#also by god the unfollow button is great
hey crazy thought what if. y'know. when Something comes out that is Incredibly Fucking Obviously Bigoted. or in a franchise figureheaded by someone who will use royalty money from purchases of that Something to fund her hatred and try to make the lives of minorities worse. what if (and hear me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking hear me out!!!!!!!!!) we just... didn't do anything with it. what if when someone is fully aware of how fucked up something is... they went "actually no I don't want to support something that is actively harmful in multiple respects" and proceeded to do smth else. man... what if
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hollenka99 · 11 months
Hello! May I know about your regicide au? I miss your writing! (Also i think the buttons freaked out while i was trying to press the ask button so if you just got unfollowed and followed by me a few times then very sorry)
Cracks knuckles You've got a big storm coming.
The tldr is that Regicide is (in the most basic terms) an SBI royalty au that has plenty of ways the plot could go, depending on the choices the characters make. @the-redeemed-anon and I made it at the beginning of last year after I got inspired by a conversation we had about the Ottomans' practice of fratricide as a way of fighting for the throne.
There is a series of our fics on AO3, mainly mine but Anon has written a few fics themself that I believe they plan to post once they're less busy.
So the main things to know about the set up are:
Phil is Emperor Phillip V of the Antarctic Empire
He has 15 sons (and 26 kids in general) via 6 wives
Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy are his sons through Kristin
Technoblade is the eldest son in general and the only boy who is given the same level of love as their sisters because Phil's allergic to being a boydad for Reasons
These reasons mainly being linked to the fact that when princes are 10, they learn the truth about how the family handles succession to the throne
Aka it's kill or be killed because you have to get to the throne first, accept a special sword and order the deaths of your brothers and nephews to secure your place
As the favourite son, Techno has been raised to be the next emperor and therefore been given every advantage so he'll get to give the order before any of his brothers can
Wilbur is incredibly salty about all this, from the system itself to the way Phil treats him, Tommy and their half brothers compared to Techno and their sisters
Tommy is sometimes just kind of in Techno and Wilbur's shadows because he's much younger (and also tends to be like 12 or 14 during the main plots of the paths so doesn't have as much agency as his adult brothers)
500 years ago, their ancestor and the first ever emperor, Thomas I, united all the city states to create the empire and was blessed by the god of war (War)
This blessing consisted of War giving premonitions to both Thomas and his descendants
200 years ago, a farmer's daughter named Kristin caught the attention of the goddess of death (Death) and also gave her a generational blessing, making her able to see ghosts
Both these blessed bloodlines have now mixed to create Phil and Kristin's 6 kids, all of whom have both premonitions and the ability to see ghosts
Between the ages of 5 and 16, princes are educated with a son from an aristocratic family who is there to accept discipline on his prince's behalf
At 16/17, princes are sent off to a province to govern it and gain experience in preparation for potentially becoming emperor themselves someday
Notable Characters
Phillip V (Phil)
He has been emperor since he was 13 and was the youngest of 7 brothers with zero sisters to act as a buffer so his upbringing has Had An Effect. He is a great dad to his daughters and Techno but refuses to get attached to his others sons due to them feeling like tragedies waiting to happen. A bit of a warmonger, he is the one who took Wilbur's declaration of independence and declared war as a response. If Regicide had a main antagonist, it's definitely Phil.
Comes from the Müntirien family who have Death's gift and, as a way of honouring their ancestor who earned them the blessing, the main line tend to name their eldest daughters after her. Out of Phil's 6 wives, she is the first he married out of love instead of being set up like the previous two and arguably may be his favourite (partially also due to being Techno's mother). She acknowledges that she will lose at least two children in the wake of becoming a widow but that only leads to her taking her children's side when Phil acts unfairly towards them.
The eldest son of the family and the one Phil believes is destined to be the emperor after him thanks to an incident with a bear that is interpreted as an approving sign from War. He loves his brothers but does try to put a little distance between himself and them to make what he'll have to do someday a little easier on himself. War took a special interest in him since infancy, causing Techno to be able to easily understand his premonitions as War intended them to be interpreted and have great reflexes. However, his ability to see ghosts suffers as a result so they look and sound fuzzy to him.
The 7th of Phil's sons and Kristin's 3rd child. If Regicide had a main character, it would definitely be Wilbur. Even in paths where he dies young, his memory is enough to motivate his brothers to fulfill the goals he never got to complete. All he wants in life is to do something worthwhile before his limited time is up, whether that's freeing the country he fell in love with, abolishing fratricide or simply protecting his son from the pain of being a Craft prince. He feels very connected to Death due to her giving him an extra dose of blessing when he was born so as a result, ghosts sometimes appear as real as if they were living to him. Unfortunately, he struggles to interpret War's warnings properly because of this which gets him into trouble that could have been otherwise avoided. Also having a connection to Death can make you a bit of a death magnet, even when you manage to survive, so... poor guy's occasionally having A Time.
The youngest of Phil and Kristin's kids as well as one of the youngest kids of the whole family. Tommy is kind of overlooked as a result of the plethora of siblings before him so he tended to disappear through secret passages with his friends. He enjoys doing things with his hands and gets pretty good at sewing during the war. Because of this, he becomes a gardener who mends clothes as a hobby in paths where he ends up living a more civilian life. War and Death share custody of Tommy in a way and his boosted gifts are far more balanced than his brothers' as a result.
Sally Salmon
The daughter of a significant L'Manburgian family, she is the girl Kristin thinks would get along best with Wilbur when planning a political union between him and someone L'Manburgian to improve his image. She and Wilbur don't get along at all for the first several months of their marriage, only for the tension to break and them falling in love once they actually get to know each other. She acts as a spy during the war until it's deemed safer for her to go into hiding instead, neither of them aware she's just gotten pregnant with Fundy.
The Salmons
Sally's parents and some of the most influential people in L'Manburg. They made an agreement with other important L'Manburgian families to try get one of their daughters married to a Craft prince in order to hopefully have their son-in-law then a pro-L'Manburg grandson on the Antarctic throne. This led to Wilbur and Sally's marriage, an opportunity they were so determined to not lose out on that they went about it the wrong way. While they are kind of in the background for most of the paths, Wilbur befriends them and is inspired to start the revolution after listening to them speak about L'Manburgian history and culture.
Wilbur and Sally's son and sometimes only child if the path makes it impossible for his little sister Isa to be born. While he doesn't inherit most of his father's interests, Fundy is quite adept at tinkering, managing to create simple mechanical systems while he's still a child. In half the paths, he ends up being either Wilbur or Techno's heir and therefore the emperor after them. Fundy is named after Fundy Salmon, a great uncle from a few generations back whose legacy is being the general who handed over L'Manburg to the Antarctic Empire. Fundy's middle name is either in honour of his uncle Chris or Wilbur himself, depending on the path.
The Antarctic goddess of death. She is the Müntirien family's patron after the original Kristin earned her respect. She is closest to Wilbur and has a massive soft spot for him, to the point she offers to make him her son in his next life. As for Techno having difficulty with her gift, she isn't that fazed by it as War with Wilbur thanks to it not having such dire consequences in his daily life. In the afterlife, she welcomes souls and redirects anyone who gets lost in the fog.
The Antarctic god of war. He is the Craft dynasty's patron after admiring Thomas I's skills and promising to look out for his descendants. Technoblade is his favourite prince out of the main 3 brothers which is helped by the fact Techno feels the most connected and perceptive towards the god. Despite being frustrated with Wilbur's inability to properly understand him, he does subtly side with the L'Manburgians during their war of independence.
One of the half brothers and the one Wilbur is closest to. He's a week older than Wilbur which leads to them becoming inseparable from the beginning. The two of them help the other realise they're in love with their respective significant other. When Chris becomes a father to a little girl named Cecylia, he unintentionally causes the inciting incident for most of the paths diverging.
Eret Bakkarra
Wilbur's best friend since they were 5, having grown up as a prince-whipping boy duo. Depending on the path, he will act as Wilbur's right hand man, Fundy's mentor, a general ally to the family or the one who leads the story towards a bad ending after a misguided decision.
Tubbo Underscore
Tommy's childhood best friend and whipping boy. While they were growing up, the two of them tended to sneak off and cause mischief, which in turn led to them befriending Ranboo. He follows Tommy to L'Manburg when war breaks out, much to Wilbur's distress. In paths where L'Manburg loses, he avoids capture by running and joins Ranboo's life of a wandering merchant.
Ishmael Oshier
A veteran of the L'Manburgian War of Independence and a survivor of the wither arrow attack that leads to the end of the war in P4. Following the war and losing his arm to withering, he ends up as one of Techno's advisors. In fact, by the time Fundy meets him 20 years later, he is practically the emperor's right hand man as well as a close personal friend of the Crafts family. Anon and I love him so much, along with his two service dogs, but Fundy feels something's up with the guy. It doesn't help that they keep butting heads about the pace of L'Manburg gaining independence and the war itself.
Notable Events
These are things that happen in every path or are reoccurring enough to warrant mentioning.
Wilbur I creates the fratricide tradition - Having grown up during the tail end of the civil war, Wilbur I becomes emperor after making himself the only possible descendant of Thomas I who can take the throne uncontested. He uses his experiences of his extended family spending 60 years tearing itself apart over power to promise he'll never let something like that happen to the empire ever again. As a result, he makes it law that all sons of newly deceased emperors must fight to keep themselves and their own sons alive by winning and becoming the next emperor.
Conquering of L'Manburg - Having been at war in some form since the late 13th century, with L'Manburg tending to be able to push the Antarctic Empire back before they can advance far enough to be successful, the head of the L'Manburgian army reluctantly surrenders in 1402 to spare worse consequences. The emperor at the time will treat L'Manburg quite fairly for the next 17 years until his death, at which point his anti-L'Manburg son takes over and begins treating the country far less favourably.
Wilbur appealing to Phil - When Wilbur is 13, he discovers the fratricide tradition is based on a few lines. He tries to convince Phil to abolish fratricide after coming up with some alternatives he can think of. Phil however very quickly dismisses his suggestions and complains about his time being wasted. This normally just results in Wilbur being resentful for a while before resolving that he should accept there's no hope in changing the system and his life is tied to Phil's. In P3 though, it has disastrous consequences.
The premature purge - Feeling threatened by the reality of becoming of an uncle via one of his brothers, Techno gathers a few guards to follow his orders. They visit the adult brothers in their homes and gather up the younger ones who still live at the palace, killing them all. The only ones who are spared are Wilbur and Tommy. This forever changes the dynamic between the brothers, leading to Wilbur in particular not knowing how to proceed.
Sally going into hiding - Over a year after the war begins, Wilbur decides it may be too dangerous for Sally to stay at camp and participate in the war as a spy. With some help, he is able to organise for her to hide in the home of the Nihachus, a family of bakers. Only Eret knows where they live but gladly gives Wilbur the address when the war is won and he can't reunite with her or their newborn son fast enough.
Eret's betrayal - Desperate for the war to end already, Eret approaches Phil to appeal to him. This only leads to Phil taking advantage of him and using it as an opportunity to capture traitors. When Phil enters the L'Manburgian camp with Eret in tow, Wilbur doesn't suspect his friend until Phil taunts him for not having trustworthy friends. This often causes one or both crimeboys being killed or at least imprisoned for being traitors in the eyes of their father.
Notable Locations
Antarctic Empire - An empire that was founded in the 10th century by Thomas I when he united the 15 city states dedicated to the gods. It has since expanded via conquests into places such as part of the Nether and L'Manburg. Since its founding, but especially following the end of a civil war that lasted the majority of the 11th century, it has been ruled by the Craft dynasty who are all descended from Thomas I. The main languages are Antarctic and Arctic (the language of an ethnic group of travellers native to the area). The further north you go, the closer you get to the tundra landscape where very few live.
Rayusel - The capital of the Antarctic Empire and the one who had War as their patron when it was a city state. In the centre is the area known as Inner Rayusel which is sacred ground due to being the original boundaries of the city that were marked by bearskin in its founding myth. The main temple to War is found within Inner Rayusel and is one of the entry points. Outer Rayusel is the unofficial name for the rest of the city that expanded out from the original boundaries. The majority of people from Rayusel live there and it is also where the royal palace is located.
L'Manburg - A country full of mountains, especially near the border with the Antarctic Empire that lies to the empire's south. It used to be a trade partner with the empire until a series of events in the mid 13th century caused the emperor at the time to start a campaign to conquer the country which would last approximately 150 years. It has now been under Antarctic rule for over a century but is often attempting to rebel against the foreign authority. The main languages are L'Manburgian and Antarctic, although L'Manburgian has been systematically suppressed for the past century and is often only heard in private settings like the home.
Pogtopia - A city built into natural formations of a mountain (like this one) which is one of the hubs of rebellion, especially during the war and in paths where L'Manburg loses. It acts as a safe haven for running from Antarctic oppression thanks to being difficult to reach unless you know how to navigate the area.
Nether - A very bio-diverse collection of nations that operate as one on an international scale, laying to the west of the Antarctic Empire and likewise partially borders L'Manburg. The main language is Netherine and the climate depends on which nation you're in as it varies from woodland to desert to volcanically active land etc. The empire set its sights on getting full control of the valuable resource of netherite in the late 11th century but only one of the nations was conquered and it has remained this way since. There was a war led by a half mortal daughter of Death in 1216 which resulted in heavy losses for Antarctic troops and had a significant impact on the future of the royal family.
There are 15 separate paths, split equally into three branches: Fratricide, Patricide and L'Manburg. There is also an unofficial branch that we call War which features all of the L'Manburg paths as well as P4 and P5. There are certain things that stay consistent throughout them like Salbur hating each other when they first meet and Neo Trio being the final three brothers. As for the paths themselves, here are some summaries:
F1 - Wilbur kills both of his remaining brothers and suffers the consequences, dealing with a vengeful Tommy and having Fundy as his only ally. He does not have a happy reign but is able to complete a book honouring all of his brothers' memories.
F2 - Techno is killed and Wilbur becomes emperor with Tommy going on to live a fairly normal life privately. While Phil is still alive, assassins break into his home but he is able to survive the night. He spends the next few years hunting down answers so he can keep his family safe from further attacks.
F3 - Upon discovering the pregnancy with Fundy, Wilbur and Sally go into hiding with only Eret knowing where they are. However, Phil dies like usual a few years later and now they are being brought back to the palace so the tradition can be carried out.
F4 - Techno is killed, making Wilbur the new presumed heir. While Fundy is a baby, assassins break into Wilbur and Sally's home. They succeed in targeting Wilbur and exposing what he did, which in turn makes Tommy the last possible son to inherit the throne from Phil. Once he's emperor, Tommy is determined to discover who is responsible for Wilbur's death while likewise navigating his new duties.
F5 - Techno leaves all of his brothers alone, never going through with ordering the premature purge. However, this doesn't mean Wilbur doesn't immediately freak out when he and Sally have a son. They kept the pregnancy a secret and do the same with baby Fundy. This works for a few years, albeit with a lot of effort, but Phil's death has to come eventually. Wilbur becomes another victim of the tradition but the same can't be said of Fundy, much to his parents' relief. Now it's just a case of keeping him hidden for the rest of his life.
P1 - Wilbur kills Techno but instead of the lingering paranoia causing him to target Tommy like in F1, he kills Phil so he can be protected by becoming emperor early.
P2 - Wilbur has second thoughts on killing Techno, to the point he confesses his plans to his brother and they end up murdering Phil instead. They rule together for the rest of their lives.
P3 - Upset upon hearing their father dismissed 13 year old Wilbur for wanting there to be a fairer system, Technoblade takes matters into his own hands. He kills Phil nearly a full decade early, triggering the tradition while the brothers are underage. Wilbur becomes co-emperor once he's old enough while Tommy lives off to the sidelines during their reigns.
P4 - During the war, Phil orders a skilled archer to fire wither arrows at Wilbur in the hopes that his death will give him a great opportunity to stop wasting his time on crushing the revolution. Wilbur gets nicked by it but that's enough and doesn't survive long enough to get proper treatment at the palace. 20 years later, the son he never got to know existed shows up with determination to finish what his father started by gaining independence for L'Manburg. With the help of Eret, an advisor of Techno's named Ishmael tries to dissuade Fundy from rocking the boat too much.
P5 - Fearing both of their safeties, Wilbur sends both Sally and Tommy to the Nihachus so they can hide. Following Eret selling the L'Manburgians out, Wilbur is arrested and sentenced to death for treason. His only consolation is that his wife and little brother are safe until, months later, they're caught too. He begs Techno to help, leading to Phil's death as the only way they can be saved without complications.
L1 - L'Manburg wins the war and Wilbur is able to go home to his wife and newborn son. He spends 10 years as the country's first post-independence president before resigning so he can spend more time with Sally and their two children.
L2 - Eret betrays L'Manburg, causing both Wilbur and Tommy to be captured. They both end up on the scaffold and, while Tommy is upset about being stuck as a ghost, his reaction is nothing like Wilbur's. Wilbur spends the next several years haunting Phil as a vengeful spirit for every wrongdoing his father committed against him and his family.
L3 - Tommy is kidnapped by Antarctic soldiers who were acting independently. A group including Wilbur and Eret come to save him but as they escape with Tommy, he is hit with a slingshot pellet. Wilbur races back to camp with Tommy in his arms so he can be treated but it is in vain. The war is won months later yet Wilbur can't fully enjoy it, knowing what it cost him.
L4 - Having listen to War when he advised Wilbur miss a battle, only for the wither arrow attack to happen, Wilbur is determined to not miss another battle, no matter how much of a bad idea War may think it is. This costs him his life and causes his pro-L'Manburg loved ones to flee for their safety until Phil's death makes it possible for them to consider returning.
L5 - Phil decides to keep Wilbur alive despite still going ahead with killing Tommy. Instead, Wilbur is stuck inside a cell for what is meant to be the rest of his life. He is rescued but when Phil comes close to jeopardising the safety of those Wilbur loves, Wilbur makes an irreversible mistake that causes him to be shunned by the gods.
Songs that really fit
Legendary from Epic: The Musical - Fundy in P4 where he is determined to take all the stories of his father's bravery and live by Wilbur's example as he prepares to fight for L'Manburg's rights too.
Bread and Roses (various artists but I prefer the Women of the World version the best) - Sally in L2 when she finds herself one of the key figures of the revolution in the wake of Wilbur's death and being denied access to Fundy.
My Shot from Hamilton - Ishmael rising through the ranks as Techno's advisor and working hard to improve things for L'Manburg after the war.
The Bad Guy from Ultimate Storytime - Wilbur in F1 where he reflects on how he technically did what he was supposed to do by making himself the only living brother, only to be shunned by his loved ones for playing the game the 'wrong' way.
Close Every Door from Joseph - L5bur sitting in his cell and not caring anymore about what Phil plans to do to him. If he rots in there like he's supposed to then who cares.
The Plagues from The Prince of Egypt - With Wilbur and Tommy stuck on the L'Manburgian side of the war while Phil and Techno are leading the offensive against them, none of the brothers want to be pitted against each other or made into enemies. Meanwhile, Phil is willing to overlook the fact they all share blood to get what he wants (the revolutionary war over).
Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil - F4 crimeboys where Wilbur is proud of Tommy from afar and believes he will do good work, so long as he keeps his wits about him during this dangerous time. Meanwhile, Tommy wishes his brother had never had to leave and looks to his memory when he doesn't know what to do.
Every Day a Little Death from the Count of Monte Cristo - Wilbur when he is imprisoned, awaiting execution and missing his loved ones, especially Sally whom he knows he'll never be able to interact with again until she dies herself. This is paired with Eret visiting Sally to tell her about Wilbur's capture, only for her to initially tell him about the pregnancy and how she's anxious to announce the news to Wilbur.
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eddywoww · 1 year
Oh my god, was going to click on the ask a question button and then accidentally unfollowed. I'm SO sorry.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really do love your work and I'm excited to sit down and read through all of your new stuff (I'm very behind and * ashamed * about that, I'm really sorry). I see you talking about your newer au works and they sound SO good. You're such a talented writer, I'm so happy that I stumbled on your work last year. Seeing everything that you've been doing really makes me want to get back into writing again as well.
You know, I initially was going to send this ask for a whole other reason. OH FUCK yeah, remembered. I know people have like there favourites and want certain stuff to be updated, but don't feel forced. You should go where the muse takes you. I think the great thing (maybe, idk I have adhd) about having so many different works is that you can hop between them when inspiration strikes! Okay, enough rambling.... I hope you have a good evening / morning!
That's okay! Everyone's done it before 😂 also omg don't feel bad, I write way too much so I don't blame anyone for not reading stuff. It's sweet that you've read ANY of it at all tbh.
And that's definitely why I'm always writing so much at once 😂 so I can just go back and forth when I feel a certain way. I hope you have a good day too!!
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sexy-velociraptors · 2 years
What’s up? I’m Leo. 25, submissive, transmasc. I use he/him pronouns IRL but u can call me “it” here.
I was super active on tumblr before the Purge, my url was velociraptors-jerkin-it. I’m looking to get back into the game, but it seems the game has changed, so please LMK if I’ve got any faux-pas or red flags going on.
A DNI list has always struck me as kinda silly (have they ever stopped anyone, ever?), but they seem to be standard, so I’ll get the basics out of the way.
Minors, get your jailbait asses out of here.
Right wingers GTFO, centrists are on Thin Fucking Ice.
ED/Self-Harm/Suicide/etc blogs. If you’re personally struggling, please seek help, but I’ve been there and I’m not talking about you. I mean the proana/thinspo/whatever-the-fuck-y’all’re-calling-yourselves-these-days types, and those who glorify harm to themselves and others.
People who are into hard limits of mine can still interact, but please don’t send messages/leave captions pertaining to them.
Likewise, straight men and lesbians can follow, but I’d really not hear from y’all.
On the tumblr #disc-horse front, asexuals are fantastic, so are people of any and every gender, pronouns, and presentation. Liking weird porn doesn’t inherently make a person immoral or harmful, IRL immoral and harmful actions do.
Dick pics
Incest (including daddy kink and stepfamily)
Blood (as well as knives, needles, etc)
Breeding kink
Bestiality (as defined by the Harkness Test)
Anything that violates IRL people’s consent (fictional people are fair game)
I’m in charge of curating my own online experience, if I follow someone on my own DNI list that’s my fault. If one of those things applies to you and you’d like to let me know, that’d be awesome, but is not mandatory.
That being said, I can and will block with impunity. If you send me anything to do with my hard limits you will get an instablock. If you send me dick pics you will get an instablock. Age stuff is iffy, but if I deem you too old or young for me I may politely ask u to lay off (unless you’re under 18, in which case, instablock)
My kinks are too numerous to list, and I discover new ones all the time. I’m a masochistic service sub into bondage, degradation, objectification, and god-knows-what-else. I also have what I like to call a “möbius kink”: indulging other people’s people’s fetishes gets me off, even/especially when they’re not my own. For example, I have zero interest in feet, but I’ve had a great time sucking the toes of someone who did.
I have a toybox I’m rather proud of, if I do say so myself. I’ve got plenty of restraints, vibes, hurty-things, the list goes on. I’ll probably post more info about it soon.
Captions on my photos are welcome and encouraged!
The old blog was largely kinky reblogs, but I had a system for my original content. Anyone could send in a request for any photo (within my limits), and I’d post it. I want to bring that back! With a few caveats:
A. My living situation limits my ability to take creative photos. I may be simply unable to get every photo from every angle like I used to.
B. This is probably not going to be sustainable. At some point the photo request rules will change to make the workload manageable, and you all have to promise to be cool about it, ok?
C: I worked way too hard on the old blog for zero money. I’ll likely work out an honor-based tip system. This is also under the banner of “I warned you in advance so you have to promise to be cool about it”
If you have any old pics/posts from the old blog, I’d love to see them! Most of those nudes are lost to time AFAIK
I’m a trans man. Transmasculine. FTM. If you don’t know what that is, Google is free. If you don’t think that exists, the unfollow and block buttons are right there.
If you have “men DNI” “cis men DNI” or similar in your bio, I won’t be interacting. You have the right to draw boundaries, but cis men and I are the same gender.
I got top surgery in Jan 2022. I don’t have nipples anymore. I think this is extremely sexy of me and I’m correct.
I’ve been on and off testosterone since Feb 2016. I’ve been off it long enough (due to circumstance changes, not gender ones) that I’m not as hairy as I used to be. This is relevant bc the old blog got popular among body hair fetishists (my möbius kink at work)
I have a clitoris, T made it much larger than a cis woman’s. You can call it a clit, or a cock, or a shrimpdick, or just about anything else. I also have a vagina, which I tend to call my front hole or my cunt. You can call it a pussy, but please don’t call it anything feminine or things like “pretty”.
I’d like to think that’s all, but I’m sure there will be more I’ll have to add at some point. Consider all of the above subject to change.
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orsialos · 2 years
🔥 gimmie the aphrodite (also upon sending an ask i accidentally unfollowed so I had to refollow why are the buttons so close to each other)
Heh, you got it!
So when I first started learning about Greek mythology as a kid Aphrodite was very quickly painted as a somewhat vain, definitely spiteful goddess who was quick to anger. It actually turned me away from her mythologies for quite some time as she seemed like a kinda "bad" Greek god, like how people avoided Hades.
However, as I went through school and started exploring Hellenism it became pretty clear to me that the mythologies we have today were not necessarily representative of how the gods were actually worshipped and viewed by the ancient Hellenes. (For example, most myths with Persephone focus on her chthonic aspect but she was very much involved in festivals alongside Demeter during the sowing of seeds and spring. If we go based off myth alone the two afaik are never "reunited" even though Persephone is only bound to Hades for 4 months) Still, I encountered more people pushing the narrative that worshipping Aphrodite was a lot of work/sacrifice/she'll fuck your life up if you do something wrong, etc.
Just from a logical standpoint, that doesn't make sense to me. We know good and well how the gods feel about Hubris, but there's nothing really historically to say that one god was more demanding or for a "more experienced worshipper" than another. In fact, temples to Aphrodite are found all over the ancient Greek world, some as far as Turkey; her cult following was very prevalent and varied, with some Hellenes worshipping her as a fertility goddess and others as a war goddess. Heck, there's even evidence of cults worshipping Aphrodite as a chthonic deity. If anything, she would be a probably be a great deity to worship as a "beginner" (also a silly term imo) because of her varied aspects.
So, just going off of historical practices Aphrodite was a varied goddess who yes, could be portrayed as wrathful towards her "enemies" and those of her worshippers (see Aphrodite Apostrophia, averter of unlawful desires for example), but never to her worshippers as far as I know. Of course I can also cite my own UPG, but that's not nearly as interesting imo. So yeah, there's my very long winded response because I'm a bit bored at work and I love talking about Aphrodite 😌
(also omg I do that too, so glad I'm not the only one lol)
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rb19 · 4 years
Maria, I hope immature people are not sending you rude comments simply for the fact you support Max. Tumblr is unbearable any time, but it has been a particular hell for anyone who likes Max (me included). Just to let you know your blog is amazing and a real source of great content when we can't even venture Max's tag <3
Oh, that’s soooo sweet 😌 Thank you for the message. I would answer privately but I feel like some can relate to what I am going to say. And as I never really give a piece of my mind around here, this might be long.
As soon as I saw Max’s comment about Alex’s pace I thought, well, not checking Max’s tag! Done with tumblr for today! Max was indeed happy for Alex to get on the podium, you could see it when they shook hands, in his radio message, even in his interview when he said it was not really a good performance from Alex, pace wise, but thought it nice for him to be up there anyway. But f1blr never take in consideration or try to understand Max’s point of view, they project on him what they want Max to be. He was also frustrated with his race, how the team failed him with the pit stop in one of the most important moments. He probably felt alone out there, giving his all and coming short, not having the help of a teammate throughout the whole season. These things sometimes take a toll on you, and I love Max’s honesty. I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t pleased with his comment. Alex is such a sweet person and I want the best for him, but this season he didn’t improve at all, in any area. What makes one think he will next year? And don’t get me started on Alex’s fans pushing this narrative RBR is not being supportive of him when that’s all they have been doing the whole season. At the end of the day people forget this is a sport I think, Max is not there to be liked as he said numerous times, and he spoke like a driver who wanted the team to take action and give him a more experienced teammate. I won’t fault him for that at all.
About the ‘if I was a team boss’ moment I also get him. Lewis and Max shared the same opinion, but Max was tactless in his wording. When people mention Jos is not for you to pity him, or to excuse his words, it’s for you to understand where he’s coming from (though I find it very tiring that Max fans don’t know when to draw a line, often making all sorts of psychological analysis). I think what's vital is to recognize his views/opinions sometimes are not the same as mine, as it already happened before, as I continue to support him. Besides the fact he is a phenomenal competitor and driver, I am a fan of Max because he is flawed to the bone. But that doesn’t mean he is a fucking awful human being as f1blr think he is. People don’t have to be just good or just bad. Not everything is black and white. All the time people are comparing driver’s behavioral and personality traits like they had the same upbringings and expect them to be the same person. Thank God they aren’t. There are 20 out there for you to choose from and focus on, don’t lose time on the ones you don’t vibe with... I’m lately using the block feature more often than I'd like but 🤷🏻‍♀️
And one more time, I make content of other drivers but my blog is mainly about Max and will continue to be so. Even if we are mutuals and you don’t feel comfortable with Max on your dash anymore, hit the unfollow button.
Thank you again for the message, Kamila 🥰🧡 Hope you’re doing well and don’t let those who think they’re morally superior than us bother you, x. 
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blurglesmurfklaine · 3 years
Hello, I read your post from yesterday with interest . I’ve contacted a number of cc shippers and have always been polite and always limit myself to one basic question when I do ask, so I don’t think I could possible cause offence.
My question always is: why do you believe it so much? Or is it because you want to believe it. You were a teenager when the show aired - do you not understand more now about the dynamics involved?
This fandom is obsessed with shipping, is your fascination with the actors being together not similar to people’s fascination with pezberry or Kurtbastian?
You say they must have dated during the show. Darren has always said he is straight. In questioning this, are you not questioning his integrity and honesty? He has numerous gay friends, do you not think they would call him out for maintaining he’s straight? Or that there is no reason why he needs to lie? He has a wife , who seems to be trashed daily by certain cc shippers - is that not just a horrible thing to do?
I have seen every scene, every kiss, every look, every movement over analysed to try and prove something was going on. Likewise, every event they attended , and still even on zoom meet ups, people try to read into what each of them says to try and say they’re together. It’s all a bit silly. They had great onscreen chemistry definitely seasons 2-4, but Darren did with Chord too for example, and Chris with Adam Lambert, but it doesn’t mean these were offscreen relationships.
Sorry this is a bit long, but I’d be grateful for your views.
Aight I’m gonna be real with you. As I recently saw someone say: you can be right and still be annoying. Similarly, you can be polite and still carry a hugely condescending and high and mighty tone.
Also, i know the topic is a bit (for some fucking reason) taboo, but if you really thought you were being polite, I doubt you’d hide behind an anon button and message me directly instead.
first of all, I would like to point out that this isn’t “one simple question” as you claim it is lmao, it’s actually kind of several. but I’m happy to answer your questions if itll make you a more tolerant person :)
I never said I believed in it with absolute faith, so I would appreciate you not putting words in my mouth. I did say I think they might have dated during filming, and this varies from person to person for sure! There were definitely days where I was like “lmao, I’m a lunatic, there’s no way this can be true.” Truly everything is just on things that felt off or hunches I’ve had. I don’t KNOW anything for sure, although some people may be more certain than me, and they are entitled to do so! It’s literally just a hunch, just an opinion, but I’m allowed it and so is everyone else
Yeah, I was a teenager when this aired, and I feel like you’re a teenager now?? (I may be wrong, but I feel like I’ve seen you around on Twitter because I’ve seen threads like this that give you clout for asking “sincere” questions for cc shippers come from the same person/group) And I’m not sure what you meant by “do you not understand more now about the dynamics involved?” which dynamics? Involved in what? Be specific. Show your work.
I would say my interested in cc is different than kurtbastian or pezberry because both of those ships are based on fictional characters so I really don’t understand what the comparison is there? but if you meant that it’s not “canon” then ummm idek where to start there. The real world and fictional worlds work differently! Just thought to throw that out there :)
Again, i never said they MUST have dated. I said I think they dated. Pleeeeeaaase stop putting words in my mouth, I would SUPER appreciate it! I don’t think I’m questioning Darren’s integrity or honesty at all in my belief that he may have possibly had a relationship with a man!
I’m gay. I’ve told people I’m straight because either I’m 1) not ready to come out to family 2) afraid of losing my job or 3) none of your damn business! My numerous gay friends don’t call me out for “maintaining I’m straight” because it’s not their place to push me out of the closet. If anything, they understand my situation more than anyone else law possibly could. Also, this is just me personally, but I highkey think the implication that those staying in the closet (for whatever reasons) are being dishonest is super gross and disrespectful. Closeted people exist, and while I’m not saying that’s definitively the case here, I would take it into consideration before saying something like that
As for mia, people are allowed to have opinions about her. Just as certain people don’t like Heather or Darren or literally any other public figures, they are allowed to dislike her. And I think if they aren’t sending her hate tweets... why the fuck would she care? she’s not crying over it every day like “oh no a group of maybe twenty people on tumblr with anonymous pseudonyms hate me woe is me” nah she has a life to get on with. And if it upsets you so much I would recommend blocking them or unfollowing them.
That last part wasn’t a question, so I’m not sure if you wanted me to respond? It was kind of just you stating your view, which, cool, but you did say you had “one simple question” for me lol but thanks for sharing!
If you’re wondering why I answered with the tone I did, I would reread your ask and reevaluate yours. You might think you were being polite, but honest to god it felt like a poor attempt at a “gotcha!” ask. Your wording, your condescending tone, saying things like “do you not understand so and so? do you believe it because you WANT to? Is that not just a horrible thing to do?” REALLY came off as patronizing so. Just an FYI. But you might have known that.
Send whatever asks you want, but if you’re gonna be a dick, don’t hide behind the farce of diplomacy and objectivity
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birdskullz · 3 years
1, 4, 6! (also rip i accidentally hit the unfollow button when trying to send an ask T_T)
hi maddie!! alsndjdfbdkdn bestie the universe is telling you to get out while you still can😔😂 thank you for the ask!!
1: describe the plot of your current wips in a single sentence each.
reanimatology: unethically sourcing bodies for your experiments through murder
house of the gargoyles: bringing statues to life is an unhealthy obsession to have
anatomy practice: accidentally playing god is a great cure for art block
4: what are some of your favorite tropes?
oh let’s see!! there’s enemies / rivals to lovers, platonic soulmates, the tattoo parlor and flower shop au, red and blue gays, and of course, found family :D
6: which oc did you forget about?
*glances nervously at my pile of abandoned wips* n-none of them of course! how could i ever do that to my characters, they’re like my kids! hahah,,hh,,,,hah,,,,,,
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monochromemedic · 3 years
Honestly I’ve never understood why people would go into inboxes and be like “FUCK YOU for posting this SPECIFIC CONTENT that I’m NOT into” because it’s like. . .the unfollow button is a powerful tool that you’re underutilizing, clearly. But anyway, it’s nice to see people post about their interests, especially if they differ from mine because it’s always neat to see why people like the things they do and how they got into it and everything. It’s like overhearing a conversation from the table next to yours and the people talking are really enthusiastic about what they’re talking about and it makes you smile cuz it’s like they’re clearly excited and that’s great, y’know?
You know what you’re right, that is a nice thing. Hearing people get so excited while your listening in and just being like ‘god i wish i could understand and feel that with you’ You also have a point here, you could unfollow but i’ll be honest some people I follow just post some random shit and i’ll be like ‘yeah cheers looks great man’ and scroll past. It’s laziness I think or just don’t care haha.
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crazycookiemaniac · 4 years
Omg why are you losing so many followers youve been drawing gay shit for forever??? (Or maybe i as a gay was just interpreting it that way)
Because I literally spammed people every day for one week lmao. And also, a lot of people follow others for specific content. The moment I stop drawing that exact thing they followed me for, they unfollow me. There are also accounts that follow just to make you follow them & if you don’t, they unfollow you after a while. There’s people who followed me for haikyuu & weren’t interested in BC content, and there were people who followed me for BC content but got showered in gay art instead and that was not their cuppa tea. 
But mostly, i start appearing on people’s feed the more I post. So having me post incessantly for one week made me show up on feeds that I hadn’t shown up for  a good while, so there were probably people who forgot they had followed me in the first place & me posting was a reminder to unfollow.
Truthfully, follower counts are dumb. Yes, it is important for you to have a high follower count for you to get attention, but the amount of people actually following you if you don’t have a consistent art style & rarely ever post something with different vibes than your usual ones, is equal or less than 1% of your total amount of following.
My instagram tells me I have 43k. I do not have 43k people following me. I’ve had 43k that once saw my account & pressed the follow button, but their feeds are filled up with other people’s accs that interest them more than mine (as well as my own feed does not show all the content of the 200+ something people I follow, unless I scroll down till the depths of hell to find every single post on that day and then do so on the next day as well).
Essentially, 95% of your followers are there because of content. They want to see what entertains them. Most of them don’t care about the artist and don’t interact with them at all. Many of them are scared to, given the high follower count. Social media & big accounts make people forget that there are other, real, living & breathing people that are behind them all.
So, to many, I was just a random artist they found and “lol”ed at one of my comics & pressed follow without thinking about it. Most of them don’t go to my account and see all other art I’ve posted to see if they actually like what I do, or me as a person and as an artist at all.
People who don’t know this get really discouraged when they don’t earn a lot of followers, or when they lose a lot (like I did). And some people think you gotta have hundreds of thousands to be famous. I’ve seen accs going around that paid for ads, that had over 150k followers and less than 1k likes on their posts.
Truly famous, loved, growing and/or steady accounts have an amount of likes per post proportional to their follower count. For example, if someone has 150k followers, most of their posts will vary from 20k to 100k likes.
When I was growing my account because I hopped in the fandom bandwagon and stupid little me didn’t know that would only make me crash later, I had like 20~30k and some of my posts reached more than 20k likes (because people liked my stupid comics). Nowadays, I’m not part of the fandom that made me grow anymore. I’m part of a very underrated one (Black Clover), as well a I am drawing a very underrated ship (LuGna) that above all else is getting hated on. I have everything against me in this, so it’s no wonder I lost so many followers.
They didn’t wanna see gay art. They didn’t wanna see Black Clover. They didn’t even know what the fuck was going on. Not everyone paid attention or kept up with my warnings. Despite me explaining multiple times in multiple posts what the Thunder Flames project was about, a lot of people still didn’t know what I was doing that for.
The thing about being a big follower count is that, unless you’re actually loved for what you do (and to do that, once again, I need to emphasize that you need to keep a steady rhythm, a steady vibe, a steady you. Because people follow you for your first impression on them, and you gotta keep up to that first impression if you wanna keep your followers.
I’m unsteady. One look at my gallery and you’ll see how disorganized everything is. Oh, lookit, a 1 min speedpaint of a random drawing I did on an old piece of paper! And right on the left there’s a stupid random comic I did–on the right there’s this super detailed, shaded drawing I’ve done that actually looks terrible to me and I will 100% archive it later, and then there’s B&W mixed with gray shaded, flat colored and fully shaded characters of different fandoms + OCs from commissions and whatever else. 
The thing is, I made my follower count based on a fandom, and now that I’m not there most of that follower count does not have me on their feed. And most of them do not want me on their feed. Now, I’m trying to build a follower count for who I am as an artist, because the few people who have actually stayed and followed me throughout the years know how inconsistent I am in terms of art style, fandoms and everything else.
A solution to this would me either keep creating/posting the same thing all over again (just in different patterns), or creating original content (which I do plan on doing at some point). But for now? Since my follower count does absolutely not reflect on how many people actually like me and/or my art, I’m going to be as chaotic as fucking ever and do whatever the fuck I want.
So yes, I do find it comical that I lost 1k followers over this and am not fazed in the very least, especially because I literally foreshadowed losing 1k and hit the fucking jackpot.
The only reason I’m talking about this at all is because 1- it’s impossible not to notice my follower count decreasing, especially because every new 1k I thank people publicly through stories; 2- some people were actually worried I was upset over it and I have to 3- show that I am not, while simultaneously trying to show people that just because you’re losing followers doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you want to create content to please people. It doesn’t mean you should be upset, and it doesn’t mean that what you’re doing is bad or wrong.
It means you’re fucking renewing your followers & you’ll now grow for what you’re trying to grow for, bitch. That’s what it’s all about.
Obviously, people do take a great risk doing this. I am taking a great risk doing this. I could’ve lost 5k, I could’ve lost 10k. But I only lost 1k! And that’s because I believe in the project I worked on; I knew there were people out there who enjoyed what I was doing and it’s on them that I was focused on. On the people who supported me AND my art, not just that one single funny comic post I did 3 years ago.
This answer is 100% a lot longer than what you could’ve possibly expected for and I am typing this while being awake for more than 24h so I’m sure that I’ve repeated myself a lot and that there are a lotta typos or w/e and I apologize for that!! But I’m too lazy to go back to read everything over & turn this into a neat post & I’m pretty sure I could answer your question in the first paragraph.
Oh and also. Yes. Yes I have been drawing gay shit ever since I’ve become an artist because I’m so fucking pissed at the lack of canon gay content in a way that it’s depicted as a normal fucking romantic couple instead of having eeeeeeeeveryone point their finger to the gay couple and scream “HEY THAT’S GAY!!! THIS CAN’T BE PART OF THIS VERY HETEROSEXUAL SHOW WHERE EVERYONE IS OBVIOUSLY HETEROSEXUAL EVEN THOUGH NONE OF THE CHARACTERS HAVE EVER SAID THAT EXPLICITLY BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT THE CREATORS ARE EITHER HETEROSEXUAL OR TOO AFRAID TO LOSE AUDIENCE IF THEY TREAT GAY PEOPLE AS NORMAL PEOPLE!??!! WHAT SORT OF ABSURD NONSENSE IS THAT??!! GAY PEOPLE AREN’T NORMAL!! THEY’RE GAY AND THEY SHOULD HAVE A GAY SHOW JUST FOR THEM IF THEY WANNA GET SCREENTIME” and yadda yadda yadda.
I’m tired of this bullshit. Ever since I was an artist I’ve been rooting for gay ships in shonen manga while knowing they would never happen just because they were gay, and now that we are in our Blessed-By-Satan, Pandemic-Chaotic, What-The-Fuck-Is-Going-On, We-Don’t-Know-If-We-Wanna-Go-Back-Or-To-The-Future-Or-Just-IDK-Fucking-Die year 2020, in which the LGBT community is thriving and being louder than ever to fight for our rights, Me, in my twenty four years of fucking age, having gone through several fucking disappointments ONLY regarding this matter, am sitting here on my ass, hopeful as all galactic, glittery shit that for some fucking reason, my new OTP formed by very underrated characters from this very underrated franchise in the southern and western communities, becomes canon because my stupid eyes can see chemistry between them even though those stupid haters’ can’t. But that’s because they’re stupid and homophobic, and they really should just shut the fuck up. I don’t wanna dream, I want to believe. Let a bitch pray in peace.
But even if I’m getting ready for disappointment, I’m gonna make this project happen and I’m gonna have a shit ton of artbooks from this Thunder Flames project inside my fucking garage if no one wants to buy them. But I am going to invest a shit ton of money in it and I am going to have these artbooks come to life. Because I am spiteful and petty and homophobes should shut the fuck up, and I wanna do what I wanna do bc as an independent artist, I’m building my future with my own two, very toned and buff by now from all the drawing I did, hands. 
God fucking damn it.
Jesus christ I’m just rambling at this point, I’m so sorry. If anyone ever reads this out of context people are going to be so confused.
But that’s fine. They won’t. You know why? Cuz I got almost 11k followers here on tumblr but less than 0.5% gives a shit that I’m here, so I’m safe.
Have a nice day, drink your water and fuck homophobes. Peace
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guarded-belief · 4 years
some final thoughts
haha sorry i know i said that this tumblr is dead but honestly having gotten back on it might start being a bit more active again, mostly for just reblogs and seeing anything i might miss on twitter.
but speaking of twitter since i know ive def been speaking alot about the whole RH thing on there id also give some final thoughts on tumblr.
firstly wanna say before i put the rest under read more, if you are someone who still supports ryan or likes him or is someone who refuses to believe or listen to his victims i want you to go click on the unfollow button and leave. I will never and i mean EVER tolerate anyone who supports predators. point blank. so don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
now, i have deleted ALOT of posts both my own art, art that includes him and another other post that has his face in it. theyre all gone, just like alot of the videos and merch from him will be gone too. and ive said it on twitter and ill say it on here if you so much as repost anyones art that has been deleted if it had him in it, mine or others, i will personally hunt you down and break your knees. respect me and the other artists who have deleted our work. it was already painful enough i do not EVER want to see it reposted or reblogged again. there are still a few other posts up that have been altered to wipe his face out but im honestly thinking of just getting rid of all of em. 
also i wanna say i am incredibly heartbroken and angry from what he has done. my heart hurts for the victims, his family and for achievement hunter. 
to the victims, I hear you and i see you and i believe you. you all are brave for speaking out about that monster. 
To AH god it breaks my heart seeing just how broken jack and michael looked on stream today, and i cannot imagine how the others are feeling/felt throughout this last week. 
the worst part too, is knowing just how big a part AH played into my life. I’ve been watching their content since i was in highschool, 8 years man, so not only hurts seeing the whole crew this distraught, but also feels like a huge chunk of my life and work has been sullied on some monster. so this sucks and im angry. angry for AH, angry for the community and especially angry for the victims.
after the stream, while this had been the plan, just seeing how upset jack and michael were broke the camel on the back for me so i immediately did the most therapeutic thing ever. I burned all the art i had that had ryan in it, well aside from posters and what not but any art i made/art from friends who also said it was ok to burn their art, just gone. as well also ripped up all the shirts, felt great.
 and will say if you have any art of mine that has ryan in it, feel free to burn it or destroy it, or cut him out whatever you want i ENCOURAGE it honestly. we could all use some rage therapy.
so, now is a time for healing and moving on. also pls keep listening to all the women that are still coming out with their experiences and the pain he’s caused them. and pls know that this didn’t just started in 2017, this goes back to even further. lastly do not harass his mods, ah, the victims or his family otherwise you will have a storm coming.
anyways love you all, know that while im still not a big part of the community, i still very much care for this community, to especially the friends ive meet through it and for AH, yall will hold a special place in my heart forever. take care guys <3
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i am SO delighted to hear that the "detective and five people trapped on an elevator and one of them is the devil" movie is real and you saw it. also while trying to send this i accidentally clicked the Unfollow button (and then promptly refollowed), sorry about that
lmao i maybe wouldn’t’ve noticed, love Tumblr Notifications and how like, they display different on desktop vs mobile and the way it Condenses them is only so helpful cuz sometimes some of them only display for 0.2 seconds while i’m on mobile and it hasn’t Refreshed in a way that reshuffles everything and i can’t view that particular [Like from a certain person or smthing] ever again lmao like i hate this, it’s bad, just like that movie about people trapped on an elevator and a detective has to get them out and has to act fast b/c one of them is the devil
it is so stupid first of all like. it’s just overall not a great movie from Any of the angles it’s playing like. first of all the Detective is only around b/c he’s solving a nearby murder / death and making like. corny dumb “oh this is a Smart guy” observations about the Scene and someone is like “oh hey @ cops you’re already on the premises, come solve the mystery of Elevator Broke” like i don’t think that’s how it works and also i can’t even remember the reason they find this issue That pressing pre-realizing And One Of Them Is The Devil. maybe someone dies right off, idk. there is conflict on the elevator so naturally that’s a whole other thing like, we’re all trapped in this elevator together and maybe one of us is untrustworthy and liable to be dangerous to the rest of us like, i don’t know the Contrivance that makes these people think anything has to be done but just Stand Around for a while but it’s you know. that whole Thing where there’s a premise of “some shit is happening to Incite Conflict amongst strangers who are trapped in a bad situation together and they’re all apparently raring to judge each other’s moral fiber to decide who deserves Suspicion vs Protection.” but also, one of them is the devil
meanwhile on the outside it’s this dumb Cop Mystery Drama where this rando guy apparently sets aside the death he was investigating earlier to solve this elevator situation (i think eventually it’s revealed that that death was tied to the elevator situation all along. i think that the devil killed the guy. or something) and also, maybe there was Coincidentally some kind of heist going on at this place b/c i remember at some point the detective (and some partner there too involved in all this) like, find some tools hidden in a bathroom like “aha this was Used to do [whatever]” and despite having no idea what the details are i Know i remember this b/c of at the time going “oh my god that is so dumb Nobody Would Do This / this makes no sense” lol like. writing not great. and this was maybe Not the devil, but a regular separate scheme to. do something
also there’s some aspect where Main Cop has some tragic backstory and is like, not over it b/c it was so painful. i think maybe someone like hit and run his wife or something like that. you know how it goes. spoilers in that i think the person that the devil is here to kill (more on this devil assassination thing....) was Behind That somehow lmfao so it’s like really??? is that our resolution, that people’s stories are Converging in a very serendipitous way b/c the devil would like to give people emotional catharsis......idek. look, spoilers, this old lady who “dies” in the elevator relatively early on turns out to have been The One Of Them Who Is The Devil, Act Fast. and it was this weird thing where the devil is like “grr whoever i’m even here to Get in the first place is just Such A Bad Person that uhhh i guess i came here in person to take them to hell” like.....what tf kind of Lore......this is definitely going with “aaaah the devil is evil” approach, not any more kind of Neutral figure, but then in the end apparently the evil devil is just really Judgey and Disgusted by someone being A Bad Person like??? you ought to love this shit!!!!! and anyways the detective learns that One Of Them is The Devil b/c when they take him up to the security camera display hq it’s like a) look at this scary Moment where the elevator camera feed gets staticky and a scary face appears for a moment (im not sure if i could see what it was supposed to be lmfao) This Means Something and okay oh my god i reread the plot summary b/c for the life of me i couldnt remember the ending, it is so stupid oh my god
okay so first of all the Dead Person the detective was investigating had left like a suicide note like “i am killing myself b/c um. the devil approacheth” like wow okay right off the bat? amazing foreshadowing. why does this person Know this?? and why should he care b/c the devil is here apparently for a Special Soul Collection like, this has nothing to do with you, random guy?? you don’t even need to worry like. just stay home from work to avoid the fairly minor problems that occur (like MAYBE one guy dies in the course of this story but i think it’s a little ambiguous, meanwhile whoever Really Dies in th elevator was i think due to like, suspicion and infighting lmao. idk maybe the devil killed a few of them. it’s weird) but yeah the highlight is this
everyone please enjoy this scene. security guy ramirez is explaining the Devil Expertise courtesy of Where I Come From where toast falling jelly side down is evidence that the devil is hanging out in the elevator. 
while looking up “devil toast” the result immediately after that one was “the devil takes the toast” which is a devil takes the hindmost ytp which i feel is really fitting
it kind of undercuts the stakes i think when not only is the devil only sorta gently radiating Bad Luck but also is just super Righteous but like. yes it turns out that the devil is here to Claim a guy on the elevator was the same dude who Hit N Run the detective’s family (wife and kid apparently) those years prior......except like, it wasn’t even like oh he assassinated them On Purpose, it’s apparently already a Known Detail that although they ~never knew~ who killed detective joe’s family (idk what his name is idc) there was a Note left on the scene like “sowwy :(” like really? this is the Big Bad that the devil made a special corporeal visit for??????? and then, get this, when the devil is like “i’m not a dead old lady, i’m the devil, and i’m here to Get you b/c you accidentally killed a couple of people and i, the devil, am really disgusted by how sinful you are for that” the guy is like “yes that was me :’( i’m sorry” and then the devil is like “ah fuck you’ve Repented. i can’t take you to hell anymore. bye” like what!!! why did he only have to feel bad about it to get out of this whole situation when obviously he Felt Bad in the first place b/c he up and left a note like “[grimace emoji] aaa my bad” like, did he have to apologize To The Devil?? the lore i s2g. Jelly Toast Rules operating here i guess. 
anyways then the detective who witnessed this i guess is like “wow the guy who killed my family all those years ago but i’m still sad about it.....well i’m gonna arrest him now. but also, I Forgive Him.” oh and also for a while there the detective was so gritty he didn’t believe in The Devil b/c the vehicular manslaughter apparently made him think that human nature was evil enough to not need the extra help. so now he’s made the arc of getting uh, emotional closure on his family’s death by forgiving the dude who i guess super crashed into them on accident, And gets to know that the devil is real actually and he’s on the elevator but now Not b/c he was like “ah jeez thwarted by this guy uh, feeling bad about the accidental deaths even though he felt bad in the first place” and there was no other point to the detective being there b/c he didn’t Really do shit except i guess drive this sideplot where you are led to believe he Might figure out who the Bad Guy on the elevator is. (it is the devil. one guy has a crime record or something but, spoilers, he is trying to turn his life around with some good honest work as a security guard or something. idk)
it was amazing and very stupid and i was continually indignant b/c the writing was dumb and made no sense and just so fucking corny throughout. the entire movie is called “devil” and i remember it was like “tf is ‘devil’” and as soon as it involved an Elevator i was like omg omg is this And He Has To Act Fast Because One Of Them Is The Devil, and it was, so that was exciting. it was a dumb waste of time but also it was not b/c it was *slightly* so bad it’s good. mostly Not Even. but just watch the toast scene there b/c like. i think that’s this movie’s #1 contribution outside that post about the plot summary. 
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choupichoups · 5 years
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Press F (Instagram/College AU) 
Lucas swears he’s the absolute master of undetected stalking. Or: Eliott is instagram famous and Lucas is the disaster gay who accidentally likes his post. 
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He smiles down at the screen, scrolling through the hilarious comments on the post. The exaggerated marriage proposals are probably his favourite because, honestly, same but he’d never be caught dead saying shit like that. Even as a joke.
Lucas sinks deeper into the couch, dimming the brightness on his phone screen just in case Yann happens to look over at some point. It’s not like Yann doesn’t know what he’s up to most of the time, but he’d still like to save himself from some of the teasing, thank you very much.
“Did you see that?” Yann yells at no one in particular, fully engrossed in the game they’re playing. Or they had been playing, since Lucas died in the game a good few minutes ago. He’s got better things to do anyway— like check the guy’s profile for any new updates he might have missed. Lucas isn’t exactly on top of his game when it comes to keeping up with Instagram but ever since his great discovery, he’s spent more time scrolling through the app in more recent times that his entire high school years combined.
“I’m doing another round of this before we switch up the game, okay?” Yann murmurs, already pressing the buttons before Lucas even replies. The latter shrugs, doesn’t care whether he gets to play for the next while. He’s much too preoccupied staring at the new photo he’s been graced with.
The dude, the myth, the legend. Eliott Demaury.
Lucas found out about him nearly two months ago— or more accurately, he found Eliott’s short film, Polaris, while scrolling through Youtube one dull Friday night. He’d watched the entire thing at three o’clock in the morning and promptly obsessed over it for the next couple of hours. Finding the director’s Instagram and seeing a puzzle posted on it hadn’t doused his interest either. If anything, that just made it worse. His last two braincells had worked in overdrive trying to rewatch the film and solve the puzzle at the same time.
Needless to say, he’d managed to find Eliott’s personal account in the end but the feeling of accomplishment only lasted until he saw that quite a lot of people had also found it. Mr. Demaury, has, in fact, half a million followers on his Instagram and Lucas could have probably found it easily if he’d just googled it instead of driving himself nuts figuring out what the riddle meant.
“Man, this is too hard.” Yann groans from beside him and Lucas can only assume he’s lost another round. He offers a vague noise of sympathy for his friend. “Are you really doing this right now?”
“You’re really out here stalking your man during our we time?”
Lucas drags his gaze off of Eliott’s majestic photo so Yann can get a full view of his frown. “Our what now?”
“This is our time, Lucas. Best friend bonding time. 22h to 24h, it’s on the contract.”
He starts laughing, can’t help it when faced with the truly affronted expression all over Yann’s face. “What contract?”
“You signed it when you were like two years old.”
“Uh huh.” Now certain that Yann’s just talking nonsense, Lucas returns his attention back on his phone. “Legit age to be signing contracts.”
Yann doesn’t say anything but he steals Lucas’ phone from his grip and holds it out of reach when Lucas scrambles to get it back. “You don’t even follow him, what the hell?”
“That doesn’t matter, give it back!”
“So what, you just search up his profile all the time?”
“What about it?”
“That’s so sad, Lucas.”
“Shut up,” he says, snatching his phone back once it’s finally in his reach. “Imane knows this guy, I won’t hear the end of it if they get even a little hint that I’m looking at— Yann!” he screeches, shaking Yann’s shoulder with one hand while his other holds the phone up to his face.
The horror in his voice must be evident because Yann immediately straightens up, dragging Lucas close so he can take a look at the screen as well. “What?”
“Oh no… oh no no no.”
“Oh shit.”
“What do I do?!” Lucas waves his phone at Yann, almost decking him on the nose in the process. Yann stills him, shaking his head at the bright red heart below Eliott’s post. “Do you think I should unlike it? I can still do that right? He won’t see the notification, he gets a lot anyway.”
“No, man, that just makes it weird.”
“You have to follow him.”
Lucas gives him a withering look. “Are you serious right now?”
“It’s natural! You like the post, okay, chill, next you follow. He gets lots of notifications, as you said. By the time he checks back, 200 other people would have followed him too. Wait a couple more days then unfollow and unlike.” Yann rubs at his back, sounding so sure of himself. “Then you can go back to your sad stalking ways after that.”
He shoves at Yann with a scowl, making sure to kick at his friend’s limbs as he slides off from where he’d basically crawled into the other’s lap in a desperate bid to retrieve his phone. And look where all that effort has gotten him.
“You sure that’s not weird?”
Yann throws a pillow at his face. “I already said it’s natural. Honestly if somebody did that to me I wouldn’t think anything weird of it.”
Lucas hits the follow button, closes out of the app, and shoves his phone under the cushions. Whatever happens next is a problem for tomorrow.
He doesn’t go back on Instagram until well into Tuesday evening, choosing instead to finish all of his homework and maybe do a little bit of reading ahead of time for his biology class. It’s a wonder how much one is capable of getting done while avoiding the thing they usually obsess over.
But he’s only human. So letting go of all the self control he’s managed to conjure up the entire morning, he pulls up the app and slowly scrolls through the new content. He doesn’t know why he’s dreading this so much anyway— literally nothing is probably going to happen. Eliott won’t even notice the new addition to his massive following and Lucas would be able to see his posts without having to search up his username all the goddamn time. It’s a win-win.
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Lucas doesn’t curb the smile pulling at the corners of his lips, even though a small part of him is a little disappointed. Not that he’s expecting anything to come out of this ridiculous infatuation anyway but knowing what Polaris is paired with that caption, the post sounds increasingly more romantic the longer he thinks about it.
So Eliott’s taken already. That’s cool. Great. But this is nice, at least, Eliott’s posts being readily accessible for him like this. Maybe he shouldn’t have made a big deal about following the guy in the first place. Only Imane seems to know both Eliott and Lucas anyway and she’s not the type to unnecessarily pry into other people’s business. 
He still doesn’t hit like on the post though. He has to be subtle about this, he’ll wait a couple more posts to go before liking another one. Lucas is extra careful to avoid double tapping the screen when he goes back to his feed, no longer holding his breath for a catastrophe as he mindlessly goes through other new posts and notifications. 
Which explains why he’s entirely too unprepared for what happens next.
srodulv started following you.
He clutches at his phone with both hands, forcibly shoving down the urge to scream and throw his phone out the window. He’s ill-equipped to deal with this. It’s not supposed to happen; Eliott shouldn’t have noticed him and Lucas should be free to get on with his life without knowing that some god in human form has probably seen the dumb photos he posts with him and the gang and— oh god, what did he post during that party last week again? It doesn’t look too stupid does it?
Lucas frantically skims through his own profile, wanting to shrivel up and die for every post he finds way too embarrassing to be seen by the guy. 
The apartment door creaks open and Lucas throws himself off his bed, running out to the living room and most likely startling Yann out of his mind but that doesn’t matter right now.
“Yann!” he yells out, reminiscent of the panicked tone he’d used the night before.
“Huh?” Yann turns around, dropping his bag on the floor as he slips out of his shoes.
Lucas stands in front of him, holding out the phone over his head like it’s Simba. “He noticed me,” he whispers as if there’s a chance that anyone else would hear them.
“Who?” Yann looks from Lucas’ wide eyes to the phone in his hand. The screen is eye level for Yann so he merely peeks up to see what all the fuss is about. “Oh.”
And then Yann starts laughing. Lucas, personally, doesn’t find anything amusing in this situation.
“Can you stop that? I’m so stressed out right now,” he huffs, bringing the phone back down to his chest so he can stare some more at the notification that changed his life.
“Sorry, you gotta admit it’s a little funny.”
It’s not, but okay. Lucas continues frowning down at the screen, wondering if it would be too weird to mass delete half of his old posts.
Yann takes his phone away before he does anything stupid.
“You said he won’t even realize,” Lucas mumbles miserably, mind flashing back to that one stupid meme he’d posted about three weeks ago. God, Eliott’s going to unfollow in the next ten minutes.
“I’m not right about everything. Anyway, isn’t this a good thing? The guy only follows like 20 people and you’re one of them.”
Wait, what?
He reaches up, tilts his own phone in Yann’s hand so he can confirm that with his own eyes.
And okay, maybe that makes him feel a little giddy inside. Deep down. Just a little.
“Congrats, man. Not everyone gets noticed by their crush.” 
“I don’t have a crush.”
“Shut up.” 
His phone beeps with another notification and they both look down at it simultaneously, like birds honing in on loose bread. It’s almost comical the way they gasp in unison when the notifications start popping up. From instagram user srodulv. Eliott. Eliott’s straight up just… liking a lot of his posts. Embarrassing memes included. 
Yann opens his mouth to say something but Lucas grabs the phone out of his grip and runs back into his room, shutting the door so he can freak out in peace. 
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twistedsimblr · 5 years
All this before the pack you wanted didn't get enough votes?? Geez it's only a stupid pack! People also chose laundry day and we all survived
I'm sorry but I just don't agree with getting laundry day 2.0 but I guess my expectations were too high.but I survived just in time to lower them. You're entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mine I'm not forcing my opinion down your throat. Nor will I tolerate you doing the same . Not being rude just being honest. If you don't like how I feel about what would have been a great pack not a stupid one. Because let's be real here it's a stupid choice there's an unfollow button you can use if you don't agree I wont stop you . Eventually I'll get over it probably a few days I'm busy anyway with Christmas stuff. But this is a serious let down the community lacks so much originality that's the problem so it's more than a stupid pack because with shit like this being offered as choices and people keep voting on them more and more in what I feel are stupid pack concepts keep winning and happening but whatever I guess I'm not allowed to feel disappointment. God forbid anyone has a different opinion in this toxic hell hole. I'll wait on the next one that hopefully has a more interesting concept in the mean time I'm going to take out my frustration on monsters in Monster Hunter World and again if people want it great. I just feel like a parent whose eventually gunna say once its discovered the game play lacks any kind of enjoyment after a few hours to a child aka the part of the community that voted it in "Okay I just don't wanna hear you complain about it once it gets boring. Because it will.Lets hope nooses will be an option to knit so my sims can hang themselves outta sheer boredom.
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apassionateman · 5 years
I'm confused...
As an American man, I grew up thinking I was an average regular guy and still think this. Yes, I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist & responsible for slavery.
I also grew up learning about giving an honest day's worth of valiant effort and in return received an honest wage which consider to be a fiscally & morally responsible and conservative, by today's standards this makes me a fascist because I plan & support myself to the best of my abilities.
I went to High School, worked through college, got a degree & held many jobs. Yet, I'm not here because I earned it, but because I was advantaged.
I am heterosexual, which according to gays, now makes me a homophobe.
I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and ally of big business.
I’m not a Muslim, which labels me as an infidel.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment and our God given right to defend me and my family, which by other's opinion automatically makes me a member of the vast NRA gun lobby.
I am older than 60 getting relatively close to retirement, making me a useless old man who doesn't understand Facebook or all the buttons on some technological gadget.
I think and reason with great discernment, so I doubt what main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.
I'm damn proud of my Scottish heritage and our inclusive American culture, making me a xenophobe.
I deeply value my personal safety and of my family, I appreciate the true Constitutional legal system, making me a right-wing extremist.
I believe in hard work, fair play and fair compensation according to each individual's meritorious efforts [I DIDN'T get ribbons just for showing up; I EARNED whatever I got], making me an anti-socialist.
I believe our system guarantees freedom of effort - NOT freedom of outcome, subsidies OR entitlement which makes me a borderline sociopath.
I believe in the defense and protection of America for and by all citizens making me a militant.
I am proud of our American flag, (not the Admiralty, gold fringed flag) what it stands for and the countless men and women who died to let it fly, so I stand and cover my heart with hand during our National Anthem, taking me back where I started - I must be a racist.
I rightfully believe in the Freedom of Speech... When I posted this originally on August 9, 2019 it since got removed...
Please help me come to terms with the new man YOU say I'm supposed to be because YOU want me to CONFORM to YOUR LABELS!
I am ME, God loving and American proud... I detest ALL forms of labels and will NOT cater to Political Correctness with all its buffoonery, maniacal and covert tactics.
If you don't like it, please find the "Unfollow" button top right.
ALL disrespectful comments will be Blocked!
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wolfriel · 4 years
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In a city in the cold plateau of southwestern China, there is a teahouse along the street where my grandparents live. I found a photo of it a few days ago, and got inspired to draw it (the building on the right). Although my grandparents and relatives are very far away from the place of the outbreak, they say that few people go on the streets, and that the restaurants and markets are empty. The day I drew this (元宵节, February 7th) was supposed to be a great day where families would meet together for fellowship, make dinner together, and to view the full moon, but everyone remained quiet this year. The sky is still blue, the air is still cold with spring, the flowers are starting to bloom, the migrating birds still fly around looking for food as usual in the parks and lakes, but there is a terrifying feeling everywhere. My grandparents have not gone out for almost a month ever since their city was locked down, and thankfully, they have a lot of food supply, but there are countless people out there who are far worse, and probably thousands of people have already died, just because of some scientists who were not responsible and careful enough for their experiments. The city I am currently in is in another country, very far away from my grandparents' city, but with efficient travelling these days, the virus is already severe here. Most people seem to think that you would only wear a mask when you are sick, and that is probably one reason that more and more people are falling ill. When they meet in crowds, the number of people wearing masks for prevention is shockingly few (I for one wear a mask and even gloves when I go out to walk my dog, and spray myself with disinfectants whenever I return to the house). They do not seem to realize that times have changed. If you do not wear a mask when going out, not only are you possibly exposing yourself to the virus, but you are also being very inconsiderate to the people around you. This virus is special in that you can feel nothing wrong with your body even when you are severely sick, and people who believe they are well go around without a mask, talk to other people, and spreading it everywhere, so it is VERY important to  wear a mask, no matter whoever you are. Prevention is always better than cure. There are those people who stay in their homes and spend their time scolding at the Government for not taking precautions beforehand, people who are mourning for their dead parents and children, and people (mostly government officials) who are still eating and drinking and playing. There are people who are so angry that they lose their minds and killed other people on the streets, and there are people who start to think about the meaning of life, and where they would go after they die (yes in some cities, you know you are possibly going to die soon but cannot stop it). People want to find someone to blame, and when they cannot find someone, they put the blame on people who don't have a connection to the sickness at all, and some people say that the blame is on everyone, not just the scientists who caused the virus to spread and not only the government who tries to persuade its people that 'everything is fine, everything is under control'. People who speak out, saying 'it is very serious! Please stop covering up the facts and contributing to making more people sick!' are being persecuted and along with the sick people sent to 'hospitals', disappear forever. Some people ask, "GOD, why is this happening? Why are you punishing everyone in this world?" In these days, it is extremely hard to see the virus as a blessing, but it is important to remember that although GOD is a God of justice, He is also a God of mercy. Whenever the Israelites were suffering under the yoke of plagues, Assyrians, Babylonians, etc. due to the corruption in their country and the breaking of God's laws, God would always forgive and bring them back to Him when the whole nation turned back to Him, cried out and repented of their sins (though they did not stop sinning for long). God allowed the virus to happen so that more people would turn aside from their sinful life, ask for forgiveness, and repent, so that more people can go to heaven instead of hell. Also, suffering is a test, and through suffering, it is easier to see the truth clearly and the bad sides more easily than during a 'peaceful' time. God allowed the trials to happen so that his chosen people all over the world could be refined and become even purer. Precious stones shine only after going through the fire and rubbing against hard surfaces. It is a blessing to be able to get to know God more during your suffering, and you realize how almighty He is when you are in distress, and you also realize that there are some things that only God can protect you from. No matter who you are, government official or farmer, once you get the virus, you are just the same as everyone else who isn't saved; you are going to hell soon. But if you ask God for forgiveness for the sins you have committed in your life, accepting Him, believing Jesus died for your sins and placing your faith in Him, you have an eternal place prepared for you in Heaven where there is no virus, no persecution, no mistakes of experiments, only happiness with your Creator forever, and the hard times of man's short days is nothing compared to the glory of being in God's presence. ___________________ Art (c) P.S., I never expected I would write so much, and in my frustration, I seem to have forgotten good grammar and I forgot how to express some things in English (which might make some parts seem confusing). I'm also still quite a young believer, and I still have got a looooot to learn about my creator, but I'll be glad to talk to you on this subject. I hope you can get my point, if you do, I need to study English again. *terrified to press 'post’ button* *submits* *runs away from the screen, puts on mask, goes for a walk to clear my grammar ousted head, and hopes for no one to ask me strange questions that are off the point* *hope to see no one unfollow me because of my political or religious statements I sometimes post, but God told me that as a believer no matter if you are a newly convert or an old believer, you are the salt and light of the world. I hope you understand. I'm not going to apologize because I realize I apologize to much, and this is nothing to apologize about because it is serious and true. I often wish of times when I can just draw animals and forget everything else, but it is like turning a blind eye to the bad things happening right now and could happen any moment to you, your family, and your loved ones* *I write too much and talk too little*
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