#and prevent any deaths
This is for my unwritten fics game, responding to @JaztheBard's ask on "The Love of a Parent."
So, this story is very firmly about Elrond and his weird parents, none of whom are supposed to be in the world any more (M&M are dead, Earendil and Elwing are forbidden from setting foot on Arda). Of course, none of this stops Elrond's parents from wanting to be involved in his life, and making sure nothing bad happens to him.
Gil-Estel always seems to appear on the dark nights when Elrond's grief catches up to him, or when he's struggling to find hope. The birds of Lindon– and later, Rivendell– often give him things, little tokens, some of which are very obviously from Valinor. Elrond doesn't sail often, but when he does, the sea always seems to welcome him, calm and gentle. The strange, unearthly songs that seem to follow him out on the water unnerve most people, but Elrond finds them comforting. He gets caught up in orc attacks a few times, in the Second and Third Ages. Somehow, he never seems to get captured, or even badly injured. Neither he nor the people he's with really understand why. All they can remember is the smell of smoke and a flash of something that could not have been fire.
The actual plot of the story, however, is Elrond deciding to try and convince his parents (or at least, whatever is left of them) to come live with him in Rivendell. This includes, but is not limited to:
Elrond chasing a wraith (spirit? ghost? living flame?) that may or may not once have been the eldest son of Feanor through the woods
Arguments with the Valar about what constitutes fair labor practices for stars
Elrond spending a bunch of time in slightly shady dock towns tracking down rumors of a "wandering spirit" who roams the beaches
More arguments with the Valar, this time about how keeping incarnate beings (especially part-humans) from the world against their will is like, maybe kind of cruel
Several people finally getting to meet their grandchildren
A surprisingly peaceful family lunch in Rivendell's welcoming halls
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solarnexas · 15 days
my favorite thing abt sqh is how much he just..lies. not even out of any malice or at times even necessitated discretion. he promises u everything, reliably delivers it—half bcs you'll have his head otherwise, half bcs he's an unwilling people's pleaser(..and terrified for his life)—and yet still. there's a genuine complicit sort of understanding within him, that all he says, he means half heartedly. everything in his life is so precarious, either physically, or in mental house of cards, that to give a word, a statement, a sentiment, with an internal genuineness would mean to put on stakes feelings that he has full faith in himself to never deliver on. its a constant form of lying that comes from self doubt, a house where nobody is there to listen to u in the first place to account u for it, a stage where everything is a demand and urs is a performance you think will cost u ur life if u fumble it once. the only promise he had ever intended to fulfill faithfully was to his king, and it was bcs he'd written it so. there's original goods sqh who'd betray his king for ambitions and purposes for his own gain and then there's our author god airplane, perfectly possessing the demeanour of the most snivelling, sycophantic-appearing man alive, never having one thought to betray his king, who, apart from being his favorite creation slash wet dream ofc, was also the keeper of the only role in sqh's life whom he offered himself to willingly (by not killing mbj) and then worked that position never intending to be anything else
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samble · 4 months
i know nobody cares about this but me, but the way people still in 2024 think homura is some Obsessive Evil Psycho Abuser™ who wanted everyone but madoka to die horribly drives me up a wall. like, did we watch the same anime/movie(s)? are you just so blinded by hatred of homura that you flat out ignore canon entirely? what is it.
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krourou2 · 7 months
Y’know everyone’s always "Ace Attorney crossover!" and "Professor Layton crossover!" about Ghost Trick, but you know what I think would be extremely funny?
Detective Conan crossover.
A guy who doesn't believe in ghosts, a girl who's terrified of the supernatural, and a guy who IS a ghost.
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news4dzhozhar · 17 days
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You can watch the full lecture (about 2 hours long) here if interested. The YouTube account is German but the lecture is in English.
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katrina-loves-birds · 10 months
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I was just rereading the Paris pages, and like. I’m losing my mind at the way that these two characters view death. Andronicus’s absolute refusal to die, the way he STATES that he is not Done, his refusal to accept that death is beyond his control, is so indicative of his character and ruling style. You can see the shadow of what he was before whatever happened to him, his once-present charisma, the way he is used to being obeyed, and his absolute refusal to be anything less than In Charge in his declaration.
Directly contrasting that is Voltaire’s line “May I last until my work is done.” Voltaire accepts that he can’t control everything and he is willing to admit he isn’t all powerful. This admittance seems to be the main difference between Voltaire and Andronicus- Voltaire was successful as a ruler because he was willing to delegate and create secondary systems capable of running his city, while Andronicus was too obsessed with absolute control to the point that he destroyed himself.
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 3 months
its v clear that some womens idea of a forbidden romance is like, their friends or parents disapproving of their boyfriend
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sheryl-lee · 1 year
yellowjackets rant time :)
people whining that natalie’s death was “shitty writing” makes me want to bang my head against the wall. like are you seriously shocked that the show about tragedy and murder has tragedy and murder in it. are you seriously shocked that the show about fucked up people has fucked up people in it.
#same with people who hate van and lottie and tai and shauna and misty and ben and whoever the fuck else for being 'bad people'#'i can't root for these characters!!!!' like lmao way to miss the point of the entire show janet#they're all traumatized people (many of whom experienced that trauma as CHILDREN) and have done awful things and will do awful things again#INCLUDING nat like im sorry you believed that she was the moral compass when the show never explicitly told you that#she's just as fucked up as the rest of them. and thats what makes her interesting#that's also what makes her death compelling and. sorry. WELL WRITTEN#it's tragic and cruel and preventable. and that is the point.#sometimes characters die in media. lmao. and sometimes it isn't well executed#but this was. and it has been set up for a long time if you go back and watch the prior episodes#i understand disliking the finale or the season or whatever. not mad about that.#what i am mad about is equating a personal opinion as an irrefutable fact and proof that the writing is shitty#and sending literal death threats to the writers and creators of a show that have put a lot of work into it#like at the end of the day it's a tv show for entertainment. and you can and should be able to love a character#while ALSO understanding when said character's death is emotionally necessary in a story.#i love nat. but i also understand that her death fits the story. that doesn't make it bad writing by any means#okay im done now#sameera.txt#yellowjackets#yellowjackets spoilers
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I've been accused of arrogance many a time and yeah, there's some truth to that, but I am the image of humility compared to people who put their random D&D PCs in actual play main tags or as reblogs/replies to barely related posts.
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felikatze · 1 year
Grima: One Guy In Two Trenchcoats
Let‘s establish: Is Robin possessed or not? Well, I argue…. no.
There‘s a huge difference between one character being controlled by another with no agency in their actions, and someone struggling against their own conflicting nature. Personally, the latter allows for much more depth on Grima‘s part, instead of „ohhh poor Robin :(„
On that question, Robin certainly believes they‘re the same being. Future Past Robin, that is.
Welcome, to Grima apologism hours, in which i do not repent, and overanalyze how my favorite maggot is Complex, actually.
Fire Emblem Awakening‘s Future Past DLC allows a glimpse into an alternate future destroyed by Grima, one extremely similar but ever so slightly different than the one Lucina hails from.
In the „bad end“ of the DLC, achieved if any of the future children (excluding Lucina) die before defeating Grima in Future Past 3, Grima and Lucina hold an extended conversation that gives us a lot of perspective on Grima.
Wherein before Grima shrouded his vessel in shadow, those shadows have lifted and Lucina comes to slowly recognize Robin. She asks if Robin can be saved somehow if Grima is defeated, and very much believes them to be distinct beings. At this moment of Grima‘s weakness, Robin can „shine through“ and speak their own desires without Grima‘s influence, or so it seems.
Robin disagrees.
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Lucina: You‘re human, aren‘t you- a person, like us? Grima is using you to-
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Grima: ...I am Grima! There is nothing human about me!
Lucina: …..
Grima: ...I have always been the fell dragon… since the day I was born…
There we have it, right from the horse‘s mouth.
Lucina is convinced she is talking to Robin, and I‘d agree. Compared to Grima‘s usual behaviour, Robin is much calmer, and speaks more rationally. In addition, their text is formatted different. Grima‘s speech is peppered with bold and bright red text to highlight his wrath, whereas Robin‘s speech features many ellipses, likely to punctuate their fading strength.
And yet, the speech associated with Robin „taking back control“ has them directly admit to being the fell dragon. Previously in this scene, Robin also blames themself for the harm brought to the world.
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Grima: „… I snuffed out the very Voice of the divine dragon… and I just finished killing the friends you sent for the Gemstones…“
„Don‘t you hate me? I‘m the cause for all of this.“
Robin takes responsibility in the first person. If they were truly possessed in this instance, they‘d shift the blame to Grima, but they do not.
Even Naga acknowledges that it was the fell dragon that teleported Chrom and Robin from the main game to safety, an action we‘d associate with Robin thwarting Grima‘s control to keep their friends safe.
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Go King get that Dissonance!
Naga: „Hm? The fell dragon returned you here… Is everything all right?“
What do I mean by „dissonance“? Well, I‘ve said that Robin admits they and Grima are one being. There are many points where Grima doesn‘t, however. And that‘s like, weird, right. I mean, Future Past Grima does this too, when I‘ve been using Future Past Robin as proof.
I think we all remember the famous “the man who owned this body” line.
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But let‘s point out when Grima does this. To taunt others. In Future Past, Grima brings up Robin‘s love for Chrom to enrage Lucina, and in the maingame, it precedes the final battle, too, though more indirectly, as Grima asks Robin to “join them.” It solidifies Grima‘s appearance as the big bad who must be killed, all typical FE antagonist trash talk, really. Gets you rearing to kill this guy!
Which might be the point.
It‘s an oddity that Grima wants Robin to be remembered fondly. And it‘s a recurring one. Remember how Grima will differentiate between themself and Robin, but Robin won‘t?
On the final map, Grima offers Robin the chance to give themself up in exchange for the Shepherd‘s lives. No matter what you choose, battle commences regardless.
If Robin refuses Grima:
Robin: Do you think me a fool? You'll kill them anyway!
Grima: ...Well, of COURSE I would. I only thought you might want to leave your comrades with a heroic, selfless image. ...But so be it. Leave them with the final memory that you were their undoing!
And if Robin accepts Grima:
Robin: First, let my friends go... You promised to spare them.
Grima: Oh come now, we both knew that was never going to happen... But I am not altogether cruel... I did spare you the pain of damning them openly.
Robin: You…
Grima: In truth, I simply don't understand why you care so deeply for the creatures... No matter. Your soul is mine now; you cannot escape. Your mind will descend into the shadow of my own!
„I only thought you might want to leave your comrades with a heroic, selfless image.“ Grima is offering for Robin to martyr themself, and for Grima to be the undisputed villain of this story. It‘s the same thing that happened with Morgan. Morgan doesn‘t remember Grima, only the kind and caring Robin.
This leads me to believe that Grima‘s theatrics, the whole „I am the breath of ruin and the wings of despair“-spiel, is a mask.
In Future Past, Grima knows they need to die. Future Past Grima basically admits to being suicidal. Just look at the bad ending!
Grima: ...Don't you hate me? ...I'm the cause of all of this... ...If it weren't for me, you would never have had to take up the sword... ...You and your loved ones would be living in peace... ...I am to blame for everything... ...You must destroy me, Lucina…
And furthermore… in the Future Past 3 good ending, before Lucina strikes the final blow, Grima turns into a green unit.
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For just a second. And then they‘re dead.
Grima: ...At last...I can rest... ...No one else...will suffer... ...because of me... ...Thank...you... ...I hope your lives are...filled... ...with...joy... ...... ...... ...Morgan...please forgive me... ...I put you through...so...much... ...... ......
Grima, Robin, desperately wishes they weren‘t Grima. That Robin is all there was. They wish so badly that they could just stay with the Shepherds, with the people they love. And they love so much. They still love Chrom, they still love Morgan, but Grima needs to die for the world to be saved.
But if Grima makes themself into a big bad villain with no redeeming qualities, if Grima taunts and riles up, then maybe everyone will forget that they‘re Robin, too. And everyone can remember Robin fondly. Robin is the human part of Grima, and who they wish to be.
What does it mean for Grima to follow Lucina back in time? It's as Naga said; only Grima's own power can end him for good. If Robin never awakened, Grima's power would remain in the world, sealed inside the Dragon's Table for eternity, or perhaps, until another reincarnation of Grima came along. Instead, Grima takes that power onto himself (so Robin does not, cannot),with just enough left to end it all. Grima knows that he must die.
There are some very notable moments when Grima does call himself and Robin one. However, these moments have something in common; Grima is talking to Robin.
In Invisble Ties, this is most evident. 
???: I told you. I'm Robin. The Robin that murdered you and became the fell dragon, Grima. When this "Marth" of yours decided to come back in time...I came with her.
Grima is Robin, burdened by fate, weighed down by grief and madness and a lifetime of horrible choices.
Robin has become his own murderer. To be dead is better than to be Grima.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
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shitpost dispatches from guanyin temple & the sangyao dungeons - [10/?]
with the important caveat that no, jgy was absolutely not attempting to kill or harm nhs prior to this moment, but I would bet cash money on him exacting some pretty bloody retribution upon his beloved a-sang if he'd survived the events of guanyin temple (and also I think he would win)
#mdzs#mdzs shitposting#sangyao#not my favourite flavour of sangyao tbh#i prefer to read/write them without the revenge vision quest hovering as the dramatic irony elephant in the room#compels me tho#just to ramble abt this a bit more in my own tags#huaisang's one advantage throughout his entire revenge quest is that jin guangyao does not suspect him of anything#i have many additional thoughts here about how jgy's fatal flaw wrt nhs is overlooking and underestimating his capacity#for presenting one face to the world while keeping his real thoughts and feelings and ambitions hidden away#(and where do you think he learned that from a-yao? i'm gonna go out on a limb and say 'not er-ge or da-ge')#whereas nhs's fatal flaw (and it is not something that I perceive as fatal within the text#so much as supposition wrt his mental state post-canon)#is his inability to commit himself to any work he's not personally invested in#this is endearing and cute and a little exasperating when he's at lan summer camp#but wrt jgy it prevents him from looking past *what* jgy has done to nmj and asking himself *why*#I do think it is inevitable he will ask that question in his future just as lxc was desperately asking it at the end of the confrontation#the tragedy here is that nhs orchestrated the death of the only person who could ever give him that answer#and now he will never know#jin guangyao#nie huaisang#he did crimes??? good for him 😌#let him have birds!! 🕊#mdzs meta#in the tags anyway#moling queue
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m-12-7-jo · 7 months
I haven't been out in public much due to taking a year off from school and not being able to work. I've been watching the news around the i/p conflict from indoors and have admittedly been reluctant to look at my states numbers.
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So, i finally decided to take a look at the ADL's H.E.A.T. Map and uh...
Florida's had a huge rise in white supremacist propaganda and antisemetic hate crimes since the start of 2023. I figured there would be, since the backlash against the global jewry has been particularly volatile both on and offline. But i hadn't checked the local numbers until now.
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We are one of the few states into the 100+ range and that's particularly horrifying. If we look into the specific numbers, we have:
123 antisemitic incidents, with a majority being vandalism and harassment. A number of these incidents occurred with white supremacist movement (propaganda being spread as well as gatherings).
I know everyone's probably exhausted. But i just want to point out some of the hotspots: Orlando (17 incidents), West Palm Beach (10), Boca Raton (7), Fort Lauderdale (4), and Miami (6).
Thankfully, my city has not had any, and I hope that remains.
I don't know enough about the conflict to say anything more than this: I want jews and palestanians to be safe. I want them to have an ability to govern themselves and not be infringed upon or attacked. I don't want more people to die, on either side.
And, it is not "decolonization" to suggest that an entire civilian population be destroyed for the wrongdoings of their government.
We can call for the dismantling of Israel's government all we want, but THIS here only proves what others have said: the diaspora is too unsafe. This is what is used to reinforce the notion that Israel is necessary at all costs.
We cannot call for deconstruction without being willing to address the rampant white supremacy and antisemitism throughout the US and most of Europe. We can't keep kicking jews out of their homes.
You can't support a free Palestine then use antisemitism as a bludgeon, and expect that to somehow save them.
Focus more on combating antisemitism in your area and generating support for Palestinian relief.
Check out: Palestine Red Crescent Society to support Gaza, especially in providing medical relief.
Learn about antisemitism: Antisemitism Uncovered to understand its forms and prevent an increase of it in the diaspora.
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sensesdialed · 11 months
the way some people will just go out of their way to misconstrue m.cu peter is like. can we get a new bit maybe
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apopcornkernel · 7 days
"jason was right to kill blah blah blah it was a good thing that he murdered blah blah blah" ok quick question. whats ur stance on the death penalty.
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
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What If…? Dark: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2023), #1.
Writer: Erica Schultz; Penciler and Inker: Edgar Salazar; Colorist: Arif Prianto; Letterer: Cory Petit
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tealfruit · 21 days
I'm just constantly on my bullshit these days. brain said fuck you feel everything and think about everything
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