#and then ignored his sort-of niece cuz she's not his sister
When you consider the fact that Evillious's in-universe reason for the repeating faces is that the god in charge of making the bodies rebelled and then got sealed so no one is getting new faces just "edited" ones:
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Request: A/B/O dynamic, where omega! reader just agrees to everything her Alpha (Bucky) says, no matter how embarrassing or humiliating it is. Arranged marriage set up. Please.... Huge fan of your angsts. (He's embarrassing her on perpose, because he just doesn't like her at all. But omega! reader is just so docile and just won't talk back cuz she's raised like that. I think AU would be better, but I'll let you decide that. Happy ending. You are great. Thank you so much.)
Pairing: Alpha!Mobster!Bucky x Omega!(fem) Reader; Alpha!Sam Wilson x Omega!(fem) Reader
Characters: Alpha!Steve x Omega!Peggy, Bruce Banner, George Barnes
Warnings: angst, past abusive relationship, arranged marriage, shitty parents, mentions of divorce and breaking a bond, Sam, and Steve being good alphas, comforting, fluff, language, abusive childhood (mentioned)
A/N: This one took me ages as it was out of my comfort zone to write Bucky as an abusive alpha. Even though the requester wanted a happy ending with Bucky, I just couldn't write the story that way. Sorry.
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
Part 1 - Obedient
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Around five months later...
“Omega,” Bucky whines, looking at you. He can still see the scars he created with his hands, teeth, and anything he could find all over your body. “I’m so sorry, doll.”
The silence in Steve and Peggy’s guest room is the worst thing Bucky ever experienced; except for the way his friends look at him now. “I promise to do anything to make you feel safe with me. I love you, Y/N.”
“You don’t love me, Mr. Barnes,” your voice cold, gaze unwavering you look up at Bucky. “What you feel is guilt – not as you believe what you did to me was wrong but as your wrongdoings almost killed me.” you shudder when Bucky tries to touch your cheek.
“Why did you never fight me? Why did you simply accept the way I treated you, doll? I asked myself these questions again and again over the last weeks,” Bucky sighs deeply when you slowly get up to look out of the window, ignoring your husband and mate once again.
“My father, he’s a cruel man. Omegas mean nothing but business to him. My mother, my sister, my niece. We are nothing but meat to get sold to the right customer,” you huff. “I got trained to obey. Disobedience meant punishment,” tears spill out of your eyes at the memory of your father’s punishments.
“I’m sorry…”
“Do you know how it felt to present at a rather young age and to realize that your father never loved you? That the world you once knew was nothing but a lie,” sniffling you watch Steve’s dog run after a bird.
You fall silent for a moment, barely realizing Bucky stepped closer. Sorting your thoughts you close your eyes.
“What happened back then, Y/N?” you don’t believe Bucky wants to know what happened but to move on, to leave the life with your father and a husband who never wanted you behind, you need to face your past one last time.
“Why do you want to know about my past? You weren’t interested in me in the present. I bore your behavior thanks to my father’s training. He made me that way,” voice bitter you look over your shoulder. “Any other omega would’ve despaired hearing you moan that woman’s name whilst you used her body.”
“I never saw it from your side, Y/N,” not caring about the sadness in Bucky’s eyes you turn back around. You cross your arms over your chest, looking out of the window again.
“There are ways to end this marriage and our bond,” Bucky panics when you turn around, looking him straight into the eyes. “I kept my promise ‘till death do us apart’, Mr. Barnes. As my heart stopped beating for a few seconds, our marriage can easily be broken, just like our biological bond. Bruce, I mean Dr. Banner told me there are ways to break our bond.”
“You will try to break our bond?” stammering Bucky steps backward. His eyes widen as the realization hits him. “Y/N, you want to leave me?”
“No, I will not try to break our bond – I will break our bond at all cost,” your voice raises and for the first time, Bucky can see the fire in your eyes. “I will rather die than let anyone walk all over me again. Look at Steve and Peggy, they have a bond I always dreamed off. Steve respects his omega.”
“I can give you this too, omega,” Bucky tries to touch your arm, but you slap his hand away. Dr. Maximoff helped you to find the ‘real’ you hidden behind a wall of fear and obedience. She made you see that you are not as broken as you believed you are. “I will do anything.”
“Stop lying,” you scream at the top of your lungs. “You don’t want me, and you don’t love me. All you want is Dot and to bond with her. Let me break our bond or help me breaking it and we both can have a good life.”
“Dot, I’m not sure she still wants me,” grumbling Bucky tries to win you over but there is something in your eyes telling him you’ll never come back to him. “We can try to get happy. Maybe we can find a way?”
“No.” your answer is final. There is no way you’ll ever forgive your father or Bucky for what they did to you. “You wanted to know about my father’s punishment? I’ll tell you a few things. I was fourteen when I presented. I was so young and didn’t know what happened to me. I was confused and asked my father for advice. He slapped my face as I forgot to address him correctly.”
“You didn’t call him alpha,” nodding you give Bucky a sad smile. “Before you presented this didn’t mean anything but the moment you became omega, the hierarchy changed for you.”
“See, that’s what I meant, James. Alphas only see their side. I was a fourteen years old child, James. I didn’t think much of it when I called my father ‘dad’ like I did all my life. His solution was to hurt me instead of telling me all the things I should know about being omega.”
“What do you want me to do? I got raised to become the next leader of my father’s empire. No one asked me what I want to become. I dreamed of a simple life, not being a tool for my father. He forced me into this marriage and a bond I never wanted. I know it’s no excuse, but I never had a chance either,” Bucky plays with his wedding band, glancing at the golden ring around his finger. 
“Says the abusive man,” there is no way you’ll let Bucky get away with all the things he did to you. “Hurting me was never part of your father’s plan. We could’ve tried to make the best out of a bad situation. It was you, all of it. Don’t blame your shitty father for your mistakes.” you poke your finger into Bucky’s chest. There is a smirk on your lips when you see the shock on his features.
“She’s right, and you know it,” Sam steps inside the room, not missing Bucky’s angry expression. “Steve said I shall give you an hour, the hour is over, Bucky. You will not find a solution today. I must ask you to go now.”
“She’s still my wife, Wilson,” the alpha grits out. Sam takes a step toward you, ignoring his friend’s angry eyes or the fact Bucky’s hands ball into fists. “I will stay as long as I want to.”
“No, you won’t, my friend. This is still my house and Y/N is done talking to you. She wants Dr. Banner to help her with the papers to break your bond. Peggy will help to file for divorce. This is your final warning, Bucky,” Steve leans in the doorframe, eyes trained on his friend. “It’s over, Buck.”
“I can’t, Stevie. Do you have the slightest idea what Y/N’s and my father will do? They forced us into this marriage for a reason. Even if we file for divorce, they will not give in,” Bucky looks at you, sighing deeply. 
“Y/N Barnes was dead for ten seconds and a half,” Bruce steps into the room to stop the alphas from attacking each other. “Law is on our side, Bucky.”
“You don’t get it, Banner!” Bucky spats. “My father gives a shit on law or feelings. He doesn’t care I love Dot and that Y/N deserves better than me. As long as she has my mark on her neck, he’ll not give in.”
“Good thing she will not have it much longer,” Sam interjects. He flanks your side, itching to sling his arm around your shoulders to make you feel safe as so often over the last months. “There are many other alphas out there who will appreciate Y/N and protect her at all cost.”
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One week later…
“I prepared the papers, Y/N,” Peggy points toward a manila folder, smiling coyly. “I know this must be though but, Bruce said it’s necessary to file for divorce before you break the bond.”
Glancing at the daisies Sam gave you this morning you smile. He’s the first alpha you feel comfortable around. Steve is a great person too but with Sam, it’s different. 
“Sam brought me new daisies this morning,” you giggle, something you haven’t done since you were a teen. “I like him. Do you think it’s too soon to go for a dinner date with him?”
“Y/N,” Peggy jumps up to hug you tightly. She has tears in her eyes when you tell her Steve’s friend asked you out. “I’m so happy for you. Sam is a good man, a good alpha. He’ll treat you right.”
“I know but,” glancing at the daisies again you sigh deeply, “Bucky needs to sign the papers and agree to break our bond before Bruce can help me. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to drag Sam into all of this. Sam deserves better.”
“Sam deserves someone who loves him, just like you, Y/N. No one knows Sam Wilson better than me and Steve. I can tell you that he’s enchanted by you,” Peggy squeezes your hand, giving you a soft smile. “He’s a soft teddy bear if you are afraid he could hurt you.”
“No,” shaking your head violently you grasp for Peggy’s hand. “I know Sam is a good man and that he’ll never hurt me, Peggy. I just don’t want Sam to get hurt or worse. Bucky’s father and mine are dangerous men.”
“Bucky agreed to break the bond,” dropping the folder you look at Peggy, bewildered by her words. “Steve, he talked to him over the last days. James regrets all the awful things he did to you and tries to make things up to you.”
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Meanwhile at George Barnes’ office…
“I don’t care, father,” Bucky yells. “You don’t know all the things I did to Y/N as you forced me into this marriage. No.” running his hand down his face Bucky grunts. “What I did to Y/N was my fault. This ends today. We will file for divorce, break the bond, and try to find a way to forget about all the shit our fathers did to us.”
“Buck,” Steve tries to calm his angry friend, “you need to calm down. Your father can’t do anything. I am the most powerful man in town now,” smirking Steve steps closer to his friend. 
“You will not break your bond with that omega,” George Barnes slams his fist onto the desk. “This is my last word, Steven Grant Rogers!”
“My father didn’t raise a coward, Mr. Barnes. I gave in when I talked to Y/N’s father out of respect and due to the law but,” Steve gets a gun out to place it onto George’s desk, “I will not back down this time. Set Bucky and Y/N free and tell her father to do the same or you’ll feel my wrath!”
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Three months later…
Watching the news, you grasp for Sam’s hand. The reporters run after your father and the cops arresting him.
“How did they get to know he sells drugs? I didn’t think he would do such a thing.”
“Steve and Bucky faked the evidence,” Sam brings you into his arms to let you scent him. His warmth surrounds you and for the first time since you presented, you lean into an alpha's touch. “I know you cannot forgive your former mate, but he does everything to protect you.”
“I’m grateful Bucky tries to change his way, but I can’t forget how he treated me to feel better. Maybe one day, I can forgive him, just not now,” smiling Sam watches you snuggle into his chest. “I wish we meet before all of this happened.”
“I wish so too, my daisy,” you giggle at the pet name Sam gave you. “No matter what, I’ll try to be the best alpha for you. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Sam,” he carefully brushes his lips over yours. “I want you to be my alpha. There is nothing I want more.”
“I promise to make you my omega when you are ready. I want to wear your mark too,” Sam pecks your lips, smiling as you return the kiss eagerly. 
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people seemed to like my “hargreeves as coparents” post so here’s some headcanons about allison’s pregnancy
link to original post
my first issue was figuring out what jobs they would have, because i think they might stay as vigilantes into their adulthood this time around, but they also definitely need a day job.
also, as i mentioned in the previous post, they don’t really want to be apart, so they each get jobs that dont require them to leave the vicinity
my thought process was that diego would actually finish police academy and become a detective, vanya would stay on the orchestra and remain a violin teacher (no creepy guys allowed), and allison would become a broadway actress (bitch was elphaba in wicked and angelica in hamilton). the others are harder to figure out, but i think klaus would actually use his power for his job and become a legit medium, ben might become a book critic, luther would become a security guard somewhere, and five would be a physics teacher
alternatively, they all go to work at a school, and luther and diego are rival gym teachers, allison is a theater teacher, klaus is a german teacher, five is still a physics teacher, ben is an english teacher, and vanya is a music teacher
now to the kiddo
in the months leading up to allison’s baby’s birth, the hargreeves minus her are freaking the fuck out. they’ve barely spent anytime with a baby before, so the concept of raising one is incredibly foreign to them
they just dont want to be their father
allison spends the whole time rolling her eyes at them, but secretly she’s insanely grateful that her brothers and sister are so dedicated to helping her raise her baby
that is, up until diego and luther try to get her to stop doing any sort of physical activity five weeks into her pregnancy
“i mean cmon, at least vanya, klaus, and ben waited until i was seriously showing to start freaking out about that” “yeah cuz theyre idiots” “wow fuck you too diego”
five never says anything about it, but he’s pretty much freaking out about anything even 1% dangerous from the moment he finds out his sister is pregnant
vanya really pressures her to go on an insanely healthy diet about two months in. she also is the one trying to force allison to take those vitamins pregnant woman are supposed to take, and pretty much slaps any coffee out of her hand from the moment they find out she’s pregnant to like six weeks after she gives birth
five is worried but sympathetic
ben declares that vanya has an automatic unfair advantage over the rest of them because she is the only real candidate for godmother, while there are five of them in the running for godfather
“thats really sweet that you think any of those other idiots have a chance of becoming my child’s godfather”
klaus is by far the most relaxed about it, surprisingly. he thinks that they’re really going a little overboard, but he’s glad that they’re at least assured that allison will make it through the pregnancy fine. he is very anxious to meet his niece/neohew though.
they don’t even tell any of their parents about allison’s pregnancy until she’s five months along and diego manages to sneak grace out the apartment. she immediately dotes on allison
pogo finds out a week later when he asks where she was
and reggie finds out two weeks after that after interrogating pogo about it
he sends a kindly worded letter in the mail to them in the form of a rant chewing allison out for having a child out of wedlock, demanding to know who the father is, and insisting he be informed the moment the baby is born so that he can test to see whether or not they have powers
klaus sends a response letter telling him to fuck off, and they all sign it
matthew clark hargreeves is born in mid december, 2019
they’re all at work that day, so allison is visiting her theater when her water suddenly breaks, and they rush her to the hospital
vanya and ben are both home so they’re able to rush over there asap
diego however is in the middle of questioning a witness when he gets the call over walkie talkie, so he has to put his case on a brief halt because he’s too panicked to drive himself over, so patch drives him
luther almost doesnt hear about it because he’s working as a bouncer at a particularly loud club, where the manager has to shout about fifteen times to get his attention. luther also gives no fucks, so he kind of leaves the club in chaos when he rushes off to go to the hospital
klaus is in the middle of a seance that he ends up cutting short. one of the ghosts he’s talking to actually has to catch his attention and tell him
five is in the middle of a lecture when he gets called by the office. he hates getting calls over the school’s landline though, and ignores it. eventually, they have to actually end up sending someone down from the office to tell him. he abandons the lecture immediately by teleporting to the hospital
ben and vanya are are obviously already over there, but when the others get to the hospital all hell breaks loose
imagine four guys trying to start a fight or sneak past the desk receptionist in order to get to their sister’s hospital room.
eventually ben goes outside the room and actually goes downstairs to see if they’ve gotten there yet, and sort of facepalms when he hears the commotion cause he just knows
allison is in labor for 16 hours, and in that time span at least 40 fights break out in between different members of the family, and that’s only two person fights
by the time matthew is born, they’re all sweaty, exhausted, and all but allison have at least one broken bone (and im not just talking about their hands), but he’s happy and healthy, and surrounded by seven people who love him so fucking much
i may do a post about allison’s kid growing up soon, but this is about it for now
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rwby-party · 5 years
I used to really love the “Qrow is Ruby’s actual dad” theory but the more I see it the more I just... hate it tbh. 
This isn't’ to hate on people who do like the theory AT ALL (which is why this is untagged and under a “keep reading” line.) but I just hate how nearly every moment of affection shared between Ruby and Qrow is a “Father loves his daughter” moment. 
What I mean is, I saw a post about the theory that basically said that the worry Qrow had after catching Ruby from the mech’s arm was “only the love a father has for his daughter.” and it just irks me. 
I guess, in a similar vein of “why can’t *popular ship* be just friends”, why can’t they have the relation the canon set out? Why does his worry for his loved one have to be a “father’s” worry?
I mean, I get it. There’s evidence for it.
Ruby’s heavily inspired by him design wise. Hell, she even has his windswept hair now. 
He spends inarguably more time with Ruby than Tai does. Especially considering that every other member of team RWBY spent time with their respective dads during Volume 4, for better or worse, it’s fishy that she spent time with him and not Tai.  “You don’t want the burden of my name.” could refer to him leaving Summer/Ruby. 
I just hate the thought of the love between them “””having”””” to be a father daughter love. I just feel like it adds so much more to the story to leave it the way it is. 
I like the idea of him just being a “good” (cuz we know Qrow’s definitely problematic) influence in her life the way it is.
Also yeah, when you outright ignore what the creators have said about the series, literally anything is canon, lol. which is fun. And creators have lied to their audience before, but like.
I feel like Qrow being Ruby’s dad brings almost nothing to the table. It brings something, obviously, but like, what I mean is that it doesn’t bring enough worth lying about it. 
Spoilers for Steven Universe, but when the crewniverse lied about Rose Quartz being Pink Diamond, it was because it was a hugely SIGNIFICANT plot point in the show. It changed almost EVERYTHING.
Qrow being Ruby’s dad wouldn’t be some huge plot point. It’d just be a surprise that was kept for seemingly no reason other than to be a surprise.  (Granted, RWBY’s pretty good at this sort of thing I feel like, with the moon and the silver eyes being examples LMFAO.) I’m all for adding development that doesn’t advance the plot, but I just don’t think it’d be a good thing.
It’d turn out that Yang and Ruby are actually blood related first cousins and not half sisters. Maybe Qrow felt that Tai would be a better dad for her with his bad luck semblance and wanted to stay out of her life, but why stay on the sidelines as an uncle? I understanding wanting to see her and spend time with her anyway, but doesn’t that seem risky and counterproductive to the point of staying out of her life? Why tell some random stranger that’s attacking Ruby to “leave my niece alone” if he really doesn’t want to get involved in her life? Why be as involved as he is in her life if he wanted to stay away? I get that it’d be more than likely because he wanted to be in her life anyway, but still. Why be an important figure in her life when you were specifically looking to NOT be an important figure in her life.
Why would Tai lie about it either? He never lied to Yang about Raven. At her age, he could’ve easily said that Summer was her mother to make things easier on her.  He went out of his way to do his best to paint her as a good person and not be bitter about it all, despite having obvious tense feelings. (Which I guess, is a lie, but you get my point.) Besides Qrow trying to stay out of her life and failing, and the possibility of Summer leaving him for Tai or cheating on Tai with him (or polyparents), I just don’t think it adds to the story. Yang and Ruby being cousins instead of sisters would just be... weird. They’d obviously still view each other as sisters and that wouldn’t change, but yeah. Painting them as sisters for 6+ volumes just to turn it around would be weird. Her relationship with Tai would possibly change from there, but she would still view him as her dad too. She’d still have that view of Qrow as her Uncle as well. Would it change anything besides add tension between them? 
I’m much more happy and interested in him being her uncle, and Ruby and Yang being half sisters . I think it brings more to the table than her being her dad. I love the love Yang and Ruby have as half siblings and the Love Qrow and Ruby have as Uncle and niece despite the fact Qrow isn’t blood related to Ruby more than I would love/like the idea of Qrow being Ruby’s dad
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