#Pussy Analysis
calypsolemon · 1 year
something about the way Kitty can't help but end up trusting and loving others despite all the ways she has been hurt, and her own insistence that she does not trust others. The way that she so naturally falls into trusting Puss when he shows a modicum of honesty and genuine emotion to her.
I think Kitty is someone who has a lot of love in her heart, a fact she hates about herself because it leads to her getting burned quite often. She feels like she cannot ever truly practice what she preaches and just stay away from caring. Even, towards the end, she gives up her wish to Puss, not because she thinks he deserves it more, but because at that point, even wishing for someone to trust feels like a failure on the part of herself to just learn her damn lesson and stay away.
Which is why it is so important that she finally gets what she needs through Puss. That she witnesses him fighting for his life instead of running, fighting for his right to love her for the short time on this earth that he has left. She needed to hear this from somebody, that she is worth caring about. More than just a cute pet that looses its luster when it starts scratching the furniture, more than just a fleeting fancy abandoned the moment something goes wrong. She finally has someone tell her she is worth recieving the love and trust she so easily gives, in equal measure.
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comradekatara · 24 days
Started watching lok and they spent so much time making mako fumble beautiful women they forgot to make non-benders oppressed
LMFAO yeah book 1 is such a mess. I think they were trying to illustrate that amon is a charlatan who used the plight of the people to disguise his rise to power through framing it as a genuine social movement for equality, but it doesn’t actually make any sense because “non-benders” and “benders” broadly speaking do not constitute coherent classes. the class dynamics in republic city operate along axes of neocolonialism and neoliberalism, so it’s not a matter of non-benders or benders having more power, it’s a matter of 1) who stands to benefit from living in a fire nation neocolony on earth kingdom land (descendants of original fire nation settlers) 2) who controls the means of production (hiroshi ford, primarily!). the sato family are not benders, but they are shown to be far more powerful than mako and bolin, who are literally professional benders, because they are industrialists who control most of the technology in/of the city. in fact, we constantly see mako and bolin’s bending-labor being exploited, whether in dangerous athletic arenas, doing dangerous work for gangs, dangerous factory work, etc. just due to the concrete examples we are shown, if anything, non-benders largely live in wealth, while benders largely live in poverty.
but this evidence, too, is anecdotal, and i don’t believe it, because again, “non-bender” is not a coherent class marker/identity. king kuei is the monarch of the world’s largest nation who has spent his entire life so sheltered that he wasn’t even aware that the world had been devastated by a century of fire nation imperialism. sokka is a colonized subject who spent his entire childhood internalizing the notion that it was his duty to die as a martyr to save his sister who has been valorized due to her unique position as the last waterbender of the southern tribe (which, if you couldn’t tell, is the result of a targeted genocide, not some inherently distinguished qualia that designates benders as ontologically superior). the fact that neither of these characters are benders does not align them socially or politically.
moreover, the reason that katara’s waterbending was valorized within her tribe was due to the scarcity of waterbenders as a result of their systemic elimination. waterbending represents a unique cultural artform to their people (it’s actually one of the first things the show establishes) and only katara possesses the unique capability to continue that legacy. due to the fire nation imperialist project, katara being a waterbender puts a target on her back; yes, it empowers her personally and culturally, but materially it constitutes another facet of her oppression — much like haru as an earthbender in occupied territory, and much like aang as the last airbender. meanwhile, firebenders are materially empowered due to their imperialist dogma that establishes firepower as the inherently superior form of bending / technology of conquest. as atla establishes, bending is political due to its spiritual and cultural value, but is politicized primarily with regards to colonial power dynamics, and thus not all benders constitute a coherent class, certainly not as they would either function to oppress or be oppressed by non-benders.
i’ve seen a lot of people claim that amon represents communism, or more specifically, maoism, which is bogus for many reasons, but most principally is the fact that he quite literally never addresses the issues that are actually oppressing certain people of republic city: namely, capitalism. “oh but he knows he’s bullshitting, he’s just telling people what they want to hear because he’s a populist dictator who just wants to seize power over republic city!” okay, so in the most generous reading of amon, he’s trump (I know lok is an obama era text, but just go with me here): he’s a member of an “oppressive” class disguising himself as a man of the people to appeal to a broad demographic by scapegoating an arbitrary group of people through tactics of fearmongering (“benders will kill you and your family…for reasons”) because he’s simply a power-hungry conman. he knows that neither non-benders nor benders are materially oppressed, and is simply exploiting the intuitive logic that it must suck to be a non-bender in a world full of people with literal superpowers for his own benefit.
and he’s doing all this …. because he had an abusive father??? or something???? nothing about his motivations or ideology is coherent. when jet manipulates katara and aang into helping them fill the reservoir, it’s with the explicit intention to flood an occupied village as a mode of anticolonial resistance. when long feng manipulates kuei into being his malleable puppet, it’s with the express purpose of controlling the entire earth kingdom from the shadows. amon wants power…because? maybe i’m just remembering key details from his tragic backstory (granted, it’s been a while since i’ve rewatched lok), but i can’t remember amon ever expressing a coherent ideology or motivation besides maybe spite? and either way, his role as a populist dictator villain who employs the signifiers of the chinese cultural revolution is pretty obviously in poor taste when the blatantly pressing issues of capitalist and neocolonial exploitation are never actually addressed and critiqued beyond the bogeyman anarchist terrorists and the fascist ethnonationalist pointing out that the status quo is bad, maybe? to which they must all ultimately be made to surrender to the effusive, all-powerful glory of impotent liberalism. whatever. at least we have korrasami.
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lubotomies · 6 months
its really funny how insanely talented paul is in animation but also the end is so hideous like can i just list the issues i have with the end really quick animation wise
their heads are nearly flat.
every shot theyre always cut off in some way and sometimes the very tops of their heads are out of frame. please just move the camera back.
there are no interesting angles or shots whatsoever everything is eye-level medium shot all the time like a wes anderson film if it was bad
this is just a trademark of pauls animation but they always move so fucking slowly its like someone filled the room with marijuana smoke and molasses theyre all in slow motion all the time
transitions are so fucking quick like it borders on johnny test with the way it snaps back and forth with a whiplash sound effect
The colours are so fucking ugly tom is literally a grey yellow in the end it drives me CRAZY
their arms are too short. bear with me. their arms are too short but their fingers are proportionally realistic with all 3 joints but the palms are thin and short so the fingers are too long. typically your fingertips reach just shy of the midway of your thing but pauls style their fingertips literally either reach past their knees or stay right at their waists and its scary.
This is not even getting into the writing because im purely focusing on the art
Despite this the cliff scene devours.
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The wind the colours of the sky the angle looking down at the 3 of them and the rubble of the house and his bleeding arm not to mention that in the animatic he had a very prominent limp. The contrast of the mellow yellow and peach pink sky v. the obliterated house and bleeding arm. even the smoke is coloured this relaxing pink
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pauls weirdly overly relaxed style actually working to benefit the scene because it makes it ambiguous as to whether tords hand is just hovering, ever so slightly brushing against his scorched arm or if hes gripping it like a lifeline. gritting his teeth, purely in pain or is there emotion behind that too?
the end is SO bad but the ending scene literally carried it to the finish line i have such a love/hate relationship with it this scene lives in my mind from the very moment i saw it to today and it will continue to do so Love it or hate it paul served absolutely DEVASTATING cunt with this 15 second scene.
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
the urge to overanalyse the outfit he was wearing in a scene with his mom vs when he was living alone with neil
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trixiedjinn · 5 months
excuse me a moment-
Nobody white in history has ever done anything.
They're actually always francophones, or Italian, or Scottish, or Irish, or something.
White people do not exist.
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Not just in a, "race/ethnicity is a social construct," type of way. Literally.
"White" is akin to an empire political state, maliciously absorbing ethnicities, cultures, "races," to make itself seem strong. Explicitly, arbitrarily, created to consolidate sociopolitical power and keep poor people from organizing with each other effectively.
Like "traditional manhood" is a lie that traps people perceived as cis men into a pyramid scheme, where if they sell enough Marykay/Avalon/vitamin thing boxes(uphold patriarchal standards/perpetuate systemic misogyny), they can win a pink van or something (be a real man/respected)- Whiteness kept poor people of varied cultures from politically and socially allying with slaves at the dawn of the United States.
Black people, blackness is similarly constructed. Maliciously, as a way to artificially strip various peoples from Africa of their cultures and identities, and make them easier to them subjugate. By extension to explicitly create a lower caste of human, that couldn't then be worked with collectively with on equal footing, no matter how close our experiences may have been.
All of this together, is what fueled race science, and every piece of racist rhetoric to come out of America. Even if you're not black, this tactic's use is a very basic way to divide and conquer. If you're any kind of "non-white" it's been used on you. It's colorism, it's racism, it's orientalism, it's the basis of colonial imperialist power.
So allow me to rephrase-
White people have never done anything good in history.
They're actually always francophones, or Italian, or Scottish, or Irish, or something.
Even out of the United States, the greatest thinkers, and creators are always Minnesotan, Virginian, Idahoian, or something. If they're not part of another ethnic culture first.
Blackness is an identity that is forced upon. There is no way for the black people of the United States of America to ever cede blackness, lest white people stop labeling them as such. Lest white people cast aside their robes.
But as consequence, an inspiration to queerness, a culture rose out of it of resistance to being owned. Community, song, and scattered traditions by region, echoes of past cultural ties.
That culture trickles up through sociopolitical ranks because an artificial band made up purely to conquer, cannot create anything but itself. So they have to take, and assume ownership over new things they did not make, just as much as their roots did.
The black American community is not immune to supremacist thought, no community based on intrinsic identity is.
But whiteness is inherently supremacist, it was intentionally, explicitly, constructed that way.
"What's the takeaway from this"
I promise I'm not just shitting on white people for fun, one of my best friends is white.
But what I am saying is; I don't think it's weird that so many people perceived as white are panicked and fleeing from association with whiteness as an identity. White guilt, and white tears, are lame, but I think that this is unironically a good development.
We can talk about the problems with the destinations they're fleeing too maybe, we can talk about cultural insensitivity and appropriation, but I think those largely stem from not committing to it. But I do think it might be good to navigate something new out of all this. At least conceptually.
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
My favourite thing ever is the way Ashley gets Leon to smile. Honest to god, his most sincere and genuine smiles are the ones he's given Ashley.
Now if she could just get him to laugh, that would be something completely unprecedented.
Sorry, it just occurred to me literally today that Leon never laughs -- even one time -- at any point in this series. Other protagonists, at the very least, laugh at how stupid a villain's plan is sometimes. Not this guy. Not our Leon. He's too dead inside. Bro doesn't even laugh at OG Salazar, who may as well have circus music playing in the background any time he's on screen. We stan a depressed king.
I was actually thinking about this a little last night -- again, in the context of the whole "Ashley is Leon's anchor to reality/his road back to himself" thing that I've talked about before, while also paired with the shitpost-but-not I made the other day about Leon's sense of self-worth and identity.
Leon drifts further and further away from himself as the series goes on, and not only does he not smile anymore, he becomes downright sullen. There was a time -- a significant period of time, actually -- where you could have said that one of Leon's defining traits was his optimism. That stops being true by the time of Damnation; Leon's optimism is replaced by hollow machismo in a poor attempt at a coping mechanism in that movie -- and, by the time of Vendetta, even the machismo has fallen to the wayside. By the age of 37, Leon has completely and utterly embraced the creeping sense of despair that's been hounding his steps for years.
That has never been who he was. But it's who he is now.
And, as soon as I had that thought, something occurred to me that I somehow had not noticed in the 18 years since RE4 OG has been out:
Ashley is a foil for Ada.
That wasn't her intended purpose when she was created, but it's the narrative role that she's come to inhabit as the series has gone on and Leon's character has progressed without her.
In OG canon, Leon thinks of Ada as a part of himself that he can't let go. But the longer he clings to her, the less of himself he becomes.
And the last person to actually see him as his true self, lifted up from the despair, and without hiding (fully) behind a veneer of machismo was Ashley -- someone he did let go. Even in OG, he is very genuine and very sincere with his affection for her (platonic or not) in a way he really isn't with anyone after RE4.
So, when you point out that his smiles for her are genuine, there's really something to that. He trusts Ashley with a piece of his heart that he doesn't show to anyone else post-RE2. Like, literally, the last person who probably saw him like that was Sherry, and we already know that Leon estranges himself from her almost completely after they're taken into CIA custody following RE2.
And the Remakes make this way more obvious than the OG games did, too -- not only because of the RE engine being great for facial expressions, but because of the way the script changes make certain parts of Leon's character more noticeable. If you go straight from RE2make to RE4make, the entire opening sequence involving the cops and the hunting lodge is absolutely horrifying. If I was a new fan coming in from RE2make to RE4make, I would be knocked on my ass and going "This is not my Leon. This is not the sweet boy that I know. What the fuck happened to him?"
RE4make does such a good job with sharply juxtaposing who Leon was with who he is now. By the time of RE4make, Leon is so beaten down and tired and closed off and angry and, honestly, scared -- that he almost kind of feels like a completely different character. Except, he's not a different character. He's still Leon -- just, Leon with his blinders ripped off and his heart broken.
And, we know that he's still Leon, because every once in a while, the sweet boy that we know comes back. It's infrequent, and it's only for a few moments, but he's still in there. And it always -- every single time -- is only ever Ashley that pulls it out of him.
And Ada? She forces him to retreat again immediately, and he locks himself back up tight.
So, when Ashley gets permanently erased from Leon's life and Ada becomes more of a permanent fixture in it, that sweet boy from RE2 disappears, and he's replaced entirely by the version of Leon that's heartbroken and angry all the time -- because Ada is a constant reminder of all that he's lost, whereas Ashley, as his only true success story, was a hopeful reminder of all that he could potentially be.
I honestly don't think that Capcom even realizes that this is how they've written Leon's character. I don't think it was intentional for Leon's smile to fade with Ashley's absence in his life.
But that's just kind of how it happened.
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visjules · 1 year
Speaking of overlooked
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Fucking AMELIA?? She’s hilarious lmao she’s down terribly, Dominique and Vanitas should be worrying about her instead of each other or Jeanne, she’s the only one who’s really making moves
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dropkicks · 6 months
if i see one more person cite 'death of the author' as a reason why they can knowingly buy things made by shitty people i'm going to lose it
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Toy Story 4 went from an installment I mildly tolerated to a movie I absolutely despise now, specially thanks to an excellent in-depth analysis that broke down why this movie doesn't work on a fundamental level both as a movie and as a sequel, but even more as a sequel. Toy Story has been a metaphor for parental figures since it came in November of 1995, which, if applied to real life, would be like a father leaving his whole family behind for a piece of ass. Woody has been the patriarch (by patriarch, I mean the male head figure of a household, not the institution of patriarchy or whatever bullshit y'all have come up with) in some sense, and taking that subtext into consideration, boy does he really, REALLY look like a terrible person. It's been nearly 5 years, and the movie is still a dumpster fire and a massive insult to a franchise as groundbreaking and memorable as Toy Story. Also, I find it funny that people TRASH Ariel for leaving everything for a man, but yet nobody outside of Toy Story fans lambast Woody for leaving everything for a woman who, mind you, treated him like he was LESS than her on every level and made sure to put him and make him like shit in damn near every part of the movie. Many years will pass and this movie will still be a disgrace. Idc
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keira-draws · 1 month
have officially watched 2/3 original evil dead movies 👍
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higgity-heck · 10 months
ill say it miguel absolutely doesnt fuck. no hes not your Sexy Animal Latino Man hes too busy satisfying his trauma-driven sunk cost fallacy mentality by maiming teenagers
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calypsolemon · 1 year
the kitty/puss/perrito friends with relatable but contrasting trauma triad is like:
puss and perrito are both orphans but puss was adopted by a loving supportive mother while perrito was completely abandoned
kitty and perrito were both abused by their families but perrito was openly an attempt to get rid of him while kitty's mistreatment was a way of controlling her/ forcing her to fit into their expectations better
kitty and puss were both betrayed by family but puss still had good family waiting for him on the other side of it. kitty did not.
idk I think their experiences being similar but different leading to completely different reactions and character flaws of each is... interesting.
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 2 months
*gathering notes for another meta analysis*
*knowing it's gonna take a lot of time and research*
*thinking I should start a substack just for my fandom stuff*
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milfygerard · 4 months
sometimes i go thru the gaylor tag to see updates or reactions or something and its so funny everytime. You people are insane i respect literally none of you etc etc
#barry.txt#taylor swift#NOTE: THIS IS COMING FROM AN RPF FREAK WHO COULD FEASIBLY IMAGINE TAYLOR SWIFT EATING PUSSY#HATERS IM SORRY BUT THIS ISNT FOR YOU. YOU WILL NOT EARN MY SYMPATHY. anyway#i think i just get really frustrated when a fanbase gets so caught up in itself it cant remember how like....people work#or how relationships function even celebrity ones#i have spent lots of time and energy watching how people react and listening to people talk about relationships and so im annoying abt it#kaylors bless ur hearts im glad ur having fun but posts about their secret relationship make me autism angry#i was THERE for the kaylor divorce. ive listened to evermore more time than id like to admit. theyve at most made an effort to mend a bridg#that baby is a kushner and to imply otherwise is either short sighted or genuinely concerning depending on how deep and intense#the theory is#i think part of the problem is that it forces me to interact w the wider swiftie fandom at large which is a no go zone#i have my circle of blogs i respect even if i find all discussion of travis kind of boring and whenever i try to step out of it#i just end up frustrated#stop trying to prove things! you will never prove things! we dont know her!#i also disagree w lots of the general lyrical analysis but thats not anger i respect the readings they just arent mine#but yeah whatever. script doctoring a niche subset of one of the biggest fandoms on earth. i cant help myself!#none of this applies to you if ur 15 or whatever but i do implore that you not waste all ur time on dumb celebrity theories#and go do anything else
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steveyockey · 1 year
yeah no way is iwtv winning that poll his pussy hasn't even killed anyone
I would never say anything bad about my friend itwv but it is still a four month old baby. its mother might be in her 40s but we’re not talking about her
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ap0stle · 11 months
i think if i was on tumblr more as a teen i would have a little more shame about mentioning kin bc i literally got into it in 2019 and thus missed out on all the weird drama. im also not a part of Annoying fandoms afaik so i am jsut vibing. 2 me kin is like "here is my collection of guys. i understand them so much. i promise im not a freak." but i also dont wanna like. offend the people who Do see it in a more important-to-them way bc if it was just me and them in a room i would totally buy into everything they say. but like it sso embarasssinnggggg i just want to be a Little bit weird about my little guys i dont wanna fucking get grouped in w the people who doxx ppl over doubles or kindating or whatever the fuck idk
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