the barricade 😭
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yerak147 · 1 year
Yo también necesito ser salvado...
De mi mismo 😶
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