#also ive become paranoid about this
speci-society · 1 year
I need my babygirls (the central characters of no man's sky) to be okay forever, like i know that doesn't happen but i need them all to be alright or i explode us both
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frankotalk · 1 month
honestly love robots so much especially as a trans guy bc of the sort of customisability and gender neutrality offered to robots. a lot of the ppl who voted robot on that poll seem to be hung up on the non-human element which is scary but the way i see it a robot can be lovingly crafted the way a child is born. especially when you aren't religious so the here and now means more to me than any concept of a soul. robots still have their own identity and even if they aren't 'human' they still feel... something. even if its programmed. our brains and environments essentially program us to feel specific ways so why get hung up on that as a robot. ROBOT CLONES HOWEVER
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lesbiten · 1 year
me: i have been violently ill with either a cold or the flu or maybe a combination of both for several days and i have a really important test at 9am i should sleep
also me: lets stay up. until 4am. studying. !
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zeldasnotes · 3 months
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕬𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕻𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖔 🦇
This post is mostly about the hard aspects(square, conjunct, opposition) but people with the soft aspects might relate too. Also keep in mind these are my personal observations so not everyone will agree.
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🌑 The need to be in control can sometimes be devastating to live with. It can even be felt physically when they are losing control or when they feel powerless. Feeling powerless can make them act in a very disturbing way.
🌒 People with this placement might be the black sheep of the family. There seem to often be something with them that differs from the rest of the family, especially physically. A lot of times they are darker than other family members since this placement can create darker features. But there seem to also be a huge difference in personality.
🌓 They have experienced women not liking them for no reason and later in life they often become like this themselves if they dont work on it. Often there is a theme of older women being mean to them and then they grow up to be the mean old woman who targets a young girl.
🌑 Ive also seen a theme of them having an evil stepmom and then they themselves meet a man when kids and treats their stepchildren just like their stepmother treated them.
🌒 There is a habit of writing people off or disliking someone based on a feeling they got from them that was actually just themselves projecting their own inner fear onto this person. Others get this feeling about them too and they are often themselves a victim of others disliking them for no reason.
🌓 It can be very hard for them to take a look in the mirror and see that they are causing a lot of the issues in their relationships themselves because they are so hyperfocused on what their partner is doing or might do.
🌑 A lot of times there was a grandmother who disliked them or were mean to them. So its not always the mother who was the worst, the issues can be with grandmothers and stepmothers too. For some reason they seem to have good aunts tho? Like their aunties seem to be the most normal in the family.
🌒 This can make someone extremely vengeful & they can resent someone for a lifetime.
🌓 People with this placement seem to often want to become popular or know a lot of people to feel like they have power. Or even want to be feared.
🌑 They seem to often be paranoid in the wrong situations but as soon as they let their guard down they get burned. Especially when it comes to women. This leads to a strong fear of letting the guard down and can make them push a lot of people away.
🌒 Eating disorders seem to be very common with these placements since eating disorders are often about control.
🌓 They fear anything that has to do with powerlessness. Being looked down on is also a huge fear here. This can make them social climbers and cloutchasers in some cases. Being a part of the ”bottom of society” is a huge fear here so they can be very drawn to important people, titles, status symbols and high power careers.
🌑 They might be very ashamed of their sensitive nature and therefore try to act as carefree as possible. Or even force themselves to become carefree and cold.
🌒 This coldness usuallt occurs in their teens until their early twenties where they shut down completely emotionally. This often makes them VERY problematic during their teens.
🌓 In the end of their teens or in their twenties they usually transform completely because of situations in their lives and experience a rebirth of their emotional selves. After this they often become beautiful souls. Not always tho. For a lot of them the bitterness stays forever because life just hasnt been fair to them.
🌑 Both women and men with this placement seems to be bothered by what women do and can be slutshamers. The kind of people to give the stankface to a woman walking by with a short skirt or ”too much” makeup, plastic surgery etc (these are things ive seen moon/pluto people react strongly too lol)
🌒 Men with this placement can have a very strong feminine energy and Ive noticed that a lot of them beef with women instead of beefing with other men and even hate on women they never met.
🌓 They do NOT like other sneaky people, unless its a man. A woman with this placement might for example refuse to talk to a woman who she gets bad vibes from but will love a man with shady vibes. Might hate a woman because ”shes fake and talks a lot of shit” but will be the first to be with a man who talks shit about people.
🌑 They pick up the psychological state of everyone extrememy fast and therefore can have strong reactions to others, especially people who remind them of themselves.
🌒 Sometimes there can be a fear of becoming like their mother. They might have a mother whos done a lot of mistakes and they are afraid of becoming like her. In some cases they can even have a feeling of disgust for their mother.
🌓 Punishment in their childhood might have been very harsh and involved stuff related to safety and nurture. Such as not getting food, being thrown out of the house.
🌑 Their mother might have liked to show her power by weird rules and ideas. If the child was freezing outside for example and wanted to come in the mother might be like ”You can come in when the clock is 5”. Or if the child was hungry ”You get food when you finished your homework.” Safety and nurture was not to be taken for granted like in normal households.
🌒 This can lead to very deep issues concerning these things and a feeling of never being safe. This can make them very fixated with food and control later in life.
🌓 The mother often had no respect for their private life or might have a hard time with boundaries. In extreme cases even being fixated on the Moon/Pluto childs sex life and relationships. The kind of mother to read their daughters diary or spy on their daughter/son when they are in their room with a romantic partner.
🌑 There is often a case of their mother figure being disgusted by them one minute and kind the next. They recieved very strong reactions from their mother figure and at times even extreme anger for nothing.
🌒 A strong fear of being controlled or used so much that they might need to rebel against what someone wants them to do to feel in control. Lets say its their friends birthday and their friends tells them that a pair of new headphones is on their wishlist. The Moon/Pluto will then buy anything but the headphones because that makes them feel used or ”what if shes telling me to buy headphones bc she knew i will run and do it, hmm i aint that easily used so i will buy something else instead to show I do what I want.” These kind of mindf*ckery is constantly going on in their head.
🌓 Betrayal by women can be a strong theme in their life. And a lot of times completely out of nowhere. Like women in their life might start disliking them for no reason without warning.
🌑 A lot of them might have experienced bullying in their childhood by a woman who was jealous of them. And might even had to change school. A lot of their issues seems to be from women envying them. And if they have asteroid Lilith or Medusa prominent this can be very extreme.
🌒 They are not only victims of others envy they can be very envious themselves too. They might not be easily jealous but WHEN they get jealous it will be extreme.
🌓 The relationship to the mother is very complicated because a lot of times the mother is the only one who understands them but at the same time the person who hurt them. Also the mother can sometimes be very similar to them. They might go long periods without talking to their mother and then a period where they hang out with her every day.
🌓 I know a lot of these observations might be negative but thats because some aspects come with more negative then positive. But these aspects can make someone extremely sensitive, loyal and kind since they understand human nature. And a lot of them make wonderful mothers/fathers.
🌑 I also want to say that these people experience issues with people with feminine energy not only women. So they will most likely have some issues with men who are feminine too, maybe even more because feminine men can be extra sensitive to this strong energy if the man is not comfortable with this energy himself.
🌒 They can feel more comfortable around ”bad” people and might not be able to hang with people who are too innocent. They can be real drama addicts.
🌓 People with this placement can be very breastfixated.
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sugar-omi · 3 days
how do u think the our life characters would react to getting high for the first time (and do u think they would prefer smoking or edibles) ((sorry if this is a weird ask idk i’m high rn))
LOL dw about it, send me all the high asks yall like. okay ive projected on cove before. w my one post where they got high n had sex
n I will do it again🫶🫶
cove and derek are like me during my first time getting high, basically has an anxiety attack the first time they get high.
derek because he feels like hes rebelling.. was not emotionally prepared for that.
after that, though, will have a kinda better experience. next couple of times, really only tried it a 2nd time because he was overthrowing and couldn't sleep. can't make any more regrets than he already has so why not get high in the middle of the night?
think it mostly just makes him giggly, and sleepy. also a bit flirty n chatty
cove, just like how he is an anxious/paranoid drunk, transfers to his high. at least sometimes. stays away from substances if he's anxious or sad, anything like that. just doesn't help. makes him feel so much worse
now if he's emotionally stable, and all that. acts pretty normal. mm he's more sassy though, n touchy (somehow?!)
FLIRTY. ohhh he gets flirty fs... yeah he just gets confident n says whatever he wants
baxter. mm he gets weird I'd say. mf starts talking aliens and shit n has deep conversations n revelations
becomes supppperrrr cuddly and clingy. he becomes jus a big ol baby<333
first time getting high, definitely took too much, n is giggly n stuff. just helps him relax, distract from his home life n all his issues. does end up going to bed early because he's very aware of how bad it is to use it as an temporary escape.
now whos a smoker... I feel like cove would surprisingly be a smoker. rolls good but he does prefer edibles probably, although probably is more likely to smoke as he gets older, enjoys the smell and shot gunning with you, also thinks it's easier to control his high
derek n baxter are edible girlies. derek just can't smoke to save his life, coughs like a mf. he's dying. baxter, ion have an explanation, he just seems like he'd prefer edibles a Bit more than smoking, but he's not too picky. or maybe you can shotgun him, he'd like that a lot too
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weirdmageddon · 7 months
can someone explain what “weed paranoia” is?
ive never experienced it, all i experience is like….relaxation, monotropic autism flow state, calms me down enough to not get overstimulated by my own thoughts (i feel more at ease with my thoughts coming and going, i kinda go into free flow thought tunnels without getting hung up or ever spiraling. in fact, the opposite, where it’s like a “catch and release” sort of experience to train of thought most of the time. i mean i’ll still definitely hyperfocusing on something which you could consider getting “hung up” on but thats just normal autism stuff and i feel like i can mine for more deeper insight riches in those hyperfixation tunnels when high.
it also definitely helps me unmask. like my mask is sort of built into my core personality and “self” but i find it hard if not impossible to shut off even when im alone because ive internalized the external social sphere. but THC (i should note im taking Δ9) like…. takes the edge off, and i feel less conflicted about my thoughts? like i’m more confident in getting my thoughts out there without worrying about people judging me for how i phrase things or how hyperspecific im being to my own interests. i feel like i dont have to water things down as much because i dont feel as threatened by judgment externally, and in turn internally
i looked up my question about what “weed paranoia” feels like on reddit and the common answers ive seen were:
generalized anxiety
“everyone knows” / you feel like people are watching or judging you and that youre gonna be in trouble
“You’re very aware of your own actions and existence, and assume everyone else is also.”
heightened self-reflection (for some people this freaks them out??) because different perspective
more vulnerable
but i’m not satisfied with these answers??
i want to know if people who get paranoid have these traits while sober/before getting high. like, is it just non-introspective people getting freaked out because they’re considering their own actions/thoughts and existence? or do introspective people who are used to metacognition also getting freaked out?
are people afraid of confronting their weaknesses that weed makes them aware of? are people who normally hide from truths more likely to get paranoid?
ok so i can only fully know my own mind; that is my reality. i have a habit of assuming people more or less share the same phenomenological experiences in their minds, but since i’m autistic i’ve had to expand this boundary over and over continually reconciling with way more diverging phenomenological experiences than i thought.
so i normally i have thoughts about my own thoughts pretty much at least five times every hour, every single day of the week. i do not experience is not a bad thing, it’s a neutral and even good thing. i think i am insightful by nature and always have been, ive been described as such. i don’t know how normal this is for the average person. weed does enhance these metacognitive thoughts i have to an even higher level, and i feel very, very pulled towards them in a good, flow state way. ive also been told my guarded chilly heart melts a bit and i become more open/vulnerable while stoned but that’s because i don’t feel as vulnerable as i normally do. so i dont hide or clam up as much away from psychological openness or whatever exact shit enneagram type 5 is on
but anyway even without weed i normally feel “outside” of my own thoughts, always judging them from a third person perspective, or even multiple third person perspectives through reframing. so i dont feel like i have a defined or clearly illuminated sense of self. i’m not trying to really “find myself” so much as uncover it. like, it’s definitely there to begin with i can feel its presence, but the specifics are obscured and i’m trying to bring them to light. i automatically isolate logical components from emotional components into their own boxes and rarely acknowledge the emotional box because it’s unhelpful in more circumstances than not so it’s all a pretty clinical process when i make sense of things
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because i can do this i’m never afraid of the truth; in fact i actively go in search of it and honestly it feels like THC helps me achieve that on MYSELF and it makes me very satisfied
i also don’t know if what i said is normal. am i comfortable with truths and facing them to an unusual degree over most people, or about the same as them?
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i saw this comment and it’s like….. that makes sense with disinhibition of the frontal cortex. i think way too much about the rhetoric and kairos of how im communicating information to others normally, but with these consciously overthinking circuits driving and modifying my social thoughts and behaviors being turned down while stoned, i find i dont care as much. it’s like my conscious autism masking is peeled away, so i feel more content while stoned. and it also makes me more open as a result.
like i said, “i feel more at ease with my thoughts coming and going, i kinda go into free flow thought tunnels without getting hung up or ever spiraling” which is how this guy is describing “going with the flow”
the takeaway is i dont have a negative reaction to when i realize unpleasant things about myself while high. it’s just this neutral acknowledgement. this even goes for physical things that usually tip people off like their heart rate being “too fast” while high. i do perceive it also but theres like no anxiety with it, again just neutral observation and acknowledgement
basically im Actively looking for this
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so some questions:
can someone explain what “weed paranoia” is like, taking into account the gist of what ive said? if you experience it do you have any insight into why it happens? does anything ive said have to do with it? do you already have neurotic tendencies (low resistance to stress)?
what does my experience while high + my normal thought processes as ive described them say or imply about me?
why am i experiencing pretty much the polar opposite of the way weed paranoid people are describing anxiety of being judged? or like the thing about my feelings of vulnerability?
am i more comfortable with truths and facing them to an unusual degree than most people, or am i actually about the same as them? am i more introspective/metacognitive than most people, or am i actually about the same as them?
if people who ARE already introspective get high and feel paranoid, why would that happen—wouldnt they be used to uncovering things about themselves? are there other reasons? does one’s sentiment to oneself play into it? neurotic traits?
oomf said “your high is always driven by how capable you are of passively defusing triggers for a bad trip”. the explanation for how well people tolerate THC ive gravitated towards outside of genetics (since my mom doesnt tolerate thc well but i do) is ability to deflect stressful thoughts, or how impacted you are by stressful thoughts in the first place. is this anything?
i hope im describing these things adequately so i can get the answers im looking for lol. please tell me if any of this means anything to you or if its just words
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^ to me everything is great and feels significant, but is that because the things that feel significant are themselves good? if weed makes stuff seem more significant (too much dopamine weighs negative inputs too highly), that means it amplifies what’s already there (while also amplifying “noise”). so that tells us about the nature of what is already there in the mind’s contents, then?
so again, question 2: what does my experience while high + my normal thought processes as ive described them say or imply about me?
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hall0wedwyrm · 4 months
Part 2 of my Mario and Sonic @ the Olympics AU! Now officially calling it Intermission AU ive decided.
Part 1 is here!!! its about Mario, Luigi, Sonic and Tails and how they are brothers <3
So i guess i should talk more about the premise for this AU huh.
Its literally the part between Olympics, when everyone is like 'well that was fun... anyway what do you wanna do now?' Normally its just kinda antics and such.
Also everyone being paranoid that Eggman and Bowser ran off together after the last Olympic truce. What are they planning....? Probably nothing, but its better to be safe than sorry! Everyone immediately puts their brains together and makes an 'incredibly fool proof plan in order to completely beat them' (Mario made Sonic change "kick their asses" into something less crude, to which he then suggested "to destroy them" and Mario asked if he could think of something less violent). In the meantime, everyone gets to hang out and have fun :D
Here's some kind of misc things i thought of for this:
Rouge is hired to be Peach's bodyguard. GUN took interest in protecting her from Bowser, and Rouge immediately offered to take the role. She later told Peach its because she knew she'd be constantly swarmed with GUN soldiers if she didn't "as their best agent". Peach and Rouge getting along is underrated. They should be friends your honor.
Luigi tries to talk to Shadow, and maybe get along with them, but because of them generally being introverted it doesn't go so well. Everyone assures him that Shadow is just like that, and they'll come around eventually. (they do, and they become friends :) )
Team Sonic absolutely clowning on Wario and Waluigi. The two of them have never been bullied by teenagers, and theyre so embarrassed. Luigi asks to PLEASE be nice to them for once, and they all just kind of agree 'no its funny'
Daisy is the best hype-woman. She's hyping up Sonic and he's hyping her up in return. Shadow and Rosalina are watching at them yelling incoherently at eachother excitedly, and not understanding what they're saying.
Eggman watches as Bowser monologues about how much he totally DOESN'T like the green one and he's just as annoying as Mario and is a big WIMP too. Eggman's bisexual ass watching and understanding whats going on: mmmm.... mhm..... yeah and you hate him so much? mhm yeah.. okay..... alright........
anyway yeah expect a part 3 im probably gonna work on it rn heehoo
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aita for ignoring someone who might just want to be my friend ?
i (F17) was recently in a college theater production with a guy we'll call S (M20-ish im pretty sure). me and S were partnered as characters who worked together on every scene so we were always in proximity to eachother every weekday for 2 months during rehearsals.
to give some background: S is autistic. someone who knows little about autism would be able to easily pick up on it. i am also autistic but not as "visibly" for lack of a better word and i have a lot of knowledge regarding autism. during rehearsals i noticed that S didn't really slip into conversations with the rest of the actors (nor did the other actors particularly give him the time of day) and sometimes he would sit all alone during breaks instead of with the rest of us. i felt sympathetic towards him as a fellow autistic person who has similar struggles and i wanted to try being inclusive to him. i gave it my best shot and paid attention to him, sat with him, and conversed with him when i felt able to despite my social anxiety. eventually we friended eachother on discord and by the end of the show i thought that was that.
however S became pretty lonely after the show ended and would hit up the actors' group chat a lot asking to hang out and no one including myself would bite. he also messages me on discord and asks me if im planning to go to certain local events or just try to chat with me and i have been either dejected and uninterested or i just completely ignore his messages.
im not sure why im so opposed to even just being polite to him and making small talk. i have been expirencing intense mental health issues lately and i may just be too exhausted to put energy into a new friendship. i also feel like i may not trust him, as his messages asking me if ill show up to certain events and also asking me what college classes im taking next semester (and then saying that he'll try to register for one of the exact classes im in) are a bit uncomfortable. although i have a history of being paranoid that any man i know is going to try to hurt me when im around them plus i suspect he genuinely doesnt understand how he comes across and just wants to hang out with me.
i don't want to lose solidarity with a fellow autistic person because i know painfully well what its like to try to reach out to people you thought you clicked with only to have them seem completely uninterested later. however ive described that i have social anxiety and socializing/maintaining friendships has always been something i struggle with. with the addition of my mental health issues becoming worse and worse, i cant find the energy in me to put in the effort. either way, i dont want to use any of this as an excuse to be rude to S when he seems to want to be my friend.
so, am i the asshole for ignoring him? should i put in more effort to be his friend and meet up with him?
What are these acronyms?
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Hi! I saw that your requests were open, so I was wondering when if you can do where the team meets Fem! Y/n who is mute and is La’an’s twin sister?
Two Parts of a Whole
Pairing: (familial) La'an Noonien-Singh x fem!mute!reader; Crew x fem!mute!reader Fandom: Star Trek Strange New World Words: 4.5K Warnings: Mentions of La'an's Gorn trauma, Spoilers towards season 1 A/N: Thank you so much for requesting!! I hope it's satisfactory because this is the first time I wrote something like that. To be honest, I'm not entirely satisfied with it, but it won't get better. And I'm sorry that it took so long
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The promenade of the space station she was currently on was packed and she was grateful that she had been able to get an empty spot on one of the pillars near the airlock. Not only several freighters had arrived almost simultaneously, but also two Vulcan research ships and an Andorian battle cruiser of the Imperial Guard. She had only noticed them in passing, however, as her focus was on the huge Federation starship. The USS Enterprise, NCC - 1701, Constitution Class and the flagship of the fleet. She, however, only cared about, one person on this huge ship.
Searchingly, she bobbed up and down, heel to toe and back again, hands clasped behind her back. Apparently she seemed to be so conspicuous that people were worried, because she was approached by an Andorian woman, quite brusquely, asking if she needed help, but she had quickly waved her aside. She was doing fine, even better than that, after all, she would be able to see her sister for the first time in months.
Perhaps it was a little paranoid of her to worry after such a short time, but the meeting with the Gorn had also left its mark on her. Unlike the rest of her family, she had not been on the SS Puget Sound because she had contracted Bolian smallpox, which was highly contagious, on the space station where they had stopped. Accordingly, she and her aunt, who was also ill, had been left on the station, with the expectation of returning to collect them after two weeks. At that time, no one could have guessed that it wouldn't come like that.
Her world had collapsed that day and, believing she had lost her entire family, she had spent days crying and refusing to eat or drink. And she probably would have gone on with it, had it not been for her aunt, who had begged her that her family had not wanted it that way and that she should not leave her alone. So she had carried on with her life as best she could, but it had seemed hollow and empty to her. Her siblings, but especially her twin, had been her motivation, her joy of life. A life without them had become unimaginable for her.
But just when she had convinced herself that it might, just maybe, be possible to survive without her family, the news arrived. La'an had survived. Her sister was alive. At first she hadn't wanted to believe it, the fear of raising her hopes unnecessarily was too great. Even when they were standing at the airlock, she had vehemently refused to even consider the possibility that she might still be alive. It was only when La'an had thrown herself around her neck, crying, and she had realised that, yes, La'an was alive, that she had been unable to hold on any longer and had cried just as unrestrainedly as La'an.
For the next few months, the twins were inseparable. Neither could last more than a few minutes in a room without the other, and their aunt had caught them both lying close together in bed at night to feel each other's body heat. Over the years, the situation had improved, but she still felt an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach when they were apart for long periods of time. She had been all the happier when she had learned that their paths would cross on this space station.
She herself was only nearby because she had been assigned by Starfleet to look more closely into the culture of Jitrav IV, with which it had only recently made contact. Strictly speaking, she was not a member of Starfleet in the sense of travelling the galaxy, but more in the sense of gathering information and reporting it back. In the past, she might have enjoyed flying through the quadrant in starships and getting to know new civilisations, but after the disaster with the Gorn, she had developed a real phobia about starships.
So she had devoted herself to exploring alien cultures from the safe distance of her home on Earth, but her work had been so distinguished that Starfleet had taken notice and wanted to hire her on one of their ships. She had decided against it, but in the end had gotten a relatively good deal out of it: Although she had to travel by starship from time to time, she would spend longer periods on other planets to learn about their cultures and languages. She documented her research thoroughly and sent it to Starfleet, whereas they paid for all her expenses as long as they remained within reason.
But this fear had not stopped her from getting into the first shuttle to this space station when La'an had told her that the Enterprise would dock there. She had been standing at her spot since early morning so as not to miss her sister. A few minutes ago, the first stream of Starfleet officers had poured onto the Promenade and she had to do her best to calm down. She knew La'an. She would not disembark until she was truly one hundred percent sure that there were no further duties. Knowing that her sister would need some more time, she began to observe the crowd of officers.
Frowning, she realised that most of them were human. She had expected this, but she had also been convinced that there had to be more non-humans on board. She noticed two Tellarites, a handful of Bolians and she thought she caught a glimpse of a Vulcan in a blue uniform out of the corner of her eye.
After twenty minutes of waiting, she saw an Aenar in a red uniform who was accompanied by a young woman in an equally red uniform who was talking intensely to him. Although he seemed grumpy and annoyed and gave the impression that he was not listening, she could see from his antennae directed at the young woman and the fact that she had spent two years on Andoria among Andorians and Aenar that he was listening more than attentively to her. Smiling, she shook her head and turned her attention back to the airlock. What a strange combination.
All in all, it took almost three quarters of an hour until she finally spotted her sister's dark braids, which were tightly braided back, but by then she could no longer be stopped. The promenade had emptied out a little in the meantime, so it wasn't particularly difficult for her to make her way to La'an, who fortunately noticed her in time. The latter fortunately noticed her in time to put her bag down before she crashed into the security officers. " Oof-" La'an groaned, but chuckled softly in response and after a short time of stiffness also put her arms around her to press her twin sister against her.
For a while they held each other tightly, even if it earned them some strange looks from bystanders. When she broke away from La'an, she noticed that she had blushed a little, but she didn't care. You are late, she signed. La'an nodded and smiled a little stiffly. "I know. However, I wanted to make sure everything was ready myself before I went to disembark." The young woman raised an eyebrow. Besides, you had to keep your reputation. La'an rolled her eyes. "Maybe a little."
La'an picked up her bags and followed her. They had agreed in advance to share quarters, so she just followed her to her quarters. Since it was difficult to converse while walking if one had to sign, they walked side by side in comfortable silence without another word to the other. It didn't bother her, as she knew that she and La'an would have plenty of time to talk. At the moment, it was simply important to her that her sister was with her again. Halfway to the lift, however, a voice stopped them. "Lieutenant Singh!"
They turned and she saw two women running towards them, whom she didn't know, her sister by all appearances did. One was slightly taller, had chin-length white-blonde hair and had apparently been the one who had called out to La'an. The other was smaller, had short dark hair and a cheeky grin on her lips. La'an just raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" "We were going out for a drink. Care to join us?" The taller one added with a quick glance at her" That goes for your...girlfriend too of course?" La'an narrowed her eyes. "She is my sister. And no thanks. I'm busy."
However, the two of them seemed not to have caught the last sentence, as the anthropologist and linguist was now the focus. "I didn't know you had a sister, Lieutenant." The blonde propped a hand on her hip as La'an took a deep breath. "Now you know." The shorter one held out her hand, which she hesitantly accepted. "My name is Erica Ortegas, Erica will do. And this is Christine." The blonde waved, but before she could do anything, La'an had placed a hand on her shoulder and hastily introduced her. "She is pleased to make your acquaintance, however we would like some time alone." Christine frowned. "Why don't you let her speak for herself?"
La'an's eyes only narrowed more, whereas she merely smiled in amusement and opened her mouth. Erica and Christine looked at her expectantly, only to look even more surprised when she began to sign instead. I'm mute and La'an translates for me, so it's all okay. She nodded her thanks to Christine. But thank you for your concern. After giving La'an a prompting look, she translated what her sister had said through clenched teeth, clearly annoyed at having been stopped by her colleagues.
Christine smiled but at the same time turned red in the face. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean it." She just tilted her head and nudged La'an. "That's all right. However, I would like to spend some time with my sister now." Erica and Christine, who was obviously still embarrassed by the whole thing, nodded and said a quick goodbye and she gave her sister a reproving look. You could have been a little nicer. La'an didn't respond any further.
Once in their quarters, La'an just barely took off her shoes and threw the bags on the floor before she fell backwards onto her bed and groaned. Her sister smiled slightly and snapped her hand to get her attention, whereupon she opened her eyes languidly. That bad? La'an sighed and sat up. "Well, I wouldn't know how to describe two run-ins with the Gorn any other way." She flinched and if she hadn't needed her hands to sign, she would have reached for La'an's. How? That was all she could bring herself to say, so much were her hands shaking. She knew how much the incident with the Gorn weighed on La'an, even more than on her, and the thought that her sister had had to face those monsters again did not make her feel at all comfortable.
La'an's voice broke several times before she was able to reply. "There were four Gorn ships. On Memorial Day. We barely got away, but we lost several crew members." She swallowed, but when she was asked if she wanted to stop, she replied in the negative. "The second time, we were on a planet, Valeo Beta V, responding to a distress call from a ship that had landed there. There weren't many of us, just a handful, and Enterprise had to move on and..." La'an broke off and her sister, who was now sitting next to her, squeezed her hand. In a shaky voice, La'an continued. "We found two survivors, however one was infected and before we knew it we were dealing with three hatchlings. Cadet Chia and Lieutenant Duke died. We almost lost our chief engineer as well."
But only almost? La'an laughed shakily. "It was more luck than good sense, really. We found out that the Gorn reproduce via their poison and Hemmer, our engineer, was hit. It didn't look good and without Doctor M'Benga on site...." She broke off. Gently her sister patted her back. He's all right though, isn't he? He's alive. "He was willing to sacrifice himself." La'an's voice was no more than a whisper and she had trouble understanding her. "I was the only one in the room with him, I could have stopped him, but I didn't do anything. I was too scared. If it hadn't been for the captain..." She tried to make calming noises to reassure La'an, however this seemed to have the opposite effect as she jumped up.
"No! You don't understand! I was ready to let a colleague, a friend, die because I was too scared! Because if I had thought even for a moment that he was from bloody Andoria, it might have occurred to me that he had a lower body temperature and consequently the process of hatching would be slowed! My fear almost killed Hemmer! How can I be head of security if my fear doesn't allow me to think clearly to protect the people who are under my protection?!"
She was shocked to see tears in La'an's eyes, which she resolutely wiped away. It's not your fault. She stood up and went over to her sister. Do you hear me? It is not your fault. He's alive, that's all that matters. "But I-" She clapped her hands loudly and interrupted La'an. No. It's not your fault, she repeated. Her gaze softened and she stroked La'an's shoulder. You have experienced traumatic things. No one blames you for being afraid. Most would have hidden in your place. Not you. No feelings of guilt. Please. La'an smiled bitterly before hugging her sister. "Thank you."
It took a while for the sisters to let go, but when they did, La'an seemed a lot more relaxed than before. At least, as relaxed as she could be. You have an Andorian as chief engineer? La'an frowned. "What makes you think that?" You said Andoria. "He's Aenar. They run even colder than Andorians. Don't ask me why though, I'm not a doctor."
I know. She grinned cheekily at her and they both had to think back to the incident in their childhood where La'an had tried to treat her wound with baking paper that did not absorb liquids. La'an smiled slightly. "I was six." So was I. Knew better anyway. She frowned briefly. Think I saw your chief engineer. "Oh yeah?"
She nodded. About that tall? She raised her hand. Red uniform. Grumpy? La'an smiled. "Sounds like Hemmer. Was he in company?" She nodded. Woman, small, short hair, black, red uniform. Talked a lot. La'an chuckled softly. "And that would be Uhura. She's a cadet, but one of the best linguists around. And she's somehow managed to befriend the grump of the ship." I didn't know you guys were friends. "Haha."
But he looked okay. Not hurt. A little grumpy, but healthy. "If that's your attempt to tell me it's all okay, stop. It's not making it better." She gave a silent sigh. Fine. But you need distraction. And relaxation. Her mind wandered back to the conversation from before. Fancy a drink?
It was like pulling teeth to convince La'an to go to the bar, but in the end she won and, followed by a somewhat grim-looking La'an, went down to the promenade, which by now, due to the hour, had filled up again. Which one do you want? Take your pick. La'an sighed and finally pointed to a larger establishment that formed the centre of the promenade. "If we're going to drink, let's do it properly." Her sister grinned and together they entered the room.
It was already well filled, yet she was still able to grab a small booth for them while La'an went to the bar to return with two colourful drinks. "Well then," La'an sighed as she slid into her seat and raised her glass. "To a wonderful evening." Her facial expressions were far too exaggerated, yet she didn't care. Cheers, she signed back, before picking up her glass herself and clinking her glass against her sister's.
The glasses clinked softly, the sound drowning in the noise around them, and in sync the sisters downed the drink. But while La'an remained expressionless, she screwed up her face and hastily put the glass down. What is this!!! La'an smiled to herself, which caused her sister's expression to darken further. "A little bit of everything." She screwed up her face. I'm going to have the hangover of my life. "Probably." Thank you for your compassion.
La'an grinned, however that smile faded as she looked past her sister. "Oh God." She turned, following La'an's gaze until her own gaze lingered on a group of people in Starfleet uniform. There were four people, three men and one woman, if she was so free to take that in. One of the men seemed to be "leading" the group. He wore a yellow and gold top, had silver and grey hair and a cheeky grin on his lips as he talked incessantly to the woman, also dressed in yellow. The latter had tied her dark hair into a high plait and did not look very impressed, but had a narrow smile on her lips. The other two were dressed in different shades of blue. One was slightly shorter, had a beard and was giving her dad vibes, whereas the other was clearly a Vulcan, his arms behind his back and one eyebrow raised sceptically.
The first man seemed to notice them because his face lit up and he waved at La'an before turning to the others, whereupon the group of four came towards them. La'an narrowed her eyes. "Just what I needed." Her sister gently slapped her arm and gave her a reproving look before the group was already beside them. "Hi." The man smiled broadly at her and briefly she wondered if this man had ever considered becoming a model for dental advertising, so white did his teeth appear. "Would it be okay if we joined you, La'an." The woman interposed. "Unless of course you'd like some time alone, which would be perfectly understandable." At that she gave the man a stern look, under which he shrank but his smile did not.
La'an glanced briefly at her sister before, in the face of the hopeful smile, she sighed in surrender and slid up a little to make room for the four. As everyone looked at her more or less expectantly, she took over the introductions. "This is my sister. She is currently working on Jitrav IV as a xeno-anthropologist. This is Captain Christopher Pike, Commander Una Chin-Riley, Lieutenant Spock and Doctor Joseph M'Benga. We serve together." She grinned at La'an. Oh really, I would never have guessed. La'an just rolled her eyes, however, she seemed to have caught the interest of the others.
The Vulcan, Spock, raised his eyebrow. "You use sign language." Mockingly, she raised her eyebrow in turn. Oh do I? I hadn't noticed. La'an snorted into her drink and tried to suppress a laugh. "What did she say?" Pike looked at her as if she was the most intriguing thing he'd ever seen, which flustered and confused her in equal measure. It wasn't that special now. La'an cleared her throat. "That she is pleased to make your acquaintance." Indignantly, she slapped La'an's arm. I didn't say that! "Subtext," La'an added, which earned her a snort.
She then turned her gaze to Spock. I am mute. Sign language is therefore my only way of communicating with others. It has been done that way for centuries. La'an translated for her without twisting the words in her mouth this time. Well, hands. M'Benga cleared his throat. "I thought there were treatments by now." She shook her head. No long-term ones. Besides, the risks are too great. After that, the four of them left it at that and they returned to a more relaxed conversation. At least they tried to, since most of the conversation was really just Pike and her, La'an's translations excluded, and the occasional comment from M'Benga. Una spoke up from time to time, as did La'an, but Spock was silent almost the entire time.
After half an hour, their drinks were empty and Pike offered to get more, which everyone agreed to, but he came back with two more people in tow, though she had already seen them. "Look who I ran into. Thought it would be nice to add to the fellowship," Pike grinned as he placed the drinks on the table, pointing to the Aenar and the young woman standing behind him. While the Aenar, Hemmer if she remembered correctly, looked just as grumpy as before, the young woman, Uhura, smiled all over her face and instantly locked eyes with her.
"Hi, you're Lieutenant Singh's sister, aren't you? The Captain had mentioned it." She held out her hand. "I'm Cadet Uhura, but please call me Nyota. This is Hemmer and don't worry," she leaned down a little towards her, "He's only half as grumpy as he looks." Hemmer scoffed. "I'm blind, not deaf, Uhura. I heard you." Nyota blushed but didn't apologise and on closer inspection, she could see that Hemmer didn't really look mad. She smiled at them both and quickly introduced herself. To her surprise, La'an didn't even bother to translate, as Nyota seemed able to do so herself.
"Oh, that's a beautiful name." You know sign language? Apparently one could see the surprise on her face, because Pike laughed softly. "Uhura is quite talented with languages, you might say." For the first time in half an hour, Spock spoke up. "Cadet Uhura speaks over thirty-seven languages, so by human parameters, she is more than 'quite talented'." Her jaw dropped? Thirty-seven? You're too good for this ship. That elicited a laugh from Uhura and after they had all scooted up, the other two had also squeezed onto the bench, Hemmer a little more reluctantly than Uhura, which was why she was now squeezed between La'an and Pike. There were worse things.
In time, they were joined by Erica and Christine, who had a young man named Sam Kirk in tow, which was the moment they decided to move the whole thing to a larger table. Now seated between M'Benga and Hemmer, facing La'an and Uhura, she noted with relief that her sister seemed to be starting to warm up. She knew that La'an would have preferred to be alone with her, but they would have plenty of time for that and at the moment she simply enjoyed being among so many people, which was not really common in her job, with the constant changing of places.
However, after almost another half hour of the crew telling their stories in Starfleet, including the amusing part of the Gorn disaster where Hemmer and Uhura were shot off the ship (Uhura confessed, admittedly a little drunk, that Hemmer had looked like a meerkat. The latter had protested, but his antennae and dark cheeks had betrayed him), they turned their attention to her and her profession. Patiently she answered, with La'an's help, until Uhura asked a question that made her think of something. "How do you manage to do your job with people who don't speak SSL (standard sign language)?"
For a moment she paused and frowned. What do you mean? La'an quietly translated for the rest and Uhura shifted back and forth in her seat. "Well, you meant that you were getting to know the native inhabitants of the planets to study their culture and the intricacies of their languages more closely, but how-" -can I do that without speaking myself? Uhura nodded and she smiled at her. One moment.
She rummaged in her trouser pocket and pulled out ten rings, each of which was connected to another, smaller ring with thin steel bands. She slipped them over her fingers so that the larger ring sat on her knuckle and the smaller one just below her fingernail. She then rolled up her sleeves to reveal two bracelets, one on each wrist, which she tapped on for some time until they beeped briefly and began to glow blue.
I don't need to speak. I have these. She signed, but a tinny female voice spoke for her. The people around her stared at her with wide eyes and of course Spock was the first to catch himself to ask a question. "Why didn't you use that before." It isn't complete. She regarded him with narrowed eyebrows as the voice continued to translate for her. It's missing the sensors for the face, arms and torso that I usually wear. Sign language is not just language of the hands. Is complex.
She looked down at her hands. It's not exact and I have to sign very slowly and clearly for the right thing to come out. Besides, it's slow. Takes longer than living translator. Not a problem with speeches, awkward with conversations. With that, however, she seemed to have caught Hemmer's attention. "Sure the whole thing couldn't be calibrated more sensitively?" She shrugged. Don't have a clue about such things. Starfleet takes care of that sort of thing. However, this is just a prototype, better is to come soon. Apparently she had signed too quickly and uncleanly this time, because the voice didn't spit out "Starfleet" but "Stargazer". Annoyed, she frowned and deactivated the bracelet.
"I think it's cool," Nyota declared, smiling broadly, which earned her a slight smile as well. Quite a bit.
After that, the conversation turned back to more mundane things and no one talked about the bracelets, even though she sensed that Hemmer was tempted to get his hands on them. He did not say so, but his antennae twitched conspicuously in her direction. After two hours, however, La'an and she decided to leave. This was accompanied by a series of disappointed noises, but they did not let themselves be brought down. After promising Uhura to polish up her SSL and Hemmer that he could look at her speaking aid tomorrow, she and La'an wished everyone a good night before they left the bar.
In the lift, they leaned against the wall and La'an heaved a sigh. "This is not how I had imagined my evening to be, if I'm honest." But it was still nice, wasn't it? La'an pursed her mouth. "Tolerable." She grinned at La'an. I can live with that. She pinched her sister's cheek to keep her attention. I like them, all of them. They're nice. La'an shook her head with a smile. "Especially Uhura though, right?" It's always nicer to talk to people who understand you without you. The lift doors opened and La'an pulled her behind her. "Come on. You owe me another game of cards and this time you won't be able to wriggle out of it."
@bigblissandlove1 @akamitrani
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ok wait one more song rec that doubles as a question (and rambling)
ive been thinking a lot about what kind of music Gortash would like, ive been thinking prog rock (all the layers) but i especially think he’d like roxy music and brian eno. (glam rock with a jazzy flair, cheesy and pretentious but in a fun way, very methodical at times)
sending this as an example because it has a very film noir theme to it *points at detective zeke* i also think he’d like roxy music’s 2HB, or their cover of eight miles high
so the question: what music do YOU think he likes? what about zeke?
AH that one‘s so cool thank you!!!
but i also see gortash as one of those people into things like religious choir chanting, classical instrumentals, the opera, and so on haha. (and my way by frank sinatra. somehow i feel it in my bones) there, like this
i think he can play the organ in his room, and quite well, as everything he sets his mind to. his excellent memory sometimes even allows him to play with his eyes closed and so on.
but i think he ultimately sees song and music as something for him. a formula to express and extrude power. music has been a way to worship for aeons and i think he likes to claim that worship. i mean, he literally kidnaps a woman and transplants her brain into the slack-skinned head and makes it sing for him occasionally.
the greatest song of all, the screams of enemies & especially his archnemesis zeke, still follows that same formula, but in an elevated position. ‘the woman trained for it will never sing as sweetly as the bird born for it’ he’s addressing his favourite opera singer here. the bird being zeke, obviously. that’s true song.
zeke i think likes music that comes from the heart. loud, wild, unpredictable to the point of improvisation, expressing emotions and so on. zeke actually plays the violin! his play i think is extremely unusual and carries his ferocity in it with every tune. again, all improvised on the spot.
that aforementioned opera singer & also owner of an entire opera house, annya spiritpetal, is the reason zeke picked it up in the first place. she was one of his first clients and she, similar to zeke in his detective work (but not too similar since she was trained for nothing else since birth, unlike zeke using his natural talents) was considered a child prodigy in her field and despite zeke not really caring for her, she looked out for him occasionally. eventually even asked him to play in the background during her shows for her. zeke does not like crowds very much and he only really did it because she always promised him access to places in higher society whenever he needed it for a case, but she always made sure that he was accommodated very well. so, context for that sentence above? gortash ruins one of these violin performances by simply appearing. zeke is extremely paranoid, sick and just generally mentally unwell at this point in the story because of him and annya would never have let him play if she saw the state he was in, so gortash. ahem. prevents her from attending that evening & doing so, having her arrested for the access she provided for zeke and punishing her transgressions against gortash this way. (again song is for him, and especially zeke’s, whose true song she isn’t even capable of bringing out. this eventually leads to her becoming that singing brain in the slack-skinned head when they meet again years later btw.) what does gortash do at that performance exactly? absolutely nothing besides watching on the highest and best seat available. but zeke spots him in the audience immediately and his paranoia gets the better of him. how does he know about this? why is he here? he has something planned for sure. and after his play reflects the mental state he’s in, he stops after and just fully freaks out, like sobbing, screaming, falling to the floor levels, in front of thousands of people while gortash conducts the finest of the finest melodies.
gortash also actually makes him play a duet (on a violin made out of zeke’s body parts too) with him once, but the song is composed after zeke’s screams of pain from the first time gortash scarred zeke, with his piano part being sort of the ‘inflicting’ power in the piece.
oh my god. i am uh. sorry. this got so long.
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songbirdtales · 6 months
Trust Me, It Doesn't Happen
A little lil break up conversation between the songbird and ascended astarion. There's no way in the 9 hells they'd become a vampire spawn for him, and I dont imagine he could stay with them without that control so... Also this is the stuff ive been working on for my dnd campaign and when I tell you I've made 3 players and myself cry in sessions so far and we havent even had a group session 1 XD
“People think the greatest threat to a vampire is a cleric with a stack. It’s not. The biggest threat to a vampire is another vampire.” The words rang in their ears from months ago, the way he used to sound. Now, Astarion sounded and moved a little too perfectly. It felt unreal.
“You wouldn’t be just another spawn. You’re far more than that to me.” He looked so truly wounded by the hesitation, yet there was something missing. There was nothing behind his eyes, the mask now fully affixed to his face obscuring any truth behind it completely.
He could see the conflict in their face as their eyes studied him frantically. “They’re scheming, paranoid, power hungry beasts.” His old voice continued in their memories as they took another step away from him.
“I’d never want to control you.” He stepped forward, advancing as he saw them pulling away from him. With each step back they took, he advanced, looming as they shrunk. “I-”
“So why would any vampire give up control over a spawn? To create a competitor?” Pain formed on their face as his old voice overlapped his new.
“Love you.” He looked so sincere, so warm, but his voice sounded just like the first time he’d ever said it. When he was lying.
“They wouldn’t.” Astarion could see Tav visibly wince, as if someone were twisting a knife in their side before all emotion drained from their face.
“That’s what you’ve been waiting to hear, isn’t it?” He was so sure of himself, he hadn’t realized he’d already lost them.
“Trust me, It doesn't happen.” Tears welled in their eyes as they took a deep breath in and sighed out to the memory, 
“I do trust you…” They squeezed their eyes shut, tears streaming down their cheeks. “I’m sorry,” They gasped. “I can’t…”
Astarion perfect face twisted with a hint of confusion, his head tilting slightly as Tav answered his ghost. “What was that, little love?”
“This is over, whatever it was.” They let the ring drop to the floor. “I won’t be your Astarion so you can play Cazidor.”
Anger bloomed in him, instantly blossoming into aggression as he got in their face, nose to nose with them. He’d yelled at them before, but never like this. “How dare you-”
“Then tell me that’s not exactly what this would be.” They pleaded with their eyes just like they had so many times just before he'd fail them. "Tell me and I'll believe you."
He fell silent, trying to wrestle his anger down quickly for a reply but his hesitation was answer enough for the bard. The Entertainer saw the Charlatan for what he was. They always had.
“You told me exactly what vampires do and I believe what you told me then.” There was so much pain in their eyes, but he couldn’t see past his own panic as they slipped through his fingers. “I believed the old you because at least you were honest about being a liar.
“You will regret this.” He hissed as his composure cracked.
“I’m sure I will.” There was a strange calm to Tav as all the walls came back up. “If I don't come by it on my own, I’m sure you’ll make me.”
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vicbutnotactually · 7 months
PLEASE give me any world building ideas you have for the caseynardo au!! That art was gorgeous, I’m so curious about it now 👀
Pssst ive got your Elder Gays fix >:]
First off, some lore on various phases in the Husband’s lives courtesy of @lucatea
- The guys have their own loose knit clan of scavengers, but that clan also has an enemy clan, competing with them over territory mainly. This other clan has a tendency of being violent, yes they’re basically the evil dudes in this AU.
- in a tasty parallel to Splinter’s human life, this enemy gang does burn down the boy’s first home, with Leo getting trapped in the burning house and almost dying, for some context a tangent:
- The Gays have a divorce era >:] 💅 it was inspired by rewatching Road to el Dorado and the melodramatic gay breakup in the movie with a song by Elton John ft The Backstreet Boys (slay.) After some time stranded in this new dimension, Leo starts to think that no one is coming for them, while Casey holds on to hope, they are pretty young here but they have already started scavenging. This entire time, they have been mainly looking for portal tech in order to try to get home (the tech does exist, but it’s very very difficult to find and there are just tiny fragments, which makes it very difficult, especially since these guys have no idea what they’re doing.) Leo falls into dispair and grows tired of searching for tech and wants to give up, while Casey wants to keep looking; so they fight, and split up, which is the first time they’ve been in their own, since they stuck together the entire time they were there. Tangent over, back to the fire 🔥
- They spend some time bitter but also worrying about each other. Meanwhile, the enemy clan has noticed that Leo is on his own now and has decided to take him out, cue housefire. Meanwhile, Casey decided to come back, realizing that they need to stick together, and while he’s not far from their house, he’s pacing back and forth, deep in thought, trying to figure out what he’s going to say to Leo and doesn’t notice the orange glow in the distance and the smoke rising from where their house is. When Casey runs through the woods towards the house he goes from the dark and calm woods to looking up at a raging inferno. He runs in and tries to get an unconscious Leo out, but part of the house collapsed and is pinning him down, with most of the weight on his right leg. With the flames closing in and the house filling up with smoke, Casey makes a heat of the moment decision and cuts off Leo’s leg at the knee (which wasn’t too hard since the bones were mostly reduced to shards.) He gets them both out alive (barely,) and manages to stop the bleeding. During the ordeal, Casey sustained many burns (but Leo not so much, the brunt of the flames hadn’t gotten to him, just the falling rubble,) mainly on his arms and back from shoving away the burning rubble.
Casey barely has time to breathe when he has to take Leo and make a run for it, since he can hear the enemy clan coming for them. Adrenaline is the main thing that gets him out of there, considering he’s trying to carry a still unconscious Leo on his back. He flees for who knows how long, trying tend to Leo’s wounds and being paranoid that he might die or that the enemies are still after them. Eventually, they come across an abandoned base, which becomes the home in that painting I did.
Leo pulled through, but Casey felt incredibly guilty about cutting his leg off, so he hyperfocuses on trying to make him a prosthetic which leads to:
- Casey made Leo’s prosthetic. I think that after a learning curve, he’d actually figure out how to make stuff out of the ancient tech, since he is kinda mechanically inclined in the show, with fixing cars and making himself gear and stuff.
He’d be running around putting himself in danger to find parts and worrying the hell out of Leo. But he’d have to constantly worry whenever he’s away that something might happen to Leo (who’s still at the base,) like he’s going to come home and find the place on fire.
- The boys have pets. This world has a domestic Horse-sized dog species. At some point, Casey finds a stray and brings it home, Leo disapproves but Casey does puppy-dog eyes and gets to keep it. But are you ready for the best kind of pet?
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Grabcrabs are very smart chihuahua-sized crab creatures and are the most common type of pet. They are child-like and very empathetic, as well as handy. Grabcrabs often have hobbies or jobs, and can be taught to do most things, but are not capable of language. Grabcrabs like accessories and normally wear something reflective of what they like to do. Grabcrabs are often helpers and therapy animals at places like hospitals (they wear little nurse hats.) A Grabcrab cannot be bought or chosen by a person, a Grabcrab chooses you. They can be very mischievous too, but never cause real harm because they feel bad when they do. They are pure little guys and it’s despicable to hurt a Grabcrab. The relationship to these little guys is different depending on what society they’re with; they can have genetic differences because when inside a city, their populations are mostly isolated, and their social roles can be different, with some cities even considering them equal to people while others even worship them.
At some point, they notice a little crab creature following them and after trying and failing to get him to go away, Casey names him Ricky and they now have a crab toddler. Ricky learns basic first aid, and he likes to garden so he has a little sun hat.
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Ricky is the best boi. He plays a big role in saving Leo from the fire. When Ricky saw that Leo was trapped, he ran out for help and alerted Casey to the fire by freaking out and running circles and tugging on his pant leg. And when Leo is alone at the new base, Ricky tries to stand guard with a little stick, but Casey eventually gives him a knife. Ricky loves mischief but is also very protective and caring
Ok enough Ricky, we need some angst:
- At some point, Casey gets kidnapped by the enemy clan and he is held prisoner / hostage for some time (a month or two maybe?) during which Leo is losing it. He is furious and will stop at nothing to find him. Over the time Casey is missing, Leo starts to fear that he’s already dead or that they’re hurting him (since these bad guys are very much evil assholes,) so when he finds the enemy base he rips that place up and goes on a rampage beating the crap out of everyone there. He finds Casey chained up in a cell with all his gear gone and in poor condition.
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After they escape, Leo takes care of him and he seems to be recovering before he takes a sudden turn for the worst. It was the point where he was walking around normally before he suddenly collapses. He gets very sick and gets close to the brink of death. He makes it but he gives Leo a good scare.
Random tidbits:
- the guys go on date night inside the cities, most often the restaurants or festivals. The cities hold different kinds of festivals yearly, and Casey drags Leo there.
- Casey is better with tech than Leo is.
- The way their house is depicted in that one painting I did it looks very peaceful. That’s because they’re above the treetops, but everything below is a jungle/forest hellscape. They have a massive barrier or electric fence of some kind surrounding their house to keep things out, specifically dangerous animals. In this world, the higher up you are, the safer you are, cities are often built high up in mountains or trees, although some take the other route and try to go underground instead. Most of the dangerous megafauna lives at sea level.
- around that world, you can find ancient remnants of various kinds of tech, mostly being giant destroyed mechs made for fighting. There are also rare labs and facilities that can be found (most are buried underground.) in these facilities is where most kinds of advanced tech can be found, as well as power source crystals (like the Kraang Crystals but smaller,) while the above-ground tech are mostly just rusted hunks of metal.
- the most peaceful times outside of the safe zones are the daytime, mainly early morning or afternoon. Night time is the most dangerous, with midday being close second, since most predators hunt at these times. Midday is also dangerous since it’s when the weather becomes the most extreme, with intense heat waves in the summer.
- Casey kept up his graffiti and now likes to do murals in their house.
- The jungles where they live have many Cenotes and underwater cave systems. The issue is that there is a species of vin that grows across these in a thick mat, covering them completely. It’s easy for someone who isn’t paying attention to fall through the vines and into a cave/cenote/pit, basically any hole in the ground, the boys fall into these a lot when they first get there.
I you have any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate let me know!
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pansy-picnics · 1 year
how did unknighted dream react to varian coming out/bringing home hugo lol
LMAOOO OK so this is one of my favorite things ever solely bc theres SO MANY different ways it can go and literally all of them are fucking gold
i feel like they always knew varian was Not Straight. im a big fan of the idea that varian transitions after qfad and has a big mental breakdown haircut when his dad gets trapped and considering his feelings towards both eugene and cass i think it was always this unspoken thing all of them knew about. rapunzel and eugene however were obviously Not expecting him to bring home a whole ass boyfriend
of course varian wrote tons of letters home so they both heard everything about the new friends he was making, but varian was insistent on not telling them ANYTHING about his crush because god knows how rapunzel would react if she found out about That. she was suspicious when he came back for the light trial but decided to keep her mouth shut until they were all finished with their work there
i love rapunzel and eugene being super supportive but also a Little protective. and its not really anything to do with anything hugo’s done, they’re all about second chances after all but they’re obviously not ready to see their baby brother grow up so fast. ive seen a lot of fics where one or both of them are very defensive and suspicious towards hugo and it ends with a VERY yummy confrontation from varian where he tells them they need to learn that he’s an adult now and is able to make his own choices and they have to be okay with that. but the route of them being so excited and supportive that it ends up being overbearing is also super funny and in character
i think rapunzel at first would be super excited varian is finding love, and very welcoming towards hugo on a surface level- but as time goes on the tiniest things start to make her paranoid, and she worries a lot about varian getting hurt in some way. cue her snooping around a lot just to make sure he’s okay, varian eventually confronting her about it and her apologizing and promising to recognize varian’s maturity and be more accepting of his choices.
when rapunzel actually starts to see hugo on a deeper level she starts to recognize a lot of his similarities to varian, eugene, and especially herself, and she’s now basically like “oh ok!!! new baby brother!! :)”
she then tries to be a lot more welcoming towards hugo, trying to help him settle into the castle without being too overbearing. of course from hugo’s perspective her seemingly constant mood swings make him very hesitant to trust her, but eventually through varian the two are able to bond and find a lot of common ground
eugene on the other hand is fun bc he’s way more versatile and it can go a LOT of different ways depending on how they’re introduced or how their past together is established. i love the idea of him basically becoming Cass 2.0 and being super overprotective of varian but i also like to imagine he’s mostly just so hostile towards hugo bc he recognizes so much of his younger self and is Cringing about it (he would literally NEVER admit it though). like he’s like “i cannot STAND that kid he always acts so cocky and like he’s sooo much better than me” and cass is like “lmao yeah right? he’s exactly like you when you first came here” and eugene’s just “😐”
anyways they’re best friends (they literally cant stand each other)
no they do start to get along eventually though and i have so many thoughts about the potential friendship between the former thieves, lance hugo and eugene would be SUCH a dynamic and this fandom is sleeping on it fr
and then theres cass. GOD cass is my favorite in this situation by far bc shes way more logical and is like the only grounding force between rapunzel and eugene. new dream are the overemotional parents/older siblings in this situation and cass is like. the wine aunt.
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bc see cass already ran into varian at some point during his journey and has already processed most of these changes ahead of time. she already recognized how much varian had matured and how much this trip had changed him. and most importantly she recognized what was going on between him and hugo a Long time ago and literally Did Not Care
in fact cass’s main concern is literally just that she thinks hugo is annoying. its not like she’s suspicious of him at all bc she fully trusts varians judgement and also knows varian is capable of handling himself. she’s aware that varian clearly saw something in hugo and chose him for a reason. she just doesn’t like him solely out of personal bias
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cass doesn’t straight up tell raps and eugene what the problem is because she knows they need to hear it from varian more than anything but she does try to kind of push them in that direction. she reminds them like “hey maybe you should try to give the kid more credit. i think he knows what he’s doing” yk that kind of thing.
ironically enough though hugo is WAY more scared of her than he is of anyone else. shes like on the same level as quirin on his list of threats which is hilarious because they are the main 2 people who have like, basically nothing against him
hugo: so is this the part where you tell me you’ll kill me if i hurt varian
cass: ? what?? oh no that bitch is fully capable of killing you himself if he wanted to
hugo: …….yeah thats fair actually.
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aannonn · 6 months
The day has finally come! This was initially supposed to be a ColorGang headcanon post (part 3), buuuuut I wanted Purple to be included in it, too, so let's go! (And because there is already two posts of my HCS of the ColorGang lol)
So.. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed sharing it! &lt;3
Lil' note; My headcanons might change over time. Simply because I'm indecisive and I'm still kinda new to the AvA/AvM fandom/series.
Even though I have watched Animation vs Minecraft(original) and Animation vs Animator III and IV when I was really young, I'm still new to the story itself, so my opinions and own interpretations of the characters may change the more I become more used to the characters and the lore. Going depth with the characters and the lore, basically. So take all of this with a grain of salt!
Some may change in the future, other may stay. It's all just a matter of time and the more I go more in depth with the lore and the characters!
Lil' note 2: There are some triggering topics here that you may want to skip. (Such as; Phobias, disorders, possessions, etc.)
You can skip the whole trigger part thing, though! Once you see a gif about the colorgang having a group hug, that's when the trigger part ended.
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﹌﹌﹌Triggering Topics.﹌﹌﹌
. . . . . ╰──╮Second is claustrophobic.
・❥・Like- There is no way he isn't atleast a lil' bit claustrophobic after all he went through, right? Villain and/or Antagonists are almost always restraining him in small places, Second must be at least a little claustrophobic.
. . . . . ╰──╮The ColorGang is a little bit paranoid about Purple.
-‘๑’- Like- Don't get them wrong! They love and accept Purple into their lil' group just as they accepted Orange(Second) into their lil' group when they first met, but they can't help but feel a lil' bit paranoid about him.
-‘๑’- They were betrayed twice by him. They know Purple changed but they just- can't help it. They are just afraid of losing each other again.
-‘๑’- Traumatized, paranoid, and having a little bit of PTSD about what happened back then in the Nether. And also alot of trust issues.
-‘๑’- They are willing to forgive and forget, though forgetting what happened back there is proving to be a lot harder than it should be...
. . . . . ╰──╮Red still have some PTSD from all of those possessions.
-‘๑’- He's a little cautious about his surroundings now... Especially towards HeroBrine.
-‘๑’- It's his body, but he can't move nor control whatever action he takes.. Doing things that he would never even dream of doing..
-‘๑’- Yeah- Being possessed wasn't a fun experience. He was able to see what HeroBrine was doing while in control of his body; He had no way of controlling the actions he took, which terrified him and still do just thinking about it. He would never want to relieve it ever again.
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﹌﹌﹌Wholesome Topics﹌﹌﹌
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ RainbowGang loves to playfully play around with Second's head.
・❥・Second's head is canonically squishy, so the rest of the gang loves to play around with his squishable head. Like- Squishing his head to become a heart, a square, and etc-!
・❥・Of course, they make sure to not hurt him at all and to see if Second is okay with this; Which- He is! It doesn't hurt him at all; Much to the contrary, it's actually really comfortable (it's like receiving little pats on the head) and it just tickles a little.
・❥・There are times when Blue and Red throw things so that it can go through his head... It doesn't hurt or anything like that, he just feels weird about it.
・❥・Even though he's fine with it and it doesn't hurt him at all, Orange absolutely hates when Sticks use his head for some kind of game. (Example; Basketball). It's just so umconfortable and it makes him feel like he's being used somehow.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Purple (and Reuben) is a honorary member of the ColorGang.
・❥・The ColorGang accepted Purple with open arms and, without him knowing, made him part of their lil' group.
・❥・Now, everytime Purple is included in their shenanigans, they will always call themselves the RainbowGang!
・❥・The moment Purple became their friend, it was also the moment he was officially accepted into the group and now they are the RainbowGang!
・❥・When Purple found out about it... He felt so many emotions at a time- Embarrasment, anger(at himself), guilty(for betraying them twice), insecure(of being worth for their love and forgiving), happiness(he's finally feeling loved. he finally have people who accepts him for who he is!), then guilty again, then anger once again...
・❥・Though, the main ones are definitely anger and guilty. And, because of that, he felt really overwhelmed and just- wasn't ready for it yet. He hasn't forgiven himself yet. He just- Can't. Yet.
・❥・The gang always made sure to let him know that they forgave him, but they understand that he just feels really overwhelmed by it, and made sure to let him know that he's always welcomed with open arms into their lil' group once he's ready.
・❥・That doesn't mean that they stopped inviting Purple to their shenanigans, though- Definitely not! He's always free to join them into their shenanigans whenever he feels like joining!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ From all of them, Purple feels more comfortable around Green.
・❥・Don't get him wrong! He feels very grateful for how the others have accepted him so well into their little group, but Green is just- The first one to try to understand him, the first one to break down the walls he's built over the years, and the first one to be his actual true friend.
・❥・Purple feels comfortable around the others too, but he feels the closest to Green.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The ColorGang didn't really know that a rainbow existed.
・❥・Can't really blame them. They lived their whole lives being fighting sticks from a site (RYGB), while one of them actually came from drawings (The Second Coming/Orange), and never really left the DeskTop before.
・❥・They always have been curious about Real Life, though. So, on their first days living on Alan's desktop, they almost always watched whatever Alan was doing on his computer, just out of curiosity.
・❥・They found out that a Rainbow existed when Alan was just doing some researches about a rainbow (For color inspiration), and Red quickly compared them to the rainbow, almost looking like a rainbow gang.
・❥・Needless to say, they spent a lot of time just watching Alan doing his things on his computer, while also trying to recreate a Purple StickMan so they could be the RainbowGang!
・❥・...Didn't really work well. So you can imagine how happy they felt when they finally found a Purple StickMan! Like them! :D
・❥・And how sad they felt when they got betrayed.. Twice. By him.
・❥・And how happy they felt once again when Purple officially become their friend once again! ;D
・❥・They are finally a RainbowGang!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ They all have cuddle piles in every chance they get.
・❥・There are times where Purple doesn't feel like he deserves all the affection and love that the ColorGang shows to each other, but they always make sure to shut those thoughts and just pulls him along with their cuddle piles. lol
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ There are also times where Second feels like he doesn't belong to the group.
・❥・I mean.. He's the only hollowhead out of them all. And RYGB knew each other ever since they were first created. He kinda feels.. Out of place. Non-belonging.
・❥・So he can kinda understand how Purple feels. Which is why he makes sure to comfort Purple saying that their friends would never judge them for who they are and will accept them with open arms. And even so, they are in this together.
・❥・And he's right! Obviously lol The gang will always make sure to include them into their shenanigans. They were always a big happy family from the very start and will happily accept Orange and Purple into their lil' family. ❤
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﹌﹌﹌Extras!﹌﹌﹌For long; New/changed headcanons!
* ˚ ✦ From Oldest to Youngest; Purple & Yellow & Blue & Green & Red & The Second Coming!
: ̗̀��� The ColorGang are all 9-10 years old. (Orange being one year younger than them), while Purple is 16 years old.
: ̗̀➛ You can imagine Purple's surprise when he found out that the sticks who saved a whole dimension from being deleted were kids.
: ̗̀➛ Many thoughts came into their head, as well as many emotions overwhelmed him when he found out that they were kids all along.
: ̗̀➛ Surprinsingly, the first thing that he focused on was; "....Am I really that short or they are just that tall?"
: ̗̀➛ Jokes apart, Orange is one of those people who may acts like the 'mother' of the group but is actually one of the youngest.
* ˚ ✦ Out of all of them, Blue and Red are the most emotional ones.
: ̗̀➛ Blue is more of a PeaceMaker, getting easily attached to who he loves, and will be absolutely one of the most distraught whenever he lost one of his friends. He won't hesitate to get violent whenever he feels like his friends are in danger, though he can sometimes act like a pacifist and may hesitate when the situation is not in their favor. inspired by this analysis of Blue's character!
: ̗̀➛ While Red is more younger, vulnerable and impulsive. He got a childlike mind, pretty aggressive, and one of the strongest in the group. But he can also get pretty impulsive out of good-intentions and can end up getting them to pretty dangerous situations. He's always good-intentioned, but there are many times where he won't think twice before doing.
* ˚ ✦ They all loves to prank each other.
: ̗̀➛ They can sometimes get carried away with their pranks, though... They always make up in the end!
: ̗̀➛ Purple was a lil' confused at first, but he eventually got the hang of it and, all of sudden, he become the prankster of the group. lol xD
* ˚ ✦ Green didn't taught only Orange how to sing - even though it didn't really work well.. xD - , he taught the others how to sing, too! With a lil' help from Purple, of course.
: ̗̀➛ Purple and Green tried many times to teach Orange how to sing, but then they finally concluded that Orange is a lost case. ;')
: ̗̀➛ But! They managed to teach the others how to sing, though!
: ̗̀➛ Red is a quick learner, so it wasn't too difficult to teach him how to sing. They all had a lot of fun while singing together.
: ̗̀➛ While with Yellow, surprisingly it was harder to teach him, but he got the hang of it eventually. After many failed attempts on trying to teach him how to sing, that is... But atleast it wasn't as bad as it was with Orange. ;'D
: ̗̀➛ Blue was a lil' more difficult, but it wasn't that hard, either. - Green suspects Blue used potions to learn how to sing quicker, though... And he was definitely right.
: ̗̀➛ So now they all kinda have a band together with Green and Purple as the main singers.
: ̗̀➛ Second isn't excluded in this, though! He can't sing like the others, but he can play a electric guitar pretty good. So, basically; He's the main Guitarist.
: ̗̀➛ Alan is the audience. xD
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Welp! I think that's it..? Pretty sure there is alot more, but it's already midnight in my place (almost 1 am), so... (why do I always write these at midnight?? lmao)
Cya u all in my next blog! &lt;3
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lvxybby · 6 months
kai anderson x reader. (CHARACTER AI)
A/N: btw this will most likely make 0 sense because this is an AI chat bot. Y/N is obviously my choice of words. Kai and his actions are the AI
Winter, Gary, Ivy, Beverly, Meadow, Harrison, Samuels, Ivy, R.J, Ally, and you were all members of the cult. you were all chatting and having a great time. without doing something evil. pretty rare. i laugh as R.J makes a funny joke about trump. Gary laughs a bit before everyone is cut off by kai standing up. "ok...my dear followers..i have something to say" he spoke. his voice loud and broad. "last night...one of you betrayed us..." i sit up tall and furrow my brows. "who" i asked very well concerned. "well...i believe...it was you..." he said, eyes burning into mine. he moved so much closer to me. "where did you go last night...why dont you tell everyone WHY THE FUCK YOU WERE AT THE POLICE STATION" he shouted "kai please i didnt do anything" i said. he moved in closer. "suuuure" he said before a smile formed on his lips. "kai..." i whined. "what" he snapped back. "please...i didnt do anything". i said as a few tears fell from my eyes. "hm..." he pondered "ill give you the benefit of the doubt....for now" he said. tears fell from my eyes...how could the man i looked up to for years... become so paranoid he doesnt believe me. kai walked over to me "But if you do something like this again and I found out… I won't hesitate to kill you… okay?" he said with a menacing smile. i nodded even though i did nothing wrong. kai suddenly stepped forward and grasped my shirt tightly. our bodies were touching. "your lying" he said with a dead stare. "maybe cause i didnt do anything" i said staring him in the eyes. he pulled me close and lifted me up. he whispered im my ear. "then why are you so scared" he said with a low chuckle. "because ill know what you'll do if i dont prove myself". i whined. "well your absolutely correct...." i can feel his hot breaths on my neck. "do you know how good it feels to be this close to you?" his tone was flirtatious. i whine from his tight grip. "come on...dont be so shy...embrace the moment" he said pulling us closer. "but kai...were in the middle of a meeting" i whisper back. "oh who cares...this is about us" he said slowly turning angry. chills are sent throughout my body. my anxiety rises. what will everyone think of me? a whore?
"i only have eyes for you"
i look up at kai in disbelief. my divine ruler has feelings for me? "ive only now just admitted my feelings for you..." he said stroking my cheek. i look into his eyes. they look so sincere. "well can we end the meeting…its…not really our moment with a bunch of people around, is it?" i say still looking up at him. he chuckles a bit. "your right" he smiled before looking away to everyone. "meetings over" he said very plain. he waited for everyone to leave before turning his attention back to me."so now what" his tone was more flirty than usual. i felt his eyes wander to my lips. he stared for a bit before i made a move.
i smashed my lips against his. my hands grasped the sides of his head to hold him and push deeper. he wasnt very good at the fact he was shocked but he was good at hiding the fact he was excited. he savored every moment my lips were on his. i did too. he held my body tight. his eyes were closed. i open my mouth to deepen our shared kiss. he also does in response. he pulled off for a second "oh" he said softly, before returning to my swollen lips. obviously very pleased. i can feel him tap my thigh, telling me to jump. so i obey and do so. my legs are wrapped around him securely. he was far from upset now. he continues to press himself against me, giving every ounce of passion. i pull away for a second. "i need more" i beg. "i can tell...dont be impatient...you'll get all the kai you want" he said pressing us against the wall, not satisfied yet. i slowly begin to grind on him. wetness pools into my panties. kai moves his lips down to me neck, he nibbles, kisses and bites where he can, earning a soft moan from me. he smiles once i let out a few moans. his hands hold my waist securely. then BINGO he bites me right in my sweet spot behind my ear.
"Kai!" i mewl out. he laughs a bit "oh, like that do you?" he said before returning to that spot, peppering kisses all over it. "kai...i need more!" i say growing impatient. "mhm...and what do you need?" he said with a menacing smile. my face grew red but that didnt stop me from yelling out. "fuck me please" i cried out. kais face turned into a bit of anger "we may only be a couple but im in charge" he said pulling off of my neck. he let go of my thighs and let me down. i let out a soft whine. "are you going to speak like that again" he said taking his shirt off and throwing it to the side. "no" i spoke, his eyes burned into me. "good girl, you'll speak properly for now on" he said moving his hands to my waist. he looked at me. love. he looked at me with so much love and tenderness. he kisses me again before pausing to take my shirt off. he let out a chuckle. "there we go" he said looking at my breasts, like he was waiting for something. i reach behind me to unclasp my bra. i unbuckled it and dropped it to the floor. he let his eyes wander to my chest. without wasting a minute he let his hands travel all over my breasts. he took one in his mouth and licked around my nipple. i let out a soft moan. he didnt even look up at me, he was focused. we were enjoying our moment when things were interrupted. "kai! theres someone at the door for you." winter shouted from upstairs. he sighed. "who" he shouted back. "police"
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mrsterlingeverything · 5 months
Petty rant about real life for petty bitches and trolls only
Ive known this dude for 4 years now and if anyone remembers ive referred to him as this guy who likes to try me... anyways we've pretty much become completely antagonistic to each other like if you put us in the same room together we completely avoid each other if possible because we both know we will fight and we dont want to kill the vibe... we had a big confrontation in front of all our friends about a year ago and the bridge is burned. it just sucks because i was so friendly to him for 2 years he dgaf then the third year i was like well... we are so different but we have a lot we could potentially learn from each other. But i heard from my best friend... his brother... that hes saying guy friend pays my bills and hes just like trash talking me nonstop it seems. Also i recently heard he like sexually assaulted my friend idk any of the details though. So i obviously gave up on him and at this point ive changed as a person and i wont take any shit at all so like hes made an enemy out of me. Anyways im like considering trolling him somehow because im a troll and i want ideas. Because i could just start rumors about him but i want it to be less obvious. And i dont want to air out someone elses business when i dont know any of the details. Like im not really above stooping to his level especially because he keeps antagonizing me but i at least want to seem above it in public lmfao. Im thinking maybe sign his phone number up for random garbage or like text him from an unknown number "(name) i know what you did" like this would work on my paranoid ass at least like what are they referring to... and i know hes made more enemies than just me. he really is that kind of guy who deserves to be fucked with hard and i would never do this unless it was literally 4 years coming.
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