nerdwelt · 10 months
Bilder von Enzymen in Aktion enthüllen Geheimnisse antibiotikaresistenter Bakterien
Forscher der Emory University haben mithilfe der Kryoelektronenmikroskopie die ersten Bilder einer Klasse von Enzymen aufgenommen, die Ribosomen modifizieren. Ribosomen-modifizierende Enzyme sind eine häufige Waffe, die von Bakterien eingesetzt werden, um resistente gegen Medikamente zu werden. Diese Enzyme kommen weltweit in klinischen Proben von resistenten Bakterien vor. Die Forscher haben in…
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datenarche · 1 year
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hellsitegenetics · 13 days
How do you feel about aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzyme?
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I'm going to smooth out your endoplasmic reticulum
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h0l0gramglasses · 4 months
yk now that I'm thinking about Deja Q again, I definitely feel like Q's admission of guilt and shame for Data's (almost) sacrifice should have been met with SOMETHING other than dismissal by Picard.
This is the Q who was ready to snap your entire species out of existence simply because he didn't personally deem you worthy of existing.
This is the Q who was so flippant about loss of mortal life that he flicked you halfway across the universe to introduce you to the Borg, only to essentially laugh in your face for being upset about the deaths of 18 crew members.
This is the Q who, earlier in the very same episode, practically mocks Data's desire to be human due to his own prejudices against what he deems to be a vastly inferior species.
And I do think it's even more important that it was Data. For Q to feel anything other than apathy towards a potential loss of life would have been enough, but for him to feel ashamed to the point of almost killing himself over an artificial life?
idk I just feel like Q in any previous episode would have been like "oh he's just a robot, put him back together 🙄" and I think it's wack that Picard's reaction to Q caring about someone else's life for the first time ever was "girl idc cry about it to someone else"
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just-somehuman · 2 months
@colourless-hydrangeas tagging you bc ye ✨
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pls what am I doing with my life
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ribawesome-ribosomes · 3 months
ribosome fun fact #10
ribosomes are a key part of protein synthesis!
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boykisserinc · 9 months
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Found this on the gc
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Bio note doodles went INCREDIBLY hard today
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adj-thoughts · 3 months
How to learn biology diagrams
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For example this is the diagram you have to learn so you can learn it like-
Each cell has a protective outer layer (plasma membrane) , so the cell only lets some certain things or nutrients into the system that it needs but keeps other things out (semipermeable).
Inside the animal cell there is the digestive system (cytoplasm), in the digestive system there is the working organs (organelles).
Tiny grains floating inside the system are called (ribosome) where protein is made.
The cell also has a DNA (nucleus) that contains all are genetic information the DNA is found on structures of the cell (nucleus) called chromosomes .
The nucleus is surrounded by a layer or cover (nuclear membrane) which controls what goes in and out.
Rough ER is a series of folded protective outer layer (membrane) rough ER is always spotted with the tiny grains floating around the system (ribosomes). Together the ribosomes and rough ER make new proteins and protective layer (membranes) that the system or cell needs.
While smooth ER is the opposite, it has vehicles which are used to move things around the digestive system (transport vesicles).
Now there is another working organ which helps in packaging up things, to be transported around cells or need to leave the cell like hormones (Golgi Apparatus).
Now comes lysosomes, lysosomes are both the vitamin c and the decomposer of the cell. It kills the bacteria that invades the body and it also break downs the THINGS that cell doesn 't need.
Vacuoles are large membranous sacs used to store things. While vesicles are smaller sacs.
Mitochondria is the powerhouse that breaks down sugar (ATP) which helps the cell get energy .
Made by Advika
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er-cryptid · 1 year
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uncaught-coolfish · 5 months
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ok tbh. maybe I did improve my artstyle
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unopenablebox · 8 months
my girlfriend is soooo sexy
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Drawing together our information for the cereal aleurone system (Figure 18.11), we can hypothesize that binding of bioactive gibberellin to GID1 leads to degradation of the DELLA protein.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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unganseylike · 1 year
niche meme for me after i spent months trying to figure out why my recombinant protein wasnt expressing and just realized now that the plasmids we bought were missing the RBS.
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ribawesome-ribosomes · 3 months
ribosome fun fact #8
all ribosomes start with the AUG start codon
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