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joeressler21 · 11 months
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Donald Ressler S10E21 & S10E22
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djcreeper363 · 1 year
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Don’t we all Red? 
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
F reader and Samar?
"Samar...I uh...I don't feel.....so well....I think im.....gonna take a seat-" reader sinks into Samars arms in the breakroom at work, passing out cold.
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Your whole body screamed in pain and frustration; if you had your way, you´d wanted to curl up on the floor in a fetal position. But that wasn´t possible for you. You couldn´t afford that at work, couldn´t show that you were breaking down in this heat while everyone else around you seemed to be fine with it.
So you sat restlessly at your desk, trying to focus on the various digits on the screen as they gradually blurred into each other, your sweaty palm wrapping around the mouse.
The tingling in your neck that rose into the back of your head, the heat that spread in waves in your chest, the strange headache and not to forget the dizziness you felt became more uncomfortable, annoying and stronger with each passing hour. You blamed it on the exertion, the stress and the constant sitting in the car or at the desk. Occasionally, you would force yourself to take deep breaths, which would make the feeling fade, but didn´t really improve your situation. This oppressive warmth on and around you didn´t let you go. A film of sweat formed on your skin and your body longed to cool down. The air was almost stuffy and left the room with almost no air to breathe for you. "You wanna get something to drink?"
Your gaze wandered to your colleague, Samar, which was standing in front of you. Her arms braced under her chest and her legs planted firmly on the floor. She gave you that stern and unique look that never allowed you to say no.
You wrestled with your answer for a moment; her face doubling and tripling in your vision. Actually, you didn´t want to get up and stay seated, but you nodded anyway, knowing that you didn´t stand a chance against her. "..yeah."
You stifled the effort of a groan as you pushed yourself off your work desk and followed Samar into the break room. You felt bruised, but no wonder in the heat. You couldn´t sleep properly for days and confused heat dreams chased the next.
When you closed the door to the room behind you, you dragged yourself to the next wall you were near and leaned against it for a moment. You found it difficult to move reasonably fast, it felt like heavy weights were hanging from your arms and legs, making every movement infinitely tedious. "Here, take this. You look awful." Samar stated the obvious and bit her inner lip as she held a cool water bottle in front of you- the dizziness, as you know, showing up again and leaving your vision blurry. "..thanks."
"When was the last time you closed your eyes for a healthy amount of sleep?" she asked inquisitively and raised one of her eyebrows questioningly. She had noticed a change in your appearance and demeanor days ago- much quieter and more tense. You were wearing the wrong clothes for this time of year and she recognized the faint beads of sweat under the bright light of the lamp.
"Not for days. The heat.. It´s killing me." you explained and had to realized that even speaking began to be difficult. With one hand you pulled the collar of your shirt and waved it to let more air onto your skin. "Now let´s get back to work, killers don´t catch themselves." you spoke softly, trying to squeeze your way out of the health questions. She was your best friend, no question. But still you didn´t want anyone to know how you were doing at the moment.
After all, it was just a heat way that eventually will pass.
"Y/n." A hand in front of you stopped you from walking towards the door and opening it, her fingers pressed against your abdomen and let you fall back against the grey and cold wall. "Samar, please."
"Y/n." the FBI agent´s voice sounded oddly weird, making you stop in your movement and look up. Her other hand grabbed yours and you wondered why Samar felt so cool. "Heatwave?"
"Yes, exactly." you turned around, now standing with your side to her and inwardly cursed your mental failure for forgetting the dizziness that was catching up to you immediately. "The last days of summer are over and it has cooled down significantly. What are you talking-"
And then it hit you full force. The heat had become unbearably strong, your heart was pounding in your chest and you had to swallow loudly when your condition suddenly deteriorated. You had to sit down immediately just to keep from fainting.
"Samar…I uh…I don't feel…..so well….I think im…..gonna take a seat again-" you interrupted and slumped against her as she tightened her grip on you with a surprised sound from deep in her throat. But it was too late, you blacked out and fell. You fell until the world stopped spinning and you found yourself on the floor, at least half on the floor and half in her arms as she caught and fell down with you.
Why was Samar so incredibly cold?
Her cool hand touched your forehead and you leaned into it, drowning out the aching pounding behind your temples. "Sweets, come on." she sounded concerned. Now you could place the tone of her voice that you had been wondering about all along. There was huge concern written in her voice.
You tried to answer her, tried to explain that it was just the heat that completely wrecked your circulation and got you into this position; into a collapse. There was no need to worry and no reason to hold you in your arms on the tiled floor, which was so cold. But your voice failed and no sound came out of you.
The sudden dryness of your throat and the darkness that had managed to take away a bigger part of your vision intensified, taking you into yet another heat-ridden dream.
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tictactones · 2 years
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Your fave is trans. ✨
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alyblacklist · 1 year
New interview with Harry Lennix and sneak peek for Episode 10.04 featuring Red and Cooper
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minp1072 · 1 year
I am still writing, and it’s been a productive vacation week. A good start to the new year? Dropping a new chapter for an old fic and I hope someone still wants to read it…
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lizkeen · 2 years
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dembe-autism · 9 months
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doodles :3
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certainlybyitslast · 1 year
The Dockery Affair
Searching for the calla lily grower,
Can this show’s demo get any older?
No blacklister, no action,
Herbie’s the only satisfaction,
Ressler and Siya are no Scully and Mulder.
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theblacklistgsm · 2 years
Blacklist moves to Sundays starting February 26th with the Season 10 kickoff. Which Blacklister do you want to see return this season?
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joeressler21 · 11 months
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Donald Ressler S10E19
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#Repost @hishamtawfiq with @let.repost • • • • • • Back to Work #TheBlacklist Season 10 ✌🏿 https://www.instagram.com/p/CiGBXBWLycW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Samar Navabi and f reader? Reader and Samar are trying to keep their relationship secret from the task force, but after a dangerous situation they can't anymore?
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A/n: Sorry for the long ass post but I got carried away a tiny little bit because I liked this request way too much & I hope I get more requests for her!
I hope you like the outcome of this! ♥
"Do you think what we´re doing here is right?" you murmured and let yourself fall deeper into the embrace of Samar. She cradled you lovingly in the bed while throwing a blanket over you both for warmth in this chilly time of year.
She took a deep breath and carefully tried to calm you down; you both were aware of the consequences of a secret love affair that could cost your job. It was especially dangerous for Samar to enter into a relationship with a much younger partner, but neither wanted to let the other go- you loved each other too much for that. "You know, if it feels right to you, then it´s not a mistake. You are a person with feelings and you cannot control them; you can not control who you fall in love with."
You only nodded in agreement and snuggled up against her chest before you felt her index finger under your chin. She slowly craned your head up and you saw her mouth form in a smile before her soft lips laid on yours and all your worries were gone in an instant.
A cold breeze came through the tilted window and you started to shiver. You quickly pulled the covers up under your nose so as not to cool down and earned a giggle from the older woman behind you. "Let´s go to sleep or I´ll be too tired to concentrate tomorrow and Keen will have to drag you away from the coffee machine."
You giggled quietly as you reminisced about how Ressler had discussions with you about when you finally will learn to find a suitable sleeping pattern instead of pouring yourself liters of coffee to stay awake or how Aram teased you about calling the disgusting brew your elixir of life.
"I love you." The brunette snuggled even closer to you, wrapping her arm around her waist to cross the last few millimeters between you. Blowing a kiss on your cheek, you both closed your eyes. "I love you too, Y/n."
"I got hit!" you screamed through the coms, clutching your lower abdomen in pain. The wound on your side bled constantly, yet you couldn´t take care of it now. You had to get out of this factory; had to escape the masked men and get to safety. "Y/l/n, hold on. Ressler and Keen are trying to get through to you; Navabi and Aram are on the way too." dictated your boss´s voice, that was muffled by your body´s loud heartbeat beaming in your ear.
With your back pressed against the rough and cold brick, you carefully slink along the wall to peek around the corner- a fatal mistake, as it turned out.
A bullet passed so close to your face that you could feel the draft of the small caliber against your skin. You pulled your head back quickly and sucked in the air violently; you only needed a second to collect yourself.
-Think of Samar. If you want to find yourself in her arms tonight again, you had to come out of her alive. Now move!- you thought to yourself and closed your eyes for a moment. You tried to remember Samar´s scent, the taste of her lips and the feel of her skin under your fingers. It all seemed way too far away; all you smelled was the unpleasant smell of burning coals and all you felt was pain seeping through your side.
You were shaking from the pain and from the loss of blood. You quickly wiped the sweat from your forehead before you entered the corridor with your gun raised.
Through the smoke that occupied the hallway, you saw two tall man running out of it; the assault riffle already aimed at you. The enemies didn´t even have time to blink and to reorient before you fired three bullets and both sank down lifelessly to the dusty ground. Two less on the way to freedom.
Gun drawn in front of your body, you crouched ininhibited, yet cautious, down the long hallway. It wasn´t easy to find the exit through the thickness of grey dust and it took effort but you had to get out of here.
Suddenly and unnoticed, as you pushed yourself forward, a hard grip wrapped around your upper arm and pulled you roughly into a corner. It wasn´t until your back felt another cool wall beneath and your eyes widened in pain that you saw Donald standing in front of you, covering your mouth with his hand so you wouldn´t scream in shock and announce their hiding position.
As Liz looked at your wound and tried as best she could to bandage your hip with a pressure bandage made from her jacket, the young man slowly pulled away from you. The hair, that was stuck to your face, was pulled behind your ear and he started to examine the bloody graze on your face. "No time to look at this now. We have to get out of here. Hurry!" the brunette screamed into your faces and dragged you with her. She heard your screams and an grunts throw her pulling; as much as it hurt her to only cause you more suffering, she couldn´t take it into account at the moment.
Some shots flew in your direction and you ducked- you were too slow. It briefly occurred to you to just give up, but you quickly reminded yourself that it wasn´t just about you.
Time passed painfully slowly. Soon pain and exhaustion began to take their toll on you and you had trouble controlling your own trembling lips and shallow but hard breathing. Your two partners noticed that too. The blonde agent cursed loudly enough and managed to drown out the noises for a moment. With the strength of a man, who had possibly nothing left to loose in life, he covered you and Liz the last few meters; pushing you almost violently to the door and outside.
You escaped this damn hell, that´s all that mattered.
With a groan of pain, you lowered your arms to your knees and watched out of the corner of your eye as more special forces stormed into the building. "Y/n!" The bright voice drowned out everything else around you and you looked up from the ground.
Without further ado, the brunette ran towards you and threw her arms around your neck. "Are you okay?" she asked as you laid your head on her shoulder and buried your face in the side of her neck; taking a deep breath of the scent you needed so badly at the factory when everything erupted in chaos.
You didn´t answer, just held onto her tightly, wanting nothing more than her warmth and comfort. She didn´t needed any words either; she understood that you were doing well- according to the circumstances and that you were here in her arms in the first place.
In that moment, that perfect moment of intimacy, Samar pulled away from you and you jerked your head up to look at her.
She smiled happily and took your face in her hands, her thumbs caressing both of your cheeks carefully. There was so much love around you both at that moment, that she just leaped over her shadow and kissed you- completely ignoring the assembled crew.
"Samar.." you whispered as you looked into her eyes in shook and fear. "I do not care, baby." she answered briefly and kissed you again- this time longer and more intense.
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itselyserebecca · 3 days
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I rate The Blacklist 10x02 "The Whaler" ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
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