#Native Voices
damneddualities · 5 months
The only critique I have for the Echo show on Disney+ is that it’s obvious they outsourced the captions to another company that likely used AI. Half the time the captions don’t come up unless you rewind and let it load again. Idk if this is just a problem for my tv but if it isn’t then that’s pretty fucking stupid. Like the show features a deaf/HOH main character and yet with many seems without sign language accompanying them the caption aren’t working. Make it make sense pls
Also to everyone who’s bitching that Maya’s power was changed: fuck you. This power connects her to her heritage and expands upon her Choctaw background. The power from the comics was pretty boring and severely unoriginal. Also maya from the comics wasn’t written by indigenous people. It seems perfectly fair and right that the take on Maya’s powers and subsequently her hero name harkens back to her roots as an indigenous woman.
So many people who complain that the MCU isn’t like the comics seem to forget that that is the whole point. It’s the Cinematic universe. It’s not the comic universe. There are going to be differences and that’s okay! As kind of awful as MoM was it still explained how and why there are differences from the comics: ITS A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE! Maya got the glow up she deserved in this show and it is 100% because people from the Choctaw nation were involved in every step.
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blackcrowing · 1 year
⚠️Irish Pagans⚠️ can we talk about something for a second?
Can we talk about Native voices?
I am 1010% here for deep indepth information dumps from native folks ESPECIALLY Gaeilge fluent native folks. I genuinely wish there was more! but can we talk about the people that essentially tell people from other countries that they don't know anything about anything because they're not native?
Honestly guys... there is so little well researched information out there as it is... if we have people out here willing to put in the work and deep dig into their unique niche interests in the subject... why are you basically going to tell them to shut up and sit down because they don't live there?
In reality how is that very much different than saying its a closed religion? Oh sure, other's can practice under this model, they just can't produce their own research... in this very limitedly researched environment...
So can we talk about this?
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just-aro · 6 months
I'm seeing variations of this meme around again, so to today's (un)lucky 10000:
the "inside you there are two wolves" meme is racist. full stop. it was invented by a Christian pastor in the late 70s and attributed to the Cherokee nation, despite being completely made up. every native american / indigenous page I've ever followed denounces it as made up and racist, using their imagery to sound mystical and wise while ignoring the people themselves.
please consider using another format. try to use your guilt productively: I'm not calling you out, this is aimed at educating. You can't erase not knowing in the past, but you can elect to 1) not reblog these in the future, 2) delete any that are easy to delete, 3) help to spread education by following native people's accounts and news so that you hear this from them, not me.
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crengarrion · 5 months
edit: please read my additions at the bottom before reblogging this post. please do not reblog this post without also reblogging the others i've linked!
if you saw my reblog(s) of ahmed's donation posts in which he includes his crypto wallets (and my links to those posts), anyone else's posts explaining how to donate to him using those wallets, or any aid post that mentions his ability to accept cryptocurrency and decided to villianise him and accuse him of being hamas for it... you are repulsive. you are not welcome here.
people are dying. paypal and ko-fi take percentages. paypal has a monthly withdrawal limit. i'm the first to admit i know nothing about cryptocurrencies, but ahmed has said it goes directly to him without a service taking a cut. i assume there are fewer or no withdrawal limits. it is harder to track and less regulated, which, in this case, provides an additional layer of security for people being precision targeted. get over it.
anyway. donate to ahmed's ko-fi. donate to ahmed's paypal. follow ahmed @90-ghost for updates on how to help him, and check his ko-fi and tumblr posts for updates. send him a nice ask. reblog his posts depicting he and his family's life in gaza. read tumblr user neaeach (naoual sahe)'s interview with ahmed. bring hope. listen to palestinians, don't speak over them.
ahmed's reblog of his interview, with a link to it:
direct link to the interview:
edit: i don't need reblogs, but palestinians, muslims, arabs, and other people suffering directly due to zionism and islamophobia do! please reblog their posts!! @el-shab-hussein has also made a post about these accusations against ahmed, which @fairuzfan added onto. and please reblog this post with ahmed's latest ko-fi update and all the ways you can DIRECTLY donate to him! thank you
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viperwhispered · 2 months
Guess what? I've got more Jamil x reader for y'all. You can also find this on ao3. No warnings, just 866 words of kinda fluffy(?) caretaking stuff with gender-neutral reader.
At this point, you know Jamil’s schedule almost as well as he does. So, when you have the chance, you head to Scarabia’s kitchen, hoping to spend some time with Jamil while he and the other students prepare dinner. 
However, when you enter, it takes you but a moment to notice Jamil’s uncharacteristic fumbling and the tired look in his eyes. The way Jamil’s chopping the vegetables has you worried about him cutting himself with that knife he’s usually so adept with, and it seems it’s only force of habit that’s keeping him on track.
You frown, and when your eyes meet Jamil’s, you can already see him put his guard up.
So he knows what state he is in, huh? And still, here he is.
It seems Jamil is reading your thoughts, all of him telling you drop it before any words are even said.
At least he still lets you lean in and give a quick kiss to his cheek in greeting.
“Hello love. Do you still have a lot on your agenda for today?” you ask, keeping your tone low for at least some semblance of privacy in the busy kitchen.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” is the response you get.
Of course.
It takes a little more pestering before Jamil actually answers your question. Your lips purse. That list is far too long to your liking.
You take a moment to think, juggling your own plans and to-do list against the urgency of the things Jamil mentioned.
“Will Kalim be eating from that?” you ask, pointing at the food Jamil is preparing.
“Alright, I won’t be touching that one, then. I’ve gotta do a few things but I’ll be back when you’re done here.”
“Don’t,” Jamil says with a glare, clearly aware of what you’re thinking.
Yet even his disapproving look doesn’t have the usual weight behind it.
“Yes. I will,” you say firmly, even as your heart curls inwards with another bout of concern.
Really, when did he get so tired?
And how did you not notice it earlier?
You leave the kitchen before Jamil can protest further, hurrying through the dorm corridors to find Kalim.
Soon you have an enthusiastic – and concerned – supporter for your plans. You have Kalim point out a few reliable Scarabia students to help with a few of the most urgent matters Jamil mentioned – cleaning up the common areas, delivering some paperwork to Crowley, preparing some dorm-wide notices – while you see to Kalim getting his school supplies in order for the following day. You even recruit a couple of third years to help Kalim with his homework.
You’ll see to the rest tomorrow – after all, you do also have a boyfriend to look after.
Your conversation over dinner can hardly be called anything else than an argument – despite Kalim’s best attempts at acting as a moderating force between you two. It is very tempting to ask Kalim to tell Jamil to take the rest of the day off – it’s not like Jamil would be willing to openly disobey a direct order. Still, you really don’t need to remind Jamil of his position on top of everything else that you’re already doing more or less against his wishes.
Eventually, however, Jamil’s had a square meal, the most urgent things on his to-do list are being taken care of, and you’ve managed to drag him to his bed.
“I really wish you wouldn’t push yourself so hard,” you murmur, your arms wrapped tightly around Jamil. You’re telling yourself you really do just want to cuddle, to offer some respite to Jamil. Still, there might also be a part of you worried that if you were to let go, he’d just jump up and get back to working himself to the bone.
Yet, for all his protestations, just the fact that you’ve gotten Jamil to lay down with you speaks volumes of his current exhaustion.
“I can’t just leave my duties, albi. You know this.”
“Making yourself too indispensable, is what you’re doing,” you protest.
Oh, you know it’s not so simple. Not with his background, not with all the expectations and assumptions.
But sometimes you really wish it would be.
Jamil merely scoffs in response to your words.
Still, it is undeniable that he is slowly beginning to relax in your arms, slowly bringing his head closer to yours. His eyes are starting to flutter, too.
“I will still need to help Kalim with his homework, at the very least.”
You wonder who he is trying to convince more, you or himself.
“Amin and Khalil are helping him. They’re basically top of their classes, aren’t they? I’m sure they’ve got it.”
Still, Jamil frowns.
You sigh. He really is not letting go, is he?
“Do you want me to go supervise?” you ask.
And leave you, unsaid yet hanging there right after your words.
“Don’t,” Jamil eventually says, the word barely more than a breath.
It seems he has accepted his fate.
You softly caress Jamil’s hair, listening to his softening breathing.
And when you wake up, wholly unaware of having been lulled to sleep in the first place, it’s to the lightest of touches from Jamil’s fingers.
Tagging @diodellet @twstgo @crystallizsch @jamilvapologist @jamilsimpno69 as per request If you'd like to be tagged for any future works, let me know!
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hearts1ckness · 5 months
i’ll be real w y’all i’ll be seated for the until dawn movie if, AND ONLY IF, they either completely change That or if they hire a native american writer to do better depicting Them in the movie
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meichenxi · 1 year
Speakers of non-English languages of the UK and Ireland wanted!!
Since it’s World Mother Language Day today (February the 21st), I’m thinking of doing a series of posts on the native non-English languages of the United Kingdom and Ireland, with some information and short interviews. 
For this, I am looking for both native speakers/signers and learners (with or without parentage/heritage of the language in question) of the following languages:
- Scottish Gaelic
- Irish
- Welsh
- Any sign language of the United Kingdom or Ireland (e.g. BSL)
- Any other minority language indigenous to the United Kingdom or Ireland. By this I mean primarily spoken only within the UK or Ireland as a minority, or spoken very little elsewhere. For example: Cornish, Manx, Shelta, or Anglo-Romani, not languages like Polish or Bengali that are minority within the UK but have a significant speaker base elsewhere. (I am aware that I am fishing for some of these *cough* Cornish *cough*...but you never know!)
- Any language or variety that you speak that you feel is linguistically / culturally distinct from Standard English that you would like to inform more people about. For example: Shetlandic, Scots, Ulster Scots. 
I don’t have anything finalised yet, but if you would be wiling to speak to me about some text-based interviews for the sake of qualitative and informative tumblr posts, please send me a message!
(NB: if I have used any names of languages that are not preferred, tell me and I will change them. I don’t know a lot about the non-Celtic and non-Germanic languages here, which is part of my reason for wanting to make this series of posts in the first place.)
Please reblog so more people see this!
- meichenxi
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
Deciding that certain activities can be done by or even conversation and media subjects can only be talked about by certain minorities creates an unnecessary barrier of entry for said minorities and is harmful.
Requesting that only LGBTQ+ authors write about the LGBTQ+ experience requires a world where all authors are publicly out. When “straight” authors are confronted about this often closeted LGBTQ+ people are forced to come out to stop the negativity. This is harmful. LGBTQ+ identity is extremely complex.
Allowing only indigenous people to hunt would need a system for identifying who is native enough to do so. Indigenous people would have to prove their heritage to who exactly? Fish and Wildlife? The Federal Government? That they’re sufficiently native enough to hunt. This is harmful. Native identity is extremely complex.
While these situations are not exactly the same and are not the only two situations like this, they highlight the issue of applying a superior morality to minorities and closing off the barrier of entry for those that are not as visibly that minority. A visibly LGBTQ+ person is not inherently more deserving than their less visible peers of writing about their experiences and feelings. A visibly native person is not inherently more deserving of the ability to hunt food than their peers deemed “white passing” by arbitrary colonial standards. Requesting “proof” harms less visible, and often vulnerable, members of minority groups.
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blinkpen · 1 year
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jimmyspades · 10 days
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JAMES SPADER as Timothy Fenwick, Jr. in the pilot of DINER (1983)
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next time I see a profusely apologetic Filipina teenager submit her painting of a generic Indian Chief to a FB artists' feedback group in broken English only to get absolutely smoked by Americans in the comments accusing her of drawing purely from prejudice and bias,
I will singlehandedly destroy the Internet
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like-this-post-if-you · 3 months
Like this post if you are a person of color
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goldentigerfestival · 3 months
I repeat, I am a sucker for soft, gentle Yuri, and the way Yuri goes so soft for Karol because Karol just wants to be believed and is sad makes my heart a little puddle.
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sparkly-skies · 5 months
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 5 months
everybody please consider the fact that solaris is probably a native swiss-french speaker with me okay??
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walterdoodles · 1 year
Today is Red dress day. Remember and Honour all of the Native Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two spirits that have gone missing and have been murdered. Most of these cases are never heard in the public and they are sadly forgotten. Today I want to spread awareness for all Indigenous people, I want to share my culture and help others understand the importance of sharing stories from these victims.
I will be donating as well on this day to several sites that support native women and girls. And also a few sites that want to protect ICWA. I suggest you do the same but if you are not financially able to then spread awareness respectfully.🧡🧡
(I’m doing Donation commission 50% of the profits go to NICWA! this post-> https://www.tumblr.com/walterdoodles/719214714265255936/im-opening-up-some-donation-commissions-if-you )
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No more stolen sisters
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