#Miranda's god complex
lepusrufus · 2 years
Never going back to buying pants from the women's section again
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wh0re4gwen · 3 months
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Toxic!Mother Miranda x Fem
TW: Toxicity, yelling, arguing, brief mention of death/almost death, & I think that’s it, lmk if I missed any
A/N: Miranda is so coquette & sorry for the short os!!
“How dare you defy me? Your lord and savior, your goddess, your everything.” She paused, accentuating each word.
“I am not one of your subjects Miranda, I’m not just some obedient pet that’ll blindly do your bidding” You argued.
“The audacity is sickening, remember from whence you came. I AM the reason you’re still breathing!” Miranda shouted.
“And did I ask for this?! Did I ask for you to save me? No!” You protested.
“You were dying! You’re lucky I found you when I did. You should be thanking me for saving your life.” She replied through gritted teeth.
“Then you should have left me to the wolves, Gods know they would have treated me better than you.” You uttered.
A uncomfortable silence filled the room. The air stilled as a pressure rose from your chest. You needed to say something, anything, but it was as if the words were caught in your throat.
An empty feeling hollowed your chest.
“You’re undeserving of the amenity I have provided for you.” Miranda said swiftly, as she turned to make an exit.
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scrollf0x · 7 months
(Spoiler Free)
Resident Lover Routes Ranked
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As tradition when good things end, we overfixate on it! After 48 hours of completing all routes in Resident Lover, here's my spoiler free ranking of the good and bad endings in the game brought to us by Team AVIA 🙇🖤
Top Romantic Endings (Good ending)
#1 Miranda
As recommended by Team AVIA this route should be played last after completing all the other routes, and istg this was the best approach to the game, there's so much stuff going on (in a great way), it ties up all stories together, it explains the biggest mystery in the game and the end was SO SATISFYING. Mother Miranda was MOTHERING so good and I'm definitely obsessed with MM now. There's so much I want to talk about but won't for now to keep this spoiler free.Best route ever hope you enjoy it! 🐦‍⬛🧎
(UPDATED REVIEW: As MCs we can't escape her fr fr. You should see all cult endings in all routes before going to her cult ending. She's unbelievable but it's so hard to hate her once you get into her route and I can't explain why I still love her but holy fuck, Miranda. You make Joe Goldberg and Love Quinn look like novices for the things they do for love. Miranda literally took Yandere to a whole new level...and I love it 👀)
#2 Donna's Route (UPDATED)
We get our Flourist AU with our resident spicy sweetheart (you'd understand the spicy part later) Donna! Everything from her route was so mysterious and selecting her route before getting to Miranda's route was such a good build up before getting the answers to the numerous mysteries you'll uncover in the other routes. Donna and Miranda's route has SOOOO MUCH to bring into the table about the main mystery in the game. Plus the rivalry between Donna and Miranda for MC??? IM DEAD 😭💖
(UPDATED REVIEW: Holy shit y'all I just recently uncovered the actual cult ending for Donna's route, and as sweet and passionate her love is for us - the neutral ending was really sad, but holy fuck the double tragic endings in the cult version was just..I can't even react properly after finishing it I'm forever traumatized - see cult ending ranking)
#3 Alcina's Route
If you're into student-teacher relationship with much more murder mystery from the game and of course our Mother Alcina herself, this is for you! For all Alcina fans, buckle up for a ride because this route does not pussy-foot around romance between Alcina and player and my god THE SEXUAL TENSION. ILLICIT ROMANCE. SHEESH. Y'all are going to love it so much istg. Even the counterpart ending ate up (see tragic ending below)
TOP Tragic Ending (Cult endings)
#1 Angie and Donna's Route
Y'all would not expect the darkest ending for the sweetest character with the most lighthearted romance development of all routes. It starts off really innocent and sweet before it all goes downhill so fast, and Donna was so terrifying in this route 😭 Both bad endings were absolutely devastating and I really want to find out how Angie will react once she finds out - or if she will.
Donna (Updated review)
How was it even possible that Donna was so loveable and so terrifying at the same time? Everything from her good to bad route was just *chefs kiss*. Follow Team AVIAs guide to routes, and reach the cult ending (with additional 2 tragedy scenarios) I guarantee you both tragic scenarios will leave you terrified and heartbroken.
#2 Alcina
As amazing as the romance is with Alcina the bad ending route was downright nightmare-ish! We all love our hot psychopath mother but y'all would be baffled at just how CRAZYYYYY she is when you find out in her tragic ending route ☠️
#3 Dimitrescu Sisters
The Dimitrescu siblings SERVED in all routes Bela most of all but gaddamn as amazing and complex our relationship with them are, the tragic endings are INSANEEE. Bella's outfits were AMAZING and her storyline even more so. Cassandra is such a cassanova and a diva (so much teenage drama here btw you'll love it). And our precious Dani bby girl with our fake dating thing, she deserves so much love I wanna give her a hug. Their tragic endings are so so so sad, all I can say is Miranda did them so dirty 😭😭😭
Overall the game was AMAZING in every way, Team AVIA really put there heart and soul to this and it really shows, so please take the time to drop by at their page @resident-lover , give them your love and appreciation, and enjoy the game!
Let me know what you guys think ☺️
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creepydoll-lady · 3 months
Mother Miranda: God complex? I find it rather simple actually.
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Heavenly Aether Ch. 1
Miranda Hilmarson x Reader
Cults, death, and corruption are in store as Constable Hilmarson, with the help of a nosy reporter and her trusty partner, Robin Griffin, attempts to take down a powerful organization before more people die.
I hope you are all ready for another twisty-turning installment of falling in love with Miranda Hilmarson. Thank you to @booitsrue for helping me get started :)
TW: cults, suicide, death, corruption, brief descriptions of violence
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January 15th, 1996
Sergeant Don Marshall had enough of your bickering, finally standing from his desk and pointing towards the front doors of the police station. With the most hateful scowl and through gritted teeth, he gave you his final warning, “For the last time. Get out of my office before I charge you with misleading an investigation.”
He hadn’t listened to a word you had told him. Three days ago was the third time a group of five had ended up dead in honor of their religious organization: The Church of Mithras. The first time five died in connection to the church was April 1, 1995, the second time June 9, 1995, and now… five more.
The specific details of the gods, religious context, and true beliefs of The Church of Mithras were a true mystery to you. There was no documented evidence of the church's activities or beliefs. Everything occurring within the organization was kept a complete mystery to those who were not binded to the religion. All of the information you had gathered was based on your own assumptions combining the name of the church with the dates of the mass deaths.
Your research assumed this cult was a reinvention of the Cult of Mithras, a Roman mystery religion centered on the god Mithras with connections to astrology. The messy, weblike collage at home on your wall best depicted the complex symbolism and Gods the religion utilized to justify the harm that befell their followers. While it was challenging to gather information on this ancient cult, they recognized a torch-bearing icon named Cautes who you found to be in connection with the Roman god Caelus and the Greek god Uranus.
All of this was information you had tried sharing moments before, but it was obvious the detective wasn’t listening. Slamming your hands down on Don’s desk, you hope if you showed enough urgency, he would understand the seriousness of the situation, “Detective Marshall! You aren’t listening to me! Each of the dates matches up with Uranus entering different zodiacs! The Church of Mithras is copying the Cult of Mithras! There are connections to-
You wouldn’t have bothered Detective Sergeant Marshall about any of this if you doubted any bit of your evidence. Just as he had done in June of ‘95, he ordered you to be escorted from the station, “That’s it! Butler! Lee! Escort this woman out of my office!
At eighteen, you knew you were more overzealous than the other reporters for The Sydney Monitor, but it was your gumption and bite that gave you the job in the first place. You become more desperate, needing Marshall to listen to you, only for a moment. It was a matter of life and death, “More people will die in 2003! Don, you can’t-”
When a hand came down on your shoulder and another grasped your forearm, you twisted about to make eye contact with two constables. Attempting to pull your arms away from them, you growled as they followed after you, grasping you even tighter as they dragged you from Sergeant Marshall's office, “Let go of me! Let go!”
The two officers pulled you to the front of the station, the rounder of the two following you as you were pushed from the building, “You need to go. No one is interested in arresting you, but if you keep coming back here, we will.”
You glanced at his name badge, which read ‘Butler,’ and by the look of the markings on his sleeve, he was a senior constable. Looking back to his face, you narrow your eyes at him, ignoring the kindness in his voice. He was still one of the people who stood in the way of getting justice for the 15 who were dead and the many more who would follow if things continued without intervention, “There is blood on all of your hands.”
He sighed and shook his head, turning away from you to head back inside the station.
You shook this failure of obtaining police intervention from your mind, knowing if you wanted the case solved, you would have to do it all on your own. You needed more information on the cult and the only way you were going to get this was through insiders. The next step was getting people to talk.
February 6th, 2023
“Robin… This case is currently open. Why would the files for it be kept back here where no one can find them?” When Miranda asked the question, she was well aware the files were in this backroom far before Robin’s arrival to the department, but as her mentor and partner, Miranda wanted the brunette’s advice before she assumed the worst. The box was labeled: ‘The Church of Mithras’ with the opening date of the case being April 1, 1995.
Last week, Miranda and Robin solved yet another large case, breaking nearly a dozen rules and laws in the process, relegating them to various clean-up tasks around the station as punishment. Today’s assignment was organizing the back storage room, leading to the discovery of the open case box with an absurd amount of entries with such little evidence to go along with it.
The mass suicides of The Church of Mithras were something Miranda was well aware of, the first of them happening when she was 14 years old. It was absurd to her that there had been 11 occasions where members of the church had died in groupings of five, and now that she was looking at the files, it was obvious no one had ever looked into the case.
“I’ve heard about this church. They are responsible for the deaths of 55 people.” Robin glanced up to Miranda before reaching into the box, thumbing through the few pages that existed within the files. “I can’t understand why there is no evidence. After nearly 30 years, you would expect something more than the general documentation of the event…”
Miranda pulled out a few of the pages, skimming them for any inconsistencies or patterns. One thing she recognized from all of them was a name. Your name. She offered the page up to Robin, pointing out your name to her, “This name keeps coming up in each of the files. Maybe we could talk to them on our lunch break?”
“Are you asking me to shirk our duties here at the station so we can go research a case that has been deliberately ignored for decades?” Robin smirked as she asked her question, obviously pleased to participate in another round of rule breaking with her partner.
“Maybe.” The constable gave a coy shrug, rolling her eyes and glancing up to the clock. Their typical lunch break was in a half hour, just enough time to look up the name and find a possible place of employment or home address.
Griffin turned her head back down to look through the files. She needed to familiarize herself with the case if they were going out to interview anyone, “Are we taking your car or mine?”
Over the past three decades, your journalist work kept you attached to the world of true crime, but with no true momentum with The Church of Mithras case, you had to diversify your interests. Working for The Sydney Monitor had been a fruitful career, and you were well aware you were able to write and research in a way that left you fulfilled. There was always a gaping hole left in you from the case that always went unsolved.
You still kept the dates of the mass deaths and their correlated astrological events written in the inside of your notebook.
April 1, 1995 - Uranus enters Aquarius June 9, 1995 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Capricorn January 12, 1996 - Uranus enters Aquarius March 10, 2003 - Uranus enters Pisces September 15, 2003 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Aquarius December 30, 2003 - Uranus enters Pisces May 28, 2010 - Uranus enters Aries August 14, 2010 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Pisces March 12, 2011- Uranus enters Aries May 15, 2018 - Uranus enters Taurus November 6, 2018 - Uranus (Retrograde) enters Aries
The death toll was far higher than you ever anticipated. After each event, you gathered more information, and set off to the police station where you had been escorted out each and every time.
At some point, you would have assumed someone would have taken you seriously. Don Marshall, who kicked you out as a sergeant, was now the deputy commissioner, and Adrian Butler, who had escorted you out as a constable, was now a superintendent. Both of the men had continued to climb the ladder of success, regardless of the number of lives that had been lost due to their negligence.
You knew the next event was in four weeks.
Four weeks and the death count would be up to 60.
Or… at least, you thought the death count would rise to 60, but that was until Constable Hilmarson and Detective Griffin appeared in your office doorway.
For once in your career, the police wanted to hear what you had on The Church of Mithras.
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I took notes on my thoughts while watching Nerdy Prudes Must Die because I did the same for Black Friday
DAMN Jon said “I am a TENOR”
I literally can’t get over how good he sounds
Bro these songs SLAP
Damn Mariahs hair is so long
Pete is such a mood
I’m literally terrified of being pantsed so bad
Omg hey Kim
When Cory enthusiastically agrees I’m dying
Omg Max likes Grace???????
Wait that’s so cute
Wait why’s he kinda fine
“His name is Jesus Christ” HELP 💀💀💀💀💀
It’s giving Apex Predator (from Mean Girls)
My jaw is on the floor the way Cory is talking to her
“How am I supposed to study without listening to Spotify?” ME LMFAO
The way hes like “this is about thermodynamics” me me me. I hate when people make jokes about the things we’re not even talking about.
Study date????????
Joey Richter my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
When Max enters and the crowd cheers
Max literally has a God complex
Why is Kim everyones mom?
“Walen place”?????
“Mom will you pass the butt stuff????” HELP SHES BEEN CORRUPTED
Awwww Grace is experiencing Catholic Guilt™ ❤️❤️❤️
Girl wdym “he’s gotta go”???
Laurens character is bisexual???????
“WAIFU MATERIAL”?????? I literally can’t get over Jons character
Wait Grace is a little fucked up actually
Wait since the Waylons built hatchetfield high and the starlight theater, could they have cursed the town somehow? Like I know about the evil brothers or whatever, but I’m not super familiar with the lore
Wait I kind of love Grace now
Mariah slays
“Am I reading as Ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?” AWWWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Your fucking useless Pete.” Tgwdlm???? In MY npmd???? It’s more likely than you think
I’m very suspicious about how fast they seemed to put the plan together…
I know the plan wont work and Im so nervous I’m getting secondhand embarrassment so bad rn
I need Max Jagerman actually
Awwww Max is a Theater Kid ❤️❤️❤️
I love how upbeat this song is
Omg Dan and Donna!
Slay Mayor Lauter
His reaction to being asked to the game is giving- “she asked me for the time” “no way” “way :D”
I like that the football team has only 2 players
I love when actors walk through the audience, but ESPECIALLY here when hes stalking Richie bro looks so good
Listen I know he’s about to kill Richie but HES SO FINE HELP
Im literally so Gay bro
When she says hes not hot anymore girl speak for yoursef
Please let Grace swear
Oh fuck they’re giving themselves away
Grace Chastity said “acab”
Cory needs more songs
Damn who is this girl in a trenchcoat 😍😍😍
Random side note but what happened to Robert? I was just thinking about how I wish we could see Hidgens again but is Robert still a part of Starkid anymore? Is he on to Bigger and Better things? Does anyone know what those are? I’d love to continue to support him.
The invisible bird. Literally high school theater
“Heahs the thang about ah bahbecue”
“Ah wawna remember who ah ayum”
Ruth is so real for not know when to do the lights bc the cue lines were wrong
Ugh Laurens voice is so good and I know ive said that about pretty much everyone but it’s true
I know shes about to die rn
The red lighting gave it away
Why did Kim scream like that
Awww Grace has religious trauma now ❤️❤️❤️
He gave her his number❤️❤️❤️
Hot chocolate boy!!!!!!!! I knew Peter was the hot chocolate boy but still
This duet is EVERYTHING
Obsessed with the fact he called MARIAH ROSE FAITH a MEAN GIRL
“Axe wielding maniacs?”
The Waylons did not dig that shit very deep…
im so sorry Zombie Max is So Fine
“Let me check my Christmas list”
“What do you want steph?” MORE tgwdlm? In MY npmd?
I feel bad for not knowing all their names
Max says bitch a lot
Damn this show is long
Omg this is so sad im tearing up a lil
Max is so fucking funny
Damn Grace is seducing Max this is hilarious
Fuck Grace Chastity or kill some nerds? One of the many difficult decisions in life
He decides to fuck Grace Chastity
Thats some fuckin Macbeth level shit
Kims teacher character is so cute awwwww
Paul and Bill dance Chaperones??????
Oh nvm that’s Jason
I don’t think I ever mentioned it but the dancing is really good
It’s very clean and crisp
In the last 2 hours I very quickly developed a massive crush on Will Branner
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bloodgulchblog · 4 months
Thanks for answering my ask! You just made me realize how interesting Halsey. I mean I always knew she was a complex character but I haven’t really read the founding halo books since middle school(?). Anyway you have now have me utterly fascinated with her and know I must consume all content relating to her (that’s written by nyland). Sooo thanks for that! Also the scene spartan ops where she learns John’s alive is the scene that has stuck with me the longest from that mode, that followed by the prison break or the warthog run mission.
You're welcome! God, she breaks my heart now. (This ask answer just turned into a fresh outpouring of Halsey thoughts/feelings and I hope they are interesting.)
Halsey is one of the characters that I sat down and was like I need to understand what their deal is when I started really getting back into Halo. It's really easy to just hate her because, you know, she's the architect of horrible things happening to children. But especially once I started understanding the food chain of exploitation that goes on within ONI it was like oh my god. Then going back through the diary and being like wait, how old was she when the Carver findings were being discussed? How old was she when ONI started to court her?
You realize that Halsey was also so young, and they groomed her and manipulated her and preyed on her and built her in the image they found most useful. And by the time she wanted out, she was too far in and they basically held those kids hostage by threatening to hand the reins over to someone who wouldn't have cared about whether they suffered more than "necessary."
Halsey was their useful monster and had to figure out how to keep living with herself, justifying the monstrosity, and just throwing herself headlong into her work. I'm still struck by how the diary shows her feelings about Keyes, it's not in-your-face but augh. Catherine Halsey, terrifying science witch of ONI, cold and ambitious and condescending, and Jacob Keyes was a gentleman to her and trustworthy with secrets.
On a related note: Something I've thought about a lot with Halsey is that, on its face, her having Miranda does not make sense. ...But then if you turn it in your mind, suddenly it does. Halsey is a doctor in the deep space future, if she did not want to have a child she would not have a child. What did she want by that? It was obviously not to tie Keyes to her, they never married and only occasionally saw one another (even though it's obvious how much they mattered to one another.)
Rampant speculation: I don't have a canon answer to that question, but the timing (during Spartan-II) maybe speaks to Halsey wanting to prove something to herself about her own humanity vs monstrousness. Maybe, if she could raise a child well, it would prove that what she did to those other children was not the whole of her.
And in the end, her work for ONI devoured her and she did fail Miranda. She tried for six years, and in the end she sent Miranda to live with her father because she knew she was not a good mother to that child. Halsey missed Miranda and even though her daughter took after Keyes so much more than her, even though Miranda wanted nothing to do with her, we know that Halsey used what influence she had in the UNSC to try to protect Miranda from a dangerous frontline posting that could kill her.
Even though the whole My-Spartans-are-the-next-step-of-humanity thing is bullshit to me, there are some things about her late-canon characterization that do make sense to me.
Imagine how bitter it must feel, how alone she is. Halsey believed, truly believed, she was sacrificing herself to protect other people. Halsey believed that great ability came with the responsibility to spend herself for what she thought was a good cause. So she did, and now here she is: alone and hated, with nothing to show for it but regret and isolation and death while she has outlived almost everyone she ever cared for.
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lightshiningforth · 1 year
One thing that bothers me about Discovery is that it takes the grimmest possible view of Vulcan culture in general and Spock's family in particular, in ways that I don't think are justified by prior Star Trek series.
On the one hand, I think there's absolutely room in the Star Trek canon to portray a flawed, xenophobic Vulcan society. It's right there in front of you, starting in the original series. We all know that Spock grew up being bullied for being half human and not Vulcan enough. Dr. Miranda Jones is a human who studied on Vulcan and also has a complex about not being Vulcan enough (S3.E5 "Is there in Truth No Beauty?"). The inherent hypocrisy of Vulcans proclaiming that they value "infinite diversity in infinite combinations" while treating atypical members of their society poorly is absolutely worth exploring.
On the other hand, Discovery takes the portrayal of Vulcan callousness to the absolute extreme. Why on earth would Michael and her Vulcan classmates be contained in isolated orbs at school, practicing rapid-fire rote memorization? Vulcans aren't just computers who spit out facts and figures; that's a stereotype other species apply to them. Vulcans like to philosophize, to debate. Vulcans sincerely value the arts, music in particular. Spock even refers to dances that young Vulcans are taught in preschool (S3.E14 "Whom Gods Destroy"). None of those things are compatible with an education style that keeps kids isolated and interacting with no one, neither peers nor teachers.
Further, I don't for a second believe that Sarek would squash and deny Spock and Amanda their humanity. Yes, he has a complex about it and insists consistently that Spock is a Vulcan and must be treated as a Vulcan and yadda yadda yadda. BUT. Though he and Amanda choose to raise Spock on Vulcan ideals, Sarek is someone who clearly values human ways. He likes when Amanda and Perrin show him their human affection. He values human music, and is moved by it! And Spock, whose education was heavily influenced by Sarek, is fully versed in human history and literature. Often more so than the full, raised-on-Earth humans he serves with. He has read Byron and Shakespeare. He has detailed knowledge of wars, of governments, of even niche gunfights in the ancient American frontier (S3.E6 "Spectre of the Gun"). Sarek also relies without question on Spock's human friends to save his son's life, entrusting them with the most intimate of Vulcan rituals after assuming that Spock had already done the same. And their big father-son conflict? Sarek wants his son, of whom he is very proud, to contribute his talents to Vulcan society via the Vulcan Science Academy and stay close to home rather than going off into space and joining an organization with more military power than Sarek approves of. That's it.
All that is to say, there's no damn way that Sarek would "forbid" Amanda from exposing Spock to human literature and ideas. She would have read Alice in Wonderland to both her kids and he would have pretended not to be interested from another room while secretly being gripped by the story.
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know-the-way · 1 year
The stages so far of me binging the entirety of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (spoilers if you haven’t watched it before):
1. “Yeah, the 1920s hasn’t ever really been your preferred vibe, but so many of your friends like this show, and you love ‘Clue’ which seems similar, so just bite the bullet and go.”
2. “Wait, they’re Australian? What? Did I know this before and forgot?”
3. “Ohhhh right, Miranda Otto was in this! I did know that. And she’s a cocaine lord?! Nice. Don’t get to see her in many villain roles.”
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4. *first scene with Phryne & Jack* “Oh, he has a very nice deep voice, okay I see I see mmmhm okay. … Why is so he so sulky, though? Big ‘who hurt you’ vibes. Intriiiiigue… “
5. “OH dEaR oh mY, there is banter and cheeky looks, this is bad, coDE RED, pretty sure this is your LAST chance to exit before this becomes a #problem.”
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6. *does not exit* *becomes a #problem*
7. “Oh, so she’s gonna be banging lots of men with no emotional attachment (when there is clearly some tragic past hiding under the surface as to why that might be)? So an emotionally damaged woman who copes with her traumas by deflecting said emotions through sex and other various reckless behaviors? Babe… *cups face gently* babe, babe, babe. You’ve made this beyond a problem now. Because every little glimpse of vulnerability among your extremely out-of-hand savior complex is gonna make me fall in love with you more and more… just like the tall, broody inspector man over there (who still has a very nice voice and sad, kind eyes and who you seem to be afraid of being smitten with for ~*some reason*~). Anyway, Jack and I, we’re both fucked.”
8. Wdym they both have traumas from the war & from past relationships, that they both witnessed an unimaginable amount of loss, and that both are broken so deeply that they built fortresses of ice around their hearts to protect themselves AND YET BOTH OF THEM THAW JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE WITH THEIR EVERY INTERACTION? Fuck OFF! This is not FAIR!
9. “Miss Fisher was actually on her way home.” He said that with a fully clenched jaw and a step forward. Fuuuuccckk, there’s gonna be smoldering jealousy, too? Just slap me in the face, the amount of longing I’m about to witness… Jack, it’s okay buddy, we’re in this together. There’s something special about you and she’s gonna figure it out… after what appears to be several seasons and perhaps a feature film. But she’ll figure it out! Stay strong, soldier! I’m rooting for you!
10. “Oh God, her little sister was murdered. As someone who loves my own sister dearly, that’s fucking awful, this is hurting me deeply, and I really do not like it. 🥺 … AND THE MURDERER IS DUE TO BE RELEASED? AbSoLUTELY not! … WDYM THERE’S ALSO AN ABUSIVE EX?! And he’s come back to MURDER HER over a naked painting of her younger self like a fucking CREEP?!*”
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(*not a correct summarization of what happened, but not not correct)
Anyway, I found the tragic past!
11. “Abusive ex is played by Peter O’Brien? With a ‘French’ accent? *snort* I mean, okay, it’s a choice. Anyway… what a douche… moving on… “
12. Aw, they kissed! *claps* And so soon! I mean, it was under horrible circumstances, but it happened… and with lingering looks to boot? You know what, I’ll take it. ‘Cause, I mean, look at them… and like let’s not talk about the juxtaposition of Phryne’s panic over seeing someone who once hurt her being redirected by a kiss from someone who would never hurt her… and Jack subsequently lunging for an armed René to stop him from taking Phryne… we’ll just ignore that for now
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13. Felt the “I am not afraid of you” in my bones. Good shit.
14. “You kissed me. … You kissed me back!” Children, please. This is a Wendy’s.
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This is as far as I’ve gotten, but omg what a fun ride so far. Friends who tried to recommend this to me for YEARS, I am SO sorry I slept on it. I understand now and your taste is impeccable. *muah*
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 5 months
PJO episode five! (Fashionable late, but we rally)
Opening with the polluted waters of the Mississippi River In the intro card. Thank you to the commenter who corrected me last week.
Add a checkmark for Percy and Co domestic terrorism checklist.
Percy, thinking his friends are mad at him only to be dumb found by a hug.
No hug for Grover Underwood. Cry every time.
Percy is thinking. the neurons are firing.
Percy is unable to think.
Grover Underwood being a response 24 year old
✨️Aries also fuel shipping wars, keep it civil tumbler✨️
A family born of Khaos
Properly menacing performance, casting a pro wrester was so the way to go.
Annabeth has never seen a movie. Ok, Feredrick Chase.
Grover and Aries is a conversion I didn't know I needed to hear but I'm very happy I did.
Grover's convert Narsasism disguised as altruism like some sort of- TALE AS OLD AS TIMEEE! and Aries falls for it.
The obervers of perabeth: love it , neutral, or hate it. all rejoice, for the budget allowed for Alexander Nestor Haddaway's hit debut single, "what is love"
Percy remembers his mom's stories. Percy says something dumb. Annabeth is checking his ass.
Let the horror comence: thinking about the complex implications of the pjo family tree and the insidious effects on the characters' psychology.
Grover masterfully playing to Aries ego, true heart of the trio.
Percy sacrifices himself in Hera's throne reafferms Walker as a ✨️golden✨️ casting choice for Percy
"He isn't like that," Can't lie, that made me feel something.
5'7" Percy jackson unabashedly standing up to 6'5" god of war, Aries does something to my lizard brain. (Yes, I had to Google that fact for the bit)
Truck to Vegas, baby! Wooooooo
Oh, do you know Grover? Im sure you do.
Lin Manuel Miranda next week, The Lotus Hotel, and many more hijinks. Pacing of this episode felt more on beat this week.
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tanith-rhea · 1 year
Hiii btw I love your fics, your writing is exquisite🤞🏾.
I'm exited that you are accepting Miranda Hilmarson request soo. I'm obsses with playing dangerous by Lana del rey, can you do or use the lyrics for do a fic with Miranda. I was thinking about a conversación between reader and Miranda in their police car, and R flirting making Miranda nervous ahha. The song is so good for this.💗
Atte: scorpio anon
Playing Dangerous
While watching your ex’s house burn, a police officer approaches you for questioning. You just wanted a bit of attention after a bad breakup and didn’t expect to be struck with lust at first sight.
Word count: 1.2 k Authors note: Ok, this has been on my asks forever and I'm tremendously sorry for that, scorpio! I hope you can forgive me. Also, the gif was very loosely chosen, I just wanted something spicy ;) Important addition: Miranda is not uncomfortable with reader's handsiness, just flustered.
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You sat in the grass of the median, between bushes of red roses the board thought would bring a classy feeling to the condominium complex. In front of you, Travis’ house was at its peak, from now on the fire would only grow a small amount before starting to die out. The second bottle of your dad’s expensive whiskey sat half-empty on your side.
In the distance, you heard the sound of a siren. How the firefighters hadn’t already arrived was beyond you, but the police were apparently on their way.
Rather surprisingly, it was only one car, and from it, you heard only one person exiting. Was your hard work really not worth a bit more? Your broken heart deserved more than one pathetic cop.
“Good night!” someone approached you, “Was it you who reported the fire? I was informed the house was empty and am here to make sure it stays that way until the firefighters arrive.”
“Everybody knows I'm a good girl, officer,” you comment immediately. You could sense her moving around you slowly, taking you in. You were drunk and wanted attention. If a police officer was all you got, you would play your cards accordingly.
“So, it was you?” upon your silence, she gave up on waiting for your response, “Have you seen any strangers in the street lately? Someone lurking or acting weird?” her voice was soft and soothing. You thought, rather unprompted, that it would be incredible to hear her whisper in your ear.
“No, this is quite a peaceful place to live, no one acting strange,” you said, gazing fascinatedly at the flames swirling up in the sky, creating beautiful and menacing figures. He deserved it, he set a fire in your heart only to discard you so now you would watch his house go down in flames just as well.
“Alright…” her tone changed. She sounded careful, almost fearful, you couldn’t help the thrill it sparkled in your chest, like a delicious pain of pride. “And would say you are involved, do you think?” did she think you didn’t know what you were doing?
“No, I wouldn't do a thing like that, that's for sure.” You gave her your sweetest voice, getting up to see her for the first time. She was much taller than you, her eyes bright pools of blue reflecting the flames behind you. “The house was already on fire; I swear I'm not a liar.” You knew your smile gave you away, but you didn’t care if it meant going anywhere with her. God, she was hot.
“Right,” she was sceptical, but decided to entertain you, “And are you ok?”
“Well, I'm a little shaken, but I'm fine, thanks for asking.” You gave her a bashful smile, biting your lip and surveying her up and down. “Tell me, do you always work alone so late, officer?” the word sent shivers through your spine. Her taken-aback expression was the cutest thing on earth, and you wondered if she would be so shy in another setting.
“Gosh, I'm a little shy standing here in my nightgown​.” You tried to hint at your transparent clothing, she seemed to inspect you carefully for the first time and swallow a comment.
“That won’t be a problem, miss, we’ll give you things to wear. Please come with me.” She said and, out of nowhere, you saw her produce a pair of handcuffs. Did she distract you all this time? Huh, point to you.
“Do you really have to put those tight handcuffs on?” you asked as she made you turn around with strong hands on your upper arms. You looked over your shoulder at her and she made direct eye contact with you.
“I’m afraid I do.” And with a click, she swirled you around and you were looking at each other again.
Looking at me, then suddenly;
She was so breathtakingly attractive. It felt like a hurricane in your stomach every time your eyes met hers. Her strong grip on your arm carried you to the back of her car and you were swimming in lust.
“Will you join me here?” you said as she forced you down in the seat, “You can ask me anything you want, anything, anything, I’ll tell you all you want to know.”
She eyed you with some suspicion but slid to the seat at your side. You didn’t move too much to give her space, and your thighs were pressed together.
“I’ll ask you some questions but we’ll have to go through a formal interview at the station.” She said, getting a small recording device from her breast pocket.
“Uhum, that’s fine.” You agreed, leaning your head closer to her. “Tell me, officer, do you have a girl? I don't see a ring on your finger.”
“I’m not…” she started, then looking at you she stopped. Was she considering your flirting? She was definitely checking you out, you could tell.
Again, she swallowed, but you were close enough now to listen to the motion. You wanted to lick her neck.
“You’re not?” you prompted in a husk.
“I’ve never had any girls…” she was flustered. Was she a horrible cop or was this just your lucky night?
“Well that's interesting, have you ever thought of dating one?”
Outside, the flames were getting higher, and with them your desire to ravish the well-put-together, adorably shy woman beside you.
“It's kind of exciting, don't you think?” you whispered, boldly getting onto her lap in a straddle.
Then suddenly she pushed you onto the seat and left the back of the car, closing the door loudly.
When she started the car, you saw the firefighters arriving through the window. Well, there went one of your entertainments for the night.
I'm in love, I'm in love, loving hurricane;
I've been bad, I've been wrong, playing a dangerous game;
She didn’t say anything else on the way to the station, didn’t look at you from the rear-view mirror. Paid no attention to your flirting.
If you can't stand the heat, then stay out of the fire.
You might get what you desire, love is strange; sometimes it makes you crazy, it can burn or break you down.
I'm in love, I'm in love, loving hurricane;
I've been bad, I've been wrong, playing a dangerous game;
I'm in love, I'm in love, loving hurricane.
You knew your dad would pay for your release. He would let you spend the night in jail to “teach you a lesson”, and then you’d be home again. It was always like that.
When you were walking out the next morning, you saw the officer from the previous night. She was leaning on the front counter with a few papers, no one seemed to be paying attention, so you approached her.
“Did you think about my proposal?” you whispered close to her, and she jumped. She only looked at you, confused. “C’mon, I’ve been bad, but I swear what they say it’s true… I can be a very good girl.”
She was silent for a while, and you thought she would tell you off when she tore a corner of one of her papers which already contained her number.
Another point for you, you thought, leaving with a spring in your step.
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neos-schlond-poofa · 4 months
Resident Lover x Ethel Cain I
Which song fits each RL Character the best, and why? Only featuring songs from Preacher's Daughter; any other Ethel Cain albums and EPs will be in another post if I feel like it. And also, you don't need to know any Ethel Cain lore to get this post.
BELA DIMITRESCU: Sun Bleached Flies
Listening to the choir, so heartfelt, all singing God loves you, but not enough to save you
A song about one making peace with their fate; not so fitting for Bela, is it? The one love interest who never stops fighting for MC?
But what if the she's accepted that her fate is fight for MC. Her fate is to always be there for them, even when the universe tries to tear them apart, even when everything is utterly terrible. And all throughout the song, it is clear that what Ethel wants is just her lover back, just as Bela hopes to have a wonderful life with MC without the fear of Miranda ruining it all.
I'm still praying for that house in Nebraska By the highway, out on the edge of town
You wanna love me right now You wanna get alone with me
Arguably the hardest character to assign a song to, Cassandra is the Gibson Girl not due to the specific lyrical nature of the song, but the interpretation others have from it when listening to it without knowing its full story.
Those who don't know the story of Preacher's Daughter just believe this is a song about being hot and sexy and getting around. Just as some believe that is all there is to Cassandra. But truthfully, Gibson Girl is a dark song hidden behind the sound, with so much more to be read into than just "this song makes me feel so good." And like the song, there is so much more to Cass than just her looks and her relationships... she's her own character going through her own things who doesn't just want these small flings, she wants a relationship, she wants someone to love her.
Then I would show you something You can never have
I tried to be good Am I no good?
The forgotten sister who just wants to the best version of herself as she can. The one who wants to please everyone even when she doesn't know how to. The one who has so much expectations put onto her.
This song, similar to Cassandra's, is a bit of a stretch, but I'm not basing it directly off the story, am I? Dani is Strangers as even in her darkest moments, she cares for others, even the ones who haven't been the best to her or the ones she has complex relationships with. It's as simple as that.
Found you just to tell you that I made it real far And that I never blamed you for loving me the way that you did
You see, this is hard, because there are no lyrics, so it really messes up the layout. However, I don't need lyrics for this. This song is all about Ethel's journey to the afterlife and her acceptance of such. And for Alcina, is appears she has just accepted her life to being one of Miranda's tools for getting MC back. She barely fights for herself or her daughters unless the player pushes for it.
ANGIE BENEVIENTO: American Teenager
Head full of whiskey but I always deliver Jesus, if you're listening let me handle my liquor
I promise I didn't just pick this song because of its mentions of alcohol. But Angie, out of all the members of the cast, is the most similar to American Teenager, even if she isn't American. Angie wants to have fun, she lives an idealized life where she parties every day and has little to worry about. Out of all the songs on the album, this is the happiest sounding one, but just like Angie, there are somber undertones to it.
Angie's life really isn't ideal. She's a doll. She can't go anywhere far or she will basically die in a weird, non-permanent way. Her life isn't all that great, and neither is the place that she lives in. Just as Ethel grew up with an amazing view of the world, only to realize it's not great and had been glamorized.
It's just not my year But I'm all good out here
DONNA BENEVIENTO: House in Nebraska
We had nothing except each other You were my whole world
A torch song. Fitting for Donna, who has gone through multiple timelines where her love is unrequited after a previous one where she experienced the happiest moments of her life.
At the core of this song is truly a sense of longing. Ethel misses her lover who left her before the events of the album. Time has passed, yet she can not accept that he is gone. As for Donna, years could have passed since her time with yet MC, yet she still loves them. She almost always remembers what they had and what they didn't. The pain both of them went through, but the love they still had for each other afterwards. The nights they had in the flower shop and the mornings they had waking each other up with kisses. And yet, it's gone. And Donna will never truly have that back due to the loop. She will never have her love. The person that helped her with her mental health and allowed for her to become an even braver person than she ever would've been before.
She's alone without MC. She has Angie, of course, but that's her niece. As for the Dimitrescu sisters, she isn't that close to them as she is with Angie, and Bela, with whom Donna has the closest relationship with out of them, will forever lose her trust in Donna. Alcina and Miranda aren't that great figures in her life either; MC was her light, and it was taken away from her. She understands she doesn't own MC, but she still wants them. She loves them so much and hates the thought of them being gone. But ultimately, she has to accept that there is no happy ending with MC.
But God, I just hope you're doing fine out there I just pray that you're all right
Heard you, saw you, felt you, gave you Need you, love you, love you, love you
Miranda is not a good person. In this case, she is not Ethel in the song. Ethel can easily be viewed as any other character in the game. Instead, Miranda is the haunting voice of Ethel's murderer. And while Miranda does not murder everyone in the game, she does ruin their lives for her own sake.
Miranda is the figure that harms everyone else. She manipulates them and makes sure none of them gets their happy ending with MC. She owns MC and she loves the idea of having a relationship with MC. Miranda has done so many terrible things just to have MC, who will truly never be in a happy relationship with Miranda. MC had no choice in what would happen to them, they have no choice in being in a relationship with Miranda, as even though they "choose" Miranda in her route, that is only after countless resets by Miranda to get MC for herself.
Run then, child You can't hide from me forever
MIA WINTERS: August Underground
Another song that ruins the layout. Mia might seem a bit of an odd choice to be included, but she is just as important as the other characters. However, that doesn't mean I have a good reasoning for her being this song. It's just an ominous, creepy song that matches up with Mia being crazy.
MC: Thoroughfare
And you said, "Hey, do you wanna see the west with me? 'Cause love's out there and I can't leave it be"
A long song dedicated to Ethel falling love with her ultimately doomed lover. What could be more fitting for MC? After all, to be loved by MC is to be doomed by the narrative. And that includes for MC.
MC will have the most passionate romances imaginable, but they mean nothing. They will always be taken away from them or end terribly, such as being murdered by their lover or watching them just leave for someone else. MC never even intends to fall in love, just as Ethel didn't mean to fall in love here, but they both did. And it seemed so amazing for the both of them. Just a wonderful moment of bliss that didn't last long.
'Cause in your pickup truck with all of your dumb luck Is the only place I think I'd ever wanna be
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ctitan98official · 5 months
Y/N’s band plays at a music festival in the village
Karl: *Hosting the event, reading from cue cards* Alright, welcome everyone to the first-ever MirandaFest… 
Karl: *Muttering* Wow, this bitch really named the festival after herself.
Miranda: *Yelling at Karl* It was better than FruitFest like you wanted!
Karl: Hey! We got a lot of gays running around here, it just makes se- you know what? Forget it. Please welcome to the stage our first band, Mother Miranda Can Eat Shit and Die!
Audience: *Cheers*
Miranda: *Choking on her god complex*
Y/N: *Gets onstage and plugs in their guitar* Hey everyone! This is a very special song that I would like to dedicate to my special lady. Alci, this one’s for you!
Alcina: *Is actually about to choke due to how many funnel cakes and fried oreos she’s shoving in her mouth* 
Alcina: Go get ‘em, baby! *Spraying crumbs all over poor Bela*
Y/N: *Passionately singing “Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?” By Frank Zappa* 
Y/N: Why Does it Hurt When I PEeEEee!-
Alcina: *Gasps and accidentally inhales a piece of oreo, coughs violently*
Bela: *Panics, slapping Alcina’s back repeatedly*
Cass and Dani *Laughing their asses off*
Donna: *Spits out the lemonade she’s drinking*
Angie: You know, I was the one who suggested Y/N play this so-
Y/N: My BAAAALLS feel like a pair of maracas!
Donna: *Is horrified* What?! Where did you hea-
Y/N: I got it from the toilet seEAaT!
Alcina: *Finally not in danger of dying, make-up smeared from the tears caused by her coughing* Well, at least they’re not saying they got it from me…
Bela: Umm… if anyone needs me I’ll be in my room for like the next 30 years or so… *Walks back to the castle*
Miranda: *Finally recovers and finds Sal holding her*
Sal: You’ll be okay, Mothe-
Miranda: *Pushes Sal off of her* Get off me, Salvatore! Ugh… what happened? *rubs her head*
Y/N: My BalLS feel like a pair of MaRrAaCaS!
Miranda:  Mama’s comin’, EvA! *Immediately conks out again*
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stardust-swan · 1 year
How to Be a Real Life Mermaid 🌊🧜‍♀️🐚
The Look
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🐚 Wear sea foam green, aquamarine, teal, ocean blue, soft grey, lilac, periwinkle, emerald, pale gold, white, deep blue, and turquoise
🐚 Pick flowy fabrics such as taffeta, chiffon, linen, silk, muslin, and sequined fabrics that resemble fish scales
🐚 Choose garments like maxi dresses, flowy skirts, bandeau off-the-shoulder tops, tank tops, soft scarves used as tops, shell clutches, woven bags, and pretty beaded sandals
🐚 Accessorise with jewellery made from pearls, sea glass, seashells, turquoise, aquamarine, opals, gold that resembles the sun glinting on the sea, and silver that reminds one of the metallic sheen of fish scales. Examples of accessories you can wear are bangles, anklets, layered necklaces, and pearl earrings
🐚 Makeup Ideas: eyeshadow in nudes like a sandy beach, greens and blues like the sea, or lavender and pink like a coral reef, shimmery highlight, dewy skin, coral pink lipstick, and seashell pink lipgloss
🐚 Hair Ideas: loose curls that look like ocean waves, fishtail plaits, green and blue hair dye, pearl hairclips, and sea salt hairspray. Brush your hair with a pretty wide-tooth comb.
The Lifestyle
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🐚 Listen to songs such as Martha's Harbour by All About Eve, No Ordinary Love by Sade, Come Into the Water by Mitski, Pearl Diver by Mitski, Mariners Apartment Complex by Lana Del Rey, and Call of the Sea by Claudie Mackula (a longer mermaid playlist is here).
🐚 You can also listen to the sounds of the ocean, like whale song or waves crashing on the beach
🐚 Watch movies and TV shows such as Aquamarine, Splash, The Little Mermaid, H20: Just Add Water, Mr Peabody and the Mermaid, Miranda (1948), Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi, Ponyo, Barbie in a Mermaid Tale, Barbie: The Pearl Princess, Neptune's Daughter (1914), A Daughter of the Gods (1916), Queen of the Sea (1918), Venus of the South Seas (1924), and Magic Island (1995)
🐚 Read books, fairytales, and poems such as The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, The Mermaid Handbook by Carolyn Turgeon, Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, and Lore by Skye Alexander, A Daughter of the Sea by Amy Le Feuvre, Undine by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, The Mermaid by Alfred Lord Tennyson, and The Sea-Child by Katherine Mansfield
🐚 Mermaids are renowned for their beautiful siren song, so sing sweetly and brightly as often as you feel like it
🐚 Make your self smell like the ocean by using a deodorant like Old Spice Deep Sea, and perfumes like L by Lolita Lempicka, Acqua di Gioia, Salt Air by Skylar, Fleur de Corail by Lolita Lempicka, Seahorse by Zoologist, Nymphéas by Kismet Olfactive, Salina by Laborattorio Olfattivo, Alien Mirage by Mugler, Very Sexy Sea by Victoria's Secret, 20,000 Flowers Under the Sea by Tokyomilk, Nebbia Spessa by Filippo Sorcinelli, Tiziana Terenzi's Sea Stars Collection, Chant d'Extase by Nina Ricci, Sirena by Floris, Squid by Zoologist, and Orto Parisi Megamare (be aware that the latter two suit a dark siren who lures men to their deaths more than a sweet mermaid princess).
🐚 Make your home smell like the deep sea too, with sea salt scented diffusers and candles such as Yankee Candle Sea Minerals, Yankee Candle Seaside Woods, or Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt
🐚 Home Decor Ideas: silk sheets in blue, grey, and sea green, seashell jewellery trays, homemade terrariums, jellyfish embroidery, seashell candles, beaded curtains made from string and shells, paintings of maritime scenes, glass vases filled with layers of sand, seashells, and faux pearls, seashell shaped soap dishes, rattan furniture, woven baskets, treasure chests to keep your valuables in, mermaid figurines, a seashell or jellyfish mobile, a bowl filled with seashells, a glass bottle filled with ocean water or with a love letter inside to replicate a message in a bottle, mosaics with marine motifs like seahorses and shells, even an aquarium with colourful fish if you are able to care for them
🐚 Spend lots of time around near bodies of water, swimming in it to connect with your inner mermaid, or just walking in it and feeling the sand beneath your feet
🐚 Collect seashells and pretty pieces of sea glass thar wash up on the shore
🐚 Watch synchronised swimming, or even learn it yourself
🐚 Go diving, snorkeling, or mermaiding
🐚 Visit aquariums to see beautiful exotic fish and learn more about the ocean
🐚 Do your best to be sustainable; make the world a cleaner place for your fishy friends to live in. If possible, attend a beach clean-up group local to your area to help pick up litter
🐚 Carry a haircomb and hand mirror with you at all times (you can hotglue seashells and faux pearls on the back of the mirror to make it even more like a mermaid's treasure)
🐚 Watch documentaries and read books on the ocean, marine life, and nautical myths and legends
🐚 Enjoy snacking on seaweed soup, coconut water, and Guylian seashell chocolates
🐚 Take luxurious baths with dead sea salt, seaweed masks, small white bath bombs that resemble pearls, a coconut scented candle, and calming music
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monsterblogging · 9 months
So, I think I finally sorted out why I find Karl Heisenberg kind of weird and incoherent as a character concept when I actually stop and think about it. It took me several weeks and two watchings of Why Do You Always Kill Gods in JRPGs? to finally put my finger on it, but here it is.
So, the Resident Evil franchise is a series that has been loaded with metaphor and allegory from day one. The games have talked about stuff like labor exploitation under capitalism, eugenics, theocracy, neoimperialism, and even how the existence of counter-terrorist organizations creates perverse incentives to make more terrorists so the organizations have something to do.
Now the thing is, these are all systemic issues. For most of the franchise, the focus has been on large scale systemic problems.
Resident Evil 7, however, changed things up a little. While systemic problems are still a thing, they're put on the back burner in favor of focusing on a toxic family dynamic. Specifically, it focuses on what happens when people internalize a loved one's irrational fears and unhealthy behavior patterns. The mold here represents the emotional bonds between these people, and the way it's rotted their physical home represents how it's destroyed the family as a home. As a concept it's pretty solid; the only issue here is the execution, which treats Eveline as if she's an unsympathetic monster when she's actually the primary victim here. But still, solid base concept.
Resident Evil 8 tries to do both interpersonal issues and systemic issues. It took a lot of cues from Resident Evil 4 (the "theocracy is bad, oh my god keep it out of the government" installment) and threw in a lot of systemic issue shit while also trying to be about a toxic family dynamic. For the most part, this works out fine.
You got Mother Miranda representing the power of theocracy. Lady Dimitrescu's here representing stuff like conspicuous consumption and worker abuse/labor exploitation. Donna's representing toys/entertainment used to distract people with unhealthy illusions rather than giving genuine enrichment. Moreau represents a neglected healthcare system. Heisenberg is here to be the military-industrial complex... or, is he?
The first three characters do a solid job of embodying actual systemic issues. Heisenberg, however, is kind of a mess because the game tries to code him as two completely different kinds of people: the militaristic leader, and the exploited blue collar worker/engineer/mechanic.
Many of Heisenberg's lines seem to suggest that he sees other people as means to an end; things to be weaponized. He frequently praises Ethan's body and wants to weaponize him against Miranda. He also wants to do the same with Rose. This is, of course, how the military as an institution tends to view people.
But one problem here is, Heisenberg doesn't dress the part. They could have put him in a ratty old officer's cap and jacket and given him a dozen swords (the weapon of the ruling class) to magnetically control. But instead, he dresses like a member of the working class and carries a fucking hammer. So while Capcom probably meant Ethan's rejection of Heisenberg's offer to come off as "fuck off, I'm not letting you exploit me!", it... sorta also comes off as "fuck you, I don't need no stinking unions!"
Heisenberg also complains that Miranda has humiliated him by putting him under her control. This might have been meant to reflect how actual militaristic shitheads love to complain that they're being humiliated and emasculated by not being allowed to inflict violence willy-nilly. But the problem is, Heisenberg's complaints are actually valid, because he's actually being abused by his mother figure. Your militaristic shitheads aren't being abused; they're just pissed off over not being allowed to go kill people wherever they feel like manifesting their destiny and becoming great men of history.
Additionally, Heisenberg just doesn't embody the toxic masculinity that your militaristic shitheads insist makes you a Real Man™. Yeah, his traumadumping is ill-timed and obnoxious, but he's actually talking about his trauma instead of just bottling it up. He's doing what toxic masculinity considers unthinkable - making himself emotionally vulnerable to another man. He's actually less aggressive than the other lords, since he doesn't actually try to kill Ethan until Ethan tries to kill him. Furthermore, in calling Chris Redfield a "boulder-punching asshole," he displays contempt for over-the-top displays of male-coded power.
And of course, Heisenberg making soldats could be read as a metaphor for how the military dehumanizes people by turning them into instruments of destruction, but the problem is that he's using people who are already dead. Sure, he's definitely been considering using living people, but the fact that this thought only comes after years of nothing else working and he's never actually done it says that he hasn't actually committed himself to this, so if that was the intention here... it also doesn't work.
So yeah, IMO Heisenberg ends up being a kind of weird, incoherent character concept because the game wants him to represent both the military-industrial complex and the exploited engineer/mechanic literally just trying to survive, and uh, these are two very different concepts and don't really work together in the same guy.
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kingbuffy · 1 year
God, have we not evolved? Haven't we been over this topic a million times before?? When you're shipping a non-canon mlm ship, and one half of that ship has a canonical relationship with a woman, stay with me now, that does not mean you have to bash her and spew hatred for her to prop up the mlm relationship. In fact, I would actively discourage doing that.
This is about my frustration with the way a lot of wintersberg fanfic treats Mia Winters btw. The thing that sucks about this, is like there's no nuance, because Mia is a morally grey character, a lot of fanfic just jumps to demonizing her. I would LOVE a wintersberg fanfic to thoughtfully unpack how Ethan would deal with his feelings about Mia were he to have the time. Mia did a lot of things that hurt Ethan, even if she had the best intentions, they still cost him everything. Why can't there be nuance acknowledging that? Mia's done a lot of shady things regarding her relationship to the Connections and Miranda, but Ethan's feelings about her would be complex, if he knew everything I think he would be very angry, but I don't think he would just stop loving her like a lot of fanfiction jumps to. Plus, she's clearly gone through her own mega trauma like Ethan, she just processed it differently than he did. She loved Ethan, it's why she thought she was doing right by him by not telling him the truth. Like, as someone who really loves wintersberg because I think it's fun, the Mia hate is not necessary for the ship to work. They're both dead, it's not like Capcom's gonna make them canon; you don't have to convince them you weirdos.
Also: the fanfic's not finished yet, but Deal by @tabikato seems to actually care about Ethan's complex feelings about Mia without it feeling like character bashing, which I really appreciate. It's also a pretty convincing wintersberg fic, which is a plus. Wintersberg fanfic has a habit of going way too fast into the romance, and I end up not buying it. Karl's an asshole and Ethan's very stubborn. It's gonna take a lot more than Karl's crush to bring them together.
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