lonestarflight · 2 years
Leftover Apollo Hardware
After the Apollo-Soyuz mission in 1975, NASA completely shifted all of its resources to the Space Shuttle program. However, NASA still had a large inventory of the Apollo hardware and much of it was given to museums and/or put on display at NASA space centers.
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Much of the leftover hardware would have been used to support Skylab B missions.
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At one point, the Skylab B was going to be used for the Apollo-Soyuz mission. This was scaled back to just the command module with a special docking port due shifting focus to the Space Shuttle.
The breakdown of the hardware and their current location:
Saturn V (SA-500 series)
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SA-513: only third stage left after the first and second stages were used to launch Skylab. This stage is displayed at Space Center Houston. Originally slated to launch Apollo 18.
SA-514: first, second and third stages with the IU (ie the rocket's computer). The first stage displayed at Space Center Houston, the second and third stages are at Kennedy Space Center. Originally slated for Apollo 19, briefly considered for Apollo 18.
SA-515: first, second and third stages with the IU (ie the rocket's computer). The first stage is displayed at the Infinity Science Center in Mississippi, the second stage is displayed at Space Center Houston, and it's third stage was converted to the second Skylab. Originally slated for Apollo 20, later would have launched Skylab B. The backup Skylab is displayed at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC.
Saturn IB (SA-100 series)
SA-109: on standby for a Skylab and Apollo-Soyuz rescue. Late, the cancelled Skylab 5 mission to lift Skylab workshop's orbit to endure until Space Shuttle was ready to fly. (In hindsight, this mission should have been flown considering since it took the shuttle longer than anticipated to fly. But it was not known at the time Earth's atmosphere would expand like it did in the late 1970s, causing drag on the station and reentering the atmosphere in 1979.)
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SA-110: was used for the Apollo-Soyuz mission.
SA-111: Unused, possibly slated for a Skylab mission. The first stage is displayed at Alabama Welcome Center on I-65 in Ardmore, Alabama. The second stage is displayed outdoors with Skylab underwater training simulator hardware attached at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
SA-112: Unused, possibly slated for a Skylab mission. The first stage was scrapped and the second stage converted to Skylab.
SA-113: Unused, possibly slated for a Skylab mission. Only the first stage was completed when the Apollo Applications Program was curtailed in 1969. This stage was later scrapped.
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SA-114: Unused, possibly slated for a Skylab mission. Only the first stage was completed when the Apollo Applications Program was curtailed in 1969. This stage was later scrapped.
Command/Service Module (block II CSM-100 series)
CSM-111: originally slated for Apollo 15 when it was a H-type mission, this mission was swapped for a J-type when the lunar missions would be cancelled after Apollo 17. Later, it was used for the Apollo-Soyuz mission.
CSM-115: Incomplete, originally slated for Apollo 19, later Apollo 18. Note: there are some discrepancies in the documents between 115 and 115A. Some list two different CSM and some list 115A as a modification of 115. My research has yet to determined which is the case.
CSM-115A: Incomplete, originally slated for Apollo 20, later Apollo 19. Displayed at Space Center Houston.
CSM-119: on standby for Rescue mission for Skylab and Apollo-Soyuz. Later, the cancelled Skylab 5 mission. On display at Kennedy Space Center.
Lunar Excursion Module (LEM or LM)
LM-9: originally slated for Apollo 15 when it was a H-mission, this mission was swapped for a J mission when the lunar missions would be cancelled after Apollo 17. The J-mission LMs differed from earlier LMs with the inclusion of the lunar Rover. It is displayed at the Kennedy Space Center
LM-13: originally slated for Apollo 19, later Apollo 18. Partially completed, it was later restored by Grumman workers. It is on display at Cradle of Aviation Museum in Long Island, New York.
LM-14: originally slated for Apollo 20, later Apollo 19. It was about 15% complete when it's construction was cancelled, later scrapped.
LM-15: unknown which mission this LM was original for, possibly Apollo 20. It was later intended for modification into Apollo Telescope Mount. It was about 5% completed when it's construction was cancelled and later scrapped.
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The ATM was later incorporated into Skylab sans the Ascent Stage.
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homomenhommes · 2 months
La nouvelle routine s'est mise en place. Mes clients sont ravis que j'ai pu augmenter le rythme de nos rendez vous. A 4 passes par semaine vu qu'ils sont maintenant 8 ils y ont droit deux fois par mois. Avec l'augmentation de ma " disponibilité ", j'ai pu contenter 4 nouveaux clients pris pour la moitié dans les amateurs de gang bang et l'autre moitié par relation, tous TBM. C'est la marque de ma petite entreprise, la satisfaction des " hors normes " !
Marc entre dans une phase de travail intense avec déplacements et travail à la maison. Nous en discutons ensemble, ce sont des opportunités à ne pas laisser passer. Sacrifice temporaire ! Contrairement à la fois précédente, il ne sera pas obligé de m'organiser mon emploi du temps. Entre mon boulot de paysagiste, la gestion de mes deux poulains, mon taf d'escort officiel d'Emma, il ne me restera pas beaucoup de temps libre. Et là il me laisse libre de baiser avec n'importe lequel de nos amis. Juste quand ses déplacements dépasseront la semaine. Sinon je l'attendrai avec impatience. Mais je ne crois pas que je le ferais.
Je vais me retrouver donc seul un WE sur deux ! C'est Emma qui est contente, elle récupère ainsi mes samedis soirs libres pour sortir.
Mercredi dernier j'ai emmené Ed chez le grand black. A l'aller, il était content car c'était la condition que j'avais posé pour qu'il puisse à l'avenir participer à nos touzes. Quand nous sommes arrivés, Ed a été impressionné par le client. Faut dire que 2m, costaud, noir Kiwi, monté plus de 27 cm x un bon 6,5 de diamètre, ça de quoi impressionner un gamin d'1,66m par 48kg, blanc ! Le client était content que je puisse lui fournir deux jeunes hommes si semblables (âge, format) ;tout en étant si différents (origine). Il l'a tout de suite entrepris. Comme toujours, je reste dans un coin pour veiller sur ma " marchandise ". Ed se trouva nu en un temps record. Profitant de sa force et de la légèreté d'Ed, le client l'a empoigné par les hanches et l'a basculé, tête vers son sexe. Ajustement de la hauteur et Ed se retrouva la gorge empalée sur la mégabite noire. Pour pouvoir respirer et maîtriser un peu l'envahissement de sa gorge il prit appui de ses mains sur les genoux de son pineur. Le client de son coté la bouche posée sur l'anus d'Ed lui bouffait l'oignon à grand coup de langue. C'est la première fois que je voyais cette position à la verticale. Le plus impressionnant c'est qu'ils l'ont tenu un bon moment. Lorsque notre black a pensé qu'Ed était prêt, il l'a posé sur le lit et, profitant de sa position horizontale, s'est enfoncé jusqu'aux couilles dans sa gorge. J'ai entendu que chaque pénétration étranglait Ed. Je me suis approché pour lui dire de se calmer. Il s'est excusé. J'en ai profité pour vérifier la dilatation anale de mon ptit mec. Je ne tiens pas à ce que cette brute le déchire. Il lui avait bien salivé la porte et Ed s'était ouvert à presque 4 doigts. Ça plus un peu de poppers et il pourra prendre le black. Je me retire et disant que c'est Ok et qu'il peut y aller. Pour se faire pardonner, il se couche sur le dos et demande à Ed de venir lui même s'empaler sur sa queue. Malgré la préparation, je vois le visage d'Ed se crisper alors qu'il pousse pour faire entrer le gland. Je m'approche d'eux et lui passe le flacon sous le nez. Chaleur, grosse chaleur et de lui même Ed descend d'une bonne dizaine de cm. Il me réclame une nouvelle dose. Je repasse le flacon et il se retrouve les fesses collées aux cuisses noires. Là, il ne bouge plus. Je lui demande si ça va, il me répond que c'est dur mais que c'est bon aussi. Je m'écarte.
Il reste bien 2/3 minutes sans bouger. Il remonte mais n'ose pas encore sortir toute la bite de son cul. Par contre je l'entends demander plus de gel. Le client se tartine à nouveau la kpote et Ed se rassoit. Le contraste entre les deux protagonistes est total, bien plus qu'avec Jimmy. Ed s'enhardi et entame un " pas " puis un " trot " appréciant sa nouvelle " selle ". Quand son anus s'est bien dilaté, il tourne la tête vers moi et me fait un clin d'oeil. Le black commence à le traiter de " ptite salope ", de " cul à baiser "... il le prend par les hanches et rythme lui même le mouvement d'Ed. Il (le black) se glisse vers le bord du lit et s'assoit en demandant à Ed de serrer ses cuisses contre ses hanches et de s'accrocher à son cou. Là il se lève. Il vient vers moi, me félicite de lui avoir trouvé deux jeunes aussi salopes puis s'écarte et plaque Ed contre un mur pour le fixer alors qu'il reprend le pilonnage anal. Le mec est résistant et je sais qu'il va limer un bon moment. Il bouge encore et vient poser Ed sur le plateau d'une commode, le cul juste au bord. Il n'oublie pas de graisser régulièrement sa tige. Ed est bien parti et même sans poppers donne tout ce qu'il a. Alors que le client l'écrase un peu, il s'empare d'un des gros tétons et l'aspire, le suce, en un mot le tète. Quand il le relâche pour attaquer le second, il découvre un téton raide d'un bon centimètre de longueur. Ses doigts remplacent sa bouche et le client gémis tout en continuant à limer le petit cul blanc d'Ed. Soudain, il se jette en arrière arrachant ses tétons aux bons soins de la bouche d'Ed et se bloque au fond de son cul. Il tressaute 4 à 5 fois avant de sortir. C'est seulement quand il s'est arraché qu'Ed a jute, bon point pour lui ! Comme toujours, le demi-verre de sperme qui distend la kpote est impressionnant. Nous envoyons Ed se doucher et le client me reprend l'enveloppe qu'il m'avait donné dès l'entrée pour refaire le chèque. Ce qu'il y a de bien chez mes clients c'est qu'ils sont suffisamment honnêtes pour reconnaître que parfois ça vaut plus que la passe de routine. Quand il me tend le nouveau papier, j'ai le plaisir d'y lire un montant augmenté de 50%. Pas mal !
Quand je ramène Ed chez lui, il n'y a personne, le ptit frère est au foot. J'en profite pour l'accompagner jusqu'à sa chambre. Grande, dans les 25m², posters d'équitation au mur !!! Aspect très comme il faut. Comme il n'a pas arrêté de me malaxer le paquet pendant le trajet en moto, je bande encore comme un taureau. Je le pousse sur son lit. Il a compris et défait ceinture et boutons de son 501. Je lui baisse le slip et tâte son anus. Malgré ce qu'il vient de se prendre, il s'est bien refermé et je dois saliver pour le rouvrir. J'ouvre ma combi par le bas, sors mes 20cm et les lui mets profond. Malgré ce qu'il vient de se prendre, son cul s'est bien resserré et je ne " nage " pas dedans. Je lui dis qu'il va falloir qu'il s'exerce à refermer son trou sur un crayon de bois. Il me demande comment et je lui explique les exercices de contractions annales qu'il va devoir faire si il ne veut pas que son anus ressemble à une chatte baveuse. Je reprends mon enculade sans douceur. Ed encaisse comme un pro. Son cul est trop bon. Je finis par éjaculer dedans, mes mains retenant ses hanches pour donner tout au fond de son cul. Il jute dans sa main pour ne pas en mettre partout. Je lui fais bouffer son sperme. Après m'être lavé la queue, je le quitte.
Quand je rentre, je suis seul pour encore un bon moment. Je vais à l'appart et y trouve Jimmy devant la télé. Il ne fait pas très chaud mais la piscine est chauffée et nous allons nous y délasser. Je pars pour 1h à contre courant pendant qu'il nage trankil à coté. Nous sommes interrompus par Marc qui est arrivé avec les peignoirs. Nous rentrons et Jimmy toujours " serviable " tombe à genoux aux pieds de Marc et avant qu'il ait eu le temps de réagir, entame un pipe. La bite mole prend très vite de l'épaisseur et défonce rapidement la gorge de mon petit protégé. Le mercredi, c'est le tour d'Ed et du coup il est en manque ! De mon coté je roule une pelle à mon mec. 10mn de ce régime, Jimmy exerçant des aspirations de plus en plus fortes, massant le gland derrière son larynx, Marc explose et il le gave de jus. J'en récupère une partie en roulant un patin à Jimmy.
Marc décide de garder Jimmy pour la soirée.
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disappearingdahlia · 2 months
monday 4th - sunday 10th march
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800 calor1es
this week i was on my period , hence the inconsistencies in my weight , obviously my eating had nothing to do with dropping pounds overnight
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day one ( m 04/03 ) :
. 115 lbs , 640 calor1es
notes : fine not even hungry today was good
day two ( t 05/03 ) :
. 114 lbs , 1,100 calor1es :(
notes : i b1nged i hate this
day three ( w 06/03 ) :
. 113 lbs , 710 calor1es
notes : idk today was fine i wish i ate less still
day four ( th 07/03 ) :
. 113 lbs , 860 calories
notes : i didn’t binge i was just rlly struggling today , im going to try to burn more
day five ( f 08/03 ) :
. 114 lbs , 530 calories
notes : i gained i gained i gained i want to die im supposed to go out tommorow i do not want to be seen like this i don’t want my gf to see me fat im going to die somebody help im begging
day six ( sa 09/03 ) :
. 114 lbs , 661 calories
notes : i cancelled my plans
day seven ( su 10/03 ) :
. 114 lbs , 775 calories
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just-barrow · 11 months
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SAS: shitposts 114/∞
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foodsies4me · 29 days
The Two Runaways + Sarah
Grace Lyliane Thornfield (She/her, 8 years old)
nicknames: Lills, Gracie, Racie, gummy worm
physical description: scraggly & shaggy dirty blond hair (the dirty often doesn’t only relate to the colour), green-ish eyes, thin scar on her cheek that reaches down to tip of her nose, 4 ft (122 cm)
personality and tidbits: in the running for most likely trainee to get it trouble along with William and the Fearsome Four, not because she’s a menace like Max and his friends but because she gets easily distracted and ends up wandering off. Loves running and has the title of most won races hence the nickname Racie. She’s the youngest of four children and has lost her parents at a young age. Her older siblings still haven’t caught on to the fact that the Alec she’s talking about in all of her letters is also the HOTI that is writing her progress reports. Mostly because her reports shouldn’t be as complimentary and glowing as they are given they know how often she gets in trouble from the letters she writes them.
Extra info: She has a frog backpack. The frog’s spots are a mishmash of rainbows, candies, cookies and emojis. Yes it can hop back to her, a fail safe Magnus incorporated given her tendency to forget her backpack everywhere.
William Conner Whitelaw (he/they 8 years old)
nicknames: Liam, Illi, Yammie, little mosquito
physical description: short, tousled, curly hair that is often tangled. Brown eyes and chubby cheeks, 3 ft 11 (120 cm)
personality and tidbits: in the running for most likely trainee to get it trouble for the exact same reason as Grace - trouble finds them any time of the day even when he isn’t looking for it. He has the tendency to wander off when distracted just like Grace hence why they’re known among the trainees as the two runaways. William lost both of their parents pretty young. He has a bad relationship with his aunt and uncle on who are his guardians in name only, he got shipped off to the NYI pretty much as soon as William came in their custody. William sworn siblings with Oliver and the Rebecca’s and adores Alec.
Extra info: has a rocket backpack that has sever-changing molecule structures drawn over it. The backpack will fly after him when he drops it somewhere because of how often he forgets it/loses it.
Sarah Julie Mayweather (she/her, 8 years old)
nicknames: Sa-sa, Hummingbird,Sarie
physical description: shoulder-length blond hair usually tied into twin pigtails. Blue eyes and 3 ft 9 (114 cm)
personality and tidbits: energetic (and very autistic), stims a lot, friendly with everyone but sticks the closest to Linette, Julian, Cristina and Oliver. The epitome of a girly-girl, loves all things bright, bubbly and pink. Her mom works and lives at the institute which means she can see all of the shenanigans Sarah gets I to, she’s not sure it’s a good thing. Once came back to the institute with a pony, nobody knew where she got it from. Extra info: has a glittery, purple button mushroom for a backpack though she can change the colour and the type of mushroom by tapping on the bottom of the stem.
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poisonheart · 1 year
The College Incident & the Tea~
I thought it would be best to organize my thoughts in a separate post after a lovely exchange with @trashlie about I Love Yoo ep. 219. You'll find the original post here and can check out the reblogs.
We were talking about Kousuke's "college incident" and the possibility of the events at the formal being a parallel to what happened back then and how Yui could have had in hand in the college incident too, especially given she was the mastermind of the formal circus.
In episode 114, Yujing picked up Shin Ae from school to ask about what she remembered of the events at the formal. By this point, Rand had asked her to do an interview with Nol (although we don't clearly know what either plan to do with this in the immediate future.)
When Yujing saw Shin Ae struggled with remembering she told her she understood how hard it is, to which Shin Ae asked if she had gone through something similar. Yujing responded:
"I'm lucky I never have. But someone close to me back in college has gone through something similar. The experience is not something I would wish upon my enemies."
The memory is enough to make someone like Yujing need a breather, so she stepped out. While there, she gets a call from Kousuke.
Quimchee is usually very intentional with her transitions, so we can deduce that Kousuke might have been involved in this incident that happened to Yujing's friend.
There have been two theories revolving this ordeal
[It has been revealed that Kousuke is the person "Yujing admired and lost faith in."]
Kousuke was the friend who got drugged.
Kousuke was involved with the friend who got drugged.
Yujing losing faith in Kousuke could be because he lacks a backbone; we have seen how disappointed she is by him when he shows no signs of growth.
After all, the Kousuke Yujing remembers from the college days is a young man who easily caved under pressure; he got that earring presumably because he was taunted into doing so.
But losing faith in him could also be due to his response to that thing that happened with her friend—regardless if he was directly involved or things happened as a consequence of his involvement.
Here is where Yui potentially comes in.
Having her most priceless pawn derailed from the purpose she built for him would make her jump into action, in her very Yui way.
Perhaps telling him to abandon his friends and remember the goal wasn't enough.
Having a taste of freedom after a lifetime of manipulation would be addictive. He was young—keep in mind Kousuke graduated high school at 14 and set off to college. He might have even considered a different life after surrounding himself with others who had their own goals and dreams.
Of course, there is a possibility Yui wasn't involved. Maybe what she did to "bring Kousuke back" was allow Nol to return from the mental institution where he was locked away (though it is also likely Nol was set free by Rand's efforts.)
Nol has always pushed Kousuke to act according to Yui's plans since he's the disappointment that Kousuke fears (ep. 209 & 212.)
For the sake of fun, let's consider the possibility that Yui was involved by taking the formal as supporting clues to this theory.
When I revisited these episodes, I found some interesting things that now give the entire event a different vibe.
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Kousuke's response back then didn't make much sense to me. By this point, he didn't know Sang Chul had potentially drugged Shin Ae.
His response seems extra because at surface this should be a very harmless situation. Shin Ae got tipsy and needed to rest.
Either Kousuke is aware of Sang Chul's antics or some memory got triggered by this situation. It's concerning enough that he unblocks Meg [who had tried to tell him something about Shin Ae's safety but he understandably blew off since she's done nothing but harass him.]
[Side note: I actually do not blame Kousuke's response to Meg. I know Quim did not intend for her to come off this way, but a lot of victims of SA did not appreciate her stalking and touching Kousuke in ways or places he didn't consent or want to be touched. I actually don't like the fandom's dismissive attitude toward this.]
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When he finally touches base with Meg and Nol, he learns that there was a conversation between Sang Chul and his mother about a deal and that now Shin Ae is ill and with the creep.
This isn't a shocked face but rather a concerned one. But why? This is something that borders slander on his mother...
Now Kousuke is concerned about Shin Ae because it's no longer just a drunken situation—it's potentially worse. (Perhaps even familiar...)
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He recognized that she was under the influence of something else. So he asks about Sang Chul. At this point, what Meg said added up.
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You have to wonder if he is trying to help because it's the right thing to do or to make up for perhaps not acting accordingly before.
We've seen that Kousuke doesn't often act if it isn't in his interest or if it's a bother; he's very pragmatic with his time and doesn't operate by thinking of others.
So why has Yui planned this kind of scenario?
Why does Kousuke not hesitate to believe she's behind it all?
This isn't some "harmless, but embarrassing meddling" as he could chalk up his birthday fiasco. This is criminal. And Shin Ae is a minor.
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Back then, I thought it was bizarre that he would straight up accuse his mother without a shadow of a doubt. We didn't have information about Yujing or knew about another victim of a similar situation that was somehow tangled up in Kousuke's college timeline.
It never made sense that he would so quickly and readily believe that Yui was a part of the whole drugging mess if he didn't have a previous reference. So many people downplay this incident because there was comedy in many of the moments—like Shin Ae biting her arm, or her wig getting pulled off, but this was actually a very serious, traumatic event. One that Nol is going to jail for.
So how much does Kousuke know?
If Yui did something similar in the past, and he knew about it, did he cover up for his mother? Is that why Yujing was disappointed?
And you have to ask yourself why Yujing is so personally invested in unmasking Yui. I doubt it's purely professional satisfaction or even to repay Rand's favor.
(Also what terrible situation did Rand help her out of? Is it related to her friend? Is it something else?)
I always found it strange that Kousuke stayed with Shin Ae at the hospital. It just seemed so out of character for him, but a lot of what we now know makes it click.
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Kousuke is aware of who his mother is. He may not see how she has manipulated him and distorted his world, but I believe he is aware of the kind of person she is. He's always known.
Does he struggle with a sense of loyalty? She is his mother, after all. She's the one who has always been on his side and proven herself an ally in reaching his goals.
This is why I have hope for him despite ep. 220.
I think he will slowly start to see the world for what it actually is and assess how his mother was warped it.
Was he at the hospital with Shin Ae because he felt guilty? Was he trying to atone for his mother's meddling?
Was he in a similar situation? Does he remember it?
Did someone try taking advantage of him while he was intoxicated?
(There have been so many times where Kousuke shows discomfort with being touched. He uses his bangs to hide his face so women will leave him alone. He even uses makeup remover as a weapon. All the things that were seemingly for comedic effect could hint at a deeper issue that we dismissed.)
A friend of mine said Yui's weapon of choice was "drugging people" when she wasn't gaslighting.
Considering that famous tea (that perhaps Nol was forced to drink, given she purposefully chose to have it served for him while he was waiting for Alyssa in the cold) we can assume she's drugged people with it if turns out to be some trademark of hers.
[Even Quim admitted there's "a lot of tea in the tea."]
As was briefly touched upon in all the reblogs with Trashlie, there is even a wilder possibility to consider; she laced Kousuke's desserts with medications (anxiolytics, etc.) to help calm a kid that was prone to outbursts as consequences of Yui's manipulation that fed severe instances of paranoia and suspicion.
[Sugar never helped calm a child in my experience, so it makes sense this theory made it out there no matter how wild it seems...]
A comment from a Discord chat:
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There is a theory proposed recently (to me—I hadn't been part of any theory discussions previously) that Yui drugged both brothers on the night of the "fight" and that Yui attacked Nol while pretending to be Kousuke or vice versa.
Quimchee often emphasizes that the character's memories aren't 100% accurate. We always thought this was just normal "we don't always remember things as they were but how we felt" but perhaps it's due to these external factors for some of the characters like Nol and Kousuke.
"What if Nol was manipulated into believing he was worse than he was through medication and psychological manipulation?" is a very interesting question posed today in a friend group chat.
Even if Yui wasn't involved in the College Incident, Kousuke is very protective of the information around that ordeal. His world began to unravel quickly the moment Yujing stepped into the picture and brought it all back to the forefront of his mind.
He declined really fast from here.
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Someday, people will know he's not a gentleman—they'll know who he really is. But who is Kousuke? This is a question we've seen come up a lot, down to the most recent episodes. Life is simply unwilling to stop asking Kousuke "who are you really?"
Though we have no way of knowing if the words swirling around Yujing were ever said to Kousuke or projected by his paranoia, one thing is certain: he is not who he presents.
Was the college event that shook him multi-layered?
Was it more than just the incident with Yujing's friend?
More than Kousuke ditching his friends to pursue "his goals?"
What would Yujing know about it all that Hansuke doesn't?
His reaction shows us there is more to the past than even his cousin knows and that's saying a lot.
And why, if Kousuke had done something terrible, is he not really part of Yujing's big story? Why is Yui the focus?
It's almost impossible to discard the theory that Yui was involved, but only time will tell if we're right or not.
Having an adverse event buried by his mother might be another parallel with Alyssa.
It's hypothesized the Cho's paid to bury the middle school incident.
After all, the Cho's were affluent, yet suddenly they berate Meg for changing majors and wasting money?
[Of course there are other possibilities; gambling father, failed business, getting fired/demoted, etc.]
Financial struggles could explain why Alyssa chose to become an idol; it's a quick way to earn a good chunk of money and help get out of the rut, especially if it's because they got to that state "because of her" (and what happened in middle school.)
Going back to read is always so much fun with ILY because a lot of things start to make more sense or take on new meaning with the new things we've uncovered as the story progresses.
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It will rightly be supposed that after having been so cruelly played by Madame Ricord, I could no longer have for her either esteem or respect; that is, at least, if I had had any for her before the scene I have just described. In effect, how should one esteem a woman who knows so little of the rules of propriety and her duties as a wife to commit the gravest offenses against them? How should I have loved a person who continually compromised my younger brother with her advances, to which he believed it essential to his honor and duty not to respond? In truth, if modesty did not hold back my pen, I would say some things which would not be to Madame Ricord’s advantage. She was young and charming; but her coquetry was at least equivalent to her beauty. She wanted to shine and be adored at any price, and would do anything to get attention. Ricord loved his wife, and had unlimited confidence in her. Absorbed as he was by numerous occupations, he did not see her offenses, and could never have suspected them. Ricord had every public and private virtue; he could be equaled but not surpassed in patriotism; he was one of the most ardent and intrepid Montagnards. A faithful and trustworthy friend, a tender husband, he deserved a different wife, and never was a couple, in my opinion, less well matched.  Mémoires de Charlotte Robespierre sur ses deux frères (1834) page 113-114
Our position was so dreadful that my sister-in-law had to return to her family. It sufficed that, young and pretty, and having lost her mentor, she could not solicit my liberty; those curs, like Ricord and others, pursued her, seeking every means of seducing her, even promising her my liberty. Though she was young, she saw well that those monsters were seeking ways to corrupt her and dishonor her family. She preferred to leave, guessing rightly that they would do nothing either for me or for my brother-in-law François Le Bas, adjutant-major.  Le conventionnel Lebas: d’après des documents inédits et les mémoires de sa veuve (1901) page 139
Charlotte accusing madame Ricord of trying to seduce her brother in her memoirs VS Élisabeth accusing monsieur Ricord of trying to seduce her sister-in-law in her memoirs… do great minds think alike when it comes to talking shit about people who wronged them or was Charlotte simply very right in saying the Ricords were a badly matched couple…?
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BARBIE (2023)
Starring Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, America Ferrera, Kate McKinnon, Issa Rae, Rhea Perlman, Will Ferrell, Hari Nef, Alexandra Shipp, Emma Mackey, Sharon Rooney, Dua Lipa, Nicola Coughlan, Ana Cruz Kayne, Ritu Arya, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Simu Liu, Scott Evans, Ncuti Gatwa, John Cena, Michael Cera, Ariana Greenblatt, Jamie Demetriou, Connor Swindells, Emerald Fennell, Ann Roth, Annie Mumolo, Marisa Abela and the voice of Helen Mirren.
Screenplay by Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach.
Directed by Greta Gerwig.
Distributed by Universal Pictures. 114 minutes. Rated PG-13.
Seeing Barbie hot on the heels of Oppenheimer, I have to admit I have a bit of whiplash. Not that both aren’t fine films (although Oppenheimer is the better of the two), but still I can’t imagine two more polar opposite potential blockbusters being released on the same weekend. In fact, the two are so wildly different while going against each other that the media has taken to referring to this as the “Barbenheimer” weekend.
It even makes a certain amount of business sense – talk about counter-programming – but after the deep, intense, depressing browns and moral ambivalence of Oppenheimer, the wild, hot pink, positive, surreal girl power celebration of Barbie is a bit of a shock to the system. And it’s a damned good movie, at least until 2/3 of the way into the screentime when the idea slightly gets away from director Greta Gerwig and her co-screenwriter Noah Baumbach. The overcooked ending doesn’t ruin the film by any means, but the movie ends up not quite sticking the landing – just like Ken. (You’ll understand that joke when you see the movie.)
Barbie is still a very fun movie, but the first hour or so was so much more than just that.  
The movie’s finest point is the brilliant, spot-on casting of Margot Robbie in the plastic shoes and dream house of America’s favorite doll. Robbie captures the perky and perfect representation of Barbie’s “stereotypical” beauty and the sweet, naïve hopefulness of the character of a woman who never has had to experience change or conflict. She is perfect in the role. I’m not sure if anyone could have captured the play toy better.
Which does not mean that Barbie is not allowed her own complexities, in fact that’s the whole point of the film. What happens when during a perfect fantasy life doubts and flaws start to intrude? What if she starts thinking of death, stops standing on her tiptoes and even (gasp!) starts showing the first early signs of cellulite?
What if she has to leave Barbieland and go to the real world to find out what exactly is happening to her, only to find out that reality is nothing like she imagined? And what if she is followed by Ken (Ryan Gosling), her needy, friend-zoned “boyfriend” who is seduced by the toxic masculinity of the authentic world (in this case played by Los Angeles)? And how will “real people” react to two walking, talking representations of outdated childhood fantasy?
It's a terrific fish-out-of-water premise. The early scenes in Barbieland, as well as the section when Barbie and Ken try to figure out the very alien areas like Century City and Venice Beach are bright, fast and funny.
Then the film starts to spin out a bit, like Gerwig and Baumbach have painted themselves into a corner that they are not sure how to navigate. The later sections of Barbie lose some of the earlier scenes’ spark, getting both slightly ridiculous and at the same time just a tiny bit sappy. And honestly, the later scenes are not nearly as funny as the earlier ones.
Barbie is sometimes a little heavy-handed in the use of older music to make plot points – the Indigo Girls’ “Closer to Fine” is used repeatedly as an anthem of female empowerment while Matchbox 20’s “Push” is used a few times to signal male aggression – but then again nothing in this film is meant to be in any way subtle. On the plus side, Aqua’s 1990s novelty hit “Barbie Girl” only briefly shows up here in the end credits, and only used as a sample in different song.
Still, even though Barbie does not quite achieve the effortless perfection of Barbieland (or even the effortless perfection of Robbie’s performance), it is still mostly a sweet, fun and funny ride. And America Ferrera’s monologue about the responsibilities of being a woman in the modern world is worth the price of admission all by itself.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: July 21, 2023.
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lonestarflight · 5 months
Night Launch of Apollo 17
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"The huge, 363-feet tall Apollo 17 (Spacecraft 114/Lunar Module 12/Saturn 512) space vehicle is launched from Pad A., Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida, at 12:33 a.m. (EST), Dec. 7, 1972. Apollo 17, the final lunar landing mission in NASA's Apollo program, was the first nighttime liftoff of the Saturn V launch vehicle. Aboard the Apollo 17 spacecraft were astronaut Eugene A. Cernan, commander; astronaut Ronald E. Evans, command module pilot; and scientist-astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt, lunar module pilot. Flame from the five F-1 engines of the Apollo/Saturn first (S-1C) stage illuminates the nighttime scene. A two-hour and 40-minute hold delayed the Apollo 17 launching."
Date: December 7, 1972
NASA ID: link, 72-HC-886, S72-55482, S72-55070
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fdelopera · 2 years
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Welcome to the 23rd installment of 15 Weeks of Phantom, where I post all 68 sections of Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, as they were first printed in Le Gaulois newspaper 114 yeas ago.
In today’s installment, we have Part II of Chapter 9, “Le mystérieux coupé” (“The Mysterious Carriage”), and Part I of Chapter 10, "Au bal masqué" ("At the Masked Ball").
This section was first printed on Thursday, 28 October, 1909.
For anyone following along in David Coward’s translation (the link is to the Kindle edition on Amazon US), the text starts in Chapter 9 at Raoul's line, “'Has Christine kept herself pure?' he blurted, despite himself,” and goes to, "Raoul reread it feverishly" in Chapter 10. Note, however, that the first part of this section in the Gaulois was cut in the 1st Edition. See below.
There are some differences between the standard 1st Edition text and the Gaulois text. In this section, these include (highlighted in red above):
1) This section in the Gaulois (highlighted in red) was sadly cut from the 1st Edition.
"Tell me at once, where is Christine?" he pleaded for the second time.
"Why, I don't know, my young monsieur. You must ask the spirit of music, he is the only one who knows. I haven't received any news from Christine since the evening when she didn't come home, and I confess that I am beginning to grow rather bored. When I saw you coming, I said to myself, 'Perhaps she has written to him!' But don't you worry, there's no need to be concerned."
Raoul was on the verge of insulting her, of calling her an old loon. He managed to control himself and he reasoned that in order to learn more, it would be more diplomatic to indulge her obsession. He sat down again, and made his face appear almost calm, while inside a genuine rage was beginning to tear him apart.
"Come, come!..." he said. "She went off with the spirit! The spirit cannot have taken her to Heaven... One must know where the spirit resides on Earth. Do you have any clues? What sort of news did she send you on that evening when she didn't come back?"
Mme Valérius opened a small lacquered box that was within her reach and pulled out a letter from Christine, written on Christine's stationary. Raoul recognized it immediately, having seen similar paper in her dressing room. This letter had been delivered by a carrier that had not been seen again.
All that was on it were a few words scribbled in a trembling hand: "I am with him!... I live beside him ... above all, please don't worry, Granny, if my absence is prolonged... He is watching over me. I love you with all my heart... Christine."
"And that's enough for you?" snarled Raoul, who could barely breathe. But once again, he managed to control himself before the enraptured and utterly inane countenance of Mama Valérius. Then he rose abruptly, straight as an arrow.
"Is Christine still a virtuous girl?"
2) Compare the Gaulois text:
Dans sa loge, à l'Opéra, monsieur Raoul ; ils sont plus tranquilles.
To the 1st Edition:
Maintenant qu’elle est partie avec lui, je ne pourrais vous le dire, mais il y a quinze jours, cela se passait dans la loge de Christine.
Translation from the Gaulois:
“In her dressing room, at the Opéra, monsieur Raoul; they are more comfortable there."
Translation from the 1st Edition:
"Now that she has gone with him, I couldn't tell you, but a fortnight ago, they took place in Christine's dressing room."
3) Compare the Gaulois text:
Coûte que coûte, il voulait avoir une explication avec le génie de la musique !... (No matter the cost, he wanted to have words with the spirit of music!...)
To the 1st Edition:
Coûte que coûte, il voulait avoir une explication avec l’Ange de la musique !... (No matter the cost, he wanted to have words with the Angel of Music!...)
4) Chapter X was misprinted as Chapter XI. This numbering error was made in Chapter VII, and was not corrected, so it was propagated throughout the Gaulois publication.
5) Minor differences in punctuation, and capitalization, and italicization.
Click here to see the entire edition of Le Gaulois from 28 October, 1909. This link brings you to page 3 of the newspaper — Le Fantôme is at the bottom of the page in the feuilleton section. Click on the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen to turn the pages of the newspaper, and click on the Zoom button at the bottom left to magnify the text.
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nickgoesinsane · 11 months
what is invincible
My addiction in 2021. It’s a comic & Amazon series about a guy named Mark Grayson who wants to be like his superhero alien dad, just to find out that his dad isn’t... the good guy. The comic ran from 2003 to 2018 with 114 issues and the Amazon series has eight episodes. The second season is supposed to come out in fall.
It has a lot of gore and dark humor, plus a realistic take on superhero life. Trigger warning though, the comics touch darker themes such as SA. They’ll most likely include it in the series since it takes a big toll on Mark’s life and his character overall. I think they handled it well, but fans didn’t take it seriously and made a joke out of it.
But those are straight guys for ya.
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Narrated Sa`d:
I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying, "Whoever takes seven 'Ajwa dates in the morning will not be effected by magic or poison on that day."
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Narrated Anas bin Malik:
A Jewess brought a poisoned (cooked) sheep for the Prophet (ﷺ) who ate from it. She was brought to the Prophet and he was asked, "Shall we kill her?" He said, "No." I continued to see the effect of the poison on the palate of the mouth of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ).
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Narrated `Aisha:
The Prophet (ﷺ) in his ailment in which he died, used to say, "O `Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison."
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Volume 1, Parts 1.42.10
Sa'id Ibn Muhammad al-Thaqafl informed us on the authority of Muhammad Ibn 'Amr, he on the authority of Abu Salamah; he said:
The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, did not eat anything given in sadaqah (charity) but he ate out of things given as presents. A Jewess presented to him a fried goat. The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, and his Companions ate out of it. It said: There is poison in me. Thereupon he said to his Companions: Hold back your hands; verily it has informed me that it has poison. He (Abu Salamah) said: They held back their hands. He (Abu Salamah) said: Bishr Ibn al-Bara died. The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, sent for her Jewess and said: What induced thee, to do what thou hadst done? [P. 114) She said: I wanted to know if thou art a Prophet because in that case it would not harm thee; and if thou wert a king, I would have relieved the people of thee. He (Abu Salamah) said: He passed an order, and she was killed.
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Narrated `Aisha:
that during his fatal ailment, Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), used to ask his wives, "Where shall I stay tomorrow? Where shall I stay tomorrow?" He was looking forward to Aisha's turn. So all his wives allowed him to stay where he wished, and he stayed at `Aisha's house till he died there. `Aisha added: He died on the day of my usual turn at my house. Allah took him unto Him while his head was between my chest and my neck and his saliva was mixed with my saliva.
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Narrated `Aisha:
"When the Prophet (ﷺ) became seriously ill and his disease became aggravated he asked for permission from his wives to be nursed in my house and he was allowed. He came out with the help of two men and his legs were dragging on the ground. He was between Al-`Abbas and another man." 'Ubaidullah said, "I told Ibn `Abbas what `Aisha had narrated and he said, 'Do you know who was the (second) man whose name `Aisha did not mention'" I said, 'No.' Ibn `Abbas said, 'He was `Ali Ibn Abi Talib.' "
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The quran was never completed. The Jewish woman successfully proved Muhammad was a phoney and undermined the supposed will of a supposed god.
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t-marveland · 8 months
𝐗-𝐌𝐞𝐧 | ororo munroe
Ororo Munroe x Reader
Warnings : spoil days of futur past
Mots : 114
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Tu étais en train de te battre contre les Sentinelles devant le temple et cette fois, il n'y avait pas de retour en arrière. Il fallait les retenir le plus longtemps possible pour que Logan puisse vous sauver. Tu essayais de te défendre comme tu le pouvais, mais grâce à leur capacité d'adaptation, ta mutation ne les affectait pas. Tu étais au sol et lorsque tu te relevas une Sentinelles arriva derrière toi et te planta son bras dans le dos. Ton cri attira l'attention de Tornade qui se tourna vers le son et vit ton corps inerte.
❝━ (T/P) !❞
Elle espérait vraiment que Logan réussisse sa mission dans le passé.
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jackleg-penwright · 9 months
Anzoni chronometry (is that a word?)
So for my fic Anzoni Anniversary, I accidentally did a LOT of worldbuilding, and far more math than I ever thought I’d do for a throwaway fictional culture. But it was a lot of fun, and I hope it makes the world feel more real. You shouldn’t need to know how the math works to enjoy the story, but just in case you’re curious, here is (some of) the Math of the Anzoni People - time-keeping edition.
The primary planet in the Anzoni system orbits their sun in what would be 275 earth days, and makes 240 rotations during that time. So a year on Anzoni Azna (and as Azna was the planet of origin, the other two planets being uninhabited by sentient beings until colonization about 3000 years ago, they all use Aznian timekeeping for anything intersystem, though each planet has its own orbit-based practices on top of it) is about nine months in Standard (I’m assuming that Standard in the Star Trek verse is just Earth-based), and each day is 27 ½ earth hours long.
But of course their days are divided with no consideration for the timekeeping of a planet they had never even heard of before. So the day is divided into four quarters, which would come to 6 ⅞ earth hours, of 6 hours 52 ½ minutes. (yes I made a spreadsheet to do the exact math because I was curious - like I said, I accidentally did a lot of worldbuilding math. Only then I approximated and rounded some things so it’s not QUITE lining up like it should). Each quarter is divided into thirds, equal to 136 ½ minutes, or two hours, sixteen and a half minutes. I haven’t actually named the quarters, which I probably should, but each third-of-a-quarter is called a sa’aed (pronounced sa-add, with the sa sounding like the first part of the word sat). Sa’aeds are divided into 72 daqui, which are each 114 ⅔ seconds, or 1 minute 54 ⅔ seconds. Daqui are grouped into clusters of twelve, and referred to by the fraction of a sa’aed. So 
12 daqui = ⅙ of a sa’aed (22 minutes, 55 seconds) 
24 daqui = ⅓ of a sa’aed (45 minutes, 50 seconds) 
36 daqui = ½ of a sa’aed (68 minutes 45 seconds, or 1 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds)
48 daqui = ⅔ of a sa’aed (91 minutes, 40 seconds, or 1 hour, 31 minutes, 40 seconds)
60 daqui = ⅚ of a sa’aed (114 minutes, 35 seconds, or 1 hour, 54 minutes, 35 seconds)
72 daqui = 1 sa’aed (136 ½ minutes or 2 hours 16 ½ minutes)
It doesn’t come up at all in the story, but each daqui is divided into 120 midis, which are about 95/100 of a Standard second (my latest spreadsheet tells me the actual number is 0.9548611111 seconds, but no one is going to care about that level of precision. Since their whole system is based on simple fractions, weird decimal places are weird to the Anzoni people).
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lalignedujour · 10 months
Ceci est le premier texte d'une série à dérouler : J'ai connu Jed, accessible sous le hashtag #jaiconnujed. Je profiterai du défi @30jourspourecrire pour produire un épisode par jour - sans engagement : je suis pas à l'abri d'un jour sans, d'un jour avec autre chose, ou d'en avoir assez de Jed et de le faire décéder précipitamment.
Ici, toutes les dimensions dépassent celles du corps humain, se dit Jed, et ce sera sa dernière pensée sauvage.
Ce matin, il est sorti sans rien dans le ventre. Sans rien dans les poches. Il se sentirait presque léger. S'il avait fait ça plus tôt dans sa vie, ne serait-ce qu'il y a deux ou trois ans, oui, sans doute qu'il aurait voulu aller plus loin, mais là c'est trop tard. Les services d'urgence sont surchargés dans la soirée, alors autant faire ça en début de journée. Il n'a plus que quelques minutes de marche. Il presse le pas.
Des camions plus volumineux que son appartement, lancés à pleine vitesse. L’air qu’ils déplacent en le doublant, Jed ne le déplacerait jamais en marchant toute la journée. Vues de près, les glissières de sécurité sont plus massives que par exemple les assiettes de Jed, la gourde de Jed, ou même le lavabo de Jed. Deux fois trois voies de bitume : même en largeur, c’est une belle distance, on pourrait y mettre un bistrot sur chacun des sens de circulation.
Jed arrive au pont. En-dessous : la voix ferrée. Il aime cette esthétique. Des couleurs ternes. Deux droites tranquilles, filant vers un point de fuite dans l'espoir vain de se rejoindre. Ici aussi, la hauteur est de belle dimension. Vu de loin, ça ressemble à des graviers qui amortiraient sa chute, mais non, ce sont bien ces cailloux gris clair, suffisamment gros pour lui offrir un accueil contondant. Pas besoin d’attendre le passage d’un train - consulter les horaires et s'en remettre à la rigueur d'un système et des personnes qui le composent ? non - et c’est pour ça que Jed a choisi cet endroit. Cette fois, c’est la bonne. Jed envoie le SMS préparé hier soir. Il enjambe la barrière, se jette dans le vide. Il meurt sur le coup.
Au pied de la glissière, au soleil sur le bitume, le téléphone vibre. Jed est mort et pourtant l'écran n'est pas encore vérrouillé. On peut y lire :
-je me suis suicidé ici, désolé mais je veux bien que vous fassiez évacuer mon corps - jed mimouni
-Le 114 est un service d'urgence réservé aux personnes ne pouvant pas téléphoner. Tous les échanges sont enregistrés. Nous allons traiter votre demande.
Bientôt, les personnes qui connaissaient Jed seront réunies dans une salle très éclairée. Elles diront quelques banalités. Des banalités qui seront de toute façon belles et feront de toute façon pleurer.
Ces personnes connaissaient Jed, oui. Elles étaient liées à lui. Jed était leur fils, leur cousin, leur oncle, leur frère, leur ex-collègue, leur ex-mari.
Plus tard, au bistro en face du cimetière, on dira autour de Pago Abricot, de grenadines, de panachés, et de blancs sec à onze heures, que Jed continuera à vivre en ces personnes. Oui, on se sentira bien avec cette idée. On fera semblant d'y croire. Mais, c'est tout l'inverse. Jed est mort pour les personnes qui savent qu'il est mort.
Si on ne sait pas que Jed est mort, alors Jed est vivant.
Il continue à vivre chez toutes les personnes avec qui Jed a eu un tout petit contact. Une personne à qui il a failli rentrer dedans en marchant. Une vieille qu'il a laissé passer à la caisse du Auchan. Un enfant à qui il a souri. Ces personnes ne connaissaient peut-être pas Jed, au sens commun du terme, mais elles savaient un peu qui il était.
Je veux les laisser raconter Jed.
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alexlacquemanne · 1 year
Quand la Panthère rose s'emmêle (The Pink Panther Strikes Again) (1976) de Blake Edwards avec Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Leonard Rossiter, Colin Blakely, Lesley-Anne Down, André Maranne, Michael Robbins et Burt Kwouk
Le Dimanche de la vie (1967) de Jean Herman avec Danielle Darrieux, Jean-Pierre Moulin, Olivier Hussenot, Françoise Arnoul, Berthe Bovy, Anne Doat, Hubert Deschamps et Jean Rochefort
Romance inachevée (The Glenn Miller Story) (1954) de Anthony Mann avec James Stewart, June Allyson, Henry Morgan, Charles Drake, George Tobias et Barton MacLane
La Canonnière du Yang-Tsé (The Sand Pebbles) (1966) de Robert Wise avec Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, Richard Crenna, Candice Bergen, Marayat Andriane et Makoto Iwamatsu
Deux Heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ (1982) de Jean Yanne avec Coluche, Michel Serrault, Jean Yanne, Michel Auclair, Françoise Fabian, Mimi Coutelier et Darry Cowl
Le Dernier Voyage (2020) de Romain Quirot avec Hugo Becker, Paul Hamy, Lya Oussadit-Lessert, Jean Reno, Bruno Lochet et Émilie Gavois-Kahn
Le Dernier Métro (1980) de François Truffaut avec Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Heinz Bennent, Jean Poiret, Andréa Ferréol, Paulette Dubost, Jean-Louis Richard et Maurice Risch
Les cadavres ne portent pas de costard (Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) (1982) de Carl Reiner avec Steve Martin, Rachel Ward, Carl Reiner, Reni Santoni, George Gaynes, Barbara Stanwyck, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant et Ingrid Bergman
Docteur Folamour ou : comment j'ai appris à ne plus m'en faire et à aimer la bombe (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1964) de Stanley Kubrick avec Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn, Slim Pickens, Peter Bull et Tracy Reed
Un homme est passé (Bad Day at Black Rock) (1955) de John Sturges avec Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger, Walter Brennan, John Ericson, Ernest Borgnine et Lee Marvin
Le Monde, la Chair et le Diable (The World, The Flesh and the Devil) (1959) de MacDougall avec Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens et Mel Ferrer
La Belle Saison (2015) de Catherine Corsini avec Izïa Higelin, Cécile de France, Noémie Lvovsky, Kévin Azaïs, Lætitia Dosch et Benjamin Bellecour
Le Grand Embouteillage (L'ingorgo) (1979) de Luigi Comencini avec Annie Girardot, Fernando Rey, Miou-Miou, Gérard Depardieu, Ugo Tognazzi, Marcello Mastroianni, Stefania Sandrelli, Alberto Sordi, Orazio Orlando, Gianni Cavina, Harry Baer et Ángela Molina
Ariane (Love in the Afternoon) (1957) de Billy Wilder avec Gary Cooper, Audrey Hepburn, Maurice Chevalier, Van Doude, John McGiver et Lise Bourdin
Voici le temps des assassins (1956) de Julien Duvivier avec Jean Gabin, Danièle Delorme, Gérard Blain, Lucienne Bogaert, Germaine Kerjean, Gabrielle Fontan et Jean-Paul Roussillon
Castle Saison 1, 2
Des fleurs pour ta tombe - Jeunes Filles au père - Amis à la vie, à la mort - Sexe, Scandale et Politique - Calcul glacial - La Piste du vaudou - Crimes dans la haute - Mémoires d’outre-tombe - Où est Angela ? - Double face - La Mort à crédit - Quitte ou Double - L'Enfer de la mode - L'Escroc au cœur tendre - L'auteur qui m'aimait - Pour l'amour du sang - Dernières paroles
Coffre à Catch
#113 : Unforgiven 2008 : Matt Hardy will not die ! - #114 : Matt Hardy champion, les débuts de Jack Swagger ! - #115 : La ECW, c'est bien, mais avec Vianney c'est mieux ! - #116 : Maryse : Pourquoi es-tu si belle? - # 117 : All Star Main Event + Gérard Lenorman !
James May : Notre Homme au Japon
Allez ! - Chou farci - Déodorant - Salut Bim ! - Le garçon de la pêche - Prune salée
Friends Saison 8
Celui qui venait de dire oui - Celui qui avait un sweat rouge - Celui qui découvrait sa paternité - Celui qui avait une vidéo - Celui qui draguait Rachel - Celui qui perturbait Halloween - Celui qui voulait garder Rachel - Celui qui engageait une strip-teaseuse - Celui qui avait fait courir la rumeur - Celui qui défendait sa sœur - Celui qui ne voulait pas aller plus loin - Celui qui passait une soirée avec Rachel - Celui qui découvrait les joies du bain - Celui qui découvrait le placard secret - Celui qui visionnait la vidéo de l'accouchement - Celui qui avouait tout à Rachel - Celui qui voyait dans les feuilles de thé - Celui qui était trop positif
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 8
Un cri dans la nuit - Les Régates de la vengeance - Requiem pour une orchidée - Pari mortel - Double vue - Le Saut de la délivrance - L'assassin est un fin gourmet - Rhapsodie macabre
L'agence tous risques Saison 4, 5
Qui est qui ? - Cowboy George - La roue de la fortune - Services en tous genres - Club privé - Harry a des ennuis - Un monde de fou - La mission de la paix - Les orages du souvenir - Un témoin capital : 1re partie - Condamnation : 2e partie - Exécution : 3e partie - Match au sommet - Théorie de la révolution - Mort sur ordonnance - Une vieille amitié
Columbo Saison 2
Rançon pour un homme mort - Requiem pour une star
Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 3
Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare - Meurtres du troisième type
Affaires Sensibles
Algues vertes : le danger qui empoisonne la Bretagne - James Jesus Angleton : paranoïa à la CIA - THE GRIM SLEEPER : Le faucheur en embuscade 1985-2007 - La création du festival de Cannes - 2000, les Jeux paralympiques de Sydney : la fraude des basketteurs espagnols
Une enfant sage - B.B - La Madrague - Le papillon - Bébé - La vérité
Les Enquêtes de Morse saison 9
Mascarade - Prélude - Sorties de scène
James May's Cars of the People Saison 1, 2
Transports et totalitarisme - Rien n'arrête les nouilles - Les voitures qui nous ont toujours fait rêver - La puissance de la vapeur - 4x4 - Boom (et effondrement) d'après-guerre
The Grand Tour Saison 4, 3, 1, 2
The Grand Tour présente… Seamen - The Grand Tour présente… La Chasse au trésor - Eaux salées et eaux douces - The Grand Tour: A Scandi Flick - Virée à l’Italienne - Spéciale Colombie : Première partie - Spéciale Colombie ; Deuxième partie - Oh, Canada - Coup de vieux
Orage de chaleur de Richard Castle
Cinq Gars pour Singapour de Jean Bruce
Lucky Luke, tome 27 : Le 20ème de cavalerie de Morris et René Goscinny
Garôden de Jirô Taniguchi et Baku Yumemakura
Une enquête du commissaire Dupin : Etrange printemps aux Glénan de Jean-Luc Bannalec
Détective Conan, tome 9 de Gôshô Aoyama
Il était une fois… Le cinéma, Tome 1 : Des frères Lumière à Charlie Chaplin de Jean-Pierre Georges et Dentiblu
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