#and then some captains refused and came up with very creatively worded ways to explain why it definitely wasn't homophobia
itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
i'm revisiting sunflowers, the amsterdam episode of ted lasso, and it's tiny and only on screen for a second or so, so it's hard to make out, but-
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this is at the very start of the episode, when the richmond team is playing (and getting their asses handed to them by) ajax, and the time stamps and scorer names of ajax's five goals are listed on that screen:
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and again, hard to make out, but i'm pretty sure the text in the middle reads "52' REGENBOOG", and if so. rainbow??? i don't know anything about football, but i think i WOULD know something if a player had that name, and it would be that there is a player who has that name. but fictional ted lasso universe ajax has a player whose last name is dutch for rainbow? in the episode in which colin comes out to trent in amsterdam??? in THAT episode, there is a player on the field...... a rainbow player.......... and it's not even colin. homophobia. (obviously i jest, this is actually the greatest thing ever.)
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ghostandsoap · 2 years
Call Signs
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem! “Gecko” Reader (Ft. John “Soap” MacTavish)
Tags: Angst. Gunshot wound. Blood loss. Shock. Hypothermia. Major injury. Mentions of death. 
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: So I’m not totally sure how accurate some of this is. Also, I’m not sure if parts of this are canon? Read with caution LOL. 
“Stay where you are. I’m on my way.”
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Military call signs. Clever, crafty, and specific to the person they’re associated with. 
There was one main, golden rule when it came to call signs: don’t complain about your own call sign, or else they’ll give you something worse.
Yours wasn’t exactly one that you were thrilled with in the beginning. It wasn’t as badass as you would’ve liked. If you had been given the opportunity to choose, you would’ve chosen something a little more…tough. But once the name stuck, you were stuck with it. You didn’t dare let even a single word of distaste fall from your mouth. If anybody caught wind of you complaining about it, they’d give you something to really complain about.
Over the years, you had heard some good ones — some more creative than others. Depending on the person, sometimes it was easy to tell the reason behind their given name — other times, not so much. You had some friends that you still didn’t know the reason why they were given their call sign.
For example, Soap was just Soap.  
In the time that you had known him, you had begged Soap to tell you where his call sign came from. You had even rattled and poked at Captain Price a bit to get him to give it up. But both of them always gave you the same answer.  
It’s classified. 
With that answer, you refused to tell anyone the reason behind your own call sign. If they weren’t going to tell you about theirs, then you weren’t telling them about yours. It was only fair, you weren’t telling anybody. Nobody knew. 
Well…nobody except–
“Gecko. This is Ghost. How copy?” The syrupy-thick voice seeped through your ear that was still ringing from gunfire. 
You were cold – miserably cold. You were chilled all the way to the bone to the point where your skin was numb to the touch. The sound of rain registered with you. The sky was pouring buckets, which explained why you were so freezing. There was no telling how long you had been passed out and exposed to the elements. Not a single part of you was dry, despite all your layers underneath and over. 
There was pain somewhere. Your groggy state made it difficult to figure out exactly where you were hurt. To be honest, it hurt just about everywhere. A searing sensation settled in your side, but it was migrating all over. Based on the large red spot leaking through that area, you had a really good idea then of what it was.
“Gecko, do you copy?” Another voice spoke that you knew to belong to Soap.
His voice sounded a million miles away, even though it was literally right in your ear. When your eyes opened, you were eye-level with the ground. You were met with a harsh pavement underneath you, muscles trembling with exhaustion and low temperatures. It took a few seconds for your vision to clear, and it took even more effort for you to raise yourself up even to make it onto your elbows. 
When you were able to take a glance around, it wasn’t any less unsettling. The slick streets of Las Almas weren’t very pleasant in the dead of night. Even worse, you didn’t know where Soap and Ghost were. 
It all came flooding back to you. Graves turned on the team. He tried to kill all of you. You, Ghost, and Soap managed to split up and narrowly escape. It was chaos, the kind that shaved about 15 years off of your life.
“C’mon. Where are you, Gecko?” Ghost asked in an aggravated, yet worried way. 
His question was more out loud and to himself more than anything, but it occurred to you that it probably would be nice for him to hear you.
“I’m here,” You groaned, throat dry and scratchy. “Just barely.”
“Oh shit. You’re alive!” Soap replied, and you swear you could feel Ghost relax from wherever he was. 
“What’s your status?” Ghost demanded.
You were not telling Ghost that you were hurt if you could help it. It was certainly against protocol, but you didn’t need Ghost getting all worked up when the three of you needed to find one another and get the hell out of there. You knew how he could get whenever you were hurt.
“Where are you both?” You rolled onto your knees, ungracefully managing to get on your feet.
You felt any and all blood rush from your face, an overwhelming feeling of nausea taking over your stomach. The bleeding in your side was definitely a problem. You stripped your outer jacket off, wrapping it around your waist and tying it as tight as you could possibly stand it. It wasn’t like the jacket was useful any other way, considering it was soaked.
“No fuckin’ idea. I’m in and out of these shops,” Soap grumbled. “I’m soakin’ wet.”
“Me too,” You managed to laugh, but it came out as more of a struggled exhale. “Ghost, what’s your location?” 
“The church. Soap’s finding his way here,” Ghost said. “What’s your status, Gecko?”
You knew he’d ask again. He always knew when you had dodged a question.
“Just a little rattled,” You lied. “Where’s the church?”
“It’s in the square. Navigate through the shops, they’ll lead you there,” Soap said. “Stay sharp. Shadows are everywhere.”
Survival mode has kicked in for you. You had one objective.
Find Ghost. Don’t get killed. 
“Will do. Ghost, I’m coming to you.” You announced, beginning to take the first few steps to get yourself moving. 
There was a brief moment of silence before he answered – and he gave an answer that you knew had Soap raising a brow.
“Please be safe.” 
A shudder vibrated down your back, and it wasn’t from the bitter cold rain. 
Being involved with Ghost was…complicated. It was a forbidden love in a lot of ways. There was a certain disapproval when it came to 2 members dating within the force. It caused drama sometimes, tension other times. Not to mention, it would be painfully awkward for everybody else if the two of you were to break up. 
But the connection was undeniable. It astounded you just how in touch you felt with him. He did everything he could to protect you, to make you feel safe in an otherwise dangerous world. He spent every spare moment with you. He spilled all of his most pressing thoughts to you, knowing his words of vulnerability were safe with you. Talking to him was easy, spending time with him was easier.
Loving him was easiest of all.
Despite your likeness toward each other, it was a mutual understanding that no one was to know. Ghost didn’t fancy all the teasing, and you wanted at least one part of your life to be private. In front of others, you were Gecko and Ghost. When alone, you were Simon and [Y/N]. 
In a lot of ways, the secretive aspect of it was fun. You liked sneaking around with Ghost in the late hours of the night, tip-toeing around sleeping comrades in an attempt at a moment to yourselves. The nonchalant glances…the discreet, yet lingering touches…the whispers of words of affection. It was all something you couldn’t help but get a kick out of. Anybody in their right mind would find it even a little bit entertaining.
But in all honesty, suspicions from the rest were becoming more and more. 
Price had known immediately. Not even three days after you and Simon decided to give it a try, he could sense that something was different. He couldn’t really explain it. He could just see it in Ghost’s behavior that he was preoccupied with something…someone else. Something that had been sprouting for a long time was now beginning to blossom in front of the captain’s very eyes. Price was a respectful man. He wasn’t one to get in the way of something that wasn’t his business. He kept an eye on the situation here and there, more for a status update than anything. 
It took Gaz about four months. He suspected nothing in the beginning. He managed to miss all the signs at first. Who could blame him? He didn’t know he was supposed to even be looking for them. He didn’t catch any real changes in behavior or attitude. In all honesty, if he hadn’t witnessed it with his very eyes – he might’ve never known. It had been a quick gesture. So quick that Gaz might’ve been able to convince himself that he was mistaken if it hadn’t been so blatantly clear.
Gaz had passed by a bit quicker than he normally would, catching a quick glimpse inside the room he hadn’t planned on entering. What he saw was a kiss being planted on the cheek of Ghost’s mask, and a light laugh from the man as you did so. Gaz had stopped dead in his tracks, stunned at what he had seen. He was tempted to turn around and question you, but he knew better. Gaz figured if he hadn’t been told outright, then it probably wasn’t for him to know. He kept it in the back of his mind, however, and after that, he began noticing everything.
And as for Soap, the poor lad had yet to connect the dots. He had heard some chatter here and there about Gecko and Ghost “getting it on.” Soap didn’t believe it. He hadn’t seen it or heard it for himself, so in his mind, the rumors were null. That didn’t mean that Soap didn’t like the idea of his lieutenant and one of his closest friends seeing each other. He entertained the thought here and there. He supposed that Gecko and Ghost had a nice ring to it, and it was something that he liked to snicker about. Overall, Soap didn’t think about it too much. There was no way that “LT” and the infamous Gecko were together. Almost a year into it, and John MacTavish was oblivious.
It hadn’t taken you long to develop feelings for Ghost. Suddenly, you were worried about where he was and him getting hurt more often than not. This was one hell of a career to be in when you were an anxious worrier. This job had changed for you. Before, there was no fear of living or dying. It was just you. It was all you. But when there was someone else in the cards?
That changed things. That really changed things.
That seemed to be the only fight that you and Ghost ever had. It was always the same one. One of you fell ill or became injured, it was due to defying an order, the other was scared to death that something worse could’ve happened, and most of all – you both wished that the other would be more careful. 
“Careful” was a funny word in this business. No matter how careful you were, that didn’t automatically make you safe. 
Roaming the streets of Las Almas while lethargic, unarmed, and bleeding was a definite reminder of that. You followed Soap’s advice, weaving in and out of the stores and getting whatever supplies you could get your hands on. A homemade weapon was better than no weapon, in your mind. Avoiding any and all Shadows was your main goal. There was no chance of you getting out of that alive, if this bullet lodged in your side didn’t kill you first. You hoped that Soap had made it to the church by now. It made you feel better to know that they were together.
The rain showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. You figured it was fine. It wasn’t like you could get any more wet than you already were. It at least made enough noise to conceal your footsteps, which you didn’t have much control over due to the splitting pain in your core. 
You just had to get to the church. Get to the church, get out of here, and get patched up. You’d be fine. You’d survived worse. You weren’t going to-
There was a flash of white over your vision. While brief, it was enough to startle you to a complete halt. You staggered out of the coffee shop, leaning against the back door for support. This was bad. This was really bad. 
“Ghost…” You squeaked.
Breathing suddenly became overly difficult. Every gulp of air was a struggle to get the next one. There was a significant wobble in your knees as you stumbled into the nearest alley for cover, knowing your legs were close to giving out. It was notably colder in the space between the two buildings, but the feeling of your soul being slowly sucked back into the universe made that seem minor. 
“Talk to me. Where are you?” Ghost asked.
That was when you collapsed, landing on the wet ground with a thud. A whimper escaped from your throat at the impact. Clutching your wounded side was all you knew to do. Your jacket used as a makeshift way of putting pressure on it was proving ineffective. 
“The alleyway,” You strained.  “Left of the coffee shop.”
Ghost and Soap both heard the trouble in your voice. Ghost had only heard that tone once before — and it was when something was really, really wrong. 
“What’s your status now?” Soap questioned.
Lying was no good to you now. They were going to know one way or the other.
“I’m down,” You swallowed. “Must’ve been hit at some point when we got away.” 
There was no way you were making it to the church. You were as good as gone as long as there was still a bullet in your torso. Bleeding out in the streets of a run-down town in Mexico wasn’t how you had envisioned going out. That was a conversation you had held with Soap more than once. Everybody had their preferred way of dying. You had always hoped that you’d meet your demise in a more memorable way. Maybe in a missile explosion or getting ejected from a helicopter in a hot pursuit.
Dying alone was the part and the possibility that always scared you the most.
This wasn’t what you had in mind. Bleeding to death by yourself in an alleyway in the middle of a run-down town in Mexico wasn’t what you had wished for. You knew the day would come…and the day had finally come.
But not if Ghost could help it.
“I’m coming to get you, Gecko. Don’t move,” Ghost remarked sternly, and you could hear that he was on the move. “Soap, we’ll meet you at the church.”
“Copy.” Soap confirmed.
“N-no,” You coughed. “Ghost, don’t leave your location if you’re secure.” 
“None of us are secure. I’m not leaving you,” Ghost said sternly. “Stay where you are. I’m on my way.” 
Arguing with Ghost was usually a lost cause. When Ghost was set on something, he was surely going to stick with it. It was a waiting game now, and it was one of the most helpless feelings to know that you were relying on somebody else to save your ass. You knew that Ghost would be there in half the time that it probably should’ve taken him, but when you’re dying, the minutes feel like eternity. 
This wasn’t the first time that you had been in situations like this. Everybody had their fair shares of “I almost died” stories. But this was different for you. This was the closest you had ever been to not living to tell this story. 
Panicking was most definitely not the way to handle this situation. Very rarely was panicking ever helpful in a dire, critical scenario like this. It was the most eerie feeling – literally feeling yourself dying. The blood loss was becoming less, but only because you were running out of blood to lose. Your heart was beating slower and slower by the second. Breathing was now a voluntary action. As the adrenaline wore off and the reality of the situation set in, your anxiety crept over you and infiltrated any room for collectedness that you had left. 
“G-Ghost.” You sighed, a layer of tears pricking at the base of your lashes.
Ghost heard the near sob in your words, putting an even faster pep in his step. 
“Almost there, Gecko. What’s wrong?” 
“I’m…I’m scared.” You admitted, hot tears mixing with the fresh rain water on your cheeks.
Ghost’s heart shattered into a million pieces, catapulting into every vessel near it like the strongest of shrapnel. He couldn’t stand the thought of you alone and scared. 
“I know. Just keep talking to me and Soap,” He breathed, trying to stay calm for you. “I’m coming, G.”
‘G’ was a nickname inside of a nickname. Ghost only used it sparingly, and it was usually when he was trying to be supportive or sympathetic without giving your secret romantic endeavor away.  
It felt silly to say. Generally speaking, you didn’t really have the right to be afraid. It was the pure passion for your job and your own willingness that put you in dangerous situations. It was your own free will, your own decision that you made the same choice on every single time. It was one thing to be scared when you ended up here accidentally. It was another when it was a consequence of your choices and actions. Courage and strength were supposed to be your strong suits. They were the characteristics that you were supposed to fall back on every time.
Yet here you were. Scared to death of dying – something that you had thought about and been preparing for since you started this gig.
“Simon, I-I…I don’t want to d-”
“It’s ‘cause I clean house quickly.” Soap’s voice echoed in one ear and out the other, suddenly and abruptly.
Even in a near unconscious-like state, you were still well aware of how that needed some clarification.
“S-say again?” You stuttered, the corners of your vision beginning to go foggy. 
“Soap. ‘Cause I clean house and buildings with speed ‘n accuracy,” Soap repeated. “That’s why they call me Soap.”
It made so much sense. You were almost embarrassed that you didn’t think of that yourself. You knew it was Soap’s way of distracting you – keeping your mind off of dying. 
“That’s a good one,” You nearly wheezed. “Thought it was because you were a bath man.” 
“Thanks for that image. Won’t be able to unsee that one,” Ghost piped up. “Almost there, Gecko. Hang on for me, yeah?” 
Ghost’s voice was strained as if he were running. Using every ounce of speed and stamina that he had to get you as fast as possible. He couldn’t lose you like this.
He refused to lose you like this. 
“It’s because I’m quick on my feet, and because I can scale a building faster than anybody.” You croaked.
“Ah. That’s why they call you Gecko?” Soap chuckled, and you could hear the amusement in his words.
“Came up with that one myself.” Ghost smirked.
“Some people might even say geckos are kind of cute.” You joked, but didn’t quite have the energy to laugh.
“I’d agree with that,” Ghost countered, and you could sense Soap’s internal confusion from forever away. “I have a visual on Gecko. Almost at the church, Soap?” 
“Affirmative, Lt. Meet you there.” 
Sure enough, Ghost appeared from seemingly nowhere, like a sent guardian angel. Your vision had tunneled, so you couldn’t see much out of your peripherals. He had never seen you so weak and close to going out on him. His eyes behind the mask were wide and dark, focused on getting you out alive.
“Nice to see you, Lieutenant.” You shivered.
“Glad you’re not a goner,” He returned, removing the glove from his right hand and pressing his fingers against your cheek. “Shit. You’re freezing.”
“How bad do I look?” You slurred, and you fought to keep your eyeballs from rolling back into your head. 
“Probably not as bad as you feel. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” Ghost said, working quickly to get himself arranged to carry you.
“Did you see any Shadows on the way?” You gulped, eyelids beginning to flutter. 
“They’re everywhere. We need to get going,” Ghost scooped you up effortlessly, as if you weighed nothing and weren’t dripping wet through multiple layers. “C’mon, love. Let’s get you out of here.”
The journey from the ground to up into Ghost’s arms felt like an airplane takeoff. You were close to slipping out of consciousness.
“We’ll get to Soap and get a vehicle out of here,” Ghost explained, readjusting his arm underneath your knees. “You’re going to be fine, Gecko.”
“G-Guess I wasn’t quick enough this time, huh?” You gave the faintest grin, and Ghost couldn’t help but laugh at your stupid joke.
“Shut up.” 
There was relief in knowing that you were with Ghost. Your chances of dying hadn’t changed, but if you were going to die, this was a better way of going out. 
The fog in your vision became thicker and thicker until you couldn’t see or hear a thing. The darkness surrounded you, sucking you deeper and deeper into nothingness.
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The next time your eyes opened, you weren’t met with the dim streets of Las Almas. There was no smell of rain or taste of blood and sweat. The smell this time was sterile air and cheap (but clean) bedsheets. You couldn’t taste anything due to the worst case of cottonmouth that you had ever experienced. The beeping music of an EKG reader and distant chatter was the real giveaway. 
The muscles in your legs were stiff, mainly because you hadn’t moved them in so long. A grunt was all you could manage as you shifted, a new type of discomfort erupting where you had been shot. It was all wrapped up now (professionally and medically wrapped), clean and taken care of. There was an IV in each arm, one administering fluids and the other what you could only imagine to be some kind of pain medication. The white walls and tan floors were weirdly comforting…a sign to let you know that you were safe for now. 
The best sights of all were the ones seated to the left of your bed.
Ghost’s arms were crossed, ankles crossed over each other, and his head lowered and his breathing steady. His outer skull mask was nowhere to be seen, but his balaclava was clinging to his face as always. 
Soap was also snoozing, but less peacefully and quietly. His head was tilted back as far as it possibly could go, his arms draped at his sides, legs stretched all the way out, and snoring so loud that you were surprised you hadn’t already heard it.
You were gentle as you called to Ghost, considering he didn’t always react calmly when being woken up.
“Hey…” You rasped with a dry throat. “Ghost.”
His eyes snapped open, flickering up to you instantly. A monumental wave of relief visibly crashed over him, filling his veins and relaxing his heart.
“You’re awake,” He leaned closer, taking your hand into his. “You’re okay.”
“What…how long has it been?” You asked, bits of your memory coming back to you.
“A few days…four I think, ” He answered with a nod. “How do you feel?”
Honestly, you weren’t sure. Physically you felt terrible, but better than when you were dying of shock, cold, and blood loss. Mentally you felt fuzzy and groggy from being out so long. Emotionally…well, only time would tell.
“Like shit.” You admitted.
“Not surprised.” He grinned under his face covering. 
There were a few beats of silence. You took a few glances around, getting familiar with your new setting. Ghost, though, never took his eyes off of you. They were a light shade of red, and even his balaclava couldn’t hide the dark circles under them.
“Have you slept at all?” You asked, knowing good and well he hadn’t left your side.
“A little bit here and there,” He said, motioning his free hand towards Soap. “This is the most sleep Soap’s gotten this whole time. He’s been out for about 30 minutes.”
Soap was indeed out like a light. You couldn’t imagine how tired the two of them were. There was another stretch of silence. This one lasted longer and was much more tense. This wasn’t an easy encounter. How were you supposed to act when you had barely scraped by with your life?
“Yeah, love?”
“How close was it?”
Simon stared for a moment. No formation of an answer to your question occurred for a second or two. He didn’t like that question. He had avoided thinking about it until now. Ghost knew that he’d have to do his own mentality check in with himself in a few days. He had almost lost the most important person in his life…he’d need to deal with that. 
“Too close.” 
Another silence. Another silent thank you that you were here to see another day.
“You were…hypothermic, in shock. You lost a lot of blood before and during surgery,” He said. “Doc said if it had been any later getting you help-”
“Hey,” A groggy voice piped in, unaware that he was interrupting. “Gecko’s up.”
Soap’s eyes were just as bloodshot as Ghost’s, but Soap’s personality was wide awake.
“Happy to see you again, Sergeant. My apologies for being absent from our reunion at the church.” You grinned.
“Yeah, yeah. Left us to do double the work,” Soap chuckled. “Feels weird callin’ you Gecko now that I know where it comes from.”
“Soap doesn’t have the same ring to it, I have to say.” You fired back. 
“Agh, I’m crushed. Right in my pride!” He shrieked. 
The three of you shared a soft laugh. Nothing like Soap’s comedic relief to break the tension. You felt okay. This was just one of those things. One of the things that you signed up for with this job. It didn’t make it any less unnerving, but now you felt like you could really move on from this. 
And you were thankful that you had lived to tell the story. 
There was a sudden itch in your throat. An annoying tickle that reminded you that you hadn’t had a physical sip of water in four days. 
“Do you think that I could get some water?” You wondered aloud, nearly choking on your own words from the parched feeling.
Ghost hadn’t left your side when you were knocked out, and he surely wasn’t leaving now that you were awake.
“Johnny, could you-”
“Yep! On it.” He scurried out and down the hall without another word. 
That left you and Ghost. The man that saved your life by risking his own to come back for you. You didn’t even want to think about what you would’ve done if Ghost had gotten killed at your expense. At least you would’ve died together, but that hardly sounded right or fair. Ghost deserved so much more. 
“You scared me.” Ghost confessed, not even hiding the worry in his voice. 
“I know…I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault, doll. Just…” He sighed. “Just really thought that I had lost you this time.” 
There wasn’t anything you could say to make him feel better. You knew that because you had been in his shoes. His head wasn’t in the best place. You knew that even better. But if there was one thing you knew for sure, it was that you loved him more than anybody else ever could.
“Thanks for coming back for me.” You whispered, a sudden set of tears slipping down your cheeks.
Ghost raised his balaclava. The material stopped just under his nose, his bare lips coming to press a kiss to the back of your hand. He made a solemn swear to himself in that moment that he’d never take you for granted again. He’d never get too comfortable with having you around and at his disposal.
Because fate was far too cruel for that.
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ship-ambrosia · 3 years
Chilumi Week Day 3 - Diamond Dust (Snezhnaya)
Summary: Lumine arrives in Snezhnaya earlier than he had planned for.
   It’s snowing.
   Not like snow is any rarity in Snezhnaya, the land of eternal winter. But it’s the first one since he’s been back in his homeland that isn’t a blizzard. Childe liked blizzards more than most - that dangerous way the snow piles on top of you, losing every since of direction while your body grows colder - but it’s been almost nonstop the last few days. The weather drifting now is soft, snowflakes waltzing through the air. In the morning sun they glimmer, like some is shaking dust made of diamonds from the clouds.
   This is the Snezhnaya he wanted Lumine to see.
   Up until now all she has heard is bad things. He had once told her he loved snow because it was the perfect backdrop for bloodshed - he’d seen the look in her eyes. She didn’t like the idea of Snezhnayan snow. But his homeland was beautiful, and he knew as soon as she stepped her foot off the boat, she’d be in love too.
   With Snezhnaya.
   The familiar set of nerves begins to sink in, as it did whenever he thinks about Lumine. He had left Liyue almost immediately after the Lantern Festival; and yet, as long as he’s been back in Snezhnaya, he’d been in Zapolyarny Palace, or the occasional mission for her Majesty. His family didn’t know he was home. They probably thought he was still in Liyue. The next time he saw them, he’d have Lumine with him.
   Their plan had made a lot of sense, actually. The Tsaritsa’s Festival would be soon, which was the only time of year where boats were constantly docking in the city’s port. No one would suspect one more; in fact, the very trustworthy captain Childe had paid to transport his guest in secret was probably bringing people from Liyue here to enjoy the city of snow themselves. Ekaterina was returning on the very boat. No one would expect the Traveler.
   Lumine had thought that catching the Tsaritsa off guard would be the best way to get any information the Archon might know out of her, and he was unfortunately inclined to agree. So not only was he smuggling her into Snezhnaya, but he would be smuggling her into the Palace - right to his Queen. Surely, his actions would be scrutinized, likely punished, but he knew Lumine wouldn’t hurt the Tsaritsa. As much as he hated to admit it - so he didn’t think about it too much - any hostility was likely to come from the Cryo Archon herself.
   He wasn’t expecting the boat for another week. He had preparations to make, plans on how he was going to get her through Snezhnaya without anyone in the Fatui noticing her, one of the Fatui’s most highly ranked enemies. He had just been stretching his legs, taking a walk through the palace, when he’d overheard them, two Fatui agents talking in the halls.
   “Dock schedule for today?”
   “Oh, you should let her Majesty know... we received word that the Tide’s Breath, carrying passengers from Liyue, is arriving ahead of schedule this morning.”
   “Ahead, you say? How early is it?”
   “About a week.”
   Childe stopped dead in his tracks. He replayed the conversation over and over in his head. That was the ship she was on. That was its original arrival plans. Which meant that Lumine was instead arriving today.
   He left the castle before anyone could ask the Eleventh Harbinger where he was going.
   Snezhnaya’s port was smaller, less busy than Liyue’s. Where people milled about just to see what they could see in Liyue, only the dock workers were present. Currently, they were letting passengers off a large, beautiful ship, all curves and ornate carvings, marking the vessel of Liyue origins. The Tide’s Breath.
   Childe quickly made his way through the disembarking crowd, too focused on making it up the ramp to care about who he had to push out of the way. He was supposed to be onboard before the passengers were let off. That was his plan. He felt anger welling up inside him. Every minute counted. Every minute he wasted was another one that the Fatui could find their way on the ship, find their way to where Lumine was. Another minute that she could be dead the next.
   Not spotting the captain anywhere on deck, Childe made his way toward the rooms below. Sure enough, he could hear laughter from the room with double doors, two people in conversation. The light giggles that seemed to dance through the air, he knew those. Relief flooded his veins. She was fine.
   Pausing for a moment to compose himself, Childe gave a quick scan of the boat around him before stretching out his hands and pushing the doors to the room open. He stopped just in time to prevent the blade that was pointed at him from burying into his chest. All three of them froze, but Childe had a smile on his face. The doors swung closed behind him.
   “Well, I appreciate the warm welcome, girlie,” he spoke first, eyes glimmering with delight. He loved the way she made his heart race. Every damn time.
   He watched Lumine’s expression change from a tempered ferocity, to surprise, to relief. Her sword magically disappeared once again, and Lumine put her hands on her hips. Her expression changed again to one he was very familiar with - annoyance.
   “Did you really have to barge in here without knocking? I could’ve killed you.”
   “When have I ever let that stop me from doing anything?” He asked her, seriously.
   She shook her head - and then shocked him by moving forward and pulling him into a hug as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. He was so much taller than her that the top of her head barely crested his shoulders; which meant that when he looked down, he could clearly see all of her. Part of him wasn’t sure it was real. He felt the adrenaline kick in, his heart started to race - but it was in an entirely different way than usual.
   “I’m so glad to see you again,” Lumine told him as she untangled her arms from around him. The young man from Snezhnaya found himself cold after she broke away.
   He looked toward her, this girl who he had tricked, tried to kill, and then sent an evil god to attack the harbor she was staying in, and thought about what she had just said. “Me too.”
   Clearing his throat, clearly to remind the two of them he was still there, the captain stepped over to them and clasped a hand on Lumine’s shoulder. “She was a delight to have on board, Tartaglia. Sorry about the early arrival. We had to get creative when your Fatui friend nearly came upon Miss Lumine. So the lass used her Anemo Vision to speed us up a bit. I thought it’d be suspicious if we didn’t dock even though we had arrived.”
   Childe cursed under his breath. He had known the risk he posed by putting Ekaterina on the same boat as Lumine. But he’d also hoped the Fatui would pay attention to her arrival, and use it to explain Childe’s interest in the boat. “Lumine, I’m sorry.”
   “Don’t be,” she answered softly. “You still got me here.”
   “We’ve got another problem though,” the captain said, and Childe immediately tensed. Had someone discovered her anyway? Who was he going to have to silence? He was thrown off guard though, when the captain yanked his coat off Childe’s shoulders.
   “Your lady friend here didn’t bring any warm clothes for Snezhnaya!” He exclaimed, draping Childe’s coat over her shoulders. “You oughta go buy her some.”
   “You didn’t buy any coats when you knew you were coming here?” He stared at Lumine in surprise.
   “I didn’t think about it... that it’s not like an expedition in Dragonspine,” she admitted. “Sorry.”
   He chuckled a bit. She was the savior of every city she found herself in, a skilled swordsman, a master investigator... and yet she had forgotten to buy a coat to go to the land of the Cryo Goddess. Childe turned to the captain, dropping a small pouch with the last of the payment he owed him inside. Clasping his own hand on Lumine’s shoulder, he grinned at her. “I’ve never taken a lady shopping before.”
   “Your family knows I’m coming right?” She asked as they were perusing the selection of a clothing store in Snezhnaya. Just as Childe had predicted, the moment they had exited the docks and entered the city, he had watched Lumine’s eyes light up. Snezhnaya had surprised her. He was still holding on to that warm feeling that had spread through his chest when he looked at her, that brilliant smile, framed by the diamond dust around her, like the embers of a fire that refused to burn out.
   Now he found it kind of funny, the two of them hiding in the back of a store from the eyes of the Fatui. The lone shopkeep had no idea that two of the strongest fighters in all of Teyvat were shopping for coats in his store right now.
   “Yes, but not until next week,” he pursed his mouth, looking at a navy and black coat. Maybe it was stupid, but he didn’t think Lumine would want to wear dark clothes. “I’m still figuring out what we’re going to do.”
   “Next week? Why don’t you just tell them my boat arrived early? That’s what happened,” she pointed out, and Childe realized he had neglected to tell her parts of his own plan.
   “Girlie I’m uh... not staying with my family, currently,” he stopped looking at the clothes, and turned to her. “I’ve been staying in the Tsaritsa’s palace. My family doesn’t know I’m in Snezhnaya yet.”
   She crossed her arms. “Well what are we going to do for a week? I don’t think I can stay in Zapolyarny Palace.”
   Despite their dilemma, he chuckled at the ridiculous idea. Right, the place he was going to smuggle her into on the last night of the Tsaritsa’s Festival. Probably not good to try and hide her there for not one week, but two.
   “I’ll think of something. See any coats you like?” He asked, handing a bundle to her. “Nothing like a genuine coat from the land of snow itself. Maybe this was your plan all along.”
   She rolled her eyes, and reached for one to begin trying them on, the coat a baby blue color. “I think a coat from Liyue probably would have been cheaper.”
   “Hey, I’m paying so it’s fine,” he turned back to the hangers to look for more in her size.
   “A week!” She mumbled to herself from behind him. “Sometimes when Paimon and I were out exploring, we’d lose track of time and be out there camping for three weeks! And now we don’t know what to do for one!”
   His hands stopped. “Girlie, I think you just solved our problem.”
   Realizing what Childe meant, he heard her rustling stop, too. “I’ve never been to Snezhnaya. There’s probably dozens of ruins and monsters out in the mountains.”
   “There is,” a grin found its way onto his face at the thought of seeing her in action again. He whipped around to face her. “And I, the Eleventh Harbinger, can be your-“
   The words died in his throat. It turns out the rustling hadn’t stopped because she was thinking, but because she had slipped a second coat on. He didn’t even remember pulling a white coat from the store, but she stood before him, white fur from the hood brushing her cheeks. That warmth spread through him again - but this time it was less gradual, less soft, and more like the bright burst of pain from being stabbed. Petals in his chest unfurled with a furious speed. He knew why. He knew it was because she looked absolutely beautiful; and the coat reminded him she was here, she was in Snezhnaya. She was with him, just the two of them.
   “Is something wrong?” She asked.
   “I think we should get that one,” he answered quickly, marching over to the shopkeeper and throwing down his bag of mora on the counter. Lumine followed him, he could practically hear her confusion in her breathing. Childe, for his part, refused to look at her. He knew he had to look ridiculous.
   He was quiet as they excited the shop, too, alert and aware of everyone around them as he led Lumine through the streets toward an inn. He knew he could keep her hidden there, amongst the crowds of ordinary people, for at least a night or two.
   “Childe,” she slipped her hand into his and tugged, stopping him.
   “What are you doing? We can’t stop in the middle of the street?” He knew he was blushing this time. Damn it, he was supposed to be the bloodthirsty, warrior of the Harbingers. He wasn’t supposed to just blush.
   But when he looked at Lumine, her eyes were sparkling, a smile across her face. And the damn snow. The snow made her look even more beautiful. And he thought that no sane person could resist something like that.
   “Back in the store... were you going to say you wanted to come with me?”
   “A week with you out in the Snezhnayan wilderness, fighting monsters and finding treasure?” He couldn’t hide the excitement in his voice, either. “Well, someone’s gotta make sure you don’t get lost out there, and Paimon’s not here.”
   She seemed to consider his words for a moment, before moving so that she was walking beside him, rather than behind. She didn’t untangle from him this time - she kept her hand firmly grasping his. “We have a deal.”
   He continued with her to the inn, as the snow continued to drift around him, and Childe was pretty sure he’d be able to get a week off from the Fatui to explore with her.
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cg29 · 3 years
Because of link issues with this site I’ve decided to paste my WIPS onto here as well as AO3 & FFNet. Starting with the 1st 3 chapters of the fic I’m currently working on, and have also most recently updated.
Set after Virgil's crash during the original series episode of 'Terror in New York City.' (Season 1 episode 4) Short reflections from each of the family on nearly losing a brother and son.
Thank you to @janetm74 for the Beta on C3.
Chapter 1: Scott.
Italic/Bold speech is not mine and comes from the original episode.
“The wheels have gone; I can’t hold her… I’m… I’m going to crash!”
Scott’s heart lurched at the pure panic emanating from Virgil’s voice, but there was nothing he could do as he watched Thunderbird Two squeal across the runway with dark heavy flames springing forth. Finally, and thankfully she came to a stop and the pure white foam rained down on her distinguishing the blaze… But his little Brother was still inside… “What’s going on,” he yelled over his communicator, “why is no one getting him out?”
‘T…They’re on their way Scott,’ Brains replied, ‘I’m h…here to a…assist you with l…landing.’
‘I don’t need any damn assistance, get the med bay prepped for my brother!’
Okay, a bit harsh maybe, but Virg was in there… He’d attended too many fire related incidents, he knew the consequences if someone wasn’t rescued quickly… God damn it, they had to get him out… Finally, bringing Thunderbird One into the hangar, Scott unbuckled and shot out of his chair. The further procedures he was required to run through could wait… Virgil needed him more.
“How is he?” He puffed out, racing over to his father just as his two brothers were bringing Virgil out of his singed bird.
“Unresponsive… Head injury, smoke inhalation, possible broken ribs,” Gordon reeled off.
“Let’s get him to the infirmary,” Jeff said, allowing his two youngest to go ahead with Virgil before looking back to Scott, “are you coming?”
Scott heaved out a breath and nodded. “Yeah, I’m coming!”
A few days later…
He stared down at his sleeping brother, it could have been so much worse, and the words from that moment still danced in his mind…
“Thunderbird Two from Thunderbird One, come in Virgil... Virgil are you okay? Virgil, pull her up… Can you hear me? Come in Thunderbird Two... Virgil, you’re crashing… Pull her up… Virgil, get a grip on yourself, you’ve got to pull out of that dive!”
If his brother hadn’t dragged himself out of that dive at the last second, he wouldn’t be here… And to be honest, he didn’t know if he would be either. He would have dived Thunderbird One in after her sister ship, and tried everything within his power to pull Virgil out, but it wouldn’t have worked, and both of them would have gone down…
“You did good son.”
“Ha?” Scott mumbled, looking to his father who was standing beside him.
“You did a good job. You talked your brother through a very severe situation, and you got him home. You saved his life Scott, and because of that he will be back to himself before we know it. Now, stop thinking about the alternatives.”
“How did you know?”
“I know you,” Jeff nodded towards Virgil who was shifting in his bed, “looks like he’s waking.”
Virgil groggily forced his eyes open.
“How, are you Virgil?” Jeff questioned.
“Welcome back to the land of the living!” Scott added.
Virgil sat himself up. “What happened to Thunderbird Two?”
‘TYPICAL!’ Scott inwardly chuckled while his father went on to answer. If his brother was already worrying about his bird, then his dad was definitely right… Virgil would get better, and soon they would both be out there together again.
Chapters 2 & 3 featuring John & Gordon below the cut.
Chapter 2: John
“Thunderbird 5. My home away from home. I love being here, the solitude suits me and because of that I’m the one who is up here the most. Don’t get me wrong I adore my family and I enjoy spending time with each of them when I’m on leave but being here amongst the stars that I’ve gazed up at in wonder since I was a small boy makes me feel so peaceful. Four days ago, that tranquillity was shattered, and for the first time ever I am finding myself wishing that someone could replace me, someone could come here and take me home.
You see my first younger brother, the one who holds us altogether with his natural calming and added creative abilities was nearly killed while I was sleeping. I know, I know, me sleeping didn’t cause his crash, but if I had been awake then maybe I could have done something to help him, like hacking the Sentinel and stopping them from firing on his bird. Instead, I was on ordered downtime after two back-to-back missions which had kept me awake for over forty-eight hours. The first required Thunderbird fours assistance, the second was in space with Alan. After I called in the third requiring just Scott and Virgil my dad, believing it was a rescue that wouldn’t require my expertise, ordered me to communicate any vital information I had to my brothers, then relay Thunderbird Five’s communications to Tracy Island so I could spend the next ten to twelve hours asleep. I managed the full twelve and after a shower and food I was ready to return to work. Except, the reply I received when contacting base wasn’t the one that I was expecting.
Ten minutes it took for me to make contact, I can’t begin to explain the thoughts that had rampaged through my mind when no one was responding, Alan finally answered looking slightly pale and very tired. Immediately I demanded to know what was going on, the answer drained me completely. The Sentinel had fired missiles at Virgil, thankfully dad had been able to reach Washington and stop the meaningless attack, but the damage that had already been received was great and my little brother was extremely lucky to make it back to the island. Well, I say lucky… Head injury, smoke inhalation, broken ribs, several cuts, and bruises. Yet, it wasn’t until the following day that he regained consciousness… But he was still alive, and that’s what mattered.
After a long chat with the youngest to make sure he was coping I signed off and instantly logged into our islands security feeds so I could see the crash. Yes, I know it sounds a little morbid, but the reality was probably not as dramatic as what was playing through my mind. Thankfully, although extreme, it wasn’t. However, what seeing that crash didn’t do was alleviate the need that I still have now to see and talk to Virgil.  What it did do was produce another need, one that I could do something about, and that was to make sure that the man who recklessly fired at the kindest person you could ever wish to meet receives some sort of justice. Nothing too malicious of course, we are in the business of saving lives and not taking them, but maybe I’ll put my hacking prowess to use and make sure he gets discharged from his position. Whatever I choose though won’t be pretty but will be fully deserved…
…Oh, one moment, I seem to have a call coming through from home - - - - It’s Virgil… Sorry, but I have to go, he still looks really groggy and probably won’t be able to talk for too long, but I’ve desperately been needing this chat… Catch you guys later, Thunderbird Five out.”
Chapter 3: Gordon.
The ocean before him was calm, the turbulent thoughts raging inside his heart were not. All caused by his current location. The Sentinel… Gordon had arrived two hours before and introductions had immediately been made between himself, the crew, and the Captain. The same Captain who had given the damn order to shoot Thunderbird Two down. Yes, they had presumed that an attack was possibly imminent. Nonetheless, they should have done a comprehensive check before going all gung-ho. Then they would have realised that it wasn’t a strike vessel, it was an International Rescue aircraft, and a person was on board. A person who was loved. Loved by a family who had already been torn apart by the loss of a mother and wife. A family that didn’t deserve to lose anyone else.
They had been reckless, and even though most on board had asked after the wellbeing of his teammate, the Captain, the idiot who had ordered them to fire had not made any queries. He had approached him, introduced himself, and then begun immediately filling him in on their trajectory and any further details he might need. After he had contacted Scott, the Captain had ordered one of his officers to assist, then sheepishly made his excuses and left, guilt plastered all over his face. Five minutes later Gordon was being shown to the sleeping quarters where he could get some shut eye in between any updates he needed to make.
He would probably take some downtime soon. For now, he just wanted to gaze at the ocean. The sea made everything better. Here he could switch his attention from the surface to air missile launchers that had taunted him with their sickening capabilities upon arrival, and instead concentrate on his mission. A mission that would normally be routine. Instead, two men who were trapped and injured had to wait just over twenty-four hours. Two lives might be lost because they shot his big brother down. Gordon gripped the rail and slowly breathed out while focussing on the rhythmic pulse from the ocean waves, and the fact that Virgil, although severely injured and definitely needing some time to recuperate, had survived the atrocious crash.
However, it had come so close to being a different outcome and the gut-wrenching, mind-swirling sickness at the thought of ‘what could have been’ had buried itself deeper and deeper into his heart and refused to release its grasp. Needing to go inside to retrieve Virgil had made those feelings more horrific. Sure, he had saved countless lives from fires, but to have to rescue a brother, a member of his own family, ‘that’ he wasn’t used to. His brother had been crumpled over, a deep cut on his head was bleeding, and his eyes were tightly closed. For a horrible moment, both himself and Alan had stood there before moving forwards. He thought he had lost Virgil, that his big brother was already dead. Thankfully, upon reaching him a pulse was discovered. Virgil was alive. Professionalism immediately kicked in, and he and Alan worked together to get him on a stretcher and out of there as quickly as possible.
Since then, Alan had avoided Virgil. Obviously, the kid was still in shock and processing what had happened. Hopefully, by the time he returned his little brother would have gone to see Virgil, otherwise he would need to drag him in there. Of course, he had done the complete opposite and had not wanted to leave his brother’s side. He needed to ease up though. Virgil knew what his game was and had tried to reassure him several times that he wasn’t going to disappear on him. Yes, he would need to step back a little when he returned, after he had once again checked that his kind-hearted, generous brother was still alive and well.
His ever-forgiving brother, who never held a grudge, had even suggested that they use the Sentinel to save lives. Okay, that made sense, the two men were trapped; their lives were what mattered, not how he felt about the Sentinel. Unfortunately, Gordon wasn’t that big of a person, and boy was he stewing over his feelings right now. A yawn emitted from him, and he looked at his watch. There was still just over two hours to go before he needed to check-in with Scott. Plenty of time for a power nap in the quarters. He certainly needed one. During the past week he’d either been helping out with two, doing his usual maintenance checks or sitting by his brothers’ side and he hadn’t managed a lot of downtime.
Tomorrow would bring a tough rescue and he needed his full alertness to save the two men, especially with the lack of time they would have left. There was also Virgil’s ‘big brother’ voice inside his head yelling at him to get some down time. He breathed in the fresh air, allowing the knowledge that he would continue hearing his brother’s nagging to engulf him. A smile formed. That’s what mattered, not his infuriation towards the Captain, or his current location. Virgil was alive. Thunderbird Two would be restored to her former glory. His eyes switched from the azure sea to the vastness overhead. Then, one day soon she would be soaring with her pilot, his best big brother, through those illustrious oceanic blue skies.
chapter 4 Here...
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buckybarnesdollface · 4 years
Body Shot
Warnings: Smut
Summary: Drinking games are never a good idea after a mission...Or are they?    
           “Whose brilliant idea was it to get drunk after a mission, anyway?” I groaned. I had just downed my fourth tequila shot of the night and was now trying desperately to get the taste out of my mouth with a beer. Sam laughed.
           “It was your idea, genius,” he replied. “You’re the one that was like ‘We should all get drunk tonight’ as soon as we stepped off the quinjet.”
           I groaned again and rolled my eyes. “Sober me is a real dick.”
           “Oh c’mon, (Y/N),” Nat teased. “We’re having fun! It’s not our fault you’re terrible at drinking games.”
           I glared at her, but it was true. I don’t know how it happened, but it seemed every game we played I lost, to the point where I was the most drunk out of all of us. Most of them I could understand – Steve and Bucky were supersoldiers, it would take a lethal amount of alcohol to get them drunk. Nat had a very high tolerance, as most Russians did. Sam and Wanda could handle about the same amount that I could, but yet they weren’t anywhere near as drunk as I was.
           “It’s not fair,” I grumbled. “These games are all rigged. I think you should let me pick the game.”
           Steve snorted. “You know very well these games aren’t rigged, (Y/N),” he said, “but if it makes you feel any better then alright, you can choose the next game.”
           I grinned wickedly. This was my time to shine.
           “Beer pong,” I stated. “That’s my choice. Somebody help me set it up.”
           “I’m down for beer pong,” Sam said, and Wanda nodded.
           “Me, too.”
           “How are you going to play beer pong, (Y/N)?” Nat teased. “You’re so drunk you likely can’t even stand up, let alone throw a ping pong ball into a cup.”
           Always a competitor, I glared at her. “I’ll have you know I won a championship in university for beer pong,” I said indignantly. “I’m a pro. You had all better be scared.”
           Wanda laughed, and Sam shook his head. “They’ll let anyone be an Avenger now, won’t they?” he said, and I reached over to elbow him in the gut.
           “Where did Bucky go, anyway?” Natasha asked. “Is it getting past the old man’s bedtime? Are we young ‘uns too much for him to handle?”
           “He went to put more beer in the fridge for you alcoholics,” Steve chuckled, “and I asked him to bring back some food for our drunker companions.”
           His eyes shot over to me, and my own eyes narrowed. “I’m not that drunk!” I argued. “Look, I’ll prove it.”
           I pushed myself up off the couch, and immediately regretted it. I hadn’t stood in awhile and all the blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy. I gave myself a couple of seconds to balance myself and then took a few steps forward.
           “See?” I said. “I’m completely fine.” As if to prove my point, I tried to do a twirl. However, I overestimated my ability to balance and stumbled, tripping over my own feet. Before I could fall, though, a strong arm was hooked around my waist to steady me.
           “Careful, doll,” Bucky murmured, and I felt my cheeks grow red. I straightened up and pulled away, mumbling an embarrassed “Thank you,” to him; I could hear Nat and Wanda snickering to my left and I shot them a dirty look before flopping back down onto the couch between them.
           “I think Steve meant for those nachos to be for (Y/N), Bucky,” Wanda said pointedly, and my blush deepened. Bucky turned to me with a small smile.
           “They’re fresh,” he said. “Eat up – You’ll feel better.”
           “Thanks,” I mumbled, completely mortified at this point. Bucky nodded and then turned to hand Steve the beer he’d brought him before cracking open his own and returning to his seat in the armchair.
           “So what are we gonna play, then?” Wanda asked. “Beer pong is out, and (Y/N) needs a break from taking shots, but I’m not ready to go to bed yet.”
           The rest of the group nodded their collective agreements, and Nat grinned wickedly. I knew that grin. It could only mean trouble.
           “Well why don’t we play truth or dare, then?” she suggested, waggling her eyebrows. “It’s fun, and the only reason you’d have to take a shot is if you refuse to answer the question or do the dare given to you.”
           Sam nodded eagerly. “I’m in,” he exclaimed. “I’m a pro at the dares.”
           “Me too,” Wanda agreed with a grin. Steve nodded too.
           “Sure, why not. I’ve got nothing to hide.”
           Bucky and I were the only two that hadn’t said anything. Bucky tended to keep to himself most of the time and was a very private person, so I was surprised when he finally nodded as well.
           “Could be fun,” he murmured, and Nat grinned.
           “Perfect,” she breathed. “(Y/N), how about you?”
           I wanted to say no. Nat was way too excited about this for it to just be an innocent game of truth or dare, and she knew too many of my weaknesses for it to be safe for me. Five pairs of eyes were looking at me expectantly, though, and finally I sighed.
           “Fine,” I said, and the triumphant look on her face made me wary.
           “So who goes first?” Steve asked.
           “You’re up, old man,” Sam said to him with a smirk. “Truth or dare?”
           Steve narrowed his eyes. “I don’t trust your dares,” he said, “so truth.”
           “Has a girl ever asked you to wear the Captain America outfit in bed?”
           Steve’s cheeks were pink, but he nodded. “Yes, once,” he admitted, and the room erupted into hoots of laughter.
           “Did you do it?” Nat asked, but Wanda shook her head.
           “Go easy on him. One question only,” she chuckled, and then she turned to Sam. “Truth or dare, Sam?”
           “Dare, obviously,” he said, as if offended that she’d even had to ask.
           “I dare you to replace Clint’s Cocoa Puffs with dog food,” she said, and the room all looked at her with wide eyes.
           “He’ll kill everyone when he finds out!” I breathed. “Clint lives off those things.”
           Wanda shrugged. “He ate the last cinnamon bun the other day. This is payback.”
           Sam, not being one to ever back down from a dare, dumped the cereal down the garbage disposal and refilled the box with the kibble that Peter had for the dog Tony had let him keep after he’d claimed it had “followed him home” one day. Sam came back to the common room with a mischievous grin on his face.
           “Done,” he said. “Your turn, Natasha. Truth or dare?”
           “Dare,” Nat replied boldly, one red eyebrow cocked as if challenging him to do his worst.
           “I dare you to hack into the compound’s database and change ‘Tony Stark’ to ‘Tony Stank’ so that’s what comes up on every last piece of paperwork and in every file.”
           I laughed. “Do it,” I urged. “Rhodey will lose it when he sees it.”
           Smirking, Nat pulled her laptop out from under the coffee table. For a few minutes she stared at the screen with her brows knitted together as she typed furiously, and then she looked up triumphantly. “Done,” she told us. “I even reprogrammed F.R.I.D.A.Y. to call him Mr. Stank.”
           “I love you,” Wanda breathed as we all tried to catch our breaths from laughing. Nat grinned.
           “Okay, my turn,” she giggled, and when her eyes met mine I froze. She opened her mouth to speak, but then turned instead to Bucky. “Truth or dare, Buck? You’re a little too quiet over there.”
           Bucky hesitated before he finally said, “Truth,” and even then he sounded unsure of himself.
           “Are you a guy that appreciates tits or an ass more?” Nat asked, and Steve nearly choked on his drink. Sam grinned from ear to ear, and I expected Bucky to look uncomfortable but he scrunched his nose before finally saying, “Definitely the latter.”
           “Smart man,” Sam said, and Bucky grinned ruefully before turning to Wanda.
           “Truth or dare, Wanda?”
           “Truth,” she replied.
           “Do you ever use your powers to get your own way?”
           Wanda had the decency to at least pretend to look offended, but the sparkle in her eyes gave away the truth before she even said anything. “Maybe…” she admitted, dragging out the word. “But in my defense, the woman at the DMV was a bitch.”
           “You used your powers to get your license?” I cried in disbelief. Steve shot her a stern look.
           “We’ll talk about this tomorrow,” he said, and Wanda rolled her eyes.
           “Oh, lighten up, Steve. Truth or dare?”
           “I dare you to drink some of Thor’s Asgardian liquor.”
           Steve shook his head. “That’s Thor’s, I can’t just take it –”
           “If he were here he’d insist you drink it,” Sam argued. “Besides, it’s the only thing that’ll get you and Frosty over there drunk. It’s about time you stop drinking beers like they’re water.”
           Bucky scowled at the nickname Sam so often liked to call him, but Steve sighed. “Fine, I’ll have one drink,” he said. “Buck, you want one?”
           “Is it really enough to get us drunk?” Bucky asked, and Nat grinned. She had already retrieved the bottle and poured them each a glass.
           “Find out for yourself.”
           The guys each took a sip. Steve had tried it before so he knew what to expect, but Bucky hadn’t and when it touched his tongue his face scrunched up. We all laughed and he shook his head.
           “It’s so bitter,” he choked, and Steve chuckled.
           “You get used to it. Just take it slow; that one glass is all you’ll need,” he explained before turning to Nat. “Truth or dare, Nat?”    
           “Ask me a question, Captain.”
           “Did you sleep with that pizza delivery guy the other night?”
           She grinned wickedly. “Yep. Wasn’t bad, either.”
           “You are incorrigible,” I chuckled quietly, and Nat turned to me.
           “What was that, drunkie?” she asked, and I cursed myself for drawing her attention to me. “You’ve somehow managed to stay out of the spotlight so far, (Y/N); we’ll have to fix that. Truth or dare?”
           I swallowed hard, weighing my options. If I answered with truth then she would most certainly make me reveal something that I didn’t want a certain someone in the room to know. If I chose dare, then god knows what she would make me do. But I couldn’t forfeit either, because I really didn’t think my stomach could handle another shot this early on.
           “Truth,” I finally said begrudgingly, knowing I could at least be creative with my answer if I had to be. She smirked, and I immediately regretted my choice.
           “When was the last time you got laid?”
           I blushed, but it could have been much worse. Glaring at her, I mumbled, “It’s been a year.”
           Of course, Nat had already known this – She was only stirring the pot. Wanda had known as well so she didn’t react. Sam’s eyes widened.
           “A year? Jesus, girl, how are you not more uptight than you are?” he cried. My blush deepened.
           “I’ve been busy, alright? Not all of us are naturally skilled in being a superhero. I have to train twice as much as all of you; it takes up a lot of time.” I frowned. “I answered Nat’s question, now let’s drop it. Sam, truth or dare?”
           I thought for a moment. “I dare you to pick a random number from the phone book and try to seduce whoever answers.”
           “It’s one in the morning on a Tuesday,” Steve said. “Who’s gonna pick up the phone?”
           “New York is the city that never sleeps, Steve,” Nat pointed out. “Someone will answer.”
           So Sam did it. He called a number, and an old man answered. We all had to stay quiet because he had it on speakerphone, but when the old man started getting unsettlingly into it and Sam’s face twisted in disgust Bucky snickered and we all burst into laughter. Nat quickly hung up the phone and Sam shook his head.
           “Nasty-ass man, Christ,” he groaned. “I vote we play something else now.”
           “Oh, c’mon, Sam, I thought you were the king of dares,” I taunted. “You said you would do anything.”
           “I draw the line at strange old men wanting to get in my pants.”
           We all chuckled, but Nat shook her head. “I have too many good ideas to stop playing now,” she said, and then she arched an eyebrow at Sam. His brow furrowed, but then his eyes widened as if he had just made a realization and he grinned.
           “Fine, we can keep playing, but it’s my turn to deal out some punishment.” His eyes scanned the room and landed on Bucky. “Frosty!” he exclaimed. “Truth or dare?”
           “How many times have I told you not to call me that?” he grumbled. “Dare, I guess.”
           Sam smirked. “Atta boy. I dare you to do a body shot.”
           “Off of you?” Bucky’s nose wrinkled. “Absolutely not.”
           “Off of (Y/N),” Nat offered, and my eyes widened. I looked at her in horror, but she was looking at Bucky expectantly. He won’t do it, I told myself. It amazed me that he had even put up with us for this long instead of going to bed. Surely this would be where he drew the line.
           “Alright,” he said with a shrug, “as long as (Y/N)’s alright with it.”
           I coughed, and Nat grinned. “Of course she is!”      
           “I don’t know…” I started, but Nat was already pouring tequila into a shot glass.
           “Lie flat on the table so it doesn’t spill,” she ordered, and she gave me a look that said if I didn’t cooperate, she would make me. Pursing my lips, I laid down on the table, and she set the shot glass on my belly button after sliding my shirt up some. Then she spread a line of lime juice on my stomach and sprinkled salt over top of it. I wanted to protest – It was way too close to the waistband of my leggings for comfort, but she was already motioning for Bucky to come over.
           “Hands behind your back,” she ordered. “Pick up the shot glass with your mouth and –”
           “I know how to do a body shot,” Bucky said indignantly, and Nat shrugged.
           “Just had to be sure. You never know with you old guys.”
           Bucky shot her a look of annoyance before coming to stand next to me. “You sure you’re alright with this, (Y/N)?” he murmured. My throat was too dry to say anything but I nodded, even though my heart felt like it was going to hammer right out of my chest. Shooting me a shy smile, Bucky clasped his hands behind his back and bent down to wrap his lips around the rim of the shot glass, downing the tequila in one gulp. Nat took the shot glass from him and then he leaned in to lick the salt and juice from my skin.
           His tongue was soft and warm, and as he dragged it across my stomach I could feel goosebumps prickle my skin. I had to bite my tongue to keep from whimpering, and then he was pulling away all too soon. He gave me an embarrassed smile as he straightened, and then offered a hand to help me off the table. I took it, though the dizziness I felt wasn’t from the alcohol in my bloodstream.
           “Steve, you’re up,” Bucky said as he sat back down in the armchair. “Truth or dare.”
           “I dare you to tell everyone what happened that night with Mandy White.”
           Steve’s face darkened as he glared at his best friend. “That’s not fair, jerk. We promised we’d never talk about that night again.”
           Bucky had a wicked grin on his face – A look I’d never seen on him before. I wondered if the Bucky that Steve knew from all those years ago was this Bucky now; carefree, light and mischievous.
           “Who’s Mandy White?” Wanda asked, and Bucky cocked an eyebrow.
           “Tell them, Stevie.”
           “She’s a prostitute,” he finally grumbled. “Buck and I were in high school and we snuck into a bar in Brooklyn. This dame – Mandy – took an interest in me right off the bat.” He shook his head in disgust. “That should have been the first clue, but I was a dumb kid. I didn’t clue in till she pulled me into the bathroom and told me she’d let me do whatever I wanted to her for the right price.”
           Bucky was howling with laughter, as were Sam and Nat. Wanda was giggling, and I was biting my lip to keep from laughing because I knew Steve was already embarrassed enough.
           “Poor Stevie,” I breathed. “Look at it this way, though; you’re Captain America now. If you met her now, she’d probably pay to have sex with you.”
           Steve scowled at me. “Yes, (Y/N), because that makes me feel so much better,” he said. “Moving on. Truth or dare?”
           I bit my lip, but Steve wasn’t a threat. He was too sweet to play along with whatever Sam and Nat had going on.
           “Truth,” I said, and Steve grinned.
           “Have you ever had inappropriate thoughts about another member of the team?”
           Sam whooped and Nat was smirking. Cheeks hot, I narrowed my eyes. “Yes, right now,” I hissed. “Does contemplating kicking all your asses count as inappropriate?”
           “Easy, (Y/N),” Nat chuckled. “You know that’s not what Steve meant.”
           I scowled. “I’ll pass. Hand me the tequila.”
           Steve shook his head. “Uh-uh, no more shots for awhile,” he ordered. “I never asked you to tell us who. Just answer the question with a yes or no.”
           I sucked in a sharp breath, casting my eyes to my hands. “Yes,” I finally admitted, and I could practically feel the satisfaction rolling off of Natasha. Pursing my lips, I stood. “I’m gonna go get some water, I’ll be right back.”
           I left the common room, my cheeks burning. Just as I’d expected, Nat followed me out to the kitchen, and I turned on her.
           “What the hell are you doing?” I snapped. She gave me an innocent look.
           “I don’t know what you’re talking about, (Y/N).”
           “The fuck you don’t. I expected it from you and maybe Wanda, but Sam and even Steve?” I shook my head in disbelief. “When I told you I liked Bucky, that was in confidence, Nat. The last thing I needed was for you to tell his best friend!” I groaned and sat down at the island, burying my face in my hands. “Now everyone’s gonna know…”
           “I didn’t tell anyone, (Y/N), and I’m offended that you think I would,” Nat told me. “I wouldn’t have to tell anyone anyway. Everyone in the compound knows how you feel about Barnes.”
           My head shot up. “What?” I hissed, and Nat shrugged.
           “I mean, you are an excellent fighter, but when it comes to hiding your emotions you’re terrible,” she said. “Everyone can see it.”
           I felt as if I were going to be sick. “Does he know?” I whispered in a panic.
           “Nope.” Nat shook her head. “But he’s probably the only one. The guy has to be pretty clueless.”
           I shook my head. “So this whole game thing was just everyone trying to push us together?”
           “We’re all rooting for you, (Y/N),” Nat chuckled. “We want you to be happy, and we all want Barnes to stop being so antisocial, too.” She cocked her head to the side. “Although he’s a lot more fun tonight than he’s ever been before.”
           “He’s not antisocial, he’s just nervous to get close to people,” I defended, and Nat grinned.
           “Which is why we’re giving you both gentle nudges towards each other. Now come back out. I promise I won’t put you in any more awkward situations if you promise to loosen up and flirt a little with him.”
           “I wouldn’t know what to say –”
           “(Y/N), I’ve seen you charm even the most sour of people. Just be yourself and stop being so nervous.”
           So I followed her back out to the common room. I noticed that everyone had changed seats, and the only free space was the spot next to Bucky on the couch. I suspected Nat had something to do with this and I shot her a look but she was all of a sudden very interested in her drink. Biting my lip, I sat down next to Bucky.
           “Hope you’re recovered enough to play another drinking game,” Sam said to me, and I narrowed my eyes.
           “Never have I ever!” Wanda exclaimed. “I’ll start. Never have I ever been arrested.”
           Everyone but me drank, but even if I had meant to I couldn’t. I’d finished my last beer and hadn’t bothered to get another drink. After Bucky set down his own drink he reached over to the coffee table and grabbed a glass, handing it to me.
           “Vodka lime,” he said, and then he gave me a rueful smile. “Steve told me it was your favourite so I mixed you up one when I got myself a drink.”
           “Thank you,” I murmured, in shock that he’d even thought of me. He grinned.      
           “I would have given it to you a minute ago, but I figured you wouldn’t need to drink,” he chuckled. “You’re too new to the team to have ever been arrested before.”
           I ducked my head, blushing. Before I could say anything, though, Sam was speaking.
           “Never have I ever,” he said, “made out with an Olympic athlete.”
           No one drank but Sam, and we all groaned.
           “Sam, you gotta stop bringing that up,” Steve said. “We get it. You made out with Genie Bouchard in a bar in Montreal once. We’ve heard the story a hundred times.”
           Sam frowned. “Well sorry if y’all haven’t led as exciting a life as me.”
           Bucky rolled his eyes. “My turn,” he said. “Never have I ever thrown up on the Cyclone at Coney Island.”
           Steve was the only one to drink this time, and Bucky snickered when he shot him a dirty look. Natasha shook her head.
           “The point is to pick statements that more than one person can drink to, guys, c’mon,” she said. “Never have I ever had sex in a public place.”
           Everyone but Steve and Wanda drank this time. I was surprised when Bucky lifted his glass to his lips to take a drink, but then I remembered that Steve had told me that Bucky had been quite the ladies’ man back in their day. It was just so hard to picture the surly, quiet man beside me having ever been a big flirt.
           “Never have I ever stolen a car,” Steve offered, and everyone but Wanda and I drank. Nat narrowed her eyes at Steve.
           “That truck we stole to get to Jersey, you called it ‘borrowing’,” she said, using her hands to make air quotes around the last word. Steve shrugged.
           “It is what it is.”
           “Alright.” I clapped my hands together to draw everyone’s attention back to the game. “Never have I ever had sex on at least three different continents.”
           Nat, Wanda, Sam and I all drank. Bucky frowned.
           “Two,” he murmured. “So close.”
           Steve cocked an eyebrow at him and he grinned.
           “If you think there weren’t some European girls that didn’t want a night with an American sergeant then you’re crazy, Steve,” he teased, and Steve rolled his eyes. I pursed my lips, not wanting to think of Bucky with other girls. Nat must’ve seen my face because she quickly changed the subject.
           “Never have I ever,” she said, “fallen asleep during sex.”
           Only her and Sam drank, and I laughed. “Must have been pretty bad to have fallen asleep,” I remarked, and Nat rolled her eyes.
           “I hate vanilla sex,” she groaned, “and this guy was as boring as it gets.”
           “I was just really tired,” Sam explained. “The girl I was with got very offended, though. She left and wouldn’t answer any of my calls after that.”
           “I don’t blame her,” Bucky snorted. “You don’t leave a girl hanging like that, no matter how tired you are.”
           I bit my lip, feeling my cheeks warm at his words. Before him and Sam could get into one of their infamous disputes, however, Wanda spoke up.
           “Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone on the team.”
           Sam narrowed his eyes at her. “That’s not fair, you’re dating someone on the team,” he accused, referring to Vision. Wanda shrugged.
           “I stand by my statement,” she said as she took a drink.
           Begrudgingly, Sam took a drink, and then so did Nat and even Steve. I hesitated; of course, I’d had multiple, with the man sitting right next to me having starred in all of them. Cheeks burning, I finally lifted my glass to my lips to take a gulp while keeping my eyes downcast. Just when I thought I was the last one, out of the corner of my eye I saw Bucky take a drink. I tried not to overthink it, but my mind was racing. There were only so many women on the team, and I was going to drive myself mad wondering which one he had dreamt about.
           “Well, my drink is gone,” Wanda said, interrupting my thoughts, “and that’s probably it for me. I’m definitely feeling it now. If I want to get up at all tomorrow I should quit while I’m ahead.”
           Nat frowned. “Don’t go to bed yet!” she protested. “It’s still early.”
           “It’s two in the morning,” Steve snorted.
           “We could do something that doesn’t involve drinking, if y’all wanna stay up,” Sam suggested. “Poker?”
           Steve and Bucky agreed enthusiastically, as did Nat. Wanda shook her head.
           “Vis is probably waiting for me to go to bed. I should probably head upstairs.”
           We said goodnight to her, and then Steve looked at me. “(Y/N), you want to play?”
           “I don’t know how,” I admitted, and Steve shrugged.
           “We can teach you.”
           “No, you guys go ahead and play. I’ll stay up and watch, though. I’m not quite ready for bed yet.”
           So Nat found a deck of cards and the game started. I settled myself into the cushions of the couch with my legs crossed underneath me, nursing the rest of my vodka lime. Bucky looked over to me, a playful grin on his face.
           “Now don’t go tellin’ anyone what cards I’ve got, doll,” he teased, and with some of Thor’s liquor in him his Brooklyn accent was coming out. It was the first time I’d heard it and I smiled.
           “No worries,” I giggled, still feeling the effects of the alcohol myself. “I’ll keep my poker face on.”
           Steve snorted. “You’re in trouble then, Buck,” he warned. “(Y/N) has a terrible poker face.”
           I pouted at Steve, but Bucky shot me a warm smile. “I trust her,” he murmured, and my insides warmed. I gave him a shy smile in return, and he winked at me before turning his attention back to the game.
           For awhile I was enjoying watching them. There probably wasn’t a better group out there to watch – Each of them had perfected their poker faces. Years of military experience, and in Nat and Bucky’s cases years of being assassins and spies, would have trained them to know how to hold a blank face. They had also been drinking, though, and would slip up every once in awhile. I took note of each of their tells; Sam would scrunch his nose, Steve would rub the back of his neck, Nat’s eyes would dart quickly between the four of them, and the muscle in Bucky’s jaw would twitch.
           As hard as I tried to keep up, however, eventually it got too difficult. The lack of rest I’d gotten on the mission was finally catching up to me, and the liquor as well as just sitting there not doing anything wasn’t helping. I yawned, and Nat looked across the table at me.
           “Not you, too,” she said, and I shook my head.
           “I’m good,” I told her, even though I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Steve chuckled.
           “You’re stubborn as hell is what you are,” he taunted, and I stuck my tongue out at him.
           “I can go for hours.”
           But I could not. Not long after I could feel myself drifting, and I kept trying to force myself awake but my body wasn’t having it.
           “(Y/N), you really should go to bed,” Sam told me. “You look like you’re barely awake over there.”
           I wanted to argue, but I knew he was right so I just nodded instead. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,” I murmured. I stretched out my legs and made to stand, but it had been a couple of hours since I’d been on my feet and with the liquor still running through my bloodstream, I was a little dizzy and stumbled a bit.
           The next thing I knew, Bucky was up and at my side, a hand on my back to steady me.
           “Easy, doll,” he murmured. “You alright?”
           I blushed. “Just tired,” I mumbled. “And I need some water, I think.”
           Bucky nodded, and then he slipped his arm around my waist. “Let’s get you some water and then make sure you get to bed, then,” he murmured, and he turned to look at the others. “I fold the next few rounds, I’m gonna take care of (Y/N) and then I’ll be back.”
           I’m pretty sure Nat was giving me a look but I didn’t turn around to check before Bucky was leading me out of the common room. When we got to the kitchen he sat me in a stool before going to pour me a glass of water. When he came back over, my eyes were half-lidded and he let out a soft chuckle before shaking his head.
           “We need to get you to bed,” he said. “You’ve had a long few days. D’you think you can make it to the elevator?”
           “Yeah,” I mumbled, sliding out of the stool onto my feet unsteadily. With my glass of water in one hand, Bucky set his other hand on my back and led me to the elevator.
           “(Y/N)’s floor please, F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Bucky said to the AI.
           “Right away, Sergeant Barnes.”
           The elevator began to move, and I leaned heavily against Bucky. He was warm and he smelled like soap, and I could feel myself drifting.
           By the time the elevator stopped, I was barely awake. Without hesitating and without any difficulty, Bucky gathered me in his arms bridal-style and carried me down the hall to my room. I laid my head on his shoulder and my arms wound loosely around his neck, and all I could think was that I was comfortable enough to fall asleep right there.
           Bucky opened my door and carried me inside without switching on the lights. He set my water on the bedside table before gently lowering me to the bed, and then he reached for the water, handing it to me.
           “Drink some, doll,” he urged, “or you’ll regret it in the morning.”
           I gulped down a few mouthfuls before setting the glass back on the bedside table clumsily. “Thank you,” I mumbled, “for taking care of me.”
           Bucky gave me a warm smile that sent my heart fluttering. “No worries, doll. Now get some sleep, okay? You need it.”
           “So do you,” I said quietly, and when his brow furrowed I continued. “You barely slept ten hours the whole week we were on the mission.”
           He shook his head and chuckled. “You don’t miss much, do you?” he mused, and then he gave me another smile. “I promise to get some sleep if you do. Goodnight, (Y/N).”
           “Night,” I mumbled. He had turned and nearly made it to the door when something – most likely the liquor – drove me to do what I did next. “Bucky?” I said softly.
           He stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to me. “What is it, doll?”
           “Will you stay with me?”
           My voice had been barely above a whisper and for a minute I thought maybe he hadn’t heard me, but then I remembered that being a supersoldier there was no doubt that he had heard it. His eyes widened slightly, and then he pursed his lips.
           “(Y/N), I don’t know –”
           “Please?” I bit my lip. “I don’t want to sleep alone.”
           He looked torn, but finally he crossed the room and motioned for me to slide over. I did, and he pulled back the covers for me to crawl under before following me.
           “Come here, doll,” he murmured, stretching out his arm across the pillow, and I scooted closer to snuggle into his side. He tugged me close, and between the warmth of his body and the steady, even rise and fall of his chest with every breath he took, it wasn’t long before I started drifting. I vaguely remembered feeling something – his lips, maybe? – brush against my temple lightly, and then I was out.
           When I woke up the next morning, my whole body felt heavy and I regretted drinking so much right after a gruelling mission. I stretched, letting out a soft groan, but my movements disturbed the arm that had been draped loosely across my stomach. I froze – I had forgotten in my drunken state that I had asked Bucky to stay the night, and now I was panicking. Before I could even try to come up with a way out of this situation, though, Bucky was shifting and blinking his eyes open.
           “Hey, doll,” he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep. “How are you feelin’?”
           “Hungover,” I admitted in a small voice, and Bucky chuckled. He rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes.
           “I actually think I might be, too,” he said. “I haven’t been hungover in decades. That Asgardian alcohol is killer.” He paused, and then looked over at me. His blue eyes were tired, but he looked more at ease than I think I’d ever seen him. “Did you sleep well?” he asked me.
           I bit my lip, then nodded. “I did,” I told him, blushing. “You?”
           Bucky’s smile was warm. “Better than I have in awhile,” he admitted.
           “I’m sorry if asking you to stay last night was weird,” I blurted out, and then ducked my head. “I was drunk and overtired and –”
           I didn’t get to finish my explanation, however, because all of a sudden Bucky was leaning in to close the distance between us. His lips pressed to mine and my body froze even though my mind was screaming at me to do something while my heart was nearly hammering out of my chest.
           Bucky pulled away, his cheeks tinted pink. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “I wanted to do that all night last night but everyone was always around and then you were so tired…”
           I blinked. He was looking at me with increasingly worried eyes, and finally I found my voice.
           “Wait – You wanted to kiss me?”
           “That’s what I said,” he chuckled, and then he bit his lip. “Is that okay?”
           Instead of answering, I pulled his face back to mine. He caught on quickly, rolling his body so that he was overtop of me as our lips connected, his flesh hand coming up to cradle my head while he used his metal arm to support himself. His tongue probed at my lips until they yielded to him, and as our breaths mingled together my hands reached up to grip at Bucky’s waist.
           “You have no idea how hard it was holding myself back from taking you upstairs last night after that dare with the body shot and doing this then,” Bucky murmured, skimming his nose along my jaw and then kissing my throat lightly. My breath hitched and I felt him smile against my skin. “You like that, doll?”
           “Yes,” I whispered, my voice thick. Bucky pulled away enough to look at me, his blue irises nearly swallowed up by his lust-blown pupils, but there was a softness there as well as he smiled at me.
           “Good,” he murmured, “because I want to do this every day, doll, if you’ll let me.”
           I was temporarily snapped out of my haze, and I looked at him with my brow furrowed. “What are you saying?” I asked uncertainly, and Bucky’s smile was shy.
           “I like you, (Y/N),” he told me. “A lot. I have for awhile now, but I never knew how to tell you…”
           “So this wasn’t just brought on by the drinking games and the liquor and me asking you to stay last night?”
           Bucky chuckled as he shook his head. “Not at all, doll,” he assured me, and then he began to pepper kisses along my jaw. “I want you every day, if you’ll have me.”    
           His actions were confident but his eyes were nervous, and I reached up to cup his cheek in my hand. His skin was warm and the stubble on his face was rough, but he leaned into my touch as his eyes drifted shut and I knew in that moment that this beautiful man – this man that I had been pining over for months – really did feel for me the way I felt for him.
           “Show me just how much you want me, Sergeant,” I said in a husky voice as I looked up at him. “I’m yours.”
           Bucky made a quiet noise in the back of his throat, and then he crushed his lips to mine with feverish passion. My hands slid up under the hem of his t-shirt to slide along the muscles of his back, my fingernails grazing his skin lightly and drawing a growl from his throat. Disconnecting our kiss, he sat back on his knees and yanked the t-shirt over his head before tossing it carelessly to the floor. I sat up, tracing my fingertips over the planes of his abdomen, and when I looked up his eyes were blue fire, causing my stomach to flip in anticipation. Tugging lightly at my shirt, he stared at me as if waiting for my permission. I nodded and then the shirt was on the floor with his.
           Bucky’s lips latched onto one of my nipples and I let out a quiet moan, arching my back towards him. As his mouth alternated between my breasts his flesh hand toyed with the waistband of my leggings before slipping past it and underneath my panties. When his fingertips slid through my folds my moan was louder, and he pulled away from my breasts to smirk at me.
           “So wet, doll,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “This all for me?”
           “Mmm…” I managed to hum, and then Bucky was retracting his hand and I let out a soft whine at the loss of contact. He brought his fingers to his mouth to lick away my juices and a fresh wave of heat flooded to my core.
           “So fucking sweet,” he breathed. “I’m gonna have to get a better taste.”
           The next thing I knew, I was on my back and he had yanked the rest of my clothes off in one swift move, leaving me entirely naked under his hungry eyes. At this point I was practically aching to be touched and it must have showed on my face because Bucky flashed me a sinful grin before spreading my legs with his hands and diving in to swipe his tongue along the length of my folds.
           My hips bucked upward at the sudden contact and I let out a gasp. Bucky’s hands reached up to hold my hips in place as his mouth worked over me, drawing whimpers and moans from me. It didn’t take long for him to bring me to release, a panting and sweating mess tangled in the sheets.
           Bucky pressed a few light kisses to the inside of my thigh before he was sliding up my body and claiming my lips in a kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue, and it sent a fresh wave of arousal to my core.
           “Need you now,” I managed to huff out, grinding myself against his still-clothed erection, and Bucky grinned before quickly shedding the rest of his clothing. He slid his solid member through my folds slowly and I groaned, glaring up at him.
           “Stop teasing,” I hissed. “There’s plenty of time for that later, but if you don’t fuck me right now I honest to god might explode.”
           As I spoke my legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer to me. His eyes were dark as pitch and he growled before lining up with my entrance and sliding in with one thrust. I hadn’t been prepared for his size and my eyes fluttered shut as I let out a breathless, “James…”
           He stilled inside of me, and when I opened my eyes, he was regarding me with a mixture of shock, desire and tenderness. “Say it again,” he murmured huskily.
           “James,” I whispered, and then he was crushing his lips to mine and rolling his hips into me. My nails dug into his back, wanting to pull him as close to me as possible, and he pressed his face against my neck to suck lightly at my throat. It didn’t take long before I could feel my second orgasm that morning coming on, and I knew Bucky was also nearing release because his thrusts were getting sloppier. I dug my heels into his back as my hands grasped at his arms, opening my eyes to find that he was already looking at me.
           “James…” I breathed. “I wanna feel you come inside me, James, please.”
           “Fuck, doll,” he groaned, and then with a couple more thrusts he was spilling inside me with a grunt. His orgasm brought on my own and I cried out, my head pushing back into the pillows as my back arched up into Bucky’s body. As we came down from our highs he cradled me in his arms as he rolled us over to our sides, his now-softened member slipping out of my tender heat. I let out a soft moan at the loss of his length, feeling a mixture of our juices dripping down my thigh. Bucky reached up to tuck a damp lock of hair behind my ear.
           “Was that okay?” he murmured, and I let out a breathless laugh.
           “Are you kidding me, Buck? That was a hell of a lot better than just okay. My only regret is that we haven’t been doing this all along.”
           Bucky chuckled, but he looked relieved. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I felt sooner.”
           I rolled on top of him, pressing my lips to his. “Guess that just means we’ll have to make up for all that lost time,” I teased, wiggling my hips against his and grinning delightedly in finding out he was already half-hard again. Bucky smirked as he lifted his hands to grasp my hips, but just before he could lift me up to pull me down onto him, a shout echoed through the compound, followed by laughter and then the sound of glass breaking. Bucky and I stilled.
           “I will kill you!” we heard Clint roar, and I giggled.
           “Guess Clint found the dog food. Should we go make sure Sam doesn’t get himself killed?”
           Bucky shook his head. “Nah, Wilson’s a grown man, he can take care of himself,” he murmured, sitting up to place kisses along my jaw. “Now, where were we?”
           I caught his lips with mine and was just about to line him up with my entrance when this time F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted us.
           “Sergeant Barnes, Ms. (Y/L/N), Mr. Stank requests that everyone meet him in the board room immediately.”
           Both Bucky and I burst out laughing, and when we finally calmed down enough to catch our breaths I said, “I suppose we should get dressed and get down there before Tony sends someone looking for us.”
           “Yes, because I have nothing better to do right this moment than deal with an angry Barton and an angry Stark.”
           I grinned and kissed him quickly before rolling off of him and pulling on a sweatshirt. “I promise I’ll make it up to you later,” I told him. “After all, we’ve got all the time in the world now.”
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marisaaa · 4 years
day 1 prompt: "Do you trust me?"
Once you turn eighteen and you find yourself in the presence of your soulmate, you know. Your soul connections are close enough to activate and they say it overrides all your senses. It’s just you. And them.
Aaron knows as soon as Robert steps into the common room, and he knows he feels it too. 
have i known you twenty seconds, or twenty years? (AO3 link)
“I’m Adam. Barton.” A smiley boy stands up from where he was sat outside the headmaster’s office, “We’re going to be in the same mechanics class but right now, I’m your mentor.”
He reached his hand out to shake Aaron’s who took it timidly.
“Aaron.” He introduced himself, “Dingle.”
Adam smiled, letting go of Aaron’s hand and pointing up at the massive school sign painted on the arch of the hallway. “Welcome to All Hallows.”
Aaron had recently moved to live with his Mum in Leeds, requiring a school transfer… in the middle of his A levels. Luckily, this new school had the right subjects and really, anything would do if it meant getting away from his Dad.
Adam joyously waffled on about the school, clubs, competitions as he led Aaron around. The college was connected to a lower school, so the tour was a lot longer than Aaron had expected but he didn’t mind, Adam seemed to be in his element.
They got to a glass cabinet in the main school reception and stopped. Aaron watched as Adam smiled, looking over the many trophies the school held.
A few seconds passed. “Lots of trophies.” Aaron pointed out dumbly, making Adam chuckle.
“Yeah, loads.” He replied. Looking around to check no one was watching, Adam pulled open the glass door and pulling a photo frame out.
He pointed to one of the boys in the frame. They looked only a bit younger than themselves. “That’s Pete. He’s my brother/cousin.” Adam explained.
Aaron didn’t even want to ask. He just kept looking at the frame with feigned interest.
Adam continued, “Last year, they played for the under 16s international lacrosse championship.”
He seemed to be amazed by the information, so Aaron pretended to look impressed, as if he knew what lacrosse was.
“That’s good?” he questioned nervously.
Adam scoffed, “Good? That’s awesome, mate. International! They didn’t just play, they came second. That’s mint.”
Aaron nodded. “Are they our age?”
Adam shook his head in response, “Just left, actually. Pete and a few other teammates got a lacrosse scholarship and moved to the US.” He thought carefully, scanning the photo, “Wait no, Robert’s still here.”
He pointed to one of the boys, looking small on the photo. He had dusty blonde hair and wide, white smile. He knelt on one knee, holding his helmet and his lacrosse stick stood next to him.
Adam spoke in a whisper, “Snapped a tendon, last game of the internationals. He carried on playing though. People say he’s the reason the team didn’t win.”
Aaron chuckled but Adam looked him dead in the eye, serious.
“You can’t be serious.”
Adam nodded. “He was so embarrassed, didn’t turn up to school for the rest of the year.”
Aaron narrowed his eyes, “That couldn’t be for a small thing like the snapped tendon, possibly.”
Adam seemed to consider that, shrugging his shoulder and putting the photo back in the cabinet. “You can be the one to ask him, if anyone mentions it infront of him, let me tell you, you do not want to be on the receiving end of that.”
“Why? is he violent?” Aaron questioned, suddenly concerned for his safety.
Adam laughed, “No, not violent. He’s just, creative – with his words. Him and his girlfriend both. You see, her dad was the lacrosse coach – until he retired this year. Of course, Robert and Chrissie would get together, its cliché, right?”
Aaron nodded in understanding, watching as Adam closed the class door carefully, just in time for a member of staff to walk around the corner, not noticing a thing. He shot Adam a knowing glance, a small smirk on his lips.
“But anyway,” Adam continued to gossip as they walked further down the corridor, “They’ve been together, what? Three years now? Well, since Robert became captain of the team. Everyone knows Chrissie’s cheating on him, she hasn’t dumped him probably because she doesn’t want to cause a rift between her dad and his ‘star player’. But now he’s retired, everyone’s just waiting for them to break.”
Aaron listened intently, impressed with how much gossip he’s already been let in on. Although something tells him it’s common knowledge.
They turned a corner and through two double doors into a bustle of people. There were around twelve tables, completely full of teenagers.
THE COMMONROOM read the sign hanging from the ceiling, accompanied by some quote that Aaron hadn’t heard before.
Someone called from the left of the room, waving their hand over to where Adam and Aaron were stood by the doors.
Adam replied with a wave, then beckoned Aaron to follow him to where a group of people were sat both on chairs and on the table.
He was introduced to a whole load of people – boys and girls – who’s names he could barely remember already. One of them, Billy he thinks was clearly the main one of the group and Aaron watched from where he was sat on a chair as everyone crowded round and watched this Billy play something on his phone.
Mid-laugh at something funny Adam had commented, Aaron’s heart rate sped up drastically in his chest. It’s almost like something had been rewired in his body, like something sudden clicked. A piece fit to complete his puzzle.
The noise of the common room drowned out as he looked over his shoulder, his eyes meeting someone else’s across the room by the door, zoning in on him and him only.
A green eyed, freckled, dusty blonde-haired boy was staring back at him with his own shocked expression on his face. It was like all his nerves multiplied and he could feel every emotion under the sun, completely overwhelming him in… feeling.
The moment was interrupted, and their eye contact broke as a brunette girl tapped on the blonde boy’s shoulder, their surroundings suddenly becoming known again.
Aaron cleared his throat and turned his head back to the table, catching Adam’s watchful eye.
“You alright, mate?” Adam asked, hopping of the table and onto a chair next to him. “Your cheeks, they’re pink.”
“Nerves.” Aaron lied quickly but then gestured over to where the boy was, now in what looked like an unhappy conversation with the brunette girl, “Who’s that, over there?”
Adam’s eyes quickly found him and then flicked back to Aaron’s. “That’s Robert Sugden – the guy on the lacrosse team I showed you.”
Aaron’s heart stuttered, his eyes widening in realisation. Oh. Shit.
“And that’s Chrissie White with him.” Adam continued, gesturing to where they were sitting, “Doesn’t look like a thrilling conversation, though.”
Robert’s forehead was creased, and he ran a hand through his hair frustratedly as Chrissie turned abruptly and stormed off. Robert looked up and his eyes locked on Aaron’s who immediately shied away from the contact, only to look back up to see Robert walking away.
He didn’t know why or even remember standing up but soon enough, he was following Robert out of the common room and into a hallway he hadn’t even realised was there.
As he stepped into the hallway, he noticed the significant lack of light considering the time of say and the odd chill coming from the tall windows. He looked down both sides of the corridor, but it was empty. He was about to call out Robert’s name, but it felt wrong, considering they hadn’t met properly yet.
He took a step down the left side of the corridor – the side that seemed less daunting and searched for any other staircases he could’ve taken.
As he took a few more steps, the sleeve of the coat on his arm was pulled and he fell sideways into a small cupboard about the size of a box bedroom, containing shelves and shelves of outdoor equipment.
Before he could even register everything in the room, the door slammed shut and a light was turned on, blinding Aaron for a few seconds before his eyes focused on the person in front of him.
He looked… almost angry but hurt and confused at the same time. They stood in silence, just staring at each other for a few seconds before Robert opened his mouth.
“I- I’m sorry,” he nervously scratched the back of his neck, “I don’t usually do this.”
Aaron almost laughed. That was the last thing he’d expected him to say. He kept a straight face, trying to be angry about the whole thing.
“What pull random people into…” he looked around, “equipment storage?”
Robert sighed, “You’re not- you’re not a random person though, are you?”
Aaron tried not to notice the way Robert’s eyes dipped to his lips as he spoke. He shook his head.
“I feel like… I feel like I know you.” Robert spoke quietly, as if he was trying to work something out in his head, “How have I never noticed you before?”
Aaron gulped, the other boy’s voice making something stir inside of him. “I just moved here, from York. Today’s my first day. My name’s Aaron.”
Robert’s mouth opened in realisation and he huffed a laugh. “Well, Aaron. A hell of a first day, huh?”
“Well, I’ve had worse.” Aaron answered, trying to be funny.
A small smile formed on Robert’s lips and he made eye contact with Aaron again under the dim light of the cupboard. Aaron’s eyes flickered to his lips and then back up to Robert’s eyes which quickly darted down as he took a step back.
“I’m not gay.” Robert declared, refusing to look at him.
Aaron felt something drop in his chest. He’d heard of these cases. Your soulmate but in the form of your friend. He couldn’t help but feel somewhat disappointed. That this beautiful person, someone he was, indeed, very attracted to, is only bonded to him because they’re friends.
“Oh.” Aaron looked down at his feet and bit his lip.
“But I’m not straight, either.”
Aaron looked up quickly at that and Robert stepped closer again. Their faces were so close now, they were practically breathing the same breaths. He cleared his throat before Robert spoke again.
“Infact, right now.” He whispered, “I don’t know how I ever thought I was.”
Aaron took a quick gasp of air before Robert dipped his head and gently pressed their lips together.
It was like fireworks, Aaron would say. The moment the fireworks start and all you can do is stare in awe at how wonderful and beautiful they are. Fireworks, right now, everywhere. The feeling was ten times it was when they first locked eyes in the common room.
The kiss got deeper and more passionate, Robert pushing Aaron up against on of the shelves and Aaron’s hand gliding through the short hairs on the nape of his neck.
Robert let out a small moan before pulling away, the firework subsiding but still very much there. His eyes fluttered open and his lips were parted as he drew in quick breaths.
Aaron was speechless. He’d never felt anything near this before. He could feel as Robert’s heart was beating, the same fast pace as his own and they grinned at each other, both knowing exactly how the other was feeling through their bond.
Robert pressed himself against Aaron again and started mouthing at his neck, making Aaron lean his head back against the shelf.
“I have a girlfriend.” Robert murmured between kisses, but he carried on anyway.
“She’s cheating on you.” Aaron panted, but silently cursed himself, not wanting the be the one to ruin what was going on right now.
Robert stopped and raised his head to align his eyes with Aaron’s. They seemed to scan his face. Aaron suddenly felt under pressure. “I’m sorry- Adam said- he said everyone knew, and your conversation earlier didn’t seem great I-“
“I wanted to wait until she was eighteen.” Robert interrupted ,his eyes never leaving Aaron’s. “ Just to see if she was 'the one', you know?”
He nodded.
“But she’s not. And I’m…” he started to smile, “So goddamn happy about that.”
Aaron let out a sigh of relief before hastily pulling Robert’s face back down to his own, kissing him once more.  
They carried on for what seemed like barely any time but must’ve been long enough for the bell to ring, signalling the next period.
They broke apart, the feeling of each other lingering on their lips.
“I have a lesson.” Aaron whispered, slowly opening his eyes to watch Robert do the same.
“Skip it.” Robert answered quickly, pushing his arms off the shelves where they were resting behind Aaron’s head.
Aaron rolled his eyes, “What? Skip my first ever lesson?”
“Don’t know you to know you’re missing, do they?” Robert said with a wink, his eyes unsubtly lingering on Aaron’s lips.
Aaron let out a small chuckle as Robert put his hand out, as if to ask Aaron to take it.
“Come on, there’s somewhere we can go instead.” Robert looked down at Aaron’s hand and reached his outstretched one towards it.
He narrowed his eyes, “What? So you can kidnap me and hide me in a cupboard again.”
Robert rolled his eyes but looked pleading. “I won’t, I promise.”
Aaron nodded his head slowly, a smile spreading across his face.
“Do you trust me?”
Aaron didn’t know why. He didn’t know how. But he did. With every fibre of his being.
He took his hand and it took his breath away with it, the fireworks making a comeback.
Robert pulled him out of the cupboard and down some stairs that Aaron hadn’t even noticed on his way there. Soon enough, they were outside and running across the field into a wood. Robert lead him through the wood and out into a clearing where a small barn stood,
He slowed to a walk, still holding onto Aaron’s hand, laughing as he swung it back and forth. Aaron could feel his eyes glowing with adoration as he watched the cold pink his cheeks and the wind blow lightly through his hair.
When they reached the barn, Robert pulled the door open, unveiling a room full of haystacks and wooden beams.
Aaron stepped inside and looked around as Robert shut the door behind them.
“Yep, exactly how I envisioned meeting my soulmate.” Aaron joked, “First he locks me in a smelly cupboard and then he takes me to an even smellier barn. Romantic”
Robert sighed but took small steps towards Aaron, eventually pushing him back and down onto a haystack. “You’re too traditional, Aaron.”
Aaron was not expecting his heart to flutter at the sound of his name on Robert’s lips and he could tell by the way Robert smirked, that he felt it too.
He started to lean down pushing Aaron gently on his shoulders so he was laying fulling on his back and Robert leaning over him, his arms bracketing his head.
“Now.” He whispered, leaning his face down to Aaron’s, “Where were we?”
And again. Fireworks.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
not sure if you’re still doing this or not. RenRuki OTP questionnaire numbers 10, 24, 29, 31
I am definitely still doing the OTP meme! (in fact, I was hoping to get more requests, so thank you!!)
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
I’m gonna start out talking about what they don’t have to forgive each other for, because I think I’m in the minority on this, but I do not think either of them has ever been mad at each other about their separation. When they buried their last friend, I think both of them went into this headspace where they knew that they were probably going to have to split up if they wanted to survive, and they were both determined to see the other off to their best possible fate.
I also don’t think Rukia ever blamed Renji for the way he treated her during her arrest. They are members of a paramilitary order, and he used a level of force appropriate for a officer restraining a subordinate who is resisting arrest, and could possibly be possessed/influenced by outside forces. I think she would have been madder at him if he’d treated her like she wasn’t a serious threat.
For the real answer!
I think Rukia has had to forgive Renji for being a huge dickwad to her when they were in school. I think she was hanging on academically, and really struggling emotionally, and he kept trying to get her to try harder on the first point, without really acknowledging the second. In later years, she has come to realize that his mania toward greatness came out of a fear of failure; that he would let her down, or that they would wash out and have to go back to Rukongai. Also, he was a teen boy.
I think Renji had to forgive Rukia for being unrepentantly giving Ichigo her powers, and going willingly to her own death for it. I’m not saying he thought it was wrong or that didn’t understand it (especially later, after he got to know Ichigo) but he worked for 40 years to see her again, and she took all his hard work and swatted it off the counter like an asshole cat. Just look at this poor man’s face.
Tumblr media
This is definitely the exact moment she stabbed him in the heart, but then continued to kick him in kidneys over the next few days by refusing to care about her own fate and also being right about what a dick Byakuya is.
I am not sure we talk about this enough.
29. What are each of their signature foreplay moves?
Okay, so one time, I was writing an erotica and I had to look up how you actually get a fundoshi off, and I found this page about a dude who has many very creative ways to whip it off (warning: link contains a video with naked thighs and butts), and I immediately headcanoned that Renji knows all of these, and more. I’ve mentioned before that I think he and Hisagi dated for a while, and they used to do this competitively. Anyway, Rukia also enjoys it.
Rukia’s signature foreplay move is to order Renji around in her Captain voice. Mostly, I think she makes him take off his shirt and do push-ups and then criticizes his form; they are both super horny for this.
Sex is weird, y’all.
31. What do they love to do after sex?
First of all, cuddling is compulsory. Renji is crazy-go-nuts for post-coital cuddling, and Rukia puts up with it because he’s very cute about it.
Anyway, the real answer is to lounge around with their bathrobes half-tied and eat something. I think before they get married, Rukia comes over all the time “for dinner” and gets really horny when she sees him in his apron, and tackles him as soon as the last pan is safely off the stove, and then they actually eat an hour later.
Once they are married, especially on weekends, I think they’re big on morning sex, followed by a big, lazy breakfast.
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them. 
Ha ha, did you really think I could keep it to 300 words? I could not. Partially inspired by my answer to #24, this is set during their academy days.
There was a rap at the window. 
Rukia ignored it.
There was a louder rap, followed by a rattle, followed by a muffled “Oi, Rukia! You there? Lemme in! It’s cold out here and my ass is hanging out in the wind!”
In absolutely no hurry, Rukia got up from her bed, sauntered over to the window, and flicked open the latch. 
Renji shoved the window open and collapsed into the room, his nose and cheeks bright red with the chill. “What’s the big deal?” he demanded. 
“I don’t see why you even bother to come over if you’re going to be so late,” Rukia complained. “My roommate will be back in half an hour.”
“I was helpin’ Kira with his sword stances and Sensei came by and I couldn’t exactly slip away,” Renji excused defensively, before his face cracked into a self-important grin. “He said Kira’s really improved and so’s Hinamori, and that I must be a pretty good instructor, which is a good quality if I ever want to be a seated officer.”
“Whatever,” Rukia replied, flopping back on her bed. Maybe keeping track of time was also a good quality for a seated officer.
Renji huffed. “Look, I know you don’t like Kira and Hinamori, but I’d be failing all my classes without them, and they’re gonna be really good connections some day. Also, they’re nice.”
Rukia threw her arms up. “I don’t see why you get to be in the advanced classes if you need a bunch of snobs to carry your dumb ass.” Her face was turned to the wall, so she didn’t see the face he made in response.
“I don’t see why you can’t bother to make any friends in your own class. I know most of ‘em are probably dicks, but you don’t even know anyone’s name. I am trying so hard, Rukia, and it’s like you don’t even care. It’s like you don’t even want to be here.”
“School is stupid,” Rukia announced. “I don’t give a shit about passing tests and reading books and making friends. I want to be strong. I want to kill Hollows. Did you see that big crater on the south side of the kidou butts? That was me. I did that. I did a Soren Sokatsui, which we haven’t even learned yet, and then I had to do 30 laps for it, because they hate it whenever I do anything great.”
“They hate it when you break the rules all the time,” Renji grumbled.
“That’s right,” Rukia agreed. “They like you because you fit their ideas that shinigami from the outer Rukon should be big and strong and dumb and do whatever they’re told.”
“I’m not dumb,” Renji bristled.
“I know that!” Rukia snapped back. “But I’ve seen you acting like a moron around your snooty friends. Makes things comfortable, doesn’t it? When you can pretend like you can’t do math so they won’t feel so bad when you show them up at hakuda?”
“Stop saying shit about my friends!” Renji demanded. “The teachers expect everyone to have a formal education, not just-- you know what? I don’t even know why I’m explaining this to you! You never listen to me or anyone else anyway.”
Rukia sat up, angrily. “If you’re so big on rules, Abarai, why are you even here? The last I checked, boys weren’t allowed in the girls’ dorm.”
Renji glowered at her for a moment. She wondered if he was going to lose his temper, shout at her, bring the resident assistant running, get slapped with a stack of demerits. Demerits, ha.
He didn’t. He clenched his back teeth and he clenched his fists and finally, he managed, “I am leaving because you clearly don’t want me here. Rules are stupid, you’re right, but starting shit just to make a damn point is even stupider. Grow the hell up, Rukia.”
Rukia grabbed the edge of her blanket and pulled it around herself as she heard the window slam behind him. She pulled her pillow over her head for good measure, and wished, not for the first time, that they had never come to this stupid place.
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evoedbd · 4 years
Summery:   How could Zhora let that be destroyed? Worse, how could she prevent it? The more she thought, the more she realised that it was already unavoidable. Zoe was right, curse it. Solis wouldn’t stop with just Zhora, not after Wyst and Zoe had dug their heels in. They’d suffer too, no matter what Solis actually said. Zhora and Zoe have a discussion the night before they go after Solis. ************** Space. It was a word to invoke thought. A distance as much as a destination. So much of nothing it became something. Something became nothing. Infinite became irrelevant within a few strides and grew with time. Outer space was infinite. The void between life. A chasm to suspend reality. Poems sung of hanging the stars in the skies. Compared their gleam to diamonds, whispered their deepest desires on a star falling from the inky blankets of space. Science spoke of the stars as echoes of what had been. To see a star, sometimes, was to see when it had already died. The brightest beauty of something past. Something out of reach. Some viewed space as a negative, as something empty. Others viewed it as something full of possibility. As something to fill until space no longer existed. The space to hang a child’s painting on the wall. Space for flowers to grow. A place for a ship to dock... euphemism intended. The list of the ways space could be filled was immense, especially to someone as creative as Zhora. For Zhora, space simply was. At the moment, it was fucking freezing. Yes, the stars were beautiful. Yes, the distance between her and her target meant she would not die that day. The space between brain and heart would keep her alive. That didn’t eliminate the literal chill just outside the hull. It didn’t dismiss the loneliness embedded in her soul. Literal or emotional, it was cold. Cold. Cold. Cold. As so many did, she used space. With engines, the infinity of space shrunk into insignificant hours between planets. With plants and weapons, she filled her walls. With the shots from her rifle, she filled the distance between herself and the enemy. With contacts in every port, she filled other spaces... at least for a time. Some longer than others. Another euphemism intended. The one space she could never fill was that of loneliness. Of emotional emptiness so stabbing it could threaten to cut. Her mind resisted well. It was of stone. Uncompromising. In control. Ahead of the game. She had to be. If she wasn’t, she would be dead. Both her and her crew would pay. That was where her heart of glass came into play. So fragile was her heart that she protected it fiercely. When it came to heart or head, she chose her head. The death of friends was merely a dent in her business and profits. The angst of her crew would pass with the storm; all she had to do was hold tightly to her beliefs. Cling to that lifeline of logic and rationality. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her crew. She did. Truly. They were near her while she slept. They technically had unrestricted access to all her weapons, supplies and her quarters. It was very rare she locked her quarters anymore, not when Zoe could hack the security within a minute. Only her word kept them from acting out. Although, truthfully, her word didn’t always bind them. They disobeyed. Went over her head. Between her knees. Around her outstretched fingers. So long as it benefitted Zhora, no angle was too obscure for them to take. They practically lived on the phrase “Better to ask forgiveness than permission.” Something which had only gotten worse since Zoe had taken the role of Engineer. The two other women aboard the ship were trouble together. It was a good thing Zhora was practically addicted to their brand of trouble. Anyone else might have done some serious damage to the Kid or the Cutie. That thought always made Zhora’s brows feel heavier and her teeth ache, even when she didn’t adopt a snarl. The thought of losing either Wyst or Zoe was...it churned more unpleasantly in her gut than any poisoning she had ever suffered. These girls were her crew. Her family. Her loves, aside from her weapons and adrenaline. She was efficient when she showered, providing she was alone. She cleaned quickly, washed her mermaid inspired hair, dried and dressed within the space of ten minutes. As it stood, she had no intention of entertaining guests. With 200,000 credits painted across her back, she wanted to keep herself clothed and ready. Sure, luring some company may be fun, whether it be the pleasure of touch or combat, yet Zhora had more to think about than just her own entertainment. It was dressed in her typical armored pants and crop top that she stepped back into her room, only to be greeted by a familiar sight. In the dim lighting of her quarters the light of her workbench was a supernova, dragging Zhora’s eyes. There, she found herself staring at Zoe Rayner’s shadowed back. The tight body suit she wore was standard Union Colony, yet it did leave very little to the imagination. The way the suits melded to their wearers put everything on display, every curve, muscle and bone. In Zoe’s case, it did wonders for the lithe woman’s back, and her backside. Zhora watched for a few moments, almost hypnotised by the steady undulating of Zoe’s sharp shoulder blades beneath the green fabric. Every time Zoe pulled a pin into alignment or moved to grasp another tool was a shadow dance, something for Zhora to feast her eyes on. Perhaps it could delay the inevitable. Zoe kept herself organised to perfection. On her left was where she had laid out the deconstructed weapon parts apparently by size and importance. Barrels, piping extensions, firing pins. Plasma packs. Electronics. Grips. Everything was so neat that it could only be an Engineer’s layout. To her right was an array of tools. Delicate tools, each laid out on black fabric that emphasised their pristine condition. Beyond Zoe’s instant reach, different components lingered, many pieces fused together in ways Zhora was not completely sure she could ever understand. Zoe’s brain was wired so differently from any engineer Zhora had ever worked with, yet the Colony Girl was an utter genius. Her unique brain and concepts had saved Zhora’s life numerous times, as well as allowed Zoe to bend countless rules. Namely, hacking her way into Zhora’s room when the Captain refused to communicate. “What are you doing, Cutie?” Zhora called as she approached, having to bite back a victorious smirk when Zoe gave a small eeeekkk of alarm. Zoe was an absolute image. One knee raised defensively as her other foot stretched for the ground. Bare toes barely grazed the floor, given the chair was designed for Zhora’s superior height. The Engineer had some form of screwdriver raised across her chest, wielding the tool like a weapon in her alarm. Zhora couldn’t help but let her smirk grow a little at the sight of Zoe’s heaving bosom, once more silently thankful for the Union Body Suits. As usual, no curve was left to imagination, and the way Zoe had twisted her hip in preparation of an attack left more than her breasts on display. The shapely curve of her hip and rump stretched the material, which also clung to her lean stomach. The clear panels gave Zhora a view of skin, nothing indecent. “Zhora! I was just... well. After the Ghost gun, I was seeing if I could make my pistol more reliable. Incase... incase. If anything goes wrong, I want to have a backup.” Zoe hurried to explain, relaxing from her improvised martial arts form to slumping in the chair. Relaxed, Zhora could see the strain in Zoe’s arms. The metaphoric weight on the Engineer’s shoulders which seemed to be affecting her quite literally. “Zoe-“ “Aside from the programming to the Ghost gun, I was thinking of taking similar coding and programming it into the attachable -“ Zoe continued to babble, waving her hands wildly as she spun around to face her components once more. Zhora wanted to follow along, she truly did, yet she was caught up in the perky engineer’s excitement. Zoe was magnetic once she became passionate; her energy was almost like an inferno swallowing all in its path. Somehow, Zoe became infectious when she was like this. The inferno never harmed those whom it consumed. Instead, it filled Zhora with a pleasant warmth; a feeling which radiated from the centre of her chest. This passion was for HER. Zoe was so dedicated to these weapons because the Engineer wanted to save Zhora. The Captain couldn’t fathom how she had earned such loyalty, only that she strove to earn it. That she kept waiting for Zoe to run. To leave. Still, Zoe stayed, striving further and further away from her safe life and into danger. All for Zhora. “You don’t have to do this. We can find another way.” Zhora found herself cutting Zoe off mid explanation. This caused Zoe to pause. The clink of a tool hitting the bench was the only warning Zhora had before she found herself staring straight into the steely face of Zoe Rayner. Deep brown eyes shone. No, shone implied too much softness. Zoe’s eyes blazed. They were the black holes which summoned Zhora’s gaze. The hardest edges of determination stole Zhora’s voice, even as Zoe’s soft brows furrowed in unspoken frustration. There it was. A brief moment where the two halves of Zoe warred. Her kindness and patience softened the blow, yet the fiery determination and outrage was akin to a sledgehammer into Zhora’s gut. Would Zoe offer another tongue lashing, or would her patience prevail? “I know what I have signed up for. I’m not a Little Colony Girl anymore. You’ve shown me how the Galaxy works. The truth of it.” It was a very true statement, Zhora realised. When she stared at Zoe, the Captain could no longer see the meek little colony girl. She saw her Engineer, a woman who could bring the Galaxy to its knees in prayer. Zoe was the stereotype of normal colony kid. Every common aspect of her seemed crafted to perfection, causing what should have been an ordinary looking girl to gleam amidst the stars. Honey and Gold had been mixed to create the perfect shade of blonde for Zoe. Her hair hung from its messy ponytail, always vibrant in its chaos. Zhora briefly wondered how much one would pay for such a treasure. The thought was banished. She didn’t want Zoe to become ruined for something as common as credits. “This isn’t something I can undo, Zoe. So far, everything has been something we could fix if you decided you wanted out. This... I can’t protect you from. If you regret this, I can’t...” Zhora almost hated herself. For the first time, control was completely out of Zhora’s grasp. She had been so careful, introducing the Outlaw life to Zoe in situations that wouldn’t scar the young Engineer. Zhora had executed her iron grip to ensure that Zoe wasn’t hurt. Wasn’t sullied beyond repair. Now, there was nothing to shield Zoe from the darkness. Zhora couldn’t sacrifice her own body to shield the girl, nor could she manipulate the situation so that Zoe wouldn’t suffer. What would happen when Zoe pulled the trigger? Would such an act break her? The very real possibility that this would destroy everything Zoe was weighed on Zhora’s heart. She couldn’t watch those fires in Zoe’s eyes die, nor see Zoe’s gentleness fade. Not the girl who spoke to her pistol and bandaged wounds with the gentlest hands. Zhora was placing her life in Zoe’s callused palms, along with the most dangerous weapon in the known Galaxies. Was Zhora worth it? “I know, Zhora. I tried to be bothered by it, but I’m not. Solis has hurt millions of people, and will continue to do so. She won’t stop trying to hurt you. I can’t let her take away the best thing to ever happen to me, okay? If it’s a choice between taking her life or watching you die, I’ll pull the trigger every time.” “Zoe. You’re taking a life. Not just in the heat of the moment, but premeditated. It’s not just a kill, it’s an assassination. I can’t as-“ “You really don’t get it do you? I love you. Wyst loves you. You’re our friend, and our Captain. We both owe you everything, and we WANT to help you. I can’t let you die. I won’t. The galaxy isn’t always nice, and I can’t always play nice if I want to protect what I love.” Zoe cut Zhora off with her impassioned speech, her eyes appearing to burn even darker. The Engineer trembled with the ferocity of her emotions. Zhora herself froze, reconciling the power Zoe emanated with their first meeting. Oh, how times had changed. “So, yeah. You’re not asking, I am telling you... I‘m ready. I’m doing it. Deal with it.” The Engineer concluded, spinning so that she could resume her work on the parts. For a long time, they remained silent. Zoe’s powerful words echoed in Zhora’s head, leaving the Captain staggering beneath their weight. Without realising it, Zhora found her fingers teasing the bottom of Zoe’s ponytail, taking in the softness of perfectly kept hair. It was another thing that made Zoe stand out. Her hair was natural, compared to the splashes of colour Wyst put through hers and the Blue to Green wash through Zhora’s hair. Zoe didn’t seem phased or distracted by Zhora’s fidgeting. Zoe’s hands remained remarkably steady as she worked. She had magnets dancing in their fields with such ease. A little flick would see those magnets dance; something which always drew a smile from Zoe. It was such an innocent thing to watch, magnets bouncing and Zoe smiling. The little giggles she let forth before licking her lips and settling down. Pink peeped out the corner of Zoe’s mouth, pinched between delicate lips. The tip of her tongue expressed so much. When she was annoyed, it ran across her lower lip; a cat’s tail swishing. When she was on the verge of success, the tip of her tongue peeped a little further out, chasing down victory. When Zoe paused to think, she rolled her tongue over the same place of her top lip for minutes on end. These little gestures were accompanied the adorably dorky scrunch of her nose, and a pursing of her lips to the right. Her left eye closed a little more than her right, yet her work remained unaffected. How could Zhora let that be destroyed? Worse, how could she prevent it? The more she thought, the more she realised that it was already unavoidable. Zoe was right, curse it. Solis wouldn’t stop with just Zhora, not after Wyst and Zoe had dug their heels in. They’d suffer too, no matter what Solis actually said. “I like the gumption, New Girl. Keep it up and I might let you have a look at some new designs.” Zhora eventually stated, breaking from her own dark musings. The surprise she felt at herself was echoed in Zoe’s wide eyes. “I’d like that.” Zoe’s response was level, yet she clearly couldn’t force herself to stop smiling. Zhora was thankful for the casualness of her response. It startled the Captain that she had even made such an offer. It was another breech in her security. Another door Zoe had hacked her way through, seemingly effortlessly. Offering such closeness was not Zhora. It was too hard to let people get this close. It made the inevitable loss too difficult to cast aside. Zhora couldn’t afford this. With Wyst, she had sworn it would be her only exception. Zoe made a liar out of her. That damned determined, fiery little colony girl. Damn Zoe, for being an actually interesting person. Damn Zoe for making Zhora actually care. Zhora may have been putting the most dangerous weapon created in Zoe’s hands, along with her own life, yet Zhora couldn’t help feeling as if she carried the most weight of them all. The weight of Zoe’s future. The weight of Zoe’s innocence.
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licenselesswriter · 4 years
The One Who Stayed CH 18
- So, it's finally here - Lucas says while Lily refuses to let Maya go.
- Looks like - Maya said with a nostalgic tone in her voice.
- I don't want you to go Aunt Maya - Lily begs Maya, hiding her face on her neck.
Maya looks at Lucas moved, and while Lucas tries to take Lily from Maya, she takes her face to look at her directly - Hey, I'm gonna come back, this it's not forever, just a year - she explains again.
- You know, I'm in the mood for some Ice cream, want to join me, Lily? - Zay asks and both, Lucas and Maya look at him gratefully.
- I've heard the Ice cream in the Italian gelateria it's really good, you should go with Uncle Zay and get some - Maya softly says to his goddaughter before hugging her and kiss her forehead - You're not gonna notice and I will be back to take you out and eat donuts with Mia - she adds while Lucas gives his card to Zay and slowly mouth to him "get me chocolate".
A few minutes later, Lucas and Maya, finally were left alone.
Lucas takes Maya's backpack and carries it for her. Maya softly takes his free hand and intertwines her fingers with his, making him in the second pull her hand and kiss it.
When they get to her door, they sit waiting for her final call.
- You're gonna be ok? - Maya asks him.
Lucas just smile without looking at her - God, no - he simply answers - But I will be, I have a daughter that needs a father in his 100% - he adds and then press a kiss on her cheek - But don't worry, when I'm alone, I promise I will be brooding, and people might think I'm a Blonde Jon Snow - Lucas jokes.
Maya just gives him a judgmental look - Please don't - she stops him.
Lucas looks at Maya, this time with a more serious look on his face - You know you're asking me to not miss you? - he asks before kissing her hand again - Hell, I would miss you even if we weren't in a relationship - he declares.
Maya just stays silent looking at him.
- What? - he asks - Do I have something on my face? - he adds.
Maya just let a muffled laugh escape her mouth - You make me regret my words when we went to the ski lodge - she replies with a calm smile.
- I can't say the same - Lucas replies and Maya gives him a false offended face - Don't take it the wrong way, but I love my Lily way too much - he adds with a soft smile.
- Yeah, you're right with that - Maya agrees and keeps silent for some minutes - Am I choosing poorly again? - she asks.
Lucas just laughs in her face - You never go wrong if you can quote "The Last Crusade" - Lucas replies offering his hand, which Maya fastly turns into a high five.
Maya laughs a bit after that and went silent again. They both stay there in complete silence, but neither of them wanted to ruin it, it was comfortable, it was kind, and it was expressing everything they had in their hearts.
- This is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight 32V to Venice, Italy - they both heard from the speakers - Please proceed to gate 3 immediately, the final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes, I repeat, this is the final boarding call for passengers booked on flight 32V to Venice, Italy - the message repeats - Thank you - it finish.
- You know it right? - Maya asks Lucas.
- I know - he answers, feeling a void in his stomach.
- I wish we had more time, or another way - Maya says looking at the floor, refusing to look at him.
Lucas gives her a hurt smile and makes her look at him, then presses his lips against hers - I Love you, Pancakes, never forget that - he softly says.
- I Love you too Sundance - Maya replies before getting up and take her backpack.
Lucas felt his stomach make a flip when he saw her walk into the gate.
Maya turns and looks at him, waving one more time at him before disappearing inside the gate.
Lucas walks into the food court and saw his daughter eating a cone.
- Even when I pay, that's cheap - Lucas says while he asks for his card back.
Zay just looks at him and gives him his card - It's her third cone - he replies.
Lucas looks at his daughter and presses his lips against her head - Did you enjoy your ice cream? - he asks.
- Kinda - Lily answers - I'm gonna miss Aunt Maya - she adds.
- Me too Lil-Koala, me too - he replies to his daughter.
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Lucas gets out of his daughter's room and with a cautious pace, he walks back to his living room, only to see his ex-wife doing the dishes on his kitchen - Come on, you don't have to do that - he says while he walks into his kitchen and takes 2 cups from the upper shelf, only to fill them with coffee.
Riley smiles. She knew exactly what he was doing, move by move - It's nothing - she replies and finishes the dishes, before turning to him and accepts the cup he offers to her.
- I heard that you're helping Eric with his presidential career - Lucas comments, trying not to be left alone with his ex-wife.
- Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's gonna do a great job if he's elected - she replies.
Then silence again.
- I remember this wasn't so hard before - Riley comments.
- Well, it's been time from that - Lucas replies.
- Yeah, I cheated on you, and you fall for my ex-best friend - Riley carefree comments.
Lucas takes a deep breath, surprised by her attitude - Yeah, a lot of things happened - he replies, still not sure how to react to his ex-wife.
Riley gives him a sad smile - Coffee? - she asks.
- Sure - Lucas replies, trying to distend the tension in his kitchen.
Riley gives him a sad smile while she tries to make coffee, knowing that she doesn't know where anything is, and in her mind, she can totally picture Maya knowing exactly where everything is, and not even asking if he wants a coffee, just making one for him.
- Are you feeling good Riley? - Lucas asks.
Riley clears a solitary tear on her left eye and denies - Sorry, I just... - she tries to say but she feels a huge chunk of guilt on her throat.
- This used to be us every day - Lucas continues what she wanted to say - I know - he continues - But we made a deal, this is not for us, is for Lily, this is the least we can do for her - he adds.
- We could try again, that's an option - Riley cuts him while she starts looking for his mugs.
Lucas just stays silent, refusing to say anything.
- Please say something - Riley continues opening another shelf.
- What you expect me to say, Riley? Because that's not gonna happen - he replies a bit tired.
- That doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying - she says and put 2 cups on the counter in front of Lucas.
- Riley, please no - he begs her.
Riley walks to him and gently caress his face with her both hands - I've made unforgivable mistakes, but even after that, I still believe that you're the love of my life - she softly says.
Lucas closes his eyes to retain some tears, every time Riley tries to get back with him, he did the same, he closed his eyes and find if the war between his love and hate had a definitive winner, he closed his eyes and tries to look for forgiveness. But like usual he isn't able to find any - I'm sorry Riley, but I can't do that - he softly replies.
- I understand - Riley says in a sad tone - See you next Wednesday? - she asks.
- Yes - he replies looking at his ex-wife take her things and walk to the door. As a true gentleman, Lucas joins Riley to his door and softly opened for her.
- It was good, you've become a really good cock - she complimented his culinary skill.
- Thanks - he replies before watching her leave his home.
Once he knew he was completely alone, he lets himself rest for a second.
He walks to his kitchen and pours some of the coffee she brews for him. He looks at the calendar before taking a sip of the black beverage - Only 9 months - he says while his mind flew to his last memory of Maya.
Lucas takes out his tie and puts it on his backpack before slowly walking into the classroom, only to be cornered by 2 girls.
- Ohhh, new student? - one asks and she offers her hand - I'm Patricia - she introduces herself while Lucas shakes her hand.
- What's your name cutie - the girl next to her asks – I’m Alexandra, but you can call me bae after 3 dates - she adds, making Lucas laugh.
- I'm Lucas, nice to meet you all - he introduces himself before walking a bit from them - and I doubt I can call you anything before my daughter allows me to do it - he justifies himself.
- Awww, don't worry, I don't mind if she calls me Mommy - Patricia says and then looks at Lucas, before playing with his beard - Of course, only if you let me call you Daddy - she teases him.
Lucas just gives her a short laugh.
Creative girls, he has to concede.
- Patricia, right? - he asks and the girl only nods - Let me tell you something - he started noticing how a few students are looking at them interact - I'll call you by your first name, but you're gonna have to call me in a very particular way - he teases her back.
- Baby, with that face, I would call you Master - she says.
Lucas laughs again, the girl had game.
But he faced GOAT of that area.
- This is much easier than Master - he started and drops his backpack on the teacher's table - I'll let you call me Professor Friar, actually, you all should call me like that - he says while most men in the room laugh of the weird situation - My name is Lucas Friar, and I'm your new Parasitology teacher, yes, which means 3 things - he says and sits on his desk - First, flirt, to the minimum, or I'm gonna have to inform about it, second, plastic gloves are a must, and third, yes, we are gonna look at really disgusting things, besides animal feces - he listed.
- I would let you do disgusting things - Alexandra says looking directly at his eyes - You said minimum, not inexistent - she defends herself.
Lucas just laughs.
180 minutes later, most of the students came out with a sheet of paper with the things Lucas expects to review in his classes while he tries his best to walk out of the classroom without being rude and without being harassed.
- Ladies, if you excuse me, I have a daughter who needs me - he excuses himself.
- Awww come on Professor Friar, you're new, you should let us show you the hidden places of Cornell - Patricia says.
Lucas just laugh - Nice reason, sadly, I'm not new to this building - he says confusing them a bit - Where do you all think I get my license to practice veterinary medicine? - he asks, while his students mouth a silent "Oh".
Once he was in his car, he finally takes a break - Only 8 months - he says before starting his car and drives back to Brooklyn.
Lucas walks into his room and put his cup of coffee left from his laptop. He adjusts his glasses and takes a short sip of his coffee, burning his tongue in the process - Fuck! - he says and then covers his mouth before putting the cup back next to his laptop. He carefully arranges his tie - and then look around - Lily, are you done? Your uncle Zay is gonna murder me if I don't show with these rings soon - he says trying to get his daughter to be ready soon.
- I'm already ready, Aunt Isadora hired someone to get our make-up and hair done - she says to her now, confused, father.
- You're not wearing make-up - he says.
- But Aunt Isadora already gets up the person - she argues.
- Lily, no - he simply says looking at his daughter who looked gorgeous with her blue dress her "Aunt Isadora" get her.
- You know Aunt Isadora is gonna do it anyway, right? - Lily asks.
- I know, but I least I know I tried to stop her - he says and Lily hugs his legs, making him laugh. He takes another sip of his coffee, this time avoiding the burning and check his pockets - Wallet? check - he started and then taps on his other pocket - Rings? check - he continues and then picks up Lily and presses her nose with his finger - Lily? check - he says making her laugh - We're ready - he says and walks out with Lily on his arms.
30 minutes later, Lily climbs down from her father and runs towards Isadora.
- Aunt Isadora! - Lily yells in happiness while Isadora gets on her knees to hug Lucas' daughter.
- My favorite girl, besides my Mom, my 2 future daughters, and Maya- she says while Lucas slowly walks closer to them.
- Don't abuse of make-up - Lucas says to Isadora.
- I just want her to look prettier than she already is - Isadora replies.
- She's too young - he argues - Now, if you excuse me, I need to calm the groom - he adds before leaving Lily with Isadora.
Once Lucas left the hall, Isadora looks at Lily - Make-up time? - she asks.
Lily just smiled - Make-up time - she replies.
Lucas seats in one of the white chairs of his table looking at one of his best friends dance with his, now, wife, and wasn't able to suppress his mind to replace Zay with him and Vanessa with Riley.
He looks for his glass, and the Pepsi can next to it, opens it a pour a bit.
- Get married, they say, she's the love of your life, they say - he remembers the words of his college classmates while Farkle escorted his daughter back to him - Let me guess, he beats you on the robot dance-off? - Lucas asks his daughter.
- He only beats me because I'm tiny and I get tired faster - Lily says while she shows her tongue to Farkle.
- I'm offended that you accuse me of something that vile - Farkle defends himself with a fake offended face.
Soon after that, Isadora sits next to Lucas and then looks at her husband - Beloved One, why don't you take this gorgeous little girl to her room while you gave her father a rest from all the dancing he had with her? - she asks in a tone that was a direct order - And you little miss, give a hug to your smartest Aunt and then go directly to bed, ok? - she says, clearly indicating that it was time to bed.
- Ok - Lily says, nervous about
Once they leave, Lucas and Smackle were left in awkward silence.
- I'm gonna get myself a drink, do you want something? - Lucas offers before getting up from his chair.
- I want to know when you break up with Maya - Smackle drops on him.
Lucas freeze on the spot and then looks at her with a relaxed smile - How did you notice? - he asks back.
- Oh, so you actually break up with Maya - Smackle says with a sufficient smile.
- You're actually smarter than Farkle - Lucas says - I'm gonna get myself a bourbon and then, we might talk - he says.
- You quit drinking months ago, you're just gonna run from me - Isadora replies without looking at him.
Lucas just walks away from the table and checks the date on his watch - Only 6 months - he says more to himself than to anyone who can hear him.
Maya gets up to the constant buzz of his phone, she looks at the time and saw it marks 15:36, then she looked at her Snapchat only to see 12 messages from Smackle -  You serious? - she asks herself and deletes the notifications - Too hungover to react to anything - she says and goes back to sleep.
A few hours later, once she was fresh and rested, she meets with her models, her make-up artist and her hairdresser to share a few drinks before they.
- Congrats on finishing your third seasonal project - her make-up artist says to her while the rest keep chatting between them.
- Thank you, Emilia - Maya replies and takes orders a beer for her.
- You're only one project away from your "Huckleberry" boy - Emilia jokes, making Maya chuckle.
- You know the story - Maya says and takes a sip of her beer - His ex-wife lives close to him, it wouldn't be a surprise if when I come back, he's back with her again - she replies with a sad tone on her voice.
- Didn't he tell you that he loved you? - she asks and takes some pistachios from a little bowl.
- Yeah, but anything could happen - Maya replies while her friend looks at her serious - After all, it's been 9 months without a real talk with him - she confesses.
- Isn't your friend constantly text you to inform you about him? - Emilia asks a bit confused.
- It's funny, she used to flirt mercilessly with him, It was pretty funny - she comments.
They keep talking about their love life, or in the case of Maya and her winter model, lack of it, until a bit over 2 A.M.
When they decided to part ways so they can start working on the Spring project, Maya's phone started to buzz.
She pulls it out and looks at the caller, her smile grows in seconds - Hello Sundance, you waited till dinner to give me a call? - she asks.
- Kinda - Lucas replies - I was wondering if you could recommend me a place to eat - he adds, making Maya laugh.
- You've got to be kidding me - she says before laughing at his petition - I haven't been in New York in 9 months, what makes you think I have intel on that - she replies.
- Well, I'm not exactly asking for New York - Lucas says.
- Then I have less... GET OFF ME FUCKER! - Maya screamed punching the person who grabs her arms - Holy shit, Lucas - she says looking at the person she just hit.
- Noted, never approach to you by surprise - Lucas says on the floor - Well, this makes me feel more confident about you being here all alone - he says before start laughing.
Maya wasn't able to suppress her laughter after seeing him laugh - God, what makes you think you can grab me out of nowhere in the middle of the night, stupid huckleberry - she says, getting on her knees to examine his face in detail - God, that's gonna be hard to explain - she says.
Lucas gets up from the floor - It's ok, they probably gonna laugh when I tell them the story - he replies cleaning his jeans.
Maya just looks at him and the words escape her mouth - Why are you here Lucas? - she asks.
- You should know - Lucas answers.
They both stood in silence looking at each other for a few minutes until Maya broke the silence - We're gonna make out, right? - she asks.
- Oh, God yes - Lucas replies and kisses her lips.
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monkey-network · 5 years
Good Stuff’s Best of 2018
WARNING: I just want to say cheers to you for making it through another year. I send you best wishes for next year to be fruitful. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy.
Dedicated to Stan Lee, Stefán Karl and Stephen Hillenburg, the number ones of children entertainment
Bow Whacka Wow, playas and players. 2018 gave us quite a lot to consume while society continues to fumble like a Tumblr update. While hopefully the chaos has died down for the final weeks of the year, I’m counting down the best cartoons/animations I’ve seen and loved this year in no particular order. Only two rules, no sneak previews of future projects (sorry 101 Dalmatian Street and MP100) and no potential entries from last year’s list (sorry True). With that said, roll it....
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I love the Lego Movie. I’ll potentially like the sequel. I like Unikitty. She got a show, and it was a great show to start off the year. Upbeat, colorful, off the walls sometimes, perfectly capturing the spirit of the eponymous character. I’m glad the other characters are just as enjoyable, I never get tired of the theme song, every episode had me smilin’ one way or another, it’s just a quality bottle of positivity juice. Don’t know how else to explain it, Unikitty, the show and character, just makes and continues to make me smile.
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This anime ain’t nothing but unfunny randomness and skits with a forgetful arc in the first and final episode. I don’t get it, never gonna get it, so I don’t want to get it! MORE LIKE POOP TEAM EPIC, ‘nuff said. Which is why the actual number nine is....
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Honestly, there is something endearing about the way Bob Epic Team presents itself. The simplicity and variety of its animation is remarkably good and makes it feel timeless sometimes. The comedy works in a way that gives you a clear grasp on the two characters while letting them do whatever they want. The surrealism of this is fun to think about, showcasing a hedonistic philosophy that rivals that of Epicurus. The duo’s chemistry is what especially got me, as they felt like the best of friends, potentially love birds *wink wink*. This anime was just creative in every sense of the word and, like Unikitty, it was a great anime to start of the year.
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The ska is RAH. I honestly find this to be the loose spiritual successor to Hey Arnold and Recess. Like the playground, the creek is a well fleshed out setting with the many characters that hang there, from the TAZ trio to the loving witches of the creek. Though I will say the best episodes are when we get insight on the main three’s personal lives with their families and when the characters themselves go through a personal trial to understand themselves a little better. The shows thrives in the theme that the creek is a place where you can enjoy getting your hands dirty and work towards something you want, even if it doesn’t add to any concrete long term benefit beyond learning a thing or two about yourself and others. And I say for somebody that relates to Craig as a character, that’s a welcoming thought that the show has yet to perish. And the ska is a welcome choice of music, IMO.
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It’s funny in how a little over a year of getting a movie, Captain Underpants gets an animated series with not only original stories in lieu of just animating the already printed stories, but puts it all in a format similar to reading a book with a sardonic narrator and separating the plot of the episode into chapters with subtitle cards; one of the first I’ve seen do this. But really, a “Captain Underpants cartoon” is something I can’t say would turn out bad, and I’m right as this is a show that revels in what made CU great in the first place. George, Harold, Melvin, and Mr. Krupp/Captain Underpants are all great characters with the additional supporting cast providing welcome life to the world. Every Incredible Violence Chapter is brilliant in their own right, and while I wasn’t a fan of the ending they had for the season, it’s great that almost every episode is self-contained, boosting its replay value. Honestly, any compliment I have for this was already said in my review of this and the movie, so I’ll just say this too was faithful to its source material and benefited heavily for it.
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Rick and Morty done better. BOOM, send tweet! It is safe to say that this was quite the sleeper hit and I can’t help but say it’s lowkey one of the best adult cartoons this year next to Ballmastrz and Final Space. And while I certainly appreciate the other two *hint hint* this one got a step above on the grounds that it works as a comedy and a solemn tale of a chosen hero that stumbles through years in the office life. It’s improv humor feels natural and it can be as melancholic as Bojack Horseman without making it all too deep like so; has a great balance of both. Main man Gary, unlike Rick for the most part, is a guy that’s both reasonably reprehensible yet pretty relatable. Not to mention, while it was bittersweet, it had a very satisfying finale to where I feel like this was a complete series all together. With a rough art style that compliments it’s tone, this was a series that surprised me in its sharp quality.
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I’ll admit. Initially wasn’t a fan of it as it felt like a knock-off to Regular Show (may it rest). Just had a duo of bros living together, doing mundane labor while coming up with impromptu tunes along the way. Then again, I was gladly proven wrong because the charm of it generally being a simple show, even with every person being food, somehow more regular than Regular Show. Every song they make is upbeat and catchy, all of the characters are endearing, and with only 10 episodes, each one was well paced and had quality writing to the point where I teared up a couple times. It stinks that this and Summer Camp Island have generally been receiving the shaft this year after their premieres, but I'm just glad that they haven’t been truly forgotten by CN and are getting more episodes next year. Plus, I love food and this show is about food. Debate over.
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I was familiar yet never saw The Three Caballeros, ironic since Donald is one of my favorite Disney characters. But then, out of the blue, I found this and I was stunned, amazed, confused, nonetheless invested. It has a bumpy start, but it’s a joyous adventure from that start to end. The look of it is something I’ve rarely seen in animation since... freakin’ Wakfu. I love Xandra and I was glad to see her be an active player on the team. The villains are such a hammy delight. And Jose and Panchito were very lively and entertaining foils to Donald’s cynic nature while all three work as well together like the 3 stooges. Donald himself gets a great arc of his own throughout the season. And the theme, HO MY GOD I LOVE THIS THEME! It’s a damn shame Disney hasn’t released this already (since it’s all online already) because this series is much better than it has any right to be.
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I say, the beauty of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is that regardless of what part you start from, you’re enthralled into its world and ya feel compelled to dig into it more. Parts 3 was what got me into Jojo, like most I bet, but it was part 5 that got me “Oh yeah, this series [just] works on more than level”. The characters are what keep me hooked, regardless of Crunchyroll refusing to give their stands proper English names [Zipper Man, CR?], Fighting Gold and Freak ‘n You will never get old, and David Productions putting great effort into the small details and giving life and style to the original manga. I’ll just say, as one who’s read and loved the manga, this anime has not ceased to keep me impressed and guessing for more.
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Funking superb, you afro having web-slinger. I hate to say it, but 2018 didn’t have the most impressive line-up of western animated features. Most were average, entertaining sure, but nothing felt like 110% was given. Until Spidah-Man came on the scene and I was like “WIG...
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The only major problem I have with this film, besides a bit of slow pacing, is more of a missed opportunity where the stakes of getting the Spidermen back to their dimensions before dying felt like an afterthought. Then again, that’s ALL I have for problems. It looks fantastic. The action is smooth, coherent, and satisfying to see. The tiny details and comic book aesthetic of it was a blessed touch. I loved almost every character here. Nick Cage and John Mulaney. The fact that it has so much yet was able to juggle it all blew my mind. Even the post credits scene made this such a love letter to the wall-crawler. This film was refreshing to say the least and the central theme behind the idea of Spider-Man made this as great of a superhero movie as Infinity War and Lego Batman. Just saying, this better make its budget back and THEN SOME. It deserves it.
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Netflix, we’re not on good terms mind you, but ya done did it again. This is honestly one of the few shows that I genuinely took my time with as opposed to binging it, because binge watching is a devil in itself. Like the Spider-verse movie, it got the style of its source material down to cozy colored T with its autumn color palette and etched lining in the characters. Like the Captain Underpants series, while having a grounded arc of Hilda journeying through the city life and her colliding wildlife, each episode can be generally be enjoyed on their own. Like Gary and His Demons, it felt like a complete season and the fact it’s getting a season two made things all the better. But above all, it was a generally peaceful yet captivating fantasy cartoon to watch with incredible animation, an endearing main character, amazing looking folk creatures of all sizes and powers, and a cuddly deerfox for a pet. I say this is to the fall what Harvey Beaks was to the spring, and if I can compare a show to Harvey Beaks you know you’ve achieved greatness. Like True and the Rainbow Kingdom, gives you a moment of honest bliss and happiness that can influence your outlook on looking forward to better things because like Hilda herself, you push forward and have some fun exploring.
Just saying, I cannot stress this enough this is NOT my number one favorite show of the year, hell of all time. THAT goes to....
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ONCE AGAIN, Teen Titans GO reigns supre-- Huh, what’s that? Oh my god, you’re serious?! The Number One is
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winterbaby89 · 6 years
Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke - Chapter Twenty-Three
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A Captain Swan, Season 1 Canon Divergence Collaboration by: @hollyethecurious, and @winterbaby89
Beta’d by: @ilovemesomekillianjones
Amazing Artwork by: @xhookswenchx (banner) and @flipperbrain (pastel below)
Rated M for language and dark themes (and maybe (probably) some sexy times… later ;o)
Summary: Moments before the Evil Queen’s Dark Curse whisks our beloved fairytale characters to Storybrooke, Captain Hook finally gets his revenge on the Crocodile. Twenty-eight years later, Killian Jones awakes in Storybrooke expecting just another ordinary day, that is until a number of abnormal occurrences disrupts his otherwise scheduled life. The greatest of which is a new face in town. A young woman by the name of Emma. Emma. What a lovely name…
Disclaimer: Canon dialogue and scenes from various episodes will appear within this fic. To Adam, Eddie, and the OUAT writers goes all the credit.
A/N: We’ve taken some creative license when it comes to how a certain dagger works in reference to exerting control over the Dark One. We realize that it is slightly different in canon, but felt it a necessary tweak for our story. Just go with us…
Line breaks indicate change in POV or Scene.
The gif set that launched a fic…
Also available on ao3, my fic page, and Hollye′s fic page And if you want to catch up on the last chapter.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Killian stood at the town line with Emma, David, Mary Margaret, and Henry, silently cursing to himself. It wasn’t as if he’d truly wanted to leave Storybrooke, but he’d hoped it would be an option should the Darkness prove too much for him to overcome. Now it would only serve as a last resort, seeing as the dwarves had discovered that once one crossed the town line they would revert back to their cursed self.
Terrible news, indeed.   
When Leroy and the others had run into town hall with their dire warning, it had taken some time to calm the masses once again. Graham returned with news that he’d been unable to locate Regina, speculating that she may be hiding out in her vault. Cooking up all manner of nightmarish hell for them, no doubt. They’d left the sheriff in charge, and had proceeded to the town line to assess what needed to be done to ensure no one crossed it unwittingly.
Killian smiled ruefully at their little party. Mary Margaret and David had insisted on accompanying Emma, and she in turn refused to let Henry out of her sight while Regina was in the wind. Henry and Emma had both insisted that he join them, so there they were. Five people doing a job that would otherwise only require two at most.
Emma extended a can of bright orange spray paint towards Killian. “We should mark the boundary,” she told him, as the prince and princess continued to discuss how best to announce this news to the town without starting a panic.
Killian nodded and took the can from her, shaking it as he walked over to the welcome sign. Another smile crept over his face as he saw the patch Marco had done all those months ago, after Emma had crashed into it. Before her, no one had ever come to Storybrooke, except Henry, so the fact that they had a sign in the first place seemed absurd now.
With the sign as his point of origin, Killian began to spray a visible line to designate the point of no return. Hunched over and thoroughly engrossed in his task, he was oblivious to the car coming straight for him until it was too late. Killian heard Emma cry out his name as he braced for the impact, but the one he felt did not come from the vehicle. A flash of light blinded him before he was propelled backward, landing hard on his back against the pavement.
Slowly, he sat up and took in several things all at once. The car that had been barreling toward him now rested against one of the forest’s trees, its front end smashed in from the impact. David and Mary Margaret stood paralyzed with stunned expressions on their face as they stared at Emma who was staring at her hands with the same expression.
“Are you okay, Killian?” Henry called out from David’s truck, where he’d been told to wait.
“Aye, lad,” he responded as he stood, not taking his eyes off Emma.
Emma’s eyes snapped up from her hands and met his with wide astonishment. “What the hell was that?”
“That, Swan,” he replied softly as he made his way to her, taking her hands in his once he got close enough, “was magic.”
“Magic?!” she exclaimed. “I have magic? Why? Wha-? How?”
Killian cupped the side of her face in an effort to calm her as he spoke, “Those are all good questions love, but I’m afraid they’ll have to wait. We’ve another, more urgent matter to attend to.”
Dropping his hand from her face, he looked back over his shoulder at the wrecked vehicle, then made eye contact with the prince. “Best call for an ambulance. Looks like the outside world just came to Storybrooke.”
Magic. I have magic. Magic that wrecked a car. I didn’t mean to wreck the car, I was trying to save Killian. Wait. No. I didn’t know I could save him, I just…
Emma hadn’t moved from where she’d stood when a blast of something indescribable had shot from her hands when she saw Killian about to be run down by the red convertible. She’d thrown her hands out with some kind of innate instinct, and the force of that action had launched Killian backward as a blast of white light struck the car and forced it into the tree line. An action that had stunned them all. Except for Killian. Somehow, he’d known.
“The ambulances are on their way, love,” Killian said, startling her from her thoughts.
It took a minute for Emma to register the fact that there had to actually be people in the vehicle she’d sent careening into the tree.
“Oh, god. Are they… Did I-” Emma panicked.
“Emma, look at me,” Killian commanded, his hands resting atop each of her shoulders as he waited for her to meet his gaze. “They’re unconscious, but alive. The paramedics will be here soon. They’ll be okay.”
“You don’t know that!” she argued. She tried to pull away from him, but he kept a firm grip on her as he tried to calm her down. “Let go!”
An angry and pained expression crossed his face, and his hands seemed to involuntarily fall away. His jaw clenched, his hands balled at his sides, and it was then she realized what she’d done.
“Killian, I didn’t mean… I’m sorry, I wasn’t think-”
“It’s alright, Swan.”
“No. No it isn’t.” Emma now had her hands balled at her sides. The day’s events crashed over her in waves of frustration, and worry, and the last vestiges of her adrenaline were waning. “Very little about this day is okay, Killian. Henry was cursed and almost died! I had to slay a dragon! I just wrecked a car! I made you do something against your will. No wonder you didn’t want to be able to use magic. Look what I just did! I hurt people!”
“No, Emma.” The vehemence in Killian’s voice was palpable. “Your magic is nothing like mine. You saved Henry. You were trying to save me. You didn’t mean to harm anyone, and I know you didn’t mean to control me just now.” A smirk appeared at his lips as he cheekily added, “but, perhaps you could choose your words a bit more carefully? Given this world’s more colorful sayings, I could find myself doing all manner of unintended acts.”
Emma released an amused breath, and felt some of the tension within her drain away. The man always did know just what to say or do to ease her burdens, even temporarily.
Their attentions were pulled from one another at the sound of the ambulances making their way toward them. As Mary Margaret directed the paramedics to the convertible, David jogged over to them.
“I just spoke with Graham.” David stopped before them, his hands on his hips in an authoritative stance that Emma still couldn’t quite wrap her mind around. “He’s going to meet our new arrivals at the hospital. He’ll stay with them and keep us posted on their condition.”
“Any idea who they are?” Emma questioned.
“No. I didn’t want to check for ID and risk further injury by moving them.” Emma winced at the mention of their injuries, and David was quick to pick up on it. “Hey. Emma, this is not your fault. You didn’t know. None of us did. You didn’t mean for it to happen.”
“But it did happen,” Emma retorted. “How are we going to explain it?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… what are we going to tell those two men when they regain consciousness? How are we going to explain the accident? What if they remember seeing this bright white light shooting out of some woman’s hands?”
“She’s got a point, David,” Killian stated. “What do we do if they remember seeing magic?”
“Well, let’s cross that bridge if we come to it,” David said. “We don’t know what they’ll remember, but just to be safe, let’s have Graham be the one to talk with them. Minimize the chance that seeing you triggers the memory.”
Emma nodded, her teeth worrying at her lip. She suddenly felt exhausted, and her shoulders slumped as she exhaled a heavy breath.
“Why don’t you go home,” David suggested, tentatively placing a hand on her shoulder. “Snow and I will head back to Town Hall and finish things up there. You and Henry should head home. You’ve both had a hell of a day.”
“We all have,” Emma grumbled. She’d love nothing more than to go back to her house, and pretend the day hadn’t happened, but she hated the idea that she was being sidelined.
“True,” David acknowledged, “but I’ve battled a dragon before, I know how taxing it can be.” His attempt at levity was almost as successful as Killian’s had been. “Go get some rest. We’ll all meet at Granny’s in the morning, and I’ll call you if anything urgent comes up before then.” David turned his attention to Killian and requested, “Look after them for me, Jones.”
Killian visibly startled at David’s words and subsequent clap to his shoulder, but managed to express an Aye, mate, before David headed back over to Mary Margaret and the two men being treated by paramedics.
“What say you, Swan?” Killian asked with raised brows, clearly deferring to her wishes over David’s.
Emma sighed and closed her eyes momentarily, her weariness weighing heavier upon her. Opening her eyes she met Killian’s expectant gaze. “Let’s go home, Captain.”
Killian sat in Emma’s living room watching the last embers from the fireplace slowly die. The house was quiet. Emma and Henry had retired some hours ago, and after the day they’d all had, a silent understanding that he would remain at the house passed between he and Swan when she’d turned in for the night.
It had been too early for bed when they’d first arrived back at the house. Not that any of them would have been able to sleep with the upheaval in their lives still so fresh. At first, none of them seemed to know what to do with themselves until Emma mentioned something about eating. Killian couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a bite, and he was certain the same could be said for Emma and Henry as well. He’d insisted on cooking, telling Emma to go sit with Henry by the fire and just enjoy having her boy back. In truth, Killian needed something to keep himself from being idle.
The Crocodile had been stalking him throughout the afternoon. After the loft, the demon had appeared again at Town Hall and briefly out at the town line, before Emma’s magic had been revealed. Killian had hoped that being at Emma’s home, the Saviour’s home would provide him a sanctuary from the manifestation of the Darkness, but the imp was there waiting for him.
It was easier to ignore him if Killian stayed busy, so he’d thrown himself into the task of preparing their evening meal after he’d gotten a fire started in Emma’s living room. As he chopped, stirred, and sampled the provisions, he found himself watching Emma and Henry fondly as they looked through Henry’s storybook. Emma had confessed that she’d never really read much of it before, only looking at the odd pages Henry pointed out over the past few months as it related to the fairy tale character she was assisting at the time.
They’d only just settled before the fire to read over her parent’s story when Henry called out excitedly for Killian to come have a look. He’d been astonished to see all the pages that had once been removed, including his own, had now been restored to their rightful place within the book.
“It must be because there’s magic here now,” Henry had deduced. A deduction Killian felt sure must be correct, as he recognized the vibrations of magic within the book’s pages.
Had it not been for Henry’s never ending exuberance, dinner would most likely have been a quiet affair. As it was, Emma kept encouraging Henry to just eat so they could go to bed, the weariness of the day was etched on her brow and set in her slumped posture. Killian was glad for the lad’s constant chatter, though. Focusing on the boy allowed him to turn a deaf ear to the Darkness, which seemed to have as much to say about the day’s events as Henry did.
Now alone in the quiet house with little to occupy his thoughts, and sleep no longer a means of escape, Killian could no longer ignore the murmurings. Nor could he ignore the quiet whisper singing to him from upstairs. The dagger was calling to him, and the Darkness was urging him to go take it back.
“No,” Killian grit out through clenched teeth as he willed himself to remain on the sofa.
But without the dagger, how will you protect Emma from those two men? Surely they saw her use magic. What will happen to her, to the town, once that secret is exposed?
“We don’t know that they saw anything,” Killian countered aloud to the darkness of the room. “And even if they did, I won’t hurt the innocent. We’ll find another way.”
Can’t hurt the innocent, you mean, his mind hissed. No matter. You don’t need the dagger to stop the other threat in town… Regina, it drawled. The Evil Queen. This is all her fault, anyway. She released the magic. She wants to set the whole town against you, set Emma and Henry against you. Why… if she’d been honest about what would happen when you used the dagger for your revenge, you wouldn’t have become the Dark One in the first place. She’s no innocent. The Saviour’s command does not apply to her. You should go find her. Track her down and make her pay for what she’s done to you. Stop her before she has a chance to use her magic to hurt those you love. You won’t need magic to end her. You’ve killed dozens without it. What’s one more?
“Enough!” Killian spat. His heart pounded in his chest and a cold sweat came over him as he realized he’d moved from the sofa to the door. The knob held firmly in his hand, the intent to turn it and walk out into the night still rooted in his subconscious.
Emma tossed and punched at her pillow. For the eightieth time. Despite how exhausted she felt, how fried her mind and nerves were, she couldn’t bring herself to actually fall asleep. Not with the Dark One downstairs.
Emma hadn’t truly understood what it meant. Being the Dark One. When Regina had mentioned it earlier in the storage room, the title had held no meaning to her. She knew, based on David’s reaction and Killian’s behavior in the loft that it couldn’t be anything good, but she trusted Killian. He was a good man, and clearly the fact that he was the Dark One hadn’t put Henry off of befriending or trusting him all this time.
She’d seen the fear in Killian’s eyes, the earnest pleading for her to help him try and control whatever sinister affect this Darkness was having on him. With just the quick rant about never being his own master, Emma knew what it had cost him to ask her to take the dagger. Using the favor he held over her was telltale in just how important her compliance was to him.
She knew he was Captain Hook. That realization hit her in the hallway of the hospital as Henry lay cursed, and really settled into her in the Town Hall when she saw the reaction of the town’s people when Belle had outed him. When she’d heard what he’d done to her, that he’d almost killed her and had murdered Rumplestiltskin, she’d had a moment’s difficulty reconciling the villain with the man she knew.
Then he’d reunited Jefferson with his daughter, and that good man was evident right there in front of her once more. He might have been Captain Hook, but Killian Jones was a good man. Except, he wasn’t just Killian Jones now. He was also the Dark One.
After she and Henry turned in for the night, Emma spent hours reading through the storybook. She found it served as a suitable distraction to the things her mind wasn’t ready to address or process just yet. Henry had taken her through her parent’s story, her story, but with the long night before her, there were other stories she was interested in.
The story of Killian Jones. Captain Hook and his Crocodile. Rumplestiltskin. The Dark One.
She’d poured over the pages. Stories of cowardice and betrayal were juxtaposed against loyalty and good form. Heartbreak that fueled villainy as they both quested to right a wrong, by whatever means necessary. Means, Emma knew, the stories only scratched the surface of; a chilling darkness running much deeper in acts too grievous to display upon the page. Acts that had spanned centuries.
David had been right to be wary, Captain Hook was not to be trusted. Neither was the Dark One.
Killian Jones, however… he was another matter altogether.
The sound of voices from downstairs pulled Emma from her thoughts. Had Henry gotten up and gone downstairs, waking Killian up in the process? Emma crawled out of bed with the intentions of getting Henry back into his, but when she passed by her son’s room he was in bed fast asleep. Then who is Killian talking to?
“Killian?” she called out as she made her way down the stairs, finding him stopped in the middle of the living room. “I thought I heard voices. Who were you talking to?”
“Just talking to myself,” he replied, clearly on edge about something. “Old habit from many nights on the lonely seas.”
“Hmm,” Emma hummed. It wasn’t an all out lie, but his words didn’t ring true either. “What are you doing up so late?”
“I could ask the same thing of you, love,” Killian deflected.
“I asked you first.” Really, Emma? What is this, third grade?
Killian made his way to the sofa and sank down into the cushions with a heavy sigh. “The Darkness does not require sleep, so as the Dark One, it seems neither do I.” He played with his rings as he spoke, but stopped when he turned his attention to her. “Your turn, Swan. What’s keeping you up at this hour?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Emma scoffed sarcastically. “Maybe the fact that my parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, and my son was raised by the Evil Queen. Or the fact that I helped Cinderella keep her baby, and her best friend is both Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.” She was pacing now, the reality she’d suppressed all night now flowing out of her like a tidal wave. “Not to mention that the person I am closest to in this entire town, or the whole world for that matter, is Captain freaking Hook, whom I saved from getting hit by a car. With. Magic.” Killian stared at her from over the back of the sofa, and Emma suddenly felt self-conscious about her rant. Moving to sit with him, she added, “I may have been reading Henry’s book.”
Killian’s slightly stunned expression became one of panic before it slowly transformed into something softer, with a wisp of smugness as he recounted, “Closer to than anyone else in the world?”
“Of course that’s what you would get out of all that.” Emma rolled her eyes as he chuckled, and for a moment everything felt so… normal. It felt like them. Emma and Killian, not the Saviour and Captain Hook. It could have been any other night, with easy banter and over-the-top flirty overtures. Any other night when Emma might get lost in Killian’s forget-me-not eyes and wonder if things would ever move past the stage of longing.
Emma felt a blush creep across her face as she remembered her efforts to try and push them past that stage. Had it really only been last night when she’d drunkenly tried to pull him into her bed? “Killian, about last night.”
“Swan, you don’t have to-”
“No. I want to thank you.” She cut him off and took his hand in hers, causing that stunned look to settle on his face again. “I want you to know that I appreciate you being honest with me. Wanting to wait until I really knew. And now that I do… now that I know you’re actually Captain Hook, and the…”
“The Dark One,” he supplied despondently, his eyes cast down with a hint of resignation.
“I want you to know that it doesn’t change the way I feel about the Killian Jones I’ve come to know.”
Killian’s eyes snapped up to meet hers, wide with a small spark of hope as he tentatively pressed, “But?”
“But,” she continued, intertwining her fingers with his in an effort to stoke that hope. “I’m going to need some time to process all this. I mean, my parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, and I have magic, and you are actually Captain Hook.”
“Without the perm and waxed mustache,” Killian teased, a smile pulling at his lips.
“Or the hook.”
“The one benefit of the curse, love,” Killian responded, both of them now smiling fondly at the memory of having the same conversation all those weeks ago.
“Just… be patient?” Emma asked.
“I seem to remember you saying that to me once before, too,” Killian reminded.
Emma shuddered slightly at the memory of her being suspended in the mine shaft, attempting to rescue Henry and the dashing rapscallion before her. “Yeah. Just before you nearly plummeted to your death.”
“Well, the one upside to being the Dark One is that I’m immortal now, so I quite literally have all the time in the world. Even if another car appears out of nowhere and tries to kill me.” He stared at her pointedly with raised brows, and Emma’s nerves spiked at the reminder of the car, and the two men, and the fact that she had magic.
“Hey,” Killian soothed, rubbing small circles over her wrist, perceptive as ever. “Everything’s going to be okay. No use worrying yourself until we know more about what those men remember, and we won’t know that until we meet everyone in the morning.”
Emma took a deep breath and nodded, offering him a small smile before she stood to head back upstairs. “You going to be okay?”
“Aye, love. You don’t need to worry about me.” Emma’s superpower wasn’t too sure about that statement. “Go get some rest, Swan. I’ve a feeling you’ll be needing it. Just know that whatever tomorrow throws at us, we’ll face it together.”
That statement, however… nothing had ever rang more true.
“Captain! Captain!”
Killian turned to see Smee crossing the street, approaching them just as they’d made their way to Granny’s the next morning. He told Emma and Henry to go on ahead and that he’d meet them inside shortly, then greeted his first mate.
“Ah, Mr. Smee. It’s good to see that you’re your old self again.”
“You too, Sir. I’ve been looking for you since the curse broke. Where have you been?”
“I’ve had things to attend to, Mr. Smee,” Killian replied sharply, not caring for his first mate’s impertinence.
“Of course, Sir,” Smee said apologetically. “I was just wondering if I ought to be rounding up the crew. If you planned for us to set sail soon.”
“Not quite, Mr. Smee. It seems there is no safe passage out of Storybrooke.”
“What do you mean?”
“Anyone who crosses over the town line reverts back to their cursed self. I’m not willing to test whether or not the same holds true if we stray too far out to sea, are you Mr. Smee?”
“Oh. Well… no, of course not.” Smee’s face fell at the news. “So what do we do now?
“Now,” Killian replied. “We bide our time and wait. I’ve business to attend to this morning and have no plans to open the shop today. Carry on as you wish, but stay at the ready. I may have need of you.”
“Aye, Captain.” With his orders received Killian made his way into the diner as Smee set off to do… whatever it was Smee did in his free time.
Settled in one of the booths next to Emma, Killian listened to the various reports of the happenings from the previous evening and overnight. The prince and princess relayed all that had happened when they’d returned to Town Hall, including the reunion of David’s wife Katherine, really Princess Abigail, with her love Frederick. It had been decided that the fairies would oversee the continued task of helping people reunite with their loved ones, while also compiling a list of cursed personas to real identities. Killian couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw an astonishingly rare expression of happiness and possibly a slight blush on Leroy’s face at the mention of one of the fairies.
The expression lasted only a moment though, as he was then tasked to give an account of the dwarves’ overnight stake-out on the Queen’s home. There had still been no sign of Regina, her house remained dark and quiet all throughout the night, leading all those present to believe she must be holed up in her vault. Emma and Graham agreed to go and check it out after they adjourned, which left Graham to give his report on the two men from the town line.
“How are they?” Emma inquired, wringing her hands beneath the table, which Killian stilled as he took one of them in his.
“Whale says they’ll be fine. They’re both conscious, but are being held for observation just to be on the safe side.”
“Who are they?” Mary Margaret pressed. “What did they say when you questioned them about the accident?”
It felt as though their entire assembly held their breath as they awaited the sheriff’s answer.
“They’re brothers by the names of John and Michael Banks. They were just on a drive up the coast and got distracted referencing their map when they saw the sign for Storybrooke. They said the last thing they remembered was double checking the route on their GPS then waking up at the hospital.”
“So they didn’t see the magic?” David clarified.
“No,” Graham assured them. “In fact they were worried I was going to cite them for driving while distracted.”
Killian let out a sigh of relief. “So how long are we going to have to endure their presence in town?”
“Whale said barring any complications, they’ll be released tomorrow morning.”
“And Tillman thinks it’ll take three or four days to get their car running well enough to leave town,” Ruby chimed in as she sidled up next to Graham.
“Tell him the sooner the better.” Killian squeezed Emma’s hand as he spoke, and she responded with a grateful smile that had his heart fluttering.
“Right,” David announced as he stood. “I think it’s time we all get to work, then. Snow and I will check in with Blue at Town Hall. Emma, Killian, and Graham will be on Regina patrol.”
The prince and princess took their leave, with Leroy hot on their heels expressing his desire to assist the fairies.
“Does that mean I get to come with you guys?” Henry asked excitedly as Killian and Emma made their way out of the booth.
“Sorry, kid,” Emma responded, dropping Killian’s hand as she pulled her coat back on. “But you’re staying with Ruby. She’s gonna watch after you while we look for Regina.”
“Actually,” Ruby hedged apologetically, “there’s something I need to take care of this morning.” She and Graham shared a significant look before she turned and inquired, “Killian, you haven’t, by chance, seen a red cloak at the pawn shop, have you?”
“Not that I recall. Why?”
Graham wrapped an arm around Ruby’s shoulder and gave her an encouraging nod, prompting her to continue. “The full moon is in a couple of days, and with magic being back there’s a chance that I’ll… you know.” Killian could see the fear in Ruby’s eyes. Compassion sparked within him, but the Darkness was quick to try and snuff it out. Greedy for a desperate soul to entice and entrap. “In our realm, the cloak kept me from transforming. I have no memory of ever seeing it in town, and if I can’t find it before the full moon I’ll need a place where I can transform without hurting anyone. Graham’s offered to let me make… modifications to a room in his cabin. I need to get started so everything will be ready in time. Just in case.”
Killian could see the Crocodile’s gleeful expression out of the corner of his eye and had to fight back the instinct, both as the Dark One and a pirate, to work Ruby’s anxiety to his advantage. There was a wardrobe of cloaks in the back room of the shop. Believing they’d be of no use or interest to anyone in town while under the curse, he hadn’t bothered to really look them over. If Ruby’s cloak was among them, what would she be willing to offer to get it back? What might he wish to extract from her in exchange?
Killian clenched his jaw and shook the thought from his head, throwing a glare at the Crocodile as a growl rumbled low in his chest.
“Killian?” Emma said softly, her hand coming to rest on his forearm. “What is it?”
Killian snapped back and hurriedly assured, “Nothing. Everything’s fine.” The confused and wary expressions staring back at him attested to their disbelief, and Killian let go a long suffering sigh before confessing, “The cloak may be at the shop. There’s a wardrobe in the back room containing garments, but I haven’t taken a good enough look before to assess what all it contains. I can go by there later and check, and if it is there… you are welcome to it.” He had to force out the last part of his statement, an itching desire crawled under his skin that not even Emma’s touch could alleviate, and flared at Graham’s question.
“What’s your price?”
Killian swallowed and steadied himself. “I’m no longer in the business of making deals. I won’t give in so easily.” Killian couldn’t help but direct that comment to the figment seated at the bar, even if it caused the others to cast glances that way as well. “Go and make whatever provisions you feel might be necessary, just in case the cloak isn’t there.”
“What about Henry?” Emma reminded.
“I’ll stay here with the lad,” Killian offered. “Might be best if I stay back anyway. Her Majesty has a way of bringing out the worst in me, and right now,” Killian faced them all with a self-deprecating smile and an attempt of levity rolling off his tongue, “I think we can all agree that’s something we ought to avoid.”
They stood assessing him for a moment. Ruby was the first to respond, surprising them all as she wrapped her arms around to hug him.
“Thank you,” she murmured. “I knew you were still the same old Jones.”
Killian balked at her words, his eyes met Graham’s whose reflected Ruby’s sentiment in the way he now took in the pirate before him. Ruby kissed Graham goodbye, ruffled Henry’s hair, and called out a farewell to them all before heading out of the diner, but not before reminding Killian to let her know what he discovered about her cloak.
Killian felt Emma take his hand, her eyes searching his as she asked, “Are you sure you and Henry are going to be okay here?”
“Aye, love,” Killian assured. “The diner’s the safest place we could be right now. I doubt Regina would come after Henry in such a public place. Besides, I’d like to see her get past Granny’s crossbow,” he added cheekily, throwing a smirk at Granny who was stowing said weapon behind the counter. “Besides, I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking him out in town, let alone to the pawn shop just yet. There’s no telling how the newly released magic is affecting some of the items. Best for him to wait until we can have the fairies give it the all clear.”
“Okay, then,” Emma relented. “We’ll see you at the sheriff station later with David and Mary Margaret. Just… be careful. Regina is still out there somewhere.”
“I promise you, Swan. No harm will come to your boy whilst he’s in my charge,” Killian vowed earnestly, and he noticed some of the tension she’d been carrying leave her shoulders as she squeezed his hand one last time before turning her attention to Henry.
“Alright, kid. Be good for Killian, and I’ll see you later.” Emma wrapped her arms around her son as he said see you later, then watched him scramble onto the barstool Granny had just set a cup of hot cocoa down at. “Ready to go?” Emma turned to Graham, but a look of hesitation sat heavily upon the man’s face.
“Actually, before we head out… Jones, can I talk to you for a second?” Graham gestured them toward the back hallway and the three made their way out of earshot of the diner’s patrons.
“What’s up, mate?”
“I was wondering,” Graham began nervously, “since there’s magic here now, if you would put this back where it’s supposed to be.”
Killian drew in a sharp breath as Graham pulled his heart from the inside pocket of his jacket, and heard Emma gasp next to him causing him to meet her wide eyes.
Killian swallowed and remorsefully replied, “I would if I could mate, but I-I’m afraid I can’t.”
“You’re the Dark One, don’t you have magic?”
“Aye, but it’s complicated.” Graham had seen the dagger the day before, had heard Belle say that it was the only weapon that could kill the Dark One, but Killian wasn’t sure how much the man might know about its controlling affects, and as much as he may have come to trust the sheriff, Killian wasn’t ready for that secret to be shared by too many people within town. Besides, he didn’t need Killian’s magic. “Not to worry though. I might not be able to put your heart back, but Emma can.”
“Emma can what now?!” his Swan hissed next to him.
“You have magic Swan, you can do this.”
“Killian!” She stared at him incredulously. “That’s Graham’s heart.”
“That Regina ripped out of his chest.”
“And you expect me to put it back?”
“Stop saying that!”
Killian winced at the unintended command, and Emma’s eyes screwed shut, “Damn it! Killian, I’m sorry. Say… say whatever you want,” she affirmed apologetically.
“Wait. Sorry for what?” Graham asked. “Why can’t you-”
“Do you want that heart back in your chest or not?” Killian interjected curtly.
“Aye,” Graham replied, earning him glares from Killian and Emma both. “Sorry,” he muttered before handing his heart to Emma.
Emma stared down at the heart in her hand, shaking her head as her voice nearly betrayed her in its denial. “I-I can’t do this.”
“Yes, Swan. You can.”
Killian glanced past Graham and saw the Crocodile looking on. Emma may have commanded him to not use magic, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t share the inherent knowledge he now possessed in how to wield it. Something in the demon’s eyes gave him a moment’s pause, but Killian brushed it aside. He wasn’t asking Emma to do anything dark with her magic, and despite her doubts, he knew that she would want to do whatever she could to help Graham.
“Will it,” Killian instructed. “Magic isn’t an intellectual endeavor. It’s emotion. Look inward and ask yourself, why am I doing this? Who am I helping? Just… feel it, Swan.”
Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, Killian saw a flash of resolve in her eyes just before a quick burst of magic allowed her to place Graham’s heart back into his chest. The sheriff gasped at the sensation, eyes blinking wildly before they fixed themselves on Emma’s astonished face.
“I did it,” Emma stated, her stunned tone matching her expression.
“You did it,” Graham astonished back.
“I knew you could do it, Swan,” Killian affirmed. A sense of pride welled in his chest at her accomplishment, and perhaps at the part he’d played in it. A part that was met with the greatest reward he could have imagined when Emma threw her arms around him and whispered an earnest thank you into his ear.
Chapter Twenty-Four 
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Tagging some lovelies that have asked to be tagged, as well as some we believe might enjoy. Please let us know if you do, or don’t wish to be tagged.
@abeylin1982 @best-left-hook-jones @eala-captian @aprilqueen84 @artistic-writer @branlovesouat @captain-k-jones @captain-swan-coffee @cocohook38 @downeystarkjr @flipperbrain @florenzu @freakassbuthunter @gingerchangeling @goldengirlschildhood @golfgirld @greenleaf777  @ilovemesomekillianjones @in-spirational @jennjenn615 @joneskillian @jsilva0117 @juliakaze @kmomof4 @kymbersmith-90 @laschatzi @leiaswanjoneskid @lifeismadeup-ofmoments @like-waves-on-the-beach @linda8084 @mariakov81 @natascha-remi-ronin @onceuponaprincessworld @resident-of-storybrooke @rookiehookie @seriouslyhooked @smutqueen27 @snidgetintheapple @supergirl42universe @teamhook @therooksshiningknight @tiganasummertree @ultraluckycatnd @whimsicallyenchantedrose @wordsmith-storyweaver @xhookswenchx @yayimallamaagain
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aly225 · 6 years
Secret Santa Gift
Here is my @onceuponafestivegifting gift to @lanasfeather!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday period, and that 2018 will be a good year ahead for you. 
This is a Hooked Queen story (Regina/Rogers|Hook), with some Regal Believer as always, and a few mentions of Snow and Charming where I could fit it in, considering the setting ^^  I’ve never written Rogers version of Hook before, so I hope I’ve done his character justice for you.
Each Day You’re Still Here
There is a very touching farewell going on between his other self, Emma and Henry. Hook feels his stomach clench as he watches the hugs and murmured words. Terrible memories are pushing to the forefront of his mind - screams of ‘Papa!’, of soul-crushing defeat as his daughter is ripped from his arms, the look on her face the last time he saw her. They are memories he wants to forget as much as he wants to grasp on tightly. Any memory of his daughter brings some small comfort.
Henry may be all grown up, but the lad is still clearly lost and hunting for his place in this world, his own story and happy ending. Hook cannot imagine being realms away from his child instead of witnessing it all unfold first hand – not if there was a choice. But then, perhaps he is projecting heavily onto the situation. Henry is not his child, and these people all have different histories and relationships with each other.
He turns his back on the farewells, and tries not to feel bitter about any of it. In his distraction, it takes him a moment to realize he’s come face-to-face with Regina instead.
She had arrived back at the clearing with Henry earlier, announcing loudly to the world that she was staying too. She looks so similar to the Evil Queen he remembers, but acts very differently. It is clear she is no longer the revenged-crazed woman from his own realm, and yet in some ways, he is more wary of this version. A similarity they DO share, however, is the flair for dramatics – something this Regina had capitalized on as she had stood, hands on hips, and declaring that she was going to help her son on ‘Operation Next Chapter’.
Now, she merely quirks her eyebrow at him, as he stubbornly refuses to turn back around for the farewells. ‘Too many sentiments,’ he whispers at her, feigning a look of disgust. She releases one indelicate snort, before primly turning her attention back to her son, not a word spoken.
In fact, they don’t speak again until the portal has closed and Henry trudges back to them, forlornly.
‘Seeing them leave just makes me miss everyone back home,’ he confesses, and Hook watches as he slings an arm around his mother’s shoulders. She is tiny in comparison.
‘They all miss you too,’ she says, smiling up. ‘Snow and Charming especially. But they’re also very proud of you.’
‘They don’t even know what the lad’s been up to,’ Hook feels the need to interject childishly. Regina shoots him an exasperated look, and he sends her a serene smirk back.
‘Nevertheless, they certainly know what your original plans were, and they’re going to hear all about what you’ve been doing when the others see them again,’ she continues, ignoring his behaviour. ‘Now, let me change out of this suit and into something a bit more forest-appropriate, and then we’ll find your Cinderella.’
Much later, after a magical wardrobe change, several hours of hiking through the trees, and excited introductions with the resistance camp, Hook finds himself wandering through the maze of tents, enjoying the darkness and the peace that comes with it.
A flash of light catches his eyes, coming from beyond the protection of the camp. Someone has wandered further into the forest, and he doesn’t need to have known her long to take a guess as to whom it might be.
‘A little bit dangerous to be out here alone, is it not, Your Majesty?’ he calls out softly, keeping his voice low so as to avoid disturbing the rest of the camp. She is standing with her back resting against a tree, and as he comes closer, he can see the light is coming from a fireball she skilfully flicks from hand to hand.
‘It’s just Regina,’ she tells him, but her attention is fixated on the fire, her expression serious. He hesitates for a moment, uncertain whether he should just leave her alone. He’s never been one to avoid difficult conversations, however, so he settles himself against the tree also, close enough that their shoulders brush just once.
‘Well, Regina,’ he tries again, ‘Why are you being all brooding, alone and an easy target for whatever lurks in these woods after dark?’
The fireball stops darting around her fingers, and stills, suspended in mid-air. Abruptly, the light goes out, and darkness falls until his eyes adjust to the dimness of the evening now that the far-off campfires and the moon are the only things still shining.
‘Don’t act like we’re friends,’ Regina snaps suddenly. ‘The other version of you was tiresome enough, but we don’t even know each other.’
‘I knew you,’ he blurts out. He’s not sure what he’s trying to prove. ‘I mean, not YOU-you, but the version of you that lived in my realm.’
This catches her attention, and for the first time that evening, they make eye contact.
‘You knew the Evil Queen from the wish realm?’ she repeats. ‘I thought Snow and Charming defeated her long ago.’
He shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant under her scrutiny.
‘Well sure, but that doesn’t mean they actually managed to catch her. Took her magic, so she fled, and came to me to make another deal.’
Regina is silent, but he can hear the unasked questions anyway.
‘She gave me information I thought I needed,’ he continues, waving his hand vaguely. ‘And in return, I agreed to give her passage on the Jolly Roger away from that land and to one where she wouldn’t have to deal with Snow White anymore.’
‘And did you?’ Regina interjects. ‘Give her passage, I mean? Where did she decide to go?’
He feels a slight pressure on his shoulder again, and realizes she’s relaxed back further against the tree.
‘Well, yes and no,’ he admits. ‘She got a position on the ship, but it wasn’t with me at the helm. Left Smee as Captain, but it didn’t take long for stories to spread about a new Pirate Queen. Seems my men and your other self hit it off quite well. Who knew an Evil Queen could make such a good pirate, eh?’
‘We do always find a way to survive,’ Regina murmurs. She tilts her head back and sideways slightly, so they can look at each other properly. ‘And you? Why didn’t you go with them?’
His voice catches in his throat for a moment. He’s already had to talk about Alice too much recently – it hurts enough that he wants to ignore her question. But she waits patiently, eyes expectant.
‘My daughter,’ he chokes out eventually. ‘I had a baby daughter and I decided to stay with her.’
Regina drops her gaze again, but nods.
‘I was actually thinking about you earlier,’ she announces, and it is such an abrupt change of subject, and the tone of this entire conversation has been so strange, that Hook cannot even muster up a leering response to her words.
‘Oh?’ he says instead, hoping to sound confident and disinterested at the same time.
‘When I was in your realm, I was so sure it had just been created by a wish,’ she continues, and her shoulders are once more hunched over slightly. ‘I assumed it was all a figment of Emma’s wish and desire, and none of it was real. I did something terrible there, because I wasn’t thinking about the consequences. And now you’re here, reminding me that the people where you come from all had lives and histories and families.’
Hook doesn’t even know what to say to her confession – all the words that spring to mind seem wrong.
‘Her name is Alice,’ he finally says, and then it is as if he can’t stop talking about her. He explains how he found raised his daughter, what she looks like, her favourite book, her favourite games to play, her favourite star constellations…Anything and everything he can think of. For once, the pain for his daughter is dulled, and he can linger on the happier memories. Regina doesn’t say much, but she listens all the same, her shoulder pressed against his.
As time marches on, they become reluctant friends.
Of course, Regina is still rather snarky towards him, and thinks of at least one creative insult a day to call him, but they work well together in a team when figuring out how to go about fighting the evils of this world.
Some days, Hook gazes around and marvels at the number of people who seem to like having him as part of the camp. His men on board the Jolly Roger had worked well under his command, but there is a certain comradery he feels amongst these people that he couldn’t achieve when being called ‘sir’.
Other days, the camp is too loud and full of people. He has to escape it all, to find somewhere dark and quiet, and think back to his tower and home, where his daughter grew up. It had been him and Alice against the world, and he had lost his way after that, sinking into the bottle and despair. The happiness he feels surrounded by these people stirs up feelings of guilt, which gnaws away inside. He shouldn’t feel happy, not while his daughter still needs saving.
Coincidentally, Regina always manages to find him when he’s in one of these moods, and each time has a ridiculous task that he MUST do right at that moment, and no, it cannot wait.
‘Do you have a tracker on me or something?’ he asks irritably one day, not wanting to admit he had been a few steps away from packing a bag and fleeing from everyone. Regina gives him a sideways glance, but doesn’t pause in her long explanation of a certain chore that apparently can only be done by him, despite both of them being well aware that there are plenty of men in the camp who would be happy to help Regina out.
Regina herself seems to have decided that her role is to be everywhere all at once. If she isn’t with him and Tiana, discussing strategies for defending the camp or ways to fight back, then he can find her helping with the cooking, or discussing animal care with some of the farmers, or healing broken clothes and broken bones with her magic, or trying to give advice to the young people who are brave enough to sidle up to her and start a conversation. Hook feels tired just watching it all; it seems any way his head turns, she is there doing some task.
Until one day she isn’t.
He is in the middle of a morning sword practice with a couple of young men, when the clash of metal is drowned out by Henry’s call.
‘Halt, halt,’ Hook orders, dropping his guard once his opponent complies. The name still sounds strange to his ears – he has been either ‘papa’ or ‘Hook’ for a long time now. ‘No need to shout, Henry. What’s the matter?’
Henry not-so-subtly gestures for him to come closer.
‘I can’t find Mom,’ he says softly, as soon as they’ve walked far enough away from the curious onlookers. ‘She said she was going to find some herbs to help Charlotte’s illness, but that was several hours ago, and she hasn’t returned to camp.’
Hook rests a reassuring hand on Henry’s arm.
‘Your mother is very good at looking after herself,’ he says, even as he can feel his stomach drop. ‘But tell you what – why don’t we go ask Tiana and Ella to help us scout around. And whoever finds Regina can order her ass back to camp.’
Henry smiles weakly at this, but nods, before striding away to speak to Tiana. Hook takes a moment to ponder his options, and then heads out into the forest. He had seen Regina early that morning – before the sun had even risen. Unable to sleep, he was busy trying to get the fire to relight so they could have an early start on breakfast, when she had slipped by him in the darkness.
‘Are you sure that’s wise?’ he had called out, watching as she aimed towards a dense patch of trees.
‘I’m pretty sure my magic will keep me better protected than your sword would,’ she had shot back, and then was gone.
Now he walks in the same direction, hoping to find her engrossed in herb picking, or whatever silly task had enticed her away. Instead, after twenty minutes of searching, he stumbles across a clearing with several bodies strewn about. His heart begins to beat slightly faster, even as he realizes that the bodies are all men – no doubt forest bandits looking for an easy target to rob.
‘If you’re here to say I told you so, I will take your hook and gut you with it,’ a voice snarls, and he spins around to see Regina, hunched on the ground by a tree. Her arms are wrapped around her middle, and he can see her breathing is laboured.
‘Wouldn’t dream of it, love,’ he assures her. ‘You a bit out of practice with the whole fighting thing? Seem a bit out of breath.’
He tries to keep his voice carefree as he nears, but can’t stop a frown from darkening his face when he sees her grimace.
‘Not so much out of practice as careless,’ she pushes out, and stretches to grasp his wrist and stagger upright. As soon as she is on her feet, her face drains of any remaining colour, and she sways suddenly.
‘Damn, I guess he got me better than I expected,’ she mutters, still clinging on to his arm, and Hook realizes her fingers have red smeared on them. He glances down quickly, hand going automatically to press against the wound in her side.
‘We need to get you back to camp, now,’ he tells her, feeling the warmth of her blood.
‘You aren’t going to carry me like a damsel in distress,’ she snaps back, and her bad mood makes him feel slightly better. A quiet Regina in this situation would be a worse sign.
They begin the slow limp back, and just as Hook is steering her towards her tent, Henry bursts onto the scene.
‘MOM!’ he yells, skidding to a halt beside them. ‘What happened? Are you OK? Is that BLOOD?’
‘Henry,’ Hook interrupts. ‘I need you to go find Mary and get her to come and help.’
Henry takes off again at a sprint, and a whirlwind ten minutes later, both men find themselves banned from Regina’s tent whilst Mary and her nurses take charge.
‘I should have gone with her,’ Hook mutters, looking down at his now-bloodied hands. Henry is pacing up and down, but pauses at this.
‘I’m pretty sure she would have taken that as an insult,’ he says, a very small smile on his lips. ‘Perhaps we need to implement a buddy system though…y’know, make everyone go around in pairs at least.’
‘I imagine your mother would still think herself too scary to need a buddy,’ Hook frowns, crossing his arms. ‘Bloody stubborn woman, that one.’
‘Yeah, she is,’ Henry agrees, and Hook can hear the love shining out of those words.
When they are finally allowed back in the tent, Regina is asleep.
‘And don’t you disturb her,’ Mary threatens darkly, as she sweeps by them. Henry races to sit by his mother’s side, and Hook ignores the reasons why he decides to wander in and settle himself on Regina’s other side. They sit there for the rest of the night, talking about random subjects before first one and then the other finally succumbs to sleep.
The next morning, Regina is awake and irritable, announcing to the world that she is FINE, thankyouverymuch. Not even Mary’s glowering can stop her from attempting to swing her legs out of bed and get up.
‘I told you she was bloody stubborn!’ Hook accuses Henry.
‘Excuse me!’ Regina has to jump in. ‘I am not stubborn, I am just fine and not wanting to waste my day being coddled.’
Hook snorts in disbelief, so she follows this up with a suggestion about exactly where he can put his hook, prompting Henry to say ‘Mom’ in a very scandalized tone.
It takes her son’s puppy eyes and sad pleading to persuade Regina to stay in bed one more day.
‘I’ll get us some breakfast,’ Henry announces, and bounds away, triumphant in his win. Hook turns to follow.
‘Hey,’ Regina says softly once they are alone. ‘I guess…thanks. For helping me.’
She smiles at him then, and it is tired but also bright. He finds himself smiling back, suddenly reluctant to go. They stare at each other for a few moments, and then he shrugs.
‘I have cards,’ he says, rummaging around in the bottom of his coat’s pocket. ‘The boys and I were going to play a game after sword practice, but then I was distracted by someone’s drama.’
Regina sits further upright in bed, face barely betraying the pain she’s in.
‘Bring it on,’ she demands, and when Henry arrives back, carefully balancing three bowls, they are already embroiled in a highly competitive game.
Lucy is born, and Drizella is turned to stone. Life falls into a pleasant routine.
Alice is still never far from his mind, but she is alive and building her own happiness, and he can take comfort in that, even if he still cannot hug his own daughter.
Sometimes life is almost too boring, and he can tell Regina feels the same. On days like this, he steals her away from the others, telling her to change out of whatever ridiculous dress she is wearing so they can go on a proper adventure. They ride out in a different direction each time, and discussions inevitably turn to comparing realms and the differences between.
Alas, the adventures rarely end with any good fights, but just the act of searching for danger can give them energy. Occasionally, Regina will let loose with her fireballs, and he’ll practice dodging them. Inevitably some poor unsuspecting tree will burn down. There is a chaotic and destructive element inside Regina, no matter how much of a hero she now is, and it has taken him this long to realize it is better for her to direct that outwards rather than inwards. He ignores the fact that he may have exactly the same destructive streak, and pointedly does not make eye contact when he feels Regina watching him with a knowing expression.
It is the late in the night before Lucy’s eight birthday, when Regina seeks him out, knocking quietly on the door. He had been unable to sleep himself, and it only takes a moment to open the door and allow her to slip inside.
‘What is it, love?’ he asks, watching her pace around his bedroom.
‘Something bad is going to happen,’ she replies, running a hand through her hair and making the curls stand up slightly. ‘I don’t know why, I just feel it.’
He grasps hold of her shoulders gently, and tugs her closer so they are standing face-to-face.
‘Drizella can’t enact anything against us tomorrow,’ he tells her, but instead of reassuring her, he can feel the dread start to seep into his own skin.
‘Life is too good right now,’ Regina whispers, and for once she doesn’t hide her fear. ‘It’s too peaceful, I’m too happy. Something is going to happen tomorrow.’
She sounds so convinced, he doesn’t know what he can say to change her mind. So instead, he steps forwards and pulls her into a hug. For all that they’ve now known each other for many years, they have never actually embraced. Regina stiffens for a moment, and then he feels the tension slowly drain out. Her arms wrap around his waist, as she tucks her head against his chest. They stand there until the sun begins to rise.
Rogers can clearly remember the first time he meets the proprietor of “Roni’s”. He is on duty, covering a late shift and bored out of his mind as he drinks the final dregs of a terrible coffee, when the door to the bar across the road from where his car is parked bursts open and a man stumbles out.
‘If you come back again, I’ll get my bat,’ a voice yells at the man, and Rogers sees a small woman come storming out of the bar, staring after the drunk man.
‘She was always good at the dramatic entrances,’ he thinks, and it is such a strange thought about a woman he has never met before, that he pushes it out of his mind immediately.
He climbs out of his car instead, jerking a thumb in the direction the creep went.
‘This guy being a problem?’ he asks, crossing the road. The woman places her hands on her hips, glaring angrily at the world.
‘Not to me, but he tried it on with one of my employees,’ she grumbles. ‘I don’t think he’ll come back though, if he knows what’s good for him. I do have a reputation around here, after all.’
‘A reputation for beating people with bats?’ he asks incredulously, unable to help his lips curling into a smile. Her frown smooths out, and then she beams up at him in response.
‘Only those who deserve it,’ she says cheerily, and then nods back towards the bar. ‘I best make sure they aren’t burning the place down in my absence. Thanks anyway!’
With a wink, she wanders back inside.
Rogers is almost tempted to go to the bar as a customer in the following days, just to see if he can run into the bartender again. He figures it may be a weird move on his part, however, and then work becomes so busy he has no time to think about ‘Roni’s’.
He finally manages to finish work on time several weeks later. An early evening at home beckons him, but he instead finds his feet leading him in the opposite direction, down the road and to the bar. Inside, it is fairly busy for a Thursday evening, and it takes him a few moments to reach the front of the queue.
‘Good evening!’ a familiar voice greets him. Roni herself is standing on the other side of the counter, and she smirks when his eyes widen at the sight of her. ‘I was wondering when you’d turn up. All the police officers end up here eventually.’
The crowd has thinned out enough that he can seat himself at the bar, and he leans over to allow himself to be heard.
‘Did that man ever try to return?’ he half-shouts over the music and buzz of chatter. Roni shakes her head proudly.
‘Guess my reputation with a bat precedes me,’ she says, quirking an eyebrow. ‘What’s your poison?’
He spends too many hours there – so much for an early night. But after that, he manages to find time to drop in once a week. The bar sells good drinks, that is all. It’s not just because he enjoys talking to Roni.
Those peaceful evenings are shattered the day he stands in front of Roni, and she warns him with a serious expression about his new partner.
‘I can take care of myself,’ he responds, although it isn’t clear if he’s trying to reassure her or himself. Weaver is not a man he feels like trusting right now.
‘Yeah, but listen. Weaver brings a lot of new partners in here, and not a lot of them come back,’ Roni presses.
Rogers has at this moment already fallen down the rabbit hole, but he doesn’t realize it, not yet. Not until he is firmly embroiled in conspiracies and intrigue, and Roni is his partner in crime over bear claws and coffee, and there is a young man with an awkward demeanour called Henry joining their fight, and a young woman with blonde hair who seems so familiar to him.
Rogers admires Roni’s fearlessness and determination in these battles.
‘We always did make a great team in strategizing,’ he thinks, and there are memories in his head of him and Regina – no, Roni, he doesn’t know a Regina, who is Regina? – and they are standing over a map and arguing with Sabine of all people about defences. They are strange thoughts, and he chases them away quickly.
One day, he wakes up as ordinary Detective Rogers. And then there is a fight with magic and witches, and everything Rogers believed about the world is a lie.
Roni has powers and her name is actually Regina, and she’s babbling on about poisoned hearts, and a curse and a cure, and instead of thinking about how crazy she is, Rogers thinks ‘well of course that’s Regina’.
He doesn’t dwell on the thought however, because Roni – Regina – is apparently about to go into battle against a group of witches, all alone except for a red-haired woman who also believes in magic. Rogers is still not entirely sure he believes in magic and curses, but when Roni pulls him aside for a private discussion, he goes willingly and ready to listen.
‘If…If something happens to me, please tell Henry I love him,’ she says in a rush. ‘And that it wasn’t his fault, and he deserves a happy ending.’
And it is strange, but Rogers knows instinctively she does not mean she is IN love with Henry, but something else. Just as he knows that Regina – Roni? – does not believe she is coming back from whatever this fight will entail.
‘I’ll tell him,’ he says, and just as she turns to leave, he catches hold of her wrist and pulls her back gently.
‘What are you doing?’ she asks, and this action more than going off for a fight to the death seems to unsettle her.
‘Regina,’ he says, and isn’t it strange that this name rolls off his tongue easily? ‘You deserve a happy ending too.’
Then he slides his hand into her hair, fingers tangled in the soft curls, and leans forward to kiss her.
‘I can’t,’ Regina whispers, and her voice cracks slightly as she pulls back. ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t risk the curse.’
She steps back, and they are both breathing heavily.
‘You’re a good man, Rogers,’ she says, and then she flees.
He hesitates only for a moment, and then swears loudly. Magic and witches or not, he is not allowing her to walk out of his life like that. His gun is heavy in his hand as he heads in the direction he thinks Regina went.
They had already been in a maze of abandoned industrial buildings, and it doesn’t take him long to register where the noise and flashes of lights are coming from – a large factory that had previously been very dark and empty. The door has been blasted in, and he slips through the entranceway and follows the corridors down.
‘Zelena!’ he hears Regina cry, turning a corner just in time to see the red-haired woman crash into the wall and slump to the floor. Regina is standing in the middle of the room, and a purple stormcloud surrounds her, crackling with sparks and untamed destructive power. She has never looked more beautiful to Rogers.
‘Oh, I do hope your dearest sister is alright,’ sneers another voice, and he registers suddenly that Regina is facing down an entire group of women.
‘Bring it,’ Regina snarls, and then she is fighting for her life as the other women surge forward. Rogers can barely keep track of her through the noise and light, and the fact that the women all seem to shift around the room without always…moving directly there.
Suddenly, Regina is flung to the ground, and she is screaming loudly even as she struggles to stand up. Rogers lifts his gun, takes aim, and manages to empty his clip before a pain worse than he’d ever felt before rips through him, and everything goes dark.
When he awakens a few hours later, he is no longer merely Detective Rogers. He is Rogers but he is also Hook – Killian Jones, that’s his actual name, no? That and maybe…
‘Papa!’ Alice cries, and he opens his eyes to see a hospital room, and in front of all the beeping machinery, his daughter. She leans down carefully, and he doesn’t even flinch because any pain in his heart would be worth having a hug from her. His arms wrap around her shoulders automatically, but there is no pain – only joy and Alice and he realizes abruptly that he is crying.
‘It doesn’t affect us in this world, Papa,’ Alice says softly, and she pulls back only in order to sit next to his bed and hold his hand. He falls asleep smiling, but with the faint itch in the back of his mind that he is forgetting something.
When he next awakens, it is Regina sat next to his bed.
‘Did I dream about Alice?’ he says, his voice rough but his brain functioning better this time. She shakes her head, reaching forwards with a cup of water that he sips greedily.
‘Robin arrived a short while ago,’ she says softly. ‘Alice thought you were asleep, so they’re taking some time together.’
He nods, slowly pulling himself upright so he can look Regina properly in the eyes.
‘Henry?’ he asks, remembering now exactly what Regina had been telling his cursed self. ‘Lucy?’
‘All fine,’ she reassures him. ‘Everyone is fine. I could barely escape that room to come check on you. But trust me, they’ll all be here later to say hello.’
‘You’re fine?’ he asks, and at this her hand reaches out and grasps his wrist. They’ve left his prosthetic hand off, and he understands, considering he’s in the hospital, but it makes him want to reach out with his other hand so that they can lace their fingers together. He waits instead.
‘I’m fine, thanks to you,’ she replies, but she drops her gaze. ‘Just – don’t do that again. I thought they’d killed you, and I…I couldn’t have done it again. Not again.’
‘What do you mean, not again?’ he demands, and he knows exactly what she’s trying to say, but still can’t actually believe it. Instead of an answer, she leans forwards, fingers tracing down his cheek to his jaw, and then they are finally kissing.
‘So,’ he begins casually. It is a week later, and he has finally been allowed to leave the hospital, although only under promise of supervision.
‘Get your mind out of the gutter,’ Regina snorts, pushing him down onto her bed. ‘You’re still a patient. Doctor’s orders.’
He waggles his eyebrows and grins charmingly up at her, but apparently Regina Mills is made of strong stuff, since she merely rolls her eyes and turns away, starting to re-arrange the rest of the room in order to fit a few of his belongings.
‘Actually, what I was going to say was: so, this is it? The curse is broken, to Storybrooke we go, big reunions, blah blah blah?’
Regina stops her tidying and perches on the edge of his (her) bed.
‘Well, I certainly want to visit Storybrooke,’ she agrees. ‘It’s been far too long since I’ve been able to speak to Snow and Charming especially. And they’ll want to come and visit here too, I hope. But…It’s no longer our home. Not really. Lucy, Ella and Tiana have never lived there. Zelena has gone back to San Francisco to try and make it work with her fiancée. Henry seems content to build a life with his family here.’
‘And you?’ he asks, biting his lip. She raises an eyebrow and peers down at him.
‘Well, I’d hope we’d stick around here too…It’s not like you’ve ever been to Storybrooke either. Although I can’t promise I’ll keep to Roni’s old clothes.’
‘A fair trade,’ he whispers, as she leans down for a kiss.
The End.
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renaroo · 7 years
Wherever a Rose May Bloom
Disclaimer: Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire series and related characters are the creative property of George R.R. Martin Warnings: Canon-typical violence & language Ships: SansaxMargaery Rating: T Synopsis: In the years that pass through a harsh winter, many things can be forgotten, many wounds can be healed, many battles can be won. But for the Queen of the North, for her, she finds that the feelings once felt are still the strongest of them all. 
A/N: My first GoT fic and it’s for the first day of Femslash February <3 Feels 100% right, gotta say. Hopefully it’ll not be the last I write for GoT, but this being the first it has a bit of experimentation to it. Also a VERY hopeful idea of who will be surviving in the aftermath of the main storyline, I have to admit lol. But I am pining for some Sansa reaction to Margaery’s death after the destruction of the Sept. 
I’ll get around to happier AUs eventually 
The Direwolf hung on banners across the courtyards of Winterfell with the magnificence and dignity that Sansa had not learned to truly appreciate until she had come of age. And even by then it had almost been too late.
A Direwolf -- the Stark Direwolf -- was not delicate and beautiful the way even her own Lady had been in the poor pup’s short life. It was fierce and in some ways savage. 
Sansa remembered growing within these very walls of Winterfell and feeling a disdain for it. She wished for the nobility of a lion or the the beauty of a stallion. 
It was a time of stupidity and immaturity. When the banners of other houses did not burn her eyes or make her mouth fill with ash as she dared to say them. 
The war was over, but even Jon could not say as much to her with a straight face. Winter was still there, and they had fought for House, life, and home for every moment since the unexpected death of King Robert. 
Perhaps before then? Since Lady had died at her father’s hand, perhaps? 
Surely not as far back as Jon Arryn, though the Queen of the South, in all their currently testy relations, would dare to stake claim that their unending battles had carried on since far sooner. 
Age had made perspective both so much easier and so much harder than when she was a girl. 
Sansa was a queen. It was the only thing she had ever wanted to be. 
And that, that ambition reminded her much more of Margaery than of the current Queen of the South. 
“Your Majesty,” a familiar voice called out as Sansa walked across the courtyard. 
She turned and forced a polite smile toward the blossoming young woman who had stood by the Starks since her House had been called upon by Robb himself. 
"Hello, Lady Mormont,” Sansa said gracefully. 
Lyanna bowed respectfully to her and then looked at her with the regard and confidence that she had maintained since she was the child wrapped in a bear’s skin that Jon and Sansa had first encountered. 
“It’s bitter cold, are you leaving the grounds?” the lady asked. “And without your guard--”
“There are some things even queens must do in private,” Sansa said with her smile pressed with years of practice. 
The younger woman stared at Sansa with that unreadable expression that Sansa had always found unnerving, even when she stood more than three heads taller than the girl. “I would think Brienne of Tarth would think ill of that plan. And she is the captain of the Queen’s Guards,” Lyanna said as a matter of fact.
It was logic that was difficult to refuse. 
Without further input from Sansa, Lyanna glanced to her own guards and nodded from one to the other and they took the hint and began to flank Sansa’s sides. It was immediately discomforting.
“This is really not necessary,” Sansa attempted to interject. 
“They’ll go wherever you need, and bite their tongues on whatever matters you need them to stay,” Lyanna offered without hesitation. “As I have said to both you and your brother since the day you called upon my House, there is no loyalty like Mormont loyalty.”
“And it continues to be proven,” Sansa said awkwardly. “But still--” 
“My Queen!” 
Closing her eyes so as to remain dignified among her people and not show off Westeros’ grandest of eye rolls, Sansa let out a small sigh and then turned toward her ever present, ever diligent Captain of the Queen’s Guard.
Brienne and Podrick joined her side and took the place of Lady Lyanna’s guards rather readily. With how breathless Podrick was, no doubt he had spent quite a bit of time attempting to keep up with Brienne in her search for the queen.
“I have walked to the Weirwood tree on my own since I was a child,” Sansa said in aggravation.
“When you were a child you were not a queen, madame,” Podrick pointed out the obvious.  
Lady Mormont, seemingly satisfied to have her sworn queen guarded adequately, bowed and took her leave. 
Sansa looked at Brienne long enough to get a sense that the fiercely loyal woman had no intention out of being talked out of her sworn duty. As if she ever were.
With a heavy sigh, Sansa marched forward through the snow. “Come on, then.”
“Yes, your Grace,” Brienne said with satisfaction. “In step now, Podrick.”
“I am no longer a page,” he began to argue before being shot a look. He sighed and joined in flanking the queen. “Yes, your Grace.”
Sansa waited until they were outside the wall, her stride slowly losing the learned nobility and easing into comfort. Her head shook with annoyance that Brienne aptly ignored and Podrick remained oblivious to. 
“Even queens have some right to privacy,” Sansa said. “There are some things which cannot be forced to be shared. Even with the Queen’s Guard.”
“As you say, your Grace,” Brienne said without hesitation or miscalculation in her own stride. 
“There’s nothing quite as private as the counsel of your personal guard, your Grace,” Podrick added with only mild hesitation.
Sansa shot him a look. “Privacy, Sir Podrick. Privacy is quite a bit more private than counsel. That is why there are different words.” When she saw the recoil and shame the crossed her guard’s face, Sansa sighed and lowered her chin. “I apologize for the sharpness of my tongue. It was undeserved.”
“You are queen, what’s deserved is what you deem,” Brienne defended.
“No, not even for a queen may things be unjust. Especially not for a Stark,” Sansa said quietly. “I believe Westeros has had enough unduly cruel queens. I have no interest in being one of them.”
"Of course, your Grace,” Brienne replied lithely. 
After that, their walk grew silent. 
Compared to the southern heat, Sansa felt comforted by the chill on her skin. Enough so, she let down her hood to allow the snow to land in her hair. 
What a fool she had to have been to ever fancy being a southern girl when beneath her bosom rest the armor of a Northern Woman. 
By the time they reached the weirwood by the pond, the troubles and difficulties of ruling the North and its people through the longest and harshest of its winters seemed so far away. Sansa was left to what she did nearly every day she could spare.
She knelt by the tree and lightly brushed the snow away from the bushes which grew beneath -- those she had planted herself after seeing the poor Lady Olenna Tyrell a last time toward the end of the wars. 
Through the snow, a brilliant golden rose bloomed, then another as Sansa dusted it off, too. 
“Will you pray while we’re here, your Grace?” Podrick asked, shifting uncomfortably as he stood in attendance. He still lacked the discipline and fortitude of Brienne -- though, of course, Sansa couldn’t imagine who would stand a chance save maybe Arya. 
Arya was another case entirely.
“I am not at all pious, Sir Podrick,” Sansa said, continuing to clean the bush of roses and tending to it. “The gods, Old and New, have been rather clear through my life that they aren’t interested in sorting our mortal affairs.”
The young knight nodded slightly before glancing toward the weirwood’s sap. “When I take guard of your brother Bran, he speaks to them, you know. He’s very certain that we are approaching the end of this winter. Finally.”
Sansa glanced up toward Podrick only for a moment before pulling out a sharpened pair of scissors from her gown. “My brother Jon places stock in what Bran has to say. I do not.”
Podrick gave a half shouldered shrug. “He hasn’t been wrong that I can think of--”
“It’s not a matter of being right or wrong,” Sansa said -- short again, caught herself a moment too late. She took a breath and looked apologetically to the knight. “I take council, but my first and last decision on a matter has to be my own wit. And I have to make.... considerations for all my actions. For every person it effects. Should I not, I’ll be making decisions because of prophecy and not because it is what a queen should do.”
With the scissors, Sansa cut the most bloomed rose. 
“Queens have to be smarter, be stronger, and be kinder than any king,” Sansa explained. “We have many queens trying to be kings right now. I’m merely doing the logical thing.” She glanced toward the two knights. “I’m being a queen. And to do that I come out here, and I thin of the only real queen I ever met.” 
“Of course, your Grace,” Brienne said, a strong and stern smile that portrayed nothing but pride in the knight. 
There were the faintest of cracks in her smile at that. Sansa turned back to the bush of roses, clearing the earth around its roots from the snow, attempting to relieve it, give it warmth in the sea of ice and snow it was surrounded in. 
“Podrick,” she spoke out again. “Do you know the words of House Tyrell?”
“Yes, your Grace,” Podick nodded. “’Growing Strong,’ your Grace.”
Sansa let a huff of laughter escape her lips, it came out all steam in the bitter air. “Growing Strong.”
Standing up, Sansa looked to her dress, adorned with its pockets and sleeves. All places of honor for her favorite blooms of the bush of Tyrell roses. She added the newest and freshest to her collection.
“Sweet Margaery,” Sansa said, water welling in her eyes. “No kindness in my life will outdo that which you showed me in my darkest hours. No queen was born better suited for her role. No player better understood how to be a proper lady in the Game of Thrones. And no rose ever grew stronger than you.”
Respectfully, the queen’s guard remained silent. 
Sansa took in a cold breath and pulled her hood back over her head. “Podrick,” she said softly.
“Yes, your Grace,” he said dutifully. 
“I am not pious,” she reiterated. “But I believe in the eternal. And I believe nothing proves it more than the lasting effect one person can have another. Or how a heart can long and love for what is no longer there. I do not pray to gods who sit back and watch our affairs from afar, but to make myself a good queen, I come out here and am dutiful to that pain because it reminds me of the cost and the example of a good queen.”
When she turned around, she could see slight confusion on Podrick’s face. But Brienne was all knowledge -- all understanding and mutual feeling. She, after all, served a long line of dead fealty. 
“Am I mad?” she asked all the same.
“Your Grace, you are wise beyond your years, and sharpened by the trials of your life,” Brienne said humbly. 
Sansa smiled, all bitter in the corners. “Sometimes I wish it were a bit mad. Madness helps someone love, I think. I haven’t been mad since last I walked the gardens of King’s Landing. It was mad to think love of two girls who dreamed of being queens could be anything but tragic.”
“You do her affection a great service,” Brienne assured her, nodding to the bush of roses in the snow. “Your dedication and love grows golden roses in the worst of winter’s snows.”
Some of the bitterness left Sansa’s smile and she petted the golden rose in its new home. “Let’s return to Winterfell,” she ordered. “I’m ready to rule again.”
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I will go down with this ship: Chapter 23
"Well, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Sakura smirked, Sasuke rolled his eyes playfully at her attempt to be mysterious. Sakura guided them to the bottom, carefully stepping on each trunk until they reached a larger than most tree-hut. Sakura nodded at Sasuke and cupped her hands on either side of her mouth, "Hey kids!" Sakura yelled out, making Sasuke jump slightly. Suddenly, an abundance of children exited and ran towards them.
"Sakura!" They called out happily, hugging her legs and jumping up around her. Sakura laughed and bent down to hug the many children.
"How are my favourite little naes?" Sakura smiled, the children no older than 7 all gave her big grins back.
"Neh, neh, did you get us anything?" One of the boys asked.
"Did you go on any more adventures?" A small girl piped up.
"Are you going to play with us again?" Another child voiced, Sakura giggling at their small faces that held such happiness and young innocence.
"Alright, alright, that's a lot of questions" Sakura chuckled, standing up to gestured Sasuke, "But I want you to meet a very good friend of mine first" Sakura stated, "His name is Sasuke" Sakura introduced, all the children oohing at the new sight of Sasuke. "He's new here, so treat him extra nice, okay?" Sakura requested, all of the children nodding eagerly.
"Give Sakura some space now!" A woman's voice laughed, they looked up to see a older woman making her way over. Sasuke would almost describe her look as a nun, only instead of black it was green and white. She made her way over with a old smile, "C'mon now, you still have to finish your hogos!" The woman reminded, ushering them back into the large tree-hut, which served as a donec. Turning back around to offer a hug to Sakura, "It's so good to see you Sakura" The woman smiled, Sakura returned the hug and smiled.
"You too, I've missed all this" Sakura responded, Sasuke frowned slightly at that. Since she never spoke such kind words about Konoha. Sakura pulled away from the woman and drew attention to Sasuke, "Sasuke, this is my good friend Pena, she's been taking care of the children of this place for decades" Sakura addressed, Sasuke gave her a polite nod in acknowledgement. Pena smiled towards him.
"Hello there, it's always nice to meet a friend of Sakura's" Pena greeted kindly, Sasuke gave another nod to be polite, but Pena saw that it was just a result of his shyness. "Why don't you both come in to make some hogos with us?" Pena offered.
"That's a great idea, we'll definitely do that" Sakura agreed, though Sasuke was left confused as they walked into the large donec. Seeing the children making the 'hogos'. Sasuke leant in closer to Sakura to speak.
"What's a hogo?" Sasuke whispered, but Pena caught it almost inhumanly.
"A charm made from the heart" Pena answered, making Sasuke jump slightly, "You make them to protect the ones you love and so that where ever they are, they'll have a piece of you with them" Pena explained; giving him a string of green vine, a threading needle, some thread. Sasuke blinked at them as Sakura seated herself at a table full of flowers.
"C'mon, it's easy, I'll show you" Sakura offered, Sasuke sat opposite of her and watched her skilfully make a bracelet. First making the vine into a circle shape as the base of the bracelet. Sasuke carefully copied her before nodding. Sasuke wrapped a vine around the base and repeated this, "Just do this until it's stable, usually 10 or 12 times will do it" Sakura instructed, Sasuke nodded and did what he was told.
"I've done it" Sasuke showed, Sakura nodded and gestured to the flower that lay on the table.
"Okay, now pick your flowers and sew them on" Sakura informed, though Sasuke looked blankly towards her.
"Um, which ones? There are different types" Sasuke pointed out, Sakura shrugged.
"Whichever you prefer" Sakura answered, though Sasuke wasn't used to having such freedom in the creative arts. Usually there was an order to things, otherwise they'd be a stain of imperfection.
Imperfections weren't tolerated.
Sakura saw Sasuke's expression and immediately understood.
"Sasuke" Sakura voiced softly, "There's no wrong answer" She encouraged, Sasuke nodded feebly after a moment and watched as Sakura decorated hers with the cherry blossoms. Sasuke observed the flowers and let his eyes roam over them, none really stood out until he saw tiny red camellias. Sasuke had never seen ones so small, though perfectly sized to fit on the bracelet. He smiled faintly, remembering a camellia crown he had made when he was younger as a present for his brother. Sasuke picked one up and began to sew them on.
Humming quietly as he did, Sakura enjoying the nostalgic song that came from him. Sakura frowned at her own, the flowers looking strange and amateur, though they usually turned out like that. Sakura's gaze landed on Sasuke, expecting to find him in a worse situation. Though was exceedingly surprised to see how neat and perfect the bracelet had turned out. Sakura scoffed.
"Trust you to perfect it on the first try" Sakura commented, Sasuke gave an almost apologetic smile.
"It's not that good" Sasuke tried, but Sakura refused.
"It's really nice so shut up" Sakura remarked, making Sasuke chuckle. Sakura stared at him as he finished up on the last flower, "So who are you giving it to?" Sakura questioned, Sasuke stared strangely at her for a moment before resuming.
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.
"Well, you make these for others to protect them" Sakura explained, "It's a bit selfish to keep it for yourself" Sakura pointed out, Sasuke finished his bracelet and looked towards her.
"Well...who are you giving yours to?" Sasuke questioned, no idea of his own.
"Me? Hm..." Sakura wondered, looking up at the ceiling for answers, "Probably Karin, she does a lot of dangerous stuff, so she'll need it!" Sakura joked, though Sasuke scoffed at her choice, "Aw, c'mon Sasuke, I know you don't like her, but she just has a bit of a hard shell, that's all" Sakura reasoned, though Sasuke muttered doubt under his breath. "Alright, alright, I know you don't believe me, but trust me on this one" Sakura stated, Sasuke made an unconvinced sound before Sakura gave a sigh, "Fine, I give up" Sakura threw her hands up in surrender, "But still, who are you going to gives yours to?" Sakura asked once more.
"Um..." Sasuke trailed off, "You?" Sasuke answered, though an idea popped into Sakura's head, she smirked internally.
"No, no, no, don't waste it on me!" Sakura replied, flipping her hand casually. Sasuke frowned.
"Then who am I supposed to give this to?" Sasuke huffed, Sakura smirked slightly.
"Well…I happen to know someone who is going on a very dangerous expedition" Sakura baited, Sasuke looked towards her with curiosity.
"You do?" Sasuke asked, Sakura nodded.
"Mm-hm, oh how much I fear for them, such a treacherous path they must tread" Sakura sighed dramatically, "Full of peril and jeopardy...I'd be surprised if they made it out alive" Sakura tutting, knowing that Sasuke's concerned expression meant she had him. "If only they had a charm of their own, it might just save their life..." Sakura trailed off, satisfaction filling her at Sasuke's solicitous face.
"Wait, who is this?" Sasuke asked, voice full of consideration for whoever had to do such a thing.
"Naruto" Sakura answered, Sasuke instantly grimaced.
"What?" Sasuke questioned, his tone losing all previous care.
"He is going to Oakerli tomorrow" Sakura pointed out, "I mean, there's a reason we're not going" Sakura added, Sasuke tilted his head in confusion.
"What do you mean?" Sasuke enquired.
"Travelling around the Crystal Labyrinth is risky enough, but going out where there is no civilisation and especially all the way to Oakerli is precarious" Sakura informed, small amounts of care returning to Sasuke, "What I said was true" Sakura stated, getting Sasuke's attention, "If somebody is going to need luck, it's him"
Sasuke had been thinking about it all night.
Is it that dangerous? That hazardous? That unsafe that this may be the last time I see him?...Sasuke wondered as he laid on the bed, What would his crew do if he was to disappear? They care so much about him that it would break them to know that they lost their captain...Sasuke turned to lay on his side, his expression doleful, What would I do…?
Sasuke wasn't able to answer that last thought as he heard a small disturbance outside. The Crystal Labyrinth was practically silent at night, not a peep could be heard and made for a peaceful lullaby for the inhabitants to slumber. Sasuke was curious and arose. Walking out he saw the sky was a orangish grey, implying that night had passed and was welcoming the day. Sasuke looked down to see movement down below. Sasuke deemed the moving creature to be none other than the blond. Sasuke realised that Naruto had to be up this early to begin his journey, though Sasuke felt the need to call his name out.
"N-Naruto!" Sasuke called out, Naruto looked around for a moment before looking up and seeing Sasuke up in one of the tree-huts. He watched as Sasuke made his way down as quickly as possible, careful not to fall between the trunks. He managed to make his way over to Naruto, who had a raised eyebrow at Sasuke's sudden need of attention.
"Sasuke?" Naruto voiced, Sasuke stood in front of Naruto and shifted slightly. Naruto noted the unusual nervousness before him.
"You...you're going on this dangerous venture, right?" Sasuke questioned, fidgeting away.
"Aw, worried about me, love?" Naruto teased, a smirk on his face. Though Sasuke didn't respond with his usual coldness. His hands behind his back began to move slightly.
"U-Um, well...actually..." Sasuke trailed off, removing his hands from behind his back to show present something. "The...the people here say that they make these t-to protect the ones they want to...protect, so..." Sasuke gulped slightly, raising his hands up while his head remained completely lowered, "H-Here" Sasuke stuttered, his face a dark red. Too embarrassed to even look up at Naruto. Naruto himself was shocked to say the least. Something so kind and something so tender to come from the raven that supposedly hated him. Naruto slowly took the bracelet and looked at the effort put into it before looking back at the blushing boy.
"Sasuke..." Naruto voiced, Sasuke tensed and retracted his hands immediately.
"I-It's stupid really, there isn't even any merit to the idea of c-charms" Sasuke rushed out, squeezing his eyes shut and wishing to be somewhere else, "B-But that doesn't mean I c-care or anything! So don't get it twisted, d-dobe-" Though Sasuke was interrupted when he felt Naruto's lips on his forehead. Once more Naruto had his soft lips there. And once more had Sasuke been stilled to silence. Naruto stopped, but remained just as close.
"I'll be careful" Naruto promised in a soft voice, Sasuke blushing and narrowing his eyes even though he wasn't looking at him.
"B-Better be" Sasuke scowled, his feature relaxing more when Naruto gently held one side of his face. Making Sasuke look at him and his warm smile.
"I'll see you when I get back, okay?" Naruto stated tenderly, Sasuke nodding faintly as Naruto's hand slipped away. As did Naruto after a moment. Sasuke watched him disappear through the trees and let out a soft sigh. Sasuke stood there thinking only seconds had passed, but in reality it was minutes that he stood there with a warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. He would've stood there for longer had he not heard some squeaking behind him. He turned to see a very old woman with the squeaking bucket. Small and hunched over, wearing a giant leaf that was fashioned into a cloak. Long, grey hair that was frizzy and wild. The woman noticed him staring and offered a toothy smile.
"Hello there, dear" The woman greeted, Sasuke gave a polite smile in respond and a small wave. The woman chuckled slightly and hobbled over to an opening of the water. Struggling as she attempted to bend down and collet the water, Sasuke frowned and quickly made his way over.
"Here, let me help" Sasuke aided, taking the bucket and filling it with the desired water. The woman smiled at him.
"Well, ain't you just a blessing in disguise" She chuckled, Sasuke gave another coy smile before feeling conflicted about letting the woman carry the heavy bucket back.
"I can take this to your home" Sasuke offered, the woman gave a burst of laugher as she turned around and hobbled off, gesturing for Sasuke to follow as she continued to laugh. Sasuke did so and followed her into a low tree-hut. The humble abode seemed to be the same as any other tree-hut he had been in and waited for his next command.
"Just place it here, dear" The old woman instructed, Sasuke placed it on the counter and watched the woman begin to boil the water and add in leafs, "So where do you come from, dear? You're not from around here" The woman asked, reaching her hand up to try and obtain a jar, but proved too far for her. Sasuke picked up the jar and handed it down to her, "Thank you, dear" She thanked, adding it in the boiling water.
"I'm from Konoha" Sasuke answered, she nodded.
"And how did you get here?" She questioned, stirring the water.
"I was kidnapped" Sasuke informed, though the woman chuckled as she looked over him.
"You don't look that kidnapped" She tittered, wanting another jar that Sasuke had to pass to her.
"I made a deal with my kidnappers" Sasuke explained, the woman slowly nodded.
"Anyone I know, dear?" She enquired.
"Perhaps, Naruto Uzumaki?" Sasuke returned, but the woman shook her head in disbelief.
"Oh, no! Naruto is a sweetheart, he'd never do such a thing" The woman denied flippantly, "He always fetches me my herbs from the jungle" She pointed out, adding in some herbs as she smiled, "Such a nice boy" She complimented, Sasuke didn't want to correct her and instead nodded politely. "Alright, go sit down, the tea will be ready in a moment, dear" She ordered, Sasuke's eyes widening slightly.
"O-Oh, you don't have to-"
"Hush, dear, you aided me" The woman interjected, Sasuke realised that he had no other choice and sat at the small chestnut table. The woman used a ladle to fill the wooden cups, carrying them over and sitting across from Sasuke. Letting out a long, relieved sigh. "Being 450 years old has its downsides" The woman chuckled tiredly, Sasuke looked wide-eyed at her. The woman noticed and gave another chuckle, "Ah, that's right, you're from Konoha, your people don't live as long" The woman stated, Sasuke wasn't sure if she was demented or not, but chose to ignore it.
"N-No, we don't" Sasuke returned, the woman gave a knowing nod in response.
"A shame, but not everybody can harness raw energy" The woman remarked nonchalantly, Sasuke didn't have much to say to that and instead sipped at his tea. Pleasantly surprised at its refreshing taste.
"Thank you for the tea, it's really nice" Sasuke complimented, the woman gave a scoff of amusement.
"My Charko never thought so, cheeky blighter he was" She snickered, Sasuke titled his head.
"My beloved" She enlightened, a serene expression on her wrinkled face, "He's in a better place now" She spoke softly, Sasuke offered her a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry" Sasuke comforted, though the woman gave him a strange look.
"Why? He's on a boating trip in the Catrif" The woman stated, Sasuke blinking a few times, "A better place by far, such lovely views" She sighed dreamily before shaking her head comically, "Look at me, I've given you the name of my mate, but not my own!" She laughed, "I'm Toana" She introduced.
"I'm Sasuke" Sasuke returned, Toana stared at him for a moment, contemplating something that Sasuke couldn't see.
"Give me your hand, dear" Toana requested, Sasuke was caught off guard with the strange order, but didn't want to be rude in her home. He gave his hand and allowed Toana to hold it, observing it and running her finger over the lines that lay embedded in his skin. "Each person has three core traits that can be revealed through reading one's hand" She spoke, her hand going along his thumb, "This says that you are intelligent" Toana stated, moving her finger to the base of his middle finger, "This shows you are loyal" She said, moving her hand to the centre with an intrigued expression, "Oh my..." She smirked.
"What? What is it?" Sasuke questioned, but Toana gave a low chuckle.
"You are young, so it is to be expected, but you have an untapped core trait" Toana informed.
"Untapped…? You mean I don't have a third one?" Sasuke asked.
"Not at all, it just means that you haven't discovered it yet or..." She trailed off, "You've repressed it" She finished, "But I think it's the latter" Toana stated, Sasuke was confused.
"What do you mean repressed? What have I repressed?" Sasuke enquired, the woman chuckled.
"Rebellion" She whispered out in a husky voice, Sasuke blinked a few times.
"Mm-hm, it's deeply rooted and held back, but there is a raw strike of rebellion in you" She spoke dramatically, but Sasuke had to giggle slightly.
"I'm sorry, but you must be confused, I've never done anything rebellious in my life and I don't plan to" Sasuke shrugged, Toana let out another scoff of amusement.
"You'll see, dear" She voiced, letting go of his hand and sitting back with a smirk, "You'll see"
Naruto treaded across the thick trees and trunks that grew more and more dangerous, but called to Naruto's nature as an adventurer. Naruto dug his hands into his pockets as he came to a smoother part, allowing him to walk calmly over it. Naruto felt something soft in his left pocket, he curiously lifted the soft culprit out of his pocket.
"That's right" Naruto said to himself as he observed the flower bracelet, "He gave this to me" He muttered, knowing that pirates didn't wear anything that was considered 'delicate', but couldn't help but place it on his wrist. The raven's nervously cute appearance rendered Naruto helpless to refuse the bracelet. He had been offered them in the past, but was reluctant to accept them, due to not wanting to be seen with flower decorations. Though refusing Sasuke didn't even seem like an option in Naruto's brain. Naruto shook his head slightly.
Gotta stay on track...Naruto reminded himself, travelling once more with determination in his heart and faith on his wrist. Naruto travelled for an hour or two, the jungle getting ever thicker and more dangerous. Not much light shined through and made for a treacherous game of chance. Though instinct and perhaps luck was on the young captain's side; be it either one, he saw a glimmer of white gleam through the dense trees. Naruto squeezed passed the intimate space and landed on the other side. Not shadowed by the previous cloak of darkness nor gasping for breath in strained space, he had made it.
The only sign of green life was behind him, his last destination, but before him was only dense mist. Not even the foundation under his feet was wood anymore, but something entirely different. Naruto looked down to see that he was standing on water. Not in it. On it. Naruto had seen many strange sights in his time, enough to quickly calm his surprise. He treaded carefully to se if the water was truly holding him up without effort. It proved to be solid as ice and allowed him to wade through the mist. Coming to stop after a few minutes due to another sight.
"Ello' beastie" Naruto smirked, presented before him was the bark of a tree, but not just any tree.
Naruto looked left and saw the endless width of the tree. Looking right only proved to see the same sight. Turning his head up to see how tall it was, but it was no use as it seemed to reach into space itself. Naruto now looked forward. He took a step closer and ran his hand over the smooth bark.
What am I supposed to do now?...Naruto questioned internally, his query was answered when vines that laid attached to the surface of Oakerli began to slither down like snakes. All harmonising with each other and twirling together to create the outline of a door. After more patterns and movements were made, so was a handle. That answers that...Naruto thought, placing his hand on the vine handle and turning it. Slowly opening it to reveal mostly darkness, the light hesitantly shining through in small cracks. Naruto squinted his eyes to see, but it was for nothing. Taking a step in he felt his foot press down on more vines. Another step before he was wobbling slightly. It was silent for a moment as Naruto gained his balance.
"Agh!-" Naruto exclaimed in shocked as the vines suddenly snapped. Sending Naruto hurling down the pit of utter darkness. Naruto was flinging about as he attempted to gain more control over his freefall. As he managed rid himself of vines that circled around him, his eyes frantically flickered around for something to grab onto. Knowing that this pit wasn't going to be endless. Naruto's ears picked up the faint sound of parts hitting water from down below. He had to act quick.
He grabbed his knife that was sheathed in his boot, he placed it in his mouth, using a swimming motion to try and move in the air. Knowing that the concrete water was getting lethally close, he hurried his movements so that he got to the side. Using his entire might, he stabbed the strong knife into side. Slowing down at a quickened pace. He gripped the handle with all his might as the knife sliced through the wood and he continued to fall. Stomping his feet against the side to try and slow him down even more had made the journey straining. Though the knife, against all odds, stayed in and coasted to a stop. Naruto was panting.
"Jesus..." He breathed out, his strength keeping him from falling once more. Looked down to see that he would have been only 10 seconds away from his watery death. Still dark, but floors didn't waver like the one he saw could. He calmed his saw that there were more vines on the side he was clinging to with his knife, grabbing those instead and climbing his way down. He made it down to the water. He placed a foot down to see that the water only went pass his foot. Hopping down with more confidence, he saw that previously unlit torches came to life and gave Naruto the ability to see.
Fucking crazy down here...Naruto's brain thought, though still continuing as he grabbed one of the torches and using it to guide his way through the narrowly dark way ahead. He stopped. Before him were two tunnels. One left, one right.
"Which one do I go through...?" Naruto said to himself.
"Which one indeed?" A raspy voice spoke, Naruto went on his guard as soon as the words had reached his ears. Naruto's eyes narrowed suspiciously as a snake from either tunnel slithered through before meeting and twirling around each other to stand even taller. Taking into account that one snake was sickly white with black eyes, while the other was deathly black with white eyes.
"Who are you?" Naruto questioned, the snakes seemed to smirk like a human would, but appearing like devils.
"I am Yumi, guardian of Izquierda" The white snake spoke.
"I am Yang, guardian of Dextra" The black snake spoke. Naruto didn't find the need to introduce himself and instead asked more questions.
"What do you want?" Naruto asked, the snaked gave hissing chuckles that disturbed Naruto deeply.
"We are the guardians" They voiced in terrifying unison, "We are here to protect Oakerli and its contents" They explained.
"So I have to fight you?" Naruto enquired, but met with more hissing chuckles.
"No" Denied Yumi.
"You must pass answer our riddle" Clarified Yang,
"Alright..." Naruto agreed with uncertainty, even more so at their amused chuckled that dripped with malicious intent.
"One of us always tells lies..." Stated Yumi, tilting her head.
"One of us always tells the truth..."Stated Yang, tilting his head.
"One of the tunnels leads to what your heart desires" Yumi voiced with a smirk, now another head movement.
"And the other a painful death" Yang hissed with delight, the same head movement as the other.
"Fine out which one is the former and which is the latter" Yumi instructed, now looking at Naruto with straight composure.
"By asking us, of course" Yang chuckled, the same composure. Naruto frowned slightly.
"Wait, how do I know which of you is which?" Naruto questioned, but the smirks he received answered everything, "I see..." Naruto muttered, knowing that he would be asking blindly. "Tch, how dramatic" Naruto remarked before thinking of a question, "Okay...which is the good one?" Naruto asked simply, wondering how it would be played out.
"The left, I promise" Answered Yumi.
"No! No! The right" Answered Yang. Naruto concentrated on the snakes for a moment, but seeing the only difference was their colour palette. He huffed slightly.
Damnit! I need someone smart here like Shikamaru or Sakura…Naruto thought, a small flash in his head that showed Sasuke, Or him...Naruto thought for a moment before shaking his head, Focus, I need to focus...Naruto scolded, thinking for a moment before nodding.
"Oh wait, this is easy!" Naruto stated smugly.
"What colour is the sky?" Naruto asked, the snake only offered confused glances.
"We wouldn't know" They answered in unison, Naruto blinked before sighing.
Great, they only will know what they've seen or heard down here...Naruto cursed, since Naruto couldn't possibly know what they know; so this really did require deeper thinking. Another question came to mind.
"What's 10 add 10?" Naruto asked, his math may not have been good, but simple and basic he could do. Though the snakes seemed to see his limited mathematical abilities; he was a pirate after all.
"2 lots of 5" Yumi stated smugly.
"3 lots of 3" Yang answered with the same arrogance. Naruto blinked a few times before cursing under his breath.
"You bastards are playing dirty!" Naruto snapped, being reminded of his lack of intelligence infuriating him. The snakes gave nasty laughs at him, he sighed. He wasn't going to be able to understand their math answers so he needed another question. His eyes widened. "I got it!" Naruto exclaimed happily, the snakes eyeing him with suspicion. Though it was Naruto's turn to smirk. "If you were the other snake, which door would you claim to be the bad tunnel?" Naruto questioned with confidence.
"Hn, if I were Yang then I would say the right tunnel is the bad tunnel" Yumi answered.
"And if I were Yumi, I would say the right tunnel is the bad tunnel" Yang answered, Naruto nodded.
"Then the good tunnel..." Naruto trailed off before confidently pointing, "Is the right!" He declared, the snake gasping slightly.
"What?! How did you know?!" They exclaimed in unison, Naruto smirked and folded his arms.
"I may not be smart when it comes to numbers, but as a pirate I know a thing or two about deceiving and word-play" Naruto stated, "You see, the truthful one would say what the liar would say, so they would say the lie" Naruto started, "But the none truthful one would say the opposite of the truth and say the lie" Naruto explained with the upmost joy of outsmarting the snakes, "So you both would tell a lie; you both said the bad tunnel was the right, that means that the right tunnel is actually good!" Naruto laughed childishly, the snakes slack jawed in utter shock before it turned nasty.
"Tch! Whatever" Yumi hissed, retracting back into the water; as did Yang.
"Amelia will take care of you anyhow!" Yang cursed out as her last words. Leaving Naruto and the tunnels. Naruto strode into the right tunnel with ease. His cunningness taking light and filling him with new bounds of confidence.
"Thank you for the tea, Toana" Sasuke thanked with a smile, the old woman nodding with a laugh.
"You go and enjoy yourself now, no point in hanging around with an old coot like me!" She laughed, Sasuke watched her close the door and went off. He walked for a few moments before realising that there wasn't much for him to do at the moment, he looked around until his eyes were drawn to a certain tree-hut.
That's Jiraiya's...Sasuke remembered, The writer...His thoughts wondered, he carefully climbed up to land on Jiraiya's balcony. Strong desire washing over him to go and talk to the author, for he himself was a bibliophile, so how could he resist? Sasuke peaked his head in to see the white-haired man at a desk, facing away from him, the man seemed to be in the middle of writing. Sasuke bit his lip. He didn't want to disturb him, but his curiosity ruled king and prompted him to step inside.
"S-Sir?" Sasuke voiced meekly, Jiraiya turned in his chair and slowly smiled.
"Why hello there, Sasuke" Jiraiya drawled out, but it didn't infuriate Sasuke like it would have before. Sasuke instead had resorted to fiddling with his fingers.
"H-Hello" Sasuke responded nervously, his lowered head and altogether anxious disposition made Jiraiya raise an eyebrow.
"You alright there?" Jiraiya questioned, making Sasuke jump slightly.
"O-Oh, I'm fine, I just..." Sasuke trailed off for a moment before gulping down some of his fear, "You...you said you were a writer?" Sasuke spoke, Jiraiya nodded, Sasuke shifted more nervously before speaking again, "So...you've written books?" Sasuke asked.
How foolish!...Sasuke screamed internally, Of course he has written books before! Lord, I must be something of a fool to him now!...Sasuke worried with crushing stress. Though Jiraiya answered his question with all kindness.
"Mm-hm, I'm working on my next one right now" Jiraiya informed, filling Sasuke with burning desire to see what he was currently writing. "It's the next volume of my Icha Icha paradise" He chuckled almost perversely, Sasuke tilted his head slightly.
"I've not heard of that book before...n-not in a d-disrespectful way! I j-just-!" Sasuke ranted apprehensively, fearful of insulting the author, though he just laughed.
"It's fine, you're not the...target audience" Jiraiya explained, Sasuke nodded shakily, looking back down at the ground. Jiraiya observed him for a moment before speaking, "I hope you don't mind me saying" He voiced, making Sasuke look up through his bangs, "But you seem awfully nervous, very different from earlier" Jiraiya pointed out, Sasuke's eyes widened slightly and began to look comparatively ashamed.
"I-It's just...I've never had the chance to...meet an actual writer before, so I'm...I'm not sure on how to conduct myself" Sasuke confessed.
And just like that, Jiraiya saw the inexperienced and guileless child that Sasuke really was.
Innocent and a novice to life itself.
All possible sexual inkling he previously had towards the boy was washed away and instead replaced with a new feeling.
A sense of duty.
Jiraiya smiled kindly towards him.
"You just have to act like yourself" Jiraiya encouraged, Sasuke regarded him with utter shock and confusion before nodding.
"O-Okay" Sasuke replied.
"So, Sasuke, I suppose that means you're a bit of a bookworm, eh?" Jiraiya enquired, Sasuke processed the question before nodding again. Jiraiya gave an amused nose exhale and beckoned him over. "Well, I have a good collection here" Jiraiya stated, making Sasuke walk over and watch him as he rummaged through a basket next to his feet that was full of books. "Got some Shakespeare, a classic" Jiraiya spoke, making Sasuke confused. Since Sasuke had expected to read Jiraiya's work.
"Um, excuse me-"
"Ah! Some Voltaire!" Jiraiya voiced, not looking up as he excitedly went through the stash.
"Daniel Defoe! Magnificent writer!" Jiraiya exclaimed, Sasuke frowned.
"But I-"
"What a man! René Descartes!" Jiraiya declared, Sasuke saw his window and quickly spoke.
"A-Actually, sir" Sasuke interjected, making Jiraiya look up at him. "I was rather hoping to read some of your work" Sasuke admitted, Jiraiya blinked a few time before chuckling.
"Like Naruto said, you wouldn't be interested in my perverted stories" Jiraiya replied "You wouldn't like Icha Icha" Jiraiya explained with a shrug, Sasuke didn't see that much of an obstacle and spoke once more.
"Have you written anything else?" Sasuke questioned, Jiraiya's eyes widened slightly.
"W-What?" He choked out, calming his throat down afterwards. Sasuke repeated the question. Jiraiya stared at him before shaking his head, "I'm sorry, but no one has ever asked me such a thing before" He chuckled, Sasuke's eyes widening slightly.
"O-Oh, I didn't mean anything by it!" Sasuke stuttered out, Jiraiya shook his head.
"No, I mean, people aren't usually interested in my other work" Jiraiya informed, "Icha Icha has been my success" Jiraiya thought over, Sasuke tilted his head slightly.
"May I see your other work?" Sasuke requested politely, Jiraiya gave him an almost strange look before leaning down and taking a book from under the leg of his desk.
"I was just using it for balance, since it doesn't have any other use" Jiraiya stated, Sasuke gazed curiously towards the slightly tattered book.
"May I read it?" Sasuke asked, Jiraiya stared at him in almost disbelief before answering.
"I don't think you'll like it, most people didn't" Jiraiya explained, Sasuke's puzzled expression demanded that Jiraiya further explain, "It's about a pirate" Jiraiya began, "He has vowed to break this curse that plagues the world he lives in" Jiraiya continued, "But it's not really interesting" Jiraiya disregarded flippantly.
"I think it sounds very interesting" Sasuke replied sincerely, Jiraiya raised an eyebrow towards him, "So may I read it?" Sasuke asked once more, Jiraiya slowly gave him the book and watched Sasuke observe the front, "The Tale Of The Utterly Gutsy Pirate" Sasuke read aloud, then looking gratefully towards Jiraiya, "Thank you, sir" Sasuke thanked politely, Jiraiya frowned.
"You don't have to call me sir, y'know" Jiraiya informed, "Jiraiya is fine" He added casually, Sasuke nodded hesitantly.
"Okay, thank you...Jiraiya" Sasuke smiled coyly, walking a few steps away before turning back around, "Wait, can I read in here? If it's not too troublesome?" Sasuke requested, another surprise for Jiraiya. He nodded.
"Of course" Jiraiya answered, watching him curiously as Sasuke made himself comfortable on a nearby loveseat that was darkened by use and torn from time. Sasuke sat comfortably and began to read. Jiraiya watched him for a few more moment before resuming to his own work. Though every so often, Jiraiya would glance over to see Sasuke. Every time Jiraiya was met with the same scene. Sasuke fully engrossed with the story with his eyes scanning the text with eagerness.
He reminds me of Kushina...Jiraiya's mind wondered, remembering how she would sit there as a child and read away. More time had passed, Jiraiya suddenly heard the book close. He looked over to see the excited Sasuke.
"What a read!" Sasuke breathed out, a large smile on his face as he stood with the book pressed against his chest. Jiraiya regarded him with an ounce of surprise.
"You liked it?" He questioned.
"I loved it!" Sasuke responded, his walking pattern becoming slightly erratic and he paced back and forth in front of Jiraiya's desk. "The characters, the plot, everything about it!" Sasuke began, his own character switching to something he never revealed. "Even though you named the main character after that dobe, he was still so magnificent! He was so determined, so fearless, I can't believe how he stared in the face of despair and shined with hope!" Sasuke continued to rant, "Not to mention the corrupt masters that tried to start wars and hurt the innocent!" Sasuke added, not understanding of who exactly they represented…
"Huh..." Jiraiya voiced to himself, thinking about Sasuke and his passion for the story. Such understanding and appreciating that was rare to find in this world. Sasuke's gaze snapped toward Jiraiya.
"You will write more of this, right?" Sasuke questioned, Jiraiya blinked back into the conversation and spoke.
"I never really planned to, no" He responded, Sasuke's immediately looking dejected. Jiraiya flinched comically at Sasuke's face, fearing that he may cry. "H-Hey, don't look so gloomy!" Jiraiya exclaimed, not sure of how to deal with this type of situation. Though Sasuke remained in his disquieted disposition.
"How can I not be? I won't be able to read more of this masterpiece" Sasuke responded mournfully, Jiraiya froze for a moment at his comment before placing himself back into reality.
"A-Alright!" Jiraiya gave in, "I'll write more, okay? Just don't cry!" Jiraiya begged, Sasuke made a small gasp.
"Really?" Sasuke voiced happily, Jiraiya nodded and scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah, yeah, but don't expect much" Jiraiya responded, Sasuke smiled.
"Thank you, Jiraiya" Sasuke spoke gladly, looking at him for another request, "Can I read some more?"
Naruto continued to travel down the tunnel, though with growing apprehension as the water steadily began to get deeper and deeper. The water now rose up to his knees. Naruto frowned slightly and hoped the water wouldn't deepen further. But all attention was brought to a light in front of him.
Literally a light at the end of the tunnel...Naruto scoffed internally, the brightness of the light putting his own source of light to shame. He stuck his torch into the water and carried on. After a few moments, he exited the tunnel to see a colossal capacity. The sides were curved and rocky, a shimmering grey that was slick with water. Spotted around in an arbitrary fashion were sharp pillars of rocks that were blanketed with violet and azure crystals. Some swirling around the pillars while some just were in patches. The water Naruto was standing in was the brightest turquoise he'd ever witnessed, practically glowing in glory. Soft crashes reverberating from the waterfall, echoing like a melody.
Though taking centre stage was a woman. A large woman. Not in weight but her entire being seemed to be enlarged, the same size as a whale shark would be the best way to put it. She was absent-mindedly sitting on a pillar, her long fingers sliding through her hair. Naruto noticed two major features to the woman. One, her hair was one with the water and flowed over her chest and into the pool of azure. Two, half of her wasn't human. Naruto's instinct was to hide behind one of the pillars and to observe her safely. Since her lower half was that of the sirens. Naruto frowned slightly. No, it was different somehow. The sirens had fish regions while this woman seemed to be more akin to a snake. Either way, she posed as a threat. Though Naruto thought perhaps he was to answer another riddle. He stepped out of his hiding place and began to walk towards her.
"Hey there, I'-" Though he wasn't able to finish that sentence as the woman's expression turned nasty.
"How dare you enter my domain!" She hissed, rising up and using her tail to kept her lifted. Naruto cautiously took steps back as the water around her began to unsettle. "Who are you to disturb me, Amelia the magna?!" She roared in a powerful voice, Naruto gulped slightly and saw as the water now did as her hands commanded. Naruto dodged the sharp attack that would've ended him in a moment. He ran for cover behind one of the pillars, but her water whipped around to grab him. He ducked just in time and launched into the pool of water. The swam down a little and forced his brain to think of a plan. Naruto just about got to some cover and gasped for air, he peaked past the pillar and saw Amelia looking around for him.
"Shit..." He cursed quietly, trying to think of a plan to combat the dangerous hybrid. His eyes caught sight of a chain that hung from the ceiling. A plan had been decided. He slowly crept around, skilfully avoiding her line of sight. He accomplished getting a good distance away from her before climbing one of the pillar. "Gotta do this quick" Naruto muttered to himself, quickly getting to the next pillar and the next until he was high enough. He waited for her to get in the perfect position before jumping and grabbing the chain, swooping down and kicking Amelia with great force. Screeching as she was sent flying into the water below, coughing and rasping as Naruto landed safely.
"Nothus!" She hissed out, Naruto drawing his sword and stomping over. He glare remaining unapologetic as he raised his sword, panting slightly from his quick-paced action. He locked in a stare with her, her eyes callously spiteful. Naruto felt a twinge in his heart, one that remained as he slowly lowered his weapon, she narrowed her eyes, "What?! Can't finish me off?!" She snapped, he stared at her for a few more moment before shaking his head.
"I won't do it" He remarked, placing his sword away, "I won't kill while I'm here in the Crystal Labyrinth" Naruto refused, locking in a stare with her, "This is a place of life, not death" He finished off, she searched his eyes for a moment before scoffing.
"Mortalis" She remarked quietly, raising her hand. Naruto was confused when water swirled around him, he looked over to Amelia in panic as the water began to act as a whirlpool. One that began to drag him in no matter his resistance. The last thing he saw was Amelia and her blank expression, "You pass" She stated calmly. Naruto's entire being sucked in and flushed away like sewage. Naruto was thrown around in the water, his chest becoming more and more constricted as his lungs burned for air. Naruto whipped his head around to see he was still immersed in the water without any openings for air pockets. A crushing realisation becoming clear to him.
At this rate, he would drown.
The pink-haired pirate raced around frantically, her eyes bulging and her breath uneven. She sloppily climbed up the tree and clumsily entered Jiraiya's tree-hut.
"Jiraiya! I can't find Sasuke and-"
"Sakura, I'm right here" Sasuke interjected calmly, Sakura looked over to see Sasuke sat comfortably in loveseat. She blinked a few times before rushing over and hugging him, nuzzling her head into his neck. "Sakura-"
"Idiot!" She sobbed, "I was so scared that you had fallen or gotten lost or..." She cried out, Sasuke comprehended her words and realised that he had left the sleeping Sakura without a trace. He frowned, pushing her back to see her face.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry, I just ended up wandering around" Sasuke apologised, Sakura huffed slightly and punched his arm without force.
"You could've told me, y'know! I've been looking fro you all day, you've been in here for hours! Even the sun is getting down!" She pouted slightly, just glad that Sasuke didn't fall prey to the deadly Crystal Labyrinth. Sasuke could only offer a coy smile to try and make amends, it working like a charm. "Anyway" Sakura started, "What are you doing in here?" Sakura questioned.
"Oh, I'm reading Jiraiya's books" Sasuke informed, a look of horror on her face. Jiraiya rolled his eyes.
"Not Icha Icha" Jiraiya clarified, Sakura let out a sigh of relief.
"Oh, good" She voiced, looking over to him, "If you don't mind me whisking Sasuke away, Jiraiya, we'll be going to the donec" She informed, Jiraiya gave a wave.
"Fine by me" He replied casually, Sakura nodded and took Sasuke's wrist. Pulling him up and out of the tree-hut.
"Bye, Jiraiya!" Sasuke managed to get out before he was out of earshot. Jiraiya chuckling before returning to his work, he stopped. He got a fresh new book that waited to be filled with words. He wrote on the front.
The Tale Of The Gusty Pirate And The Courageous Ojo
Jiraiya nodded to himself; knowing exactly who was going to play the new role of the Ojo…
Meanwhile, Sakura continued to drag Sasuke along excitedly.
"Where are we going?" Sasuke asked.
"Back to the donec" She answered, Sasuke wasn't able to ask anything else as they arrived at the donec. "C'mon, I want to see the little ones before they have to sleep" Sakura beckoned, they entered only to be swarmed by a hoard of children. All giggling and exuberant at their appearance, Sakura ended up being dragged away herself by them to observe their drawings. Sasuke smiled faintly at how content she seemed to be. His eyes noticed a child near him and staring longingly towards the crowd of children. Sasuke knelt down and smiled tenderly towards him.
"Hello there" Sasuke greeted gently, a natural gift when around young ones. The boy seemed blue, Sasuke frowned. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Sasuke asked, the little boy sighed and showed his hogo.
"I made this with all my heart n'stuff" The boy spoke, "But she didn't like it" He pouted, Sasuke tilted his head.
"Who?" Sasuke asked, the boy pointed to a green haired girl that was showing her painting to Sakura. He let out a sigh.
"She's hated it" The boy declared sadly, Sasuke felt sorry for the small boy and took the hogo and looked at it. "It's really ugly" He stated, though Sasuke shook his head.
"This is the best hogo I've ever seen" Sasuke replied, the boy seemed shocked and saw Sasuke smile at him, "Anyone would be lucky to wear it" Sasuke comforted, the boy blushed slightly and fidgeted.
"D-Do you want to wear it?" He asked shyly, Sasuke gave another warm smile.
"I'd love to, thank you" Sasuke thanked, the boy beamed and instantly brightened up. Watching Sasuke place the slightly misshaped hogo on his wrist, "I'll treasure it always" Sasuke promised, the boy seemed excited to be shown such kindness and attention. He quickly got a piece of paper from the nearby table and showed Sasuke.
"I always drawed a fairy!" He exclaimed, waiting for Sasuke approval.
"Wow! You did this all by yourself?" Sasuke voiced in the tone reserved for children, the boy nodded.
"Uh-huh!" He grinned.
"That is a very pretty fairy" Sasuke praised, the boy giggled and felt validated. Sasuke looked at him, "What's your name?" Sasuke asked.
"I'm Joshi" He answered, Sasuke smiled.
"Well, Joshi, I'm Sasuke" Sasuke introduced before a voice rang out.
"Time for beddie byes!" Pena called out, a disappointed groan going throughout the children, "Now don't you whine, you have to sleep so your all awake for tomorrow!" Pena laughed lightly, though Sakura spoke up.
"You guys want me to read you a story?" Sakura offered, the children now joyful for that event. They all voted for a story about a caterpillar, but Sasuke noticed Joshi's pouting face.
"What's wrong, Joshi?" Sasuke asked, Joshi huffed.
"I always end up at the back and I never hear the story" He complained, Sasuke felt another pang of sympathy for him, Sasuke smiled down at him.
"Why don't I tell you a story?" Sasuke offered, Joshi made a happy gasp and nodded energetically. Sasuke was lead to his bed that seemed to be placed away from the others.
He must feel lonely at times...Sasuke thought as Joshi climbed into his leafy bed. Joshi waited eagerly for him to start. Sasuke bed on the edge and watched curiously as the boy picked up a mouse.
"This Pedro, he's my friend" Joshi introduced, Sasuke blinked a few times before nodding and petting the little white mouse. Noticing how Joshi referred to the mouse as a friend rather than a pet.
"Hello Pedro, would you like to be told a story too?" Sasuke asked, the mouse squeaked as if it understood. Joshi got comfortable and watched Sasuke with big eyes, Sasuke chuckled and spoke. "Hm...how about the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood'?" Sasuke proposed.
"What's that?" Joshi asked.
"You've never heard that story before?" Sasuke enquired, Joshi shook his head and prompted Sasuke to begin. "Well, away in a forest lived a girl with a hood so red that every called her Little Red..." And thus Sasuke told him the charming story that he read when he was a child. Sasuke saw Joshi yawning and trying to keep his eyes open as Sasuke approached the end of the story, "And they all lived happily ever after, the end" Sasuke finished, Joshi let out another yawn.
"Neh, Sasuke?"
"Tell me another story" Joshi requested tiredly, Sasuke chuckled and began to tuck Joshi in more comfortably.
"Another night, okay? You need to go your dreams for now" Sasuke answered, Joshi slowly nodded as his eye slid close.
"Mm...okay..." Was his last words before he was out like a light, Sasuke smiled at the sleeping child. Wondering when he'd see his own sleeping away…
Sasuke sighed slightly, his thoughts going elsewhere.
I wonder if Naruto is okay…
Naruto felt as if he was about to take his last breath; closing his eyes to accept his watery grave. Though fate had other plans for him. Naruto felt his body hit a cold floor. He coughed and hacked as his burning lungs sucked in every ounce of oxygen available to him. Taking in more steady breathes, he noticed he was in a pitch black room. That was his perspective until he looked up from the ground to see a radiating light amongst the darkness. Naruto blinked a few times before standing himself up. His gaze took in a figure that stood tall on several, smooth pebble that were enormous for their size.
What it seemed to be was a man. Platinum blonde hair that cascaded down to his shoulder, half tied back in a respectable manner. Revealing a young yet stern face. Eyes a dark shade of blue intertwined with grey. A long, silver tunic that lay over black buskins; white, delicate boots that adorned his feet. Over his tall and lithe form was a cloak of dark blue fur, trailing down and over as if a cape. In the his hand was a long staff made of sliver, making a symmetrical crescent at the top. Naruto gazed upon this strong figure that practically demanded respect; walking slowly over to him, captured by this mysterious man. The man stared down at Naruto.
"Not many mortals have travelled this far before" The man voiced, bringing Naruto closer to reality, "But the ones that do are no different than you" He remarked.
"Huh?" Naruto voiced in confusion, the man raised an eyebrow at him.
"So, ignorance is your defence" He stated, Naruto didn't understand his strange wording and tilted his head slightly.
"Who are you?" Naruto questioned, the man observed him for a moment before speaking.
"I am Aien, protector of Oakerli and its soul" He spoke, Naruto stared at him before rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm...Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki" He introduced, another unimpressed expression from the man.
"I won't give you the article that you wish for" Aien declared, surprising Naruto slightly.
"Wha-? Why?" Naruto questioned.
"Because I've been here for centuries and I've seen enough of your kind to know that your hearts are filled with greed, you don't deserve what you believe you are entitled to" Aien stated coldly, Naruto frowned.
"Wait a minute! You can't just assume I'm like that!" Naruto argued, Aien scoffed at him.
"Your kind may have those who follow something more meaningful, but ones like you only have minds full of want and avarice" Aien claimed, "You ignore and degrade the most important element in life, yet you have audacity to come here and demand a piece of this" Aien voiced in disgust, turning around, "Now leave" He ordered, Naruto narrowed his eyes.
"All the others had tests for me, give me one and I'll pass it!" Naruto declared, the man scoffed. Turning around to face him.
"As you wish" He spat out, raising his staff. Naruto's eyes widened when sparks of lighting flickered around the staff before gaining its full power. Lighting spurted from the staff in frantic movements. Naruto saw Aien raise it higher, "Let whatever homage of benevolence you possess protect you from this strike, if not, be gone" He called out, the lighting shooting out to attack Naruto. The pirate's first response was to raise his arm in defence; in doing so had felt no force. Naruto opened his previously shut eye to see that the lighting was reflecting off his arm, specifically his wrist. The attack ceased.
"Wha…?" Naruto let out, putting his arm down to meet the astounded expression. The expression grew more curious as he spoke.
"You were protected" He muttered, Naruto blinked a few time puzzled.
"Protected? What do you mean? By what?" Naruto kept on questioning, Aien raised his hand which in turn made Naruto's wrist glow a light pink. Naruto looked at his wrist to see nothing other the hogo Sasuke had given him. "This? The hogo protected me?" Naruto asked, Aien shook his head.
"It doesn't matter if it was a hogo or not, it's a symbol of love" Aien spoke, making Naruto's eye pop out of his skull. "No power on earth can break that" He informed, but Sasuke was more concerned for the previous sentence.
"Wait a minute! This isn't a symbol of-"
"Here" Aien interjected without consideration, a piece of paper floating in from of Naruto. "You've proven yourself, take it and resume your quest" He stated, Naruto took the paper. He looked around with confusion.
"Um, where am I supposed to go?" Naruto asked, suddenly hearing vines behind him once again making a door. Naruto watched them create the doorway before turning his head back around, "But wait, what did you mean symbol of-" Though nobody was there. Naruto stared at the empty space for a few moments before turning and exiting the darkness. Naruto was exactly where he had started. Naruto looked around to once again see the mist and the walkable water. Naruto looked back to see the vines and door had disappeared. Naruto instead looked in his hand to observe his prize. He folded it away and began to walk.
Time to head back, but what did that man mean?...Naruto questioned in his mind, shaking it off and forgetting his strange words.
Unknown to the blond that danger was soon heading their way…
Okay, a few things.
0 notes