#also even if you aren't maintagging
the-final-sif · 10 months
I understand we're all hyped about Dream's music but also please remember there are members of our community that have struggled with suicide/depression that would really really like to be able to enjoy the hype, but there is a massive issue with people in dteamblr making these jokes untagged in ways that are really hard to filter (spelling things incorrectly, using images with no image description, using variations, etc). I'm not shaming anyone who wants to use these sorts of jokes, literally just tag "suicide mention" or "suicide joke" so people who are effected can safely filter their dashes. That's all you gotta do.
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luckthebard · 2 years
Some day I'm going to write a fucking essay about the wider fandom's inability to recognize and respect the Queer with a capital Q and intensely and deliciously complicated Caleb/Essek ending of C2 and then you'll all be sorry you drove me to such a thing.
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indilaras · 1 month
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WIP(?) Wednesday
ID: a genshin oc rough sketch. They are a fair skinned redhead with red eyes and a slender build. On the right, she is wearing a red robe over a white long sleeved shirt and black pants, with a light blue coat over her shoulders and darker teal shoes. They also have a pale blue scarf around their neck and an Anemo vision.
On the right, she is wearing the women's Sumeru Akademiya uniform with the addition of the previous scarf and Vision. Her hat has a black brim and brooch on it. End ID.
Question mark on the WIP part bcs it's not for any particular drawing. I just decided to fuck around with a kavelou daughter design today instead of uh (gestures at my mountain of WIPs)
Anyway. This is Asfaneh (she/they)! They're an Anemo/Catalyst and they're in Haravatat focusing on literature. She started as a joke concept of "kavelou daughter's favorite grown up is uncle haitham, much to her father's grief" but then the whole thing spiraled into a larger but still vague Sumeru next gen au in my head.
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onesidedradiostatic · 23 days
(After the Respectless Reprise)
Velvette, calling Vox on the phone: VOX!!! End this stypid debate once and for all! What was the color of your turtleneck when you took that damned picture with Valentino?
Vox, picking up the call: Uh... What now?
Velvette: Some of your crazy "fans" cropped that stupid picture I took of you two near his desk with your monitors! They've been going crazy at the color of your stupid turtleneck in the leaked photo
Vox: Right right.... and..... This is my problem because....?
Velvette, muttering under her breath: I swear to god... this is just like that stupid dress thing all over again.....
Vox: The what now?
Velvette: Forget it! Your old arse wouldn't even get it anyway and we don't have the time! That stupid thing blew out of proportion!!! It's been trending on Vitter for Hell's sake so you better do something about it!
Vox: Vel, I don't see the problem. It's just a color for something that happened a long time ago. It shouldn't even matter.
Velvette: Well it does matter because demons—not even just sinners, Vox— have been going at each other's throats about this for hours on end just for the sake of their fanart consistency!
Vox: Fanart consistency?
Velvette: Oh for fuck's sakes, Vox— Aren't you connected to your network right now? You should be able to see just how bad it is in there!!
Vox: Mhm... yeah, yeah... well..... right...
Velvette: Vox. Are you listening to me right now?
Vox: *noncommittal hum* Yeah..... That's better...
*Velvette pauses for a moment before a look of realization crosses her face*
Velvette: Wait... Don't tell me your at your Alastor shrine again instead of at your office?
*Clatter clatter CRASHHH*
Vox: *cough cough cough* H-Huh? What? NOOOOooo... No, no I'm not. What are you talking about Velvette?
*Velvette side glances at Alastor still silently having his mental breakdown before moving onto Lucifer fiddling with his tie and cane as he refuses to meet anyone in the eyes*
Velvette: Yeaaah.... Right.
Vox: A-ActUALLY!! I was just about to go there. To— to my office I mean. I mean, I just came from an important meeting after all!! Yes, a very very important meeting. With uh.... About– Sinflix! Yes, yes Sinflix. You know how that annoying little parasite has been taking some of our profits with all their 'free services' shtick that we've been losing money in the other Rings.
Velvette: Right. Right. (I don't care)So... your turtleneck color?
Vox: RIGHT!!! *Ding ding ding!* Yeah, about that I uh....
*Side glances at the scarce remains of his closet that was once full of multiple variations of turtlenecks colored red, orange, yellow, and even blue. Some of them actually being striped. There was a sell in one of the secondhand-me-down shops if you buy in bulk back in the day when he first fell into Hell. And he wasn't one to pass up a bang for your buck. Unfortunately, he also had to burn a lot of them after Velvette joined team to avoid her wrath. And now he can't remember which one he wore during that picture*
Vox: Well... About that, I don't.... actually remember?
Velvette: You don't sound so sure of yourself.
Vox: Well, the picture itself is faded so some of the color has changed. Not to mention the lightning.
Let me ask Tino if he remembers.
(I hope you enjoy this. Someone please sedate me)
oh my fucking god (reference to this, and this, and the turtleneck discourse is just this entire fucking tag. basically we've been spending the last 2 days debating about vox's stupid fucking turtleneck)
literally everything being referenced is giving me fucking whiplash HELSPGKOS vox himself getting into the debate because he doesn't remember is hilarious
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only thing I will have to correct there is that vox does in fact own netflix in hell so it's voxflix not sinflix
considering maintagging this and putting it out into the wild with zero context (until they check the links)
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misunderstood whoops here's the clarification LMAO
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quaranmine · 2 years
i know tumblr gives us a feeling of safety but it IS a public platform and as such there is literally no reason for CCs not to be able to use it just like we do. they're members of the public. we're members of the public. you see this right?
so i'd like to introduce you to a concept that i've been holding myself to since i made this blog: if you aren't prepared for a CC to potentially see something, don't post it at all!
now, realistically, i still post stuff i would cringe if a CC saw. it's a calculated risk i take, then, when i maintag these, because i count on the statistically low chance they'd see it. i accept that they might see something, and if they do see it or comment on it and i get embarassed then, well, i knew i could never eliminate the possibility completely and still chose to post it.
however, to further break it down--if you reallly don't want a CC to see it, don't main tag it. if you're even more serious about it, block the CC's blog (if it's known) and make sure to do it in blog settings if you use a sideblog. and if you still really, really, really want to be safe from a CC ever seeing it, then don't post it publically at all. dm your friends about it or whatever
idk, man. just control your own online experience. that doesn't only mean filtering/avoiding things you don't like, it also means being conscious of the things you put out into the world as well
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darubyprincx · 10 months
Finally, I Can Maintag This After Nine Months
Hello everyone! This post is about my very long (80k) Empires S1 fanfiction, (i'll tend to the flame, you can worship the) ashes.
Ashes has been nine months in the making, and the last chapter was just posted today. It is twice as long as my previous longest published work and I made a lot of it up as I went.
The premise is this: The Rapture was three months ago, and Gem and Fwhip are on their way out of the world. They land for the night on the edge of the desert, and stumble upon a certain emperor, who's been missing for eight years and long presumed dead. Which is great! They found him! But... he's strangely quiet.
More details and a general FAQ for the fic under the cut.
Why does this fic have the Graphic Depictions of Violence warning and the Author Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings ratings applied at the same time? What does that mean?
I explain my full reasoning in a post here, but basically, I wanted to let people know that there was violence while also implying that there were also some other things that needed to be handled carefully that aren't necessarily covered by an Archive warning.
Ashes has the Canon Compliant tag attached, but this is a scenario that I've never seen in canon before.
This is correct. When I started writing this, my tag for this fic was #ashes au because I was pretty sure that I was going against canon with some of the details I was including. I added that tag later after realizing that even though some of the specific details didn't line up, it counted to me. (The tag stuck because I've linked it everywhere by now and don't want to change it.)
As for the post-canon status of this work, Ashes was mainly started because I felt like Pixl's ESMP s1 POV (which ended early because he got busy with another project; this happens to everyone and i do not hold it against him) deserved to be finished and so I set out to write it. Pix later said in an Empires S2 livestream and then in his s2 finale that every interpretation of what happened to the Copper King was correct, so I just went with it.
If I wanted to make fanart or fanfiction of this fanfic, could I do that?
There is a section for that on the website I made for Ashes! (I learnt HTML at 12am for this. I couldn't sleep.) Any questions you have that aren't answered by that, send me a message or an ask and I'll be happy to answer.
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tubbytarchia · 13 days
You don't have to publish this ask but I just need to vent to someone who might understand, cause like, I'm over here like "I don't like fh or scott sorry, I promise though I won't talk about it or maintag just letting you know so you don't waste time since I know there's overlap between us, also I have a lot of interesting ideas about them still but I won't talk or write about them because I know that would make some of you upset and more than anything else I want everyone here to have a fun time and ship and let ship <3" and these unproblematic only fh fans will turn around and be like "oh so you're homophobic? You're the most annoying person on the planet? You're just trying to start a ship war? You're the problem with fandom" like BITCH?! Never met people so determined to make their actually quite comparatively good and healthy fandom toxic
This is where it stops being funny and actually genuinely really upsets me, is that very few people dare to talk about "toxic" Flower Husbands, let alone maintag it (and they should be able to! Because it's not fucking hate? Its valid discussion and expression of opinion that doesn't attack anyone). A few people have been more vocal about it recently and I've seen more people besides you come forth NOW, because you didn't want to upset anyone or get shittalked etc in the past for holding a different opinion to the overwhelming majority. I know people who've joked "am I just insane? Am I just stupid for seeing something here that everybody else is vehemently against?". There's evidently people who have just shut up because otherwise they'll get burned at stake, or they stay in their own little circles
And then a few too many FH posts that dare even imply any negative qualities about FH from a character standpoint get a little bit seen, and suddenly FH tag is full of 10 people defending their ship's honor because how dare you!! The way these people are so fucking volatile about fuck-all upsets me so much. Like, haha, we've been proven right I guess! You DO get burned at stake. These people probably aren't even bothering to read any such FH interpretations if they even SEE any, and don't just see 5 other posts claiming "oh my god can people just shut up about toxic FH and write characters breaking up for NORMAL reasons" (genuinely baffling concern that I've seen like at least 3 times btw??) that just leads them to believe that this is a wide-spread "problem" that needs neutralizing? They take even the thought of such posts as personal attacks that prohibit them from shipping FH for some reason? Like dude I fucking dig FH? Just for not always the same reasons as the majority but I guess I've sinned and shouldn't be allowed to speak lol. And these people don't HAVE to read interpretations they don't like, goddamn, look past?? Block if it hurts you that much?? As you said, the Tumblr traffic fandom is largely really kind and healthy so I can't fathom where the hell these guys come from. And then they proclaim the people who have largely shut up or kept to themselves "the problem", and that's the exact response that has been feared lmao
sorry. Long answer but fuck. I'm so sorry anon. The Flower Husbands scene is truly miserable if you dare think of them as anything other than cuddly and cute and teasing at most. Your interpretation is invalid because. ? homophobia I guess lmao
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druidposting · 9 months
Not to get sociopolitical in the cr maintag, but I think a lot of people arent understanding something VERY critical to the "gods good or bad" argument, so I'm gonna try and lay out these points as best I can.
(This ended up being very long, but if you enjoy analyzing CR through a sociological lens, it's all under the cut.)
To start, you have to understand that the Exandrian gods are immortal beings with immense power and influence compared to the mortals of the material plane. Yes, obviously gods have died/sustained wounds in the past, but comparing the power required to do any of those things to a god is like comparing the wattage of the Sun to that of a lightbulb. Its just incomparable.
In spite of this, however, I keep seeing posts about how its fucked up to kill someone just because they didn't give you what you wanted. For starters, the gods aren't just "someone" - as I said before, they're unfathomably powerful and immortal beings, and while they no longer have the ability to walk the earth and shape it to their whims, they absolutely have the ability to influence the ideas and ethics of the mortals that do walk the earth in very material ways (see the Angle of Irons cult, Tevan Klask the champion of Asmodeus we just met, and Pelor vs the Valley Coalition for examples). To put it in maybe more understandable terms, you can make a decent allegory between the gods and real-world political pundits, in the sense that while a president cant literally shape the world how they want, they have an overwhelmingly disproportionate ability to influence and shape how the people they rule over think and feel, and what should and shouldn't be morally permissible in their society. In a vacuum, the fundamental role of politicians in current neoliberal societies is to try and ensure their ideas and ethics are the dominant ones, so that the people they rule over can do the shaping of the world for them. This is why I find it much more permissible, and often necessary, even, to pass judgement over and rise up against (and wish death upon (in minecraft)) political pundits whos morals don't align with mine - their ideas have material influence on society, in ways that normal individuals don't, and I happen to agree with Marx when he said "the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas".
So all that said, I totally see why some Exandrian mortals would be very very upset with some of the gods for various reasons! And I fully support their desires and rights to protest and fight back against any proponents and arbiters of bad ideas and prescriptions.
HOWEVER. This does NOT mean I am pro destroying the Exandrian pantheon. I think that based on everything we know so far (especially with the new info from the latest episode), that would be a net bad for Exandrian mortals.
To understand why I feel this way even in spite of my above arguments, I think it will be helpful to outline what I think are the worst of the likely outcomes if Predathos is released;
A power vacuum opens with the gods eradicated, and Ludinus (or some other dictator, but likely Ludinus as I think this is his actual goal) promptly fills the position of god emperor of Exandria, With no external forces to restrict their actions, and free reign over how they choose to rule the people. The consequences of this are even less freedom for Exandrian mortals than they had under the oversight of the gods, which is in my opinion, very bad.
The swaths of demon armies who have been chomping at the bit for literal millennia to find any minute perceived weakness in the divinely appointed (whether by Prime or Betrayer god) defenders of the Material Plane from the Abyssal armies, are finally able to overcome these defenses and wage devastating war and eradicate all life on Exandria. This is something we're already starting to see happen in the Grey Valley in the current arc, and I have to say, this also seems like it would be really bad for mortals.
Predathos doesn't stop after eating the gods, and in the end, devours all of Exandria. That would probably also be pretty bad.
Even if none of those things ended up happening, the overwhelming threat level of any of those outcomes, and the fair likelihood of any of them happening, far outweighs the potential benefits Ludinus proposes. I'll liken it again to real-world politics in the US, because I think some useful parallels can be made here; Think of the Exandrian gods as the Democrats, and Predathos as the Republicans. No one likes the Democrats. They're cowardly, their polices are luke-warm at best and detrimental to human happiness at worst, they continue to bolster capitalism even though their constituents hate it, all of their politicians are way too old, and god damn do they ever come off as condescending. But compared to the Republicans? They are the bastion of freedom. The Democrats are far from perfect. The Exandrian gods are far from perfect. But when your other option for who gets to govern you and your society is a fascist, you must do anything to preserve the freedoms you currently have, even if they're limited. Under the Exandrian Gods, the limited freedoms mortals have are infinitely more favorable to the zero freedom they would have under a dictatorship or as a dead person. With the Exandrian Gods, individuals have the chance to rise up against oppressions they face from their disciples, and to make more and more gains over time that solidify and bolster their freedoms. This is just objectively not an option under any of the above scenarios if Predathos is unleashed. If you're facing down the existential threat of fascism in a neoliberal establishment, you do not toss the current establishment aside in favor of a better one - you buy time by bolstering the current establishment, and when the threat is lower, then you can look at revolutionary action and work towards better forms of governance again. I believe that similarly, Exandrians will have the best opportunity for the greatest freedom in the future if they're able to stave off Predathos and Ludinus.
Now with all this context, I can talk about something that Ludinus either fails to understand - or deliberately doesn't care about and misconstrues for the sake of enacting his end goal - that is key to this debate, that being the difference between positive and negative freedoms.
Very briefly, negative freedoms are characterized as freedom from external constraints on any actions they may wish to take. For example, freedom of speech allows an individual the freedom to speak whatever they wish without the imposition of government. Positive freedoms are characterized by the freedom to do something, the ability to enact your future goals and desires. Positive and negative freedoms are often at odds with each other. A good real-world example of this would be murder. I think everyone would agree with saying murder being a punishable crime is a good thing - but is it not an imposition on an individual's freedom to legislate against them acting on their free will, if murder was what they wanted to do? Technically, its a removal of their negative freedom to act without constraint, but outlawing murder is itself a positive freedom, as it allows people the ability to live without fear of death (and obviously grants positive freedom to the hypothetical victim in that they now have the freedom to live instead of having died to the murderer).
With Ludinus, the freedom he talks about, freedom from the meddling and imposition of the gods on the free will of mortals, is a negative freedom. But if the potential consequences of releasing Predathos could be as dire as the complete destruction of all mortals on Exandria, or the subjugation of all mortals to the dictatorship of whoever fills the resulting power vacuum, then I feel pretty safe in saying that Exandrians deserve the positive freedom to continue living without the fear of certain death or subjugation under a post-Predathos world, even if there's the possibility that the current gods continue to meddle with ideas as they have. A dead Exandrian can't rise up and resist the will of the gods and their disciples, after all.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
It's literally a fucking fictional character who doesn't even do anything in the game. Nothing more than a bunch of pixels on a screen. Stop being such a righteous little prick.
I dont go here but I think it's kinda funny how uncomfortable you are about ppl thinking a video game character is cute lol
I'm not being a righteous little prick, I've stated before that I'm uncomfortable with people coming into the inbox treating this character like a small animal before. I'm not making an overarching statement about how EVERYONE should characterize or view him, but when my entire blog is dedicated to showing off how much of a tragic and terrible character he is, then I think it's safe to say that you should expect me to not really be super into things that makes him conventionally appealing. It takes all the fun out of it for me. And since I repeatedly said that the reason why I like him so much is because I relate to him and his problems, and that I write him as an autistic, depressed man struggling with a sense of self-worth who then abuses his children and the people around him unwillingly because of it, then you can see why I might not enjoy this sort of interaction as much.
I'm also not bothered by people thinking that he's cute or that his design is cute, I'm uncomfortable with people treating a character that's basically a human being in terms of story like some sort of pet animal. I write and view the Pale King as a human-analogous character, one with cognition and boundaries that are similar to people. If you think that his personality is cute the same way that a person is, or find his design adorable, that doesn't bother me in the slightest. I consider snakes and crocodiles cute as well. But you don't treat those animals like cats or dogs, because they aren't, and when you slap human level cognition and behaviors onto one, then treating them like a domestic animal becomes even more weird. It's like looking at a 50 year old human man and asking him if he wants belly rubs or chin scratches or something. It's uncomfortable for me, and I have already gently stated previously that I do not enjoy such content. Fuck dude, I consider Lurien cute, but you don't see me going to the inboxes of people who like him and say that I want to give him butt scritches or scoop him up into a jar. I don't know how they view him, I wouldn't do that unless it was clear that they understood the joke and thought it was funny.
Me expressing my boundaries isn't being a 'righteous little prick'. This is my fucking blog. If I was bothered by a depiction of PK that was being posted in the main tag, then I wouldn't say anything and would move past it because it wouldn't be any of my fucking business. But if you come into my house and demand that I interact with you in the way that you want, then yes, I am going to get uncomfortable. I didn't even state my discomfort in an explicitly rude manner, or claim that EVERYONE in the fandom must depict him in a certain way. I just asked that people stop coming to me about it, because if it's a joke then it's something that I don't get, and it ruins the fun of the character for me, and it's something that makes me deeply uncomfortable. I maintagged the post specifically with the hope that it would reach whoever was sending me those asks, not to police how people treat the character- because again, I don't care as long as it's not in my inbox. But it is.
You're right. He's a fictional fucking character. He's just pixels. But I'm not, and I have the right to put an end to a topic when I find that I don't like or understand it.
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[TL;DR: Trying to learn about Shadow Work as it pertains to occult spaces, resources of all sorts welcome; formal and scholarly ones included in the conversation and appreciated with about twenty heart emojis that I cannot use on desktop.]
The behavioral psychology special interest in me wants to research classic shadow work and talk about it in the context of shadow work in the occult sphere and how both contrast to plural experiences, but:
I do not want to read Jung right now (we have grad school to apply to and a full time job)
I have no clue where to even start researching shadow work in the occult sphere
I would be torn between buying a copy of [insert textbook here] for myself and just borrowing it from the library because my English Major instincts demand annotation but
The frugal bitches in back do not want to buy more books if they aren't ones we want to keep on our shelves lmao
But also... hear me out: we want to focus on the literary theory of psychoanalysis in grad school (specifically modernizing it to distance from Freud like actual psychology has for the most part). Talking about Jung could be fun.
It could be a little treat.
Or I could just look up research articles since our library also has those and we've a functioning printer at home for annotation lmao. Would also probably provide useful context to Jungian psychology, rather than just jumping in with zero context.
That said, anyone with resources on shadow work as pertaining to how you use it in your spiritual life would be welcome in our notifications. Hence why we're finally maintagging some shit for once in our life.
(This comparative analysis was prompted by a podcast we listened to today and the fact that I know a few plurals that have talked a little bit about Jungian psychology from the perspective of plurality.)
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apollos-boyfriend · 4 months
genuinely think the folks giving ya shit on tagging matpat stuff aren't realizing that on tumblr if you search stuff, it's going to show you stuff that even remotely mentions the subject. but also, recently they (tumblr) have it to where if you put # in front of whatever you're searching, then only the posts tagged with it will show up.
i've done everything i can on my end to make it so i don't appear in maintags so HOPEFULLY that should fix some things. but wait fr?? they could just fix the system but hey it's a start
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dteamain · 1 year
lowkey I thought about it and you can ignore the multishipper thing I sent. I've just been seeing so much harassment and pretty vile neg the last few weeks from blogs that I used to to enjoy following that it's just been a little tiring and sad. but curate your own experience and block and move on I guess I was just unknowingly on the worng side...sorry pls ignore I don't want to start even more of it 😔
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anon nooooo😭 listen guys if you send in a confessional it's likely getting posted i have so many so it's awhile before i will see your take back lmao.
but i want to say anon that i agree with you sometimes the shitting on people goes a bit crazy and it's overwhelming. i won't allow people to come on here and just shit on you for having that opinion don't worry. confessional is just about getting it off your chest no worries at all. in exchange i will let you in on some of my secrets:
i unfollow and refollow lots because you are right sometimes some people run with neg too hard. for example i saw some crazy karl neg so i unfollowed but the next weekend that person was posting funny shit so i refollowed
also like i have moots who are super intense with mpreg which isn't my cup of tea so sometimes i literally hop in maintags and go blog hopping to see wholesome content or what not to stay off the dash.
i think it's alright to feel these frustrations and simply acknowledge that you aren't enjoying something and sometimes you need to rant and move on (just like what you did!!!!) it's actually super healthy to just get things off your chest even if after you realize maybe you were being silly or maybe you realize you don't want to be mad about that thing anymore. but yeah don't worry i won't let it start world war three on my blog i simply block people who are insane and i'll be so honest with you i think you were level headed and reasonable so respect
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quaranmine · 2 years
I see the different [MCYT]blrs as groups that reblog each other's posts in mass like a circle of friends passing a meme on their phone in middle school. No rules, just mild clown on clown violence.
Yeah! But not even so much a group of friends, or a defined group--imo, the point is to not make subblrs feel like they're only accessible to people who are "in" the group? But there's definitely a huge community aspect of it that makes it fun. Personally, I don't go through the maintags anymore (haven't for months) so I mostly rely on what's on my dash. This makes it easy to feel a strong community sense because I'm constantly interacting with a set group of people, but I also make sure to try and follow new people regularly and be willing to interact with new people (i follow a TON of people so i can see this being different for someone who likes to keep a really small list.) Because I want to help some in getting new people involved!
Anyway, I don't think that's what you're saying. But imo the downfall of subblrs (as illustrated by why i dislike subtwts) is when they start feeling rigid or like you have to belong. Like there's rules or the community has a "everyone agrees on x" type of thing. It should just be a fun community that anyone can join at any time! Like you said, no rules, just mild clown on clown violence. The point of fandoms is to have fun, which i oddly think some people forget on here. If you aren't having fun, don't be afraid to change something!
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