herlondonboy · 2 years
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I thought it said “And just to kill my time, I take the long way home” 🤡
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pyjamasbartholomew · 8 days
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saturnsstufff · 3 years
The Blade and The Crow
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warnings: mentions of death
   Immortals are painted so delicately high in stories. Each brush stroke gently and precisely placed, placed without flaw. Immortal's either see Mortal's as a soft malleable child, open and willing to learn, yet desperately in need of guidance. Or they see them as fools, not cautious enough with their limited time.
   When the Angel Of Death saw Mortal's he saw them as pure Fools. Too stupid and naïve in the understanding of God's, and Immortals. What made him turn his nose up the most however was their lacking in interest. They didn't want to learn, or understand the unnatural order. Mortals shunned the forbidden knowledge, to Phil- someone who loved to learn, someone who soaked information up seamlessly, he couldn't understand their uninterest.
   Philza was young however, he was still new to this... power. No matter how long Immortals live their is always a beginning. A start to their story, a single hushed word, maybe written, thought, or spoken, sometimes even screamed, whether gloriously or in sin. sometimes their beginnings aren't wrote or even spoke of, sometimes they are painted, mostly because words cannot begin to explain.
   When Phil started becoming Devine, he honestly didn't think much about it, frankly he didn't even understand it was happening. He was a teen, young, a bit of a lady killer if you asked around, but entirely he was kind and quite generous. His parents focused on raising a kind son, the type any girl could bring hoe to her parents and be proud of. Truthfully, between his never ending manners and his strive for hard work, it was hard to not be proud of him, or at least acknowledge he was striving for the stars. 
   Phil's story started Hushed, soft, gentle even. Like a slow morning. The sun slowly leaving it's hidden spot. Shining and blossoming out to something much larger, sometimes more threatening. Just like that Sunrise, no matter how small and frail he was, by the end of eons Phil would become something more threatening, and terrifying. Some wouldn't even know he was born a child, for every story and legend taken down described him as a immortal elder who flew trough eons as a blood thirsty, torn man.
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   However, about his teens he started to notice his aging slowing down dramatically. His mother would always play it off as having a young baby face. The common thing any mother would tell her child. “Oh it’s just your youth showing, no need to worry”, “It’s just a baby face, your father had it too” all things he was told. He believed it too, after all, was he supposed to look into it?
   Sadly this odd aging became more apparent with every new year. By Nineteen he roughly looked about fifteen, when he turned twenty, he similarly looked the same. Because of this oddity he found himself staying home, or keeping away from the public more and more, not wishing to be ridiculed or looked at as a medical mystery. 
   He tried to grow close to some at least, some girls still lingered to his kindness. That was until they looked like a older woman carrying a child around on her arm. After being left  so many times, Phil couldn't help but draw back, and subconsciously shut himself down on seeking out a possible partner. After all, who wanted to bee seen with a child?
   When he matured into his thirties, he moved into a cottage by himself. He lied to his mother about the reasoning, telling her he wanted to explore the world more, grow up and experience it all. He knew his father wouldn't need help around the house anymore so it was perfect timing for the excuse. However, deep down he knew he was only leaving because he didn't want the village people to see a thirty-year old looking like a nineteen year old.
   After his departure he only came back for two things. His Father’s and his Mother’s Funeral. He would always kick himself in the future when he looked back on his mothers death. He couldn't stay through her whole service, not because of the tears he shed, but because of the lingering comments the villagers made. They didn't recognize Phil, thus they assumed he never showed. So instead of whispering saddened through's about her missing child, they down talked him. They cursed his “absence”, they wished Ill on him, they hoped he suffered for it.
   When Phil thinks back on this, he always remembers this as the first time he felt something deep within him stir.
   For every word, every curse... Every ill will... 
He wished it back tenfold. 
   “Shame their boy didn't show, I thought he was so kind”
   ‘Shame you don't open your eyes’
   “Don't you think he would at least show? I mean its a funeral, its not like he had anyone else.”
   ‘I don't see anyone at your funeral, not with how you keep both faces upturned’
   “I hope he remembers missing his mothers death, I hope it stays with him forever”
   ‘rot in hell’ 
   He knew most of his anger was from grief, he knew he shouldn't take it out on the others, it wasn't the right thing to do. 
   But that didn't stop him from doing it anyway.
   He should have been about a hundred now. he was easily old, yet he looked no older than twenty. He couldn't explain it, but that didn't stop him from living, he still kept going day to day.
   After a few more he left the pew, no longer waiting to hear what else they had to say about his absence.
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   After he hit three digit numbers, he started to change drastically...
   He met a woman on his One hundred, and fiftieth birthday, and Oh would he always remember her. She never gave her name, yet Phil trusted her with his whole heart. 
   She came to him when he was out late hunting. The night was cold, the first snowfall hadn't been long ago, so as Phil prowled the woods his breath came out in puff’s, the cloud showing his shaky breath. At first he thought he was seeing things, shadows moving too swiftly for a pure animal. He would see one on his left, then swiftly from behind him, then to his right. it was enough to drive anyone insane at the thought.
   Pushing aside his fear, he drew the sting of his bow back, assuming a black bear had taken interest into his loneliness, prowling alongside him, waiting to send him back to his mothers grave in bits. Phil was wise enough to know the situation of “You or Me, we both cant leave” So before the bear could strike he pulled the arrow back, tucking the nock against the corner of his lip, the fletching brushing his cheek in the process, giving contrast to the cold night. With the arrow ready, he waited for the sound of movement. 
   When he herd the wind pass by his ear in a swift breeze, he released a breath and turned, releasing the arrow from his grip, letting the arrow pierce the air, waiting for the sound of a hit.
But it didn't come.
   Instead, when he turned to see his kill, he saw a kind woman looking down at him. She was tall, yet beautiful in every point, wings of gold glittered under the moonlight, acting like a natural halo behind her. Her face was hidden by her black veil, black curls kissing her cheeks as they fell over her shoulder. Not only was Phil stunned, but he was left speechless when he saw her holding his arrow, the arrow he shot in hopes to end animal.
   “Well hello there little one”
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adrian: i know you feel betrayed-
isalyn: yes, well, that's one of the unpleasant side effects of betrayal.
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bettysgay · 4 years
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Still my favorite Taylor meme
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nisiverum · 5 years
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I’ve waited a whole year to post this, why not tonight? Off to @emonitela #spookyszn #spookywithabooty #spookycutie • • #boo #october #feels #emo #emonite #music #musicheals #halloween #dance #dancewithme #moody #moodygrams (at Emo Nite) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ODy-TBAtC/?igshid=lued4a56bhek
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boweiyang · 5 years
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Happy End ❤️ #happyend #love #Friendship #family #friends #high #14年友誼 (在 西門錢櫃新館) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bys7-TbAtC-/?igshid=1vga5adj472ld
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thewaysinwhich · 8 years
So six or eight months ago, I asked @earlgreytea68 whether this was okay, and she said yes, and now finally I figured out how to do it. Perhaps you would like to download The Bang and the Clatter (WHICH IS THE BEST FIC EVER) in a format that is especially friendly to Kindles and other e-readers--like, with a cover and title page and everything? If so, please look here. And please join my everlasting gratitude to @earlgreytea68 for allowing me to enact my fandom on her work.
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swayzexo · 12 years
So I have a bad ass, amazing, super awesome best friend, just saying. ♥
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isalyn: adrian… you’re half naked!
adrian: an optimist would say i’m half dressed.
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isalyn: did you just refer to the knife as a "people opener"?
fallon: …should i not have?
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It’s not what you think. We’re not enemies, we’re just bad friends.
— Adrian about Isalyn, probably
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isalyn: anyone ever tell you you've got anger issues?
adrian: i prefer the term "leadership skills."
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karysse: you believe me?
isalyn: karysse, you’re the last fully good person on the face of this miserable planet. i’d believe singing birds brushed your hair this morning.
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isalyn: well, i'm going through a little bit of a rough patch.
isalyn: whole life, actually.
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aurelius: destiny is calling, isalyn!
isalyn: i wish destiny would lose its messenger.
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