#amano haru
suikyounamegami · 3 months
Amano Haru (天野 晴) | Aomi-sensei
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Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! ≧▽≦
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jamás imaginé que el seiyuu de Aomi sería Atsushi Tamaru 🤩
nuestro querido Ichi-nii de Touken Ranbu 🥰
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sip 😊, porque seguramente habrán notado que algunos de los seiyuu del juego son de Touken Ranbu 😉
Shinbashi - Koryuu Kagemitsu
Aomi - Ichigo Hitofuri
Daiba - Kikkou Sadamune
Funeno - Ishikirimaru
pero bueno, ya entrando en el tema, pienso que la voz de Aomi, al igual que la de Oosaki, está entre lo que se podría esperar de un personaje como él
con la diferencia de que el tono de su voz sí se oye más robótico que el de Oosaki 🤖
hay que recordar que esa es solo su faceta en el exterior 🤨
habrá que ver como es el tono de su voz cuando entra en modo envidioso 😅
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ahora, pasando a lo que dicen sus audios...
● en el primero se presenta y dice que es un profesor de música 🎶
-habla de que él instruyó a Ann durante la filmación de una película, y de que hizo una canción infantil (para esa película supongo 😒)
● en el segundo dice su frase de culpable, que es saber lo que Oosaki tiene para decir (que le diga por qué piensa que él es el asesino...)
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● en el tercero lo que dice está un poco raro 😫
y no estoy 100% segura de que esto sea lo que significa, pero la cuestión es que al principio dice
"hito wa shuugou shita mitsu no ten wo, me, hana, kuchi to omoikomu"
que debería ser algo así como que las personas nos centramos en tres puntos: ojos, nariz y boca
luego dice que es sólo un 'fenómeno psicológico', y termina la frase diciéndole a Hinode que esté tranquilo ya que 'no hay nadie'...
● y en el cuarto le dice a los demás que se regresen primero
-que él se va a quedar (en el lugar donde está), dizque porque le gusta el sonido de la lluvia...
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y ahora, pasando a las teorías...
● lo del primer audio...
a él supuestamente no le gusta 'vanagloriarse' de su carrera
y sin embargo, aquí está muy disimuladamente haciendo sus aclaraciones 😑
dejando en claro que la canción la compuso él, y de que estuvo dándole indicaciones a Ann...
y hablando de su canción...
yo hasta el momento en que revelaron las voces de los personajes, había pensado que Ooe An era una mujer adulta de unos 30-40 años 🙁
pero por la forma en que la describen, y al tratarse de una canción infantil, parecía ser más bien como una estrella en ascenso... 😕
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todavía no sabemos si ha estado involucrada en el mundillo del espectáculo desde que era niña como Juuro 🙄
pero sí se me hace un poco raro que siendo una actriz joven, ya tuviera toda una secta de adoradores que la idolatraban... 😟
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que relación tenía el hecho de que fuera vista como un símbolo del renacimiento con que fuera actriz???? 😫
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● ahora, lo que dice en el tercer audio está interesante
ya que pareciera como que le está haciendo 'gaslighting' a Hinode... 😶
lo cual no sería de extrañar, ya que Aomi (aparentemente) es un dos caras, y perfectamente podría estar manipulándolo 🤨
-habla de 'puntos'... (ojos, nariz, y boca)
-dice que es un 'fenómeno psicológico'...
-y le dice a Hinode que 'no hay nadie'... 😑
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así que mi teoría con esto, es que tal vez Hinode estaba intentando decirles que vio a alguien (un rostro)
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pero Aomi posiblemente esté manipulando la situación para que todos crean que se lo imaginó, ya que por tratarse de un niño seguramente muchos no se tomen muy serio lo que trata de decir... 😞
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también podríamos pensar que como adulto Aomi se preocupa por él, pero yo la verdad no creo que sea del tipo que se preocupe por los demás 😒
sino que más bien, pienso que su 'preocupación' por Hinode podría estar más relacionada con la teoría de que es el sobrino de Daiba, y de que él y Daiba son parientes 🙁
porque a menos de que el mismo Aomi fuera la persona que Hinode supuestamente vio
por qué razón le haría gaslighting??? 😟
de momento solo puedo pensar que está detrás de Hinode vigilando todos y cada uno de sus movimientos para que este no abra la boca y delate a Daiba... 🤷‍♀️
● y lo que dice en el cuarto audio también es interesante
ya que al ser un dos caras, eso de que le gusta la lluvia en realidad podría ser un 'no me gusta' 😅
pero ya hablando en serio 😌, lo que resulta interesante es como el personaje de Aomi parece estar muy asociado con la lluvia... 🤔
es el único de los asistentes al que vemos con un paraguas 🌂
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pero no creo que lo use únicamente para taparse de la lluvia... 😒
como ya he mencionado, en la imagen de su invitación parece tener una sonrisa como de 'expectativa'
como si estuviera ansioso por algo...
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no sabemos qué es lo que dice su invitación, pero posiblemente esté relacionado con lo que va a pasar en la isla 😕
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y si a esto le sumamos el hecho de que el día en que llegaron a la isla se avecinaba una 'tormenta'
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hace parecer como que Aomi ya sabía lo que iba a pasar 🤨
y por eso preparó su arma h0micida...
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¿qué relación tendrá realmente la lluvia con su trasfondo?
eso es algo que todavía no sabemos 🙄
pero pienso que tal vez está relacionado con su 'modus operandi' (el método que usa para m@tar)
o con algún evento del pasado que lo marcó... (la teoría de que es nativo de la isla Ooe)
y la otra posibilidad sería que haya algún tipo de 'insinuación' en ese comentario y solo lo haya dicho para que alguno de los que estaba ahí (posiblemente Oosaki) captara su indirecta... 🙁
* Teoría conspirativa *
tengo la sospecha de que Aomi m@ta (por error?) a Takeshiba envenenándolo con té 😟
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ya que él se especializa en arreglos florales y la ceremonia del té... 🍵
ahora, si esta teoría resultara ser cierta y Takeshiba fuera uno de los tres que van a morir en la primera ruta
como dije al principio, quizás el objetivo de Aomi no era necesariamente Takeshiba 😒
sino que por 'desgracia' para él, Takeshiba (por su mala suerte) terminó cogiendo la taza con el té envenenado... 😞
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 4 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 8
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Itsuki -
"Does things in ways the protagonist sees as strange and talks in a very formal and roundabout way. He also talks with his hands a lot. He has admitted to faking his personality to be more to Haruhi Suzumiya's liking in both the main timeline and the timeline where he's an ordinary human."
Akira -
"Akira cares deeply for animals maybe even more than other people, he’s completely oblivious to the fact both his best friends are in love with him and when he fuses with a demon to become a demon hunter he calls himself Devilman because he’s a demon and a man at the same time."
Yukiteru -
"Yuki is incredibly socially awkward but also has a knack for befriending odd people, he writes everything he sees in his diary and is super dedicated to keeping the format exactly the same every time oh and did I mention his ‘imaginary friend’ is a science themed god?"
Haru -
"He's really into the patterns of storytelling, and his goal in life is to be a "protagonist". Once he becomes an Appli Driver, he places a lot of his self-worth in being a protagonist and the role he fulfills (which, in my opinion, is a type of script-following) and he winds up in a bad place when he realizes him being a protagonist was built on a lie. He spends all of his free time reading & sometimes gets so invested in reading that he skips out on social activities (and lets his 2ft monster (Gatchmon) go trick-or-treating in broad daylight all on their own). He always has the same pair of goggles on his head but wears them maybe once. His buddy Appmon (digimon partners are often reflections of their human partners) is basically the personification of a search engine and will go on tangents about whatever they've looked up."
Mio -
"Has special interests in ancient medicines and photography. Abstract thoughts and oblivious to social norms. Resists change (example: reacted negatively to the schools curry being unavailable since that is his possible safe food). Other characters notes him as being strange. Poor reasoning (example: Thinks it more efficient to just take supplements instead of eating). Ignores other in pursuit of his interests."
Akira Agarkar -
"A 25 year old man who works for a government agency named D.U.C.K., where flamboyant/eccentric people investigate aliens, and goes undercover as a highschooler to gain information about Haru; doing a poor job of trying to blend in. He is a quirky silly man and his best friend is a duck named Tapioca who he talks to. He also has a special interest in fishing and gets so excited by it that he sometimes yells "FIIIIIIISHH" in English when he reels them in. Bad puns upset him so much that he is physically incapacitated and lies on the floor. What else can I say, I love him."
Kaiji -
"Can't tell when he's being tricked by other characters, and sees human connection as pointless because of how isolated he feels. Says that other see him as weird and that 'being difficult' is easier for him than acting like someone he isn't."
Shou -
"His special interest is math. He uses math terms in regular conversations and calls people yoctograms/zeptograms which earned him monikers such as "math man" and "pi-face". Speaking of Pi, he once shouted 155 consecutive digits of it through a megaphone just because he could. He's so normal."
Saguru -
"high school detective who shows up to crime scenes in full sherlock holmes cosplay because this is totally a normal thing one does, right?"
Souji -
"this lonely genius used to be a computer-like man, now he's a (tragic) villain. the bisexual who swings both ways and misses both times, he's associated with insects/butterflies, flowers/black roses, anachronism, beautiful memories, elevators, and coffins- but who in SKU isn't, really? oh, and fire. he's also voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru at his raspy best."
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
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December’s calendar is a very beautiful Christmas themed Kyoko and Haru! this is 2022’s last calendar! please either open the image, or go to Amano’s Twitter for better quality!
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lesbianlamina · 9 months
If y'all have Twitter you guys should vote on my poll !
(Sorry for the mass amount of tags I just want this poll to actually get votes haha)
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ocean--toast · 2 years
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Happy pride
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persona-polls · 1 year
Playable Persona Poll Round 1
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kinbari14 · 1 year
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Katekyo Hitman REBORN! December 2022 Calendar featuring Kyoko Sasagawa and Haru Miura
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namitomoon · 9 months
So I decided to go back to Katekyo Hitman Reborn and watched the Kokuyo arc in anime and...it was ok ig. Then I decided to read that same arc in the manga and holy moly, day and night.
Art was so amazing (I was already used with the sudden artistic boost the manga takes at the end of the Daily Life arc but still damn), it was MUCH bloodier, more violent, more fucked up in some aspects, much faster in pacing. Overall just better.
It's not only things like blood being censored (the anime has that kind of scenes where it's SO obvious blood has been censored) it's things like the fact the Mukuro gang beats up discipline committe members and kicks their teeth corresponding to their place in the list of the strongest (so if you were number 5, they'll kick 5 of your teeth for example). The anime instead makes it so they get beaten up and the Mukuro gang puts pocket watches with the same number marked down with the clock hands which is...odd.
Then there is Birds being a complete sadistic pervert in the manga and threatening to burn Haru and Kyoko's hair and then them with sulfur instead of simply killing them. And the Bloody Twins being brutally killed instead of just being knocked down.
Idk it feels like watching a 4Kids version of Reborn. Ok, maybe I overdid it. It feels like watching an overall censored. The manga so far is so much more enjoyable. So I guess I'll switch there. All respect to studio Artland and their adaptation (hell it managed to last a little more than 200 episodes and currently has an 8.13 on MAL and both are nothing to sneeze at) but...for now I'll focus on manga.
I mean just look at this *chefs kiss*
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queenharumiura · 9 months
Anyways, I do like to think that Haru likes to do yoga a lot to keep herself nimble. If she feels tense, she'll start doing stretches. She didn't look it in canon, but gymnasts are strong okay? They are fit. There is muscle mass there. I'm on my thick thighs agenda today and in this essay I-
No, but for real. I feel like there is a solid reason why if she wanted to punch out a grown man like Shamal, she could. She's not just some petite lil thing. Literally fite me on this (plz don't, i'm smol). I remember a very long time ago someone suggested Haru could probably apply her athleticism and learn to have a style similar to black widow and i've never forgotten it.
The world can fite me.))
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I just woke up to this random Spark AU headcanon and I think it's kinda funny so I thought I'm gonna share :P (I guess you guys didn't expected that, huh? Cause I clearly didn't-)
So yeah, remember the time in P5 when Ren got arrested and almost shot (in October)? In contrary to his canon parents who didn't give a shit at all, I think Maya would be very concerned about her son's mental health and wellbeing after this traumatic incident so she would actually go into online office mode at work and move to Tokyo for like a month just to not leave Ren alone and be able to check on him after that trauma (Also I headcanon her that she liked to work from Leblanc during that time cause the cafe had "positive energy" in her opinion plus it was easier for her to check if Ren is okay that way, plus even if Naoya couldn't do the same in his job, he was also coming to Tokyo in weekends to check on them both)
Anyway that's just a setup cause my headcanon is about something else xD
So basically, Ren was just meeting his friends and do Phantom Thief work at that time (his parents already knew about him being a Phantom Thief of course) so he wasn't with his mom 24/7 and he only knew that she's working while he's away with friends but not much besides that
Anyways, fast forward couple months to that infamous Strikers scene when Makoto let Haru drive:
Ren: *having intense Vietnam flashbacks from that one time in elementary school when Naoya was on buisness trip and Ren was too lazy to take the bus to school, so he let Maya drive him to school and almost died* Where-where did you learn to drive like that, Haru?
Haru: Oh you know, when your mom was in Tokyo she was kinda bored besides her job so I asked her if she could teach me how to drive!
Ren: My mom did WHAT-?
So yeah, that's my random headcanon - Haru is terrible driver because Maya was the one who taught her how to drive XD
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solrin · 2 months
hey wanna see something cute
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syneilesis · 7 months
I started something with Gabriel from What in Hell is Bad? and in a game about devils and demons, I just had to latch onto the homicidal angel 😂 I don't know if I could finish this, so I'm posting what I already have. Warnings for religious sacrilege and dubcon. This is supposed to lead to revenge/hatesex, but I ran out of steam before it even happened lol. For reference, this is how Gabriel looks like. An incentive for me is that he's voiced by Tamamo Azul Tsumugi Amano Haru. Divider credit to @/cafekitsune.
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There's something to be said about the pure and divine, tainted and in chains. It's the control, perhaps. The power over one that is seen as untouchable, grander. Superior. That blinding radiance—smudged into ambiguity. Doubt. Beauty in the sullied.
Gabriel looks at you with incandescent hostility in his crystal-glass eyes, and a frisson of thrill runs down your spine. You bite your lip to keep the grin threatening to escape at bay.
“Child of Solomon,” he proclaims, still proud despite his tattered armor, despite his enchained limbs. His bruise is a stark cloud on his cheek, and the blood on the corner of his mouth still drips. “The last thing you'll see before I kill you is the joy I'll feel striking you down. Remember that.”
You hum. “Just empty words from someone who can't even move his legs.”
Propped against the wall, arms raised and shackled, Gabriel remains beautifully defiant. He jerks against his restraints as if to lunge at you, but the only freedom he's afforded is the manic hatred fracturing his stubborn resistance. Almost mocking, you kneel, his hips between your legs, and trace the blood that lines his chin. When he moves to retaliate, you grab his jaw and hold him firmly, admonishing.
When he first appeared to you, long ago, Gabriel had said, in that melancholy voice of his, that your death is nothing personal. But now, his savage transformation lights the blood in your veins, the bright, acrid taste of his loathing, his current helplessness.
So you kiss him.
It's all teeth: unforgiving and merciless in the face of his rage. He attempts to bite you but your hand grips his face in warning.
He ignores it, and you growl, an iron-tang sting on your lower lip, which you lick off above his darkly crescent stare.
“The fact that you're here, captive, means that your God has abandoned you.”
He bares his bloody teeth like a beast.
That doesn't deter you; in fact, it elates you, that hot rush of satisfaction shooting through your veins. It makes you lean towards him, your lips a hair's breadth away from his own. And then you ghost along, upward, until you can whisper directly in his ear: “I am your God now.”
His fury almost destroys his chains, but you're assured of their strength, so you only move slightly backward to avoid his attempt at an attack.
You don't miss his full-body shudder before that.
He trembles under your palms, harsh twitches when your skin comes into contact with his, and you draw a line at his sternum, remembering how his weapon drew his own blood and marked you, his forever prey.
You tear at the remaining fabric of his clothing. The cacophony echoes his rasping breaths.
Between your legs, his arousal strains against his trousers.
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rebo-chan · 5 months
Sorry y'all this one's gonna be a long one lol fun analysis/theorizing/headcanoning whatever the fuck this is under the cut :)
So, lately I've been really thinking about Lambo and Tsuna's relationship, Lambo's connection to Vongola, and Lambo's spot as the Lightning Guardian. I know as a fandom, we tend to disregard Lambo because he has like.. two fights in the whole series or wish that someone else was made the Lightning Guardian because that boy is Literally Five. And I won't act like it wouldn't have been cool to see another character as Lightning Guardian (My Haru Guardian fans rise up where are you) but I think what Amanos done here is really fun too from an analysis perspective.
To start with, Tsuna's family is not really a..traditional Mafia family or even a traditional Vongola family either. Let's look at this here, he's got his Two Best Friends(TM), his crush's big brother, the leader of the Disciplinary Committee at his school, a criminal, a half dead girl, and the aforementioned five year old as his guardians. This is FAR from what's likely expected out of the Vongola family, even when you date it back to Primo AT LEAST PRIMO HAD PRINCES, PRIESTS, SAMURAIS as his guardians. (Though he gets away with having One Best Friend (TM) as his guardian.) Yet somehow, their family makes it work!! They survive the Mafia world, multiple times throughout the series and when it's not working they get stronger as a unit and they fight for each other and make it out together. And I think that's the beauty of their specific family.
So then you have Lambo, who Tsuna would do anything for just to avoid Lambo having to experience a fraction of the shit they go through. And Tsuna actually SUCCEEDS at this, he doesn't normally succeed when it comes to being avoidant of Mafia stuff but this was something throughout the series that he was so genuinely adamant against. He only let Lambo fight when he truly had to and even then he very minimally let the Mafia world wrap its greedy paws around Lambo. Kokuyo arc, Tsuna didn't even sort of kind of a little bit consider taking Lambo with them (which would later help keep Kyoko and Haru safe), Varia arc, knowing that this would disqualify him, Tsuna decided he could not allow Lambo to keep fighting.
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Future Arc, Tsuna kept Lambo out of the fight as much as he could, allowing the non-fighters to take care of him and I-pin. Shimon Arc, Tsuna felt real regret at the prospect that he allowed Lambo to come.
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(And Arco arc where Lambo was hardly present at either, which I'd like to imagine that if Lambo was involved in Arco arc then Tsuna may have just absolutely fucking died)
Tsuna to Lambo is not his guardian (Frankly, he doesn't view any of his guardians as such, they are his friends, his pride, his comrades, and those he has traded blows with and knows they can be trusted.) Lambo to Tsuna is his little brother. This five year old was sent on an assassination attempt that was absolutely in no circumstance meant to actually succeed and the Bovinos know that. To send Lambo to assassinate the strongest hitman was a death mission. So, Tsuna took this child in (or rather this child stuck around bc his Mom makes banger meals) and immediately Tsuna assumes the role of his brother. Lambo and Tsuna are the closest out of all the kids. (Ofc Tsuna loves I-pin and fuuta too, but I think it's safe to say Lambo is his dumb little brother)
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Now, I don't think that Tsuna is ever going to see Lambo as anything but his little brother. I actually theorize that the way TYL Lambo is the way he is because Tsuna never really got out of the habit of babying him. He's calmed down since he was a kid and developed a more nonchalant personality with the occasional tantrum because you can't tell me Tsuna DOESNT STILL view TYL Lambo as a non-combatant. When Tsunas 15, he looks at 5 year old Lambo and goes no thanks that boy is never touching a weapon in his life. When Tsunas is 25, he sees 15 year Lambo and goes that is STILL a child he is never touching a weapon in his life. And yes he's completely unaware of the hypocrisy in my head.
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This is a spoiled little brother no one can tell me otherwise.
So we know Tsuna just sees him as his kid brother and not a real guardian. But then you have Lambo's feelings about the whole matter. We know that Lambo doesn't really consider Tsuna a boss but as his big brother, but I don't think that changes a lot for Lambo. While fighting is scary for Lambo, he still desires to follow alongside Tsuna and his friends. He doesn't want to be left behind and makes Tsuna promise him he'll take him wherever he goes. He sees Tsuna freaking out about him being a child in a battlefield and he goes, "No you don't understand, I want to be there."
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And that? That right there is what fucks me up after everything. Lambo as a concept for a Lightning Guardian feels really unique because of this. He's the youngest one. He's always going to chase after the others, trying to keep up with them, to walk alongside them. One day, he wants to catch up and be considered a rightful Guardian like the others. And that is so... Tsuna and him would be batting heads over this because I cannot see Tsuna relenting on Lambo staying out of the battle. I cannot see Tsuna ever feeling like Lambo's ready. Not because he thinks Lambo is weak, but because Lambo's his baby brother and Tsuna needs him more away from the battle or else he can't focus.
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While Tsuna doesn't react outwardly in this frame, I do think it's not a coincidence that he could focus on fighting the battle and not be "impatient" as Reborn put it, the moment he saw Gokudera and Hibari on the battlefield. He could focus easier knowing his friends were running around saving Lambo and co.
Okay, so you have the Big brother who wants to protect his little brother from seeing the same stuff he does, from fighting the same battles he does, and wants him to grow up as a regular kid (a right which he had been robbed off the moment a certain hitman showed up at his door). Then you have the little brother who wants wholeheartedly to be there, desires to catch up to his big brother and know the world that his big brother knows.
How does this difference in value get addressed? well it doesn't because Lambo is still 5 and Shounen jump are cowards for ending Amanos series when they did <3 B U T we have this.
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We all know this scene for when we rewatched Reborn for the first and went "..wait.." because that was some actually sweet foreshadowing from Amano. Okay, so. We have a Lambo who finally did it. Finally is someone worthy of being called the Vongola Lightning Guardian. And Tsuna and co are implied to have just been... Gone. All of Tsuna's efforts to raise this kid in a regular life are ripped away because something happens to HIM, not Lambo. And from Lambo's perspective, he's caught up finally but the person he was following isn't around anymore. He didn't think he'd see him again. I think it's safe to assume that this scene either implies that something happens to Tsuna in his 30s (since we know he wasn't actually dead TYL) OR 20yl Lambo is from a parallel world where Byakuran had actually won and actually took Tsunas life.
And I think that's some real meat to bite into for these characters. A little brother who will lose his big brother if he doesn't do something, get stronger in time. A big brother who won't let him join the battle because he's afraid of losing HIS little brother. A Vongola Lightning Guardian who wants to be a shield for his Boss, and a Boss won't let him be a shield.
And that? That's a good concept for a Vongola Lightning Guardian.
Thank you for reading this far if you did :] this is a bit of a ramble but I was thinking about it and I felt it nice to share. I hope maybe I shared some of my brain worms with you <3
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nodutra19 · 5 months
Persona Stand Name Headcanons
Only for the stuff I'm familiar with tho, so the mainline games and PQ1. I'm ignoring doubles and ultimates tho.
Naoya Toudou - A Simple Game
Kazuya Toudou - Changeling
Maki Sonomura - Ojalá
Masao Inaba - Uknowhowwedu
Kei Nanjo - Reflections
Yukino Mayuzumi - Kurayami De Dance
Eriko Kirishima - SEARCHLiGHT
Hidehiko Uesugi - Slim Shady
Yuka Ayase - Turf Dancing
Reiji Kido - Sixteen Tons
Kenta Yokouchi - Shame
Yuriko Yamamoto - Guilty As Charged
Michiko Matsudaira - Rock the Casbah
Kumi Hirose - Suicide Lane
Takeda - Instanbul
Tomomi Fujimori - Elton John
Takahisa Kandori - Bitches Brew
Tatsuya Toudou - Stargazer
Maya Amano - Spanish Doll
Lisa Silverman - Nana
Eikichi Mishina - WOLF DOWN THE EARTH
Jun Kurosu - In the Wake of Poseidon
Joker - Starless
Tatsuya Sudou - False Start
Junko Kurosu - Triplicate
Anna Yoshizaka - 1200
Ginji Sasaki - All Hail the Crimson King
Takashi Hanya - ...Meets His Maker
Ixquic - Funky Motion
Youichi Makimura - Don't Stand So Close to Me
Yasuo Inoe - Sadist Tastes Copper
Hiroki Sugimoto - constellations
Tamaizu Nirasawa - Mysterious Traveler
Musubu Torikiri - Maze
Katsuya Suou - Hotel California
Ulala Serizawa - Waffle
Baofu - KRS-One
JOKER - Munshun
Philemon - Somewhere Far Beyond
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki - The Mystery
Minako Arisato/Kotone Shiomi/FEMC - The 18th Letter
Yukari Takeba - Umbrella
Junpei Iori - Party and Bullshit
Mitsuru Kirijo - Bright Lights, Big City
Akihiko Sanada - The Moody Blues
Fuuka Yamagishi - Harvest Time
Aigis - Remember That
Koromaru - Canserbero
Ken Amada - Mature Opinion
Shinjiro Aragaki - Nobody Speak
Elizabeth - Final Home
Takaya Sakaki - completed nihilism
Jin Shirato - Evolution Rush
Chidori Yoshino - My Witch
Metis - Black Birds
Theodore - Extension
??? - Giving Up the Ghost
Yu Narukami - John Dope
Yosuke Hanamura - AMERICAN MUSCLE
Chie Satonaka - Warzone
Yukiko Amagi - Anger of the Earth
Kanji Tatsumi - Hit 'Em Up
Rise Kujikawa - Super Shy
Teddie - Inexplicable
Naoto Shirogane - Walk the Walk
Margaret - Yerbatero
Tohru Adachi - Radiologue
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker - The Offspring
Morgana - Rasputin
Ryuji Sakamoto - Apocalypshit
Ann Takamaki - Change the World
Yusuke Kitagawa - Imagination
Makoto Nijima - Under Pressure
Futaba Sakura - The Number Song
Haru Okumura - Breakdown
Goro Akechi - Keeping the Motion
Caroline and Justine - Duality
Sumire Yoshizawa - crushcrushcrush
Takuto Maruki - Don
Zen - Starch
Rei - Winter Lane
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At which age did they awaken their Personas?
Not the age they began fighting with them. Just the age of awakening. I'm trying to get an age range here. Shotout to Aigis for being the youngest user to awaken to her Persona, at the amazing age of "pre-installed upon activation".
So, from oldest to youngest:
Unknown. Adult
37 years old
Takashi Hanya
Takuto Maruki
Zenkichi Hasegawa
Junko Kurosu (assuming she had a Reverse Persona like the other admins)
33 years old
Ginji Sasaki
28 years old
Takahisa Kandori
27 years old
Tohru Adachi
25 years old
Katsuya Suou
24 years old
Ulala Serizawa
Unknown. Could have been a teen or an adult
Tatsuya Sudou
18 years old
17 years old
Yasuo Inoe
Makoto Niijima
Naoya Toudou
Maki Sonomura
Masao Inaba
Kei Nanjo
Eriko Kirishima
Reiji Kido
Yukino Mayuzumi
Lisa Silverman
Jun Kurosu
Anna Yoshizaka
16 years old
Hiroki Sugimoto
Haru Okumura
Hidehiko Uesugi
Yuka Ayase
Minato Arisato/Kotone Shiomi
Junpei Iori
Yukari Takeba
Fuuka Yamagishi
Yu Narukami
Yosuke Hanamura
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Naoto Shirogane
15 years old
Rise Kujikawa
Akira Kurusu
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
Yusuke Kitagawa
Unknown. Between Ages 16-18
Kanji Tatsumi
Goro Akechi
Futaba Sakura
Sumire Yoshizawa
Kenta Yokouchi
Tomomi Fujimori
Kumi Hirose
Michiko Matsudaira
Yuriko Yamamoto
Unknown. Could have been a child, a teen, or an adult
Unknown. Could have been a child or a teen
Eikichi Mishina
Akihiko Sanada
Shinjiro Aragaki
Unknown. Could have been a child
Mitsuru Kirijo
Takaya Sakaki
Jin Shirato
Chidori Yoshino
13 years old
Maya Amano
Akari Hoshi
11 years old
Ken Amada
9 years old
Randolph Carter
8 years old
Tatsuya Suou
2 years old
The moment she was born
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lixenn · 3 days
KHR reread
Chapter 21
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KHR writing prompt: AU where Haru is Tsunas right hand instead of Hayato.
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I'm actually feeling pretty bad for Lambo here
Chapter 22
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Once again adding to the 8059 agenda
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I just want to kidnap Tsuna and bundle him in a blanket okay!! He deserves better!
Chapter 24
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Love how they always arrive together ^^
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Does the Sawada household not look their doors? Is it just permanently open? Does she have a key? Or is she just breaking in? Curious minds want to know!!!
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... I mean that still doesn't really answer my question. I mean probably the door was just open, but it would be so much funnier if Haru just casually lock picks the front door to check on Tsuna & co.
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Could you consider this fourth wall breaking? Because I kinda do...
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Okay, so @moonlit-mystery-writer quick question, are we still at the point in the manga where Amano considered this as a silly comedy story? If so was Mr. Kawahira just some random dude? (If you don't know the answer no worries)
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