#Valentina Sound
verminfang · 2 months
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Enamored by Mia's role as 'girl in the chair hacker woman whose a socially anxious mother, also she's jacked'
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pulquedeguayaba · 9 months
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Obsessed with this review in Spanish of Tor Bormann-Larsen's biography on Amundsen.
Basically it goes like this:
"God, it took me months to finish this book!!! Not because it was badly written. I think it's the most objective biography of this gentleman who called himself a polar adventurer just for having the title. An immature dude that, besides having delusions of grandeur, fancied himself the one and best polar explorer. The way this guy was able to sell his ideas and get people to sponsor all his enterprises that he believed had exclusive rights to left me with a bitter taste. He betrayed his mentors, friends, and family. He did all sorts of scams. Only hooking up with married women. Nowadays, no one would pay for even his bus ticket. In the end, he tries to play victim once again, dragging with him 5 more people. A clown till the end. This is nothing but a reminder that how a person, aside from the glory, fame and the capitalization of such a significant enterprise as scientific exploration, isn't better than a regular person that leads a quiet life contributing to society. They all hide their skeletons in their closet. But this guy, I can conclude, while he had the ability to survive the polar weather, for activities as equally as complex, like human relationships and science, was fucking useless. I have had enough of this wanker...a fucking disappointment".
It's so rare to come across reviews of polar exploration books in Spanish cos most of them aren't translated* so really caught my eye. Also she shits on Roald SO hard but still gives the book a 4 star review 😆
*More than willing and able to fill that gap btw 🙋
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kindheartedgummybears · 8 months
Hello Saw fandom, I heard yall like crack ships!
Well, Lucky for yall, I do too! >:)
So, with the hype over Saw X, and my recent watching of it, May I present to you~
~Valentina x Amanda~
idk they just popped in my brain like a day after watching it and I've been thinking of them ever since.
I shall call it,
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My best friend: I'll name myself "Geno" because it's both a derivation of a past name I had given myself and because it roughly is the prefix for "creation" in Latin, which is a language i'm learning. After months of research about the name, which turned out to be italian, asking actual italian people about it, and considering if it is or not a sober (serious/solemn-sounding) enough name, I decided it is mine.
Me: i'm Val because me val-e verga /j
(it's a joke, i'm Val because my legal name is "Valentina" and I don't like it very much)
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silverfrapp · 6 months
Valentina – Flutes Over Dudes (The Last Time That You Cried)
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diathadevil · 1 year
It's nice to see someone who's from serbia and likes homestuck :)
Anyways if vriska was serbian her name would be Marija
Lowkey hilarious because a serbian homestuck translation/dub would be absolutely abhorrent to experience and sit through.
Anyway her name is Vranja and you can't tell me otherwise.
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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VALENTINA (john wick) // LÍADÁIN (a mage reborn)
HANNA + noodles (dceu) // HATI (defiled hearts)
ANYA (vendetta) // NYCTEMINE (the witcher)
LARA + piroshky (st) // LAMIA (the fall)
tagged by my dears @confidentandgood, @marivenah, @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, @dihardys and @florbelles to make my ladies in this cutest picrew! ty so much!
tagging: @griffin-wood, @blackreaches, @queennymeria, @leviiackrman, @adelaidedrubman, @jackiesarch, @saintsilver, @belorage, @roofgeese, @pheedraws, @aartyom, @swordcoasts, @yennas, @virassan, @arklay, @celticwoman, @multiverse-of-themind, @trinnaeste and you!
#oc: valentina zaman#oc: líadáin talovaire#oc: hanna kafka#oc: caitrìona#oc: annushka zima#oc: nyctemine tenebrae#oc: lara lichevski#oc: lamia elmahdy#leg.tagged#leg.ocs#t: picrews#no pressure of course! ​i am a bit late so if you have done this already as well feel free to ignore! 🖤#introducing val! i definitely didnt binge watch for 2 days all three of the jw movies ✨🥴#shes known as the hand! she’s the eyes and ears of the elder! and uh *cough* predictable as i am! they’re an item!#hello current fixation thatll live in my head rent free for eons ✨🥴💛😌#noodles looks a bit different here but.. aksjsjsj literally her when she realized she fell in love w/another unhinged m@n ✨😵‍💫#LAMIA THOSE JERKWADS THAT HURT YOU TOOK AWAY EVERYTHING FROM U MY DEAR say the word! and me + the mutuals will klobber them snjzjz ✨😖#anya my unhinged villainess beloved. knowing she’s overused her abilities to give her that nosebleed but it was in the name of ✨vengeance✨#so she’s sound in her choices ✨😌 love that for u my girl!#lara ‘dont talk to me or my daughter ever again VECNA’ lichevski#nyctemines should say ‘MEN’ skjxjxj looking at the wars of men sipping ‘wine’ in toussaint with weronika and regis!#caitrìona ‘he makes me blush ONE MORE TIME and this snake is being stuffed in his SHORTS’ hati ✨🥴#HATI MAAM ✨🥴💛😵‍💫 she also should have the ‘i may be stupid’ line bc this girl really dons the fool in love attire well ✨🤡#you know what lía ME TOO BABE….. also like.. post resurrection book 2 lía my POOR THING#tried to escape arcadia and then gets yanked back like..! she wants to see her people restored and she wants param and salantiras love too?#her wish was to love and be loved by the people and yet! her life isn’t hers..! so it’s like.. she’s tired and loathes mondays#but that’s her true feelings ✨😖 MY POOR BABY.
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odetolovers · 1 year
the feminine urge to study and commit to memory every inch of a loved one’s face
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ozkar-krapo · 1 year
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"Valentina plays the Batterie fragile"
(10". Un Je Ne Sais Quoi. 2017) [FR]
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Last Peacemaker post I finally read all the character descriptions for the peacemaker ongoing that never was and discovered Carter was also gonna get a love interest who was a scary woman who could kill him
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Carter’s feelings or interactions with Sonya arent mentioned anywhere else in the pitch so I kinda wanna assume he wasnt gonna realize she was into him and just spend the whole run oblivious
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protojirux · 10 months
Period coming and all I want is Snack 🥺😭
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ellatoone7 · 2 months
❄︎ Rare mornings ❄︎
Alexia's favourite girls series
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You and Alexia wake up before the kids
It was a rarity to be woken up by the sun and not three tiny bodies that normally acted as Alexia’s alarm clock. The former athlete checked her phone wondering had she just woken up extremely early, but she hadn’t. It was nine o’clock and somehow not even one of her girls had woken up. 
You had stirred slightly next to her, burying yourself further you’re your neck as her warm hand gently strokes your swollen stomach. You were about six months at this stage, and it had been the easiest so far. You and Alexia had been through all these stages three times already, in Alexia’s words you were professionals. 
You winced as you tried to get comfortable, but you already knew it was going to be one of those days where the feeling probably wouldn’t subside. Your eyes cracked open, and you were welcome with the sight of your very smiley wife. “Buenos días hermosa.” Her voice deep and raspy as it always was when she just woke up. You bask in the blonde’s attention before having the same realisation as your wife, “Did you kill the girls?” Alexia shrugs playfully, “They were just too loud.” You giggle at her comment before wincing again. 
Alexia softly rubbed your stomach as she pulled you closer. Back when you were pregnant with Isabella, Alexia was an absolute mess. She panicked over every little thing that involved you and her daughter. This Alexia was very aware of everything that was happening without even asking, something you were eternally grateful for. “Vale mi amor. Standing up might do you some good and we can make the girls breakfast while we are ahead.” She offers softly as she slowly begins to get up not before she places a gentle kiss to your belly, a routine at this stage.
You gratefully took her hand as she helped you to sit up and then eventually stand. You rewarded her with a kiss that she happily reciprocated before quietly sneaking out of your room. Once Alexia has you safely downstairs, she runs back up to check on her daughters. Isabella’s room was closest as she peaks her head in, her room is decorated in posters of her favourite footballers. Alexia smiles softly as she finds her eldest dead to the world, with the softest of kisses to her temple she is out of the room without any disturbance.
Emilia was the heaviest sleeper out of all her siblings, Alexia often joking that she could sleep through a whole football game and not even stir. Alexia didn’t even bother creeping in knowing that Emilia wasn’t going to wake up from the noise. Emilia’s messy blonde hair was sprawled out against her pillow as she clutched on to her stuffy. Jana had gifted her the teddy when she born, and Emilia latched on to it much like Valentina and her rabbit. 
Mr biggy was named when Emilia was old enough to speak and it was decided by her and Mateo her best friend. Alexia repositioned Mr Biggy until he was tucked firmly under the blonde’s arm. Alexia pressed a kiss to her cheek before leaving to check on Val.
Contrary to her older sister Val was like Alexia and slept lightly. Alexia wasn’t surprised as the four-year-old sat up at the sound of her door being opened. “Mami?” Her little voice rasped out as Alexia stepped further into the room. Val raised her arms as her Mami came closer. Alexia sat at the edge of her bed as Val crawled into her awaiting arms. 
“Buenos días mi princesita.” Ale whispered as Val buried her face into her neck to hide from the light coming from the crack in her door. Alexia felt her mumble something against her neck as she gently pulled back. Val rubbed her eyes softly as she adjusted to being awake. Her little hands rested on Alexia’s shoulders as she looked up at her with her big hazel eyes, “M’tired.” Alexia giggled softly as a grumpy face took over her daughter. “Go back to sleep mi vida.” Val didn’t fight as her Mami guided her to lie back down.
Val’s eyes fluttered shut as she drowsily held on to her mother’s hand. Alexia tucked her in as she ducked down to press a kiss against her forehead. Satisfied that all her girls were safe she made her way downstairs, smiling as she heard you humming away. You were mixing the pancake batter as a large hand covered your own, with a kiss to your neck you knew she wanted to take over. You hauled yourself up on to the counter with surprisingly little struggle that even your wife looked impressed. 
“They’re still a sleep?” You asked as you noticed she didn’t have a little army behind her. “Sí, they had a late night.” Alexia reminded you as you stole a bit of the Nutella she pulled out. In hindsight you probably shouldn’t have let them stay up to watch one more episode, but they pulled out their puppy dog eyes, and you and Alexia were weak. “We need to be stricter.” You laugh as Alexia hums noncommittedly, “But mi amor, you know I’m weak when it comes to their puppy eyes.”
You rub her shoulder sympathetically as she moves to stand between your legs, “They got that from you.” You complain as she stares at you with the same shining eyes as the ones last night. “It’s a Putellas superpower.” You nod your head as she smiles and leans in, connecting your lips as she sighs at the lack of interruptions. As always, her hands fall to your waist and yours wrap around her neck, affectively deepening it until you here footsteps. “Good morning!” You hide your laugh in your wife’s neck at Emilia’s entrance. She slides across the floor in her socks as she joins the family hug, “Are you making pancakes?” Her blue eyes light up as she sees the batter and the Nutella. 
Alexia wrestles Emilia away from the jar as Emilia tries to feed her Nutella addiction. You watch fondly as your two blonde’s bicker playfully, “Mami, just one spoon por favor!” Alexia holds the spoon up out of reach, “I’ve been good!” She whines as she tries to climb up the former athlete’s body, “Emilia, Te daré un poco si bajas.” Emilia immediately complies as she holds her hands out expectantly. Alexia just sends her a smug smile before moving the jar of Nutella away from Emilia. The 8-year-old’s jaw dropped as she watched her mother laugh teasingly. She sends her a glare before running over to you to complain. She struggles for five minutes as she tries to get up on to the counter before Alexia takes pity and moves to help her up. Not knowing that was exactly what she wanted she quickly turned in her arms and squirmed her way onto Alexia’s back and eventually her shoulders.
Alexia was so blindsided by what just happened and before she knew it Emilia had a mouthful of chocolate and a big smile plastered on her face. “Por favor, ayúdenme.” Alexia sighs as she turns to you, “Emilia get down and give your mami back her Nutella.” Emilia didn’t care what happened to the jar now that she had gotten some and smugly returned it to her mami. You tried to hide your smile so you could reprimand your daughter, but Alexia still looked a bit dazed, and Valentina had stumbled down sometime between the wrestling.
Alexia sighed in relief as she picked up the four-year-old, “You would never eat my Nutella would you Val.” It was whispered but just like her sister, her hazel eyes lit up. Alexia’s eyes widened as the girl tried to wiggle out of her grip and reach the jar herself. Emilia had pulled herself up on the counter and tucked herself into your side. She leaned down a kissed your stomach, “Bon dia bebita.” You carded your hand through her soft hair, untangling a few knots as she mumbled against your belly. 
Emilia couldn’t wait to be an even bigger sister and was fiercely protective over her unborn sister. Eventually she looked up at you and you smiled down at her, “You remembered I existed huh?” Emilia giggled as you tickled her side, “Mama, I didn’t forget Mami distracted me.” Alexia made a sound of disgruntlement but was to busy with trying to make the pancakes and keep Val away from devouring the Nutella. 
“Poor Mami always gets the blame.” Alexia pouts as she looks over at the two of you, “Sí, I’m always being ganged up on.” You coo softly as she lets you gently stroke her jaw, “My poor baby.” Emilia laughs as she launches herself into Alexia’s arms. Alexia grunts at the impact, arms winding around the little blonde as her daughter presses kiss after kiss against her face. Emilia leans her forehead against her mami’s, “Te amo Alexia.” You laugh loudly as Ale’s face falls; Emilia had found the ultimate way to tease her Mami and often used it to her advantage. Alexia hated being called anything but Mami by her little girls, always adamant that they would never ever grow up.
“Just joking Mami, I love you.” You smiled as Emilia’s laugh rang out through your house. Alexia tickled the girl unmercifully until tears were falling down her cheeks and she buried herself into Alexia’s neck, trying to catch her breath. “What is all this noise?” A new voice joined the commotion as Isabella made her appearance. “Just your sister waking up and choosing violence.” You shrugged as your eldest slumped down on one of the chairs. 
Alexia was lecturing Emilia playfully as she threatened to tickle her again and after a solemn promise to behave Emilia was set free. “Can I get some Nutella?” Isabella asked as her eyes focused on something behind Alexia. “Touchy subject this morning Is.” Alexia crossed her arms with a huff, “No, you cannot until the pancakes are ready, vale.” Isabella scoffed before mirroring her Mami’s actions, “How come they got some, that’s so unfair.” 
Emilia sneakily wiped at her chin as you beckoned her over to clean it fully. “Emilia nearly killed me and Val…” Alexia turned to look at her unsupervised daughter and nearly shrieked as Val shovelled another handful of Nutella into her mouth. “Ay dios mio! Basta, Valentina Elisabeth Putellas, drop it.” Val just smiled up innocently at her mother as she licks at her hand. Alexia sighs tiredly as she picks up the half empty jar and places it onto the highest shelf, “Estas chicas me van a matar.”
Taking pity on your wife you gently reprimand your youngest as she licked at her lips. Alexia finally cooks the pancakes as you sort out the state your daughter is in with chocolate basically everywhere. You force Isabella to grab plates and try to settle Emilia and Valentina into their seats, so they don’t cause any trouble. Isabella decided to help her Mami plate the breakfast up, earning her a grateful kiss and a comment about ‘someone finally being on her side.’ Once all your kids were settled and eating their breakfast with Nutella you made two cups of coffee and handed one to Alexia. A strong arm wrapped around your waist as you watched your kids playfully bicker with each other. “Menaces.” Alexia mutters but anyone with eyes could see the pure adoration she harboured for her girls. 
You settle onto one of the stools by the island, Alexia hot on your tail as she passed Isabella some sugar. You felt a sharp kick to your stomach and your hand fell to your bump; you intertwined your hand with Alexia’s before placing it where your daughter kicked. You impossibly fell more in love with the woman in front of you as she laughed brightly, “She wants to join the fun early, don’t you mi preciosa.” Alexia was at eye level with you as she kissed your nose, “I love you and our family more than anything en el mundo.” 
You melt into her arms as she wraps her body around you, seeking brief comfort as she becomes overwhelmed. You catch Isabella’s eye who sends you a concerned look before you nod her over, not one to ever let her eldest sister do something without her Emilia followed and so did Val. Alexia felt arms wrap around her from behind as she turns, she’s face to face with Isabella who is balancing on the spinney stool. Emilia latches onto her waist with the softest smile while Val’s little arms wound around her legs. 
Alexia guides each of their hands to your stomach, letting them feel the little kicks. Isabella who had experienced it before clung onto to Alexia who happily reciprocated her hug, cradling her head to her chest as she watches Emilia’s pure fascination and Val’s wonderment. “Bebé princesa in Mama’s tummy.” Val asks her Mami as she gently prods at your stomach, “sí mi vida.” Emilia smiled as she took Val’s hand and held it up to your stomach, Val giggled as she felt the pressure against your skin, “That’s our little sister Vally.” Emilia coos as she holds her little sister close to her. You sent Alexia a playful glare, “We don’t know if it’s a girl yet.” You were met with identical knowing looks by all four girls. You already knew what was coming as you locked eyes with your wife. Just on time all girls chorused, “She’s a Putellas.” 
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How and what happens if the reader was pregnant during mating season and had all of the other kids?
Big family and big… week? Lol
Sudden Mating Season (18+)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I think that most of the kids are products of some… successful mating seasons. I mean, that’s what the mating seasons are for, right? It is also my belief that the guys' mating seasons will take a bit of a back burner after they’ve had children, but that doesn’t mean it’ll last forever (I mean, haven’t you noticed the 10 years between Valentina and Gerardo?). But honestly I think it would be somewhat well planned out, with the kids going to their grandparents for the week.
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Warnings: Implied sex, planned/unplanned pregnancy.
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After you and Leonardo’s third child, his mating seasons seemed to have taken a calm for good. Leo’s animalistic instinct to spread his seed in order to create offsprings calmed with the birth of Gerardo. So that was it, you and Leo thought. No longer would you have to send your kids off to their grandparents for a whole week, so you and Leo could go at it inside your shared bedroom. So for the next many years, you and Leo would bring your kids along to April and Casey’s farm house for a family vacation, leaving the lair to the other turtles and their partners as they went through their season. That went on every year, until Leo’s brothers too no longer felt their season creep upon them during the spring. And with that, none of the people in the lair seemed too concerned about spring time, thinking that those days were nothing but the past.
But then, 10 years after the birth of your third child, things changed once again. Leo woke up the day before May with a strange feeling inside of him. His senses were heightened, and he felt the intense need to… oh no.
You woke up to Leo shaking you awake in the early hours of the morning, almost seeming frantic, stress painted over his face.
“Call your parents”, he said urgently.
“What? Why? What’s happening?”, you asked in confusion, feeling concern take the place of your tiredness.
“It’s back”, Leo said, already sounding very drained, breathing heavily as if he was suffering. “I’m not sure how or why, but it’s back. It can be here at any moment”.
You stared at him for some time, trying to figure out what he was talking about. But then it clicked in your head, remembering the last time you had seen Leo like this. Spring time 10 years ago.
“I’ll call them, and tell them to take the kids”, you said, quickly grabbing your phone before leaving for the hallway.
“Thank you”, Leo sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. He already felt horrible. Like he was a young teenager experiencing his first mating season all over again. Here he thought he had heard the last of it, but nope. He could feel his season creep closer and closer, threatening to take over at any moment.
Luckily for you and Leo, your parents agreed to take the kids for the week. You did not have to tell them what was going on. They understood straight away, having been through this several times before.
Your parents quickly came by and picked up the kids, Leo’s brothers quickly understanding what was going on, making sure that none of their kids would walk too close to your hallway. You hugged your boys goodbye, calming Gerardo’s worries quickly, when he asked if his father was okay. Poor boy, he had never tried this before, and he had obviously noticed that his father wasn’t doing too well. Romeo and Marcello had looked at you with a grossed out expression, exclaiming loudly that they did not want to be the ones that explained the season to their little brother. Luckily you didn't have to worry about that, before your parents took the boys out of the lair.
You and Leo found yourselves locked up in your room, in a way you hadn’t done in years. And when the week was over, Leo was once again calm, excited to be with his boys again the next day. But as you cleaned yourself up and decided to take a pregnancy test, just out of pure mating season habits, you were shocked at the outcome. You were now pregnant with your fourth child, and never again would Leo experience another mating season.
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You woke up to the feeling of Raph’s lips traveling down your back, his big hand massaging the flesh of your hips. You hummed and tried to push Raph’s hand away, pulling the blanket up around you.
“Not right now, Raphie”, you mumbled, your eyes still closed. “The girls can wake up at any moment”.
Raph chuckled in his raspy morning voice, grabbing onto you a bit firmer pulling you closer to him, his breath fanning over the side of your neck as he spoke into your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“Have you already forgotten your parents picked them up yesterday?”, he asked, burying his face against the crock of your neck, trailing kisses down your shoulder.
Your eyes opened in an instant, remembering what Raph was talking about. Your parents had been over yesterday, eating lunch with you, Raph and the girls, before they brought Joan and Mini with them, just like they did any other spring. And that’s when your sleepy brain caught up with Raph’s hand that was running down from your hip to the inside of your thigh. It was springtime.
“I guess I have”, you smiled, focusing on the feeling of the thick green finger that was playing with the edge of your panties. “What about the others? Are they home?”
“Nope”, Raph smiled, taking in your scent like it was a drug he was addicted to. “They are either with the inlaws or in April and Casey’s farm house”.
“So we’re all alone?”, you asked with a hint of amusement in your voice.
“Yup”, Raph hummed, pulling your thigh closer to him, the back of your thigh coming into contact with his now slick cloaca. Excitement building up inside of you, knowing that he could drop at any moment. “So I’ll not let you hold any of your beautiful sounds back”.
You turned, just enough so that you could look at Raph’s face, his pupils blown out with lust as he buckled slightly against you in an attempt to create some friction where he needed it the most.
“Do your worst”, you teasted, giving Raph the green light, letting him jump on you as you let out a playful yelp.
Around a week later, your parents brought Joan and Minerva back to the lair, greeting you and Raph with big hugs and bright smiles, along with new toys and many detailed stories.
7 year old Joan was telling you and Raph about a movie she saw with your parents over lunch, while 3 year old Mini played with the new monster truck she had gotten, making it jump over her plate of apple slices.
You and Raph were engaging Joan in her story, while keeping an eye out for Mini’s monster truck, but then a scent made its way to Raph’s beak. He did a few sniffs before turning his attention towards you, the gear turning in his head as he tried to remember the last time you had smelled like that. Then he realized what he was smelling, what hormones were starting to flow through your system and what it meant.
“You’re pregnant?!”, he exclaimed, looking somewhat shocked, you and your daughters staring at him in confusion.
But Raph was right. When you took a test later that day, you were delighted to learn that you indeed were pregnant once again.
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For the first few years after Galileo’s birth, you and Donnie did not think that you wanted more children. After Gali came to the world, it took four years before Donnie’s mating season came back, and with that, a desire for more children. However, much to you and Donnie’s dismay, you did not become pregnant with his first returning mating season. After a whole week locked up in your bedroom, you were still not pregnant. But that didn’t stop you and Donnie from trying. Even during the outside of your husband’s season, you would try whenever it was possible.
But then, when spring came around once more and Donnie could feel his season creep up once again, your parents happily took Gali with them to their vacation home out of state. On their way out, you and Donnie pretended not to hear their comment about how they were hoping that this would bring them more grandchildren. How lucky you were that Gali didn’t seem to catch on. That was not a conversation you were ready for yet.
After a whole week of non-stop sex, you were more than sore. Your whole body ached as you moved around in the bed, still not willing to get up. Donnie chuckled at the sight, pulling you closer with a pleased smile.
“You okay there?”, he asked, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
“No”, you muffled, hiding your face against his plastron. “Everything hurts, and-”. You cut yourself off with the sudden nausea that fell over you. Even though your body hurt, you wasted no time running towards the toilet. Donnie was right on your heels, holding your hair back as you started to throw up into the toilet bowl. Though your discomfort was obvious, Donnie could hold back his smile when the scent of your hormones reached him. You were finally pregnant.
“It looks dark”, 5 year old Gali said, watching the monitor in front of him. You and Donnie chuckled at him. How adorable could a child be?
“I haven’t even started yet”, Donnie said as he turned on the ultrasound, the monitor coming to life.
“Then huuuuuurryyyyy!”, Gali whined, jumping impatiently in front of the monitor. He wanted to get a view of his new younger sibling as fast as possible.
Donnie placed the ultrasound on your stomach before moving it around over your almost second trimester baby bump. A picture formed on the monitor, and Gali smiled excitedly.
“You see that?”, Donnie asked, and pointed out a slight circle on the screen. “That’s their head, and here… is… another head…?”
“What did you just say?”, you asked somewhat alarmed.
Donnie moved the ultrasound a little further to get a better look, his confusion turning to shock and happiness, his eyes looking to you with joy written all over them.
“Twins”, he mumbled, tears of joy forming at the corners of his eyes. “We’re having twins”.
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“So!”, Mikey said, turning to you with a mischievous smile, closing the bedroom door behind him, making his way closer to you. “Your parents have just left with Sunny, and the others are either hiding in their rooms. You know what that means”.
“Cuddles and a good movie?”, you asked innocently, knowing very well that wasn’t what Mikey talked about. His blown out pupils and his flaring nostrils made it very clear that he was fighting not to jump on you, his instinct taking a stronger and stronger hold on him. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Wrong!”, Mikey exclaimed with a smile, wrapping his arms around you as he pulled you closely against him, his lips finding yours in a heated kiss. “It is baby making time!”
You chuckled against Mikey’s lips, soon finding that your chuckles turned to pleased hums as he backed you over towards the bed. The same bed you would be stuck in for the rest of the week.
For a long time now, Mikey had been wanting another child. While his brothers seemed to have calmed down a little after the birth of their children, their mating season being absent for a few years afterwards, Mikey’s did not. You went straight from one pregnancy to yet another mating season, where you and Mikey did your best to become pregnant once again. But nothing had happened for the past two years, so you were now hoping that the third time would be the lucky time. So when Mikey pushed you down onto the bed, you welcomed him with open arms, giggling as he crawled in between your legs.
A little over a week later, you, Mikey and Sunny found yourselves resting in the living area. You and Mikey were seated on the couch with Sunny between you, the 3 year old keeping herself entertained by walking back and forth between you, her legs wobbling on the soft couch cushions, laughing loudly whenever she would tumble into one of you. You and Mikey couldn’t help but laugh along with her, happy to see your daughter smile as bright as she did everyday, warmth filling both of your hearts.
Sunny then tumbled on the soft couch, her head butting straight into your hip, making you worry that she had gotten hurt. But Sunny did not cry. Instead she stared at your hip area in confusion, giving no thought to you and Mikey’s soft hands on her head or your careful words, asking if she was okay.
“Why do you smell like that, mommy?”, she asked, her small face contorted in a small frown.
“What do you mean?”, you asked, looking to Mikey for an explanation. Could he smell anything?
Mikey gave the air a sniff, trying to figure out what his daughter was talking about. He then jumped from the couch, his eyes wide with happiness and a joyful skip to his steps, making Sunny laugh once more.
“Babe!”, he exclaimed. “You’re pregnant!”
“What?!”, you asked in disbelief, but before Mikey could answer you, he pulled you and Sunny from the couch, holding you both close as he spun you around in circles, Sunny continued laughter, ringing out in the lair, catching the attention of the rest of its inhabitants.
“You’re pregnant!”, he yelled out, placing a quick kiss on your cheek. “We’re gonna have another child! Did you hear that, Sunny? You’re going to be a big sister!”
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entitled-fangirl · 4 months
The human did interrupt.
Caius Volturi x human!reader
Summary: The reader is sitting with Caius when Valentina interrupts.
Author's note: This is so short but it just came to me when I remembered that scene lmao.
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A knock on the door interrupted their thoughts.
Aro stood, greeting whomever had dared to enter without announcement.
"Ah, Valentina has brought us something!"
Caius grimaced. His hand came up to rest on the leg of the pretty little human mate of his that currently resided in his lap. "She should not have interrupted."
Aro turned with a gracious look, "She's new."
Marcus' head turned, "Aren't they all?"
Caius smiled wickedly, pulling the girl in his arms closer.
Valentina simply stood at the base of the stairs, nervous and unsure of what to do.
Aro looked rather annoyed at this, motioning for her to step forward to meet him.
As she does, she presents a silver platter with an envelope on it.
Aro opens it, gazing at the handwriting within. "Ah!  L'amore ci mantiene giovani (Love keeps us young). Edward and Bella are to be married."
The girl in Caius' lap turns slightly to see his reaction. He watched his eyebrows furrow carefully in thought, anger beginning to take over his features.
Marcus simply turned his head, his expression anything but an emotion, "What. Joy."
Caius finally spoke up, "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation. They mock us with their delays…"
Aro looked over his shoulder, his attention now away from Valentina, "Patience, brother." Aro then set the envelope back on the platter. "Though, you do have a point," he gently caressed Valentina's face as his voice lost its kindness, "the human did interrupt."
Caius pulled his pretty mate to her feet, pulling her with him as the three Volturi kings began to exit. 
Felix and Demetri appeared on either side of the secretary as Aro walked on, "I do love weddings."
Caius' mate turned to look over her shoulder to see what would become of the girl, but Caius gently caught her jaw, keeping her from looking back. "…C…Caius?" She asked hesitantly.
"Shh. Come, Bella Amora," he leaned to whisper in her ear, "Let the human learn her mistake."
Caius pulled his mate from the throne room, the sound of Valentina's screams being heard throughout the entire castle.
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randomshyperson · 6 months
I Wanna Be Yours - Heart Shaped Series
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Chapter Summary: Once again separated, Wanda calls and brings news that changes everything, whether for better or for worse, it's still too early to say.
Warnings: (+18), making out, shapeshifting smut, intimate and unprotected s*x, creampie, fingering (both), slightly power dynamics, fluff and mild angst, avengers fighting like a family, brief mention of violence and injuries, some humor. | Words: 7.087k
A/N-> Am I getting too addicted to writing Shapeshifter Reader? Maybe. What can I do, it's so fun. Also, this is kinda late 'cause I spend the whole weekend watching Orphan Black (it's amazing). I hope you all like this, it took me some time, good reading!
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 | Series Masterlist
Limping and bleeding, you kept moving. The suspenders of your uniform were unbuttoned and hanging around your waist, and you grunted in pain as you leaned against the wall of the secure apartment, needing a moment to overcome your fatigue to open the door.
Cleaning the wound in silence was the worst part; your powers were messed up by the whole thing, and even though you tried to change, the blood kept coming out and you were forced to find a sewing kit and solve the problem.
Half an hour later, on the living room carpet still trying to stop shaking, your cell phone rang.
You thought it was Valentina, wanting to know if the whole thing had worked out. You almost cursed under your breath, this checking habit of hers always irritated you; the jobs always worked out, especially if the payment was made in advance. You were a professional, and the attitude carried an insinuation that you would fail, and if Valentina continued with it, perhaps it would be better for her to find someone else for the job. 
But in a way, you knew that all this lack of patience had other reasons: with every stray bullet, every insult, and more difficult fight, you wondered what was the point of it all. You remembered Wanda Maximoff smiling at you, kissing you, and started to wonder if taking all that risk was worth anything, especially when crime made it so difficult to have moments with that witch who wouldn't leave your thoughts.
And as if guessing, it was Wanda calling. You smiled immediately, feeling a little excited for the first time that morning.
It had been so long since you heard her voice. After everything that unfolded with the Avengers splitting up and being chased, and this latest intense mission which, despite being very well paid, made it practically impossible for you to visit her. At last, Wanda was calling.
"Little witch." You greeted as soon as you picked up, only to hear a heavy sigh on the other end that made you frown in confusion. "Wanda?"
She sniffled, and you ignored the pain in your body to sit up straight. "I have to tell you something."
"Is everything all right? Are you hurt? Are you with your friends?"
"Detka, please." She interrupts you. "Just listen, okay?"
"Wanda, you're scaring me."
"I'm all right." She assures you straight away. "I'm safe, I promise. But I have... to tell you something. And I need you not to freak out, because I'm scared and if you get scared too, I don't think I can manage."
You sigh uncertainly, but end up agreeing. "I'm listening."
It takes Wanda a whole moment where the only sound is her breathing on the line. Until finally; "I think I'm pregnant." Your immediate reaction is to frown in a mixture of confusion and surprise. You don't say anything because you don't know what to say, and your silence makes Wanda sniffle again. "You have to say something."
You open your mouth, only to let out a short, nervous laugh. "I know, I just... I don't know what."
Wanda sighs, looking like she's trying to control her emotions. "Okay, I didn't expect, well I don't know what I expected. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, we, I can take care of this and then-"
"Wait, what?" you interrupt. "Wanda, take a deep breath, okay? Just give me a second to think." You struggle to get to your feet, and with the injury, let out an involuntary grunt of pain. 
Wanda grips the phone tightly. "Where are you? Are you hurt?"
You chuckle weakly. "It's nothing, I've taken care of it." 
"No, that's kind of funny actually." You continue, stumbling around the apartment after your suitcase. "And I don't say this to worry you, love, but I've barely made it out of this mission. I'm losing my touch, I guess, or maybe I just don't want this anymore. And when I was shot, I just had this really sad thought that if I died on that island, no one would care. The shooter would probably be very glad, and my boss would be annoyed at losing money but would surely find someone else for the job. What I'm trying to say is that I had no reason to get up, but then I thought, if I die here, my little witch will see my picture in the news and I don't want to go without saying goodbye. Wanda deserves at least a goodbye. So I got up, shot a few more assholes, and managed to escape to this dingy apartment and sewed myself back together, all the while wondering if this is what I really want to do with my life. The answer is no, Wanda. I don't want to have hundreds of people targeting me and risk my safety for a handful of jewels or whatever other shit I have to steal from narcissistic billionaires scattered around the world. I just want to lie next to you, and watch you laugh at some joke on TV, or have meals next to you and kiss you, you know? And now you call me, to give me the best news in the world over the goddam phone. That's not how it should be." You zipper up a suitcase with a few changes of clothes safely inside. "My only purpose is to be with you, Wanda Maximoff. I don't want to have this conversation miles away from you, so just hold on. I’ll come to you.”
This time, you know she's crying with happiness. She laughs tearfully as she says, "I'll be waiting, detka. Don't be long."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
Not surprisingly, the hardest part was getting to Wanda. Being a fugitive in the majority of nations has its disadvantages. It took almost two whole weeks for you to finally arrive at the address Wanda texted you, and unfortunately, you were late.
Only a very angry black widow was there to welcome you.
"I'm going to kill that girl." Nat declared as soon as she laid eyes on you. You tried to wave but ended up jumping in fright when a man's hand touched your shoulder. 
Steve Rogers and his nomad beard chuckled at your reaction. "You shouldn't be here, kid."
Recovering from the shock, you grimaced and pushed his hand away with a pat. "Don't kid me, Mr. America. And this is a free country, I can be wherever I want."
Nat chuckled, a hologram coming out from her watch reflecting brightly in the dimly lit room. The Avengers needed better safe houses, not even in your first years of crime did you stay in such a crappy loft. 
"That's a great one coming from an Interpol fugitive." He sneers back, but you lift your chin proudly.
"And what's it like being in this position? Have you come down off the moral high ground or do you still think you're better than the rest of us, Rogers?" You challenge, and although you sigh, Steve surprises you. 
He chuckles, shaking his head. "She's just like Wanda." He says to Nat from across the room, who clicks her tongue. 
"Yep, same punk-ass attitude." Grumbles the widow, but despite the grimace, it sounds more like a compliment than a curse. "I can't believe Wanda thought it was acceptable for her to share the location with anyone."
You snort incredulously. "I'm not 'anyone', Romanoff! I'm her…girlfriend!"
Nat rolls her eyes, ignoring your protest and Steve steps out of the doorway to approach his friend. "So Nat, is the place clean?"
The widow forces a smile. "Apart from the shapeshifter intruder, yes. We've left no clues behind. And considering the agent's new agenda, we're going to have a peaceful few weeks for the time being. Wilson and Maximoff can stop moving for a while."
"Good news at last." Steve commented, but you cleared your throat.
"Any chance of me catching a ride to the place Wanda won't have to flee from?" You ask, and their expression doesn't give you any more confidence. "Okay, I'll wait for her to give me the address and I'll go by myself."
Nat chuckles incredulously, taking a step forward. "It's astonishing how irresponsible you two are." She says. "I know it must be hard for you to think of anyone but yourself, but you need to stop putting her at risk."
You snort. "The only astonishing thing here is your judgment, Romanoff. Acting like you were born a hero. Have you forgotten everything you did before the Avengers or Shield?" You retort. "You're no better than me."
But Nat snorts, nodding. "The difference is that I never had a choice. I was trained from birth for it, I didn't know any other life until Barton and Fury gave me a chance. You revel in chaos."
You don't lose posture, even as emotion begins to rise in your chest. "You know nothing about me."
"But we know about Wanda." Steve interrupts the conversation, as accusatory as the widow. "After everything that happened in Sokovia, she's our responsibility. Our family. It's not something anyone who isn't an Avenger can understand. And I know that she was vulnerable with the loss of her brother and that you took advantage of it."
You take a step forward, shocked by such a low accusation. "Take that back! I would never-"
"Oh, cut it out." Steve insists. "We all know about the kind of work you do, manipulation and lies are your specialties. Your signature is to deceive." He accuses, and for the first time, Nat flinches. Because the whole conversation could easily be handed back to her, and perhaps already has been by other people. "What's all this about? What do you want from Wanda?"
"Not everything is about work. Maybe I just fucking love her!"
Steve laughs incredulously. "Oh please-" But Nat interrupts the whole thing with an annoyed snort.
"That's enough, both of you."
The captain looks at her with some surprise. "Come on Natasha, you don't really believe she's serious." He is careful to lower his tone, like a private conversation between the two of them, an almost silent agreement about letting you go or not. Still, in that empty place, it's easy to hear what they're saying. "Weren't you the one who always says that love is for children?"
The joke is not well received. Natasha takes on a hard expression as she faces Steve. "Do you really want to discuss this, Rogers? When we're all risking our necks over your feelings for Barnes?"
Steve steps away dumbfounded. "It's not like that! We're freeing someone innocent! The right thing-"
"Would be to bring him to justice." Natasha interrupts without losing her tone. "The morally and legally right thing would be to bring the person responsible for 100 years of crimes to justice. There's no other answer, no other way around it. But he's family, and you're family. And that's why I'm here, and all the others who will stand by your side and go against the law and risk their necks, jobs, and safety. Things aren't as black and white as this right and wrong discourse and by now I'd hoped you'd be able to recognize that better, Steve."
He looks away, embarrassed and thoughtful. Nat sighs and takes the opportunity to approach you again.
"I can give you a ride. Just don't make me regret it, okay?"
For the moment, that's all Natasha offers in solidarity with you. It's the kindest thing an Avenger - excluding Wanda of course - has ever given you. It instantly makes Nat your favorite.
Steve doesn't accompany you two to the safe place. He says he needs time to think, and from the looks he exchanges with Nat, it's not hard to deduce that he's going after the Winter Soldier. You don't know where Sergeant Barnes is, but you have the impression that they do. It's not your place to question or monitor Steve Rogers' movements, so you just respond to the polite nod of farewell he gives you.
He takes the stolen airship, which is a shame because you love riding in those - Valentina's vehicles were never that sophisticated, but you've already managed to steal one of those from Shield and the ride was a lot of fun until you had to dispose of the aircraft in the Caribbean. 
Natasha gets a truck, which makes you assume that the location can't be that far away. It's an incorrect conclusion because she comments on buying train tickets.
You fall asleep in your seat. That must win you some points with Nat, who is surprised that you trust her enough to sleep because when you wake up from a very nice dream with Wanda, she starts small talk.
Accords, favorite crimes, and the morally superior attitude of some agents. Natasha giggles at one of your stories - about getting compromising items from government leaders - and you consider it a personal victory. She herself has stories about missions from her time as Black Widow which, if you don't consider the horror of her childhood, were kind of amusing. It's probably that you're the only person Nat can tell these things to without any kind of judgment. Equal to equal.
She's almost at the nearest station when, at the signal, she surprises you completely.
"I know about the baby."
You blink at her surprised eyes. "Did she tell you?"
But Nat denies it, without taking her gaze off the road now that the two of you are reaching a busier area. Even with the different appearance, the blonde hair being something to get used to, she has to be careful.
"They ran tests before admitting her to the raft. With all of us that they managed to capture at the airport, in fact." says the widow. "It was to categorize skills, check for injuries, but they ended up finding something else."
You sigh, also paying attention to the surroundings and any curious civilians who risk looking inside the vehicle. Everyone seems busy with their own problems, but you also check the streetlights for surveillance cameras.
"She must have been so scared." You whisper, and the guilt surprises Nat. You swallow dry before adding: "I should have been with her."
"What happened, happened. It wasn't really an outsider's fault."
You smile sadly, it's not exactly reassuring, Natasha doesn't seem to be very good at these things, but she's kind enough. She means that the Avengers' fight was something between them and that it wouldn't make sense for you to blame yourself for Wanda's imprisonment. Even so, you feel you could have prevented it if you'd convinced her to run away with you. But again, how different would the life you could offer her would be?
"When I heard about the Raft, she was already gone." You say. "I guess I should thank you for being so fast in getting her out."
Nat chuckles briefly, turning the steering wheel towards the streets beyond the parking lot. This car will probably be abandoned there.
"It wasn't me who got her out, so no." Retorts the widow. "You must have seen the fight on television, the way we were divided." She waited for you to nod in agreement before continuing. "The team that was left standing, Tony’s side I suppose, helped capture the others. Fighting with Steve. But when the tests were done,  General Ross got very nervous. He was afraid the story would leak, and the image of a young terrorist that the media had planted would turn against him, now that it was a pregnant woman being beaten and handcuffed in front of the cameras. His anxiety alerted the others, and well, Stark may be many things, but as soon as he knew the truth, he got her out of there. Vision confirmed the whole thing, he's got some scanning abilities or something. And I think they come up with some story and Vision was supposed to chase her after the vehicle she was in left the route, but Wanda was never found by Ross again. I know Vision and Tony help her. And then she was the first of us to catch up with Steve."
Natasha parks the car. She almost thinks you're busy absorbing the story when you pull something out of your pocket and hold it out to her.
"It was sent to me while I was in Greece. I guess this is my way of making us even." In your hand is the file of a job you rejected a few weeks ago. To track and recover a package of stolen vials, of a defector last seen in Morocco. Unknown contractor, but payment of half a million dollars in advance. 
"You should have taken it, the money was good." Nat commented as she grabbed the photo of the vials attached to a small one of her face with her hair still red, carrying market bags somewhere in Norway, the place where the last trace and possible suspect was seen.
You gave her a short smile, now that Nat had parked the car, she busied herself flipping through the old file. 
"I missed my chance." You mutter. "What about you, Romanoff? Did you miss yours?"
She mimics your smile, shaking her head. "No. This time, I finished off the bastards." She assures you, nodding. "I didn't get the chance to kill Dreykov myself, but someone who deserved it more did it for me."
You nod, respecting Natasha's choice not to delve deeper into that painful subject. You know just enough about the Red Room, and one of the few things is that General Dreykov was the leader and that Romanoff should have killed him years before. If she did it now, the mission must have been to put an end to the whole thing. 
"I kept monitoring Ross, after everything that happened. I heard you made a fool of him when you ran off alone from the team he set up for you."
She shrugged, a smile hiding the pride of her own abilities. From the car, you took only a backpack that she had prepared, and you weren't surprised to see Natasha take out a lighter and burn the files before throwing them in the nearest garbage can. 
Side by side and with your heads down, you walked to the station.
Wanda has a bit of a meltdown. It's the hormones, you're sure of it.
She jumps on your neck, expelling a sort of magical wave of excitement that makes you almost too cocky to recognize how happy she is to see you.
Natasha gets worried because the windows rattle and the last thing anyone needs is to draw more attention to themselves. She and Sam exchange a quick nod, and the widow mumbles something about the two of them heading out to restock supplies and you know it's a favor so you and Wanda have time to talk alone. The Falcon is confused by the whole thing, and you hear some distant questions along the lines of "Since when do we call the bad guys to the team" before Natasha closes the door.
Not that Sam Wilson's opinions are worth anything when Wanda pulls your face to hers and kisses you with all the longing she's been feeling.
It's passionate and intense and makes your heart soar. You break into a dopey smile like hers, nearly dizzy with love to the point of not being able to say anything. Wanda, as close as humanly possible, speaks first in a husky tone:
"You took your time."
The teasing makes you smile, and without stopping smiling, you start playing with the loops of her jeans. 
"Sorry, darling, you changed your address too quickly. You're getting good at this fugitive life, aren't you, Maximoff?" Your question almost goes unanswered when you decide to make a path of chaste kisses from her cheeks to jaw and to her neck. Wanda sighs affectedly, trying to keep her eyes open.
One of her hands goes to your hair, and she giggles when she feels it grow a few centimeters between her fingers. You nibble her ear before looking her in the eye and are greeted by dilated, curious pupils. 
"Why have you changed?" she asks quietly, her fingers still assessing the new length of your hair.
You scrunch up your nose, a gesture that has become habitual with the witch snuggled up to you. "I'm just following your friend's safety tips." You explain casually. "All I need is a cap and sunglasses and my Avenger disguise is complete."
Wanda snorts good-naturedly, knowing full well that you're making fun of the bad disguise she was wearing when you two first met. To be fair, Natasha has always believed that the simplest is the most effective, and so far, most Avengers have managed to go unnoticed with just glasses and a cap, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.
"Maybe I should follow her example." Wanda then comments, and although she seems to be focused on what she's saying, you're surprised to realize that her hands have reached down to remove your belt. "What if I get some blue highlights?"
Your laugh is a little hoarse and distracted because Wanda has thrown the belt into some corner of the apartment and is pulling you both backward, probably to where her bedroom should be. 
"I guess you either go big or go home."
She hums thoughtfully, perhaps making some mental note of the matter. You're more focused on the way she slips her hands inside your blouse and scratches your stomach, biting her lip as she feels your muscles twitch. 
Wanda closes the bedroom door with her foot, and you don't put up any resistance to feeling her lips on yours, hungry and impatient this time.
The kisses are too hot for you to think coherently, but you hear the last remnants of reason to hold a half-naked Wanda by the waist.
She, as breathless as you, looks at you with some concern and confusion at the interruption.
"Is something wrong?" Wanda asks hoarsely.
You swallow dry, your hands on her waist. "It's okay, it's just..." And suddenly, you seem very shy. You can feel your cheeks flushing, and maybe you should force your body not to have this kind of reaction, but you never do that with Wanda. You don't have to hide things from her. She looks at you expectantly, her hands caressing your shoulders as a way of reassuring you. "Hm, I was wondering, are we supposed to be doing this when you're...." And you looked down a little, at her belly, until Wanda understood.
She broke into a shy giggle, then looked up at you. "Oh, darling, you're so adorable." She declares, stealing a kiss before tenderly explaining; "It's still early, very early. I imagine it's only going to start being a problem towards the end, and well, I'm going to be a nervous, angry, horny mess by then and I think you'd better not dare deny me that kind of relief!"
You nod foolishly, panting that you will certainly do whatever she wants. Wanda's face takes on a new color, and she bites back a smile, her eyes darkening.
"Whatever I want? I like the sound of that." She retorts, leaning in to break the distance again. The next kiss is almost a shut-up, charged with naughty intentions. She sucks on your tongue and you practically whimper. It's such a submissive sound that it surprises you both for a moment. "Oh, moya lyubov (my love), parenthood has turned you into a whiny mess..."
You groan in a mixture of embarrassment and arousal, turning your face away. "And it made you quite mean, apparently." 
She doesn't allow you to be grumpy. She grabs your chin and pulls off your pout with a kiss that's dirtier than the last. You can only moan in response, and when Wanda determinedly gropes her way into your pants, not bothering with foreplay, and is greeted by a dampness so massive it could be embarrassing, it's she who breaks into a moan.
"Fuck, I almost forgot how damn hot you feel on my fingers." You even try to regain some control of the kiss, to get that cocky attitude out of your girlfriend, but there's no way to do it when Wanda sinks two fingers inside you, as deep as the position allows. All that rips through your lips is a throaty moan. Wanda giggles mischievously at your reactions. "I really can't choose, baby. Having you squeezing my fingers or buried inside me. If you can keep up the pace, do you think we could try the second one later?"
It wasn't really a difficult request to comply with - until it was, because Wanda was more insatiable than usual. The first orgasm on the armchair was not even close to being enough for her. Neither for you, to be fair.
Wanda seemed to have discovered something new - a dominant attitude that you both hadn't yet explored. As far as you're concerned, whatever Wanda wishes will work for you. You're there to please her, simple as that.
She seems to have no restrictions on the ways this can happen. With her fingers deep inside you, her tongue swirling across your clit or changing positions, and sitting on your face and coming messily until she's squirming all over the sheets.
She already came four times when you sense a change of attitude, and the connection between you and her is so intimate, that Wanda has barely adjusted herself on the bed and you're already hugging her from behind, your arms around her and your mouth busy marking her neck. She gives you a sleepy smile, looking truly ruined for the first time all night. It suddenly occurs to you that she'll tire more easily now.
You kiss behind her ear and adjust your hips. Wanda sighs as she feels the familiar hardness rubbing up against her ass.
"Don't tell me you don't have some energy saved up for your own challenge?" You tease next to her ear, grinding gently into her. The friction elicits heavy sighs from both of you, and Wanda grabs your hand that rests on her belly before entwining your fingers together.
“Just one more, dorogoy (sweetheart).” She whispers as she guides your hands into her chest. Your free one helps yourself fit into her, and the same moment you grope her naked breast, playing with the hard nipple, you bury your cock inside her. Wanda lets out a sinful moan, her velvet walls welcoming you with a breathtaking heat. You nearly came with the mere state of being inside her - the way she squeezes you takes you off orbit for a moment.
You wanna be gentle, she’s a pregnant lady for god’s sake. But it seems that Wanda expects just the opposite the second you move - She takes the lead of the movements, your hips serving as a lever for her to rock back into your cock. You have to bite her shoulder to keep yourself from coming, and her response is to hold your hand thingly against her breasts, a single request for you to keep stimulating her nipples. 
There’s no way to keep this peace for long - Wanda herself feels her body betraying her a short moment after, the deep strokes of your cock taking her to blinding pleasure now for her to do more than drool into her pillow. You found a sweet spot and she arches her back, a new wave of arousal dripping down her thighs. 
She struggles to catch a breath - trying to tell you she's close. There’s no need, really. You can feel the tightness increasing, and it’s impossible for you to hold it when Wanda finally comes. She cries out your name and her body goes stiff the next second. Your cum stays inside her, just like your cock. 
“That was… fuck…” She tries to form a thought, all tingly, with numb, tingling legs. You kiss her shoulder, slowly rocking your hips only to hear her soft protest. “Too much, babe.”
After so many orgasms, that’s not a surprise. But Wanda feels so tender, it’s so addictive. You move a hand down, to play with her clit between her fingers and she can’t help but whine.
“Who’s the whiny mess, now?” You tease and Wanda's attempt at response turns into a deep groan when you thrust into her powerfully, enough to shake the bed. She chokes into a moan next when you start to catch a rhythm. Your fingers, toying with her neglected clit almost bring her to insanity. 
The next climax comes faster than the last, and it’s harder. You have your face buried in her neck, your bodies entangled together as you move inside her. Wanda presses her face into her pillow when she comes, pleasure tears wetting the bed like her squirt. You groan against her skin when you fill her up this time, balls deep into her.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Your rusky moans in her ear prolong her climax - she can feel herself squeezing the emptiness when you pull out. A mess of white cum coming out from both of you. It’s such a dirty sexual act to stroke yourself a little longer, to spread out every drop of your pleasure into her skin. 
Everything, every drop, belongs to Wanda. It’s all hers, because of her. 
Suddenly, she wishes she could do the same. Fill you up too, and own every version of your pleasure. This thought is written into her brain and pushed away so she can call your name. Your warm arms are around her before she can miss them.
“I should get you clean up.” You whisper and she holds closer.
“Later.” It’s all she whispers back, being defeated by her exhaustion next. 
You kiss the top of her forehead once she falls asleep, a smile on your lips before you allow yourself to give up on the tiredness as well.
If it hadn't been for the memories of last night and the sweet scent you knew, your natural reaction would have been to jump away in alarm at the soft caress in her hair. But you knew it was Wanda, and instead of running away, you sank your face against her neck and felt her giggle slightly, her heart racing before settling down.
She adjusted a little a minute later, and with a husky voice in your ear, whispered; "You have to get up, darling. We should talk."
Despite the soft tension that rose in your shoulders, Wanda's request was really just that. As a matter of course, it made you almost displeased that she would hold something like that back so as not to bother you. 
You hummed in agreement and placed a chaste kiss on her neck before pulling away. Wanda watched you expectantly, but you just stretched and pulled the covers off as if nothing important needed to be discussed.
She couldn't contain her own anxiety. "Are we going to talk now?"
You chuckled briefly, glancing at her for a second before looking around the room for your clothes. "I think we need to eat something first."
"I'm not avoiding the conversation." You interrupt her sincerely, to reassure the fears she can't hide from her eyes. You offer her a smile, your hands clutching the pants you've just found. "I'm just hungry. And I know you are too. This isn't an unpleasant topic, Wanda, it's just going to be difficult. For obvious reasons." You gesture softly, signaling to the hideaway room, so different from the fancy one she lived in in the tower. By instinct or not, once your pants are on, you also gently stroke the knife scar on your abdomen. Wanda knows exactly what you mean. "I think we're going to need a real plan. But I really don't want to come up with one on an empty stomach."
She nods, trying to smile but almost grimacing. Wanda is so nervous. All the passion of last night and the excitement of meeting you again are now calming down, and reality is coming back to her. You finish dressing and offer one last smile of reassurance before leaving the room in search of something to eat, and Wanda's immediate reaction is to put a hand over her belly.
She gasps softly. Her magic is able to feel life growing there. Her eyes fill with tears. 
Looking around, she spots some mold on the walls. She notices some of Natasha's stolen surveillance equipment tucked away in a corner so they can track the agents and breaks down a sob.
How could she let this happen? How could she be so irresponsible as to think of having children in such a condition? Even before, she no longer had a home. Living with the Avengers was almost a favor, an employment contract. And what kind of mother could she be in a superhero routine anyway?
And on top of everything, her child won't be able to meet her uncle either, buried in a land she once called home.
Wanda only realizes she's in the middle of an anxious thoughts spiral because suddenly a voice is calling her name. Your face comes into focus again, and she realizes that you're trying to help her breathe.
Great, a panic attack was all she needed.
"Hey, baby, it's okay, I'm here with you. Just breathe, okay?" you guided, gesturing for her to imitate your breathing. In a corner of the room, a breakfast tray smelled very good. Wanda tried to follow your lead, naming five objects she could see. She could see eggs, bacon, waffles, and orange juice. She could see a shiny chain with a small ring around your neck.
"Where did you get this?" She asks breathlessly about the item, and you smile pleased to see that she is coming to her senses.
"China, three years ago. I was working at the time, and I had a bad habit of keeping souvenirs." You say, stroking her hair. "It was in my pocket, and I put it back while I was in the kitchen. That's why you didn't get a chance to see it last night. Do you like it?"
She hums in agreement, having to close her eyes for a moment. You wait, wiping away her tears until Wanda has calmed down completely.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She starts as soon as she can speak without crying. You mumble that it's okay, but Wanda keeps talking. "I just started thinking about how we're going to do this. How are we going to raise a child in this kind of life? We don't even have a home, let alone money. What if I end up in prison again, and they want to take my baby away and-"
"Wanda, calm down, nothing like that is going to happen." You interrupt but she shakes her head.
Just a second later, she breaks into a sob. "I'm so scared." She confesses tearfully.
You look into her eyes.“I’m scared too.” You confess in the same, a relief laugh escaping your lips now that you’re both being honest with each other for good. “I’m nearly petrified, to be fair. But it’s alright, Wanda. It is. Because for the first time in my life, I am not alone. I have you and you have me, and as luck would have it, a bunch of grumpy superheroes as well. We don’t have to be so scared, we got this. I’m here for you, sweetheart.”
She sniffles, getting shy all of a sudden. Her gaze goes to her lap before she finds your eyes again. And then she whispers: “I love you.”
You blink widened eyes at her, caught off guard. Wanda swallows, but then she smiles. She never needed words anyway; Your actions towards each other were always more than enough, not only for her but for the whole world to see exactly how much you cared for one another. 
“You don't have to say anything-”
“I love you too.” You cut her out, a bit out of breath. Wanda can feel her cheeks growing pink and it doesn’t help that yours are doing the same. But you giggle shyly then, letting her go to cover your red face for a moment. “Shit, why does that feel so weird? My chest is so warm…” Your reaction elicits a hearty chuckle from her.
“Perhaps you’re allergic to love confessions.” She teases, receiving a playful warning stare before you bring your arms around her once more, to pull her closer and on your lap. Wanda doesn’t waste time in pressing her lips to yours, smiling into the kiss like yourself.
You break apart to tell her: “Don’t get so cocky, but you’re the first person I said that to.” She hums contently, her fingers playing with the hair on your nape. You stare at her eyes for a moment, just memorizing every aspect of her face as if she would ever leave your mind, until both of you are scrunching up your noses, making funny faces at each other and breaking into shared giggles the next. 
You could marry her, right now at that second. Instead of asking, you just let out a deep breath and hug her again. The atmosphere of the room changed to a comfortable so intimate that for a second, you could believe that dirty hideout room was actually a home.
"We’re gonna be alright, Wanda." You whisper next. “I won’t let anything bad ever happen to you again.”
She sighs, breaking the hug to look at you. Her soft hands caressing your cheeks. “You can’t promise that, and it’s okay. Because I love you and I can do anything with you here.”
You kiss her briefly. “I can promise. I just did, the universe can fuck off, I’ll stand by my girl.” It’s your stubborn response before you break the distance again to kiss her.
For the first time in a long while, Wanda doesn’t feel so scared. She trusts you entirely, even if your promise is impossible and the future holds a nearly dangerous uncertainty. You’ll take care of her and she’ll do the same for you. 
She allows herself to push away real life, at least during breakfast. Sharing food in bed, giggling like two love-stuck teenagers. Making love in her bed all day, whispering sweet nothing to each other.
Until it’s time to get up and face reality.
Despite the evidence of your previous activities - matching set of hickeys and borrowed clothes - none of the Avengers pay any mind to that. Sam is clearly getting used to your presence, but he offers a grin at Wanda’s state before focusing on Natasha’s repeating security tips for him.
The widow is about to ask you and Wanda for a chat, you both can see in her expression that she wants to know how the whole baby thing will work out from now on when her cell phone rings. She steps out for a moment, muttering to whoever is on the other side - Wilson tells Wanda that’s probably Steve wanting to share locations and wondering if everything is alright. But when Natasha comes back to the room, she’s tense and serious.
She takes a deep breath and looks at Wanda.
“Clint decided to make a deal. For his family.” She says. Doesn’t take much explanation for you or Sam to understand that the Feds got him and instead of going back to the raft, he got himself some special conditions considering his service history. Wanda, out of surprise or denial, stares back at Nat with confused eyes. The widow sighs. “He’s not coming back.”
You don’t know everything about the Avengers dynamics, but you know about Wanda. And how much she cared for Clint since the man was some sort of mentor for her. That and well, Pietro gave his life for him so that has to mean something. Clint was supposed to take care of Wanda, not just turn his back on her like that. She didn’t need to join the team or this fight, but she did, at his request, and now he didn’t even bother to look after her, to make sure she was safe and well before taking deals that wouldn’t allow them to see each other for quite some time.
The saddest part is that Wanda understands it. Family comes first, after all. So even though it made her sick to her stomach, she wasn’t his daughter. Not really.
“It’s okay.” She forces a smile, trying to look “okay” for Natasha’s pitiful eyes. “Seriously, Nat. It’s fine. I hope it was a good one. Maybe Sam should try it too, he has family as well.”
Wanda is clearly taking the focus out of her, and because you can see her shaking, you take her hand. She instinctively leans into you, finding some calming comfort in your heat.
Sam scratches behind his head, a little unsure of how he became the center of attention suddenly. “Hm, yeah, but… I should wait a little. I mean, my sister is fine. She has nothing to do with any of this, so I think she can manage to be without my help for a few more weeks.”
Natasha merely shakes her head in knowledge, her attention on the witch pretending everything was fine. “Sure thing Wilson.” She mutters. “Wanda, I know Clint wanted to say goodbye, but he just… needed to make a choice.”
Yep, that definitely didn’t help Wanda feel any better. You offer Nat a look, but the widow is almost too terrible at the whole consolation thing.
“What I mean-”
“He chose his family. I got it the first time, Nat, I didn’t need it to hear it twice.” Wanda cuts off, very harshly. Hurt. “Like I said, it’s fine. I’m not a fucking child, I can understand why he did it. He was three kids and Nathaniel is just a baby.”
You try to ease the tension on Wanda’s shoulders by kissing the exposed skin of her neck. She smiles sweetly, still upset but appreciative of your gesture. The scene seems to make Nat remember something very important.
“Well, speaking of babies…”
Turns out the other Avengers forgot to mention that to Sam. He got very loud and excited.
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blood-choke · 11 months
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"What the fuck…" she says, and you sit up on the floor, watching the blackened sheets of skin slide off your arms, revealing fresh, bloody skin underneath, glistening with a thick, viscous fluid. The ruined, discarded sheds of skin start to shrivel up right before your eyes, coiling tight atop the carpet until it dissolves into nothing but ash. "What the fuck are you?" Clear whispers. You look up at her, licking your lips. "I'm a vampire," you say, and then you laugh. There's no way to say it without sounding ridiculous.
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In Blood Choke, you play as a reawakened vampire, with no memory of who you are or what you did to result in your entombment. Fumble your way through your first few days after waking up in a strange, overwhelming future-- meet new friends and reunite with an old flame.
Navigate this new world and try to piece your past back together before it can catch up to you-- and decide your future, before it's too late.
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Play as a genderlocked lesbian main character. This game focuses heavily on the main character's gender, presentation, and sexuality.
Pursue one (or all..?) of three romance options: Clear Rivers, Hana Lee, and your former lover, Valentina.
Choices that will alter your relationships with the cast as well as the narrative moving forward. How do you want to approach the woman you barely remember? What future do you want for this new city you've found yourself in? How will you choose to handle the hunger?
Blood Choke is an 18+ dark romance horror game. It is intended for a mature audience. Be sure to check the content warning on the game page before reading.
Currently the prologue and first three chapters are available to play.
Play it here!
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