#and i can name more. sorry 2 rant we just need to move on from ghost stories
chimerafflesia · 2 months
i pray to live in a world where ghost stories isn't brought up in every anime dub conversation
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sometimesanalice · 1 year
Like I Can (Part 1)
Summary: After yet another bad date and tired of swiping on apps, the Dagger Squad steps in to help you out by setting you up on a series of blind dates. Much to Rooster’s dismay.
Warnings: fuff, slight angst. Minors DNI
Length: 3.2K
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw X Female Reader
Part 2
(We’re kicking of Valentine’s Day a bit early❣️ Enjoy!)
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“I’m all for growing the sport, but Brady buying an MLP team is ruining the integrity of the league. He may be the GOAT of football, but he has nothing on Ben John’s world-class pickleball game,” your date Max passionately states from his spot across from you at the Italian place he had recommended.
Or was his name Mac?
He’d already told you all about the CRBN paddle drama. At this point, you wouldn’t be surprised if he had already prepared a PowerPoint presentation on the topic complete with transitions and color-coded charts. He seems the type.
And he had yet to ask you a single question about yourself all evening.
You can tell he is gearing up for the next part of his rant, when your phone lights up on the table, the ringer on higher than you realized.
“Oh! I’m sorry, I thought I had this on silent. It’s my mom, I should probably take this,” you apologize to him, your phone already halfway raised to your ear.
“Hey, kid, how’s it going?”
“Hi Mom, I’m with someone right now. Is everything ok?” You let a little worry tinge the tone of your voice.
“Seriously?” Rooster drolly rasps on the other end of the line, “Are we actually doing this?”
“Oh no! Is she alright?” You wouldn’t consider yourself actress, but you think you’re really selling the performance with the way you widen your eyes and how you make your voice go a little tighter and higher.
“Yup, seems like we’re really doing this. What’s it this time, kid? Did grandma slip on a banana peel and then get run over by a reindeer?” You can practically feel his eyes rolling as he begrudgingly goes along with you.
“Oh my goodness, that sounds serious! How would that even happen?” you ask, shaking your head in in faux shock determined to really sell the act.
“Is everything ok?” Max-Mac whispers to you from across the table. 
His profile didn’t raise any red flags when you’d swiped on him. If anything, he’d seemed a bit more of the beige flag type. Your chats had been fine, he seemed fine, so why not meet up for a date?
What you didn’t realize until it was too late was that “Sports Enthusiast” actually translated to “Pickleball Fanatic”.
“Hold on, Mom,” you hear Rooster scoff as you pull the phone away from your ear. “I’m so sorry, there’s been a family emergency. It’s my grandmother. I really need to go,” you announce to Mac-Max grabbing your purse from the back of the chair. “Thank you so much for understanding. And good luck at your pickleball tournament!” you call back to him as you hustle towards the front door.
“I take it you’ve made your escape?” You can hear the humor in his voice, your antics are nothing new to him.
“Oh my god, was that seriously only thirty minutes? He wouldn’t stop talking about pickleball, Rooster. Anytime I tried to change the subject, he found a way to circle right back to it!” You tell him as you attempt to dig your keys out from where they were buried in your bag. “And then, he pulled up the leg of his jeans and said, I kid you not: ‘Don’t worry, this isn’t an ankle monitor, I’m just wearing my ankle weights.’ Who does that?”
“Just come to the Hard Deck. You should have canceled like I told you to in the first place. Bob and Coyote got back the other day, so everyone’s here. Well, almost everyone,” he says pointedly. “We’re more fun anyways. And Hangman has been harassing me about you, something about your fluke of a win?”
You’d kicked Jake’s ass the last time you played darts with him. Although in his defense, he had been pretty drunk that night and it was a less than fair game since Phoenix would distract him while Fanboy moved your darts on the board.
You wouldn’t be challenging him to a rematch anytime soon. Not unless the odds were in your favor, it was better to keep him on his toes and his ego in check.
Thankful for the princess parking you managed to snag when you first arrived, you unlock your car and toss your bag into the passenger seat before climbing in. Breathing out a sigh of relief to be done with Mac-Max once inside.
“You back in your car yet?” Rooster asked. He was such a worrier, but you can’t say it bothered you. You liked knowing he cared.
“Yeah, just got in.”
“Ok good, see you in a few. Drive safe, kid.”
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Thirty minutes later Natasha was sliding a cold, frothy pint in front of you with a sympathetic look.
It wasn’t too busy at the Hard Deck yet, but it was still early in the evening. You knew it would pick up soon, and before long Penny would be ringing her bell on some rowdy unsuspecting customer.
“Ankle weights?” She asked, trying and failing to keep from laughing at your expense.
“Seriously, Rooster?” you shoot a glare in his direction, “Where’s the loyalty?”
“What? She was right there when I called you. A request that was your idea, if you remember,” he said as he walked up to you, squeezing your shoulder before sliding his arm around you in greeting. “Plus, it’s not like you don’t already tell Phoenix about all your escapades. You really know how to pick ‘em, kid.”
You’ve known Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw since before you had braces back when you were still wearing your hair in two braids. Your moms had been on the school PTA together at the time and had hit it off immediately.
He hadn’t been too happy about being forced to hang out with the kid who was couple years younger than him, especially one who was so clearly enamored with the cute older boy. While you’d outgrown that phase, for the most part, somethings stuck- like the nickname. 
And over the years you’d formed your own bond outside of the forced proximity of your mothers’ friendship.
He’d taught you how to throw a punch, the different ways to pitch a baseball, and to drive a stick shift. You’d taught him how to whistle with his fingers, to play Nerts, and to tie a tie (after asking your dad to teach you).
The give and take was easy with him, you both showed up for the other.
You were there the night he drunkenly fell through the glass patio door at Jason Cameron’s homecoming party. As one of the only sober people there since he wouldn’t let you drink, or let anyone else give you alcohol for that matter, you were the one to take him to the ER. “Don’t worry, kid,” he had slurred, pressing the Washington High t-shirt that you’d found in your trunk to his face to stop the bleeding, “Looks s’worse than it feels.” And you were the one to stay with him as he was stitched up. The evidence of that night still unmistakable on his face.
He was there for you when your parents had sat you down and told you they were getting a divorce. A hurricane of angst and grief, you hadn’t left your room for anything other than school for over a week when he’d let himself in your room one afternoon. Rubbing small circles on your back as he’d let you cry for a bit, he didn’t even tease you about the stains you’d left behind on his shirt. And then he’d herded you into his crappy car and drove you to the slightly sketchy amusement park an hour away with the Tilt-A-Whirl and the giant corndogs. And when he’d told you “It’s going to be ok, kid” on the ride back home, you believed him.
You had been there for him when his mom passed, and all during that dark period after when he was set on self-destruction after his fallout with Maverick. While he had tried to push everyone away, you were always the type to hold on tightly to the people that mattered.
And then life had sent you on different directions. First when he went to college and then when you did. Next for him the Navy, and then you with your own career, both of you always in motion. You two shared a connection the way people with a long history do, the kind where you could go months without talking but knowing the other person is always right there if you need them. Your camaraderie sustained by texts, email, and the occasional FaceTime.
A long-distance friendship for over a decade.
So when your boss had approached you about a promotion that was dependent on you relocating to the West Coast, you thanked whatever kismet in the universe had you packing for San Diego where he was permanently stationed.
The break up with your boyfriend at the time was entirely too amicable considering how long you had been together. He was nice, the sex was nice, your life together was nice. You had all but signed the paperwork for your promotion when you told him, but he didn’t see himself as a west-coaster and you couldn’t envision yourself as anything but. Whether you had stayed together all that time out of convenience or complacency, you still couldn’t say.
It was easy to fall back into the comfort of your friendship with Rooster. Although the lanky teen you had known was replaced with a mustache sporting well-built man courtesy of the Navy. One that had left you feeling confusingly flustered on more than one occasion, and forced to cycle through your mental highlight reel of embarrassing teen Rooster moments to keep from your mind from wandering.
He’d helped you find your apartment, taught you about avoiding the 15 Northbound, and showed you where the best place in town to get tacos was. The transition was made easy with him by your side as he introduced you to his team members who quickly folded you into their group as one of their own.
That was a little over a year ago. You liked this new life of yours in San Diego.
And while the dating pool of men you could swipe through was much larger, well, some things never changed.
“You don’t get it, Rooster. You’re surrounded by absurdly hot Naval eye candy all day,” you complained gesturing to Natasha, she raised her beer to you as thanks in response. “While you’re getting women throwing themselves at you because of the gold wings, I’m fighting for my life on these stupid apps where all the men on there are posing with fish. It’s brutal!”
You’d need to officially call things off with Max-Mac later, thinking to yourself how glad you were that you never gave him your real number, and instead signing up for a Google voice number. You were just not cut out for the competitive pickleball lifestyle.
“Bradshaw, why don’t you set her up? It’s not like we don’t know enough people who would be better options than these fish men,” Natasha asked, like it was the most logical thing in the world, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, Bradshaw. Tell Nat your super logical reasons for leaving your longtime friend to fend for herself.” You knew where this was heading, so you took a long swig of the beer Phoenix had brought you.
“Seriously, not this again.” His arm that was around you was removed in favor for pinching the bridge of his nose and looking up to the ceiling like it would spare him from the conversation.
“You started it, now tell her.”
“I need another damn drink if we’re going to do this,” Rooster mumbled.
“Me too,” chimed Natasha, clearly reveling in his misery.
“Make that three. I need to catch up.” You hadn’t even stuck around long enough to get a drink at the restaurant, and now you were ready to let loose a bit.
He grunts out some unintelligible thing and then stalks off to the bar shaking his head.
“I’m an upstanding citizen, I pay my taxes, I make a mean peanut butter brownie, and I always drive him around when the Bronco is in the shop for a tune up. It’s literally the least he could do,” you say to Phoenix as you watch him chat with Penny as she works to grab the fresh bottles.
“Oh, so this is thing,” Natasha says decidedly when she eyes the six beers he’s carrying back to the table, three bottles held by the neck in each of his large hands. His classic Hawaiian shirt fluttering with every step, your eyes briefly drifting down to his defined waist.
“Sure is,” you confirm, drawing out the word. Downing the rest of the beer from your pint glass before reaching for one of the new bottles Rooster was divvying out amongst your trio, “I’ve never asked him for anything-”
“That is a boldfaced lie. And you know it,” he cuts in, as he hands you a granola bar from his pocket, that he must have snagged from Penny. “You definitely asked me to set you up with Kyle Cooke from my baseball team in high school. I didn’t do it then, and I’m not doing it now,” he declared, pointing at you with an accusatory finger to further drive the statement home.
“Reasons being?” Natasha wheedled, a mischievous smirk on her face. You could tell she was eating this up, there were two things Natasha Trace loved most in this world: juicy gossip and giving Rooster a hard time.  
Ever the showman, he dramatically lifts up a finger, “First of all, everyone I know is an asshole.”
“I am offended on Bob’s behalf,” you countered, unwrapping the bar and taking a bite, annoyed. Hangman might fit the description, but certainly not Bob.
“Two,” he continues on, raising a second finger, and ignoring you completely as if you hadn’t just made a very valid point, “Let’s say I set you with a friend and then you end up hating them. Then you’ll judge me for being friends with them, we’ll argue, and eventually we won’t be friends anymore. Or even worse, I set you up with someone, you hit it off and date for a while. What happens when you break up? I’m left having to pick sides and walk on eggshells around you guys about the other person.”
“God, you’re such a overthinker. That all sounds totally rational, you drama queen,” you look to Phoenix for agreement, but she’s busy typing out a text message on her phone.
“And three, it’s messy as fuck. And I don’t need to hear about your trophy of a one-night stand.”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes, “That was one time! It wasn’t a trophy it was a gold medal.”
“Wait, what?” Confusion coloring Natasha’s features. 
“One time this guy gave me one of those plastic gold medal things on a lanyard, kind of like the ones they give out at kids soccer games, after we hooked up. I mean, kicked him out right away, but I did keep the medal. It was a good confidence boost,” you shrug.  It wasn’t exactly a high point moment for you.
After that encounter you’d definitely started scrutinizing every profile a bit harder before swiping right, or at least you thought you had been. In your defense, at least Max-Mac’s profile didn’t have a fish photo, but the bar was still clearly on the ground.
“I knew you when you wore those shirts with that big mouthed monkey on them. And that’s the kind of shit I don’t need to know about. I don’t wanna be involved. Not gonna happen, kid,” his declaration resolute.
“Well, that sure is something, Bradshaw,” Natasha states, giving him a curious look.
“What are y’all over here discussing so intently,” Hangman questions as he saddles up to your little group, tucking his phone into his pocket. 
“We were just getting into the finer details of the kid’s dating life and how I am going to fix it by setting her up with this great guy I know,” she pronounces, looking all too pleased with herself. A truly self-satisfied grin gracing her face.
Natasha Trace was probably the most bad ass person you’ve ever met, so the idea of her setting you up with someone had you sitting up straighter on the stool you were seated on, “Really?”
“Who?” Rooster demands, frowning at her.
“Yeah, I mean Bradshaw clearly has his convictions, and I respect that. However, I’m an excellent wing-woman. Seriously, I don’t know why I haven’t thought about introducing you guys before. You two would be perfect together.”
Hangman never one to miss an opportunity to rile up Rooster is quick to jump in, “Just because you fly in a two-seater doesn’t make you a good wing-woman, Phoenix. However, now that you mention it, I have a buddy who might knock your socks off. Unless you’d rather just knock boots, I’m sure he’d be up for whatever you wanted,” he shooting you a wink. “I think I’ll toss my name in the ring here too. After all, I’m very good.”
“You want to make it a bet, Bagman?” Her accent always got a little more pronounced when she went toe to toe with him.
“What’re you thinkin’, Darlin’?” he drawls suggestively with a sharp smile. That ever-present toothpick being rolled in his mouth from side to side.
“You guys are not going to be making bets around the kid’s love life,” Rooster snaps.
“The big dogs are talking, Bradshaw,” Hangman taunts as he waves him off.  
“$50 entry? The dates happen here and at the end the kid picks which date was the best. Winner takes all?” You can see the competitive gleam in her eye.
“Alright, alright. Works for me, Phoenix. I can’t wait to take your money.”
“The hell you are,” Rooster barks, still trying to regain control of the quickly spiraling situation.
Well, this had certainly taken a turn.
You find yourself reaching for your third beer of the night.
And you’re even more surprised when Hangman hollers for the rest of the team to join, and before you know it your dating life takes centerstage as the subject of the bet between the group of competitive naval aviators. Many of the others deciding to join in, never ones to shy away from a bit of rivalry.  
“What do you say? You up for it?” Natasha asks, wanting to make sure you were still on board now that her original offer had taken on a life of its own.
You look over and see Rooster looking at you like you’d be crazy to get involved in their kind of chaos. You know he can already tell what your answer will be.
“Why not?” you agree cheerily as he groans into his beer.
At least you would be spared from swiping for a while. It’s what you deserve, you are an upstanding citizen after all.
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Get ready for some dates! Part 2
Written as part of @roosterforme’s #Love Is In The Air TGM Fic Challenge! 
Song Inspiration Sam Smith’s “Like I Can”.
Thank you Jordan (@gretagerwigsmuse) for letting me bounce ideas off of you!
Edit: I’ve started a tag list for Part 2! Just let me know if you’d like to be added!
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bella-rose29 · 6 months
Deck the Halls (and not your partner) - Part 2
To make this work (I'm sorry) the reader has a very large family, and they will have names (I genuinely cannot be asked to try and figure that out and make it entirely... non OC)
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: swearing, lockwood and children so beware your hearts, lockwood gets hugged and can't deal with it, the family members are mean, reader doesn't eat much, lockwood is still a bit of an arse and so is the reader (but hers is more justified), proofread maybe once
series master list
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So far, it had absolutely been a shitshow.
Lockwood had remained silent for the next hour and a half of the train journey, and with not much else to do but plan every tiny detail of their fake relationship Y/n thought she might be going mad.
Luckily they already knew a lot about each other, so they could get away with not going over basic details about the other's life, but Y/n hadn't talked much about her family to anyone other than George in rants after phone calls with them, so if they thought that she was talking shit about them behind their backs (which she was, but they didn't need to know that) then they would descend like vultures.
She was disrupted from her thoughts when Lockwood stood up from the table seats they'd managed to get, his leg kicking at hers as he manoeuvred into the aisle, not sparing a second glance at Y/n. She frowned, about to call after him and ask where he was going, but when he disappeared out the doors and into the next carriage she decided that she didn't really care, and at least he wasn't brooding in her field of vision.
Y/n had barely been on her own for a minute when a family of five came into the carriage (they must have got on at the station they had recently stopped at), and with her being the only one sat on a table on her own and all the others taken, they made for her. She swallowed, for once wishing Lockwood was here to make her look less selfish, and sat up a little straighter in her seat.
"Excuse me, but would you mind moving? We've got three kids and need somewhere for us all to sit, and since there's only one of you..." The man trailed off, looking at Y/n pointedly, and while initially she had wanted to hold her ground she could feel herself shrinking under his gaze.
Where the fuck is Lockwood?!
He could talk his way out of this, she was sure. It was one of the few things she begrudgingly accepted was brilliant about him. It's not like Y/n didn't need the table; Lockwood's huge bag was sat on it and taking up most of the space, and her own backpack was on the seat next to her, but suddenly her breath was coming too quickly and her throat was closing up, and the man in front of her looked a little too similar to that one uncle-
"Is everything alright?" Lockwood's voice broke through the silence, and Y/n was annoyed to find herself reaching for him.
"Yeah, we just need this table, but this girl isn't moving."
"Sorry, my girlfriend's pretty tired at the moment, what with agents being in high demand right now. How about if we share? I think she needs a nap, poor thing, and we've got rather a lot of luggage between the two of us. I'll move over her side, shall I? Then you can take the other- yes, hello, little one." One of the couples' children had been tugging on Lockwood's hand, and Y/n could see the man's posture relax the more Lockwood talked, watching as her fake-boyfriend picked up the small child with ease and planted him on the train seat. The other two followed quickly, glad to not be on their feet any longer, and Lockwood came to sit next to Y/n, pulling his bag closer to them on the table and shoving her backpack onto the floor between everyone's legs. "See, you three all fit there perfectly don't you! You're only small," Lockwood was saying to the children, not yet noticing Y/n's shaky state. Their parents seemed to be content with the arrangement, taking their own seats across the aisle where they could watch their kids, and through the slight haze covering her eyes Y/n could see them visibly relax.
Once everybody was settled, Lockwood shuffled around in his seat trying to get comfortable, and when his elbow accidentally jabbed into Y/n's side he frowned at her.
"You alright?" he whispered, not wanting to draw the attention of their new companions. She took a moment to reply, not quite registering that Lockwood had actually said anything.
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine."
"Right... just- you didn't say anything when I elbowed you just then and I'm worried you might be having a stroke."
"I'm not having a stroke, you idiot," she said, glare appearing on her face. She had some much better names for him, but with three children under the age of ten in front of her, she figured she should stick to the more family-friendly ones. Lockwood smiled, bright and wide and far too blinding.
"That's better." Apparently he had forgotten about the mishap on the platform earlier, and his previous ignorance of her presence, because after that he launched into a whole spiel of what their plan would be.
"Actually," she interrupted, not caring that he looked annoyed, "I've had a lot of time to figure this out. I just need you to confirm or come up with something better on a few things and we should be fine."
"Alright then, what's your grand plan?"
"Well we already know most of the basic stuff about each other, what with living together for nearly three years, so that solves that problem. One thing I did think of was family, since neither of us have actually..." she trailed off, unsure where the two of them stood on that subject given what had happened earlier. Lockwood was only nodding, his brow furrowed.
"Come to think of it, you've never really mentioned your family much," he said.
Y/n shrugged. "I just don't... you know... I just don't..." she flailed her hands around in front of her for a few moments, trying to come up with the right words.
"I don't know," Lockwood replied coolly, "Should I?"
"I just thought I'd tell you about who's gonna be there today, which is my mum and dad, my four brothers, my sister, my Aunt Linda, and her daughter Stephanie. Oh, and my grandparents on my mother's side, but they'll probably be in bed by the time we get there."
"That's... a lot of people."
"Yeah. There'll be more for the party tomorrow, and then the day after will be the same group from today again, and we're leaving that day anyway."
"Okay... what about names?"
"My mum is called Emma, my dad is Ben, my brothers are Sam, John, William, and Tom from oldest to youngest, and then my sister is called Olivia. My Grandma is Jean and my Gramps is Richard."
"Right." Lockwood paused for a moment, reciting the names under his breath. "Anything else I should know?"
"Aunt Linda and Steph are gonna be the worst, since they always try and make life miserable for me. They're ridiculously rich and like making fun of my job- oh, yeah, barely anybody supports my life choices or my job as an agent, so just prepare for that. Uh, where was I? Oh yeah, Steph and Linda will try and find out anything that could be used against us, so I really hope you can act because otherwise they'll figure this whole thing out in seconds."
"And my brother Will is the most supportive, 'cause he knows that there are options for work after my Talent fades and I'm not going to be out on the streets-"
"-and he, John and Sam all play rugby so try not to piss them off because they're twice your size and will snap you like a twig-"
"You need to slow down! Go back to the part about your family not supporting your job?"
"Oh, there's not much to it, really." She felt awkward now, his gaze far too sharp for her liking. If he knew the full extent of how much she didn't like her family, he would waste no time in using it to make fun of her and take the upper hand while he could, and she would be left to sink further into herself until she disappeared. "They just don't think I'll have many options, so they want me to think about my next steps."
"Okay..." Lockwood trailed off, getting distracted by something the children were talking about and being asked his opinion on starfish. He looked as though he was about to start conversing with her again, but the train pulled into the platform they needed, and Lockwood was all business getting the luggage out safely.
"Are you alright?"
Y/n jumped a little in the back of the taxi, not expecting Lockwood's voice so close to her ear. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?"
"You're very bouncy. If you're fine then could you not? You're jolting me."
Why had she thought he was trying to be nice? She should have known better by now that he wouldn't ever be that way with her, but it still stung.
Truthfully, she was on the verge of tears.
She wouldn't ever tell Lockwood that, of course, because how could he understand? He seemed to walk into any situation effortlessly, with endless optimism and charm that made life easy for him. Y/n was stuck panicking about seeing her family again, because if she couldn't even stand up to some random strangers on the train, how was she ever going to stand up to her family? No, she would just have to do her best to hide everything from Lockwood, to reduce the amount of blackmail material he would have against her.
The taxi pulled up outside the large cottage-style house, and Lockwood let out a low whistle.
"L/n, you never said your family was this fancy."
"They aren't. It was my Grandma's house, then she got dodgy knees and never moved out, and we moved in after selling up our old place to look after her and Gramps. We're about as fancy as your family, Lockwood, in that we too have multiple mortgages on this building to keep it."
"What?" Y/n frowned, not sure what he was talking about.
"If we're going to pretend that we're dating, you probably shouldn't be calling me by my last name."
"Oh." She hadn't thought about that. The only reason she even knew his first name was because it was in large print on the sign outside the house, since it was generally accepted that he went by Lockwood and that was that.
"Or you could use some sort of nickname. I've got a few for you if you'd like to hear them." The grin on his face made Y/n think that she really didn't want to hear them, but he opened his mouth again anyway. "How about Sugarplum?" Y/n got out the car, slamming the door shut on him a little more harshly than she needed to. "Snookums? I think you look like a Snookums." The taxi driver was giving the two of them strange looks as he unloaded their bags, but Y/n ignored Lockwo- Anthony (she would have to get used to that) and handed over the money for the drive. "What about Sun Beam? Actually, you're too grumpy for that one. Oh, I know! My personal favourite," he paused for some sort of dramatic effect, being left behind on the driveway as Y/n stomped towards the front door. "Schmoopie."
Y/n stopped suddenly, turning to look back at her fake boyfriend with an incredulous look on her face. "Schmoopie?" He looked far too proud of himself as he picked up his bag and caught up with her, and she resisted the urge to hit him.
"Don't you like it, Schmoopie?"
"Call me that again and I'll be chucking your Source in the furnaces within the week." Lockwood (Anthony - she really needed to start calling him Anthony or she'd be saying 'Lockwood' to her family) Can't you just use my name? Or, you know, a more generic pet name?"
"Fine. You're very boring, I hope you know that."
"Sure. Just swear to me you'll never call me 'Schmoopie' again." She said the word with disgust, scrunching her nose up and fighting the urge to gag.
"Whatever you want, darling." That wasn't much better, but at least it was normal. Y/n raised her hand to knock, but before she could the door was being flung open, revealing a woman in a very festive jumper.
"You're here! She's here!"
Lockwood stood back slightly as the woman wrapped her arms around Y/n, squeezing so tightly he feared for his colleague's spine.
He braced himself for a similar treatment when she pulled back and spotted him, and the next thing he knew he was close to being suffocated as she brought him into a hug. Lockwood held his breath, his eyes wide and arms stuck out to the side as he tried to figure out what the hell he was meant to be doing. He hadn't been hugged like this since, well, since Jess. It took him a few seconds to work out that he needed to reciprocate the hug, but once he had, god. Why was he choking up? He could feel Y/n's eyes on him, so he shut his own and basked in the feeling of actually being held.
"You must be the boyfriend!" the woman said, pulling back and holding him by the forearms.
"Mum! Please don't terrify him!"
So this was Emma L/n, Y/n's mother.
"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs L/n." He flashed one of his winning smiles, and he could see her visibly relaxing.
"Oh Emma, please!" She looked back over her shoulder at Y/n, mouthing (incredibly non-subtly) 'He's handsome!'
"Mum!" Y/n hissed, starting to turn red.
"What's your name then young man!"
"Anthony Lockwood," he replied, and took particular pleasure in seeing Y/n squirm in the background.
"Well, you'd better come in. Do you need help with the bags?"
"Oh, no, I've got them," he assured her, shouldering his large bag and reaching for the suitcase handle that Y/n was currently holding onto. She didn't relent for a moment, and they had a silent argument for control of the suitcase until eventually with a small tug he won, stumbling ever so slightly from the effort.
"Everything alright?" Emma asked, frowning at the two of them.
"Yes, perfectly fine!" Lockwood called back, shooting a glare at Y/n. She reciprocated, clenching her jaw at his smug smile that came afterwards. He moved inside the house, Y/n following shortly behind and closing the door to keep the warmth in.
"Where should we put our bags?" Y/n asked her mother.
They had a problem.
A very large problem.
"Well I'm not sharing with you," Lockwood said, moving further into the room that Y/n's mother had shown them to.
"Good," she said, eyeing the double bed. "Just don't complain when your back gives in from sleeping on the floor for so long."
"What? No, I'm taking the bed."
"It's my family home, what gives you more reason to have the bed than me?"
"I'm your boss, and I pay your wages. If you want to keep being paid then I'm having the bed."
Y/n scoffed, shaking her head. "Arsehole," she muttered, going over to the windows and closing the curtains against the now-dark sky outside. The bed was definitely large enough for two people to share, but when those two people hated each others' guts and weren't actually dating, the bed was far too small.
"What was that?"
"Arsehole," she repeated loudly, making sure to look him dead in the eyes when she did so, then immediately turning and heading into the en-suite bathroom.
"What is your issue with me?" he said, following after her.
"You're taking the bed! It's my fucking house!"
"Let's not forget that without me, you would be in a lot more of a tricky situation! I think I deserve the bed for my efforts; it's not easy pretending to love you, you know!"
"Oh, like it's so easy to love you?! You are so horrible to me, all the time, and now I have to pretend to actually want to be with you?! I'd have been in a difficult situation anyway, the only difference is that in this one, I have a fake boyfriend. I could deal with the humiliation of not having anyone with me, but this?" she laughed bitterly. "This is near to being beyond me, Lockwood." Fuck, why was she tearing up? She closed the bathroom door firmly in Lockwood's face, ignoring the shocked expression on his face in the second before he disappeared from her view.
She pushed the lock, waiting for the click before turning and facing the sink, bracing her hands on the edge and heaving a few deep breaths. She hadn't realised how hard it would be to pretend that she was completely fine around her family while they picked and prodded and commented and made snide remarks, and having Lockwood around was only making it worse.
She couldn't even begin to imagine all the things he would use as ammunition in the future. He'd have a field day on this holiday, taking all of her family's words and turning them against her, becoming even worse than he had been before.
A knock sounded on the door, light and unsure, and Lockwood's voice followed afterwards. "...Y/n? I- I'm-" he sighed, and she could imagine him clenching his jaw and looking up at the ceiling as he tried to fight against the nice words he was clearly trying to say. "I have a shit sleep schedule anyway, and you go to sleep a lot faster than I do so it's better for me to sit in a chair when I can't get to sleep and you can lie down, so... yeah." Y/n was surprised at how kind he was, and was starting to wonder if he was having some sort of stroke. But then he started talking again and she knew that he was completely fine.
"If you could not take for fucking ever in the bathroom though that would be great, because I really need a piss."
"Ah, there you both are! You took your time putting your bags away!" Linda's gaze drifted to Y/n as she said that, eyes sharpening and making the back of Y/n's neck prickle.
"Oh, that's my fault, sorry," Lockwood started, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her in. Y/n stiffened, not used to being so close to him, and tried to force a smile onto her face. "I got carried away asking questions about the photos around the room, and I think I might have driven her slightly mad." He was smiling so widely and cheerfully that Y/n could practically feel everybody relaxing and warming up to him. It was frustrating, really, how they had known him for roughly ten seconds and already seemed to like him more than her. Her brothers were eyeing him up, trying to figure out whether they needed to take him outside or just give him a good talking to. Her sister Olivia was also eyeing Lockwood up, but in a very different way to their brothers that was making Y/n somewhat uncomfortable. It wasn't that they didn't get on and that was what was wrong, but they were sisters, and therefore they naturally disagreed on some things.
Apparently Lockwood's level of attractiveness was one of them.
"Oh, not to worry," her mother said, already loving having Lockwood here. "I made tea, if you'd like some? There's cake too, and far too much of it, so take as much as you want!"
"Tea would be lovely, Emma, thank you," Lockwood said, moving his arm away from Y/n's shoulders. She nearly jumped out of her skin in shock when she felt his hand land on her lower back instead, pushing her forward towards the empty loveseat that sat closest to the roaring fire. "Try not to look quite so horrified at this whole thing, darling," he whispered right into her ear, emphasising the pet name. "And maybe relax a little too, yeah?" He sat down on the chair, leaving very little room for Y/n to sit down herself without pressing up against him. She gave up trying to keep space between them when she ended up perching on the edge and gained strange looks from everyone else. Lockwood pulled her back towards him, grabbing her waist with both hands and tugging until she was right up against his chest, their thighs pressed together. He didn't let go, keeping his arms around her and nestling his head in the crook of her neck. She hadn't loosened up since walking in to the living room, and she was entirely sure that her spine was as stiff as one of the wooden floorboards under her feet. Her mother handed over two mugs of tea, placing them on the small side table next to their chair, then went to cut two slices of cake, starting with Lockwood's. He accepted his plate gratefully, smiling brightly up at her.
"How big of a slice, Y/n/n?"
"Uh... maybe-"
"Don't give her too big of a slice, she doesn't need that much," Stephanie interrupted, her tone sickly sweet. Y/n froze, and behind her she could feel Lockwood glancing between the two girls, trying to figure out what was happening. Her mother cut a decent sized slice, ignoring her niece's comment and handing the plate to Y/n.
"Did you make this, Emma?" Lock-Anthony (she might just give up trying to correct herself in a minute) asked.
"Oh, yeah, but you know, it's not my best."
"Well I think it's delicious, you'll have to share the recipe with me so I can have more of it back in London!"
"I'd be happy to! Do you bake then?"
"Oh, no, I'm awful. I'd burn the house down I'm sure. But our friend George is a magician in the kitchen."
"Remind me what you do for work again?" her father asked.
"Actually, maybe you could just... tell us. Since we know nothing about you!" Linda laughed. "We don't even know your name!"
"Anthony Lockwood," he said, yet another of his classic Lockwood smiles taking over his face. Y/n was starting to feel sick from the way Stephanie and Linda were watching them, and she put her fork down on her plate. "Y/n hasn't mentioned me much then?"
"No," Linda simpered. "I have to say, I was very surprised when I heard my sister say that Y/n had a boyfriend. I'm even more surprised that you actually exist!"
"I can't really blame her for not saying anything, I suppose. We're very busy a lot of the time and when we are free I'm often dragging her out on dates and the like, so if you haven't heard from her then that's entirely my fault." God, how was he such a good liar? Everybody believed him right away, but if she tried to get away with something like that they'd be asking so many questions she would give up and tell the truth.
"And... what is it you do for work?" her father asked again, desperate for the answer.
"I'm an agent."
"Fittes or Rotwell?"
"Uh... no, I-"
"Bunchurch then? Or maybe Grimble?"
"Actually," Lockwood glanced at Y/n, and she nodded slightly, bracing herself for her family's reaction. "I run my own agency. George, who I mentioned earlier, is our researcher, Lucy is our Listener, Holly our secretary, and then of course there's Y/n. Best Touch in England." He squeezed her slightly, and when she looked back at him he was smiling up at her so adoringly that she wondered how she ever hated him.
Then he jabbed her side, making her wobble and nearly spill the tea that she'd just picked up, and she remembered that he was a dick.
"Your... own... agency?"
"Yes." Lockwood didn't seem perturbed, which was lucky, because Y/n was feeling increasingly more unsettled with every second that passed. "We're based in London in my family home, but we take clients from all around England."
"Right... so that makes you Y/n's... boss?"
"I know it's not... the usual, but there is nothing that says we cannot be in a relationship. Believe me, I've checked. I don't think there is anything that could have been done to stop me from falling for your daughter, sir, despite her own best efforts, and I like to think that I keep my role as her boss completely separate from my role as her boyfriend."
Y/n stared at him in mild shock, not quite believing how sincere he sounded, and Lockwood was refusing to look at her.
Uneasy glances were exchanged by nearly all of Y/n's gathered family members, the only exceptions being Will, who had always supported Y/n, and Olivia, who was too busy checking Lockwood out. Y/n put her plate of cake down, having spent the last few minutes picking at it and barely eating any, and ignored the look that Lockwood gave her. She wasn't feeling hungry at all now that she was surrounded by everyone, and Stephanie was watching every move she made with terrifying intensity. No doubt there would be some fresh insults this year, and Y/n couldn't wait to be back home again.
Since when had she considered Lockwood's house her home?
"You alright?" Lockwood whispered in her ear. He kept asking her that, and it was freaking her out a little.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She stood up, gently detaching herself from Lockwood's grip and putting her mug of tea on the side table, half drunk. "Just need the loo, be back in a bit." She tried smiling at everyone, but the water gathering in her eyes made it difficult to pretend that she was actually fine, and she left the room finding it hard to breathe. Y/n headed up the stairs and into the bathroom attached to the room that she and Lockwood were staying in, and for the second time that day braced herself on the sink as she tried to regain control of her body. "Fuck," she muttered. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." She splashed some cold water on her face, holding it against her skin in the hopes that it would shock her back into being alright again, then turned off the tap and sat on the floor, her back to the sink and her legs stretched out in front.
Only two more days to go, and then she could go back to her normal life.
Two more days of this, and she was free, and could eat as much cake as she wanted, because George and Lucy would be stuffing their faces too.
She just had to fake it until then.
part 3
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Tag list: @ahead-fullofdreams, @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @aysha4life, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @locklyebrainrot, @locknco, @mentallyillsodapop (I just realised I hadn't added you I'm so sorry 😭 although I don't know if you wanted to be added actually idkkk) @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @ran23sblog, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
please let me know if I've missed you off the series tag list, and I'll put you right on! <3
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wolfytoothy · 6 months
summery: you got a simbio, aka venom. Yiu were missing for 2 weeks, and that's how you got him. But when you escaped, and that's when Miles found. Well the prowler but you know. But now you guys went on a date, till the friend came after you while you were leaving the date. Then he was reviled
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You had venom for a full week now. And lord can he be annoying. When you first met him lord was it chaos. When you were escaping, you had no idea what the hell was wrong with you.
‘Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Okay maybe if I-’
Don’t move
A voice said you followed instructions and luckily you were clear. All of a sudden some of the guards found you. “HEY.STOP RIGHT THERE” some one yelled.Then those big body’s started shooting at you. You then started run.
“Ah fuck, fuck, fuck” you yelled. That’s when you got shot in the leg. You stummbed down and held your thigh in pain. One of the men came up to you, he watched as you rolled on the floor in agony. “I got eyes on the experiment. Taking her in right now” he said into the radio.
As soon as he was about to grab you, a black gooey type thing ejected from her hand. The thing grab the guard by the neck lifting him into the air as venom took over. Then but his head off.
Time skip:
after everyone was dead and severely injured He retracted back into your body. “EWW, ew, ew,ew,ew,ew. Did I- we just-, did YOU JUST BIT ALL THERE HEADS OFF” you screamed.
Yes, and if you wanna make it out alive and not get caught, i suggest we go. Now.
“Who-who are you” you asked as you started running.
I am venom
And from that day on, he had been stuck with you. Its been a good 2 weeks now and it’s… been something.
You were walking down the street to get venom some chocolate, after he’s been bugging you for the past few days.
“ you see you can’t just eat people, theres bad, an theres good, but theres very very bad people that don’t deserve a chance you know” you whispered as you said high to a person that was looking at you weird.
So only eat the bad guys?
“Yes,yes only them, you will never and I mean NEVER eat the good guys” you said as you entered the convenience store. “Hi miss lee” you greeted. “Hey n/n”. You went to the back of the store and grabbed a bunch of chocolate bars.
We need a hero name. A cap, oh or maybe-
“Wow, wow huh”
We are the lethal protectors
“...I- okay bud”
Wait, really
“Yea, you can do whatever, as long as it doesn't necessarily interfere with my school life you know and my work life cuz those are very important” you whispered as you but another box of chocolate in the basket.
Hmm, sure.
“Good” you nodded as you made your way to the counter, and paid for it all. “Thank you, Miss Lee” you said.
How bout we go have some fun, like weee, go eat some heads.
“Bud I literally just bout you a fucking loads of chocholet, what more do you want” you complained. You opened the door of your home and went up to your room as you listened to venom whin. You zoned out as you ‘listened’ to him rant on. Till your phone rang.
Who is that?
“Its my boyfriend”
Can i eat him?
“ NO” you yelled as you answered the phone
The phone call:
You:Hey Miles
M: sup ma, you ready?
You:r-ready, for what, were we goin’
M: remember our date… you forget huh
You:what. No, I have no idea what you on about fr hehe
M: just say you forgot
You:yea i forgot, sorry. But ima get ready
M: better grt ready quick, I’m out side
Time skip:
You got dressed and made your way outside to see Miles leaning on his car on his phone.
Ooo, he is handsome… can i eat him“If you eat him, I will expose you” you whispered, making Miles' heads perk up and smile. “ hey ma” he greeted, kissing your cheek. Another
time skip:
You and Miles went on a little date, you guys went to a little cool cafe. It was nice. Then you guys went to the ghetto to pick up something.“Boy why you bring me to the ghetto” you complained. “relaxe, This is part of the date mami” Miles reassured as he pulled up to, what looks like an abandoned warehouse. “Oh hell no, nigga I’m black, you know black people always die first” you joked. “And besides If anything happens you know I’ll protect you”
And me
“Whatever you say fr” you sighed. You opened the door till Miles shut it again. “Wow,wow,wow. What you doin’ “ he said. “Getting outta the car what it looks like” you sassed. “How bout we drop that attitude and try again”.
Oooo. now can I eat him
You rolled your eyes as Venom's words and bit back a strong ‘NO’ from coming out of your mouth.
“ I’m comin’ with”, “no your not. This is prowler work—” You completely zoned out on what he was saying as venom started talking.
Isn’t the Prowler one of the bad guys… I’m bout to start munching.
Right as he said that a black tentacle ascended from your back. You slam you back against the car door making venom recoil.
“I-... the hell was that about, you good?”You gulped and nodded. “Yea I’m straight" you nodded. "But I'm comin with regardless" you said stepping out of the car.
"Listen it's a long story, I'll explain when we're alone or sum. Just, lay low ight' " you whispered as Miles came up behind you in his prowler suit.
"What the-, how did you change so quickly" you asked. "Skill. Here, take this. If your gonna come with me, I don't need them knowing who you are" he explained.
You took the purple mask and put it on. "Okay... do you just keep mask on you" You chuckled. "Sometimes" he chuckled.
"Stay close ight baby" he said kissing your forehead before letting his mask cover his face.
"Okay-oooo a voice changer thingy" you chirped.
You both then started climbing the fire escape. There were a lot of stories. It was high.
"I swear if I fall, I will haunt you for the rest of your life" you warned as you looked down. "Don't worry I got you ma"
If he does not then I got us
You guys climbed up 9 more levels before reaching the top.
Miles pulled you up and you quickly got away from the edge. You looked up to see multiple guys standing there with guns.
"Oh shit" you muttered.
"Ah, prowler" the guy greeted. "Mr. Hawthorn", Miles, prowler replied. Then all eyes were on you. You gulped as the very big man approached you, staring you down.
Oh shit, quick act cool or something
"And who might you be" the man asked. Prowler grabbed you waist pulling you closer to him. "She's-", "no. I wanna here it from her" he ordered stopping your lovely boyfriend from helping you.
You gulped hard.
Make it seem like your dangerous. Make it seem like you blow up children for fun, say something. Call your self star glazer, NO. Call your self venom
You played it off and placed a sly smirk on your face, but it showed threw your eyes.
"I am venom,and you are..." You asked shaking his hand. "I'm scarface, nice to meet you Doll" he flirted as he kissed your hand. You could feel the jealousy radiating from Miles.
"Oh, well hello scarface,"
More like butt face, he looks like if DJ kalida and drake had a baby
You bit back a laugh as you grimace at the fact he was touching you.
"So we're are you from, what do you do? You have very pretty eyes Doll. Can I call you Doll" he asked looking at you. Lord did you wanna throw up.
Uhh, he does know your only 17...right.
"Hehe, thank you,and no you can not" you sassed taking your hand back and whiping it on your pants. "And Don't look for any redeeming qualities, I have nun" you said. Making him laugh.
Wow, this guy is really stupid, can he not take the hint?
"Yea,yea, hey what's your name again doll" he said holding out his hand.
"I am venom" you repeated. This time, a flash of white flashed in your eyes, making scarface snatch his hand back.
"Right, uh, let's go" he stammered as he began walking.
You two followed along.
"Okay,bad ass" Mile's chuckled. You rolled you eyes and went on with it.
Time skip:
You found your way back to them and waited to leave.They men walked you and Miles back outside. “Pleasure doing business with you, Prowler” Scarface said shake his hand. Scar face looked at you and held out his hand for you to shake. “Venom” he bowed his head slightly. You retired the gesture not shaking his hand. “Pleasure meeting you” you said.
It really wasn’t he’s annoying
You rolled your eyes at his words but agreed silently,some of the guys stood back while the others walked with you and Miles.As soon as you opened the door there were police and FBI. A bunch of dots were on you, “FREEZE,”one guy yelled
“GET ON THE GROUND NOW!” another yelled.
You and held your hands up in the air while Miles got ready to fight. While the other men got their guns out ready to shoot back.
“You guys, you do not wanna do this, trust me” you started, Miles looked at you then back at them, wondering what was going on fr.“MASK”
“COPY” then everyone got their mask out, and put it on. Now you knew what you had to do.
“Alright, have it your way.MASK”
In a matter of seconds Venom took over, snartching a guy up and biting his head off. Then they shot a bag as thing, but he caught it with his teeth, bursting it, making the gas escape it’s capsule.
Then.. Venom did his thing, while Miles did his.When everyone was dead or severely injured, you/venom was about to transform back, till bullets were being shot. You tured around and started walking towards him till the round was done. you/he, grabbed him by the leg holding him up by the ankle, about to bit his head off till…
“OHH What the hell?!” a voice said. you/he snapped his head in the direction of the voice to see the prowler. Aka Miles standing there. “Oh shit”In seconds you/he dropped the victim and you transformed back.
As soon as he say it was you he backed up a bit. “y/n what the hell,what-whats was that”.
“Yea so long story short i have a symbiote” you smiled sheepishly. You say his confused face and nodded slightly.
“Yeaaaaa, remember when i went missing for a few weeks. Sooo I got kidnapped into a lab, they did an experiment on me and multiple other people, and it turns out that I now have a symbiote named venom” you say all in one breath. Miles stared at you in aw then snapped out of it when back up came. He cut you off and grabbed you hands, his mask retracted back onto his face as he spoke.
“Okay,okay, breath, you can tell me when were out of danger.” he said, you nodded and went along.
Back at the house:
It had been few hours of when you got home and explained everything to him. “espera, espera, espera, espera, so you have a parasite-”
You flinched at the loudness a little and stopped Miles. “Symbiote” you corrected. “He doesn't like being called ‘parasite’ but you're on the right track” you nodded.
“Yea symbiote or something. That you got from an organization that was doing experiments on people, which those others failed. But they found you, apartly you were a match or somethin. They were keeping you in there, for… whatever reason, you escaped cuz you realized you were gonna die if you don’t. Not its been 2 weeks or so, you and this… thing somehow bonded, now this guy lives rent free in your body” he explained
Wow, this guy is good. No wonder you like him so much.
“Yes, i know fast learner, we love that fr” you smiled. “His name is…v-venom” he said slowly, not sure if he was right.
“So he can like…here me right now. He talks… to you”
“Yea, wanna meet him”
“Uhh…will it depend… Does he like me? Cuz it seems buddy loves to eat heads” he said timidly.
Mmmm, well he’s not that bad, he’s not my type, but he’s not that bad, I can get used to him. But when you kissed him I can tell he was rather delicious. If he was a girl I would most definitely like him more. Buuuut he’s fine.
You nodded.
"He said he would like you better as a girl but he can work with you...also he said when we kissed you tasted good." You blurted.
"...is...that a good or a bad?"
" it's a good, he likes you very much actually" you nodded. "But don't worry, I won't let him hurt you papa" you reassured, giving him a peck. A sigh of relief could he heared from the boy.
"This is why I love you"
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plantboiart · 1 month
Okay i have now finished relistening to all of blood in the bayou and I /didn’t/ cry (got close when rand hugged kian but i stayed strong) but here are some thoughts about the final episode!
The reveal with Rolan is still so fucking good. Like. Charlie did such an amazing job foreshadowing it without ever actually giving it away, which is exactly what you want from a plot twist, it’s phenomenal and makes so much sense in universe as well
Charlie describing the kian monster as “the thing that once was kian stone” numerous times is like… insane to me /pos. Because yeah, it really was. It was kian. It wasnt the original, but it was as much kian as rolan was rolan. And they couldnt forget that even if it would have been easier to
Okay sure focusing on keeperschampion for a second I GUESS (/silly i promise i love them) rolan jumping in front of rand? Rolan at 1 hp risking death to protect rand? He loves him so much and its so obvious and whether that’s platonic or romantic i DONT CARE they’re just so special
Kian’s corpse and coming back and shit… god i just so desperately need to understand how aware the corpses are. Because they’re not fully dead. Charlie makes that very clear, they pulse and move and even if they could never be described as alive anymore, they are not dead either. And him describing the sound kian makes as “pleading”? God fucking ow
Rand giving Kian his jacket… Rand hugging Kian… god ow ow OW /pos
Okay to be. Somewhat salty for a second. It genuinely feels like some bitb fans just did not actually listen to episode four with how they treat kian. Like its insane to me that people are able to reduce his character to just comedic relief rockstar or whatever when he lied to his friends for over a decade so they wouldnt think differently of him and you dont even need to read into that too deeply to see the self hatred and trust issues that clearly implies, and. Listen. Keeperschampion fans. I get you. I get it. But PLEASE give some attention to Kian still??? Like he’s 1. Canonically bisexual and 2. CANONICALLY HAS A THING FOR ROLAN. Like that’s not. How can you write a queer bitb story and ignore those facts? I dont get it. Like i just dont. Okay rant over i swear i love rand and rolan and i think keeperschampion is a wonderful ship im just so tired of kian being constantly overlooked
Anyways yes most of these will focus on kian what did you expect. Kian hoping to find some kind of answers or help from religion when everything is happening. Like yes he turner to brother niles (is that how you spell that name idk) was because he was like more stable than most others but /still/. That guy has NOT gotten over being raised by cultist parents and it absolutely still affects his worldview even if he probably wishes it didn’t
Also i use the above as proof that whatever cult kians parents are in is a christian one. Like. Obviously not very traditional since hippies but still. I also just really want to go with that since i feel like the default assumption for most people is that theyre like wicca or neo-pagan or something similar and im just. Im so tired of paganism being the default cult religion in media. Like. Please. I just want to worship aphrodite and finnish nature spirits in peace without my religion being constantly combined with cults and shit. Well shit i went on another rant. Sorry guys i swear i dont mean to be this negative all the time sometimes shit just happens
I want to write an extremely painful hurt no comfort fic of kian getting caught and killed by the creatures while escaping from the community house.. i want to write it so bad…
Rolan sacrificing himself for rand AGAIN. Like bro we get it youre suicidal and in love with your best friends fucking chill
The encounter with the queen… rand planning to fucking suicide bomb her, it pretending to be rachel (at least thats how I interpreted it) to manipulate rand, the hive just being a hivemind of ecofascists, kian just fucking exploding, Rolan sacrificing himself for rand AGAIN AGAIN, the end god the end rand and rachel “you changed” “you didn’t”… pain
Thats. Probably it. Yeah. Im feeling fine and will now go lie down for an hour to process things (and. Maybe. Afterwards. I will write something because i have way too much inspiration)
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weirdmorefics · 4 months
Unmasked Chpt 4
AO3, Etsy Shop, Youtube,
Chpt 1 Chpt 2 Chpt 3
TW-Gore, Horror
A/N- So sorry for not keeping up with chapters I am really suffering from fanfic writer curse LOL. Been to the hospital twice this week.
Taglist- @bunbunbl0gs
Word Count- 1,478
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Spencer's stares will not cease but he doesn't speak.
"I didn't want to tell you, I knew you would freak. I'm fine you're fine! You will continue to be fine if you get the hell out of Woodsboro!" I rant.
Spencer furrows his eyebrows at me, "You are the one who should be off this case! You are entirely too close to it! I am calling Emily right now."
He tries to pull his phone out of his pocket but I am quick to grasp his hand, "I am doing this with or without the BAU! Would you rather I do it by myself? Trust me, I prefer you out of danger- I mean the whole BAU out of danger. I don't want any more people killed because of me. So please don't make this more difficult for me than it already is!" I say in a mix of begging and anger.
He slides his phone back into his pocket, my hand still grasping his, "I won't let you do this alone."
I am unsure how to feel. I would have died of pure joy if Spencer had said this to me in any other situation but right now, it just makes me more scared. The more I care the more likely Ghostface will kill him.
I clench my fist to suppress any emotion Ghostface is always watching.
"Jill," Sid shouts out concerned.
" Stay away from me," she cries.
The father of the poor girl runs into the house full of worry and is quick to console Jill. I understand why Jill is scared of us she should be I think everyone should be scared of the curse of the Prescott's. Hell, even I am.
The father of the girl leads Jill out of the house and Jill's friend enters the house in a run. I can hear her friend whisper comforts to her but they are probably doing nothing as she sees what her future looks like through the eyes of Sidney.
The cops run back in saying there were no signs of Ghostface outback.
"Call the coroner, the body is upstairs," I relay to the cops and run my hand through my hair practically pulling it out of my skull.
Spencer puts a soothing hand on the small of my back, "We have to talk to the team."
I nod just thankful he isn't trying to push me off the case. We exit the house the cops and Sidney in tow.
The neighbors are shouting wretched things at Sid and me.
"This is all the Prescott's fault."
"You two are just like your mother!"
"They bring death wherever they go!"
"No wonder Y/n's an agent! Must be easy when murder follows you!"
"I thought this was over when they left!"
"You two never should have come back!"
I bite my lip, I want to be angry at their words but it's all true. I feel Spencer's hand move from my back to my waist as he grips my hip protectively.
I look up at him to assure myself he doesn't mean it, it was probably an accident. Instead, I find his eyes glaring daggers into the passerbys shouting harsh words.
"Clear the area," one of the cops shouts.
"You shouldn't have to deal with this," he mumbles.
"It's fine... it's not like what they are saying isn't true," I sigh.
Spencer's head quickly turns to face me and looks at me with serious eyes, "Y/n none of this is your fault."
"Sure," I say unconvincingly making Spencer sigh.
Sidney sees Jill off to the paramedic and I watch them closely ignoring my own surroundings. I just need to protect my family, and my team, I don't have time to worry about myself.
Spencer's hand touches my cheek and I swear I jump five feet in the air.
"Y/N," he keeps saying my first name instead of my last. It gives me butterflies each time the way he says my name with such care. I am totally overthinking it though he is only calling me by my first name because he doesn't know if he should call me Prescott now or continue with the fake one. I don't have time for these trivial thoughts. Spencer is making things so much more difficult. I can't focus around him.
As if he notices my mind drifting he repeats my name once again and my eyes meet his I could get lost in his eyes forever.
"This is not your fault, these people should not blame you. I would yell at them right now if I didn't think you would use it as an opportunity to run off and try to solve the case on your own." He states seriously, he wants to be sure I believe him.
I smirk, "You know me too well, but don't try to pretend you wouldn't do the same in my situation."
"Hiding things from the team is what got me into prison in the first place, we are better as a unit." His eyes darken and I am shocked he would bring up his time in prison to me without me forcing it out of him.
I shake my head desperately, "That wasn't your fault! It was entirely Cat's fault she's insane!"
"I shouldn't have given her the ammunition," he frowns.
"You were doing what you thought was right for your family, you should not feel guilty! It's what makes you, you, and I wouldn't want you to be anyone else." I look determinedly into his eyes.
I swear I see him flush but it's probably just all the police lights.
"Then why don't you want me to help," he smiles at me.
I am taken aback, "what does that have anything?"
"You don't want me to be anyone else? You don't want me to stop doing what's right? Helping you is what's right Y/n," he steps closer with each sentence.
I am so flustered I swear my body is on fire. I feel the urge to fan myself with my hand to help extinguish the flames. Luckily the moment is broken as Prentiss jumps out of the van with the rest of the team.
"So much for getting some rest at the hotel before the case," Luke mumbles out.
Prentiss looks like she is in full-blown mama bear mode, "What the hell happened?"
Dewey follows close behind, "I was just about to ask my officers that as well."
They seem to both already know each other they must have been going over the case together at the precinct. I am glad Dewey isn't as closed off as Sid is.
The local officers that were on the scene started relaying how they tried to cut him off in the backyard but missed him and compared him to a ghost.
I sigh and clench my fist that's the stuff I bet Ghostface would love to hear to be compared to the supernatural.
One of the officers turned to me with suspicion, "How did you manage to get the jump on him Y/n?"
"This isn't my first rodeo, "I growl.
He puts his hands up in defense, "Hey all I am saying is it's weird that you have survived three Ghostface killings and willingly come back here when the murders start again."
I am clenching my fists so tightly that I think all the bones in my hands may break. I can't believe this is what the people I've known my whole life think of me. I am trying to take a deep breath, I am trying to remain calm.
The thing I wasn't expecting was Spencer stepping in front of me and barely remaining calm and not remaining civil at all.
"You can't speak to a federal agent here to save your ass like that," he states his tone so low it sends chills down my spine. My eyes widened did Reid just swear and not only that did he swear on my behalf?
Prentiss turns to Spencer her face full of professionalism but eyes full of fury, "Reid! Van now!"
Dewey looks at his men as well, "You two get outta here as well."
"Yes sir," they look to Dewey with respect which is nice but also felt odd seeing it. He didn't get much of that when Ghostface first arrived but he just started being a cop then, and now he's the boss. I'm proud of him and I won't let Ghostface take him away.
I see the coroner roll out the poor teen girl's body and breathe in deeply. This won't happen again I won't let it. I don't want to be powerless again... but I am worried that my feelings for Spencer make me powerless. My feelings for him are just another weakness Ghostface can use against me but I don't know how to stop them.
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lythea-creation · 3 months
Expectations - Shams x fem reader (Chapter 2)
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Previous Chapter
warnings: emotional abuse
word count: 1.002
I could not believe the piece of paper that was laying in front of me. I had gotten a B in my Biology test. Yeah, pretty ironic. Not even an A-, but a B.
For a short moment I buried my face in my hands, trying to regain my composure. Dad was going to kill me.
After class I was supposed to be at rehearsal, but I needed a moment to calm down first. Without thinking twice about it, I walked to the old bus.
Shams was not here yet.
The longer I had to wait for her, the more I was freaking out. By the time she arrived I was already a mess, forcing myself not to cry.
“(f/n), what happened?”, Shams worried as soon as she noticed my disheveled state.
I moved a bit to give her the chance to sit down next to me.
“I got a B”, I uttered breathlessly.
“Shit”, she cursed. “Is your dad home today?”
“Unfortunately”, I enlightened her. “You know how he acts. What am I supposed to do?”
“We could switch tests”, she offered. “I actually rocked this one for once. You'd only have to change the name.”
“Nah, he would notice. But thanks. And congrats.” I shot her a small smile.
She reciprocated the smile, but it vanished just as quickly as mine.
“Last time I had an A-, he ripped me off all my privileges. I don't think I can take not seeing you for so long again. I mean we would still meet at school, but I always have to pretend here”, I recalled. “Talking about it, I need to go to rehearsal for Tasneem's show.”
Before I could go Shams pulled me into a kiss. Thanks to the dirty windows nobody could see us after all. Too bad that I usually had to spend the breaks with Tasneem and the others.
“I'm gonna text you later, if my dad doesn't confiscate my phone”, I promised. “So you'll most likely not hear from me.”
Leaving the bus I buried my feelings deep inside of me and put on a smile. Honestly I was sick of acting, but it was the only chance to keep the life I had. And some aspects of it were definitely worth fighting for.
To my own surprise rehearsal was actually cheering me up as it was distracting me, needing all my focus.
But as soon as the music died down it all came crushing down on me again.
During the last lessons my anxiety was only increasing.
When I left the classroom I did not dare to look over at Shams because I would not be able to uphold my cover then, my perfect facade.
Back at home I did not know if I should be relieved or not when I noticed that my dad was making a phone call.
I placed my test on the table, where I was sure he would see. Then I hurried upstairs before his phone call ended. I could not tell him myself and definitely did not want to be around for his first reaction.
In my room I let myself fall onto my bed and hid under the sheets to ease my nerves, texting Shams.
Unfortunately she was not answering. Probably she was not home yet. So I tried the same with Omar instead, not telling him I was upset though. I just wanted to stop focusing on my situation and it worked. Omar could always make me laugh in a heartbeat.
“What are you laughing about?”, my dad questioned harshly. “Do you seriously think there's anything to laugh about?”
He ripped the blanket off of me.
I could not meet his eyes, but knew better than to stay on my bed. So I stood up in front of him.
“Is there anything you want to tell me about this?”, he inquired, pushing my test in my face.
I shook my head no.
“What's gotten into you? I thought we had an agreement”, he ranted.
“I'm sorry, dad”, I proclaimed. “I didn't mean to disappoint you again.”
“Disappoint me? This isn't even disappointing anymore. This is a disgrace! From now on I'm going to set some new rules”, he declared. “First of all give me your phone.”
I was smarter than to deny him. I handed my phone over without any resistance.
“Second rule: You come home immediately after school. No going over to Omar, no hanging out with any classmates, got it?”
Tears were pricking at my eyes at this rule. Nevertheless I nodded.
“Third rule: You're getting a tutor who's going to work with you after school until you go to bed. Nothing else but studying. Understood?”
I nodded once again.
“Use your words”, he demanded.
“Yes, I understand, dad”, I stated.
“You know what?”, he proposed, staring me right in the eyes. “Right now I'm glad your mom doesn't live to see you like this.”
With those words he turned around and left.
It felt like something was clawing at my chest, ripping me apart while taking my ability to breathe. I was not even sure what exactly I was feeling, only that it was unbearable.
My hand moved on its own, picking up the picture that was set up on my nightstand. A picture of my mom when she had been pregnant with me. A picture of the time she had still been alive and full of hope. A picture before my birth that had killed her.
It was strange to yearn for a person you did not know.
The picture in front of me appeared blurry as my tears were finally falling freely.
After crying and stressing out so much I was feeling utterly exhausted. I did not have the energy to pull me into my bed and instead just fell asleep on the ground, hoping that it had all just been a cruel nightmare.
Next Chapter
So here we go! Just as I promised it all took a darker turn. What do you think about it?
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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justynakulisa · 2 years
On art and literature, and why it's not just "content"
Forgive me in advance for the incoming salt, but this is a rant I've been sitting on for ages. A tweet I saw* only cemented my need for the aforementioned rant, so here we are.
A bit of context first. I worked at a bullshit, huge corporation for almost 6 years; after that, I've moved on to a corporation that's way smaller and involves some actual work rather than bullshitting for 5 days a week, but it's still a corporation. That's a background experience I'll be relying on, mixed with observations of the absolute hellhole that LinkedIn is, with a sprinkle of mainstream media attitude. For the sake of clarity, I usually refer to art and literature as "art", but I'll be using art&lit in the post. With that out of the way, LET'S DIVE IN.
If there's one thing that's aplenty in every corporation, it's the amount of self-affirmative spam you receive every day. Department status updates, newsletters no one reads, trainings and videos to watch, and so on, and so forth. And it is, regardless of the corp and the type of spam, called "content". It's an apt name for it, because it's neither art, nor anything useful. Just a barrage of words some poor soul had to put together. Oh, I'm sorry, not a poor soul. A content creator.
I can say I'm a content creator at my day job. I write software documentation and manuals. It requires some thought and some effort, it's not a bullshit job I could ignore without any negative consequences to me or the company or the world at large. But it's not art I create there. It's content. It's got no artistic value whatsoever except maybe for explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand way. The companies themselves have got no qualms about calling that type of fruit of their employees' work "content". That at least doesn't bother me. "Content" is an adequate term for repetitive, artless form of work that require creating something out of nothing.
But when the same term is applied to art&lit, when artists and writers are called "content creators", I grow spikes like a porcupine.
I understand why it's easy to use those terms. They're easy, umbrellous enough, and carry their meaning well. It encapsulates people who don't do art&lit, but dabble in education, design, what have you. But the results of their work isn't content as it's seen at its core and at its roots.
You churn out content daily and often without effort. Those instagram accounts posting variations of the same photo every day? That's content. A book written for 3 years and edited for the next 2, full of gorgeous prose and magnificent storytelling, or a painting that took weeks to finish? That's not content. That's art. And people who let it into the world by effort of their hands are artists.
That line of thought brings me back to that tweet I linked earlier. "Media consumption" is just as dehumanised, nebulous term for experiencing art&lit as "content creation" is to refer to the act of writing and painting/drawing. It assumes the interaction with content at the speed and rate it's created. Which is: fast. Then faster. And faster and faster, until both you and artists end up in an ever-rushing cycle of more, more, more. (I already ranted about streaming and the effect it's got on media, so I'll stop myself from doing it again ;)). But, FOMO, anyone? I'm sure all of us have experienced it at least once at some point. Corporations and mainstream media have got a way of slithering into our lives and taking terms and things that make us happy for themselves. They also tend to flatten nuances, limit imaginations, and produce countless iterations of the same trope if only they realised it was popular. (Side note: it's very obvious in traditional publishing when agents and editors seek stories centred around a motif for some 5 years after the first book with that motif made a breakthrough. That's something to talk about for another time, though.) And after all traces of what made an idea unique and brilliant, after art&lit have deteriorated into simple content, then both terms truly become equivalent.
I don't think that simplification is something we as a society should condone. 
* - as often happens, given tweets' fleeting nature, this on too no longer exists. (should've made a screenshot, that's what). it had something to do with commercialisation of entertainment and the push for new films and shows and stories be published faster and faster as a never-ending stream you cna drown in. or so i think, at least.
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bcacstuff · 1 year
Unfortunately I yet have to get back again one more time to the now rather infamous restaurant pics. Yes, I'm sorry, you readers, I imagine you roll you're eyes, do we really need to?
Yes, as to me it seems only fair that since I posted about it, and had a long rant about all the fuzz it created, I debunked many shipper theories about it in that rant, and in other posts as well, like the unlikeliness that the woman he was with is CB, or seeing her in mirrors, or claiming latergrams because of hair length and Christmas decoration, that today 'the other side' needed to post yet more incorrect assumptions and theories, which are claimed to be truths but easily can be refuted, deserve the same treatment.
So this is what it is about. Purv had been posting for weeks now, almost the day after the pictures had been posted here on my blog and discussed, that she had a 'source' but she couldn't tell yet, she needed to wait... etc etc. we all know the drill by now.
How many times did i now see it, that magically she has sources everywhere.... Yes everywhere, but curiously always after the fact. And the times I've seen it now each time after the fact was posted here on my blog. Just an example; Remember the post about the Chargers game in LA last summer? Where this woman, Farah was her name, tagged SH in her post on IG. Right, that one, it was was already posted 2 days before, I did see the tag, but didn't do anything with it, until an Anon messaged me about it and we found the interesting part in the comments. Two days, but never did any 'source' reported it to Purv in those 2 days. Only after the post on my blog, she magically had a 'source' at the game as well as in the gym in LA.
You guessed it, the same happened again. Again, only after I posted the pics at the restaurant, and was discussed on my blog, she magically had not one but even two sources in Scotland shortly after she posted. One, she calls her Scottish source, the other being the co-worker of that Scottish source who, as per Scottish source saying was at the restaurant at the same time S was there. Oh and yes, we never know these sources, we can never look them up, never a reference to anything. We must believe it all on her, whatever colour eyes she has, that she vetted the sources and her claims them being reliable.
She goes on telling the reason she couldn't post sooner about it, was because Scottish source needed to get the info from her co-worker, but co-worker was on a vacation and Scottish source wasn't close enough to message her randomly on vacation.
So already with this small amount of info, my inquiring mind starts to put some question marks at a couple of points.
Scottish source knew her co-worker was at the same time at the restaurant as S
Uhm, how does Scottish source knows at what time S was at the restaurant? Was it posted somewhere? Does anybody here know at what time exactly S was at that restaurant?
I can tell you because of the time the fan pic was posted (at 8pm UK time) that at the latest it must have been late afternoon, very early evening. Take it, the fan takes the pic, but I do not imagine she posts it right after taking the pic on her FB. But will do so when she gets home. Seems reasonable to me. But honestly S could have been there during lunch time even!
Co-worker was at vacation and Scottish source wasn't close enough to message her randomly on vacation
Uhm, so let me get this, Scottish source knows co-worker was at the restaurant at the same time (?) S was there, but isn't close enough to message her randomly during co-workers vacation to get additional information? Yet Scottish source approached P shortly after the pictures were posted? With what? That S was at the restaurant? (we already knew that) But not with who he was? (as that was what co-worker must have seen), but she can not message her during her vacation. - Okay
Let's take it for granted and move on. While waiting for the co-worker to come back from vacation, P chatted happily with her Scottish source about the naysayers and the haters as she calls them. And the Scottish source even says 'but logic is not the strongest suit of these muppets'.
Uhm... this is a random Scottish source? Right? - Okay, let's not nitpick here.
Finally co-worker comes back from vacation and Scottish source can message her, and comes with the information that S was there with a "group of people".
Nah.... now you lost me. Tell me how can you sit with a 'group of people' at these small square tables in the section S was visibly in?
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We all know, S is not the smallest guy, him and a group of people at such a square table... nope, doesn't add up. If he really was with a group, why not sit at the window, where the green couch is, put some tables together. Or make reservations when you come with a group and sit at a more private area in the restaurant. This doesn't make sense, sorry, not sorry.
Finally P comes to the conclusion that S had dinner at the iasg restaurant in Glasgow, and thanks first her self and then the source for knowing for sure he was with a group of people.
How is it a fact he had dinner? Didn't see the source telling her so. He was there at the latest late afternoon/early evening. He could have had lunch or just the champagne and wine and a little bite. Nothing to claim as a fact he had dinner!
Apart from anticlimactic, the unlikeliness of a group at such a small table I declare this BS.
Oh but wait, there's more!
The Debunking
See when you claim you know for sure something, you have to debunk other options of course. Okay, I did the same, debunking options of shippers. There I do agree...
But hey, try to debunk a logical and more feasible explanation of the whole situation by false information that she clearly did not look up for herself, just going by her Anons or the ones that DM her. And making an amateur mistake about time and dates..... nope, I certainly not agree on that!
Yes, P claims, and I quote here (as I do go to a blog to see for myself what is written and what not, and do not rely on what people tell me as Anon or even in DM, I check and everyone knows that).
Quote P blog:
BTW, I got a couple of DMs letting me know that there was chatter earlier today that the woman Sam was having dinner with that night must have been this 👇 woman because she posted on November 25 that she got good news. And that news turned out to be that she’s working at Waterstones Bookstore for Sam’s book signing event on December 18. NOPE, negatory. On November 25, she posted about news she got “yesterday,” meaning November 24. Sam was seen at dinner on November 26.
About every word is wrong in this quote. Of course it is about this post on my blog. Perhaps P needs to ask her DM informants to read my posts more carefully before they run off with false information about what is on my blog. Or perhaps, she should take the time to take a look for herself, before she echos this false information. Had she done so, then perhaps she could have even prevented that amateur date and time mistake.
The exact words I wrote on my post:
Ah, so she knew about this since 26 November... uhm guess where he was at that date? Yes... the iasg restaurant. So, looks like a business meeting, organizing the book event?
I did not say, S had dinner, I did not say he had dinner with the woman who posted the tweet, I did not say the woman Sam was having dinner with that night. We do not even know at what time exactly he was there (again).
And no, she did not post on November 25th. This my dear lioness that doesn't like to bother with the sheep, is a pure amateur mistake first class 101 out of the book of elementary school. And you could have seen it on my post if you had taken a good look at my screenshots. I'll post it here again, full date and time:
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Purv's screenshot
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Different date and time eh!?! How come? Ever heard of timezones? Did it occur to her that she sees a tweet in her own timezone, not the timezone it was posted in!?! And yes, the time on my screenshots are CET, that is one hour ahead of UK time. The woman that tweeted it lives in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, not in CA, US. So clearly she posted it at 7:52 am UK time on November 26th. At that time, it is still November 25th PT timezone. There's 8 hours difference between UK and PT and 9 between CET and PT.
And yes, she tweeted she got the news 'yesterday' being November 25th and not November 24th. And Scottish source can say whatever she wants about the logic of us muppets. But it seems very logical to me that whenever an event is getting planned at your work, that there is going to be some buzz about it at some point between the employees. And going by the logic that the woman who posted the tweets got the news because of someone at her work, the store manager, or event manager or whoever plans these events, would meet up with S the next day to speak through some details at a restaurant in Glasgow, you know the city where the event takes place seems perfectly feasible to me. Even more feasible and logic than a celeb having dinner with a group of people at a small square table in a crowded restaurant with dozens of tourists.
Now do I claim because of ME now you know what he was doing there and with who. NO, I don't. I do not make claims of that kind, I do not make facts up that are not facts, I clearly indicate when it is an option, a possibility that make sense to me. And over here we discuss the pros and the cons of such possibilities and options freely and with respect.
So what have we learned of all this? Nothing more than we already knew. Well perhaps P learns about timezones now.
What was that again about lioness and sheep? I say, the lioness should crawl back in her dungeon, she lost her teeth and needs her meat chewed on by her minions before she can swallow it.
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
ahem. i would like to share my opinion of the brief mary content we have received lately.
shea getting sexualized and i hate it.
as a woman who likes wearing bras as if theyre crop tops and such, i dont think it's inherently sexual for a character to. but, its just the fact that mary has never until recently (unless im failing to recall like 1-2 panels) worn anything but baggy clothes and it icks me that she suddenly is and during the point she is, we get a close up of her tits. it doesnt feel like a coincidence and maybe it bothers me more than it should but i pray this isnt a slippery slope and ptj wont end up ruining her too.
Dude, I KNOW. Although 'received lately' was like 200 chapters ago 😭
I completely agree though. The latest panels that she was in (that I can recall) are just peak male gaze. Which, I don't necessarily mind - because you gotta give something to the teenage boy fans. But coupled that with how they like to write female characters... I am equally dreading and excited to see the return of our queen.
+ Before we jump into other asks. I'm still working through requests ...still in May omg. There's a few I removed such as request for explicit smut. Because 1) There are much MUCH better smut writers in the fandom 2) You'll be waiting forever 3) I don't really wanna 🥹 NSFW hc are much more fun for me.
I also find it difficult to write for canon characters that only appeared in 2 panels or whatever. We're up to our eyeballs in hot characters. I just need something MORE to build on, yknow what I'm saying?
++ responses to 6 asks below cut! (and a jumpscare loool)
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I strong STRONGLY believe in the kinsey scale, and also don't believe anyone is completely het so... With most of the Lookism guys, they are definitely somewhere along the scale imo.
Thank you for being so sweet! I've started to add in whether my fics are G/N, M, F moving forward so hopefully that makes it a bit more accessible. I'm a little too lazy to go back through the older ones though, sorry!
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LMAO. You really got me googling johnny cage ass. Yeah man has got cake.
+ Any excuse to post this.
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... and also this. Sorry for the jumpscare (+ eat the rich!)
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I AM EXCITED TO READ IT! @simpingforlookism has opened up my eyes to the throupling so... let's see what else people are cooking up. (Smutless cooking for me, yum yum).
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Heyyyy from the UK! Ahhhh Taehoon and Goo. What fantastic taste you have. Thank you so much for reading my brainrot and look after yourself too!
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YES. THANK YOU. Mary and Gyeoul are really queens. I love Gyeoul's attitude and Mary's platonic relationship with Vin (sorry Mary/Vin shippers).
I have read Questism up to about... chapter 50? But was pretty impartial to the characters and only wanted to see what the level ups were. I can't even name anyone from the manhwa (apart from Haru).
I don't mind the sexualisation with appearance - up to a certain POINT. I responded to anon above that you gotta give something to the male fanbase. Truly, saying that through gritted teeth though. Because the proportions, the angles, the outfits are ridiculous. However, sex sells.
But coupled that with their lack of personality and traits. It's pretty toxic, yknow. I don't wanna start ranting about patriachy and all that on a pretty light hearted blog. You know my feeling on this🫠
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ae-neon · 11 months
Jujutsu Kaisen s2 ep3
Overall I'm enjoying this because it's jjk but I have a few gripes ngl
Scroll away if you might be upset by a less than glowing review
I'm so sorry to these mappa employees and I completely understand why they went with the less detailed look but 😕 idk man
(I'm not bothered by the new style, I loved ep1 and enjoyed ep2 for the most part)
There's something missing in the weight and impact of the fight scenes. Kuroi and Geto's fight scenes in ep 2 didn't even make sense. Even the blood splatter looks a little lifeless.
There's a reason the more detailed, less "pretty" and a little rigid style worked for jjk. I understand that this season has better animation, background work and composition but there's something off in the feel of it
I also think they could have adapted and arranged this episode a little different from the manga. Like:
Reveal Geto and Gojo's thoughts on the merger and letting Riko go while they watch her at the aquarium
Give us a view of how Gojo sees sorcerers and humans and the CE they have or give off and then show us none coming from Toji to show us his invisiblity. Then have Gojo inner monologue about how that's impossible, but quickly move on to "if that's the case, it must be heavenly restriction allowing him superhuman abilities" or something
(jjk isn't really a hand holding show but some anime onlys haven't heard the term in 3 years, they might not know what he means)
Show Riko thinking about growing up with Kuroi while she's at the aquarium so we don't have 1 relatively silent montage followed by another
Show Geto looking at Kuroi holding back tears or having a trembling lip before she says she can't go any further
Show Gojo using his six eyes to figure out the inverted spear of heaven's ability then just have Toji say the name
Idk, I can't think of anything else rn but in all honesty, the impact of the fights not hitting quite as hard is the most worrying considering there's gonna be non stop action for more than half the season
I understand that with how much needs to be adapted, it wouldn't be practical to do what Sung Hoo Park did in extending and adding to the fights and I might be proven wrong when Gojo v Toji continues
(plus this can and might be addressed in a Blu-ray edition)
But I still think it's a shame that 3 out of the 4 fights so far haven't hit the way others in jjk have. Season 1, imo, put as much weight into even the smaller fights
Idk, maybe I'm just bugging. Don't kill me, I just needed to rant
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(s2 still above and s1 still below)
Someone posted this on twitter and (again I don't dislike the s2 look BUT) I can't deny that there's something special about the aesthetic of s1. Like his eyes don't just have a glow filter look to them, they have the actual sky. I understand and respect that they probably don't have the time to animate that anymore but I'm allowed to say I prefer it
Idk s2 kinda looks like an AI art
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bohemian-nights · 1 month
It's always interesting how as soon as black women become a love interest in a straight ship 1 of 2 things will happen.
A third thing, the double standards, an example:
Laena x Rhaenyra ship- in the books we know they were close and some fans use the phrase"more than fond of"to reinforce they were a couple(nothing against this couple it's still fiction eh)
Everything normal here.
But when we learnt more about Rhaegar and Elia and their relationship, the sentence "fond" is still used to describe their relationship and now you have people saying "oh they were just friends" "oh he didn't love her" "oh Elia will be okay with Rhaegar and Lyanna being a couple"
First at all, the racism, Dorne is not okay with adultery in marraige, they don't care if if man or woman, UNMARRIED, take a paramour,UNMARRIED; it's different for them, a different mindset
•Convenient how now when their white fave needs to be paired up with a white character(nothing against Lyanna, the girl was 14 year old)when there are POC characters that show interest in them(Elia loved Rhaegar and I can dream he loved her, why? BECAUSE I LOVE ANGST)
Read about the Sophie's actress' scandal(if you called that) -just wtf.
Also Bethany's harassment.WTF.
If they are not happy with Sophie being black, then they are free to read the books or ignore it! It's not that difficult.
Bethany is gonna slay this season, so stay mad colonizers😏
Sorry for the rant, tired of this nonsense🤣
Ps: Some people are starting shipping Dettles out of spite, for the racism's nonesense so yeah, IT'S GONNA BE A LONG YEAR HERE!!All of you are doing great sweeties🥰
Don’t apologize for ranting cause everything you said is the truth👏🏽
I hate Laenyra. People mainly hype it up to move attention away from Daemon and Laena’s marriage and center their self insert into their relationship .
Yeah it’s ironic that the same people hyping up Laryngitis and saying all those who oppose it are racistare the same people who love dunk on Elia non-stop and say that she was fine with her husband sleeping with Snow Becky because she’s dornish. The same people hyping up Jon’s parents are the same people who dunk on Dettles.
I’ll be the first one to say that I don’t give a damn about Ravioli and Snow Becky, but I’ll admit that it was GRRM’s intention to make them romantic(it’s definitely not supposed to be grooming even if I find the whole situation weird). I’ll even admit that there are plenty of similarities between Dettles and that ship, but you’d have an easier time finding a leprechauns gold than getting those people to admit the same.
Don’t get me started on the Bridgerton fandom. A bunch of ungrateful bigots who keep making demands of Shonda while at the same time degrading her and saying there are “too many Black people” on the show (and then crying when people call them out for being the anti-Black morons they are).
And I get that Masali hasn’t been officially announced as Sophie, and of course she’s not the only possibility, but she’s the only one whose name that has been circulating around that fits the casting call. Her schedule was cleared last year and she’s got no upcoming projects. She’s following multiple members of the cast and multiple members are following her back.
(Nicola, Hannah Dodd, Hannah New, Victor Ali who is suspected to be playing John, as well as one of the hairdressers who does the main casts hair to name a few. Hell, there was even one of the directors following her, but he mysteriously unfollowed her for some reason).
More importantly, no one else has produced another casting call to contradict said casting call or to show that the role she was cast for is a member of the Stirling family.
(I’m not going to get into it, but if you’re “evidence” hinges on Masali and Victor Ali looking alike please go down to Lens Crafters cause they don’t look nothing alike outside of being dark and Black. It’s fucking offensive as fuck to say they do).
And as I said in a previous ask, the Bridgerton team has cast a role with a specific race in mind cause they were looking for an Indian woman to play Kate(which is how some people figured Simone Ashley was playing Kate when most of Kates fancasts were white women👏🏽).
So the fact that you have so many people running around like a chicken with its head cut off claiming it’s impossible for Sophie to be Black, that Sophie should be x race, or just being racist jackasses is disturbing asf. You shouldn’t have to see this bullshit:
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You bet your ass I took screenshots cause everybody likes to lie and hide their hands after typing out the most vile shit.
And yeah I get everyone wants representation, but people keep trying to silence and speak over Black people specifically Black women and that's where we have a problem.
Because for any other group, this behavior would be absolutely unacceptable. Especially if you are making demands that an EP not cast any more people of her race on her show, but with Black women that doesn't matter. They don’t care.
We haven’t even had a fucking fully Black female love interest get her happily ever after with a man(the people saying Masali should be a gender-bent Michael need to have several seats cause you’re creating a OC just because you don’t want to see her as Sophie) like everybody else and yet they want us to step aside and cheer them on. Fuck that.
This is why I don’t believe any of you hateful bitches when you say you care about misogynoir because the moment a Black woman is cast in a role you want, even in a role that’s meant for a Black woman like with Nettles, y’all either start demanding she be cut or made into something else.
This literally happens every single time Black female characters are involved and yet you can’t even talk about it because people want to ignore and perpetuate our oppression.
I’ll leave it there cause I’m too exhausted by all of this drama(it’s making my blood boil), but these fandoms piss me off so much. They make it hell for non-white and especially Black fans to exist within them. Even in shows created by Black people.
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rekikiri · 2 months
1. Rant to me about a book you absolutely hate!!!!!! (For the ask game)
ahhh I’m so glad you picked this one!! Thanks for the ask!
so I don’t have a lot of books I can think of that I hated but the first to come to mind that I hated (and finished) was She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen (warning that this got super long so I’m doing a see more for it)
let me preface this that it is my opinion and if you like it that is totally fine!! also spoiler warning
okay for starters, fake dating is something I enjoy quite a bit! I really love fake dating, but I’m usually not a huge fan if it is to make someone else jealous tho which is a big part of Scottie’s motivation, so already off to a bad start.
Scottie is the main character here. Her and irene are supposedly enemies, but the events that make them hate each other are just not comparable to me. The reason Scottie hated Irene was LITERALLY A MISCOMMUNICATION. It would’ve been so quick and easy to clear it up but instead she hated Irene and was so mean to her (explained later)
There’s an incident at the start of the series where there’s a small car accident between the two and Irene needs her car repaired. Irene’s mom insisted that she had to pay for it, and to do so she would’ve likely need to quit cheer to get a job to cover it. So in the meantime, they’re carpooling. Scottie and her girlfriend had broken up not long before the book starts so Scottie offers to pay Irene $1000 to fake date her to make her ex jealous (which is just insane, you are 17 years old, a relationship is not worth it if you are needing to spend money to fake date a pretty girl to make her jealous). They only even broke up because her girlfriend was moved to another school haha not even out of STATE just a little bit away.
Scottie talks about Irene being mean but she really isn’t?? Like Scottie is so much meaner to Irene and is super judgmental.
Here are some examples of things scottie did to Irene (using a book review to confirm my info for this because I read this like 2+ years ago and it just has stuck with me so might be some slight inaccuracies)
1. Tells irene she is “too stupid” and that’s why she didn’t get into an AP class
2. Purposefully makes Irene spill her coffee on herself while driving her to school (then does the stupid ‘name three songs’ thing about the Green Day shirt Irene was wearing)
3. Said its misogynistic that cheerleaders always cheered for the boys sports and told Irene that cheer wasn’t a real sport anyways (multiple times) and insists that she didn’t deserve the student athlete of the year award even tho she worked her ass off to deserve it (and damn if that ain’t some misogynistic bullshit if you ask me)
Here’s a quote I found in the reviews that is a big reason why I fucking hate scottie
"It's not my fault you're so fucking insecure about being a cheerleader or that no one, including your own mother, takes you seriously about it."
That’s just so fucked up, I’m sorry. I would never fucking date her if she said that shit to me
Wanna know what Irene did that was supposedly so awful?
Had Scottie’s car towed. And it wasn’t even malicious! She accidentally had Scottie’s car towed when she was trying to have someone else’s towed to prevent them from driving drunk after a party they were at. Like if I were Scottie id be pretty pissed but like ? Just make her pay the fucking fee to get it back. Don’t need to be a huge bitch about it. She would’ve known it was an accident too if she just TALKED TO HER, but no, decided Irene was her worst enemy ever
And we find out about what happened after Scottie kissed her ex at a party after her and irene are sorta getting together for real, and brings the car issue up when irene is upset with her for it. Like I’m sorry you’re only going to bring up the awful “oh you towed my car” thing when you just kissed your ex when you’re with her??? Nope not comparable whatsoever I’m sorry
AND when she asked Irene to fake date her, Irene wasn’t out!! She was out to her family but Scottie really put her in a shitty situation with her offer. She either had to get a job and quit cheer (which if I remember correctly was how she planned to get a college scholarship!!!) OR she could fake date this mean girl for money and out herself in the process. I hated that and that’s only the smallest of things
Small thing too is that apparently the book was set where I live?? Funny that it even mentions where they are from because I have not a single memory of any specific thing that would make me think it is set here haha
Anyways yeah if you made it this far, thank you for hearing my bitchy book thoughts. I cannot think of a single other book that I’ve read start to finish that I dislike enough to say this much about it (I’m very good at knowing if ill hate a book before I start it and I’m very easy to please as is)
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gojuo · 2 years
ALSO (still me from the alicent anon lmao) people really aren’t able to consider the ever-so-famous historical context. they use it as an excuse all the time to ignore Daemon or whoever being total monsters but god forbid they actually remember that alicent wanting her own blood on the throne is actually a pretty good motive for a medieval queen. she really didn’t need much else as an excuse lol, why would she accept Viserys ignoring hundreds of years of tradition in the name of a “queens fix each other’s crowns🥰” mindset, like PLEASE. add to this the fact that her sons would legitimately be a threat to rhaenyra’s rule and therefore in danger, and that the only consolation queens got after living shit lives in service of men who used them as incubators was seeing their kids rule and she wouldn’t even get that. i would turn evil too after what she’s been through like, she literally was supposed to never win ever😭. the original motive for the dance to happen does make her a power-hungry character but the entire fucking point of the targ dynasty is that they’re power-hungry and ambitious and entitled so how would she be worse than everybody else? the prophecy excuse makes no sense, especially after that whole debacle of her disowning aegon because he’s a monster. and now she’s going to put him on the throne over her own morals?? obedience to her husband despite everything?? THAT’s her reason? THAT’s her redemption? i’ll continue rooting for her but what the hellllll. sorry for the rant <3
No but that's literally part of the job description ?? Being queen means being the mother of the next king??? That's literally a part of the job???? Or else you'd just be a concubine or a mistress not the legal wife of the king?????? Like having the queen's son be the next king is lit e rally what it says on the job application I dunno what to tell the Blackcels AND THE WRITERS because having Alicent misinterpret Viserys is just such a cuck reason to have her act, I agree with you. I mourn the cunning politician she was in F&B and who we didn't get in HOTD really... Her and Rhaenyra's friendship/"love"/whatever the fuck it was they had is just way too shallow or came across as way too immature for me to believe Alicent would just let Rhaenyra ascend after Viserys with Daemon at her side (the very reason why the Lords agreed to make Rhaenyra heir instead of Daemon!!!! Cuz no one wanted him on the throne!!!!!!)
You can rant to me all you like really, don't apologize. Would you mind if I rant also? This whole "women suffering from patriarchy" schtick Condal & Sapochnik have chosen to go for in HOTD instead of having women be the active players in the game is so .... patronizing to me. Like, we live in 2022 not 1822. Is there any Western woman suffering because of the patriarchy anymore? How the fuck is seeing women who are supposed to be queens act like headless chicks because evil men (who are in all technicality beneath them socially/politically/culturally, etc.) apparently oppress them and they are poor women who are stuck in this system while they are actually 2 women at the top of the food chain ... empowering? Alicent and Rhaenyra were active characters who went out and got what they wanted for themselves in F&B but in HOTD they get pushed around by other people while they 👁👄👁 all day. But yayyy! Having these two women who are at the top of the top of the social class be oppressed by "patriarchy" and "fighting against patriarchy" is soooooooo empowering, right? Instead of them being two cunning women moving the entirety of the Six Kingdoms whichever way they want because they want more power for themselves. THAT is empowerment to me. Women being allowed to just be characters that do both the best and the worst all in order for to achieve their own goals. Women taking active part in their own lives and their own fates instead of crying every single day about motherfucking "patriarchy" this and "patriarchy" that. Like .... come on ..... what kind of woman in the West actually buys into this lame "patriarchy" excuse in modern entertainment anymore?
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undinoble · 1 year
I'm just beyond mad right now, got footage of my neighbor (my father's brother, not a stranger but i refuse calling that piece of shit by any name that suggests relativeness) throwing a fucking rock at our house's facade because my dog (turned 1 on saturday) probably barked at someone on the street while we were all away at my aunt's paying a visit (total time away 2 hours but I'm SURE she didn't bark for longer than a minute, she loses interest).
Details under the cut
My mom told me after I got this footage that this is the THIRD rock that maniac throws while MY PARENTS are out, because I work from home and don't go out at all, but my room is the furthest away from this part of the house so I had never head of any rock throwing and i feel stupid for not noticing
This is not the first time we have episodes with this motherfucker, some years ago, back when we had a way louder dog he fucking threatened to call the police on us because she had been barking, probably because my dad was not home and he only got balls to threaten women, so much that he'd never said anything to any other neighbor that owns dogs way louder and closer to his house than ours.
I'm fucking mad because I know nothing is going to happen to him, my father will not confront him about this because he's too much of a trouble avoider when it comes to family issues. I can not sue him for anything because this video is not enough proof on its own, and any other ideas I've got are pretty much illegal or delusional since we have other cameras set around, but I'd totally use my first-time offense on this case no regret
What infuriates me the most is that after that first occurrence above, we tried our best to keep our dog quiet, we rarely go out and leave her alone, I'm usually home working whenever they go and I reprehend her when she barks, we tried so hard to lay her low ever since she arrived, everything to avoid the hatred he could direct her, i dont even post on social media about her, only my best friends know I have a dog no one else
Ever since my previous dog died prematurely I feel like I've spiralled on a depressive state and Jett (her name is Jett) has fished me out of that, she's my light, my angel the most pure creature on earth and i literally do not know what I'd do if something happens to her, and honestly, dogs are just fluffy balls of innocence I can't conceive how someone can hate a dog for so little as a little bit of noise!! I doubt he'd throw rocks at his 2 years old granddaughter for crying!!! His own dog was well cared for i just don't understand why to be such an ass towards ours?!
Fuck positivity and karma can come bite my ass later if it wants to but I just wished that poor excuse of a man would fucking die already he's past 70yos just doing extra hours on earth for what? Discounting on us the fact neither his wife or daughters love him so they moved away and only one comes to check if he's still alive once a month? It must hurt so badly to know a dog, a 4 lbs supposedly irrational creature has been more loved in one year than he'll ever dream to be
Sorry for the rant i just need to let all of this out and have something to come back and cheer on the day he's finally sent to the deepest darkest pit in hell where he belongs it'll become my newest fav holiday
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xumoonhao · 1 year
rant abt queer as folk under the cut <3 read it if you wanna hear abt the messiest show ive ever seen. youll regret it.
ok. right. so queer as folk…god im still so mad abt it lmao but like i need to get all my thoughts out bc how can one show turn out so bad….like it is LITERALLY 8 episodes that are all less than an hour. its probably only ~7h30m of content and so much of it just fucking sucks like. literally. ok anyways it does start off pretty strong, yknow?? first episode is standard for first episodes. introduces all the characters, gives some insight into their relationships and how they know each other, sets up some things yall know how it goes. and then like idk midway thru the ep is like the catalyst for Everything that happens is a shooter goes into babylon (babylon is the club that was a huge focus for the original series and was tied into the reboot) and kills and injures people because its a hate crime. it involves 2 of the main characters heavily (brodie gets shot in the arm protecting mingus who is performing a drag act on stage) and kills brodies best friend daddius, who is also '''dating''' (i use this term loosely, idk if their relationship was defined as this) noah, who is brodies ex boyfriend/fiance (i think??? idk man noah proposed to brodie with a small toy duck or something and then brodie abandoned him to go to med school bc 'oh no commitment is hard :(((' like fuck off actually but w/e) but it affects most of the main characters overall bc like…ofc it would. anyways the ep then kinda goes much of the way the first ep of the original series did w/the lesbian couple having their babies (twins who we dont know the genders of who are named flotsam and jettsam, named bc of mingus which is what the original series did w/justin naming the lesbian couples baby) who are fathered by brodie via sperm donation, and then everything sucks bc we find out daddius died in the shooting :/ which is like definitely a lot for one episode but its just how it is sometimes. also sorry for recapping the Entire first episode but its like literally the only episode that has a coherent storyline so. yeah.
anyways, this made me think the series would focus on like the characters and their healing from this traumatic event and trying to fondly remember their friend and just in generally trying to move on from it and like. it really…isnt like that at all?? like it is for a couple of eps, dont get me wrong, but after the main people spread daddius' ashes the show really moves away from like anything meaningful in terms of the characters healing or literally doing anything good for themselves or each other. like its really incredible. so many of the eps have absolutely MEANINGLESS relationship progress (except julian and noah. theyre the only solid couple) bc literally. none of the relationships fucking matter even a little tiny bit.
i will give a small rundown of things. please bear with me. brodie is the 'main' character (main in quotes bc most of the characters are main characters but brodie is definitely the focal guy bc all the characters are more or less connected thru him) is just a complete asshole. like literally the worst character which is shown to us a bit by way of how he treats mingus (mingus is 17 going on 18 btw. they fall in love w/brodie bc, and this a direct quote, 'he ate his ass in the bathroom' at the club so now theyre in love bc mingus is a teenager and everything is love at that age) which is completely blowing them off (instead of being the mature one bc hes an adult) rather than telling mingus how he feels before he and mingus end up having sex. like wtf?? literally hated that but anyways brodie gets WORSE bc at that point hes just shown to be a fuckboy which yeah definitely sucks but w/e its standard. he could be redeemed from that. but then he just goes on to show how much of a bad person he is by verbally abusing all his friends, manipulating them, lying to them, taking literally ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY for anything, and then apologizing to ppl in the worst way bc when they dont fall at his feet to forgive him, he starts a whole new fight and just ends up being even worse. like i hate brodie so much…god….like he literally did one good thing the entire season which was saving mingus from getting shot. thats literally IT hes a piece of shit the entire rest of the time!!! AHHHHH it makes me so MAD why is the main guy i cannot stand him.
god. it also makes No Sense bc there are scenes that show him and mingus to be like…a thing kind of bc mingus likes him. they really likes him but brodie simply does not care so mingus does end up being with other people which is like…i think at first an effort to make brodie jealous but it literally ends up in nothing which like…alright?? it doesnt really serve a purpose other than being an excuse for mingus being diagnosed with HIV at the end of the series :/ anyways back to mingus and brodie, theres a scene between them in the last ep of mingus being framed by angel wings (parallels a scene from the first ep) which make me think they were going to be a couple, yknow??? like yeah its gross and i hate it but, thru whats been shown, it would make sense. from a storytelling perspective, it makes sense.
but fucking SIKE lmao bc brodie is in love w/ruthie </3 ruthie and brodie do have history tho, so like…ok. they dated in high school before ruthies transition but then broke up bc yknow. things were hard. ruthie was confused back then and wasnt out as trans to anyone yknow how it is. but the thing abt everything that is so. SO confusing is that brodie is gay and ruthie is. a lesbian. but they are in love bc of feelings they never dealt with when they were kids??? EVEN THO RUTHIE HAS A PARTNER AND CHILDREN WITH THAT PARTNER??? but it gets even WORSE bc hey. hey guess fucking what. ruthies partner is cheating on ruthie WITH. BRODIES. MOTHER.
literally…i could not make this shit up if i TRIED. it is absolutely WILD and i hate it all i hate this show it is the messiest show and all of the characters SUCK like brodie literally deadnames ruthie to her face in the middle of a fight they have but they still get their dumbass fucking romantic moment, ending out the series by kissing in the rain like oh. my god. i wish i were dead i wish this show didnt EXIST.
idk if theres anything else to say. i dont wanna think abt this show anymore. kill me
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