#and she fought so hard to achieve what she wanted . that you just can't help but wish she won
boleynqueenes · 1 month
i love your writing and your stories! plus you're pretty much the only one i found on ao3 who actually centres on anne and henry? so thank you for allowing me to feed on my obsession without making me feel wrong for it lol <3
you are so welcome...like snow on the beach:
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Could I request a lady lesso X ever!reader. R is in their final year of school about to graduate (and is 18) they are the model student because of their extremely strict parents; head girl, perfect scores and always willing to help anyone in need. However their facade of perfection is slowly crumbling around them because of their massive crush on lady lesso who is the only one who sees through all of the perfectionist control freak bs r holds up as being them when in reality their a mess of anxiety and depression. Their work load, mental health and crush eventually become too much for r to handle and they end up having a breakdown in the middle of a school assembly about how to become the best version of yourself. They end up running out and lesso finds them contemplating ending things. R explains everything to lesso and how as an ever they should never have allowed themself to fall for lesso as they will no doubt be disowned by their family for being gay and in love with a never and how no matter what they've tried they can't stop the feelings they have. R being so worked up and without thinking ends up kissing lesso but lesso tells r to stop because she thinks she is the reason for rs suicidal thoughts which leads r to say they don't regret falling in love with her they only regret letting their family own them and couldn't handle not being with lesso. It ends with them happy together and lesso helping r figure out how to put less pressure on themself.
Forbidden Love
*Authors note ~ this one is gonna be a tough one. Yet I'd be lying if I said I didn't have amazing fun writing it. This happens to be one of my favourite tropes*
Trigger warning~ burning out, anxiety and depression hints of homophobia suicidal thoughts
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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You had quite the reputation in the school for good and evil. Your final year now, you had strings of awards and certificates to celebrate every achievement you had. You were head girl, a straight A student and always going above and beyond for anyone who needs it. The professors absolutely adore you, for years you'd managed to keep this facade up. The perfect child, student and the friend. Yet you held secrets, buried so deep within yourself, that's you almost didn't know they were there. Almost.
It was forbidden you knew that. A massive red warning sign screaming for you to avoid. Not only were you not supposed to be Sapphic but she was your teacher. Sapphic felt right for you, lesbian although accurate you didn't feel as comfortable with the label. The negative associations with it made you really hate yourself, yet sapphic didn't have those connections and it sounded softer and lighter. You didn't bother telling anyone, it was a secret you'd take to the grave with you, after all you couldn't come out. No your parents would lose it at you. And you'd lose that reputation you'd fought so hard to build. You would truly be a disappointment and that thought alone killed you.
You were emotional, you knew that, yet you didn't expect the school assembly to get you in such a state. All the feelings of fear, disgust, anxiety, and pure hate bubble within you. Your need to be in control and protect your reputation causing you to burn out and truthfully hate yourself. You didn't want to live a lie but you couldn't be yourself either, that was something you didn't want either. The assembly hit you hard, all about being who you are accepting yourself and others despite your differences. A constant reminder that you weren't perfect and you never would be. And that thought caused tears to force themselves free from the confines of your eyes, the air struggling to inflate your lungs as your body trembled. Your legs instantly started to carry you from the hall itself, unsure where you were going, you just continued to mindlessly run.
Your secret girlfriend noticed you left abruptly and left instantly after, hot on your heels. When she found you, you looked absolutely broken, you'd curled up, back to the wall sobbing and mumbling about how you can't do this anymore. Things needed to stop. To change. But you didn't want it. But you did. Your thoughts all jumbled and truly making no sense for the older women.
"Little one?" She murmured grabbing your attention and you instantly spilled everything. About how you shouldn't have fallen for the women, about how you needed to be perfection and nothing less. Knowing that as soon as this came out you'd be disowned and lose everything yet you couldn't fight your feelings for her. You didn't want to truly. But everything was so hard and confusing. Why couldn't you just be you, and love who you want to love? You couldn't do this anymore and you couldn't stop yourself, you lurched forward and pressed your lips to Lady Lesso. The kiss was sweet and hesitant and you'd be lying if you said the way she pulled back from you hurt. The rejection you felt worse than anything else you'd been previously feeling. You'd completely made a fool of yourself. Why would she want you?
"Little one, you can't, we can't, I can't be the reason you feel like this love. Don't get me wrong I want you. I truly do, I desire you more than anything else but I can't be the cause of this pain" you mumbled the hurt and confusion was soaking her words and your heart broke. "Leo, no! I don't regret loving you. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I just wish I could do it openly. Freely. Where my parents didn't have so much control over me. I need you Leo. Please don't leave me. I love you and I'll never regret it."you whimpered holding her gaze, eyes pleading with her to hear your words and see the truth in them.
"Little one, I'm so so sorry my love. I'm here. We will take it slow darling. Start to slowly take things off that beautiful mind of yours okay? Work on making you feel content in your own skin. I'll be here all the way okay?" She murmured and you nodded throwing yourself into her arms mumbling thanks and reassurance of your love for her. She held you until you had calmed yourself down before guiding your lips to meet hers in a sweet kiss. Claiming you as hers. And you kissed back instantly, loving just how right it felt. Maybe you'd lose your family but you'd be free and with your Leo and that would be worth it all
Word count ~1138
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If i analyzed a mitski song through a kuwameshi lens would u care…
i just think it kinda fits as a yusuke pov is all! like here let me just-
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what if yusuke wanted to be held. he hasn't been held since he was a child and had no one but a mother too young to know how to do it right. what if all of a sudden he had someone to depend on no matter how hard he bit and fought and clawed. kuwabara has his back in fights, in life, so why not be at his back in the quiet intimacy of night. maybe i can kiss your fingers for a change instead of breaking them. i can be soft. i can want soft sometimes. but it's a pointless desire because kuwabara has potential yusuke doesn't see in himself. a chance to be "normal" and "successful" away from the destruction and strife that seems to lick at yusuke's heels. all yusuke has is this man eating demon heritage and a ramen cart. so he can send kuwa off with a smile, call him college boy to further separate himself from what kuwa has the chance to achieve.
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i will compare kuwabara to the sun until i die. he's bright, he saves with his light. when he smiles he beams. even his aura is yellow and hot and beautiful like the sun the very center of our existence. of yusuke's galaxy, his universe even if that doesn't make sense. and kuwabara knows what it's like. his childhood wasn't much better than yusuke's. and still somehow he came out the other side shining while yusuke belongs to the night. a creature of the night. not even a part of the grand solar system just some thing that is wrong and rough and hurting that wanted to hurt in turn. still he can't help but open a little for the sun. maybe like a morning glory. he can't bring himself to be direct can't take that leap. but he can sing for the birds to pass messages for him. little touches, sweet moments that can be laughed off if necessary, hugs they pretend didn't happen. those are his song.
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do not wait!! i'm not for this place and you're meant for better so don't waste your time on something like me. there's this divide. human and demon. sun and the monster undeserving of its rays.
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you'd think that because their situations were similar shizuru and atsuko would be thick as thieves but i feel like there'd be a disconnect. a sort of envy on atsuko's side and judgement on shizu's. maybe shizuru sees this child her brother brings home unattended and mean and unwilling to be cared for and she gets it but also she doesn't. because kazu isn't like that so what could've happened? yusuke knows shizuru feels bad for him, for how he was brought up but he can't bring himself to share the sentiment. he's glad for his mother even. her willingness to tell him how it is. to make sure when the world punched him he punched back ten times as hard. to not get to attached because it only hurts when you get left behind.
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Kuwabara is...he really is a man amongst men. he is just that good. he's got honor, he has respect, he can do the yes ma'ams and no sirs, he can also rile you up if need be. he can raise his abysmal grades just by believing he can. he can defend he can protect he can be strong he can be sweet. he can be confident and vulnerable. he's just everything you can wish for in the guy you wanna take home to meet your parents. and yusuke wants. he doesn't want to want but he does. he wants to be worthy of that guy.
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if. well when it all comes crashing down because yusuke cannot keep things afloat he doesn't keep connections he breaks and breaks and breaks. kuwabara is everything he could ever want wrapped up in one person and that's exactly why he knows he'll fuck it up because urameshi yusuke cannot keep a good thing. he shouldn't have tried it in the first place
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and maybe his mom was wrong. wrong in what she taught him. the lessons she gave. but at some point down the line yusuke can realize it's not always learning what to do. but what not to do. and because kuwabara is this perfect guy he will never give up on yusuke even if he fucks up. so the least he can do is put that same effort in. maybe he understands his mother more the less he becomes like her.
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kpoptarotvibes · 8 months
Thank you for your feedback. I don't really charge as i don't do this professionally. I wanted to write a bit more but i reached the limit, heres a bit more from what I gathered. So in fact since he is a Capricorn Rising, Saturn rules his chart (for every sign there a planet that rules it), and having his chart ruler Saturn in Aries is really indicating to me that, that problem of his is highlighted in his life. So this planet anywhere it is, it shrinks that house and makes the native work really hard (pretty much a life long process) for whatever that house represents. I didn't really want to mention this the 3rd house also shows us the individual's relationship with their siblings, so I would be surprised in it was smooth sailing on that as well. He does have an aspect between Saturn and Neptune, they square(harsh aspect) each other, so he has this inner tension between reality and illusion and what's actually happening to him. So it does create feelings of inferiority and not being able to sort of meet the standards of whatever illusion Neptune wishes to create. He also has Saturn square his Venus, which would indicate to me a problem with relationships. His Saturn in the sign of Aries and it's what's considered debilitated which means basically that whatever that planet it meant to do is in exact opposite sign. Responsibility is a big part of Saturn and being in Aries this is someone that's always avoiding it/always changing up their mind. To me this is not someone you can depend on cause first of all they can't depend on them selves, they are rather running towards things that are igniting their passion(Aries, it's literally the God of war) which again not at all what this planet is about. What you said about the family's control over his career. 2 notes on that. Just like Saturn represents the father figure, the moon represents the mother. So everything I said about the 8th house here applies to the relationship with his mother, it doesn't necessarily mean that it was happening between them, it could be that his mother was going through 8th house matters(mental illness, etc)when he was growing up resulting to him feeling neglected, I am not surprised he wants older women with this either cause subconsciously his wants to be nurtured and cared for to feel the gap he experienced as a child. Now onto the career and family. Well his 4th house (family life,home,again mother relationship) is in Aries the sign of war. To me maybe his parents fought a lot, or maybe him and his mother did but overall this is an upbringing that was very competitive and yes you guessed it, his 4th house ruler (since Aries rules Mars, we have to look where Mars is placed) is in the 10th house. So for sure his childhood really played a significant role with him wanting to achieve more and more. People with this, strive to find a balance between the home life and their career. So a lot of the times for him to feel emotionally secure it has to be tied with his professional achievements. He would be responsible for representing his family to the public and will potentially seek validation for every 10th house matter from his family. So career choices yes most definitely are influenced by his home life especially the mother. She might have acted very authoritarian. Again do you see the pattern, a strong more in a sense masculine type of attitude from the mother, no wonder he likes girls that are either into sports/competitive, or a bit more on the masculine side. Definitely not I.U that's for sure. At this point I would like to point out that to me there's nothing really in his chart screaming at me womaniser, especially with all this Virgo going on but his Venus is libra and while it's actually on of the signs it rules and helps him tremendously when it comes to his career, in relationships this is a very idealistic sign, that in fact finds it very hard to work things out when it comes to hardships + with that Saturn square Venus he is way more insecure that he let's on and potentially is intentionally avoiding to commit..that's all for now!
So this is part 2 to her chart reading...
Wow it seems like no matter what his competitiveness and his drive to be a singer always go back to that childhood trauma of moving out into the world alone. And how he was treated by his parents.
I have picked up on him intuitively always being forced to change by the universe. Because he has to evolve here too like other souls. He can't stay the same.
About that womanizer thing, it's funny because me and my best friend were talking about how we don't pick up on him being a womanizer at all. LOL!
Omg please come do my chart! This was great.
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ghost-bxrd · 8 days
I'm back and I've done it! I finished Talon! God where do I even start-
Just cuz it's off the top of my head, I think I agree with you in liking Calvin and Casey having a platonic relationship. You were so right in saying that they balance each other out, because when Calvin was too scared to act Casey would be there to push him, remind him of what they were fighting for. The unwavering faith they had in each other was so sweet, and they just made it look so easy, to bare yourself open to another person, all your fears and doubts and hopes and wishes. You don't need to be romantic partners to have such devotion for another person. Imo Calvin just basically imprinted on her cuz she was the first normal person he'd met outside the Court, as well as the first life he saved. (oops + Sarah) All in all tho, I'm okay with any iteration of their relationship, cuz in the end they're just good for each other, and they deserve to live the lives they've wanted together.
that was kinda long sorry. now onto my other thoughts!
I knew something was fishy with Sebastion! I just didn't expect him to be the previous Grandmaster! I have yet to read any comics where the batfam faces off against the Court, so I wonder if it was obvious to those who have read them. But man I was so worried about Casey, and then bam! She once again proves why she's the most bamf ever! I'm so surprised and glad that they gave her such depth and made her such a strong character. (lol i keep bringing everything back to Casey, i can't help it she's just too cool)
Batman popping in was cool, but he couldn't just leave the attitude at home could he? Glad he came around in the end tho.
LOVE Anya, Joey, and Edgar! I'm so happy they all stuck around! I'm such a sucker for found family, and everyone sticking together until the end mended my heart a bit from all the other found families that have split up.
One last mention to Casey and her awesome new upgrades! Tho how she came to get them was quite very bad, she was so strong to not let her circumstances keep her down and getting payback at the monster who hurt her.
And then the last issue! Ahh I'm so happy for Calvin. Funny how he must be the only person to have a good outcome from taking a dip in the green. I don't care about the mechanics, I'm just glad it worked. I'm so proud of Calvin finally achieving the life he fought so hard for.
If it weren't for you I don't know if I ever would have found this gem. Was an absolute pleasure to read. I've gained another favorite character. And I'm looking forward to seeing this precious bean make his way into your writing and reading about him!
I’m happy you enjoyed the comic! It’s easily one of my all time favorites (despite Bruce being a downright butthole for some of it). All the Court of Owls lore, all the Talons! The characters!! *sighs dreamily* 🦉
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yesimacreepweirdo · 11 months
Drakgo or kim’s Ron? Shego and drakken would probably get annoyed at each other a lot while kim and Ron only fought in one of the best episodes 4x01. They would bond over stealing though
Well, considering I watched the show for Drakgo.... 100% Drakgo. Let me tell you why!
Shego by herself is the most intriguing character, in my opinion. Her interesting back story is what got me into the show in the first place. She went from hero to villain, she is capable of very dangerous things, and honestly, she could be a solo villain if she wanted to. It begs the question, why does she stay with Drakken?
Now, one could argue that Shego is lazy and unmotivated, so being Drakken's sidekick is perfect for her because she just has to follow orders and doesn't have to come up with her own schemes. And that is a valid point. Shego likes staying in her lane. She's not determined like Drakken is. I don't believe she actually gives a crap if they succeed in taking over the world or not. She's evil for the thril. She's there for the fun of it because she enjoys it. Drakken, on the other hand, has a goal, and he intends to achieve it. However, Shego could work for anyone, and she has a few times, but she always ends up back with Drakken. Why?
Some people will say that they didn't care for each other until season 4, but I highly disagree. The evidence was there from the very beginning. Back in season 1, Drakken openly admits to missing Shego when she left and calls her a pet name over the phone, to which she doesn't bat an eye, meaning he has called her pet names before. Is Shego sarcastic and lippy throughout all 4 seasons? Yes. Does she get annoyed with him? Yes. However, Shego isn't Kim. She's not a goody two shoes who does the right thing all the time. Mix her past with the fact that she is evil, and I'd say she's scared to be vulnerable. She doesn't like having a weakness because in her world, a weakness can get you killed. So she operates under the impression that she doesn't have one. I don't think she intended to care for Drakken the way she ended up caring for him. It was something that happened over time, and by the time she noticed, it was too late.
On Drakken's end, I think he was very well aware of his feelings for her back in season 1. He just didn't say anything because he thinks he wouldn't have a shot, and he didn't want to lose her as a sidekick. He's incredibly smart and very capable, and if Kim wasn't in the picture, some people could argue that he wouldn't need Shego, but I'd disagree. While he's a mad genius, he overlooks a lot of things because he's not the brightest bulb in terms of common sense. He needs Shego’s lippy remarks to make him see what he's missing, and he would need her to be the enforcer if he ever did take over the world. Much like Kim and Ron, Drakken and Shego clearly need each other. They balance out each other's weaknesses, and they overall make each other better.
Now, I'm not saying a romantic relationship between the two wouldn't be hard. It most certainly would be. Shego doesn't like to talk about her feelings, and Drakken is naive to a lot of things. I think their relationship would be super toxic at first, but they would eventually figure it out because they can't live without the other. In the series finale, Shego quite literally seeks out Kim (before she knew she was abducted) because she knew Kim would be the only hope she had in getting Drakken back. If that was anyone else, she would have left them there, but since it was Drakken, she went to her enemy for help. That, my dears, is what love looks like. Those sweet Shego moments are rare, but they are sprinkled throughout the show if you squint hard enough.
I like Kim and Ron, don't get me wrong. They are perfect for each other, and they were clearly endgame from the start, but Drakken and Shego intrigue me more because their relationship isn't easy. It's not all lovey dovey all the time. In my opinion, it's more realistic to real life because real-life relationships aren't always as easy as what Kim and Ron had. Relationships are hard, and Drakken and Shego are one of those couples that, yeah, they have their issues, but they will work through them because not working through them would mean losing each other. Notice in Mad Dogs and Aliens how pissed off Drakken was at Shego for leaving him in prison and how jealous Shego was that he replaced her with Warmonga, and then 3 episodes later, which is the next episode they are in, they are closer than ever. They are capable of working through their issues. They just have to be open to talking about them, which for Shego is something that is incredibly difficult.
I'm on a rampage now. I just love these two with all my heart. They are my ultimate ship. But to sum up, I like Kim and Ron, but Drakken and Shego have a certain appeal that I can't ignore.
Thanks for the ask!
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mr-jaybird · 1 year
action scene writing tips
a couple days ago, i mentioned that i love writing action scenes and was happy to give advice on them. @charlezarrd asked me to write some up, and tragically i have been busy writing code and not fanfic. but here they are, just a little late!
this got long, so tips below the cut:
action scenes are all about tempo. when i'm writing an action scene, i am generally trying to write something that will make my readers feel like they're on a breakneck race to find out what happens next. real life dangerous situations (and i've been in more than i'd like) tend to feel very fast, like your perceptions can't even keep up with everything happening around you. it's that feeling i try to replicate when writing
to achieve that, it's okay to bend grammatical rules. i will deliberately write run on sentences, with clauses that would normally be a sentence on its own separated by a comma, in order to induce a feeling of rushing from one thing to the next with no time to separate your thoughts/feelings/experiences
for example, from my work:
She’s not going to make it, she’s not going to make it, she pushes and pushes and refuses to let herself open her mouth and speed up the drowning by trying to gasp in air that isn’t there.
each of those clauses could be its own sentence, but they're all running into each other instead!
the em dash is also your friend—using one like so can enable you to jump from one action-packed thought to the next, creating a sense of urgency
another example:
Aloy breaches the surface, drawing in air, but after a few huge gasps she looks down and sees Talanah below her, perhaps ten feet away, motionless and sinking—there is no hesitation.
it creates an abrupt, decisive feeling in your work!
if your scene goes long enough, it can be important to put pauses in that rapid tempo in to create breathing room. a good use of that can be taking a paragraph to show your character thinking through their tactics or strategy, which can show they are approaching the situation intelligently rather than reactively (if that's what you're trying to convey)
if you DO want the character to come across as reactive, you can take a pause instead with them taking a hit and needing a moment to catch their breath and get up from it, talking about the sensations it induces and/or the decision to keep going
for physical fights specifically, i tend to visualize it in my mind as comic book panels
for example:
He’s so much faster than Lis would have thought given his size, and even as she tries to dodge out of his way, he’s grabbed her and tossed her back against the wall. Lis hits with her shoulder, hard, and stumbles, slightly dazed. He’s already brought a fist to her stomach though, and Lis doubles over, winded, gasping for breath. The man strikes her back, hard, and she crashes to the floor.
each sentence there was a "panel" to me, and i needed to briefly describe each to have the fight work as a sequence. visualizing them that way helps me keep the fight sequence moving fluidly and logically
in general with fight scenes, it's important to keep track of which limbs are currently where and make sure each action flows naturally into the next—in complete honestly, i find it mechanically very similar to writing sex scenes in that respect
it's also important to remember that action scenes are often just as much mental as physical. pay attention to your character's reactions and emotions and highlight them occasionally as you go, so that you don't lose the emotional heart of your story in an action scene that's not actually saying anything about the character
above all else, have fun with it! think of crazy scenarios and go wild. don't get intimidated out of writing something you don't know--god knows i have never fought a giant robot t-rex
that's what i've got for now, hope it helps!
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deathsbestgirl · 10 months
so some of my medical history:
lyme disease when i was 10
mono right after (one kid i was never near in the county had it)
a weird ass contagious skin disease that was very contagious so i couldn't go to school (easily treatable) that no one else in the county had
diagnosed with a type of arthritis when i was 15 (the "treatment" didn't help)
i've had 4 surgeries for cysts (ganglion cysts both wrists, left side lypoma, cholestiatoma in my left ear)
tubes in my ears 3 times
2 surgeries to replace the bone in my left ear (i'm HOH)
MRSA my freshman year of college (not allowed at school)
junior year? i started getting treated for chronic lyme (controversial) was on multiple antibiotics for 4 years, went gluten free, no sugar, very little caffeine, got cdif (colitis) (almost died) had to stop that route. tried chinese medicine (garlic & herbs) was taking chlorophyll with too much copper, got copper poisoning & almost died (when my dad was first diagnosed with cancer no less) stopped that course too. (also did a whole miserable diet that i can't even talk about bc i really like food & that also almost killed me bc i didn't want to eat ever)
did acupuncture for years, that was the MOST helpful. she improved my period, helped make my diet tolerable, improved my pain & migraines by leagues, etc etc
pretty sure i have pots, maybe eds but i haven't tried to get diagnosed because ... i hate doctors with a burning passion. my biggest problem now is fainting & allergies lol and liquid iv & compression socks have actually made the biggest difference. used to survive on gatorade & pedialyte. and i need to go back to acupuncture
i'm always in pain (muscles, joints literally all of them) but you learn to live with it. and my very helpful doctors told me to ignore that pain when i was 15 & said fatigue was normal. so um. yeah
i feel like i've buried most of the memories, like they were years ago at this point but they feel like another life sometimes.
it's so isolating and if i didn't have two really good friends at home when i left college, i don't know how i would have made it. they would come over basically everyday and we'd watch tv & hang out, they'd make sure i ate & help me clean etc etc (i had the downstairs apartment if my parents house most of the time and *thankfully* my family was always helpful & understanding, my mom fought so hard for me) my mom & my friends could tell how i was feeling without my having to saying a word about it.
it absolutely kills me every time i read about what others deal with when they have chronic illnesses because that just. is not how anyone should be treated when they're sick & in pain. i remember being 15 and the whole world telling me "you can't be sick all the time" like literally yes you can you dumb fucks. again, thankfully i had some great teachers who made so many allowances for me (letting someone leave class early with me because i couldn't walk or carry my stuff but i had no aids or plan with the school. sometimes teachers that weren't even mine let a friend leave their class. one teacher didn't make me read a tale of two cities because i missed the whole unit) i had another friend going through hell. she has crohn's disease and she almost went blind and it took a long time for her to get diagnosed too.
one of those days i'm just mad at the world. this post doesn't really have any purpose other than to say listen to disabled people, especially the ones in your life. and if you can help them then you should. it's isolating & exhausting & painful in so many ways. people shouldn't lose friends because of their health. they shouldn't be guilted because of their health. health isn't an achievement, it isn't something you can control even if you do everything you possibly can. some things we just have to live with.
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roeyliteratiforever · 2 years
It's like Rory anti's literally spin anything to try to prove she's the "worst" or to convince themselves why they hate her and they are nothing but stupid reasons. If I have to hear "Rory had everything handed to her" or "Rory is a spoiled brat" or "Rory is the worst because she dropped out of Yale and can't handle criticism" I'm gonna lose it!
She did not have everything handed to her. She worked her ass off to get into Yale and worked super hard towards her goals. Anyone who thinks "Rory has everything handed to her" did you not watch seasons 1-3 where she worked herself so hard where all she wanted to do was study and read or do extra curriculars to get into Yale? She worked herself so hard to the point her first boyfriend started getting jealous because she would work towards her education instead of spending time with him. She got accepted because she deserved to be there. She didn't get there from her grandparents money they helped pay where she was PAYING BACK! It was a LOAN! Her grandparents didn't just hand out money to her to buy her way into Yale like Logan's parents did she worked hard for it!
She was not a "spoiled brat" either she grew up in a garden shed and the small town of Stars Hollow and even when people tried to put her on a pedestal she fought back she hated how the town and everybody was towards her. Even when she dropped out and was staying in the pool house SHE WAS WORKING! She was not a spoiled brat she was always super grateful for the things people do for her, and even did so much for everyone around her. If anyone needed anything Rory was constantly there for them. Even when Paris was mean to her she was nothing but nice and patient with her and if she ever needed anything Rory was always there for her. I love Paris I'm not attacking her but Rory was always there for Paris even when she wasn't so nice to Rory. She did everything her mother or grandparents asked of her because she didn't want to disappoint them but if Rory has a knee jerk emotional response the fandom is like "oh she's a spoiled brat" instead of understanding that she is just human and messes up sometimes, or in a bad emotional state, but eventually she does come to her senses about most things after she's had space to think things over.
If you hate her for taking a break from Yale that's just so stupid. Lots of people take breaks from school because they aren't sure what they want to do. In Rory's case all she has ever wanted was to be a journalist and having someone so high up in the industry tells you that you don't have what it takes or you aren't good enough is soo crushing! Most people would be so hurt by it, and that was all Rory has ever known and when Mitchum told her that she was so discouraged and needed a break to figure things out and that's perfectly okay. Think if you were in Rory's shoes and someone tell you that you don't have what it takes to achieve your dream how would you react? I'm so amazed how people can't have a lick of compassion over that situation, to add icing on the cake her mom...I love Lorelai but she literally cut her off when she was in a bad emotional crisis and she needed her mom during that time, and that really crushed her more. I'm currently going through a situation like Rory at the moment and I can attest that it's so fucking relatable what Rory was going through. When I first started going to school for the program I was on my counselor also didn't think I had what it took and it hurt and when I started taking the courses it did end up being really hard, and I have been in a burn out and have been struggling with depression and I just needed a break. I got to a point of thinking is this something that I still want to do because everything just feels so uncertain right now. She is literally the most relatable character ever. I love her so much and I can't take these stupid takes that people have to hate her. It's like people will find any reason to hate her and I'm over it!
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I cant remember if i already sent in an ask, but i dont know what to do. Seven months ago, my dad relapsed back into his alcoholism. One night he got drunk, left my mom in an empty parking lot where my brother and I had to pick her up, and when we got home he had trashed all her things and threw her stuff out onto the front steps. It isn't the first time he's done this, my whole child it's all I can really remember him doing, but for awhile things were okay. Once he saw us though, he was an animal. He attacked my brother and they fought and we all had to pin my dad down while he screamed he'd kill us all. Once we thought it was okay to let him up, he lunged for my mom and my brother took the hit and they fought again. I had to call his brother, my uncle, to try and reason or stop him.
He nearly starts fighting my uncle, breathing heavily and his eyes just wild. I remember staring him dead in the face while he threatened he'd put a 40 in our skulls and kill us. That night we grabbed what we could and slept at my uncle's. The next morning, he felt guilty and apologized repeatedly but I blocked his number and refused to speak or see him. I still live at home though, meaning I'm still in a way in contact with him.
I'm done. I can't take it anymore, and what's worse is I'm alone in this decision. My dad is by no means a perfect person, I'm not either, nobody is. But this was too much and I've made my choice. My mother keeps trying to convince me to heal and accept my dad because he's an addict and given different circumstances, if I had an addiction or eating disorder, they wouldn't just abandon me right? But it's not the same, it really isn't.
I do have an eating disorder, I have CPTSD, I'm in pain and have been for a long time but I handle it and it's not something I let them see or know. What's his excuse. He's been abusive, manipulative, vile, and I can't forgive him.
I guess recently my dad had a small heart attack, and who knows maybe he'll die soon. But I don't feel anything about it. There's no anger, no sadness, no rage, just nothing. Maybe I'm in shutdown. Regardless, I'm not sure what's right anymore. I'm going to be saving up to move out, and if I don't have enough then I'll live in my car. He can kick me out for all I care. I can't stay anymore, not here.
Rent is insane where I live, I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to save or if I'll even achieve this goal, but I need to do something. Everyday gets worse and I can't keep waiting for another bomb to go off, or for my mother to comfort me by saying "the bomb is okay, accept it." She asked me to go a therapy session with her you know, mother daughter therapy. At first I agreed but after what she said today, she can forget it. Even after all this time, she doesn't understand. She never will.
Hi anon,
I'm so sorry about what you've been through. There is absolutely no obligation to forgive him. It's reasonable to resent him even if his behavior is related to substance abuse or whatever other excuse is given. Even if someone adequately takes accountability for their actions (which it sounds like he doesn't) you still don't have to forgive them, and it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to still feel hurt. It almost sounds like your mom is an enabler. You've seen a long pattern of violent, threatening, and hurtful behavior from your father, and so it makes sense why it's so hard to be convinced that he's something better. It's okay to not worry or even grieve if your dad passes away, especially in context. Do consider that if these violent episodes continue, it may be necessary to call the authorities, though it can definitely be easier said than done.
Although I completely understand your reasons for not wanting to go to therapy with your mom, being able to speak with a therapist could potentially help you a lot in processing these experiences and your feelings surrounding them, regardless of whether or not your mom benefits from it. It could be an opportunity to meet with that therapist individually as well, and they may be able to see the situation for what it truly is.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions feel free to add on, otherwise I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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thornfield13713 · 7 months
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...I truly hate Mizora. Yes, I know, least controversial opinion in the fandom.
Just- I can't help but wonder if this was, in part, set up to separate Wyll from the group, the same way Gortash dropping the bomb about Durge's past in a Dark Urge run can come off as him trying to separate them from their companions. Yes, okay, completely different contexts/preexisting relationships/goals, given that Wyll being alone might actually make him less effective now he's been tadpoled and lost a lot of power, but the techniques are similar. Probably because getting the resident warlock out of hock to their awful boss is a very, very common activity in DnD parties which include a warlock, and even if Mizora does not know the convention, she probably knows how often warlocks have wriggled free of apparently-airtight contracts after falling in with a scrappy band of misfits.
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...I am once again somewhat disappointed that killing Mizora has to wait for the post-game, and then only if Wyll and Karlach head off to the Hells. I'd quite like to kill her, but- alas, Wyll's powers last only so long as his contract does, and killing her, thus turning Wyll into a lemure, in a fit of outrage at how she treats Wyll seems a tad bit counterproductive.
Because, seriously, that description of just how much pain this puts Wyll through is just- fucking hellfire, that's awful. And all in one go. I guess it was relatively brief this once, but- still. Mizora's got to go.
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Ah. And there's the goal.
I saw a post once discussing how, unlike Auntie Ethel, Mizora couldn't not give Wyll what he wanted and then take her price anyway, so she's doing all she can to take everything that would be personally rewarding for Wyll about what he achieved with his powers, and how much of his ability to keep going as a hero and not be reduced to miserable regret is just him resisting that as hard as he possibly can, because regretting would mean Mizora gets what she wants.
So, here she is to wreck the life Wyll has used those powers to build for himself, even if, actually, it's...probably going to make him less useful to her, at least on the Sword Coast. Given he's hunted in the Hells themselves, not so much there, but that isn't the point. The point, as always with these deals, is getting all the enjoyment out of it that she possibly can.
This is where the Jaskier comparisons are coming in, because I think one of the first things Thoradin is going to do after all this is sit down with Wyll and ask how he feels about having it put into song that the horns were a result of a devil punishing him for refusing to kill a mostly-innocent person. They don't have to put in the contract, he is quick to add. Mizora could just be a random devil who turned up to stir shit and present Wyll with the choice between his own glory and an innocent life in the sung version. But it's a way to spite Mizora a bit more, and a way for Wyll to keep the life he's fought for.
(I do hope there are bard answers later on that let you do songwriting - even if not explicitly songs to bolster companions' reputations. There aren't many class-specific romance options I've seen, but being able to write songs about your partner feels perfect for a bard.)
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How Final Fantasy X left me with so many emotions.
This is my first time playing a Final Fantasy game.
Tidus's antics either left me stunned or amused. Like whining about food in the underwater ruins then nearly choking to death on the food Rikku gives him. Launching the Blitzball into the sea, and kicking that one kid's into the plains along the highroad. Play fighting with Waka while Yuna was making her case to the Ronso, whatever the hell was happening in the background of one of the temples and just so much more. Nice character. Very Himbo.
Fell in love with the soundtrack after hearing the Besaid theme.
First time crying was when Waka was telling Tidus how much he reminded him of Chappu and then receiving Brotherhood.
I laughed when Tidus told the priest at the temple he didn't give a damn about their traditions and wanted to help Yuna.
Valefor is best girl. She killed Anima and the stone defender before Mt. Gagazet. She was the last one I sacrificed.
I was surprised to see chocobos powering the S. S. Liki. I also liked running in circles with the kids before their mom scolded them. The Jecht shot took what, 50 tries?
Felt a little heartbroken after failing to save Kilika. At least I got to save that one kid on the docks.
Got to the woods and "Calm Before the Storm" hit me like a ton of bricks after not hearing it for years.
Not fair how the boys start the race before you can move.
Damn the Luca Goers.
Ifrit is best demon dog/boar thing. He killed Spherimorph after it got stuck on fire spells. Loved how he carried Yuna on his shoulder.
Luca was fun to explore, especially when I got to annoy the reporter lady.
I believe in the Aurochs, even if I never won a game or scored a goal. Blitzball unfortunately combines the two things I'm bad at, sports and math.
As soon as I saw Seymour I thought, "villain".
I kept wondering when O'aka XXIII was going to pay me back the 400 gil I loaned him. Apparently he just gave the money to a random Al Bhed woman. Regardless, I was overjoyed to see him freed from jail and cried when he told the story of his sister.
I enjoyed walking through town with Yuna on her and Tidus's first date.
What do you mean 5,000 gil for one cutscene???
I cheered on as Kimahri punched Yenke and Biran.
I felt so disappointed in myself for letting Waka and the little fan section down.
Sure hope I don't have to fight that big demon thing Seymour just called up.
Achieving victory on the highroad with Tidus lying dead on the ground.
Guilt consumed me as I watched the chocobo feather flutter to the ground after getting pushed off the cliff by the Eater.
I decided to name my chocobo, Henry.
The Dark Magus Sisters kicked my ass and all I could do was watch.
I didn't know I was ordering a death sentence on Gatta or Luzzu, I just wanted to give Gatta sensible advice. At least Lulu got to hear the truth and Waka got a good swing in before Luzzu got sliced in half.
I forgot I had Yuna's Nulshock ability so Sinspawn Gui was probably a lot harder than it had to be. I forgot I had most of my abilities a lot of the time so I just kept relying on Haste.
When I first heard "Wandering Flame" I felt this immense sorrow and sense of failure. The Crusaders fought so hard only for it to all amount to nothing. Wondered what anyone could do to beat Sin. Hearing Gatta scream and breakdown hit me hard.
Ixion is best electric unicorn. Once I remembered his element was lightning the Thunder Plains were much easier.
Why can't I pet the little lemurs bouncing around Djose Temple, Square??? They were begging to be picked up!
I went back around the map before the final battle and those two guards who pretend to arrest you are probably my favorite NPCs. Along with O'aka of course.
Yuna's little bedhead incident got a laugh out of me. It was nice to see the party joyful for once. This was the point when I started to get invested in them.
I really wanted to see the Moonflow at night.
Yuna's shoopuf story was adorable.
I hated Tromell, especially the way he yanked Yuna around.
Going back to Guadosalam I felt bad for the Guado, especially when the Blitzball player apologized on behalf of them all. I enjoyed Tromell's suffering though.
I was against Seymour's marriage proposal from the start.
I cried three times at the Farplane. First with Waka talking to Chappu while Lulu looked on. Then with Yuna talking to her parents and asking Tidus about his. And finally with the parents who were visiting their son after Operation Mi'ihen.
Now that I think about it the concept of the Farplane is kinda messed up.
I was very tempted to choose the third option when Lulu warned Tidus not to fall for Yuna.
I HATE love the Thunder Plains. Between getting ambushed every five seconds and the lightning strikes I haven't been this frustrated with a game since the sliding walls in the Spirit Temple in OOT.
Guess who didn't swing back to Besaid for the Jecht sphere.
I did cry when Auron told Tidus that Jecht does indeed love him. Was nice to see Jecht's changes throughout the story because of Braska's and Auron's influences.
I almost died to that damn Crawler. Luckily Lulu was able to finish it off with Thundara fury before its big beam.
I laughed when Kimahri flipped the snowmobile over.
That temple lady saved all of Spira when she went through Yuna's luggage because Seymour was rushing her around.
I also laughed when Kimahri shoved the priest outta the way. Well deserved.
Perhaps the battle would've gone a lot smoother if I remembered Rikku could steal the guards potions.
Shiva is best ice lady. So she died to Anima, she at least got her revenge against Seymour during the final battle when he got stuck on Blizzaga.
First surprise was seeing O'aka warping. Second surprise was having to actually run from the guards.
Stupid goddamn Yeti bitch from the lowest depths of Hell.
I cried when Kimahri said Rikku should be Rikku at the bottom of Lake Macalania.
I cried when Tidus was talking to Sin. His voice was so tender it felt like the most heartfelt conversation he and Jecht ever had.
Wandering through the desert and picking up those potions, I began thinking the Al Bhed weren't so bad after all.
Poor Kimahri...
Goddamn, son of a bitch Cactuars. At least I got to kill one before the end.
I don't know what Rikku got stuck on, but Tidus had to roam the desert by himself with this strange noise in the background.
Uncle Cid's funny. I will permanently have "Ye haw! Here We Go!" and "The final showdown with Sin-" burned into my memory.
Guess who didn't explore the other rooms in Home before the door shut.
The thing that hit me the most during the big reveal was how sorry Not Valefor looked when Tidus asked her why.
The fight against Evrae was pretty fun, too bad the armor I bought barely helped. Thank goodness for Al Bhed potions.
Yes, the cutscene of storming Bevelle is cool, but boy was it a nerve wracking experience with no save spheres. Stupid flamethrowers, stupid robots. Auron was the only one I had left and he was nearly finished. Luckily his armor break ability was enough to destroy the final robot. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
I smiled when Kimahri helped Tidus open the door.
Bahamut is best dragon boy. I was in awe of his strength down in Via Purifico and he took the heat most of the time. I liked the way Yuna stood timidly behind him and the way he looked down on her.
I chuckled when Auron commented: "I hate this place".
Despite the whole betrayal thing, I was glad to see Isaaru and his brothers upon returning to Bevelle. Out of the gate Bahamut nuked Not Ifrit with his overdrive and pretty much handled the whole fight until Shiva took over for Not Bahamut.
Good thing I read a YouTube comment about using Phoenix Downs on Evrae Altana.
Is it wrong that I just spammed the Aeons against Seymour?
Water boy and dancing girl big dork couple.
They really just photoshopped the Grand Canyon into the background of the Calm Lands didn't they?
Someone's slipping those chocobos sips of red wine because they're veering off course like tipsy ostriches.
Did you know you can learn Lulu's level three spells before Zanarkand? Spares Tidus from having to get his head repeatedly bashed by the stone guardian.
Yojimbo is the best cheapskate. I slipped him 600,000 gil in order to kill Sin and onwards he cheated me out of Zanmato. At least Yuna petting his dog is cute and the fact that it followed him to the grave is sweet.
Maybe getting pissed when Yenke and Biran called Kimahri hornless is what got me through the fight. Along with high potions and the music.
I cried at Braska's final message for Yuna. Gotta love supportive dads.
Which's more twisted? Mt. Gagazet or Valak Mountain?
Fuck Seymour Flux. Worse than Yunalesca. Did you know if you keep using the Aeons you can restart Tidus's and Yuna's turns? First Strike is a miracle worker.
That janky frame rate on the waterfall made me feel nostalgic for PS2 era graphics.
The trials in the caves were fun.
The Sanctuary Keeper was a tough battle until I realized casting Reflect on it stops it from healing.
I straight up bawled during Yuna's goodbye message to the party. First with her and Rikku hugging and when I realized they are cousins. Second thanking Auron for bringing Kimahri into her life. Third was learning that Kimahri hugged her after Braska's death and her begging him not to leave after delivering her to Besaid and saying she likes his horn. Fourth was telling Waka and Lulu they're her big brother and sister and reminiscing about their childhood in Besaid. Finally thanking Tidus for letting her experience her first love.
The background music staying on in Zanarkand gave me this feeling of determination along with watching the pyreflies float about and thinking of the Fayth in the wall. I wanted to avenge them.
I cried over young Auron begging Braska not to go through with destroying Sin.
Hopping around the Spectral Keeper was fun along with the Tetris puzzles.
Yunalesca wasn't as hard as I was expecting her to be. I did die the first time because I removed Zombie. Yuna's Holy was largely responsible for finishing her off along with Shiva. I sure as hell wasn't sticking around for Dark Bahamut.
Ya know, Sin is kinda cute when you look at it from the front.
I smiled when Cid hid his crying. Yuna must've really looked like her mother at that point. Rikku was really impressed with Waka for apologizing for his racism against the Al-Bhed.
I stuck with Tidus, Auron, and Yuna for the final battles. Just felt personal that way.
The City of Dying Dreams gave me similar vibes to Agniratha.
I take back all my hard feelings against the Thunder Plains, the goddamn Nucleus is the 9th Circle of Hell compared.
Jecht's battle was truly amazing. "Otherworld" got my heart pumping and I was on edge the whole time. One scary moment was when Jecht nearly nuked the party, but thankfully I had saved my one and only Mega Elixir. Yuna was the one responsible for defeating Jecht with Holy. They really needed the HD graphics for one frame of Tidus crying over Jecht.
Up until the moment I had to choose who to sacrifice I was in complete denial over the Aeons' ultimate fate. It was a bittersweet feeling in the end. I was happy they were getting to rest, but heartbroken that they were leaving Yuna.
I expected to cry during the final cutscenes, but Auron's "death" hit me the hardest. I kinda forgot he wasn't alive to begin with.
Final Thoughts:
I had zero expectations for what this game would be like. What I certainly wasn't expecting was it to become one of my favorite games of all time. Those five star reviews were right: it was an emotional journey. Bracing myself for a divisive X2. All and all I'm glad I chose it as my first Final Fantasy. Can't wait to see what else the series has to offer.
I'm going to try VIII next. I'll stumble my way through it but I'll probably have a good time regardless. I hear it's flawed but I like a good underdog and besides, I love XB2, if you wanna know what my tolerance for goofy stuff is.
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aryareyes · 3 years
Hello everyone,
I know I’m very late for Gruvia week but to be honest I was hesitant to participate but as you can see I’ve finally decided to write because I had this idea pop up in my mind and I had to write it at any cost. So here it is. Let me know your opinions and don’t forget to leave me some likes! Thanks and Happy Gruvia week.
Paring : Gruvia
Day one : Beguile.
Summary : Takes place after the 100 years quest, during the grand magic games.
The entire arena was plunged into a dangerous silence that could be heard like the sound of water droplets. Thin layers of ice covered the surfaces of the stadium as the people of Crocus gasped at the scene unfolding before their eyes. Even the announcers were stunned by what was happening. The quiet. The stadium was calm. A calm before the storm. The next moment, the stadium exploded as if it were on fire. If the silence of a minute ago was dangerous, the overwhelming ovation of the audience was destructive.
Before the eyes of the crowd shouting Fairy Tail pride, stood Fiore's only water mage, the fairies’ emblem glinting on her left thigh, her fierce gaze a determination that was known only to Fairy Tail mages. The layer of magical water around her slowly and gently faded, leaving her slightly bruised face to appear in full view of the people of Crocus as she raised a hand, thumb and forefinger pointing to the sky, displaying the symbol of Fiore's finest guild to mark her victory.
Her opponent was stunned on the ground, not too shocked by her defeat, rather a small smile curling her lips, eyes closed in exhaustion. She looked peaceful, arms outstretched, looking up to the sky and listening to the crowd's ovation. She really loved Fairy Tail after all, she couldn't afford to be a sore loser when they were the ones who taught her the meaning of fighting for their nakama. And she fought faithfully to the end this time. The exclamations of her guildmates did not go unnoticed and she opened one eye to look at the girl standing a few feet away from her, her smile widened. Yes, she certainly wasn't a bad loser if her opponent was Juvia Lockser.
Watching her from the arena with his chaotic friends blowing out his eardrums and wreaking havoc, Gray couldn't help but be beguiled by her beauty. She stood there and fiercely displayed the symbol of their guild with that triumphant little smile on her lips, even though he knew she was about to pass out from exhaustion. Not to mention the soft blue trail left by her magic around her,—Yes, Juvia Lockser was truly breathtaking and he, Gray Fullbuster, was head over heels for her. After years of he pinning on him and him pushing his feelings deep into his soul by fear of losing her, he was finally able to proudly admit that he was madly in love with this beautiful and crazy woman who managed to melt his ice and forge her way into his heart.
- " Quite staring lover boy! Go get your girl fast! You wouldn't want someone else to have her, would you?" The voice of his drunken friend snapped him out of his reverie, bringing him back to reality.
Once his mind registered his words, his cheeks tingled ever so slightly and he looked away from his friends to stubbornly stare at the lacrima screen, which displayed the scores. Fairy Tail was in the lead, unsurprisingly, with thirty-seven points. The pride he felt knowing that the last five points had been won by his girl in the hard fought battle that had just ended was indescribable. He unconsciously scratched his cheek before glancing at Cana who was smirking and Natsu who was laughing. Erza pushed him towards the stairs or the main hallway with a knowing smile, while Lucy and Wendy smiled contentedly. Gray rolled his eyes and headed for the stairs.
It was the third day of the big magic games and solo battles were in the spotlight today. The winners of the day were Jellal Fernandez of the newly formed Crime Sorcery guild - officially, against Kagura of Mermaid heel, his annoying brother Lyon who beat Jenny of Blue Pegasus and the winner of the last battle, his Juvia. His stupid heart skipped another beat and he groaned as he felt the chaos in his stomach.
When the cool breeze hit his bare skin and the crowd started cheering again, while Jason’s "Cool! Cool! Cool!" echoed through the stadium, he knew he had exited the hallway leading to the center arena. His eyes were on the girl in front of him as she turned around, a little too quickly for her condition to give that lovely smile she reserved only for him. Gray rushed to take her in his arms when her legs finally gave out, she sighed heavily with exhaustion but was still delighted to be in the arms of her Gray-sama.
- « Reckless idiot, didn't I tell you not to overdo it? » He mumbled but his tone was too soft and filled with so much affection to be considered as anger.
Juvia smiled as she looked at him gently, «Thank you, for catching Juvia Gray-sama.» Her voice was almost a whisper but he heard her, his arms tightening around her naturally as she wrapped an arm around his neck as fatigue overtook her.
- « Always» He murmured with a soft smile, watching her as he adjusted her into a comfortable position against his chest. « Rest Juvs.» He said sensing her struggle to keep her eyes open, and that was all she needed to close her eyes in the embrace of the man she loved, feeling the familiar security envelop her.
-«DID YOU SEE THAT!!! GRAY FULLBUSTER OF FAIRY TAIL IS CARRYING JUVIA LOCKSER IN A PRINCESS LIKE STYLE SO NATURALLY!!! WERE THE RUMORS TRUE THEN?! THEY ARE REALLY DATING!!?? COOL COOL COOOOL!!» Jason's voice exclaimed through the speakers and Gray winced slightly while hurrying his steps to the hallway, blushing madly and swearing under his breath in embarrassment.
The Gray of two years ago would have yelled, accusing them of talking nonsense, but he wasn't the same Gray now - at least, not when it came to Juvia. He was, now, the man who could protect his woman, he could handle a little embarrassment now and then, if it was for her sake. He no longer denied his feelings for Juvia, she had held his heart for far longer than he would admit, and he was finally ready to give her the love she deserved without holding anything back, just as she had done all these years. After all, that was his goal when he decided to go on the hundred-years quest seven months ago: to become a man who could protect her and then go, get her no matter what.
He glanced down at the sleeping girl in his arms, he had achieved his goal, and he’d confess to her properly soon, much sooner than she expects. And this time, I'll wait for you to wake up, not the other way around. He thought as he tightened his arms around her protectively and headed for the infirmary.
Don’t take too long to wake up Juvia, don't make us wait anymore because I can't wait to be with you.
Thank you for reading.
Follow my book « The moment our eyes met on Wattpad » if you like my work :
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"To Share"
Julius Novachrono x Fem!Reader x Yami Sukehiro
1104 words
Requested by @juliusonehole
Hey can I request something, could be hc or a scenario or whatever you want with a three some between Julius, Yami and a female reader? Thank uuuuu btw your writing is fantastic *chef's kiss 😘*
Notes: Sorry I took so long just overall health issues and life getting in the way but I hope you like it🥺💕
Summary: Julius is good at giving orders and Yami is good at following them and you get caught somewhere in between. There is male-on-male action so be warned. This is NSFW.
Tagging: @clovertitan @talpup @lyranova cus y’all wanted to read🥰
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Your husband, Julius, unexpectedly asked you one day if you could help Yami gain more experience.
You thought he meant combat, but it seems like you were wrong.
"Oh, Yami, don't you think she looks so good? All wet and spread out?" He whispered next to your ear and nudged your legs wider. Yami nodded lightly as he licked his lips, his heavy gaze memorizing every detail of you as he lightly palmed himself.
You sat in Julius's lap, your back facing him as his stiff, hard-on nestled comfortably between your cheeks, thrusting up lightly every now and them.
You gasped as his fingers played with your clit lightly before thrusting into your hole in a curling motion, causing you to tense up and arch into his touch, leaning your head on his shoulder with a long drawn out groan.
"Come here," he addressed Yami. He pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning on and as he neared them, "Kneel," Julius growled lowly, forcing a chill down both your spines.
Yami did as his master ordered and stared hungrily at the most delicious-looking cunt of his master's master spread out in front of him like a buffet.
"Can I?" He asked hoarsely. Julius pulled his fingers out of you and offered them to Yami.
"Want a taste?" He asked lightly as if he was talking about the weather, before his voice dropped. "Suck." You let a whimper at the sight in front of you. Yami sucked Julius's fingers as he maintained eye contact with you, showing exactly how well he could use his mouth.
You whined in desperation as your cunt clenched around nothing, begging for some kind of attention.
"Just use it on me already!" You cried out. Julius drew you into a kiss as he chuckled darkly.
"Use what, darling?" He spread your legs further, throwing them over on either side of the armrest. You looked down at the man between your legs, eager to please you.
"Use your mouth on me, Yami," you hissed as he dove in before you could finish. A litany of moans and curses left your mouth as his large tongue eagerly thrust in and out of you.
Julius's reached out and laid an affectionate hand on Yami's head, surprising you, but the way he lightly rubbed his jet black hair endeared you. Before you even know it, your hand linked with his and you could feel Yami smile against your pussy lips in satisfaction.
Your hand tightened around Julius's when you were nearing your orgasm. You lolled your head back against his shoulder as you let out breathless gasps.
"Oh, dear." Julius tilted your chin towards him with his thumb and forefinger.  "Are you about to cum?"
You nodded shakily as you began squirming. You watched for a moment from underneath your lashes as he ate you up with his eyes.
"Well, we can't have that."
He pulled on Yami's hair, prying his mouth away from you and he looked up in question.
"You're not cumming without me," Julius whispered in your ear. He wrapped an arm around your midsection and lifted you up slightly as Yami moved to unbutton the older man’s pants. Any complaints you had died in your throat as you watched in fascination as he took Julius’s length in hand. Since when were they so close?”
Julius hissed in your ear as Yami pumped his cock and your pussy clenched at the sound and the sight in front of you.
“I hope you don’t mind sharing,” he whispered as he lightly thrust into Yami’s fist.
“It’s seems like you two were more than just sharing,” you murmured in amusement before you felt Yami smack your clit with Julius’s cock. You gasped indignantly as you clenched again and locked eyes with him.
Yami gave you a lazy grin as he took out his own cock.’
“Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this.” He spat into both his fists and worked one hand up and down Julius’s shaft while he played with his own cock. You unconsciously licked your lips at the sight. Oh, you were definitely enjoying this.
Your husband was breathing hard behind you as he drew circles on your clit and when Yami teased his master until the head of his cock was turning purple, he gently guided it into you as you groaned at the stretch. Julius sighed contently as he held you still with his arms hooked under your spread thighs. He then placed an almost apologetic kiss on your shoulder before rutting into you at speeds only he as a time mage can achieve.
You cried out as he brushed up against your spot with every thrust but he was not quite there yet. You looked down at Yami was fisting his cock to the view in front of him. You caught his attention with a snap of your fingers and beckoned him closer. You weaved your fingers through his locks and shoved his mouth roughly towards your sex in an unspoken command. He readily braced himself by placing his hands on either thigh and licked that little nub. He pressed his tongue flat against you as it also brushed against the underside of Julius’s cock.
You felt a growing wave of euphoria climb up your spine and Julius’s moans were growing in pitch, signaling that he was close. You let the knot in your stomach grow tighter and tighter and let loose when your husband whimpered in your ear. A wave like a tsunami crashed over you in overwhelming pleasure. Your eyes rolled back into your head and your mouth wide open in silent scream and Julius kept fucking you through your orgasm until he finally came breathlessly with a rough thrust.
You fought to catch a breath as Yami let go of you with a pop. He grinned in satisfaction at the fucked out mess you and Julius were. His hard cock hung heavily between his thighs, begging for some reprieve and almost as if you had read his mind, you leaned forward and pushed him onto the hard ground and collapsed on top of him.
You took a deep breath and lifted your head as you cupped his jaw.
“We’ve been neglecting you, haven’t we?” You cooed as your energy returned to you. You gently teased the tip of his head with your dripping cunt. Julius smirked as you arched your back and his cum dribbled out of you.
Yami quickly recovered from his momentary shock and flipped you over with a smug grin.
“I guess that means you’re ready for round two.”
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Notes: nyehehe I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it🙈💕
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ahjustroza · 3 years
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Thank you for your request @mister-loverman !!!
I accidentally deleted Portia, Muriel, and Lucio's headcanons smh :'( But I also made you wait a lot so I am posting the main three for now and will add on after I re-write all the headcanons!
Warning: Angst, mention of hurting others (therefore it is NSFW), and politics.
Revolution Leader MC Headcanons (NSFW)
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You actually came to Vesuvia to see how you can recruit more people for your cause
Since MC doesn't have a specific affinity I headcanon that the revolution is about magic users like you
People with no specific affinity, and able to master any field of their choose
Or even more than one field
Since those people can not be controlled and hold a very powerful magical energy within them, they are often seen like time bombs by the people in your hometown/country
So you did your part in your home and freed so many magicians
But the cost was huge
You are on the top wanted list after the trouble you caused to the people with political power
Your cause was more important to you than the possible long life you could choose to live
So you came to Vesuvia to collect more people to join you
The moment you stepped into Asra's small shop, you were actually trying to hide from the suspicious people that were following you
After meeting Asra you started to find excuses to visit Vesuvia every now and then during your journey
Your followers thought that you had serious business in there and were raising their hopes up
In truth, you were just going to the magician you so deeply fell in love with
Whenever you were with him all the troubles disappeared, you had nothing to be scared of or worry about
During the Red Plague, something bad happened between you and your followers
They noticed that you were having an "affair" during the most important revolution of the century
And people wanted to get revenge
They told Asra what you did to people that resisted the revolution
That day Asra left after a heated fight
He disappeared for about a week but eventually returned
The tension between you two was painfully present
You then told him that you wanted to stay and work with the doctors to save Vesuvians from the deadly sickness
Asra broke that day and then left you in Vesuvia
Only to find your ashes in Lazareth after accepting the guilt he had for leaving you
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Nadia is good with politics
This is a solid fact
But I don't think she would want to get involved in other countries' revolution
Unless the revolution affects her and her people in a harmful way
She is observant and looks at the entire picture unlike many others
Unlike you.
She investigates and gets the defenses, causes, and information from both sides and then objectively comes to a conclusion
You believed in a fairytale
You wanted to change the system regards to use of magic and magician in order to have more freedom
But the less you knew the more romantic of an idea this told freedom was
Some magicians wanted to make forbidden magics such as blood magic to be free to learn without any punishments
Blood magic was useful to heal people and even with small self-sacrifices, it would be possible to make the longest-lasting protections for the innocents
This was the visible side of the picture
Nadia analyzed the details in the painting.
There was a reason to make such magic forbidden
People made you believe that with the right education there was almost no chance of ill intentions that could make with magic
But you can't control everyone
Nadia had a serious talk with you in her private chambers one night
She was worried sick about you and the way people used you as a symbol of the revolution
I mean you came back from death and defeated the Devil
You were just perfect for such a job
When she attempted to make you leave the leadership, you left her instead.
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He is there and will do anything to get your side of the cause stronger
He will do spying and recruit new people
You wanted to free the oppressed from the oppressors and stop the present war
Your leadership gave people strength and hope
Julian worked with doctors to help the wounded one day
Then went to a faraway city to support the defenses there with you the other day
He was also very good with outside relations
He was also good with finding money
He made trades with sailors and even employed pirate crews to do deliveries in the faster way
He will also make plans with you
Will go to dangerous places instead of you so that you don't get hurt
Julian will try to find a way to create a future together with you at the same time
During his travels, any moment he can sit and have a drink, and any second without the presence of danger for your life
He understands the risks, and he also understands the importance of this revolution to you
The critical role everything plays in the history of the world
Julian knows there might not be a danger
But he is also hopeful to end the revolution with success and with the drunk happiness of freedom for everyone
So he works hard
He works so hard
He wants the future he plans to share with you
After years of fighting, you achieve your goal and write a new page in history books
But you are badly wounded
It was intentional
You had to get the last resistance groups to join you
You had to break the only source people in power had to leave them and make them vulnerable
To make them lose.
So you created a scene after the information you got from your spies
There will be an assassination attempt during your speech
Julian fought with all he has to make you stay in a safe place and cancel the speech
But have you ever listen to him before?
You got an arrow to the shoulder with the last second movement you made to miss the archer's aim to your heart
It was a nasty attempt made and politically ruined your enemy
You were peaceful at all times and they proved that they were the oppressors with this dirty failed assassination
He will make you retire after that day and move to somewhere silent with you
Even though you have pain that comes and goes he is a skilled doctor
From now on everything will be about building the future together.
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Muriel (Coming Soon!)
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Portia (Coming Soon!)
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Lucio (Coming Soon!)
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
Hi! First of all I wanted to say your meta about Fuyumi and her not really having forgiven Enji yet is well written and really well! I have a question tho, it's just your honest opinion, since it's never shown and is far fetched. But you said, that Fuyumi took the role as mediator in a family where rebelling and fighting back always resulted in personal tragedy. That's why she also decided not to talk back and avoid things that might cause Enji to get angry. (It continues in the next ask-)
You said that you think Fuyumi learned early on that being stubborn and temperamental wouldn’t help her any against her dad. Now I wonder, what if she did being stubborn and temeperamental. I just want to hear your thoughts hoe things would be, if Fuyumi wasn't submissive and talked back. How would the Todoroki family have looked now? In your point of view. (It's okay if you can't answer it, since it would be like a headcanon?)
hey! Thanks for taking the time to read my meta!
To answer you, analysing hypotetical scenarios is always hard for me because I base my understanding of how a character behaves on events that already happened, so I have a frame of reference already. But with "what if" questions I'm always unsure bc I think a lot can change depending on how you write the AU and on the elements that make it different from canon.
If I was trying to write out that scenario, I think I would try to isolate the main traits that make up Fuyumi's personality and build off from them. For example, I think Fuyumi's main theme is that she's someone who is willing to self-sacrifice and take on more than she can handle for the sake of protecting the people she values. She's a lot like Hawks in that respect, except Hawks is protective of the whole population of Japan, while Fuyumi narrows it down to her family members. So in a context where one other trait of hers is changed - the willingness to fight back - I would still keep every other one in place. So she'd still be as antsy, scared and protective to a fault as canon, and she'd talk back to achieve a better way of keeping everyone safe. I don't think the family circumstances would've changed much overall just because of this, though. Her brothers already fought back and yet that didn't change the fam dynamic into a healthier one. But personal dynamics would definitely change. The siblings could potentially interact differently with each other, though I can't exacly pin down how
On this topic, I have a great fic to recommend, if you want to check it out. I'm still halfway through it but I think the author has done a stellar job of portraying Fuyumi's pov in it. She's a sort of outsider looking in the dysfunctionality of the fam until she finds it in herself to stomp her foot just once, making a difference. I won't spoil you anything else but if you enjoyed my meta you'll definitely enjoy this fic, too. I found it as I was writing that analysis and I was nodding my head so much through it all bc I couldn't believe how much I agreed with the characterization (it literally read my mind on a lot of things I also wanted to write about and that I don't see often mentioned by ppl who write Fuyumi). It's also a what if scenario so def up your alley I think. You can read it here
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