#No Naglfar for us!
reslari · 3 months
I love Elden Ring lore, because it's like George R. R. Martin wrote a world heavily steeped in Norse Mythology, and then Miyazaki went to read a book about Norse Mythology, got to the part where it said the gods knew they were going to die, but accepted it because it was ~fate~ and their ~noble obligation~ and ~necessary~. That upon their deaths, and after the Ragnarok, the world would be born fresh and lush and new and just...
Miyazaki: [looks at Norse Mythology]
Miyazaki: [looks at Dark Souls]
Miyazaki: [looks at Norse Mythology]
Miyazaki: [looks at Dark Souls]
Miyazaki: Pff, yeah right, like they'd ever just give up THAT easily.
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stillness138 · 3 months
Since there won't be any more expansions (and i'm a chronic procrastinator), i updated my personal top 10 Gwent card arts into a top 20, including the few sets that came since then and shuffling things around a bit.
It's a long one, hence the cut.
Personal top 20 Gwent card arts:
20: Bone Talisman by Bogna Gawrońska It's still the most festive looking thing i like. My beloved blue-and-bright red fidget spinner. I really can't explain my weird attachment to it any other way; i generally tend to like the item arts, maybe it's the collector brain, maybe it's because after Homecoming and most of the expansion sets since later 2019 onwards, these base set trinket adjacent arts became more prominent to me among a lot of new, more dramatic and bleak character and scenery art.
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19: Ceremonial Dagger by Katarzyna Bekus The entire set of strategem arts from Merchants of Ofir is honestly packed, but the dagger is the one i found myself putting in my in-game profile the most. Maybe it's the item hoarder brain again, maybe it's the color scheme i find relatable if that makes sense, most likely it's the premium helping a bunch to make that choice too. The background weirdly fascinates me. Does it have anything to do with The Spiral? I have never attempted to really assign any logical meaning to the strategem arts, they're clearly more symbolic than anything, but it still makes you wonder.
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18: Ard Gaeth by Katarzyna Bekus Somewhat related, here's another piece of wonky multiverse lore. And once again, it's the color that first grabs attention; the contrast of teal and this dusty red. Then one starts realizing the implied size and scope, the birds help with that, apart from being a cute composition detail. The shattery effect makes it look volatile, unstable, dangerous. Ominous. Which ultimately makes it fit with the rest of the Wild Hunt archetype in more than just lore.
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17: Coup de Grâce by Lorenzo Mastroianni There are two wolves in me, one loves bright colors, the other actually enjoys a lot of the bleaker scenes. Although to be fair, Lorenzo Mastroianni is a big contributor to that. And it's no wonder, when he casually drops stuff like this. It's almost symbolic, lot less than strategems but certainly more than other, straightforward "war sucks" Gwent art. How do you visually represent something sad in a way that makes it hard to look away not just because of the tragedy but because of the beauty put into making that image? You ask Lorenzo Mastroianni, the modern classical artist, to do it.
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16: Viper Witcher by Valeriy Vegera I once described Valeriy's art as "where Lorenzo uses a tight color palette, he uses every pencil in the case". This one is perhaps not as obvious an example, the whole piece has a very unified atmosphere especially from afar, but still, there are so many colors especially in textiles and skin. They're harder to register sometimes but it's how Valeriy does texture and shading. And somehow, he bridges the bleak and the colorful world too. Admittedly, this card also had to be here because mr. Viper is my son, and the voicelines are done by an actor with the nicest, smoothest bass i've heard since Peter Steele.
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15: Naglfar's Crew by Anton Nazarenko I was surprised by how much i ended up liking this one. It's the implications, i think; enchanted to laboriously upkeep this monster of a ship, this 'and if you see it emerge from a breach in the sky, you know you're fucked' symbol of death and decay. It's dark in a way i find compelling, i guess.
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14: Serpent Trap by Marta Dettlaff Back to the bright ones, i liked this art ever since i discovered it as Nature's Gift in post-Midwinter beta. The card saw play in Scoia'tael spell decks, and to me it became linked to Francesca Findabair for their shared spectral snake thing. But that all aside, the art is just so pretty. Vibrant, yet not oversaturated. And like the item arts, needed to balance out the cool and badass and the dramatic and tragic. Looking at it now, another point comes to mind; it's still grounded? The way Gwent art at large is grounded compared to other card games. Like it's not trying so hard (both this piece and the game's art in general). That's refreshing.
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13: Chort by Bartłomiej Gaweł It reminds me of the first game's main menu. The Witcher 1 main menu is, to me, one of the most accurate representations of this universe, its atmosphere. Even if the "you kill cows, you get ambushed by the fucking baphomet" is a meme game mechanic, something about it is...witchery. Superstition, folk legends, and ultimately, monsters. Or that's my takeaway, anyway. But the Chort art, beside being on the more rare side in-game, has always weirdly drawn me in.
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12. Oneiromancy by Lorenzo Mastroianni This was the Novigrad expansion key art before they turned it into a card, and i sure am glad they did. Lorenzo can get a bit weird, as a treat, someone said. Are they Condwiramurs and Corinne? Possibly! But i'll abstain from the schizo theories now. It's a gorgeous, well composed and executed surrealist piece. Inception if it had strong palpable atmosphere.
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Denis Villeneuve > Christopher Nolan. but Lorenzo beats both
11: Funeral Boat by, you guessed it, Lorenzo Mastroianni One final yippee for the last card set. And my god it's beautiful. Tight composition can get surprisingly hard to coordinate and make decisions for, but this is so well-balanced. The left end of the boat is closer to the frame, but right side has the most noticeable color, the character's face, and of course the bird to even it out. As if to defend the title i gave him earlier, Lorenzo references Isle of the Dead in a way that, even if symbolic, fits into the universe perfectly. Someone stop me before i start rambling about similar concepts in different mythologies.
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10: Dana Méadbh (now the token spawned by Call of Harmony) by Anna Podedworna The most famous Gwent artist enters the list. With a piece made around two, when you think about it very bold choices. The goddess of nature and life, glowing with inhuman light in a black and barren forest. Obscured by thin, bare tree trunks. But to make her emerge and stand out, that was necessary. And it's working wonders. A lot of the Scoia'tael faction is obviously green, all kinds of green, but even a simple choice like making it pop out of black makes the card art stand out among others.
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9: Circle of Life by Oleksandr Kozachenko It has everything i usually look for in Gwent art; nature, color, atmosphere. A certain tranquility, perhaps. A little bit of story - the orange badge is the Kerack coat of arms. It's that environmental storytelling thing gamers keep talking about, complementing the character and faction drama of the rest of its card set.
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There's a slightly changed, extended version, too, and somehow it's even better.
8: Gezras of Leyda by Bogdan Rezunenko As much as i tend to dunk on Bogdan for having played Blasphemous once and making it his entire personality, Gezras is easily the best school founder card art of the set. Once again, the choice to have these prominent arts on the more symbolic side paid off, and the result is a stalking nocturnal animal out for revenge, backed by a giant image of what simultaneously did him irrepairable harm and gave him the means to defend himself. The premium doesn't disappoint either.
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7: Rioghan the Undying by Daniel Valaisis To nobody's surprise, the atmosphere, once again, got me hooked. I love the cold color, the dramatic flow, the big imposing silhouette of a ship in the background. Poor boy is the picture of misery. It's pure melancholy (something not that common in the Skellige faction by the way, which is a point in favor of Funeral Boat too), that i, of course, am inevitably drawn to.
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he's just like me fr...
6: Witches' Sabbath by Michal Lisowski Did i craft this card already or not? The realist's complaint towards near-greyscale card art. I share this sentiment, if only for the comedy of it, but with a few notable exceptions, and this piece is the main one. The Robert Eggers comparisons were made already i'm sure, but it really is a take on the last good Witcher 3 quest with a dramatic, more dreamy, or you could say cinematic quality ramped up to 11. Gone is the fanservice present in the game and the unnecessarily grotesque depictions of fatness of other parts of this card set, and what remains is a beautiful, ominous callback to folklore and classical art.
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5: Tinboy by Valeriy Vegera This is a baroque painting. The drama. Tinboy doesn't take that scarf off, ever. And here this poor soul is, their last will to live dragging it off him. On purpose? On accident? Probably both. The pattern marking Tinboy as a gang member staining with blood of a victim, something something symbolism. All in Valeriy's signature 'which pencil should i pick up next' style. Underrated piece.
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4: Lara Dorren by Toni Muntean They finally got our girl. And once again, despite heartbreak, it's gorgeous. Soft, sweet colors with a necessary hint of melancholy (the lighting suggests it's sunset?), and a pure, painted quality without the need for texture assets. A scene like this is better left a comparatively simple and laid back tribute. Beyond the technicalities, i also really, really applaud Toni for the outfit design. This is the Aen Elle princess, dressed well but for the weather. And the fact her mostly blue clothes with yellow sleeves mirror Cregennan's yellow jerkin with blue details, and her red brooch above the heart might, beside contrasting with the blue, very well reflect his fatal wounds... well. As much as death on card art isn't always done the best, Lara is represented together with that which mattered to her the most. Despite being categorized among the Wild Hunt, she remains herself.
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3: Lydia van Bredervoort by Igor Klymenko The joy i felt when this was the art of Lydia they managed to get into the game. It's easily one of the best contest pieces and on par with the best Gwent has to offer - it has mood, and that ever present air of groundedness, realism, and in that, unfortunate tragedy. But similarly to Lara, it shows Lydia being her own person; doing what she loved and was good at without sight of Vilgefortz despite her being known as his ever loyal assistant. Likewise, it doesn't sensantionalize her condition, but references it in a subtle, tasteful, and even clever way. I also love her dress and the overall color palette. Igor understood.
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2: Eldain by Anna Podedworna Couldn't help it, this asshole has me in chokehold and he's enjoying it. In my defense, this piece highlights everything Anna is known for, because she's damn good at it. Incredibly sharp main subject of the piece contrasted against a blurry background, which allows for insane details like the strings extending from the top of the lute. To add more fun to it, Eldain isn't even in the absolute foreground, but the piece is still composed smart, so he remains the main focus. His silly red collar on mostly green helps. On top of all that, the art tells a little story, something Anna often does too, and in this case it delightfully sums Eldain up. It's also the best premium in the game.
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look at his little red ears from sitting against the sun aww
Honorable mention: Lake Guardian by Anton Nazarenko Like the following #1, this card has sentimental value to me as my second card reveal and artwork i made my best emote of. It was a perfect match, bird gals and all. It's a Sirin, bringing in a more obscure but not unwelcome mythology reference to the universe. And I love her vibrant, marble-like eyes.
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1: Dol Blathanna Sentry by Lorenzo Mastroianni ...remains my favourite card art since that fateful day sometime in January 2018. I was just discovering what there was to know about Witcher, downloading Gwent in the first place out of need for more content as i was slowly reading through the first book. Gwent has done a lot to explore and build on this universe, and it has helped me contextualize a lot of things early on. I remember scrolling through the deckbuilder, seeing this art, and being struck by its mood, this aura of secret and wonder. "Oh, so this is what Dol Blathanna looks like..." It's quintessential older Lorenzo. Very much admitted brush work, fog, tight color palette. The little specks of blue in flowers and face paint work just right. Maybe it's a reference to Arthurian myth and Avalon, maybe to Greek myth and Hades, or maybe, as is often the case and was the case later (or earlier in this list), both. It spoke to me and my sense of wonder back then. It speaks to me when i search for comfort now.
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now, time to tear Karol Bem to shreds in the top 20 least favourites xd
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revoevokukil · 11 months
there is a lot of talk about the relationship ciri and ava and laramore and the relationship with the laboratory elf did he use her as a consolation or a kind of medicine for the pain he suffered because of lara? and what does she feel for him is it just because he is a wise man or does she have feelings did she feel Ciri as a threat? please i want your opinion on this relationship
A courtesan or a lover (prospective, new, old, or otherwise)? Or a psychologist? The former frequently function as the latter. Certainly though, a woman who very much wanted to be in that boat instead of Ciri that afternoon.
We met the "laboratory elf" in Lady of the Lake.
She found Avallac’h on the terrace by the river just as he was boarding a boat in the company of a gorgeous elf-woman with straw-coloured hair. The elf-woman was wearing lipstick the colour of pistachios and flecks of golden glitter on her eyelids and temples. … Ciri was about to turn around and walk away when Avallac’h stopped her with a gesture. And invited her into the boat with another. Ciri hesitated. She didn’t want to talk in front of witnesses. Avallac’h said something quickly to the elf-woman and blew her a kiss. The elf-woman shrugged and went away. She only turned around once, to show Ciri with her eyes what she thought of her. ‘If you could, refrain from comment,’ said Avallac’h when she sat down on the bench nearest the bow.
Ironically, TW3 gives her a name: Isilira. In short, Lira. Not a huge jump from Lira to Lara, and that already says plenty. I am only half joking. (She is also implicated as a spy; present on Naglfar in a cut quest. But it's unknown if the Child of the Elder Blood quest was at the game in that iteration of the game or not.) TW3 reinforces the idea of her as of Avallac'h's paramour and I don't think it's misguided. Based on what the game shows, Isilira seems up for indulging Avallac'h's desires, or maybe shares some of them in a complementary manner (perhaps they're using each other in a mutually enjoyable way; wouldn't that be lovely). On display in the laboratory though are both Isilira's and Ciri's jealousy and preconceived notions about Avallac'h: Isilira hopes he is not serious about Ciri and Ciri hopes exactly the opposite, that there is something more serious Avallac'h feels toward her.
Why was the elf woman at TnL that day? What made her special enough to earn a private rendezvous with one of the most powerful elves in the realm? Gorgeous, prepared. She clearly expected to be favoured over Ciri, but was restrained & distant enough not to make her displeasure known to Crevan upon being set aside for a dh'oine. (No, correct that: closely avoiding a three-way date. Crevan's oblivious at first, inviting Ciri to him immediately.) If theirs is an established relationship then boundaries might already be set (lover or professional courtesan, I think there would be a minefield to learn by heart with Avallac'h just the same). If she is new, well, then her contempt for Ciri is all the more understandable (an object of desire or a potentially useful client preferring some mongrel over you, I mean…). How serious could it possibly be, though? How much does the elf woman know about the gossip circling about Ciri, who bears the eyes of Lara? Does the "don't take away my memories of Lara" not apply to anyone but Ciri? Evidently.
I find the fact that this scene with the elf-woman is included in LotL incredibly interesting.
The man who has ever only wanted the love of one Woman, who cheated on him and did not want him in the end, is himself wanted by other women. Crevan's love for Lara seems to have been painfully genuine; earnest, despite his inherent pragmatism. It is always interesting to see what happens to people like him upon being disappointed in an ideal they have allowed themselves to fall for.
I think Avallac'h's vanity is a surprisingly underappreciated aspect of his persona. He is an elite of the elite - The Guy - and he knows it. He has an ego. Appropriately bruised by The Woman. But The Woman is dead and a few others at TnL may have sighed in relief when it happened; there's free real estate now. Joke's on them, of course, but has that ever stopped anyone persistent in the short term? I guess it takes a particular type.
Speaking of types: Avallac'h seems to be all about the Halo effect nowadays. To be seen as romantically linked with an attractive partner puts a seal of approval on a man's desirability in the eyes of other women. You don't know the guy personally and might infer he has qualities women desire in mates. Interesting insofar as the scene's included for Ciri's POV. You can halo-effect yourself too, of course; most who have ever been left or betrayed or hurt have questioned their self-worth. And that's yet another aspect that makes Avallac'h a really complicated character. You wouldn't know this implied mass murderer's heart and ego have been chewed up, mangled, and spat out by The Woman he loved unless her ghost was summoned: but simultaneously, when you learn it, you also learn that while Crevan is genuinely forlorn he is also absolutely resentful. Underneath, he is still angry. He hasn't dealt with it. Perhaps he is trying to deal with it.
(And I can hear a fic calling at me with a plot of him going to the she-elf as to a bed shrink; a witch he spends almost as much, if not more, time talking to while they are bathing as he does fucking her. I imagine Ciri features heavily in those conversations, as this is where it all gets really deliciously messed up. And I imagine Isilira is - on a professional level - amused, even while personally her heart is finding new degrees of stone to turn into. There, a WIP was born. Thanks, anon!)
And as concerns his vanity, who is to say Crevan didn't think he was the best thing since sliced bread right from the get go; when he was courting Lara? Being genuinely in love with someone makes you adjust your personality a lot, sure, but given how in-your-face Avallac'h's self-love is I don't think it's ruled out he took it as self-evident he was the best-suited for Lara. A wonderful loop: Destiny confirming self-importance and self-importance confirming Destiny. (But also - love; do we not all think along these lines when we are in love? Which came first? What feeds what?) Now, I don't know much about being the top 0.01% and how that affects what you're looking for in your partner - someone who understands your exceptionality & embraces what others see as vices must have been reassuring & relaxing on some level for Lara - but I can see smugness causing an allergic reaction even if the person loves me very-very much. Moreover, I think it's ironic how emotionally unavailable Avallac'h post-Lara does to those who desire him what Lara ended up doing to him. Circles of hurt everywhere; unintentional or not.
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Transport Bracket Round 1 Poll 7
Arthur’s Lifepod: the last remnants of Fort Galfridian, and the tool Mordred used to save his father before plunging into the sun. Who knows how long Arthur stayed there, mourning his fallen world? He might still be there. 
Exploration Vessel Nalfgar (From Terminus): In the original Norse myths, this was Naglfar, the ship of the dead. It was made from the nails of corpses, and it carried hordes of monsters ready to do battle. In the Bifrost Incident, this exploration vessel was among the first to report a need for assistance. It would not be the last.
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mellosakicc · 1 year
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naglfar tees
for a patron. i couldn’t find very many designs that were clear enough to use :(
base game compatible
m&f - teen thru elder
enabled for random
custom cas thumbnail
download (simfileshare) | download (patreon - free)
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10 Quotes from Loki: The Liar that Make Me Feral
"Very well then. As you said, so we shall be. Loki the cursed. Loki the unloved. Loki the liar." (Loki)
"You were my masterpiece, but you weren't a weapon. I made you just like me. To see myself reflected. You were art." (Loki)
"Stories are cruel things. Just another kind of lie." (Book of Truth/Naglfar)
"But we know what you're probably wondering. What has any of this got to do with Loki?" (Naglfar)
"Loki, please tell me that I don't have to explain to the king of Jotunheim why he shouldn't be looking directly at the sun." (Wiccan)
"He might have realized evil, mischief, and trickery would likely coagulate into an evil, mischievous trick on their wielder." (Naglfar)
"Loki, who has friends who invited him to sleep in a palace bed, though they knew his greatest capacity was for betrayal." (Naglfar)
"I have decreed all denizens of the kingdom should be taught how to read." (Loki)
"For who are you to tell us whether or not we are cursed? Or whether or not you should be immune to it, our maker?" (Naglfar)
"His propensity for shame is so small. His capacity for self-delusion so great." (Naglfar)
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bunnikida · 2 months
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For the ship ask game... How do you rate Loki's ship Naglfar?
I wrote a long ass answer to this ask and it didn't post 😭
Anyway here is naglfar slapped on my messy ship chart, thank you for already providing a pic so I didn't have to look for one <3
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It's not the worst mythological ship by far but they definitely could have found better body parts to use for ship material than finger and toenails. Now that I think of it, I should have put this further on the doesn't make sense axis... Like how do they even make the nails stick together? How do you make a skeleton for the ship with such tiny things? I'm imagining a grotesque resin embedded art abomination ngl
Anyway, thank you for the ask! I definitely meant for you to answer it in that post but I sure don't mind answering myself either
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enddaysengine · 1 year
Tombstone Troll (Planescape, PF2)
What's this we find in Blood Lords #1? Tiny, half-undead trolls who are constantly wracked with body horror? Well, that is the type of thing to get me going when I need inspiration. Tombstone trolls are awful, hobbit-sized trolls who have been infused with negative energy. When planning a campaign around trolls or giants, they fulfill a unique niche by being both small giants and having a low CR (one of the struggles the Giantslayer AP had filling). Again, they are awful. I adore them.
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From a planar perspective, what stands out about tombstone trolls is their immunity to negative energy. They may not hang around the Negative Energy Plane since their abilities all deal negative energy damage, but they can survive on the Plane (and the negative Quasielemental planes) far better than most mortals. While they generally aren't smart enough to take advantage of this, they do make great mooks and minions for Factions and schemers interested in those planes.
Alwan the Noxious' breath has run away from him. The diminutive troll was undergoing breathing training with Ciphers to give him greater control over his Grave Breath. He overworked things, and now his breath has taken the form of a negatively charged air elemental which hides in the Lower Ward. Until Alwan gets his voice back, he can neither speak nor use his breath attack.
The Doomguard relies heavily on tombstone trolls to serve as its scouts on the Quasielemental planes. The trolls rarely are more than namers, driven less by ideology and more by the promise of frequent corpses as meals. The more callous Faction members treat them as little more than trained animals, but few can explore the negative wastes as thoroughly unprotected by magic.
While Naglfar, the ship of Ragnarök, has yet to be completed, smaller vessels and Spelljammers journey from Helheim across the planes. Constructed of the dead or undead, these ships are crewed by duergar, elves, and tombstone trolls in service to Hel. They can strike anywhere from the Astral Sea to Mount Celestia, but their raids must be lightning fast - otherwise the trolls start looking at the ship as a larder instead of transport.
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gatheringfantasies · 9 months
On the wrong acc on phone but I send ☭ for Fafa!!
Battle intro:
BGM - A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry remix by Kissing the Mirror
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"Dear Naglfar, how powerful are you? Will you kindly show me personally~?
Half HP:
"You're holding yourself well~. Show me everything you got, I want to feel it."
Low HP:
"That's it, give it to me more~. I want to experience your fullest till the end of our game~!
"Fufufu, sorry dear. I didn't mean to play around with you that hard though I'll give you some softness to rest on later to make up for it~"
"Oh. . . So, that's how it is. Well done, Naglfar. You've impressed me, You may well have what it takes to defeat your darkness. For now, let us play again soon~"
"Hmm. . . Evenly matched? I'll say that's still good for you. Keeping up with darkness is to make sure you're not overwhelmed by it."
"Naglfar! Bind these enemies!"
"Just forfeit to me and I'll give you a soft hell~"
Reacting to Taunt:
"Interesting, you are braver than I had given credit for~"
Perfect Victory:
"That's no good. You have to grow stronger not with your abilities but with your mind. If you are so willing to protect your lands then you must bloom into a powerful tree that can overcome your current darkness. Course, who knows besides yourself. The only choices that are important are those you make and no one else's. Now then, let us enjoy a treat together~"
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droids-in-disguise · 9 months
I just finished watching The Sandman for the first time, and as a comic book enjoyer, it scratched a very particular itch for me.
I haven't read the Sandman comics specifically but I do read a lot of comics, generally, and one thing I loved is how the show maintained the structure and flow of reading a comic book series. Despite watching a lot of comic-to-screen adaptations I've never really seen one done like this before, or at least none so obviously as Sandman.
When you read comics, you start to notice that most series have multiple story-arcs of varying lengths, they sometimes move concurrently, sometimes not. Sometimes arcs will span the entire length of the series. Sometimes they will end just before a new head writer joins the team. Sometimes arcs will crossover between two or more different comic titles, and you can stick with just one title to get an ok story or make sure you hunt down all the issues to get the complete one. Sometimes story-arcs will last a handful of issues acting as a mini story within the story. Sometimes an arc will be a single issue one-shot, or a one-shot might have multiple tiny arcs, and so on.
Morpheus hunting for his lost ruby, helm, and sand is one story-arc (this is random but it's actually somewhat similar to the arc in the current Loki comics where three pieces of the naglfar ship have been stolen and used by those who do not understand their consequences and Loki must hunt them down). You could watch just the first 5 episodes of The Sandman and have a relatively satisfying and mostly complete story, same with episodes 7-10 which encompass the Vortex arc. Even while these entirely separate arcs are happening, the Corinthian's story is underpinning all of them.
Then you have episodes 6 and 11 which effectively function as self-contained one-shots. Episode 6 is that issue that gives you a breather between the more complex story-arcs, gives the writers a chance to breathe and do a bit of a character study. Morpheus spending a day with Death and Hob's story certainly fit within the themes of the show and flesh out what we know about the show's world and characters, but they don't really have much to do with moving the plot along for either the hunting for lost items or Vortex arcs. Episode 11 feels like the special issue where guest artists and writers are invited to create their own anthology of stories within the universe we know (reminds me of DC's Pride one-shots, or Marvel's Voices anthology series), especially with the episode's double title and the fact that the first part of the episode is animated. "Dream of a Thousand Cats" answers the question: what about the dreams of animals? "Calliope" is an entirely self-contained story of a muse, trapped and abused by men for their own selfish gain. You wouldn't even necessarily know it was set in the Sandman universe except for the fact that Morpheus shows up towards the end.
When it comes to characters there's a massive cast, and different characters show up at varying levels of consistency, with Morpheus being the only one who ties everything together. The others who appear with the most frequency are the ones close to Morpheus like Lucienne and Matthew. You have characters that only show up for one arc, such as Ethel and John, or Rose and Jed. You have a character like Unity who we briefly meet in the first arc but who doesn't really come into play until the Vortex. You have episode 5, "24/7" where 75% of the episode is carried by a group of people in a diner that we've never seen before and almost certainly will never see again. Comic books are not limited by how many characters they have because all an artist has to do is draw them, they don't have to hire new actors each time. Compare that to most shows where almost everything revolves around a small group of consistent characters.
Perhaps I'm stating the obvious with all of this, but I just really fell in love with the way this show was structured and I feel like even if no one told me it was based on a comic series I still would've been able to figure it out.
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Meet the rest of generaiders. They are all named after famous beings or myths from Norse mythology. They all have human forms
First up Hela and Frodi
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Frodi is a spirit of warriors and swords. He is an ability known as mystical armory (blade). The best way to describe it as Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon or a bunch of sword will try to hit you in all angles. Hel has an ability to basically drag someone into hell basically. She can use the people who have a grudge with the target who happens to be dead and magnify it. She also has necromancy and the ability to see and control ghosts. Frodi is the God of warriors and swords. Hela is the goddess of death.
These are their human forms
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They both hide them selves as a member of the church. They even use utgarda as the church building. The reason why Hela has a veil covering her head cause the horns. (From left to right the character is called Sessyion Kiara from Fate grand order and Fate Extella. The picture is from a craft essence known "Heroic Spirit Festive Wear: Sessyion Kiara." The character on the right is called Amakusa Shiro from Fate grand order and Fate Apocrypha. The Craft Essence/ CE is called "The One who Desires Salvation")
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Finally nidhogg and nagalfar.
Nidhogg and naglfar get into fights very often. Usually it involves loptr framing one of the two with the other's troubles. Nidhogg has the ability absoulte zero (body). Absolute Zero (body) can be used to freeze any thing that has water in the thing or is currently in contact with water. Naglfar has the opposite. Anything that has heat on the positive side can be used to set it on fire. Naglfar can make someone spontaneously combust.
These are their human forms
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This is nidhogg's human form. (the character is called Sigurd from Fate grand order. This is a costume in Fate Grand order called memories with my lover.) This is Naglfar human form and yes, if you boop the gem on his forehead. He can sent his hair on fire it does not hurt him just his clothes are gone. (The character is called Ashavatthaman from Fate grand order. The image is from a CE known as Heroic Spirit Tour: Ashavatthaman)
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Finally Utgarda and Loptr.
These two are the total opposites. Utgarda is the most patient out of the others and dislikes causing problems. Loptr is and will cause trouble for no reason and is very impatient. He is also the reason why the splights cause more mischief and also why they have a mischievous personality. Utgarda is the God of Stone. Utgarda has an ability to control metal or stone by any means. Loptr has the ability illusion divine. This is an ability to make illusions so real people don't know it was an illusion.
They both don't need a human form. Utgarda can hide some of their parts to become a church while loptr looks relatively human.
Here are the myths they represent from Norse mythology
Frodi - Light Elves and the God Frodi
Naglfar - Naglfar
Nidhogg - Nidhogg
Utgarda - Utgaroar (some letters are accented but can't type it.)
Loptr - Loki
Here is some funny headcanons that have happened involving them.
Hel sometimes smokes so she makes a pipe and uses naglfar's body to light said pipe. Loptr has a fear of slippers cause when Loptr shapeshifted as a child he was with a strict mother and he was beaten by a slipper. Frodi uses Utgarda to store his sword collection. The lovely couple are one of the few people who they have a trust with.
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myth-lord · 2 years
Ice and water creatures
Geez, I'm having a lot of water and ice creatures for ya.
Creatures living in frosty conditions: Ugjuknarpak / Ahkiyyini / Akhlut / Amikuk / Ijiraq / Issitoq / Itqiirpak / Ishigaq / Qalupalik / Psonen / Sermilik / Tupilaq / Wendigo / Tizheruk / Yeti / Yuki-Onna / Qupqugiaq / Hrimpursar / Mahaha / Colorobetch / Barbegazi
Creatures using ice as weapon/magic: Ijiraq / Issitoq / Ishigaq / Qalupalik / Psonen / Sermilik / Tizheruk / Yuki-Onna / Hrimpursar / Mahaha / Colorobetch
Creatures living in lakes/seas: Abaia / Adaro / Zitiron / Afanc / Ahkiyyini / Ahuizotl / Ugjuknarpak / Akheilos / Isonade / Akhlut / Alp-Luachra / Amhuluk / Boobrie / Bukavac / Bunyip / Dingonek / Burach Bhadi / Caleuche / Chipfalamfula / Cuero / Echeneis / Globster / Grindylow / Haietlik / Siren / Heikegani / Hinqumemen / Umibozu / Hydra / Ikuchi / Kappa / Karkinos / Saratan / Kelpie / Lakuma / Charybdis / Longgui (dragon turtle) / Lusca / Iku-Turso / Migas / Kraken / Marool / Mishibizhiw / Mokele-Mbembe / Mbielu-Mbielu / Muirdris / Nakshatra Meenu / Namazu / Nuckelavee / Qalupalik / Roc / Thunderbird / Sazae-Oni / Scylla / Shen / Skolex (Indus Worm) / Tiddalik / Berberoka / Trolual / Raudkembingur / Bakekujira / Vodyanoi / Bagiennik / Arzhavennik / Bolotnik / Will o Wisp / Knucker / Topielec / Ninki Nanka / Morgawr / Marabbecca / Tlanusi / Cipactli / Rusalka / Nereid / Shellycoat / Fossegrim / Encantado / Water Leaper / Ghawwas / Butatsch / Trollgadda / Vatnsandi / Stella / Ziphius / Caspilly / Naglfar / Petsuchos / Con Rit / Dobhar-Chu
Creatures using water magic: Abaia / Ahkiyyini / Amhuluk / Caleuche / Hinqumemen / Umibozu / Ikuchi / Kameosa / Kelpie / Lakuma / Charybdis / Mishibizhiw / Qalupalik / Berberoka / Tiddalik / Vodyanoi / Bagiennik / Bolotnik / Topielec / Marabbecca / Tlanusi / Cipactli / Rusalka / Nereid / Fossegrim / Encantado / Ghawwas / Cuca / Stella
There are tons more, especially creatures living in water, but I'm not really a fan of those, so I'm gonna leave it up to you to find them ALL lol :-p
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nimblermortal · 1 year
Descriptions of Ragnarok: ...the ship Naglfar, which is made of dead men's nails
6,999,999,999 people on this planet: Ah yes, fingernails and toenails
Nimbler: Oh that's neat, all the iron nails one uses in one's life time are used to build the ship of the end of days, such that it is simultaneously a mythological creation as an iron boat that nevertheless floats - ha given that we have now constructed such - and a commentary on how all the works of creation serve only to fuel creation's end, and the works of mankind are doomed to work against themsel...
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of-invisible-ties · 1 year
@divergentpaths​ ;; Ephraim
Lyon knew he shouldn’t have survived that fateful day in the Black Temple. His own heart had been pierced by a lance, yet, when he awoke, it was among the white-clad members of the Order of Heroes. They’d told him that he’d been summoned to help them. 
He scoffed at the thought. What use could he possibly be? True, Naglfar had joined him in this realm, and perhaps its powers could be of help; but even then, Naglfar’s powers were hardly his own. He’d borrowed that fell magic from the Demon King. He didn’t deserve to be here. His second chance at life  — that most would kill for! — was better spent on a worthier Hero. 
Then, one day, he sees the face he dreaded most: Ephraim. 
The first time he’d seen his old friend, he’d turned tail and ran. He’d caused Ephraim enough pain. But the prince of Renais was nothing if not persistent. One day, he decided to give chase, and Lyon could never hope to outrun him. 
“Ephraim ... why?”
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“Why do you seek me out? I’ve hurt you so much. I ... I deserve neither your kindness nor forgiveness.”
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thirstyforred · 2 years
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(logo by @stillness138 <3 ) picrew can be found here x
i realized i need new Aen Elle OC for a stupid meme so here we're with small profiles on my Red Riders
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Semaerse yn Verdigris aep Fraghion
their name Semaerse, pronounced Mer, means Misery in Ellyon, he comes from the genetic line "Copper" created by Aen Saevherne Fraghion
Hen Ichaer in their genes manifest, one obviously in their looks - not so dissimilar to Lara Dorren's herself
he also possesses some precognitive ability, not enough to become a prophet, but more like a Danger Sense. Often he and Nam would train together, she finding "blind spots" in their defenses, he trying to spot her before getting ambushed
he wasn't with the rest of the gang on the life-changing road trip to Night City, spending instead all that time fighting unicorns and riding with the Hunt
because of that he eventually was eventually promoted to be Warrant Officer. Making them the 3rd highest rank not-aristocrat Dearg Ruadhri, after Caranthir and Imlerith
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Delsingove yn Zaebel aep Mona
Dilsingove is a compound, and somewhat poetic, word meaning "misty daybreak". Her line, "Saber", was maintained by Sage Mona
she's able to create small, but stable area effect similar to Dispelling Spell, by channeling the chaos powers straight from the Spiral without much cost to herself
her talent was often used on Naglfar, which with each jump across the worlds gathers a lot of wild energy on its hull and sails, earning her rank of ships Taskmaster
in Night City she started using Mona as her first name as it was shorter and easier to pronounce for humans there, and she came to like it more than Delsingove
she spent the least amount of time there, however, she returned to Tir na Lia one arm short - the new prosthetics had to be adapted to work without electricity
after returning she reclaimed her previous rank without many issues
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Nithral yn A´ghaen aep Varlas
Nithral is a no longer used in Ellyon word meaning something akin to a hellion. Varlas was one of two Aen Saevherne working on the "Silver" line, the second one created soon after Lara's death was confirmed. Silver is the most versatile line, with each unit being specialized, instead of a whole line, like it is with the later ones
he has some sort of omniscience coming from his own understanding of the structure of the Spiral. However, despite many attempts and interviews with the Sages, it's not knowledge he can explain or teach to anyone else
for example, despite possible changes to Destiny, he is always aware of the circumstances of his own death
as he spent the longest time in Night City, under the persona of V for several years, he returned with many augmentations - one of the most notable ones are Kiroshi eyes and modified Kerenzikov
after returning he was demoted from the position of Sergeant, but eventually, Caranthir promoted him again and added him to his own squad
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Namrevlis yn A´ghaen aep Vherithas
she/her (he/him before the Night City)
another Rider from the "Silver" line, she was created by master Vherithas. The name itself is an anagram of Silver Man
she has extremely keen eyes and a sense of orientation, as well as attention to detail, meaning that dropped in an unknown world she would be able to just by observation determine her position on the Spiral
this paired with the extensive survivalist and stealth training makes her the perfect scout
before the Night City she was the First Scout of the Wild Hunt, a title created both to commemorate her abilities and expertise, and to avoid giving her actual officer rank
as the disappearance of vital Riders in another world for several years was determined to be a consequence of her mistakes, after returning to Tir na Lia, Namrevlis was demoted and Semaerse became the Warrant Officer
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July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 6 • Other related deities and entities associated with this deity.
Besides his family (see previous post of this for reference), Loki interacts with pretty much the whole of the Nine Worlds. You can easily find more in any mythology book, I’d rather tell you my own personal experience. Remember, this is my perception and you’re not asked to agree with it, just be respectful, as usual.
Loki’s tied to Jötunheimr, a realm he visits often. There he meets various locals, like Skrýmir, or Þjazi, whom he kills. The killing of the latter leads to a bit of trouble with Þjazi’s lovely daughter Skaði, but that’s another couple of stories. He also appears to enjoy visiting Svartálfaheimr, and seems to love the beautiful creations of the Dwarves, though sometimes this leads to a bit of trouble. No surprise here. Lord Surtr, king of Múspellheimr, is an important figure in Loki’s story: his realm keeps the ship Naglfar, the ship Loki will steer at Ragnarök. Coming to Æsir and Vanir, Thor is definitely worth mentioning among Loki’s friends. Loki and Thor live marvelous adventures together and go along easily. Given Loki’s tie with lightning and Thor’s bond with thunder, their friendship is also kinda symbolic of the natural elements they’re related to. Freyja is someone whose company I feel Loki enjoys, reciprocated. They’re both masters of magic and seiðr, sometimes share her feathered cloak, and I think they’re good friends. Óðinn, well. Loki and Óðinn go way back to the beginning of time, when they used to roam the Nine Worlds with Hœnir. They're blood brothers, yet some feel Loki and Óðinn can’t possibly get along. I respect this opinion, but that’s not what Loki’s shown me. Total UPG here, but my senses (and Loki) tell me that though they have no doubt a complicated relationship, the bond is very much there, both ways. It’s just something a bit beyond our understanding.
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Art: Brothers' Oaths by Hellanim on DeviantArt
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