#Susanna Wesley
aelstudies · 10 months
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More Emmanuel College. Susanna Wesley looks like a determined woman in her portrait in the entrance hall. It’s my favourite painting there.
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suziegallagher · 1 month
Making Bread - reflecting on the prep needed for Spiritusl Accompaniment
gathering the ingredients Getting ready for Spiritual Accompaniment is like looking on the shelves of the pantry for ingredients. Do I have enough? What am I missing? Is everything in date? Taking each issue going on professionally and personally and bringing them into the light of ‘is that the focus for today?’ What does the Lord require me to pay attention to? Spiritual Accompaniment “involves…
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 7 months
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In the second season of each show both Hero's had to watch their surviving Parents be killed in front of them. But whose death was the hardest for you to watch?
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reinato · 1 month
Devocional Jovem
Ninguém tem maior amor do que Aquele que dá a Sua vida pelos Seus amigos. João 15:13
Outro dia ouvi um pouco a respeito da história de Susanna, mãe do grande teólogo John Wesley. Mulher firme e consagrada, cuidadora de 19 crianças, certa vez foi surpreendida pela pergunta: “Entre tantos filhos, quem você mais ama?” Se essa é uma pergunta do tipo que não se faz, a resposta que ela ofereceu foi do tipo que não se esquece. Ela disse mais ou menos assim: “Eu amo mais o que está doente, até que sare. Eu amo mais o que está longe, até que volte. Eu amo mais o que está com fome, até que se alimente. Eu amo mais o que está com sede, até que beba. Eu amo mais o que está estudando, até que aprenda. Eu amo mais o que está chorando, até que se console. Eu amo mais o que se foi, até que o reencontre.”
Fico pensando que o amor de Deus é mais ou menos assim. Ele tem um jeito único de amar. É como se o Céu exibisse predileções estranhas, contrárias às regras e lógicas que orientam nossas relações humanas. O amor de Deus busca com especial interesse quem menos merece, quem menos entende, quem menos percebe a procura. E mais: não há nada de mau que alguém possa fazer que diminua o amor de Deus por Seus filhos. Esse amor é imutável. Mas também não há nada de bom que alguém possa fazer que aumente o amor de Deus. Esse amor é insuperável.
Hoje eu gostaria apenas de lembrá-lo de que você é muito amado. Se Deus usasse uma carteira para carregar os documentos, sua foto certamente estaria lá. Se no Céu houvesse uma cozinha com uma geladeira, haveria seus desenhos de infância estampados na porta, pendurados por ímãs com as letras do seu nome. É isso mesmo. Deus ama você como se só você existisse para ser amado.
Mas esse é muito mais que um sentimento romântico e poético. A maior prova desse amor foi exposta na cruz do Calvário. Foi Jesus mesmo quem disse que ninguém tem maior amor do que esse, que move alguém a entregar a própria vida para salvar os outros. Em Suas últimas horas com os discípulos antes de morrer, Ele tentou descrever o que estava prestes a acontecer. Na cruz ficou exposto diante do Universo o que o amor é capaz de fazer.
Não importa o que lhe digam ou o que você sinta hoje, não permita que nada o faça esquecer: você é muito amado pelo Pai.
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fuzzysparrow · 5 months
The Hymns of Charles Wesley
Whilst John Wesley is famous as the founder of the Methodist movement, his brother Charles was equally important. During his life, Charles Wesley wrote around 6,500 hymns, many of which are familiar today.  Charles Wesley was the eighteenth child of Susanna and Samuel Wesley, born on 18th December 1707 in Epworth, Lincolnshire. Wesley followed in his father’s footsteps to become a rector and was…
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gatekeeperwatchman · 1 year
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Daily Devotional for December 19, 2022 Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living Devotional Scripture: Proverbs 31:1-3 (KJV): 1 The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. 2 What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? and what, the son of my vows? 3 Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings. Daily Devotional for December 19, 2022 Proverbs 31:1-3 (AMP): 1 The words of Lemuel king of Massa, which his mother taught him: 2 What, my son? What, son of my womb? What (shall I advise you), son of my vows and dedication to God? 3 Give not your strength to (loose) women, nor your ways to those who and that which ruin and destroy kings.
  Thought for the Day
Verse 1 - Chapter 31, the last chapter of Proverbs, was written by King Lemuel. "Lemuel" is thought to have been another name for Solomon, a loving appellation his mother used. As a young man, he was a person of splendid, godly character. This can be attributed not only to his father David, whose instructions to Solomon are recorded in Proverbs 4 but also to Bathsheba, his mother, whose instructions are recorded in this chapter. She called Solomon the "son of her vows." Like the name "Lemuel," this phrase meant that she had dedicated him to the Lord. This chapter reveals her aim to teach him the responsibilities that he would have as a king, that he might please God, to whom she had dedicated him.
Verse 2 - Through the centuries, many mothers have dedicated their children to God and He has used those children mightily. Hannah, another great woman of faith and prayer dedicated her son to the Lord, and he was used mightily during a time in Israel's history when the light of God's revelation burned dimly. Her son was the great prophet, Samuel (1 Samuel 3:20-21).
More recently, we have the example of Susanna Wesley. God used her two sons, John and Charles, to touch the lives of many people for Christ. John Wesley founded Methodism, while his brother Charles wrote over 9,000 hymns and poems. John Wesley received much of his early spiritual and academic training from his mother. The year 2003 marked the 300th anniversary of John Wesley's birth. His life still influences people today, for which much credit is due to his mother's faithfulness and dedication to teaching her children the ways of the Lord.
Verse 3 - The prayerful woman who gives her children to the Lord will also instruct them in His ways. The first instruction that Bathsheba gave Lemuel was to reject loose women, bad companions, and promiscuous ways. She realized the awesome responsibility her son would have as a king. She knew that if he were to please God, he must learn to fear the Lord. This would make him a man of integrity and help him to resist the three greatest temptations of those in authority: the misuse of wealth; yielding to pride, or yielding to lust. While these are especially tempting for those in authority, we all face the same temptations at various levels. We must remember, as Bathsheba did, our responsibility to warn our children of sin's dangers, and to teach them to walk in the reverence of God. Prayer Devotional for the Day Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the many women over the years who have dedicated their children to the Lord, and those children have, in turn, served You. May we all as mothers and fathers realize the awesome responsibility and opportunity we have to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Use our children in Your kingdom and cause them to become strong Christian witnesses. May they speak the Word of the Lord, even as we speak and teach the Word to them. Use them as Your humble servants and keep them from evil. I ask this in the name of the Lord, Jesus. Amen.
From: Steven P. Miller CEO/ Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Instagram: steven_parker_miller_1956, Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman URL: linkedin.com/in/steven-miller-b1ab21259 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElderStevenMiller
GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981
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spoilergodwins · 2 years
Tudo que enfraqueça sua razão, esmoreça a ternura da sua consciência, obscureça seu senso de Deus ou remova seu gosto pelas coisas espirituais — isso é pecado para você.
Susanna Wesley (Livro: A Atitude Vencedora, de John C. Maxwell)
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✝oday's honey🌱
April 27, 2024
_Knights of the Kingdom Series_
🛐📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 🛐
As the 25th child of Dr. Annesley born to his second wife, probably the least spoken about; Susanna rose to be an epitome of a Christian mother to many generations. Little did the family know that she would become the mother of John and Charles Wesley, the founders of worldwide Methodism. Susanna bore between 17 and 19 children but had ten surviving.
Through all this and amidst fire destroying their home, illnesses and poverty weighing them down, Susanna stood strong and accepted the will of God, committing her family into His hands. As an Anglican minister, Samuel Wesley was frequently away from home and left their home under Susanna's control.
Susanna in all these trying times remained a staunch Christian and taught not only with Scriptures but lived a life worth emulating.
She is known to have always encouraged that one must know God experientially, encountering Him daily. She moulded her children in the fear of the Lord making it a rule for herself to spend an hour a day with each of the children in a week teaching them how to read from age five.
After a fire in 1709, things turned sour with regards to family discipline but Susanna with time managed to work things back to normal.
John was Susanna's closest child after she almost lost him in the fire. She is recorded as saying, "I intended to be more particularly careful of the soul of this child that thou hast so mercifully provided for than ever I have been that I may do my endeavours to instill into his mind the disciplines of thy true religion and virtue."
Her every activity was one borne out of her faith in God and the believe in His Gospel.
Again, when John was six he thought he would never marry because he would never find such a woman as his father had.
Susanna lived with her children after the death of her husband and spent her last days with John until she died on July 23, 1742.
Her Christian discipline instilled in her children especially her sons paid of as they won many souls to Christ.
Famous Quote: There are two things to do about the Gospel; believe it and behave it.
Bless a life by sharing
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barkskins · 2 months
i've temporarily paused my queue as i catch up/let my wrist heal. below is my current to-do list. if there are any that you're dying to read, please nudge me and i'll release it. otherwise they'll come out throughout the week !
jasper & hunter
kier & devon
patrick & wesley
patrick & coen
jasper & boone
mariella & olive
jasper & ophelia
laika & kennedy
summaiya & felix
sterling & jasmine
striker & rocky
kasper & clementine
jasper & mateo
sparrow & axl
west & zoe
colt & susanna
jasper & milo
cooper & jasper
karenna & evanie
sera & jasper
striker & ingrid
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mallahanmoxie · 4 months
simba's elusive reading list for the year of the lord 2024 may we read all this shit amen
writing this damn list out because i didn't do it last year and I ended up reading threeeeeeee books altogether and they were specifically the one where the guy gets alien pregnant and shits the babies out I am not kidding and the others were bridgerton so. I desperately need it.
A bunch of books I started 1-3 years ago and I have to finish. Eventually. (This year): Beautiful Wreck by Larissa Brown, Legendborn by Tracy Deon, Piranesi by Susanna Clarke, A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine, A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers, The Helm of Midnight by Marina Lostetter, The Comforters by Muriel Spark, If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
A book about deconstructing prophecies: The Art of the Prophecy by Wesley Chu
A book about deconstructing the fantasy book? I think?: Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat
A non fiction that isn't about history, for once: The Crisis of Meaning and the Life-World by L'ubica Učník (optimistically) or Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space by Amanda Leduc (more likely)
A book about angels: Angels Before Man by Rafael Nicolás
A book about vampires: A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson, or alternatively, Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
A book I've been seen recommended a lot: The Will of the Many by James Islington
A book that sounds disorienting: Crossings by Alex Landragin
A rec by storygraph on the Out of your comfort zone tab: The Artist of Disappearance by Anita Desai
A book with a pretty cover: The Bird King by G. Willow Wilson
A book already on my library, yet untouched: Shadow and Claw by Gene Wolfe or Slewfoot by Brom
A book recced to me by my aunt (<3): El silencio de la ciudad blanca de Eva García Sáenz de Urturi or Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard
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2023 reading list!
I read 148 books this year and managed to go to all 78 public libraries in my county network!
Hell Bent [Alex Stern: 2] - Leigh Bardugo
The Golden Enclaves [Scholomance: 3] - Naomi Novik
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi [Amina al-Sirafi: 1] - Shannon Chakraborty
The Hunger Games [The Hunger Games: 1] - Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire [The Hunger Games: 2] - Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay [The Hunger Games: 3] - Suzanne Collins
Camp Zero - Michelle Min Sterling
One True Loves - Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Priory of the Orange Tree [The Roots of Chaos: 1] - Samantha Shannon
One for My Enemy - Olivie Blake
Atalanta - Jennifer Saint
The Sun and the Star: A Nico Di Angelo Adventure - Rick Riordan, Mark Oshiro
Untethered Sky - Fonda Lee
Daughter of the Moon Goddess [Celestial Kingdom: 1] - Sue Lynn Tan
A Day of Fallen Night [The Roots of Chaos: 0] - Samantha Shannon
Heart of the Sun Warrior [Celestial Kingdom: 2] - Sue Lynn Tan
Yellowface - R. F. Kuang
Tress of the Emerald Sea - Brandon Sanderson
The Sleepless - Victor Manibo
Kaikeyi - Vaishnavi Patel
Exo [Exo: 1] - Fonda Lee
She Who Became the Sun [The Radiant Emperor: 1] - Shelley Parker-Chan
Rosewater [The Wormwood Trilogy: 1] - Tade Thompson
Demon Copperhead - Barbara Kingsolver
Book of Night [Book of Night: 1] - Holly Black
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee
The Secret Book of Flora Lea - Patti Callahan Henry
The Only Survivors - Megan Miranda
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn [The Library Trilogy: 1] - Mark Lawrence
Red Rising [Red Rising Saga: 1] - Pierce Brown
Ink Blood Sister Scribe - Emma Törzs
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Clytemnestra - Constanza Casati
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride - Roshani Choksi
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
Salt Houses - Hala Alyan
The Marriage Portrait - Maggie O’Farrell
The Unbroken [Magic of the Lost: 1] - C. L. Clark
The Shadow of What Was Lost [The Licanius Trilogy: 1] - James Islington
Piranesi - Susanna Clarke
The Last to Vanish - Megan Miranda
All the Dangerous Things - Stacy Willingham
All My Rage - Sabaa Tahir
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin
Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
River Sing Me Home - Eleanor Shearer
The Jasmine Throne [The Burning Kingdoms: 1] - Tasha Suri
Remarkably Bright Creatures - Shelby Van Pelt
Shrines of Gaiety - Kate Atkinson
Spells for Forgetting - Adrienne Young
Velvet Was the Night - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Hamnet - Maggie O’Farrell
Trust - Hernán Díaz
Dust Child - Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai
Our Hideous Progeny - C. E. McGill
Golden Son [Red Rising Saga: 2] - Pierce Brown
The Henna Artist [The Jaipur Trilogy: 1] - Alka Joshi
The Art of Prophecy [The War Arts Saga: 1] - Wesley Chu
The Attic Child - Lola Jaye
How High We Go in the Dark - Sequoia Nagamatsu
The Whispers - Ashley Audrain
The Secret Keeper of Jaipur [The Jaipur Trilogy: 2] - Alka Joshi
The Oleander Sword [The Burning Kingdoms: 2] - Tasha Suri
Immortal Longings [Flesh & False Gods: 1] - Chloe Gong
The Sea Elephants - Shastri Akella
Morning Star [Red Rising Saga: 3] - Pierce Brown
Honor - Thrity Umrigar
The First Bright Thing - J. R. Dawson
The Genesis of Misery - Neon Yang
An Echo of Things to Come [The Licanius Trilogy: 2] - James Islington
Did You Hear About Kitty Karr? - Crystal Smith Paul
Last Exit - Max Gladstone
Masters of Death - Olivie Blake
The Final Strife [The Ending Fire Trilogy: 1] - Saara El-Arifi
Peach Blossom Spring - Melissa Fu
There There - Tommy Orange
A Master of Djinn [Dead Djinn Universe: 1] - P. Djèlí Clark
The Battle Drum [The Ending Fire Trilogy: 2] - Saara El-Arifi
The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England - Brandon Sanderson
The Will of the Many [Hierarchy: 1] - James Islington
Independence - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
The Bone Ships [The Tide Child Trilogy: 1] - RJ Barker
Tread of Angels - Rebecca Roanhorse
City of Last Chances - Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Blacktongue Thief [Blacktongue: 1] - Christopher Buehlman
The Fifth Season [The Broken Earth: 1] - N. K. Jemisin
Forged by Blood [Tainted Blood Duology: 1] - Ehigbor Okosun
Even Though I Knew the End - C. L. Polk
The Bone Shard Daughter [The Drowning Empire: 1] - Andrea Stewart
Empire of Sand [The Books of Ambha: 1] - Tasha Suri
A Memory Called Empire [Teixcalaan: 1] - Arkady Martine
The Way of Kings [The Stormlight Archive: 1] - Brandon Sanderson
He Who Drowned the World [The Radiant Emperor: 2] - Shelley Parker-Chan
Empire of Exiles [Books of the Usurper: 1] - Erin M. Evans
Call of the Bone Ships [The Tide Child Trilogy: 2] - RJ Barker
Ashes of the Sun [Burningblade & Silvereye: 1] - Django Wexler
Summer Sons - Lee Mandelo
The Ninth Rain [The Winnowing Flame Trilogy: 1] - Jen Williams
Foundryside [The Founders Trilogy: 1] - Robert Jackson Bennett
The Surviving Sky [The Rages Trilogy: 1] - Kritika H. Rao
The Light of All That Falls [The Licanius Trilogy: 3] - James Islington
Threads That Bind [Threads That Bind: 1] - Kika Hatzopoulou
The Sword Defiant [Lands of the Firstborn: 1] - Gareth Hanrahan
The City We Became [The Great Cities: 1] - N. K. Jemisin
The Chalice of the Gods [Percy Jackson and the Olympians: 6] - Rick Riordan
The Tiger and the Wolf [Echoes of the Fall: 1] - Adrian Tchaikovsky
The Justice of Kings [Empire of the Wolf: 1] - Richard Swan
The Fragile Threads of Power [Threads of Power: 1] - V. E. Schwab
The Deep Sky - Yume Kitasei
City of Stairs [Divine Cities: 1] - Robert Jackson Bennett
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter - Brandon Sanderson
Words of Radiance [The Stormlight Archive: 2] - Brandon Sanderson
Foul Heart Huntsman [Foul Lady Fortune: 2] - Chloe Gong
The Water Outlaws - S. L. Huang
Under the Udala Trees - Chinelo Okparanta
A Desolation Called Peace [Teixcalaan: 2] - Arkady Martine
The Celebrants - Steven Rowley
Translation State - Ann Leckie
Godkiller [Godkiller: 1] - Hannah Kaner
The Art of Destiny [The Wat Arts Saga: 2] - Wesley Chu
The Mimicking of Known Successes [Mossa & Pleiti: 1] - Malka Older
Shorefall [The Founders Trilogy: 2] - Robert Jackson Bennett
Catfish Rolling - Clara Kumagai
Red Sister [The Book of the Ancestor: 1] - Mark Lawrence
Empire of Silence [The Sun Eater: 1] - Christopher Ruocchio
Sisters of the Lost Nation - Nick Medina
Dead Country [The Craft Wars: 1] - Max Gladstone
The Bone Shard Emperor [The Drowning Empire: 2] - Andrea Stewart
The Bear and the Serpent [Echoes of the Fall: 2] - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Ancillary Justice [Imperial Radch: 1] - Ann Leckie
Six Crimson Cranes [Six Crimson Cranes: 1] - Elizabeth Lim
A River Enchanted [Elements of Cadence: 1] - Rebecca Ross
Realm of Ash [The Books of Ambha: 2] - Tasha Suri
The Obelisk Gate [The Broken Earth: 2] - N. K. Jemisin
The World We Make [The Great Cities: 2] - N. K. Jemisin
The Stardust Thief [The Sandsea Trilogy: 1] - Chelsea Abdullah
All the Missing Girls - Megan Miranda
The Mountains Sing - Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai
Silver Nitrate - Silvia Moreno-Garcia
None of This Is True - Lisa Jewell
City of Blades [Divine Cities: 2] - Robert Jackson Bennett
The Bone Ship’s Wake [The Tide Child Trilogy: 3] - RJ Barker
Locklands [The Founders Trilogy: 3] - Robert Jackson Bennett
Oathbringer [The Stormlight Archive: 3] - Brandon Sanderson
The Judas Blossom [The Nightingale and the Falcon: 1] - Stephen Aryan
The Faithless [Magic of the Lost: 2] - C. L. Clark
One Word Kill [Impossible Times: 1] - Mark Lawrence
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tradedmiami · 1 year
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SALE IMAGE: Benjamin Kurland & Ben Berkowitz DATE: 05/02/2023 ADDRESS: 5300 West 16th Avenue & 5345 West 18th Avenue MARKET: Hialeah ASSET TYPE: Senior Housing & Medical Facility BUYER: Pointe Group Care - Ben Berkowitz; Allaire Health Services - Benjamin Kurland SELLER: Madelyn Lozano SALE PRICE: $30,900,000 UNITS: 410 ~ PPU: $75,366 NOTE: Pointe Group Care and Allaire Health Services acquired Epworth Village Retirement Community and Susanna Wesley Health Center in Hialeah, Florida, for a combined $30.9 million. The purchase includes the 290-unit Epworth Village independent senior living complex, as well as the 120-unit Susanna Wesley Health Center, which offers assisted living, nursing care, and rehabilitation services, marking the buyers' first investment in South Florida's senior living market. #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #EpworthVillageRetirementCommunity #SusannaWesleyHealthCenter #Hialeah #SeniorHousing #MedicalFacility #PointeGroupCare #BenBerkowitz #AllaireHealthServices #BenjaminKurland #MadelynLozano
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susancallaway · 1 year
Hidden behind the door of many homes is the reality of hardship.  Secret things happen that few want the world to know.  Yet, from some people (presently and historically) we are given the inside story, whether they want it told or not. A devastated home isn’t always apparent on first impression, is it? Susanna Wesley was married to a preacher.  They had 10 children of which, two grew up to…
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mi-parte-espiritual · 2 years
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-El tizón de Dios-
2 de octubre
Lee por favor : Zacarías 3:1-7
La Biblia en un año: Isaías 14–16; Efesios 5:1-16
--… he quitado de ti tu pecado, y te he hecho vestir de ropas de gala (v. 4).--
Alzando en brazos a los niños más pequeños, una mujer desesperada salió corriendo de la casa en llamas. Mientras corría, llamó en voz alta a Jacky, de cinco años. Pero Jacky no la siguió. Afuera, alguien que miraba, reaccionó de inmediato, y parado sobre los hombros de un amigo, alcanzó a sacar al niño por una ventana del piso superior… justo antes de que el techo se cayera. Susanna, su madre, dijo que el pequeño Jacky fue «un tizón [palo] arrebatado del incendio». Quizá conozcas a ese «tizón» como el gran evangelista John Wesley (1703-1791).
Susanna Wesley estaba citando a Zacarías, un profeta que ofrece una valiosa perspectiva del carácter de Dios. En su visión, Zacarías describe a Satanás acusando al sumo sacerdote Josué (3:1). Pero el Señor le dice a Josué: «he quitado de ti tu pecado, y te he hecho vestir de ropas de gala» (v. 4), y luego le presenta un desafío y una oportunidad: «si guardares mi ordenanza, también tú gobernarás mi casa» (v. 7).
¡Qué cuadro maravilloso del regalo que recibimos de Dios por nuestra fe en Cristo! Él nos arrebata del fuego, nos limpia, y obra en nosotros a medida que seguimos la guía de su Espíritu. Se nos podría llamar tizones de Dios arrebatados del fuego.
— Tim Gustafson
Asi como acusò al sumo sacerdote, asi esta el diablo acusándonos en todo tiempo, que si hicimos esto, que si dijimos aquello, que si pensamos lo otro...en fin, pero Cristo te llama, o te llamó y te perdonará y te vestirá de lino fino pero...una vez mas debes meditar en las condiciones de las cuales hemos hablado en tantos mensajes como este, no te resistas eres también un "tizon" el cual Dios no quiere que entres al fuego...que tengas un lindo dia y que Dios te siga colmando de bendiciones...¡shalom!
-Padre, te damos gracias por rescatarnos. Guíanos hoy con tu Espíritu mientras te servimos.-
--Dios nos rescata porque nos ama; luego, nos equipa para que compartamos su amor con otros.--
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ka1rosnan · 2 years
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-El tizón de Dios-
2 de octubre
Lee por favor : Zacarías 3:1-7
La Biblia en un año: Isaías 14–16; Efesios 5:1-16
--… he quitado de ti tu pecado, y te he hecho vestir de ropas de gala (v. 4).--
Alzando en brazos a los niños más pequeños, una mujer desesperada salió corriendo de la casa en llamas. Mientras corría, llamó en voz alta a Jacky, de cinco años. Pero Jacky no la siguió. Afuera, alguien que miraba, reaccionó de inmediato, y parado sobre los hombros de un amigo, alcanzó a sacar al niño por una ventana del piso superior… justo antes de que el techo se cayera. Susanna, su madre, dijo que el pequeño Jacky fue «un tizón [palo] arrebatado del incendio». Quizá conozcas a ese «tizón» como el gran evangelista John Wesley (1703-1791).
Susanna Wesley estaba citando a Zacarías, un profeta que ofrece una valiosa perspectiva del carácter de Dios. En su visión, Zacarías describe a Satanás acusando al sumo sacerdote Josué (3:1). Pero el Señor le dice a Josué: «he quitado de ti tu pecado, y te he hecho vestir de ropas de gala» (v. 4), y luego le presenta un desafío y una oportunidad: «si guardares mi ordenanza, también tú gobernarás mi casa» (v. 7).
¡Qué cuadro maravilloso del regalo que recibimos de Dios por nuestra fe en Cristo! Él nos arrebata del fuego, nos limpia, y obra en nosotros a medida que seguimos la guía de su Espíritu. Se nos podría llamar tizones de Dios arrebatados del fuego.
— Tim Gustafson
Asi como acusò al sumo sacerdote, asi esta el diablo acusándonos en todo tiempo, que si hicimos esto, que si dijimos aquello, que si pensamos lo otro...en fin, pero Cristo te llama, o te llamó y te perdonará y te vestirá de lino fino pero...una vez mas debes meditar en las condiciones de las cuales hemos hablado en tantos mensajes como este, no te resistas eres también un "tizon" el cual Dios no quiere que entres al fuego...que tengas un lindo dia y que Dios te siga colmando de bendiciones...¡shalom!
-Padre, te damos gracias por rescatarnos. Guíanos hoy con tu Espíritu mientras te servimos.-
--Dios nos rescata porque nos ama; luego, nos equipa para que compartamos su amor con otros.--
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ellacrista · 2 years
Uma mãe de oração “A criança que nunca aprende a obedecer a seus pais em casa não vai obedecer a Deus ou homem fora de casa.”Susanna Wesley Susanna Wesley (1669 – 1742) nasceu em Londres, Inglaterra, foi a vigésima quinta filha (sim!) de Samuel Annesley, sendo ela a mais velha. Seu pai foi um clérigo puritano muito dedicado e um homem de fé: era acostumado a ler vinte capítulos da Bíblia…
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