#TGAMM series finale
uforgetable · 4 months
I’ll miss the show 🥹
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blehblarghblah · 4 months
The Ghost and Molly McGee: Friendship for Life
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Bill Motz, Bob Ruth, hats off to you.
It always sucks to hear about another Disney cancellation for a cartoon, but by the Ghost World did the fantastic team behind TGaMM make the series finale work.
What can I say?
This cartoon is easily a top five favourite for me. Infinity Train might just have to step down after this, with Bluey up there too. My other favourite cartoons are more of personal preference but I honestly think TGaMM is a cartoon worth watching.
Life lessons, sure, but the humour, animation, voice acting, and songs? They're what make it all so fun. Fun is definitely an important premise to this show. "Enhappifying" your life, bringing joy, seeking out every risk and possibility?
It's been awhile since I've been so satisfied with a cartoon show's ending. There's so much to love about this show and I just cannot stop thinking about how it deserves some major kudos for the fun and fantastic writing it brings toward children's media in its simple form.
What fun show.
Until next post,
- Bleh
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cartoonwishes · 4 months
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clovariia · 4 months
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forever friends................dream team...............for all eternity...........
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candydos · 4 months
Jinx vs the Human World
https://mega.nz/file/AfxwGYoY#M9Z628D8DLgeB69BwYRuLjGWOkuxinWRxKQMy-ywafE (edit: this is the new link!)
The End (Series Finale)
Support the official release on the Disney YT channel! : https://youtu.be/zbl6c8WlCZ0?si=IQqyK8bQKkY9qyLw
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I didn’t think I’d be so upset about The Ghost and Molly McGee airing its finale tonight but like. They never even promoted it as a series finale so I was not PREPARED to deal with this grief. I can’t even bring myself to watch the actual episodes because I am NOT OKAY WITH THIS.
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thelowerdecker · 4 months
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The End is Near!
My "promo" drawing for The Finale! This is my interpretation. And also represents my feelings towards the idea of this amazing show ending! I really hope there is at least One more series! </3
Not gonna lie, looking at this actually does make me cry a bit! :'(
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patelpilled · 4 months
Looking back at my notes from before the end when I was a scratch wraith theory non believer and feeling really stupid ☠️☠️
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 months
Okay so, much like the ending of Amphibia, I’m sure this ending’s gonna be controversial for some people for being so bittersweet and for it also ending with the two BFFs splitting seemingly forever… but honestly? I fucking loved it.
While the penultimate ep felt slightly rushed and just a tad unsatisfying due to all they had to cram in and wrap up, I love that this show’s finale was ultimately focused on just Molly, Scratch, and the latter’s series-wide arc of changing for the better and “being brought back to life”, as the TGAMM show bible put it.
Having believed in the Wraith feeling since the start, I was afraid that the Todd reveal would feel rushed given that the crew lost the 3rd season of set-up they wanted, but thankfully it managed to feel fairly natural since - while Todd himself may have been a more subtle hint that you’d only notice if you were paying attention- again, Scratch’s arc and the clear changes we see from him are made known throughout the series. So by the time you finally get to the big payoff, it feels like a natural conclusion.
For all the info dumps we got, I also felt like the ep was pretty well paced as well, still having jokes that made me laugh so it never felt too heavy or melodramatic. I also love that all the major characters in Scratch’s life got to play a role in this one final adventure. I also love that - for as important of a role that Adia played in helping Scratch regain his memories - it wasn’t framed as Scratch choosing his old BFF over his new BFF, but simply Scratch choosing to be brave and live the life he always wanted deep down instead of continuing to run away/hold himself back.
As for what could be seen as the Most controversial bit - Scratch forgetting his time as a ‘ghost’ - I feel like this was incredibly well crafted too. Like anything else in TGAMM (and as Molly herself says) there’s still that spark of hope hinting at Scratch still remembering Molly and the impact she had on him. He’s going to live with those memories and the importance she gave to enhappifying in his heart, even when he doesn’t consciously remember these things.
What’s more, the show also subtly but beautifully emphasizes that even if Scratch won’t fully remember Molly and the others until he’s officially died, the time he spent and the things he did for others as a ghost still mattered - they’re still going to be remembered by Molly, the McGees and their friends, and I LOVE how they also brought back Scratch’s silly toboggan-sneeze curse as just another way a part of ghost-him is going to stick with all of them no matter what - no matter how far apart they are.
While I would have liked one final song (which, I guess we arguably did get that in the credits) I also feel like ending the show on Libby’s Maya Angelou quote was the perfect summation on the show’s core themes - to not just do good for others, but for yourself. To live your best and happiest life.
In my opinion, this truly was just a master class in satisfying series finales. We didn’t need any big final battles or a ton more drama, just one last beautiful character piece that isn’t afraid to be somewhat bittersweet in order to fully sell its message while also still being just as fun and enjoyable and lovely as the rest of the series.
Really, the only thing that makes me kinda sad is that Scratch never said goodbye to GhostShark - but hey, he’ll see him again eventually, and honestly my hc is that the Jeoffs are taking care of Sharkie for him in the meantime. Other than that, this was a 10/10 finale for me, absolutely no notes.
Now… obviously this was the finale that the TGAMM crew was always leading up to, I assume once they realized that they weren’t getting a s3 they asked Disney to give them one final ep to wrap things up. If that wasn’t the case though and this was always meant to be the s2 finale, I guess s3 would be about Todd slowly remembering his life as Scratch and eventually coming back to Brighton alongside Adia to help Molly stop Jinx’s revenge or whatever. But… eh, I personally don’t think that’s needed.
I think the show ended perfectly, leaving just enough ambiguous for fans to still imagine how Molly and Scratch’s adventures are going to continue one day while at the same time being super satisfying - probably the best series finale that we’ve seen out of any modern Disney cartoon.
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tornrose24 · 29 days
Rewatching ‘the many lives of Scratch’ TGAMM is…. Ah, quite an experience after the series finale and knowing what I know.
-first off, there’s the whole ‘I don’t remember my death day, but I’d rather forget this moment’ line is…. Uh… well… Ouch. 
-Also the irony of Scratch never remembering his death day because he never really had one.
-And apparently his reaction to hearing about Geoff’s death day involved hiding in the doll house and shut himself off from the others…. which parallels how he reacted to certain things as a human.
-side note: I love how Dana delivers Scratch’s ‘Oh…. No,’ line when he first sees the death day party everyone throws him.
-When the McGees and friends sing that one song, there’s a line where they want to know how Scratch left his body and became a ghost. And I’m all ‘Oh… yeah… that’s actually true. But it’s not a happy tale.’
-Just the fact that everyone’s guesses were so wildly incorrect. I’m sure we all had our theories and guesses and yet the truth ended up being so average sounding (as well as sad).
-Geoff’s story kind of hurts now. Though I like that he also imagines Libby to be the president and Darryl is her body guard.
-As Libby told her story, I’m thinking ‘why does the cow remind me of Todd? It almost has the same hair and eyes.’ Also I think it’s sweet that she imagines Molly being like a little sister to Scratch, though I bet that detail would have been altered if she knew how old Scratch actually was.
-Also, I can’t get over the fact that Libby had Scratch AND Molly both die in her story. It’s a bit morbid, but I’m guessing she couldn’t imagine them being separated. That or she wanted to create an insane ending. 
-I liked that Libby imagined Scratch to be someone who’d be willing to be brave enough to take on danger for someone close to him, which is what he is now… but actually wasn’t when he was human.
-Scratch kept insisting on having an appealing body type in the stories. The poor guy has no clue what he looked like as a human and is desperate for a more idealized version of himself. And yet the truth is… his real appearance isn’t that bad looking, and it actually IS a perfect match to what his personality is like, but it’s not one he’d be thrilled about going back to, even without the memories of what happened. (And this fuels a belief of mine that Scratch was more than likely insecure about his appearance before he lost his soul.) 
-Scratch complaining about nobody making him human is now an interesting line. I think none of them ever imagined it because they are so used to Scratch looking like a ghost. Molly was the only one who had a hint of what he looked like as a child and yet… when she makes her guess, we don’t see her imagining anything. Was it because what she imagined would be too accurate/close to the truth since she knows Scratch so well?
And it’s also ironic because by that point he and Molly have actually seen his true appearance and didn’t even realize it at the time. And then coincidentally come the very next episode, we actually see his human form once more in two specific moments. One of which draws specific attention to him. As if to remind us about someone….
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striderthefrog · 9 months
Scratch McGee and repressed trauma.
First off I’d like to preface this by saying I am not an expert on mental health this is an attempted analysis of a cartoon character through the lense of mental health for the purpose of entertainment.
TW: Discussion of mental health/ptsd
Scratch has been one of the most complex characters in tgamm. He starts off as a grumpy hermit, but as the series progresses we begin to see that he has a softer side. However he is trying to escape a traumatic past and is scared of forming attachments.
In scaring is caring it is revealed that Scratches worst fear is losing Molly. Although they’ve only known each other for a few months these two have become the closest of friends and we see that Scratch is deeply afraid of losing her even though he shouldn’t have to be worried about that.
Then we get to season two, this is when we really start to see where the possible trauma originated. In A soda to remember we see Scratch and Molly try to get a soda he had as a kid to help him remember his past. This could be seen as a trigger for his trauma, something related to it that starts to bring up those feelings/memories.
Scratch confesses to Molly that he is scared of his past, he doesn’t know if he wants to remember, part of him wants to forget it for good. He ends up deciding that not knowing is the worse end so he takes a sip and we get a peak into his childhood.
Here we see that Scratch had a friend that moved away. We hear a sad version of the friendship motif which has been used with Molly and Scratch’s bonding moments. Scratch looks up from the soda directly at the screen showing the most raw emotion we have seen of him yet. He does not tell Molly about this for a while.
Finally we get to All in the mind, an entire episode delving into Scratches past memories and trauma. The form of these memories coming back takes the form of bubbles fizzing up. A fitting way to show that he can’t hide from his trauma forever. Now Scratch seems to be depicted with some form of ptsd/cptsd albeit a more simplified cartoon version. These can be triggered by very small things sometimes seemingly unrelated however the brain usually has come to associate some things with the traumatic memories causing it to trigger.
It seems possible due to the correlation with Adia that being around Molly is causing Scratch to remember things and face his repressed trauma. The better he gets to know her the more he feels a connection similar to his one with Adia.
Once we dive into Scratches mind we see many things such as childish cardboard ship in a bottle of the same soda. And we also see many food related things. Including a taco “of his past.” In his mind we see a brief scene where Scratch is in a chair across from a monkey very clearly like he would a therapist. Scratch clearly has something mentally going on.
Later in the episode Scratch is finally able to stop running for a bit, he talks through it with Molly and although still scared he’s going to try and confront his past. We get an even deeper look into his mind and see him and Adia discussing their plans to travel the world, while in a cardboard boat.
We get another look at the scene of Adia moving away but this time we see scratch look down at his hands where the soda is.
Scratch has begun to dig up his past trauma although it seems we have yet to see the source. At the end of the episode we see a massive bubble come up with Adias face in it distorting the end music and the logo.
Scratch still has his biggest traumatic memories to deal with.
It’s been confirmed that Scratch would have been about 9-10 in the flashback scene we got. When someone goes through trauma they often will act in a way reminiscent of the earliest time they had before said trauma. We consistently see Scratch acting like a child, throwing fits, and talking about things like a 9-10 year old would.
All this seems to point to Scratch having un processed trauma and memories. The show seems to be leading towards the final straw being something happening to Molly as Scratches biggest fear is losing her, like he seems to have lost Adia.
On that note I’d just like to add that trauma takes many forms, and many different things can lead to childhood trauma. One persons will not be like someone else’s necessarily and traumatic experiences happen much easier when one is a child as the brain is still forming. Please feel free to critique anything I’ve said. Hope this has been interesting.
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newts-frogs-toads · 4 months
For the love of God, TGAMM ISN'T OVER
yes I understand, we dont have confirmation for S3, but I'm sure Disney is waiting to see peoples reactions before renewing it.
Lets take a look at Wander over yonder, a canceled Disney show. It only had 2 seasons, but the last episode of season 2 was marketed as a SERIES FINALE while "the end* was marked as a SEASON FINALE.
Now, lets take a look at an important thing that happened this year: THE WRITERS STRIKE. If you were on Twitter (or x I guess) when all that was happening, you'd know Bill and Bob were at the strike when it was happening, so it also could've been pushed back.
Another thing. To make things simple, because of some rules, Animators cant strike until 2024 (this year) so there might be an ANIMATION STRIKE any time THIS YEAR.
Lets look at Milo Murphy's Law, because frankly, its nothing like that. MML was on Disney XD, yknow, where cartoons die? No one watched DXD. Also, it relied on Phineas and ferb so much that it lost its own audience (no hate I love mml).
I'd recommend Chandlers video, it explains everything with better detail than i ever could (also you should subscribe to him he makes awesome videos, he is workingon a Tgamm x haunted mansion crossover):
TLDR: Tgamm is probably getting a season 3, just later.
Edit: ignore everything, its over
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guppie-draws-stuff · 4 months
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darkside-teacup · 4 months
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Pues que les digo, hice este cuadro... Porque no superó el final, porque sigo llorando y quiero regalarselo a la única persona que me sigue a todos lados mi bestea. La extraño como extrañaré por siempre TGAMM.
Post en español porque tengo mucha flojera de traducir. Quería que vieran lo que hice por todo el amor que le tengo a esta serie, no es mucho pero es una contribución a qué realmente valoro todo el trabajo detrás y que siempre estaré agradecida con Bill Motz, Bob Roth y todo su equipo creativo detrás. Gracias jamás es suficiente y las palabras que se merecen no existen aun. Falta mucho para poder darles una mínima parte de lo que ellos hicieron.
Gracias por el programa que me mantuvo viva en 2023 y que aún hoy en día me sigue sacando lágrimas de amor.
You are my dream for all eternity 🩷💖🩷💖🩷💗❤️
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jackie-sugarskull · 23 days
A month after Todd left to go see the world, a mother and daughter have moved into his old house. While Molly deeply misses her friend, she learns that there might be a connection between him and this new family. And once Molly befriends the daughter, Fran, the latter will quickly learn that life is Brighton is anything but normal.
Welcome, to the first in my new TGAMM fic series, “The Ghostly Adventures of Molly Mcgee”! This is kinda my idea of a post-finale continuation, which also includes my OCs, Ginny and Fran!
I’ve already got the prologue and first chapter posted, and I hope you enjoy them!
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technological-nexus · 4 months
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I've watched the last two episodes of TGAMM, and it was a satisfying conclusion. If this is really the final episode of the series, I am definitely going to miss this show.
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