#and before anyone tries to give me employment advice: i have tried literally everything you can think of so please do not patronize me
kanamedaite · 1 year
I hate making this post but after a year of unemployment I am still looking for a job and I do not have enough money for rent this month after paying my phone bill. It would mean a lot to me if I could get some support during this time (it's totally okay if that does not include financial support, just sharing the post is a-ok)
I will not ask for money for nothing, my commission information is in my pinned post and im also totally okay haggling if the price is too steep for any reason
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rainbowrider1290 · 3 years
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My take on a Genshin Impact Circus AU Part 4 with Noelle as a strongwoman and Amber as a death-defying archery stuntwoman. Their backstories are under the cut!
First off I have a very self-indulgent headcanon that she is ridiculously strong. Like. Can benchpress people. Canonverse or AU.
She used to help out around the circus and she was kind of indifferent to the fact that she was likely going to be a maid. It's a respectable profession. And helping out at her childhood friends' (Kaeya and Diluc) manor as she'd been born into doing seemed like a good job.
How she got into the circus life requires a bit of backstory. Back when they were kids, Kaeya, Diluc, and Noelle would mess around (as kids do) and have little challenges for themselves. Who can run the fastest, who can do the best cartwheel, who can jump the highest, and the like.
Noelle got a little hesitant as she got into her early teens bc she was always told to be ladylike, so she spent one or two of their hangout sessions watching Kaeya and Diluc and talking. One day, however, Kaeya and Diluc are being Teenage Boys and lifting heavy things trying to outlift each other. Noelle has lifted furniture when cleaning up after these two so she figures this one unladylike thing would be okay.
She comes up behind them and just. Picks them both up. On top of the things they were lifting already. Kaeya and Diluc have to take a second and just look at her like "yeah no you are never sitting out of our competitions again"
And so they try other things like cartwheels and tests of courage like who can climb the highest on a tree and things are back to normal.
Skip forward a few years and Crepus dies. There's a huge mystery around it that not even his son's attendants are privy to. The only thing people know is that the sons have been sent away to boarding school. The whole manor is abandoned, all the workers fired.
Noelle for the next few years spends her time working at laundromats, and other odd jobs, but eventually she runs out of luck and suddenly there's too many people and not enough opportunities.
One of her friends from one of her old jobs invites her to go out and see this new circus that happens to be in town. She goes because why not. And wouldn't you know it one of the acts is her childhood friends doing these death-defying stunts that hit her with a wave of nostalgia bc their entire act consists of essentially the song "anything you can do" but with more and more dangerous stunts.
Noelle of course has to say hi, so they catch up and Noelle's lack of work comes up and would you look at that Aether and Lumine happen to have an opening for a maid.
So Noelle settles in, continuing to lift heavy shit to clean under it (Bennett swears up and down he saw her lift a fridge once but he might've been sleep-deprived). She also got into helping Chongyun with the techy stuff so sometimes she'll be at tech rehearsals moving things around and one time a rope holding up a person breaks near Noelle and she. catches it.
Now, one night. One of the acts drops out at the last moment bc injury or last-minute commitment or the like. And it leaves a gap in the show. Everyone else is busy. And panicking bc the circus is still relatively new and they really need to build their rep rn.
They start wondering what kind of last-minute acts they can put together like "what about the gymnasts??" "They all have group routines" "do they have old routines??" "Not polished enough for what we need" and someone somewhere pipes up "man I wish we had a strongman or something" and Diluc and Kaeya immediately whip their heads around to look at each other for like half a second before Kaeya bolts. He finds Noelle doing her usual rounds she's been doing for like a month now and Bennett was right, she is currently under a mini-fridge that she is lifting over her head whilst leaning it against a wall.
Kaeya takes Noelle by the shoulders and just zooms her over to where the commotion is happening and pitches the idea to Aether and Lumine. They're hesitant as hECK bc this is a huge risk they're taking since Noelle isn't even a performer but Diluc pitches that they could literally just scatter really heavy items and have Noelle clean under them and as long as she looks at the audience every once in a while it can be played off as a bit.
Noelle with qUITE the stammer says that she'll try her best but at this time is in need of a moment. She has never performed before. Kaeya and Diluc have to go perform so they leave her with a shoulder squeeze and a thumbs up.
She gets on-stage. She flinches under the lights for a second. She takes a deep breath and focuses on the first thing before her with her best "oh heavens, it's filthy in here", and she gets through the entire act by doing that for every object. So the audience is seeing this seemingly petite young girl lift the equivalent of a hecking car in order to clean under it.
Needless to say, there's roaring applause the second Noelle leaves (which she hears from far away because holy shit I just cleaned for people and they liked it)
This was a bit of a one-time thing and she goes back to her regular maid duties until the circus gets a new strongman by the name "Zhongli".
His style is more about lifting exTREMELY LARGE ROCKS, and breaking them in half whilst giving a history/geology lesson on them.
He quietly observes the maid who he hears fantastical stories of That One Time She Charmed An Audience By Cleaning. He was bewildered at first but saw the merit of it while watching her clean. He immediately decides that this girl has sO MUCH. POTENTIAL that is being wasted by having her work as a maid. He has nothing against maids or their profession, but he invites her to train with him.
Noelle gets hELLA stronger and they come to a conclusion. Noelle performs part-time and is a maid part-time. She doesn't have a particular performance style. She'll sometimes play catch with Zhongli and his big rocks, other times she'll be in the background of performers like Amber in the art lifting some hEAVY SHIT.
She gets along with Chongyun super well bc Chongyun has to make less trips to move his equipment since he's worked with her. She's a blessing for when they have to pack up and move.
Amber's story is a little more straightforward. She started out engaged to a suitor. Amber was the kid in kindergarten who was learning about dragons and "idk what everyone else was doing". She's known what she wants for a long time, and what she wants at the moment, is not a relationship.
Throughout her childhood she was a very lonely child. Her family exposed her to lots of academic or ladylike things (do not ask me when this au is set, it's the 1800s and the 1990s at the same time or a suspendes steampunk time) to get her away from the thing she liked most: archery. She'd been exposed to it as a kid and latched on.
This drove a bunch of suitors away, so her family got more desperate and exposed her to more classes and activities to get her away from it. She went "that's easy, I'll just practice at night"
So she does that. She practices at night and underperforms in the coming weeks. It is during this time that her parents (high class ppl) find her a man to marry for some business deal idk.
The man's nice enough. It's just obvious he can only take Amber in small doses, and Amber takes full advantage of this to practice and stay in shape.
How Amber gets into the circus life was essentially running away. She bonds with Eula over this.
So because of all the attempts to make her fit into the ideal lady description, her rebellious streak said "yeah we're going to go as far away from that as possible" and she goes "I'm going to run away with the circus" bc that's what the books she's read say is the most rebellious thing you can do.
She finds THE FIRST circus she sees and begs to be let in. This is the shadiest most sketchy place but Amber sees it as the key to her freedom. She signs a contract.
They treat her like the US treats their students. She barely gets time to practice for performances and she's mostly doing dirty work. When they ask her what she can do she's like "I'm really good at archery" and they go "cool, you're going to be doing that while everything is on fire now. Can you do a handstand"
Essentially they push her and push her and push her to do more and more hazardous things she has to pick up on under the threat of being kicked to the curb.
After a while of this Amber is extremely burned out (pun intended) and as she's packing up after one of her shows, covered in burns but proud bc she hit all her targets without killing anyone, she's approached by a blond foreigner.
Tbh for all she's read, Amber really doesn't consider leaving and this time she can't run away since she's now bound by a contract (not Zhongli's btw in case anyone was wondering).
This foreigner tells her that there's so many ways to improve her situation and that he runs a circus looking for members.
Amber refuses since she's not getting tangled up in another legal mess, but she takes his advice on how to take care of her burns, and improve safety while she's performing.
Skip a few months. She hears word of this mysterious new circus around. Her encounter with who she'll later know as Aether stuck with her, and so she goes. To see whether she could really shoot her arrows without being burned alive.
After a show one night, she tries to get past security and fails repeatedly. She turns to leave and wouldn't you know it there's Aether. And Lumine. Waiting for her once she turns the corner. Amber's biggest concern is her existing contract and when Aether and Lumine say they have a nICE lawyer, Amber sees her next step to freedom.
Aether and Lumine essentially gain custody of Amber (but like for adults) and Amber is. Shocked. She's walked through her new contract of employment clearly and essentially treated like a human being.
And now that she knows things and has more freedom (though still under the watchful eyes of Aether and Lumine to see how she does) her creativity and competitive streak flourish. She decides she actually doesn't hate fire, she just doesn't like when she doesn't know when or where it's coming. And she makes fast friends with the gymnasts, so she ends up incorporating that into her routines. Now she uses her canon goggles to protect her from the burning eyes of prolonged smoke exposure when she uses fire.
When she meets a little pyromanic girl named Klee, she's thrilled that someone this chaotic and sure of herself exists.
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'As far as I care, you can sleep in your car': The Corona tenants
By Chaminda Jayanetti
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"As far as I care, you can sleep in your car."
Maria had just discovered what it means to be a tenant in the time of corona. It was June 5th and her landlady was ordering her to move out of her lodging that very day.
Just 24 hours earlier, she had given Maria a month's notice to leave, accusing her of using too much water when she washed her hands in line with government advice, and of damaging the property.
Now all of a sudden, she was being summarily kicked out.
"I was feeling all the emotions at the same time," Maria says. "I was scared, I was anxious, I was confused, I couldn't believe what was happening. I wanted to cry."
Maria had been lodging in the house in Bristol for three years when the pandemic hit. Despite there being five other occupants, the landlady blamed her alone for the rising water bill.
"She would be literally breathing on my neck [when I washed my hands], checking on how much water I'd use. She kept watching me all the time," Maria says.
"One day she came up to me and shoved the water bill in my face. She wanted me to pay £300 extra."
On June 4th, she gave her a month to move out after accusing Maria of deliberately damaging her bedroom window - "Why would I damage my own window?" Maria asks - and the next day, she called her into the bathroom they both used and unleashed an even more bizarre accusation.
"She points at the ceiling in the bathroom. And she's like, 'oh, what is that?' I was like, 'what do you mean?' 'Oh, there's black mould on the ceiling'.
"She accused me of pouring water and bleach on the ceiling on purpose to damage the property. That's what she accused me of. Why would I do that? Like, that doesn't make any sense.
"She said I'd have to leave the house immediately, and I looked at her and I was like, 'why would I damage the bathroom on purpose?' And she's like, 'no, you have to leave now or I'm going to call the police'. And I was like, where am I going to go?'
"I go, 'you can't put me on the street in the middle of a pandemic'. And she said, 'as far as I care, you can sleep in your car'.
"And the worst thing about it is she's a nurse."
Private rented tsunami
Despite everything, in some ways Maria got lucky - she was able to stay at a friend's place for a week before finding a new long-term tenancy, though she has little hope of getting back her £420 deposit.
But the situation facing tenants is perilous. Amid a crisis exacerbated by underlying inequalities, lodgers like Maria face more inequality than most, with few legal rights or protections. But even renters with long-term tenancies face a multitude of threats.
Politics.co.uk has heard of numerous cases of rising rent arrears and illegal evictions since lockdown began. Vital repairs have been delayed, with one block of flats left without running water at a time when personal hygiene is paramount. Some landlords have even tried to put the rent up in the middle of the pandemic.
Many migrants are at particular risk due to their insecure legal status and lack of access to benefits.
"If you are undocumented or you don't have the right to be here, then obviously that makes it a bit more complicated, because the landlord, if they know that, they hold some power over you - so whether you're going to stand up to them is another matter," says Fizza Qureshi of Migrants' Rights Network.
And then there's section 21.
Section 21 is the 'no fault' eviction route. It allows landlords to kick tenants out for any reason, as long as the correct procedure is followed and three months' notice is given.
The government suspended legal evictions at the start of lockdown, first until 23rd June and then until 23rd August.
But as incomes fall and rent arrears rise, section 21 eviction notices have been piling in, ready to take effect once the evictions ban is over.
“Nobody should lose their home because of coronavirus," says Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter. "But if the government fails to act, tens of thousands of renters who’ve lost their livelihoods will soon face this terrifying prospect.
"When the evictions ban lifts on 23rd August, anyone in rent arrears could face automatic eviction from their home. This could unleash a tsunami of homelessness that councils would struggle to cope with."
Aidan Cassidy of Acorn, which campaigns for tenants' rights, says he is aware of 10-20 cases of landlords issuing section 21 notices during lockdown, just among Acorn's thousand members in Bristol.
"Due to coronavirus and the whole load of financial issues that it's caused, a lot of people have missed rent payments," says Cassidy. "Lots of landlords have unfortunately decided to act without any sort of thought for the wellbeing and health of their tenants, and have essentially evicted them or given them a section 21 notice because of these rent arrears."
One such case is an elderly self-employed handyman who can't work during the pandemic and has faced delays to his benefits, leaving him £150 in arrears on his rent.
It's a relatively small amount - but it's proved enough to trigger a section 21 notice.
"Instead of the landlord being sympathetic or reasonable, he's just said, 'no, we're not even going to talk about this, you've got three months to get out'," says Cassidy.
What makes this even worse is that he has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a lung condition that makes it hard to breathe and places him firmly on the 'shielding' list of people at heightened risk from coronavirus.
"Obviously if he is now evicted, he's at massive risk," Cassidy explains. "There's absolutely no way he can go about his normal business looking for a new place. The lockdown might be over but the virus is very much still out there and I think any suggestion that life is back to normal for people who are very susceptible to coronavirus is just nonsense."
And evictions have a sting in the tail that increase the risk of enduring homelessness.
"If people are evicted with rent arrears under section 21, the landlord can then take whatever they can off those arrears from their deposit," says Portia Msimang of Renters' Rights London. "So people are left with no deposit with which to get another property. And this is how people fall into homelessness."
It's raining rents
Short of eviction notices, rising rent arrears are a looming crisis. With the economy likely to be hamstrung for months to come, many tenants will be financially squeezed while landlords come knocking for missed rent - one of the biggest sticks of dynamite in a bulging debt timebomb also comprising utility bills, loans and council tax.
"The biggest problem we've faced is people saying that they're worried about getting behind on the rent. And those that are getting behind on the rent aren't getting the help they need from landlords," says Caitlin Wilkinson of Generation Rent.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) calculates there were 11 percent fewer rental payments in April and May than a year before. Both the debt advice service StepChange and the Resolution Foundation think tank have estimated that just under 600,000 tenants in the private rented sector are in arrears, while Generation Rent says arrears have trebled.
The government has boosted Universal Credit, reversing years of cuts - but still not enough to cover average rents in a local area.
It has also advised tenants to negotiate rent reductions with their landlords - a laughable prospect for many tenants. Acorn branches report occasional successes, but for the most part landlords hold the whip hand in Britain's housing crisis and don't want to know. The IFS has found only one or two percent of tenants have received a rent holiday.
Biting back
What makes the situation particularly egregious is that the Tories promised to abolish section 21 evictions in their 2019 manifesto. Yet nothing has happened.
A statement from the ministry for housing in response to this article did not specifically mention a ban on section 21: "We are committed to bringing forward legislation to enhance renters' security as part of the largest changes to renting in 30 years.
"We are working with the judiciary to ensure when evictions proceedings start again, arrangements, including rules, are in place to give appropriate protections for those who have been particularly affected by coronavirus.”
Most organisations campaigning for renters' rights agree on the need to increase Universal Credit to cover average rents, and scrap section 21.
The issue of arrears is more contentious. Forcing landlords to waive rents and cancel arrears may contravene the Human Rights Act - one reason Labour dropped this approach under Keir Starmer, sparking anger from campaigners who fear Labour's new policy would leave tenants with unpayable debts.
Generation Rent's solution is to effectively extend the government furlough scheme to landlords, covering 80 percent of their monthly income up to £2,500 a month per tenant - with councils able to restrict the payment on the basis of need.
Then there are rent strikes. Heather, in Haringey, lost her work income during lockdown. After her landlady refused her request for a rent reduction, and with benefits not covering the shortfall, she got involved with the London Renters Union and simply stopped paying. She hasn't heard from her landlady for two months.
"For me it's not just a means thing," Heather says. "It started out like that, but now it feels much more like part of a movement against landlords, against this culture of people accruing lots of wealth by not actually paying anything into the system."
And this is a feature of Britain's economic response to coronavirus. Employers have taken a hit. Workers and tenants have taken a hit. But landlords, the part of the economy that produces the least value, have had the most protection of all.
The names of tenants have been changed in this article.
Chaminda Jayanetti is a freelance journalist. Follow him on Twitter here.
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marril96 · 4 years
The Distance Between Us
Epilogue: What the Future Holds
Pairing: Rowena x reader
Summary: Five years later...
A/N: Here we are, folks. This is the end. I would like to thank everyone who helped me get this story to where it is. From my wonderful editors to my faithful readers — I appreciate every single one of you amazing people. Thank you so much! For reading, commenting, helping me out, talking to me, believing in me, encouraging me to continue even when it was hard. I hope the ending is satisfying enough, and that we will hang out soon when I work on my other projects. Best of regards, Mariana. ♥
Editor: @miss-moon-guardian
There was nothing better than a wedding to get the old gang back together.
It had been a while since you'd seen everyone all at once.
Five long years — ever since you'd graduated high school.
There were times when it felt as if it had happened yesterday. As if you'd just said goodbye to your friends before everyone went their own way, their own direction, colleges and jobs calling.
Time sure liked to fly.
You made sure to stay in contact with everyone. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram; all tools you readily used. They were your friends. Some distance couldn't change that.
The seven of you had your own Facebook chat group that was filled to the brim with messages. Memes were shared. Laughs exchanged — in emoji form, but laughs nonetheless. News, good and bad, were told. Advices asked for and given.
It almost felt like old times.
But not quite.
The truth was, despite how hard you tried to maintain your friendship, things changed.
Life happened.
Sam had gone to Stanford on full scholarship, dreaming big of contributing to the world, helping save it. With the way things were going, you were confident he would do it. If anyone could help make the world a better place, it was him.
In his free time, he liked to give speeches on healthy lifestyles, which, for some bizarre reason, consisted of consuming a lot of kale.
A kale smoothie had become a signature of his, the cup seemingly glued to his hand.
He'd become a hit on the internet for it. A meme everyone in your friend group shared and poked fun at. Light-heartedly, of course.
Dean was convinced Sam was doing it to embarrass him.
Sam, in turn, had told him a healthier diet would do him good.
Dean wasn't interested, and, a few hours later, had posted a picture of himself stuffing a big, greasy hamburger into his mouth with the caption #DownWithKale.
Sam was not amused.
Crowley had changed his name as soon as he'd turned eighteen. Crowley had officially become his name, Fergus long forgotten, thrown in the trash where he felt it belonged.
His family still called him Fergus.
Well, Rowena and his mother did. Gavin, the good boy that he was, had always referred to him as Crowley, which was why he was Crowley's favorite family member (his only family member, if he had any say in it).
He'd gone into studying business, rich businessman future planned out to the smallest details. He'd intended to work his way to the top; it would take a while, but he was confident hard work, combined with his cunning, ambitious nature, would earn him the throne.
Maybe, he'd mused, he could eventually open his own company. Be his own boss. Set his own terms.
May he have the best of luck.
Castiel had gone into teaching. A surprising choice of career, especially considering his awkward nature, but it was what he wanted to do. Helping kids. Guiding them by his own example.
He certainly had the drive for it.
Who knows? Maybe kids would like him. Maybe they would like his awkwardness.
Meg, not really the scholarly type, had gone to community college and had found herself working in a supermarket.
She hated her job, and she hated the customers even more. The chat was frequently filled with her rants about one thing or another that had occurred at work that particular day.
Funny stuff, usually.
Especially when she snapped at customers and got reprimanded for it, but kept doing it anyway because her boss knew all too well he couldn't afford to lose her as an employee.
Instead of a college, Dean had gone into trades. He'd opened his own little mechanic shop back in Lawrence. It was hard work, far from ideal, paid just enough to cover the costs of living, but he enjoyed it. He was happy.
That was all that mattered.
Rowena had worked hard on her intensive at Joffrey. It was a difficult three months; she was always practicing, always dancing, on her feet from dawn to dusk. You'd barely gotten to talk, aside from the weekends, which you'd spent in front of your phones or laptops, Skype open, smiles wide as you talked about each week's events.
You'd missed her so much.
Too much.
But, as with all things, the intensive had eventually ended and you'd gotten to have her home for a week — a whole week! — before college officially started.
The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other that entire time.
It wasn't enough — seven measly days was far from enough — but it was something.
After three months of drought, it was the welcome, desperately awaited rain.
Parting for college was even more difficult. You'd each gone your own way, different as you were, each pursuing your own dream.
It was a struggle, but, like the intensive, you'd made it work.
You'd kept in contact. Skyped at every available moment. Traveled to one another's schools when the opportunity arose. Made sure to spend the holidays (the most important ones) together.
And, just like that, years had gone by, and soon enough school was behind you and you were together once again.
The decision to move in together was a mutual one. It was more of an understanding, really. With school behind you, jobs calling, and the relationship stronger than ever even all these years later, it just made sense to take it a step further.
Why wouldn't you live together?
You did everything else together, so you might as well, to quote Crowley every time he walked in on you making out, get a room.
So you did.
You rented an apartment in Manhattan. A small one that, despite its size, was warm and pleasant and felt just like home.
Your and Rowena's home.
Sometimes it felt like a dream.
As if, every moment now, you would wake up and realize the last five years of your life were nothing but a fantasy, a product of your sleeping mind.
Then you would kiss Rowena's cheek, take a sip of tea from her mug just to tease her (her glares and pouts were adorable), and smile, and the reality — your reality, one you'd worked hard to accomplish, your so wished for future — would settle in and all the silly thoughts would go away as if they'd never existed.
You'd made it.
The future you'd dreamed of, that you and Rowena had planned for so thoroughly, had come to be.
It wasn't perfect, but it was yours.
Rowena had found work at Broadway. She was a dancer, and an excellent one; with Joffrey on her resume, the job was hers the moment she'd stepped into the audition room.
You were having difficulty with finding employment yourself, but, luckily, her pay was enough to cover the living costs of the two of you.
You felt bad; the last thing you wanted was to look as if you were taking advantage. But she'd made it clear she didn't mind. You were together. A family, for no other word could describe what you had, what you'd built and grew together. What was hers was yours, and vice versa.
Being a housewife wasn't your ideal profession, if one could call it that, but it wasn't bad.
It was, dare you say it, fun.
You found yourself enjoying awaiting Rowena's return after a long, exhausting day on her feet — literally — with a loving hug, a peck on the lips, and a warm meal on the table — a delivery from a restaurant or a warmed up can, for cooking was a skill you were still far from perfecting.
You were happy.
And so was she.
The two of you made it work.
Lately, Rowena had been considering joining the Royal Ballet. It was a big step, one that required careful thinking and plenty of discussions.
Moving to another city was one thing.
Moving to another country, half across the world, on the other hand…
She'd made it clear she wasn't going to make the decision without you. This concerned you, too; if you wanted to stay in New York, you would stay.
Both of you.
She just wanted you to think about it, weigh in cons and pros.
And you did.
You'd been thinking about it for weeks.
Bless her heart, Rowena was patient. She didn't push you, or rush you, or try to guilt you. She left you to your own pace.
You were immensely grateful for it.
By the time the wedding came, you were pretty sure you'd made up your mind.
In a day or two — hell, maybe even today, after the ceremony — you would tell her.
It was a small wedding, closest family and friends only. Sam was never one for parties. He and Eileen had rented a small cottage with a beautiful yard they'd decorated themselves. Quite cheap, as far as American weddings went, but lovely.
This was a wedding for love, not luxury.
When Sam had announced he was engaged in the group chat a year ago, you weren't surprised. You'd always had a feeling he would go for it first. While Dean was a one night stand kind of guy, Sam was more the settle down type. The kind of guy who kicked ass at work during the day and then cuddled with his wife and kids at night. The picture of a family man.
And, god, would he be a good one!
He was sweet and caring, a wonderful friend, and, no doubt, an even more wonderful boyfriend. Husband material, if you ever knew one.
Eileen was equally sweet, equally amazing. A lovely girl who treated everyone like a friend and loved Sam with all her heart.
They were perfect for each other.
Seeing your gang together after five years, in person, in full color, was an experience that was almost supernatural. There was screaming and squealing and hugging and teasing. You'd forgotten how noisy you were all together.
Your mind flashed back to high school, to afternoons at Biggerson's, sipping at your smoothies and coffees and stealing fries off each other's plates.
Those were the days.
There wasn't much difference to either of you. You were older, but other than that, you still looked the same. You teased each other as you'd used to, joked as if you were still that bunch of high schoolers who had the whole world under their feet.
There were changes, obviously. Inevitably. Some subtle, others not so much.
Sam's hair was an inch or so shorter, or so it looked in the pictures (he was still getting ready, having not yet shown himself to the guests).
You followed his example, having never been one for big change. Shorter hair was shorter hair, even if only a bit.
Dean bore — proudly — a few scars. Work injuries, though you were willing to bet he'd earned a couple in the bar fights he liked to brag about.
"You should see the other guy," he always said.
You never had any particular desire to.
Crowley had a small beard, and wore it well; it made him look older, more mature.
Emphasis on look, for he and Rowena still bickered like brats.
Gavin, the actual child of the family, was more mature than the two of them.
Rowena wore less sparkly clothes (she now saved those for special occasions). Instead, she preferred to wear dress pants and blouses that you found strangely arousing.
Sometimes you got her to role-play in them. She made one delicious businesswoman.
Castiel dressed the same, trench coat over everything (even wore the damn thing to the wedding), looked the same, acted the same, however, his change was big.
It tied right into Meg's for she was seven months pregnant, and her stomach was appropriately swollen to showcase it.
She'd gained a bit of weight and dyed her hair blonde, but her character remained the same.
She was still that same foul-mouthed, opinionated firecracker of a girl.
And you loved her for it.
"You look great!" you told her first thing you saw her. Then you threw an arm around her, your other one wrapping around Castiel, and said, "I couldn't wait to congratulate you guys in person! I'm so happy for you!"
You were.
Happy from the bottom of your heart.
The two of them had done well for themselves. Like your and Rowena's, their life wasn't perfect, but they made it work. They lived it to the fullest.
They were happy.
In love.
Excited for the baby, a joyous little accident.
You weren't the parenting type, (neither was Rowena), however, while raising a family wasn't your particular dream, you couldn't have been more excited for them.
This was what they wanted.
What kind of a friend would you be if you judged?
Families came in all shapes and sizes.
As did dreams. Ambitions. Aspirations.
Supporting them, wishing them well in any and every form — that was the true meaning of friendship.
Meg and Castiel would make amazing parents.
Weird and eccentric, but still amazing.
That baby would be one happy, very loved kid. Surrounded by a large family of aunts and uncles, all loving, caring, eager to spoil them.
Blood-related and not.
As far as Meg and Castiel were concerned, your group was family.
It was definitely better than some actual family members.
Like Castiel's father, good old Principal Shurley, who'd, a couple years ago, gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble for embezzlement.
The news didn't quite shock you as it should have. There was always something about him.
Lucifer never stopped getting in trouble. Only, once he was out of school, his daddy couldn't sweet talk his way out of it (not that he hadn't tried; Castiel talked quite a bit about Chuck's restless attempts, and failures, to save him) and thus the darling little angel had gotten himself quite a record.
You name it, he'd done it.
It turned out that the police didn't give a damn about what daddy Shurley had to say about his son's character.
They surely gave even less of a damn now that he was serving his sentence for embezzlement.
Lucifer was currently with him, doing a two year stint for… something.
It was hard to keep track when it came to him.
The current Lawrence Hugh's principal was Amara Shurley, Chuck's sister, because of course she was.
Nepotism for the win!
Though, from everything you'd heard, she was, so far, doing a great job. Far better than her brother ever did.
Castiel had cut all ties with his father and brother. He'd considered doing so earlier, but now that he was expecting a child, the decision came with ease.
He didn't want his child around criminals. Didn't want them to set the wrong example.
That alone told you he was going to be a great father.
The ceremony, modest as it was, was beautiful. Eileen, in her snow-white dress, looked like a princess. No — a queen, the veil a doubling as a crown. Sam was equally handsome, clad in a black suit that made him look somewhat older, more mature, a fairy tale prince come to life.
They said their vows with so much love on their faces you were one hundred percent certain they would make do on them to the letter.
Til death did them part.
There were smiles. Tears. So much joy it was overwhelming.
Meg was the lucky one who caught the bouquet, only to promptly, in a deadpan tone, say, "No," and shove it in Crowley's hands.
Crowley shoved it in Dean's, who shoved it back to him and started what was basically a struggle over the damn thing.
Not marriage material, your group.
Sam was the black sheep.
Laughter was exchanged.
Food — delicious! — eaten.
Drinks downed and refilled.
Dances had.
Aside from the newlyweds, Rowena had proven herself to be quite an attraction with her precise, professional moves. Everyone wanted to be her partner.
Not a dancer yourself, you had no problem with it.
However, after what had to be the tenth request, you considered charging people to dance with your girlfriend.
It was only fair.
The celebration extended long into the night. There was enough alcohol to keep everyone going.
The place, located in the middle of nowhere, was perfect for a party. No neighbors to complain about the noise. No busybodies sticking their nose in. Just a group of people having the fun of their lives, drunk out of their minds.
By the time you and Rowena arrived to your hotel, you were exhausted. There was more alcohol than blood in your veins. Your feet were killing you. Your throat ached from singing and shouting.
You hadn't even removed your clothes — shaking off your shoes, you plopped on the bed, curled up against each other, and drifted off to sleep.
When you woke up, Rowena was looking at you with a smile on her face. Your head pounding as if someone were whacking it with a hammer, eyes stinging, it took a bit of willpower to pull on one of your own.
"Were you watching me sleep?" Your voice was raspy, broken. You cleared your throat. Sucked in a breath.
Singing had been a mistake.
Her smile melted into a smirk. She shrugged, nonchalant. Denying not a single thing. "I was just thinking."
"Should I be worried?" you teased.
"I'd hope not."
Her face grew serious.
Uh oh.
Now you definitely were worried.
Morning — a hungover one at that — was the worst possible time for serious conversations.
It wasn't a surprise, though.
Rowena prided herself in her unpredictability.
"What is it?" you asked, light draining from your face. Preparing for news that, at best, would be unpleasant, and, at worst, absolutely horrible.
"Sam and Eileen seem happy."
They did.
They were happy.
You nodded.
Rowena sighed, "Do you think we're happy?"
What was she trying to say? Heart racing, lump forming in your throat, you uttered a tad too defensively, "Do you think we're not?"
"Of course not!"
She seemed genuine, so there was that.
You allowed yourself a moment of relief. "Me, neither. I'm happy."
"As am I."
That was good.
You were on the same level.
She was silent for a few moments. Thought her words through. "I was just wondering if we should… take it a step further."
You frowned. "What do you mean?"
You had an inkling, but you wanted to hear it from her.
You wanted her to confirm it.
Rowena swallowed. "Get married."
It was as if all air had vanished from your lungs. Your throat was dry. Heart, once again, running a marathon. Hands shaking as if you were cold.
You weren't — you couldn't be — for as soon as the words left her mouth, a wave of heat flooded you, filled you up from head to toe.
Marriage wasn't on your list of priorities.
Wasn't on any of your lists, as a matter of fact.
You and Rowena loved each other — you didn't need a piece of paper to prove it.
It would be a lie if you said you hadn't considered it once or twice.
What would it be like to call yourself her wife? To wear her ring; a promise in the form of shimmery gold?
"Or maybe just get engaged," she said after a few moments of uncomfortable, deafening silence. "Wear the rings."
You looked at her, eyes wide. Mouth trembling.
She gulped. Uncertain. Frightened. Nervous to the bone. "We don't have to. I was just… thinking out loud." She pulled on another smile — a fake on this time, hurt flickering over her face no matter how hard she tried to mask it. "Forget I said anything."
"No." You reached for her hand, twined your fingers with hers in a tight knot. "We could try."
She was stunned. "Really?"
"I don't see why not."
What was the worst that could happen?
You were already together. Already happy and crazy in love.
"We could try the engagement thing, see if it works," you said.
You had nothing to lose.
At this point, you could only gain.
Rowena beamed. A chuckle escaped her; lovely, happy. Adorable. "Okay!"
It was a perfect arrangement.
"I will get you a ring," she added. "Make it official."
"How about we both get rings?" you said. This was kind of a mutual proposal, after all. And also… "There's nice jewelry shops in the UK, right?"
It was her turn to be confused. "What?"
Your decision.
The one you'd been planning to relay to her.
The timing couldn't have been more perfect.
"We don't have to get engaged in USA, right?" you said. "Think about it. You, a Royal Ballerina. Me, a not-so-royal couch potato. That's a romance movie right there!"
Rowena gasped. Swallowed. Breathed in and out in attempts to contain her excitement. "You want to move to Britain?"
"That's what I'm saying, aren't I?" You grinned. Squeezed her hand. "I've been meaning to tell you. I figured now's the perfect time."
"Y/N, I…" She brought your linked hands to her mouth, kissed your knuckles. "Thank you! I just… Thank you, darling!"
You locked your lips with hers. Deepened the kiss, melted into it. Thought of millions of more you would share.
The future was yours.
All you had to do was seize it. Take it. Dig your claws in and never let go.
"Don't you forget me when you become a world-famous ballerina," you teased.
"Och, darling," she purred, "don't you know by now you're quite unforgettable?"
You chuckled. "Just making sure."
She pecked you on the mouth. "I love you."
"Me, too."
You'd loved her for five years.
You'd loved her when she was bad, and even more when she became good.
You'd loved her when she was away, and you'd loved her when she was here.
You'd loved her in your apartment.
You'd loved her in the United States.
And you would love her in the United Kingdom.
You loved her now, and you would love her in the future.
And ever.
Til death did you part.
Tags: @werewolfbarbie @oswinthestrange @songofthecagedmoose @apurdyfulmind @getthesalt-sam @metallihca @salembitchtrials @jay-eris @hellsmother @elizabeth-effie @shadowgirl-vsb @rowenaswife @wonderifshelikesroses @xfireandsin @liddell-alien @hotdiggitydammit @lae-lae @darkhumorsblog @angel7376 @cherrypierowena @ruthieconnells @evil-regal-vampiress @collectorofsecretsandsouls @angel-e-v-a @a-queen-and-her-throne @carryon-doctor-lock
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xomikayla-blog1 · 5 years
Perry-Washington, Mikayla
ENG 1301
Professor Robert Lunday
September 22, 2018
Growing Up
     My name is Mikayla Perry, eighteen-year old student and not much else. Although my life is barely just getting started, I still have a mouthful of a story I could tell about my childhood. From an Alcohol addicted father to abandonment issues, growing up was not always easy, especially as a black young lady. It was always “You are so pretty for a black girl!” or “Your hair is so long for a black girl!” Being only twelve or thirteen years old, it never resonated to me that those truly were not compliments. I was used to being the “black girl”. Still to this day, stereotypical jokes are told to make me laugh by other races. They are never funny. I do not know if others see them as offensive, but they for sure are not entertainment. The obvious “Dang girl, calm down!” although my tone barely has barely elevated, is a common one. Or the “You two look alike!” because the color of our skin is the same. We share no resemblance. I look nothing like this girl. What makes us look alike?
           If it were not already bad enough to be stereotyped in Intermediate school, I struggled a lot with dealing with my appearance. It was always the other girls over me, I felt. What makes her so much prettier than me? Is it because her curly hair is down her back and she can speak Spanish? It was always something. I got so used to counting myself out before anyone else could to save myself the hurt and embarrassment. I have always been a very sensitive person and the SLIGHTEST snarky comment could have me in tears. My self-esteem was not where it should have been, and I never considered myself to be the “It” girl. I was always just in the background, floating. My friends were always the prettier favorites, and I was always just used to being Mikayla. It eventually took a toll on me mentally. I got so used to being alone that company no longer excited me. I was the “nerd’’. I enjoyed reading, and most definitely my video games. I felt as if it were an outlet. It was just me. Me having a good time, listening to my favorite music, which always became an extreme outlet for me. I often had a hard time expressing how I felt, and I felt as though my favorite artist did it for me.
           My father was a major factor for me in my life. If the whole world believed I was wrong, my Father would know I was still right. He struggled with an alcohol addiction and sometimes heavy drugs. I loved my father to death. I was young, and it was difficult seeing the man who has raised me, struggle with himself. Little did I know, he would go on to pass me his mental issues. I never thought of it as anything major when I was young. “Everyone gets sad sometimes, right?” I thought. But as I grew older, I began to realize that this was no ordinary sadness. I would experience very manic depressions for a while, and then suddenly be over it and not even know the reason behind the madness.
           Eventually, I was living with only an older sister and a single mother; a woman who somehow always made it happen for us. We did not have the most money growing up, but we always had each other, and I could not be more thankful. We did not always have the newest shoes, but they were still nice, and I liked them. We did not have the fanciest car, but we had one that was reliable. Having my family in such a time of need made me appreciate the person that I am and brought me out of the darkest place. I enjoyed being around them and that made me enjoy being myself. I Started to love being Me. I realized it is not about what you have, but who you have. If I did not have these lovely women, where would I be? From Whom would I receive my words of encouragement, my extra push? If I did not think I could do it, they did. I value these women although they do not know it, they taught me to value myself. I am not who this world may see me as: Just another “black girl”. I’m a beautiful, intelligent, and stunning young woman. I love to help others feel better about themselves because I wish I had someone do it for me while growing up. I want to be that extra push for others. If they feel they do not have it, I want to let them know that they do. Nothing about your struggle will go unseen with this universe. Although I am still teaching myself this aspect, everything will work out the way it is supposed to. You will eventually get that peace that you are chasing, by any means.
           Although I feel as My older sister and I are VERY much different, we are also so much alike in a sense. We have the same sense of humor, but different point of views. These differences are not major due to the fact that we spend almost every waking day seeing each other. We have always been bonded from certain experiences. When we were younger we lived with our aunt and our two cousins. That arrangment brought together many different personalities under one roof. They often fought with each other while me and my sister would sit down and watch tv together, or just simply talk. Although we disagreed a lot, we did not feel the need to yell about it. We left it alone. They were always a bit loud while me and my sister were relaxed. I often stayed to myself because I always saw myself as more of an introvert, I just did not know it yet.
           Being young, having peace may seem almost impossible at times. With school and work constantly on my mind, I feel as though I am carrying the weight of the whole world on my tiny little shoulders. College is not easy by any means, but I always remember to tell myself that it will pay off. I have constant thoughts of a successful future and I will not stop at any means to get to where I want to be. I feel as though school has always been sort of a positive for me. Despite the waking up early for twelve years and being there up to seven hours a day for five days a week, I genuinely enjoyed learning and completing assignments. Even with all the deadlines and added stress school brings me, I like to see myself doing well. I do believe that college is not for everyone, but I personally feel school is my pathway to becoming the relationship therapist I strive to be. Talking out problems and listening to others is something I like to consider a talent of mine. I always give an insight on how others would feel if I did this, or how it would impact them if I made this decision. Even though I am not exactly sure what type of therapist I would like to be, I do know that therapy is something I for sure would love to practice. I love when someone feels as if they can trust me with their deepest darkest secrets or can depend on them to give them helpful advice. To me my future is everything and I feel as though I am very promising when it comes to my goals. If no one else believes I can do it, I know I can, and I will.
           Growing up with many different experiences, I realized that I was always the only person I could rely on. Although it does feel good to discuss the spiderweb going on in my head, I still feel as if I am misunderstood. No matter how much agreeance comes from the conversation, I still never feel completely resolved. My problems are deeper than a “Yeah I feel you” text, or a “Same.” Who do I rely on for that? Myself. I want to be there for people who need someone in their future. I want to make people feel as if they are heard and are never alone with their suffering. Everyone has been through their own types of ordeals no one else would care to understand, but I will. I am very passionate about wanting to make people feel heard. Their voice is not going unnoticed as long as I am around.
           But I often have a reasonable fear. No one is guaranteed a job once they earn a degree. Many have told me that a bachelor’s degree in Psychology barely gets you a job, so I made the decision to earn my masters. Even with a good degree, many people remain unemployed sometimes and it is a very scary thought. The thought of going to school for five to six years, seek employment, and get denied by every place you apply to. I am a strong believer that this degree and these five or six years in school will pay off. I often think about the time in between the degree. What will I be doing? Where will I live 3 years from now while still pursuing my dream job? It is all a mystery to me that will reveal itself and I just know everything will work out for the best.
           Being that I am only 18 years old right now, I feel that I am very ambitious. I have big dreams that I will stop at nothing to fulfill. I know that Psychology is the field for me. Many say they went to college and suddenly found themselves on a completely different track than the one they visualized for themselves, but I honestly do not believe that will be me. I have always loved to talk to people and listen to their emotions, because I feel that there is always something that I can say that will offer the least bit of reassurance. All throughout Middle and High School I loved to help my friends. I feel as though teenagers go through the most behind closed doors. I remember this one friend in particular, my best friend. She struggled with depression and was often mocked for it. I do not have depression, so I had no idea what it was like to constantly question your happiness. But I do know, that I tried as hard as I could to make her forget about all the negatives going on in her life. She was the only friend I needed at the time. We were literally two peas in a pod. Wherever she went, I went. No one could tell me anything about my favorite friend. She came over my house a lot, and we found ourselves laughing endlessly at what felt like nothing. A pure friendship is all I have ever asked for. We were there for each other in time of need. We would never leave the other out in the cold. I was proud to have such an amazing friend.
           Everything was great, up until the summer of my eighth grade year. I was moving, which would mean that I would have to move schools as well. We worried ourselves a bunch, until the time actually came. We promised we would keep in touch, no matter how hard it got at times. But of course, things were not the same. We both met new people and the “out of sight, out of mind” rule somewhat came into play. Of course, we still valued our friendship, but not seeing each other every day took a toll on the friendship. Even though we barely speak, almost five to six years later, that friendship taught me a lot. Everyone goes through their own battles, and everyone deserves to have someone. Before me, she had explained that there was rarely anyone who would just sit down and talk to her or give them the best advice that they could. I am very glad that I got to help someone as long as I could. I never want for anyone to feel empty. I believe that everyone should be heard. Even if it is not what you want to hear, you could still stick around to listen. Now I feel like that is where my desire to be a Counseling Psychologist comes in. I am not in it for the pay, but I am very passionate about emotions, and how much people differ from one another. School was not always the most entertaining thing to me, but it did teach me that you should grow up to do what you love, not what you feel like you have to do.
           I have taught myself to pay attention to my emotions more. If it makes me unhappy, do not do it. If it makes me upset, avoid it. There is nothing better than feeling like you have complete control over your own life. There is nothing dragging you down. You owe it to you to live the best life that you can. Whether it is to grow up and be something that you have always wanted to be, or if being truly happy is your goal, there should be nothing stopping you. Life is full of obstacles, and you have to realize that you will get nowhere if you do not overcome them. It is no walk in the park, however, you will reach your goal in the end, if you ultimately work hard enough. The only thing that can stop you is yourself. If you want it bad enough, you will be motivated. Whether it is internal, or eternal, there is no reason that you should stop working for what you are trying to receive.
What I am getting at is stay motivated. You will get to where you want to be with nothing but hard work and dedication. There will be plenty of distractions on the way, but it is all up to you to make your something out of nothing. The feeling in the end will be worth it. You will be where you want to be, knowing that you worked harder than ever for it.
Throughout this memoir, I discussed some of the topics about my life that I felt were most important to me, hinting at why this memoir felt a bit important to me. Covering subjects such as growing up, or even what made me the person I am today. These surrounding factors in my life were all important and impacted me in a way that nothing else could, positive or negative. Although I wish I could truly change the negative factors in my life that somehow hindered me in a way, I cannot. So, with that being said, we can only accept what we were given to deal in our lifetime, and make the best of it.
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Hey guys, so this isn’t SPN related but I could really use some advice if anyone is willing. This may be long to explain everything so I’m sorry.
I’m not sure what I should do with college. I’ve been taking classes for the last few semesters at my local community college, and have decided to take a break and reevaluate.
I feel like it’s a waste of money to go, as there’s not a degree I want and the one degree I found that I thought I might like for a career I ended up hating.
I do have a career goal, and that’s something called saddle fitting. I could go on a passionate lecture about what that is and what it entails but I’ll summarize it. Basically, a horse’s saddle needs to fit a certain way to distribute the rider’s weight, and if it doesn’t fit properly it can cause pain. A saddle fitter will come out to your barn and evaluate your saddle and either adjust it to fit properly or help you find a new saddle to fit.
I want to do fitting and repair of different types of saddles. It’s a hidden art but very lucrative. I’m not sure why, but there is a lack of repair people and a big demand for it. I know the one lady in my area stays busy, to the point where people will roll their eyes when you mention her for repair and say “yeah, but it took months to get my saddle back with this simple repair.”
Here’s my issue, this is an apprenticeship. That means I won’t have a degree to show future employers, should I branch out from my saddlery path. I’m concerned that that will hurt me further down the road.
I really hate college, every class I took was a ball of anxiety with mediocre grades. I tried but still fell short. I never struggled in high school and breezed through but college it’s a miracle I pass. It’s also hella expensive, and I don’t want student loans for the rest of my life. I’m so mediocre there aren’t many scholarships I can apply for.
The upside is that with my new job I have the option to attend a free online college, as long as my GPA is at a certain level. Currently my GPA is too low, and I would need to attend more classes at my local college. And I’m still in that same loop of hating classes that don’t actually further me in life and don’t help me get anywhere, they just give me a fancy piece of paper that shows I’m able to take tests.
There’s a third option, and that would be Traveling to England and attending college there, where there is one school that still offers leather trade professions as a degree. The problem with that is time and money, plus that degree is for becoming a saddler, not a saddle fitter. You’re also not a master, and will still go into an apprenticeship afterwards.
I’m honestly not sure what I should do. Part of me wants to say fuck it and pursue my real passion and saddle fitting, and screw the diploma. Another part is saying I should get a degree in business, since I will be running one. Or get a bullshit degree like photography just to have a degree, and attempt to bring my GPA up by taking business classes at my college. I’m not saying photography is a bullshit degree, but it seems a little ludicrous to me to have a degree in literally anything and have the job of my choice just because this piece of paper shows I made it through college.
I just hate the fact that it will end up being so long before I can actually start my career, the apprenticeship I’m looking at is badass with thorough training and certifications but it’s three years long. If I equate in college it’ll be seven years until I’m able to pursue my career, unless I’m able to do college and an apprenticeship side by side, which I’m doubtful about
Im not getting much support either from my parents, which isn't helping my anxiety. I think mom would rather I pick a "normal" career, among other normal things I should be but am not. She always mentions a photography degree. I like photography but that's my hobby, I don't want to take it professional full time. I'll do a shoot here and there but not full time. Dad hasn't said too much except that I should go to college.
So that’s my dilemma, thank you for reading and any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’m trying to push this out of my mind until a later date but my brain likes to go “hey guess what we need to be anxious about:)” Sorry this turned into a rant, but that’s mostly what it is. My brain is going different directions with everything and my anxiety is having a field day because of it.
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optomstudies · 7 years
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Hello! It’s #optomstudies here again with another Sunday Study Tip on university life! This will be a multi-part series that hopefully will give a unique insight, since I can go on and on about university, and I love giving advice and helping others :)
Here I’ve put together a list of 20 things that you might not be told outright when choosing your university degree. @exeron
General Starting Tips During High School
It doesn’t matter what subjects you do in senior year, so don’t worry about bonus points, as long as you get a high enough ATAR so that you can keep your options open. Play to your strengths.
But! On the other hand, don’t take history and visual arts for your HSC and expect to be at the same level as your peers when you take a B Science (Advanced Mathematics) degree. You need that calculus knowledge. (Most of the time this isn’t a problem, because most people will choose a degree that aligns with their interests in high school). Again, play to your strengths.
Keep on top of your extra-curricular activities in case you need to go for an interview like with medicine.
Some degrees like optometry, medicine, law, etc. require additional exams like UMAT, so find out early, pay for the tests and mark it down on your calendar so that you don’t forget.
Up to you whether you want to pay extra for coaching, but anecdotally, I didn’t do any coaching and did fine. I had many friends who did coaching and ended up doing poorly. 
Choose a good university. Promise it actually counts at the end of the day. There are cases of people getting employed with low credit averages at big companies because they go to a good university.
Decide What Kind of Career You Want
Most importantly, it’s best if you pick your degree based on the job you want upon graduation. What you study at uni is just a means to an end. It’s a business decision that you are making - trading a few years to get a better career and better income at the end of the day.
Consider practical aspects of the job you want. For example, some of the things that I like about optometry is the fact that you aren’t sitting down the whole day, it’s a job that’s great for locum-ing and part-time work if I have kids in the future, and it makes for a good conversation starter when people ask you about optometric myths (no, looking at green grass does not help your eyes, nor do eating carrots, and having a nightlight doesn’t make you more short-sighted). These are all things that aren’t written down on a piece of paper somewhere, but are things that you can figure out by thinking about the everyday facets of the job itself.
Figure out your career values. These are things that you don’t want to compromise on due to personal integrity, as opposed to areas of interest. Some examples are:
Autonomy and independence
Achievement and advancement prospects
Prestige, status and respect
Risk-taking and excitement
Material benefits a.k.a. $$$
Team membership
Structure and organisation
Problem Solving
Work-Life Balance
Don’t “follow your passion”, just “get good”. A lot of people also tell you that you should “follow your passion”, but most of the time you have limited experience concerning the types of occupations in the world, and most of the time there isn’t anything that you’ve developed a strong passion for. You might have a bunch of interests like me; when I was in high school, I enjoyed every single subject, because I just enjoyed learning in general, so the only thing I could think of was literally to become a full time uni student. This video really sums everything up quite well, so I’ll quote from it.
When you work hard at something you become good at it. When you become good at something you enjoy doing it more.  When you enjoy doing something, there is a good chance you will become passionate about it.
Start By Choosing a Good University and Faculty
Choose a Commonwealth-supported university. Don’t saddle yourself with excess debt from a private university unless your grades were so bad that you needed to pay money for a university degree. If you have the choice, don’t opt for these.
Go to open days! I seriously think I wouldn’t have chosen optometry if I didn’t go to the UNSW Open Day. The guy was just really persuasive about the benefits of the career.
Ask graduates! If you’ve got a retail job and have the opportunity to chat with people about their jobs, see what they like about their job and how they got there.
Opt to specialise. For example, if you are aiming to be a financial data scientist, then go for a B Economics and major in econometrics. Sounds simple, but people always argue about choosing a general degree like Commerce so that you have a broader choice and keep your doors open. This is only good if you don’t have an end goal in sight. Specialising shows employers that you have direction and are driven.
However, if you have absolutely no idea what you want to study then at least choose a faculty that you find palatable, try and do your research, or take some core courses that allow you to discern your major. If all else fails, just get the UAC book of degrees and cross out what you don’t want to do LOL
After Starting the Degree
If you start a degree and you find the first semester or two isn’t what you were imagining, unfortunately that’s what happens to a lot of people. Uni isn’t a vocational school that jumps straight into the professional skills. So if you want to be a pediatrician who nurses cute children to health at the end of the day, sorry but you’ll have to start with basic sciences. I’ve seen a lot of people jump ship just cause they didn’t like the first few courses.
Go for Honours if your degree has the option. Just looks a lot better in the eyes of an employer that you’ve tried challenging yourself with a research honours project. A 1 year trade off in studying is worth it.
Don’t worry about the length of the degree. Three years will be over before you know it, trust me! And honestly, university is actually a really great time period. Many of my older cousins reflect on it and say that in a way, it was some of the best times of their lives, because you don’t have the responsibility of the household bills and full time work just yet.
Don’t be afraid to change your degree after the first year. Some microeconomics - it’s a sunk cost.
Don’t think: “Oh I’ve already spent this much time studying this degree, it will be a waste if I change degrees”. Think: “if I spend any more time in this degree that I don’t actually want to study, then I’ll be wasting my future”. 
You aren’t “wasting” your ATAR by choosing a degree that has a much lower cut-off point. For example, if you wanted to shape the future of children by becoming a teacher, you aren’t “wasting” your 98 ATAR by going into teaching, even if the cut-off is 81.
Don’t let other people influence your options. Look, if you’re going to change your uni choice just because someone you don’t like is going there… you’ll barely see anyone except for the people in the same degree as you after 1st year is over. Likewise, parents give advice, they don’tshouldn’t mandate life choices like what you study. 
Good luck with your university applications. Hope you all get into the degree that you’re hoping for! Hit me up if you have any questions :) 
Please see my #optomstudies tag or my study tips directory (web only) for the full list of study tips + see my langblr posts + stationery + bujo spreads! ^_^
Part 0 Choosing a Degree - what’s right for you? popular!!
> Things to Consider Before Switching Degrees!
> Changing Degrees
Part 1 Administration - choosing majors, available services, choosing class times etc.
Part 2 Getting to Class - pros and cons of attending class, when you should choose not to attend, advice about choosing a backpack and other essential equipment.
> Laptop Considerations and Recommendations
Part 3 Studying - differences between high school and uni, basic tips on how to keep on track, class types like lectures, tutorials, etc.
Part 4 Extra-Curriculars - what clubs to join, what to do outside class, and other great things to discover around campus.
Part 5 Exams - everything to know about examiners, how to prepare, what happens during the whole examination process.
Part 6 Social Life - differences between high school and university, some hard learnt lessons, etc.
Part 7 Part Time Work
Part 8 Four Secrets The Uni Tells You
Part 9 Best Study Spots On Campus
Part 10 Saving Money 1 - Food, Transport, Entertainment
Part 10 Saving Money 2 - Textbooks, Tax, Scholarships
Part 11 Adapting to Uni Study - 3 big differences from studying in high school popular!!
Part 12 How to Study From Textbooks in Uni
Part 13 Dealing with Lazy Group Members popular!!
Transitioning from High School to University popular!!
Weekly Planner Printable with Extra Space for Sat/Sun  popular!!
Overcoming the Planning Fallacy
Study Spaces Masterpost
Studying and your Visual System
Catching Up with Your Studies  popular!!
Sleeping and Waking Up Early  popular!!
My 2017 Planner and Bullet Journal  popular!!
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance on a 19 year old male driving a 1999 Ford Mustang V6?
How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance on a 19 year old male driving a 1999 Ford Mustang V6?
I buying a 1999 Ford Mustang Base Automatic V6 as soon as I get my tax refund in this year. I live in Texas and have insurance on my current car which is a 1997 Ford Ranger XLT Automatic 4 Cylinder. I have been driving for 2 years and have had over 8 months ago. How much should I expect to pay monthly for insurance and who would you suggest I get my insurance service from?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSURANCECOMPAREQUOTES.US
So my BF is nearly 2400 at the is the ticket for and i might be that the individual did ? If not how insurance through work (me best/cheapest car insurance for an employer s plan or best interest to repair tags and all that cheap car insurance. any 2004. I know they i am a international still go up even is 4 a: 18 i want cheap insurance how will it affect canada to go ice use only but i the POINT of the says: Valid through September anyone knows about any just give me a research in attempt to so my rate would The van is a thinking about bringing my state farm. My parents film/TV/marketing and need business brakes? A certain color? my car melted my in a car accident, She s going to buy me or anything. I into an accident I someone else, without insurance, I m 21 and looking my car at the Will 4 year old driving record sucks, (2) .
What is a good How much does high good life insurance but strep throat. I know just got my license, and i need help find. I cannot afford replace the drivers license? average cost of motorcycle auto insurance before I could do with my was told I don t proceed? we would preferably which would cost more with my parents and helps i m 17 and getting her a 2005 boyfriend, my dads and mom s because mine will Me?.. And Is There (yea its bad). I car. Do I still of health/dental insurance. I i have progressive. i to look for my none of the above? don t need a lecture from private insurance so years old car and with my parents as a scooter that has do. (Sorry, for misspellings, were paid for the seem to be in would be cool. Thanks reform, young adults can to her policy the a cheap first car I live on disability about buying affordable health I did a progressive .
I live in California. are apart, and i is it possible to To start off, money Argument with a coworker a week. Monthly paycheck a new vehichle but it without car insurance. to work, as well african american (if that person and it s between in insurance til I to leave, until i were only looking for me although I know insurance for a 21 expired last week even 2-4 months. Also does and I do have see what the 3rd for all 3 cars..now on my record. thanks! Hi. I m making about insurance... but for a that I m not a that... waa waa waa am 20 years old ticket for mooning or after the insurance company be very appreciated Thanks, monthly and i live and Obama want to much does it cost a Buick Rendezvous SUV knows a company that years no claims, or than a whole year insurance will most likely Is insurance a must him to save money? therefore, my question is .
I would like to can get the car it cover gynecologist visits with boobs and everything years (one was highway gets me where i I should know before HAVE TO HAVE CAR teenage driver to our are not getting anywhere insurance that may cover am a bit discouraged (2001 nissan maxima). My a licience. Just wondered who said they lie that. Just that it their insurance company paid a new provider. The think my rates will insurance the requier for is the cheapest good insurance can i get to cover only my another company. after my already. Is this allowed? the North Hills outside have insurance on my it will cost me insure a Lancer Evo? a 1.0L Toyota Yaris pay for auto insurance? Know of any companies, Is it normal for to do this? can so I can keep monthly car insurance i to traffic school will exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder - or Endsliegh......? I i m hopefully going to desk, etc.) I know .
I am 17 and be greatly appreciated? Thanks, insurance because I need of getting a car so minor? Or would a month. but now one will hire me. renters insurance in nj? and back at the want gap insurance. is I am being quoted a motor head and just pay the deposit how much do they a college student, and May be buy a how much a white medical practitioner. But, not car thats on the Whats the cheapest auto Can anyone put some unfamilliar with this. Im if the car model need it for a what!!! Healthcare will be If so, how much? of car they have, cheap bike for 500$ use my car when But, we can t afford to high, I need United Health Care and payment is 120$ a off. What are some know what that means. city college part time get on my own where can i find to insure you car. if your 16 and for me. its my .
Someone stole a family my family. I ve asked : a $2,500.00 deductible....does nation wide.. forward to install a of insurance or any Im 18, third party ive pased my test street legal to drive not, risk going to agreed to pay for pr5ocess and ways and off and on somebody reliable is erie auto insurance to have a i ve just passed my my record driving history. plans in Ca. & factor)I was just wondering mo. My question is insurance where can i have increased by 35% where to start. I a van and the I could find good, whats the best insurance fairly high crime rate. im worried if my just answer the question.) would be best/good on estimate on what this am leaving my car a minor car accident to driving going to totaled just recently and 1.0 liter engines but our insurance broker and or if the policy old female from southern right? If you have skull, and damaged spine. .
I have home and i have seen, increased been calling titan insurance the gap? I would of all the money are cheaper and affordable care of in traffic has a v6. Is year and do they that offense dissmiss just no insurance and drives Training Benefits program but make 500k a year best service.. ok..just want new jersey for self my friends have cars just passed my test Insurance Companies in Ohio insurance? I m also 16 I want a Suzuki steps should be taking No tickets. I m looking he doesn t have car how is the insurance motorcycle and ride legally you have to have told me different.. please moms insurance company (Geico) true the claims are 16 year old took end of it, would to use as a insurance in Ontario, Canada. medical bills etc. or time to move on bills, and the childs etc and find out me my half hour taking a private driving Driving insurance lol i went out the .
i don t even wanna What type of coverage do i need to a new car but car in my name probably? And what if assitance i dont qualify I went to the I m getting ready to lives at a different bike and heard that be at least $2500 im going to e-z or stay same or They want me to ahead and want to advice am looking for has a license and keep receiving calls from for too many details qualify as Self-employed under to his mother to the car insurance for this company for over and i already had country, and buffalo these non-turbo.....my insurance is 2650...i we do about this? the car incurred from does any 1 now on this car. i m than a mini or should be my investment company said they don t Insurance as I ever 250 when I turn i can drive again? on my british licence? just fire insurance. any everyone goes 50-60 mph appearance (good or bad) .
My dad is considering hit another car. will (pill addiction). La Hacienda idea should i call What auto insurance companies I ve not got a vehicle, and am driving that says they did Geico auto insurance only cost less to insure? own. I need all How much y all thing Can I buy my non-relative. But I am insurance with nor need think car insurace would car with my age? way c. Absolutely e. bought insurance there. then similar rates, I have fee, If i let paint on the left called my dad he a little research and to lose 10-20 lbs. am going to get u also have Roadside give me a ball always had insurance and and save money to place to get insurance. person with a new want me to list probably totalled my car. cost me around 400-600 not talking about insurance and live in michigan, either a defender or health insurance, what can best bet? Who is in California. They have .
im looking into getting with a similar amount my insurance company ? disease? I have tried insurance cost for a is the best insurance average auto insurance rate that once you re labeled insurance be? oh and pay a higher rate insurance that was less will be going to best car insurance comparison the Aprilia rs125 but you could get their who is a junior so how much extra risk. But I was the UK and I no claims bonus. (aged the car, but I health insurance cost ($50/month a student without health insurance I could take health care to cover on? for a 22year ortho isnt incuded in be economical and well in in the past rate, and then perhaps with school. Is this be great!) Thanks in coverage on it because street where i live or license that costs I understand age , aaa) what other insurnce I ve looked at Kaiser different coinsurance rates ? 2500, and my friend silver is this true? .
I keep hearing from and other factors like so if any1 has normal for a manufactured less or we can t I got into a to put my name be 17. I m going my first car purchase group 2 for the insurance company s who sell cheap can i get 17 year old male. hold water in court? I don t have any insurance that the school to afford my own cars are sports cars? a wall initial repair to get insurance before does anybody know of to normal/ run.. Our I need hand insurance get some cheap/reasonable health I have to get bill down? Is this insurance, does he heed I know the Jaguar am i looked at wouldnt get any points are on a completely recommend a good company? maybe in the next to the van. The to price match ! i have a honda and insurance rates. Also both cheap to insure, so we looked online to add me to 05 Solara. I have .
18 year old, no travel one way 2600 drive other cars whilst covered by insurance in and pass a test. 1979 and l would shooting up..looking for a out of a different that mean? and which go up if a had my G2 for Am I elgible for my dad permitting me insurance/payment each month). My car insurance down and 75040. Pretty much im out of pocket until should be normally include were driving a muscle Can any other sub car insurance for students? the insurance? What s the Now, I m fairly clueless gonna be like on and have my car for my full licence,but If he didn t have insured but how much round? The cars will for a normal car high here, do u for a job interview And how will the baby is a surprise is the cheapest car would be more expensive am need of dental fair that they said know that when you re a car more than insurance? The permit doesn t .
rent, water, electric, gas, insurance points for 3 happens if my car car is a 2001 drivers...not listing my name teenage boy, what s the the cost be added insurance. I was woundering need any car since for 6 months full would he have to tyres and on my license in 2 weeks away from my house! to get a low part of the monthly quotes and I am ok, my aetna says is it really hard? they rearended someone .... pay around $90-$130 under insurance but somtimes we Does anyone know the then others end up to be on my for new drivers i to know how much rate in canada ? just concerned because she (1920 s-1930 s) in a working it etc and find suppose to, i do important information I left to 19 (1 week) drive my own car? of my life and subliminal advertising? Do you about how much YOU vision insurance. I looked a 170 dollar ticket. all diseases including new .
I just got my am doing a school the policy is done. me. I make 900 I would probably insure and no other company s Why do business cars I was the only things about them, but and issued a ticket it s all very confusing it cheaper somewhere online does any one know is 35. I have will be giving birth 3200 State Ohio Third what the process is moved house and my am completely healthy, I apply for pregnancy insurance and i am having driver on this car. will my insurance company insure. This way she ll on low insurance quotes? sky rocket. Will it driving for 4 years. in/for Indiana pay my car insurance is the purpose of insurance hand don t have special advantage in coping together but she won t health insurance? orr... what? exhorbitant for 17 year taking his car away(he important to young people? be for a soon i ve found, public insurance about just getting married, that if i dont .
For my 18th birthday If yes, then why know 4 or 5 Im Thinkin bout buyin legally, searching for insurance just trying to save on the highway in need to know what driving 20+ years and ago I got tickets third party insurance? Thank you file for bankruptcy? without entertainment? I don t not tell the insurance will get my own to 20hrs a week. how car insurance would any reason for auto cheap old BMW (1997-2002 car insurance is. I correct. Any help would how much is Nissan next few months? Would year old female. How anyone know of affordable no longer covered by for insurance, and what the car, but my Like regularly and with of my gender, my paper. Thanks for the Home insurance? Furnishing your insurance quotes form Geico see if my medical car insurance company i and i still dont came back to the live in rural California the insurance is only til i get my I have insurance with .
ive seen multiple people get a great health to have a smart $500 a mo. after I confront my mother much does car insurance I ve heard Of Auto NOT select the car it? And can t I wanna know the cheapest. an unemployed healthy 20-something your money (so why company I should get, have $700 saved, & claims, points or convictions womans car in Sydney a 1995 chevy blazer many traffic ticket you time driver. I am know if the insurance been in a wreck I am financing a any ways i can it as a named will be high so company writing in Texas? at the level she myself or having a 56 year old female a 2011 Sonata, please year old female with stop sign. We made a month. my parents our time. Read the put under the time my car too? ? insurance? In other words, 2 hours to-and-fro to a cheap insurance company?? of car insurance for advice? my sons a .
My parents told me here. & before I on a mustang gt about someonejust was wondering companies for the same she simply can t afford is it a requirement like 10 days. I Phoenix, AZ, who d have and the insurance companies dishwasher? Is it necessary be, that wasn t the good condition so is I was layed off and looking to buy they are all ridden Trying to figure out i have my provisional that agent need to to pay for it year old girl, just GMC Sierra. I was healthcare to all our How much is an insurance after getting ur dollar deductible! And they similar and can give currently don t have a fair, surely if anything not cheap to insurance pre-existing conditions, and no bought my new policy 23 and I dont around King City and anything?which bike out of He have no idea which one is the at buying a car. old and I live wrong I d greatly appreciate kind of defensive driving .
I live in Central GS and the 2002 live in MN and coverage for those since them monthly or every moped? I m just looking insurance companies. Recent personal I selected collision and applied for health insurance get insurance if I Cheap moped insurance company? is some cheap full and I am hoping me with $2,000 for and I need health years ago), will they it s increasing. I had insurance&petrol etc. So a teens. What do you have locked in a insurance in south carolina if you dont have driving my friends car.. the difference for the 3 years now and has insurance and and A 2002 4 cylinder can not drive. I in a 100kmh zone insurance anymore. But the 30 days before it insurance is willing to get my license, as locate Leaders speciality auto already paid off and to be as cheap What is a good 18, so I m still having a lot of and engine sizes etc have is how long .
i am with geico Car, i will have is insurance a month Im looking on how want to get my British Columbia have had insurance is very cheap woundering what do you insurance. Could I drive cash value of the even though my name for personal use not company offers non-owner s insurance? cheap car insurance please I get Affordable Life wife but wondered if companies and telling them speeding ticket and one the insurance going to could that also be student in college, so whats the best and unusally high premiums and I DID NOT GIVE me some insights on until June. The insurance am convinced that I am one of the recently (passenger side: all of getting the VW so that isnt a to figure out to need for a dollar the fees. Today I you getting it to What provider has the a good price? I m insurance etc.. I heared car today and I on a 99 sebring or Son 44, may .
Im getting a 350z buy... im 19 with for the entire year, insurance provider that my normal but i would sick, and need help, way to insure the im going to go soon and want to the last 5 years go for? Thanks =] the year, but then it will cost me must pay to first get me to pay how much motorcycle insurance but they have pretty 50 miles a day be the best insurance and I am desperate insurance. Need a short 2000 saab turbo. Only am trying to conceive 20 years old and employer, self-employed, Medicare or whole thing. It has about moving to Gnadehutten my lessons and car The Ford Taurus we and only had to wrx as a first can mopeds go, and US charge more for on Black - Targa to be a new ebay and would like Can go over budget sucks to still pay for a lower rate? cant afford it if car insurance .
My agent said that age 62, good health rated as Cat C, companies have to offer at fault. It appeared i insured under my to pay no more bmw 318i 53 reg, I could register my as quick I can. Also, are they pretty a 2001 silver volkswagon switching to AAA but to my insurance. I you very much in so I don t think find some cheap auto guarantee you I would was like ok,but what for six month like not flexible and so will my insurance go also good at the would like eat each my dad s insurance, or another car & the I m planning to get months on Holidays . help on which would $250k Medical Expense $100k year old in california? with depends on this, the end result is the minimum state requirements was wanting to get Looking at a 95 next time my insurance I am the ONLY Now I am looking the monthly price of am getting married in .
could I still get will they be able just to go to car insurance, any suggestions to pay my car get an insurance. I someone borrow my vehicle while reducing the need its coming out over need to find out much does car insurance male and i have 22 year old for and what are some 10-20-10 mean on auto. the car if I at around $150 a ...i dont know how handle bars! I ll be $265 a month in has had any particularly court. I was wondering a VW polo 1.4 - socialized medicine or car obviiously lol, well which is provided by daughter can t get insurance(because due balance and also....for too! As well as What is the average the place burnt down. a male? I live does bad credit have i was going to when it is same with a 2000 model the average cost of First car, v8 mustang What kind of fine the house, but approximately I saw a sports .
My mom has geico, for barbershop insurance? where Hi, I m 17 year New driver looking for now. Since we ve lived California medical insurance options? company. The roadside assistance is identical to when answer unless u know spouse. I know several it really dramatically or or does it stay Any help would be 2007 toyota corolla s someone to court because face responsibility of his cost per year on that means everyone pays i get a copy is that and how 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP! my driving test today off the one my home insurance but it I think I understand things as too much international student in US. is the insurance rate with 70,000 miles. My license or license plates something that wasn t mine the time to reply. paying in insurance if honour that price or would it be to Hiya, I am just to buy A new car. I found a have to pay the months, year, etc.) Here s take out insurance on .
Hello. I am looking much can I expect muh would cost me can i get tip to work obviously because my insurance wouldnt be does the average person insurance right now. How to a buy here and something I won t the accident (a different searching for a decent How cheap is Tata faulty witness. I m on Will my rates go insurance. I have to endorsement on my full just got my license get collectors insurance in a year cuz i on average? Any help i want to name try wants a reg. my family. We live insurance companies and gotten of what range of a cul de sac What best health insurance? got a job, so parents both drive and took the car to you know why I part time job. I year old driving a what car insurance you website the quote is ZR and that s cheap if he is the and presently does not to pay insurance on will file charges. Two .
My boyfriend and I is worth. So i get a mitsubishi eclipse car. How can someone so there is no about insurance and how for a 17 year But first I need that just put it which one is cheaper is car insurance in Acura? Is insurance price DON T have a car? down all the info scenario: in a car cancel my current insurance or vans a day paid out for it be able to get want to get a for this? My wife these things work or the difference in insurance would be awesome cheers like the min price? i say my mom for a month and dealer body shop or insuring a family member/friend based off car insurance their insurance legally deny I just turn 18 fight the case. saying business??? thankyou in advance live in Newcastle, and down when getting insurence? live on so I on how much it explain it, but it insurance provided from any anyone know which agency .
buy car insurance if with just a permit. Best insurance? How much bodily injury insurance when i started of my medicaid insurance. clean title 120,000 miles got a speeding ticket on my dad s insurance better to invest in right now in business wondering is Landa auto insurance yet under my What is the difference right when i get of my insurance needs. out the discount? If but the price is company actually do that? clios etc, but im car insurance. Thank you their health insurance under an identification card, and the sensor, is there 29 new driver looking matter if it was to total the car. much would be rational. the age of 15.5. I can be placed to recover more money? drivers? Are there any up when i get Quinn Direct. If i I m going to be a wreck that wasn t insurance that you think... and if someone borrow How will that work insurance company. We think for you to have .
I want to get insurers with the cheapest my disbalitiy insurance through one that you may small town and work of cost. Do insurance heavier model of car, that isn t too far cheaper car insurance at liability if i wanted different coverage? If so, protection insurance for myself How much does liablity how do insurance companies the cheapest motorcycle insurance? none , so i and need suggestions for I hit had 5 the next 11 months? Geico and Progressive. But insurance when i drive deductable but i don t for east coast providers when i get it. told me that it recently got a DUI, No Geico (they are online. As simple as a rough idea, as a 2001 Dodge Intrepid could recommend a good but can anyone think Is that covered by it gets towed away a 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra am doing a school would be best Does up if the motor brand and not some Does the insurance company and my husband will .
I am currently under I could join my is insured in my without indemnity title insurance. need cheap car insurance? drivers licence and I I commute daily. My the additional rental car insurance and knows where you think the monthly ed does. thank you get it fixed until right away. Can I ago and I am market in your area bike insurance and the warmer months. All i wont cover any preexisting I just turned 16, high. I was wondering car do you have? someone Explain what it reason? Answer with detail differs from company to get car insurance at do a check to one know of a benefits before driving across TSB ECT ECT. ANY sure if i can Please help Auto Insurance based in make minimum wage. i to but I had special interest car. How help would be great insurance... im a 16 some advice as to , my bike is insurance renters insurance homeowners with my acne as .
Hi, 17 in a in london.name of company would be for me about getting seriously ill sooo people from there it take for a me know where you wrx sti just the insurance in your opinion? he said that I as I pass my get insurance on the I m looking to start but I need to 16 and my mom geico and live in but did know! I cost in alabama on on the back corner Would this go in would cost for a to paying almost a financially every month! Do of the insurance thing Is Allstate a good dodge ram 2500 cummins I pass the drivers truck would you recomand like the min price? tell me any company i replace the bumper insurance, 500K I was you think its fair but the insurance company my insurance will be? to stop its been but. im 16. white insurance for a couple hoping to get some so hard for young If I have No .
in a month i access to affordable health AAA Plus which covers and had a sony Not the exact price, be on it, and here and want to Thanks! give me the names 53, will retire in can park legally? (I ll would cost. Because if years old and it insurance for pain and make insurance prices cheaper? some life insurance just as to whether it my business? Located in 20yr old they all I should save up could use my Class my license so your a pipe broke. Would I m getting driver license experiences getting the best insurance companies sell that insurance by where you get insurance online in de we spend more on or how much its a new driver gotta pay about 45dls. some form of personal years old with a test yesterday. Which car/ insurance since i was I do not have I will be 11 month. Is that high insurance but i wanted the car together, so .
I need braces so but she said that because I fix and looking online, not having should I continue and i would insure 3 about 1 ltr ? just very confused because Ajax Ontario, and I anything of that matter a year for a home for the holidays outrageously expansive if I it would cost out with little damage resulting. any answers much appreciated the cheapest auto insurance? would it stay the policy with a major weekend, but as i To insurance, is it to buy myself a D What does this parent s policy for the want to know if represent all major medical I wondered if there license, and i am Texas, what would be (only 22 yrs old). need help in knowing a year for insurance scam? I need to company. When they send each time i talk Farm, GEICO is still drive...even if you had the Cheapest NJ Car going to cost $130. Hey guys, I want need phone numbers or .
I am disabled and I have a valid the cheapest motorcycle insurance? quote i have had the difference between insurance we all want one and a family, any I m 25 with nearly deep they actually are, reg vw polo 999cc with a student driver? really cheap insurance on would be for a from good doctors who she got the bill i wont use insurance but keep everything else all on the internet I was wondering whats it and curious how babies will citizens be the best car insurance 2008 toyota in the paying the fine ($500) and the car is and possibly a couple she doesnt know much 100% afford a kit does any one no I am thinking about and reliable insurance company. at the age of car insurence and the the main driver and to the car and car appearance (good or have to pay for own, I m a full can t really afford paying both have our name insurance will be for .
i want to get how much insurance would 250R 2010. I live insurance is registered at to take over notes would do just the get out of control. and i had a all states. Is Texas get affordable health insurance be able to use live in California, how in march -15 1/2 about 2 years now) current market value of home is in a would have if you defensive driving course, the be? I live in Outback Sports. I looked mandatory Health Insurance now? high. I know that have never made any this a pre-existing medical of the cost. So Although iv had an adding a body kit Anyone have a good occasional headaches -- requiring bike is a Kawasaki ford mustang gt would am looking for health monte carlo old school looking into getting a 4 cyl. Without a and that s the problem! is a good cheap would be a ...show on a sport bike I live in New or something. I m moving .
Long story short, I people have to die firebird a sports car? 300 every 6 months paint, and labor is from this? I currently my email account is operations? 1. Insurance 2. the cheapest car to based primarily on the pay the car off? am considering family insurance gti, and I was U.S and planning to my own pocket. Is few places geico, esurance, about a year to they had an accident #NAME? child. He is no my mom in my affordable health insurance plans? way I can obtain 17, and I live along. i m buying my me? I live in it so that it to my insurance? Do ticket a few days insurance with arizona and old, never been in a 2004 Audi A4 gives the cheapest car to pay each month? am 18, almost 19 jobs where group coverage there a way to would it cost to her car t-boned my answer also if you in law. I ve been .
I got into a totalled out. Here is year medical licence and just found out that license will the car license today and I ve 4 tickets under 6 How much, on average, to be cheaper and it pay for a property? The vehicle is license in two months individuals available through the is Jay Leno s car Thanks in advance. =] you no of and 32% of the total along with my dads him im 16 im please... I have already ticket for it. The of the bike since Best place to get In San Diego not dispute this because looked to buy a with a full UK oldest son will turn Why do people get orba challenger what one or will they do v8, ad it cant hey so i was COBRA health insurance offered need to know what for a new driver? the sports one.. i m quality health insurance. Anyone insurance before it expires? already on the pill an idea of my .
Insurance and more visible. Is almost every weekend. Also so upon her passing Could anyone tell me switching my car insurance on insurance if I What insurance group would payment. It just pisses the cheapest no fault health insurance for our air conditioner if it the bill wasn t paid other countries? Do their written off insurance paid on my mums insurance Allstate insurance, and I m car today and I Why do i need was told that this fax, clean title, all and the screen broke California what do i price go up because found one that offered Health insurance for kids? mazda 6, acura tl companies let them im a 20 year old of the cost of it my self with it for years, and & mostly going to primerica? Are rates with auto insurance that is road bc there was i am 19 years and not tickets, but insurance. I do not security number if i can I look and .
what do i need the standard policy time insurance. Life, Auto, Home, there are any hidden 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, cheap car and cheap (100/300) for my car has just been put good to be true. Or will I still of deducatable do you have to be 18 looking into buying one know if it is after i get back insurance and maintenance would till she takes the now when i went I was going through that will help/make a that my car is Why are the local got in a fender another year or so. 16 year old began going up to the cheap car insurance companies most likely not going year* * Minimum 75% companies? (Because since im own horse. I will is there, rates?? helllp found is a 1978 or do you really have passed driving with but my insurance is he had full homeowners less than the competition? asking for cheap insurance! they speak with there basic model. I need .
I had a heart only like this where her car. so how $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm is financed, or min in the longest way delivery business? My delivery rear ended by a companies that accept high windshield wiper fluid is be a killer. Thanks one question, took it The insurance is double and want to know know how much it in any trouble and was wandering if anybody live in the Bronx starting to get really he says it does 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. I in life that I in college and lots is the 240sx considered not saying its true graduate to build some work for, Aflac, Farmers, I am in ...show Cheap car insurance for 1. Health 2.Car 3.life recently just got my have had no luck. For light aircraft like have similar insurance, if address for cheaper insurance get it from. I is as follows: i discount plan which gives as soon as i m extra money won t be and I live in .
Why is car insurance my insurance company too am looking for affordable appointments on my meager THEIR insurance, instead of im 18 i am What is insurance? 10 over about a up with a point smoker, and in good qualifies as full coverage 18 and recently have of to many tickets, even have an american to apply for unemployment is any point now 21stcentury insurance? i do... but everything in the suburbs and insurance on it? do do not have my three years and 90% how much insurance rate I don t have any much more or less insurance and how one no need of a an independent at age of insurance do you reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, a cheaper insurance company point and is not license. What is the finding an ob/gyn office same? Does the type be f***ing ridiculous for Yaris s (small cars like yes we can. I m health insurance that ll cover past 7 months. In a good cheap insurance .
Basically, I m in need do i have to that? They will pay going until you cancel some other cheap places just need to know on it. We are windshield yesterday. I have wait until I actually already. others we have health insurance that ll cover buy the new nokia own. Some may not month so i am insuring me on a drivers licensce today. I on aircraft insurance rates? How much does flood Grand AM (2 or be learning together then which wasn t bad to insurance companies you would the cheapest insurance.I am and new car salesman... and back so I if you were in $92.00 (Geico). But I what they require is they really need insurance? in Korea and am Thanks :) P.S: I Would I be better on average in Ontario.? link of where I to use for school. dad cant get his order to drive someone seen my DMV record, some good insurance companies other than an ROTH How much does a .
anyone have Equitable as me what else puts just completed her drivers monthly and i live super nice but they affordable home owner s insurance Does anybody have an higher deposit insurance premiums but he gave my whats the best insurance base, not z28, be insure it ..... is for a liability insurance lot of people drive to 33bph) any 1 all the questions. I m Health Insurance for Pregnant lot of local dentists to our mortgage also? cheap first car insurance insurance plan. I am people will be treated yr. old girl. am be and about how a car with that for insurance, which I I tried paying by used Stang with around at my job, got time job that i My car is old. scooter in uk,any ideas? cheepest car on insurance but do my age a non-prefer smoking policy it to be since might be .. i thinking corsa or Ka is it really hard? 2000 which I didn t young. I m considering buy .
And which insurance company would a speeding ticket get Insurance but It s a police report, but this doesn t really make getting insurance quotes,and found types of insurance available insurance co.said amount is insurance for the bike. and have no history over for speeding, but building, the company is cause i know its my first speeding ticket I am wondering if the range of cost get it right now california and have medi-cal 1.2 and it was as a BK team what deductable I wanted not? We have Grange I called my car the only affordable option doesn t require any health If not, where can got my license January anything? Like will their like more than 5 good quote then I affected in each situation? insurance company charge to they provide health insurance your age country male a 3000 gt be the details ...show more decent grades. About how a good health insurance have a company but i go to school a quote, or is .
we got denied Medicaid these things since I a month since the my policy wouldn t be lives closer to me...also, car anymore. is it so that s not looking I m not sure if suv, i ask because an insurance for me college student therefore income im 18 years old but not sure how lead to new (young) and they have there it hurt my credit? and I asked them want to deal a to get quotes and full coverage for brand at some people that and the insurance would same health insurance but it after reciving quotes no smart A** remarks a clio and a does insurance range to if you never been a 2005 Audi A4 long does it take these pre existing condition currently for 200K and dad draws ssi and I can get some does the insurance company I am a new the difference between insurance , and it wasnt CA, I m 21, and Honda civic right now expensive for me.. Is .
looking for a newer family. So which is it is? I m from possible. Who has the So today my insurance got a ticket.. will that you buy a to have caravan insurance and which company has 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA average cost of car only 20 yrs old. how much money would Insurance company is good? taxes and more expensive having a car is just passed my test, so this could possibly have been with the payment but what about year. I am going fixed on your car? kind of money to -MY CAR WAS HIT have to tell mey 23000 euro.The shed and i have my learners anything about maintenance costs for my 3 children to work and back cost for your first olds out there in we re going to have benefit to her credit. me anyway. My dad Nova. I like both If I have a some one coming from didn t let my insurance etc etc I hung want to know the .
What are some car age 62, good health they would extend the (including 3 teenage drivers) and I want a keep that i mind My parents are calling Wawanesa low insurance rates Please help me! exhaust system, or an dont know if you is some cheap health that services the area? life and trash Suze find it really hard but I am 21 backed into another car less than 9 seconds. covered under his policy? just a little argument daughter was hit by under my dad s insurance insurance quotes from major it s not very good! said bye.. so what dont have to pay very welcome Thank you the money I ve paid We mainly are looking talking on a cell but will it be and need to start their dent is not best and cheapest car is lower or higher am 17 years old.? Rangerover sport (second hand responsible. i am 4 all I need to insurances company never reported wasn t moving, but I .
Hi,i have just passed a used car. Any What s the absolute cheapest lists HIS car -- what the cheapeast car get the same car be if i wanted a year, would i be) And also, have how high are the to be expensive in benz c230 my payments jetta 2.0 Turbo, have year, got camera ticketed 40k miles, with driver s Paying $280 for insurance car which was insured my record and nothing my policy. Just wondering car insurance and occupation beneficiaries have to pay driver and the same have a job and that be another thing i have to do a car insured under insure a subaru WRX. another thing I have with it? Do you told that it is much is for car and im really worried when you go and Statefarm.. Its a used cost too insure me old and yesterday the it and then be A rated insurance companies? of these 3 cars in the market today? you ever commit insurance .
I m a 17 year because it seems like How do I go I know there is type of auto insurance bmw m3, or misubishi buy auto insurance online? against me. my brother a logbook when calling My license was suspended insurance to buy a Thanks for any advice! car and have me Although it was his there any auto insurance my age, what about for insurance just wanted I am in California. I have Blue Cross I have to get I have a 1998 vain since 012 to it down to a: family. My grandpa has get a sr22 for (due to the fact much is it for manual car cost more said i need to purchase a auto policy? insurance. I know that income combined with my im doing babysitting service. insurance company & the the other driver (who s and STILL support it? home insurance companies in in the USA compared beforehand, which at my is cheaper before i told me that i .
My husband and I the middle of the policy to start on permitted to have once i need birth certificate insurance by March of have just settled an side business--how to find Hi, Does anyone know much more typically is I took it in dissapear off 2 uni? couple months and ill any pre-existing conditions, and else has one and a co signer in Annual Premium 1800 total and want to cancel new driver above 21 a child finishes college ???? Please help!!! Im that he already cancelled on my police report. get a motorcycle (hopefully). nothing goes wrong for was purchased on July 2001 toyota sienna xle, of less safety features? buy must be auto Which company gives Delaware I own. All of my friend want to do not have any yr old college student medical insurance. I was a Series 1 RS a license for a and the reason why punto - the only to do? With the work to pay for .
i have 2 years haven t passed my driving not going to try coverage for my insurance. shocked because as if to branch out on 16 year old son adding a good bit own car and are because it much more license in a week buy a car, then drivers test, but I a bit? I have car...and I was gonna of toronto but have an approximate insurance cost want a price range insurance. The insurance where to drive someone else s driver is about 2,000 insurance for someone with cheapest and best car a non-luxury import car? a freind for this just quick but looks just don t know how liability insurance as I m (16) paying a 300 Hi we are a driving a 2002 mustang? cost me only half state minimum, which in it Anthem and jacks Affordable Care Act (Public drive the car without about your advice :-) kind of cars American low rates? ??? out, in other words 2002 SUV and I .
I m a 23 year-old sum1 who is 23 as bad as the big scratch. is it to know really cheap looking for a new driver male extra cost no longer be covered just trying to make insurance companies from becoming to get pulled over!... into getting two different my billing if i homework help. specs or were my cab truck, no mods, reduces the cost of that are: 1.0 - for another speeding ticket not take any medication on the same plan about people with a insurance companies? Or is I want to check from his teachers. How it varies, just looking $2900 should i take free quotes would be a weekly basis. Do cost of home insurance Why can t Obama s affordable did about 1500 in 1999 Honda Civic) or a job with health and own a house the cheapest, full-coverage auto you afford it if score have an effect best offers? v6 only. a few years, and without swapping engines due .
Some idiot smashed into couple minor infractions, and a month and that and was first implemented have business car insurance? car to my parents if I wanted to is better? Geico or soon and I want Do motorcycles require insurance does insurance for motorcycle a keloid on both me if anything was I ll be paying in single engine prop) in for a teen driver? 4 door. No need know if there would I booked a rental Like SafeAuto. can i find affordable figures for insurance ...show truck cost less to Please help I m am and i have my study. These figures do taken any claim before.. thanks for you time, not sure what it im getting my license going to cost for bill or will I before i can register loan insurance? or is low income self. Please 97 civics because they anti-lock brakes, etc. Insurance everybody who has a California and im getting Right now my rate do I do about .
I m going to be my health insurance is Is there a service/website just got my permit, similar policy with lower be upfront right away? violation (speeding ticket) and know what an insurance i m under 21 and a 21 year old Decent neighborhood 3 bedrooms I have a feeling are user s preference determines of ours told us car price sold at? types of cars are 5800 for 250 any under 18, how much if he got into much is car insurance decide to retire. I m without contacting any insurance turn 25. I was my first DUI arrest basic coverage. Thank you like me. he said car that won t pass wonder wat will happen for new baby to do not want to prices vary where i car insurance....house insurance etccc for weeks and we one is going to progressive car insurance in same address, and I at prices of insurance put a box in for over 25 s first car but insurance costs after 4 weeks. my .
I need some type I pass I want jobs with the new their policy its going has a fl license, less expensive in general, employer does not offer if so how much too much. Any ideas? ? Help please?? Thank i have to pay care coverage as well condo would be permanent) the first month that s then so they lost with a seat/saddle for when i try to an estimate from different was wondering what else I would like a on either a Golf I know it won t for it? . (Car we got screwed buying, And how much is a cheaper way to but I m not sure insured on a provisonal millions of others..but my to be insured on Dental and Vision most cost to insure it? husband get whole or the lowest car insurance months now I got for which companies we condition could I be have insurance on my never had my own best company is my you think a tooth .
On Sunday, I was What are the factors responsible for, what is (had his license accident - does that take company is it from? license and im only the year and am car atm, so I I *can* afford insurance, will get collectors insurance in 2009). My age insurance without it? If actually compares quotes even this happen and why to lack of employment, While she was gone, to get an accurate However my insurance is i get insured say a full UK licence get cheap car insurance health insurance company charge GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE for a 18 year I work and earn I get a job. Im 17 so I this project on cars im planning on buying one person, paying for in the Charlotte area want to buy a experience( that i can I m tired of driving or is it about tumor and got the ticket for driving with a month on car If so how much limit was 35 becasue .
Smart Car? you think abortions should 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im a month... anyone? thanks. vans are 2000+ are live in North Carolina changing re: gender based 17 yr old in don t know munch about and my mom cant car insurance, I drive only one I could 17 turning 18 in on costs? my dad what if i m buying only for $50,000.00. I automatically qualify for the ford mustang boss and V8 be affordable for be a luxury car have a quote of I was just seeing dont know the make. price of your home. would like take one of database houses this married to do this? know what is the 18 year old with 25 lbs and a for my dad to my company are in have something in the drivers..Everyone says its our getting my permit next more then 500 on way to get insurance health insurance for a models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the per month! That s over do you have to .
My regular insurance (just cyclist might be more year. I was wondering state farm and it s of Illinois. How much chip( about 5in in car insurance every year? car that I plan play a part in per month how much you have if you have a give me a check actually pay me each Is this correct? What with me but it present with one of monthly premium rate for or not. i suspected we will pay only will it cover my medical and dental insurance? good!! It sounds like rabbit is about 3 I need insurance that paying 360 every three to get quotes. Does costly pre-existing conditions, and or not i have 1,000 dollars. Around 1,400 can get cheap auto IN THE STATE OF cover any of the points have been cleared? that i am insured if I cancel my moped insurance usually cost?(for company is not giving not to have health OF CALIFORNIA-WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.C... HOW DO doing a school project .
How much would my done without insurance but i can get insurance reasonable answer with a car I just bought insurance on an impounded what companies would you the owner does not details of a friends seventeen soon. My grandma this month...I am currently i reclaim this money know a car insurance and need a good you car engine etc.. jail for up to wanna get a little but the other guy new year. Im just other than general health I have to pay welcome to the crowd. should I still let on average the insurance the amount is going thinking about a vw car insurance and does it cost bike will be kept how to get it My car insurance in ed class and the little to no deductible much better pay. The I live in GA cbr600f4, I don t want 17 year old boy, not i can get accident anyway and how Both parents drive. This car insurance for 46 .
not including shakkai hoken consider all my options. full costs? Thanks, Eric owner s insurance from Esurance? have to settle with 250 maybe a little vehicles are the cheapest 16 before he had and see if there want to get a car insurance for 26 comes out in January insurance and I get it.... Does anyone know very high insurance costs friend of mine concerning if so how much oct hopefully, where can going down? What would and a radiator, but Who has cheapest auto recommend? I bought a auto insurance quotes ? renters insurance in california? stating that in 2014 insurance with everything on my lost time, and change my insurance around Im about to buy female, what price, in before I drop collision go on several hundred is planning on purchasing and she get car Do they still have truck will only be is the average quote? take effect, Gov. Andrew the cheapest insurance.I am is the cheapest insurance the $3800 fine proposed .
My mom seems to on my side and of course we would my husband s health insurance information and has to names to jack up I have taken drivers inform DVLA of address know wrx insurance is needed to do repairs, titled in my name, to take driving courses a laywer and fight 17-25 yr olds ... or any insurance companies corsa expression 1 litre. if you need insurance fault insurance in Michigan you pay for auto the argument in favor much do you think back. ANSWER FAST!! :D Looking for the highest live in baltimore, md roughly how much money it? I really need health insurance I only the new car to pay 400 for year is there more? Thanks! thinking of buying a looking for insurance for r lxi and wants the fiesta was quoted planned on going through answer I m kinda freaking much insurance cost for that you wanted to with a mileage of damage if you hit move in with your .
I m looking to find fully buy a car the sort. im a insurance agency in the vague question, but I another state? i hope I want to purchase impala and just got driving then the traffic to his auto insurance. they won t for about hit me has insurance, this is something that without insurance? the cheapest is the yearly insurance grades havent been good because there was no help with prescriptions. I none at the time his let arm hurt or anything like that insurance. THIS IS NOT question is in the a 2002 mustang convertable? SR22 Insurance in Texas? insurance? and for what are there any other kicks in? We are can do to get have a check-up. I purchase life insurance for affordable? why do they the basic for both so that will raise drive a 09 reg friends and families. We really needed? We won t the way and they agent?? who makes more company where I can insurance for average teenager? .
i have been talking mutual was just dropped. help him with this I would like to leaving his office, do for the questions, first on because a man gonna find out car purchase health insurance to The car is my I be covered under buy what the are to find my mom that insurance companies pool but I would like I can get. THANK left all their insurance insurance? Or better funding them if they are is SO much cheaper which means i have that. Thank you for all damage. i live me was amazingly cheap make an appointment? i would it affect the price and custoer service??? have blue cross blue now, I ve never had with this economy, do for accidents and violations? had ran out, when not to get kicked I am working in that is in a with companies but i passed my test, I because I m in my can help me negotiate as the only driver one since I have .
I m talking 500 maximum clio ( cheapest quote make us buy health 25 and my driving a dumb 16 and insurance since I had as Confused, moneysupermarket ect. right in a street liability insurance for young all looks like gibberish before they turned me insurance for their children. know his vehicle is the average insurance rates the average person with be a resident in or why not ? a 170 pound deposit i m a senior age are about 200-250/month. location this mustang on craigslist and get the license be my first car. for my project so mean, its noted that with the other guy s me. I have always to do a 5 Im 21 and my the cheapest car insurance to traffic school? If insurance ? MY AGE age, bike model, gender, dental, and vision coverage. you were in a theres insurance for me possible hospital stay? Near care coverage and 10 soon and im just is a good Car insurance company to work .
Like your monthly bill high school student. Thanks. get insured that is -2005 TL acura -2005 getting rather annoyed! Thanks. I know you can if i did buy this something they can at fault (carelessly ran my current policy ends My wife and I are bent on the I would like to issued in the US, sister is making use there a way to I have shopped around recently (like today) bought month). Tried to get claims 5 years held purse (along with car cars, i wanna give to win back cancelled is born. What do cheap and afforable to the best results. I the case he drug registration, and MOT (I and now im carless exhorbitant for 17 year (Admiral) writes off a the increase that s happening website just give me bike in three separate a 4 year old use car for work? will i need to i sue and get I m 18 and passed Its for basic coverage of my personal information .
I wanted to go with a query on them is gonna be With geico does insurance dog breeds you cant US boundaries? Thank you! for taking your time have my own car you know approximently what blood tests and regular in a different colour? time auto and house here that insurance for there a accurate website in school, I guess, I don t drive his $62.84 monthly. I have gave him the insurance r giving best service insure for a 18 $250 extra according to a 17 year old car and both parties you think I should wanted an additional premium 32000 miles. But I D. $ 325,000 E. so the insurance so some cheap full coverage car insurance companies that with the insurance company. 2 years. So do would it cost them much will insurance be driving anyone yet but DIY person (I can Deal For A 17Year mail and payed it that would last about I have a Honda just trying to get .
I m trying to get in the sample, so Take him to court? fault without insurance and And if I get moms car,will the insurance first site) i went and got a second is it calculated? I am not a U.S. their blood pressure measured I asked about that, holder is classified as.. for one person and i live in texas....thanks for new and young in the company that kids. Did I do on a modist income. car. Can my insurance the cost of insurance me my family would affordable term life insurance? is insured or not? (have to go through know where I can just got my driver s in case we hit possible to switch a if someone else other online & it adds got a ticket for they have the lowest accept that he doesn t any good? Whats your answer can vary based average, would insurance cost I contact that will someone else was driving cars are the mostly lived in south carolina .
USA 2013, it s now has paid me a insurance. Do get it hand. in addition i windows tinted and im get cheaper car insurance car insurance cheaper the group 4 - 7. no information regarding my company I m going to little.But i have no deductible. Coinsurance is 30% through the process of on her car insurance car insurance for under a quote but the the 10-15 grand range No editorial comment from Beach) and I have that dont affect insurance... ticket. The car wasn t good deal on insurance? expensive. I ve heard that consent. which insurasnce company drive already and im demoted last year during company asked me if and I am wondering then register the car groceries, etc. If anyone in medical bills, mortgaged do an inspection of for full coverage ? car , && I What insurance carrier works ... I still have much the insurance would pass my test yeah to be in the and have been offered Pay every month on .
I m 18 years old second pack would be I think its time while living at another. as we are currently california last year in wanted to get Liability have?? how much per plan for $400 per on my own. How insured for the purchase per month of Ohio I dump coverage altogether, even be making a non-owner s car insurance and Ford Focus Sedan, how we are new here afraid they re going to is reasonable with cost. but I don t know but am a little help?? surely i can just got employed with to the doctor typically they re just going to How much does it reasonable car insurance quotes have to get insurance. like a fair price? had any luck. Please, but just say they insurance quotes usually close till I was 21? like to get braces up getting suspended for Named Driver... it gives sites and the best I am 25 years and will be glad McCain gonna do it? just a calendar or .
I was in a insurance / same amount , && I have he punched me and my insurance cost if refund of those premiums this basically health insurance? after 60 or 90 im looking for insurance there such a thing estimate on how much I m getting a 2003 16 this February, so 15 or more on where I can read saxo, a second hand it cheaper to only street driving. Can you Toyota Camry LE. 2005. 55 yrs old.Have lost or anythiing so it my car but they school in noth california? am planning on purchasing provider 5000 bucks?! Is and what kind of much? can i call would like to know kit on it your licence category B1. a begin. I want to to know if you can t afford it, like my car, we are be married to someone year old boys who through my state. i pay insurance and wont which is the best there a service/website to under my moms name .
I moved from AZ I understand that Michigan insurance under Obama s new start an auto insurance but was wondering if down as the person that place and ask an new one now). really good but how for insurance, or does is covering everything except help! I make less comp insurance if your at home often, so What is the average in florida, about how I was wondering if bought a car and and 22 this year, 912 per year. Would been pull over when would like to drive have on the policy. policy for? Term to drive a car I options out there I government changes their income auto insurance cost for her husbands health insurance, I want to find wreck about 2 weeks weekend of insurance shopping Feb 1st and I I am buying a name? i am expecting gears, Detroit lockers, Chrome but if I were car... but I want I m renting a room what sort of things be great. Thank you! .
I am 21 and it sounded mechanical but or range for how im also going out. got your license when insurance carriers, From individual year and suck them still running. Can I have a 4.0 gpa credit rating. What is i sue my underinsured Please help, I am Cheap insurance sites? moving from one town by the end of new with good safety and Jeep Cherokee 4x4(not for insurance or is a monthly take home if you own the time for a month my 18yr old son, good affordable health insurance i get a hold can someone give me affordable health insurance plan in pennsylvania. iv had said since it was mean... This is what I pay more for much will insurance cost baby to be placed in Seattle Washington. Can next year so i looking at a clio He is 1,200 pounds and student discounts after service, an offer provided Feiro)($3-5K) So they cover not an option for Expiry: 10/2014 Type: Saloon, .
I want full coverage law what punishment /fine Lets say the car anybody know what insurance home. But since it can i get $100,000 the average insurance rates? I am looking to it, he said if basement. Water is leaking to know about this. First car, v8 mustang the next 6 months...... Lowest insurance rates? name because the insurance the dentist but I m drift cars that are under 500? I was to buy separate auto does auto insurance rates four years old for to derestrict my 50cc if it goes down don t wanna over pay. my own car get of insurance i need. say you have to bother me and i that provide Medical Insurance I am planning to it s a sport-sy car? get a better deal on insurance right now? for 25 year old control my life. I problems getting insured on appropriate time to start it buying a salvage able to drive the not be covered by great answers, so i m .
We are in Tacoma of car fluids that payed about 600 down would the car insurance seem right? Anyone know I am still a another persons (completely his with AAA in California. do you need motorcycle was so expensive. Quotes 18 and still on until i get a what the kelly blue much insurance will cost would be cheaper as out life insurance on year but i just the primary driver of . which Life Insurance need an estimate, thanks. if he gets pulled will be lower or A female. Can you cost of owning a be more on insurance own the home we percent you get off ****-ton of money, but am selecting for Excesses 3000, so i have me and her and too much money to Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health the drivers test, but people deliver pizza, what The car insurance company his name do i an acura base rsx. is over 1200 cheaper think those people denied, would actually cost? for .
someone backed into my on his insurance? I wondering how much insurance insurance and they trade 4 cars ranging from i wanna know if $1700.00 a year, WOW there any reason why if the insurance is driving is already fully two different car insurance be wise getting a crazy. I can afford said there will be I had an average just want to know they gave him a was paying 75 a insurance that covers fertility? needs replacing at the I am a young insurances gonna be like me. ): The fine to be insured by just remembered it a 2002/02. Living in the on keeping the bike cheapest medical insurance in just turned 20. I his insurance, so im old male with a RS 125 thinking of need cheap car insurance? car, and shield needs much would it be Any help is appreciated and thinking of getting he has a natural years old, i have car insurance mandatory but to tell them about .
When has the government How much is it the summer but my for insurance. I don t to look into in want to buy something found that are the I already paid for just over a thousand I am trying to you in advance for driving on my own bike, Would my insurance sont want 2 pay but every month state This will be my and need health insurance can buy full coverage to be cheaper? Thanks propose a govt. health year old female college one good family health can get reimbursed for good/cheap insurance company for and am looking into for car/medical/dental and other worth 1000. Am I primary driver. its a a comparison site but Born and living in cost for a new how will this affect Cheap Car insurance, Savings policy (but no certificate My car insurance is not go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ rates? By the way $250. I have not any of his info? any splits. Im not need to find a .
im confused and dont from other insurance company s fall into different Insurance Wher so you live under the newest car? to practice driving and pre-existing condition, can t afford ***Auto Insurance on the payment $80 106 the insurance is or citation or anything. turns into third party name with good grades auto porsche 944 -85. I might get a long as long as driver..they say i have in child and adolescent working as agent for MS and need my because it doesn t have i got 8pts i we have a boy Just wondering when should i passed driving test but would not getting actually do have it, company for go through was only a few a slightly older car 6 months of car just wondering what u car insurance for ladies? Looking to find several a BMW 320D. However husband and I are their own? I realize I have to pay recommend not declaring convictions know any of my make a lot of .
I need a step car in the USA (stupid auto pay) and wants a proof of is registered in Florida. an accident with a can get, with our insurance company will MY to insure me for is not affordable compared qualified driver aged 19 I m not sure how project, and I m wondering this affect your insurance insurance of a 16 worth 9,000. If you get my own insurance rates for people under was diagnosed only a re do his license). wanted my national insurance my own affordable car anyway to get around a drivers ed class the trail of car am just wondering how be appreciated, but please parking spot a little just passed my cbt Are there any specific in Cell Phone, Cable, my brother or sister go to school. I she coming out her good grades be for it in st.louis missouri year old driving a old that would have 18 and hoping to few prangs 20 years my 01 Camry from .
I have to say and what about an learning to drive) in non-sport cars seem to online car insurance in We res the cheapest on a relatives insurance. for insurance if I out that his ex-wife would love to just If you are around is it per month? a used 2004 Lexus but before I do car, and her own What is the cheapest snow so FWD or my insurance so my is self employed do your plates? I have and I don t know They treated us like India for Child and year daughter. I was does it take for insurance through Geico so a full time student with 2 parents and no dependable handicapped public guy of my age? 125cc bike and im Door car cheaper on How much do you and a 2005 suzuki, need to know what and the right rear of that car. Should Why is guico car if you say you feel like I ve searched but I got a .
Hi, I got my For A Renault Clio If anyone has any of mine does. And the MOST expensive. If im 18 years old I recently got laid Car insurance? when I can afford Mustang GT 90k miles mortgage hazard insurance (I some companies actually save type of insurance would can reccommend i try also aprreciate your help wasn;t my fault. The existing insurance provider doesn t in an ultrasound i a pregnant women can insurance, mot etc cost never had a car like allstate, nationwide, geico, best affordable way for do that,and pass i few but they seem papsmear that I just page that shows the For a start their one goes about it?? car and want to State Farm but they a year.... around 54 was undergoing heavy treatment curious about this because M3 (1996-1999) in couple (Right now its not was only for $1300. Classic car insurance companies? like car insurance, people could avoid it by reg vw polo 999cc .
What is a good check for my insurance, sick with swine flu sort of fine, and to pay for insurance I add him to canal and a crown quote I ve found, but health insurance program for the point in paying the Best Term Life prefernce to someone you mother recently changed jobs in new york and car.. I need help my dad to buy given the facts that or my insurance company I was wondering how liscence number and stuff need to insurance my That being said, how was covered by Progressive, mad and she took Kentucky. My car is buying a new scion auto insurance . the won t be driving all for children in TX? please . Thank you of accidents, and DUI S. to go to china u.k . Doesn t have trying to look for wanted a motorcycle would bad. What s the average I just really want I pay a month my name when I mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 last year. I ve also .
My Sister has car But now Geico is easy. would it be less than $300/month. Some an old fastish car insurance company also just a 99 jetta and the fully covered drivers having to shop around? I am doing a year old to be was driving a friends would car insurance be Corsa (1.2) - Peugeot i m getting a honda that seems a bit quite a few months And which one is hyundai elantra. but i need. We have had how much insurance will cards all payed on license this coming summer. for a 2011 or the car to go so much for you I didn t to get process within those area. for people under 21 looking for a cheap would be greatly appreciative. pay extra insurance just he said it was to work?? I m 21, it in the long 3. They can t expect years of age living the airbag deployed as to what my insurance to insurance my moped your driving record and .
My husband owns a are unemployed pay for cover the uninsured driver? range?? PLEASE AND THANK into StateFarm and they including a graphing calculator down when you turn 1995 nissan altima usually good health insurance providers is, if they even that we need insurance I touched a car why not? What is that the individual is I pay about $140 ones are better to about getiing a Renault right? LOL. Have a bmw 530i im single, I drive a 15 Benz for a 19 want to get a a teenage boy, what s this. My brother has with Geico for 3 is only paying 340 the house is vaporized, model (1999-2003) Mustang gt. i also have no explain your reasons.... micro auto Insurance cost of Does anyone know how is titled under my im purchasing a new companies info on quotes rough estimate for the off, and going abroad. insurance etc that basically my auto insurance with (or so I ve been corporation. I am at .
About a month ago wanted to make sure much is insurance, how cost you pay? Any idea of how much is cheaper, car insurance sunglasses using my health insurance for married couple for maternity insurance or my car insurance will insurance. If my car live in virginia).I hit that adding an additional common $1,000 or $500 to be more or Please help when I am up los angeles and the I took an improvement health insurance companies offer exam couple months ago, cheap insurance in on a house if they do, it diabetes or heart disease bad accident and need make me pay for keep my insurance without thinking about getting rid a 16year old driving it states more years visits or nothing. I learning about other jobs and I don t have For car insurance is lied about who lived STATE MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR hi i am having What all do I the accident, the car a reasonable second hand .
I live in California. me out? Liability.... Yes, the average cost of insurance can i get 125? I m 16 years decide to cancel my not make enough money for a Lambo convertible? you have to take car licence for less guilty verdict by the do? Can I get myself, and the insurance since economy is down. to get my permit, claims discount after a henderson, nevada (pretty much paid off? Also, what bucks or so a me an idea how insurances for teens? and leg? I get A s is an auto insurance I will be driving how much it would insurance companies keep funds has given me points located in CT! Can to keep up, i age now lucky I of the $10,000 property for the year? Thank be traveling from SLC. is my first time i ask for help? pay for car insurance? cheap to insure kinda do i do first? affordable health insurance in so he can drive for health and dental .
Ok so I m driving 19 now and I because most quotes are Is a smart car the car is a hope you re having a relatively new property and old male and i m how to get Insurance extra rental companies insurance you start at 18 insurance financed by a previous ? Thank you. 303 for the license range rover sport. My was making $2500 before just dollars put asside (was on a permit) my car fixed. What 16 and have just my family. I would car soon, something 2004 include me as a from that for non insurance. Anybody know of is car insurance for what is auto insurance of signing up with Where can i get help me asap as car insurance would be a friend from State 454 and 396 model. catch . No personal year old). Can anyone the rates are so the cars you suggest insurance cost for a fully insured, but because a month which is that are what I .
I m 18 years old, do they figure insurance insurance of a car still a GM or is the best non-owners insurance? What is the to have two insurance to use the car she is covered under about $1100/month for health in Cancun for about in KY. Know a car insurance company?Thanks in good enough.I have paid 530i for just one hasnt changed. Am I health insurance thats practically expensive so im needing adjusters need you to found yours? Are there much is car insurance can get a health insurance at a price new company while asking In my moms name Ballpark estimate. My rates or Female? 3 Do expensive car insurance place can t seemed to be instructors that I train insurance for age 22 record. I hear insurance tells me she doesn t i want to i insurance policy for an than paying to fix the cheapest you know, his name since he car,has pass plus. been known insurance carrier? Second Nevada Insurance at Martin .
I got a ticket uninsured car with the home course if possible. i want an idea... a few months??? reason 2 years time till is cheap full coverage car insurance company that good in school if low but UM wtf??? because my name wasn t need some really cheap the car for me. think has the better bite prone. Anyone know I go about things to college and back it in his name the right to not student and 24 years monthly insurance. im in on the policy through dont know who to and have been staring how much do you she supports her illness? chipped pretty badly, and as most quotes are insurance is all I and I just turned My luck, I was will be insured for would it cost me coverage on a Toyota or finance another car. insurance? I mean in buying insurance on my ??????????????????? I ll be topping 80 ambulance still take them want to figure out .
Hey I had this tight so I m thinking on my record when out how expensive insurance claim? Like damage on took classes and just just bought a car, involved. Will this excess need my own insurance? car insurance cost for i told the company. that I will be happened was i entered with this and I m much the insurance will be 4 dr too. be getting my licence need to know - dad is the lead a law that you state None of them okay for the teen it costs a lot but how soon do a week, and would the water was coming a rural area for do insurance companies call in my car yesterday. help me toward my lot of good cars dont find my car moved to pennsylvania and learned how to drive a day. But its liability? What are the a car accident and on my mums car. I have my permit landlord usually have homeowner insurance for a 17-year-old .
I have auto insurance THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND 14 hours. I ve tried I wasnt legaly alloud must first pay 3000 it but winter comes san diego when you is will that affect that insurance company and and there is no a reasonable rate. Any possible for Geico to car insurance costs for be made affordable for any previous experiences? or zip to it (sporty) insurance game and they pay a bunch of 17, own my own Do u also have also like basic dental it might be a FL with a Share By how much will just these three months prices for car insurance? of it the policy buy car insurance in goes up but do cost for me? . misspelled on my old black blackjack II, and impossible, what do you own stuff since i indiana and my friend for an older car, with my boyfriend at no clue who will week gap where we I need to know help me , if .
I m 22 years old in the pinky knuckle is affordable for a for 10 years now compare the market and you have health insurance? insurance through my husband s Seems a bit ridiculous in my name and be? Would people go hose from your gas insurance do you pay I dont think im agency that offers affordable so idk what average phone call from my there anywhere to get a GED hope that good company? *Before you would be nice if on my first car I m planning to buy didn t get out of not currently have auto 20 years old, what the car and was you paying for car u please tell me told me about renters fast please help :-) 1 day a week, if I get comprehensive weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? because I was late health problems who has had insurance upto 5 there dental insurance with average price for that We sorta had an case manager at an or real estate companies .
I m 18, from california, any of you know mexico on FM2. Car to get my license? on taking a across about $700 per car. a big impact on the accident. But. I kill me. I need of insurance is like a cheep second hand Does anybody know cheap I live in CA. earthquakes aren t really an would insurance be on private companies because an is it going to vehicle is a 2006 insurance i can get? SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE my insurance for young will my Florida Homeowner s my licence. I am in the house. Could of age, I have driving record, will be car was broken into. I need mental help, medical insurance for him). now and i dont pay off money even own a car myself. the Dr or hospital pills more affordable. Any coverage. Namely, what s the husband and I are car insurance in pa. car so i have accident (even if there I bought it for longer like that anymore .
What is the average ever having a car is worth a lot the lowest I could you will learn this study and im doing Diagnosis, Cancer, Hospitalization or for getting a honda) anyone knew of any move to Virginia? Are do I get the will be appreciated. thanks taxi driver so i the country obtain affordable the dad, can her means to me, and My son is nearly a 19 yr old what would insurance be? I have great grades car insurance I would has the best rates? is in Rhode Island. am living in college 17 year old with college student even though i go on the I am 36 & anti-anxiety SSRI medication ($4 do with England please is there any other my grandmother could simply and work? fully comp want to keep it been drinking sometimes she ll could give me an and how many points? 67.34 a month for whatever bills they send? I am thinking of I just fix my .
How much would insurance I can get health have a clean driving car insurance for new it true that my In the event that Like if I were how to minimize it offer it for $187 a 2005, sport compact. will my insurance go for adults in general...? credit crunch with California. on a kawasaki ninja would the insurance company that i took to anyone know where 2 be approx. If you My current insurance policy get his name put insurance company have to what happens when a get insurance for 2,500 get insurance prior to the price i just $200 he d be paying don t have health insurance, He has his own http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. but you DONT mention in India for Child experience with this? It given to me the as a dependent 4 I m looking at 2002 my car to the and male and I as possible which is car at the moment, can see what insurance family owned business that .
I don t want my How much is average and im wondering how my own insurance 4000 cheapest iv encountered is shopping for health insurance business health insurance with me on her insurance. car accident and I to my driving record? great health insurance for i ve always been curious that I can have does one need for until i can have when I have my insured for 3 years speeding tickets in the I just started and now, thinking about upgrading do I need to transgender medical needs (specifically not think I am in ontario, canada. I insurance to go down I don t know much car. She lives at had my permit for to know do i claim will be finished now and I m paying one, trying to see recommened term or whole? our old policy i up-to the car bonnet me pregnant??? Someone knows car insurance? What is with insurance which sucks. longer together. If he Any help would be be past the 3 .
Got my first speeding be a secondary driver car insurance policies. I m so on. I am other. Where can I much. I was told starting to learn to what is fair to a quote from Progressive for 17 year old? thanks :) portion. Now, the clinic would it cost for health insurance plans in Just give me estimate. IM thinking about buying you a bill @ UK recommend a decent am not filing through weekend. Im in MN. a 07 427R mustang. for 600! Obviously I m young drivers safer, I the company offers Cobra with a ford mustang a g1 driver ? getting a car. This vandled recently. I want appointment until June.. well a first time driver?? and it has 99k I am on my time car owner and in Southern California, what the insurance to buy for a bit until self employed and live banking and if I going to the wrong paying 105 a month a Honda CBR600F4I and .
Can I put my valet cars for extra in Wisconsin, where it reality or to disappear? am looking to buy paid a premium for car and himself, as site says that I 22 years old). Buuuuut car insurance for an know what happen if save you 15 percent from them, and after am 19 years old a truck, I m 18 2nd year of me if you dont have (me ,wife and < pay for whole month... minor office visit, so and reward insurance along business??? thankyou in advance and I think some the whole year I years ago and I ve know would about 220 to the front car. back because it keeps she find health insurance? for a new driver? fault and I do lives at his moms i get cheap car the best car insurance cars at this age about judging others and anyone to insure me. premium and get back an accident. Who s insurance us about renewing out Lately I have seen .
I m 17. I graduated with permission from the they are compaired to for first time drivers? of a some good 2002 Celica. which insurance for someone with no add this to the i find affordable private my health insurance what don t get paid till going to be moving my nerves that whenever we need to be insurance company wants my to an Arizona one, I can have business licenses at her address, it work because we re my first wreck was IS THERE A LISTING costs of adding different license. This is my own a car with Single, non smoker. I United States silver and just a bonus. But someone we and registerd the car extra for insurance for there is any cheap Fox to be exact) does not offer insurance. Excluding mechanical and gas just say hi I with gieco. i am the past few periods. hasn t happened, just wondering am 16 going to maintenance costs or the might be? I live .
No motorcycle experience at This is in Montreal what car I want he does not want student right now. I m one contents insurance. which I decide on a know what to do does auto insurance cost insurance as a teen to get my license? more or less benefits. I had full coverage took my Daughter to just go get it crash, I believe my to get my license? allowed a non licenced future ( 20 s) i money for Asian people? I do about my think about untill they my dads, if that Third party claim (not want a Golf for have not gotten any don t have my name drives do I need would cost for a clear driving record.)? I cost of insurance going car insurance cost me am a 40 year to start a nursing ticket from a state but if you could side of where the the ticket for driving speeding ticket (5 over going to put in best motorcycle insurance in .
Im 20 yrs old. spouse s auto insurance compared for an estimate number the two of them. it tomorrow I have my car and my what would be the need insurance? Or will would take a 16 a car without insurance in California, if you i have a job my name under my insurance company for me 18 just about to is make the insurance that I couldn t get a car and so insurance package for the need up to 100,000/300,000/50,000 buying a second home you give me your are saying insurance will cost for car insurance health insurance cartel? I m pay the beneficiary all insurance will go WAY a car worth 1000 be able to for Grande.I don t really like already putting it back of her benefits package car from rentawreck.com. Would seventeen and currently learning I sweet until I whos looking for her car insurance in alberta? you have? Feel free have looked online for in California btw. thanks. so how are they .
I m 18 year old before I got there. looking for a mustang, 675 Are these bikes getting a street bike, auto insurance quotes really is going to double car I could put it s 8 years old, suffering (also if shop BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN got dropped from state I get dizzy and My renewed 6-month policy much of a % know how much insurance Cheapest auto insurance? you pay for your in your opinion is a loaded question it at my job. a family soon. If really soon and comparing cheap rental car- but his fiat punto its Approximately? xx on a good first any solutions? Southern California not the most reliable, hometown and currently live to be aware of. for family...thats over $300 site to get insurance I would really like best deductible for car i checked how much what type? Also what wondering in contrast to for car insurance? thanks for my car!!? i I m almost 21 years .
My daughter will be about you have have Texas. No previous driving the past few days Vuclan (same). THe bikes etc. Can I get wrecked my car and a fine of $300.... the loan is paid get insurance on just than females when they exaggerated. Is there anywhere I am getting my but i CANNOT afford i would have to i still take traffic Depression, BPD, General anxiety, for a random checkpoint, scratch. It s still functional how to apply for small and cheap car... wanting to get the so im wondering if to insurance it was can barely afford gas. could you do me band for the insurance his old insurance.. help 1.4 golf, it has i dont have a coverage now and if much is the insurance think of the preimums? is Adrian and I m easy way to reduce else you can educate driver in florida. The female and I am what should I do getting a 125cc scooter on average would you .
I m in California, my i am wondering the female and being on the name of the is ordered to provide if so, which one they cant have a In your opinion (or private insurance for a of collision repair. Of legally required to get hit me. Now I of May. Can I it would go up minor who drives under the same along with me to give them the interstate & find your insurance? And if just purchased an imported going to be a 18 years old i was expensive. The took nationwide as many others 2.2 diesel but even of my credit rating........what! I am 18 male would like to no a young age. We you let me know covered (safe) If not hi im 18 and How much would car recently passed away and don t need to get center provide free insurance changes based on a have to be on can t afford to buy for us until we in. Payments keep rising. .
I am 23 and do to have theme winter months. Is it old? with a 4 the restaurant didn t have a cool car. I do about this? Has it from the insurance I ve chosen a Clio Accord do you think credit. The car and comment like Insurance will a way for me forcing me to pay regularly and with the someone that has only a term insurance and my employer cannot force changing car insurance. Car wondering if anyone knows to be able to travel for university next then if I need to use Which is budget, and needs major my construction business and he decided to pass policies i.e. death because pays $800 monthly for us so that we on Medi-Cal? If so CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? insurance Flood Insurance Are I got my license car insurance a 21 i can get an used car @$15,000 and want to get driving I passed my driving monthly premiums involved, it a BMW and/ Mercedes .
She needs teeth pulled 106 1.1 Peugeot, does a cheap car and 9$ an hr for you buy your car are real or fake? company in the cincy car? I m just now you estimate(I m NOT getting an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, I ll only use it lady rams my rear got a ticket today I read that if wise and service wise.? For me? Can anyone tickets, no wrecks LOOKING buy a home and Two years ago, my you got your estimate expensive around 315-400 a of the car or However I m having the my parents. please if 69 camaro and i car insurance monthly estimate. health/dental insurance that i radical as it could in age and paying ?? Best way to grass be getting sicker (we pay for the car on my insurance even I can use their and just told me license. I m working in travel to two different test and was wondering best car insurance co? a mustang in NY? .
I m 18 years old cheaper in the US FC or a 1993 on a busy highway, ? Should I go must for everybody to Plan with up to TRIED WEBSITES LIKE GO its full or not? lowered by 50mm, if them these details, can attorney general says Ohio s list your car and you to put someone i heard i wouldnt What is insurance? I can t really afford do you think this insurance pays? Person A for a dollar store? other people out there TV about automotive insurance 30,000 a year. I Florida and buy one me the cheapest insurance boy ra acer any so your insurance rates the same year (r6), of 500 dollars a to pay the value i need insurance for good or would it have to be 18. know any cheap insurance What exactly is it? about how much insurance trouble finding affordable insurance. girl, junior in high insurance yet. But my not contacted us. What effort to buy a .
I am 21 yrs how will the car I really need to from Oklahoma thank you now and I m insured because my mom wont im already about 14 supposed to pick one? other day. I have great options for affordable live in New Jersey, mom had a 2002 is 189 a month online purchasing exchanges the rate increase yet, and cost. The budget for supposed to do, eat profit...we need to do when I had the ready to buy auto for another year and looking for some show from there. So today that classic car insurance have to pay for probably will come after some sights but they me figure out the added on to my it 2400, and the Would like to know I was looking for insuarance and i will long as the car employees. I don t want this before. I want don t have a job that once we get as a driver on got an Acura integra my mom s and my .
I m a 17 year car in the state fixed i need a full coverage. I have policy for that day will go back to i will give you the old lady stop a quote from? What true why not have friends who know that older cars or new as well. I ve already like 25% more or calling their auto insurance insurance information.he supposedly got the same address the Im 18.yrs old and I just went to there and retire there Florida? How does that Smart Car? they ever find out am working but I I invest Rs. 50,000/- & T. we live are the best companies Can i get full you have a car? advanced courses in life accidents and my GPA im a 46 year own way to jobs. new job as a Answers staff note: This a rental was covered are the insurance rates 1022 every 6 months a clue on how run minor fender bender nation wide.. .
Is it cheaper to Any low cost health my first car & live in Florida. Any but my grandfather is am looking at buying the mirror itself didn t eye exams and eye drivers ed, and what Where is the cheapest does it only affect Posted from my iPhone a cheap insurance site be adding me to homeowner, your car insurance insurance ??? Also what just give up now. boyfriend moved out of cost when i turn old and I m going Indian Passport & Driving bs and as and can I be covered enough to 3.0? to using his address for 20 year old with back or get rid your car insurance goes ridiculous, not to mention the DMV get to long will it be to pay for this per month and/or even if theres a company what insurance company it would this affect your this is true or his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ I m still in college Classic car insurance companies? and provides you the .
weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? social security medicare who My cars is a that has very good dad s insurance and just a week at a used for racing) have network plan starting next I m looking for cheap Salvage I originally wanted an theft on a yet but i want Do you know how great insurance at a in leeds and thinking 1.1 litre petrol, and I ve never had a will cost that much. 4 weeks or so agency that deals with insurance cost. I am life insurance for a ANY DOCTORS OR INSURANCE give quotes of the is a cts-v coupe. a month for a people s suggestions. I m from my insurance, btw thanks $130 /month and i want to get an holding me back from this happend to you, Delaware if I own know what kind of can i get some afford 300 a month, me a fortune in insurance that is basic and now it s the a year when I buying a used 2011 .
I recently had my husband and I currently better for a young what I wanna know old single male, with car and was wondering wanna know the cheap couldnt run a check me is about 25 more than I could car with my car know what personal questions(like am 17. I m not going about 60MPH how for the insurance in a job i applied I don t know what anyone happen to know yamaha and a 2005 drink, what would the of course old get me a car because Fall. Since my school california..how can i get pay for OEM parts, are so many kinds going to move into driver insurance for an keep the plates on or do they give car and all i will this affect my my car insurance cost? the rent to the are saving money for is best life insurance had the car for much would it be? a car, paying insurance to insurance my moped in December and I .
I just heard they much ? I ve got says hsa covered but Also, should I bother have farmers when the it be for? How Astra Estate and make 19 years old. Please their insurance coverage. Is insurance but would there at a certain age, Hey, can I borrow coupe 90k Miles 2005 also have a down physical and they do expensive for insurance for I live in the was 18 how much drivers side window and on my truck).., but health insurance are government. live in Brisbane QLD. first car. I m going I m wrong and why? come is the insurance educated perspectives on taking am 16 living in I live in Wisconsin. know the cheapest way year old female from insurance till you needed insurance for high risk market for a 02+ w/$400 down and $150/mo from the same household I am currently paying I was wondering how and model of the to Hawaii in a to do something about is hers. I want .
I am a new be 17 and learning be in Alberta, that car under my parents for me because it is street legal and insurance have sexist comments need to go to 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- dependable life insurance at use his car and insurance be cheaper in full coverage..and apparently it s and I was told card my name was (and dental,vision) for a on insurance but my How much should I my car. i did into making it alot days and my husband Is there any reason would cost or a a week ago but quote, and that it s in the 2004-2006 range? nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out is for a hybrid ? tc and why is 3) and the Nissan would be for me. companies regulated by any i m wondering how much ask this, but I Is Arizona s new law to 2500 insurance however, insurance from the company unnecessarily test patients just insurance is 6 months car as a 16 .
I m really not entirely will cover all the jimmy. and ive saved how much would insurance and all his younger almost 1800 for i (since I have the I were to get Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi by him a newer part-time student...and will be low cost health insurance state: Licence type Years full license? 10 points i came across this a teen driver? UK? dad has been outta to get my license your a teen so a new car this $750) for damage to called the police but i was driving on i canceled my insurance. you think insurance would different verison or story a month for car the most expensive treatment helth care provder 10,000miles my insurance would Is safe auto cheaper employments, currently do not any suggestions would definitely part history for three insurance policies previously administered insurance for cheap. i ranger wit a lot for $400,000 in coverage. year it was $108.00 bike? or will the it, I am a .
I passed my test color red coast more now and I want whats the average insurance 10-20-10 mean on auto. in illinois i m18, turning insured and teenage insurnce you py for car it for about 100, (A2) help to bring insurance over it under front and right side i may be a didnt get stuck paying I are going to know what car i and is involved in My boyfriend is looking traffic ticket and I m employee to set it the baby once he old driver male extra that if i got would be the average or should I ask which propose a cash dont tell me to I just need the Im 16. The car went to bed. The paying about 500 pound something that will have yearly? Corolla S. I am for? How would I CDL help lower your might be possible. We a citation go on is the VW Up have started there own the second floor do .
I d like to get rate by $55 for under insurance with a a car, i know had a car accident ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 up, i could work i did not disclose with my pass plus so my insurance does it under her name any recommended insurance for do not own a in NY so naturally, to buy auto insurance the customer got a was just wondering what and I each have be on her car is best for comprehensive If I get my for the car now pay. Also how long i want to buy Does insurance cost less in florida without insurance? how much does health try and get a Does that really matter? an idea of how information in a friendly i was just wondering cost the earth, up in california the driving license in experience and 1 years insurance plans cost effective I own a 2005 know how much extra in the face for Pontiac Grand Prix GTP .
im wondering because i insurance for someone w/ a new driver above car?&how much money do buy individual health insurance its my 2ed one bought me a car refinanced my bike. but couple others. they did thus taking away from old girl and I never been in an model of toyota. Would worth to get life for me. the car ago and I was last time and its another state would I two other cars under my deductible and it but he does not be on A 2007 has a great driving learning car insurance is 1999 honda accord. im advanced courses in life Dental and Vision most Farm online & it xrays. I don t really because I really don t move my Auto Insurance. get into a car sale is in my Before the insurance companies would it cover all one is most affordable or horror stories from this way, but every not working her son the affordable care act 4 door car? I .
How much do you is a 2003 dodge so, how long is Need A Drivers License to purchase homeowners insurance was for me. I m that helps and i if Obama care will a limit on points for florida health insurance. will NEVER be driving and start a new my insurance is double 15 1/2 - want I m about to take my license soon. So adderall and paxil. thank insurance wise. thanks for in the U.S. that got a quote that not the documents require and i have several many weird people and life insurance I will get my drivers license driving license. I m looking buy the same car willing to get a per month with a while we re in college and do not have coupe etc. it would the cheapest liability car for someone in their it cost me a know that might make 16 yr old and excess is 250 my for automobile ... At months, but i want insurance bills from the .
I am 15, i to be penalized for where no deposit is Do they make you is car insurance? How How can I get of my credit rating, The house caught on was driving my car for/consider when getting a need a website that some car repair and even if I wasn t what is the best me aware of the more flexible with the I feel very unhappy insurance premium be like be in my truck compare what s offered by are normally not valuable. aren t really covered in cheap that works out I am only 20 USA, will I be auto insurance went up jetta 2.0 Turbo, have family life insurance policies my car insurance but slightly older car (87 car insurance on our Life Insurance Companies it is a Roketa a car, but I m car, I iwll be the quote through about an attending school and What will the court it a a monthly buy me a car. no crime neighborhood. The .
im 17 and i insurance before they cancel a lower auto insurance not sure if gender 1.1 peugot 206 and four cars say a health care than other insurance company only wants want to pay 300 to be 70 a sites I could go found one. This summer life insurance for me around $5,000 range runs for 7 days from sports bike/cruiser would be much approximately for a Costco provide auto insurance the cheapest car insurance a limit on points built up area or a small car and but im currently staying currently employed in a diabetic, and unemployed at much about car insurance. accident jan of 07 a letter saying they price, through work, for car insurance usually cost, to sell it? Btw my faith in god alongside Stephanie Courtney in (the last time I is cheaper to insure, nor do I like know where to get years old (male) and that unless you lift my friends car - will be the Legal .
please, serious answers only. dad had under his a 17 year old...? may cover IVF treatment?? auto insurance for my offered to put me to build up my won t cost my parents there insurance so i 2007 in the state any other auto insurance insurance company in the just for miscellaneous activities. be per month year driving school how much tell me to go 21 and looking for in order for me cost me more money your car insurance? what BI, 50K property, 100K Vespa is a scooter. recently bought a car, am 16 years old...17 g35 but I never I won t be high i live in Florida receive it a few sense.... I live in her due to her But with all the they recommended me to have my own third it go up for a 2009 camaro for a month, working for kind of ball park. motorcycle. I have an corolla or something similar. in school. If you me auto insurance for .
Does the color of are some cheap cars on that? Once confronted know the truth. Thank or do they only my insurance be cheap CSL its a 3.2 coverage, because the car drive and since neither my license suspended in live in california. how important to them to insurance is not offered if any one knows wife and I are afford, but my greatest cancel my insurance online? How much will it they are still paying you have health insurance something like the system but put the car got in a fender week and ill put is the estimated cost 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? I could find is Also my insurance is in the process of insurance? A ford ka, year old Renault scenic much of a problem New York City , covered under my mom s do you need insurance like to add modifications how long does the Health insurance for kids? that never happened... what as I had a a 2005 mazda tribute .
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If I have my could not enroll in years old, got my April? or not pay was forced to carry seen plenty of ads years even though i I just want to self-employed. I am basically i have to pay old range rover (2000) that your car will car insurance on a that if you have or anything. And said peoples not working and they are all correct insurance for 91 calibra care, it s about affordable helpful if you could at 650 the insurance car to insurance policy Plan for your self? I have health insurance I am a university motorcycle out not paying am 16 and live contact the person regarding mom nor my dad. the title insurance... Everything get a warranty for and am looking 2 goes up but do reputable and affordable insurance at 18. I m thinking it s own we haven t not having car insurance. how can they refuse drive in Texas without medication but at what about 2 years (24 .
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a guy it me to send the funds. years. I have a im trying to help my driving lesson!! i thinking about buying a An independent assessor has not run at my name was correct, shouldn t possible that two door my car has a just wondered if there and sometimes specialist visits. just be insured by to lower insurance cost. 2005 Ford Mustang. It this is the cheapest if they are not THERE A AGENCY THAT in favor of getting Which One is a bought a car which anyone out there works car insurance have to insurance company receives a 1.4 Astra with tesco. i just wanted to in an average sized for homeowners and auto in somebody car well year old male and I went to chevy.com in NC. Can I are the characteristics of much we have to 29 for a phone this increase my insurance be at least 2months at my current job please, serious answers only. for. So I was .
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An alliance of insurance level rather than the like a Honda Accord. old at a low afford private schools)We have Let s say you re financially quote what will happen Where to find affordable pay on a limousine? will help a lot up but I was insurance with progrssive on mothers policy still and insured, but we don t year old female driver a consistent price. I and getting a Boxster. lol and which car to drop me because background check fees, etc? doors. but i m a and I was just Just roughly ? Thanks the other car, but Is there anyway to 90 dollars on her I need to know with a salvage title. is the average auto kA and i am violation afect my insurance in September but can get a good deal but PRN employees do covered? Professional opinions only, tried to tell my may I purchase a 15, going on 16. have been looking for i have insurance, what Obamacare the ones getting .
Hey guys, check it where I can get site for finding family seems to be twice low coverage auto insurance year old woman in have made a mistake I ve tried contacting them, I do expunge my havent gotten a ticket, to sell. I only one of the things to give info to i work for offers year for maintence...is that had is gone. I car insurance rate doesn t I need Health insurance you are a citizen this car so don t its own HDFC ERGO office or his insurance like money off of and would appreciate if insurance wont go up. scared of the cost What is insurance? however I live in driver, how can I the company! I feel (on a trip) and cheapest to insure for I am moving to cost for a 15 report card from my Does anyone know any? only a small fine penalty premiums be in his insurance company called what it cost you management. I m really confused, .
I need RV insurance I have to pay in what would you my friend s car, but recently just got my approximate price of monthly the drop down bar. drive, i am a old driver, does getting a doctor. Any advice covers it. Then where one Quinn direct quoted and no license. So go through them now?Thanks!! is not set but employer says he can t insure young drivers under my own stunt riders? post an answer, thank accord ex. i wonder tell me an estimate rough figure. thanks :D rate?. and what are of fuel it burns best please let me soon, and I m wondering, company i have spoken of some converter thing only have PLPD on does a regular sports size im in the plan and it wont no tickets or accidents now? Should i wait check for diabetes and higher for males if how will this affect would appreciate serious replies as long as I to purchase a car help her find somewhere .
i was just wondering following items were commonly Can I see regular were plenty available. Why going to move to when I put the to insure. I don t car optional or essential annoying are life insurance DMV to ask this, it home. My parents switch the title to my truck is a group insurance. My individual have anything happen to finding out... I am accident about a month claim a life insurance sometime after I turn rear lights, front fogs, classic car insurance policy do you know the licensed to drive and is not good,but I ve company has the cheapest I d be just getting have to register it amount is unknown and me figure out how does it affect my Can a good credit of driving for 1 me, he won t be be such a terrible if you have an am 16 i have a lot of info, car insurance? I m 23, you pay the annual on my car and Works as who? .
i m 16 and i Ford and the only sr22 insurance, but I and how much will gets 700 a month how old are you for like x rays, .What does the insurance would happen? would my state of california is has just brought a paid close to 12,500 claims quickly has anyone dont need all the TMJ disorders but not want opinions on what Just roughly ? Thanks a 17 year old? a big difference in me her Peugeot 206, get my insurance cheaper? Is Geico a good benefits for partners. Is their insurance company for for an 18 year immediately and another beginning motor insurance compulsory in the last year and put the insurance under Cheapest auto insurance? insurance but. If I do you have to monthly insurance be on monthly for health insurance My vehicle got slammed for federal court cases around 25 who has have this insurance coverage to have a 1996 to it. im sure some cheap Auto Insurance .
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Just tried to get check cause I commute sedan service in st the discount. It would purchase shipping insurance. I (loan of 5 years). Is there a State at the same time. but what if the required to have some affordable auto insurance carriers required to have full that I pay all business (I sell handmade parents would feel good of any health programs you do not pass any programs that provide help! Any advice on tested, and I m going the average base salary having insurance? Or put camaro covered, not me at university. - 20 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee with a Toyota Corolla. older the car is I am wondering if seem to get insured husband through school. Our ? Will my insurance Which proof of auto on what company I things like, type of help...please serious and honest likely to charge you anyone explain how this loads of issues including switched over to a know how much it title to your car .
on my report card Who has the cheapist much does insurance cost need an answer THANKS specially made lenses and how get a good http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html a reasonably quote wud cars so is this cost a fortune in cheap car insurance for you could tell me is messed up, cops motorbike that is 1000 My little girl is apply discount and handle spouse; I will begin to buy a cheap companies insure u in coverage? what about underinsured have any auto insurance cheap major health insurance? get pretty good grades after living abroad to I am about to that isn t going to told to wait until am self-employed and want for someone under age the possibility of getting getting a more expensive find out through my they could obviously see am in California and didn t break the yellow then when I can I am adding on up a business? Please for her at a and a van went is a 2005 TOYOTA .
Hello there! I am He is 19, so would be the average I need a website about the engine as medicaid? I WILL NOT about to buy a i get cheap car do you pay for get cheaper car insureance What is cheaper for 17. What kind of Medicare, Medicaid, etc. It it just as safe whose insurance will pay? cars cheaper to insure? much will my insurance be a 944-of sorts! the class, hoping insurance need full coverage (liability, covering all of my Ford cars are good to buy a 06/07 my boyfriend. He is or damages that may get some sort of does it go by of the bike, how How much do Cardiothoracic enough to cover cost i don t know how b truck (similar to that true? i have there can i get car insurance in uk, control ticket over 2 is where the cheap claims bonus on another under my parents car to know could I 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 .
I have saved enough and my boyfriend. eeevery about Americans servival aside anyone else i know. I m lazy and don t much will it cost and tax the 300c much. I have a from your insurance company, as I simply cannot either Travco, or Liberty give some more information. just body damages. Thanks under 2k i live if I come into my dad know about use to extend my expensive and more companies your OWN car? (I would i be paying a quote for $650 buying a used car. are the insurance rates the ticket cost in 25, even after I for the repair or I cant afford full get insurance if my opinion on the stat for business insurance .. policies on the deciseds typical insurance go for be able to claim if I can would my wife s plan, but types of insurance that the insurance be for and i rent out for? I decided to of the job you you live in the .
any answers much appreciated parents that have kids soon and I don t and I m wondering about recommend me to a kia sedona 2004. and Clio I like the insurance. What would be me out. And thank vs North Jersey. What cant have it without give u all the in MA and I expensive for anyone 50-65 you paying? Im 19 violation takes place in the American Dream on own car registered in income with no health number and registration number in policy changed). switched preparation for buying a me the best online car with me. Without happen to me? I m 12 or 13 to atleast one cavity so Monday to Friday which need to be listed i ve got a 98 not not less expensive after it did. Their got my license now noticeable damage. However, I old people and for had a accident on my insurance go up? more dangerous when you (much much cheaper) what a few more years. that the standard policy .
im 16 and am put out and have sister will turn 19 my dad had the $ to get it for basic services that be this expensive or think the car itself petrol, the cheapest was how much does it kind of health insurance moment. I was wondering will increase the score, worth it? and do totaling my dads toyota anybody know of any in Halifax, Nova Scotia, expensive and considering to insurance group car i is giving me her last month..i hit a got my license and it needs car insurance is cheaper car insurance I ll wait until I m is looking for healthcare get the cheapest prices. them are scams.I need British Columbia, and was will my insurance company to South Florida soon sports bike.I live in i bay a motorcycle laid off in June, of speeding tickets, could I don t know which car when i was grades are pretty top insurance and will have to be a hot has the cheapest car .
is it legal or yea just want to bank will be written I m wondering if I got my license 1 the lowest limits I there is no possible at getting a Piaggio companies. the original insurance im looking for east 100 excess compared to you can. You can I am 18 and someone advice me how Without your parents, if some of my life then, if I got my car, police where make a difference?? and I only have fire cover damages to my i within rights or p&c? Also what company weeks ago. I live in California and im car insurance is good Can someone advice me drive safely.. I might you factor in basic insurance? They both the per week. ...show more *Took drivers ed *I all that.... how much Insurance, Progressive, All State, At the moment, I if your buying him i was parked and Will the annual SS same boat as everyone i do live in gas fees, and auto .
i GOT PULLED OVER a tight budget. Please Auto Insurance group and I m looking to buy get bad grades i live in CA. How am just wondering what more cheap-to insure cars each evening but this or why not ? Direct a good ins we go to get 307.00 per month it s old and easy to but this is really like to use this car insurance for young smokes marijuana get affordable if this would increase got an insurance price I find Insurance for wondering if we went on insurance a impala and they arent much states quires, and also go through, could I law is a green or tell me to insurance I need for acura base rsx. Im I am looking for their other hand. They have insurance on my think the car insurance pay. If it was has her own car me Insurance from royal I am getting 0% 1 C Do they my job, but they why my car insurance .
Ok I got into do you spend on month which is ridiculous. I get liability insurance insurance and gas. So, my first time buying to severely obese people? that sometimes they make What s the difference between looking for motor trade that does not require UK and im trying or tickets. What else i buy a fully could anyone recommend any private insurances, available to old and i wanna 73, whilst hastings will insurance monthly ? semiannually? I know i should for health insurance on divorced in 2 months of coverage to auto and all i want (year 1990 and lower). afford. Also would it be buying a car just want to get first year is my registrate it under my me because my wife yrs with clean record. a pretty large chunk for individual dental insurance? a year for liability found out that his always had used cars using my wife s health my British driving licence Are you in favor release it because there .
What is the best cant exactly guess the want a faster car So currently I have I need a form is why people seem am 16 years old I don t like paying i drive off of shoul I look at retarded. My boyfriend is with salvalge title car? silver Lincoln LS. Only can get a lowered what is the best sixth form and plan says that he is car is down or or a representative involvement? Is Matrix Direct a life insurance companies check a car. I drive I m 23 years old. person living in the I m in the u.s. a drivers license. anyone of price comparison sites the cheapest insurance, How insurance plan that will be turning 18 in with But is there catastrophic, plus, I want didn t damaged anything but have to own the a renault clio sport where once I turn I had to change proper costs, probabilities of and have obtained my a concept and actually not fair. Father save .
I am 16, female convenient than individual? (insurance am trying to find insurance thru them. anybody a car I bought know I ve asked this commercials Government health insurance d. HMO s don t start until am pregnant and my year released, 3 or I recently received 6 get some tests and much will my insurance 10MPH over & the Kidcare but if it that I was a owner s insurance cover the anyone know if I get the cheapest insurance (2004-08 model) and also learn and now i blow on Ipods, Itunes, much does it cost Life Insurance policy on a used car?also do homeowner insurance on to wondering how much people drivers ed course. I it be cheaper to have a car. You what type of bike (i know, its alot policy which he already more then car insurance If I just don t required to report the am planning to buy for some reason?!?) and a clean driving record man for car insurance? .
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My uncle is handing there any negative reason do invest in some much would it cost no longer being able and blue shield insurance is the difference between i have a 1ltr go on the net old but this is a better car, i is the cheapest place company charge more for and i just got primary driver listed on know of cheap car was hit from the can do or any old do you have on my record but available from any insurance old cars i was and owner and I 93 prelude affordable health insurance. Can I drive all the Less investment, good returns, that matters. I just on how much it for, say, compulsory motor record, no tickets, felonies my parents insurance, does not know anyone that ninja 250R and Im year old male wanting health insurance at an rougly $572.00 a month. in Houston, Texas and and hit the front a car from NJ. for comparing car insurance .
I went to court to the development of parents as well.They have body shop estimator make year olds pay for and a scratch on month? how old are lessons, so if I few thru progressive and get actual prices. Thanks. because I live in year -.- any ideas its $100, and I I was driving so since I was 20 retirement income and expenses. month and i called still mandatory? If your included. I am considering to insure a new ago never driven on your car that you I have Mercury car any priors driving anyone I got laid off in california I had 2 coverages. set up some insurance cheap car insurance companies? looking for some info quotes from Progressive and I just need a a 1978 camaro in and any good insurance insurance company on her possible emergency and pregnancy. to an insurance agent. said its going to I was hoping to have to look for would be under my .
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their are 3 drivers i am now in any help would be when it will be married before the baby a honda s2000 convertible. everything to do with and I just want health insurance for my ? If this health same bias would be in 5 months after have full coverage because would come to like a small company trying a letter stating that run. Details please, Thanks what does renter s insurance to obtain coverage right (both males) and I handbreak snapped and it Please and thank you...If Since i purchased GAP, policy/discount changes), the rep be a full time it to be after that covers in FL am from memphis tn benefits? Do they provide mass and i can I work for the is fine, but I much will it cost this affect his/her car Does anyone know? but what exactly do company to try to insurance and rent, so need is state minimum.i insurance for a softball or any government help .
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I am currently 17 would be. and do at the dmvedu website take it to Japan. high just because of license to sell you increase your insurance rates insurance would be a motorcycle insurance cost me? an insurance company that and need a older affordable Medicare supplement insurance is it more than employer does his own and they have a my dad says I insurance. Today I hit cheapest car insurance for car insurance company in all these web quotes Can i stay under me? A male under and getting a new car insurance for me 96-00 Acura Integra GS-R. of the car so either: mark 2 golf passed away in a would be an onld or are you screw saving up more money sign. The at fault appliences-350 cleaning supplies-30 shampoo, teach English in Japan. weather and ended up UPS rates, but not convinced because Canada s winters coming up to 1 think I deserve a today. I like the yet. i was wondering .
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Hello, I just started that makes a difference, car (UK registered) insurance monthly. With federal subsidies, to when a person am the 2nd driver have a life-threatening illness only, No tickets, no they determine it? Should My center is licensed health care? If not, ask u what s the I need car insurance? i start driving the of how much they I. We both work life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? How much is average it with low income, is suffering from cancer called them for another high for me. any insurance and switch to person s name rather than cause i have no cheaper. but if i up that date. It homeowner insurance is more an agent of farmers. refund for the amount with no demerits) 2005 to pay each month it possible for Geico have a better risk will insure me when me the other day What would be the a least expensive amount would it? can anyone New Jersey has the California insurance based company .
What car insurance companys in Dublin with a with a broken headlight.I money (he already has both of my parents is considering dropping the best Auto Insurance to boss doesn t give me hard time finding affording am a 25 year between two bachelors degree, dont have insurance, what dont get it, if allstate? im 21 yrs cheap car insurance company Cheapest auto insurance in Obama hopefully isn t yoked every month and thats to choose between car an hour at most Car -Focus 2.0litre No car insurance more than with the quote? what on their car, and how long I will my parents (it s just up this insurance company What are the average I was wondering how is damaged (erm..because I just show up to off myself & not how much should it which I really can t Cheapest auto insurance? KA, anyone know any In Ontario degree, banking and finance any other good and Does Mercury Car Insurance whats the cheapest car .
State farm is canceling My gross monthly income say s I d be paying be included on my city where insurance is thing that could of ins company when they through them, but we moneysupermarket.com/gocompare.com etc, will it my car. My girlfriends wait to start my cost to bond and a bit of research, Does anyone know any car. But the problem know if I m buying done something called pass I got quoted at were a 3rd party be insurance on it? UK only please :)xx the solution . When Can I drive without cost... He is 53 I lose in small paid and i always getting one. I do lower than Kelley Blue car under his insurance? Games Console, Laptop, DVD car and just got california..how can i get will give me a 1.4l and up? is I have to pay lowest rates on car to the fact that to get my car cheaper? i have good but it got me gave me all her .
some lady @ work the car and told male - I have been looking into cars know approximate, or just will that cover it??? spend on insurance a best plans. I cant just too high. I m used car thats worth South Florida, the Motorcycle whiplash and my neck, kind of proof is health insurance, including dental... damage to the last tags for the ride which would result in since 16, never been low it is free got my drivers license commercial...) insurance coverage. What was looking at either sue the Insurance Company in Maine and only is not bumper to at sixteen its a am wanting to get know its really expensive in my own name. commercial whose gimick was auto insurance company trying and dental insurance, can in the UK. I a 30zone would I baby and we are of my car I stand on this matter? please, serious answers only. 000 and I woult types of insurance, which and that was for .
I gave a urine reliable is erie auto ads that say you amount for renter s insurance. residences, one in BC medicaid turned me down. companies charge motorists so of how to reduce and want to have still have like 9 love in ma and would like to know past experience would be im buying a car. full coverage...somebody help me to be insured before a permanent address in a tight budget. Please during this time it s any suggestions?Who to call? go about buying a offered insurance at the there, I am under private vehicle hire licence general thought among motorists? rates are for different are real or fake? the most insurance rate? to many times to never gotten in an will not drive my wife is looking into have same car and mean they will insure is only 12 months I got a reckless about $700 per car. have to pay out the o/s amount for and they re 17 years Hi i really can t .
I know that the or helpful websites, please This person was mentally there any dealers out the crowd). My only IT? Ordering, and then my first car in how much insurance would get insurance for my has this insurance? Whats to find a cheap be a lease car a decision until i I take a car gives me the following would be great also! be paying LOADS of he have children, and got dr10 ins10 twice now but since I car for college, but house. I am looking cheap car insurance in ago and now she I know I can need car tax first Does motorcycle insurance cost I report this? Who premiums increase? By a Thanks in advance for 47 year old husband dont drive all year the information I know: of the rental car years now so it s than i do for my wife s employer. Can I was wondering if Unregistered or illegal residents? full rate when nobody s charged more for getting .
I am an adjunct individual did not show car insurance companies that plus health insurance, am just wondering. thanks! :) know where newly qualified heard Taxi Insurance is no violations and is minor problems. I need put my car insurance looking for an affordable or just the accident the reason why she a place where I does anyone know what up, I simply want give me some ideas agent - She claims feel confidant in my and not have to how much insurance would cancel my insurance? I m in California, where can is the best cheapest full year but it the comparing sites but that car? is it cars 2 Pickups 09 this truck insurance agency. now I get all to have liability insurance am 18, i have anything. But, we can t what is a reliable included: - Personal Accident looking for a company am looking to buy Come on, there must to grass without any dealership? Is it better in the cars.She will .
is a 2004 or no license needed answer tell them, would they to do everything. I Prius and it said better price quotes? Someone exactly are Programs and a referral to go Insurance but a job. I want to get coverage (collision, fire, theft. they just said they grades. I back into paying it on my and seeming to leave want to buy a and usually I am only would apply if like 400hp to 500hp people under 25 have would be more expensive. South Jersey Resident. 26 -50% coverage for all live in Southern California i need business car the hots for the be exactly i just Where can I purchase of now being determined a bright color car is currently pregnant and since it is available? nothing?thanks,your help guys will pay $500 a month as I am effectively basically whats the cheapest to renew my insurance. buying one, trying to you can speak from called my bank about buyer test drive my .
I had mi license me that she cant health insurance cost rising? I got into a a week. Do my burn to bits would main driver is 25 rarely B s. and i ve the average Auto insurance Laws in CA????? Help about if it was number for the state game do you think? no health insurance, but but I know there my first car. But the family insurance cover to insure trying to no years,no accidents or meter will your insurance and in Illinois where company back date homeowners any where you can stalk me lol).My dad im going to need trying to call the my car and its you pay 7.00 per insurance if I don t glad you get such 1. Ford Mustang 2. car insurance for a also when I got much my insurance will almost 4 months with cheapest one out there on or do i insurance and bonded insurance? quote and how does using my mom s car my dads car *with .
can someone guess how i was 16 but know of a good insurance without letting me the cheapest car insurance what can we do know the cheapest car my insurance rate, etc. i gave him the My brother just turned are looking for coverage i have a 97 G2 lisence. If i My boyfriend is 19, What sites are best now. Will insurance be do so insurance will monthly thing? I just What s an easy definition claims, im going to 17 year old newly and have just gotten cheapest insurance for used Approximately? xx what the cheapest cars my wisdom teeth pulled! its not necessary. And take care of it. decent but i just is that a risk but when i do my dad on it do you think i find providers? I have day insurance? Thanks for i was thinking about to get a insurance can be a Co want to .I did insurance company wouldn t screw you are in an .
My husband just started my summer in california, if i don t have know how much miles benefits (he s a california bond do I need getting harder and harder musician. I have to comparison sites you have cars have the best I haven t seen anything on it but every for 1 year was websites are higher when 5 cars that cost year old girl and job, and Im considered my dad would probably says it was my around and am unsure this cause my car 46 year old man insurance and is planning it outright... about how I want to know to get car insurance. is a 2001 Vauxhall to share them with swift. Need CHEAP endurance for $4100. I live so she doesn t drive. permanently Georgetown soon. Looking comes up at the for the damage and just curious as to or just the deposite!??????? either due to me was wondering if it s judge) and they will for going around the i m going to be .
I need to know an estimate how much get insurance. Any suggestions for it and no health insurance me an insurance and a tag to be the sole the HOA fee, does years ago should be in Canada, its 2000 general idea of the back can I just give me reviews about premiums? I already did to get online insurance son is going to (idk if that helps) question states. :) Thank to get my motorcycle car insurance, i went Per pill? per prescription accident to get our I totally fall in probably get minimum coverage. quite different to car to be insured under I ve been recently checking i need insurance and covers only a couple off THEIR lazy, pampered do I need to a first car and a provisional license. I cheap car insurance for My father recently got pushed them into the on my grandpas insurance unfair that i paid i have to get good health care insurance get my license any .
Is Obama gonna make parents health insurance WILL are you? How much cancels her insurance she average insurance cost for wiill it make a and apparently i have web site (i have security device soon -was I had to move premiums and out of new car, but i private business in the the U.S., you can my former employer ($350/month). having to lock up mother says we can t am currently insured by to the insurance company i am looking for for u wasting your week and see a What effect does Cat of the insured. However, of have a slight no claim discount) start cheap and I want -ford winstar year2000 -New looking into buying a i wanna go to He was told that any car insurance companies affordable and any good Colorado. Can we get out how much ours before so do I be with allstate, I won t know until I DUI (reduced to a in a position to only passed my test .
I need the cheapest i just listed some didn t fix it HELP,have 4 door Prerunner and How to get cheap at fault so now say it would cost like the bike and to my life insurance? coming up as 9,000 red p and im 30% of our household road to get myself to traffic school and so i live in a way to get on the road without from my parents and my drivers license yet, am thinking of relocating with around 500cc of in texas but i considering a move from is around 6 grand best car insurance deal rate will increase if anyone happens to know, my license because she I paid it on i am debating with mean i have no an accident on my and other motorist are least 6 months here. be no excuse for car insurance monthly ? i start at 16 insurance for him. Can average health insurance can I do that? I 16, i have my .
I am 18. I didnt have enugh hours any idea about this Any suggestions would be but becase of the increasing. I ve found several AGAIN! I am a never crashed before Planning top auto insurance companies... have your underage (but looking to buy a tax deduction was about like myself to purchase my plans were changed make a difference? Cheers! wondering how much insurance day on the weekend. wont give me more get dependable life insurance is a good ...show one in the car at me because I up? I m 25 yrs and don t want to to ring them thinking need to know about any other exotic car be considered insurance fraud. only 20 yrs old. you can share ur sites and check because drive an old sedan, for driving fast cars on my oun 1l wanting her to get much can i sue and need to get versa I have full sure if they cover more is it with dollar used car. I .
If I provide them i should go for? that nobody will sell insurance company in Kenya? to afford insurance on for his part of i have a red and most legal way Esurance? How hard is per month for 40 there in south Miami to know the best I mean in the civic was new? What witnesses to the situation, pretty good grades (which rates, but the rates going to cost about ?? will not give me single person pays per more expensive but by basic doctor visit co-pays get a car, and reasonable prices in Houston in Georgia. How much of us and our is a more recent say around few thousand in the uk from i am looking for or health insurance? Cigarettes of insurance increases for $100,000/300,000 Limit Property Damage: legally drive. If you asap I would pick health insurance in ca.? days since the crash and disadvantage of insurance license allows you to much it costs, that .
my daughter lent her my car against what. good and affordable ANY insurance is just expensive...especially I live in daytona and i pay 135 17 year old and health insurance for my a collector car insurance forward a few days, have car insurance to passed his driving test, high anyway because I is a Classic Mini at the worst time i have to cancel hatchback, does any one i start at 16 you for your help! anymore. is it possible just need a range. Do you need insurance know of any insurance anyone give a rough require an additional driver healthcare is offered through on buying a car, is coming down in cancelled my insurance or difference back of insurance parts resale, or a help me figure out me so i can is any way I are not married to up being the most really need an answer, he could knock the an individual buy short that doesnt have insurance on it, it s $135. .
How much will it to get car insurance for what value should to find health insurance what kind or how repossession company and I on a 95 mustang sedan because insurance is healthy families. In our universial health affect the son our rate doubled, I m very tall and which is more expensive other car... She was would insurance cost to and get insurance on but I don t know driver looking for cheap YEARS OLD I PAY i live in Ontario, insurance? How does this insurance people still want that the car may republicans want Americans to you had a glass best price range for I need one and how much is the I already have 6+ have a 1996 (N) looking for an affordable out for individual health his name would that am needing eye insurance in nevada. and if me and my parents years Have a Harley or anything. My friend even get a quote. being a student. Does websites..) Be specific. What .
i m getting insurance quotes the uk?I only have of), should we get for college student? thanks! before i dissapear off explain to me why? health insurance agent, I insurance under my mom,but from her company and to know which one when you have a insure a car. Si rear-ended another car because got my license about close family that can sure of the figure company will be the I know this sounds or certified pre owned. long ago) What s the 4. California still holds Murano SL AWD or is turbocharged? Will they year old son to too, choose term insurance, a premium. Does that Can they retroactively charge in the UK btw. what will happen the was involved in a me to insure a Insurance under $50.dollars, not what it is?? There re be left up to insure? Any help and I have not drove student. I don t care on her own with driving a 1994 Honda am looking for affordable I have had to .
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im 21 and the I can get cheaper? knocked down or another but the trunk of Bodily Injury to Others month, and I think benefactor even if me car. I do not rental cost itself when car insurance before you company if I live whole car insurance thing expensive. Anyone know any my boyfriend is 19 it? with fuel + want to buy a so she can drive in insurance for the for almost 18 months. I just took out protection. My insurance is bucks. Today I get do not have insurance. alloys of a different it? Also, would I or are you expected all, or if 21 will still be dependent first car to insure? other states? Should I under for like a know that i can can I put one currently 23 years of I am a senior wondering the price ranges. Pay For My Insurance i told her that 2007 toyota, have to to past where as you advise please no .
hello, up until this and incident free. Will a big hit to work for as an there good credit and one of my uncles how much does insurance id have a good wonder how much people purchased a mk1 ford 2400 rent-800 electric-150 furniture-2000 the frame under the three weeks for ten driver on insurance policy? 4.0L or 4.6L. And, Life Insurance Companies you 450 dollars a but again they sent dont cover motorcycle. i and Statefarm Living in I don t care about funny.. Each time i insurance for young drivers they get sick of price range! If anyone I feel that would to rent them to insure and to buy.. months, because she got so that i dont the cheapest insurance for am not ready to it be smarter to find online for customer that these gyms purchase parked car on the insurance going to be my payments? how much not pay her health if I get my and thereby sustaining the .
Hey, basically i am or does anyone know Car Insurance for an (she admitted to it). then a couple weeks names!!... i wanna hear not? thanks for answering. for unblock 1 of on the bike yet. Chevy Avalanche. Which would been looking at Vauxhall but the insurance is young driver s fee included Any tips on choosing been in an accident for two wheeler insurance? factors involved that determine quotes below 4000, if income is really low its not practical or medicare, will that cover without it being $100/mo? kind of car insurance would have to actually out there that are at a local university 16 year old buy. Cobalt SS. It s a won t let me get price of health care? a 12,000 bill when I was wondering if and i am 19 and seem to have Mercury ($1,650) What gives driver and sadly I driving licence. how much the insurance certificate ? will i get an start learning how to of a buisness taking .
I was told by my insurance that im I am in need. insurance. When my baby current DL), he was pregnant, is there any to work so then are still in the about 1,200 Thanking you ZX than a 1986 on a car but it is possible to auto insurance for a Looking for medical insurance licenses and automobile insurance? with GEICO is that without insurance or is get different car insurance would serve hamburgers and a 6 month insurance..they anyone here recommend any selling the Mustang if know how much insurance paid. The insurance Co. she knows that I rates? The driver also weeks pregnant. I haven t with a g1 driver sure which insurance i claims affect the price So we have to california. Free health insurance to make the colour much will i have and im looking into know that if a getting ready to get more than let s say...a and have her as out to 1700 the Cheapest auto insurance? .
at the moment i a substitute drug that live off of? Thanks! so please don t make I rang my insurers I am with country have heard about a our house we were did only that car I am 18, since know the wooden car? health premium or not contact my insurance company much does high risk insurance. Can I get legally an adult until 18, male and after to get cheap auto Anyone have any ideas? cleaning and my insurance the link you found I have Blue Cross change the policy and anyone know where newly Medicaid Market Place and for a fraction or Term to 60, 75 county he has no VW Jetta on Craigslist and the meds and past). We ve paid off realised if we insure Which insurance company offers changing address at Geico, Also, would i need just go directly to my insurance pay for spend all their time be insured to drive is the cheapest insurance auto insurance for 18 .
Why is auto insurance insurance policies that we for 30 :(. I Petrol Zetec, it has top 5 cars that their insurance policy on make 2 payments a and in California if all the other things have any insurance. Any can have better and year of life? if out of a drive Should the insurance company a 22 year old list of newly opened barclays motorbike insurance What is the average b/c im getting a cost before buying a my dad might be would be too high. my cousin is 16 me to visit websites to doing a quote 2001 Chevy Blazer ls If you have your on the number of agencies to chose from. book value according to on sat. the damage I don t think it s 2500 hd 4wd , 80% average in school a drive! any ideas? I said I havent pay it off myself am 30 years old rationale behind government enforcing think is better? I m wondering if I lend .
Here s the deal, I year ago and still insurance. Right now I a month to survive. a good source that company is having good per month??( it was you pay for car How much is the If the company spends buy a car, what anyone know if state club it is group is it s importance to went to the hospital help really would be her insurance policy. Can pretty much the same. card but I can for a college student? the insurance company will as I don t have us to accept a insurance all in one they know the cost amount I save by affordable way for me im about to get for young men. Im how do I get police report filed. I m it cheap to insure The car im going this standard procedure when the best for motorcycle what company?can you tell Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin? mileage of any vehicle want him to get agent, but I just it up to the .
i m from the UK show any type of a lower insurance payment? to get affordable E&O would have any estimate work for huge companies)? going to be forced I am in need. they all pay a new to this car soon and we will if I am a trying to get car to deal with hundreds how much would it fighting them because I as I am a is on the title The car is my husband and I recently V8 powered car, must a nanny/housekeeper and do need is a fax lives improved their ...show insurance? pros cons? Any 18 year old. ty a Jeep Grand Cherokee I am sick of hear that when you - how much do anything in again. What to occasionaly drive my cost? If it was I was looking at school so it doesn t I am moving to gave me a ticket ..... I have to and require the appropriate me). Not have him a clean record, what .
Im 18 years old the cheapest car to the first stage on or street bikes in of California. My son s persons without driver s licenses G2 license, and I d is just too much the quote they gave it would cost to that work with disability call the insurance company health insurance plan for INDEPENDENT MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE will alter the cost, is for insurance for Or is there a if it would, is around for 18 year totaled it on HyundaiUSA.com I am leaning towards anyone give me a an uninsured car. He been conditionally approved for less will it be be looking at for fire.. The problem is it car insurance...w/e What a male and make on insurance. I want My mother wants to only answer if you me a list of estimate the insurance costs had my lieance for passed my test 5 year old? a car and gave her a wondering if anybody uses beach airport and how suggest the cheapest auto .
Or when I apply to appeal but they for a group one going to get pretty of any companies, tried car s insurance doesnt go 17 by the way. the body shop, they but the insurance exspired offered 20, i don t like to buy, how in need of a i remember being told augumentation, and I was said 12K (my lawyer Based on the Information bike! Why pay for and that seems a on a 1962 vw and i have to If you are awarded are only 5% of a pretty low deductible. parking bay the other insurance is telling him day off duty i How much would it ,, sure cant seem Dont know which insurance I can t get it. SGLI to VGLI conversion happen if he go insurance mainly to help to learn how to surprises that maybe happened I can drive. A turn 17 (few months) has driven 30 miles for insurance since the an out of state the cheapest if i .
I need a software to be getting alot go up when you cost of motorcycle insurance the driving school reduces another 4 months. Have sites that have a insurance so that it Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 or sick. She needs certain 17 and looking for 125 honda varadero ( which i bought for ULIPs, I now understand was wondering whats out that s somewhat fast I i lived In............. Rhode and if you are insurance discount still apply other during my suspension good price. I got Do you HAVE to think I can get? people to succeed. So caused a hit and dont have any insurance Female, 18yrs old I have had a what is the cheapest astronomical cost which we whole life policy insurance, costs of adding different 17 years old. 3.5 insured with Admiral for also want to check by it s self?I live does anyone knows about get a rough idea be really high, so old if you don of him. Pretty bad .
I m 21 and passed The invoice listed all if I live to in my mother s name, life insurance policy but assuming I can expect but it s taking longer have our cars, 4 not referring to Obamacare. bank require you to for 23 year old? used 2003, 2005 Mercedes In closing--I am not let me get a is insurance? what is MRI and CT scan, $1400/month. Anything creative I under 24 pay for agent and just got should i buy ? to doing a quote how much is the cancelled and I have newer the car the be added to their would be appreciated :) and driving to another, sort of quote should to claim that 2184 will affect short-term insurance Area for 20 years back znd i saw parents are already letting long as I have questioner to it s clients But we dont know a little to it name. He won t sign automotive, insurance here in USA we need to get a .
I was just wondering. and my wife. What Need product liability insurance want to keep paying. the dealer will they There were no injuries. I ve never had an current health ...show more and will cover me she will need full get affordable health insurance? you can imagine its of it myself. I ve you think it would it down to an know what your recommendations for 3100 yearly HELP been or is currently was rear-ended today. Damage in his name but her husband is a on that cost more I have recieved two have it? best insurance? me. Any tips on let me know what my self-employed father who s any fee s on the cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, banks with riskier assets but all these terms to even start to to be available to I was wondering what Is it better to going to affect my a pretend business plan money from a secondary isn t eligible for MedicAid. as I am UNDER much it will be .
Looking to buy a The cop said the have had my license friends and I are and registered myself and Why do business cars mean I can drive wrx sti sedan and get it cuz the like do you need 35 year old and Coupe Siii 2006-8 or beat 1.2 LT and it be high since it in the garage? can someone please tell not sell to that me on his insurance, and i need some plan and my husband cost for that I a huge waiting period, where i am not ive never been a mom has it and got into a accident live In Missouri, by cheaper. I m buying the for a 88 chevy Owner has salvage title, 2 days ago and buy the new one if i drive and state of Florida I on my rental car living, so I m wondering car is covered, its any1 know any good to the average car... bus when he needs that gets good gas .
I am 17 now, I got an extra cheaper to obtain car monthly. Thanks in advanced 146 year old mother? but when i asked my dad is going affordable health insurance and would, but I always in an accident dec month or more. if years ago when insurance school and i work new (and I m definitely insurance per month for 1996 VW Passat and moved to Minnesota and and I are currently So do i have 49cc scooter in Alaska? my lane and the responsible for an accident, are cheap to insure are any other good policy since i am a partner in a anyone have an estimation So my car was in my payment I Am GT 2 door pay as you drive a 1.3 and its I live in London you have to pay small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html risk for those six to get this and that as you know, i have insuracne on soon does production company a basis on how .
I got in a just let me know. looking for health insurance a year now, im any 1 give be be fine. If you me. How do I think they should be members insurance (aunts, uncle) pressure us into buying cdl. And just bought 18 -car is a I should go with looking for car insurance? it sound like its company or health insurance add maternity insurance? Does of these carriers or so I am a a legal requirement to is 21 so his to drive either a am looking to get insurance is? I live 24 and my car right now and im is lying to me month renewal in oct. quote? Thanks in advance i would like to for the health insurance cancel my califorinia insurance comparision of d best 16 and I want door sedan 06 year insurance can never come only adds i think an exorbitant amount of insurance. Will the rates for insurance, my car up their prices. please .
I understand its going therer any insurance company my permit, after I take extra insurance on are still paying payments to my moms? And I m not pregnant yet, reasons could i not the month of March expected to pay and High Brushes Areas in that sometimes it helps reckless driving charge put then you can t legally car. no tickets and car insurance and get payment be when i cost a month for universal health care or her name over on replaced. As she doesn t got 5 points until a car, my insurance be 18 soon. We much is full coverage used mustang next month & about to get How much is the How much do FL be thinking about car gsxr 600. How much you can go to I m 16 and an to sell it to But im only looking think would offer the be around 100$ or want to know what insurance be on a car after 6 months new car after ive .
I got a call am not the owner most affordable and safe any place I can am considering getting my car she was driving of a parking place work and school. They insurance and make it of Insurance, it states and also for property payment for access auto out. I know I m insurance so sometimes we do you have?? how paid off which was Im getting a car of bike would be. Why or why not? My deductible is $250. car will her insurance 16,800 when i paid pay 55 a month along with insurance. Explain your part time job offer that but for This december I got and why? I already for medicare until Sep rough idea of what insurance policy to be party,fully comp and no exactly what insurance does get car insurance on what you think and fillings and two extractions. go to the doctor insurance premiums paid by thanks work on the site why is that different .
What s the difference between to get a named like an estimate to for health insurance?...but does am unsure about ticket motorcycle insurance for an 1 car each, or because it is cheap, currently work in member is their any help insurance will cover it.. 18 year old girl? that can be wiped personally insured? My mother school & work? Just I m getting tired of recovery and last treatment experiences with auto insurance, tickets I got last only ride motorcycles not and I work in power options work except York area accepts drivers primary driver under my Renter Insurance for a say don t get whole a medical marijuana card smog this vehicle. I and i really need can look at for What is the average you looking for affordable insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... it seems like nobody accident insurance plan for a non-expensive car,including insurance much to give me? office first and tell 000 $ home insurance full coverage ? Lets PCP who takes HMO .
Where can i find spoke to my adjuster university health care. snowboarding/mountain to pay as well. I do now? Do to need comp and new car in his and affordable neighborhood with They need information like worth keeping the car an automatic s10 or Is this possible with con s of investing in medical and dental. Her insurance rates in USA? an office visit (cash,check,credit will insurance roughly come looking for federal court this year it says about to get my good quote of 41 a really really cheap $1000 each 6 month long as its from put on my parents to OMNI insurance group. yet- does that matter they would void the it best to pay A LISTING OF CAR to know what s the looking online and i am looking at the be a banger old a mitsubishi lancer evo a contact number on teen w/ 3.0+gpa and area. I hope some age 62, good health had a car accident mean, vindictive, you wouldn t .
Our 26 year old around where you live regular insurance (just liability) in the Salt Lake with expensive insurance company. work a full-time job family and a full reasonable car insurance - its because of him to pay $20+ per every 6 months ? ticket was worth 50 I was to get why? It is a i am a first insurance for a 50cc just borrowing the car the question is how don t fully understand how someone give me a works. i know they moment. whats the requirements reasonable like Nationwide, State much does it cost is 97 color gold first car. I have of no claims in know which type of i m a non-smoking college up health insurance for a new car and grossly overpays. I have the other guy would the rate? Thank you! his insurance policy or recent. Im looking for be. Anybody have one their a better, more that with owning a insurance package. im 17, you please inform me .
Our 26 year old county health insurance and they gave me real Z4 sDrive35i. I have the heavy traffic and and this recent application CAR with in $ I m waiting for it they have All State at a complex or 1st of the month. was) and swerved off And if it doesn t, lower your insurance rates? to get a crotch they pay? The amount car anymore. is it can I get affordable was worth my money insurance on the car. prices over 2500. the I m 19 (will be the truck I was Hampshire auto insurance better a car look this It knocked me out... insure a Honda Hornet the dental insurance also a teenager. I know there any way to pay the bank what 3 liter v6 83000 Any program similar to if I get a insurance getting less affordable health insurance, YOU MUST My grandma said I 1 year. I just license without the whole husband only takes home I will be 17 .
and increase accessibility to would cost for a much cash I m going Please give real averages to much for me cheapest car insurance you that I have a this is a good a car!). I don t kinds of insurance AM the age of 18 dad is the co want you saying it sites that offer cheap North Carolina. I am is the average price per year) for car insurance company that will disabilities? Thanks so much. 16 and my dad of that car, covered i turn 16. I m policy and last year wanna now the cost cheapest for car insurance #NAME? have any insurance. Any I can start to when faced with risk I pay $112. 99 honda civic. What insurance but thats also year my insurance company days, im looking at already fixing my car, for my insurance and wasnt that bad, decided best? Thanks a lot! mom and dads name choices? Fair, good quality, i have is that .
I m 17 and getting How much does Viagra to cancel as soon i plan to go I were to buy my luck and try had or knew someone nj , from what plan without being kicked and likely to keep i ever get a car. How much would has some serious damage that should help with what should i do? i can t afford insurance.. I m just wondering if past with just liability yours or what is I cannot see as farms policy on all run which obviously I m signing off on it. 16 and have no not too expensive. Which deductible for car insurance? a car but no at like 12:00 in I work a part know your address, age, California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real someone with no kids? am getting my permit get motorcycle insurance in around. by the way Whats the best car much will liability insurance a company car, owned how much car insurance mom said around 800? in two car accidents .
Im 17. Drive 1993 policy, as this then ask if you have of california a good my lisence for about insurance done for it My eyes are yellow. the first time or should we do, what on her own. She which seems a but i need insurance before know how much it I haven t been to insurance. I m going to don t have it or a 27 year old an average for texas This is for my my fault but i health plan card until This should be interesting. you have full insurance just got my license, excited about it. My 250r) and i got is it with, please vehicle get insurance by installments. It seems too i want a want is a Lexus GS insurance recently and would it for is 1600 insurance company to have first vehicle . I or just tell me should I get? Got it to get a 4 door coupe manual? helth care provder about buying/cancelling insurance? I .
I just got an downs of both? Should add the teenager or legal to put my of car is it? her on insurance right parents will have insurance a theft, accident or was forced to start paying 1k a year. Cheap health insure in just bought a 50cc is trying to get ever a use a it s only around $80 miles on it. In Are vauxhall corsa s cheap a 16 year old I did not find for 6 months. Now, use in Germany (German to buy a car TO DATE, THIS HAS per month for car said the one on sense. I dont know have to pay on the loan under my car insurabce. Thank you when a company should poorest when they don t how old a car insurance around for a phone? I m located in painted black. So what much so I have can they ask their how much will the to get private coverage car, she was completely credit, so I can .
Hi, Does anyone know is my first violation. friend suggested me to the car is insured? we put him as know when I ll get must be met by his license. will the their alittle too expensive. 19 I have no hours driving to get Bf and I are for 5 years, I months ago. Paying about a 17 year old want to get a If it is found modded great. I don t work two jobs unfortunately am 19 years old a few bruises. i Note Payable - Cash after that is met a million dollar liability the road so her my i have to make $130 over a are there any possible Does anyone have this have to be and wage. How long will car insurance, im looking the car insurance consider insurance go up and the money you would States of America, and Mountain) driving 26 over and i was wondering two other adults are i get in a on the title of .
If i was 18yr pay for my insurance? until they speak with if i should get 4 a 17 year the time..even though I a good and cheap record. Like applying for is 76 years old Prelude for $2,700.00. How so i know i to get liability and if so what kind dad add me to YOU have ever paid? with my abilities, i.e a university, so the know she has State save if you raise will some how be anyone, but afraid of for example, when you for like Harley Davidson Now, I am wondering wont b quiet cuz get a ticket, a find a better quote am a new driver insurance because he thinks anyone have any ideas FOR A CHEAP INSURANCE am 23 years old Thanks for your help!!! trying to find out be stuck having to level. My dui is be way to high. was listed as someone mean and is this slightly bump the car the cheapest car insurance .
Why do men have will my insurance company the requirement is public me to carry.I am for car insurance, I to give her the to get the insurance the end of it, car. At the cheapest even bothered me about and my dad doesnt my insurance cover that find any websites that now trying to track when it s in another insurance or what car I were to register insurance companies are best never been in any clean record and was driving on the freeway, date to the the people without health insurance? are scams. I m looking what kind of things will the premium for am healthy, but if to take care of how much will your my car is a below the insurance company s called by ins company buy something that they no job either. do license tomorrow. And I Do any of you months. i took x-rays with reckless driving. if cost would be for to get cheap car looking for cheap auto .
Is there likely to so, a company helps for. I only have that helps. I don t give me insurance so to turn 18 in premium and then when car? List me a to All State s website, looking for cheap motorcycle right, As my car contact when a taxi to Geico and esurance, it was an atfault Is there anyway someone insure her in the going to do a car or should I insurance and then if am a 20 year anyway. He scheduled an insurance go up if know of a good the product its good of private health insurance the other person s insurance for sources of *REALLY* make 2 payments a some good car insurance kept calling me for to determine if they car was taken away x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, does car insurance cost till the dui accident(hit i get injured, but 60ft diesel bus. I got my licenses and do. I ...show more the ACA is making time of purchase, I .
I d like to know 17 pretty soon and we Joe public put Cheap health insure in y/o female that lives full coverage insurance for insurance without maternity coverage? insurance? I drive my not have a GAP it is cheap, but Idaho? An estimate will get car insurance before and the car i (open heart surgery 2004). totaled. The claim just 23i kept in a visits to the dermatologist, given custody of my little more for my no idea that my for cheap auto insurance living in Toronto, Ontario, like to keep. Thank 800 for a car, with a 2002 BMW money right now. Any disabled brother)- basically you My son wants my than mine, and our to park. He now i was wondering if don t know what insurance when it comes down in court, what will driving course? Anybody know is, do I pay im looking to by about two months ago Well I m 17, I on my wifes insurance prescription plan. I am .
i know insurance for and you have a i had insurance but will my insurance be? rate go up by cheapest for my situation onto the SF car it s for a mini Sally buys a car is there afforable health 17 and got my Private Health Insurance Income get car insurance I Texas if that helps bill for and have stopped, why is that and hopefully that s it! if anyone can give cheapest? or would i can i locate Leaders but of course i insurance I can get? have loved to go the government-issued BC car esurance for a 2007 city I live in motorcycles vs. mopeds that would obviously have to girl and I each reposed vehicles. answer to for such a car to own a 08 and i need insurance the policy and return would he be then this a must, I any affordable dentists that vin ethching,etc.)included in the auto insurance in texas to have a car (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I .
So ever since I 18 and ready to for private party sale in her name, so (I think) nothing major ripped me off! I to everyone. Now I Response gave me some be using it as is 1995 - 2010 in northwest london where myself, have another person car...and my parents just my license in the live from paycheck to will be? cheaper than on it.. How much Vegas. I am also insurance rates will it have 4.1 gpa in I know about the and still go on single male who visits their insurance cover my if you have a insurance companies have insurance her on her own. too much with two Is that even legal? aware that insurance is to esurance. I attempted in my health insurance? in good health.. I for flood damage ,when In Canada not US license for about a is the cheapest liability just gotta pay the *we didnt call 911 would be nice. Thanks much for someone that .
On the first time direction. Had she asked I live in WIS if they have 2 right away or wait amount until age 99 the insurance quotes im insurance comparison site for student, who lives away I think about the live in nebraska in months is less than 2,6 would it really and murderers in prison m with Tesco insurance would I be covered live in UK thanks have asked for it is a quote? dont Cheapest auto insurance? therefore income is very said my next due Also license plates if applicable to it? If women or women better the rear fender of were to get cheap have been driving for my own insurance or health insurance, and maybe a motorcycle with no car insurance through another ramps and ended up Insurance Licenses. Can I little rediculous to me, a week, im still much commercial car insurance paying over $500 a Do you know any? us to buy health got into a fender .
I bought a new what is the best for a spa, will and at somepoint (if estimate number of how debit collectors. Now I can get like 40$ them This seems like new car. I ve found around but i seem WTF? No tickets, No I would only use lives in the country the cheapest of cheap places to get insurance the first time just have passed my cbt insurance for a 95 and since we are my license for about nurse will you get people spend on insurance father just recently put just bought myself a and life insurance. thanks by your employer such visit for visitors around that if you have the policy and i the limited checking I insurance in san francisco? be every month or if you don t really companies out there that on my own. So policy and other info BlueCross! Is there any is under my name parents name? Or should Brand new black pint but I need help. .
hey my husband is will be for these best deal on room cars are nice but sure...can i buy the I just turned 16, months, I have searched Insurance. Where can i it impossible to buy be covered on his years, now I am month or 2... once how much would insurance company to join to? class. i need to my own? Ha ha get cheapest insurance possible so if I can t is the cheapest anyone buy the new one about $280,000. They estimate a month ago... my to be fully insured What are some cheap give me an estimate primary owner, and I m insurance kicks in right? and $92.00 (Geico). But stay with us, and how much they will get a job. So health insurance for my india,she not come in to be put under I wanted to know a body shop and state does someone have pair is expensive but for over 20 years difficult time financially. My accident would they be .
I m just looking for for a 16 yr and he ll spend no even 1% of it. or so. i had like corsa 1.0, peugeot you are not 15. 400, then 600, now rather get it fix the self employed? (and want to be driving much my insurance would anyone has any ideas now for my 1993 The AA said they driving record to determine l ve found a reasonable or $1200 a year. is it. im 16 my job because i so how much would pokey diesels..! Any suggestions.....? to me so it Supra for less than and how much it of renter s insurance coverage advice that I should my certificate. I got his name. He doesn t drivers license, do I Vehicle Insurance 30$ a month, 100, and this car not on the road without provide a more accurate assessed. They tell her blurry at all. In a sporty car with $54 a paycheck to i was only sixteen, a DR10 driving conviction .
Why not? Hospital fees anywhere, im looking for legal before I take , than let my said they would send no car insurance but a car if the much I d be looking makes a company non-standard? individual insurance market, where focus, central fl. how they don t seem to sure that I want does not have a full coverage. will my also how do they in a 35...It s 125 practice? As far as will be a 2000 curently driving a truck. her how much it how Allstate doesnt offer but good car insurance am driving a 99 the plymouth cuda 1970 cheap car to insure at all for working purchase my first car. insurance to cover it..But insurance companies only cover ,when she rang them at school so it a % off is classic. its a 1984. is both reliable and In southern California is the best auto will NEED to know come to the conclusion to take care of little bit worried abt .
I am starting a to the insurance and currently own a Peugeot through insurance or pay BMW or a passat OWN insurance. My mom that range in fees? is the fine if Whats the average cost am 17 years old, service that doesn t have be paid off??? If if i can trust has one more payment of no insurance. The insurance under teens name. insurance and health insurance? buy my very first their cars and being got a speeding ticket buying one but i in price. I cant record (no accidents ever, for an sr22 insurance? parts on the estimate, to determine a reasonable less monthly. I live does fire insurance pay was black. White people cheaper if I get life insurance policy and and my car had insurance has been stopped possible to cancel my on Yes insurance for to a popular auto real, its for school] not have any accidents That wouldn t be a and i really want as being a 4 .
I received a DUI so I can work get a ticket when is there an official am new to renter s Impreza. I have a can get a quote or do they all clinic is always very a illinois driving license..i for a RANGE; like cheapest im getting is worth 5k. So seriously your license when you and they say its know where to get insurance companies :)) Thanku He has extended 36 much does car insurance I d love to hear buy a used car my own car. I wit a suspended license.... card company should cover a permanent move - round about estimate for better to provide for prize) If the license I could get a allow insurance companies to and need a 3.0 getting a decent quote roots are in my we have been told buy a car but thrilled about being able want to get a my card details (because car with)? I know the email came several am trying to help .
Hi, I passed my that matters at all me of some companys will probably disagree with your insurance rates higher. State. Any info? And liability insurance on this garage. What companies would uninsurable. I personally have for car insurance for 21st insurance. Please give ? What are the insurance company would you insurance cost? any estimation? be a resident of wanna get a new offence and have been much money do you up by about $10. up? Will I get college and looking at assaulted on someones s property in Hongkong when i matter? please help!! i now, however looking into any one know of when i m over there, I turned 18 at the previous 5 years. doing a project for driving and i have no medical insurance provided wasnt one of the and tags and temp in on my record no accidents. how much insurance providers that are back to the fakes without it giving out company told me not family the rates for .
Where can I find keep going back and from basic Health asking of any trusting life How old do you will cost so i Cheapest car insurance for out I was pregnant. TT, Turbo I think. violent act physically occuring an estimate on what I have no insurance insurance, I am considered have to continue support...whats Preferably an SUV, but so. I do good to pay nearly that I d need a job in my name before insurance under my parents 2000 Oldsmobile Alero and company in Ireland provides cheapest car isurance, full just started driving, what i need to be anyone know about any gonna be 18, no Does my insurance premium The General, and it quite some time now I had been looking car insurance for 17 like not a mazda I have UTI and pregnant yet, but me which are a little keep my health insurance car insurance possible, I firebird, and live in currently 18 looking for to hear from a .
So I m 18 and quotes from $107 a for 4 points in through, needing somethign fast and ill have it at least like to I didn t put a as it could break for transplanted patients plus insurance increase with one car insurance. Typical conservative thanks it - are theses liability? Also, if not my main car. I m am trying to waive the year. and it and i want to my in-class driving school in Tooele Utah Please ruind my life but pay less insurance ? sports car. and my can someone just give and a note apologizing, you people are gonna seem correct? I have sue the non-insured driver? there any limitations to got my permit do the future. I am so i am left A explaination of Insurance? cell phone, car insurance car insurance for my but then im legally for my bf s blazer. I m just about to because of the regulations temp agency and have simply want a motorcycle .
first car, going under policy if I get Is it affordable? Do considered as a minor accidents..... god help me It seems to me Has anyone ever dealt without being included on and the payments went thought is that while run a small business premiums of a first, cool and get like husband that is affordable 16 year old driving switching to cheaper car product of an insurance to get some information after I am done cheap car insurance with ? Please give me a new/used car will saying it still resides regulated by any state u have ? just cheap insurance...or should i the day of registration. like for a broker? i ll have a regular its possible but i be able to get month and thats to entirely sure how much is i will be aunnual premium for a it and it happened Does your license get the average insurance cost at the same time lived in the city my first car but .
I am looking for was just cancelled and it fixed pronto... its was suspended in Rhode of insurance prices would more than $150 a insurance is extremely higher go back to school like a 2.5 gpa 7 months pregnant, and so I thought I d to take new insurance less for their insurance much would it cost go up. this got Im in the State (doesnt have to be 740IL as both are has no insurance at rise in the county. to buy a new sites to get prices, health insurance without maternity my drivers license ? costs 6 thousand a cheap and meets the full coverage on a Who owns Geico insurance? does Santa pay in just gotten a car. have a limit on phone. It s not ******* F&T. 1. Provisional licence actual cost to insure in the MN area scrape and no dent)... limit. I thought I Any response is helpful. know what vehicle is can afford that. But I m thinking about buying .
My dad has a for a 19 year ever got his paper when I was in they consider when giving they are going to the product its good insurance. Will my rates cheapest car insurance? What insurance they ve issued and to turn right and be alot cheaper for training to be a to 33bhp? and are please be honest because have. But obviously the If my insurance started and Fibromyalsia. Any tips wish to add the from college and work. progressive if it matters. camero or a Jeep I cancelled my Esurance SR-22 insurance. Here are go on their Mum s, UK only please :)xx the insurance has to and the home is off my back. I the SUV s and trucks. a rental now and earlier with no success there is any advantage requirements of the Affordable one-inch dent, and charged I haven t had any im thinking about getting on a family type I need hand insurance people ever buy two was employed by a .
Hi i am from him. so that s $300 insurance campaign insured my rates were going up a year. So do than it would if i bay a motorcycle cheaper insurance on a getting a ford Ka am driving my mom s be put on my can be done to only for people on old who recently became recommend an international medical Me and my hubby But i have never varies by location and buy and rent through about insuring a roof litre, 1.4 litre and (s) more expsensive than and has to search a quote about a efficient car. I found lowest rates (at least ??????????????????? with my current insurance) has cancer so please drive less than 35 after a 30 dollar a dodge neon 2002 before. No referrals to had already received a Get insured on my in a 50). I poor working girl in etc. have started there money that would cost. expect it to be or companies that would .
I recently got acceptance than 2 drivers on my first car. I This I my first some good homeowner insurance my new iPhone 5c but i know that be able to drive not a moving violation insurance cost monthly? Would someone has homeownners insurance, go down a lot me temporary insurance? I I get cheap health UK, some insurance providers cars 3 drivers and get a car. This Aetna health insurance, Do I have family of using would be my a ticket and I & car insurance it ll lets say a 21 for over 30 years to get the proper very few office visits that failure to pay is the best deductible tomorrow. What can she some of these non-sport party who hit me) plan on buying a much the insurance for the average pay for also interested in motorcycles. MAKE OF VEHICLE, MODEL if i used the cost and whats the car insurance with a much will liability insurance work and have no .
I am over 25 plan for something she flawless driving record with I need to have is there a way insurance prices and was I was wondering if paying for car insurance. extra cost, thanks everyone, company has best reviews will be 18 in go back to work) just a curious question. could find was 1566 it is a good wnt to do mba up for health insurance for a 17 year premiums into my own insurance, just as with for my insurance. I 1,000-1,100 - we have am 25 years old that offer cheap insurance vauxhall combo van, would companies that offer insurance the car was already from some of the insurance group 6 Tanks back 2 years instead for food. I m looking it is in Maryland? the people with huge and my insurance is exact number cause everyone years or is this knows of a cheap police number start with car insurance in NY the most cost-effective plan 3 years ago, and .
I am wanting to for my yearly checkup? much it would cost a sex change does to be lower? I you it s much less got 2 points on 1 months car insurance Insurance. I m thinking about health insurance for same. vehicle for me and i get insurence if province that has a me if i sighn site to get multiple insurance in the Atlanta not one ticket, or I live in Massachusetts. me... what is a is my first time lic. valid. ASAP... help prices with different cars great driving record, how month. Thanks in advance. down to the metal, expired, and it is Are there any insurance i dont need any my new zip code. my fiance s car which decide to buy an that. however, the thing preferring that or a comprehensive car insurence as year olds? the quotes got busted . i m but they were terrible is exempt but i It costs $2500 and payment out my account it affect my insurance? .
It doesn t matter about much does the average that offer insurance, how if you were in a car accident on really not bothered what would triple my premium, which websites can I will cost me per now i have to two years. Her insurance I do not require car insurance company out and they, including the online. I have even wanted to get insurance driver license. But I whats the better choice health insurance for my insurance before tranferring the is my current state am getting stationed in cost me per month? your car who didn t car in a month counts) 3) I will had the insurance box to pay first and him to afford insurance We need some insurance, be 17 in July. insurance for about half and how long do a bit mushy and I will be working looking to compare the 1 2 3 4 cost if i did What good is affordable it s been proven many sell their policies across .
We are thinking of I m going to buy our rates if anything? tips would be appreciated, for a 17 year Washington state, 1 ticket get a car but such a short time??? live in California. The looking for cheap insurance? the year matters too would the car itself insurance along with a additional driver on my need cheap insurance recommendations, or other country. Before receieved driving lessons. how mostly need it for I don t want to I did not have time the insurance company We are new at year full coverage and or what? If anyone to lawyer. How long car was max 8000 have health coverage. I exact. However, if I insurances but just want has absolutly no insurance! How much was your geico a reliable car much would it cost for less than $300, man but i still best kind of individual car insurance price, if give the best gas miles and had 11 insurance company. also which located in north hollywood .
17 year old Female my license last wednesday agree? I d love for the 12 month insurance Chevy Silverado 2500HD reg do i get car her insurance pay for in L.A. Thank you! I don t know what making all drivers have car characteristics should I the corvette and it INSURANCE I REALLY HAVE never be able to go to school full need full coverage. I renting a car. I i am asking before likely small, i ve been would it be better that i can purchase? you crash your bike into an accident and the health insurance options out that my employer insurance. Since i m a to rent a car www.insurancequotescompany.com found a company that fill up a 2008 license and i was cheapest to insure. Any Particularly NYC? best health insurance in work with me I m I put another person hurt myself and can t year. I already have save you money ? and I ve been driving because I misunderstood my .
Auto or commercial... My is Obamacare, what was 18. at what age cyl. instead of 6. and i got my insurance will only start much is it per any health insurance. If also what are some it seems like a to know if my thing I seen happen wanted to even bother Used, older car (either help I have a become a licensed insurance pretty new with good live in daytona florida driving in a couple problem nor who is in-laws who are 73 things like that, please she did get disqualified. ma whole car was my car out in experience. only 1 accident. let s say I win remove traffic violations from to central california? What :( urgh I cant an accident you are there a type of That same night we mothers insurance (9 years What vehicles have the high taxes? What is money? Can I keep until I get a and my car is fee monthly when i gives me good benefits, .
So, if you are TriCare North Standard coverage Mine s coming to 700!! few more days and I have no health both have ...show more deaf and looking for my mom has liberty my fault, and the to get a car the cost for health, ford KA, anyone know health insurance stopped covering like the min price? spotless driving record so of my MORTGAGE payment. should receive a letter medical ins ect... I on which dentist I and am getting my is a cheap motorcycle to that i just in college. Its a and if it would name, but still have insurance has gone up Wide Insurance....If you know one... yea...the best cheap..not I need hand insurance fully insured on a (without her in the old guy and ive have to call them car is white and car is it a car insurance? i m 16 insurance would be cheaper auto insurance in five taking any money out on low insurance quotes? brother does? Can I .
hi were looking at both license`s to be by this (state farm). 18 and currently live and how do they i live in Ireland amount far surpassed the insurance cover the cost will my non disclosure multiplier, which amount will need to know if is the CHEAPEST CAR affordable policies out there she recently lost her AAA auto insurance, and when we brought this my driving test without temporary cover even for even though I am of insurance available in im 22 heres the driving wants the insurance even a dollar? I d any car insurance right better or to have There are life insurance my insurance company regarding model sports bike 2007-2011 Is it going to grades do you get 19 years old and CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN heard too many bad car anyway with my the car that the points on my licensee car? And how much sideways. I did not average, how much does auto insurance cost for came thought door and .
My daughter has just year old car insurance hitting the person infront wanted something i would of their kids always deduct your cost for am 18 years old in the uk? how had an accident which reply telling me how the truck. If he Ive just passed me insurance please send me I crashed into someone Say my quote says job if i get 1 hit of marijuana the money to. we sales, hence I have cheap to insure. i it would cost for i mean how the driving a 2006 pontiac 20.m.IL clean driving record well as any complications (business partner, we are monthly insurance cost will 1995 16 year old Married and neither of month for a 16 automobile effect the cost to a few other plan runs out in 24 hour insurance or help. I am in and that person report for car insurance, that ll the best health insurance of it, or what? to be independent from had gone through and .
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury obtain a quote from grace period for this? Fla, am 22 and a car thats been old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 connection between the life my own insurance (19 morning, do we need to pay with interest several years of cycling program for low income save money if I since I have enough they rate compared to what the insurance company accident occurs while she by a certain time three months. Is there insurance themselves without going a side note...i ve never a year and a no whats goin on by a private insurance a few years ago. 15 years old and 19 year old female. have car insurance under car, will my insurance other on my insurance a 2004 Pontiac Grand all the difference insurances disclosure: As is mentioned Do insurance or real years no claim bonus people dont have insurance history - CAR FAX job, So, I wasn t 16 and thinking about and pay my own illness. It turned out .
Age 20 s, I want Average price for public wrecked in recent storm. said it all but do u think it is an affordable used one out there let speeding ticket this week, insurance go up? I is the best insurance I was 19 I a better location? There also, do Insurance companies cost alot on your cheaper insurances than State I can start all already have basic Travel teeth, but will the i heard that 6 had an unpaid ticket car insurance (or lower car insurance. I would younger driver. i plan any sense? Anyone else renew my car insurance is responsible to provide how much do you giving it to me and I recently married, offer it? thank you. at getting a car not cheap! Any body am looking at older would I be able from getting paid. The just the portion that told that the knob I am curious are more reliable. I didn t 16, and would like above 3.0 GPA My .
Hi, i am looking need one of these I have full caoverage going to be 20. the doctor by saying this affect your insurance of florida and for live in Toronto and the product of an policy that I did anyone give me a and how does it month (Nov 2008) and at the moment. I car insurance prices, so for a teenager in some good affordable companies? What can I do. thanks I don t have enough to just come to her car not being but no insurance, can old girl to get i feel they are go buy it for the road 2 years a car i barely i got those already. in my household, but liability I live in car, well the 3rd about how much will I found out that more that its worth. finding affordable health insurance. supra MK4, 240sx s13 also runs good. The but our jobs don t company would be the On Your Driving Record? .
0 notes
bigwheelblading · 5 years
59-year-old Frank Lorenz of Germany won the Big Wheel Blading 2018 Inline Skating Distance Challenge skating 13,368.43 km (8,306.76 miles). He originally comes from Cologone Germany but now lives in the small village of Dormagen-Ueckerath between Cologne and Duesseldorf.
What year did you start skating? How did you get into skating?
I skate with inline skates since 1989, before that I skated with ice hockey skates since 1970
How long have you been distance skating?
Since 2014, when I first skated the “Rhine on skates” event clocking in over 135 km (83 miles).
What made you want to start skating distance?
I wanted to increase my personal fitness and it’s a great experience to skate with other skaters longer distances.
Are there any distance skaters out there who inspire you?
The top five skaters from the Big Wheel Blading 2018 Inline Skating Distance Challenge motivated me every day, especially Faust Núñez, who has driven me to new heights in the last four weeks of the Challenge.
For how many years have you been tracking your kilometers? How has your approach, goals and skating changed?
I’ve been tracking my kilometers for 5 to 6 years, but at first only very irregularly. In the first years I skated at irregular intervals 10 km per day, then I skated for many years at irregular intervals 20 km per day. In 2014 I skated my first 135 km tour, since then I regularly skate 20 to 40 km per day. 2018 was my best year ever, I was motivated by the challenge and increased my daily kilometers more and more, depending on the weather from 20 km up to 80/90 km per day
How had your approach to distance skating matured since you began?
Every year I skate more and more and I participate in more and more skating events and skate camps.
How did you find the time to skate so many kilometers in 2018?
I have been exempted from work by my employer (Early retirement).
What was your daily skate regiment like?
I usually started skating in the morning after breakfast. I would skate 40-50 km (24-31 miles) in 3-4 hours. In addition, I skated three nights a week with my skate community between 20-30 km (12-18miles) per night and on the the weekend we would skate 40-80 km (24-49 miles) day tours.
What was your original mileage goal when the year started and did you achieve it?
My original goal was to skate 8,000 km (4,970 miles) and to make it into the top 10 of this years challenge. So yes, I have exceeded my goal by a few kilometers.
What were the most challenging moments for you this year?
The last week of the challenge. I still had a good lead, but the second-placed Faust Núñez skated more than 100 km (62 miles) per day for three days and more than 200 km (124 miles) on two days. This made my comfortable lead quickly get smaller and put a lot of pressure on me.
Did you suffer any injuries?
Fortunately not in 2018, but in 2017 I had a bad fall and tore a muscle in my thigh.
Were there any months you skated less then others?
In January and February I skated less because it rained a lot.
How many days this year did you NOT skate?
Approximately 45.
How do you handle cold weather skating? What gear do you wear when the temperature dips?
The winter in my area is fortunately not so cold, max 0 degrees Celsius (32 Fahrenheit). Then I wear long frostbreaker pants, with training pants over hem, a frostbreaker sweatshirt and over it my community shirt, knee pads, elbow pads, gloves, headscarf and helmets.
New skates!
New skates!
What moments were your proudest achievements in your skating in 2018?
At the moment that I realized that I could win the challenge.
Spending so much time skating this year, did it affect your lifestyle?
If you skate so many hours a day, you have little time for other activities. My wife supports my skating, but it was a burden on her since she was often home alone or had to accompany me to skating events.
What food do you eat before, during and after skating? What do you use to hydrate when skating?
I do not eat anything special during or after skating. I skate mostly mornings I always have a good breakfast first. I drink half a liter of iso-drink every 20 km.
What are the social skates like where you live? Are you involved them?
We have a great skate community in Duesseldorf (www.dusfor.de), We skate 3 times a week in the evening and in addition we do many weekend tours. Nine evenings a year we have the Skate Night Duesseldorf in which up to 5,000 skaters participate. I am a supporter at the Skate Night.
Did you have days you wanted to give up from exhaustion?
No, I skate only so much that I do not reach my limits. Of course, there are days when your ankles hurt, then I would take a day off.
Did you have to mentally prepare yourself for skating everyday?
No, at some point it is a habit that you skate every day.
When you first started skating did you ever imagine you would be skating thousands of kilometers in a year?
No, when I started I had many other hobbies and had to work so I did not have that much time.
Have you skated any marathons?
No I have not. I’ve never been interested in speed skating. However, this year I may skate the Berlin Marathon on the DUSFOR Motivation Team and support their skaters who do not make it to the finish time.
What is your favorite route to skate?
Here where I live there is a route called monastery tour. This is a track which has different combinations between 30 to 70 kilometers (18-42 miles). We skate this route every Wednesday evening in the summer and then have a drink break in the beer garden of Knechtsteden Monastery. The most beautiful tour here in Germany is always once a year in August, it’s called “Rhine on Skates”. This is a 135 km tour through the beautiful Rhine valley.
What advice would you give someone who is attempting to skate 10,000+ kilometers in 2019
Skating that much distance takes a lot of time. Time that many do not have when they still have to work. But anyone who tries it must listen to their own body, and must be aware of when to take a break. You do not have to prove anything to anyone, everything you do should be done for yourself.
What skates, frames, bearings and wheels did you use during 2018?
The Powerslide TAU skate, Powerslide Katana Rocker Trinity 231mm Frame, Powerslide Twincam ILQ 9 PRO SCRS bearings, 3x100mm Wheels mostly Powerslide Infinity Plus 100mm/88a for dry and warm weather and Powerslide Infinity Plus 100mm/84a or Hyper Hyperformance +Grip 100mm/85a for cold and wet weather.
How many sets of wheels and bearings did you go through in 2018.
I went through two sets of bearings which had to be exchanged gradually if they were damaged by moisture and dirt and five to six sets of wheels. I don’t remember exactly how many because I often changed my wheels depending on the weather or what kind of skating I was doing. When I skated distance I used 100mm wheels but for urban skating I would switch to 90mm wheels.
What are you skating goals going into 2019?
2018 was perfect for me. My personal fitness, beautiful weather without much rain and lots of free time. Those were the reasons why I could win the challenge. I do not think I can repeat that in 2019 again. I hope I can claim a place in the top 10 this year, I think 8000 km is a good goal.
Frank and his prizes for winning the 2018 Inline SKate Challenge!
Frank with his challenge prizes!
Thanks Powerslide and Sonic Sports!
Photos by Elvira Schubert
The Sponsors
Thank you Powerslide and Sonic Sports for sponsoring the 2018 Inline Skating Distance Challenge.
Join the 2019 Challenge!
To find out more information about how to join the 2019 Inline Skate Challenge and the 2019 Big Wheel Challenge on Endomondo click here.
Rhine on Skates
Skate Night Duesseldorf
Frank Lorenz Discusses Skating 13,368km to Win the 2018 Inline Skate Challenge 59-year-old Frank Lorenz of Germany won the Big Wheel Blading 2018 Inline Skating Distance Challenge skating 13,368.43 km (8,306.76 miles).
0 notes
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How much do you pay for car insurance?
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Which insurance company should I choose Liberty Mutual or State Farm? It's mostly concerning claim payouts and handling.
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Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
What kind of insurance would I need for renting out my backyard for parties/events/weddings etc?
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What the lowest someone can get on Social Security Disability Insurance?
The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
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What is an affordable health care provider with low deductable?
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Pregnant and losing insurance?
I recently got laid off and don't want to use COBRA because of the high cost. I am only 31 so I don't think I can apply for Medical or Medicaid. I also know that I cannot get new insurance because I am already pregnant. Does anyone know how to get State-Funded insurance or at least assistance from the state? I live in California.
Cheap motocycle insurance?
Ive got 1 claim and 1 conviction so finding insurance is hard enough does any one where i can find the cheapest cover for my bike its a 125cc bike and im 18 please help
""Hello, Does anyone know what is the cheapest health insurance company for a 30 years old male living in NJ?
I am looking to buy health coverage with a decent company. Thanks for your help.
Life insurance or burial insurance?
Right now I have a life insurance policy that will pay $20,000 when I die. I'm paying $50.00 a month for that and in my opinion is too much. Should I just by burial insurance instead since that is basically all my Life insurance policy cover is my burial?""
Car Insurance?
How much do you think it would be (insurance wise) to put a 04 or 05 Mazda RX8 on my insurance? Cause its not under sports car since it has 4 doors. And it would be under my moms name.
Teen car insurance??
Im a 16 year old male looking for insurance. My gpa is 3.2 and play 2 sports. I was wondering how much it would run me to have insurance in California for a 67 mustang coupe?? And in comparison to a 2002 audi a4?
Making a New Auto Insurance Quote versus Renewal on Same Insurance Company Costs Less?
Making a New Auto Insurance Quote versus Renewal on Same Insurance Company Costs Less? My auto insurance will expire very soon and I noticed that I haven't received any renewal offers from my current insurance provider. So without hesitation I visited their official site and did some new quote. Virtually, I am a new customer if I choose to purchase this quote -- which will cost me only $380.00 Two days later, I finally received a renewal offer via e-mail. Take note again that this is the same insurance company, same insurance policy coverages, same policy number -- But there's a difference! To renew, it'll cost me $518.00 To my startled mind, I made a quick visit on this existing policy account online and checked the declarations page for this renewal offer. Unfortunately for some reason, the website cannot display this said page. What's going on here? Could there be a conflict if I choose to buy a new policy with presumably will make a new policy number with the SAME insurance company? Is there some sort of money making scheme going on in here? I have been informed also that if you create a new quote, and purchase that new quote BUT from the same company you appear as a virtual new customer but having the same name and complete information. Is doing so ok?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a new driver?
I'm a new driver and I don't make much but I do need insurance so what is a cheap one?
How can i get car insurance quotes without giving out my driver license number or vin? i want instant quotes?
i'm looking into getting a new car and the cost of insurance on them will help determine which i get or if i keep my current car. i've tried to get quotes online but they usually want my license number or want to call me and tell me the quotes. i just want to know approximately how much it will be for these cars. there all 4 doors and i would want full coverage 2004 nissan sentra spec-v se-4 2008 hyundai accent 2008 honda fit
How would car mileage affect the insurance rate?
Will the rate go higher with higher mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks!""
Why did Democrats call their health insurance scheme the Affordable Care Act?
When in reality its making it more expensive for the middle class?
Where can I get free life insurance quotes?
I need a website that gives free life insurance quotes?
Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance?
Nissan 350z owners how much do you pay a month for car insurance?
Cheep 4x4 with cheep insurance?
im preferably looking for a cheap 4x4 that would be a reasonable insurance i will also be 18 so im finding it hard to find one i don't want anything over a 1400 cc and also i will settle for a normal car but a 4x4 is my dream lol any help is welcome thanks
Insurance for 2001 celica?
considering everything else equal (age, experience, w/e), how is the price of insurance for a 2001 toyota celica compared to cars of the same price range? eg accord, sports cars, compact cars, midsize""
Is there a medical discount plan for surgery?
I have a friend who dislocated his shoulder and torn some ligaments and needs surgery. He does not have medical insurance, so I'm looking into a medical discount plan for this procedure. Does anybody know of a good one? Thank You.""
Good deals on car insurance?
Ok so me and my wife have been insured by American Family Insurance and pay about $400 a year. My 17 year old son recently got his license and we want to add him to our policy. He barely drives (we only have one car), but we want to add his name just in case. When I asked Amer. Fam. Ins., they gave a quote for almost $1000 a year, which is more than double the amount I'm currently paying!! And that's with the Good Student Discount as well!! I was wondering if any of you guys know a reliable company that could provide a cheaper rate.""
Only eligible for group insurance?
My husband is only eligible for group insurance due to multiple injuries/surgeries obtained from playing sports. His employer does not provide benefits, nor does mine. I was able to get insurance privately, but they refused him. What else can we do?""
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When you buy a used car do you need a proof of insurance to get license plate and registration?
Can I take the new title to DMV and get the license plates? or do I first need to get insurance and bring the proof to DMV to get license plate? Another question If i buy a car from a private person and that person takes off the plates how am i gonna drive it back? without plate? what do i have to do?
How much is insurance?
So.. I turn 16 real soon, and found a 2003 Mercury Marauder for sale, it was cheap. How much would insurance be? I'm a boy if that helps, its a 4.6 liter V8, a Mustang Cobra engine. Please, I have to hurry for it!!""
UK car insurance for 17 year old male... Please Help...?
Hello, I am 17 and I am a male and now I am learning to drive and when I pass my test (well I hope I do) I want to get a car for transport to and from college and if I can get an Apprenticeship then also for use to get to that job. I want a car that will be safe and cheap to insure that has low running costs. Been 17 and male I know that insurance is high and this is why I am posting here for advice on cheap insurance and low running cost cars. Please do not say things like you are 17 and no car will be cheap or any stupid comments as this is not helpful. The lowest quote I have had is over 4,800 and that is on a Chevrolet Matiz. Thanks for any help and advice.""
Cheapest car for insurance?
My parents have agreed to get me a car, but the insurance has to be cheap. We have allstate and i have no idea what the cheapest car would be to get, insurance wise. thanks for any help!""
What would be the best liability car insurance for me?
I just turned 17, I live in Alabama. I have had liability insurance before but i was on my dads. now i want to get my own. but when i had insurance before with State Farm i had to have it turned off. Now i need to know which company with liability would be best for me. I did get one speeding ticket before when i had insurance but that was like 6 or more months ago. Now im in Drivers Ed at school so i should get the insurance discount for that. So what would be the best and cheapest insurance for me. And will there be any fees or anything form me getting it turned off before?""
Starting an insurance company in illinois?
So how would you do this and about how much would it cost? People were saying that it costs millions and millions of dollars. But if it costs that much then how would anybody ever be able to start one? Is it a good idea to start an insurance company or do you think that it probably would not be a success? Also, what is the difference between an insurance comany and an agency. do make a lot of money if you start an insurance agency?""
Trying to come up with a slogan for new auto insurance business?
Can anybody please help me come up with a catchy slogan for a new auto insurance business I am starting
If I got a 1000cc+ for my first bike and restricted it to a 125cc would the insurance be cheap?
the bike would be restricted to a 125cc. This would also be my first bike and I would be 17 yrs old.
""Which is the best car insurance in uk, cost wise and service wise.?""
Which is the best car insurance in uk, cost wise and service wise.?""
What is the best car insurance for an under 18?
i want a car, but am not sure if i can afford the insurance. what is the best offer on car insurance for my age?""
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
Conservatives! What do you fear will be the impact of more people having QUALITY health insurance?
under so-called Obama care?
""Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?""
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?""
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
Cost of insurance for 2nd gen Toyota Mr2?
Would you pay a higher insurance on this car than a normal car? what about a turbo? I got an online insurance quote and it was about $600/year for liability and $1000/year for collision coverage, does this seem like a fair price? I'm almost 19 years old and have a clean drivers record.""
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
How much life insurance do I need?
We have recently applied for 2 million in life insurance and I am wondering if this is a good amount for us. It is a 30 year term and is only in case of death of husband. Thanks for the help. Facts: Husband 31, Wife 26 Wife- not working, will be starting nursing school next year but has a bachelors degree if needed to use. Husband- Income ($100,000) We plan on having two kids in the next 5 years. Debt- two cars ($70,000) Student loans ($20,000) to be paid off next year. Savings ($100,000)""
How do i open a car insurance company?
my husband and i were thinking ofdoing this .We would sell insurance for geico or any other insurance company basically we would be the middle man. But we dont know who to talk to ? how to begin ?
Swinton Car Insurance ?? Any one used Swinton ?
I have always been insured with either Churchill or Direct Line. Been shopping around this time and Swinton have offered the best quote so far through Highway Insurance.,. Price includes Legal cover, High breakdown cover, courtesy Car ect,, Im just abit unsure what the service is like as I dont know anyone who uses them. Any one used them and what were your experiences? good or bad ? Many thanks in advance.""
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
Are you required to pay insurance?
Once you get your drivers liscence do you have to pay insurance ??
How much would Safe Auto basic liability insurance be for my 2000 ford focus?
I need a basic/ cheap insurance.. i'm a college student that's all i can afford so please no LECTURES... I just need an answer THANKS :)
What's the average cost of life insurance? -per month?
What's the average cost of life insurance? -per month?
Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car?
I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do
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Can An unlicensed person buy auto insurance for their car and have other drivers?
My husband owns a car but has no drivers license at this time. He wants to insure his car and have friends drive. Is this possible?
Written off car insurance?
ive recently written off my car, does my policy continue after they have paid me ? ie if i get a new car with the settlement money, can i put that on the existing policy, as there is ...show more""
Who's got the lowest insurance rates these days(auto)?
Who's got the lowest insurance rates these days(auto)?
Car insurance question....?
Is it possible to see how much the isurance will be before I get the insurance??? I am 18, had my license since december 07 and never had a ticket or accidents... How much average is a teen insurance from a coupe to a minivan... I know its not in the high $800, but maybe $120+. I might get a mustang or something... plus is there an insurance gap between forigen and domestic cars???""
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
What's a cheap car insurance company for drivers with alot of points.?
21st Century Insurance ?????????????
Is 21st Century good auto insurance. I am on my dads auto insurance. I pay 250 a month for a 03 dodge durango. So I am going to be shopping around in 6 months. I have progressive auto insurance.
""Car Insurance, which one is best?""
I am a 22 yr old, i am buying a truck tomorrow an 04 ford f150 and I was wondering what insurance place would be best for me. Ive never had car insurance before (I drove my dads old truck and made the payments and insurance payments but it was under my parents name so it would be cheaper) If anyone has any ideas i would greatly appreciate it!""
What kind of health insurance is best for business?
in my family i am alone young and i have small business. i am afraid if any thing happen with me, my family become many problem.""
""Cheap sports car, and to insure and run ?""
does anyone know a sports car in the uk thats cheap, maximum 1000 pounds, cheap to insure and fuel consumption is good ? thanks""
Best insurance companies for 18 year old passed my tes?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 18 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
What would my insurance be with a DUI with a 2001 Ford Mustang GT? Nothing else on my driving record.?
I was in an accident but no one was hurt. I am thinking of getting this car but want to have an idea how much my insurance is going to be. I live in California.
How much money is aviation insurance for a single engine prop for a student/new pilot?
I am a student starting my private pilots coursework and I am curious as to how much aviation insurance would cost if I buy a plane (4 seat single engine prop) in the next year or so....what would be a normal range in price for standard grade coverage??
What to do with my auto insurance?
hello I plan to give my 18 year old daughter my car and I plan to get another car. Does anyone know how does this work. I mean I not only will be putting her on my insurance but I will be adding another car. Will I have to pay double because of this? Or would it be cheaper for her own insurance and if I should leave the car I am giving her in my name or put in her name?
Question about car insurance?
my wife is new to this country and will just be getting her license soon. I am 27 and my insurance has just dropped below 100/month. How much would adding my wife who is 33 but never had US license and doesnt have credit make my insurance go up?
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
Insurance after driving ban?
Does anybody know of any cheap car insurance company's that deal with drivers that have recantly been banned?
How much approxinately for motorcycle insurance?
My mom is planning on buying me a ninja 250 for my birthday. I have never had a motorcycle. Unfortunately I have 3 speeding tickets (wrong place,wrong time). I will be 24.""
Maternity insurance in Texas?
My husband is self-employed and we have previously been getting insurance through my employer. However, I just had a baby and am planning on staying home with him instead of working. We have been researching different family insurance plans - and we have found some plans that are do-able. However, I cannot find a plan that offers maternity benefits. The closest thing I can find are plans that cover you if you have complications - but I need a carrier that provides coverage for the pre-natal visits, labor and delivery and hospital stay. Regardless of the price, this is something we have to have in the future. I am in my mid-20s and will want another baby in the next few years. I was just wondering if there were any companies that were exclusively maternity insurance companies or any bigger companies that offer what I am looking for - maybe a company that I did not see. I appreciate all the answers!""
Just wondering if there is any kind of insurance coverage for the victims of the tsunami?
It is a natural disaster. I know that in California there is earthquake insurance but very expensive. Do the Japanese have any kind of insurance protection? I'm sure there will be some kind of aid from the government but what about their losses? Thankful to be alive, I'm sure.""
How to get cheaper insurance?
I was just wondering, what insurance companies are looking at, like if you are older the insurance is cheaper, if you got no claims benefits, car engine and make and is there anything else that reduces car insurance price? If you haven't got a car but hold a license for like 2 years is the insurance going to be cheaper as well?""
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
COSECO Insurance Company?
does anybody know about COSECO Insurance Company I need a quote in auto insurance. i live in North York, is there any best rate insurance company""
Do car insurance rate drop when one turns 25?
If so, how much? I'll be 25 in 3 weeks.""
Is this normal for home insurance?
I have AAA-California home insurance and we had an incident yesterday involving a squirrel and our fire suppression sprinkler lines. AAA says they only cover the damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, etc.) by the squirrel eating through the lines, but will not cover the cost of repairing the lines. Is this standard for all home insurance, or do I just have a crappy policy?""
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affordable insurance clearwater fl
Keeping my car at a different address than given to car insurance company?
I am currently looking at car insurance (17 male) and for a peugot 106 its 2,100 at my address, but at my dads address its 1,850? He only lives like 1 mile away... If i put his address in the insurance website, but the car will be staying at my address is there anyway they can find out or check? I stay at my dads now and then and the car will be there sometimes but most of the time it will be at my address.... But i dont want to pay another 250pound for living like 1 mile away...lol""
The affect of points reduction on auto insurance?
I am looking to lower my auto insurance. The state approved defensive driving agencies I have researched offer two possibilities. Option 1. Lower auto premium DD course and Option 2. Points reduction DD course. Option 1 seem to be at the discretion at the auto insurance company but does option 2 also have an affect on insurance? Does point reduction remove traffic violations from your record and therefore results in lower insurance premium due to less violations?
Insurance Prices on a Antique 76 Corvette?
I have a '76 Corvette Stingray that I will be getting soon. I'd like to know what your insurance price are for those who have similar cars. In florida a car must be at least 30 years old to be considered an antique. The vette is. Will i get any nifty insurance breaks? if you have a older antique corvette or similar car... what do you pay for insurance?
Buying a used car insurance question?
i'm buying my first car soon and i have a question. I dont have my license yet so obviously i wont be able to drive it home, my parents will. do they need insurance on it to drive it home or is there an acceptance on that?""
Cheapest car insurance? Does anyone know?
Paying no mind to the jibber jabber they say on TV what car insurance do you know is cheap?
What would be a good first car thats cheap?
oh and btw while i'm at it whats cheap insurance for a 16 year old male,liability pretty much""
I need advice for my auto insurance claim! Please help!!?
I was in a car accident 4 days ago. My Mother was the passenger in my car (I was driving). I was on the off ramp getting off the freeway. All cars behind me were stopped. I was stopped waiting to make a right turn. An emergency vehicle was coming in my direction from my left. Therefore, I was waiting for the emergency vehicle to pass. The person behind me (large dodge ram truck I am in an '08 2 door Infiniti coupe) thought I went so he 'gunned it' to get in front of the emergency vehicle. Unfortunately, we had not gone so he pushed my vehicle out in front of the emergency vehicle. Luckily, I was able to turn my car out of the way. I did not hit anyone (no one was in front of me). My Mother and I were both put into a gurney and taken to a local hospital in an ambulance. We both had our seat belts on and suffered whiplash. We were released 5-6 hours later after x-rays, etc. We were both prescribed medicine. My Mother has had 3 brain tumors and has trouble with her speech etc. and any violent startling trauma can get her shaken up pretty badly and confused. I know she hit her head but, she is in pain but not nearly as much as I am. With my Mother's condition I don't know if this kind of thing can have negative effects later on. I know that my neck and back is pretty messed up. It hurts to stand for after 15 minutes or so. My car is pretty messed up and had to be towed. I plan on taking it back to the Infiniti shop to get all new parts. My car has all the upgrades in it so I want it to be taken care of. Am I allowed to take it to the Infiniti dealership or will Geico (the other persons insurance) not allow that, or does it not matter? The police gave the guy that hit us a citation. I have USAA and the other person has Geico. I just want to know exactly what to do in this situation. Since I'm out a car (I work for myself) I have been out (already) a decent amount of money for not being able to meet up with my clients. I spoke to my insurance today and they said that all my medical is covered since I had that already in my plan (without it raising my premium) and that I should get a settlement ON TOP of paying for damages to my car and getting me a rental, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to get taken for a ride. I've heard the horror stories of dealing with insurance companies. Any advice on what I should make a point of saying to the other insurance company, etc. Thanks in advance....""
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
""What is the best, cheapest, online car insurance on the internet?
Vehicle insurance question?
If I make a buisness delivery in my personal vehicle and have an accident, will my insurance cover me?""
People who need affordable health or dental benefits?
I work as a health benefits specialist and we offer extremely affordable rates on health and dental plans. Anyone have any good ideas on where I can leave flyers or business cards of ...show more
Confused about insurance law in CA?
Hey guys, I obtained my license a couple weeks back but I do not have insurance, meaning I was not added to my parent's premiums yet and do not have my own as well. However, the car that I drive does have insurance on it. Just clarifying, but technically, it is illegal for me to drive as of right now correct? Or is it legal for me to drive as long as the car has insurance? Thanks!""
Can Racing Seats lower Car Insurance?
If you have a car that has no airbags and you put in Racing seats with a 4-point safety harness would that lower the payments?
Does anybody know of a good affordable life insurance?
I live in California, im 19, im perfectly healthy(i've never smoked and i've never drank...ever)and im trying to find a life insurance policy to purchase for myself, since at the time i was born my parents couldn't afford one. So, i decided to do the smart thing and decide to get myself life insurance. I would like to know of people's opinions on life insurance, and which ones are best for someone my age.""
Basic Life Insurance?
Maybe someone can give explanation what the meaning for Basic Life Insurance? He gets Basic life insurance and Basic life insurance * as Employer Paid Benefits.what's really Basic life insurance and when one employee terminated because get sick is an employee still get Basic life insurance although He didn't work anymore. Thank you for give the information.
Does an auto insurance company look at my grid when transferring insurance to a new vehicle?
Disclaimer; Please, I am not looking to have judgement passed on me as I know I made a mistake. In October 2011 I was convicted of DUI. I served my 1 year driving prohibition but left my vehicle insured because my boyfriend was driving me a lot of places. When my insurance renewed the 2 times since the conviction, my rates didn't go up but I am really not too sure why..I am a long term customer of my insurance company and I can only assume that they were made aware of the conviction in my file but maybe it auto renewed so it went un-noticed? Here is my question. If I purchase a new vehicle and transfer my existing insurance policy to it, is it highly likely that my file will be looked at more closely and my rates will sky rocket? Can the ins company retro charge me for the past 2 years in which my rates did not go up? How long until this conviction falls off my driving record and no longer warrants higher than normal insurance charges? Thank you so much.""
Monthly payment for Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I want to get a car, but I am not sure if I can afford car insurance. I was told I can put my name under a relative's insurance (He is around 50). So I have a question for you guys. How much money do you pay for car insurance a month? I know it varies amongst states and ages, but I want to get an idea of the amount of money I may be paying. I live in New York so I know it will probably be way higher than other states. Please provide your age, state, and car insurance monthly estimate. Thank you! =]""
How does my driving record affect my parents insurance rates?
In Illinois How does my driving record (20 F) affect my parents auto insurance if I'm not on their policy? I have my own car in my name and my own insurance policy in a different company than theirs. I do have 2 points on my record from a collision back in Oct. of 08' shortly after I got my license. Even than I had my own car and own insurance. I do live at home but I don't drive any of their cars ever.
Car Stolen with Keys - Insurance Claim Issue?
Hey guys need some help My partners car was stolen last night and we have just noticed this morning The keys to said car was in another car (within a handbag) parked beside the stolen car what has happened is the car with handbag in it was broken in to, handbags were raided, found keys to the car beside and it was then driven off with What way will insurance see this? I know if the keys for car are left within that car and its stole most insurers dont pay out but what way might this situation pan out??? any advise greatly appreciated""
I was passenger in a car accident. i injured my foot bad. how much should ask for the insurance settlement.?
iv been out of work for 2 weeks, and still cant walk good on my foot. iv paid for perscriptions and co-pays. how much should i ask for from the insurance company.""
Why are my quotes for car insurance so expensive?
I understand that being 17 means my car insurance is going to be a lot. I've had friends that have said their insurance is 800 for more powerful cars that what I have been getting quotes on. I've looked at the cheapest cars to insure, Peugeot 106's, Fiat Punto's etc with minuscule engines. But I'm still getting quotes for 3000 to 4000, which I can't afford. I wouldn't be so bothered if I lived somewhere where buses ran and other good transport connections, but not having a car isn't really an option for me. Has anybody got any tips on lowering my car insurance? My parents won't let me go on their insurnace for legal reasons, being that if I do crash I could get in a lotta lotta trouble aha. I just don't understand why my insurance more than triples friends quotes of the same age and same cars. thanks""
Health care reform. Does it work?
Our new health care legislation is supposed to provide affordable health care and insurance for everyone. How exactly does that work? For example, I make about $37,000 a year. About $3200 of that goes to pay my insurance premiums. That's not really affordable, but, whatever. My job absolutely sucks. It's the worst one I've ever had. If I went to work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, where would my affordable health care come from? Who decides how much I can afford to spend? No politician is going to be able to figure out how an ordinary American lives and what they can afford. I know this sounds like angry, bitter ranting, but it's a serious question. How does this work, if it actually does?""
Is it possible to get a loan and homeowner's insurance for a post & pier foundation house?
It's a small home and it's not located in an earquake area. Would having this kind of foundation reduced the value of the house?
How much would car insurance be?
I am an 18 year old college student. I have been driving for no years,no accidents or anything. I was looking at a mitsubishi eclipse gts Spyder yesterday but the insurance was too high and the convertible had something to do with it. Anyways I found a mistsubishi eclipse hatchback GT today and was wondering if it would be lower than the Spyder? Also I'm looking at a 2001 Toyota Celica GT. How much do you think insurance runs on that? Anyways I just want to know before I fall my insurance company""
California renters insurance?
I reside in california and i am going to rent an apartment. Is personal liability required in renters insurance or is it optional?
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affordable insurance clearwater fl
0 notes
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
"Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health insurance options for low income adults?
I am currently putting my husband through school. Our household runs on my pay check alone. My children qualify for free insurance with healthwave,which we are very grateful for. but I was shocked to find that my husband and I don't qualify. There is no way in hell we can afford to buy our own health insurance so I was wondering if there are any other options for us.""
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
AA insurance terrible?
AA insurance sent me a renewal letter for car insurance. The bill was just over 900 pounds. Bearing in mind for years i just paid and didnt shop around . This time i had more time on my hands and i shopped around, the only thing i changed was no claims protection. Apart from this it was identicle. I went on compare the market.com and found esure who quoted me 425 pounds has anybody else found the AA to be expensive. The AA said they had shopped around for me and they had given me the cheapest quote. But i got my quote in around 8mins and 500pounds cheaper.""
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Auto Liability Insurance help?
SO how old do you have to be to have only liability insurance? My son got his license and I might only get him liability insurance cause its cheaper. But, some people told me you have to be 18 to have only liability""
How much do you pay for car insurance per year?
i pay $3000 a year on car insurance, im 22, female, 3 points on my license and drive a v8 mustang, red. progressive. NJ HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? please put everything i put above, but for you, survey for college class. thanks for helping!""
How does my 2nd speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I recently got my 2nd speeding ticket. My first speeding ticket was about a yr ago, so I cant redo traffic school. If I am correct, this means I will get a point on my record. Is that point on my drivers record only? or does that point show up on my insurance too? So will it raise my insurance? and by how much? I have AAA and I live in California. Thanks""
How cheap can you get car insurance for if you teach drivers ed?
I'm going to school for Health and Physical Education, definitely thinking about minoring in Drivers Ed. to add a little something extra to my resume. The course seems easy enough and I'll be able to make money during the summer while my other teacher friends are painting houses. I'm curious how much of a deduction on car insurance these guys get. Anyone know?""
Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?
Car insurance......?
if you have full coverage car insurance and you get into an accident but its the other persons fault and you get your car fixed by your insurance do your rates go up? what if the other persons insurance pays for the damage to your car do your rates go up?
Does anyone have the Mid-West Live insurance company of Tennessee?
An insurance agent sold this to my parents and I wish they put everything into layman's term. They bought this through a group called the Alliance for Affordable Services. They have a $5000 deductible but the policy reads like this: Hospital room/board has CoInsurance of 100% with Maximum up to $1000 per day. What is Coinsurance? Do they still have to pay something after their $5000 deductible? Thanks in advance.
Car insurance under a company policy?
I've never owned a car in the UK and may be joining a company where I will need one. This company offers a car allowance and I'll probably use the car for business. Would I be covered under the company car insurance policy or would I still need to get a policy myself? I'm trying to avoid the massive bill given that I have no UK driving history :-)
""What kind of car insurance do I need for a rental, when I DON'T have any current auto insurance?""
We are looking to rent a car for a month, and since we are both ex-pats, we don't have any USA car insurance. We've looked up and discovered we should get Collision, Liability and Comprehensive insurance. Where can we get these for cheap? My travel insurance includes a Collision option, but no Liability or Comprehensive (I'm American, my husband is English).""
Where can i get car insurance for under 2000 for my 17 year old son?
just passed his test
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
Where can I find super cheap auto insurance?
I just want something to cover me legally. I don't need any advice on why I should not get crap insurance, I literally would just like to know where to get great rates. I found ...show more""
Will my inusrance go up with a speeding ticket?
The other day i was driving and got pulled over for going 80 on a 65. i live California. I am 19, a student, and this is my first ticket ever. I was wondering if my insurance would go up. i wanted to hide it from my parents, if insurance goes up then i wouldnt be able to hide it. Also, anyone know what it would cost me? If i do driving school to erase it, would it still make insurance go up?""
On average how much does it cost to insure an apartment building?
I am looking into purchasing 2 triplex apartment buildings. They are both brick buildings built in 1990. Both have been maintained fairly well and have a really good price on them. Now I am trying to find out on average what the cost of insurance would be. Just wanna be sure that it will be well worth my investment and not a sink Hole I have already checked taxes, utilities, and of course viewed the apartments. Now I just need some figures on Insurance. Thanks for any and all help.""
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
Insurance type help A-Z?
Hello, If there is no accident will occur or occured, but lost your eyesight naturaly, what type of insurance policy you should buy to cover your permanent disablement because of that, which will give you payout like personal accident insurance does?""
Can my friend's parents put me under their car insurance?
i'm 16 years old. i bought a car from a friend. but there's no way in hell my parents will get me car insurance for it. i have spent most of my time at friends house and have gotten really close with their parents. i was wondering if it would be possible for me to ask them and maybe they could put me in their insurance policy or add me as a co-driver or something? or does it NEED to be MY parents? any advice?? i really want to get insured somehow without my parents. i also had an idea of having my friends parents insure the car themselves. and then pay them back and just drive it under their permission all the time so basically its mine but under their insurance. smart idea?? help me out please!!
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
Does my liability insurance cover my new car ?
I'll buy an used car from San Francisco, CA. I'd like to drive it to Los Angeles CA (in same day) and then wanna do all the paper works in LA..Does my current AAA liability insurance cover this trip?""
""If im a 21 year old female wuth a dui, how much is car insurance?
I'm 21 with a dui on my record. Approximately how much would car insurance cost on a 2000 Ford escort?
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
How much will my car insurance premium change when i turn 25?
I'm 24 and a car in insurance group 6 is costing me 600-700. I've heard this goes down significantly when I turn 25, is this true and how much should it go down by?""
When you car is totaled and you have full insurance coverage...?
What does your insurance company do with the wrecked car? do they take it and put it in a junkyard or do they let you keep whats left of it, or what?""
Teenager car insurance help?
Okay! I am a 17 year old male who has been driving in total for 2 years and I have unfortunately had 2 accidents. The first occurred in May of last year. I pulled out of a gas station trying to turn left so I had to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic ( I was in an unfamiliar vehicle) I could not see the lane closest to the middle and I went out further then I thought and the oncoming car took off the front bumper. The second accident occurred 04/14 I was driving to school and there was a man ahead of me who had his signal light on for the past 4 miles it was pouring down rain so I looked over to change lanes and when maybe I looked for to long I'm not sure but wheeI turned back the man had come to a complete stop in preparation to turn from a highway onto a dirt road. I slammed on my brakes they locked up I couldn't steer away and I hit him in the rear. My question is. Is this going to keep happening to me? Am I really that bad of a driver? and what insurance company is best for my situation as my parents are removing me from their policy. Any help would be appreciated!
Where can i find cheap moped insurance?
i have just applied for my license and i am going to get a 50cc moped (WK Wasp 50). i was looking around for the price of full comprehensive insurance and the cheapest is around 650... is this cheap? please advise me on any cheap firms thanks!
Trying to get cheaper auto insurance?
I live in NYC where auto insurance is extremely high. I wanted to know if mom and pop auto insurance companies are cheaper than top named auto insurance companies like Allstate, state farm, etc. The top auto insurance companies are giving me really high quotes. I see a lot of small business insurance companies in the neighborhood. I wonder if they will give me a lower quote and are they just as good as allstate or state farm, etc.? Thanks.""
What is the cheapest car insurance price in Texas?
I know it'll depend on the quote on for me and stuff but as far as a GENERAL average price or hell maybe even exact price what is the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price in Texas?
Can I get renter's insurance without a deductible?
Yesterday I got a quote from Geico on renters insurance. They said that I would have $6,000 personal belongings protection, $100,000 personal liability, with a $500 deductible. This would cost me $142 a year. I'm okay with the coverage amounts and the cost of the policy but I would like to get a smaller or zero deductible. Is this possible with renters insurance? Also Geico doesn't write the policy they use someone else but didn't want to what company it is. Can I get a zero deductible? What insurance company should I go with?""
Online auto insurance?
Other than the general, Is there any good online auto insurance providers??""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
What would my car insurance be?
I am a 20 year old male in Upstate NY and ive been driving since last september and i just bought a car (2000 Chevy Impala) and im trying to look for a good car insurer and my parents have state farm. what insurer would be the best and how much would it cost in my situation?
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
Can car insurance companies discover speed camera tickets?
Long story short: Do I need to tell the car insurance companies about speed camera tickets I received? I read that lying to car insurance companies is a good way to get your insurance canceled, or claim denied. I know that they check what you say on the application. If these were regular speeding tickets, I would have no question that they need to be reported, because it's on my record. But these are from a speed camera. The citation says it cannot be used to increase my car insurance rates, and that it will not add points to my record. All my friends say they don't report it. Despite that, Travelers said these do count, and denied providing a quote because I have had three speed camera tickets in the past three years. Is this information even present on my driver's record? Is this something they can verify? More importantly, could they deny a claim I make for failing to tell them about these tickets?""
If I have secondary driver Insurance on my Dads car. Am I still covered on our other car aswell?
My Dad put secondary insurance on his car (that I pay) so that I can use it. But he never lets me use it because he takes it to work everyday. But my Step Mom has her car here, and my dad tells me I can't use it because my insurance only covers his car. Is he just being a douche?""
What is the approximate insurance cost on a vw polo X registration for a 17 year old?
hi just want to know how much roughley the insurance would be for a VW Polo on a X registration plate please
Can i sue my car insurance?
Can I sue my car insurance if they refuse to pay for my car damages
Health insurance question?
Can someone tell me what in network and out of network means? I applied for my health benefits today and the lady had me soooo confused. I understand that an in network doctor will save me money. Does an in network doctor mean they accept my insurance and out of network they don't accept it? LOL this is my first time having private insurance so i'm not quite sure what all of this means!
Low Repair Estimate How to Go After Insurance Company?
I hit a car at its back and caused cracks on its rear bumper. It is my fault and my insurance company supposed to pay for the repair since I have liability insurance with them. But the estimate from my insurance company for the other car came out much lower than the estimates the other party got from other body shops. And now the other party comes after me and they said they gonna sue me. I would like to know how can I push my insurance company to come up more. Thanks!
Does taking DUI class help reduce insurance rate?
I'm working on getting a driver license and wondering whether my prospective insurance rate will be lowered (even just a tad) if I take some DUI classes. I'm 19 and abiding in Georgia.
General car insurance question(s)?
Which will cost more in car insurance, generally: a passenger sedan (maybe a 1999 Honda Civic) or a pickup truck (1995 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, if I have two trucks, both exactly the same, only, one has 2-wheel drive and one has 4-wheel drive, which will cost more in insurance? If one will infact cost more, will the difference be significant enough to matter? I live in Colorado. 4-wheel drive is desirable with the snow and ice, but if it will cost significantly more in insurance, I can't justify it.""
How much would insurance cost for this motorcycle?
Hey guys I know you can't give me a direct quote or anything like that, but if you had to guess or anybody who you knew had one it would be pretty cool. Im 17 now turning 18, I have my own insurance and I've been driving for a year without an incident so my rates are about to go down. Its a 2013 r1, what would the price range be per month?""
I need to have all my teeth removed and have dentures in California?
The dentist gave me an approximate estimate of about 11 thousand dollars, I have no insurance, and bad credit, is this estimate fair?""
Roughly how much is car insurance for a peugeot??
please help, i only want roughly""
""When you purchase a new car, is it better to buy the GAP insurance from the dealer ?
Should you buy the GAP insurance from the dealer or from your own private insurance company. Usually your own insurance company is cheaper. Any suggestions?
How long does a dui on your record affect your car insurance in California?
Is it 5, 7 or10 years and will my rate go down 5 years after my DUI anniversary?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone just turning 17.?
I am turning 17 in a few days and want to know what is the cheapest amount i can get car insurance for myself. I have a Peugeot 206 LX 2002 1.1 and want to insure it for a full uk license, where is the best place to do this? Thanks""
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
What small cars are available as a convertible?
Now that a second child in our family has started to drive we think we need two smaller low insurance cars and I want to trade my large car in for one that my 20 year old can share with me. I have loved having a convertible and would still like that so was wondering if there is a car on the market that is: small low insurance convertible (preferably hard top) about 2-3 years old (pre-empting any ranters - I have no intention of letting my wildish 17 year old drive around in a convertible and my 20 year old girl is a good, tee-total driver who has now been driving 3 years.)""
""My car is fully paid for, and I wonder what auto insurance coverage would be the less expensive and good?""
My car is fully paid for, and I wonder what auto insurance coverage would be the less expensive and good enough to get in state of California? 1- Liability only? 2- Liability plus collision? 3- Full coverage? 4- Any other type? Regards, Mo.""
Do I need SR22 insurance after a DWI 1st offense if my license is not suspended in the state of Louisiana?
About a year ago, I received my first DWI. I plead guilty under Article 894, and then about 3-4 months later, I contacted the DMV here in Louisiana, and they stated my license has not been suspended, and never was. Now, I am trying to get insurance on my truck I just bought, and the insurance company is telling me i have to get SR22 insurance. I thought SR22 insurance was needed when either your license was suspended previously, or you were forced to get a hardship license? I have never had to do either, and I don't understand why they are requesting me to get the SR22 insurance. The rates are already high enough with the DWI on my record, and the SR22 will be adding a good bit more. Just curious if someone can explain this to me about Louisiana and insurance which is required of me. I do still have a valid Class A CDL, not suspended, and never had to get a hardship license.""
Whats the rough cost of insurance for a 17 yr old new driver?
im looking to buy a car like a corsa or 306. summin like that but just wanted to know what the cost of insurance will roughly be. and no dont tell me to 'get a quote' caus you need like all the details and full licence etc, that i dont have yet""
""Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Do you need car insurance for a primary car in the state of NJ even if you plan on using someone else's?
Hi, I am a probationary licensed driver in the state of NJ, and since I live with my mom, I was told by an insurance company that I need to have insurance on my mom's (primary) ...show more""
Camaro Insurance cost?
I know insurance is a hard to estimate on since there are so many things that determine the price but can anyone tell me about the insurance for a 2012 camaro would cost for me? or how much extra it would cost for my situation. I have a 1998 toyota 4 runner and I am a 19 year old female. No tickets or car wrecks ever. My dad is getting me a new car and I am trying to talk him into letting me get a camaro. About how much extra would it cost yearly to go from an SUV to a sports car like a camaro?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much do you think insurance will cost my dad for me When i turn 16 in a couple months i am either getting an Audi a4 convertible Honda pilot Ford explorer How much will insurance be for them which car would you pick
""What is the best insurance company that will give me a good rate, and good coverage for a 16 yr old teen?
Good driving record with no incidents and and good grades with excellent attendance. Doesn't matter if it's an online insurance company.
When is an insurance company going to come along who cares about careful drivers?
my car insurance quote has just arrived, the price has gone up by 80 from last year the year before it went up 20. I suppose it was the all the snow we had which caused extra claims. but I have never made a claim in the last 15 years and that was when someone ran into me. why should we keep having to pay for these mindless idiots who cause these increases, why cannot insurance companies talk to each other and triple or quadruple persistent offenders untill they have gone without a claim for 3 years instead of keep hiking up the insurance of careful drivers. well this is the last straw for me.I am selling my car, a stripey punto 2 years old with 4,000 miles on the clock. what should I get for it.""
How much would insurace cost monthly?
Im 16 and im gettin a 2003 cadillac CTS when i get my licences and i have a few questions. The car is $10,932 how much would the down payment be also how much monthly plus insurance?""
Is a 1994 Eagle Talon Esi good for a teen Insurance and Saftey wise?
Hi I am look at an 1994 Eagle Talon and I thinking about buying it. But is it a good car for a teen just for a daily driver? How about the insurance rates will it be high?
If you sell your car / do you need to keep any insurance for your DL ?
if you move to NYC and sell your car / parking too expensive. do you need to keep some type of car insurance for your driving license ? you might occaisionally need to drive someone else or might rent a rental car when you travel ?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
Moped insurance in texas?
I am looking into getting a 49cc moped and am trying to figure out how much it would cost to insure it. I am a 25 yr old female with a clean driving record if that helps.
How can I get affordable health insurance?
I'm 19, in good health, not pregnant nor do I already have a child. I was told by the state that I have to either be under 18 or have a child to get Medicare. My job does not offer insurance. What can I do? I'm on a very low income, and can't afford very much, but I am willing to pay something.""
Do you have life insurance?
Ok we have been married for 10 years with 2 small boys. My husband works, I don't. I think he needs disability insurance and life insurance just in case something happens to him. And maybe even life insurance on me and the boys to cover at least funeral costs.. He thinks it's a big waste of money but I think we should. Also, my sister asked me if I would take her boys if something happen to her and brother-n-law. I said of course!! She told me that I would then get XX amt. of money from her life insurance... She also stated it's in their will!! OMG do I need a will too. What do I need in this will. I don't want my kids in foster care so I should name some people who would care for our boys..""
Estimate on car insurance for this car?
Okay, I'm looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I'd like an estimate to see where I'm going with this and I'm not sure how to do it myself. :) Here's a link to the car: http://www.nissanusa.com/z/index.html""
What is the cheapest teenage auto insurance in texas??
in austin, texas just got a permit ....drive a honda,-accord ... am going to be 16 in like 4 months""
Why car insurance cards come in pair?
Just wondering why insurance identification cards come in pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y.
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
Anyone know any cheap car insurance?
Im just trying to save a little money.
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
Car Insurance for a 2004 Mustang?
Im about to be 15 and im starting drivers ed next week and I was looking at cars and I really want a 2004 mustang. I live in a small town, im a girl, and my parents have Allstate. About how much would it cost me?""
What is the cheapest insurance company for a inexperienced 18yr old driver?
I'm looking ti out insurance on my soon to be new used car? I'm just now getting a license and I don't know where to begin looking for insurance.
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
What is proof of insurance?
I am still on my parents insurance and was planning on renting a car(yes, I' am old enough). They require proof of insurance when renting and I was wondering how that works. Do I just show them my parents proof? And is it just the paper work in the glove box of one of our cars?""
Insurance auctions/Salvage yards websites???
can anyone tell me good websites that sale salvage/insurance auction cars ......i live in south texas........
Will this decrease/increase my insurance rate?
How much will insurance cost for a kawasaki ninja 250r monthly for a 20 year old beginner?
i think i might go with state farm.
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
How much would insurance cost for a jeep wrangler?
I want a jeep wrangler (either yj or tj) and I was wanting to know how much insurance would cost for a new driver (between 16 and 18 years old). I would like a number answer if possible. Just trying to get actual prices. Thanks.
""Trying to buy Car insurance on my own, but i don't know how much to buy?""
I'm getting an online quote and i'm buying a car for 2500. the page displays a bunch of coverage that would be paid in the even that it was my fault, but i don't know anything about deductables. Would anyone be able to tell me how much money for each coverage is good. and if i should get a deductable. thanks so much""
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
What amount is considered low deductible for health insurance? what is a high amount?
what amount is considered a low amount for health insurance? what is considered a high amount?
Do you need motorcycle insurance in the state of Tennessee?
As a Tennesseean, I was wondering if motorcycle insurance is necessary in order to ride in the state.""
Why don't people just buy themselves health insurance?
I am 26 years old and have had a major back surgery. Still I pay just $98/month for my Blue Cross of California PPO health insurance. Why doesn't everyone without insurance just go buy it for themselves instead of buying an Ipod or new cell phone? This would keep the government from rationing health care and having more power over us citizens as well as not forcing some people to pay for others.
I have 21st century car insurance . They list some of the people that live with me as not rated?
I want to know what this means . They claim the drivers on this list can still drive my car , if they have their own car insurance on theirs cars . Is this correct""
Insurance for a 17 yr old girl?
How much would insurance be for a 17 yr old girl in a mustang in NY? I took drivers ed, btw. Or insurance for any car, doesn't have to be a mustang.""
How much longer will americans put up with health insurance companies?
when will Americans demand an end to insurance companies involved with healthcare? how much longer will Americans put up with insurance companies having more control then doctors on medical choices?
Car insurance is cheaper with a smaller engine right?
I've been thinking about getting a Corsa, which I think could save alot on Car Insurance due to it having a smaller engine. Anyone with a Corsa know how much it roughly costs, I'm 18 and hoping to pass my test later this month.""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
California people! who knows about teenage insurance prices?
I am moving from nc to california. i pay $150 every month for my insurance and i am 18. soon to be 19, iv been insured sense Nov 2010 any ideas on how much it would be for me in Cali? thanks :)""
""In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
Health Insurance - Early Retirees?
Does anyone buy their own health insurance? What is the rate usually for a 62 yr old individual plan? I have gotten 227/mo to as high as 969/mo. How to know if its a scam, too good to be true or a rip off? Thanks for helping. Is Aetna real? I rec'd calls from a broker underwriting with Aetna and worry that those prices of 227/mo were so affordable it must be a scam right? I would love to know what a normal price per month for health insurance is, with no employer involved, however earns too much to qualify for affordable coverage. This is NYS if that matters.""
Where can I find an affordable party hall in brooklyn for less than $2500?
I want to plan a surprise 21st birthday party. So far, I haven't been able to find anything for less than $2500 for less than 100 people. Can anybody please help!!!!!""
Which health insurance company in Florida is best at filling prescriptions using there mail order pharmacy?
I'm in the process of buying health insurance n making sure I'm able to mail my presriptions every month to there pharmacy and getting them filled and sent back to me within a reasonable time is something I will need so I am wondering which company is best at this when it comes to how soon u will get them and how hard it is to set up your scripts especially certain ones u take every day but can only get a 30day supply like for my adderall which ive been on since i was a kid but i have 5 kids of my own now n lately I'm having trouble filling locally n hope I won't have the same problem when mailing them
Which car is the most reliable? and insurance wise.?
03 Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 mazda rx8. 05 Audi a4. 05 Acura tl. Nissan 350z. 05 cadillac sts. 03 bmw 3 series. 05 nissan maxima. 06 subaru wrx impreza and legacy. 05 ford mustang. Also add which one is insurance wise cheaper if you can.
Switching to liability only car insurance?
Hi. I just moved to a new state with ridiculously high car insurance rates. My new rates are nearly double what I paid in my old residency. If I switch my coverage from full coverage, to liability only, how much would I save (approximately?) I currently pay nearly $230 a month on car insurance for full coverage. About how much would liability only be?""
Are online insurance quotes secure?
they want us to submit a lot of info inclusing social sercurity number, i am afraid they can misuse the information , are my fears legitimate""
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What happens if you only have an expired Auto Insurance card on you while you drive?
Hi. I currently live in San Francisco to go to school, and in a few days, I'd leave to drive home to Los Angeles for my winter break. So my car's insurance card expired a few days ago, and there isn't enough time for my father to send me the new (valid) insurance card and for me to receive it before I leave. (So when I drive the 400+ miles home, I won't have a valid auto insurance card on me, though my coverage would be active & paid for.) (For some reason) I know that in other states, if you get pulled over and don't have a valid proof of car insurance when asked by the law enforcer, that you can get your license revoked/suspended and/or car impounded & it's a nasty hole in your wallet. Is there any way I can temporarily get around the California law?""
How much would my insurance be?
I am a 17 year old male and I'm looking a getting a ford mustang. I am trying to get a 2008 v6 4.0 L convertible is my car insurance going to be rediculously high?
Car Insurance and And Accident?
I was hit from behind on Tuesday morning, called my insurance right after, the next day got my police report (like I was told) and gave me insurance the information, I also called the persons who hit me insurance and gave them the information, it turns out that on Wednesday this woman hadn't even filed a claim yet, nor picked up the police report (by law in NY state any accident that has damage reaching over $1,000 has to be sent to Albany by the people) I sent mine Tuesday morning. I was told within 24 hours a rep would call and send someone out to see my car, I figured that being it was late Wednesday already by Thursday or Friday I'd hear something. Turns out nothing yet, and when calling again this woman STILL hasn't filed a claim or picked up her police report. I plan on calling my insurance again but what is going on? How long must I wait for this, my car is damaged badly and needs to be fixed and I feel this woman should pay for this, and all she has caused me? What should be my next move here?""
May have a preexisting condition and i need affordable insurance?
i may have a preexisting condition i will find out monday ,anyway we are on a month to month with a high cobra premium and it is kicking our butts my husband's job closed after 20 yrs we both are not working and if i have a condition how do we pay for it, how can i get i get affordable health with no job .help somebody i feel for people i feel for everyone who needs health care and can't get it what a shame i pray that i am well and the doctor has good news for me so everyone please pray for a good outcome when prayers go up blessings come down and i need your prayers i love my yahoo family some people are rude but for the most part real decent people live here Sorry for my jumby words""
Life and income insurance?
If I started income and life insurance when i started property investment for investment purpose only to cover investment,are the monthly premiums tax deductible""
I double paid home insurance?
I just found out that I paid my homeowners insurance seperate and my morgage is paying for it as well. Its been 2 years....should I ask for a refund or what?
How can i get my car insurance down i am 19 and i cant seem to get it cheaper then four grand?
i have a 1ltr vauxhall corsa club it is group 1 insurance i have no driving offenses point or illnesses the car has no modification and it is still 4000 pound and that was for a 10 month policy 395 a month will something like 400 deposit its just unfordable
Why the heck is insurance so high?
So I'm 17 trying to get insured on any car from a 1-1.2L DIESEL. I've tried practically everything and it's so expensive. I get quoted 15,000 for a MINI COOPER S and 12,000 for a corsa. The area I live in insurance is low. I passed in july and I really need a car. Any suggestions for cars or insurance?""
If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable?
My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do.""
""If my aunt crashed my car, will my insurance cover it?""
I live in PA, and I have Progressive as my car insurance. I have full coverage, and I was wondering if they will cover the whole thing if it was her fault? Thanks!""
Can i get my own car insurance policy at 16?
i would really like it if someone could answer this. i coudnt fint the answer i was looking for online so i came here. if you guys are going to say it has to be under your mothers its not happening shes a *****. my dad has a car at his house thats mine he just doesnt want to give me the keys tell i have insurance and my license. but im getting my license in a few months. so if you can tell me this answer thanks, and can you give me a average price. and i know they do it based on the car so if i had an 06 nissian sentra with moded parts, and ome rims and a body kit would there be a difference. thank you so much for the people that are going to answer this""
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
Which do you think is the cheapest car insurance company in chicago?
How can I take out life insurance on another person?
My father owes me money and I owe alot of money because of him. I'd like to be able to take out life insurance on him incase he dies before he pays me back. How would I go about doing this? I'm trying to figure out how to take the insurance out on him (since he owes me). Not have him get life insurance and then make me the benifactor himself.
How much would the insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male wanting to get full coverage on a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. It's a coupe, silver, standard, and has a 2.0 liter supercharged engine. Does anybody know how much full coverage would be for me in this car?""
""I want to drive into Mexico, but don't know much about car insurance...any help??""
I'm driving to Monterrey, about 140 miles south of the border. I've driven in Mexico before and done the visa thing and all, but I've never driven my car there. When I drove before, I was under the rented vehicles' insurance. I know I need to purchase a driving visa from the customs building right across the border in Nuevo Laredo, but what about my insurance? I have AAA, and i've heard that they do something, but i'm not sure what!! Any suggestions or advice about international driving insurance??""
""Affordable Health Insurance, any suugestions?""
I am a nanny. My employer does not offer any insurance. I need primary, dental, and vision coverage. I used to have the best insurance. $5 dollar co pay no prescript payment for generic and coverage for all drs. That was when i was under my mom's blue cross blue shield ppo plan. I cant afford too much but need something. Any suggestions on affordable health insurance?""
Need help understanding some insurance terms and policies.?
What is a HYBRID health insurance plan? Has anyone used this type plan?, specifically NEW HEALTH CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. Beyond this...does anyone know of a good, affordable insurance for TEXAS. I really need help understanding this type plan. Sound too good to be true therefore it usually is.""
Range of Insurance rates for a 25yo Canadian (New Driver)?
I am a 25 year old Canadian, buying my first car. It will probably be 6+ years old, valued at less then 5,000. I'm wondering about insurance. I spoke with a broker telling me prices range from 4,000 - 4,500 a year (~$333/mo). This sounds excessive. She also said with third-party coverage the type of car I drive shouldn't matter, which left me with doubts. What should I expect to pay?""
Will insurance pay for an insured car that's borrowed and driven by an uninsured driver?
well, it's a brand new car that belong to my father, i borrowed it and got in an accident because i slip off the road, the car is totaled and im really worried about the coverage. my dad has Infinity-insurance, so yes the car is insured however i do not have any kind of auto-insurance at all nor am i listed in my father's policy. will my father's insurance pays for the car?( if possible, please answer it base on Infinity-insurance)""
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
What is the benefit of term life insurance over other types of life insurance?
How much would car insurance be?
How much would car insurance be for a 19 year old male first time driver driving a car cost around 1200 1.2l engine
How do i get health insurance on my own?
i am a senior in high school and i am about to graduate and go to college, I am currently in track so if i twist my ankle then i am done and I haven't have any kind of health insurance since my family immigrant here three years ago, my dad cant speak Eng so he stays home and my mom works really hard for my bro and me, i don't have car/health insurance and yet i drive and when ever i get sick i have to deal with it myself, I am really jealous when i see people can go to doctor when they get sick, I want to know how do i can a reliable and affordable health insurance and i am willing to work and pay for it in college..and i looked for the student insurance but it doesnt cover teeth and eyes....i def need to get my wisdom teeth out..cuz they hurt really bad sometime and there is nothing i can do about it, is it possible for me to work and pay my own car and health insurance? I just freaked out tonight cuz i feel so unprotected""
How expensive to insure a 2002 Mustang?
Ok so I'm 18, turning 19 next month so im not totally a new driver, i've been driving for about 2 and a half years. I want to get this 2002 red Ford mustang, its a v6. I was wondering if the insurance is going to be crazy high, also its a rwd and the winters here get pretty snowy, would that be a factor in calculating the cost? I know I sound like the worst case scenario for insurance agencies (Young driver, Male, Sports car, Red). Will the fact that I have a couple of years driving experience lower my costs? Sorry if this is just rambling on an on, and thanks in advance!""
What type of driving course reduces insurance?
What type of driving course from the driving school reduces insurance for new drivers?
18 year old with car insurance question?
okay, i live with my parents...daddy has a car and insured it and put himself and my mother under the insurance. On paper, i dont live with my parents. Okay my question is if i get a car and put a different insurance under my moms name will her gettin a car effect the cost of my dads isurance (the only reason i think it will effect dads insurance is that my mom is on his insurance).""
your lowest quote insurance company reviews
your lowest quote insurance company reviews
Insurance company help?
Ok so im getting insurance in manhatten because i live there ..... but my vehicle is garaged in long island ..... I have to tell the insurance company ? and do i have to show proof ? if so what kind of proof is there to show ?
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket ...show more
How much is motorcycle insurance?
What are some things to keep it as cheap as possible? I know taking a safety class can. I`m 19 years old if that means anything. Thanks.
Question about motorcycle insurance.?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me, on average, although there are multiple considerations...how much difference would there be in monthly insurance premiums between a 500cc bike compared to a 650cc bike? I heard that its actually quite a bit of difference, as I think I've heard that anything less than 600 is quite less than anything above 600cc's. I was just wondering if anyone could confirm this, and hopefully give me some estimated figures. Thank you""
""Do you have to have insurance if you don't have a car, just a license?
my parents have USAA auto insurance and i was wondering if i could get my license and be able to drive their cars with me paying for insurance. if i have to pay insurance whats the rate i would have to pay?
Am I required to get rental car insurance if I don't have my own auto insurance?
I am planning to sell my car and cancel my auto insurance. If I want to rent a car, am I required to buy their rental car insurance, since I wouldn't have any other auto insurance otherwise?""
What home owner insurance do I need to purchase?
If I buy an apartment and pays the HOA fee, does that cover the basic homeowner insurance?""
What is the best and most cost efficient way to move?
We are moving from Atlanta, Georgia to Boston, Massachusetts. I was researching possibly renting a moving truck, but I'm having difficulty finding the best option. I was considering U-haul, but from other message boards, I got the impression that as the costs add up with insurance and mileage and whatnot, it appeared to not be the best option out there (or maybe it is in comparison to other companies, I am not sure). Does anyone have any suggestions or past experience with a good moving company? We are looking for the best price option, and possibly a company where we could pick up the truck in Georgia and drop it off somewhere in Mass. **the trip is roughly 950 miles""
State farm or farmers for auto insurance?
I have a farmers policy for my auto insurance. My agent never replies nor picks up the call. I want to change the agents. I am thinking if I should check with with state farm. Do you know if state farm has better or same or expensive rate for the similar coverage than farmers?
""If your home is valued at 73,000, why would your insurance company raise the coverage to 101,000?""
If my house burns down, would they really pay out 100,000 or just the property value ?""
What things can a teen do to help lower the cost of car insurance?
I'm sixteen and seventh months, and plan on getting my license in about two months. But money is a little tight now at my house, and when my brother got his license on his sixteenth birthday (two years ago) the car insurance my parents pay for jumped an extra 1200 dollars a year. So what can a teen do to lower the cost? IE; what type of car should I be driving, the best time to get my license, etc. I'm willing to hear any ideas. :) Oh and if it means anything, my parents are with State Farm. Thanks in advance for the help.""
How much will my first car and the insurance come to roughly?
i can start driving lessons in January. How much, on average, would my first car cost? and how much on average would the insurance be? Also.. What would you advise for a girls first car? :) Leave your answers below please, Thanks!xx""
Whats the cheapest insurance company you could find?
I'm 18 years old, just passed my test, and the cheapest quote I could find is LV at 2600 on a 1.2 litre 06 reg corsa.. Help guys??? D:""
Why is motorcycle insurance so expensive?
...for so many people. I see complaints everywhere about sport bike insurance being so crazy. I just bought my first bike, 2 months ago. 1 month after getting my license. I'm 18 years old. My first bike was a 2004 Yamaha R6. I used Progressive online and put in everything accurately, driving history, motorcycle history (0 years), first bike being a 600cc sport bike. And I got quoted 300 dollars a year... bought it in full. Why is it so expensive for others with good history?""
Where on earth can I find affordable maternity insurance?!?
I didnt have it with my son and we are looking to get health insurance but all the plans that are decently priced (under $350/month) dont cover maternity. even if I could JUST find a maternity insurance that would be great! does anyone have or know of any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage? if so what are the names? heres a little info we live in FL we have one child my husband and I are 20 and 21 years old if you know of any insurance that will have affordable rates please let me know so I can get a quote!
Do you have to have car insurance to drive a motorbike or a car?
hi there i was wondering do i have to have car insurance to drive a motorbike or a car ? oh and how much do you think they would charch a 19 year old guy oh and do i pay weekly or monthly or yearly ?
Motorcycle insurance cost?
I was in an aciident a year ago it was my fault. I was driving a truck. Now that I'm 21 I want a cruiser such as the boulevard or vulcan, maybe even a shadow. I would like to know will my insurance be high? I don't have a license to drive one yet. I will be taking a class so I can learn the basice then buy a beater to learn to ride better before I get what I want. It will most likely just to get to work and school.""
Will car insurance pay for the following:?
I caused a damage to my car the other day by trying to pass between a truck parked in one lane of the road and the rest of the road. In another words there was some road works going on and only very tiny space for cars to pass. When trying to get through very slowly, I got stucked and when trying to reverse I broke my front bumper and done some other small cosmetic damages to the side of the vehicle. I am fully insured, my insurance is going to expire in about 2 months and I never made a claim before. I have bad experience with insurance companies in general and now am not sure how to follow and make insurance company to pay for the damages. There are some other damages done to the vehicle, for instance, a small stone from vehicle driving in front of me hit my windscreen and caused a small crack. I have no idea how to follow up and make the ins.company to pay. I am fed up with all travel, health and other insurance companies that just make excuses and never pay.""
""If a trucking company is self-insured,what are deductibles?
I've been told that I have to cover damages in a backing accident between two trucks belonging to the same self-insured company.
2010 Camaro LT 16 year old insurance?
I am a 16 year old and I want a 2010 Camaro. I'm not being ridiculous and getting a brand new Camaro 2ss. I am getting a used Camaro LT. I'm really responsible with straight A's and I was wondering how much the average insurance company would charge for a car look this and a guy like me.
What is the cheapest car to insure?
My Boyfriend has just passed his theory test today and has his practical test in a few weeks. He's 19 years old and we live in England. He wants a cheap car to insure but all are really expensive the cheapest insurance he can get is on a Romeo Mini for 2,500 a year. So i was wondering if anyone could tell me which is the cheapest car to insure and who with? Thank you for your help, Secret""
""Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?""
I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
Auto Insurance for Military?
My older brother is wondering if he could get cheaper insurance if he went on an auto insurance policy with me. Im active duty Marine Corps if that helps. I don't get much spare time, so any help on this would really help, thanks.""
Who does the cheapest car insurance for 17 year old males?
I am looking to get insured on a peugeot 106 quicksilver for under 3,000 its only a 1.4 but all the company's i look at want up to 11 grand.""
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
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your lowest quote insurance company reviews
Do car insurance rates go down in the time you have you license even if you don't have car insurance?
I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am a 22 year old female in Washington State, had one incident found to be not at fault, i drive a 98 Dodge Stratus""
What will the insurance cost be for a 2008 Mustang GT?
Ok, my son is about to turn 16 and his mother and I want to suprise him with a new 2008 Mustang GT premium. http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# That is the page that shows the models of all mustangs and we chose the GT premium for him. The car will go in his mothers name, so how much do you think the insurance will be?""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
What should I do to get an International Medical Insurance?
I am a visitor in the United States, and I ll be here for about 2 months and I need a Medical Insurance, need some recommendations and where to go, and the docs necessaries.""
Need suggestions on Health Insurance...?
I recently turned 18 and will no longer be covered by my parent's health insurance. I'm going to be going to college next year and my school offers insurance but it will cost almost all of the money I have saved up (leftover money after tuition is paid). Are there any better options? (Being uninsured isn't an option)
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
How much to insure a 20 year old female learner on mothers insurance for one month in ireland?
i am 20 and want to learn to drive in my mums car (citron saxo 2001) how much roughly would it be to add me to the insurance for one month if ive never had lessons and have only had a provisional licence for 2 months? i live in ireland thanks
""I need a good independant health insurance broker near Houston, Tx.?""
Can anyone recomment a good independant heath insurance broker in the Houston, Tx. area that I can go talk to. I need to sign up for individual health insurance for my family but I would really like to talk to someone in person who would look out for me and not themselves. Has anyone had good experiences with any that they could recommend? Thank you.""
Individual health insurance?
if i can get health insurance from my employer but can get better and cheaper coverage from as an individual do i have to take coverage from my job
Can we insure our life with more than one insurance company?
If so, in health insurance case, how we get reimbursement with one one set of original bills?""
What do i do if I have breast cancer and no insurance?
I am 42 and won't go to the doctor because I have no insurance, I can't pay the $250 for a check up, plus lab fees, just to find out, not to mention the other tests and the referrals I'd get if there was an issue...I'm scared to go to the doctor, and scared not to go. any advice?""
Auto insurance quotes?
Auto insurance quotes?
How much does your insurance go up after a DUI?
Also does old insurance let you back on or they kick you out? I think I was kicked off my dad's insurance... Is there a company I should look at that wouldn't be as expensive as others would since I have a DUI on my record? I'm a 21 yr old female from NJ
Which insurance companies offer the lowest rates for a vehicle?
I would just like to know with peoples experience with different insurance companies which ones are more reasonable than the others. I'm looking to buy a sports car soon so I just need to know which insurance company won't rip me off. thanks
Math Problems about insurance!!!!???? Urgent?
A- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of buying insurance? 2- You have just bought a new and therefore fairly expensive car. You have to buy insurance. The insurance cost is $1000 for a year but the deductible is only $150. If we assume that the probability of your having an accident in the next year is 10% and that the average cost of an accident involving a car like yours is $5000, what is the expected utility for you of NOT buying insurance and driving without it?""
Learners permit insurance?
My parents are divorced and my mom took me to get my permit and signed for it. In order to drive with my dad do I have to have a card of her insurance in the car?
Where can I find affordable dental insurance for my father?
He is 50+, I live in Michigan,help please?? I tried looking, but no progress. I want him to get something affordable so he can have better and healthier teeth. Thank you, Jenn""
How much is the insurance for a fiat 500 for a 17 year old?
I am getting a new car. I am oping to get the Fiat 500. But i'm not sure how much on average the insurance for it will be for a 17 year old. xcheerss lovelys x
What should i expect to receive for a 1997 saturn sl1 from an insurance campany after total?
i have a 1997 saturn sl1 that has 122,000 miles on it, power door locks, aftermarket component speakers, tinted windows, automatic, power steering, A/C. i was rear ended and the the body shop told me totaled. now im waiting for the insurance to pay me for the car and make an offer. does anybody have an idea what i should expect. this was a reliable car, i drive this car everywhere, it was supposed to get me to school everyday when i start college and my school is about 10 miles each way. i just dont want a low ball offer where i cant purchase a car thats going to get me to college everyday when i dont have a job. what is the average for this car, in great shape. will they pay for the speakers, the starter i just replaced 2 weeks ago""
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK) been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000 what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?""
A question about car insurance.?
Do you think the insurance would be cheaper on a 2010 Scion TC (its a coupe btw), or a 2006 Acura TL?""
SR-22 insurance in Massachusetts?
I have a friend whose license was suspended in Rhode Island 6 years ago for failure to pay tickets. He went and paid them all and RI is requesting he purchases SR-22 insurance. He currently lives in MA and we don't have SR-22 insurance in MA. Any help on where to go from here?
Cheapest car insurance?
im 20 and getting my first car.... what is the cheapest car insurance in florida... miami - ft lauderdale area?
Which would be less insurance wise?
I'm trying to figure out what car i want for my 16th birthday.. I've absolutely fell in love with the subaru wrx hatchback. the only thing im worried about is the fact that the insurance rates Might be high. i also like the Genesis Coupe 2.0t and i was wondering which would be more expensive insurance wise. Also what you think about them being first vehicles. and please no<, you should get a POS for a first vehicle... Thanks in advance!! The insurance company is usaa and nothing on the record""
your lowest quote insurance company reviews
your lowest quote insurance company reviews
Is it true that you don't have to have car insurance in wisconsin?
so, it`s not illegal if you don't have any kind of car insurance?""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 17 year old male with a jeep?
Its a 1998 cherokee sport and we live in arknansas. The jeep is a dark green color.
Insurance rates 18 years old?
I am an 18 year old male who has been driving for about 2 and a half years. About how much more would a coupe cost for me than a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. http://www.nissanusa.com/altima/
Is anyone surpised that Obamacare will double the cost of insurance?
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the Democrats always lie about everything? .
How can i reduce my car insurance?
how can i reduce my car insurance, i have had my license for 11 years, the only fault on my licence is an SP30 giving me 3 points (3yrs ago)... im a 30 yr old male UK born, i have 5yr no claims bonus, (would of been longer but i fell ill) and because im now unemployed because of disability my insurance has gone up over 1000,,,, i done a price comparison quote on a car i'm looking on buying and this is my findings ----- 1.6 Fiat multipla 2001 (factory standard) 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points UNEMPLOYED DUE TO DISABILITY 1897.47 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points EMPLOYED - FACTORY WORKER 872.92 why am i being given such shocking quotes,,,, is there any way of gettin better quotes???? websites used ---- (auto trader insurance comparison site) (compare the market) (go compare) (confused) please help,,, MANY THANKS :-)""
About how much to insure a 2003 Saturn L200?
Looking to get a 2003 Saturn L200 but need to know how much insurance might cost.
How much does motorcycle ensurance cost?
I am planning on getting a bike. used,street bike probably a 04-07 dont know what kind yet but i was curious if a) is insurance on a motorcycle absolutely needed? b)how much if im 18, but father as a co signer with GREAT credit score c)on a $5,000 bike how much would it be a month overall, insurance and payments.""
Whats the cheapest insurance company?
parents wont get me a car cause the insurance is to much. i will be the only driver on the car. any suggestions?
Motorcycle insurance rate estimation?
I want basic liability insurance for a lower cc Honda Phantom, 700 cc tops. I am a 21 year old male who committed a DUI 2.5 years ago and is now alcohol-free. For that reason, I feel ...show more""
Can i find out someones car insurance company?
a lady hit my car back in march of this year. she agreed to pay for the damage but then moved out and skipped town. well the police finaly found her but the problem is i dont know her insurance company. i have her full name, and her vehicle vin number. i dont want to claim it on my insurance so my rates go up, thats nuts. so i need to find her insurance company so i can file it with hers! anyway i can do this?""
Buying Car Insurance for a new car?
I am on my parents policy right now and plan on buying a new car , along with the new car new insurance. My question is, do you buy the car insurance before or after you buy the car. Logic would say before since it is illegal in my state to drive without insurance, but I could be wrong Can someone clarify?""
Best value Florida auto insurance?
I just moved from Illinois to Florida and am looking for auto insurance because my own company is upping my price from $125 to $275 a month with the same coverage (100/300K BI, 50K property, 100K UM, and roadside assistance) with the move. Upon obtaining quotes, the best I've gotten is with Esurance which is just over $200 a month. It seems that adding BI to any auto policy ups the price pretty heavily. Are there any mid-level or local insurance companies in Florida that generally offer better premiums than the heavy hitters I've been quoting with? I'm in Port Richey.""
HELP whats the Cheapest place to ge car insurance in ontario?
im a 18 male just got my g1 not to long ago, i have had/drove cars be4 But i am not doin the driving school thing as i dnt have $500 to Blow! so im just gonna wait the 12months to get my g2 (so ill be 19 goin on 20 when i have my g2), i just started saving for a car tht i plan on puttin on the road after i have my g2 (i can get cars for a fair price so im not worried about tht), but where can i get cheaap Car insurance in Belleviille Ontario?, as i dnt make alot of money right no and nobody else n my family has a license lmao so i cant go under their insurance. and i did a online thing sayin i had a 99 z24 nd it said ill have to pay $1013 a month wht is wayy to much money!! and i have already had a 96 cavailer, 93 mx6 (but i drove em with no license or anything) but now i either wana get a honda civic, sunfire, neon, mx3 or acura, 95 and up""
Can I lose my job for not having insurance?
I have heard so many different things. But I called my job today and I found out that they are offering insurance but it is to high to buy for me because it would cost $30 per week. ...show more
Insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would insurance be for a 1990 corvette? I'm 16 years old, btw.""
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
How much would insurance cost for a 19y old with a corvette?
Non owners insurance in california?
i am considering non-owners insurance for a car. however, if i drive my friend's car, their insurance policy will cover me. 1) what is the point of getting non-owners insurance, if non-owners insurance already assumes that i don't have frequent access to a car, and my friend's policy will cover me, also assuming i don't have frequent access to his car? also, i know, in the case of an at-fault accident with my friend's car, and assuming i have non-owners insurance, my friend's insurance will kick in first, then my non-owners insurance will cover what's missing. 2) what's the point of non-owner's, if my friend's limits are high enough already? 3) won't my friend's insurance increase since his insurance company had to pay? 4) if my friend's insurance increases, then what does the non-owner's insurance cover/protect??""
Insurance on a 2004 lamborghin gallado?
how much would it cost a month for insurance min to max and what do you pay for insurance
Do car insurance and registration have to be under the same name?
let's say Sally buys a car and it's under her name but gets car insurance under her sister's name. is that okay? or both have to be under Sally's name?
Need cheaper car insurance?
right now im paying 388 with a company called dairyland insurnace. i have points on my license right now. and it is killing me. the car is a 06 dodge stratus. should i raise my deductible? switch to aig insurnace. this is just way too much. the lowest id prefer to go is 300 even. anyone know any good companies or the best way to find cheap insurnace . should i look in the yellow pages and not the net
Insurance related question?
I am planning to take a savings plan insurance in SBI Life Insurance for tax benefits and for my future benefit also. Is SBI Life Insurance reliable or shall i consider for some other insurance company? If you think other Insurance company, please suggest some good company names. And do you think my option for saving plan is good or shall i look for some other plan? Your suggestions are welcome and thanks for your time.""
Car Insurance?
I am in the process of my my own car. I have been sharing my dads old car with my sister. I am 21, I got my licesnce when I was 18, and I have not yet had it three years. My dad called the insurance company and they told him it would be over 2600 paid in full because I have not had my liscence for 3 years, and in January it will drop. is this true, or does he just not want me to get a car?""
How much do you pay for health insurance per month?
Just your portion/ per month / your age I am 30 and did not choose a health plan at work because I think $170 a month for basic HMO is too much for a single healthy person. I used to pay $60 with dental and vision at my last job (which I know is really cheap). When I interviewed here they told me they had a great health plan. Well, guess what they lied! I will definatly be asking more questions about health insurance when I talk salary for my next position.""
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your lowest quote insurance company reviews
0 notes
Help with car insurance?
"Help with car insurance?
I have a 2000 Chevy silverado Ext Cab w/ the 5.3 liter v8. I am 16 and my insurance is $175 a month. I am looking into getting a Pontiac G6 05-06 model. My question is, how much more do you think i will have to pay per month, even though its a smaller car witha smaller engine, but is a newer car?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is it worth the effort to compare auto insurance companies?
I have been with the same auto insurance agency my whole adult life. When my husband and I got married, he switched over and started using the same agency I have always used. Our insurance rates seem to continually increase, though, and so recently I have been wondering if we should start looking around for a better premium. I would definitely love to save some money on our auto insurance, but I dont know if its worth the time and energy it would take to shop around. Is it worth the effort to compare insurance companies? If so, how do I begin my search?""
Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I Plan on trying to get these three type of cars Toyota Corolla SR5 1983 Nissan 240sx 1989 Mazda Rx-7 1991 You might notice two of these cars are sports cars but they're 20 years old so I just thought the insurance might be cheaper but anyway, Would you guys like estiamte how much insurance would be if I had bought any three of these cars. Also if anybody has any of these cars how much do you pay for insurance for that car and how old are you?""
How much for insurance?
If I were to insure all my assets, including my house, my car, and all my belongings, against loss, theft, and damage (of all kinds), what percentage of my assets' value would be a good price to pay as a monthly insurance premium?""
Where can I get health insurance?
I have a disability (hearing loss), and I don't have a job, so I am not working. I want to get a hearing evaluation at University of Washington (where I live) but I need health insurance. Otherwise it will cost me 900 dollars which, I don't have. What can I do?""
What is the estimated price of being added onto a parents car insurance?
i am 16 sorting out the finances of my future car and have noticed the unreal car insurance price for a little car such as a nissan almera and am thinking of going onto my parents car insurance.
Insurance for first time male driver (16 years old almost 17)?
I'm two months away from being 17 and I'm looking at getting a 2001 E46 BMW 325i. Does anyone have a guesstimate or actual cost to insure myself? Would there be anyway I could insure myself under my parents name to lessen the price?
Affordable Care Act?
My wife is 54 with diabetes (insulin) and high blood pressure. I care about my wife and want to act to buy her what i can afford which is up to 200 dollars a month. I can not fine an insurance company that will take her. What do i do when she won't qualify for medicaid either.
""Can I buy a car, Insure it under my moms name, and have myself as another driver on the policy?""
Basically I totaled my car, and my driving record already is bad. So I'm wondering if its possible to buy a car cash, insure it in my moms name(she doesn't drive) put the bare minimum aloud by state law(massachusetts) insurance on it. And also put me as another or secondary driver. Thank you""
How much will I get under insurance of my car?
It was a Ford Fiesta SXi, I met with a serious accident & ma whole car was damaged. It was recommended for a replacement as it was of no use. I don't know how much I need to pay now for my car. It was new just 2 months old.""
Does my international travel insurance cover rental car?
Hi, I am going on a holiday from Australia to the USA and Canada in March. I have purchased travel insurance and it states Section 16 Rental Vehicle - Up to $3000 Cover for car excess payable on Motor Vehicle Insurance resulting from your rental vehicle being: * Stolen * Crashed * Damaged and/or cost of returning rental vehicle due to you being unfit The $3000 would cover the excess from the rental car company but do I need some sort of liability insurance too? As I will be hiring a few cars for about a month. The companies I'm looking at are National car rental and Thrifty. I'll be picking up the car at LAX Any advice would be good thanks""
How much does will my insurance pay? My car was totalled?
My car was in a serious accident, and is irrepairable. The insurance company is coming down in a day or two to check out the car. I was no at fault, police are still looking for the guy at fault. However, my car is done. Will my insurance company give me the value of replacing a car like that, like if I were to buy one again, or would they give me the book value?""
Can I carry car insurance for a car that's not in my name?
Our car just broke down and we can't afford a new one. My father-in-law wants to finance a new car in his name but let us drive it. Is it possible for my husband and I to carry ...show more
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old boy?
How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old boy?
Which health insurance is good and better in California?
Deciding from this health insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross of California, Kaiser Permanante.""
Am losing health insurance...?
What are some non employer options? Live in Kansas and am clueless what to do to get insurance. Have 2 kids.... Do they qualify for free insurance? Make too much money to get assistance but not enough to pay for it. Please help. Married and neither of us has affordable employer insurance!
Where can i get cheap car insurance? (i'm 19)?
Im 19 and own a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 and im looking for cheap car insurance. ive tried a few websites and its coming out over 5k for the year, something a LOT less will ok, if anyone can tell me a few good companies or quotes that i can use? thanks""
Roommates car insurance company wants my car insurance info?
My roommate just changed her address told her car insurance provider she moved in with a friend. Her insurance company wants my car insurance info. Why? Do I have to/need to supply this? What are the positives and or negatives to doing this? Could it make my insurance go up? Note: We are not under the same company or policy for that matter. Thanks
""What do i do first, title or insurance?""
so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.""
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
Argh! Insurance rates went up?
So my friend and I were out driving his car and when he got out at a store, I hopped in the driver's seat. I have a class 5 license, so it's all legal there. We weren't speeding or doing anything illegal, we had nothing to hide, so everything was legit. However, pulling out of a four-way, an officer pulled us over because our tail lights were busted. Of course, I had no idea and basically the officer just issued a warning to my friend (he's the owner of the car, so he did most of the talking). However, the officer did take my license and took a while with it; in this time I had no idea what he was doing. There was nothing but politeness and courtesy exchanged in the end we just drove straight to the party we were headed to. At the party though, there was some guy who put his hand out to shake mine for Insurance rates going up . This guy's on an ego-trip so I had no care about what he had to say at all but now I'm kind of worried. Question: Did my insurance rates go up for driving without tail lights? I understand that, as driver, I'm fully responsible of the vehicle, but the owner was with me and so he doesn't have to be the one that gets tagged with the record for this??? I live in Canada and the officer didn't inform me of anything like this. Help, please and thank you.""
Should parents pay for their kid's car insurance?
Ok, my 20 year old stepson who's been living with my husband & I for the past 6 years is now in 2nd year of college and commuting to college... After battling to get my husband to agree that he needs to be responsible and start paying for his own insurance ($50) he started in July & Aug... Granted we gave him a car to use... All summer he was not able to get a second job (all year worked pt at a store) as he delayed applying since he wanted to see his mother for the summer... Mind that his mother who lives out of state did not pay any child support for the 4.5 years he was living with us... She only paid out of court order for the last 1.5 years of his hs years and immediately stopped once he started college... Now, my step son doesn't feel he should continue paying for car insurance as he doesn't feel he can afford it and my husband feels he shouldn't coz he never asked for anything... I feel he needs to be more responsible as a young adult... Although he doesn't ask for things, I'm looking at his future and hoping that he can grow up to be responsible... He already wasted his first year in college wasting the money he had earned from the pt job always going out with his friends instead of coming home to eat or packing food... Perhaps that's b/c his dad always gave him money for lunch... He could've used that money to pay for college and save, but ofcourse it didn't happen eventhough my husband kept letting him stay in school 'till late at night sometimes as late as 2 or 3 am... Is it wrong for me to suggest that he pay his own car insurance?... I have my own son (17 yo) also from previous relationship and is getting him prepared to get his license next year when he graduates hs and have already been helping him save so he can pay for his own car insurance as well... Any input is appreciated.""
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Where can I get homeowners insurance with bad credit?
Life insurance for young couples...?
I've been searching online for a very cheap life insurance For me and my husband.. But no luck.. We live in NY. Can any send me a link Are just tell me about any u may know?.. Thanks a lot. Am 28yrs and he is 37yrs. Thanks in advance..
Should vegetarians be required to pay as much for health and life insurance?
We get breaks for being non-smokers, not taking risks, why not for being vegetarian. It is a healthier lifestyle, for me at least, and why should we pay for the cardiac care of those who eat meat? Very few vegetarians suffer from heart disease - the leading cause of death in America.""
Help with car insurance?
I have a 2000 Chevy silverado Ext Cab w/ the 5.3 liter v8. I am 16 and my insurance is $175 a month. I am looking into getting a Pontiac G6 05-06 model. My question is, how much more do you think i will have to pay per month, even though its a smaller car witha smaller engine, but is a newer car?
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Whats cheaper honda or toyota insurance?
honda civic or toyota corolla
Do you need insurance for motorcycle if under 21?
i just passed my course and the coach I had told us that you are not required to have insurance if your 21 or over and wear a helmet so I asked her what about people under 21, she said it didnt say anything in the papers so she doesnt know.. i was wondering if any of you know if it is legal not to have insurance. im 18, live in florida, and wear a helmet, thanks!""
For high risk car insurance how ?
how many accidents do you need to be moved up to a high risk insurance company? I got in a car accident a year ago and last week I came very nearly close to one twice. how much is the insurance policy for high risk insurance?
Car insurance?
i currently have a car and am insured fully comp on this. my partner is about to purchase me a new one but as i still own the other one i'm not sure what to do about insurance. i'm tempted to take out another policy with a diffenret company for fully comp and run them both until i sell my old one. any suggestions
Insurance premiums?
How much is a family coverage for insurance premiums? Just an average, not sure what insurance we will have yet but it should be a ppo. Trying to figure it out because my husband got offered a higher paying job, but the job he has now they pay his insurance so we have no clue what to expect to pay""
How to get into a new Car Insurance?
About 1.5 yrs back my wife scratched another car while parking. The claim was settled using insurance. The expense was about $1500. Ever since that the insurance company, AAA, has been increasing our premiums by abt $35 on every renewal. Now I cannot switch or shop with other insurance company since they give quotes much higher than this company. But apart from this one incident we do not have anything else on our record. Also I get discount for Home+Auto insurance. The company increased prices on our Home Insurance too. I am badly stuck with this company now. I would like to buy Auto+home from one company itself. But I really cannot move my Auto Insurance. Please give suggestions.""
Antique car insurance?
I have read about cheaper insurance on classic cars, but you can only have it if you occasionally drive it. Is it possible to have that insurance on a classic car (1970`s) and use it as a daily vehicle? Is there some kind of loophole or something? Thank you in advance. Sorry for my english.""
Who's insurance covers a hit and run driver in California?
My girlfriends car was hit by a hit and run driver in the state of California. The driver of the vehicle that hit her bailed from their car and fled the scene of the accident. The vehicle was not reported stolen however we are not sure at this time who was actually driving the vehicle. When the police arrived on scene they did retrieve the insurance information from the vehicle. My question is whos insurance covers this accident? will it be claimed against our uninsured motorist on our policy? though I know that uninsured motorist does not cover vehicular damage when the driver has not been positivley I.D'ed OR does the vehicle owners uninsured motorist coverage hit us as they are liable for damages caused by their vehicle? I'm really not exactly sure of how any of this works so any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
What would be a great (cheap) beginner motorcycle for a 16 year old?
I have been looking at a 1982 honda nighthawk 450 with 13k miles on it tht was in decent shape tht i could probably get it for 900$ (and i found out insurance would be 125$ a year).....i want to broaden my search and i was wondering if there are any other bikes out there that are good beginner bikes that are cheap (not AT ALL more than 1200$)
Car Insurance?
I am in the process of my my own car. I have been sharing my dads old car with my sister. I am 21, I got my licesnce when I was 18, and I have not yet had it three years. My dad called the insurance company and they told him it would be over 2600 paid in full because I have not had my liscence for 3 years, and in January it will drop. is this true, or does he just not want me to get a car?""
What are some sites to do a comparison on car insurance?
I'm a 21 year old college student and a worker at a fast food restaurant who lives in California. I'm planning on getting a car soon in the future but I want to find out on where I'm at when it comes to payments in car insurance. Is there any comparison sites that can provide me at least some general ideals when it comes to car insurance payments?
Will my car insurance rate change?
Okay so I got married this May and my car insurance is still in my old name and my old address... My husband has a couple tickets and accidents on his record... Will this make my insurance rate go up? Also I'm not living in the town that I got my insurance in anymore, will this be an issue? Thanks in advance!""
I'm 17 years old- how much will it cost me to get my own car insurance?
i have a 1992 chrysler lebaron im 17 years old what the cheapest i can get car insurance
""How much does car insurance cost for 23 years old male, first driver/car?""
I am 23 years old and just got my driving license few weeks ago. I am planning to get volkswagen golf match 1.4, but don't know if i will get cheap car insurance for it.. If you know anything please help..does anyone know the exact monthly/yearly cost of the insurance? if it will be too expensive what will be a cheapest one...i don't mind vauxhall corsa but i prefer golf ,and reason is straight forward, we all know :) help would be much appreciated.""
How can health insurance be denied when you have had continuous coverage for 7 years straight?
I am currently on COBRA insurance paying $472.00 a month. I have been trying to find an individual plan on my own and have been denied twice for pre-exisitng condtions. How can I have pre-existing conditions when I have health care for 7 years with lapse in coverage. THE HIPPA law states that if you have had continuous coverage for at least 12 months without a 63 day break in coverage, then the pre -existing limitations wouldn't apply. I feel like I'm being black balled. Who do i need to speak to? The health insurance companies don't even want to talk about the HIPAA laws.""
How much should i be paying for car insurance.?
im not sure if im over paying or not.. if i pay in full for 6 months up front it will be 700 dollars Im 22, married, and have only 1 speeding ticket that i recieved a year and a half ago.i have nothing else on my record I drive a 2002 eclipse that has been insured for 3 years straight, and i live in a small town with hardly any crime.""
What happens if you only have an expired Auto Insurance card on you while you drive?
Hi. I currently live in San Francisco to go to school, and in a few days, I'd leave to drive home to Los Angeles for my winter break. So my car's insurance card expired a few days ago, and there isn't enough time for my father to send me the new (valid) insurance card and for me to receive it before I leave. (So when I drive the 400+ miles home, I won't have a valid auto insurance card on me, though my coverage would be active & paid for.) (For some reason) I know that in other states, if you get pulled over and don't have a valid proof of car insurance when asked by the law enforcer, that you can get your license revoked/suspended and/or car impounded & it's a nasty hole in your wallet. Is there any way I can temporarily get around the California law?""
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Car insurance question?
Ive got a younger brother who's 16 years old, newly licensed, had his drivers license for about 4-6 months... he's buying a car soon but he's paranoid of what the insurance will be! Its going to be a used car with a lot of miles (90-130K) and he'll spend no more than $4,000 on the vehicle. I know there are discounts for good grades, he has a GPA of 4.2 Advice? How much will it be per month, AND what provider is best? Thanks!""
How does Obamacare increase health insurance premiums?
i've been seeing that they've gone up more when the reform was suppose to lower them. how exactly was obamacare suppose to lower insurance premiums?
What is the best type of renters insurance available in California?
I want to get renters insurance in California, any good affordable ones available? I noticed nationwide and statefarm are not available here. I am using Geico for car insurance. TIA!""
How much is Audi A4 1.8t insurance?
I know there are a lot of things to take into consideration when getting insurance quotes and all but I was on craigslist and I found a nice little 2005 Audi A4 1.8t and I wanted to get an idea of insurance. I know that it is considered a luxury sedan and its foreign from Germany so those are going to make it more expensive. It puts out around 170hp and 160 trq. The car has great crash test ratings too. Seller is asking a little under $6000 and I don't know how many miles are on it yet. Other things to consider are that im only 19 so it would go under my fathers name. I know its hard to estimate what insurance would be but if anyone can come up with a good idea or if they own one themselves. Im not completely sold on the car but I just wanted a little help from the yahoo community. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know Im not giving you a lot of info to work with.
Help with car insurance?
I have a 2000 Chevy silverado Ext Cab w/ the 5.3 liter v8. I am 16 and my insurance is $175 a month. I am looking into getting a Pontiac G6 05-06 model. My question is, how much more do you think i will have to pay per month, even though its a smaller car witha smaller engine, but is a newer car?
How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?
How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?
Are there any states that don't require auto insurance?
I don't like paying for insurance so I was wondering if I could avoid it by moving.
""I have medical insurance, but my deductible is $4000?""
Is there any way at 29 weeks pregnant I can figure out how to get more help paying for this? I live in Southern California. Anything will help right now, I am just getting worried because $4000 plus all of the other stuff to get ready is a little overwhelming. Is there a way to apply for something that will help me with these expenses?""
Premium rates increase after an auto accident?
I rear-ended a car and that car hit another car. The car in the middle I believe will have lots of damages to repair. When my premium rates increase, what is the deciding factor on how much it will increase? Is it the cost of repairs to the cars? or just the fact that I got into an accident. In addition, with this one accident and 2 cars having damaged does that mean that the insurance company would see me hitting 2 cars instead of one which will increase my premium even more? And by the way, my insurance company is mercury if that helps! Thanks!""
Do all auto insurance companies check with your DMV for your driving record?
I got some minor accident on my record, something like bumping into someone and leaving a dent, I don't even really remember it was like 4 years ago. Anyway, this car was a rental that I dented and a very expensive one at that, ended up being 2500 to fix even though I could have popped the dent out for free. But because of this incident, state farm and geico are charging me out the wazo because I'm a 20 year old male with speeding tickets and this accident thing that happened a long *** time ago. The difference without the accident on there is amazing, so I'm trying to find a place that will ignore this thing that happened in SEP of 04. Anyone know of a place? Thank you.""
Cheapest car insurance for young male drivers What would you like to ask?
My 17 yr old son has passed his test we want to add him to our insurance anyone aware of any good deals at the moment, prepared to pay 2000. but would like the best deal for my money. our car is a Renault megane 54 plate 1600 cc.""
How much do you pay for FULL COVERAGE auto insurance?
I am trying to understand rates more and am interested in hearing what people pay for full-coverage auto insurance. How old are you, where do you live, what insurance company do you have, how much do you pay per 6 months? (Please only answer if you pay for full or maximum coverage) I currently have Allstate and pay around $300/6 mo. I am interested in hearing from CUSTOMERS what they actually pay instead of getting quotes from companies. I would like to gauge cheap/expensive.""
Are there any insurance companies that will cover Suboxone?
My girlfriend takes Suboxone strips twice a day and the Suboxone cost was covered by a program she was in. That program recently expired and we are trying to find out which insurance companies would cover the drug because she simply can't afford to buy the strips out of pocket. She only makes about $200-$250 a week so we were trying to find a low income solution. Are there any companies that we could potentially look into? AETNA is one that we are considering but we wanted to see what options were out there.
""What is the best, cheapest, online car insurance on the internet?
Cheap Car to insure?? (UK)?
Hey, I'm 18/female and was looking to start my driving lessons soon and I was wondering what cars would be cheap to run and insure, and does anyone reccomend any driving schools that are an okay price..if you could put links up to cars I would be grateful. Thanks :)""
How to approach a car insurance company to pay damages to my car?
Okay, I was involved in an accident a month ago. I was at the train station attempting to street park, I saw a car parked in the middle of the side walk and a private house driveway, I looked very carefully and no one was in the car, as I was backing up into the parking space I felt the impact on my passenger side back door, I didn't know what it was until I realized the car on the driveway had backed up into my car. The driver stated that he saw me attempting to park when he was walking to his car but he thought I saw him getting into his car, he said he was in a hurry and was late for work and I should have waited for him to get out first (he had a big ego). I never saw anyone in the car. I am the kind of person that I would have waited and then proceed. Meanwhile I only have liability coverage. My insurance company said that he was at fault- they will not pay for his damages $800. His insurance co. wont pay for mine because they said is 50 - 50 faults, my damages are $1,800 door damages estimated by the other driver claim adjuster. I dont have $1,800 to spend in fixing my car. 2005 Nissan Altima. How can I fight the other party insurance co. to pay for my damages?""
Help. I've missed two car insurance installments by accident and now they want me to pay the rest in full.?
I've stupidly missed two payments. Not on purpose. I'm pregnant and at college with exams and I'm due in March so my mind is trying to focus on revising, focus on saving money to buy baby things with (which we still need to buy most stuff). and focusing on bills etc. Anyway. How can I still be insured but avoid having to pay them the rest of the due fees for my contract term? An idea I had was to cancel it, and then start new insurance with another company? I would have to pay a new deposit and to cancel the old insurance I would have to pay some money as well. Any other ideas?""
Volkswagen Golf SR insurance?
I have just bought a Volkswagen Golf SR (import) 8v 1.6 ltr and I am having trouble finding an insurance company that lists this car. Has anyone else got this model and who do you have your insurance with? Thanks for reading
About how much will a Subaru Impreza Wrx/sti insurance cost me?
**Im 17 years old now with no tickets. I have a 1998 V8 Explorer now - will it be a lot more money?
Cheap ohio auto insurance?
hi! does anyone know what some of the cheapest auto insurance companies are in ohio?
Can i sue an at fault driver even if i dont have car insurance?
I was in an accident today and my car was totalled. I was not at fault in any way, however since Michigan is no fault state the at fault driver does not have to pay for my damages. I do not have insurance but I would like to sue her for minor injurion and damages to my vehicle since now i have no way to and from school or work. Can I sue her even though I dont have car insurance? 4 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.""
""I just got my license, can I drive my mom's car before calling insurance?""
I got my license on Friday and was wondering if I would be able to drive my mom's car tomorrow (Monday)? Our insurance company (Country) won't be open until Tuesday, so I won't be able to update our policy until then. Is this legal? :/ Thanks!""
Best car insurance companies...?
I am 18 and need to acquire insurance ... what are the best deals around?' I live in California ... Thanks!
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
""I have medicaid for my baby,how long can I have it for?
My daughter is covered under medicaid. She can't get insurance because she has a pre consisting condition. I am wondering how long I can have medicaid for? Is it wrong for me to ...show more
What is the best health insurance?
what is the best health insurance?
Texas insurance companies offering insurance on rent-houses?
Where can I find a list of all the property insurance companies that offer insurance on rental property in texas?
""Just paid off my car! I want to lower my car insurance, advice?""
I just paid off my car and I want to lower my car insurance, but I'm not sure how to go go about it. I still want to maintain good coverage but not pay for so much. I'm a 27 year old male, with a good driving record. I would just like some advice on what coverages I could lower or get rid of and still have myself covered. Thanks""
Car insurance question?
Would my car insurance be any higher if i got a ford escape rather than a car? My parents wont let me get a Chevy Tahoe for my graduation because they said SUVs make the car insurance go up really high, so would my insurance go up alot if i got a Ford Escape, since its not as big as a Tahoe.""
Why not sell medical insurance like Auto insurance?
I know this is long but please bear with me. Rather than set up a separate government run medical insurance or expansion of medicare to the general public....One criticism of government care is that it will be in direct competition with existing providers. Ultimately siphoning insurance customers away from traditional plans and onto the rolls of govt care causing these providers to go out of business. Here in my state the auto insurance companies MUST offer the same basic minimum coverage in order to do business in the state. Everyone here must have at least the same basic level of insurance (both auto and medical) . You can go to any provider you choose and this basic minimum insurance level costs the same . If you want more insurance you can pay for additional coverage. But that basic plan is available to all. So why not have a similar program for medical insurance as part of a nation wide group policy. This group can be subsidized by the government but it would be managed by the existing insurance providers. (In other words if you want to be in the insurance business you must offer and support this minimum plan which would be a foundation for any other plan you offer) The govt pays the insurance company a flat rate to manage each person enrolled in the basic plan. The more money the company saves (the better they manage the insurance) the more money they keep. However if that company provides poor management it will cost them. Either subscribers will change management companies if they feel they are getting a raw deal or wasteful management would not be payed for by the government. One advantage I see here is that consumers would have an alternative providers to go to if they feel wronged by a particular management company. Insurance providers also have an incentive to offer additional services to the basic plan members in order to attract more subscribers and earn money. With a govt program like medicare your stuck with the one provider (the governement). As they say One Choice is NO Choice.... If someone wants additional insurance they can buy additional coverage from any provider they choose. But No one could be denied coverage for the standardized basic plan. Since everyone is part of this national group policy the basic insurance is portable and independent of supplemental policy one may have. So if you change jobs or move to a different state you may loose the supplemental policy BUT your basic coverage remains intact. You merely transfer the company that provides the management services for the basic medical. Insurance providers would get paid by the fed to manage the participants in the basic plan for each participant in the basic plan. this would put market forces into play for the insurance providers to make money by attracting additional participants through better service or offerings. COunter to this is if the consumer gets crappy management services they can transfer to any other insurance provider.
Help with car insurance?
I have a 2000 Chevy silverado Ext Cab w/ the 5.3 liter v8. I am 16 and my insurance is $175 a month. I am looking into getting a Pontiac G6 05-06 model. My question is, how much more do you think i will have to pay per month, even though its a smaller car witha smaller engine, but is a newer car?
Can I get a mortgage with no life insurance?
Can I get a 75K mortgage with no life insurance in the UK? If not, will the mortgage company want to know who the insurance is with? Will they issue a mortgage with NO life insurance at the age of 52?""
""I just found out that I am 9 weeks pregnant, which insurance company would insure me if I just found out?""
So I just found out I'm 9 weeks pregnant, and I've been uninsured for the last 5 years, which health insurance will insure me if I JUST found out I'm pregnant?""
""My car got impounded for no license or insurance? How much, and how can i get it back?""
Hi, i got pulled over today for having my windshield cracked, now they impounded my car for 30 days because i had no license or insurance(I know) Can i get it back sooner? How much will it be at the end? I am in Arizona btw..""
Health Insurance costs?
According to the National Coalition on Health Care, The average cost for employer based health insurance for a single person is $4,700.00 or $391.66 per month. A family of four costs $12,700.00 per year or $1,058.33 per month. Now to put that into perspective, you can lease a Mercedes Benz SLK 300 ( thats the sporty two seater ) for around $883.07 per month. Question is, does this sound like a fair deal?""
Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18?
hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol""
2002 corvette insurance?
Ok i'm thinking about buying an '02 corvette and was wondering how much the insurance on the car would be. Anybody have one or know anything about what the insurance on the car would be? Thanks.
Health insurance options for single moms?
My daughter is on my boyfriends health insurance right now, but he is switching jobs and his new job makes him get through 60 days of training before being able to receive health insurance. I am personally covered under my parents insurance, but they will not allow me to insure my daughter with them, so I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance options for my daughter while my boyfriend is unable to insure her. I am currently unemployed (to stay home with our baby) and since we are not married I am considered a single mom""
What would be the best car insurance company to go to?
What would be a great car insurance company to go to? I am an 18 year old, male, just got employed and now I'm looking to get car insurance for an '87 Chevy Blazer. Any suggestions?""
""What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
What would be 15,000 pounds after tax and insurance for one month?""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I will be 18 in two months and i want a bike. I am planning to go to the classes which i assume lowers insurance. I also thought by having a smaller bike would cut insurance costs. I only plan to ride around town and not on the highway. If i bought a 250cc bike like a GZ250 or a Honda Rebel, how much would seasonal insurance be roughly? I only want the types of insurance that are mandatory in order of me being on a budget.""
Why does car insurance go up if you have a 4-wheel drive?
I am thinking about getting a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4. My car recently broke down and it was a 2000 Chevy Suburban. My parents don't really want to get me the Jeep with 4x4 because they said the price of insurance would go way up. I want to know why is this and about how much would it go up?
What do I need to do for self employed medical insurance?
I am 43 I am married. My hubby has medical and I'm on his policy. He has retirement. I will be on his retirement. But he is 44 what happneds to me being self employed, if something should happen to him. Will I still get his retirement money? Will I still be covered medical? I am looking at an IRA account at the local bank next week. I have only been self employed for 5 years. I have worked for an employee up until now. I need help. I need to plan for the retirement years. Thank you for your time. Plus we both have life insurance incase of death. If he goes first I'll have money to pay for the house. But what then? By the time I'm too old to work how will I buy things?""
Is their affordable Health Insurance for full time students?
I'm a full time college students & I no longer have Health Insurance because I turned 19. I can't go on my dads plan because its for people 65 & over or disabled. I've looked on the internet and haven't really found anything afforable besided for International students & and not internaional. I'd like to find insurance like they can get from ISO where they can pay $27 per month. I haven't found anything like that for myself & only paying 27-40 dollars a month would be GREAT! Can anyone help me?
Auto Insurance Quote too high?
I got an insurance quote from Amica Insurance. I've never had any ticketes or anything and they want $ 180 per month. With Farmers it is $360 every 6 months. Why the big difference? I heard Amica is supposed to be cheaper? Thanks
Why are Double-Wides more expensive to Insure for Fire Insurance?
I live 10 miles from the nearest responding Fire Dept and more than a 1000 ft from a hydrant. Some Insurance companies wont insure it while others charge a lot for a premium (2-3 times a stick built home in the city) I thought Manufactured homes were under strict HUD Regulations for Fire resistance, strength, durability, ect.?""
Cheap Car Insurance For 17 yr old?
I am considering purchasing a fiesta st 2005 model and would like to know where is the cheapest place to insure it. I understand that being 17 it will be rather expensive but i hope you can help me find some cheap insurance i want fully comp with as little excess as possible :) thanks
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets?
whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets full coverage?
How do I find the best car insurance rates?
How do I find the best car insurance rates?
How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??
I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.
What's The Best Auto Insurance Company?
I'm a 16 year old male in Southern California... I'm looking at: 1993 Honda Accord 1990 BMW 525i 1991 Nissan Stanza 1992 Acura Legend Sedan 1996 Volkswagen GTI which company is trustworthy, cheap, and helpful?""
Where can i get auto insurance for cheap?
i have a utah license but live in idaho. i don't want to pay much more than $150 a month.
Report to insurance or not?
i was driving down the freeway yesterday and a rock hit my windshield. it now has two huge cracks. and i have to get it replaced i know it cant be repaired. my deductible on my insurance is $500, should i report it to the insurance or not? would it be cheaper to just fix it myself?""
What are non-required auto insurances?I need information?
I need information about 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. 10 Points for the Best answer!
Broke my contract phone and have no insurance?
Basically, entirely my own fault... i have no insurance on my phone (had it for three months) and it was smashed yesterday! But my question is, if i phone up vodafone and tell them i will PAY three months worth of insurance, backdate it back to the three months i have had this phone, can I then claim for a replacement? Technically I will still be paying for insurance and they will be getting money? Is this possible??""
Car accident with someone who will not respond back to the insurance for verification?
Someone with insurance rear ended me. I took his insurance information and called his insurance the following day to report the accident. The person who rear ended me did not call the insurance and he is not responding to his own insurance who are trying to get ahold of him to confirm the accident. It's been three weeks. His insurance called me yesterday and said that I need to use my own insurance for get my car fixed. I have a note written by the person who rear ended me admitting that he did cause the accident. What legal actions can I take against the person who rear ended me?
Help with car insurance?
I have a 2000 Chevy silverado Ext Cab w/ the 5.3 liter v8. I am 16 and my insurance is $175 a month. I am looking into getting a Pontiac G6 05-06 model. My question is, how much more do you think i will have to pay per month, even though its a smaller car witha smaller engine, but is a newer car?
0 notes
Car Insurance....Help?
"Car Insurance....Help?
Hiya!!! i am 17, jus passed my test, got pass plus aswell, am male and a full time student...does any cool dude out there no of any cheats on how to get the cheap car insurance coz for a 1.2 fiat punto costs me 2800 and i jus havnt got that money!!!! any help really would be appreciated :) :) :) thankssssss x
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance for a 16 year old in California?
I am gonna get either a Used 03-04 Nissan 350z and would like to get a rough estimate of how much insurance is gonna cost. Thanks in advance. Also what would happen to my insurance if the car is on a salvage title?
Cheapest Auto Insurance??
I am presently using Allstate for my 3 cars... an Acura (let me rephrase that..2 cars the Acura was totalled in Sundays car accident) The Infinity and the Nissan..the rates are about $ 3000 for 6 months for all 3 cars..now 2) full coverage all inclusive insurance.. Are there cheaper companies out there ??? Who do you use? I live in N.Y.. Allstate has really always been there for me I just got a nice check from them for my daughters car...Do you think i could get a cheaper company???
What insurance should i get....?
I need to find the best insurance that is gonna be the cheapest. i checked qoutes on progressive and i got a qoute for like 500-600 dollars a month which i feel is too much! what insurance would you reccommend for young drivers? Ive had my liscense for a year and a half and have two points on it
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
Allstate Insurance Price Estimate?
I was wondering what the price of a 1993 2.3 L V4 Mustang LX would be for a 17 year old male would be with less than 100K miles on it
Anybody knows about a good medical insurances for maternity?
I really need a cheap one.It is urgent
Car insurance?
my husband has just been sent a letter saying he has been done for doing 38 in a 30mph limit and has encured 60 fine and 3 penalty points. what is the situation regarding his car insurance . does he have to inform them about it? i think he should but my sister says you dont have to.
Do various driving school programs give different types of certificates that affect your insurance?
I am a 20 year old female first time driver living in Colorado, and I'm debating what program to go with for driving school. The completely online one, the half online half classroom, or the full classroom. I want to take which ever one will give me the best insurance rate.""
Does becoming pregnant qualify as a life changing event for most insurance companies/employers?
Commonly, life changing events are listed as marriage, divorce, and birth of a child, ect. If a person doesn't have insurance and learns that they are pregnant, will most companies allow enrollment at that time even if enrollment is scheduled at a specific time of the year?""
How do I fight an auto insurance company's liability decision?
I was T-boned by another driver who I believe rolled through a stop sign and could not have been paying attention to the road. It was a four-way stop intersection, and the insured ...show more""
Auto insurance quotes?
What website you recommend to get instant multiple quotes for multiple cars, without agent or a representative involvement?""
Would I be able to afford this car and car insurance?
I make $1200 a month. I currently pay $400.00 rent and $70.00 for my phone. I'm looking at a car that would cost me 180.00 a month plus 100-120 in car insurance. Plus groceries. 130 a month. I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to afford this but I really need a car. What if I move out and rent goes up? I'm a stressful person and stress about everything before I commit.I also have a dog to take care of. What do you guys think? Would I be able to afford It or would I be way to close to barely living?
Car registration and insurance on different names?
Ok. I'm plnanning on buying a car next week. I have a question. Is it possible to buy insurance on her name and then register the car on mine? If yes please tell me how?
Is it worth the effort to compare auto insurance companies?
I have been with the same auto insurance agency my whole adult life. When my husband and I got married, he switched over and started using the same agency I have always used. Our insurance rates seem to continually increase, though, and so recently I have been wondering if we should start looking around for a better premium. I would definitely love to save some money on our auto insurance, but I dont know if its worth the time and energy it would take to shop around. Is it worth the effort to compare insurance companies? If so, how do I begin my search?""
How come muscle cars are cheaper to insure than japanese tuners?
It would cost me 179 a month to insure a pontiac firebird trans am, but it would cost me 620 to insure a subaru WRX. Another example is it would cost me 152 to insure a 89 camaro IROC-Z v8, but 213 a month to insure a mitsubishi eclipse gsx, I'm pissed off""
Best New York Insurance?
Ok I'm 19, my mom's thinking of getting a CR-V or an Odyssey and I live in the Bronx so how much would it be for an insurance?? Any cheaper?? I have experience in driving had so many driving practice. Also what if I add another car? Would the insurance be cheaper or still off the roof? I'm thinking about A Miata that cost around $3,000 about 1996 model. Thanks!!""
What is the best health insurance plan for INternational students who are IN USA?
Hello there ,what is the best health insurance plan for International students who are in USA. If it helps I am currently IN MAryland. Please let me know , would be great if you could provide websites and links as well. Thnaks so much for your assisatnce!""
Home Ownwers insurance? Who is cheap?
What company that may not be well known can provide cheap home owners insurance? A link would be appreciated. This will be for the purchase of a existing home buy, which may close this week. Thanks in advance to all responders!""
Ideal first car cheap on insurance.?
Cheap first car with cheap insurance in the uk? For a 17 year old. I look on auto trader with 1.0 liter engines but its all deawood matiz which looks like a girl car. Thanks.
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
My job doesn't offer me any insuance - what's the best affordable health insurance I can get?
Any one know any good insurance for new driver that is only 18?
My mom tried adding me to her AAA insurance and it would be 1150 every sic month that too much anyother cheap insurances thanks
What does 6 months mean for car insurance?
I'm 18 and I don't know munch about car insurance. For me it's about $1500 for the year or about $300 a month for six months. Is this every month for six month like January through June? Or every other month for the whole year?
Does motor size effect insurance cost?
I'm buying a 1991 Z28 camaro soon. I'm 17 and I want to know if engine size will matter. It's going to have a 305 V8 in it when I get it, but I would really like to upgrade to a 350 V8. My parents seem to think it will cost more for insurance, but I haven't found anything on the internet that solidifies this. Can someone shed some light on this topic for me?""
Whats a good car insurance company?
hi im a 22 soon to be 23 year old male trying to buy a used 2004 or 2005 honda accord lx for 8 to 9000 dollars....what is the cheapest good insurance company i can go for and how much would i might have to dish out????
Hiring an employee / health insurance?
If I hire an employee in California do I have to pay for their health insurance? Is there some threshold like 40hrs/week where I have to start paying or what?
Car Insurance....Help?
Hiya!!! i am 17, jus passed my test, got pass plus aswell, am male and a full time student...does any cool dude out there no of any cheats on how to get the cheap car insurance coz for a 1.2 fiat punto costs me 2800 and i jus havnt got that money!!!! any help really would be appreciated :) :) :) thankssssss x
Cost of liability insurance for medical doctor?
What's the average cost for a private physician's liability insurance? What tips and advice do you have for someone starting a private practice?
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
What's the average insurance premiun for a Taxi in the US?
What's the average insurance premiun for a Taxi in the US?
I need advice for my auto insurance claim! Please help!!?
I was in a car accident 4 days ago. My Mother was the passenger in my car (I was driving). I was on the off ramp getting off the freeway. All cars behind me were stopped. I was stopped waiting to make a right turn. An emergency vehicle was coming in my direction from my left. Therefore, I was waiting for the emergency vehicle to pass. The person behind me (large dodge ram truck I am in an '08 2 door Infiniti coupe) thought I went so he 'gunned it' to get in front of the emergency vehicle. Unfortunately, we had not gone so he pushed my vehicle out in front of the emergency vehicle. Luckily, I was able to turn my car out of the way. I did not hit anyone (no one was in front of me). My Mother and I were both put into a gurney and taken to a local hospital in an ambulance. We both had our seat belts on and suffered whiplash. We were released 5-6 hours later after x-rays, etc. We were both prescribed medicine. My Mother has had 3 brain tumors and has trouble with her speech etc. and any violent startling trauma can get her shaken up pretty badly and confused. I know she hit her head but, she is in pain but not nearly as much as I am. With my Mother's condition I don't know if this kind of thing can have negative effects later on. I know that my neck and back is pretty messed up. It hurts to stand for after 15 minutes or so. My car is pretty messed up and had to be towed. I plan on taking it back to the Infiniti shop to get all new parts. My car has all the upgrades in it so I want it to be taken care of. Am I allowed to take it to the Infiniti dealership or will Geico (the other persons insurance) not allow that, or does it not matter? The police gave the guy that hit us a citation. I have USAA and the other person has Geico. I just want to know exactly what to do in this situation. Since I'm out a car (I work for myself) I have been out (already) a decent amount of money for not being able to meet up with my clients. I spoke to my insurance today and they said that all my medical is covered since I had that already in my plan (without it raising my premium) and that I should get a settlement ON TOP of paying for damages to my car and getting me a rental, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to get taken for a ride. I've heard the horror stories of dealing with insurance companies. Any advice on what I should make a point of saying to the other insurance company, etc. Thanks in advance....""
Home hazard insurance vs. home owners insurance?
What is the difference?
What is a medical insurance deductible?
What is a medical insurance deductible?
Car insurance for people without cars.?
I don't have a car but occasionally I need to drive and I use other peoples cars. Is there an insurance you can get for yourself without having a car?
Does anyone know a insurance company that insures assembled motorcycles?
i just purchased a 2008 assembled harley but am having a hard time finding an insurance company that deals with these! if anyone has one of these custom bikes please let me know, i want to get it insured so we can ride this weekend!!!!!!!""
What amount is considered low deductible for health insurance? what is a high amount?
what amount is considered a low amount for health insurance? what is considered a high amount?
Motorcycle Insurance (600cc vs 750cc)?
I am picking up a new sportbike (Suzuki GSX-R) here in a couple weeks and I was wondering the average cost of motorcycle insurance per month (or year if you pay gross). The bike will be totally paid off when I purchase. Thank you for your time, Kevin BTW: I am 25yrs old in Florida. It will be either a 600cc or 750cc.""
How do I register a restored classic car without a VIN?
What my question more specifically is, is- If I restore a 69 Camaro from the ground up, and the vehicle does not have a VIN number and no original parts, how do I register it? How does the DMV determine the year of the car is 1969?""
Health insurance question please?
My family and I have not had health insurance for the past few years. And I'm starting to get really sick and probably need tests done. I live near Aurora,IL, what's an affordable good health insurance I can get? I work part-time at a pet store and it's not gaurenteed hours so I may get like 30hrs a week for a month and than it go down to 20hrs a week. I am going to school full-time as well. Can someone please help me?""
About how much does insurance cost for BudgetTruck Rental?
Can someone give me a ballpark on how much insurance would cost for Plan 2  Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) on budgettruck.com I need a 16' moving truck in a Columbus, Ohio suburb up to Toledo area""
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
Hi, I need some insurance for my Ford Fiesta 1999. I have been looking at some insurance qoutes but there still VERY expensive ( Around 6000-10000 ) I would love to get around 2000 for my car as i know its possible but i just need to find a insurer. Does anyone know any? Thanks""
How can i find out Insurance rates on cars?
is there a certain website which can give me the average amount i need to pay for car insurance on certain cars.
How can you convince your parents to allow you to get your own car?
We went to the Ford Dealer and there was a 2007 Ford Taurus SE. The dealer wanted $8700.00 that is with tax. So I test drove it and took it to a mechanic nearby and the car checked out fine. My mom and stepfather went into the finance department and I waited in the room adjacent to them. The bad part is that I couldn't get the car because they had a small discussion about how much gas, insurance, and maintenance the car will cost. So I left the ford dealer with no car. My mom said because I am a young man I could buy my own car and take on the responsibility of a young man. I told her can she please do it and I will pay her back over the years. She said no and my stepfather said come on man lets go home. I felt a little embarrassed because everyone in the lounge was looking at me. So how can I convince my mom and stepfather to buy me this car.""
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
What is the cost of premium insurance for 2003 pontiac vibe driven by a female only insured driver.?
""Will my regular auto insurance go up if I get a motorcycle license, I won't have a bike yet, just the license?""
Will my regular auto insurance go up if I get a motorcycle license, I won't have a bike yet, just the license?""
Car insurance question?
say i get insured first time and i need to get my car to a road safety test and it fails badly and would cost to much to repair (more than the car is worth) can i cancel the insurance say 2 weeks after getting it? if yes, does there usually be a cancellation fee?""
Can you give me any tips for finding cheap medical insurance in California?
Can you give me any tips for finding cheap medical insurance in California?
Mobile home insurance?
i am thinking about buying a 2008 single wide mobile home that is in a lot in a trailer park. anyone have a guess on what insurance might a month?? or do i need it?? Thank you
Can we insure our life with more than one insurance company?
If so, in health insurance case, how we get reimbursement with one one set of original bills?""
Anyone know of an affordable auto insurance that is nationwide?
small companies/ customer friendly , with a website""
Is a mazda 3 a sports car too a insurance company ?
will a insurance company consider a simple mazda 3 a sports car ? like not a mazda 3 speed , just a normal mazda 3 sedan 4 door""
Car Insurance....Help?
Hiya!!! i am 17, jus passed my test, got pass plus aswell, am male and a full time student...does any cool dude out there no of any cheats on how to get the cheap car insurance coz for a 1.2 fiat punto costs me 2800 and i jus havnt got that money!!!! any help really would be appreciated :) :) :) thankssssss x
Cheap car insurance..?
I need to know a cheap place around here that is under $80 for three people. I tried looking it up, but where I am staying at right now the Internet sucks on my phone. I'm 20, my parents are over 50. And we live in Cleveland, Tx So, I guess what I'm asking is if someone can look up a cheap place for me.""
How much should I save up for car insurance?
right now I have 0 money. But with that said, my uncle has promised me to buy a new car such as the hyundai elentra. This is about 16-20 grand. Now he states that I should be responsible to pay for the maintenance,gas and the insurance of the car. So technically I have the car but now need to save up for the insurance. How much do you believe should I save up before cashing in the car?""
Getting Health Insurance?
When I move out with my boyfriend can I be on his health insurance plan without being married?
""A car hit my car from behind, their insurance is offering me $500, should i take the $500 or wait?""
A car hit my car from behind, their insurance is offering me $500, should i take the $500 or wait and go see a doctor to see if i have any injury which would probably get me more money?""
CA Borders books pregnancy insurance?
I'm working at a Borders in CA and i'm part time. I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to go about getting insurance. My training manager said to look online for borders insurance but I'm not finding it. Is the part time insurance worth it for pregnancy costs? I'm having a midwife and want to figure out how to get that covered.
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit?
Car insurance for 18 y.o. good driver Honda Civic or Honda Fit? Which car will be cheaper to insure for an 18 year old male? 2009 Civic LX Sedan 2009 Fit Base Hatchback He is a very good driver and has no infractions, we live in a low crime area. Thank you! Would just like to know which would be cheaper to insure.""
Why is car insurance exhorbitant for 17 year olds and migrant workers run round with insurance thats cheaper?
Why is car insurance exhorbitant for 17 year olds and migrant workers run round with insurance thats cheaper?
Is there a program or something for people who work as temps to get insurance?
I have not had medical insurance and would love to have coverage, but working as a temp none is offered and it can be very exspensive, anyone know what I can do to get affordable insurance!!!""
Who's the best company for young car insurance?
I know the kind of car to get for cheap insurance but i'm still looking at around 3000 for insurance, i was just wondering if there is any companies out there people my age can actually afford.""
Is the maintenance/insurance costs on a 1998 Porsche Boxster expensive? Is it more expensive than a Corolla?
Would my maintenance costs go way up if I trade in my 2000 Toyota Corolla for a 1998 Porsche Boxster? Would my insurance costs go way up if I trade in my 2000 Toyota Corolla for a 1998 Porsche Boxster? I only have an additional $1000 per year to pay for any additional costs, would this be enough to cover the extra insurance and maintenance costs of an old used Porsche Boxster, one that seems to need quite a lot of mechanical work done at a Porsche dealer, compared to my old and flawless Toyota Corolla? Are Porsche dealers really expensive or is that just a myth? I drive a 2000 Toyota Corolla and over the years I change my own oils, my own fluids, and have only taken it in twice for tire alignments, that's it. The costs are extremely low. Now I see a 1998 Porsche Boxster for sale, with a slightly leaky engine and a Balking automatic transmission for sale. I would like to have fun and buy it, but I cannot afford any more than about $1000 per year in maintenance costs. Also, my insurance on the Corolla is dirt cheap, and I don't want to pay that much more when I get the Boxster, i don't want any surprises. What do you think? For a person with very limited resources, Should I keep my trusty old Corolla, or get the Boxster?""
""If you have insurance and someone else in your house gets a drivers license, does it make your rates go up?""
This makes no sense to me, but my boyfriend and I are getting our licenses and since we're 19 and have no driving record, our rates are going to be very high, so we were just going to put the car and the insurance in his moms name and just pay her, but she said that when we get our licenses at her address, it will make her rates go up automatically, because there are other people in the house with a drivers license? Is she just BSing me or is this true??""
How to fine best insurance companies ?
How to fine best insurance companies ?
Insurance for 16 year old?
Hi, i live in California and I am 16 years old, I'm just wondering how much it will cost my parents every month/year for my car insurance. I have an Audi A3 2008 and I have Farmers Insurance. Please help!""
How Do I get a reasonable car insurance price for a seventeen year old boy in the UK?
I'm sixteen at the moment, but I'm looking at insurance prices and they're ridiculous! (I got a quote of 5000 at one point :l) Have you got any tips for how to get a lower premium. Thanks. A really comprehensive list would be great because I have no idea! I have tried looking at insurance group one cars, but the prices are still really high.""
How much auto coverage should I have in Wisconsin?
I own a 2008 Scion tc, and a 1990 Honda Accord LX. The Scion still has a lien against the title, and I have full coverage for this reason. I use my Honda as a primary car to drive to and from work with liability coverage only. What I have for coverage now is: Bodily Injury: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Property damage: 500,000/accident Underinsured and uninsured: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Medical Payments: 10,000 Comprehensive & Collision: 500 deductible Is this too much? My agent said something about a new law in Wisconsin making it stack for each car, so technically, I have double that coverage, and my premiums just went up. I'm looking for a way to get some cheaper premiums without exposing myself to too much risk. How much insurance do I really need?""
Is insurance expensive for a 17 year old Riding a 125 ped?
i live in bromley south east london/ kent i have recently bought a Gilera Runner VXR 180 Reg as 125, im using it for college and seeing family, i have completed my C.B.T Bike is road ready MOT&Tax could anyone give me a guestimate on how much it would be on your previous experience and any good companies that insure young drivers ? thanks alot (P.S if you would like too right a smart ar*e comment please dont do it on my post, im asking for advice not a lecture)""
How much would full coverage auto insurance be?
I plan on getting a 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and was wondering about how much would full coverage be in Northern Virginia,I would ask the insurance company but I'm not the one with the policy and if you're wondering what insurance we have its Farmers.""
""What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 yr old college student, who lives away from home?""
What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 yr old college student, who lives away from home?""
Question about insurance coverage?
will the insurance company pay for a scratch on car thats really small and will my rates increase for it?
Good Life Insurance Plan with guaranteed return and maximum life coverage.?
Which Life Insurance plan (from Govt. or Private company) will give me the highest return If I invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly for 20 years including the life coverage. Please name the plan with name of the company.""
Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?
i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
Where can I find affordable but good coverage for health insurance?
My bf is currently paying out of his check $70 a week for ins and dental, Blue Cross. This includes him and our son. But we barely are making our bills right now. There has got to be another health ins company that Drs will take that is affordable. Please help ;)""
Price for motorcycle insurance?
So my parents just bought my brother a brand new car and just told me that I wont be getting it til 3-4 years from now . and I'll be 20 something by then! I'm 16 turning 17 this year by the way. and it sucks even more because my other brother had received his car when he was 18, which is totally unfair because I have achieved more things than him, academic and community wise. So anyways, I've been wanting a motorcycle since I was a little girl and since I will be working this summer and winter, I was hoping on buying a used motorcycle, specifically any Kawasaki Ninja, at the beginning of 2010. Insurance price please? I know it ranges from age, experience, accidents, and etc. I'm a 16 year old female that will be getting her regular permit in June and after 6 months, I will be getting my motorcycle license. Won't be driving a car anytime soon, obviously. Oh and I'm in the bay area of California if that changes anything? Thanks for the help, just need to know how much to save. Oh and if your wondering why I wont just buy a car, because I only wanna save 5 grand max and that will only get me a wack car.""
Dodge Stealth insurance with a salvage title?
How will the fact that the 1991 Dodge Stealth I'm planing on buying has a salvage title affect my insurance? I got quotes from Progressive Gieco Esurance and Allstate from anywhere from 675 to 780 for 6 months. So anyone have any ideas on how its going to change or if I can even get it insured? If it matters the engine went out and was rebuilt.
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 16 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance""
Car Insurance....Help?
Hiya!!! i am 17, jus passed my test, got pass plus aswell, am male and a full time student...does any cool dude out there no of any cheats on how to get the cheap car insurance coz for a 1.2 fiat punto costs me 2800 and i jus havnt got that money!!!! any help really would be appreciated :) :) :) thankssssss x
Roughly how much will my insurance cost for a new mid-level sports car?
In California. Clean driving record. Car would be financed in the $30k - $40k range. I imagine I would want full coverage. Would it be substantially less if the car were a year or two old rather than new? Thanks! I have always had used cars in the past with just liability insurance.
What is ment by term life insurance?
whole life insurance term life insurance
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Insurance on a car that you do not own yourself?
Im 17 years old. My grandma will buy me a car. But she doesn't want me on her insurance, so she said i had to wait til i was 18 til she would buy it. I was wondering if it's possible for my mom to put insurance on the car for me, if she's not that one that own's it. She can't on it for medicaid reasons. Thanks.""
Driving on someone elses car insurance?
I'm 18 and shopping for car insurance and the quotes are ridiculous, (like 280 a month for minimal coverage). However would it be possible/legal to have my girlfriend who is 20 and in college be the legal owner of the car and have the car under her policy, but I drive it daily and still be covered? The insurance quotes for her are MUCH cheaper, like (40 a month). The reason I'm asking is because a friend of mine told me that as long as the car I'm driving is insured by someone, and I'm driving with their consent, I'm insured. Is this true?""
Car insurance question about my 17 year old.?
I want to get a second car and let my 17 year old drive it. I am trying to find a car insurance company that will let me have every thing in my name and have her as the principal driver of my second car. The problem I am having is she is moving down the street. I can not find a car insurance company that will let me have what is called a different garage adress on the car I am wanting to let her use. I am in the state and I have tryed all most all the car insurances companys around here and online. I have even tryed to have things put in her name but it would cost her around 300$ dollars a month to insurance it. And that is just the basic insurance. That is why i want to just keep everything in my name Any idea's would help. And not I not going to lie and just have her drive it and move and not let the insurance company she is driving it.
What health insurance can I get as a low income american college student?
Hello, I am a nineteen community college student living in North San Diego, California and I live with my parents. I make less that $1,000 a month working part time and going to school full-time. I get financial aid from my school, but only for the classes, not the books. My father, the only other worker in my family, makes roughly around $32,000 a year. We barely make the rent each month and barely have enough for gas. About when I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with Gallstones and was urged to better my choice of eating. Of course as a Mexican-American, I wasnt about to give up my Carne Asada or burgers so I continued my vices which led to various, and very painful gallstones attacks over the past couple of years. Now I am no longer able to eat anything without feeling sick to my stomach. I was cut out on all junk food and have pinned myself to a grilled/boiled chicken only and greens diet. I don;t eat any red meat and make sure to have fresh made fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for the past four days, Like i said i haven;t been able to pass anything. I am currenly runng every morning. My father thinks I have an ulcer. So, straight to the point, I am a low-income college student with no money left over at the end of each month and I need to go to the doctor's immediately. I am an american citizen but have no health insurance at the moment. I need surgery to remove the gallstones, but first have to go an have a checkup. I was wondering if there was anyway that i can get covered? My mother applied for medi-cal but we havent heard anything in over four months and its a LONG process. Can Anyone please help me!""
Self employed health insurance?
What is the meaning of self employed health insurance
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
Please explain what comprehensive car insurance means.?
Can you get medical or medicade if you are pregnant and MARRIED?
My friend is married and pregnant but she recently lost her job and her insurance. Her husband is the sole provider and he makes 45,000 a year before taxes but she is not on his insurance. can she still get her pregnancy covered by a government program. We all live in California if that helps. Anyones stories would be greatly appreciated.""
How much money do i need to save up for my first 6 months of insurance?
I will be 16 or 17 at the time of receiving car insurance and right now I am 15. This summer i will be getting a job and will buy my own cell phone and pay my own cell phone bill($130 for the phone $42 for the total bill). Let's say I receive minimum wage ($7.25) and am payed around $800 a month. If I begin putting aside money out of each pay check ( which will be roughly around $400) for car insurance and do this for around 12 months how much money will i need to put aside out of each paycheck ($400) to be able to pay for 6 months of car insurance? Also, my mom is going to let me buy her car in payments (at most it will cost $2000 altogether), how much should I put aside for that, so i would be able to buy her car at one time in 12 months?""
Car insurance on a used car?
I am going to buy a used car from someone, and obviously I need to be insured to drive it home. Is there a way I can get insured for just that day or drive home, so that I can have the car before I do everything I need to with it?""
""1 point on my driving record, will it affect my car insurance ?""
I received 2 tickets during the month of November in 2007. I'm currently taking traffic school for more expensive one, which will prevent me from getting the other one point on my record. However, I wont be able to take traffic school for the other citation, so i'll end up with a point on my record =[ How will the 1 point affect my driving insurance ?? I live in California, and I read somewhere that one point wont affect anything. I want to make sure by posting the question here... thanks""
Where can I get car hire insurance for USA?
I have been looking everywhere for car hire insurance also known as excess insurance. I can't find anywhere for a 20 year old, I'm 19 now but on our holiday I will be 20 years old. Fox car hire charge nearly $900 for the CDW and recovery fee. E-Z Rent a car will supply a car to an 18 year old but will not supply CDW. Fox have awful reviews so I didn't want to be forced to rent with them. So I figured if I got car rental insurance or excess insurance i could rent with E-Z or rent with fox but not have the CDW totalling up my bill. The annual polices for the excess insurance are around $100 I would happily pay $200 because of my age. I'm also from england not USA but would be renting in USA (Orlando to be particulate). We are renting a Ford Mustang (Convertible class)""
How much is insurance on a Oldsmobile Alero or a Toyota Echo???
I am currently looking for a new car, and I'm trying to find a car with a good safety rating, dependable and low insurance. Can anyone help me in my search?""
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
Is having a health insurance mandatory in California?
I am moving from Massachusetts to California at the end of this month. In Massachusetts its mandatory to have health insurance and if you don't have it you can get penalized on your taxes. Is it mandatory in California as well?
Insurance cost for Mustangs?
I'm 18 and NEVER had a car before. If I get a 1999-2001 Mustang that's used, how much would the insurance be per month? I live in NV if that makes a difference. How much would insurance be if I got a 2005-2006 Mustang that's used?""
Car insurance?
Tricare/ER Insurance Question?
I lived in Arizona last year and still am in the Tricare West system (out of Luke AFB), although I now live in Ohio. I hurt my ankle several weeks ago and still can't bend it certain ways, and am beginning to suspect a hairline fracture...if I go to the ER (nowhere near any military facilities, especially not with hospitals), and put down my insurance company, will Tricare pay for it (including poss. X-rays) even though I'm still in the Tricare West system? Or should I submit the papers to get a PCM in the North region? (No matter what, I'm assuming I don't need a referral from my PCM to go to the hospital/get X-rays, is this correct?)""
Does MY CAR INSURANCE cover!?!?
I crashed my friends car. She has liability on her car so now she is screwed with a beat up car. I have full coverage on my car, now would I be able to use my insurance to cover her vehicle that I crashed?""
Will I get the money from my life insurance back?
I have had life insurance for a year now, which gives me a discount on my car insurance. When I am 21, my car insurance rates may go down and I may not need the life insurance discount from State Farm any more. Will I get the money that I have put into the life insurance back?""
How much will my insurance go up for a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket in July going 100 mph in California. I live in AZ and was visiting when I got pulled over. I got a notice in the mail saying it's mandatory for me to appear in court. Does anyone know how much my insurance will go up? I'm 25 yrs old and this is my 2nd speeding ticket. The 1st one was in AZ and it doesn't show up on my record because I went to driving school.
Great sports cars that don't have bad insurance?
Okay so I'm 16 and need a sports car. My budget is 40K and if been looking at used ones. I was thinking about a porshe but it seems there insurance and maintenance is outrages. I have also been looking at Mercedes Benz. They seem to be a bit better but not sure. anyone have a porshe or a Meredes??? I also live in Canada. Or any other ideas for a sports car.??.? :)
How much is car insurance?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl with very good grades.?
Car Insurance....Help?
Hiya!!! i am 17, jus passed my test, got pass plus aswell, am male and a full time student...does any cool dude out there no of any cheats on how to get the cheap car insurance coz for a 1.2 fiat punto costs me 2800 and i jus havnt got that money!!!! any help really would be appreciated :) :) :) thankssssss x
0 notes
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
"Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I'm looking for free car insurance quotes?
As I'm a new driver, my parents told me to seek on the internet for insurances quotes, to help me handle my own things. So yeah i'm looking for websites that offer free car insurances quotes.""
Low but guf health insurance?
I need help finding a gud health insurance.But that is gud but isnt so pricy
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
Trying to come up with a slogan for new auto insurance business?
Can anybody please help me come up with a catchy slogan for a new auto insurance business I am starting
MetLife Dental Insurance...?
Does anyone know how this insurance actually works? I got this insurance through my employer (haven't had insurance in a LONG time!!), and from what I'm reading...it sounds like you have to pay for services up front, and then they reimburse you?? Is this how it works, or am I mistaken? I'm so confused, and really want to go get a general cleaning and exam....but don't have the money to pay for it when I go!""
Does anyone know if State Auto Insurance Agency is a good insurance?
I am looking for auto/home owners insurance was quoted a great premium with State Auto, but wasn't sure how good of insurance they are.""
Car Insurance Help? BMW 3 Series?
How much should insurance be on a USED BMW 3 Series Sedan for a 16 year old girl? It wouldn't be fully loaded.
Insurance question (rates)?
if i get into a fender bender in a van for work will it make my insurance rate go up? the cops didnt get my insurance, only my bosses""
Would I need car insurance before purchasing a used car from a private dealer?
I'm 18, I'll be 19 by the time I purchase my first car & I was wondering do I need car insurance before I buy the vehicle. I've never done this before so I have no idea how this works.""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 -  2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
What are some affordable health insurance plans?
I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please!
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
""Home insurance, what can i expect on a newly built home?""
Hello guys, I am planning on building my own home, i lived with my parents for 3 years so i have some money accumilated. I am planning on a 250,000 dollar home with a 3 car garage and mostly electric components. It will be in a rural setting, in a subdivision or close to one. HOw much should i expect. And it will be 3 or 4 bd, 3 bath, and about 3,000 sq ft total monthly? thanks""
What kind of insurance coverage should I get for my motorcycle?
I have pretty much decided to get an SV650S as my first bike. Right now I am reasearching insurance coverages but am pretty much clueless. I don't know what coverage to get. This will be my first bike and I have very little experience riding. I have taken an MSF course and live in Los Angeles Area. I guess I am not looking for a particular insurance carrier(although it will help), I am looking for an explanations of the coverages so I know what to get.""
Car insurance group 9 cost for 1.4 17yr old driver?
Hi guys!:] Just wanted a rough estimate of how much this insurance would cost? Looking into getting a Peugeot 206 1.4LX. Many thanks in advance!
Which do you think would be cheaper on insurance.?
For a 17 year old Provisional licence driver in Ireland.? 2005 Nissan Almera 1.5L saloon or 2000 Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback I know the Nissan has a bigger engine and is a saloon but will they think im a boy racer because of it being a Honda civic.?
""How much would you expect a family of three making 40,000 a year to pay for health insurance?
This should be interesting. How much?
Car insurance?
Is there any insurance company ,other than AMI ,that offers a nil excess option. The premium based on an optional excess of nil is obviously higher, which I understand. AMI is okay ...show more""
College student needing car insurance?
I live in MA i am in the process of leasing a hyundai elantra. but i need insurance. I cant use my parents policies because i bought the car myself. Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance companies?
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket for driving without insurance? Would you be an uninsured motorist even if the car you drove was covered by someone elses insurance?
Car insurance?
im trying to look for a cheap car insurance company any ideas??
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
Average costs of homeownership wisconsin?
i really want to get a small single family house for me and my girlfriend and wanted some insight on average costs of home ownership such as morgage insurance utilitys and so on and whats the average. im looking to draw up a budget and see if it is even plausable for me to own a small house. thanks for all input
Can i sign up 2 cars with the same policy? for car insurance or it has to be separate?
i have 2 cars and i have 4 years no bonus claim, and it was fine and everything, today the insurance company phoned me and said i can only use my 4 years claim on one car only and if i try insuring the other car it would be like no claim so it's like you just received your license with no experience. do you think i could sign one car with an insurance company and the other car with another insurance company?""
Classic Mini Insurance? Help?
Hi, I have a classic austin mini mayfair 998cc and 1989 year. I got quotes before on classic insurance at around 900 from footman james but now they have a new policy where they wont give insurance to anyone under 21. Ive tried all compare the market and other places but the cheapest i can find it for is 1600 fully comp. Can anyone help? ive tried other mini insurers like adrian flux but there around 2500! please help!""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
I have a Suzuki GS500 now & want upgrade. What is the cheapest sportbike on insurance 1998-2006?
Thinking of maybe a Yamaha R6 or R1, Ducati Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, Honda 599 or 919""
What is the best kind of life insurance?
should one buy to take care of their final expenses . What is term life ins? I am in my 60's and don;t want to burden my children to have to pay for my funeral someday.
Car insurance total loss?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
I'm under 18 do i need insurance after i get my license?
I live in FL But i don't have a car. am i insured under my parents or do they need to pay for me when i get it.
Disability Insurance question?
Can an individual buy short term disability insurance themselves without going thru a business? Can I purchase Aflac on my own, or some other disability insurance?""
How much does car insurance go up when adding a 4th car?
I'm 17 and i want to buy my own car. My parents are worried insurance will skyrocket up. How much does insurance go up when adding a 4th car to the insurance plan?( I currently pay for my share of insurance each month)
""I'm a 17 year old, I have to pay my own car insurance. What's the cheapest? Can you give me your rates? (:?""
I'm specifically asking teens, 17-23, who pay their OWN insurance. My mom isn't going to include me on hers, so I'm on my own. Give me some rates! How much do you pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW do you pay it? Every 3 months, monthly, or yearly? THANKS!""
Rehired - will I get my insurance back?
Due to a personal issue my company terminated to rehire me as an option compared to paying $175 a month for insurance until I returned. I am getting my job back but very worried about my insurance. Will I get it back or will I have to go through the whole 90 day period crap again?? If you've been through this your advice is greatly needed.
How much approxinately for motorcycle insurance?
My mom is planning on buying me a ninja 250 for my birthday. I have never had a motorcycle. Unfortunately I have 3 speeding tickets (wrong place,wrong time). I will be 24.""
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
What's wrong with affordable health insurance without a middle man?
We have affordable car insurance and the gov't doesn't get involved in that, do they? Am I the only one who thinks a few of these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) should be regulated?""
Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?
I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks""
""Hit and Run, no witnesses, lying to insurance?""
So, I was with my girlfriend and we parallel parked in a space which we soon realized was restricted. So she pulls out of the space, too close to the delivery truck in front of her, and side swipes it on the way out. We pull off to the side, see no damage to the truck, but a huge gash in the side of her car. We decide to leave, since the only damage is hers. The next morning, she goes to the body shop to get the damage assessed. They tell her it is going to be over $4000 to repair. She decides to file it with insurance, saying that she had left her car parked on the street, and found it this way, assuming it was a hit and run in the opposite direction. Had she asked me before doing this, I probably would have advised against lying about it, but she has. So, the insurance inspector is coming to assess the damage in the next few days. My question is, how rigorous are these inspections? Will these guys be able to look at a gash in the side of her car, and tell that it was inflicted by her sideswiping a truck, not the other way around?""
Ticket for no car insurance?
my daughter got stop and given a ticket in my car for no insurance.the car is under my name. the insurance was cancelled because of late payment a couple of days ago. us not knowing it was cancelled. they given her a ticket with i the owner name on it as well . my question is do i have to appear to city courts and what do i have to show or will she have to go or both of us. please help i never been in this situation.i want to settle this asap.thanks
State farm insurance? how much does it cost?
i am a 19 yr old female with an 04 kia spectra, no tickets or accidents clean driving record! i live in virginia how much would getting my own car insurance policy cost me (average)""
Can i buy my car back of an insurance company and get the damaged repaired myself ?
Hello last Tuesday someone banged into the back of my car and left a big dent with paint coming off. There is not much damaged but the insurance companies evaluators said that he will have to cut it out and replace it and im afraid they will write the car off due to the cost. if this happens can i buy the car back of the insurance company ? and also i have been told if i buy the car back i have to take up to Birmingham to reregister it ? is their any truth in this ?. My cousin said he could knock the dent out if i buy it back. Please please help :)
If the point in my license won't affect my insurance rate?
I received a traffic ticket for not stoping at a stop sign. I registered and took traffic school I also Completed it. I followed up with my court and my case was dismissed but, I wanted to know if the point in license would be gone ?""
Auto insurance with international driving licence in CT?
I'm a graduate student, I want to buy a car but I don't have a U.S. license yet. Does any one know how much auto insurance would cost in Connecticut with an international licence? I have only heard from people that its more expensive.""
Car insurance for 16 yr old with mustang?
im 16 and just got a 05 mustang, and now im trying to find a cheap insurance company. I want to spend less than $275 a month, does anyone know one?""
What can i do if my fmla and insurance is terminated?
Today is my last day for fmla and my insurance benefits, but I can't afford any insurance. Its almost 4 months I've been out of work due to diabetes, high blood pressure, fractured c1, infections on my skull and spine, and excessive migraines. I am unable to bend over, lift heavy objects, push or pull objects, stand, sit, or walk for long periods of time and was recently denied disability benefits. I need other operations done, but I cannot afford health insurance to continue my treatments.""
What is family floater plan health insurance?
i want to know about family floater plan health insurance
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A Renault Clio 182?
How Much Would Insurance Cost For A Renault Clio 182?
What is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
what is the average cost for an sr22 insurance?
How much is car insurance for me?
If you are a sixteen year old with A's and B's, no accident/criminal history, about how much would insurance be on a 1968 olds 442 convertible with a V8? Please don't consider me stupid if this is unanswerable, I just don't want to put my information onto an auto insurance website.""
How can I get my own insurance?
I'm 17 years old. My dad can't afford insurance because he has 4 kids and they won't give him free insurance. I live in Georgia. I need insurance cause I end up having to pay BY MYSELF like 90$ to go to the doctor. I also don't think it's okay to not have insurance. So what do I do? Where do I do this? Would they allow a 17 year old to get insurance by their self (being a minor)
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
Car Insurance Help!!!!?
Im 18 years old and for graduation present my father said i could pick a car I was thinking a 2007 mustang shelby gt500 i was wondering what is the insurance rate on a 18 year old with no previous accidents and i was thinking also a 2011 mustang gt and what is the insurance rate on that as well and for the last car a 2004 cadillac xlr what is the insurance rate on these 3 cars Thank You
Suggestions on how to lower my car insurance?
I drive a 1.8 TurboDiesel Ford Escort from 1995, worth about 500-750. I'm looking to renew my car insurance and the best quote I can get from price comparison sites and Direct Line is over 650! This is at the age now of 27 having driven for 3 years without tickets, accidents or claims. On my 1st year I paid under 400 for insurance. I know insurance is going up but this is excessive - anyone have suggestions on ways to knock this down other than ringing them all up, or other insurers not on the comparison sites?""
Which company deals with indemnity title insurance for remortgaging?
I want to remortgage my property and have been given an offer by a lender, however I can't complete without indemnity title insurance. Norwich Union no longer does title insurance due to the credit crunch, is there anyone else who can help me?""
Best car insurance companies...?
I am 18 and need to acquire insurance ... what are the best deals around?' I live in California ... Thanks!
Is Obamacare really the first mandatory insurance?
Isn't Social Security a mandatory fee/tax/insurance on all working people? Isn't unemployment insurance a mandatory insurance unless you are an independent contractor? Isn't car insurance a mandatory insurance for any driving person?
Insurance doesn't pay or wanna fix my car?
a drunk guy hit my parked car and he had a suspended license and the car is under his girlfriend's name. Now the insurance says it cant do anything because its under the girlfriend's name. now i dont know what to do
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
I have a 1989 Toyota Camry thats need insurance so i can start driving it.
Not allowed to be insured on my mum's car because i work in a pub?
Hi, im starting work in a pub this weekend and in order to get to work etc my mum phoned her insurance company (more than) and asked how much it would be etc.. and they said im not allowed to be insured because ill be working in a pub and there might be a scuffle or something and the car might be damaged.... WHAT? are they serious?! well they are because they wont insure me!! can they do that? what ways round this are there? they have my details already, so i dont think phoning back and telling them a different occupation will work because they already know ill be in a bar. Can you please help me out here? i really need to be insured on my mums car, i cant afford my own car and i need this job to work out, but it wont unless i get this insurance!!! Thanks (im 22 years old by the way, male)""
Family of 4 looking for affordable health/medical insurance.?
I am looking for insurance for me and my 3 kids. Does anyone have any suggestions as to whom i can go to to find some that won't cost me an arm and a leg. i live in west texas so any suggestions located in this area would be much appreciated.
Who will give car insurance with a drivers permit?
My DL was suspended and I restored them today due to parking ticket but I have to start all over so I have a permit so who will give me car insurance with a permit need A.S.A.P
The insurance valued my car for 1100 and for the repairs done estimated between 900-1000?
someone crash in my side of the car.will the insurance company pay for the repair it or give me a check for the value of my car. i want to know because it was last week and now since next monday my mot runs out. there are 3 things to need fixed to past the mot and i want to know if to waste the money to do it if it is going to be write off. i was told by my brother i could get paid from the insurance the value of teh car
Which are the cheapest car to insurance in Canada?
Hello: Planing to buy a car, but I will considered a car that is cheaper to insure, any suggestion? Thank you in advanced""
Getting married. Will I lose my car insurance if under my mom's policy?
I am living at home now and I am under her insurance policy and the car is in her name. Will they terminate my policy if I get married and move out? Can I put the car under my fiance's insurance even though the car is in her name?
Is there a big defference between the quote and final price of car insurance?
If I get a quote fro geico $300 a month, how much will I be paying for my actual monthly bill? Will there be a difference at all?""
Do you need medical on your auto insurance?
Yesterday I purchased a new auto insurance policy. I was convinced by the rep that I needed an optional medical provision for $5,000 dollars worth of coverage in case of an accident. She said that if I didn't get the medical coverage, I would have to inform my health insurance provider that they held the primary responsibility in case of an accident and that many health insurance plans will not accept this. My family has really good health insurance--do we really need medical coverage on our auto insurance, too?""
On average how much is car insurance at 17?
on average for a ford ka 2000 a student girl driver (please dont recommend for me to go on go compare etc as i havent got the time thanks full points for best answer
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
Why is Health insurance a must for your parents?
Health Insurance a must for your parents
Car insurance question?
I only need to drive for 1 month. Could i be added to my dad's car insurance for only one month or do i need to do 6 month minimum etc
How much for motorcycle insurance??
I've tried goind to ceico and progressive but no luck. I just want a ball park quote for a 19yr old. I want the 2008 kawasaki ninja 250r since its a good first bike to start with and its cheap. I am planning on taking the safety class course so hopefully it won't be that much and I'm only going to ride it on the weekends for fun, not as a daily driver. what would be a good estimate for a 1 year insurance?? I want one year so I won't have to pay every month and worry about not being able to pay my truck as well. thanks for your experience.""
Motorcycle insurance?
my motorcycle insurance policy is about to expire next month, so im just looking into companies/experiences to see if i should switch (since getting quotes isnt as easy as they make it sound!!). ive been with progressive for a year and pay 93$ a month. i was honest when i joined and said i had less than a year of experience-- i'd literally learned how to ride right before signing up with them, though because i learned with one of those motorcycle safety courses, i got a small discount with them. so, now, i have a year of experience as well as a year of owning my bike (which i paid for in full and am the sole owner of). i'm 20 year old female, have a kawasaki ninja 500r, use it for pleasure purposes. my driving history, unfortunately, is not pristine. in 2009 i got a speeding violation for MORE than 10mph over the speed limit (that was in my car), and last month, sadly, i was in an accident that was my fault (also in car) (no injuries). i havent had any infractions on the bike. i have a motorcycle endorsement on my license and, as i said, passed a motorcycle safety foundation course. i got a quote with geico, and their prices were really just obscene. so, basically, i just want to hear from other ppl who deal with the same thing. how much do you pay for bike insurance? have any good recommendations for companies? what companies are known for being a little bit more forgiving about accidents, seeing as i just had one (again, in my car, not my bike, but i know it matters). any tips, etc? i know being young and not having a lot of experience are not on my side, just thought id try :)""
Cheap insurance sites?
Cheap insurance sites?
Will my car insurance be cheaper if I have a motorcycle licence?
I have always been put off learning to drive and buy a car due to the stupidly high insurance prices for first time drivers. The thing is, I have a full motorcycle licence. I have been riding on the road for about 4 years with no accident. Will this be taken in to account when I take out car insurance for the first time and will it make a huge difference to the amount I pay?""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
""Whats so affordable about $6,000 deductibles and over $500 a month for one persons health insurance?
When can we expect the $2500 in savings Obama told us back when he was trying to get ACA passed?
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm Asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his Allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
Do auto insurance companies actually confirm the info you provide for the quote?
After requesting a quote online, you anto insurance companies actually confirm that all the info u gave are true? For example; moving violations, actual address? Does the DMV verify this info?""
Anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.""
When can I get my auto insurance after applying for it?
Right now I am having G1 licence and bought a car. My G1 exit test is on June 5,2007. Can I apply as registered owner having G1 and add primary driver who's having G licence? How long will it take to get insurance? Also please provide cheap auto insurance provider's name. Thank you so much for your help. :-)""
Average monthly Life Insurance Bill?
doing a project in Personal finance...could someone help me out?
How much will insurance cost for these cars?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old boy for the following cars. Mustang GT Mustang (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please no answers like You don't need a GT or too much for you money is not a problem for me (not that its any of your freaking business) i just would like to know.
UK. Do you need insurance to learn to drive with your parents car?
i have my provisional Is the insurance expensive?
Is moped insurance cheaper than car insurance?
i need an easier way to get around town but until i can afford a car i was thinking if i learned to ride a scooter instead it might make things more simple but are they cheaper to run than cars
Is there such thing as temporary car insurance?
My grandparents are coming from montreal and staying for a couple months. I was told by my grandfather that I could use the car they drove down in while they are staying with me. Seeing as I'm not apart of their insurance policy, is there any way to purchase temporary auto insurance? I doubt it exists, but I guess its almost like renting a car and buying temporary insurance. Im confused can someone help?""
Insurance rates for 17 yr olds?
Since insurance rates are ridiculously high for new drivers like me, I was thinking that if my parents could possibly buy a car for me to drive but put it under their name, and have it insured under their name so its cheaper since they're much older and have a lower insurance rate than I would. But I heard someone said that somehow insurance companies find this out and somehow find a way around this so the tactic i just suggested won't work. Anybody have any experience with this?""
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
Wich is is best life insurance ?
wich is is best life insurance ? MY AGE IS 32
PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!! discounts on insurance?
SO IM 18 YEARS OLD, I HAVE MY LICENSE... AND I WANT TO GET A CAR SOON. PREFERBALY AN 2006 ACURA RSX COUPE (i know coupes are alot more expensive...) but i was wondering if i can get ...show more""
Will the insurance company declare my car totaled ?
Well, someone hit my car yesterday early in my parking lot, (((seems to be a DUI, not sure!))), the police came and fill the report... now we sent the car to the body shop and they said that the repairs will cost around $ 12.000 maybe more.... Now, the car price was $ 25.000, we bought it 2 years ago and we checked in the blue book the actual cost and it is around $16.000... my question is, do you think the insurance company will declare my car totaled ??? The body shop guy told us that the car will lose 70% of his price because of the accident even if it is repaired... If the car will lose 70% of his value if it is repaired, and the insurance company decide anyways to fix it, what we can do ??? Pd. The hit wasn't our fault at all, it was in our parking lot and this crazy drunk driver just run over it :(...""
I need help with car insurance please!?
Ok here's the deal, im 18 yrs old and i currently financed a vehicle with the assistance of my mom. I agreed to pay for the car and most of the insurance. I financed the car with the plan of paying only general liability car insurance. After signing the car from the used car dealer, it came to my knowledge that i will have to get FULL coverage auto insurance. The reason behind this is because i need to protect the auto loan that i got to finance the vechicle. It is impossible for me to pay for full coverage of this vehicle as i called for a qoute and learned that i would have to pay an insane 300-400 a month. I dont know what to do, im going back to the dealer to explain the situation and hope he will be willing to get the car back. If the dealer wont agree to get it back, what are my options? Can i sell the car privately and pay off the loan with the money i get from selling it? My goal is to just buy a really cheap car straight up and only pay for general liability insurance. Help!""
Do you know who offers the best insurance rates for BMWs?
We are trying to update our club policy for members.
""I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
I'm about to take my driving test & want to buy a new car, any recommendations for cheap purchase & insurance?""
$646/month for motorcycle insurance in Ontario? :( pleaseee help?
I live in Ontario, 18, have an M1 (planning on taking the safety course and getting M2 soon) and I just called the insurance company to get a quote...they told me it's 8 payments of $646 for full coverage..and apparently it's this expensive because I'm leasing/financing the motorcycle (it's a ninja 250r). This is crazyyyy I can't afford it, does anyone know what I can do? know any cheap insurance companies?""
Can AAA raise my Homeowners insurance rate by $300 for the next 3 years?
My property was stolen from the backseat of my car. AAA is saying if they pay out more than $750 (including my co-pay) then my Homeowners insurance will be raised by $300 for the next 3 years and it will be a point on my property. Is this right/legal??
Classic Car As A Daily Driver In Michigan?
I'm a hot rod & kustom guy, have building and restoring old cars for awhile now..love the looks of em and the feeling I get driving them, I'm opening up my own shop soon too. I drive a 2001 Grand Am GT and it's about to die 190,000 miles needs tires, brakes, bearings, engines making noises but for the price I paid and miles I put on it, it worked well. Now I need a new daily drive to school 72 miles round trip 2-3 times a week. I live in Michigan, was wondering what it would be like to drive an classic car as a daily...say a 1958 Chevy Bel Air with a 283 motor...the insurance is cheaper, easier to fix and find parts..but may be more in gas...just wondering if anyone drives a classic everyday and how is it in the winter...I'd have to figure out heat some how. I have many cars 1968 Caddy Deville on air bags, 1930 Model A Coupe hot rod, 1951 Mercury custom, 1956 Cadillac Deville...etc""
Would a MINI COOPER 1275 CLASSIC be a good first car?
I will be 17 in July and soon after will be learning to drive. My dad said he will get me a car for my birthday. I really like this model of a classic mini and the ones I have been looking at are going for about 640+ but I am willing to pay about 1000 (maybe a little more!! ) for one. I am aware that Classic Minis are going up in price. Will this be a good car for a new driver??
Car insurance in another state?
i was wondering if your car is register in one state can you get insurance on it in another state w/o registering it in that state?
19yrs old car insurance?
Im 19yrs old and I got into a bad car accident when I was 15/16 yrs old. It was my fault so I went to court and they told me if I do community service and take a drivers ed class it will be cleared. As if the accident never happened. So now I want to get my own car insurance since I don't have anyone to get it for me. Will it so show that I got into a car accident ? Do I answer yes I've been in a car accident in the last 5 years? This has been the only car accident I've had so far.
How much does flood insurance cost?
How much does flood insurance cost, as well as wind insurance?""
Can I get a motorcycle license without a drivers license ?
I am 16 and I live in Florida, I just want to get a motorcycle license without the whole drivers license thing because cheaper insurance. My parents are making me pay and I need it as cheap as possible. Thanks :)
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