#and then you turn 40 and
endlessnightlock · 10 months
I was at Walmart with my daughter yesterday and saw a guy with full on silver hair wearing a Blink182 t-shirt and I just. Reality really punches you in the face like that. 
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asfodeltide · 1 year
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mintjeru · 2 months
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it probably wasn't the smartest decision to start an ongoing 1000+ chapter webnovel when i know it'll consume my every waking thought but here we are
open for better quality | no reposts
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marshmallowgoop · 28 days
No matter how special it is, a kid's lunch is still just a kid's lunch.
I dunno, I liked "The Genius Restaurant" (Episode 1,089).
Happy (belated) birthday, Jimjam.
[Song link] [YouTube link]
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theodoravery · 1 month
jeez guys, with the way some of y'all are reacting to the new story MAYBE having some sort of sex related plot it's like you're being held at gunpoint and forced to play every single book romance club puts out? be fucking for real
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death-by-mercury · 3 months
❀𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟒𝟗 ❀
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cairafea · 5 months
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"How would we go about defeating a demon?"
"Any flesh that has been eaten and digested by other living things loses any of its individual identity. In this dungeon, where the line between life and death has been blurred... that seems to me to be the only clear and obvious rule."
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what-are-even-humans · 8 months
Anyone got any recs for actual play dnd (or other ttrpg) podcast thats actually intended to be audio based and not "Visual but we turned the audio into a podcast"??
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kaitlyn-pink · 3 months
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rhymaes · 6 months
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Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Ep. 40 // The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, John Steinbeck
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kakyoinyoungpope · 1 year
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happy belated jing yuan day to all those that celebrate
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Hi!! How are you?
I would also love to hear/read more about Tess x Joel x reader!! ❤️❤️
im great!! I hope you are doing well too darling <3
For the longest time, you think Tess and Joel are married. It's an honest mistake, really. Seeing the way they work together like a well-oiled machine and have done so for years leads you to think there's more to their relationship.
Which there is. But neither of them will admit it.
Tess is easier to talk to. Not to say she isn't scary as well because christ, you know the things she's capable of and make sure to never short her on a trade or a cut of the profits, but its different. She speaks. Even as she's looking over the haul from your last run to make sure you aren't skimping her out, she talks to you. Little jokes injected into every few sentences while looking over stock, the occasional remark in awe of "you were able to find this?" that filled you with pride each time in that raspy voice that kept you up at night.
Joel is silent.
He sits in the room and watches. Rarely uttering a word unless its to shoot down an idea for your next run because "FEDRA is getting antsy, unless you want to be on the execution list tomorrow I suggest you wait a few days." or to raise his nose at the oddities you've collected.
Like a proper guard dog, he watches and waits for a command.
The first time you speak to him alone, without Tess, is when it happens.
You had just told him that you were planning another run for tomorrow after making connections with another smuggler who wanted to meet. But the location was at least a two days walk from the QZ.
"You can't possibly be that stupid."
"Excuse me?"
His eyes narrow and he leans in. On instinct you shrink back and curse at yourself for doing so.
"You plan on meetin' somebody you've never worked with before and never seen in person, alone because of what? Blind trust?"
"Because of profit."
He snorts. "Yeah well somethin' tells me 'mutual profit' isn't what he has in mind. The answer is no." Your face grows hot under his criticism, his patronizing fucking voice and that stupid southern accent to the point where you grab at his shoulder when he turns away from you.
"I wasn't asking for permission, man. I was telling you. Just make sure that your wife knows I'm-"
His head snaps back as if you had slapped him, staring at you with in shock before his eyes narrow into slits.
"What did you just say?"
His voice rumbles a low, warning timbre that makes your hands begins to shake despite your intentions of looking strong.
"I said-" the room suddenly feels smaller. Corners all too tight and the door too far for your liking because its hitting you know that youre alone with him and just how many times Tess has sent this man out to break some bones on her accord without a second word of it.
"I said." Your throat tightens and you force the words out. "I said to tell your wife-"
"She isn't my wife."
Joel shakes his head. His face scrunches up and shoulders pull in, you realize then that he isn't angry.
He's uncomfortable.
"Oh, I uh. Didn't know." The floorboards groan beneath you as you shift your weight from one foot to the other. "I just assumed that-"
"Well we aren't, alright?" He holds out a hand to stop your further explanation but it does nothing to hide the red tint creeping up his neck and ears. "She's just my-"
His voice fails him as he struggles to find the words to properly explain just what Tess is to him and him to her. The silence becomes all too consuming as he makes a vague gesture in the air. Flitting his fingers and waving his hand up and down in a way that perfectly encapsulates just how fucking complicated it is.
"I understand."
The situation has gone from terrifying to awkward so fast you could have laughed as you now try to soothe the nerves of the same man you worried was ten seconds away from snapping your wrist like a twig. "It's none of my business, really. Just-" You turn on your heel and cringe.
You'd rather him just break your wrist, honestly.
"Let Tess know when I'm leaving for the run, okay?"
"Push it back a week and we'll join you."
Your hands freezes, hovering over the doorknob and you look over your shoulder. Joel stands behind you, face in his hands.
"I'm sorry?"
He takes a deep breathe and looks at you with tired eyes. "If you can contact your man and get him to push the meeting by a week, Tess and I will go with you, alright? You need to have somebody there with you in case something happens."
He takes a step forward, broad shoulders boxing you in and he leans over and opens the door for you.
"Besides, you're the only one in the QZ who specializes in weird shit." Joel pulls back sighs. "Tess wants to keep the connection."
You don't bother hiding your smile from him.
"I prefer the term oddities." "Yeah? Well, I prefer the term headaches. Now fuck off so I can go talk to her."
Joel watches your form dash down the hall and disappear from his sight. He pinches the bridge of his nose and groans. His thoughts wander to you, then Tess.
Then you and Tess.
"Fuckin' moron."
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angelsdean · 1 year
people who are like. there's can't be an spn w/o sam....um. i think we just saw that there actually can be an spn without sam. and in fact, canonically, now there very much is a part of spn without sam, and a part of dean's story without sam. like whether you watched it or not, it's there now. it's part of dean's canon. dean, canonically, was not driving aimlessly for 40 yrs waiting for sam, he was doing his own thing and finding his own purpose and processing his own grief and trauma, and figuring out what he wants for *himself*. like whether you like it or not, whether you watch the prequel or not, the dean parts of this story are canon now and any future spn continuation / spinoff / mini series reboot (with or without sam) is going to acknowledge those new parts of canon
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chaiaurchaandni · 7 months
really important!!!
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after killing 40 Palestinian journalists (+ many journalists who survived but their entire families were killed because their HOMES were targeted), zionists are now spreading dangerous propaganda linking journalists to hamas to
minimize their credibility
refuse to hold any accountability for killing them and
manufacture consent for further targeted killings of even more journalists
it is important to remember how heavily surveilled Gaza is and how israel knows where every single person lives. this is why many journalists have been martyred, not in the field while reporting, but in their homes, as they went home to see their families and get some rest. furthermore, if you follow motaz azaiza closely, you'll know that recently he has also had some close calls with israeli airstrikes, suggesting that israel is indeed targeting active Palestinian journalists, especially those who report in english or have a lot of reach in the west.
please do not fall for israeli propaganda and convince yourselves that israel is justified in murdering innocent Palestinians who only seek to show the world a small glimpse of the hell they live through everyday. call out this propaganda everywhere you see it, and spread awareness about this being a propaganda tactic. by israel's own logic, if journalists happen to record an armed group as they carry out an operation, then journalists from cnn who have embedded themselves with the idf, are also legitimate targets.
and as much as i hate a lot of these american journalists for their complicit reporting in the genocide of Palestinians, i think they deserve to be prosecuted in a free and fair court of law, not to be blown to bits for it. however, for israel, ALL palestinians must be killed to ensure the security of the zionist entity. even the existence of a single Palestinian is proof that israel is an illegitmate settler-colonial state that ethnically cleansed the indigenous population.
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greentrickster · 4 months
Had the most amazing experience on Saturday. Was dropping off a couple plush mages to the store that sells them for me downtown, because a couple had sold over the past few weeks and I try to be a good supplier.
It only takes a few minutes and I'd already paid for parking, so I decided to linger and look around the shop a bit, because it's a cool place where there's always a chance something new has arrived if you haven't been there for over a week. It's fantastic. If you told me there was some actual magic in this place I'd believe you, and I've been in the employees-only area.
Which is why I was present, leafing curiously through a book on the making of the movie Chicken Run, to hear a guy behind me loudly proclaim, "Forty dollars for this?! I could make this!" I'm aware that the things in this store can be pricy, but also that a lot of the stock is made by local crafters, like me, meaning prices can be a bit higher due to the fact that you're getting something hand-crafted instead of mass-produced. So I turn around to see what he's complaining about.
And this guy is holding a wooden wand that is unique, one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted from solid wood. All things I know at a glance because, as it happens, I'm not the only person in my family who sells stuff at this store... my dad does as well. And he's the one who made that wand.
Now here's the thing. My dad's part of the local woodturner's group, wood turning being a method of carving that involves spinning a chunk of wood on a high-speed lathe while holding a bit of sharp metal against it until it turns into a wand, bowl, cup, vase, what-have-you. It's a highly-skilled craft that requires a lot of practice and and specialized tools, which he picked up after retiring but before going back to work, and he's been practicing and perfecting the required skills for at least fifteen years. If he likes (and he does like), he can get a wooden sphere carved and polished to such a sheen and smoothness that it both reflects the light and feels like plastic, which is highly impressive on a technical scale and extremely disconcerting on a tactile one.
And this guy just said one of his pieces wasn't worth the price on the tag because 'he could do it too.' Which, as any crafter knows, is not the sort of statement fellow crafters make at volume.
Now, I'm a reasonable sort of trickster. As I said, my dad's part of a woodturning group, I'm well-aware that there genuinely are other people in this area who are as skilled as, if not more skilled than, my dad. Maybe he's just a skilled creep or disagrees with the pricing. So I turn to the guy and go, "Oh? It took my dad a couple years to learn how to make those."
To which he smiles at me and asks if I know what kind of wood the wand is made of.
"Purple Heart."
"Wow, you really know your stuff!"
I stare at him for a moment, because 1) Purple Heart wood is literally the easiest wood to identify on the planet because, as the name suggests, it's actually purple, which is a thing woods generally are not. And also 2) he has apparently not grasped that the reason I know this is because my father made the thing he is holding.
I do not say these things. Instead I clue him in on the situation he's in by saying, "Yes, my dad made that wand."
"Oh. Um. Thank-you!" he holds out his hand.
I look at the hand, then at him. "For what?"
"For your dad!"
...I do not shake his hand, and I'm beginning to suspect that this guy does, indeed, not have any clue what he's talking about when he said he could make this himself. But I could be wrong. He could just be socially awkward, I get that. So time for the final question. With a polite smile that no customer yet has been able to tell is completely fake, I ask, "Are you part of the local woodturner's group?"
"The what?"
"The local woodturner's group," I repeat, "My dad turned that wand by hand, on a lathe."
Guy, smiling, about to seal his own fate, "Ah. That is a tool I do not have."
Me, also smiling, because he's just proven beyond all shadow of a doubt that no he could not, in fact, make it himself. "Mm. And that's why it costs forty dollars."
You know, he didn't have anything to say to that?
Put a bit of a spring in my step as I left.
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an-impossible-theorem · 5 months
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hmm yeah i think this experiment is going well. i might even finish it before 1900 hits
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