#The fact that literally anyone follows this blog and chooses to see these posts is a Bible level fucking miracle.
For dating game: Donna Noble for a non Mash option from something I'm pretty sure I've seen you reblog stuff from, BJ, and Klinger
I can't believe I got 2 Donnas for this game and neither were the MASH one haha. And yes I AM a Doctor Who fan but like with Twin Peaks I'm only a shallow fake one because I only feel really passionate about RTD era :( sowwy again. I'm 0 for 2 today. But at least I didn't skip MASH s1-3 AND I didn't skip the 9th Doctor AND I read Laura's diary + Dale Cooper's tapes. So now everyone has to give me a little headpat and forgive me and say they're not mad at me thank you <3
Donna Noble
I couldn’t handle Donna QwQ I couldn’t match her energy it’s very sad :( I feel like I would do the exact opposite of what the Doctor did for her in terms of bringing out her most amazing qualities. And I do really try to highlight and praise the qualities of people in my life!! I just don’t know if I could help her reach her full potential. Which sounds like one of those weird therapy-talk approaches to relationships but unfortunately sometimes when you really admire someone you actually do start thinking about things like “am I supporting her journey effectively” and all that. But this is just a date right so it can just be a casual thing. I feel like Donna is someone with whom I could straight up be like Hey so I was never socialized properly and your last relationship ended comically terribly so do you want to like try practicing dating with each other? I think it could be fun! And then eventually she could move on to find happiness with Mr. Temple :)  
Wait actually sorry quick tangent if Donna doesn’t remember the Doctor what does she think happened to her fiance from way back when. Does she. Does she remember the giant alien spider or. Hang on--
BJ Hunnicutt
BJ Hunnicutt is the human equivalent of Disneyland. Everybody in the entire nation is absolutely obsessively feral over it it’s sooo beautiful it’s sooo fun you just HAVE to experience it it’s a quintessential expression of the American dream blah blah blah. But I will never attend this overpriced (constantly borrowing money) and overcrowded (too much competition from the rest of Mashblr) theme park. I do not care for its fastpass system (willingness to cheat on his partner) or its uninspiring coaster design (anger issues), and I am further offended to hear of the constant introduction of cost-cutting measures that harm visitor experience (growth of mustache). Not even the prospect of purchasing a fully functioning Cogsworth clock (chance to join the Punnihawk polycule) is enough to tempt me. It’s not happening. I am going to Dollywood (Maxwell Klinger).
Maxie my beautiful girl Maxie whomst is so very adored by me
My wife my kitten my sweet snuggly wuggly good time gal. My Dollywood. Know that I love and adore Maxwell for eternity <3
BUT. I must love her from afar because I couldn’t in good conscience waste her time when I figure there must be a more compatible match out there, ya know? Like, I know hardly anything about baseball and I wear the same clothes every day and I don’t eat red meat so I can’t even share those beloved hotdogs. Max deserves the Best as I’m sure we all agree, and we know he wants a serious long term partnership. I want the same thing, so I know that such a lifelong, committed relationship should be with someone who finds themself more easily compatible with Max’s tastes and interests.  
On an unrelated note, Charles sure seemed to get super into baseball in War For All Seasons, huh? :) And we know he cares a lot about his clothes, as we see him hiring a personal tailor at least once! :) And he was surprisingly eager to get to share in Max’s hotdog delivery in The Grim Reaper, too! :) So many random fun facts in this world \^w^/
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shellxrls · 4 months
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cw for (light) discussions of noncon
first of all, ddne is an umbrella term. it's sole purpose is literally to act as a warning to emphasise that you will find dark and triggering content on my blog, not to specify the type of triggering content because there could be a variety of thing that aren't going to appear consistently (namely, you’re calling me out for writing rape but i’ve only written 2 noncon fics, and the rest of the dddne content on my page has been due to other things). it’s an initial warning that literally stands to indicate: you will definitely find dark and triggering content somewhere on this blog and read at your own risk!!
these forewarnings - before you even click follow or look at any of the other contents on my blog - essentially mean that you cannot be mad if you end up viewing dark and triggering content on my blog, a page that literally explicitly states it contains dark and triggering content - you should've just left my blog seeing that as a warning and knowing you didn't like noncon (which is a strong element of dark fics & ddne content).
secondly, i clearly and explicitly mark everything triggering that i post/rb with the appropriate and specific triggers beforehand - both in the tags and in the warnings. so its not like you (or anyone else) can’t just block out the tags ‘cw noncon’ & ‘cw rape’ if you have an issue with seeing that type of content at all, that way you have a direct filtering system and you won't have to see any of that type of content.
thirdly, the dddne warning is there for a variety of reasons, not just to warn others. for one, to avoid scenarios like this where i'm unfairly called out - if you don't like something, simply don't read it. i have enough warnings throughout my entire page to prevent you from actually going through the process of reading what may be triggering for you, and if you make the choice to read a noncon fic all the way through, i'm sure you would've also read the content warnings and actively made the choice to disregard the triggers.
i apologise if even the words noncon or rape are triggering (and even seeing them in the content warnings triggered you), as i understand they could be, but then it circles back to the fact that i have a massive dddne warning on my pinned post in the first place - which means you should’ve just clicked off my blog/blocked me knowing that dddne explicitly indicates you could eventually find triggering content.
lastly, i’m not going to go into an in depth explanation on why i shouldn’t be penalised for ‘writing rape’ and i don’t owe it to you to explain why i personally choose to engage with or write noncon content. but i will say that fiction is there for a reason and writing is an outlet for people to explore things - especially dark media and traumatic situations - the important thing is that it’s done in a safe, controlled way and in the end, it’s not real. people cope in different ways and writing is actually an incredibly healthy way to do so. as long as everyone is over the age of 18 (as they should be to be on my blog) - able to think rationally, consent and form objective opinions about these kind of topics - then i’m not actively hurting anyone by producing this kind of content.
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aspd-culture · 6 days
One time a "friend" tried to make me feel guilty about following you because me + them have a specific opposing opinion to one of yours. After I said I didn't really care enough because you're literally still a helpful resource and were never disrespectful, they threatened to break off from me.
Which is all really funny given the blog. I just blocked them.
Thanks for the resources and guidance, you're great.
Thank you for understanding that we can have disagreements in opinion without changing the fact that there’s education here. I’m not going to agree with everything all 1000+ people following us think, and that’s ok! You don’t have to agree with me on everything.
If you find my blog helpful, I’m glad! If there are some things that don’t click with you, that’s valid and I hope you can still get some mileage out of the things that I say that you do agree with or that are based purely on the science.
That said, I also encourage people to use the block button liberally, to curate their experience and control their engagements online. So if I’m upsetting anyone when I roll across your dash, please by all means block me. If you want to see my posts only on will and not on your dash, feel free to unfollow me. I won’t take it personally, because it’s not a personal issue. Everyone deserves to have control over the content they consume.
I appreciate every one of you AND I agree with your right to choose the spaces you engage with.
What bothers me is when people refuse others that choice. If you choose to engage in this space, I think your friend should have respected that. Wild to know I’m worth breaking off a friendship in their eyes over though.
All /gen
Plain text below the cut:
Thank you for understanding that we can have disagreements in opinion without changing the fact that there’s education here. I’m not going to agree with everything all 1000+ people following us think, and that’s ok! You don’t have to agree with me on everything.
If you find my blog helpful, I’m glad! If there are some things that don’t click with you, that’s valid and I hope you can still get some mileage out of the things that I say that you do agree with or that are based purely on the science.
That said, I also encourage people to use the block button liberally, to curate their experience and control their engagements online. So if I’m upsetting anyone when I roll across your dash, please by all means block me. If you want to see my posts only on will and not on your dash, feel free to unfollow me. I won’t take it personally, because it’s not a personal issue. Everyone deserves to have control over the content they consume.
I appreciate every one of you AND I agree with your right to choose the spaces you engage with.
What bothers me is when people refuse others that choice. If you choose to engage in this space, I think your friend should have respected that. Wild to know I’m worth breaking off a friendship in their eyes over though.
All /gen
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buckyismybicycle · 8 months
late-to-the-party-81 wrote white!reader
I mean, she really didn't.
News flash: this means literally nothing and you’re trying to stir up drama for no reason. I’ve seen your ask on a few blogs now. Why? What’s the matter with you? 
There are so many things wrong with what you’re doing. I implore you to think critically about what you’re saying and what you’re accusing someone of. 
She has never, in the entire time I’ve known her, intentionally hurt someone or tried to exclude anyone. In fact, she is one of the sweetest beings I’ve met in this fandom. She is also one of the few writers I follow who go through extensive lengths to try and write for all audiences which makes this even more insane to me. I’ve read her fics. Have you? Doesn’t sound like it. 
I also beg of thee to remember what tags are ACTUALLY for. Tags are used to ADVISE the audience of what they MAY encounter OR INTERPRET to be part of the story. This is so YOU as the consumer can make your own, informed decision about whether or not you want to read it. Tags do not exist to exclude anyone or target anyone, it is so you are aware of what it contains and choose not to read it if that isn’t your cup of tea. Also, if you’d read the Author’s Note, you would know that the fic itself was a generic reader. 
You want to know what “x white reader” would read like? It would say “he admired her freckles against her pale, moonlight skin while her green eyes stared back at him.” 
You know what’s not “x white reader”? The post that you’re referring to. There was a moodboard made to depict a very specific style of dress, and the model happened to be caucasian. That is likely why it was tagged as white reader, because someone could’ve seen the image and INTERPRETED it that way (refer back to “what tags are for”). 
(1) Did you even try to think through what happened or (2) did you see it yourself or are you trying to create problems? 
Lastly, as a POC that writes x reader, I write what I am comfortable with. As much as I try not to describe the reader too much, I know that there are things that don’t apply to everyone but this is my story. Yes, I get that it’s frustrating to not see yourself represented, which is why I encourage YOU to write what you want to see. That is how we fix the problem of being under-represented.
Communities should be about support and building each other up — talking, discussing issues in a productive manner. Not tearing each other down like this. Anyway, all YOU’RE doing is trying to intentionally hurt someone so maybe think about that instead?
If anyone has a problem about, if anyone wants to talk to me about this further, come off anon and we'll chat.
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ultrvmonogamy · 6 months
if you really were in your 40s you seriously need to update your bio to 21+ and not 18+. especially with the themes on your blog it can come off as creepy and pedo ish
bestie i'm a bit confused by this message, n i feel like there's a lot to unpack here for what's essentially a single sentence.
first of all, there's the fact that the text is red, which i suppose is meant to indicate that this is a warning of sorts or that i'm in error somehow like if my attempt at creating a password didn't include the correct combination of length n special characters or wtv. this was strange to see upon opening my inbox, n it strikes me as a bit aggressive/reprimanding in a manner that does not lead me to feel that ur offering counsel in good faith.
second, it seems ur insinuating that i'm lying abt my age, which to my mind establishes a dynamic of distrust, and for what reason i do not know.
third, u proceed to dictate what i seriously need to do if perchance i'm not lying abt my age. that's p fucking weird n rude n presumptuously authoritarian, and i have to wonder if u could possibly have believed that i'd be receptive to such an approach. i mean, u mention my blog's content, so u must have at least some cursory awareness of my general attitude, no? or maybe as my anonymous overlord who also happens to be the supreme arbiter of social dynamics, such trivial matters as actually communicating w the person ur admonishing is of little import. or perhaps ur just appallingly bad at human interaction, in which case i won't hold it against u as long as ur willing to reflect on that n make some changes including but not limited to staying in ur lane.
fourth, putting 18+ (and, u know, MDNI in multiple places) is creepy n pedo-ish? but also somehow changing that to 21+ would alleviate ur concerns? to my mind, this is so misguided on so many levels that i truly do not know where to begin, but hey i'll give it a try anyway..
let's pretend that u didn't just errantly apply to adults a term that is reserved by its very definition for atrocious acts n desires towards prepubescent children. furthermore, let's pretend u didn't just come to my inbox n associate that term w me. actually, i'd better backtrack n ask u to pause for a moment bc ur probably still thinking abt the fact that i made that distinction n r likely now running some dialogue in ur mind abt how fucking gross i am for even calling out the semantics. ofc i could be wrong abt what ur thinking, but if u do find urself thinking along those lines, then i'm going to take this opportunity to tell u that u seriously need to talk to adult survivors of prepubescent sexual abuse and explain to them why u feel their experience is categorically the same as that of an adult choosing to have sex w someone u personally deem inappropriately older, n then convince them that it's fair to erase the distinction as it pertains to their own experiences.
where was i?
okay, so now let's pretend age gap sex is intrinsically pathological until the younger partner reaches 21 n so therefore 18+ vs 21+ categorically changes the dynamics: even then what exactly is ur premise here? do u think that my intent is to fuck anyone n everyone who looks at my blog? or that i even just want to fuck anyone n everyone who looks at my blog? r u the kind of person who sees someone's horny post n then dms them inappropriately as tho it was written to u personally? literally what the fuck? if a profile on a hookup app is asking for 18+, u'd have grounds to believe the user is seeking sex w ppl at least 18 yrs old, but this is not a hookup app; it's a microblogging platform ffs. like, there is no shortage of blogs that i follow here for art, science, fandoms, cats, moths, religious iconography, knives, symbology, gore, spirituality, etc. do u think i wanna fuck all those bloggers too, or only if they happen to follow this blog as opposed to one of my others? if that's how ur mind works, i'd suggest u put 200+ in ur bio bc i personally do not think adults of any age should have to suffer exposure to u, but even so i do think that adults who would choose to do so have every right to do so (assuming ur not posting the kinds of things ur ostensibly condemning in ur message to me, in which case they would not have the right). now wrt 18+ being an issue: do u think i should be protecting adults from kink or from my sense of humor or what? do u not believe adults should be allowed agency until age 21? or is that just wrt looking at tumblr blogs? maybe just mine? or just blogs run by bloggers 40 n over? was 18+ okay w u when i was 39? 35? 30? 29? do u have some kind of table w a range of adult ages on one axis n various activities on the other? maybe w green checkmarks or red exes at the intersections? is it a case by case basis? is there some kind of puritanical mental gymnastics to be performed so that an integer value pops out from the ether? r u gonna share the formula?
am i completely missing smth here? is there some key information abt the age of 21* that i'm not privy to? srsly, bc if there is such a thing then i'm wholly unaware of it but would v much like to be made aware, and i earnestly invite u to provide me w the relevant information.
if u take nothing else from my response, plz stop misusing that term bc by doing so u r erasing not simply the scale but rather the profound developmental damage of an atrocity that does not track proportionately w age. and to anyone who would choose to do that willfully n knowingly just for the sake of rhetorical impact, i say fuck u bc ur a piece of shit.
if u actually want to have a conversation in good faith, talk to me off anon. just don't fucking coming back here associating those kinds of labels w me, n don't presume to tell me (like some kind of fascist) what i need to do, especially not while invalidating the lived experiences of those who've suffered in one of the worst ways imaginable.
*as i sit here thinking abt it, i actually would not be surprised if 18 yr olds on avg r less inclined to make bad decisions than 21 yr olds on average, but i'd need to see a whole lot of data that most definitely does not exist in any reliable representative form.
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ronearoundblindly · 6 days
sending this w love but it's really hard to read ur comments if they're purple *and* tiny
First and foremost, thank you. That is good to know, that is a great example of constructive criticism, and I appreciate you helping me make what I write more user-friendly for readers.
Second, this has stirred something in me that I cannot tamp down, and so here goes a well-meaning rant. Sorry in advance (especially if this is one of my moots on anon).
There are several reasons I do the tiny, purple text; among them are personal esthetics, good conditioning, and bad conditioning.
I don't know why I've sorta chosen purple/lavender/etc as a theme for a while, but meh, I like it, and to have purple text show up works with the theme. Speaking of themes, Tumblr has various ways you can see your dash, called 'palettes' I think, and mine is set to idk 'goth rave' or something which has purple text on black as the default. It's easier on my eyes and makes the tiny, purple text stand out nicely in my draft posts. Because that's how I see them when formatting, I didn't notice it might be much harder on a white background or any of the other palettes. Thank you for pointing it out! I hadn't thought of that.
This might also be me as a distracted person, but the visual of a divider such as this:
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...doesn't seem like enough of an end-cap to the actual story portion of the post, so I change the way the A/N looks afterward to really separate the two. (Special shoutout to the fact that the divider's message seems utterly useless in encouraging/reminding readers to leave comments or reblog. You've all heard that tirade. Let's just say I know the reminder is ignored, so I gotta try something else as a transition.)
Writing/posting on this platform, as you may have heard, is a bit of a crapshoot mixed bag. Readers feel limited both in number and in time, so we creators tend to try various things to make our posts stand out, to make them appealing. Color or text variation is one of those ways. Now, I have no flippin' idea how to get rainbow or gradient text; I barely figured out how to put hyperlinks into my bio, bless my heart, so there's little chance of my blog looking super unique or fancy. Instead I vary the look between actual prose and my notes/warnings/summaries, which leads me to the sad bit.
I am conditioned by this site and others to understand that you are here to consume content. That content is the writing that I have curated and edited into a story which doesn't involve me, just the character of 'you' and other OCs or canon IP, so my thoughts and opinions are not and never have been the reason anyone follows me. Those are quite literally small compared to the actual work I generate.
I still think of comment reblogs as flooding your dash with stuff most of you have already seen. I think I'm being annoying--even though I know it's the only way to have my writing go farther on this site--and because I will do so very, very much IRL to *not* annoy anyone, I put opinion and random side comments and little thoughts in small text that is color-coded so you can ignore it as "not-story bits."
It is taking everything in me to NOT make this small text or purple. Honestly, my palms are sweating so badly, I've wiped my computer keyboard four times.
No, I don't want anything to be hard for you to see or read. Yes, I am really grateful you pointed this out. *Do* please remember that we are all doing the best we can to get the experience we want from Tumblr by customizing what we can.
The comment I posted in tiny, purple text immediately before this was sent to me has been changed to regular, default color. Hopefully that helps, and I will try to keep in mind how things will look in the future.
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I did purposefully choose to not put a readmore in this post fwiw.
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unorcadox · 1 year
2 years of unorcadox.
hey hi welcome all -- hello especially to my trans and nonbinary followers, hope we’re all doing well ^_^  today’s the blog’s birthday!!  as of this post going live, assuming tumblr actually does its job, it will have been 2 years since uo’s first post!  i wanna just talk about the blog a little because i haven’t talked on here much as of late.
however, before that, i want to just say that i’d like to eventually start releasing video edits to accompany certain edits!  i have no idea when this’ll get sorted, but i’m gonna try to get it ready by the turn of the year, so keep an eye out for that!  these will mostly just be a single edit with accompanying audio on them, but who knows.  maybe i’ll do something more?
in case you choose to not read the stuff below the read more, i just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting the blog over the years, and for continuing to do so!  anyways, onto the actual post:
first of all, thank you all SO much for 9000 followers!!  it’s over 9000 wow!!  ok but seriously, when i first started this blog, i didn’t expect anyone to ever see it.  i know it’s a cliche thing to say but i told no one i was making it, i didn’t network to other blogs, i just made a really shitty edit and slapped it up on here, and somehow i got lucky.  i’ve made over 800 edits as of today’s post, and that’s just the ones i’ve posted!  fun fact, if i’d never mass-posted my backlog in august, i would’ve ran out literally days ago.  that’s how much content i try to stay ahead on.
second of all, i kinda wanna take a moment to say that i’m sorry about the lack of requests being fulfilled -- both recently and in the past.  i edit in batches, and prioritize content i need for scheduling purposes, but sometimes requests get kinda forgotten in the shuffle, or i don’t really have much in the way of ideas for it, so i shelve it and hope i can come back to it later... which i very rarely do.  😔  going to try and catch up on a couple of ones i have and feel free to send in more!  i know i don’t really interact as much on here as i probably should, but i love getting asks and requests and i read the notes on my posts frequently so.  thank you for being there!
third of all, the future of the blog.  so, i want to make this clear now -- uo’s not going anywhere!  i don’t intend on changing the blog at all, if anything i’d want to add onto it.  i post 3 times a day now currently, with intermittent unplanned posts at off-times, mostly reblogs of others’ edits.  however, weirdcore is probably not forever and i am kinda thinking about where this blog could go in the future.  i’ve considered opening a redbubble, ko-fi or patreon, as a way to support myself financially (i take virtually every photo used on this blog, and use very little outside content esp. in these newer edits) but i am uncertain about it.  i could also try branching out my image editing into other styles or something, but idk what!  what would you guys like to see?  i’ve considered actually talking on the blog more, transitioning to having text posts be a major part of the blog, but i’m not quite sure about how they’d be received.  let me know if you want to see anything on here!  --  relatedly since we’re mentioning blogs, check out @dreamlink3d as i’m still working on it :)
one last thing actually, for those who choose to read the read more, enjoy the secret -- before i had to go on hiatus in august, i was working on trying to attach songs to specific uo edits, for a compilation album of some kind.  i ended up running them through a site that just attaches audio to an uploaded images in ...ways i don’t understand, BUT the end results were so fun, i edited and compiled them into 2 “albums”!  i don’t consider them my own work as i didn’t make the audio, and they won’t be used in the upcoming stuff, but you can listen to them here [1] and here [2] !  click on a song title to see its associated edit btw!
i know i said the last thing was the last but i just remembered actually, i want to say like.  it’s weird being one of the “first” weirdcore blogs to really hit its stride, and one of the only from that time to still be around and actively posting.  cahwwcabh is deactivated and they were a huge influence on me and wc as a whole, sanfor has deactivated, shwenthe/hazy/dragon/hauntedearth/a lot more tbh have more or less gone inactive, godenteredmybody and pirate-flavor still post intermittently, and most of the active blogs now are a newer set that i didn’t ever meet in my time in weirdcord.  it’s weird but cool in a way!  i really like the newer set of editors tbh, and i hope that me supporting them encourages people to check them out.  in general this whole section is meaningless but idk i felt like vocalizing it.  it’s a weird feeling watching all your peers more or less move on while you stay behind and see a new wave of artists take their place more or less.  anyways, i just hope that my edits still bring happiness and meaning to the people who see them :)
ok NOW i’m done.  sorry for the wall LMAO i just felt like actually saying something for once on here.  btw i’ve been doing a lot better since i got back from hiatus, i hope you (yes you, the reader of this post) are doing well too -- i know this blog tends to lean heavily on negative emotions, and as such it kinda attracts people who are troubled -- so i feel like i gotta check in every once in a while LMAO.  i hope life is being kind to you, thank you so much, and have a lovely day <3.
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
Laws of the Land
T h e   M o s t   I m p o r t a n t :
This is probably the rule that will make me sound mean, I promise I’m not. I’m going to be real with you all here. I am very, very old and tired of being used as people’s personal resource blog. I get it, you see something on your dash and you think ‘that’s awesome!’ and reblog it. Well, since rebooting my blog, I’ve made the unfortunate but necessary choice to become more firm on my stance here. So I ask that any content (be it photographs of FCs, aesthetics, musings, plot ideas, and especially ask memes) please be reblogged from the source wherever it is possible to do so. I completely understand that the source is not always available, so I’m not here to say “nEvEr ReBlOg FrOm Me!!”, But I always try to reblog content from the source myself, so that way the source is easily accessible to you all. I’m literally making life as easy for you as possible. I also use tags to remind people to reblog from the source on posts where I know for a fact that the source is available. If you do this despite how crystal clear this rule is, then you will be soft blocked.  The only exceptions to this rule are 1) if you are reblogging an ask meme that you have sent in to me, then I am 100% ok with you reblogging it directly from me and 2) if I have tagged you in the post. Like I say, I don’t want to implement this to sound like some asshole or whatever, it is just an accumulation of ten years in the tumblr RPC and a massive amount of that time being treated like a resource blog - mostly by people who don’t even have the time to interact with me or acknowledge my existence. So thank you for your understanding on this front, and now onto the general rules.
A s k s :
Anyone is welcome in the ask box, both RP and non-RP. If you are a non-RP blog, I ask that you do not send in memes/asks that will involve me ‘roleplaying’ with you as if you are a character.
If you wish to send memes, my meme tag is right here :) This link is not to be used for reblogging memes.
If you send a ask/meme, please feel free to specify which muse you are directing it at. If no one is listed, I will choose. 
Anon hate will not be tolerated and will be deleted.
F o r m a t t i n g :
I can do any kind of style - para, dialogue, icons, no icons. I don’t mind how you write, however I’m not personally a fan of excessive formatting. It just makes it difficult for me to read your replies and for me, the writing is way way more important than how the writing looks.
I generally tend to use small text (just the regular small) and medium sized gifs. Sometimes I use gif icons if that’s all that I can find for a FC. But you never have to match in your replies :)
If you don’t have access to resources of your muse, then I’m 100% ok to go without in a thread, I don’t mind not having any visual. I’m not really a fan of the big gifs found in the gif search or photos/gifs that don’t match the setting. It just really throws me off, that’s probably my only real no-no for this.
F o l l o w i n g   B a c k :
This blog is selective with follows; I will not follow everyone back. I also will often wait until we start writing before I follow people back too, so if you follow me and I don’t follow back straight away, don’t get the impression that I won’t ever follow you.
If I don’t follow back, please do not assume that lack of a follow means I will not write with you - I am NOT mutuals only. I merely wish to keep my dash from being cluttered. I will always make every effort to write with everyone if I can find a way for our muses to interact. 
Some other reasons why I may not follow back are things like: frequent and explicit nsfw content (I don’t mind reblogs of this stuff but excessive just gets a bit much), posting anon hate or callout posts, too many uncut posts that take up the entire dash. 
If you are mutuals only and I have not followed back, please don’t take it personally. And please don’t message me asking me to follow you. 
Please note that before interacting with anyone, I will always read your rules and about pages. If you have a rules password, I will 100% send it in to you should I initiate contact.
I n t e r a c t i o n s :
When it comes to the muses I have and their interactions, there’s no concept of ‘you must do X if you want Y’ here. We are all interested in the muses we’re interested in, some characters jump out to us more than others - we can’t force ourselves to be interested in a muse that just doesn’t click for us. So if you only want to write with male muses or only my female muses, I don’t mind. I’m just pleased that you want to write with me at the end of the day :) 
I don’t do ‘do not interact’ lists or anything, but if you are a blog that mainly/only writes smut and nothing else, or if you are a blog that exists for finding discord partners, then probably would advise against following me or liking my posts. Got nothing against either of those kinds of blog, 100% supportive of both, it’s literally just because I don’t write smut and I don’t rp on discord, so I unfortunately have nothing worthwhile to offer you. Saves both our time. 
L i m i t s / T r i g g e r s :
I have no ‘banned faceclaims’ (there are some actors/celebs who I’m not 100% comfortable with, however I don’t believe that the face you choose to represent a fictional character relates to anything that face might have said/done).
I will not RP with people writing as real life celebrities and I will not RP with people using faceclaims who have explicitly expressed that they do not wish to be used.
This might seem super specific, but if you have muses who are drastically different in age to their fc and resources, then I’m not really a fan. Like, if you have a muse who you state is 22, but you use a fc who is blatantly in their late thirties or older. Or the opposite, you say your muse is 40, but you use a fc who is 24. I’m just really not a fan of this, and I feel it perpetuates a lot of the issues I see around age in the rpc. 
If you have any triggers/fears that you wish to be tagged, please let me know - I want my followers to be comfortable on my blog. I generally try to tag the most common/logical things by default anyway, but if there’s something else I’m missing or if you have a less common thing you’d like to be flagged (such as a phobia or something), please let me know.
In turn, I kindly request that you tag the following content: rape/non-con/dub-con, suicide, self-harm, drowning, incest, mpreg, miscarriage/pregnancy difficulties. I will also never ever write this content under any circumstances - please do not try to get around this, as you will be blocked. If you have any of these things in your muse’s bios, I respectfully ask that it not be brought up in our threads (just ours, I'm not asking anyone to not write about it in other situations) as it makes me uncomfortable. 
I do not have an issue in writing some darker topics, but I will only do so if they are being treated respectfully and with care. I’m not here for romanticising awful things, so please respect that. 
M u n   A c t i v i t y :
My activity can be spotty due to work, however I will always endeavour to reply to messages and threads as soon as I can.
Majority of my replies run on the queue to help stop me from being overwhelmed (although it still happens somehow haha).
Please note that I do not RP on discord.
O p e n   S t a r t e r s :
My open starters are quite literally open to everyone! As long as your muse fits the bill for the plot, just go for it!
Please check who the open is aimed at. I specify things like gender, age, and other things relating to the connection I’m looking for. Please adhere to these, as they are specific for each muse and each set up. So if an open is aimed at males, please don’t respond with a female (and vice versa), or if there is a minimum age for any responding muses, please do not respond with muses younger. These are especially important if the open is directed towards a ship. 
Please avoid liking my opens, as I find that if there are notes on an open, people seem less likely to respond? If you’re saving for later, just go ahead and save to your drafts if you’d like to.
P l o t t i n g :
I love plotting. Give me all the plotting.
Plotting is a two-way street. Do not leave me to do all the work and I will do the same. This means no “I don’t mind, you decide” - I want input from you too.
R e b l o g s :
If you are not involved in a thread, please do not ever reblog it. If you do this, you will be warned once. If it happens again, you will be blocked.
As per the top of this page, please always reblog content (memes, aesthetic, fc pics, wishlist etc) from the source wherever it is available. 
S h i p p i n g / S m u t :
Even though I’m well over 18, I do not write smut. I will write some build up and then fade to black. I am absolutely not uncomfortable with that content, and I am happy to allude to things that have happened between characters in threads, and will happily discuss their intimacy in plotting if it comes up in conversation. 
I am also comfortable sending in nsfw ask memes for my partners if our muses are shipped, and I may even reblog the occasional meme that discusses nsfw aspects of my muses and on the rare occasion maybe drabble memes, but I won’t write out any sexual content in threads with other people. If I do reblog any kind of sexual meme, I will be VERY selective on who I accept asks from - generally only people who I have existing dynamics will and who I feel comfortable writing them for. If I do not respond to an ask from you, please don’t take it personally. 
That said, while I’m 100% comfortable with nsfw content, if you come to me in the IMs and your plot idea involves “can my muse fuck your muse”, we’re prob not going to be a good match. Power to you, but I’ve made it pretty clear in these rules and I keep getting people saying stuff like this to me. 
Shipping will vary from muse to muse - their information is available on their bios so please be sure to check them out. I have listed the minimum age of shipping partners for all muses who are open to ships - this can be found where their sexuality is listed on their bios. Some muses will be happy to date people who are quite a bit older than them, however they will never go below the listed age in their bios. I ask that you please respect that. If you have a query about an age gap, please don’t hesitate to check with me.
Please note that ALL of my male muses will only ever be shipped with male muses (even if they are listed as bisexual). I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I’ve had some godawful experiences shipping my males with females and it’s just much more comfortable for me to only write them in m/m ships. Please do not send m/f ship memes for my male muses, as they will be deleted. Platonic interactions with females are 100% wanted and encouraged though!
T h r e a d s :
If you request me to write you a starter and you never respond, the starter will be deleted. I will check your blog for activity first, because I understand you may be on hiatus. But if you have been frequently active and the starter goes unanswered, then it will be deleted/recycled for someone else.
I am a believer in ‘take your time’, however unfortunately my muse for threads can die out after a while. It’s sadly how it is for my writing muse, and I can’t force it. If you disappear for six months and then want to pick up a thread we had before, please don’t be surprised if I just don’t have the muse anymore. If I drop our thread due to lack of muse, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to write with you, so we can certainly start something else.
If I owe you and it has been a long while since I replied, feel free to gently and politely poke me about it - it will either be in my drafts or my queue, though there have been times where tumblr has not notified me of a reply.
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cumaeansibyl · 1 year
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I posted 2,272 times in 2022
That's 496 more posts than 2021!
206 posts created (9%)
2,066 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 952 of my posts in 2022
#leave immediately and wait in the car - 138 posts
#oh no babies - 56 posts
#louis - 45 posts
#anathema - 37 posts
#always reblog - 28 posts
#food - 28 posts
#laugh rule - 25 posts
#boogers! - 23 posts
#bangerz - 15 posts
#check out my face - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i've put so much power in this man's hands... faith that he wants me as i am... faith that he won't use me or trade me in for a newer model
My Top Posts in 2022:
One of the funnier things about Goncharov to me is that that image is two years old, it's been on Tumblr for a long time. How did everyone decide that now is the time to initiate the fandom?
278 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
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See the full post
349 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
idk if anyone's been following the ThedaCare case in Wisconsin but a judge lifted the absurd TRO and the seven health care workers can go work their new jobs
if you haven't been following it, this filing by defendant Ascension lays out the facts of the issue clearly and concisely, to wit: ThedaCare didn't pay its employees enough, seven of their employees, responded to open job ads posted by Ascension, and Ascension hired them. ThedaCare, instead of either offering more money or moving to hire replacements, waited a whole month and then filed an "emergency" lawsuit screaming that Ascension stole their employees and if they didn't get them back immediately everyone would die. Some dumb motherfucker of a judge who needs to be recalled granted a temporary restraining order that would ban the seven workers from reporting to their new jobs until the lawsuit was resolved, even though ThedaCare had no apparent intention of scheduling said workers for shifts.
Which is why Ascension comes straight out the gate with one of the clearest "plaintiff's a lying sumbitch and we can prove it" lines I've ever seen in a legal filing:
But this emergency is also of ThedaCare’s making in a second, much more troubling sense: ThedaCare has invented the emergency ostensibly justifying this lawsuit. As the facts will show, allowing seven health care workers to leave ThedaCare for the hospital of their choosing — Ascension’s St. Elizabeth Hospital, not even seven miles away — will not plunge the Fox Valley into a critical care crisis, as ThedaCare claims. St. Elizabeth already offers the medical services at issue, just without the fancy designation ThedaCare appears to view as a better use of funds than paying its workers. And Green Bay is and will remain available as a backup option—no need for diversion to Milwaukee or Madison. In short, this emergency is entirely of ThedaCare’s making because ThedaCare is making it up. [emphasis in the original, holy shit]
381 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
I don't give a fuck if your food has GMOs in it, what I want to know is if you paid anyone involved in farming or processing it a living wage
Where's my cute little logo for that
2,214 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Every time people talk about putting billionaires to the guillotine I'm thinking "in this scenario where you can execute the richest people on the planet you can clearly do whatever you want, so just take their money"
I personally think it would be way funnier to stick Bezos and Musk and them in bland middle class lives like Ray Liotta at the end of Goodfellas, it's a perfectly good life if you aren't accustomed to being able to buy entire political parties or go to space or command a herd of creepy little followers who would probably literally kill for you
Want these chumps to suffer? Make them unimportant.
38,325 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
In regards to clone.shipping on this blog
These disclaimers were originally found on my rules and muses about docs, I’ve moved them to here for the sake of organization. This post will be linked on the aforementioned docs.
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First and foremost I don’t want to see or engage with any kind of discourse about clonecest/cloneshipping (IDC how you choose to name it), and I won’t associate myself with people who claim to not be okay with it (e.g.: If you claim you don’t support/like it, etc.). I hear you guys, I will fully respect that, and I won’t follow first.
If you can’t be a mature person to handle the fact I’m writing something you don’t like, then you will be blocked. I refuse to deal with people’s temper tantrums. No, it’s not racist/incestuous/abusive/etc., enough already. Just say you don’t like it, and move on with your day. Stop watering down those words meanings, in an attempt to one-up in an online discussions.
Blacklist the tag cloneshipping cw. I won’t reblog any art/edits of it, and any kind of interaction/aesthetic/musings of that nature will be tagged as such so people can filter it out.
@ clone roleplayers: Rest assured, that’s not at all the only thing that I’m looking for out of interacting with. If that’s a deal breaker for you, then block or unfollow me (no hard feelings! Curate your own experience.). Otherwise, if you haven’t already stated it in your rules then tell me. whether or not you’re comfortable with it in the case we plot. So I don’t end up making you uncomfortable by suggesting it, without knowing your stance on it.
For my muses’ lore/BG: I don't interpret the clones to be literal brothers (most clones don’t even see each other as a family in the majority of cases). As such whenever they call each other by brothers, it is being done in a "brothers-in-arms" way. Which is a common thing in the military, meant to express their closeness.
I tend to lean towards the old/Legends take for my clones. I disagree with fanons, and strongly oppose Disney’s sanitized canon that try to paint them as just one literal big family. Despite that, I’m still not opposed to interacting with others that do that. Obviously, I will never force my interpretation upon anyone, so be the judge on whether or not you’ll be able to work with that.
If you follow me, then I’m hoping and counting on the fact that you’ve read my disclaimers.
Please, give this a like to LMK you’ve read this!
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chezzachopsticks · 11 hours
2024 updates: Cleaning up + Married Life + House
'ello, it's cher~ just back and hang a bit, not that I care if anyone see this, maybe future me Currently unfollowing all those old folks who last updated years ago, I still remember those tumblr-train thingy where I mass followed strangers during 2009/2010~ Well done 2009 me, now I have 800+ blogs to go through Married life is great, love my husband everyday tho he still doesn't know where things are at home why are they like that tho? All the wives out there are literally tour guide of their homes
I probably write up a mini-rant post about married later, if I remember ◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤
Current status: Got a house to renovate
Just want to thank Tumblr Being studied aboard in a boarding school, and lived with parent while I paid rent with my mental health etc, signing up tumblr is probably the best decision I made while being jobless, money-less asian girl with no goals in life (and I'm really glad I'm still using it now) all these time reblogging all these home interior pics, was well spent.
Also as a Simmer, it feels surreal to actually get to do it irl~ (yeah i wish i can "motherload" my bank account too)
Speaking of build/decorating I thought spending days on a Sims household build was extreme but irl, it will take up to months😩
Why can't Sims 4 teach people how to be a electrician and plumber in games
if there is washing machine death, why can't we have mini games to prevent that
Why are doctors in Get To Work DLC, but no electrician and plumber?
I would paid for that DLC to connect wires and fix broken locks like in Hogwart Legacy
At first, I was going for a themed bedroom, but now I just couldn't be bothered, bc the progress of choosing and budgeting is really overwhelming plus knowing the fact most pics on the internet might be fake, so I'm just going to keep it functional and cozy~
few things for sure:
We are going for the Japandi style, it gives a calming nature vibe~
we need peace and want to chill in the nature without going outside (we lazy madafaaca)
Living, Dining Room + Kitchen walls will be different shades of earthy-tone green (I'm a Slytherin and green is good for the eyes)
My own bedroom wall will be in purple (inspirated by being a BTS ARMY Borahae🤟🏻 and a big fan of Sailor Saturn, Kuromi.)
Wanted black paint wall, but thinking about heatwave, I might die from the heat absorbing black so never mind~
Husband room is going to be in blue (he is a Ravenclaw, he loves dolphin and water~ he literally shower whenever he feels heated up, I should called him Poseidon
We both cook Asian food the most, so there will be tons of sauce bottles, therefore MORE STORAGE and COUNTER~
That's about it.
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kin-and-kaboodle · 6 months
🪽~Be not afraid~🪽
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• When in a kinshift I prefer the name of that kintype, but in general, the name’s Alucard. I also go by Phobia, and Narcissus.
• I will still respond to any name on my list at any time. Want to ask a question about a different kintype than the one I’m in a shift of? Feel free to use the name of the one you have a query about.
• I’m agender (yet a gender hoarder), and use they/he pronouns + neos.
• Not a minor. If that makes you uncomfortable, no problem. If I follow you, and you’d rather me not, feel free to soft block me or shoot me a message/ask about it.
• This is my sideblog for my otherkin, fictionkin, and therian experiences.
• Serious polykin. Find my full kinlist here.
• My kintypes are very serious, and I am not “Kin For Fun”.
• You’re likely to see mostly reblogs and rambles about my memories and such on this blog. Most of my kintypes are fictionkin, so that will likely be the most focused area. However, I have otherkin and therian identities as well, so they should come up too.
• Tag Guide.
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• Standard DNI protocol (Pedo/zoo/racist/homophobe/transphobe/nazi etc.)
• Proshippers (and any variation) and radqueer.
• Ableist (yes this includes towards Cluster B)
• Antifurry
• Anti-kin (You read my blog name, why are you here)
• Support AI “art”, NFTs, Crypto etc. (The only crypto I support is cryptology)
• Fact“kin”/supporters. (Another person’s real life is not up for interpretation. You don’t know a person well enough to think you are them.)
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• The way I experience kinity/being nonhuman is both “I was this in a past life” and “I am this right now” at the same time. Being an angel in a past life doesn’t make me a “former” angel. I am just as much a Seraph now as I was back then. Wings or none, I am no less divine. This goes for all of my kintypes. Yes, I was them, but I still am them.
• Doubles are free to interact, even if they make me uncomfortable. Most do. It’s a doppleganger situation, as it were. That being said doubles of Mettaton, Monokuma, and Doom Slayer are totally fine. There are plenty of Mettatons in plenty of timelines, Monokuma is literally mass produced, and Doom Slayer? I just don’t really care in that shift. Still, double (of anyone) or not, you’re still free to interact.
• If I reblog something from you and tag it as “kin”, and you don’t want me to do so, please shoot me an ask or message about it, and I’ll remove it. No hard feelings.
• I think heavily relating to a character/animal/thing to the point that you use it to define you is fine! It’s just different than being kin. I’ve seen the alternative “-click” for those experiences.
• My blog is currently angel themed, because although I am in a shift most often, my seraph kintype is the one shift that never goes away. I am always in a seraph shift of some kind, no matter how faint. Ironically, I’m a satanist, so you don’t have to worry about any religion preaching, angel motif or not. Religious mentions will be tagged accordingly.
• I am critical of any sources my kintypes may have that may be problematic. Remember, I didn’t choose my kintypes. If I post about them, I’m simply talking about my experiences as them, not preaching that the source has done no wrong.
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15 notes · View notes
chrisevansluv · 1 year
I’m constantly amazed at how stupid people are. You never said that the tree pic the designer posted recently was from his new house, you clearly stated the one you were talking about was from 2020 and HE posted it. Which he did. The designers have multiple projects going on right now (something that is completely normal btw), one of them is the woman’s own house and one is Chris’s. Those people can throw as many tantrums as they want about this but it’s not going to change the facts of the situation. Sorry they’re attacking you, Lucy, they do this - pick a blog to target and then lie about them. They do this exact thing with Lonesome regularly, in fact they did last week.
They just can't be so dumb, can they?
I literally posted the pic HE posted in 2020, and said that was taken in that new house. The way they twisted it, and made it about ME saying it's a tree the designers posted just prove how good they fact check things.
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About them randomly picking blogs... Man, that just shows off insecurity and crazy vibes.
1- If you are so sure of what you're saying, you don't need to single out and drag blogs that don't agree with your opinion. Because you know that eventually you'll be right, and those blogs will have to eat their words. The fact that they try to engage on blogs wars is ridiculous, and just shows off the amount of free time they have, which leads me to the second point.
2- You're crazy and you need help. If you're so bothered about people having a different opinion than you, over a relationship that isn't YOURS, to the point that you feel personally attacked, you NEED HELP. Get out of the Internet, step back and talk to someone. Because it's not normal. The amount of time they spend comparing shadows, checking follows (I'll never get over people sitting on Alba's followers list to see someone from his circle pop out)... it's not normal. It's not something to be proud of.
Everything will be okay if you choose to leave. You won't betray anyone nor you will be less of a person for looking after your mental health. It's alright to see those signs and take action on them. I promise you, you will regret on the long run being so obsessed and engaged on a situation like this.
0 notes
mishasminions · 3 years
The Last Time I’ll Write a Long Post About Supernatural (15x18-15x20)
[15x20 Speculation + evidence at the bottom]
First off, I just wanna come clean and say, after all these years, I still think they should’ve ended at Season 5.
If you’re going to come at me with “Then why’d you stick around to watch it if you didn’t like it?”, your question is immature, and the answer is simple: I just want to know what happens next (I also love the main characters and their actors too). You can watch a show and still think it’s shit.
Call me a clown, but despite all the disappointment and trust issues that this show has given me, I would still look forward to the day where it might just turn itself around and bring back the quality it once had, or realize the potential of each story it was trying to tell, or at the very least, do justice by my favorite ship.
Never happened.
They’ve had a few good episodes here and there. I can’t imagine the SPN Universe without The Man Who Would Be King, The French Mistake, and Scoobynatural. Seasons 6-10 were enjoyable at times. I blocked out most of 7 & 11-15. 
If you’ve been following this blog since its heydays in 2010-2014, you’d know I’d try my best to defend Destiel and this show’s decisions regarding it no matter what.
Because you know what, as a CONCEPT, this show is good. If you take a look at all the worlds its storylines have birthed in fanfiction/fanworks, you’d see how much Supernatural has wasted its own story arcs. The writing got shittier as each season progressed, and they’ve obviously given up in production as well because the quality in the execution has noticeably gone down too, but if you take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture, you’ll see that this show still tries to make sense of itself.
[If you’re still following this post, please bear with me, I know this is long, but I just want you to understand how jaded and pessimistic I am with regards to this show, so maybe you can buy into whatever hopeful thing I’m about to say later on.]
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that they would give us Castiel’s “I love you” speech. To the point where, if I weren’t so desperate for it, I would argue that it was completely out of character for him to word vomit the way he did (but I’m not gonna diss on that right now because I’ll take what I can get).
I’ve valued every meaningful and obscure exchange that Dean and Cas have had in the earlier seasons, and I was willing to accept their relationship as just that--undefined, without any clear boundaries as to what they really are. And I think that was beautiful on its own.
But now, they’ve chosen to define it.
After they’ve driven every possible wedge between Dean and Castiel in seasons 11-15, to try to explain away their feelings as something they offer to a collective.
Dean can’t mourn and pray for JUST Cas, he has to mourn and pray for EVERYBODY--even Crowley, even some chick he just met, because god forbid he cries about just the guy who has given up everything for him--that would be “too homo”.
They’ve even set Cas on a path to abrupt fatherhood just so he can care about something other than Dean. Make it seem as if Dean wasn’t his purpose through and through.
And after all these years of this stupid show trying to deny it, they choose to acknowledge it at the worst possible circumstance, at a time where they’ve been so far apart, that it seems so foreign for them to suddenly come together.
But here we are. And they’ve chosen to tell us.
Chosen to tell us that everything that Castiel has done leading up to his death, he has done it because he was IN LOVE WITH DEAN WINCHESTER.
Chosen to tell us that BEING WITH DEAN WINCHESTER is something that CAS WANTS BUT KNOWS HE CAN’T HAVE.
And they’ve also chosen to tell us nothing about how Dean feels.
Sure, finding out your angel made a deal, the stipulations of said deal, his newfound happiness philosophy, his long-winded monologue of why he loves you and why you’re worthy of his love, and to top it all off he tells you that being in love with you is enough to make him happy while he subtly hints that he’s always wanted to be WITH you romantically, was a lot to process in the 5 minutes after you’ve just had an existential crisis.
It’s whatever, right? Let’s culminate 11 years worth of tension and feelings in 5 minutes. Let’s waste the entire episode with cringey expository dialogue, and irrelevant sequences. The whole season was a waste anyway.
You know what Supernatural? FUCK YOU FOR THAT. They deserved better. WE deserve better.
And I would love nothing more than to hurl every possible insult your way,
But for the last time, I’m going to HOPE that you’re finally going to try to make it better for the fans that stuck by you all these years.
No more baiting new viewers, no more placating casual viewers, no more excuses. 15 years. Bring it home for the people who have actually been around.
There’s two ways this series is gonna end. Horribly or Spectacularly.
First let’s all take into consideration what Andrew Dabb says about it:
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So, let’s start with
In this scenario, Misha is telling the truth about his last day of filming being 15x18. His “camping trip” during the last few days of filming 15x20, was actually a camping trip. He doesn’t go to Vancouver to shoot.
Jensen wasn’t “being careful” during the zoom interviews that it was just him and Jared quarantining for the shoot, it really was just him and Jared (althought most of these were done pre 15x19) Supernatural isn’t smart enough to do misleading PR, and they’re once again oblivious to the potential of their own story.
Misha hasn’t posted a “Goodbye Castiel” tweet because he’s probably saving it for last episode or he forgot because it was overshadowed by the Destiel trend that night.
So what we get is:
Sam and Dean are on the road again, up against the monster of the week. Only their world no longer has actual Supernatural beings anymore, so the monsters they’re fighting are humans.
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Humans end up killing the Winchesters (despite having gone up against literally every powerful being imaginable INCLUDING God himself). Dean and Sam end up in heaven and relive their greatest hits.
Meanwhile, Castiel rots in The Empty because he died after realizing that he was happy and gay. Jack doesn’t bother rescuing him—his surrogate dad, the guy who made this specific deal to spare him—even though it was so easy for him get Cas in and out of The Empty when he had a fraction of the power that he has now.
Dean never speaks of Castiel’s confession because despite all the hints of a profound bond in the earlier seasons, and the fact that Dean has never cared for anyone (who isn’t his actual brother) as immensely as he does Cas, Supernatural just can’t have its main macho character be “suddenly bisexual” because that would hurt the male ego or some shit.
His heaven would probably be living happily ever after with his family. “Family” meaning Mary and John Winchester--two of the shittiest parents ever (but they’re not going to include them in this episode like they were supposed to because of Covid) and Sam.
Sam also gets a dog. As usual.
I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to do this. After everything they’ve pulled, this would be right up their alley. I actually expect this ending.
Anyway, onto the next possible ending
In this scenario, Supernatural tries to stick the landing, and Jensen’s whole “It didn’t sit well with me at first, but then I took a step back after talking to Kripke, and realized that I had to view it from an audience perspective, I am now really excited about it” (DC Con 2019) anecdote about his thoughts on the final episodes, were actually about Dean potentially ending up with Cas. (Which would totally make sense because Jensen at first didn’t see Dean as anything but hetero, but as of late, he has been throwing in Destiel jokes of his own, so he seems to have warmed up to the idea)
Backed with Misha’s tidbit (DLConline 2020) that he and Jensen had conversations about Destiel, and that they wouldn’t have gone through with it if Jensen wasn’t onboard with it, but Jensen didn’t push back at all. (Why would they need to check with Jensen if it was just Cas going all in?)
Robert Berens (writer of 15x18) also wrote the script at the beginning of Season 15, but made Misha privy to the concept a year prior (Season 14), so they went into this season knowing about Destiel going canon.
This one’s a reach, but this scenario also supposes that Misha was lying about his whereabouts during the filming of the final episode, and him saying that 15x18 was his last episode is part of the diversion to avoid taking away from the weight of Castiel’s death.
And that Supernatural is actually self-aware of its own material (similar to how they have wrapped things up in the past—lots of expository dialogue, poor execution, but fulfills the story arc)
Since Season 15 is basically a Meta Season (Chuck/God as a writer, pretentiously calling out how he created the worlds, its characters, and basically invalidating the past 14 seasons), and 15x19 is supposedly the finale for Season 15, written by two of the worst Supernatural writers, Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming (Bob Singer’s wife), then we can assume that 15x19 is where the shitty writers kill themselves--as Chuck, of course.
So we get a badly written episode that produces a bad ending, or as Becky put it, “All action, and no Cas”
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So we get the bad writers season ending at 15x19.
And 15x20 is where Sam and Dean write their own stories, and where the cast had a hand in pitching ideas for it.
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Dabb has mentioned that 15x20 (Act Two) is a SERIES finale, where they try to resolve the characters’ journeys.
Because as everyone has acknowledged, Supernatural isn’t about the story, it’s about the characters.
So here’s what we can get out of it:
With no more Supernatural beings left to fight, Sam and Dean are in a stalemate. They’ve resigned themselves to fighting to the bitter end, but the “end” has passed, and they’re still standing.
So they try to figure out who they are now, and what they want out of the life they still have.
Sam still wants a normal apple pie life. Before Dean dragged him out of college to go hunting with him, he had a whole life planned out for him. Become a lawyer, settle down with a nice girl, and get a dog. He gave all that up because they had work to do, but now the work is finished, he can finally go back to wanting that for himself again.
Dean finally realizes his self-worth after Cas saves him again. His prayer to Cas in purgatory may have helped him come to terms with his anger, but the whole “you’ve done everything you did for love” speech finally put him in his place, and he learns not to hate himself anymore.
But of course, he cannot fully reconcile with himself if he doesn’t get Cas back, and tell him how he feels.
Because Dean actually wants something for himself this time. Something he knows he can finally have if he can just salvage it.
So maybe this time around, with the help of Jack (off-screen), Dean saves Cas. Grips him tight and raises him from perdition.
They bypass The Empty deal by turning Cas human, and he lives the rest of his days with Dean.
Dean and Cas know they deserve to be saved, and they know that they deserve to be happy.
(Wishful thinking, maybe they kiss a little)
I’m just saying, there’s NO WAY that they’d have Cas go through that whole rushed speech, if they weren’t going to do anything about it later on.
But again, after 10 years of disappointment, I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to pat themselves on the back and say, “Okay, we sort of gave them what they wanted. We’re good now”
If that’s the case, Supernatural, I’m sorry I wasted my time on you.
Here’s to hoping 🤡
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Sat 19 June ‘21
Niall and Louis tweeted about football (“keep the faith!”- Louis’ ability to be over the top inspirational about pretty mundane events remains unparalleled) and LOUIS USED AN EMOJI stop the presses when was the last time we saw that, WHAT IS THIS 2015 (my ability to overreact to mundane events also remains intact TYVM!) Niall, not so dramatic as Louis and myself but definitely not shy with the emoji use, simply felt that today’s match was a “proper game of football,” but emphasized that with an exploding head emoji.
Liam boxed in the great outdoors (and we got video) and Hugo posted cute father’s day content about him and his dad- he answers some yes/ no questions about their relationship, somewhat astonishingly choosing ‘no’ for the question of whether they’d ever gone to a concert together. I guess he doesn’t count ones he’s played?
Harry Lambert said “I never want it to feel like he’s wearing a costume, I never want to feel like something is wearing him. We’re not doing it for lols — it should feel like part of the performance or part of the whole, you know?” and “it’s always been, it sounds cheesy to say, heavenly” about dressing Harry, and lots more pics of Harry definitely not wearing a costume (or much of anything) in Italy were posted.
Eleanor followed up yesterday’s post of her “watching the football game with Louis” aka the biggest most obvious blunder she’s made since… well, last time, with another hilarious nod at the fact that they never actually see each other except when they’re getting pics taken for public consumption… and possibly not even then! In the footie post Louis could be heard in the background but despite the emojis which, well there is literally no other way to understand them but as suggesting they were watching the game, the footage was definitively, indisputably, without any question or doubt, identifiable as being from when they went to Nizam’s wedding last month, ie the only time they’ve hung out in months and months. LMAO WHOOPS. Not QUITE as good but definitely on the same theme IMO, she then posted a throwback to being in Ibiza dated August 2019. That was a very brief stay there her and Louis allegedly enjoyed after his festival appearance- but the only pics of them from it were at the airport in LONDON when she got back, causing many to wonder if Louis was ever there at all (my kind of throwback, love remembering that, hilarious!) The fact that he isn’t in the pic she posted today certainly won’t change any minds about that, and if she had pics of him there it sure seems like she’d be using them today…
And in (even more) fandom discourse news, author Kaitlyn Tiffany is back if anyone wants to block her; I guess she had just privated her blog for a bit, not deleted. Do it now is my advice. I hope she’s enjoying coming up with ways to explain why Eleanor is pretending that old footage was current when her and Louis oBviOUslY live together and see each other every day, but perhaps she’s a fan of the UA that helpfully explained that Eleanor posted that hotel footage “to show how she feels about football,” HAHAHA WHAT. This is about the level of analysis I expect from her upcoming book so it would be fitting...
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choicesenthusiast · 3 years
Representation at Pixelberry: The Follow-Up
One year ago, on June 15, 2020, Pixelberry released a statement regarding representation at the company. Here is the LINK to the original blog post, and here was MY RESPONSE. Oh, how naïve and optimistic I was. It contained a list of goals and promises they hoped to accomplish within a year. Well, a year has passed, and here is my attempt to hold PB accountable. I'll be going over the five main points of their representation plan and if they achieved what they promised. All criticisms are about content released after June 15th. Long post beware, but I'm not putting it under a read more because I feel like it's important for all to see.
1. Commitment to diversity of Love Interests - FAIL
We’ve already been moving towards having Love Interests have customizable skin tones. We will continue to do this with some stories, while also having some characters with clear ethnic identities. At the same time when we have multiple love interests of different ethnicities, we are aiming for those Love Interests to have equal game time.
"LIs with customizable skin tones" mean they come in three flavours: white, black, and ambiguously Asian/Latinx interchangeably. So far I have rarely seen an LI as connected to their culture/ethnicity as Rafael Aveiro, and he just talked about his Vovo's food if he ever were on screen. They had many chances with the other OH LIs as well. Even Ayna Seth and Tatum Mendoza were confirmed to be Indian and Filipino, respectively, though FA gets a little leeway, as it was set in a fictional west-European continent.
As for equal game time? I'm sure the biggest example we can all think of was the mess that was Open Heart 3, which was written during the hiatus (which only existed because they were going to straight up kill Rafael in Book 2). Game time was not equal among LIs, and the white male LI was heavily favoured. PB also continues to pay female LIs dirt by giving them no screen time. In addition to that, LGBT+ players, who are consistently underrepresented, receive one (1) unprepared pride month survey, prpbably only because someone asked them about it on Twitter.
This is the meat and potatoes of everything because it's what they're outputting to their audience. It's what the people see. Given that things haven't been going so well lately in this department, consider this promise a big fat fail.
2. More authentic and diverse hairstyles for people of color - QUESTIONABLE
Our team will focus on providing more authentic and representative hairstyles. We are prioritizing these hairstyles outside of our normal book processes and will introduce them in new books as they are ready.
While, yes, they have added two new hairstyles in WEH, they also just took Jade Bonet's hair and recycled it for LoA F!MC. PB recycles all their hair more often than not.
3. More diverse book covers - QUESTIONABLE
This is an initiative we started in January of this year. As a result the number of Black, Latinx, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islander, mixed, and other characters on new book covers increased from 35% of characters in 2019 to 60% characters in the first half of 2020. However, the number of black characters is still not high enough this year. More are already scheduled for books later this year. We will make sure that Black characters are well represented on our covers in the future.
"Diverse" does not just mean by race, but also gender, sexual orientation, etc. FA has the only recent MLM cover. And don't tell me that the FA and LoA covers are any different from each other. The only black characters on covers are Zoey Wade (QB), and Black!Gabe Ricci (LoA) and Bastien (WB), which aren't even their canon races unless you choose them to be. This is the case for many single-LI books, such as Cassian Keane (W:ABR, which technically premiered on Mar. 16, but the sentiment is the same), Sam Dalton (TNA), and Dakota Winchester (WEH). Not to mention the customizable/multi LI books like DS, RT, BaBu2, MTFL, etc. Majority of these covers are just cishet couples delicately cradling each other's bodies or whatever. And we're not even gonna get into how PB literally put the Open Heart LIs in order of their favouritism on Book 3's cover.
4. Writers/Staff - QUESTIONABLE
We will be engaging in professional training on historical and current racism for our writers to ensure more of them have a better understanding and more context for views of diverse characters in Choices. We will also create a program that gives more authority to people of color in the studio to advise writers and artists on more authentic portrayals in both writing and art of black, brown, and minority characters.
A story with a Black-led cast is something I have asked for in the past, but failed to follow-up on. We will very likely start this with a Black-led cast story led by Chelsa, one of Pixelberry's Black writers.
We will increase the number of diverse writers we source for new stories, starting with hiring more Black and Latinx writers to lead the charge.
For all teams at Pixelberry we will actively work to bring in more Black and Latinx candidates with the goal to increase the number of Black and Latinx employees at Pixelberry. Although Pixelberry is over 50% female, on teams where females are not at 50% we will actively work to source more female candidates.
This promise seemed like a copout from the start because we have no way of knowing who works on what at PB unless we very meticulously stalk their LinkedIn or Twitter or whatever. We have no solid statistics except for what they feed us. I do know, however, that they recently let the Ms. Match writers go and were hiring for external writers, but there really is no way of knowing what's going on behind-the-scenes with their 112+ employees, and of course there would be NDAs involved. We are yet to see a book with an all-Black cast, and receive rare development updates with new books. Actually, I think a really good way to promote diversity is to do staff showcases on their social media. Just a way to show the public who's responsible for what. Writers, game devs, the art team, etc. Don't think it'll happen, but it's always a good idea.
5. Donations - QUESTIONABLE
Pixelberry will also be making $100,000 in donations to Black Girls Code, the Black Writers Collective, and the Latinx Writers Collective at Techqueria. Rather than as a lump sum, we will be making these donations over the course of a year to remind us that we are not making short term changes, but are committed to long term sustainable actions. We’ll also be donating up to an additional $100k from profits for this week, 6/15-6/21.
There has been no proof, no receipts, no evidence from PB that they have donated anything to anyone, and as far as we're concerned, their word doesn't mean anything. No news or updates news about it. I would love to believe that they did something, but as you can see, I've become quite the pessimist. BWC still uses PB's old logo (like, pre-Choices) on their sponsors page, and the last interaction they've had with BGC was in 2013. They don't even follow each other on Instagram. In fact, BGC received a huge donation from MacKenzie Scott, formerly Bezos last July. Yes, that billionaire Bezos, and that got coverage from them. Obviously donations don't need to be for publicity, but in this case I think it's important there should be proof. Again, it's really hard to tell with these behind-the-scenes things, but given how PB loves to gloat and hates to keep promises, we can assume that none of this happened.
So, what's the takeaway? That PB's fallen down the drainhole of shitty content and empty promises and has no intention of climbing out as long as they still make that bank? Seems counterproductive, because good representation gets good feedback and income. They pump out bad books with barebones "representation" if you can call it that, then drop their precious merch and pretend all is fine and dandy. But just as I suspected one year ago, none of this matters, because people forget things, and people move on, and shit gets swept under rugs. Yet, here I am, yelling at a company in a post I for sure doubt they'll see. Because if not me, then who?
@playchoices Your move. It's been your move for a year now. When will you actually make it?
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